Fundamentals of the activities of a specialist in social work. Activities of a social work specialist Features of the work of a social work specialist

The introduction of the position of a social work specialist in the ITU bureau is in line with modern requirements for institutions of medical and social expertise.

Applications to the job responsibilities of a social work specialist in the ITU work structure include the following:

-participation in assessing the severity of the disease;

- assessment of rehabilitation potential and rehabilitation prognosis;

-assessment of social and household status;

-determination of social protection measures, including rehabilitation, if necessary - correction of measures;

- identification of persons in need of social and medical assistance;

- identifying the causes of medical and social problems among disabled people undergoing examination;

- assistance in solving these problems;

Facilitating the integration of the activities of various state and public organizations and institutions to provide the necessary socio-economic assistance to people with disabilities;

-assistance in the placement of disabled people in treatment-and-prophylactic and educational institutions;

Promotion of wider use by each person with disabilities of their own opportunities for social self-protection of people in need;

The social work specialist must know the decrees, orders, orders of higher authorities, regulatory and other guidance materials on social protection population, to know psychology, sociology, the basics of general and family pedagogy, forms and methods of educational work and education, the rights of the disabled, housing legislation, the organization of health education, advanced domestic and Foreign experience social work.

In the aspect of the issue under consideration, the meanings and skills that a specialist in social work must master are acquiring.

He must be able to:

- listen to the patient with understanding;

- to identify information and collect the facts necessary to analyze and assess the situation;

- to mediate and settle relations between conflicting persons, groups;

-interpret social needs and report on them in the relevant services, authorities;

- to intensify the efforts of the wards to solve their own problems.

A specialist in social work in the structure of the general technology of expert-rehabilitation work occupies, as it were, an intermediate place between an expert-clinician and a specialist in rehabilitation. Without a medical education, he uses clinical information to organize his activities. The social work specialist interacts with the rehabilitation specialist during the design and implementation phase individual programs rehabilitation of disabled people.

One of the tasks of a social work specialist within the ITU bureau is to determine the social status of a disabled person, which should be carried out during social and social and environmental diagnostics. The educational level, profession, employment status, marital status are taken into account.

The latter circumstance is especially important for judging the possibilities of social rehabilitation, which is the prerogative of a specialist in social work. A disabled person in a family is a person who arouses the sympathy of close relatives and, at the same time, burdens family members with the need to provide physical and social assistance to a disabled person. The family as one of the tools of social rehabilitation, depending on its structure and psychological orientation of the members, can perform either an activating, rehabilitative role, or inhibiting spontaneous activity, showing "overprotection" and "overprotection" of a disabled person, covering him up from any attempts to perform socially useful activity.

The task of a specialist in social work is not only to identify the composition of the family, to determine its attitude towards a disabled person. But also to form the attitude of this family towards the rehabilitation of a disabled person, taking into account the socio-economic opportunities and social culture of its members.

An analysis of the family situation of a disabled person is also important because it often has an economic aspect, since a disabled person can be the main source of financial support for the family. In this case, the need to help the disabled person find a job in accordance with the indications based on the assessment of clinical and social status.

When working with a family, the social work professional needs knowledge of legal and normative documents, which he should use for the implementation of benefits for social protection of disabled people and their families.

As part of the analysis of the microsocial environment, a social work specialist identifies the closest environment of a disabled person (friends, peers, former or current colleagues), the nature of contacts (emotional, formal) and their changes due to his disability.

During the examination of a disabled person, the state of living conditions is revealed: a separate apartment, a private house, a room in a communal apartment, a room in a dormitory, rented area, the state of the sanitary housing standard.

Further, it is necessary to identify issues such as the availability of utilities, a telephone. For people with disabilities with musculoskeletal disorders, vision and hearing impairments, it is important to clarify the question of the condition of the equipment of the apartment in accordance with the type of defect, the adaptation of the kitchen, the presence of auxiliary devices, alarms that facilitate cooking, the equipment of the hallway, bathroom, toilet, o the presence of special devices that ensure the independence of the disabled person in everyday life (putting on shoes, remote control opening vents, doors, etc.).

This section talks about job responsibilities, tasks, main activities of a specialist in social work in the institutions of the ITU Bureau.

The next section tells about the main directions of the rehabilitation of disabled people and the directions of implementation for the rehabilitation of disabled people.


Rehabilitation of disabled people is a system and process of full or partial restoration of the abilities of disabled people to everyday, social and professional activities. Rehabilitation of disabled people is aimed at eliminating or possibly more complete compensation for limited life activity, possible health disorders with persistent disorders of the body's functions, for the purpose of social adaptation of disabled people, their achievement of material independence and their integration in society.

The main areas of rehabilitation for people with disabilities include:

restorative medical measures, reconstructive surgery, prosthetics and orthotics, spa treatment;

vocational guidance, training and education, assistance in employment, industrial adaptation;

socio-environmental, socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological and socio-cultural rehabilitation, social adaptation;

Physical culture and recreational activities, sports.

The implementation of the main directions of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities provides for the use of technical means of rehabilitation by persons with disabilities, the creation of the necessary conditions for the unimpeded access of persons with disabilities to facilities of engineering, transport, social infrastructure and the use of means of transport, communication and information, as well as providing persons with disabilities and their family members with information on the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities.

(as amended by the Federal Law of 22.08.2004 No. 122-FZ).

The state guarantees persons with disabilities to carry out rehabilitation measures, to receive technical means and services provided for by the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person at the expense of the federal budget.

Course work :

item : "social work".

theme : “Technology of social work as a skill

social work specialist ”.

4th year students

correspondence department

Faculty of Social Work.


checked: __________________________________

Moscow 2005

1. Introduction 3-6
2 ... Features of training social work specialists 6-16
3 . 17-
3.1. Social work specialist activities 17-20
3.2. Social work technologies 20-27
4 ... Social work specialist in the system of social functions 27-40
4.2 Significance of social work to society 35-40
5. Conclusion 40-42
6. Literature 43-45
7. Applications 46-49

1. Introduction

In 1991, by the decision of the board of the State Education Committee of 13.07.90, No. 14/4, the institute of “social work specialist, social work specialist” was officially included in the list of positions. Since September 1990, for example, vocational training has already started social educators, the content, forms and methods of work of social teachers are determined, professional requirements for them are substantiated.

And this is no coincidence. Finding themselves alienated from the previously existing children's and teenage organizations, unable to join the associations of interest to them at the centers of creativity, many children turned out to be socially unprotected, excluded from positive communication.

As for the social rehabilitation of disabled people and the elderly, the opportunity to stay in their usual home conditions as long as possible has presented itself since the appearance of the position of a social worker in the system of social protection institutions. It was these real persons who began to provide social domestic services disabled citizens, which they constantly needed. At the first stages of the development of social assistance to disabled citizens, the emphasis was placed on home-based services. Taking this circumstance into account, qualification characteristic social worker, his job responsibilities are defined. At the same time, the elderly and the disabled in boarding schools also need real social assistance. Until recently, the organization of medical and social assistance in these institutions was entrusted mainly to medical professionals, which, to the detriment of the organization of medical services, carry out functions unusual for them in social, social, psychological and social-environmental adaptation of persons in boarding houses. In connection with these circumstances, it became necessary to outline the scope of responsibilities social workers in boarding houses and, on the basis of this, show the expediency of introducing this category of workers in stationary institutions of the Ministry of Social Protection of Russia. At this stage of development of social assistance to disabled citizens living outside of stationary institutions, the activities of social workers are reduced to the provision of social services. Meanwhile, their functions are much broader. As the institution of social workers with special education is created, disabled citizens will receive more qualified and diversified social assistance and support.

The same urgent problem of social protection is the problem of unemployment in general and youth, in particular.

The problems of drug addiction, alcoholism and prostitution are in part derivatives of unemployment. Lack of future prospects at a young age is especially dangerous. It is from this stratum that the ranks of criminals, drug addicts, and members of extremist political movements are replenished.

Also, young people cannot avoid the negative impact of vices and costs in the course of reforming the system of state power, which have generated skepticism, distrust, and the loss of ideals. The essence of the transformation of the state should be to link the needs and interests of young people with the needs and interests of society, to include them in the transformation process. Thus, the problem of youth employment is an urgent social problem, therefore it requires special attention, both from the state authorities and from society as a whole.

A separate block of social problems requiring close attention of social workers and government agencies is also the issue of working with families, especially with single-parent families, large families and disadvantaged families.

It was clear that the socio-political processes gaining momentum, after the collapse of the Union, equated to a humanitarian catastrophe, would exacerbate issues of educational work with the population of "risk groups", which were already poorly resolved in practice.

The relevance of this work is that the institute of "social work specialists" in this period is undergoing its formation in the field of professional activity and there is a need to improve and intensify the activities of specialists in this profession to solve the problem of human interaction with society.

The subject of the work is the activities of the institute "social teacher".

The object of work is the field of training and the specifics of the work of a social worker.

The work examines, in particular, some aspects of education in the specialty "social work", advanced training, skill level, the field of activity after graduation and the regulatory framework. Also, special attention is paid to the social role of the profession in question and its mission in society.

The aim of the work is to analyze the place of social workers and the significance of their level of skill in the light of solving the difficult social problems of modern Russia and its realities.

1. Consider possible options for obtaining an education in the specialty "social work";

2. To reveal the principles of organizing professional growth of a social work specialist;

3. Consider possible options for the activities of a social worker;

4. Analyze the legal framework of a specialist in social work.

When writing the work, theoretical, analyzing, generalizing research methods were used.

2. Features of training specialists

social work

2.1. Features of training social work specialists

The problem of preparing students for practical social work activity is due to the current situation of the development of society, which is characterized by the renewal of all social institutions and systems.

As you know, in the 90s in Russia, the profession of "social work" was officially registered in government documents in several modifications: social worker, social educator, social work specialist. At present, scientific schools have been created, special research is being carried out in the field of social pedagogy, various models and technologies of training social teachers for professional activity are being formed.

The Russian Academy of Education and the country's pedagogical universities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Stavropol, Ural, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Barnaul and others) are developing a system for training social workers.

Professional training of specialists is carried out in institutions of three types, providing education at different levels:

Institutions of primary vocational education (lyceum, school and others);

Secondary vocational education (school, college and others);

Higher professional education (institutes, universities and others).

In practice, things are not so simple.

Currently adopted by the state educational standard higher professional education, curricula, curricula of individual courses have been developed. However, the difficulty is in the insufficient volume of literature on this profession and in specially trained teaching staff.

As the results of surveys conducted at the Barnaul Pedagogical University show, the teachers called the forms of practical communication with institutions of a social and pedagogical orientation: joint research activities in social protection institutions, in centers for helping families and children, in centers of children's creativity, in schools as scientific leaders , consultants within the pilot sites; work in social and pedagogical institutions as employees on a part-time basis, organization and conduct of social and pedagogical practice, seminars, psychological and pedagogical workshops, personal contacts, etc.

With regard to the use of the most acceptable learning technologies, from the point of view of students, group forms of education come out on top (90%), then frontal and individual work (72%).

The questionnaire for students and trainees of courses of specialists in social work contained the question: "In what field of activity would you like and are ready to work?" The answers were identical: work "with children of deviant behavior", work as a "rehabilitation therapist, specialist in social work-psychologist, valeologist, organizer of cultural and leisure activities." They are ready to work "in the neighborhood, at the school, orphanage, Commission on Juvenile Affairs ".

To the question, "What learning problems do you have?" students noted "lack of literature", "weak material base", "a large amount of studied material."

Among the problems in own work the lecturers named: "insufficient elaboration of the conceptual and terminological apparatus", "lack of literature", "shift of emphasis in coursework to social problems", "lack of clear self-organization among some teachers"; in the preparation of students in general: "weak material base", "lack of special literature", "low motivation for learning among students", "a certain bias in the field of psychology", which reduces the proportion of social and pedagogical disciplines.

Professional knowledge of a specialist in social work includes, first of all, the need for knowledge of legislation and the basics of social and pedagogical activity.

This professional knowledge is taught in the following disciplines:

- "Pedagogy";

- "Fundamentals of Pedagogical Excellence";

- "Introduction to the specialty";

- "Foundations of Social Psychology";

- "Social Pedagogy";

- "Methodology and technology of work of a specialist in social work";

- "Theory of Social Work";

- "Technology of social work";

- "Experience territorial bodies and centers of social protection of the population ”.

However, upon graduation from a higher professional institution, according to most authors, a specialist in this profession should have the following personal characteristics:

Attention, striving to understand the position of others;

Friendliness, sociability;

Ability to become a leader;

Politeness, courtesy;

Leading by common sense, following precepts;


Tolerance, perseverance;

Great sense of responsibility;

Ability to perform work full of variety;

Enthusiasm in labor activity, altruism;

Ability to interact with specialists;

Thoroughness of actions;

Accuracy and consistency in work;

Ability to plan your future;

The ability to speak verbally;

Good memory;

Ability to educate others;

Ability takes care of others;

Implementation of new ideas, independence of judgment.

Among the factors and conditions that are important for a graduate of an educational institution with a degree in "social pedagogy" that subsequently affect professional career, the most common are the following:

Among the negative sides:

Lack of departmental regulatory and instructive-methodological base due to the novelty of the profession;

The lack of development of professional tools in the specialty, which leads to the need for its independent development by a specialist;

The factor of "professional loneliness", which means a lack of understanding of the specifics and meaning of a position in an institution in a common situation of having staffing table one specialist rate (or even several, but clearly below the needs);

There is positive sides of this work:

Variety of possible jobs;

Realization of positive personality traits, organizational skills;

The possibility of communicative communication;

Development of creativity.

When training personnel in the specialty "social pedagogy", it is necessary: ​​to develop professional personality traits corresponding to the specialty, to conduct a more general overview of the professional activities of a social work specialist, to specify training and specialize in a certain type of activity of a social work specialist, as well as to introduce testing when recruiting groups. the purpose of taking into account the personal qualities of the future "social work specialist".

Thus, the above shows that:

1. There is a need to train specialists in social work, both on the basis of secondary specialized educational institutions and higher;

2. An important role in personnel training is played by the selection of teaching subjects;

3. An important role is played by the training of the teaching staff, there is a need for special training of the teachers themselves, as well as strengthening the material and technical base of educational institutions;

4. Taking into account the personal qualities of the applicant through testing.

2.2. Features of personnel training in the profile of social work technology

It is not surprising that after the official introduction of the specialty of a social worker, teachers became the first social workers; they also make up the majority of students in all forms of course retraining of personnel to obtain a certificate in the specialties "social work", "social pedagogy".

Many students of the faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of educational workers already work as social workers or have practical experience in social and pedagogical activities with children and adults, therefore, not only were they recognized as important "Pedagogical technology" - 84.6%, but also such relevant ones in modern conditions for social work, academic subjects such as "Valeology", "Conflictology", "Psychology of Management" - 63.8%, etc. They believe that each subject carries its own semantic load and is necessary.

Practically working specialists of social work consider the following academic subjects to be the most relevant for studying: "General, age, social, practical psychology" - 84.6%; "Social Pedagogy", "Valeology" - 65.8%; Sociology - 37.6%; "Conflictology", "Victimology", "Psychotherapy" - 28.2%; "Culturology" - 18.8%. Relevant for them are subjects that reveal innovative techniques in working with children, adults, families at the place of residence, working with different categories of children, families of "risk groups".

Social workers believe that professional development courses (56.4%), as well as seminars on psychology, valeology, medical, social and pedagogical problems (75.2%) are advisable for working social teachers.

In their activities, practically working social workers face a number of problems: "weak material and technical equipment of the place of work", "lack of specialized literature." Some respondents noted the low cultural, psychological and pedagogical level of parents; aggressiveness, passivity of children, conflicts between children and parents, abuse of children, alcoholism of parents, inability of adolescents to build positive relationships with parents, teachers, peers; underdevelopment of social forms of involving parents in the upbringing process. The "lack of coordination tools" noted by social workers requires attention.

The students of the faculty gave preference, first of all, to group activities (72%) and individual work (63%). Working social workers in social and educational activities mainly use individual (84%) and group (75.2%) technologies, correctional (65.8%) and counseling (32.6%), as well as psychological and pedagogical trainings, collective technologies. creative activity, play - and puppet therapy.

At the same time, individual professional skills are being honed, experience is being accumulated, which should become the property of the entire professional community. That is why all sorts of professional gatherings for the exchange of experience of social teachers within the framework of a single departmental system are becoming especially relevant.

But here you should not go far in the introduction of new technologies and radically change anything. Traditional methods of upbringing and educational work are relevant: persuasion, explanation, advice, reliance on a positive example, the use of public opinion and progressive traditions of the institution, society, ethnos, pedagogical stimulation of the individual's activity in solving emerging problems, the use of such powerful tools as labor, sports, play, charity work, psychological and pedagogical education and counseling, a pedagogical council for a comprehensive diagnosis of a child's problems, as well as methods and functions of organizational and pedagogical activity.

2.3. Professional retraining and skill growth of a social work specialist

All this should be taken into account during the course of courses aimed at enhancing their experience, but a social worker, like a teacher, not only takes refresher courses and problem courses, but also undergoes certification.

Based on the regulation of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation No. 1908 of 06/26/2000 "On the certification of pedagogical and executive employees of state and municipal educational institutions", a social teacher, for example, is certified in all indicators, including the social situation in the society in which he works, which creates additional difficulties in receiving ETS grades, respectively, affecting wages, which are not great anyway.

There is a provision regulating the certification of employees of educational institutions, of course, and social teachers working at school, but what about the certification of a social work specialist for the so-called highest qualification category of a worker, for example, in a social rehabilitation center. The criteria for the performance of a social work specialist working in social protection institutions have not yet been developed and the heads of social institutions are forced to apply for external expertise for certification of their employees to the Institute for Education Development and Personnel Retraining.

Describing the possibilities of professional retraining and professional growth of a social work specialist, one cannot but point out that the UTS grades and qualification categories of a specialist are established depending on the educational level and length of service. The salaries of a social work specialist are established at the rate of 36 hours of teaching work per week. Teaching experience is counted regardless of education and place of work. The mode of work of a social work specialist is established by agreement with the head of the institution and can be variable, flexible, convenient for his clients.

Today, the leave of a social work specialist is 42 calendar days, and for those working in the Far North and equivalent areas, according to the new Labor Code, an additional leave of 14 working days is provided.

Although wage social worker is small enough, there is an opportunity to improve their qualifications on an application basis, a year after taking office.

When certifying social workers of social protection and other institutions, there must be a special approach, and even more so independent of the society in which he works.

From the above, we can conclude that mostly former teachers work in the position of a social work specialist. This is the reason for the need for retraining courses, and not for advanced training courses, where acquaintance with new social and pedagogical technologies, psychological knowledge, innovative methods in working with children will find a worthy place, where a lot of attention will be paid to practical exercises. Courses should help to gain experience and improve professional skills.

3. Social work specialist activities

3.1. Social work specialist activities

The professions "social worker", "social educator" and "social work specialist" were officially registered in Russian state documents in March - April 1991 and were created to solve social problems of a person and society, including:

Social and psychological conflicts, crisis, stressful situations;

Emotional and psychological problems;

Need and Poverty;

Alcoholism and drug addiction;

Violence and discrimination;

National problems and migration;

Crime and delinquency;

Unemployment and professional adaptation;

Housing problem;

Guardianship, guardianship, adoption;

Parental cruelty and others.

Social pedagogy, or pedagogy of relations in society, is considered as the basic integrative basis in the system of social assistance services to the population, which allows to diagnose, identify and pedagogically expediently influence relations in society, develop all kinds of initiatives, form the value orientations of the individual in relation to himself, to the environment. nature, social environment.

One of the most important system-forming elements of social pedagogy as a science are the laws that appear in its subject space. The laws of social pedagogy are a form of concentration of knowledge of a subject and occupy a central place in the structure of science. They express strong, repetitive, objectively conditioned connections between the essence of phenomena and processes in social work.

Currently, the profession of a social worker and its skills are in great demand. What is needed, in fact, is a broad-based specialist who knows the basics of legal, medical, psychological knowledge. Such a specialist is a social worker whose main labor operations include:

Collection and analysis of personal information;

Diagnostics of the microenvironment;

Forecast of further development and socialization of the individual;

Prevention and social therapy of negative environmental phenomena;

Organizational and communicative pedagogy of the environment;

Security and legal protection;

Educational tasks;

Drawing up and maintaining documentation;

Working with the teaching staff.

The social educator is engaged in planning, consulting and management activities using special professional methods.

Now it has become real, but a new problem has arisen - the threat of discrediting the profession.

Heads of institutions, when defining the duties of a social worker, proceed from the needs of their institution. But, as often happens, they try to cover the entire subject field of the profession. Therefore, the practice of “patching holes” has become widespread. This is not the task of a social work specialist; it sounds like this:

“Timely identify emerging problems in the immediate environment; understand and eliminate the causes that give rise to them; to ensure the prevention of various negative phenomena that may emerge in the microenvironment. " At the same time, the social worker should not wait until they turn to him for help. In an ethically acceptable form, he himself “comes into contact” with a person and his family.

The problematic field of social work is huge and includes all the variety of life situations and collisions of people of different ages and social status... The problem field of a social worker of a particular institution is formed on the basis of a real social order, the specifics of the institution's contingent, its departmental subordination, type and type, as well as the professional baggage of a specialist.

Each institution needs a special approach, for example, in a rural secondary school there are 8 children per 100 students who have behavior called maladaptive, in a social rehabilitation center this figure is much higher, it is 24 out of 100 (according to the results of the questionnaire (see Appendix No. 7), this is where the specificity of the work of a social worker in various institutions is manifested.

In his practice, the social work specialist performs various social roles. First of all, he is a mediator in the context: “person - family - society”, a link between the citizen and the state and social strata, called upon to take care of the citizen.

At the same time, a social worker is a defender of human interests, a defender of his rights and the rights of every family.

Also, the social worker should be a participant in joint activities, the leading organizer of these activities. He is a kind of spiritual mentor who, as it were, leads a person and his family, provides psychological support for a long time, takes care of the formation of social values ​​in society.

At the same time, he is a social therapist, preventing and resolving conflict situations of his wards.

3.2. Social work technologies

Fulfilling various social roles, the social work specialist implements the following functions:

Educational and educational - the specialist provides a targeted pedagogical influence on the behavior and activities of children and adults, promotes the educational and educational work of all social institutions in the area of ​​his professional influence: family, educational institutions, labor collectives, funds mass media, religious organizations and public associations;

· Diagnostic - a specialist makes a "social diagnosis", studies psychological and age characteristics, human abilities, delves into the world of his interests, social circle, conditions of his life, identifies positive or negative influences, problems;

Organizational - a specialist organizes one or another socially valuable activity of children and adults, helps in employment, vocational guidance and adaptation, coordinates the activities of teenagers and youth associations, influences the client's interaction with medical, educational, cultural, sports, legal institutions, society and charitable organizations, ensures the implementation of plans, projects and programs;

· Prognostic - a specialist participates in the development of plans, programs and forecasts for the social development of a microdistrict and a specific micro-society, the activities of various institutions, develops a social and pedagogical program for the development of a specific child's personality, schemes and algorithms for solving specific social and pedagogical problems;

Preventive and socio-therapeutic - the specialist participates in and activates socio-legal, legal and psychological mechanisms for preventing and overcoming negative influences, organizes socio-therapeutic assistance to those in need, ensures the protection of human rights in society, provides assistance to adolescents and youth in the period of social and professional self-determination;

· Organizational and communicative - the specialist contributes to the inclusion of volunteers, the population in social work, in joint work and rest, business and personal contacts, concentrates information and establishes interaction between various social institutions in their work with a client;

· Security and protection - the specialist uses the entire arsenal of legal norms to protect the interests of clients, promotes the use of measures of social coercion and legal responsibility in relation to persons who allow direct or indirect illegal influences on the client;

· Intermediary - the specialist carries out connections between the family, educational institutions, the immediate environment, official authorities in the interests of the child.

As employees of the relevant services, social workers should feel first of all as leaders of socially vulnerable groups of the population.

In order to professionally realize a vocation, you need to know how people develop, interact, change, take into account the specifics of responding to difficulties, problems, social conditions life of individuals, as well as be able to subtly combine methods of persuasion and coercion with the stimulation of people's own activity, with the disclosure of the possibilities of their internal potential and compensatory capabilities.

The concept of social service has been formed, which includes the most general provisions, on the basis of which numerous options and models are created, differing in methods and means of implementation in specific national, regional and local conditions. The main, basic provision of the general model of social service is the construction of its structures and the use of technologies based on the territorial principle, maximum proximity to the family, the sphere of relationships and communication between people of different ages, professions, generations, adults and children.

With the introduction of the institution of social teachers in the country, the process of creating a medical-psychological-pedagogical family service, equipped with cadres of social teachers of the "family type", is developing.

A social educator, for example, is a key figure in a microdistrict, called upon to unite the efforts of the family, school, community to provide assistance and protection to their clients - children, adolescents, families.

"A social teacher, ideally, should be introduced at the rate of one per 25-30 families, working with all families, regardless of the number and age of children, categories of families, the presence of problems and other characteristics." Types and directions of activity social services on working with the family, their approaches, combinations, personnel and material support are specific for each microdistrict and have departmental features.

Thus, the field of activity of a social worker is multifaceted, multifunctional and in demand by society.

The search for ways to solve problems arising within and outside the educational process led to the need to introduce new positions to solve the problems of education, development and socialization of the individual. The school has such professions as teacher-psychologist, teacher additional education, freed class teacher, social educator. Each of them has its own qualification characteristics, its own role, its place in the educational process.

A social educator at school is not uncommon nowadays. It is in demand in life, since many problems arise in the "child - family - society" system at a school or other educational institution. For example, the only parent of a second grade student died, many students need discounted travel tickets, there are many children from refugee and migrant families, from “needy” families, the school was “looked after” by drug dealers, groups of antisocial behavior among students and much more. That is why, for example, in the most strong schools own socio-psychological and pedagogical services are being created, which are designed to solve the problems of ensuring a normal life for such a complex system as a school.

The following areas of social and pedagogical work in an educational institution can be distinguished:

· Helping the family in solving problems related to education, upbringing, looking after the child;

· Helping the child to eliminate the causes, negative impact on his academic performance and visit to the institution;

· Involvement of children, parents, the public in the organization and conduct of social and educational events, actions;

· Recognition, diagnosis and resolution of conflicts, problems, difficult life situations affecting the interests of the child, in the early stages of development in order to prevent serious consequences;

· Individual and group counseling of children, parents, teachers, administration on the issues of resolving problem situations, conflicts, relieving stress, raising children in a family, and the like;

· Identification of requests, needs of children and development of measures to help specific students with the involvement of specialists from relevant institutions, organizations;

· Assisting teachers in resolving conflicts with children, in identifying problems in teaching and educational work and identifying measures to overcome them;

· Design, development of plans and programs in various areas of the educational institution;

· Promotion and clarification of the rights of children, parents, teachers;

· Solution of practical issues of ensuring educational work outside the schedule of training sessions.

All activities of a social worker should contribute to the creation of an environment of psychological comfort and safety of the ward's personality, to ensure the protection of the life and health of a citizen, to establish humane, morally healthy relations in the social environment.

The professional success of a social worker is determined by the effectiveness of his activities and its public recognition. For successful interaction, a social worker must have the following qualities:

Cheerful character;

Ability to help;




and it is in this sequence.

But not only the success of a social work specialist depends on this, it also depends on working conditions, here are important:

1. Availability of job duties, drawn up taking into account the specifics of the institution;

2. Clear and clear information about the job duties of a social work specialist - (all members of the teaching staff should have it, and not only the administration and the social work specialist himself);

3. Schedule of work, taking into account the time spent on communication in the external rehabilitation space;

4. Own office;

5. Funds for methodological literature;

6. Opportunity for professional growth;

From the above, it follows that:

1. the activities of a social worker are diverse and multi-channel;

2. The areas of activity of a social worker can be varied, from a broad focus: "child - family - society", to highly specialized: organizer of work with difficult children; a specialist in organizing cultural leisure for children and adults in the microdistrict; a specialist working in the field of child protection; etc .

3. The social worker should perform the following functions:

· Diagnostic;

· Organizational;

· Prognostic;

· Preventive and socio-therapeutic; organizational and communicative;

· Security and protection; intermediary.

4 . Social work specialist in the system of social functions

4.1. Social work specialist in the system of legal relations

At present, Russia is a state that is trying to create a regulatory and legal framework in almost all sectors, including social ones.

A social work specialist, like all citizens of Russia, must have knowledge of the regulatory framework, since ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility, but for successful work he should focus on the following legal acts;

1) international documents (conventions, acts and agreements);

2) Russian documents of federal significance;

3) documents of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that are significant for the specialist and the sphere of his professional activity;

4) documents of municipalities;

5) intra-corporate documents.

In list international instruments, which act as regulating and recommending:

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified on June 13, 1990. It identifies the main and most important aspects of the development of legislation and other regulatory legal acts aimed at protecting and fully developing the child. For a social work specialist, these areas should be the main and most important, since he directly works with the children whom he must protect.

Among the Russian documents of federal significance: the Constitution.

Article 38 of the Constitution declares: "Motherhood and childhood, the family are under the protection of the state."

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not emphasize the specific activity of a social worker, but it says a lot about how this or that type of activity should take place, for example, the establishment of emancipation.

The most important in the work of a social work specialist are Section IV "The Rights and Obligations of Parents and Children", Chapter 11 "The Rights of Minors" of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

For a social work specialist to work with children of delinquent behavior, and even more so with children of criminal behavior, it is necessary to know the basic norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in order to prevent and in some cases protect minors from accidental misconduct and offenses. The main section containing the rules related to minors is Section V "Criminal liability of minors".

Particularly important in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for a social worker is Chapter XII "Youth Labor", but not only, in other articles of the code there are also restrictions on the use of child labor, as well as basic guarantees for minors.

Knowledge of the 1993 Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" is of no small importance. A social worker of social services needs knowledge of the basics of social services for the population, that is, the 1995 Federal Law “On the Basics of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation”. The above law states: "Social services are the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations." , but all this needs to be focused on children and young people, since the social worker deals directly with these segments of the population.

In accordance with this, the 1998 law "On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" becomes important for him. It talks about the state recognition of childhood as an important stage in a person's life, and proclaims the principles of the priority of preparing children for a full life in society, developing socially significant and creative activity in them, fostering high moral qualities, patriotism and citizenship in them. This Federal Law regulates relations arising in connection with the implementation of the basic guarantees, rights and legitimate interests of the child in the Russian Federation, which is the subject of the activity of a specialist in social work.

A social educator, for example, has to work with all children, including those left without parental care. To work more productively in this direction, it is necessary to know the law “On additional guarantees on social protection of orphans and children left without parental care ”1996. It defines general principles, maintenance and measures of state support for orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among them under the age of 23.

In some cases, family-type orphanages are opened, in an atmosphere at home, for the successful socialization of the child, in this regard, the social teacher should know the Decree of the Government of Russia "On the family-type orphanage" of March 19, 2001, which sets out the conditions and mechanism for transferring the child to the family for the upbringing of a minor.

Faced with the problems of children, the question involuntarily arises about the prevention of neglect, and in this the social teacher will be helped by the law regulating these legal regulations, which is called "On the foundations of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency" 1999.

The main tasks and principles of activity in the system of prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency are:

1. Objectives - prevention of neglect, homelessness, delinquency and antisocial actions of minors, identification and elimination of the reasons and conditions conducive to this;

ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors;

social and pedagogical rehabilitation of minors in a socially dangerous situation;

identification and suppression of cases of involvement of minors in the commission of crimes and antisocial actions.

2. Principles - legality, democracy, humane treatment of minors, family support and interaction with it, an individual approach to the correction of minors with observance of the confidentiality of the information received, state support for the activities of local self-government bodies and public associations for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency, ensuring the responsibility of officials persons and citizens for violation of the rights and legitimate interests of minors.

In the activities of a social work specialist, knowledge and skill of practically everything related to children is necessary, but the family is also important, since the child lives directly in it, therefore, for a social work specialist, this is also an important element of his activity. Today in the Russian Federation there are laws that are aimed at supporting the family and the family budget. One of them is the 1995 Law “On State Benefits to Citizens with Children”. This law establishes a unified system of state benefits to citizens with children in connection with their birth and upbringing, which provides state-guaranteed material support for motherhood, fatherhood and childhood.

True, this law does not apply to everyone, and this is correct, today the principle of targeting is in effect.

Law "On charitable activities and charitable organizations "1995 proclaims the goal of charitable activities:

assistance in strengthening the prestige and role of the family in society;

assistance in the protection of motherhood, childhood and fatherhood;

promotion of activities in the field of education, science, culture, art, enlightenment, spiritual development of the individual;

promoting activities in the field of prevention and protection of the health of citizens, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle, improving the moral and psychological state of citizens;

promotion of activities in the field physical culture and mass sports,

some of them are directly related to the activities of the social work specialist.

Youth and children's movements interact with charitable organizations, in which the social educator can work. For the successful work of these organizations, our state provides support, which is spelled out in the 1995 law "On State Support for Youth and Children's Public Associations".

Orders, orders and decisions of the heads of municipalities, and their subordinate "departments of education" and "Departments for social issues»Depending on where, in what industry the social work specialist works.

So, a social worker needs knowledge of regulatory documents to provide specific assistance in each specific case.

The problem of determining the normative-legal field of activity of a specialist in social work is coupled with the problem of determining the priority of an institution whose interests are protected by a social worker. From the point of view of the system of professional values, a social work specialist must represent the interests of the client first, then society as a whole, and only then the state and his institution. This system of priorities is not always easy to adhere to; it has to be defended, sometimes even coming into conflict with management or with colleagues. However, if there is an awareness of the legality, humanity and moral correctness of their professional activities, there are always convincing arguments in defense of their client, their business and their profession.

The documents of an institution represent a certain system that reflects certain aspects of its work or the entire work as a whole. What is recorded, first of all, in the Charter of the institution, in orders, where the manager's administrative activities are consistently documented, in the minutes - work pedagogical council, in magazines - student performance, etc.

Documentation systems are called office work, which includes the creation of documents, work with them, storage.

The office work of a social work specialist consists of:

1) regulatory legal acts governing the activities of the institution and the specialist;

2) annual, monthly, weekly work plans of the institution and the specialist;

3) inspection reports;

4) personal current records;

5) correspondence with institutions and organizations involved in solving problems;

6) reports;

7) analytical reports and reports on the results of social and pedagogical diagnostics and other research;

8) medical, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of individual students with whom specially planned individual work is conducted;

9) minutes of various sessions, meetings, meetings, teachers' councils and the like on issues related to the competence of a social work specialist (in copies).

It is clear that all this, except for plans and reports - working documentation specialist and is not subject to official control if these documents are not included in the mandatory list of documents of the institution.

As already mentioned above, a social worker must represent the interests of his client and for this he works with specialists from various social services, departments and with officials various kinds of controls.

4.2. The value of social work to society

Since April 1991, a new profession has appeared in Russia - a social worker whose activities are addressed to the entire human life support system, the life situation of people, its integrity, and not only in acute adversity situations as a manifestation of care, mercy, empathy.

At the same time, the institutionalization of social work took place in our country, when a profession similar to the foreign profession "social worker", having received the name "specialist in social work", was included in State Register... From that moment on, the development of the system of providing different types social assistance, the provision of social services to the population began to be purposeful, and the state's obligations in this area were later popularly approved and officially enshrined in the 1993 Constitution: the Russian Federation was defined as a social state. Its further development this tendency received in the adoption of a number of Federal laws, many other legislative and administrative acts.

Thus, it can be considered that in today's Russia a space that is quite isolated from other segments has been formed, in which the normative-legal, but also real, materially and organizationally formalized space of social work is carried out - a system of institutions for social work of the population.

The people who work in these institutions bear on their shoulders many hardships of today, smoothing out the difficulties for those who are defenseless, helpless, who lack their own strength and means to cope with the everyday, psychological and social problems that have piled on them. The activities carried out by social workers do not always correspond to their previous education and their previous professional experience. With an acute deficiency of specific professional knowledge, skills and abilities, a lot comes from the heart, from an understanding of the need and a great desire to help. The work is based on the principles of selflessness, complete dedication, sacrifice. This brings results, the positive significance of which both for individuals and for families who received assistance, and for the Russian state as a whole, can hardly be overestimated.

Elderly people belong to the category of the so-called low-mobility population and are the least protected, socially vulnerable part of society. This is due, first of all, to defects in their physical condition caused by diseases, as well as to the existing complex of concomitant somatic pathology and reduced motor activity, which are characteristic of the majority of older people. In addition, to a large extent, the social insecurity of this population group is associated with the presence of a psychological factor that shapes their attitude towards society and makes it difficult to adequate contact with it. Psychological problems arise when the usual communication is broken in connection with retirement, when loneliness occurs as a result of the loss of a spouse, when characterological exacerbations are aggravated as a result of the development of the sclerotic process characteristic of the elderly. All this leads to the emergence of emotional-volitional disorders, the development of depression, and changes in behavior.

It follows from the above that a significant part of this population group needs various forms of service and social assistance, which are carried out in practice by social workers. And on who and how will do this work. The solution to the problems of older people will depend.

Client support is central to social work practice. People who do not know apply to social services for help. How to solve and do not know how to solve the problems and difficulties that have arisen in them.

Before contacting social services for help, the client tries to resolve the difficulties and problems that have arisen. However, having repeatedly suffered bad luck, wasting physical and spiritual energy, realizing that he cannot solve problems on his own, he turns to a social worker.

A social worker with knowledge of the theory of social work will contribute to the solution of these problems if he chooses dialogue as a means of ascent to the human in man. And the ways of realizing human potential, which are mastered by professionals, are nothing more than ways of teaching how to establish dialogical communication with the world, with other people, with oneself as with another. This communication and interaction will be humanistic if it opens up for a person the opportunity to realize such forms of being as coexistence, cooperation, empathy, sympathy, conformity, and thus helps the manifestation of spirituality in relationships between people.

It is important to note that the social worker tends to develop deep feelings of sympathy and sadness towards a client who is suffering or unhappy. This compassion is accompanied by a strong desire to relieve pain or eliminate its cause. But even if you really want to ease the pain of another person, you cannot do this without his reciprocal initiative or at least reciprocal activity. But you can and should be able to create conditions under which the client would agree to change his position and his feelings.

The social worker empathizes with clients even more when they don’t know how to solve their problems. But ignorance cannot justify a passive attitude. Just like his clients, he must look for ways to solve existing problems.

The social worker, as a person with a high level of professionalism and spiritual generosity, should try to create conditions under which the client changes his point of view.

And since the latter is dealing with a client who is in an altered state of mind, experiencing aggression or depression, etc. The client can behave in different ways: be quiet, shy or aggressive, emotional; withdrawn, tense or talkative, overly sociable; kind, defenseless, sensitive to the problems of justice or selfish, closed on the problem of their own well-being and overcoming their own difficulties.

A social worker in his practical actions must find effective forms of communication with each of the clients, that is, establish and maintain contact with him. Conflicts that have arisen in the course of work must be resolved with the help of specific technologies for the prevention and regulation of conflict situations. One of the necessary conditions for effective work with a client is to establish relations of trust, mutual understanding, knowledge of his interests and needs with him.

5. Conclusion

An institute of “social work specialists” has developed and is functioning in Russia. Since 1991, professional training began in the specialty "social work".

In this regard, an attempt was made to analyze some aspects of the training of a social worker, the specifics of his activities and skills.

From all of the above in the text of the work, in accordance with the tasks set, the following conclusions can be drawn:

There is an urgent need to train specialists in social work both on the basis of secondary specialized educational institutions and higher;

The selection of teaching subjects plays an important role in personnel training;

An important role is played by the training of the teaching staff, there is a need for special training of the teachers themselves, as well as strengthening the material and technical base of educational institutions;

Taking into account the personal qualities of applicants through testing;

The activities of a social work specialist are diverse and multi-channel;

The areas of activity of a specialist in social work can be varied, from a broad focus to highly specialized.

The social educator should perform the following functions:

· Organizational and communicative;

· Diagnostic;

· Organizational;

· Prognostic;

· Preventive and socio-therapeutic;

· Organizational and communicative;

· Security and protection;

· Intermediary.

A social worker, solving the problems of children and adolescents, needs knowledge of regulatory documents to provide specific assistance in each specific case.

To implement the functions of a social work specialist in the Russian Federation, a fairly extensive regulatory and legal framework has been developed;

However, the analysis of legislative acts allows us to conclude that each law chooses its own age limit, which leads to disagreements and discrepancies;

The social worker acts on the basis of all normative legal acts concerning the socio-pedagogical activities of our state, the republic and of course the adopted international Convention on the Rights of the Child;

The main documents of a social work specialist are the charter of the institution in which he works, and job description which he signed;

Social worker in educational institution reports directly to the director or the head of the structural unit;

The results of the activities of a social work specialist should be documented and included in the nomenclature of the institution's office work, which will avoid the loss of documents and ensure continuity in the work of a social work specialist.

6. Literature

1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation. // Russian newspaper. M. 12.25.1993. No. 237.
2. Federal Law of 17.07.1999 No. 178-Federal Law "On State Social Assistance" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1999. No. 29.
3. Federal Law of 24.06.1999 No. 120-FZ "On the foundations of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1999. No. 26.
4. Federal Law of 24.07.1998 No. 124-FZ "On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of Minors in the Russian Federation" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1999. No. 33.
5. Federal Law of 21.12.1996 No. 159-FZ "On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1996. No. 52.
6. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of 13.06.1996 No. 63-FZ. M., 1999.236s.
7. Family Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 1995 No. 223-FZ. M., 1997.204s.
8. Federal Law of 10.12.1995 No. 195-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Social Services to the Population of the Russian Federation" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1995. No. 50.
9. Federal Law of 11.08.1995 No. 135-FZ "On charitable activities and charitable organizations" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1995. No. 34.
10. Law of the Russian Federation dated 19.02.1993 No. 4520-1 "On state guarantees and compensation for people working and living in the Far North and equivalent areas "// Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 04.16.1996. No. 73.
11. Federal Law of 28.06.1995 No. 98-FZ "On State Support of Youth and Children's Public Associations" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1995. No. 28.
12. Federal Law of 19.05.1995 No. 81-FZ "On State Benefits to Citizens with Children" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1995. No. 22.
13. Law of the Russian Federation of 10.07.1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education". M., 1999.94s.
14. Labor Code Russian Federation. M., 2003.218 p.
15. Convention on the Rights of the Child. // Collection of international treaties of the USSR. 1993. Issue XLVI.
16. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 14, 1995 No. 942 "On the approval of the main directions of state social policy to improve the situation of children in Russia until 2000 "// Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. M. 1995. No. 38.
17. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 19, 2001 No. 195 "On a family-type orphanage" // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2001. No. 12.
18. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 13.02.98 No. 180 "Convention on the Rights of the Child" // Collection of international treaties of the USSR. M. 1993. Issue XLVI.
19. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 26.06.2000 No. 1908 "On approval of the regulation on the procedure for attestation of pedagogical and executive employees of state and municipal educational institutions" // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. M. 02.08.2000. No. 148.
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22. Doel M. Practice of social work. M., 1995.176s.
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32. Ivantsova A. Work of a specialist in social work with children from disadvantaged families // Education of schoolchildren. M., 2000. No. 7. S. 22-25.
33. Ivantsova A. Social educator and juvenile affairs inspector // Education of schoolchildren. M., 2000. No. 8. S. 37-39.
34. Klemantovich I. Culture of professional thinking of a specialist in social work // Education of schoolchildren. M., 2000. No. 10. S. 16-17.
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36. Mokronosov A et al. Development of institutions for social protection of the population in the region // Social security. M., 2000. No. 3. S. 22-30.
37. Nikitina L. The main directions and methods of social and pedagogical work // Education of schoolchildren. M., 2000. No. 9. S. 13-15.
38. Nikitina L. The content of the work of a specialist in social work in an educational institution // Education of schoolchildren. M., 2000. No. 11. S. 31-33.
39. Nikitina L. Technologies of social and pedagogical work: brief analysis// Education of schoolchildren. M., 2000. No. 10. S. 14-15.
40. Nikitina L. Key moments of the profession // Education of schoolchildren. M., 2000. No. 7. S. 20-22.
41. Nikitina L. Functions and roles of a specialist in social work // Education of schoolchildren. M., 2000. No. 8. S. 30-36.
42. Nikitina L. What a social teacher should know in legislation // Education of schoolchildren. 2001. No. 4. S.27-30.
43. Obysova N.S. system of educational work in Serkovskaya secondary school // Classroom teacher. M. 2001. No. 1. S. 8-30.
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45. Pavlova N. In the interests of children // Social security. M., 2000. No. 1. S. 15-18.


Appendix # 1

Tariff and qualification

characterization of social


Job responsibilities.

Carries out a set of measures for the upbringing, education, development and social protection of the individual in institutions and at the place of residence of students (pupils, children). Studies the psychological, medical and pedagogical characteristics of the personality of students (pupils, children) and its microenvironment, living conditions. Identifies interests and needs, difficulties and problems, conflict situations, deviations in the behavior of students (pupils, children) and provides them with social assistance and support in a timely manner. Acts as an intermediary between the personality of students (pupils, children) and the institution, family, environment, specialists of various social services, departments and administrative bodies. Determines the tasks, forms, methods of social and pedagogical work, ways of solving personal and social problems, takes measures for social protection and social assistance, the realization of the rights and freedoms of the personality of students (pupils, children). Organizes various types of socially valuable activities of students (pupils, children) and adults, events aimed at developing social initiatives, implementing social projects and programs, participates in their development and approval. Promotes the establishment of humane, morally healthy relationships in a social environment. Promotes the creation of an environment of psychological comfort and safety of the personality of students (pupils, children), ensures the protection of their life and health. Carries out work on employment, patronage, housing, benefits, pensions, registration of savings deposits, the use of securities of students (pupils, children) from among orphans and left without parental care. Interacts with teachers, parents (persons replacing them), specialists of social services, family and youth employment services, with charitable organizations and others in helping students (pupils, children) in need of guardianship and custody, with limited

physical capabilities, deviant behavior, as well as those caught in extreme situations.

Must know :

The Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal educational authorities on education issues; The Convention on the Rights of the Child; foundations of social policy, law and state building, labor and family legislation; general and social pedagogy; pedagogical, social, developmental and child psychology; basics of valeology and social hygiene; socio-pedagogical and diagnostic techniques; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

Requirements for qualification in the ranks of the payment.

7th category - secondary vocational education without presentation of requirements for work experience;

8th category - higher professional education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education and pedagogical work experience from 2 to 5 years;

9th grade - higher professional education and teaching experience from 2 to 5 years or secondary vocational education and teaching experience from 5 to 10 years;

10th category - higher professional education and teaching experience from 5 to 10 years or secondary vocational education and teaching experience over 10 years;

11th category - higher professional education and teaching experience from 10 to 20 years; 12th category - 11 qualification category or higher professional education and teaching experience over 20 years;

Appendix # 2

Questionnaire form

held in Serkovskaya

high school

Dear friend!

Please answer this questionnaire to help me in my future work. Thanks!

1. Do you often have difficult, conflict situations / answer separately for each line /

2. Who do you turn to for help or advice if you find yourself in a difficult situation? / answer for each column /

3. What qualities should a social educator have? Add yours.

Education of schoolchildren. M., 2000. No. 9. S. 13-15.

M.N. Guslova Organization of social work with the elderly. M., Creative Lyceum, 2004.80 p.

The introduction of the position of a social work specialist in the ITU bureau is in line with modern requirements for institutions of medical and social expertise.

Applications to the job responsibilities of a social work specialist in the ITU work structure include the following:

Participation in the assessment of the severity of the disease;

Assessment of rehabilitation potential and rehabilitation prognosis;

Assessment of social and household status;

Determination of social protection measures, including rehabilitation, if necessary - correction of measures;

Identification of persons in need of social and medical assistance;

Revealing the causes of medical and social problems in disabled people undergoing examination;

Assistance in solving these problems;

Facilitating the integration of the activities of various state and public organizations and institutions to provide the necessary socio-economic assistance to people with disabilities;

Assistance in the placement of disabled people in medical and preventive and educational institutions;

Promotion of wider use by each person with disabilities of their own opportunities for social self-protection of people in need;

A social work specialist must know the decrees, orders, orders of higher authorities, normative and other guidance materials on social protection of the population, know psychology, sociology, the basics of general and family pedagogy, forms and methods of educational work and education, the rights of persons with disabilities, norms of housing legislation, organization of health education, advanced domestic and foreign experience in social work.

In the aspect of the issue under consideration, the meanings and skills that a specialist in social work must master are acquiring.

He must be able to:

Listen to the patient with understanding;

Reveal information and collect facts necessary to analyze and assess the situation;

Mediate and settle relations between conflicting individuals, groups;

Interpret social needs and report on them in the relevant services, authorities;

To intensify the efforts of the wards to solve their own problems.

A specialist in social work in the structure of the general technology of expert-rehabilitation work occupies, as it were, an intermediate place between an expert-clinician and a specialist in rehabilitation. Without a medical education, he uses clinical information to organize his activities. The social work specialist interacts with the rehabilitation specialist during the development and implementation of individual rehabilitation programs for the disabled.

One of the tasks of a social work specialist within the ITU bureau is to determine the social status of a disabled person, which should be carried out during social and social and environmental diagnostics. The educational level, profession, employment status, marital status are taken into account.

The latter circumstance is especially important for judging the possibilities of social rehabilitation, which is the prerogative of a specialist in social work. A disabled person in a family is a person who arouses the sympathy of close relatives and, at the same time, burdens family members with the need to provide physical and social assistance to a disabled person. The family as one of the tools of social rehabilitation, depending on its structure and psychological orientation of the members, can perform either an activating, rehabilitative role, or inhibiting spontaneous activity, showing "overprotection" and "overprotection" of a disabled person, covering him up from any attempts to perform socially useful activity.

The task of a specialist in social work is not only to identify the composition of the family, to determine its attitude towards a disabled person. But also to form the attitude of this family towards the rehabilitation of a disabled person, taking into account the socio-economic opportunities and social culture of its members.

An analysis of the family situation of a disabled person is also important because it often has an economic aspect, since a disabled person can be the main source of financial support for the family. In this case, the need to help the disabled person find a job in accordance with the indications based on the assessment of clinical and social status.

When working with a family, a social work specialist needs knowledge of legislative and regulatory documents that he must use to implement benefits for social protection of disabled people and their families.

As part of the analysis of the microsocial environment, a social work specialist identifies the closest environment of a disabled person (friends, peers, former or current colleagues), the nature of contacts (emotional, formal) and their changes due to his disability.

During the examination of a disabled person, the state of living conditions is revealed: a separate apartment, a private house, a room in a communal apartment, a room in a dormitory, rented area, the state of the sanitary housing standard.

Further, it is necessary to identify issues such as the availability of utilities, a telephone. For people with disabilities with musculoskeletal disorders, vision and hearing impairments, it is important to clarify the question of the condition of the equipment of the apartment in accordance with the type of defect, the adaptation of the kitchen, the presence of auxiliary devices, alarms that facilitate cooking, the equipment of the hallway, bathroom, toilet, o the presence of special devices that ensure the independence of the disabled person in everyday life (putting on shoes, remote control of opening windows, doors, etc.).

This section tells about the job descriptions, tasks, main areas of activity of a social work specialist in the institutions of the ITU Bureau.

The next section tells about the main directions of the rehabilitation of disabled people and the directions of implementation for the rehabilitation of disabled people.

Social work places high demands on those who have chosen it as their profession. We have already seen with you what complex complex problems it is aimed at, what principles should be observed in this activity, what versatile training a social worker should have. A set of common typical requirements for a social worker make up his professional portrait. This systematic description of social, psychological and other requirements for the carrier of the profession is sometimes referred to as a professiogram, clarifying it in some cases, as a list of requirements in relation to a specific area of ​​social work.

The professional portrait of a social worker is described in some detail in the scientific and educational literature and includes such basic components as theoretical training, practical skills and certain personal qualities... Theoretical knowledge forms the basis of a professional portrait of a specialist in social work. As we know, social work is of a polydisciplinary nature and therefore the theoretical training of a social worker should include knowledge in such basic disciplines for social work as sociology, psychology, social pedagogy, legal cycle disciplines, conflict management, etc.

Since a social work specialist often deals with asocial personalities, in particular with adolescents, prone to deviant behavior, he must have knowledge in the field of sociology and psychology of deviant behavior, psychodiagnostics, criminology, developmental psychology and pedagogy. The diversity of social work clients obliges its representatives to possess a number of competencies that allow them to provide services to different clients - homeless and unemployed, single and elderly, “difficult teenagers” and persons with disabilities. This, in turn, imposes the requirement to have a stock of knowledge that allows you to understand and analyze the reasons for difficult life situations in different types of clients, to know their specifics.

Living in a community and dealing with representatives of different social groups, the social work professional must have a clear understanding of social structure society, economic, social, political and cultural processes taking place in it, about different areas public life, about the needs, interests, norms of various strata and subcultures. Therefore, he must be trained in social and humanities ensuring the general cultural level of a person and the level of his social education. This is facilitated by the study in the process of professional training of philosophy, history, economic theory, political science, cultural studies, the disciplines of the aesthetic cycle.

A professional portrait of a social worker presupposes the presence of knowledge sufficient to be able to understand a representative of any social group, his needs and interests, doubts and experiences, tastes and preferences in different areas of life. In order to be able to understand the inner world and thoughts of another individual, a social worker must have a fair amount of his own potential in the field of humanitarian knowledge, as well as be oriented in such areas as art, religion. A specialist in social work needs basic knowledge in the field of medicine, gerontology, psychiatry, since clients of social work are often people with health problems, some deviations from the mental norm that require elementary care.

Another important component of the professional portrait of a social worker is the practical skills that he acquires in the course of professional activity, as well as during training in a professional educational institution - a university or college (college, technical school). They represent a whole range of skills of a different nature - from the simplest skills to provide basic household services and first aid to more complex ones, such as socio-psychological and socio-legal counseling.

Most of the professional competencies are related to the process of interaction between a specialist and a client. These include the ability to establish contact with their ward, trusting relationships, organize cooperation in search of solutions to the problems facing him. Among the specific techniques that a specialist should possess, such as active listening, focusing on the client, empathic understanding, protection from the effect of one's own "emotional burnout", etc. These skills and abilities are studied in more detail in the course "Methods and technologies of social work", and also within some special disciplines and disciplines of specialization.

Currently, various types of practice are included in the training program for social work specialists, which are designed to help them master practical skills while studying at a university or college. However, so far it cannot be considered sufficient both the amount of time devoted to these types of training, and the level of its organization. To remedy the situation, it is necessary to develop closer ties between vocational education institutions and social services.

Personal qualities are also of fundamental importance in the structure of the portrait of a social worker, since such a responsible humanitarian activity as social work dealing with people in a vulnerable, dependent position cannot be performed formally, only for the sake of accountability and reward. In this case, she is doomed to failure. Unfortunately, at present we know from the mass media a lot of examples of formal and sometimes unscrupulous attitude of social workers to their duties. At the same time, of course, their wards are the first to suffer.

So, there is a known case that took place in the Leninsky district of Krasnoyarsk, when social workers visited a very elderly single and practically non-walking woman living in a hostel very irregularly and did not follow all the prescribed procedures. As a result, the elderly citizen nearly died of starvation. She was rescued by worried neighbors who opened the door and fed the unfortunate old woman, helped her with hygiene procedures, and also invited television to publicize the situation. This example shows that in the absence of appropriate personal qualities, a social worker can treat his duties formally, even commit obvious violations, taking advantage of the fact that their results are not always and not immediately noticeable, and his wards cannot always demand the services they should be entitled to and stand up for themselves ...

Social services should take all measures to avoid such manifestations. And this is possible if ordinary social workers, specialists, administrators-managers properly relate to their work, and therefore clients, realize the importance and social responsibility that they bear before society. There are different points of view as to whether to include personal qualities in the professional portrait of a specialist in social work, or they already constitute his spiritual and moral portrait. In this regard, it can be noted that the absence of these qualities leads to the inefficiency of all his activities and makes it impossible to achieve the intended results, therefore, makes the employee unprofessional. This proves that the presence of the appropriate qualities is a condition for the professionalism of a social worker, and therefore is also an element of his professional portrait.

Among the measures that ensure the proper level of professionalism of social workers, there may be the creation of a system of continuous education - vocational guidance in schools so that random people do not come to the faculties of social work, then selection for admission to vocational education institutions. For this, appropriate methods are needed that allow determining not only the level of knowledge, but also the personal orientation, communicative abilities of the applicant. Finally, when recruiting for a job in social services, an appropriate professional selection is required, which should include procedures to determine how an applicant for a particular vacancy meets the requirements, whether he has the proper general professional and socio-personal competencies.

Within the framework of the social institutions themselves, control over the performance of their duties by all employees should be carried out and measures of incentives should be applied, and, if necessary, penalties, depending on the quality of performance by employees of their own. In an important way maintaining and increasing the professionalism of social workers is a systematic improvement of qualifications. A similar form of retraining currently exists in the system of higher professional education. Contribute to the growth of professional motivation, maintenance of the system of professional values ​​should public organizations social workers and social institutions focused on innovative forms and working methods, professionally oriented media.

All personal qualities of a social worker, necessary for him in the process of activity, are usually divided into three groups. The first group is made up of individual psychophysiological characteristics that characterize mental processes and states - perception, memory, thinking, level of anxiety, impulsivity, restraint, stress resistance. The second group is formed by the social and psychological qualities of a specialist as a person - the ability to self-control, self-criticism, responsibility, honesty and openness. The third group includes psychological and pedagogical qualities that ensure the effectiveness of direct interaction with the client - communication skills, empathy, attractiveness (neatness in clothes, external attractiveness).

Along with the general portrait of a specialist in social work, one can single out more specific types of it, depending on the specialization. Specialization in social work deserves a separate consideration, since the social worker, in a sense, must be universally trained. At the same time, a number of situations and problems require special knowledge and skills. How to resolve this dilemma and avoid narrow reductionism on the one hand, and scholastic universalism on the other? Exit from this provision is seen in the formation of a new type of specialization in social work - specialization not on any specific problem, but on a real object, in our case, the client as the bearer of a complex of certain problems.

In this way, the integrity of the consideration of the difficult life situation of the client can be ensured. Without dividing it into economic, socio-psychological, medical problems and not dividing their solution into different institutions and departments, social work is able to provide a comprehensive solution to them. With this approach, polydisciplinarity and multifunctionality are not lost and, along with this, it is possible to fill this wide range of activities with specific content.

A complex approach to the solution of social problems and the multifunctionality of social work make it possible to single out a number of professional functions of a specialist in social work. Among them:

Diagnostic, meaning the desire of a social worker to establish the causes of the client's problems;

Advocacy, consisting in representing and protecting the interests of its clients;

Socio-therapeutic, or compensatory, implemented through the provision of support in difficult life situations, the provision of various types of assistance, social services;

Social and prophylactic, involving the use by a social worker in his activities of methods that prevent the emergence of social problems;

Predictive, consisting of analysis possible changes in the behavior of the client in the future;

Projective, manifested in the planning of the immediate and long-term results of the intervention;

Function social control providing for the monitoring of deviant behavior and the application of social sanctions;

Organizational and administrative, manifested in management activities and interaction with other social institutions.

The professional roles of a social worker can be classified in a more differentiated manner. Foreign authors distinguish the professional roles of a social worker depending on his "working" functionality:

A broker is a social worker who directs people to appropriate services that may be of use to them in order to enable people to use the social services system and to link these services.

Mediator, "buffer" - a social worker who sits between two people, an individual and a group or two groups, in order to help people overcome differences and work productively together.

A lawyer, defender - a social worker who fights for the rights and dignity of people who need this help. Its activities include fighting for service, helping individuals, groups, communities, fighting to change laws or existing practices from the perspective of an entire class of people.

Evaluator - a social worker who collects information, evaluates the problems of people, groups; helps to make a decision for action.

A mobilizer is a social worker who collects, sets in motion, launches, activates, organizes the actions of existing or new groups to solve problems. Mobilization can also be carried out on an individual level.

A teacher is a social worker who conveys information and knowledge and helps people develop skills.

A behavior corrector is a social worker who works to make changes in behavioral patterns, skills, and perceptions of individuals or groups.

A counselor is a social worker who works with other workers to help them improve their skills in solving client problems.

The community designer is a social worker planning the development of activity programs.

Information manager is a social worker who collects, categorizes, and analyzes data about the social environment.

Administrator is a social worker who runs an institution, program, project, or social service.

Practitioner - a social worker who provides specific assistance, care (financial, household, physical).

The formation of a professional portrait of a social worker begins long before he enters the service of a social institution. We have seen how important it is which applicants come to universities for the specialty of social work and the quality of training that they receive at universities. The development of a multilevel system of social education is called upon to promote better training of future social workers.

The concept of social education includes two aspects: broad sense social education means the study of social and humanitarian disciplines in all educational institutions, from school to universities. The result should be greater competence of the entire population in matters of public life, a correct and deeper understanding of it and better preparedness for it. In a narrow sense, social education is understood as the training of specialists for the social sphere - social workers and social educators, psychologists, social animators, sociologists, etc. In other words, social education aims at high-quality training of socionomes - specialists in the social sphere.

Both of these aspects of social education are important. The second is insofar as the staffing of social services depends on it. But the first aspect is no less important, since it allows you to make society more enlightened in various issues of public life, people - more prepared for various social situations, more tolerant and law-abiding, raise the level of general and legal culture, reduce the number of antisocial manifestations and social tension in society.

Course Description

The state is, first of all, a social system. Different layers of society experience different needs for participation from the state, structures and associations that provide support and assistance. Pensioners, people with disabilities, single mothers - all of these, as well as a number of other categories of citizens, are served by social workers. Studying their needs and problems is the task of social specialists. This course will help them master modern technologies of social work.

Listener category

Specialists working in various spheres of social services for the population.

Purpose of the program

Application training for social workers modern technologies in their professional activities.

Duration of training

The duration of the training is 108 academic hours. The calendar training schedule of the program (typical training period) is 3 weeks. Since the program is implemented using distance technologies, you can choose the most appropriate mode and schedule of training.

How will the classes take place?

The form of study for this program is part-time, with the use of distance learning technologies. You will be provided with text lectures and additional materials for study. The program provides for viewing webinars and practical tasks that simulate real-life professional situations. You can always discuss the questions that have arisen with your curator and teacher.

The main sections of the program:

  1. Legal basis for the activities of social services in the Russian Federation.
  2. The theory of social work: the history of the formation of social work as a science; development of social assistance in Russia, countries of Europe and America; the essence and content of social technology; variety and classification of social technologies.
  3. General and private technologies of social work: the essence of social expertise, diagnostics, therapy, adaptation, mediation, prevention; social Security, social insurance; counseling as a method of social assistance.
  4. The technology of social work with various groups of the population: with persons without a fixed abode, migrants, disabled people, elderly people, orphans, maladjusted adolescents; technology of social work with women; technology of working with youth.
  5. Social work with families: the purpose and main principles of state family policy; typology of problem families and work with families.
  6. Social work as a professional activity: legal, moral and humanistic foundations of social work; professional standard "Social Work Specialist"; methodological recommendations for specialists in social work.

Assessment of the quality of education:

  • intermediate certification in the form of tests;
  • final testing.


  1. Additional discounts are provided for group applications for training (from 3 people).
  2. Possible installment plan tuition fees and tax incentives.
  3. After the confirmation of the manager, you can pay directly from the site using payment systems.

Fill out the online application for the course, and you will receive detailed information from your course manager. You will find the form to fill out on the same page in the left side information block.

You can also ask your question by phone 8-800-700-38-34 (call within Russia free) or write a message to the consultant on an open line (in the lower right corner of the page).


Our task is for everyone to receive a quality education at affordable prices.

Correspondence form with the use of distance learning
technologies - this is training from any city in Russia and the world.
All you need is Internet access. In this case, you do not need anywhere
drive and put off everyday tasks. You choose the right time to study. You will see that distance learning is not only convenient, but also in no way inferior in quality to traditional face-to-face training.

Choosing to study a program of proven quality,
you get an advantage for development in the profession.
As a result, the possibility of material and career growth.

If you have conscientiously attended all classes, but did not get the result, we will refund you 100% of the course cost!

If you think that the information is irrelevant for you, then we will fully refund the cost of the course.

Awards and partners

In October 2018, the Institute of Contemporary Education took 43rd place in the rating of the Socio-Economic Project for “Training of highly qualified personnel”. Ranking was carried out among more than 700,000
enterprises of the Russian Federation, regardless
from the form of ownership working for
territory of our country.

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Pustovalova, Irina Anatolyevna

city ​​of Gryazi, MBOU secondary school, village Yarlukovo, teacher primary grades

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a lot of interesting and informative
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prosperity and more new courses
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Sereda, Olga Anatolyevna

St. Petersburg, Kindergarten, FC instructor

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Autonomous non-profit organization additional professional education "Institute of Contemporary Education" was registered on March 27, 2014. License for the right to conduct educational activities No. DL-133 dated 06.06.2014 issued by the Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Voronezh Region.


Possible options payment:
Online payment on the site (no commission, funds are credited within a few minutes);
Print and pay the receipt in a convenient way.
Other payment methods as agreed with a specialist (personal manager)
Scan the paid receipt, send it by e-mail to a specialist (personal manager). In the case of online payment, there is no need for this.

Graduates who successfully completed their studies and provided a diploma of higher or secondary vocational education, a diploma is issued professional retraining with the assignment of qualifications. In the issued document, the qualification assigned to the graduate is necessarily reflected in a separate entry. The exact names of the qualifications are reflected in individual pages courses. Other options for recording qualifications are not allowed.

Anyone can undergo training, but in order to receive documents on qualifications (diploma or certificate), it is necessary to have a diploma of secondary vocational or higher education.

Yes, you can. The current legislation established uniform requirement for applicants for additional professional programs: the presence of a diploma of any (not even pedagogical) secondary vocational or higher education.