Congratulations to the male team on 23. Congratulations to colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Work in a male team requires special attention to the holiday on February 23. On this day, you need to congratulate brave and strong men in a beautiful and original way: work colleagues, subordinates, partners.

It is necessary to select wishes and congratulatory words in verses with special attention. For example, it is better for partners to send discreet beautiful texts. But cool, comic poems on February 23 to colleagues are great to complement a corporate party in the office. Poems with humor can also be sent to those colleagues with whom warm and friendly relations have developed. The received congratulations will certainly please men and help cheer them up.

Original poems with humor for February 23 for colleagues and subordinates

Constant work in one team contributes to the unity of all its employees and allows you to find real friends among them. Therefore, by February 23, men can congratulate each other or receive excellent congratulations from the fair sex. For a corporate party, girls can learn comic poems about February 23 about colleagues or perform a beautiful song.

If there is no time and opportunity to hold gatherings at work, then you can make a newsletter funny rhymes by mail to each of colleagues and subordinates. If you wish, you can rewrite one of the proposed options on a purchased postcard. Beautiful and interesting poems of congratulations to colleagues from February 23 will surely please every man and help him lead the whole holiday in high spirits.

Male colleagues, you are our heroes,

Our defenders, support and rear.

We congratulate you from the heart today,

We wish you vivacity, zeal, strength.

New projects, work achievements,

Significant, bright, great achievements,

Generous clients, and personal success,

And fortresses, as if walnuts!

Would our work be monotonous,

Every day - longing-routine,

If in the women's "battalion"

There was no room for men.

We congratulate you on the holiday!

Good luck to you and your families.

May God protect you

Gives health, strength, patience.

Laughter to you, luck, money,

Weekends are excellent, bright.

Let the authorities honor and appreciate

Rewards you royally!

On the men's holiday, we are ready to admit -

Men are smarter than us women!

Your character is unchanged.

Yes, and behind the wheel you are always kings,

Yes, and at work all aces!

And how would we live without your advice?

Without your significant help!

Work for glory, for the good of the people,

And we quietly, quietly,

With a cup of tea we will sit behind your back,

We couldn't even be seen.

Our colleagues today are soldiers,

Well, our boss is a general.

Come on, line up guys!

Bogatyrs. We are not afraid of emergency!

Each of you is a precious protector.

Everyone deserves to wear a medal.

In each there is a granite core,

Everyone has time to surprise.

I wish you, male colleagues,

No matter how life breaks,

Plant a tree, raise a son

And build a wonderful house!

Lovely poems to male colleagues for February 23 - with texts and a video postcard

Women working in a men's team definitely need to pick up beautiful congratulatory texts for their colleagues by February 23. They can be long or include only 4-8 lines. No matter how big the congratulatory work is, the main thing is that the employees will show attention and respect for the representatives of the stronger sex. Among the proposed options, you can pick up kind and sweet poems for male colleagues on February 23. And for those employees who currently work in another department or in another city, you can send the specified video card with congratulations.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day,

On the day of all true men

I congratulate you, colleagues,

I'm from the female half!

Strength, courage, courage

You for a long time - not to borrow.

We wish you today

Never lose heart!

Happy Defender's Day, we congratulate

Our brave and persistent colleagues.

We wish you only the best in life

May your age be peaceful and generous.

And success in any endeavors,

And always a reliable team,

And the whole company - prosperity,

And in my heart there is only one positive!

Happy Men's Day, colleagues,

I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.

I wish you all success

So that everything is on your shoulder!

So that in the family and at work

Everything was just super class!

And so that no troubles, no worries

Never pestered you!

Let you men

Congratulate this very hour.

There are reasons for this -

Today is your holiday.

Colleagues, we wish you

Always be on horseback.

May life be great for you

And a lot of happiness in it.

Let the worries go

Let there be less worries

To see how much

Around beautiful women!

Cool poems for colleagues and subordinates on February 23

You can choose to congratulate men on February 23 and wish them happiness, health, success, not only among touching or restrained, but also among neutral and cool texts. They are great for congratulating employees and subordinates with whom only business relations are still maintained. Beautiful poems February 23 colleagues can be sent to email, supplementing with personal wishes or an original postcard, picture. You can learn and tell such verses on February 23 to colleagues at a corporate party, during the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Today we praise men

There are many reasons for this!

Defenders of the family, country,

Our hearts are given to you.

May wishes come true.

Health and prosperity - to the house,

Affairs - good luck, prosperity.

And let the sorrows become a dream!

We congratulate you, colleagues

And, of course, we wish

On this day of the calendar:

Strength, courage, health

And always victories in everything.

So that men's affairs are now

They left the right trail.

So that a stable salary

Brought joy to you.

And so that you can boldly

Rest on the islands.

Let work inspire

Piques interest.

Let the authorities do not scold.

In general, so that there is progress!

Our glorious men

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

Be cheerful, beloved -

We need defenders!

Let your salary grow

Life will always be full

Let there be order in business!

Happy holiday, our protection!

There is no you stronger and more beautiful,

And we want to wish

Just one thing - keep it up!

To be a support in the family,

So that success comes to you soon,

To please loved ones

And don't forget your colleagues.

In terms of help on the case

They called the best so boldly.

In the endeavors of all - success,

Rest - with fire and laughter.

House so that - the royal chambers.

Well, the royal salary.

And did not wait for the reasons

Prove that you are men!

What beautiful poems can be sent on February 23 to colleagues and partners?

Work partners and really valuable personnel always want to pay more attention during the holidays. After all, it is they who allow you to conduct business correctly and help in difficult situations at work. Therefore, colleagues and partners should select poems on February 23 with kind, light texts. They may also include good wishes and express respect and admiration.

Cool poems for February 23 colleagues can be included in the holiday program. You can also use them to create posters that will help decorate offices and offices by February 23rd.

Our dear men,

Congratulations to you today.

Be courageous, fearless

Even in the darkest hour.

Find solutions right

Don't leave your friends in trouble.

Let "exactly", not "probably"

Your words mean everywhere.

And may you always be surrounded

Mothers, daughters, sisters, friends.

May you be loved and respected

Let everything be given to you without strain.

Colleagues, dear men,

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

As you can see, don't forget

We read poems for the holiday.

Turning our eyes to you

We want to wish you health

And to have a lot of money

Relax on the blue sea.

You are real heroes

Defenders of the native land.

Let your children sleep peacefully.

You are our pride... You are our joy!

I wish you, dear colleagues,

Live a happy life under a peaceful sky,

But what they taught you in the army

One "beautiful day" do not forget:

To be able to fight, to overcome problems,

Fight, attack and win...

For your principles, for your truth

Always and everywhere to the end to stand!

I wish you all my truth

Never give up, not an inch,

But ... if one day it becomes difficult,

Remember this verse again!

Congratulations on the holiday of dear colleagues,

I appreciate and respect you, and I love everyone,

On Defender's Day, I wish you peace and kindness,

So that life not only smells, but also blooms.

Promotions, awards and awards,

So that you become richer, even a hundredfold,

So that you love your loved ones, well, they love you,

To make life beautiful, joyful for the eyes!

Short verses for congratulating colleagues on February 23 in SMS messages

Fans of funny congratulations and just owners of excellent humor can send funny congratulations in an SMS message on February 23. Despite the humorous content, the recipients will like them no less than the usual congratulatory words. Unusual poems with humor by February 23 can be sent to colleagues in work or personal messenger chats.

Ladies bloom with you

They shoot cheerfully with their eyes,

Not a word will offend -

They see you as their protection.

Congratulate you not in vain

At work you are without falsehood

Protected them from harm

Both on shift and at lunchtime!

Today we praise men
There are many reasons for this!
Defenders of the family, country,
Our hearts are given to you.

May wishes come true
Health and prosperity in the house.
In matters of good luck, prosperity,
And let the sorrows become a dream!

Working with you is great
It's good that you all exist!
Let our service be dangerous -
It would be an honor, it would be an honor!
Keep your nose up, my colleagues!
You with the twenty-third of February!
I wish that in our century
Your work has not been wasted!

Men - everything, as a selection.
We all need you very much.
You have a set of spiritual qualities,
You are beautiful on the outside too.

Today is the day for you.
February and frosty.
Let, despite everyday life,
He will not be serious.

Let there be more idleness
Smiles, toasts, jokes!
We wish you happy
Weeks, hours, minutes!

Twenty third of February
We celebrate, friends!
On this day I wish
So that children and families
They brought only joy
So that they don't work hard.
And one more little thing -
To keep money
You ... .. what is enough fantasy
And health to spend!
Well, to happen by the way
All kinds of blessings...

Congratulations my employees
With a very bright and good day,
We him guys without a doubt
Let's do it with health benefits!

The holiday will be just wonderful,
People! Happy twenty-third of February!
You are my invaluable employees,
I want to congratulate you very much!

I wish you all the best,
Many plans, money and ideas,
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!
Long life to you and happy days!

Male colleagues, you are our heroes,
Our defenders, support and rear;
We congratulate you from the heart today,
We wish you vivacity, zeal and strength.

New projects, work achievements,
Personal achievements in our path,
Generous clients and personal success,
Fortress of the spirit, like walnuts!

Colleague, the holiday of all men
Walks the planet.
There will be no reason for you
Grieve in this world.

Let dreams come true
You deserve it,
I wish you great love
And to live with dignity!

I congratulate you, boss,
Your authority is visible.
I wish you to be the same
And many life victories.

Let only promotions await you,
You get your way
I wish you happiness, no doubt
And only the best!

I am a fighter and you are a fighter.
And today, finally
Our holiday has come for men.
Well, colleague, drink and sing!

Be patient at work
And don't think about yawning
Develop vigor in the body,
Defeat your competitors!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. You are our pride, regardless of whether you served or not, because we all know that a man is a real defender, even if he has never taken up arms in his life. Stay always real daredevils, happy holidays!

Colleagues, attention - February is on the nose:
Twenty-three - oh! - inevitably:
Let's banquet again in the spring
Despite the fact that winter is exciting!
Let's raise a glass to the brave guys,
That bravely "fight" with a photocopier,
For those who are "ploying" for a just cause
And in the offices they boast of courage ...
Irony - away! Sarcasm is appropriate here:
Where are the brave, friendly warriors?!
They, as before, worrying about us,
They stand at the post of our homeland.

Male colleagues, you - with your holiday,
Today we will certainly respect you
And we will begin to praise and congratulate in verse,
Wishing you only the best in life!

Let everything be smooth and smooth in work,
And at home, so that everything is in order, too,
May courage and courage live in the heart,
Health, luck, let them not let you down!

Men have a holiday today!
We want to congratulate you!
Wish love and happiness
So many thousands of times!

We wish you good luck
Energy and strength
So that every day in the world
He brought pleasure!

And we wish you health
And harmony with yourself
And financial success
And mischievous smiles!

My esteemed colleague,
I congratulate you on the holiday.
Let there be a whole cart of money
Good luck let things go.

Let the bosses be kind
And every day is like a day off
So that you do not know the word "sadness"
Be happy, my employee!

Dear colleagues, we wish you good luck
And happy, sunny days.
And today let all tasks be solved,
Getting closer to dreams.

Golden men we sincerely believe
What is the main day for you in the year,
All doors will open before you,
And good luck with happiness will come!

Colleague, let your dreams
Always carried out!
In work you create success,
Let everything work out!

I wish not to know troubles,
Good luck, good luck!
Men's special victories -
Without any doubts!

Congratulations colleague today
I wish you on this day
Be successful at work without running,
And step on a higher step,
The twenty-third has already arrived,
Hurry up to receive congratulations,
We work together beautifully
But you can make good friends!

This good hour has come,
When can I congratulate you,
After all, the twenty-third of February
For a long time we all waited for good reason:
Hold on tight, it's fun tonight
Everyone who has long been ready for it.
To protect yourself from ... infections of the almighty
Get ready to give credit.

I ask you for a moment,
Our colleagues are strong and courageous
I bring my congratulations to you
On a holiday for the salvation of the fatherland.

Victory to you over a harsh fate,
Goodness, hope, love and faith.
And every day a new smile
And building a career!

We work side by side with you
Together we can do anything.
Each of you, colleagues, is very dear to me,
And I want to congratulate you all.
I wish from the whole team
On this red day of the calendar,
So that you live and work beautifully,
To have a happy family
To love you, to love you
So that luck is with you,
And to be appreciated at work
For excellent work and deeds.

February twenty third
Colleagues, rest!
Our day off is not in vain
We know history!

For Russia and soldiers
For brave men
Today everyone is happy to drink
And many twice!

Army honor and glory,
Salute to all defenders!
We will find control over the enemy,
If somewhere ours are being beaten!

How I would like to say a lot of warm, solemn words, sincere wishes, real thanks on this February, men's holiday. After all, it has long been customary to celebrate this holiday and give gifts.

Men! I congratulate you with all my heart! In your courageous and strong path, I wish good luck always to accompany you. So that health is always strong, like flint. Peace, comfort and tranquility have always reigned in your family. And in difficult times, relatives and friends were always there.

Faith, dignity, pride, courage and honor ... these are not just words, they are faithful helpers in the life of every man.

A man is a born protector. Defender of the Motherland. And Motherland is for every man, it is not just a word, it is the meaning of his life.

You courageously protect your land, protect children and the elderly. And your courage is unshakable. Good luck and luck, let it always accompany you.

We wish you to always be in great shape, and that all troubles bypass. And this holiday was not without fun, smiles, the company of true friends and good mood.

Be always so strong, brave and grateful! May there always be devotion, strength, love in your hearts.

Comic congratulations on February 23

And on this day I rush to congratulate you on the Blue Bird in the sky to wish! And I wish you life - curly hair! And keep the tail upside down.

Fighters, warriors, line up to the left! Glory and honor to all of you! God only only the Virgin, Did not put on military records. Colleagues, my friends I have a short toast If only there was no war For all centuries, times!

We hasten to congratulate you on this strong and courageous holiday. And wish you that your life was black and dirty. So that money was like dirt, and love turned black in the eyes! Happy holiday!

If you woke up in a parachute, then your life is sweet! If you sleep at night you are in a cabin, So pitching is not a problem! And let the sea swell violently On the men's holiday of February, I wish your life to sparkle! Even going to sea.

After all, you are my protector, my man! I am proud and cherish you, After all, today there is a reason and a reason To command my wife!

Congratulations on February 23 from children, 10 options

We are not afraid of anything with you! And we are proud of you! You are our strength and courage, We wish to live, overcoming all obstacles!

Dear grandfather! I would like to say a lot of warm and sincere words to you. But they won't all fit on paper. And I just want you to know that thanks to your courage, courage, wisdom and manhood, you can be sure of tomorrow. Know that above your head is a calm sky. Happy holiday! Goodness, peace and prosperity!

Funny congratulations on February 23 with humor to colleagues in verse

Congratulations on February 23, Allow me from the bottom of my heart! I wish to hear less words: “Set aside!” And more to hear declarations of love!

And let the path of the defender be full of achievements, Respect, health and honor, Determination, courage, accomplishments! And always, when the Motherland calls, Good luck will pursue! And the perfidious bosses Only sends promotions!

Colleagues, I hasten to congratulate the men Today is a long-awaited holiday And I have a thousand reasons To say about the holiday literally: You have the courage not to take You are hardworking and stubborn So much I want to hug you all And wish you good health!

Courageous, honest, fearless Smart, beautiful, courageous You can do all the hard work Whether it’s fun or serious I’m in a hurry to congratulate you on the holiday of courage The path of joy and laughter always circles around you Health, success, love and patience A lot of luck, prosperity and luck!

Today we congratulate men Happiness, glory, peace and victories We sincerely wish Not to know happiness, sorrows and troubles. May there always be luck. True friends will be nearby And may you always have enough patience. Happy holiday, from February 23!

Congratulations on February 23 short, quatrains

It doesn't matter if you're civilian or military It doesn't matter, it's not in vain, Today is a funky holiday! Today is February 23rd!

On a winter holiday, February I wish you 20 fish for bloodworms And 23 good luck And also become richer by 230 thousand And, of course, love in addition!

Winter is the holiday of all men! And this is the red day of the calendar, And let it be one of the thousand reasons To wish happiness and kindness!

Dad! What do you wish me? On such a wonderful winter holiday! I want to become as strong, even though I'm a first-grader!

Will and strength, Courage and courage. We wish that the attack bypassed, To always have everything.

You are a courageous warrior, Strong defender, soldier! You are worthy of happiness and glory, Hundreds and thousands of times!

Congratulations on February 23 to boys classmates

Classmates are relatives! Congratulations on February 23. For us, you are dear! Our true friends. We want to wish you happiness Sea, sun and spring Let all the bad weather go away

Our precious classmates! Today, on this day, I would like to wish you that the goal set is always realized. And the plans have always been implemented and brought to life. We wish you to always be brave, brave and strong. May you always be lucky in everything. Happy holiday!

Our cool boys There are no stronger guys than you, you are wonderful boys! You are the defenders of the country!

SMS congratulations on February 23

You are my best man. I congratulate you. Today there is a special reason to congratulate you on February 23!

Congratulations on February 23 to your beloved

My dearest and closest person to my heart! Congratulations! Thank you for your kindness, affection, firm character.

And I want to wish you victory in everything, joy and wonderful moments that we will spend together.

I love you, appreciate and respect you, You are the strongest, bravest of men, I adore your eyes, You are my one and only!

You are my protector, my hero You are my fortress, pride I will always be with you Showing favor to you!

I hasten to congratulate the closest and dearest person to my heart on the holiday of all men! My most beloved, I want you to know that you are the most courageous, strong, brave, courageous man. And you can list for a long time the list of your men's positive qualities but not enough paper. But the main thing to remember is that you are the most beloved man in the world! I love you very much!

Congratulations on February 23 to her husband

I have the best husband in the whole planet! I want to wish that all your plans and dreams come true. So that any adversity bypasses you, and only luck pursues!

My amazing and adorable husband! February 23, at the end of the cold winter - there is another great occasion to make you a good surprise and wish you all the best. I am so grateful to you for all the warmth, sincerity, courage and courage that you give to your family. With you - no obstacles and troubles are terrible.

Congratulations, may every next day be happy and festive!

Congratulations on February 23 to the head

On behalf of the entire team, we congratulate you on the holiday of masculinity, the goodness of peace and patriotism - since February 23! This is a real holiday, real men who love, honor and protect their native land.

We want to wish you that your home is always filled with peace, light and love. So that incoming news is always joyful and positive, and work brings pleasure!

Let luck come, Happiness, fun will inspire And let new tasks. Will drive away failures

May there always be comfort and joy, Prosperity will come, And a big income will come! And be lucky in everything!

Dear, dear and most courageous boss! Today, we want to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday and wish you sincerity, determination, success, stability, activity in everything and good health! May all your plans always come true!

Cool congratulations on February 23 to boys from girls

You boys are naughty! But brave and brave, Very kind, funny And in everything you are - well done!

And from the bottom of my heart guys! We want to congratulate you, Be like a wise emperor, With a good heart and a big one!

Dear boys! We wish you, on this festive day of new beginnings. So that you become real defenders for your family and friends - for our entire country. We also sincerely wish you to grow up to be real strong, brave men who will definitely make our world a better place!

We wish you bright days, nice ones! Fulfillment of dreams, And good grades to you! Live in goodness, without slander!

Poems of congratulations on February 23 to boys

Congratulations to dads on February 23 in kindergarten, short quatrains

Dear dad! You are a protector anywhere! For me, you are the most important! In peace, happiness and kindness!

Since February 23! Dear dad and beloved! With you, I'm not afraid of anything, After all, I have the very, very strong!

Thank you daddy, my dear, For peace and tranquility above your head, For serving the Motherland faithfully! And he valued his rank so much!

He is strong and invincible - This is my dad, he is the only one, He will teach me everything The strongest, the best!

Dear grandfather, dear! Your holiday is coming! And I hasten to congratulate! And I want to say: I cherish you very much!

Congratulations on February 23 to the army

True, you are serving, Bravely, boldly, without fear You will save from the fire And get it from the water

Soldier! Congratulations on your holiday! I wish you to adequately carry out your duty of service, you will be distinguished by courage, courage and strength. Always achieve your goal! Happy holiday! Since February 23!

And in the heat and in the cold, In heavy rain and snowfall On duty, you are serving, Our dexterous, brave soldier.

On this holiday of yours, soldier, All whom you protect, All sleep peacefully And you know about it.

And we wish you May the sky be peaceful And let only victory be in your destiny!

For your protection and labors, You are worthy of praise! We are proud of the whole family, so you know, We are waiting for home, come soon!

Congratulations on February 23 by the names of colleagues, classmates

Our colleague - Alexander! We congratulate you, You are strong and very brave! May luck follow you! Since February 23!

Victor! You are the winner in everything! Your name confirms this. Who has known you for a long time, He clearly knows this.

beautiful video congratulations

comic video greeting

sweet congratulations on February 23

In conclusion, I would like to add that this significant holiday is a holiday for men of all ages, professions, although it comes in a cold, winter time.

Husband Dad Brother Son Uncle Father-in-law Colleagues Chief Happy Defender's Day

Your courage is commendable
Your intelligence and strength are also good.
I send you congratulations on 23
Dear colleague and friend, from the bottom of my heart!

Happy February 23rd, my colleagues!
I wish you success and warmth!
Starting your new shoots
Let them turn into good deeds!

Let family life be happy
Protects immunity from colds
Only good people surround you,
Many, many wonderful years to you!

Congratulations on February 23! I wish you to be courageous in the face of obstacles that are at work, to be patient with the requirements of your superiors, to solve the most difficult tasks with complete confidence.

Dear colleagues, comrades, friends,
We heartily congratulate you on February 23rd.
We wish you good luck and a peaceful path,
And this way with friends, with loved ones to pass!

Men, congratulations!
We wish you all the team,
In the hearts of the fire so as not to go out,
And your every moment was happy.

Let the work argue
Any difficulty is not a barrier,
Wealth will be over the edge -
Worthy reward for hard work!

I congratulate all my colleagues, worthy men, true defenders and reliable friends on February 23. Let your health be heroic, spirit - cheerful, weekdays - successful, and holidays - joyful. I wish you love in your hearts and harmony in your souls.

On the day of February, which is twenty-third in a row
To you, colleague, I wish you many years,
Let there be order in the plans and in the budget,
And the company has great authority.

We congratulate you fully armed,
And the feelings in the neckline are explosive.
We want, colleagues, to discover
How we love such beautiful men.

There is no emancipation among us supporters.
Command, lead, win!
You are the gene pool of our beautiful nation!
Love, health! Continue your race!

Since February 23, my colleagues! Let happiness and luck follow you everywhere, success in work will be very noticeable, and everyone will have everything at home, everything will be wonderful and just wonderful!

On the day of the defender, colleagues, I will say -
I value your friendship and support,
I wish not to lose optimism
And solve problems without effort.

Thank you dear men
That you always keep the defense in front of the boss.
We are not afraid of any obstacles,
Any rush to us is just nonsense.

And congratulations on the twenty-third,
Again we want to say amicably:
How madly we love you, appreciate, understand -
That's how we love and will continue!

Dear our men, you are the frame of our team, therefore, on your day, we wish male solidarity to help you solve all problems, and your gallantry and attentiveness will always please us women.

Happy twenty-third of February
You, colleagues and friends!
I wish you love
My Precious!
Perfection and success
Lots of money, happiness, laughter!

Congratulations, colleagues,
Happy twenty-third of February!
A lot of wishes
I have good ones:

inspiration, good luck,
Bright, bright, good days,
Pleasant meetings, and, of course, -
Great friends!

It's nice to work side by side with real knights, true gentlemen, real men! And you, colleagues, are exactly like that! Since February 23, be very successful, incredibly happy and absolutely healthy!

Alina Ogonyok