Consultation for teachers “Ethics of professional behavior in preschool educational institutions. Ethical code of the teacher - educator of preschool education Ethics of professional communication in preschool

Code of Professional Ethics


Municipal state preschool educational institution-

The purpose of the ethical code of preschool teachers:

norms Code of Ethics for Educators guided by teachers and all employees of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution - Kindergarten working with children.

The Code of Ethics for Educators(Further - EKP) defines the basic norms of professional ethics:

Regulating relations between teachers and their pupils, as well as other members of the public of an educational institution;

Protecting their human value and dignity;

Supporting the quality of professional activity of teachers and the honor of their profession;

Creating an educational institution culture based on trust, responsibility and fairness.

The norms of pedagogical ethics are established on the basis of universal moral norms, constitutional provisions and legislative acts. Russian Federation, as well as on the basis of human rights and the rights of the child.

the basis of the norms EKP constitute the following basic principles: humanity, justice, professionalism, responsibility, tolerance, democracy, partnership and solidarity.


1.1 The personality of the teacher

1.1.1 The professional ethics of an educator require vocation, dedication to their work and a sense of responsibility in the performance of their duties.

1.1.2 The teacher is demanding in relation to himself and strives for self-improvement. It is characterized by self-observation, self-determination and self-education.

1.1.3 The teacher needs constant updating. He is engaged in his education, training and the search for the best methods of work.

1.1.4 The teacher is responsible for the quality and results of the pedagogical work entrusted to him - education.

1.1.5 The teacher is responsible for the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual protection of children left under his care.

1.1.6 The teacher is responsible for the functions entrusted to him by the administration and the entrusted resources.

1.2.1 By his behavior, the teacher maintains and protects the historically established professional honor of the teacher.

1.2.2 The teacher transfers national and universal cultural values ​​to the younger generation, takes part in the process of cultural development.

1.2.3 He cannot engage in anti-cultural activities either in the performance of his direct duties or outside the educational institution.

1.2.4 In communicating with his pupils and in all other cases, the teacher is respectful, polite and correct. He knows and observes the rules of etiquette that are appropriate for each individual situation.

1.2.5 The authority of a teacher is based on competence, fairness, tact, and the ability to take care of their pupils. The teacher does not create his authority with the help of incorrect methods and does not abuse it.

1.2.6 The teacher educates on his positive example. He avoids moralizing, is in no hurry to condemn and does not demand from others what he himself is unable to observe.

1.2.7 The teacher has the right to inviolability of personal life, however, the way of life chosen by him should not lower the prestige of the profession, pervert his relations with pupils and colleagues, or interfere with the performance of professional duties.

1.2.8 Drunkenness and abuse of other intoxicating substances is incompatible with the teaching profession.

1.2.9 The teacher values ​​his reputation.


2.1 Communication between the teacher and pupils

2.1.1 The teacher himself chooses the appropriate style of communication with students or pupils, based on mutual respect.

2.1.2 First of all, the teacher must be demanding of himself. The exactingness of the teacher in relation to the pupil is positive and well-founded. The teacher should never lose a sense of proportion and self-control.

2.1.3 The teacher chooses such methods of work that encourage the development of positive traits and relationships in his pupils: independence, self-control, self-education, the desire to cooperate and help others.

2.1.4 When evaluating the behavior and achievements of his pupils, the teacher seeks to strengthen their self-esteem and self-confidence, show them the possibilities for improvement, and increase the motivation for learning.

2.1.5 The teacher is impartial, equally friendly and supportive to all his students. Having made evaluation decisions that unreasonably belittle the pupil, the teacher should try to immediately correct his mistake.

2.1.5 When evaluating the achievements of pupils, the teacher strives for objectivity and fairness.

2.1.6 The teacher constantly cares about the culture of his speech and communication. In his speech there are no curses, vulgarisms, rude and offensive phrases.

2.1.7 The teacher observes discreteness. The teacher is forbidden to communicate to other persons the information entrusted to him personally by the pupil, with the exception of cases provided for by law.

2.1.8 The teacher does not abuse his official position. He cannot use his pupils, demand any services or favors from them.

2.1.9 The teacher does not have the right to demand from his pupil remuneration for his work, including additional. If the teacher is engaged in private practice, the terms of remuneration for work must be agreed upon at the beginning of work and fixed in the contract.

2.1.10 The teacher is tolerant of the religious beliefs and political views of his pupils. He has no right to use indoctrination, imposing his views on the pupils.

2.2 Communication between teachers

2.2.1 Relationships between teachers are based on the principles of collegiality, partnership and respect. The teacher defends not only his own authority, but also the authority of his colleagues. He does not belittle his colleagues in the presence of pupils or other persons.

2.2.2 Teachers avoid unreasonable and scandalous conflicts in relationships. In case of disagreements, they strive for their constructive solution.

2.2.3 Teachers of the same educational institution avoid competition that interferes with their partnership in the performance of a common cause. Teachers are united by mutual assistance, support, openness and trust.

2.2.4 The right and duty of the teacher is to evaluate the activities of colleagues and administration. Harassment of a teacher for criticism is strictly prohibited. Criticism, first of all, should be internal, that is, it should be expressed in the preschool educational institution and other educational institutions between teachers, and not outside the preschool educational institution. It should be spoken face to face, not behind the eyes. There should be no place for gossip in schools and other educational institutions.

2.2.5 Criticism should be made public only in cases where it is completely unresponsive, if it provokes persecution by the administration or in cases where criminal activity is detected.

2.2.6 Criticism directed at the work, decisions, views and actions of colleagues or administration should not humiliate the person being criticized. It should be justified, constructive, tactful, inoffensive, benevolent. The most important problems and decisions in pedagogical life are discussed and adopted in open pedagogical discussions.

2.2.7 Teachers do not cover up each other's mistakes and misdeeds.

2.3 Relations with the administration

2.3.1 The educational institution is based on the principles of freedom of speech and belief, tolerance, democracy and justice.

2.3.2 In educational institutions, a culture of communication is observed, expressed in mutual respect, goodwill and the ability to find a common language. The head of the preschool educational institution is responsible for maintaining such an atmosphere.

2.3.3 The administration of the preschool educational institution is tolerant of a variety of political, religious, philosophical views, tastes and opinions, creates conditions for the exchange of views, the opportunity to agree and find a common language. The different statuses of teachers, qualification categories and responsibilities should not prevent all teachers from equally expressing their opinions and defending their convictions.

2.3.4 The administration cannot discriminate, ignore or persecute teachers for their beliefs or on the basis of personal likes or dislikes. The relations of the administration with each of the teachers are based on the principle of equality.

2.3.5 The administration cannot demand or collect information about the personal life of a teacher that is not related to the performance of his job duties.

2.3.6 Estimates and decisions of the head of the preschool educational institution should be impartial and based on facts and real merits of teachers. Applicants for a higher qualification category should be selected and supported regardless of their personal proximity or obedience to the head of the administration.

2.3.7 Teachers have the right to receive from the administration information that is important for the work of their institution. The administration has no right to hide or tendentiously distort information that could affect the career of a teacher and the quality of his work. Important decisions for the pedagogical community are made in the institution on the basis of the principles of openness and general participation.

2.3.8 Intrigues, insurmountable conflicts, sabotage of colleagues and a split in the pedagogical community prevent the educational and educational institution from fulfilling its direct functions. The head of the preschool educational institution, who cannot cope with acute and protracted conflicts, must resign.

2.3.9 DOW values ​​its reputation. In case of revealing the criminal activity of teachers and responsible employees of the administration, as well as gross violations of professional ethics, the head of the institution must resign.

2.4 Relations with parents and guardians of pupils

2.4.1 The teacher advises parents and guardians on the problems of raising children, helps to mitigate conflicts between parents and children.

2.4.2 The teacher does not disclose the opinion expressed by children about their parents or guardians or the opinion of parents or guardians about children. It is possible to transfer such an opinion to the other party only with the consent of the person who completed the mentioned opinion to the teacher.

2.4.3 Teachers must respectfully and kindly communicate with the parents of pupils. They do not encourage parent committees to organize treats, congratulations, and the like for teachers for any reason.

2.4.4 The relationship of teachers with parents should not affect the assessment of the personality and achievements of children.

2.4.5 The relationship of teachers with pupils and their assessment should not be affected by the support provided by their parents or guardians of the preschool educational institution.

2.5 Relations with society

2.5.1 The teacher is not only a teacher, coach and educator of children, but also a public educator, custodian of cultural values, a decent educated person.

2.5.2 The teacher tries to contribute to the consent of society. Not only in private, but also in public life the teacher avoids strife, conflicts, quarrels. He is more than others ready to foresee and solve problems, disagreements, knows the ways to solve them.

2.5.3 The teacher understands and fulfills his civic duty and social role well. He avoids emphasized exclusivity, but he is also not inclined to opportunistically descend to any environment and merge with it.


3.1 The teacher has the right to use various sources of information.

3.2 When selecting and transmitting information to students, the teacher observes the principles of objectivity, suitability and decency. Tendentious perversion of information or change of its authorship is unacceptable.

3.3 The teacher may, at his own discretion, choose the type of educational activity and create new methods of education, if they are suitable, responsible and decent from a professional point of view.

3.4 The teacher has the right to openly (in writing or orally) express his opinion about the regional or public policy education, as well as the actions of participants educational process, however, his statements cannot be tendentiously inaccurate, malicious or offensive.

3.5 The teacher does not publish confidential official information intended for the internal needs of the preschool educational institution.


4.1 Teachers and administrative workers should carefully and reasonably spend material and other resources. They must not use property (premises, furniture, telephone, telefax, computer, copiers, other equipment, postal services, vehicles, tools and materials), as well as their work time for personal needs. The cases in which teachers are allowed to use things and working time should be regulated by the rules for the preservation of the property of the institution.


5.1 The teacher and head of the preschool educational institution is objective and disinterested. His official decisions are not subject to his own interests, as well as the personal interests of family members, relatives and friends.

5.2 If the teacher is a member of the council, commission or other working group obliged to make decisions in which he is personally interested, and therefore cannot maintain impartiality, he informs the persons participating in the discussion about this and withdraws himself from voting or otherwise way of making a decision.

5.3 The teacher cannot represent his institution in a litigation with another institution, enterprise or individuals in the event that he is connected with partners in this case by any private interests or accounts, and he may be interested in one or another outcome of the case. He must inform the head of administration and the persons considering this case of his interest.


6.1 The teacher is an honest person and strictly observes the law. Neither receiving a bribe nor giving it are combined with the professional ethics of a teacher.

6.2 In some cases, seeing the respect from the pupils, their parents or guardians and their desire to express their gratitude to him, the teacher may accept gifts from them.

6.3 The teacher can only accept gifts that:

1) are presented completely voluntarily;

2) do not have and cannot aim to bribe a teacher and

3) are rather modest; these are things made by the hands of the pupils themselves or their parents, works created by them, flowers, sweets, souvenirs or other inexpensive things.

6.4 The teacher does not make hints, does not express wishes, does not agree with other teachers so that they organize pupils or their parents to present such gifts or prepare treats.

6.5 The head of the educational institution or the teacher may accept from the parents of pupils any disinterested help intended for the educational institution. The provision of such assistance must be made known to the public and publicly expressed gratitude on its behalf.


7.1 The head of the preschool educational institution must maintain impartiality when hiring a new employee or promoting his employee in a position. He cannot appoint a member of his family or his relative as his deputy or head of any department, or grant them any other privileges.

7.2 The teacher cannot put pressure on the administration so that a member of his family, relative or close friend is admitted to the institution where he works, or that the above-mentioned persons are promoted. He shall not take part in the consideration of this question at the pedagogical council and decision making.

7.3 It is unacceptable to take remuneration in any form for hiring, upgrading a qualification category, appointment to a higher position, etc.

Principles and standards for the appearance of employees

Municipal state preschool educational institution -

MKDOU Kindergarten "Firefly"


These rules are developed in accordance with the Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of preschool educational institutions SanPiN, the Charter of the MKDOU Kindergarten "Firefly" in order to set out and explain the basic principles and standards for the appearance of preschool educational institutions for further their implementation in daily practice.

Each employee of the preschool educational institution, with his appearance and attitude to his work, must maintain and strengthen the overall image of the preschool educational institution.


2.1. Accuracy and neatness

Clothing must be clean, fresh, ironed, look new.

Shoes must be clean, well-groomed, polished throughout the working day.

The appearance must comply with the business style standards generally accepted in society and exclude defiant details.

Employees must be attentive to personal hygiene (hair, face and hands must be clean and well-groomed, the products used and deodorants must have a light and neutral smell).

2.2. Restraint

One of the main rules of a business person when choosing clothes, shoes, using perfumes and cosmetics is restraint and moderation.

The main dress code for all employees is professional business attire.

Use simple, discreet jewelry in a business style.

For daytime makeup and manicure, soft, calm tones are appropriate.

To all employees of the DOE prohibited use the following clothing and footwear options for wearing during working hours:

2.3. Cloth

Sportswear (sports suit or its details)

Clothing for outdoor activities (shorts, sweatshirts, T-shirts and t-shirts with symbols, etc.)


Sheer dresses, skirts and blouses, including clothes with sheer inserts

Low-cut dresses and blouses (open V-shaped neckline of the chest, visible underwear, etc.)

Evening dresses

Dresses, T-shirts and sleeveless blouses (no jacket or jacket)

Mini skirts (skirt length above 3 cm from the knee)

Too short blouses that expose part of the stomach or back

Clothing made of leather (leatherette), raincoat fabric

Tight-fitting trousers, dresses, skirts

2.4. Shoes

Sports shoes (including for extreme sports and entertainment)

Beach shoes (flip flops and slippers)

Shoes in the style of "country" (Cossacks)

Massive shoes on a thick platform

Evening shoes (with bows, feathers, large rhinestones, bright embroidery, shiny fabrics, etc.)

High over the knee boots combined with a business suit

Clothing and shoes should not contain very bright colors, shiny threads and extravagant details that attract close attention.

2.5. Hair

Extravagant haircuts and hairstyles

Coloring your hair in bright, unnatural shades (such as neon shades)

On dyed hair, regrown roots are visible, very different in color from the main tone of the hair.

2.6. Manicure and makeup

Manicure in bright extravagant colors (blue, green, black, etc.)

Manicure with a design in bright colors (drawings, rhinestones, clips)

Evening make-up options using bright, saturated colors

Appearance must be impeccable in everything. DOW is not a place to demonstrate design delights and extravagant ideas.


3.1. For employees holding the following positions: head, deputy head, educators, specialists.

3.1.1. Cloth

Business suit (trouser, with a skirt or dress) of a classic cut in soothing tones (the upper and lower details of the suit may differ in color and style). Trousers of standard length.

It is allowed to wear a strict blouse with a skirt or trousers without a jacket or jacket.

Dress or skirt, preferably medium length, classic cut.

Jeans and denim clothing of classic models, plain, without stylistic elements (large embroideries, fringes, rhinestones, scuffs, rivets, etc.)

A neat, attractive combination of trousers, skirts, blouses, knitted jumpers or sweaters. Blouses in soothing colors with long or short sleeves. In the warm season, T-shirts without symbols are allowed.

In the cold season, it is allowed to wear warm models of sweaters, jackets, pullovers, etc. without bright or extravagant elements that distract attention.

Stockings and tights of flesh or black color of even texture without ornament. It is preferable to wear tights or stockings throughout the year.

3.1.2. Shoes

Classic models of soft tones, in harmony with clothes.

Preference for models with a closed toe and heel.

The height of the heels of shoes should be comfortable for work, but not exceed 10 cm.

3.1.3. Hair

The haircut is neat (not extravagant).

Long hair (below the shoulders): Employees with daily contact with children must have their hair pinned up.

Hair color is preferably natural tones.

3.1.4. Decorations

It is allowed to use jewelry (rings, earrings, bracelets, chains, etc.) designed in a business style without large precious stones, bright and massive pendants, pendants, etc.

Rings - no more than three (one of which is engagement).

Chain - no more than two.

Medium size watch.

Earrings are small.

Piercings and tattoos are allowed only if they are hidden by clothing.

3.1.5. Arms

The length of the nails should be comfortable for work.

Nail polish should be chosen in calm tones, avoiding bright manicure elements and saturated colors.

3.1.6. Hygiene and makeup

Day makeup, light, natural tones.

Perfumes and cosmetics with a light neutral scent.

3.2. For employees holding the following positions: workers, catering staff, junior attendants, cleaners office space, head of FIZO, repair workers.

Taking into account the specifics of the work of employees of this category, in addition to clause 3.1., the following is introduced for employees:

3.2.1. Cloth


Sports suit (for the head of the FIZO).

An apron and a scarf for serving food, an apron for washing dishes and for cleaning rooms (for technical staff).

3.2.2. Shoes

Sports shoes (for the head of the FIZO).

Shoes without heels or low heels.

3.2.3. Hair

Hair of medium length and long must be collected.

3.2.4. Decorations

It is forbidden to wear various jewelry (for catering workers).

3.2.5. Arms

Nails should be neat and short trimmed.


In order to distinguish employees of the preschool educational institution and prevent non-standard situations when interacting with parents, visitors to the preschool educational institution, each employee must have a badge on their clothes indicating their full name and position.


These Rules must be followed by all employees of the DOW. Hiring employees get to know current Rules within one month.

Appearance standards are set by the Manager, according to the nature of the tasks performed.

Compliance with the general rules of personal hygiene is mandatory.

These Rules come into force from the moment of their signing, may be changed and supplemented.


use of mobile communications in

Municipal treasury preschool educational institutions-kindergarten"Firefly"

  1. 1. During classes with children, meetings, teachers' councils, meetings, holidays, children's sleep, the sound of a mobile phone must be switched to silent mode.
  2. 2. It is recommended to use either a standard phone call or classical music as a mobile phone ringtone when in preschool.
  3. 3. It is forbidden to use mobile phone headsets in the preschool educational institution.
  4. 4. It is forbidden to leave pupils unattended during a telephone conversation.
  5. 5.Conversation by mobile phone should not be long.

Business Etiquette - this is a set of certain rules of conduct adopted in the field of production, services, culture, science, etc., that is, in the field of your professional activity. Compliance with official business etiquette depends on the time and circumstances. In contrast to the norms of morality (ethics), the rules of etiquette are to a greater extent conditional and are in the nature of unwritten laws that everyone strictly observes.

In any situation in life, one should strive to have good relations with everyone, even if one comes across a person for a short time. The barmaid, the janitor, the cloakroom attendant - all these are employees that we encounter and quickly disperse for the whole day. You can pass by without paying attention, or you can say hello, smile and say a few nice words.

business person image . Each of us creates a certain image of ourselves, as they say now - an image. It can be different: a kind and pleasant person in communication, a klutz, a rude person, a brawler ... How many people - so many images.

Always and everywhere you need to be in suitable clothes for the occasion!

In many ways, our image depends on the perception of us by another person. Creating his image, each person should think about how he wants to be in the eyes of others.

American psychologist Dale Carnegie in his book<Как завоевать друзей и оказать влияние на людей>proposed six rules for the art of liking.

First - be genuinely interested in other people. In order to know others, you need to talk less about yourself, listen to others more, use less pronouns in conversation. Try to find out what your interlocutor thinks on a particular issue, how he lives, what he is interested in.

Second - smile at people. A person with a smile in his eyes and on his lips is always liked by people. A smile without irony and malice, coming from within a person, will say:<Я рад тебя видеть, мне приятно говорить с тобой>.

Third - to address the interlocutor by name. To better remember the names of those you meet, you need to mentally repeat this name several times, and even better, write it down.

fourth - be able to listen to the interlocutor, while asking questions that you yourself would like to answer. Be able to sympathize with a person if he needs it. If you feel like interrupting someone, take a deep breath and let the other person continue their thought. An attentive interlocutor will notice this and appreciate it.

Fifth - talk with the interlocutor about what interests him. This is the surest way to a person's heart.

sixth - to inspire friends, colleagues to realize their own significance for you, the team, the family... But this must be done sincerely. We must see the virtues of other people, praise them and thank them for the good that they do for us. Good words are pleasant to others. After the good words spoken to people, you yourself will feel that you are becoming kinder.

Everything that has been said here is addressed both to the head of an enterprise, office, company, and to all its employees.

Culture of behavior - actions and forms of communication of people based on morality, aesthetic taste and compliance with certain norms and rules. The true culture of behavior is the organic unity of the internal and external culture of a person, the ability to find the right line of behavior even in a non-standard, and sometimes even in an extreme situation.

Etiquette - the most important aspect of the morality of professional behavior
leader. Knowing it is a necessary professional quality that must be acquired and constantly improved. Yes, back in 1936 . Dale Carnegie wrote: "The success of this or that person in his financial affairs is 15 percent dependent on his professional knowledge and 85 percent - from his ability to communicate with people. "A lot of careers collapse and money is lost due to improper behavior or bad manners. Knowing this, the Japanese spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year on teaching good manners and advice on etiquette, a culture of behavior. They are well aware that the success of any company largely depends on the ability of its employees, the leader, on their ability to work together to achieve a common goal. Knowledge of etiquette, culture of behavior - these are the key conditions for successful work in any organization. In order not to get into an absurd situation, you need to know the rules of good manners. In the old days, they were strongly taught by Peter the Great. V 1709 . he issued a decree according to which everyone who behaved "in violation of etiquette" was subject to punishment. Perhaps it is necessary to introduce punishment for those domestic businessmen who expose not only themselves to ridicule, but also cast a shadow on Russian entrepreneurship. So, knowledge of business etiquette, the ability to behave culturally is the basis of leadership.

History of etiquette

Etiquette is a historical phenomenon.

The rules of human behavior changed with changes in the living conditions of society, a specific social environment. Etiquette arose during the birth of absolute monarchies. To adhere to certain rules of conduct, ceremonial was necessary for exaltation
royalty: emperors, kings, kings, princes, princes, dukes, etc., to consolidate the hierarchy within the class society itself. Not only a career, but also a person's life often depended on the knowledge of etiquette, the implementation of its rules. So it was in ancient Egypt, China, Rome, the Golden Horde. Violation of etiquette led to enmity between tribes, peoples, and even to wars. Etiquette has always performed and performs certain functions.

The social role played by this or that person should not be self-depressing, nor should it have a hypnotic effect on the subordinate. The cultural director will equally respect the minister, and the ordinary technical worker of the ministry, the president of the company, firm and office cleaner, i.e. show respect to everyone. This sincere respect should become integral part the nature of the leader. A culture of behavior in business communication is unthinkable without observing the rules of verbal (verbal, speech) etiquette associated with the forms and manners of speech, vocabulary, i.e. with all the style of speech adopted in the communication of this circle of business people. In a business conversation, one must be able to answer any question. It is always necessary to remember the sense of proportion. In the speech etiquette of business people, compliments are of great importance - pleasant words expressing approval, a positive assessment of business activities, emphasizing the taste in clothes, appearance, the balance of the partner's actions, i.e. assessment of the mind of a business partner.

During business communication there is always a real opportunity for compliments. They inspire your business partner, give him confidence, approve. Does it interfere with the leader? It is especially important to remember about the compliment if you are dealing with a beginner who, moreover, failed at first. After all, it is not by chance that open criticism of their employees is prohibited in Japanese firms: it is unprofitable for the firm, since labor activity and initiative are declining. Compliance with the most important rules of behavior with strangers is a sign of respectability, good breeding, self-confidence, which are important for a leader. The role of the leader in the development of the team

So, the effectiveness of the work of the team, its ability to solve the assigned tasks largely depends on the moral and psychological climate, as well as on the "mood" of employees prevailing in the group, which, other things being equal, is due, firstly, to the qualitative composition of the staff and, in secondly, the peculiarities of informal relations between the leader and the subordinate. Let's dwell on these problems in more detail.

Scientific research and generalization of experience practical work indicate that the most productive are working groups consisting of people of different ages, genders and temperaments. Young workers perceive new things better, they are more energetic, but sometimes they are arrogant, not inclined to compromise.

The elderly, on the contrary, are quite conservative, but they have life experience, are not prone to adventures, are able to make more informed decisions, and, as a rule, avoid conflict situations. Further, purely female and purely male collectives have specific shortcomings: petty squabbles occur more often in female collectives, there are more losses of working time due to the systematic discussion of everyday problems, etc., while in some men's teams foul language and "bad habits" flourish during working hours. In other words, the joint work of people of different sexes, as it were, pulls up employees, increases self-discipline, and exactingness towards oneself. It is equally important to have individuals with different temperaments in the group, since each of them, as we have already found out, has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Speech etiquette - this is a set of all etiquette speech means and the rules for their use in certain situations.

How to start a conversation

Depending on the current situation between the interlocutors, there are various options for starting a conversation.

In a crowded place, asking for help is a good conversation starter. In the store you can ask to tell about the product, in the library to inquire about the availability of a particular book, in the gym to ask for help, show how to use this or that simulator correctly, on the street - ask to show the way to this or that house.

You can start a conversation by preliminarily complimenting the interlocutor, for example, admiring his (her) hairstyle or any item of clothing and asking him to tell where you can find a good hairdresser or where to buy the thing you like. It is preferable for a man to compliment him about his excellent physical shape, and for a woman about her impeccable taste.

To start a conversation, banal phrases may well be suitable, for example: “The weather is beautiful today, isn’t it?”, “Don’t you think that it’s unbearably hot today?”, “We met somewhere”, etc.

How to avoid a fight.

They say that if two people quarrel, then both are wrong.

And the one who is smarter is more to blame. He must be the first to give up the quarrel.

Turn on the music, TV. Or go outside. Do something to take your mind off the fight.

Do not seek to quarrel and take revenge in any way - these are clear signs of an abnormal personality when a person asserts himself through a quarrel.

The teacher must constantly engage in self-education.

Here are the most common methods of self-education and self-management:

  • Reminder method . Knowing his shortcoming, the leader constantly reminds himself of it. In some cases, in writing. For example, there is a piece of paper on the table that says: “Restrain yourself!”, “Don't be nervous!”.
  • stop tap method . As soon as passions begin to flare up, the leader warns himself: “No, this cannot be continued. We need to behave differently and find more flexible approaches.” It forces you to stop the storm and look at yourself, people and the situation differently.
  • containment method . In acute situations, the leader begins to convince himself that further “increase in tension” will not lead to anything good. It is difficult to restrain oneself, one wants to strike back, but he consciously restrains himself, his own emotions, leaves the situation, plunging into other matters, speaking out somewhere, etc.
  • Explanation before action method . The explanation encourages both parties to understand the causes of the highly emotional relationship.

How to manage your emotions?

This technique was developed by the artist - suggestologist Albert Ignatenko.

If the state of your nervous system, psyche needs to be corrected and the method of self-hypnosis is recommended to you, I can recommend this exercise.

Sit in a chair with your hands on the armrests. Raise your right hand, bent at the elbow, up, turning your palm. The self-hypnosis formula is as follows: “The hand has relaxed (mentally transfer to the little finger, feel it). My little finger is slowly starting to move away. Further, further. My little finger moved further away, even further. Littlefinger stepped aside as far as he could. Frozen, petrified. All fingers are stone, I can't move my little finger. With a count of five, all fingers will become light, free, mobile. The little finger will take its original position.

Once - the fingers are free, light, the tension disappears.

Two - the little finger is free, light.

Three - the hand is light, free, normal.

Four - the tension is completely gone. After this exercise, I can easily inspire myself with any thought.

Five - the hand is light, free.

And now we can move on to purposeful suggestion. Take the "coachman's pose", close your eyes. The stress relief formula is: “I will keep count to twenty. With a score of twenty, my every word will be realized in my psyche.

Once - the stress that was, begins to disappear from my memory.

Two - I forgot about him.

Three - all bad effects after stress are erased from my memory.

Four - I am a strong, calm, self-confident person.

Five, six - there was no stress.

Seven, eight - there will never be stress.

Nine, ten - in any difficult situation, stress never arises.

Eleven, twelve - I am a strong, self-confident person.

Thirteen, fourteen - I easily control my psyche.

Fifteen, sixteen - my mental order "I am calm" will be mentally realized in my psyche.

Seventeen, eighteen - stress completely disappeared from my memory.

Nineteen, twenty - I am a strong, calm, healthy person. I live on positive emotions, enjoy life. I want to live a full healthy life, to benefit society. Never in my life, even in the most difficult situations, will I be stressed.

With a count of three, I will enter the normal state. Feeling great.

Once - the body is light and fresh.

Two - the head is clean and clear.

Three - the mood is excellent, the thoughts are pleasant, light, bright

Such exercises should be done twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, until the stress is completely relieved. As practice shows, the following exercise will help manage your emotions (at an exam, in a difficult family conversation, at work).

Pose - standing, legs together, arms lowered. Formula: "At the expense of "one" I will be pulled forward." Once. “With a score of two, more will pull forward.” Two. When you feel the craving after counting "one" or "two", you have established contact with your subconscious (opened the door to the subconscious realm) and now you can conduct self-hypnosis, designed to control your emotional sphere.

Formula: “With a count of seven, every cell of my central nervous system will calm down. I will be calm and self-confident in speech and actions.

Once - the nervous system calmed down.

Two - every cell of the body is calm.

Three - calm spreads throughout the body.

Four - peace fills my mind.

Five - I'm completely calm.

Six - the excitement is completely gone.

Seven - I am self-assured".

If, after completing this exercise, the implementation with a score of "seven" did not take place, find the best option with a score of twelve, twenty, etc. With constant practice, you will soon feel that you can carry out self-hypnosis within a second.

The purpose of the workshop:

introduce teachers to the topic "Professional ethics and pedagogical communication"


- to form a primary attitude to the choice of constructive strategies in interpersonal interaction;


Theoretical module.

2. Pedagogical communication. The culture of speech of employees when communicating.

3. Communication between the teacher and pupils.

4. Communication between teachers.

5. Relations with the administration.

6. Relations with parents and guardians of pupils.

Practical module.


Ways to solve typical situations.

Final part. Filling out feedback forms .





Teacher-psychologist MBDOU No. 27

Burdina Tamara Viktorovna

The purpose of the workshop:

introduce teachers to the topic "Professional ethics and pedagogical communication"


- to form a primary attitude to the choice of constructive strategies in interpersonal interaction;


Introductory part. Seminar theme message.

Theoretical module.

  1. The personality of the teacher. Authority, honor, reputation.
  2. pedagogical communication. The culture of speech of employees when communicating.
  3. Communication between teachers.
  4. Relationship with administration.
  5. Relationships with parents and guardians of pupils.

Practical module.


Ways to solve typical situations.

Final part. Filling out feedback forms.

  1. Professional ethics. Personality. Honor. Reputation.

I would like to begin my opening remarks with the words of Voltaire:

"Only the one who controls himself can rule the world."

In other words, only a person with high moral qualities can achieve much. We must be more perfect for the sake of ourselves and our children, and the profession we have chosen - the Teacher - obliges us to do this.

Let's remember what "ethics" is. The word is derived from the ancient Greek einos – "custom, good manners of thought."

The philosophers of the ancient society in their works expressed some judgments on the issues of pedagogical ethics. For instance,

Democritus spoke of the need to conform upbringing with the nature of the child, of the use of children's curiosity as the basis of the doctrine of the preference for means of persuasion over means of coercion;

Aristotle considered education a matter of national importance; but only Quintilian for the first time raised questions of pedagogy on professional level- his recommendations were a generalization of pedagogical experience, warned the teacher against the use of coercion.

The requirements that modern society currently places on a teacher are very high. About him professional qualities ah is judged not only by how well he masters various techniques, but also by how well he is brought up. A cultured person, as we want to see a teacher, must own the achievements of behavioral culture, be able to use it in professional activities and personal life. As I thought Rousseau , the teacher must be devoid of human vices, and morally stand above society. Pestalozzi believed that a true teacher should be able to detect and develop positive qualities in any child. personal qualities, promoted the ideas of labor and moral education.

Pedagogical ethics considers the essence of the main categories of pedagogical morality and moral values.moral valuescan be called a system of ideas about good and evil, justice and honor, which act as a kind of assessment of the nature of life phenomena, moral virtues and actions of people. Among these categories are professional pedagogical duty, pedagogical justice, pedagogical honor and pedagogical authority.

The professional ethics of a teacher requires vocation, dedication to their work and a sense of responsibility in the performance of their duties.

The teacher is demanding in relation to himself and strives for self-improvement. It is characterized by self-observation, self-determination and self-education.

The teacher is responsible for the quality and results of the pedagogical work entrusted to him - education.

The educator is responsible for the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual protection of children left under his supervision.

The teacher is responsible for the functions entrusted to him by the administration and the resources entrusted to him.

Teachers need constant renewal and self-development. He is engaged in his education, training and the search for the best methods of work.

By his behavior, the teacher supports and protects the historically established professional honor of the teacher.

The teacher passes on to the younger generation national and universal cultural values, takes part in the process of cultural development.

He cannot engage in anti-cultural activities either in the performance of his direct duties, or outside the educational institution.

In communication with his pupils and in all other cases, the teacher is respectful, polite and correct. He knows and observes the rules of etiquette that are appropriate for each individual situation.

The authority of a teacher is based on competence, fairness, tact, and the ability to take care of their pupils. The teacher does not create his authority with the help of incorrect methods and does not abuse them.

The teacher educates by his positive example. He is not in a hurry to condemn and does not demand from others what he himself is unable to observe.

The teacher has the right to inviolability of personal life, however, the way of life chosen by him should not lower the prestige of the profession, pervert his relations with pupils and colleagues, or interfere with the performance of professional duties.

Drunkenness and abuse of other intoxicants is incompatible with the teaching profession.

The teacher values ​​his reputation.

The game "Make a portrait" (The most significant qualities of an educator).

Instruction: Dear colleagues, on your multi-colored pieces of paper, write the most significant personality trait or skill of the educator, in your opinion.

Let's attach the leaves to our tree.

(Intelligence, nobility, culture, knowledge, professionalism, love for children, discipline, a penchant for creativity, sociability, activity, versatile interests, organizational skills, enthusiasm, intelligence, sense of humor, listening skills, kindness, tact, justice, decency, etc. .d.) TREE

  1. Communication between teacher and students.

The teacher himself chooses the appropriate style of communication with students or pupils, based on mutual respect.

The style of pedagogical communication that determines the behavior of children.

Each teacher has an individual style of activity and communication, that is, a combination of tasks, means and methods of pedagogical activity that is characteristic of him. The results of educational influence depend on the personality of the teacher and his style of interaction with children. In the process of communicating with a child, an adult must not only theoretically transfer his experience and knowledge to children, but, above all, broadcast his personal attitude towards another person with his own behavior. Real pedagogical communication involves subjective relations: communication partners build their interaction in such a way as to take into account the psychological characteristics of each other: interests, motives, goals, temperament, abilities. With this type of communication, the teacher, addressing the child, assumes a certain attitude towards his address on his part, argues his requirements, explains the behavior. If there is no mutual orientation in the teacher's communication with children, i.e. children act only as an object of influence, then one cannot speak of full-fledged communication.

The personal qualities of the educator, manifested in his professional activities, become a significant factor determining the content, nature and characteristics of his influence on the personality of the child. The words and actions of the teacher determine the features and further development his interactions with children affect the growth of children's self-awareness, the formation of friendly attachments among peers.

The teacher takes a dominant position, does not allow children to show independence and initiative. Pupils in this case are the object of educational influences.

Children with such methods of interaction will most likely be well armed with knowledge, skills and abilities and even demonstrate them in practice, however, such a demonstration is not due to the real needs and values ​​​​of the child, but the need to implement the desired behavior in the presence of the educator. This model does not contribute to the development of independence and creative initiative in children, as well as full-fledged interpersonal contacts.

Democratic style of pedagogical communication

The main feature of this style is mutual acceptance and cooperation. The teacher is focused on attracting pupils to the discussion and joint solution of common affairs and problems. Creates conditions for self-realization and manifestation of the creative initiative of children. Promotes the development of the child's ability to communicate, take into account the interests of other people, show initiative and independence. The child feels emotionally protected, shows confidence and activity.

Liberal style of pedagogical communication

It is characterized by the desire of the teacher to be minimally involved in activities, formalism. The conniving style of communication implements the tactics of non-intervention, the basis of which is indifference and disinterest. Avoids responsibility for the results of their activities. The results of this approach to education include the rupture of emotional ties between adults and a child. It is possible that the child will show early autonomy and independence, but will not be able to participate and empathize with other people.

In real pedagogical practice, mixed styles of communication most often take place. The teacher cannot absolutely exclude from his arsenal some private methods of the authoritarian style of communication, which sometimes turn out to be quite effective. But even in this case, the teacher should be generally focused on the democratic style of communication, dialogue and cooperation with children, since this style of communication allows the maximum implementation of the personality-developing strategy of pedagogical interaction.

The characteristics of the above styles of pedagogical communication are given in a "pure" form. At the same time, in real pedagogical practice, mixed styles of communication most often take place. The teacher cannot absolutely exclude from his arsenal some private methods of the authoritarian style of communication, which sometimes turn out to be quite effective. But even in this case, the teacher should be generally focused on the democratic style of communication, dialogue and cooperation with children, since this style of communication allows the maximum implementation of the personality-developing strategy of pedagogical interaction.

The style of interaction between a teacher and children has a direct impact on the nature of children's communication with each other, the general atmosphere in the children's group. So, if the teacher demonstrates a respectful attitude towards children, supports the initiative, shows interested attention, helps in difficult situations, then it is highly likely that children will communicate with each other according to the same rules. On the contrary, the authoritarian attitude of the teacher towards children, the suppression of independence, the presence of negative assessments regarding the personality, and not the actions of the child, can lead to low group cohesion, frequent conflicts between children, and other difficulties in communication. For practical clarity, it is advisable to compare the results of diagnosing the nature of interaction between teachers and children with the characteristics of relationships in the children's group.

  1. What is the importance of pedagogical ethics in working with children.

Educator for a preschooler- the first person after his parents, teaching him the rules of life in society, expanding his horizons, shaping his interaction in human society. He bears a huge responsibility for the current and future life of the pupil, which requires high professionalism and pedagogical tact from us.

By the way, "tact" translated from Greek - "light touch".

« A light touch" to a person, his thoughts, feelings, the ability to understand, sympathize, regret. In the words of G. Gutskov "Tact - higher development communication abilities. To be tactful, it is not enough just kindness of heart or natural modesty. Tact is the mind of the heart". Pedagogical tact is always creativity and search.

The constant communication of the educator with the children requires from him "great tact, combining high demands, sensitivity, justice, humanity, perseverance, endurance and self-control." All these are the most important indicators of his professional abilities and capabilities.

Possessing pedagogical tact, the teacher knows how to talk with children, listen to them. The American psychologist Virginia Satir emphasizes that if an adult cannot listen to a child, he should not even pretend to listen. If a child has a problem that he considers important, you need to give him your full attention. If at the moment you cannot do this, explain to the child that you are busy now and will come to him as soon as you are free. But at the same time, it is extremely important to remember your promise and, without waiting for a second reminder, pay attention to the child as soon as the opportunity arises.

Further, the educator shows restraint in any circumstances; finds ways to influence children, taking into account their pride, chooses a place and time for a heart-to-heart talk; understands and evaluates children's actions, and, most importantly, knows how to individualize the methods and techniques of education, based on the best that is in the child. High demands are perceived by children as an act of justice, when it is combined with sensitivity, delicacy and patience. The humanity of the teacher is manifested in the steady observance of the rights and freedoms of the child. Of particular note is the inadmissibility of any violent acts against children: the imposition of someone else's opinion, infringement of personal dignity, the use of corporal punishment, etc.

Every child is unique, every child is special. And in order to open the door to the world of the child's soul, you need to choose the right key. But even with the key in hand, it would probably be wrong to think that this door can be easily opened. The educator should be able to "get into the skin of the child", imbued with his ideas and interests, be close to him in spirit and emotional responsiveness. There is only one way to win the trust of children, to become the confidant of their secrets: by respecting themselves, their secrets, dreams, interests, experiences, aspirations. Russian philosopher V.V. RozanovHe reasoned: “Is a genius mind needed for this, a deep insight? No, more difficult than this: a simple, loving heart – only…”

A sensitive teacher who loves children has a lot of tricks in his arsenal that help to arouse the disposition of preschool children. Much depends on how you look in the eyes of children: whether they will believe in you, in your authority, whether they will adopt the best qualities from you. After all, children learn to be friendly, affable, polite, attentive, sensitive by the example of their mentor. They see sympathy on the face of the educator if someone is hurt; genuine joy when they succeed; upset when they fail. They watch you when you patiently explain something to the nanny, greet their parents warmly... Children, being in the kindergarten all day, see us as a model of behavior.

A teacher who does not forget that he is entrusted with the most precious thing - children, will certainly ask himself who he is for his pupils:

He is a senior comrade: he will talk, advise, come up with something new, amazing.

He is an arbitrator: he will judge according to justice, according to the laws of conscience.

He is a protector: he will protect from the offender.

He is the creator of children's joy: it is interesting, fun with him.

He is a wise man: he knows everything, he can do everything, he can do everything, he will teach everything.

He is a close person who replaces the mother for the child in her absence. Next to him, it is warm and cozy in a homely way, and therefore the child blossoms, opens up, brings him the most cherished, innermost.

Only such a teacher, who joyfully and actively devotes himself to his favorite work, can create an atmosphere of joy and comfort for the child.

Situation resolution.

Situation 1

Children say about the teacher: “All day long she scolds us, and in the evening, when moms and dads come, she hugs us and affectionately calls us.”

Situation 2

On a walk, the teachers of the two groups are enthusiastically talking to each other. Children run and have fun. Here they are already out of proportion. Only when someone fell down and cried did the teachers pay attention to them. They read the notation and ... punished. (Who needs to be punished? Why? What would you do?)

Situation 3.

Solution. In this situation, the teacher must take into account that the boy is a beginner, he does not yet know the rules of the kindergarten. It is necessary to take into account his alarming state. She needs to calmly, intelligibly talk about the rules of conduct in kindergarten, then offer with a friendly intonation: “Let's take the car with you to where it should be, that is, to the garage.” The boy will gladly comply with this requirement.

Situation 4


And how long has the boy been attending this group? Did he join an already formed team? After all, as a rule, children themselves do not accept newcomers, and if the child is quiet and withdrawn, even more so. He is invisible to others. It is necessary to actively involve such a child in all the events of the group, focus on him, not intrusively, so as not to embarrass the newcomer. So that the children feel that a worthy person has come to the group. Worthy of their attention. You need to find some zest, feature and show it to the children. You can read fairy tales to children about friendship, about relationships between people. There is a book of psychotherapeutic fairy tales by O. V. Khukhlaeva "The Labyrinth of the Soul".

Exercise "Sun"

The goal is to show the influence of the manner of speaking, the degree of emotionality of statements, behavior, facial expressions on the individual perception of the child.


  • children's drawings on the theme "Evil man",
  • 3-4 sheets of drawing paper;
  • markers and paints (for each participant).

The psychologist suggests that teachers be divided into three groups. The first group of educators - with work experience
20-25 years old, the second group - with an experience of 10-15 years, the third group - young professionals.

Each group takes a piece of paper with a circle drawn in the middle (size does not matter). The task of the members of each subgroup is to complete the circle, to draw the image of an angry, screaming, irritated person. (Draw with paints.) Each member of the group draws a ray from the created image and writes the end of the phrase over it: “I get angry, scream, get annoyed, behave aggressively and offend my pupils. I act this way because…”

The groups then present their work. (Teachers with 20-25 years of experience are invited first.)
After reading all the phrases written above the rays, they need to analyze the reasons for the aggressive behavior of adults towards children and say what needs to be done so as not to injure children with such reactions and their behavior.

Next, the participants discuss why different age categories of teachers have different reasons for aggressive behavior.
behavior. It is necessary to bring the members of the group to the idea that internal work is needed on their actions, to jointly outline ways to solve this problem.

Task 1. Expressive speech

Leading: It is important for the teacher to control himself, to regulate his emotional condition. And all this is clearly expressed through the word and facial expressions.

1st team:

Say the phrase "Come here"

  1. loudly,
  2. indignantly,
  3. joyfully,
  4. mysteriously.

2nd team:

Say "well done"

  1. quiet,
  2. loudly, softly
  3. surprised
  4. joyfully.

Exercises “Situation in the subway”.

Goals. Demonstrate the difference between a request and a demand; realize what the difference is.

Time spent 3 minutes.

Procedure. The host offers to play the situation in the subway: teenage guys are sitting, and a grandmother is standing next to him. You need to ask them to give up their seat. Three people act as grandmothers, having worked out the concepts of “order”, “requirement”, “request”.

Reflection As you can see, there are many situations and there is no single solution for everyone, and the success of education depends on how you choose the right way out of the current situation.

  1. Communication between teachers.

The relationship between teachers is based on the principles of collegiality, partnership and respect. The teacher defends not only his own authority, but also the authority of his colleagues. He does not belittle his colleagues in the presence of pupils or other persons.

Teachers avoid unreasonable and scandalous conflicts in relationships. In case of disagreements, they seek their constructive solution.

Teachers of the same educational institution avoid competition that interferes with their partnership in the implementation of a common cause. Teachers are united by mutual assistance, support, openness and trust.

The right and duty of the teacher is to evaluate the activities of colleagues and administration. Harassment of a teacher for criticism is strictly prohibited. Criticism, first of all, should be internal, that is, it should be expressed in the preschool educational institution and other educational institutions between teachers, and not outside the preschool educational institution. It should be spoken face to face, not behind the eyes. There should be no place for gossip in educational institutions.

Criticism directed at the work, decisions, views and actions of colleagues or administration should not humiliate the person being criticized. It should be justified, constructive, tactful, inoffensive, benevolent.

The most important problems and decisions in pedagogical life are discussed and adopted in open pedagogical discussions.

Teachers do not cover up each other's mistakes and misdeeds.

Teamwork and subordination: when is it most needed?

A person spends most of his life at work. It is very important for those who work in a team to clearly outline their terms of reference and identify boundaries that should not be crossed. There are quite a few such boundaries, but the boundary of business communication remains the sharpest. It is enough to follow a few simple rules of subordination in order to work comfortably among colleagues.

Do not be too frank and bring your personal life to the public discussion. Such conversations at work are completely inappropriate, and in the worst case, they can turn against you in the future. Purely business relations and conversations, nothing more.

You should maintain independence and integrity, even if the opinion of the team is contrary to yours. You should not enter into conflicts, and if this cannot be avoided, maintain composure.

A conflict between a boss and a subordinate is also very likely, since they are in an unequal position from the very beginning. Resentment, resentment, and even a desire to quit can cause a boss to reprimand. You should take this as constructive criticism, calm down and try to correct the situation.

Is it necessary to keep a distance from colleagues?

Our second home is work, which is particularly affected by relationships with superiors, subordinates and colleagues. A person forms a social circle by tying relationships that can develop into friendship from cooperation. The scenario is considered ideal when employees build truly friendly relations in the team. Then the person "grows" with his friends and he wants to work with double strength. Unity only improves the work. When the team is close-knit and works together for more than one month, then normal communication is only for the benefit of everyone.

When closing the distance with colleagues and maintaining friendship with some of them, follow some unspoken rules.

Try not to discuss the methods of work of the authorities at work and wages employees. Discuss personal information without witnesses, and even more so not in writing. Keep quiet about your personal life. The most important thing is that even if you hear the phrase "we are all here - one family" even when applying for a job, remember that your real family is at home. At work, people perform their duties and bring benefits, raising the status of the institution.

Psychologists offer 5 ways to get out of conflict situations (hand out tables)

Competition ( competition) suggests focusing only on one's own interests. Complete disregard for the interests of the partner

avoidance (avoidance) is characterized by a lack of attention, both to their own interests and to the interests of a partner

Compromise - Achieving "half" benefits for each party.

fixture presupposes an increased attention to the interests of another person to the detriment of one's own.

Cooperation is a strategy that takes into account the interests of both parties.

In pedagogical practice, there is an opinion that the most effective way out of a conflict situation is compromise and cooperation. However, any of the strategies can be effective. Since each has its own positive and negative sides.

Exercise "Choose your partner"


I suggest that each of you choose a couple of those with whom you do not want to part. Dance on A4 sheets.

Question: was it easy for you to adapt to each other by performing joint actions. In the same way, we need to work together.

Exercise "Finish the sentence"

Target - promote team building.

Psychologist: “It is very important when there are people who understand you, accept and

can support. We are all one team. Everyone needs the support and help of the team.”

Each member of the group (in turn) talks about what the team means to him: “Our team is ...”

Exercise "Sculpture"


Express the situation and attitude towards other people only with gestures and touches, without words;

Contribute to the creation of a positive atmosphere in the group.

The group is given the task - to "blind" into a common group "sculpture" (all members of the group participate). Everyone must choose their own role in this company-composition. The theme should be dynamic - "Portrait".

A discussion is underway. Why did the participants choose these particular roles? What do they have in common, what is different?

Colleagues determine how each sees himself in the group, in what role, what are the systems of relations.

  1. Communication of the educator with the parents (guardians) of pupils

Working with families is hard work. And this requires some effort from teachers. Both the educator and the parent are adults who have their own psychological characteristics, age and individual traits, their own life experience and their own vision of problems.

For a moment, turn on the fantasy and imagine .... In the morning, moms and dads bring children to kindergarten, politely say: “Hello!” - and leave. Children spend the whole day in kindergarten: they play, walk, study ... And in the evening parents come and, saying: “Goodbye!”, Take the children home. Teachers and parents do not communicate, do not discuss the successes of children and the difficulties they experience, do not find out how the child lives, what interests him, makes him happy, upsets. And if questions suddenly arise, then parents can say that there was a survey and we talked about everything there. And teachers will answer them like this: “After all, there are information stands. Read it, it's all there! Agree, the picture turned out to be bleak ... And, I want to say that this is simply impossible.

Teachers and parents have common tasks: to do everything so that children grow up happy, active, healthy, cheerful, sociable, so that they become harmoniously developed personalities. Modern preschool institutions do a lot to ensure that communication with parents is rich and interesting. The main task is to achieve real cooperation between the kindergarten and the family. Communication will be successful if it is meaningful, based on common and significant topics for both parties.

Who has the leading role in organizing communication? Certainly a teacher. To build it, it is important to have communication skills, navigate the problems of upbringing and the needs of the family, and be aware of the latest achievements of science. The teacher should let parents feel their competence and interest in the successful development of the child, show parents that he sees them as partners, like-minded people.

A teacher who is competent in the field of communication with parents understands why communication is necessary and how it should be, knows what is necessary for communication to be interesting and meaningful, and, most importantly, actively acts.

Many teachers experience difficulties in communicating with the parents of pupils. Someone believes that parents are to blame for everything, who do not care about children and their development, who do not want their child to grow up good. It's hard to agree with this. Parents do not always have enough time to communicate, there are also categories of difficult parents, but something else is important. Teachers need to see the causes of difficulties - not only in their parents, but also in themselves.

Sample communication code:

  • Always strive to be good mood and be pleasant in communication.
  • Try to feel the emotional state of the parents.
  • Finding an opportunity to tell parents something positive about the child every time is The best way put your parents on your side.
  • Give parents a chance to speak without interrupting them.
  • Be emotionally balanced when communicating with parents, set an example of good manners and tact.
  • In a difficult situation, try to set an example of compliance - you can’t drop your dignity by doing this, but you can strengthen it.

I wish you good luck with your parents!

(A survey was conducted. The floor for summing up the results of the survey is given to the teacher-psychologist of our kindergarten.)

Exercise "The most difficult parent, the most pleasant parent"

Target: awareness of the emotional perception of the parents of pupils.

Execution procedure:Teachers are invited in groups of 3-4 people to create a generalized portrait of the parent, communication with which causes them negative feelings. Then create a portrait of that parent, communication with which always causes positive emotions.

Exercise Analysis

1. What emotions did you experience when creating a portrait of a parent with whom you do not like to come into contact? What qualities do you reflect in this portrait? Have you had such parents in your practice?

2. What did you feel when creating a portrait of a parent with whom you enjoy communicating? Are there such parents in your group?

3. In your opinion, is it necessary to look for ways to contact those parents who are unpleasant to you.

The exercise. "Facial expressions and gestures"

The purpose of the exercise: the formation of the ability to consciously use facial expressions and gestures in communication.

Execution procedure

Teachers are encouraged to convey a message using only non-verbal forms of communication. Game options:

Only with the help of hands show parents how the child completed the task for the lesson in fine arts;

With the help of facial expressions (without gestures), show a naughty child in class;

With the help of facial expressions, gestures and posture, show how the child was harmful in the art class.

Exercise Analysis

1. Do you often use facial expressions and gestures when communicating with your parents?

2. Do your facial expressions and gestures influence the establishment of friendly relations with your parents?

3. Can you determine the state of the parents by their facial expressions and gestures?

Exercise "Choose a phrase"

The leader's word: "The educator is responsible for the consequences of what he says. In order for speech to have a positive effect on parents, you need to choose phrases that exclude the triggering of psychological protection in parents"

Instruction. Educators are invited to find in the proposed list:

1) five "unfortunate" phrases that should not be used;

2) "undesirable" phrases and semantic ("desirable") pairs to them.


Instructions: Highlight, in your opinion, "unsuccessful" phrases in red. Indicate with an arrow the "undesirable" phrases paired with the "desirable" ones so that the arrow goes from the "undesirable" phrase to the "desirable" one.

Sorry if I interrupted.

I would like.

You probably haven't heard about it yet.

You will be interested to know.

I would like to hear again.

What seems interesting to me is that.

I came to the conclusion that.

Do you want to.

I think your problem is that.

Let's have a quick discussion.

As you know.

Even though you don't know it.

Please, if you have time to listen to me.

Of course, you don't know about it yet.

And I have a different opinion on this.

Of course, you already know.

You must have heard about it.

After completing the exercise, there is a discussion and correlation with the correct answers:

"Unsuccessful" phrases: "Sorry if I interrupted ...", "I would like to hear again ...", "Let's quickly discuss with you ...", "Please, if you have time to listen to me ...", "And I have another opinion on this matter ... ".

"Unwanted" phrases paired with "desirable":

"I would like to..." - "Do you want to...";

"Probably you haven't heard about it yet…" - "You probably already heard about it…";

"It seems interesting to me that ... " - "You will be interested to know ... ";

"I came to the conclusion that ... " - "I think your problem is that ... ";

"Although you don't know it…" - "Of course, you already know…";

"Of course you don't know about it yet." - "As you know.

Situation resolution

Situation 1

Psychologist commentary.Of course, it is very good when parents and educators act in the same direction in order to develop the child. But there are families where parents, for various reasons, do not want (or cannot) take care of the child themselves. If a preschooler from such a family is brought up in your group, you should give him as much attention as possible.

This conflict cannot be resolved through confrontation, because it is impossible to force a mother to deal with a child. In this case, it is better to avoid conflict. This will help maintain the dignity of the educator as a professional. It is very important not to maintain the harsh tone of communication imposed by the parent. It is better to try to indirectly encourage the mother to work with the child. You can prepare, together with the senior educator and teacher-psychologist, a stand or a screen on the organization of classes and games at home for the subsequent placement of recommendations on topics, specific games, and tasks.

Situation 2

When picking up a child from kindergarten in the evening, parents are indignant that his clothes are very dirty, and they accuse the teacher of not following the children well. The teacher invites parents to hold their child's hand for the entire walk.

Psychologist commentary.If the teacher's suggestion is made in a playful way, perhaps this is a good way out of this situation. After all, humor is an excellent means of relieving psychological stress. But immediately try to kindly explain to the parents how important it is for the child to "play enough", that he perceives the restriction of movements as a punishment, and simpler clothes are more suitable for kindergarten. But still think about the words of the parents, perhaps "there is no smoke without fire."

Solving pedagogical situations. Game-drafting "What to do?"

Task for teams.

Each team comes up with a conflict situation "teacher - parent", announces it to the rival team. Each of the teams must lose this situation and find a way out of the situation. (Mom makes a claim, the teacher finds a way out)

Questions for teachers after playing the situation:

Which role was easier to implement, the “claimant” role or the “defendant” role?

What methods did you use to resolve the proposed situation?

Were you able to convince the opposite side, were you able to resolve the conflict situation (in your opinion)?

Exercise “I wish you. »

The purpose of the exercise is to develop the ability to communicate with parents in a friendly manner.

Procedure: sitting in a circle, give a compliment to the training participant sitting next to him as one of the parents (“special” child) of his group.

At the end, the facilitator may note that the best compliment for parents is kind words about their child. In addition, the ability of a teacher to isolate a good quality in each child indicates his competence in the eyes of parents.

Exercise Analysis

1. What did you feel when expressing wishes?

2. Did you manage to give a compliment, referring to a parent, and not to a work colleague?

3. What difficulties did you encounter while completing the task?

Exercises for the development of teacher communication.

Exercise 1 "Who is this mask?"

Target: Develop the ability to make an impression in accordance with the chosen image.

I suggest that the teams act out the images of the parents:

  • "Shirt-guy";
  • "Forever dissatisfied";
  • "Doubting";
  • "Interested".

Each team chooses two images, no need to name aloud, let the opposing team guess the image that you depict. Spectators can ask questions if they are confused.

Questions for the exercise:

  1. What was easier to create an image or to guess it?
  2. Do you have any associations, memories in connection with this or that way?
  3. Are you able to determine the internal role of a communication partner at a glance?


The game "Is it good to be a teacher ?!"

Target: develop a reaction, logical thinking, the ability to find arguments in the affirmation of statements that characterize the profession of a teacher.

Leading: Dear colleagues! You should take turns talking about your work, arguing about its significance. Find positive sides and negative.

For instance:



Being a good teacher is an interesting, dynamic job.

It’s bad to be an educator - the work is difficult, it requires extensive knowledge, you constantly need to read methodological literature ...

It is good to be an educator - this work is grateful, this is happiness - to see the burning eyes of children, to teach them goodness, to give them knowledge.

Being a teacher is bad - everyone constantly checks how you work, what you do with children, you have to constantly write plans.

It is good to be an educator - parents respect you, listen to your opinion, etc.

Being a teacher is bad - you constantly have to restrain yourself, your emotions in relation to others.

Psychologist: our meeting has come to an end. I would like to give you some recommendations that will help you in your successful pedagogical activity. Also, I would very much like to know your opinion about today's seminar. And for this I would like to ask you to fill in this table.


Dear teacher!

Please give feedback on our meeting by filling out the table.

Evaluation criteria 1 2 3 4 5

Physical comfort

Psychological comfort

Practical benefits

Your Activity

Lead activity

Your wishes / comments _______________________________________________




Situation 1.

Five-year-old Vitalik, appearing in the kindergarten in the morning, immediately starts running. It is difficult to switch it to a quiet activity. And if, obeying the demand of the teacher, he sits down at the board game, then a quarrel immediately breaks out, which often ends in tears. So he began to behave recently. Why? In a conversation with the father, it turns out that the family has moved to a new apartment and the parents are still forced to take their son to the former kindergarten. “Probably, the child gets tired on the way,” the teacher makes an assumption. “That can’t be,” the father objects. “After all, he sits all the way.”? Is the child really tired? How to explain such a feature of the child's body - rapid fatigue from restriction of movement or monotonous activity? Solution.When the baby is in a static position for a long time (standing, sitting, etc.), the load falls on the same muscle groups and the corresponding centers of the nervous system, and rapid fatigue occurs. If the child's activity is varied, then, consequently, the load also changes; Muscles and nerve centers that are not working at the moment seem to rest, gaining strength.

Situation 2

Morning. The group room is unusually lively: new toys have appeared in the play corner. All the guys are looking at them carefully. Planned interesting game. Only Vasya, secluded, stares blankly at the children.

Why are you so sad? Didn't you get sick? - asks his teacher.

No ... I'm like that, - the boy whispers, turning to the wall so that no one sees the tears welling up in his eyes. And suddenly, burying himself in the teacher's dress, he sobbed:

I'm sorry for Mom... Dad came late again and drank wine with Uncle Tolya. And my mother was crying. Dad was making noise all night.

Analyze how Vasya's father's behavior affects the child's condition. What, in your opinion, can a kindergarten help a family in creating a healthy life?

Most children from drinking families are diagnosed with mental illness - neurotic development, neurosis, psychopathy, mental retardation and mental retardation, organic diseases of the central nervous system, and many others. Providing socio-pedagogical assistance to the family, through the solution of the following tasks: providing the family with advisory, socio-pedagogical and legal services; assistance to the family in increasing its educational potential, general culture, the formation of a healthy lifestyle; implementation of group and individual work on the prevention of negative phenomena among children (conversations, trainings, solving problematic problems, situations, reading, etc.); forecasting social assistance to children and their families; training and development of children in accordance with their individual psychophysical characteristics.

Situation 3.

Mom came to the kindergarten for Dima. He joyfully told her: “Mom, today we glued the bird!”

Mom Why are all your clothes wet?

Dima The teacher said that he tried very hard.

Mom How many times do I have to tell you - put your pants and mittens on the radiator!

Dima I'll try to make such a bird at home

Mom Now you'll go in wet.

The boy fell silent and began reluctantly to dress.

What is mom doing wrong? What would you do in her place?

Solution. interest goes out, the desire to share their experiences, does not complete the work begun; verbal stimulus. It is necessary to make clear the significance of his work for others; distance promotion: I know you can; be close to the child, not above, explain to him on an equal footing)

Situation 4.

Lena (4 years old) Grandmother, I can help wash the dishes, can I? Grandmother, seeing this: Oh-oh. What you! The dishes are very expensive now, and you can break them. You still have time to wash mountains of dishes in your life.

How do you assess the grandmother's statement, and what could be its consequences? What else can you offer your grandmother in such a case? Solution.Lena's grandmother is wrong. With this approach, Lena's desire to work may gradually disappear. The girl must be included in joint activities, directing her actions. In order to form a stable motive for work, it is necessary to teach Lena specific labor skills and evaluate the results of her work. The joint labor activity of parents and children has a great influence on the mental development of the latter. Children see how adults work, how they relate to work, what are their relationships in a joint labor activity. In a benevolent atmosphere created by adults, children begin to understand the importance of work, find effective ways to do it. You can pour water into a bowl and give the girl dishes made of unbreakable material! It is not enough for parents to show their diligence to their children, it is necessary to teach them labor operations.! Try to have your child do chores around the house with you.

Situation 5

Anya (Zg) began to call herself Daria. That mother, too, playing along with her daughter, also began to call her Daria. However, my mother never once asked why the girl suddenly wanted to change her name, and thereby not want to be herself.

Parents, having accepted the game of their daughter, strengthened her in the thought of becoming someone else and allowing her to behave as if she had other parents.

What could be the reasons for this situation?

Solution. Firstly, Anya really liked the active business Daria and her relationships with other girls. And she wanted to be the same as Daria. Children usually like "foreign" games, relationships that meet their emotional needs.

Another reason may be an unsatisfactory position in the parent-child relationship.

To correct the parent-child relationship, eliminate the girl's desire for fantasy, providing an opportunity for self-acceptance, activating the desire to be herself.

In communication with the girl, repeat: If you like being Daria, then you can behave like Daria, but you are only playing, all this is pretend, because you are actually our daughter, and your name is Anya.

Situation 6.

Children's play is well complemented by a fairy tale. The fairy tale introduces the child into the world of human possibilities and plans that have not yet been realized. It expands the scope of knowledge of the “unusual”. The child appropriates the creative experience of mankind.

Under the influence of a fairy tale, a child's picture of the world is formed, a specific system of the child's views on the universal principles of the structure and development of things.

In what ways can an adult introduce a fairy tale into the context of a child's life?

Solving this situation, it is necessary to find alternative solutions and argue the creation of a fabulous image and empathy with fabulous images. This is possible: ♦ through assistance and empathy to the characters and events of a literary work (introduction to the fabulously emotional culture of the people); ♦ through the creation of a fairy-tale image, when it is transformed on the basis of various figurative incarnations (fairy tale, drawing, dance, independent writing, etc.);

♦ on the basis of game experience (but not vice versa), which contributes to the development of creative activity itself (it is better if the director's game, since in it the child takes the position of plot developer, director and performer of roles).

Situation 7.

V middle group Seryozha (4 years old) recently entered the kindergarten. Before that, he did not go to kindergarten. After playing with the typewriter, he left it in the middle of the room.

What should the teacher do in this situation?

Solution. In this situation, the teacher must take into account that the boy is a beginner, he does not yet know the rules of the kindergarten. It is necessary to take into account his alarming state. She needs to calmly, intelligibly talk about the rules of conduct in kindergarten, then offer with a friendly intonation: “Let's take the car with you to where it should be, that is, to the garage.” The boy will gladly fulfill this requirement.

Situation 8 .

Observing the visual activity of older preschoolers, they noticed: if a child is given the task of drawing a drawing so that it looks like the object being depicted, then he usually improves his drawing by drawing and adding details. A preschooler does not look for similarities between an image and an object through establishing links between details. A child's drawing can be called a descriptive drawing.

Is it possible to interpret observational data as establishing links with the characteristics of the child's perception and thinking?

What should a teacher do to help children improve their drawings?

Solution. Can. This is due to the peculiarities of perception and thinking of preschoolers. Since elementary analysis prevails in them, children find it difficult to establish the relationship between the parts, the signs of the image being recreated.

The task of the educator is to instill in children the ability to examine the subject and establish the relationship of the individual parts of the recreated image.

Situation 9

One of the pupils is called by group mates not by name, but by nationality. The child constantly cries and does not want to go to kindergarten. The teacher tries to explain to the children that they are being cruel. Then preschoolers begin to tease the baby so that adults do not hear.? What can be the actions of the educator?

Solution: I think that here, first of all, it is necessary to say about the education of tolerance in children.

In this situation, it is necessary to use various methods: these are conversations (material: short stories, fairy tales with a pronounced ethnic content; through fairy-tale images, the child receives ideas about justice, evil, goodness, etc.); and visual methods: examining and discussing pictures, illustrations, filmstrips, which show the behavior of people in the world, and a personal example of an authoritative adult.

And, of course, one of the important links in educating the foundations of tolerance among preschoolers is the interaction of teachers and parents of children. The importance of the family in shaping the child's tolerant consciousness and behavior is very important.

In order for the work on the education of tolerance among preschoolers to be fruitful, it is necessary to involve a wide range of activities and different types of activities for preschoolers:

1) holding holidays, and other mass forms, in order to acquaint children with the culture and traditions of their people and the peoples of the world; b) theatrical activities of preschoolers according to scenarios based on fairy tales of the peoples of the world;

2) role-playing games of preschoolers, the main purpose of which is the development and practical application of methods of tolerant interaction by children;

3) Russian folk outdoor games, such as "Burn, burn bright", "Boyars" and others;

4) holding Russian folk holidays, such as "Maslenitsa", "Christmas" in accordance with the folk calendar;

5) study of folk holidays of the nearest neighboring countries, Scandinavian folk holidays; holidays of the peoples of the East and Muslim countries;

6) acquaintance of children with the traditions of peoples different countries; "Sweet evening" holding this event by parents with children in the form of a costume ball of different peoples of the world, Russia; cooking a choice of traditional sweets of these peoples.

8) game-activity, created on the materials of various fairy tales, in order to solve the problems of interpersonal interaction in fairy-tale situations;

9) writing fairy tales and stories by the children themselves; fairy tale dramatizations.

10) Excursions: visiting the libraries of the city, the museum of ecology and local history.

In addition, a method of encouraging the child's positive behavior can be applied to a pupil who is subjected to insults from peers, in order to further consolidate these actions and increase his self-esteem.

But whatever method is used, it is important to influence not only the minds of children, but also their feelings, then they will learn to understand others.

I would tell the children of the group the parable "Rainbow"

One rainy day in an ordinary school, first-grade students were having the most ordinary lesson - a drawing lesson. But on this cloudy day, for some reason, the art teacher gave the children an unusual task. Instead of giving, as usual, the task of drawing something, the teacher gave the children the task to think and determine which of all the colors is the most important. The children froze in surprise and thought. After a while, one girl got up first and said: the most important color is yellow - the color of the sun, because the sun warms the earth and shines brighter than anyone else. No, another girl said, the most important color is green, because it is the color of all living plants, the color of leaves and grass, which means it is the color of life and it is the most important. No, the boy said, the most important color is blue, because it is the color of the sky, and my dad is a pilot. The most important color is blue, another boy shouted, because it is the color of the sea where ships sail, and my dad is a sailor. Red, someone else called out. No - yellow. No - green. Blue! Red! Yellow! etc.

And the children began to loudly argue among themselves, trying to outshout each other. When, due to the noise of voices, no one could be heard anymore, the teacher loudly ordered everyone to be silent and pointed to the window ... the children unanimously turned to the window and froze in a daze. The rain ended and in the first rays of the sun, which looked out from behind the clouds, a wide and full-colored rainbow swept across the sky.

Rainbow! Rainbow! Rainbow - all the children shouted in unison. At this time, the bell rang and the lesson ended, but the children were in no hurry to leave the classroom. Together they clung to the window and, as if spellbound, admired the beauty of the rainbow and the discovery that they had made for themselves...

And then, without fail, holding hands, we would look at each other and say that we are also different (different names, surnames, nationalities), but each of us is important for everyone and unique. Be sure to smile at each other and come up with some kind of joint role-playing game.

Situation 10

The child has average abilities, but the family set out to make him a child prodigy. Every day he is scheduled by the minute: in the evening he is taken to the gymnasium, to courses in English etc., even during daytime sleep in kindergarten, the baby is taken to the sports section. At home, he is forced to listen to serious classical music. There is simply no time for a preschooler to play. To all the exhortations of teachers, parents respond that they wish only the best for the child.

? How can you help your child have a childhood?

1. We must try to find, with the help of a psychologist, arguments in favor of the correct development of the child. Everything should happen in due time, and it can be very dangerous to get ahead of it, especially at preschool age, when children learn about the world through play, free communication with peers. If the child does not play enough in preschool childhood, then very serious mental problems can come up. It is the psychologist who will be able to explain to parents all the internal processes that occur with their child, can test him and explain to parents the results of the tests (including in the baby’s drawings, in what and how he depicts). Thus, you can reveal all the pros and cons of such upbringing of a child, but the parents themselves will have to decide.

2. Parents are sincerely sure that they want only the best for their child. I think that they will not go to the psychologist themselves. He can try to go from the opposite - start praising the parents, how much time they devote to the baby, adding each time - it’s a pity that he doesn’t get enough sleep - he yawned all the time during the modeling class; - something his attention often began to dissipate; - we met here a former pupil, with whom we also studied a lot, he really doesn’t like it at school. It’s boring in the first grade, they transferred to the second, and there the guys are older and don’t play with him, but we hope everything will be different with you; - we notice that he does not know how to play with his peers. Do you play other games with him? In which? After all, the leading activity is a game. We are very interested HOW do you listen to classical music, what does the baby represent at this time? What is he drawing? Show a positive attitude towards your parents. Then it will be easier to "get through" to them. Is it really hard for a child to fulfill all the ambitious parental plans? Maybe he likes it? And you have enough strength for everything - to study, and to walk, and to play with friends?

Situation 11

caregiver preparatory group at a parent meeting, he talked about how to prepare children for school, developing them physically. The grandmother of one boy actively insisted that her grandson not be taken for a walk and to the pool, because. he often catches cold. She argued this fact by the fact that teachers do not monitor how children dress, but at this age they cannot do it on their own. When asked by the teacher about how Seryozha would dress at school, the grandmother explained that she, as in kindergarten, would help him with this, for which she specially quit her job.

How to organize work with Serezha's parents? What can be offered to grandmother to solve this?

Solution: It will be difficult for a boy to study at school, since poor physical fitness will not give him the opportunity to fully realize his mental abilities. The boy needs to be interested in feasible physical exercises and outdoor games, to show an example of the positive effect of physical exercises on health. The teacher should pay more attention to individual work with the boy.

Situation 12 .

“If a father comes to kindergarten for six-year-old Misha, then the boy quickly puts away his toys, dresses on his own and calmly goes home ... The picture is different when his mother comes to pick him up. She is waiting for her son for a long time, as he is in no hurry to leave the group, continues to play with the guys. Often requires his mother to dress him. It happens to be naughty: “Why did you come, and not dad?”

The teacher, noticing such a duality in the boy's behavior, decided to talk to him. She asked: “How was your holiday? Where and with whom were you? Misha said that he and his father went to visit their grandmother.

Did your mother also go with you to your grandmother?

No. Mom stayed at home, she had a lot of work! - he said.

In the evening, dad came for Misha. There was a conversation about the son, about yesterday's trip. As if, by the way, the teacher asked, and mom, they say, is happy with the trip?

Mom stayed at home, - answered the father, - she is not very quick with us, she finished her business, - said the father with slightly concealed irritation in the presence of his son.

Yes, she's a bitch! - picked up the boy.

What explains Misha's different behavior in the presence of his father and in the presence of his mother? What is the reason for Misha's disrespectful attitude towards his mother?

Situation 13

There is a rejected child in the kindergarten group with whom the children do not want to communicate and play. Children cannot explain their attitude towards this child. The boy is quiet and calm, does not enter into conflicts.We need to find a way to turn the children to the rejected boy.

Solution : choose tasks for this child that other children depend on: teach the child to do things that other children cannot, for example, tie shoelaces. And send to him for help during the fees for a walk. Constantly emphasize the boy's desire to help other children, encourage children to thank for the service rendered. After removing the main tension, give the boy a task: to teach other children to tie shoelaces.

And how long has the boy been attending this group? Did he join an already formed team? After all, as a rule, children themselves do not accept newcomers, and if the child is quiet and withdrawn, even more so. He is invisible to others. It is necessary to actively involve such a child in all the events of the group, focus on him, not intrusively, so as not to embarrass the newcomer. So that the children feel that a worthy person has come to the group. Worthy of their attention. You need to find some zest, feature and show it to the children. You can read fairy tales to children about friendship, about relationships between people. There is a book of psychotherapeutic fairy tales by O. V. Khukhlaeva "The Labyrinth of the Soul". Fairy tales were written not only by Olga Vladimirovna herself, but also by her students. Even at parent meetings I read fairy tales from this book, they are very short, but so capacious in content! Or, for example, such a therapeutic fairy tale: LITTLE KITTEN Age: 5-12 years. Orientation: Difficulties in communicating with peers. Feelings of inferiority. Loneliness. Feeling like a "white crow". Key phrase: "I'm not like them." Once upon a time there was a little, little Kitten. He lived in a small and very cozy house, together with his mother-cat and father-cat and brothers and sisters - kittens. And he was the smallest and very red. Yes, quite red. When he walked down the street, it was immediately clear that it was HE who was walking, he was so red. And the most amazing thing was that everyone around him was gray: dark gray, light gray, gray with black and white stripes - and not a single, well, not a single redhead. Everything in his family - both mother-cat, and father-cat, and all kittens - were very beautiful shades of gray; and all his relatives were gray, and all the acquaintances. In a word, of everyone he knew, he was the only one with such a red head! And then one day a very sad story happened to him. When our little Kitten was walking in the yard, he saw two Siamese kittens who were playing ball, jumping and having fun. - Hello, - said the red kitten, - you play so well. May I play with you? - We don’t know, - said the kittens, - you see how beautiful we are: bluish-gray, and you are some strange, almost red, we have never seen such, and it’s better to play together! Then a big naughty kitten from a neighboring yard approached them; it was dark gray with thin black stripes. He grinned unkindly and said: "You are so small and orange ... It may very well be that you are not a small red kitten at all, but simply a big, red MOUSE!" The little Kitten became very, very sad, he lost his appetite, slept badly almost every night, tossing and turning in his bed, and kept thinking: “I am so small, so red! Others don’t even want to play with me and, probably, no one will ever be friends with me! ”The kitten was very hurt and hurt. And he became so sad, he completely stopped walking in the yard, and more and more sat at home and looked out the window. He told his mother that he didn’t feel like walking at all, but in fact he was very afraid that he would walk there all alone and no one would want to play with him! So he sat all day at the window and was sad. But one day this happened: the very morning it was damp and cloudy, everything was gray and faded, and everyone was very, very sad in such weather. And suddenly the sun came out from behind the clouds. It painted everything around in bright colors, and everyone became very cheerful and bright. everyone loves the sun, how beautiful it is. But it is the same orange as me! - thought the little Kitten - I'll be just as good, and everyone will be warm and happy next to me! ". And the kitten decided to go out into the yard and take a little walk. There was a terrible turmoil on the street: everyone crowded around the largest tree in the yard, on which a small white kitten cried loudly. He was very afraid, but could not get down. Everyone was very worried that he would fall. But our red kitten bravely climbed a tree and took the baby. Everyone around was very happy and said: "Look, how brave and good kitten!". "Yes," others said, "he is very brave, just a real hero!". And everyone congratulated the Kitten, who was very happy about this. He straightened up to his full height and fluffed his tail. "Look how beautiful he is , kind and bright, like a little sun!" - someone said. And the little Kitten went home very, very happy and smiled brightly at everyone around. QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION - Why was the Kitten sad and worried? Why didn’t they want to play with him ? - What did the Kitten understand when you look l in the sun? - Has anything similar ever happened to you? - What could you learn from a kitten, and what could you teach him yourself?

Situation 14

There are a large number of children in the kindergarten group every day (25-30 people). This does not allow during the lesson to pay enough attention to each child, which affects the quality of the educational process. The mode and specifics of the work of the kindergarten does not allow organizing subgroup work.How to be? Assumption No.1: The situation occurs in the younger group. Resource 1 : senior interlocutor for each child (another teacher, nanny, older children).Intermediate solution 1: older children are invited to the kids, who, after a short instruction, can individually check the correctness of the task in 2-4 kids. Controversy 2 : Older children can take part in the toddler activity to help make one-to-one communication, and older children cannot take part in the toddler activity because they also have their own activities.Specific Solution #1: dividing the time of classes in the daily routine - you can study with the kids in the afternoon, when the elders, as a rule, have no classes.Specific Solution #2: after a lesson with kids, each older child individually tells the teacher about how his ward completed the task. This at least forms the skill of coherent monologue speech. A more specific option is possible if the content of such an integrated lesson is specially developed. Assumption #2 : the situation occurs in the senior group.

Specific Solution: the lesson is organized on the principle of mutual learning. For example, a role-playing game, when children in pairs alternately act as a student and teacher.

Situation 15 Every morning, when dad brings a boy (5 years old) to kindergarten, the child throws a tantrum "from scratch", hides in a personal locker for clothes and sits there, not wanting to go out. Dad treats this fact as a manifestation of character, and simply leaves, leaving the child in the closet and warning the teacher. The teacher, of course, does not like this, because you have to leave the rest of the children who are already having breakfast and follow this child to the locker room. You can’t leave him there, because the teacher is responsible for the life and health of the child. Mom treats her son more demandingly, and such manifestations do not happen with her. But the mother cannot bring the child to kindergarten, because her working day starts too early.? How to be? Analysis of the situation: in this situation, many tasks can be considered. We cannot change the traditions of family relations, so we will highlight the moment that most of all does not suit us. The child hides in a personal locker and does not want to come out. However, when dad leaves, he leaves the locker after the teacher's request, which must be repeated 2-3 times. In this case, the child does not explain his behavior in any way. But his facial expressions and all appearance shows that he enjoys the attention given to him. The child is sociable, he has smooth relations with children in the group, he has playmates. And in general, throughout the day, he does not create stress. Task : What is? - a 5-year-old child who hides in a personal locker in the morning. What does not suit? - the fact that the teacher has to be distracted by him from the rest of the children. What do you need? - so that the child stops hiding in the locker when undressing. Conflict : the child's inappropriate behavior conflicts with the demands of discipline.Lack of information for a particular situation: it is not known exactly what motives induce the child to act in this way. Assumption : this behavior of the boy is a whim, explained by the conniving reaction of the father. Contradiction : the child should hide in the locker because he wants to, and should not do this, so as not to create inconvenience to the teacher. RBI : in the locker room, a situation is created that the child cannot hide in the locker. You can’t hide in a locker if it simply doesn’t exist. Resource : an ideal locker (there is no locker, but its functions are performed). A locker is a place to store clothes. Fundamentally important for this purpose, its parts are the walls and hooks for clothes on them.Specific Solution: you need to organize a place for undressing for the child, which will not be isolated (closed) by the door so that there is nowhere to hide. We move the cabinets apart (they are traditionally combined into blocks of 4-5 pieces), we attach hooks to their outer walls, we put a chair in the wall, the seat of which will serve as a shelf. Note : in working with this problem, students initially made a mistake by incorrectly identifying the element to which the claim is made. For pedagogical reasons, they were not pointed to this, so that, having received a decision, they themselves would understand their mistake.

Situation 16. There is a girl in the kindergarten group who constantly takes plasticine in her mouth during modeling classes. Remarks and prohibitions do not help. The child cannot explain this craving.? How to be? Conflict:the bad habit of the child conflicts with the requirements of sanitation and hygiene.Lack of information for a specific situation:it is not known exactly what motives induce the child to act in this way. Contradiction: it is necessary to make sure that the girl stops taking plasticine in her mouth so as not to harm her health, and this cannot be done in the usual way, because this diverts the attention and time of an adult intended for other children. Solution: for a lesson, hot pepper powder is mixed into pieces of plasticine for a girl.

Situation 17. A 5-year-old boy is hyperactive. He cannot engage in calm activities, he spins around in the classroom, makes noise, does not absorb the material, and distracts other children.Analysis of the situation:Mentally, the child develops normally, loves noisy games, but cannot be at rest for a long time. In relation to children, he is positively disposed, has friends in a group, is not aggressive. Hyperactivity has physiological roots. If an adult insists on a quiet activity, the child loses balance in behavior, cries, refuses to communicate. Task: What is? - hyperactive child What does not suit? - his excessive mobility prevents him from completing the educational tasks offered by the teacher. What do you need? - so that the child has the opportunity to complete tasks for mastering the skills. Conflict: the physiological characteristics of the child conflict with the way the organization of educational activities. The problem is solved by one of the typical methods of resolving contradictions "Turn harm into good": the excessive mobility of the child should become prerequisite completing the task.Specific solution:the material with which the child works is placed in different places in the room. After completing one task, the child must find out (guess, read according to the scheme, etc.) where the next task is "hidden" and move to the desired part of the room.

Situation 18. The researcher suggested that children in kindergarten draw a thematic drawing “My family”. Petya (6 years old) drew the following picture: in the center of the sheet there is a large TV, next to it is an armchair in which a large dad sits with big hands and a cigarette, closer to the edge of the sheet the boy drew a small figure - this is Vasya's younger brother. In the upper corner is a small, brightly colored figure of mother with a large frying pan in her hands. The researcher asked Petya: “Why didn’t you draw yourself?” “But I didn’t fit,” the boy replied.

Is it possible to judge by children's drawings about mental state child?

Is it possible to draw a conclusion about the microclimate in the boy's family based on Petya's drawing?

Solution. According to children's drawings, one can judge the microclimate of the family and the mental state of the child. Petya is lonely and uncomfortable in the family. The image of the pope in the center of the sheet indicates that he occupies a leading position in the family and has great strength. Petya is afraid of dad.

When analyzing children's drawings, the color scheme also matters: with bright colors, the child draws everything that he likes.

Situation 19.

Lena (3 years 5 months) under the guidance of her mother learns to dress and undress the doll, rock her to sleep and put her to bed. The girl accurately performs these actions, but only at the direction of her mother and in her presence.

Nina's mother (3 years 6 months), showing the girl how to act with a doll, draws her daughter's attention to what a caring, kind, attentive mother she loves her daughter. She says all mothers do this. Inviting Nina to play alone, she asks her daughter to put the doll to bed, as a caring mother does.

Having considered these situations, determine which of the children is more likely to form a game as an activity.

Solution. For Nina, the formation of the game as an activity will be faster, since she was not only creating game actions, as such, but the need was caused to perform the functions of a mother in an accessible form for her.

This did not happen with Lena, since the requirements of her mother were carried out strictly under her guidance. The actions did not form the image of the mother and did not cause the girl to need to play “mother”.

Situation 20.

Misha's parents (5 years old) strive to develop their son intellectually. And he's loaded up so much that he doesn't have time to play.

? Make a forecast of Misha's development when parents neglect the child's play activities.

Solution. Play at preschool age is the main activity. And this is not accidental, because in the game with peers the physical development of the child takes place, coordination of movements, speed of movement, dexterity, mobility, coordination of the child’s actions with peers improves, his orientation towards their achievements is revealed, etc. Mental functions are improved in the game: sensation , perception, thinking, memory. In particular, the sign function of consciousness is developing. In games, the child takes a certain position, which can be changed. This is important for educational purposes. The development of all these functions of the human body is absolutely necessary for the future life of the child, for the formation of his personality.

Giving all the strength (their own and the child) intellectual development, Misha's parents should not forget about his overall full development as a person.

Situation 21.

Kolya is a mobile boy. His hands are always busy with something. He grabs everything he sees. The boy constantly draws something with a pencil, he is constantly visited by many ideas that he seeks to immediately express. Kolya is a fidget: he wants to participate in everything, to try everything, but very quickly abandons the work he has begun and grabs onto a new one. Mom doesn't like it. She keeps him calm all the time.
? Explain why it is impossible to make a restless child calm?
Solution . This can be explained by the predominance of the process of excitation over inhibition in the boy. But this may also be due to the fact that Misha has not yet been taught to focus on one thing for quite a long time. Mom needs to act together with the child, while explaining the properties of individual objects. It will not be possible to turn a fidget into a quiet one, but it is possible and necessary to help the child master his behavior, his body, his energy. It is necessary to teach the child to give out his energy where it is needed, and to restrain himself in situations that require it.
Do not restrain increased activity, but direct it in the right, reasonable direction.

Situation 22 .

From a conversation between two young mothers: “My Alena (2 years 10 months) grew up as a calm and obedient girl. I enjoyed visiting my grandmother. And now they have changed it: stubborn, speaks in a capricious voice, refuses to do what she loved before. Hearing that we were going to my grandmother, she went on strike - they gave in to her. But she did not calm down, because she really wanted to visit her grandmother.

Another time they tried to insist on their own. But she also burst into tears, repeating: “I don’t want to, I won’t go.”

What happened to the girl. Explain the reason.

Predict the possible behavior of the child and parents.

Solution. In the 3rd year, children usually manifest a crisis, which is expressed in stubbornness, a negative attitude towards the requests of adults. Moreover, the negativism of a 3-year-old child is more complicated than the previous crisis of the 1st year. At 3 years old, the child wants recognition of independence, independence. But he is not yet ready for this form of behavior, which is a contradiction on the basis of which the crisis develops.

If an adult insists on his own, tries to "break" the child's stubbornness, then a psychological defense arises: a) the child gets used to the negative assessment of the adult, b) stops "hearing" remarks. Neurotic symptoms may occur. With the “victory” of an adult over the independence of a child, the latter can grow up weak-willed, with little initiative, or stubborn and cruel. Parents in this situation should have switched their daughter's attention to choosing her outfit for a trip to her grandmother.

Situation 23. The two mothers were talking. One proudly announced that she and her husband gave her daughter a computer. And the second remarked: “Well, in vain! She will now sit in front of the monitor for hours, spoil her eyesight and posture, grow up uncommunicative, unadapted to life ... "? Express and justify your position: what is more - harm or benefit for the child from the computer. Solution.A computer is not only games, but, above all, unlimited access to any information, the ability to communicate with peers via e-mail. Computer lovers say that a child with the help of a computer can make such an intellectual breakthrough that he will overtake all his peers. Experts believe that parents can give their child a better education through the Internet. But the negative impact of the computer on the child is also possible: the selection of the content of information, in particular games, non-compliance with the hygiene of using the computer.

Situation 24.

Dima (1 year 10 months), having mastered only autonomous speech, could not clearly explain his desire: for his mother to give him a toy. Mom insisted that Dima try to verbally reproduce what he wants, and not replace speech with gestures. In another case, the mother tried to include Dima in the game with the children during walks in the park.

Did the mother do the right thing when she created such conditions for the child?

How to manage the self-movement of a child? Give examples of such guidance by adults.

Solution. Mom deliberately created problem speech situations for Dima, so that the boy, trying to overcome them, tried to speak more clearly, more precisely, more correctly, that is, so that he would develop his speech in this way. In these situations, the existing contradiction: Dima's ability to speak only autonomous speech, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the incomprehension of this speech by other children during the game, became a necessary condition for the development of the boy's speech.

An adult should be able to guide the child's self-movement:

a) create conditions for the emergence of contradictions;

b) help in resolving conflicts, taking into account the characteristics of the child;

c) take into account the features and nature of the emerging contradictions.

Situation 25.

Petya goes to a preparatory group for school. The teacher sometimes praises him, but Petya's mother is constantly unhappy with him. The boy always does things slowly, uncertainly. Mom thinks he's lazy. She began to teach him to read and write (he writes in a notebook), forcing him to redo it if it doesn't work out well. Petya keeps saying: “I don’t know how, I can’t do it.” "I'll play better." Mom is perplexed: “But how much can you play? Or maybe he should be praised more? But for what?

Name the reasons why Petya does not want to study.

What mistakes do adults often make?

Solution. A child of 6 years old should be confident in his abilities. It does not even matter in what business he will succeed. At this age, children generalize successes and failures. Adults need to be calm about the failures of children, otherwise their anxiety is transmitted to children. The unwillingness of the child to read, write can be explained by the fact that he has not yet “finished the game”. And if, at the insistence of adults, he stops playing, but retains the need for this, then he will definitely play secretly. Trust, benevolence, timely encouragement - this should be the attitude of adults towards children preparing to enter school.

Situation 26.

Vova (5 years old) was bought a building kit. He began to lay out its details with great pleasure.

- What do you want to build? Mom asks.

“What… what will happen,” Vova replies.

How are you going to build?

- I will build with cubes and bricks. Starts building. Put the cubes, bricks on them.

- No, I'd rather build a rocket ...

Stacks cubes one on top of the other. The column is swinging. The boy tries to hold it with his hand, but in vain: the whole structure collapsed. He walks away from the construction site, leaving behind a pile of construction details.

Then mom suggests: - Try again. Again failure.

? What was the mother supposed to do when she bought her son a building kit?

Solution. In this form, the design does little. In order for the designer to be interesting to children, it must initially be played, like any toy (game), with targeted guidance from an adult. First you need to tell and show the child what can be assembled, built from this constructor. The experience of joint "research" will allow you to complete more complex tasks: for example, build a garage for a car. To do this, it is necessary to teach the child to compare objects in size, shape, paying attention to their spatial features: large - small, long - short, wide - narrow, etc. Then you need to show how the size and shape of the object depend on its purpose. And then, with the help of an adult, the child will learn the spatial analysis of the sample (photographs, drawings can be given as samples), gradually learn to establish different relationships between the design and purpose of objects, create their own original designs, developing their creative abilities.

The child must be taught how to use any thing bought for him.

Situation 27.

Vanya (5 years old) came to the kindergarten in a new suit with an asterisk on it, the buttons on it were also with asterisks and the children really liked it. Soon the teacher noticed that Vanya did not have a single button left on his jacket.

- Where are you doing the buttons? the teacher asked.

“I gave them to the guys,” Vanya answered.

- Is it possible, my mother will scold!

“No, mother will be pleased,” the boy answered. She always says, "It's not good to be greedy."

? Give a psychological justification for Vanya's behavior.

? Why, knowing the rules of behavior, children often break them?

Solution. Vanya did this because an adult is a model of behavior for him. But his inability to apply the general rules of conduct to a particular situation led to the above case.

Situation 28. In the behavior of Mitya (5 years old), a very active, energetic, intellectually well developed boy, the teacher noticed two psychological facts:

♦ the desire to command peers;

♦ inability to listen to their not very coherent speech.

? Make a prediction: how Mitya's relationships with peers can develop in the future.

Solution. Either Mitya's authoritarian behavior and peer pressure will continue and even intensify, or he will become rejected, because. children will complain about him to the teacher or unite around someone else. If a new preschooler appears in the group, who takes a leading position, then Mitya may find himself in an isolated position. Other options are also possible.

Situation 29.

Senya (4 years 6 months), pushing away the unfinished model of the tractor and the designer, whimpered:

- I do not want any more! I do not want any more!

- What's happened? Are you sick? the mother got worried.

"No," the little one answered languidly.

- Tired?

- Not.

– What then? Does not work? Drop your constructor, do something else.

- No, let him finish it. He will rest and finish it, - intervened the father.

- I do not want! the boy said wearily. - I want nothing.

“Well, well, don’t be capricious,” my father stood his ground. - What you start must be completed. Understand: not everything is easy, somewhere you need to sweat.

- Why are you attached to him! You don’t see - he doesn’t want to, - my mother got angry.

- You never know, he doesn't want to. Necessary!

- He has his whole life ahead of him, he will still have time to make not only toy, but also real tractors.

- Don't tell me! If he gives in to every difficulty, then he is unlikely to do anything.

? Analyze the judgments of dad and mom.

Solution. Dad chose a more successful strategy, as he tries to instill in his son perseverance in achieving the goal, the desire to achieve results, to overcome difficulties. These are important volitional qualities.

Teach your child to overcome the difficulties that arise.

Solving pedagogical situations. Envelopes with tasks are distributed to each micro group. It is necessary to play the pedagogical situation and find the right solution.

Pedagogical situations:

1. The teacher of the preparatory group at the parent meeting talked about how to prepare children for school, developing them physically. The grandmother of one boy actively insisted that her grandson not be taken for a walk and to the pool, because. he often catches cold. She argued this fact by the fact that teachers do not monitor how children dress, but at this age they cannot do it on their own. When asked by the teacher about how Seryozha would dress at school, the grandmother explained that she, as in kindergarten, would help him with this, for which she specially quit her job. How to organize work with Serezha's parents?

2. The educator (specialist) acquaints the parent with the collegial conclusion and recommendations of the PMP council of the kindergarten on sending the child to a specialized school of the 8th type for children with mental retardation. Mom does not agree with the recommendations of the teachers and protests. Your actions. What work has not been done previously with this family? What work needs to be done in this situation?

3. Evening. Your shift is already ending, and for Vanya, mom did not come. Suddenly, Vanya's 15-year-old brother appears at the door and holds out a note from his mother with permission to pick up the child from kindergarten. Your actions? Mom called on the phone and personally asked to give the child to her 15-year-old son, since she herself had gone into the night and would not be able to come. Your conversation on the phone.

4. Petya came home and complained to his parents that the kindergarten teachers beat him. Petya's parents came to the kindergarten in the morning with the intention of dealing with the teachers and possibly even filing a complaint with the prosecutor's office for assault. Your actions.

5. During the afternoon walk, Nastya played in the sandbox and when the teacher called the children to collect toys, she did not hear. Having built the children, the teacher took them to the kindergarten. Nastya saw that the children were leaving, and ran after the formation and fell. There was a loud cry (the child has a serious injury). Name the teacher's mistakes. Actions of the teacher next.

6. Sasha shuddered from loud sounds and conversations every time, and if one of the adults tried to hug the child, then he covered himself with his hand, bent over and trembled. Educators often see bruises and marks of beatings on the boy's body. It is clear, because the boy is from a dysfunctional family. Your actions.

Typical situations from the practice of communication

teachers with parents of pupils

Situation 1

The teacher turned to the mother of one of the pupils with a story about what the children learned in the classroom, and offered to consolidate the studied material at home. In response, the mother sharply replied that she had no time to deal with the child at home, that this was the duty of the educator - he "receives money for this."

1. Professional ethics

Educator is not only a profession, but also social status, which needs to be matched. To do this, the teacher must havepedagogical culture. All requirements for the culture of the teacherrecorded in pedagogical ethics.

Ethics - (from Greek ethos custom, disposition, character) - the science of morality. The most important requirement of pedagogical ethics is love for children. However, to love children is not just to show a feeling, but also the ability of a teacher to accept a pupil as he is, empathize with him and help him develop.

The teacher's love for children should be at the level of moral relations. Children appreciate in the teacher, first of all, kindness, responsiveness,understanding. If the teacher does not like children, then he will not be able to call a responselove and trust of children.

An important quality teacher is pedagogical optimism.

This is faith in the child, in his abilities, the ability to see the good and rely on this good in the learning process.

Pedagogical ethics is a complete balancing of moralfeelings of consciousness and behavior of the teacher. All these qualities shouldbe present in his culture of communication with children, with any otherpeople, in the pedagogical tact of the teacher.

Pedagogical tact (from lat. Tactus - touch) is calledsense of proportion in the choice of means of pedagogical influence. Tactdoes not at all imply that the teacher will always be kind ordispassionate, not reacting to the negative behavior and actions of children.

Pedagogical tact is a combination of respect for the personality of the childand with reasonable demands on him.

The teacher may be indignant, even angry, but this shouldbe expressed in ways that are adequate to the requirements of pedagogical cultureand ethics. The actions of the teacher should not humiliate the dignity of the individual. Byaccording to A.S. Makarenko, pedagogical tact is a skill"nowhere to overdo it."

Usually, a teacher needs a pedagogical tact in complex and ambiguous situations of pedagogical interaction, in which, in addition to the moral side of the relationship, he is required to show his resourcefulness, intuition, poise, sense of humor. Kind humor, and not malicious irony and mockery, sometimes makes it possible to find the most effective and tactful way of pedagogical interaction. Sometimes a teacher's smile is enough to change the situation. But it should be a smile that is permeated with love: a smile of approval, understanding, reassurance, regret, sympathy. And in no case should it be a smile - a surrogate: malevolent, malicious, mocking.

2. Signs and elements of pedagogical tact

The main elements of the pedagogical tact are:

♦ exactingness and respect for the pupil;

♦ the ability to see and hear the child, empathize with him;

♦ attentiveness, sensitivity of the teacher.

Professional tact is manifested:

♦ in the appearance of the teacher;

♦ in the ability to quickly and correctly assess the current situation and at the same timetime not to rush to conclusions about the behavior and abilities of the pupil;

♦ in the ability to restrain one's feelings and not lose self-control in a difficult


♦ in a combination of reasonable exactingness with a sensitive attitude towards children;

♦ good knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of children;

♦ in a self-critical evaluation of one's work.

♦ a tactful teacher comes to work on time, business meetings;

♦ promptly returns what was borrowed from colleagues; does not repeat rumors

♦ unverified facts, especially if they can harm others.

The basis of tact is the endurance and balance of the teacher.

home distinguishing feature a tactful teacher - high demands and sincere respect for the pupils. The concept of "tact" includes many components, but all of them are somehow connected with caring for a small person, with an attentive and sensitive attitude towards him.

Psychologists argue that where the flexibility of pedagogical tactics is replaced by a sharp shout or verbosity of irritation and anger, professional pedagogical activity is replaced by an expression of pedagogical failure. It is as if the doctor, instead of helping the patient, would beat him.

It should be noted that, using such stimulation methods as punishment and encouragement, the teacher should be especially tactful intowards each child. When applying punishment, it is very important to show as much respect as possible and at the same time exactingness topupil. It is unacceptable to be indignant at the misconduct of a child, and even more sopluck evil and offend him.

The teacher's communication style as an expression of pedagogical tact.

An important characteristic in the ethics of professional pedagogical communication is its style. The style of communication between a teacher and pupils is a social and moral category. It is formed under the influence of many factors and depends on:

From the mental warehouse of a person;

His value orientations;

Level of education and general culture;

Influences of the immediate social environment (family, friends).

Saratov region

Report on the topic: "Ethics of professional behavior in preschool educational institutions"

Educational psychologist

Professional ethics.

An educator is not only a profession, but also a social status that must be met. And for this, the teacher must have a pedagogical culture. All requirements for the culture of the teacher are recorded in pedagogical ethics. Ethics - (from the Greek ethos - custom, disposition, character) - the science of morality. The most important requirement of pedagogical ethics is love for children. However, to love children is not just to show a feeling, but also the ability of a teacher to accept a pupil as he is, empathize with him and help him develop. The teacher's love for children should be at the level of moral relations. Children appreciate in the teacher, first of all, kindness, responsiveness, understanding. If the teacher does not love children, then he will not be able to evoke the reciprocal love and trust of children. An important quality of a teacher is pedagogical optimism. This is faith in the child, in his abilities, the ability to see the good and rely on this good in the learning process.

Pedagogical ethics is a complete balancing of the moral feelings of the consciousness and behavior of the teacher. All these qualities should be present in his culture of communication with children, with any other people, in the pedagogical tact of the teacher. Pedagogical tact (from Latin tactus - touch) is a sense of proportion in the choice of means of pedagogical influence. Tact does not at all imply that the teacher will always be kind or dispassionate, not reacting to the negative behavior and actions of children. Pedagogical tact is a combination of respect for the personality of the child and reasonable demands on him. The teacher can be indignant, even angry, but this should be expressed in ways that are adequate to the requirements of pedagogical culture and ethics. The actions of the teacher should not humiliate the dignity of the individual. According to the pedagogical tact is the ability to "not overdo it anywhere."

Usually, a teacher needs a pedagogical tact in complex and ambiguous situations of pedagogical interaction, in which, in addition to the moral side of the relationship, he is required to show his resourcefulness, intuition, poise, sense of humor. Kind humor, and not malicious irony and mockery, sometimes makes it possible to find the most effective and tactful way of pedagogical interaction. Sometimes a teacher's smile is enough to change the situation. But it should be a smile that is permeated with love: a smile of approval, understanding, reassurance, regret, sympathy. And in no case should it be a surrogate smile: malevolent, malicious, mocking.

Professional ethics is a way to regulate behavior in professional activities.

General principles of professional ethics: professional duty, professional solidarity and corporatism.

The specificity of pedagogical activity concerns such aspects as

The responsibility of the teacher

The danger of the teacher's personal conservatism,

The degree of need for creativity,

The problem of "competitiveness" in pedagogical activity.
- moral sense of professional fitness.

Relationship system

- "teacher - pupil": communication "vertically".

The transition from subject-object to subject-subject relations in the context of the democratization of society and the humanization of education. The need to take into account the differences of the interacting parties (features of developmental psychology, interests and needs, the level of culture).
Principles of benevolence, trust and tolerance towards the personality of the child. In this regard, there is a need for the ability to manage their feelings, to cultivate a positive attitude, a sense of love for children. The inadmissibility of hostility and indifference in dealing with them, the inadmissibility of humiliating the dignity of students.

- "teacher - teacher"
In such relations, it becomes necessary to create common moral and psychological foundations for professional and business communication. An important role is played by the state of the moral and psychological climate in the team (negative and positive microclimate), formal and informal relations in the team.
In professional communication, attention should be paid to the structure of the team:

Socio-psychological layers: collectivists, individualists, imitators, passive, isolated;

The status of the individual in the team: "stars", "preferred", "outcasts", etc.;

Roles: "generators of ideas", "performers", "experts", "critics", etc.;
- type of communication: democracy, competence, tolerance;

Standards of conduct reliability, commitment, flexibility of thinking and behavior, decency and sociability;

Professional and business relations: "horizontally" - with colleagues (universal and professional regulatory norms of communication between teachers) and "vertically" - with the administration (dialogical, pluralism, tolerance).

"Who are you: leader or follower?"
One of the most important professional qualities of a teacher is his ability and dedication to leadership. And therefore, it does not interfere with determining who you are in life: the leader or the follower. If you want to know if you have the ability to influence others, answer the following questions.
1. Do you think acting or politics would suit you?
2. Are you annoyed by people who tend to dress or act extravagantly?
3. Can you talk to another person about your intimate problems?
4. Do you immediately react to the slightest manifestations of a misunderstanding of your words and actions?
5. Do you feel uncomfortable when others achieve success in an area where you yourself would like to achieve it?
6. Do you like to do something very difficult to show that you are capable of it?
7. Could you devote all (all) of yourself to achieving something outstanding?
8. Are you satisfied with the same circle of friends?
9. Do you prefer to lead a measured life, scheduled by the clock?
10. Do you like to change the furniture in the apartment?
11. Do you like doing something different every time?
12. Do you like to "upset" someone who, in your opinion, is too self-confident?
13. Do you like to demonstrate that your boss or person, revered for authority, is wrong?

Summarizing. Sum up the scores:
65 - 35 points. You are a person with good inclinations to effectively influence others, change their opinions, advise, manage them. In relationships with people, you feel quite confident. You are convinced that a person should not withdraw into himself, avoid people, keep aloof and think only about himself. You feel the need to do something for others, to lead them, to point out their mistakes, to teach them. And those who do not share your principles must be convinced, and you know how to do it. However, you need to control yourself so that your attitude towards people does not take extreme manifestations. Otherwise you will become a fanatic or a tyrant;
30 - 0 points. You can be unconvincing, even when you are absolutely right.

50 ways to overcome stress

All people suffer from stress. But, perhaps, for teachers, stress is a professional phenomenon. Ultimately, stress, tension, anxiety grow into a problem if you do not take care of it in time. Here are some tips on how to beat stress, which are given by Lisa Stewards in the newspaper "Daily Express".
General Tips
Say "no" if you really decide not to take extra work or not to bind yourself with additional obligations.
Talk about your problems with someone close to you.
Remind yourself that you are human and therefore you have the right to make mistakes.
Do not be like an ostrich, do not hide from your own problems.
Don't torture yourself.
If you feel that you want to speak out, do not suppress this desire in yourself. Often it is the spoken word that can soothe.
Tell yourself, "You need to relax."
Avoid phrases like "I need this now, this minute." Let everything take its course.

Stick with a true friend or person who understands you.
Remember - you cannot be responsible for the mood of other people.
Don't look at life as a series of failures; they are just the lessons it teaches.
Ask yourself, "What's the worst thing that could happen?" Then think about what you will do if this happens. And you will know that you can handle it.
Try to stop worrying about what is beyond your control, over what you have no power.
Take a look at photos from the family album to remember the good things.
Watch your favorite old movie, listen to your favorite music.
Turn off your phone and soak in a warm bath.
Buy yourself a bunch of flowers.
Go to the park or sit in the garden.
Remember the happiest moments in your life.
Go out of town.
Call a friend with a good sense of humor.
Have a glass of good wine.
Allow yourself something tasty.
Fantasize about something pleasant for at least five minutes.
Choose a hobby that is clearly different from work.
Get yourself a workout.
Pamper yourself - massage helps a lot.
Do something nice for your friend (girlfriend).
Write all the letters you were going to write a month ago.
Give yourself some gift.
Visit a hairdresser. .
Think about how you eat and change your diet.
Get up early in the morning, take a walk, have a good breakfast.
A good medicine is emotions born of sensuality.
Do not shop during peak hours.
Buy a couple of goldfish and admire them.
Buy a cassette with rain, surf or jungle noise.
Take an aromatic bath in the evening.
Do something nice exclusively and only for yourself.
At work
Eat lunch alone sometimes to avoid talking about work.
Do not get angry at fair criticism and draw a conclusion.
Try to make sure that your lunch break is also a time of rest.
Throw away ruthlessly everything superfluous that interferes with work (old papers, etc.).
Buy yourself a toy that resembles the authorities: it's stupid, but there is someone to vent anger on.
From time to time stretch your legs, move your head from side to side, straighten your back.
After finishing work, relax, sit with your eyes closed for ten minutes.

Lesosibirsk Pedagogical Institute

branch of the federal state autonomous institution

"Siberian Federal University"

Ethical code of the teacher - educator of preschool education

Completed: 1st year P&P students

Groups LF - FPP15 - 01 BN Student:



Code of the teacher - educator.

The code is a set general principles service ethics and rules of conduct, as well as certain requirements for the personality of the teacher, cooperation with other people who should be guided by teachers - educators.

caregiver is a teacher, a spiritual mediator between society and a child in mastering the culture and life values ​​of the organization, a system of relations through various types of educational activities that create conditions for the individual expression of each child and influence the development of each individual.

Ethical code of the teacher defines the basic norms of professional ethics:

Regulating relations between teachers and their pupils, as well as other members of the public of an educational institution;

Protecting their human value and dignity;

In order to create a favorable psychological climate and improve interaction in working with pupils, the teacher must take into account the rules for managing the children's team:

1. Do not start the working day with a warning or punishment (promise of punishment).

2. Do not evaluate the child on a range of positive or negative qualities, do not stick a label - “Bad”, “Brawler”, “Rude”, “Slob”.

3. Exactly applies to all pupils, do not single out the child from the team, because this forms his egoism, egocentrism, exaggeration of his abilities, waywardness, capriciousness.

4. Seeks to evaluate negatively any action of the child, and not the personality as a whole. The remark should concern only the misconduct, and not the child himself. Avoid judgments and negative assessments that infringe on the dignity of the pupil, disparaging statements addressed to him.

5. Realistically assess the capabilities of pupils.

6. Remember that the teacher's personal example has a greater impact than instructions, advice, and beliefs.

7. Do not limit the natural desires and needs of the child (movement, vigorous activity).

8. Prevent children's conflicts at an early stage. Be aware of the signs of the emergence of conflicts: skirmishes between children, violation of discipline, name-calling, harassment, violation of the rules in games, alienation of the child from the group, a protracted showdown, etc.

9. Use the best tactics - notice undesirable behavioral tendencies of pupils in time and rebuild them not by order, but psychologically, using joint activities and games.

10. Use mainly active leisure (games, relay races, work assignments, sports, KTD), and not passive (TV, music, computer games)

Section 2

The relationship between the teacher and the student's parents.

1. Teachers should respectfully and benevolently communicate with the parents of pupils.

2. The teacher advises parents on the upbringing, education and development of pupils.

3. The teacher does not disclose the opinion expressed by children about their parents or parents about children.

4. The teacher invites parents to participate in the life of the preschool educational institution (Children's parties, competitions, matinees).

5. Consciousness and moral responsibility to the parents of children for the results of education and upbringing.

ü General parent meetings.

ü Open classes with kids.

ü Group parent meetings.

ü Participation in the preparation of children's holidays, competitions.

ü Questioning, testing, surveys.

ü Joint projects, actions.

Section 3

The relationship between the teacher and the teaching staff.

1. Respectful relationship between all employees.

2. Share new technologies, methods, programs with colleagues.

3. The teacher has the right to encouragement from the administration of the preschool educational institution. The personal merits of the teacher should not be left aside

Forms of relationship between the teacher and the teaching staff.

ü Creation of an atmosphere of trust, mutual assistance, psychological comfort, creative self-expression.

ü The use of various forms of educational-formative interaction.

ü Definition, clarification of the goals of the joint activities of teachers of an educational institution, orientation towards the development of a competency-based approach in pedagogical activity.

Conclusion: Having become acquainted with various ethical codes, understanding their meaning, structure, its significance, we were able to draw up our own ethical code, a teacher preschool education which we can use in the future. It can also be said that the study of the professional position of the teacher-educator is important. It allows you to find out: whether education is a consciously chosen activity of the teacher (or the teacher just fulfills the duty assigned to him by someone, that is, he simply serves his duty); what professional values ​​are formed among teachers (or such values ​​are completely absent and the teacher carries out his work formally). , indifferent).