Criteria for choosing the best soap for everyday hygiene. Soap is the most important hygiene product Hygienic soap

"The level of culture of a nation is measured by the amount of soap it consumes"
(popular wisdom)
Regular soap is still the number one cleansing agent in Russia, Ukraine, USA, Turkey, but in Western Europe, soap is only an original gift. Solid soap is sodium salts of fatty acids that create an alkaline environment as a result of hydrolysis reaction.

Soap is an indispensable product if you need to wash off some strong pollution: fuel oil, earth, etc. However, the problem is that in addition to dirt, it also destroys lipids (fats) of the skin, and it is with them that the cells of the surface layer of the skin create a shield. Therefore, using soap, we are deprived of natural protection. Cosmetologists are unanimous in their opinion: this product is not suitable for permanent use, as it destroys the hydrolipidic film. Physiological level of the skin pH - 5.5, a NS many soap cleaners - about 9 which naturally irritates the skin and causes bacteria to grow on it. Therefore, if a person uses soap, then immediately after cleansing it is better to sprinkle the skin with thermal or mineral water, and then apply a moisturizer.

Do not wash your face with soap every day. Especially for those who have dry or problem skin, however, soap products create problems for skin of any type, since any soap is an alkali that dissolves the acidic layer on the surface of the skin and makes it vulnerable to microbes, as well as accelerates the aging process and dries out ... Remember, after washing your face with soap, your skin heals for several hours.

Many women believe that it is necessary to wash thoroughly, “until it squeaks,” with soap, but this feeling is nothing more than too dry, irritated skin. Of course, soap does cleanse the skin, but it cleans too "well", and this can cause irritation. Since we cannot get rid of the feeling of tightness after washing, we have to apply a moisturizer to the skin in order to avoid stretching the skin.

In addition, for example, antibacterial soaps contain triclosan, and in some countries this component has begun to be limited. Since "good" microbes live on our skin, which protect the skin, and as soon as an unfamiliar microbe appears, they kill it. And triclosan kills all microbes indiscriminately.

Maybe you should use solid soap products that contain fatty additives and do not seem to have the properties of soap? Solid cleaners pH lower than conventional soaps, but the ingredients that give them a solid form can penetrate the skin and cause clogging of the pores. Many of the hardened cleaners contain drying, irritating ingredients, and soaps for oily skin contain even harsher additives. In soap cleaners for dry skin, you can find glycerin, a vegetable oil that softens the skin, but does not prevent irritation caused by other ingredients.

Clear soap - usually contains ingredients that give the soap a solid form that can clog the pores of the skin, as well as harsh detergent additives;

Castile soap - contains olive oil, but sodium hydroxide in it is very irritating to the skin;

Soap for problem skin contains both irritants and aggressive detergents;

Deodorant soap - cannot be used on the skin of the face, as the antibacterial ingredients are very aggressive;

Oatmeal Soap - Oatmeal is known to have soothing properties, but whether oatmeal has the same properties is not known for certain. In addition, oatmeal particles can injure delicate skin;

Overfat soap - contains increased concentrations of fat and oil, so it should soften its effects on the skin, but such an increased concentration cannot prevent irritation;

Natural soap contains vitamins, pieces of flowers, herbs, vegetables and fruits. However, this is just a gimmick that does not provide any tangible benefit to the skin;

Toilet soaps are not as irritating to your skin as other soaps, but they can still dry your skin.

Now there are a lot of cleansers on store shelves. What should you choose? What will suit our skin better?

Liquid detergents are gels, creams, liquid soaps, mousses, “no soap” soaps, milk, foams. All these products have in common that they cleanse the skin through surfactants. These substances have a softer effect on the skin and do not damage the hydrolipid film at low temperatures.

Recently, however, there has been a lot of talk about the fact that these cleansers contain lauryl and laureth, which can accumulate in the skin and damage cells, in addition, they can even penetrate into the heart, brain, eyes. But this happens if detergents are used in very large quantities.

Since you cannot do without cleaning agents, when buying a product, pay attention to the composition. Remember: the closer a substance is to the top of the list, the greater its content in cosmetics.

The most popular skin cleansing product is gel. It can be used not only for the face but also for the body. Many cleansing gels are designed for people with combination or oily skin, so they contain additives that soothe irritation and regulate sebum production. Sometimes in stores you can find a product such as a cream gel. This product contains less water and contains cream components, so it is more suitable for sensitive and dry skin.

Cleansing foams and mousses Is the same product. What distinguishes them from gels is that a portion of the product is delivered through a pump that turns it into foam.

Not very long ago a product appeared on the market - "soap without soap". It looks like regular soap, but does not contain alkali, and surfactants act as a detergent. In fact, such a soap is only a solid gel for washing. Depending on the supplements, it can be recommended for people with both dry and oily skin.

Oil products are designed for those with sensitive and dry skin.
Cleansing oil is a mixture of surfactants, not with water, as in gels, but with oil.

Milk and cream- just like other liquid detergents, they cleanse the skin with the help of surfactants, but these substances in the composition of milk are much less than in other cleansing agents, and there are more fats and additives in milk. Therefore, milk and cream are recommended for cleansing dry, irritated, dehydrated skin. Cream differs from milk only in that it contains more fat.

Liquid cleansers are dermatological waters and lotions. These products do not require rinsing with water and are designed for people with very demanding skin.

Cleansing lotions Is a liquid in which cleaning components are dissolved, which do not need to be washed off. And dermatological water is a micelle solution of fatty acid esters. Most often it is intended for people with serious skin conditions.

When it comes to cleansing wipes, they certainly cannot be considered a separate product for cleansing the skin, but they are good for cleansing the skin when there is no washbasin nearby.

Separately, it should be said about cleaning powders... Such a powder is a gel for washing, only dried. If it is dissolved in water, it will envelop the dirt particles, which are washed off with the same water.

So, choose what suits you best and what you like best and use it to your health.

It is necessary to cleanse the skin of the face twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. And in the evening it must be done very carefully. It is best to use gels for oily and problem skin, milk - for combination and normal skin, cosmetic cream - for dry skin.

You don't have to buy expensive cosmetics, but try to make soap at home, it compares favorably with the one made in production. Handmade soap is always unique, you can create all the recipes yourself, according to your mood and desire. In addition, making soap at home is quite a fun process.

Or you can use home remedies. Try oatmeal, for example. It is necessary to brew oatmeal and cleanse the face with gruel, as if with a scrub. If your skin is rather capricious, you can wash your face with boiled water with the addition of decoctions of calendula, chamomile or mineral water, and then clean it with lotion. By the way, do not wipe your face with ice cubes every day, contrasting procedures should be carried out in courses - do ten days, then take a break, and then repeat again. But if you constantly wash your face with ice water, then the nutrition of the skin will deteriorate.

As you can see, soap is a rather dangerous thing, as it irritates and dries out the skin of the face and body. Therefore, try to use soap when you need to wash off stubborn dirt. And for daily washing, use better liquid detergents.

(Photo: Liv friis-larsen, LSaloni, Valua Vitaly, Marc Dietrich, Margarita Borodina,

If discomfort is felt after using the soap, the skin becomes dry and tightens, it is time to urgently think about changing the product, otherwise the situation will worsen and treatment will be required. In this article, we will talk about the right choice of soap for hygiene procedures. There are three groups of criteria to be guided by.

1. Appointment. Depending on the functional purpose and composition, the following types of soap are distinguished.

Baby- specially formulated for the delicate skin of a child. Usually free from colorants and flavors. The composition allows the presence of a small amount of herbal extracts. Usually, baby soap manufacturers are better controlled than others, so the chances of buying a quality product are higher.

This soap is suitable not only for children (including newborns), but also for people with sensitive skin and allergies. Disadvantages: medium and low antibacterial effect, lack of aroma and relatively high price.

Dressing- the most popular type of soap. It copes well with most microbes, has a beautiful appearance, smells good and is affordable. Suitable for daily use.

Disadvantage: Toilet soap must be correctly selected for the type of skin (see the next criterion), otherwise it will cause dryness or irritation of the skin.

Antibacterial- due to its special composition, it is aimed at combating microbes and bacteria. Popular with people with problem skin trying to eliminate acne, breakouts and irritations.

Disadvantages: along with pathogenic bacteria, it also kills the necessary bacteria, disrupting the balance of microflora, therefore it is not recommended for daily use. It is advisable to use antibacterial soap during trips to nature, on trains and other public transport, for disinfection as needed.

Curative- usually has a sulfur or tar base, is often used in cosmetology to eliminate redness, peeling and skin rashes. After consulting a doctor, it can be used in daily skin care and dermatitis treatment. The disadvantage is a pungent, unpleasant odor.

Organic - the composition contains only natural ingredients, can be used by people with any skin type (selected), if there is no allergy to individual components. You can use organic soaps every day. The disadvantage is the high price.

Attention! Don't be confused with organic and handmade soaps, the types don't always overlap. Many craftsmen use synthetic ingredients.

Perfumery- has a pleasant aroma, but cannot replace eau de toilette or perfume, since the smell persists for a short time, quickly evaporating after application. At the same time, perfume soap does not very effectively cleanse the skin, therefore it is not recommended as the only remedy, it should be used in combination, for example, with toilet soap.

Economic- an excellent antiseptic, but with regular use it often causes allergies. Another drawback is a pungent smell. Suitable for on-demand disinfection.

2. Skin type. Soap is alkaline and skin is slightly acidic. As a result of the reaction, the protective layer is disrupted. If you choose the wrong soap, dryness and hardness will appear.

  • Oily skin - it is desirable that the soap does not contain glycolic acid. Recommended Ingredients: Sea salt, oatmeal, brown sugar and peach extract. From time to time, oily skin can be wiped clean with a cloth or napkin rather than immediately washing with soap.
  • Dry skin - soaps containing moisturizing ingredients are suitable: glycerin, aloe vera, coconut oil, cocoa, avocado or other vegetable oils. For very dry skin, it is better to use soap once a day in the evening, and the rest of the time rinse your face with warm water (not hot).
  • Sensitive skin - soaps should be free of fragrances and dyes that can cause irritation.
  • Normal Skin - Avoid soaps that are formulated for other skin types to avoid worsening the condition.

3. Price and appearance of the package. Good soap cannot cost less than 30-40% of the average market price for other similar brands. In an effort to save money, it is better not to buy the cheapest products, they are often made from low-grade harmful ingredients.

As part of the rolling research of Roskachestvo, 31 samples of the most popular children's toilet soap on the Russian market were studied according to 21 quality and safety parameters. The cost of production ranged from 15 to 330 rubles per unit of goods. The study presented both the soap of Russian manufacturers (from the Altai Territory, the Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod and Samara regions, the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as from Moscow and St. Petersburg), and baby soap imported from Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, the United Arab Emirates, Poland and from Ukraine. According to the results of laboratory tests, all samples complied with the technical regulations of the Customs Union and were recognized as safe, and a third of the tested baby soap turned out to be of high quality, since it met not only the requirements of the current standards for quality and safety, but also the requirements of the leading Roskachestvo standard. Experts will make the decision to assign high-quality goods under the D, Nevskaya Cosmetics, Purity Recipes, Umka and Baby's soap trademarks of the Russian Quality Mark after a production assessment, during which the level of product localization will also be determined. Products such as Velvet Handles, Sponge Bob, Bebble, Johnson's baby and Weleda, which meet the increased Roskachestvo standard, cannot qualify for the Russian Quality Mark due to their foreign origin.


The standard of the Russian quality system for children's toilet soap, claiming the Russian Quality Mark, has established stricter (advanced) requirements for deviations of the net weight of a piece from the nominal weight declared on the label and for the indicator of early sensitization (that is, the lack of the ability to cause allergies). Also, baby soap should not be a favorable environment for the development of harmful microorganisms, such as staphylococci or Escherichia coli, therefore, the bacteriostatic properties of the soap were also evaluated. The required level of localization of products for the assignment of the Russian Quality Mark is at least 30% of the cost of goods.

- Like the production of any other children's products, special attention is paid to the process of making baby soap, - says Roskachestvo the chief specialist of the Association of manufacturers of perfumery, cosmetics, household chemicals and hygiene products, candidate of technical sciences Galina Ulantseva... - The production of baby products implies more stringent requirements for the safety and quality of raw materials, because it should not have any negative impact on the baby's skin.

By the way, despite the fact that this product is specially designed for children and taking into account the peculiarities of children's skin, today baby soap is popular among adults as well. And the market for this irreplaceable cosmetic item, which we come across not just every day, but several times a day, offers such an abundance that it is sometimes quite difficult to navigate in it. Galina Ulantseva advised how to choose baby soap:

- I recommend choosing products from well-known manufacturers that have been on the market for a long time and have proven themselves well. Their production is subject to very strict controls. Be sure to check the expiration date. And pay attention to the composition of the soap indicated on the package. The information in it is more understandable to a professional than to a consumer, since the average buyer is unlikely to understand the names of components that do not have an official translation into Russian. However, if people have any allergic problems, they always know what causes these problems. For example, if it is written that the soap contains vaseline oil and chamomile extract, and I know that my child is allergic to chamomile, I will not buy this soap. Information on the presence of active ingredients such as oils and extracts must always appear on the label. It is also advisable that the smell of baby soap is not too strong.

Soapy wet case: on the ability of soap to cause allergies

Allergies and intolerances to certain foods, drugs or components are manifested in many children from an early age. It is especially offensive when the child's body reacts sharply to something that has to be dealt with on a daily basis. For example, for soap.

“The negative effect of soap on a child's skin can manifest itself in different ways,” says a pediatrician, allergist-immunologist, gastroenterologist, radio and television expert, head of the Smart Mom school, Ph.D. Elena Antsiferova... - It can be an alkaline reaction of soap suds - the higher it is, the more actively it removes the protective fatty mantle from the skin. The disappearance of the fatty impregnation multiplies the aggressive effect of the chemical components of the soap, which can cause both skin irritation and an allergic reaction. Also, the reaction can be caused by fragrances, essential oils, preservatives (among them - methylparaben, propylparaben, sorbic acid, benzoic acid), flavors (for example, isoeugenol, cinnamaldehyde, lyral, citral, geraniol, etc.), various surfactants (this is lauryl sulfate sodium, sodium laureth sulfate), dyes, as well as antibacterial ingredients that some manufacturers like to add to soap (in particular, triclosan, triclocarban). The effect of these components on the skin of a child can manifest itself in redness, dryness of the skin of the body, especially hands and face, and itching. If parents notice that after washing their hands or bathing, the baby's skin turns red or itchy, and the child becomes restless for up to a year, then the brand of soap used should be changed.

In order to check if the soap contains ingredients that can cause irritation on the skin, the samples were tested for early sensitization. Curiously enough, this test was not without blood ...

These studies are carried out outside the body (in vitro) on the peripheral blood of a person or laboratory animals using concentrations of a potential allergen, in this case, soap, and then specialists observe the formation of autoplaque-forming (spontaneous formation) and plaque-forming (response to an allergen) cells under a microscope. Their ratio determines the predisposition to allergic reactions.

- This indicator helps to detect the potential for an allergic reaction long before it occurs, - explained Roskachestvo in VNIIZHG Rospotrebnadzor... - By knowing the potential hazards, you can avoid allergies.

However, we note that the test for early sensitization is still a general study and it is not capable of detecting hypoallergenic soap. But such a test will tell you for sure whether the soap causes irritation in people with sensitive skin types. By the way, there are no such unsafe samples among the investigated.

By the way, we have already encountered the testing of samples for the ability to cause allergies in the study of antimicrobial building paints.

Do not put salt on soap: about the mass fraction of sodium chloride

It would seem, what can be in common between salt and soap? However, there is something in common, and it is associated with the "heart" of the soap - its core.

- As a rule, the basis of children's soap is vegetable and / or animal fats, - says the executive director of the Association of Producers and Consumers of Fat and Oil Products Ekaterina Nesterova... - When boiling soap, that is, "saponification" of fatty acids, the so-called soap core should form. Sodium chloride (and this is common table salt) just helps to separate this phase. Thus, the mass fraction of sodium chloride is an absolutely non-critical indicator, it does not in any way reduce the quality of the soap.

However, according to the test results, a mass fraction of sodium chloride above the standard established by GOST was found in soap under the trademarks "Detskoe" and Honey kid. Since these manufacturers declared on the packaging of the goods that they comply with GOST, they are violators of the standard, in contrast to two other manufacturers who exceeded it, but did not declare GOST.

Staphylococcus soap opera: how microorganisms feel on the surface of soap

“Go wash my hands! Always with soap! " - mothers and fathers shout to their children when the latter return from a walk or sit down at the dinner table. This may be a revelation for most readers, but soap ... does not kill bacteria! Why then wash your hands before eating or after outside? It turns out that all the magic is not even in the soap itself, but in the foam.

The leading Roskachestvo standard includes such an indicator as the bacteriostatic activity of soap.

- The fact is that the surface of solid bar soap can be contaminated (contamination with microorganisms harmful to human health). This happens if the soap was used by a sick person or who is a carrier of a microorganism that can cause a disease of a staphylococcal, streptococcal nature or an intestinal infection, - experts inform Roskachestvo. VNIIZHG Rospotrebnadzor... - So the essence of this indicator is the creation of a model of contamination of the surface of soap by pathogenic bacteria using special test microorganisms, which allows us to determine the possibility of an unfavorable ("uncomfortable") condition. Thanks to this test, for example, we can reveal that the soap does not include small doses of toxic elements that can negatively affect the skin microflora, as well as the nature of the distribution of the infectious dose on the surface, which, in turn, depends on the structure of the soap, its degree hardness or porosity. So, after being on the surface of soap for 60 minutes, E. coli turned out to be "uncomfortable" on all the samples studied, while it was found that this is not due to the toxic effect on the microorganism, but due to the specific protective functions of the microorganism itself. At the same time, staphylococcus after 60 minutes of being on the surface of soap in half of the samples studied was found in washings in a volume of 0.1 ml in an unchanged morphological form, in the second half of the samples it was not detected in a washout volume of 0.1 ml due to bacteriostatic action, which is an indicator of "uncomfortable". However, this cannot be a non-compliance with product safety standards, since this indicator is not regulated by Russian legislation, but can only be considered an indicator of improved quality.

- In public places (theaters, cinemas, train carriages), wash your hands the way professional bacteriologists wash them: in three stages, they advise VNIIZHG Rospotrebnadzor... - First, lather your hands and rinse off the soap. Then lather them again and, if the faucet is not touch-sensitive, lather the faucet valves or the mixer handle. Rinse off the soap with water. Finally, lather your hands a third time, rinse and turn off the already clean tap.

Skeletons in the closet or ... soap? About the amount of fatty acids in the composition

What is soap? Soap is the fat, water and ingredients that give it its color and texture. In order for soap to perform well its main function - washing, it must contain as much fatty acids as possible.

- The quality number is the mass of fatty acids in terms of the mass of the bar of soap, - explains Ekaterina Nesterova... - This indicator is established by GOST. If a manufacturer claims that his products are manufactured in accordance with GOST, but the quality number of the soap he has made is below the norm - most likely, this underestimation was deliberately provoked by him and is associated with a reduction in the cost of the bar itself. Also, a decrease in the quality number may be due to insufficient control or due to some kind of disruption in the production process. Subjectively, it is believed that the lower the quality number of the soap, the worse its washing ability.

By the way, there is an opinion that the longer the soap is aged, the better it becomes: drying out, the soap loses weight without losing the fatty acids it contains. Accordingly, its quality number increases. It is not for nothing that for many people of the older generation, soap first served as a fragrance for linen in the closet, and only then, after a year or more, it migrated to the bathroom.

During the research of Roskachestvo, samples with an underestimated quality number were found. These are goods under the trademarks "Alisa" and "Tik-tok", the manufacturers of which indicated GOST on the packaging, but did not correspond to it, which is a violation. Also, an underestimated quality number was found in two more products, but this cannot be considered a violation, since these samples were not made according to GOST.

Net weight - not the same weight: about deviations in net weight

Product weight is a category in which it is better for consumers “over-” than “under-”. And if one weight is declared on the package, but in fact the product is lighter, this is undoubtedly perceived by the buyer as a deception. The same applies to soap. However, as it turned out in the course of the study, the value of the nominal weight does not correspond to the real one on all packages ...

- This is quite natural, - says Ekaterina Nesterova... - And it happens because a bar of soap can dry quickly, losing moisture over time. However, the soap has a rather long shelf life and even after its expiration it does not lose its detergency. Over time, a bar of soap can lose its original appearance: dry out and crack.

To date, in the current documentation there are no norms established for the net weight indicator. But such norms apply to our neighbors - in the neighboring countries. That is why deviations of the real weight of the soap from the mass declared on the package cannot officially be considered a violation. However, Roskachestvo, taking care of the consumer, notifies him of this discrepancy (according to the Roskachestvo standard, the difference should not exceed 4.5%). So, the difference between the real and the declared net weight is observed in 13 samples: these goods will not be able to apply for the Russian Quality Mark. Read more in the product cards.

Maintaining cleanliness and freshness in the intimate area is a guarantee of the health of the fair sex. However, considering what kind of delicate and delicate area we are talking about, the choice of a suitable product for intimate hygiene comes to the fore.

Why is it so important, and which genital care product will be the most suitable? We will answer all these questions in this article.

The benefits of intimate care products

When it comes to caring for the genitals, some women sincerely do not understand why special cosmetics are needed when there is always ordinary toilet soap at hand? However, experts advise to abandon the use of soap when treating the genitals, and here's why:

  • ordinary soap consists of alkali, and therefore dries up the delicate mucous membrane of the genitals;
  • the presence of perfumery fragrances in soap often leads to irritation;
  • this detergent changes the pH of the environment, which can threaten the growth of pathogenic microflora. And this condition threatens the development of thrush.

For these reasons, gynecologists advise using toilet soap no more than 2 times a week. On other days, it is better to just wash off with warm water.

Nevertheless, practice shows that such minimum requirements do not save the fair sex from damage to the mucous membrane and the appearance of a repulsive odor. To safely cleanse the epidermis and maintain a pleasant aroma of the skin, a special intimate hygiene product should always be in the bathroom. But what exactly it will be, the woman herself must decide.

Forms of hygiene products

The products in question are available in several forms, each of which has its own characteristics of the effect on the skin, and has its own pros and cons in terms of ease of use.

At the same time, each manufacturer tries to ensure that the acid-base balance of his cosmetics matches the acidity of the vaginal mucosa as much as possible. This is a very important factor that allows you to preserve the natural state of the microflora of the genital organs and prevent infection. Consider the forms of the funds issued.

Intimate soap

Outwardly, this product is no different from toilet soap, however, due to the presence of natural extracts that eliminate inflammation, this tool acts on the epidermis more gently than ordinary soap. Moreover, intimate soap does not contain aggressive substances, which means it does not irritate the mucous membranes. They need to be used several times a week, but it is not recommended to use such cosmetics every day.

Intimate gel

This product is presented in liquid form, outwardly resembling liquid soap. It contains a number of plant components, and, of course, the much-needed lactic acid. Using such a tool is extremely simple. To do this, it is enough to combine a particle of gel with water and treat the genitals for 10-15 seconds, then rinse with warm running water.

Intimate foam or mousse

These cosmetics are best suited for women whose skin is sensitive and prone to irritation. Having a soft or incredibly delicate texture, intimate foam delicately cleanses the vaginal mucosa, without causing dryness and irritation, and besides, without disturbing the microflora of the intimate zone. Before use, shake the foam, squeeze a particle of the product onto your hand and treat the genitals with it. Rinse off the product preferably with warm running water.

Wet wipes

In fact, wet wipes should be called one of the greatest inventions of the last century. These hygiene products are in the handbag of every self-respecting woman, and all because with their help you can treat intimate areas literally everywhere, whether in nature or at work.

The napkins themselves are moistened with a special antiseptic solution, which contains lactic acid. They can easily treat any intimate area without causing it to dry out and irritate. On the contrary, the napkin will help eliminate unpleasant odors, destroy microbes on the mucous membrane and perfectly moisturize the skin. In addition, napkins take up a minimum of space and fit compactly even in a miniature handbag.

Intimate cream

If necessary, relieve irritation and help the quick healing of the mucous membrane when cracks and abrasions appear, use a special cream for intimate areas. In addition, this remedy is recommended to be applied before visiting the pool or open water body. And if necessary, such a cream will become a substitute for lubricants.

Intimate deodorant

With the help of this perfume, the fair sex cope with the unpleasant odor in intimate places. An intimate deodorant is especially good in the case of thrush, which is accompanied by a repulsive odor. While a woman tidies up the vaginal microflora, she can treat her skin and underwear with such a deodorant before each shift.

Folk remedies

Let's not forget about the means of alternative medicine, which have been used since time immemorial to wash delicate areas. First of all, a decoction of chamomile comes to mind, which is still widely used today in situations where it is necessary to quickly and efficiently eliminate the inflammatory process and irritation on the mucous membrane.

To prepare such a decoction, 1 tbsp. dry chamomile pharmacy is poured with 200 ml of water, brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for 10 minutes, after which the product is allowed to cool, filtered and used as directed. By the way, not only chamomile, but also other medicinal plants, including calendula and aloe vera, sage, and some others, are suitable for fighting infections and soothing the mucous membranes.

How to choose an intimate care product

Manufacturers offer a choice of hundreds of different intimate products from various manufacturing companies at a variety of prices. Choosing the most suitable product is not easy.

What you need to pay attention to:

  • with dry mucous membranes (on the eve of menstruation or in violation of the cycle), preference should be given to neutral agents;
  • in case of excessive moisture in the genitals (during menstrual flow, during ovulation), give preference to products that maintain an acidic environment in the vagina;
  • in the case of thrush, pay attention to cosmetics containing antiseptics that will fight the reproduction of pathogenic flora.

Intimate cosmetics should be purchased exclusively at a pharmacy or specialized store. This will reduce the likelihood of buying a fake product.

What should be the composition of the product

When choosing one or another intimate cosmetics, pay attention to the composition of the product. It must contain the following components:

  • Lactic acid - contains beneficial bacteria, thanks to which the microflora of the vagina is maintained and the development of thrush is prevented.
  • Calendula - eliminates inflammation and processes on the skin and relieves redness.
  • Sage is a powerful natural antiseptic that destroys pathogenic microbes on the surface of the mucous membrane.
  • Chamomile is a remedy that perfectly copes with itching, burning sensation on the vaginal mucosa, and also has a wound healing effect.
  • Aloe Vera is a herbal remedy that perfectly soothes the skin and quickly relieves inflammation.
  • Vitamin D - maintains a normal level of moisture, and also copes with inflammation of the skin.
  • Panthenol is a wound-healing component that restores damaged skin and mucous membranes, moisturizing them well.

The composition of such a tool should be written in an understandable language, without the use of encoding. The product should contain the maximum amount of natural ingredients and a minimum of synthetic substances. This is eloquently indicated by the shelf life of cosmetics, which should not exceed 12 months.

Intimate soap should be white or dull. Indirectly, this will indicate the presence of synthetic additives. As for a good intimate gel, its acid-base balance should be less than 5.0, and the gel itself should not foam too much.

The best intimate care products

Gel Lactacyd Femina

According to manufacturers, this incredibly popular tool can be used every day. The gel is practically free from alkalis, which means it does not dry out the skin and does not provoke its irritation. Nevertheless, experts in the field of cosmetology do not advise using it for more than 3-4 r / week.

Soap "Green Pharmacy"

This soap is designed for delicate care of the genital mucosa. It contains plant extracts that actively act against pathogenic bacteria, easily eliminate inflammation and irritation. In addition, the soap contains vitamin B5, which perfectly heals and moisturizes the skin. It is only important to remember that it is not recommended to take it more often than 2 r / week.

TianDe gel

It is an extremely mild and delicate product with a mild antibacterial effect that inhibits the development of pathogenic flora without causing irritation. In addition, the soap contains vitamins A, C, D, E, B12, chamomile and sage extracts. However, in this case, experts do not recommend the frequent use of the product, since it negatively affects the beneficial microflora.

SebaMed Gel

It is a pharmacy hygiene product with a low pH of 3.8. According to the manufacturers, this product is ideal for young girls whose acid-base balance is slightly understated. The product contains panthenol, betaine, and virgin walnut extract. These remedies cope well with inflammation and restore the vaginal microflora.

Chlorhexidine drug

This remedy belongs to medicines, but it is also actively used in the care of the genitals. The fact is that Chlorhexidine is an inexpensive agent with a pronounced antibacterial effect. The drug quickly eliminates the disease-causing head start on the vaginal mucosa and removes an unpleasant odor without causing itching and irritation. In addition, you can always keep a bottle of Chlorhexidine with you, in your purse. To use the remedy, it is enough to apply part of the medicinal liquid to the napkin and wipe the intimate areas with it.

Deodorants for intimate areas

The most popular deodorants used to treat the genitals are Avon, Oriflame, Yves-Rocher and Lycia. True, according to most gynecologists, deodorants are completely unsuitable for daily use. Of course, they are good at masking an unpleasant odor, but if this problem persists in a woman, this is a serious reason to see a doctor. That is why intimate deodorants should be used if necessary, and no more than 2-3 r / week.

Intimate creams

Doctors are also ambivalent about creams for intimate hygiene. Basically, the cream should be applied to relieve dryness after using soap, as well as to get rid of irritation after wearing uncomfortable underwear. However, in this case, the question arises: is it possible to initially choose a suitable soap for care that does not cause dryness, or wear suitable underwear that will not chafe the skin?

Nevertheless, numerous polls show that the Intimate cream from Belita-Vitex, as well as the Feminelle Soothing Intimare Cream from Oriflame, are quite popular among the fair sex.

Harm of preparations for intimate hygiene

In recent years, intimate cosmetics have become incredibly popular, especially among the fair sex. However, for the most part, this is the merit of good advertising.

Of course, it cannot be denied that the products in question are safer than ordinary toilet soap, and besides, they are better adapted to the delicate skin of a woman's intimate areas. However, the regular use of such funds, which the manufacturers talk about, can threaten a woman with a lot of trouble.

First of all, excessive activity in caring for the intimate area is sometimes more harmful than completely ignoring such care. The fact is that a woman's genitals are a full-fledged ecosystem, with their own living microflora, consisting of beneficial and opportunistic microbes. Optimal acidity inhibits the growth of pathogenic flora and prevents infection, but if you use these products too often, or choose the wrong care product for yourself, you can easily disrupt this ecosystem. The result of this effect will be the development of thrush and the likelihood of an inflammatory process. For this reason, doctors recommend using intimate gels and mousses no more than 2-3 r / week.

In addition, intimate cosmetics are often used to remove or mask unpleasant odors from intimate areas. However, it is important to understand here that creams and deodorants are not drugs! They will not help get rid of thrush. This is just cosmetics that hide the symptoms, which means that it only delays the start of treatment.

By the way, more than 70% of women have experienced vaginal candidiasis at least once in their life, or, more simply, with thrush. 40% of women suffer from a recurrent course of this disease, which means they face it regularly. Experts tend to associate this with excessive care of the genitals, which means, with the use of products that wash out the beneficial microflora of the vagina.

Thus, properly selected intimate care products will allow you to carry out high-quality antiseptic treatment of intimate places and eliminate unpleasant odors. However, you cannot use them too often. It is better to find a "middle ground" by regularly washing yourself with warm running water and using cosmetics for intimate areas when you really need it. In this case, it will bring you maximum benefit!

The older generation still remembers those times when in the store it was possible to buy the only detergent for the face, body, shampooing and household needs - laundry soap.

Gradually, innovations came into use: toilet soap, shampoo, washing powder.

All this was in short supply, so washing, washing your hair and washing with laundry soap was considered in the order of things. It was effective and accessible to everyone. And toilet soap was something special.

Even 30-40 years ago, a piece of imported toilet soap in colorful packaging was considered a suitable gift, for example, on March 8th.

Toilet or household: which one to choose?

With the elimination of the deficit and the opening of borders for foreign goods, the population of Russia forgot about laundry soap for some time.

Some representatives of Generation Z do not even know what a bar of ordinary laundry soap looks like with a not very pleasant, but such a natural smell, the composition of which has not changed since Soviet times. And why buy such an ugly and rough-looking laundry soap when there is a huge selection of toilet soaps of different colors, pleasantly smelling, with useful and not very additives, in a beautiful design?

But, for some reason, having free access to various types of fragrant toilet soap, people are increasingly reminiscing about simple and artless household soap, about its disinfecting and even medicinal properties, its naturalness and hypoallergenicity.

Which is better - laundry soap or toilet soap? And in what situations are they best used?

Let's figure out what is the advantage of different types of soap - household and toilet.

Antiseptic properties of laundry soap

Laundry soap is an effective and safe antiseptic.

Laundry soap solution is used for cleaning and surface treatment in hospitals, maternity hospitals and kindergartens. It is recommended to process children's toys with a solution of laundry soap, not only in public institutions, but also at home.

In an alkaline environment of a laundry soap solution, most harmful bacteria die.

At the same time, laundry soap is much safer for health than chlorine-containing solutions. Laundry soap does not cause allergic reactions, it has a natural and safe composition.

Disinfection with laundry soap does not cause the growth of superbugs, as with bleach.

It is not such an aggressive environment, it does not inhibit the growth of normal microflora in rooms.

More and more people are replacing dishwashing detergents with laundry soap. Everyone knows that the remains of a synthetic product on dishes that have not been rinsed enough are harmful to health. Therefore, they try to wash the dishes with laundry soap, which dissolves fat well, destroys bacteria and protects our health.

A very useful habit is to wash your toothbrush with laundry soap every time you use it. After washing the brush, it is recommended to rub it with laundry soap and leave it there until the next use.

Laundry soap will not give bacteria any chance to multiply.

Laundry soap for shampooing

Can I wash my hair with laundry soap?

Can. But whether your hair looks better after washing with laundry soap depends on many factors.

Who needs to wash their hair with laundry soap?

First of all, for those people who seek to minimize contact with harmful chemicals in everyday life. You can try washing your hair with baby or toilet soap. These soaps have a nicer smell, but unfortunately they do not produce the same lather as laundry soap.

To combat grease and dandruff, you can wash your hair with laundry soap twice a month, alternating with shampooing.

For those with dry scalp or colored hair, using laundry soap to wash your scalp can make your skin and hair dry. In this case, you should refuse to wash your hair with soap or take some precautions.

How to properly wash your hair with laundry soap to keep it healthy and shiny:

  • 40 minutes before washing, we make a hair mask from olive oil, it is possible with the addition of other oils useful for hair - jojoba, linseed, sea buckthorn, etc.;
  • we prepare a well-foaming warm solution of laundry soap;
  • wash your head twice without leaving soap on your hair for a long time;
  • rinse your hair with water and a small amount of vinegar or lemon juice, you can add a decoction of chamomile;
  • acid neutralizes excess alkali on hair from laundry soap.

Such washing with preliminary oil treatment and subsequent rinsing is suitable for almost everyone, except for people with very sensitive and dry scalp.

Everyone decides for himself whether to wash his hair with laundry soap or not.

You can always try and evaluate the result. It is absolutely certain that sometimes, if there is no shampoo at hand, you can wash your hair with laundry soap, nothing bad will happen.

You can experiment and add decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, oak bark, or essential oils to the soap solution for washing your hair. With these additives, you will have a homemade shampoo that is healthy for your hair and has a pleasant scent.

Toilet soap

Toilet soap is intended for washing hands and body, so its acidity level is made close to neutral. The alkali content of toilet soap is lower than that of laundry soap.

Good toilet soap should not dry out or irritate your skin.

Depending on the type of toilet soap, it contains various additives:

  • lanolin;
  • glycerol;
  • essential oils;
  • extracts of medicinal plants;
  • antibacterial ingredients;
  • fragrances.

Types of toilet soaps

The most gentle and gentle for the skin is baby soap.

It may include lanolin and glycerin to moisturize baby skin, string or chamomile extracts to relieve inflammation. For repeated hand washing throughout the day and for bathing, it is best to use baby soap.

Care should be taken with antibacterial toilet soap.

Frequent use of such toilet soap disrupts the normal microflora of the skin, which can lead to skin problems. Antibacterial toilet soap is indispensable in field conditions and during epidemics, when we are faced with an increased amount of pathogenic flora. The rest of the time, you need to wash your hands and body with ordinary toilet or baby soap.

There are types of toilet soaps for specific cosmetic purposes.

For example, toilet soap with a scrub effect for the face or body. It contains small abrasive particles: smaller for the face and larger for the body.

Some types of toilet soaps do not contain useful additives, but they have a very intense smell. Too much perfume is not beneficial, but adults without allergies and skin problems can sometimes wash their hands with such toilet soap.

Many homes and especially in public places have switched to the use of liquid soap with a dispenser. This version of toilet soap is considered to be more hygienic for crowded places.