Scenario of the holiday “Birds are our friends. Extracurricular activity "Birds are our friends" (2nd grade) Birds are our faithful helpers


  • to acquaint with the birds of Russia, with their way of life;
  • broaden the horizons of students;
  • develop the desire to independently acquire knowledge;
  • to educate a respectful attitude towards native nature.
  1. Tit.
  2. Bullfinch.
  3. Waxwing.
  4. Nuthatch.
  5. Woodpecker.
  6. Wagtail.
  7. Dipper.
  8. Chomga.
  9. Crossbill.
  10. Nutcracker.
  11. Capercaillie.

Birds are song and flight.
These are the voices of our forests, steppes, mountains and deserts. The songs of birds are heard on Earth all year round, their voices are heard day and night.
Birds are children of the air, conquerors of the air ocean. They rise above clouds and mountains, fly over the seas and deserts.
Birds are children of the rainbow: their feathers are painted in all imaginable and inconceivable colors.
Birds are messengers of joy. Every year they bring us spring on their wings.
Birds are our faithful helpers, protectors of our forests and fields, orchards and vegetable gardens.
Birds are mystery and beauty. Birds are our childhood friends.
Beautiful poems and songs, legends and fairy tales have been composed about birds, we cannot do without birds. It is impossible to imagine even our planet without birds.
That's what birds are!
N. Sladkov.

Part 1. Fragments 3-15. Tit.

Tit- a forest bird. Under the tree canopy, among many other birdies, it is difficult to notice it. But with the onset of autumn, when everything calms down until spring, you can suddenly hear her song "qi-qi-qi, ping-ping-ping." Look at her! Can you confuse her with one of the birds, so elegant? A titmouse flew from the forest closer to people to survive the winter.

She will be happy with everything that we, people, will offer her at the feeders: crumbs, grains, cereals, sunflower seeds, pieces of bacon. Instantly, the titmouse will find a treat and will fly to the feeder regularly. And if you forget to add food, they will immediately notify about it ... How? With all your behavior! They can even knock on the window with their beaks.

In the park, you can see how titmouses boldly grab seeds from the palm of their hand.

The titmouse's favorite delicacy is pieces of bacon, hung on the branches of trees ...

In March, the tits begin to praise the arriving warmth and sun. Their spring song is simple, but ringing and pleasant: "Zenzivar, Zenzivar ..." Under this song, the birds retreat into the forest, and their life becomes less open and noticeable. But, if they lived in the park or in the garden where they were fed in winter, they can stay here for the summer.

Tits are not afraid of a person, tk. very gullible. A nest of tits can be seen in a mailbox, in an abandoned samovar pipe, in a felt boot lying on a stack of firewood, in a jacket pocket worn on a scarecrow ... From 6 to 15 fragile, light-colored testicles can be seen in a warm, wool-lined and fluffy nest.

Tits are excellent dart frogs. Strong legs with sharp claws on their paws allow them to rummage through the branches of trees down to the thinnest ones, in search of insect larvae. At the same time, they can find themselves in a variety of poses, often even upside down.

Parents bring food to growing chicks up to 500 times a day. One scientist marked a tit and observed it for 40 minutes. During this time, the bird examined 96 pines, 5 birches in search of insects and their larvae ... Needless to say, what service do these birds render to trees?

The tit family unites 65 species. All members of the family are small birds. The largest is a great tit, weighs 25-30 g, the smallest -10 g.

Among the titmice there are titmouse - titmouse, long-tailed titmouse - opolovnichki, blue tit, blue tit, there are even crested titmouses ...

Part 2. Fragments 16-22. Bullfinch.

With the first snow, unusually beautiful birds appear in our area - bullfinches... The chest, neck, cheeks of a bullfinch are of a bright red color. There is a black cap on the head, the back is bluish-gray. All colors are clean, and this makes the bird dressy. The female is not so brightly colored, but just as beautiful.

The bullfinch is a little bigger than a sparrow.

And they named it so because bullfinches are the first messengers of winter with snow. It's an extraordinary sight: important. a proud, red-breasted bullfinch on a rowan branch, and white snow all around.

From time to time birds dive into the snow, swim in it.

The bullfinch is a calm and respectable bird. He will not fuss, shout, rush about at the feeding trough. He does everything calmly. But the song of the bullfinch is simple, uncomplicated. In the early morning and late afternoon, and in severe frosts and in the afternoon, bullfinches fly from bush to tree in search of food and feed on ash, maple, rowan berries, wild apple seeds, and weed seeds.

Bullfinches peck out of rowan berries, apples only seeds, the pulp itself is thrown onto the snow.

If the flock is disturbed, they hide among the branches of a spruce or pine. Most of the day the birds sit quietly and silently in the depths of the spruce branches. And these birds spend the night in the spruce forest, hiding their heads under a wing. After sunset, the bullfinches are not visible, and at dawn, the voices of awakened birds are heard over the spruce forest, soon the flock flies to the ash trees, mountain ash ... The bullfinch is a forest bird. With the approach of spring, the bullfinches are not visible from the human habitation, flew away into the forests.

It happens that a family of bullfinches will make a nest under the roof of a country house or on a veranda among dense thickets of flowers. Then the birds behave carefully, secretively.

Or in severe frosts, a bullfinch can fly onto the porch and fall dead. But, if you bring the bird home, it will warm up, peck crumbs and stop being afraid of people.

Part 3. Fragments 23-28. Waxwing.

And these elegant birds - waxwings... They sit, sing - they wax in a pleasant silvery voice, like bells. And seemingly pleasant - smoky pink, with tufts, with red, yellow, white specks on the wings.

Beautiful, mysterious, trusting. They nest in the north, appear in our forests only in winter.

What do they eat? Just like bullfinches, they love mountain ash, apples of an apple tree - wild birds, seeds of various plants ... At rowan and apple trees, seeds are pecked out, throwing the pulp on the snow. They peck quickly, as if in a hurry somewhere.

They can even overeat and fall in a flock dead in the grass, in the snow. They will lie there for 2 - 3 hours, get hungry and again, having come to their senses, they fly to look for food.

"Swirk-peresvirk" is heard in the forest. This flock of waxwings flies from bush to bush, from tree to tree ... They are not afraid of people: where they nest, people are not visible.

Spring will come, it will get warmer, and ... So the waxwings flew to their native land, where it is cooler.

Part 4. Fragments 29-36. Nuthatch.

Few sounds in the early morning in the winter forest. But as soon as the edge of the sky in the east begins to turn pink, a vigorous nuthatch whistle sounds. "... Tew - Tew - Tew-Tirrr ..." - a strong, sonorous voice of a little bird.

The whole life of the nuthatch takes place on the trunks of trees. He is a master of climbing up and down trunks, he knows how to do it sideways, and up, and upside down. And at the same time it does not lean on its tail. But the tenacity of the fingers is such that it can even hold on to a concrete pillar.

This bird is always in motion, always on its feet, and it seems that it uses its wings only to fly from tree to tree. Having taken off to the crown of a tree, the nuthatch descends upside down along the trunk almost to the very ground, examining all the cracks and looking for everything that comes in its way: bugs, insect larvae ... It can be considered omnivorous.

In the winter park, this bird can be fed with seeds from the palm of your hand. The nuthatch is so trusting and not afraid of a person!

It is interesting to observe the nuthatch in the forest at any time of the year. He will go about his business without a shadow of concern: looking for food for himself and for his chicks.

It is also interesting that this bird is very thrifty. In the fall, it hides in the cracks, in the cracks in the bark of a tree, what can survive until winter. There may be nuts, maple seeds, bread crumbs from feeders, pieces of bacon.

And in the winter it will find both its reserves and the reserves of its relatives. And its reserves can be used by neighbors. If you make supplies, then you have to live near them. And so it happens. I must say: the nuthatch is a couch potato. A married couple lives on "their" site all year round, not letting strangers into it. And the birds themselves do not fly to "foreign" areas. The couple arranges their nest in a hollow left by a woodpecker. If the entrance to the house is too large, the birds reduce it by covering it with clay, leaving an even hole about 3 cm in diameter. So the hollow becomes inaccessible to predators.

After coating, the hollow is first filled with pieces of rot, breaking them off from the stumps. Then the construction of the nest itself begins. There is never fluff, feathers, or hairs in it. This unique structure is made of thin pieces of bark, placed on the edge, so that chicks will grow in "Spartan" conditions. The work goes quickly, at this time the birds are not distracted even in search of food.

All this happens in early spring.

And immediately the female lays 7-8 eggs. In early May, chicks already appear, which mother and father feed and take care of for a long time. Only by the end of June do the chicks fly out of the nest.

Part 5. Fragments 37-49. Woodpecker.

Big speckled woodpecker- the most numerous in our forests.

It can be found in all forests, in the park. He is slightly larger than a starling in height. It fully corresponds to its name - motley. Male and female can be distinguished by a red spot on the back of the head. In summer it feeds on insects, in winter it eats pine and spruce seeds.

All woodpeckers are caring parents. The nest is arranged in a hollow, where it is always dry and clean. The mother incubates the chicks, and the father brings her food. The hatched chicks are fed together, arriving to the nest carefully and alternately throughout the day. A noise rises in the nest as soon as one of the parents appears with food.

This is what a two-day-old woodpecker chick looks like. But every day his appearance changes. Every day the chicks grow and change in appearance. They are gluttonous and ready to eat, eat and eat ... After 25 days, the chicks are already crawling out of the nest, they still fly badly, but they deftly climb up the tree trunk, clinging to the bark with sharp claws. And very soon the whole family will leave their native hollow, never to return here.

The woodpecker spends a lot of energy to feed itself. First, he pulls off a bump, and she holds on tightly, and he chops it off with his strong beak. Then he brings the lump to the "smithy" and strengthens it there. To extract only 1 seed, the bird makes 20-30 blows with its beak. This means 600-700 strokes for each bump. And for 10 cones? That's right, 6000-7000 strokes. One can envy such hard work. It does not scatter the plucked cones, but extracts almost all the seeds from them. The processed cone is thrown aside with its beak and flies after a new cone. A day can gut up to 70 cones. So by the end of winter, under some "forges" there are 800-900 empty cones, and sometimes 5000-7000.

In summer, both in a rotten stump and in the bark of trees, a woodpecker will find either a thick larva or wood-boring ants.

Do woodpeckers sing? The "drum trill" of woodpeckers is a signal to others that the forest area is occupied. Having found a dry twig on the site, he quickly, quickly knocks on it with his beak. The twig is motionless, and the woodpecker's head "dangles back and forth." You cannot call it singing. Yes, they give a harsh voice, but this is not singing either.

There are about 220 species of woodpeckers in the family. In addition to the great spotted woodpecker, you can also find the small spotted woodpecker, black woodpecker, golden-fronted woodpecker, white-billed king woodpecker, green woodpecker - the most silent.

Part 6. Fragments 50-55. Wagtail.

In early spring wagtail can be seen on the sandy banks of the rivers. The bird runs between pebbles and snags, looking out for live larvae and bugs in the cracks. Or it will fly up, grab a fly on the fly and return to its original place. Mosquitoes, moths, midges, beetles, their pupae are the favorite food of the white wagtail.

And this is a yellow wagtail.

But why does the bird have such a name, wagtail? Because when the bird runs, its long tail sways up and down without stopping. That is why - wagtail or wagtail.

On the roads this bird
I could not help you.
Small. There is a habit -
Sway up and down slightly.
Long tail - up and down
He jumped, then hung.

Roy will see a mosquito
Somewhere in the middle of the yard.
Runs up by a ballerina
Grab it! - and there is no mosquito.
Mosquitoes tremble with fear
If this bird is near.

Shouts cheerfully: "Tzok-tzok!" -
And it will swing like a shuttle.

Gullible and bold disposition
The runner is gray and white.
Seminit, rushes along the path-
Moshkare will not descend….
Guess what kind of bird?
- Wagtail! Wagtail!

She can make a nest wherever she likes: behind the window casing, under the roof of the house, behind a stack of firewood, in the grill, under the hood of a car. The bird's voice is quiet, but pleasant, rings like a bell. At the end of summer, having gathered in flocks, wagtails fly away to hot Africa.

Part 7. Fragments 56-59. Deer or Water Sparrow.

Dipper or Water sparrow... Lives near rivers. Hibernates at the polynya. It winters well: it sways on ice floes, swims in the ice-hole. He also sings songs!

Dives into icy water and walks along the bottom on foot. The nose bustles into all the bottom cracks, the bottom silt stir up with its paws - looking for water beetles and larvae. And if he finds it, then go upstairs. It will emerge, fly up, sit on the ice, break a shell or a sheathik sheath about it - the larvae of the caddis flies.

All winter day it dives, then emerges, then runs along the bottom. And it won't get wet - its feathers are water-repellent. And it will not freeze - her feather is dense, warm. Moreover, beetles and larvae "warm" from the inside.

A pair of dippers builds a nest on the banks of a river or stream. A large round nest with thick walls is built from green moss, dry leaves and blades of grass. There is a wide inlet on the side. Often it is not visible, as it is hidden from prying eyes. Only the female incubates chicks for 17-20 days, but both parents feed them.

Part 8. Fragments 60-72. Chomga.

Do you know this bird? What a beautiful outfit: a lush orange collar, tufts on the head, the back is dark brown, the abdomen is snow-white ...

Hunters call such wonderful birds ... a toadstool. And only because her meat is tasteless. And beauty? See what a beauty she is! Only one velvet - what is the black crest worth?

The bird also has another, more appropriate to its beauty, name - grebe or dive because it dives beautifully. From first to last day this bird lives on the water.

It is interesting that on land it can only crawl, although it flies, swims, dives excellently and, standing with a peg to its full height, can rush along the water surface with the speed of a motor boat. It is also interesting that the Grebes are excellent dancers in the kingdom of birds.

The dance starts suddenly. The birds had just been busy with their own business ... Suddenly, both started, as if they had seen each other for the first time, swiftly swam towards each other, slightly bowing their heads and aiming their sharp beaks at each other. But, almost colliding with their breasts, they stop, throw up their heads and turn them now to the right, then to the left.

... and then the birds suddenly turn away and quickly spread out in different directions, without stopping or looking back, and dive.

They dive not to hide their embarrassment, but to collect grassy rags at the bottom. And with these bundles of grass, as with gifts, they again quickly rush towards each other. And, approaching, both grebes stand up to their full height, as if under them is not water, but a solid support. This dance can be repeated many times until the sun goes down. This continues until the water in the river warms up. Then the couple begins to build the nest.

Their nest is also on the water, floating. No bird has such a nest - it floats on the water like a raft. Eggs on the "raft"; when the bird leaves the nest to put itself in order, to eat, it covers them with leaves, stalks so that no one can see.

It is always damp under the eggs in such a nest. Chicks appear - furry and striped, like chipmunks. They can't walk, they can't even stand, but swim and dive - please! A little bit - gurgle, gurgle - and into the water. And not a single one is visible. With the brood, each family, leaving a nest that is no longer needed, moves to an open place free of grass.

While the main place of stay of chicks is the back of mom or dad. It is warm, cozy and safe here. If suddenly there is a danger, they are ready to instantly hide under water with the children. Parents take turns feeding and carrying their children, allocating their time for toilet, rest, hunting.

These are amazing birds - Grebe, toadstools or divers ... These birds are migratory, with inconstant arrival and departure times. Early autumn with cold weather - they fly away early, and if autumn is long and warm, they can live until frost. The same happens with the arrival from warm regions.

Part 9. Fragments 73-78. Crossbill.

They can be distinguished by their beak. You still have to look for such a beak! With sharp, curved, crossed ends, the beak is an excellent tool for handling cones. And the seeds of the cones of coniferous trees are food for these birds.

Most often, the stories about crossbills boil down to the fact that these birds hatch their chicks in winter, in the most severe frosts. Yes, that is right! A crossbill sits for itself in a nest among snow-covered branches and incubates chicks. The wind is howling, a blizzard is blowing, frost reaches 30-35 degrees. The female sits for weeks 2, does not leave anywhere, because the eggs cannot be left for a minute without the saving maternal warmth. But the male feeds her carefully. But even when the chicks appear, nothing changes. After all, now you cannot leave helpless children. Zoologists claim that their fluff is not thicker and no longer than that of babies born in spring and summer. All the warmth from the mother! Over time, the fluff becomes larger and thicker. The mother occasionally leaves the nest, flying away for food. But it returns quickly and the chicks warm up under the wing of their mother.

In general, the male usually feeds the offspring: he brings the seeds of spruce, pine, transfers them to the female, and she - to the children. At one time, the male brings in his esophagus up to 300-400 g of seeds.

Most often there are 4 chicks in the crossbill nest. They stay in the nest for three weeks, but even then their parents take care of them. The fact is that young crossbills have the most common, straight beak. Only at 1.5 months of age, the beak is bent, comes back to normal. And only now the children themselves learn to get the seeds from the cones, pushing the scales apart or breaking them off.

The nests of crossbills are well sheltered from snow and from prying eyes in the thick of spruce paws, made of dry twigs and tightly braided with strands of tree lichens. The deep, spacious tray is carefully covered with dry moss, hare, squirrel, elk hair. As soon as the children grow up, the parents divide the brood and together with the chicks go to travel through the forest, not in the least caring about the fate of the rest.

Among the crossbills in our forests there are crossbills - spruce, crossbills - pine trees, white-winged crossbills.

Part 10. Fragments 79-85. Nutcracker.

And here is the taiga bird nutcracker... So it was named because most of the nutcrackers are in the cedar taiga and this name is related to the word cedar.

It can also be called a nut. Its plumage is dark brown with white spots on the tips of the feathers. Of course, its food is cedar nuts, and in those regions where there is little cedar, acorns are also used, nuts - hazelnuts, berries, and when it is necessary to feed the chicks, then various insects: weevils, barbel.

Birds build a nest in conifers when there is still snow in the forest. Chicks are fed with beetles and their larvae, last year's nuts. Children grow up quickly. And when the new nuts are ripe, the chicks can no longer be distinguished from their parents.

As the pine nuts ripen, the nutcracker begins to stock up. Cram nuts in the goiter and flies into the mountains. There he shoves nuts into the cracks of the rock, hides them in the hollows of trees, buries them under the moss. It is known that nutcrackers shed more than half of all ripe cones from trees, and many of them remain intact. And, if the nuts remain in the cones, then they do not germinate, but disappear or are eaten by mice. But the nutcracker crushes the cones, pecks the nuts out of them and hides them, thereby making reserves for the winter for themselves and for the chicks. Everywhere where the cedars stand, in the fall, one can hear the screams of nutcrackers, sometimes harsh and unpleasant, but sometimes tender and melodic.

Most of the stocks of nutcrackers during the winter are eaten, part is eaten by chipmunks and squirrels. Nevertheless, some of the nuts remain under the moss and germinate in the spring. In such places, cedars grow in groups of 5-10 sprouts.

So it turns out that nutcrackers, "planting" cedars in this way, help the forest.

The most amazing thing: how does this bird know how to find reserves hidden in the fall under the snow in winter? How does she determine the location of the pantry? Nobody can say for sure. Each nutcracker arranges hundreds of pantries, and in a variety of places.

This is what she is, a nutcracker bird!

Part 11. Fragments 86 - 97. Capercaillie.

Wood grouse- a beautiful forest rooster. Capercaillie is a forest dweller. In the spring, as the snow melts in the forest, the wood grouses begin to march - singing their spring songs. Capercaillie walks on the ground like a turkey, spreading its tail in a fan, and clicks with its beak, as if two sticks are knocking one against the other. And the song ends like a knife sharpening on a block.

By the end of the song, the bird does not hear anything, it stalls, that's why they called him a capercaillie.

Wood grouse live in the thicket, avoid people. And they sing their songs, i.e. "Tokovyut", in early spring, having gathered on the current, where they flock in the evening. At dawn they sing for a short time, and the morning song begins long before sunrise. The song is heard in the forest 200 steps away and attracts wood grouses, who also gather on the current and choose as a pair the one who sings better, who has more beautiful plumage.

Often fights occur between the capercaillie during the mating, and the capercaillie will choose the one who turns out to be stronger.

The wood grouse nest is arranged on the ground among the dry last year's grass, in a small depression, where the female lays 8-12 eggs. The capercaillie chicks incubate alone, sometimes leaving the nest for a while to find food.

The female's light brown plumage with rusty and white transverse stripes helps her hide in the grass very well. You won't even notice her when she sits on a nest among branches and dry grass.

Chicks, too, you will not notice among the grass, they are so motley. But ... the little ones, barely dry, follow their mother and themselves begin to feed on flies, ants, and berries. And the mother teaches them to get food and hide in the grass in times of danger.

Favorite food in summer - strawberries, lingonberries, cranberries, cloudberries, grass seeds. Closer to winter, birds fly to the banks of rivers, lakes, stuff their goiters with small pebbles. These pebbles help grind tough pine needles in the bird's stomach in winter. The pine tree, the needles of which they feed on in winter, will be completely naked by the spring. After all, needles are the only food for these birds in winter.

On snowy winter nights, wood grouses fall from trees into a snowdrift and sleep there. An amazing sight - birds flying out from under the snow. You go on skis, the snow is sparkling all around, and suddenly from under your feet, with a loud flapping of wings, birds fly out.

The text material for the presentation was taken from the issues of the "Young Naturalist" magazine.

  1. Andreev A.
  2. Bogushev I.
  3. Gorshkov V.
  4. Davydov V.
  5. Kozlov M.
  6. Masakhov A.
  7. Orlov N.
  8. Sapegin A.
  9. Telyatnik A.
  10. Tulin I.

Natalia Davydova
Scenario of the holiday "Birds are our friends"

Holiday script« Birds are our friends» .

Natalia Davydova

Holiday script« Birds are our friends» .

MBDOU "Kamyshensky Kindergarten "Spring"

Holiday script

« Birds are our friends» .

(senior preschool age).

Performed: educator Davydova N.S.

S. Kamyshenka, 2016

Holiday« Birds are our friends»

Today we have holiday - Bird Day.

Leading. Why without birds we cannot do? Every year they bring us spring on their wings. Birds Are our faithful helpers, protectors of forests, fields, orchards and vegetable gardens. Birds dear to us as part of our wonderful world. Their melodious, cheerful, sonorous songs, bright plumage revive nature, instill in us cheerfulness and joy. Remember folks that you can't bust the nests birds, shoot them with slingshots! Take care of birds!

Birds are our friends!

Birds Is beauty and mystery.

Leading. Guys, guess riddles:

1. I wake everyone up on time,

I'm not looking for hours.

2. On the claws on a pine trunk

The red-headed fixer climbed in.

He worked on weight

But no light flashed in the forest.

3. Vereshuni, white-sided,

And her name is.

4. She does not sit still:

Everything flies all day

Bustling, bustling,

The whole day is ringing: "Shadow-shadow!"

Guess what bird?

That's funny.

5. And in the forest, mind you, children,

There are night watchmen.

The watchmen are afraid of these

Mice - hiding, trembling:

Very harsh

Owls and.

A boy dressed in a woodpecker costume stands up and walks in front of the children, giving them the opportunity to admire the variety of colors in his costume.

Woodpecker. Who you are?

Even though I'm not a hammer -

I knock on wood;

Every corner is in it

I want to examine.

I walk in a red hat

And the acrobat is beautiful.

Leading. Who is this guys? Have you guessed?

Children. It's a woodpecker.

Woodpecker. That's right guys! I'm a woodpecker.

Leading. Judging by the color, you big motley woodpecker. What a variety

colors in your costume! It is unlikely that anyone will find such a combination. It's about you

they say: "Woodpecker is the best friend of the forest", you are affectionately called Tuk Tukich, about you

add up riddles. His whole life is spent in the trees. Here he gets himself food from under the bark of trees, as my food is the larvae of beetles and insects living in the bark and wood. Like an attentive doctor, the woodpecker examines, taps, listens to every tree. And if the tree is infected, the woodpecker begins to gouge it. By the traces of woodpeckers, it is easy to find out whether the forest is infected or healthy. But this few: The woodpecker in the forest is not only a doctor, he is also a carpenter. During his life, he gouges dozens of hollows, and they serve as houses in which starlings, flycatchers, redstarts, tits and many others gladly settle for the summer season. birds.

Leading: Woodpecker, what did you bring us?

The birds answer: Forest telegram.

Leading. Let's hear what this telegram is.

Leading. Who brings it out lingeringly and loudly on a sunny afternoon

song: "Xin-hsin-hsin"? And as if repeating, listen.

A girl dressed in a titmouse costume gets up and is talking: "Throw off your caftan, throw off

Leading. Do you guys recognize her?

Children. It's a tit.

Tit. I have a black cap, yellow breast, green back and sharp

black beak.

Leading. This bird occurs more often than other wintering birds... In the summer she

feeds on insects, destroying a large number of forest and garden pests. In winter, tits migrate closer to villages and cities. Tits often fly onto balconies and peck at food wrapped in paper. They love unsalted bacon.

In winter it is difficult to find food for tits, and therefore it is necessary to arrange "dining rooms" for them.

Pieces of bacon can also be tied to the feeder, where dry food is poured.

Leading. Guys! Look what kind of little bird is sitting next to me.

Bullfinch. On branches adorned with snow fringes

Ruddy apples grew in winter.

Apples scurry around the apple tree merrily,

Caterpillars of frozen apples peck.

Children. It's a bullfinch!

A child dressed in a bullfinch costume walks along stage.

Bullfinch. I am a bullfinch. I arrive from colder places.

Leading. Look at what a thick black beak the bullfinch has. With it he hulls seeds of bird cherry, juniper and mountain ash berries. I willingly eat alder and birch seeds.

Leading. And what is this flock of little gray birds sitting

on a tree and chirps so plaintively, as if complaining about hunger: "a little bit alive,

a little bit alive? "

Several children dressed in sparrow costumes run across stage.

Leading. Winter is terrible with hunger birds, not cold. Well fed bird - and warm

her under the rest and feathers. You think sparrows are unnecessary birds? No, they are the main protectors - the keepers of parks and gardens. They feed their numerous offspring with insects and their larvae, bringing great benefits to humans.

Woodpecker: Don't forget about us guys in winter.

Tit. Set up bird canteens for us. Help us get through

difficult winter time.

Leading. Thanks, birds! Guys, we hope you enjoyed our holiday.

Leading. Guys, look how many migratory and wintering birds flew into our open window (shows silhouettes birds made of white paper) Only now, while they were flying from distant countries, the rains and winds washed away all the colors from their feathers, the little white birds became sad, they stopped singing. Maybe you can help them - paint and paint?

Children go to the group to paint birds.

Until next time!

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Project type: short-term Focus: artistic and creative, cognitive Relevance of the topic: The relationship of man with nature.

Birds are our friends project Educational project "Birds are our friends" Project type: informational and creative. Project type: group. Duration: short term.

Birds are our friends project Municipal budget educational institution Kadryakovskaya secondary school of the Agryz municipal district.

The arrival of spring is felt by all living beings, but especially by birds. On the thawed spots and in the hot spots, timid grass makes its way, black-gray rooks proudly pace and shout with joy that nothing has changed at home.

Larks, barely noticeable in the sky, are already ringing over the fields, and in the forests finches and warblers are trying their voice. Soon, soon the cuckoo will start counting the years - and the leaves will hatch, and the main soloist, the nightingale, will arrive and hide in the dense paradise of the white fragrant bird cherry.

Every day is new migratory birds! And their own, sedentary, return from the forest. Nikolay Sladkov called spring "bird" not by chance. He composed a heartfelt hymn to the birds, compiled an "atlas of birds" bringing spring-red on their wings from distant warm countries. A great connoisseur of bird singing, a naturalist writer noticed all the subtleties between the big and not so great masters. You never know who wants to sing!

The guests have settled down, settled down, it's time to take up the house. “Where are they, the bird houses? Birdhouses, titmouses, owls, gogolyats, checkboxes? Houses for wagtails, flycatchers, pikas? .. Yes, there are birdhouses and titmouses. But not enough! And it would be necessary to more quickly put together and hang it up before it's too late. For the joy of ourselves and for the benefit of the birds! " This business can be carried away as seriously as the heroes of Mikhail Alekseev's story "How We Met Starlings" - Misha and Vanya.

N. Sladkov


Birds are children of the air, conquerors of the air ocean. They rise above clouds and mountains, fly over the seas and deserts.

Birds are children of the rainbow: their feathers are painted in all imaginable and inconceivable colors.

Birds are messengers of joy. Every year they bring us spring on their wings.

Birds are our faithful helpers, protectors of our forests and fields, orchards and vegetable gardens.

Birds are mystery and beauty. Birds are our childhood friends.

Beautiful poems and songs, legends and fairy tales have been composed about birds, we cannot do without birds. It is impossible even to imagine our Earth without birds!

That's what birds are.

Birds brought spring

Brooks appeared in the forest - and the first streams in the forest began to purr. Brooks in the trees are ringing, and streams are under the trees.

The cuckoos flew in, ate - the forests were shrouded in a warm green haze. It was on the bushes and trees that spring buds burst, green leaves appeared.

Wild ducks from the south returned - the first openings on rivers and lakes opened, living water splashed in them.

The cranes appeared, trumpeted under the clouds, and below for them all the swamps thawed, snowy cranberries appeared.

Nightingales from the south returned, whistled, pounded - everywhere the bird cherry blossomed, the bird cherry spirit pulled.

Swallows flew in, flashed, chirped - the flowers were the first to bloom, butterflies fluttered over the flowers.

Spring has come, spring is in the yard!

So spring is being done: each little by little, each that can, each his own.


Vesnichka, like spring, is anxiously awaiting all winter: rather a spring green haze, golden willow lambs and a birdie sprout with a birch leaf, with a cute spring song.

The song of the wilderness, though sonorous, is a little sad. These are not the vigorous cries of a brawler-finch, not the cold, whistling whistles of an arrogant nightingale. In the song of the wilderness, the spring murmur of streams and the soft whistles of the warm wind.

You will meet a willow tree in the spring, you will be delighted and ... soon you will stop noticing it! Rather, you see and hear it, but it does not attract attention so much, the brighter and more vociferous birds distract you. But then, by the fall, you really regret that you were distracted, did not look at the willow to your fill, did not hear enough of her songs in reserve. And you already miss her, and you start to miss, and again you wait and hurry up the spring.

And again spring, and a haze of birches, and a willow tree. And her first song, twisted from the murmur of streams and the whistle of the wind. And again she soon gets lost in the hasty series of spring events. And again you regret later that you did not see enough and did not hear enough for the whole winter.

And you wait again ...


The one that shakes with its tail, shakes its long tail. Slender, fast, dexterous! Runs along the edge of the water or along the ridge of the roof so fast that you can't see its legs! As if rolling on a bicycle. Even on the run and lunges with the beak to the right and to the left - like a rapier. One, two - and there is no fly!

The wagtail sings uncomplicated, but in early spring and is happy with such a song. And she flies to us as soon as living water breaks through. There is even a sign: a wagtail has arrived - wait for the ice drift. She, they say, breaks the ice on the river with a long tail!

The wagtail is indeed always near the water. And if not by a lake or river, then at least by a puddle. She has a table and a house by the water.

And also wagtails love ... a village herd!

Horses and cows get confused under the hooves, they ride on horse and cow backs. Not for the sake of pampering, but for the horseflies, mosquitoes and flies. And everyone is happy with the cows and wagtails. And the shepherds: calmer cows bring more milk. Horses don't kick.

Titmouse arithmetic

In the spring, barnacle titmouses sing louder than all: ringing bells. In a different way and manner. Some people just hear: "Twice, two, twice, two, twice, two!" And others briskly whistle: "Four-four-four!"

From morning to evening, the titmouse census the multiplication table.

Two-two, two-two, two-two! - cry out some.

Four-four-four! - others answer cheerfully.

Titmouse arithmetic.

Everybody wants to sing

Toads sing, owls mutter. Bumblebee hums with bass. There is nothing to say about birds! They sing from dawn to dawn, and some sing at night.

For a starling, his song is not enough, so he re-sings others. Sits on a birch, shiny and black, as if dipped in tar, spreads its wings and snaps its beak like a hairdresser with scissors.

Either he whistles like a white-browed, then skips with a twirling neck, then grunts like a duck. And a rooster, and a gander, and a lamb. Oriole, chiffchaff, magpie! To different voices: for myself and for everyone.

Five black grouse

A hazel grouse flew into the dawn to the side of a grouse current and started its own song:

I counted: six braids on the current! Five off to the side in the snow, and the sixth next to the hut, on a gray bump sits.

And his hazel grouse:

Five, five, five black grouse!

Six! I say.

Five, five, five black grouse!

The next one - the sixth - heard, got scared and flew away.

Five, five, five black grouse! - the hazel grouse whistles.

I am silent. I myself see that it is five. The sixth flew away. And the hazel grouse does not calm down:

Five, five, five black grouse!

I don’t argue! I say. - Five so five!

Five, five, five black grouse! - the hazel grouse whistles.

I can see without you! I snapped. - Probably not blind!

How the white wings flutter, how the white wings flutter - and not a single black grouse is left! And the hazel grouse flew away with them.

Night cuckoo

The night cuckoo will have a bite of the day. During the day, everyone interferes with her, and at night she is alone. Warm spring night. The water mutters deafly, the frogs rumble deafly. The light of the murky moon hardly divides the darkness into heaven and earth. And over the muffled mumbling silence, a sad and distant crowing is heard, as if they are beating with an invisible hammer on the shining hats of the stars.

Love to sing in the silence of the night. Everyone listens to you and guesses: soon it's their turn.

The night cuckoo was singing. Wakes everyone up to the sun. Crested lapwings will wake up and fly over the swamp, creaking their wings.

Long-nosed curlews will whistle sadly on gray bumps: “Ku-li-ik! Ku-li-i-hik! "

Fieldbirds cackle in a dark chapyga.

The cranes will blow their resounding trumpets. The finch will sing briskly, with a crackling flourish, as if rinsing a throat.

And there, you look, and the sun will rise.

But that’s later. In the meantime, silence, and the night cuckoo. The invisible hammer beats and beats at the ringing stars: "Ku-ku-u, ku-ku-u, ku-ku-u!"

If you want to live for a long time, hurry up to the forest of the year to count. The night cuckoo will bake you! Enough for two lives. There will still be!

A. Tumbasov

My house

Everywhere there are checkered anxiety, sparrow bustle, rook efficiency, squishy haste - the birds have got families.

"Tryuy, lely-lyul!" - does not appease some bird, hiding in the bushes.

And her song, like that of any bird: "It is busy - here is my home!"

M. Alekseev

How we met starlings

The season of lark was passing, and it was replaced by no less exciting: from day to day starlings were to arrive. These mischievous, funny mockingbirds-parodists, having appeared, will stay with us for a long time, as it were, as a reward for the fact that we, people, relieve them of the big worries-hassle of building nests, build houses for them, one more beautiful and intricate, more intricate than the other.

For example, from a crawl, I began to overcome my grandfather Mikhaila, so that he, an excellent master of building birdhouses, would get down to business as soon as possible.

Every spring, grandfather renewed the nesting dwellings, the old houses were sent either to the firebox or to the boxes for the tomatoes of the future harvest.

It took the old man several days and even nights to make one birdhouse, since the design was very complex: the birdhouse was supplied with a porch with an iron roof above it, with some tiles around the edges and something else, so clever that you can't name it. what would it be. At the entrance to the porch, the grandfather built in a thin wire fence: it freely admitted his rightful owner, that is, the starling, into the house, but did not allow birds, crows or magpies, and the cat, to enter there.

Above the roof of the house itself loomed a beautiful little lace tube covered with warming notions.

I liked these birdhouses, and I moaned at my grandfather:

Grandpa Misha, the starlings have arrived.

Truth? Didn't you, namesake, confuse them with sparrows?

No, not confused. Vanka was saying. He had seen it on the farm.

Your liar Vanka. Starlings do not arrive so early.

Why? I asked. - It's warm outside.

It will melt soon.

Then your starlings will arrive, Mishanka, - and my grandfather revealed to me his unwritten alphabet of nature. - Come they now, they will starve to death. What do starlings eat?


Right. Where do the worms live?

In the ground.

And again it is true. Where is she now, earth?

Under the snow.

Under the snow, therefore, worms and various insects are buried. The snowball will be removed from the fields, large thawed patches will appear in the gardens, the little creatures of God will crawl out to bask in the sun - the starling is right there. The tsap scratches them with its long beak - and is full, and the nose is in tobacco ...

Do starlings peck tobacco? - I wondered.

They don't, of course. They are not such fools as your father or Uncle Petruha. There is just a saying: "Well fed, drunk, and your nose is in tobacco." She was invented, Mishanka, for unlucky men. I hope you won't be like that?

I will not, '' I declared resolutely, because I had enough time to look at my parent enough, when he was fed and drunk too much, and he smelled of tobacco a mile away, and when he was not only disgusting outwardly, but also dangerous because he climbed on everyone with his fists.

And don't, Mishanka, - the grandfather said with satisfaction and, reassured, returned to the starlings:

In ten days, not earlier, your noisy guests will come. And by that time I’ll put together not one birdhouse for you, but two at once and I’ll bring it to you myself. We will put one in the yard, and the other on the street, under the window, so that you can listen to the songbook right at home.

That's great! - I exclaimed and, jumping up, hung on my grandfather's neck, clasping it with my thin but strong little arms. I also poked awkwardly at his beard: I wanted to kiss the man who, after my mother, was perhaps the dearest and closest to me.

By the arrival of starlings in almost all yards, on poles crowned with branchy branches, or on willows growing in front of the house, brand new, unpainted (this spoiled bird does not like paint, we knew it) gilded houses for them, delighting our flourishing child souls.

Everyone wanted the first starling to appear on his courtyard, so that later it could be announced publicly.

Knowing that he was arriving early in the morning, I woke up before sunrise and, wrapping myself in anything, went out into the yard, sat on a stump and did not take my eyes off the birdhouse for hours, while shivering from the morning frost, more often I wielded the sleeve of my fur coat under my more and more with a moist nose, but endured, did not go to the hut: suddenly, I thought, he would fly in, but I would not see.

In the end, my patience was rewarded. True, I did not catch the very moment in which the bird was announced, and found it only when it was already sticking its long beak out of the house and uttering a ringing whistle warning everyone and all: here it is, they say, I have arrived!

Before fluttering onto a branch and from there to communicate this news to the whole world, the starling dives ten times in a row into its new dwelling, examines it with all possible thoroughness. After all, not someone else, but he had to make a responsible decision: is the house suitable for living in it and breeding offspring?

The male is the first to arrive at the nesting sites. Having found a new dwelling quite suitable, he will first fly up to its roof, wave there often, often with his wings, silvered from below to match the color of the abdomen, then move to the highest branch and there will give full vent to his rare talent to sing both to the nightingale and to the sparrow , and under the turtledove, and under the rook, and even under the guttural long-liver - the black crow. A whole chapel in one tiny throat - is it not a miracle, is it not a miracle ?! And where only, when and how he overheard in his short life all these variegated bird voices. And if only the bird starling would depict you a cat's meow, and a cow's foot, and a sheep's bleating, and he maketh like a goat. He can do anything, starling!

The nightingale, sung by poets of all times and peoples, will not be able to perform even a hundredth part of these songs, and we never tire of praising him and admiring his voice. We understand that the nightingale has one song, but it is a nightingale. The starling does not seem to have its own song, but only a starling is able to collect a great many songs into one whole and turn them into something single and unique, and no one else, is that not enough ?! Isn't that why we are waiting for his arrival with no less (if not more) joy than a nightingale ?! He is close to our heart also because he does not hide from us in the dark thickets somewhere beyond the river, but floods, rejoices at the opportunity to live, sing and create right before our eyes, hiding nothing - neither his songs, nor his love scenes , nor their big family worries, which were the result of this love ...

Van ... Vanka! The starlings have arrived! ..

Just think - we have too! - instantly retorted my friend. - Yesterday!

Come on, are you lying? - somewhat dumbfounded, I asked.

By God! Here are those cross! But, seeing that this was too little for me to believe, Vanka immediately added:

Honest pioneer! ..

Vankin's mother, like any mother, did not like it when her children were lying, telling a lie, sighing in sorrow, and threatening her son with a grasp, spoke with bitter reproach:

You're lying, you rogue. You didn't go out into the yard either yesterday or today.

I heard, Mom.

You haven't heard anything. At least I didn't lie to my mother! You are also called a pioneer. Oh you!

Mozha, you really heard, Aunt Vera! - I stood up for my friend.

Oh, well, you at all! - And Vankina's mother defiantly went to the stove, rattling there with grabs and a poker.

We ran out into the courtyard, climbed the rubble and, lifting our heads, waited for the Vanka's starlings to appear. In my heart I felt sorry for my comrade, who was forced to lie out of pride, and I watched his birdhouse with no less impatience than he did. And when the bird from flight, without any warning, dived into a new and therefore unfamiliar house for her, shouted first and louder than Vankin:

Arrived! Arrived! .. Wan, have you seen? .. Come-te-uh-l!

Don't yell like that, Misha! - Vanka held my sleeve, as if I was about to take off on a willow where the birdhouse was attached. - You’ll scare it off again!

I saw that Vanka's eyes were turning red, and I held my comrade tightly to me. And it was so good for both of us that it was beyond words.

N. Ustinovich

Spring mail

It happened somehow unexpectedly, and therefore it was especially joyful. In the morning, still lying in bed, grandfather Nazar hears: a starling is singing in the yard. How she sings! It will chirp, then it will whistle, then it will fill with a nightingale trill ...

The grandfather went out onto the porch, sighed deeply: the air is clean, fresh. It is still freezing hard, but still it's spring!

The starling flooded for a long time, then flew away somewhere. And in the evening he returned not alone - with a friend. And then the war began. During the winter, the sparrows occupied the birdhouse, firmly settled there. The owners are not allowed home!

There was a lot of noise at the birdhouse. In the end, the sparrows retreated. Chirping offendedly, they disappeared under the eaves.

The grandfather sympathized with the sparrows, but what can you do ... Do not occupy someone else's apartment!

Some time has passed since that day, and the grandfather completely forgot about the bird war. You never know other, more important things to remember ...

Once the grandfather is sitting on a bench, basking in the sun. He sees: the postman comes with a full bag. As he walked along the street, he passed, but did not even look into the alley where Nazar lived.

“For a long time there is no letter from Misha’s grandson,” the grandfather thought. And then he remembered that he hadn’t looked into the letterbox nailed to the fence for two weeks.

“What a memoryless man! - the grandfather shook his head in annoyance. “I’m waiting for the letter, but it may have been in the box for a long time.”

And he got up from the bench, went into the yard.

Grandfather had the simplest box. A wide gap formed in the old fence, and grandfather hung a flat plywood box to it. If you put a letter in a slot from the street, it will fall right into the box. And so that the paper does not get wet in inclement weather, the plate is fitted on top.

So the grandfather came up to the box, lifted the lid, and from there a sparrow fluttered.

Why did the devil bring you here? - Nazar grumbled and looked into the box.

And then he was so surprised that he even whistled softly. And there was something to be surprised: the sparrows made a nest in the box and already had time to lay the testicles.

Well, these impudent little sparrows! - the grandfather laughed. - Everyone strives to climb into the wrong place.

Nazar stood, thought, then brought nails, a hammer. Tore off the tablet on which it was written "for letters", turned it reverse side and nailed it to the fence so that only a small hole remained of the gap. It was no longer possible to put the letter in the box, and the sparrow could crawl through freely.

Having finished this business, the grandfather sat down on the bench again. And then he sees: a sparrow has arrived and, as if nothing had happened, the yurk was in the box!

So be it, live, - whispered the grandfather with a smile. - And the letter, if any, will be brought into the hut.

After that, Nazar told everyone for a long time what mail the spring had sent him.

O. Skalon

Spring is coming!

A quiet breeze blows

And coolness reigns in the morning.

And thin ice breaks

In the wilderness of the awakened garden.

But now the sun rises -

And now the ice has melted.

And a joyful flock of birds

Shouts: “Spring! Spring is coming!"

Here is the first stream that ran,

And the snow disappears everywhere

A nimble, sonorous sparrow

Reminds us of spring.

V. Papin


Starlings flew in and occupied their nests

They sing merry songs.

And the stars became big and bright

And people get up early.

I. Mikhailova

In the village

The starlings are chattering at the nestlings,

Singing joy to our hearts.

The spring air is quietly tinkling -

And by the oldest garden,

Where the buds on the branches are visible,

A tired herd is resting

Quietly listening to the sounds of spring.

M. Valek


From reeds-reeds

She wove baskets

Put testicles in them

Yes, she guarded the whole night.

Early morning to the bazaar

She brought the goods.

There at the fair I was:

I bought a hundred baskets

Yes, there is a whole load of testicles -

Barely drove home!

M. Valek


It's good in someone else's house

On other people's breads,

Oh, how sweet it sleeps!

Rains are beating on the canopy

Like falling from heaven

Wheat grains.

It would be nice to nibble.

Just don't open your eyes!

Sparrow under the eaves

Pecked his nose - once, twice,

Pecked, swayed.

I fell straight into a puddle

I spilled half of it -

Then he woke up!

A. Murashov


Old gray sparrow

Flew away from the cat

Sat on the fence

And cleaned the feathers.

And so that they know that he is alive,

He squeaked loudly:

"Chiv, chiv, chiv!"

M. Valek

Tit song

Spring has dressed up in flowers.

More flies!

Don't laugh, I know myself -

Winter sows them all winter!

From every snowflake

At every edge

In black

Little fly!

And you didn't know about it ...

Ah, just wait until summer!

S. Danilov

Conversation with a lark

Still under the ice crust

The snow is high and white.

Listen, loud lark

You arrived too early!

I'm nimbly with the breeze

Snow in the valleys

I'll melt it!

I am patterned with the sun

Ice on lakes

Don't brag in advance!

Look how much work ahead! ..

And lark efforts

Not enough, maybe ... What then? ..

Then, taking off under the sun,

I'll fill up with my song!

A simple song will warm you

M. Tank

Why does the sun rise early in our country?

As soon as we go to the birch

Attached a bird house,

How did the new settlers flock -

Such is the custom of birds.

But on the branches in front of the entrance

There was a dispute: who should settle?

"To me!" - the Roller shouts.

"No, no, no!" - the titmouse rings.

The sparrow pushes the starling,

The whole ruffled with a cry:

“I flew here first!

A stray guest, let me in! "

And the starling: “What are you, buddy?

I am not a guest, I am a local resident.

This house, by the way.

Called nasty! "

People came running from the courtyards.

Have seen: they argue loudly

Sparrow, starling, tit

And another thing is the Roller.

Screamers, calm down.

Are you not enough apartments for you?

We promise: there will be so many

So that everyone has just enough! ..

Since then, birds do not argue,

Arriving in our village.

How many houses are on the branches!

How many funny songs there!

The sun loves to listen to birds -

Because it's so early

And it rises in spring and summer

From the dawn mist.

S. Markova


The feeder hangs on the window

To the delight of us and the birds.

And every day a hundred friends

Knocking on my window.

Tits, jackdaws, sparrows -

Quiet and badass -

Knock together in the morning

Out the window of my apartment.

What a joy to see birds

And hear the trill of the titmouse!

I meet them every time

Like dear sisters.


Municipal government educational institution

"Lyubimovskaya secondary school"

Bolshesoldatsky district of Kursk region


holiday - games

"Birds are our faithful friends."

(for elementary school students)


primary school teacher

Zhigulina Oksana Valerievna

with. Lyubimovka, 2018

Holiday scenario - games

"Birds are our faithful friends."


1. To generalize and expand children's knowledge about birds;
2. Develop logical thinking, attention, creativity;
3. To cultivate love and respect for birds.

Preparation: the walls of the hall are decorated with posters "Guys, love and protect the birds!", "Schoolchildren, get ready to meet your feathered friends!"; an exhibition of children's drawings and handicrafts on the theme "The World of Birds" is being arranged; the stage of the hall is decorated with silhouettes of birches and firs, stuffed birds taken from the biology room.

Game program progress

Today is a holiday in our school - Bird Day. Why can't we do without birds? Birds are our childhood friends. Birds are messengers of joy. Every year they bring us spring on their wings. Birds are our faithful helpers, protectors of forests, fields, orchards and vegetable gardens. Birds are dear to us as part of our wonderful world. Their melodious, cheerful, sonorous songs, bright plumage revive nature, instill in us cheerfulness and joy. Remember. Guys, you can't destroy the nests of birds, shoot them with slingshots! Take care of the birds! Birds are our friends! Birds are beauty and mystery. They are a source of inspiration for writers, poets, musicians.
Children sing the song "Lapwing by the road".

Children in costumes, depicting different birds, rise to the stage.

Student 1:
From dawn to dusk -
Here is the bird's working day!
The sun rises early
Calls for him on the way:
If you cut down the forests.
The dust will go to heaven
The lakes will dry up
The rivers will become shallow
And the birds won't
To nest in the desert.
It is very sad,
When the environment is empty.

Student 2:
"Good people - wake up!
Hurry to work ...
The bird choir has long been
Heard outside the window.
Hard work awaits the birds
All day one concern -
Feed your chicks
Yellowy "fellows".
Well, and grief is not enough for them,
Because "mom" feeds.

Student 3: In a warm nest lie
Squeak little by little.
Parents bring them
There are many different harmful midges.
So many ... that you can't count
For this, the birds are honored!
Very good at catching flies
Our flycatchers
Just flicker here and there
Gray heads

1. Swallows fly like a whirlwind.
What is breathtaking
They grab mosques on the fly,
Purify the air.

2 wagtail in the garden
It seems to be walking on a spring.
All graceful and slender
Head in a dark hat.
Very nimble to the right, to the left
Everything sneaks around now and then,
Pulls out from under the lumps
And beetles and worms,
And no one will hide
From such a worker.

3 someone up there on the tree
Visible slightly from behind a needle,
This is a little bird -
Golden crest.
It weighs only 5 grams,
But he is known for his business
Because all year round
He does not get tired of working:
Insects get out of the needles of Christmas trees
And in winter he is on "post" in spite of the cold.

4 what a cloud from heaven
It rolled down into the lake
This is a white swan sank into the water.
She swam like a pava, proudly, majestically,
She fluffed up the feathers, stretched her neck.
How beautiful it is, it's just a miracle!

5 dagger - a bird-diver
And this surprises us
Walking along the bottom of the river
And he finds a lot of food there.
Olyad is very careful
And it's impossible to approach her.
A little sound is heard
The bird will immediately plunge.

6 over the river on a branch
Azure light
This is a kingfisher bird
Guards the prey.
Sits for a long, long time
Dangling a long beak,
Seems to fall asleep
No ... I deceived the fish,
Swift throw -
The fish got hooked.

7 woodpecker - forest buddy
Like a real healer
He heals trees.
Beak knocks on the trunk
Immediately identify the disease.
If the tree is sick
That sound is dull
If the sound knocks loudly -
The woodpecker will fly further.
Hollow-house hollow with its beak
And he brings out the chicks in it.
There they are on a hard day
They sit for a long time in the dark
Are chosen at will
When the corns grow.
Then they fly away
Leaving "home".

8 on a birch trunk
Suddenly a lump has grown
A gray egg capsule is entangled with birch bark
This finch is working

9.He is very smart
Made myself a nest
And disguised it.
And no one will understand
That the finch lives in it.

10 a warbler's nest
Only one herb
Everything is like a sieve
Cobweb retinue
And woven into the bush,
It holds firmly.
And no winds
He will not be stirred up.
Slavki work nicely
They collect caterpillars in the garden and in the garden,
We cherish the harvest.

11.A goldfinch is a real dandy.
The plumage is just a wonder
Everything is beautifully selected
Where he just flies
Everyone is looking at him.
Flocks of goldfinches visit wastelands,
Like butterflies fluttering
Weeds are destroyed.

12 amazing bird -
Well, who tell us
Deftly walks the trunks:
Up and down here and there?
Who flashes all day?
This bird is a nuthatch.
A real acrobat
Cleans all barrels in a row.

13 and the hoopoe has a beak like an awl
The scallop is a cock's scallop.
He flutters like a butterfly
Lives in dark hollows.

15. Well, the stork, such a dandy,
He is dressed in a ceremonial tailcoat
And red boots on the legs,
A stork patiently stands for hours in a swamp,
Playfully akimbo
As if he wants to dance.
No ... he's just waiting for the frogs
Because he wants to eat.

16.Everything around is white,
It's been winter outside the window
Only here on apple trees
Ruddy apples.
They are not edible
These are bullfinches.

17.A in the redstart
Tail fire
Like a flame it flickers,
Than he surprises people.
People think - "the house is on fire"!
And this is a bird sitting on the roof.

Student 4:
With songbirds
Lives more fun
That's why we need
Take care of them.

Make a house for a starling,
For tits - titmouse,
And when winter comes -
Prepare them feed:
Burdock balls.
Nettle brooms,
Quinoa bouquets -
And there will be no trouble for them.

For the game, we need to choose the participants, and they will be those who correctly guess the riddles.

1. Not a princely breed,
And he walks with a crown
Not a military rider,
And with a strap on my leg
Not a watchman,
And he wakes everyone up early(Rooster).

2. Flies at night
Go hunting.
Doesn't see during the day
Yes, and hunting for sleep(Owl).

3. Black, agile,
Screams "krak"
Enemy to worms(Rook).

4. Whiter than snow, blacker than soot,
Above the house, below the grass(Magpie).

6. White as snow,
Inflated like fur
Walks with shovels
And eats with horns(Goose).

7. Front awl,
Behind the wilze,
Himself small,
And I've been across the sea(Martin).

8. He arrives every year
There, where the house is waiting for him.
He knows how to sing someone else's songs,
And yet it has its own voice(Starling).

9. Long-legged, long-necked,
Long-billed, gray in body,
And the back of the head is naked, red.
Wanders through the muddy swamps,
Catches frogs in them,
Stupid bouncing bunnies.
And how the summer will run
He's already hurrying south
Along the old, long paths
In a pack lined up in a wedge(Crane).

10. I don't know my father's mother,
But I often call
I won't know the children
Strangers will come true(Cuckoo).

11. Who jumps there, rustles,
Is he gutting cones with his beak?
In a clear, clear voice -
Cle! Cle! Cle! - sings with a whistle.
The bird is also known for
That he is not afraid of frost:
Maybe in the cold the most evil
Take the kids out in winter(Crossbill).

12. She is long-tailed,
From the back is black-black.
The belly is white and the shoulders.
Rumble instead of speech.
At least someone will see - in a moment
Raises a chirp-scream(Magpie).

Those who received blue tokens for the correct answer take the players' places, and those who received green ones - their assistants.

Game conditions:
Participants of the game go to the next round with the highest number of points and stars.
Players receive one point for the correct answer. If the answer is correct for both players and assistants, a star is added.
The players and assistants on the tables have "palms" with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4. You need them for answers.


1. Which bird flies the fastest?

2. Which birds have wings covered with scales rather than feathers?

3. What bird is referred to in the tale of the Datsky writer G.-Kh. Andersen "Thumbelina".

4. Which of the birds in the spring can imitate the voices of many of their fellows, and so enthusiastically that, without hearing anything around, can become a victim of a hunter or a predator.
Wood grouse

(4 players advance to the second round).


You need to guess the puzzles. Prizes await the winners.

(1. Sparrow, 2. Crow, 3. Swift, 4. Magpie, 7. Bullfinch, 9. Starling).


Now 12 cubes with letters depicted on them will jump out of this grammar box. In 2 minutes you have to make up words related to the world of birds using letters only once. How many letters are used, so many points.


(Bird, stork, hawk, swift, heron, etc.)

The one who made the longest word goes to 5 boxes, which contain prizes. Among them - "audience applause". The player can choose a box with a prize by giving away a star. If he doesn't like the prize, he can open another box, but for this he will have to give up the star again. (3 people go to the 3rd round).


(A crossword puzzle is offered. Spectators must answer who will answer quickly and correctly. Correct answers are accompanied by a demonstration of an illustration depicting this bird. For the correct answer, the participant in the game receives a prize).


1. Golden scallop, oily head, silk beard. Who is it about? 2. It has a large beak with a bag, which this bird uses for fishing. 3. In fairy tales, his croaking can cause trouble. 4. A kind of eagle. 5. "Finist - clear ...". 6. Sea fish lover. 7. Talking people are said to look like this bird. 8. In honor of him the bird house was named. 9. Sings surprisingly beautifully. 10. A bright, tropical bird, you can train it to pronounce words.


1. People settled this bird in the clock. 2. A cheerful bird from the family of passerines. 3. One of the most beautiful birds detachment of chicken. 4. Gray, small, nimble. 5. Bird of prey. 6. A real firebird. 7. He brought a sprig of olive in its beak to Noah. 8. She likes to stand on one leg. 9. Connoisseurs recognize her by a bright blue speck on the wing.



1. Rooster. 2. Pelican. 3. Raven. 4. Golden eagle. 5. Falcon. 6. Seagull. 7. Magpie. 8. Starling. 9. Nightingale. 10. Parrot.


1.Cuckoo. 2. Goldfinch. 3. Pheasant. 4. Sparrow. 5. Hawk. 6. Peacock. 7. Dove. 8. Heron. 9. Jay.

The song performed by children: "Skvorushka"


"Logical chain"

You need to find an error in the chain of proposed answers and show the number that does not correspond to it.

1. I think all these birds are digging holes for nests.
Shore swallow

2. All these birds have chicks in spring.

3. In these birds, all the toes are interconnected by membranes.

4. I think all these birds hunt during the day.
Golden eagle

(2 people advance to the final).


And now we will test our viewers' knowledge of birds. There are many proverbs and sayings about birds in Russian folklore. Let's remember them. It is necessary to combine the first part of the proverb with the other. For the correct answer, the player receives a prize.



In one minute, players and their assistants need to form as many words from a word as possible - MARTIN ... After one minute, the players begin to take turns listing the composed words. You can use the words of assistants. If you run out of words, you can give stars earned during the game. The winner is the one who calls the word last.

Awarding of the winners and participants of the game.

Try to imagine our world without birds for a moment. Without a lark over arable land, and a nightingale in a grove, and a sandpiper in a swamp, and a woodpecker on a pine tree, without flocks of passerines. How our life would be impoverished! What else can happen if the birds disappear?
(Children answer.)
- Yes, guys, huge hordes of pests will attack our gardens, orchards, fields and forests. Very quickly they will destroy vegetation, and death will come to man, to the entire animal world. Let's hope that such an ecological disaster will not happen on planet Earth. Let's remember what we must do with you so that such beautiful creatures as birds do not disappear.... (Children answer.)

That's right guys. Bird nests must be protected; do not shoot birds with slingshots; install birdhouses in spring, and feeders in winter. And, of course, do not forget to fill these feeders and birdhouses with food ...

Feed the birds in winter
Let from all ends
They will flock to you like home,
Flocks on the porch.
Their food is not rich -
A handful of grain is needed
A handful of one-
And not scary
It will be winter.
How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is
And it's warm for the birds.
Is it possible to forget:
Could fly away
And they stayed for the winter
Along with people.
Train your birds in frost
To your window
So that without songs you don't have to
We welcome spring.
(A. Yashin. Feed the birds.)

Children perform the song "About the Sparrow".


1. To generalize and expand children's knowledge about birds;
2. Develop logical thinking, attention, creativity;
3. To cultivate love and respect for birds.


The walls of the hall are decorated with posters "Birds are friends of the forest, garden and vegetable garden!", "Guys, love and protect birds!", "Schoolchildren, get ready to meet feathered friends!" an exhibition of children's drawings and handicrafts on the theme "The World of Birds" is being arranged; the stage of the hall is decorated with silhouettes of birches and firs, stuffed birds taken from the office of biology.

Game program progress

Today is a holiday in our school - Bird Day. Why can't we do without birds? Birds are our childhood friends. Birds are messengers of joy. Every year they bring us spring on their wings. Birds are our faithful helpers, protectors of forests, fields, orchards and vegetable gardens. Birds are dear to us as part of our wonderful world. Their melodious, cheerful, sonorous songs, bright plumage revive nature, instill in us cheerfulness and joy. Remember. Guys, that you cannot destroy the nests of birds, shoot them with slingshots! Take care of the birds! Birds are our friends! Birds are beauty and mystery. They are a source of inspiration for writers, poets, musicians. De tee perform the song "Lapwing by the road".

Children in costumes, depicting different birds, rise to the stage.

Student 1:
From dawn to dusk -
Here is the bird's working day!
The sun rises early
Calls for him on the way:
If you cut down the forests.
The dust will go to heaven
The lakes will dry up
The rivers will become shallow
And the birds won't
To nest in the desert.
It is very sad,
When the environment is empty.

Student 2:
"Good people - wake up!
Hurry to work ...

The bird choir has long been
Heard outside the window.
Hard work awaits the birds
All day one concern -
Feed your chicks
Yellowy "fellows".
Well, and grief is not enough for them,
Because "mom" feeds.

Student 3:
In a warm nest lie
Squeak little by little.
Parents bring them
There are many different harmful midges.
So many ... that you can't count
For this, the birds are honored!
Very good at catching flies
Our flycatchers
Just flicker here and there
Gray heads.

Swallows fly like a whirlwind.
What is breathtaking
They grab mosques on the fly,
Purify the air.

Wagtail in a vegetable garden
It seems to be walking on a spring.
All graceful and slender
Head in a dark hat.
Very nimble to the right, to the left
Everything sneaks around now and then,
Pulls out from under the lumps
And beetles and worms,
And no one will hide
From such a worker.

Someone up there on the tree
Visible slightly from behind a needle,
This is a little bird -
Golden crest.
It weighs only 5 grams,
But he is known for his business
Because all year round
He does not get tired of working:
Insects get out of the needles of Christmas trees
And in winter he is on "post" in spite of the cold.

What a cloud from heaven
It rolled down into the lake
This is a white swan sank into the water.
She swam like a pava, proudly, majestically,
She fluffed up the feathers, stretched her neck.
How beautiful it is, it's just a miracle!

Olyapa - a bird-diver
And this surprises us
Walking along the bottom of the river
And he finds a lot of food there.
Olyad is very careful
And it's impossible to approach her.
A little sound is heard
The bird will immediately plunge.

Over the river on a branch
Azure light
This is a kingfisher bird
Guards the prey.
Sits for a long, long time
Dangling a long beak,
Seems to fall asleep
No ... I deceived the fish,
Swift throw -
The fish got hooked.

And this is a bird - titmouse
She has a nest - a mitten,
She knits herself
And fixes it on a branch.
And she hangs like a hammock
For titmouse "kids".

Woodpecker - forest buddy
Like a real healer
He heals trees.
Beak knocks on the trunk
Immediately identify the disease.
If the tree is sick
That sound is dull
If the sound knocks loudly -
The woodpecker will fly further.
Hollow-house hollow with its beak
And he brings out the chicks in it.
There they are on a hard day
They sit for a long time in the dark
Are chosen at will
When the corns grow.
Then they fly away
Leaving "home".

On a birch trunk
Suddenly a lump has grown
A gray egg capsule is entangled with birch bark
This finch is working

He's a very smart girl
Made myself a nest
And disguised it.
And no one will understand
That the finch lives in it.

And the warbler's nest
Only one herb
Everything is like a sieve
Cobweb retinue
And woven into the bush,
It holds firmly.
And no winds
He will not be stirred up.
Slavki work nicely
They collect caterpillars in the garden and in the garden,
We cherish the harvest.

And the goldfinch is a real dandy.
The plumage is just a wonder
Everything is beautifully selected
Where he just flies
Everyone is looking at him.
Flocks of goldfinches visit wastelands,
Like butterflies fluttering
Weeds are destroyed.

Amazing bird -
Well, who tell us
Deftly walks the trunks:
Up and down here and there?
Who flashes all day?
This bird is a nuthatch.
A real acrobat
Cleans all barrels in a row.

And the hoopoe has a beak like an awl
The scallop is a cock's scallop.
He flutters like a butterfly
Lives in dark hollows.

Well, and the stork, such a dandy,
He is dressed in a ceremonial tailcoat
And red boots on the legs,
A stork patiently stands for hours in a swamp,
Playfully akimbo
As if he wants to dance.
No ... he's just waiting for the frogs
Because he wants to eat.

Everything around is white,
It's been winter outside the window
Only here on apple trees
Ruddy apples.
They are not edible
These are bullfinches.

And the redstart
Tail fire
Like a flame it flickers,
Than he surprises people.
People think - "the house is on fire"!
And this is a bird sitting on the roof.

Student 4:
With songbirds
Lives more fun
That's why we need
Take care of them.

Make a house for a starling,
For tits - titmouse,
And when winter comes -
Prepare them feed:
Burdock balls.
Nettle brooms,
Quinoa bouquets -
And there will be no trouble for them.

For the game, we need to choose the participants, and they will be those who correctly guess the riddles.

1. Not a princely breed,
And he walks with a crown
Not a military rider,
And with a strap on my leg
Not a watchman,
And everyone wakes up early (Rooster).

2. Flies at night
Go hunting.
Doesn't see during the day
Yes, and hunting to sleep (Owl).

3. Black, agile,
Screams "krak"
Enemy to worms (Rook).

4. Whiter than snow, blacker than soot,
Above the house, below the grass (Magpie).

6. White as snow,
Inflated like fur
Walks with shovels
And he eats with horns (Goose).

7. Front awl,
Behind the wilze,
Himself small,
And I've been across the sea (Swallow).

8. He arrives every year
There, where the house is waiting for him.
He knows how to sing someone else's songs,
And yet he has his own voice (Starling).

9. Long-legged, long-necked,
Long-billed, gray in body,
And the back of the head is naked, red.
Wanders through the muddy swamps,
Catches frogs in them,
Stupid bouncing bunnies.
And how the summer will run
He's already hurrying south
Along the old, long paths
In a wedge-shaped flock (Crane).

10. I don't know my father's mother,
But I often call
I won't know the children
Someone else will come true (Cuckoo).

11. Who jumps there, rustles,
Is he gutting cones with his beak?
In a clear, clear voice -
Cle! Cle! Cle! - sings with a whistle.
The bird is also known for
That he is not afraid of frost:
Maybe in the cold the most evil
Bring the children out in winter (Klest).

12. She is long-tailed,
From the back is black-black.
The belly is white and the shoulders.
Rumble instead of speech.
At least someone will see - in a moment
Raises a chirp-cry (Magpie).

Those who received blue tokens for the correct answer take the players' places, and those who received green ones - their assistants.

Game conditions:
Participants of the game go to the next round with the highest number of points and stars.
Players receive one point for the correct answer. If the answer is correct for both players and assistants, a star is added.
The players and assistants on the tables have "palms" with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4. You need them for answers.

1. Which bird flies the fastest?

2. Which birds have wings covered with scales rather than feathers?

3. What bird is referred to in the tale of the Datsky writer G.-Kh. Andersen "Thumbelina".

(4 players advance to the second round).


You need to guess the puzzles. Prizes await the winners. (1. Forty, 2. Swift, 3. Heron, 4. Swallow, 5. Sparrow, 6. Crow, 7. Seagull, 8. Falcon, 9. Siskin).

Now 12 cubes with letters depicted on them will jump out of this grammar box. In 2 minutes you have to compose words related to the world of birds using letters only once. How many letters are used, so many points.


(Bird, stork, hawk, swift, heron, etc.)

The one who made the longest word comes out to 5 boxes, which contain prizes. Among them - "audience applause". The player can choose a box with a prize by giving away a star. If he doesn't like the prize, he can open another box, but for this he will have to give up the star again.

(3 people go to the 3rd round).


(A puzzle is proposed. The presenter reads the description of the bird, and the audience must guess its name. Correct answers are accompanied by a demonstration of an illustration depicting this bird. For the correct answer, the participant receives a prize).

1. Bird of the raven family of the passerine order. The plumage is loose, reddish-gray; the tail is black, on the wing there is a blue spot with black specks, on the head is a crest with black spots. Useful for the destruction of insects; makes stocks of acorns for the winter, which contributes to the resettlement of oak; at the same time it hurts, ruining the nests small birds... (Jay.)

2. This bird lives mainly in forests. In winter, it is often found near dwellings. Useful for killing insects in gardens and forests. The plumage is thick, fluffy, yellow breast. (Tit.)

3. Songbird. In spring and summer, the plumage of adults is black, with a bright metallic sheen. In autumn, after molting, it is covered with white specks - these are the light ends of the contour feathers, which are erased by spring and the specks disappear. Juveniles are black-brown in color with a lighter throat. The beak is yellow, sharp and rather long. The arrival of these birds, noticeable to humans, means, especially for city dwellers, the onset of spring. (Starling.)

4. Bird of the suborder swifts of the long-winged order. The wings are long and narrow. The plumage is dark brown or blackish. The nests of this bird consist of plant materials glued together with saliva, or of one hardened saliva (the so-called swallow's nests); in China, people eat these nests. (Salangan.)

5. A bird from the order of passerines. The head is large, the beak is at the apex with a hook and tooth in front of the apex, the tail is long. The plumage is loose, more often gray tones in combination with white and black, less often with red. Avoiding continuous forests, it settles in the forest-tundra, on the edges of the forest, in clearings, in the steppe or desert with thickets of bushes or individual trees. Some of them store food by pricking their prey on knots or thorns. (Shrike).

6. The size of a starling, an elegant bird. The plumage is pinkish-gray. The throat and stripe from the beak to the eye are black, the forehead is reddish. The wings are black with wide white and narrow yellow stripes; there is a large crest on the head; at the end of the tail there is a transverse yellow stripe. Distributed in the north of the forest zone from the Kola Peninsula to Kamchatka. The song is a gentle "sviriri-siriri". (Waxwing).

"Logical chain"

You need to find an error in the chain of proposed answers and show the number that does not correspond to it.

1. I think all these birds are digging holes for nests.
Shore swallow

2. All these birds have chicks in spring.

3. In these birds, all the toes are interconnected by membranes.

4. I think all these birds hunt during the day.
Golden eagle

(2 people advance to the final).


And now we will test our viewers' knowledge of birds. There are many proverbs and sayings about birds in Russian folklore. Let's remember them. It is necessary to combine the first part of the proverb with the other. For the correct answer, the player receives a prize.



In one minute, the players and their assistants need to compose as many words as possible from the word - L A S T O CH K A. After one minute, the players begin to take turns listing the composed words. You can use the words of assistants. If you run out of words, you can give stars earned during the game. The winner is the one who calls the word last.

Awarding of the winners and participants of the game.

Try to imagine our world without birds for a moment. Without a lark over arable land, and a nightingale in a grove, and a sandpiper in a swamp, and a woodpecker on a pine tree, without flocks of passerines. As if poorer
our life! What else can happen if the birds disappear?
(Children answer.)

Yes, guys, huge hordes of pests will attack our gardens, orchards, fields and forests. Highly
they will quickly destroy vegetation, and death will come to man, to the entire animal world.
Let's hope that such an ecological disaster will not happen on planet Earth. Let's
let's remember what we must do with you so that such beautiful creatures as
birds ... (Children answer.)

That's right guys. Bird nests must be protected; do not shoot birds with slingshots; install birdhouses in spring, and feeders in winter. And, of course, do not forget to fill these feeders and birdhouses with food ...

Feed the birds in winter
Let from all ends
They will flock to you like home,
Flocks on the porch.
Their food is not rich -
A handful of grain is needed
A handful of one-
And not scary
It will be winter.
How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there is
And it's warm for the birds.
Is it possible to forget:
Could fly away
And they stayed for the winter
Along with people.
Train your birds in frost
To your window
So that without songs you don't have to
We welcome spring.
(A. Yashin. Feed the birds.)

Children perform the song "About the Sparrow".

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