Scenario graduation in kindergarten requirements. The script for the graduation party in kindergarten "The Best Movie" material on the topic. A cool modern script for a graduation ball in kindergarten - for each graduation group its own

graduation party script kindergarten with photos. Issue 2012 Idea - music director Ivanova Maya Vladimirovna Artists - adults: Gorchakova L.A. and Voishcheva E.V. Hall design - Ivanova M.V. Publication on the site - Bogdanova O.V.

2012 graduation ceremony script.
Kindergarten No. 33 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg.


Spring days have already arrived

The birds sing more cheerfully.

We are glad to see in kindergarten

Faithful and good friends.

Tears of joy in our eyes

And in this solemn hour,

The heart will freeze, and then it will beat,

Each of us is worried!

Music sounds (babies come out from behind the curtain)


1. Attention! Attention! Listen everyone! Everything!

2. On this solemn day, the sun shines.

3. Kindergarten today He escorts children to school!

4. We will go to school too!

5. When we grow up a little here! Although I'm ready!

Girl: How modest! (threatens finger)

Boy: Oh sorry! Invite Alumni!

(the girl rings the bell, the kids sit on the chairs)

Children entrance preparatory group to the song: "Goodbye, kindergarten!"


The kids congratulate you today from the bottom of their hearts!

Go to the first class boldly, Ahead is a big deal!

You are already quite big, you are beautiful and smart.

For us to reach you

You must stand on your toes.

We envy you a little

You are almost schoolchildren.

And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you

We have a good journey!

Lead 1.

Today, excitement is unstoppable.

The hall does not accommodate all the assembled guests!

We escort to school together

Dear our children!


1. What is? What happened? The kids are all dressed up!

2. Probably summer has come to us! (children laugh)

3. This is not funny at all!

4. We gathered in our hall,

5. To say goodbye to everyone!

6. Why should we say goodbye?

7. We have just arrived.

8. We grew up, got older!

9. It's time for us to go to school!

10. And today with kindergarten

12. We must say goodbye.

SONG: "Today is a special day"

(after the song, the children sit down in their places)

Host 2:

You leave the kindergarten

With a magical mischievous country.

But you don't have to forget it

After all, kindergarten is your second home!


1. Yes, there is something to tell us about today,

For what to glorify and thank.

Kindergarten dear, you are our favorite,

We can't live without you!

2. How to live without dancing, without stress,

Without physical education and fine arts,

Without noise, din, running around the group,

Without days filled with excitement, fuss!

3. And so we grew up, got stronger, fledged

Like chicks in a caring nest.

We all almost learned to fly

Now the door is open and - fly, fly!


Presenter 1:

Yesterday you were babies

Now it's time for you to go to school!

When did you grow up?

Host 2:

Did you want to remember, children?


1. So we grew up, and the school is waiting for us, in the very first grade!

2. Do you remember five years ago when we went to kindergarten?

3. What are you! We didn’t go, We were taken in wheelchairs.

4. I remember crying every day, waiting for my mother, looking out the window.

5. And someone walked with a pacifier, and someone wore diapers!

6. Yes, we were all good, but what to take from us, kids!

7. And I did this, fell asleep over the soup at lunchtime!

8. Sometimes, I ate badly, they fed me with a spoon!

9. The bib saved us from porridge, from tea, soup, curdled milk!

10. And remember, I built big cities out of sand!

11. We baked all the Easter cakes, not very smoothly, as best we could!

12. And together we played, treated each other!

13. They were naughty, they fought with their hands and feet.

14. And some even teeth. All this in the past, but now:

All: We are escorted to the first class!

Song: "Oh, how good!"

Presenter 1:

Parents came to our party

And they look at you with excitement!

It was like seeing everything for the first time.

Grown up children now!

Host 2:
The windows are on until late at night.

Parents are preparing children for school!

What worries them at a late hour?

Let's take a look at the apartment now!

Scene: "Seeing to school"


Soon my daughter will go to school, she will go to first grade,

I wonder how she will behave there?


I remember the first time my daughter was in kindergarten without us,

I yearned and missed, even cried - it happened!

It's the first time for all the little ones, it's hard in kindergarten without us!

Mommy don't be afraid! Dad calm down!

Feel free to go to school, we were taught in kindergarten:

Don't be shy and don't be shy

And try to help friends

And in all your affairs,

Be no worse than the rest!

Presenter 1:

There are different holidays throughout the year.

And today is our holiday!

Soon you will be first graders

Say goodbye to the garden now!


1. In the morning, only the sun will throw,

First ray of gold

All the boys are running

To your own kindergarten!

2. Here friends, girlfriends

You can reveal your secret.

With a good teacher

Talk heart to heart!

3. We love Kindergarten

This piece of paradise.

But you have to say goodbye

The bell is calling us to school!


Host 2:

If something really bad happens to you.

Who will come to your aid? Who will always be around?


1. Kindergarten welcomes us

We play and eat here.

Time flies by quickly

We are growing even faster.

2. Here we are loved and caressed.

Here we are comfortable, warm.

Many fairy tales are read to us,

There are a lot of friends here!

3. We really need a friend in life.

We have more fun with a friend.

Next to him in any cold

We are getting warmer!

SONG: "We want to tell you a secret ..."


educators, relatives,

We love you from the bottom of our hearts.

Naughty and funny

Naughty babies!

Dance: "Naughty"

Presenter 1:

The years have passed and you have grown a lot.

Summer will fly by quickly, and you will go to school!

Host 2:

And who will look after you after school?

And so we decided to advertise in the newspaper:

“We need a governess for first graders who loves children.

Contact us anytime!"


It must be her!
(Freken Bock appears to the music with a cage in his hands)


Hello! Do you need a governess? So here it is! Not a governess, but a housekeeper, that's just me! And here is my Matilda!

(ALL greet)

Hello! Hello! Is this your apartment? Wow, the right apartment!

There is even a piano! I really love, you know, to play all sorts of symphonies!

Get acquainted! These are our children!


What are all your children? And I have to educate everyone?
I have never tried to raise so many children at once!
I will work with each one individually.
Come on, give me that chatty boy over there! Well, baby, say hello to your aunt!


If you come to someone

Don't say hello to anyone.

The words "please", "thank you"

Do not tell anybody!

Turn around and ask questions

Don't answer anyone

And then no one will say

About you, that you are a talker!


Here you go! Already a conspiracy! Well, okay ... Children are pedagogically neglected, but something else can be fashioned out of them. I'll take them seriously!


Not! Our children are good, well-mannered and cheerful!


No fun! Education is serious business!

Okay, mommy! Go aside, do not interfere with raising children.
(teachers leave)


Children! You did exercises today! (YES)

Well nothing! Do it again, and we will check!


1. We are accustomed since childhood every day

Come to your favorite kindergarten.

Waking up early in the morning is lazy

What is there to do, if necessary!

2. We're in a hurry, hurry up here

Our favorite in kindergarten.

The brightest and always

The best and unique!

3. Here we always have a game. Dancing in the morning!

Dance: "BANANA - MOM"


Well, OK! Let's take vocals, (approaches the instrument).

And you, move away, do not interfere with raising children! (presses a key).

Children, sing: la-la-la...

And now with accompaniment: (“They have faded already ...”)

Children! I can't hear you, you, that the bear has stepped on your ear.


You're wrong! Our children have learned to sing wonderfully.


1. All famous artists

Among us, of course there are.

How many songs have been sung.

We can't count them all!

2. We are from our pop stars

We are not one step behind.

We are without any soundtrack,

Better sing the Valley!

Since we have a cool choir,

Performs simply - class!!

SONG: "The song is wonderful"


Ha, ha, ha! Surprised! That's all you can do!


Our children are growing up!

Learned a lot of interesting things!

And they studied English.

Can easily say phrases in English.


1. Learn English for 5

I promise at school.

And soon everyone will see

How do I know English!



About the future - what do you dream of kids? What do you want to be, huh?


1. There are a lot of schools in St. Petersburg,

How can we not get lost. Where are we to go?

2. I think that a school is the same as an institute.

They sit at a desk and teach for 11 years!

3. And what should we be taught? We know a lot!

We have been writing and reading books for a long time!

4. How is it to be taught? The most important thing - Whom to be!

5. And I've known for a long time.

I do not sleep in a quiet hour, but I dream.

Become a great footballer!

6. And I am a pop artist!

7. And I am a cool financier!

8. And I want to fly a plane.

Be on the plane, the first pilot!

9. I want to become an artist. To perform on stage!

To always give flowers. They were just talking about me!

10. We can dream for a long time! Let's dance better!

Dance: "Little Country"


These are our children!

Everyone wants to know in the world!

We wish them good luck

To solve all problems!

SONG: "Our boat sails away"


So, do you want to go to school?

Matilda, have you seen them? Well done!
And now sit down, put your hands on your knees and don't move until your mother comes or whatever her ... it doesn't matter.
Matilda! Follow them, and I went to the supermarket! (F.B. exits)


Guys, why are you sitting! We need to act if we were here

Carlson, he would help us!

(Carlson appears from behind the curtain)


Hi guys! What happened here again?


Hello Carlson! Save us from the housekeeper. She wants us to sit quietly and not move.


After all, I'm the world's best specialist in educating housekeepers.

Therefore, there is no need to worry! Let's play around a little better!

(play by Carlson - "Photographer")

Freken appears, Carlson hides.


What is this gibberish here? Are you out of control kids again?

(puts buns)

I'll have a cup of tea!
But you can’t, from flour - the figure deteriorates. You kids better do some choreography. Cavaliers invite ladies!


1. We have grown big

We go to first class.

Goodbye today

Let's dance the waltz for the last time!

2. Farewell waltz -

A little sad.

It's not easy to spin around in it.

3. Farewell waltz -

Seeing off.

In a light prom dress.

Dance: "Farewell Waltz"

(Carlson quietly takes buns from the table)

Leader appears:
What fun you have! I see you get along well with the kids.


Of course we got along (notices the missing buns)

Who ate my buns? Are you nasty kids?


Why couldn't you kids do that!


Well, never mind, I'll make real people out of them!

I'm leaving, but I'll be back! (leaves)


Well, what did I tell you!

Who is the best housekeeper tamer in the world?

Carlson, your tricks again!


Of course my, who else is capable of such heroism! Something I really want!

We will definitely treat you, and now look how clever our children are and how skillfully they will eat apples without the help of their hands!

Competition: "Eat apples"

Freken returns.


Children! I have returned to take up your upbringing with renewed vigor! (Notices buns on the table)

So that's who stole my buns!


Let me introduce myself! The world's best parenting specialist!


Children, I am terribly glad that such a smart, handsome tutor has been found!

And I'll be happy to go and take a break from you. Matilda, we have to go!


Madam, let me guide you! Well, all the guys, study well at school, and if you need me, I'm on my roof! Till! (leave)

Presenter 1:

Breaks up with kindergarten

This morning kids

Sadness in the heart will respond

This bright time.

Bored in toy lockers

Children are no longer up to the game,

No time to chat with girlfriends

Everything is quiet here for the time being.

Children, you have become big,

Soon to school, first grade,

And today in this room

We hasten to congratulate you.

Host 2:

Don't be sad guys

Leaving the kindergarten

The school is rich in novelty,

Wait for new awards.

Goodbye Kindergarten

Ours is a priceless miracle treasure.

Children in pairs:

Paired phrases:
1st boy, 2nd girl.

1. What a pity to part with you forever!

2. You remember me - at least sometimes!

1. Will I be able to see you again?

2. Yes, in the photo that you have in the album!

1. Breaking up with you is a big stress for me.

2. I will miss you - you sent SMS!

1. Let everything at school be like in a fairy tale!

2. Thank you for your kind words and affection!


Presenter 1:

Yes, friends, four years

Not noticeably swept!

You were just preschoolers

Now, students!

Host 2:

Grown up, wiser

Like roses bloom.

Knowledge, skills, abilities

You have bought a lot.


1. OK it's all over Now! Goodbye my kindergarten.

With you, childhood leaves little by little,

I'll keep childhood memories

I'll take some of them on the road!

2. We say thank you to everyone

For leading us through life

Because we were loved with all our hearts,

What our pranks, you always forgave!

All children:
Kudos to you and thanks!

Song: "Farewell"

Congratulation of children: presentation of albums and gifts.

Congratulations to graduates, teachers and parents!

Works as a music director in a preschool educational institution: GBDOU TsRR kindergarten No. 33 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg since 1992, has the highest qualification category.


Zima V.G. Laponogova N.L.

Educators come out to solemn music

Leading: On a holiday with a friendly family,

We gathered for the last time

We take the kids to school

They go to first grade.

Today, the excitement is impossible to contain,

The last holiday in kindergarten,

Our hearts are both warm and anxious,

After all, the children have grown up and go to school.

To the song of E. Winged "Winged swing» children run into the hall, perform a dance composition, holding toys. At the end, put the toys under the chairs.

1 reb: Kindergarten in the village of Yuzhny, it is all in greenery,

And on the street, on the New will shelter all the kids.

We lived as a single family, adversity bypassed us,

And now we have grown up, it is time for us to go to school.

2reb: Birds are chirping outside the window, lilacs are pouring stars.

Let's say goodbye to kindergarten on this May warm day.

3 reb: Today we are graduates, goodbye, our kindergarten!

Mothers will buy us diaries, textbooks, notebooks.

4 reb: Today we are graduates, no longer preschoolers.

We are waiting for funny calls and new guys.

5 reb: We will now give this song as a farewell.

Let this song fly around the world on a May day!

A song is being performed

Kindergarten 2

  1. We are accustomed from childhood every day,

Come to your favorite kindergarten,

Too lazy to wake up early in the morning

What can be done here, if necessary.

Who will scatter in the morning,

Elder sister and dad with mom,

To school, to work, even grandmother and the one

Rushing about his affairs stubbornly.

Chorus : Well, we are in a hurry here,

In kindergarten, our beloved,

The brightest and always

The best and unique.

  1. Adults will take us by the hand,

And we'll go together early in the morning,

Here we are loved, here we are always welcome.

Our teachers and nannies

If tomorrow they tell me again

Relax, it's Sunday

I will miss my beloved kindergarten,

To everyone's surprise.

Chorus : It's good to hurry in the morning,

Forget about bad weather

Loves kids very much

Kindergarten at any time of the year. 2 times

  1. We love kindergarten very much,

Year after year, childhood passes here,

Soon we will part, alas,

Nowhere to go from this

We wish, kindergarten, from the heart.

What would you live long and richly,

Let us leave, but there will be kids again,

Grow here as we once did.

Chorus: Our favorite kindergarten,

We'll never forget

And let the years fly

We will love you as always. 2 times

1leader : Autumn will come inaudibly, dropping a smart leaf from a branch.

Slowly September will come along the gilded roads,

For boys and girls starting the school year.

6 reb: Gone are the years and the days when the little ones entered

We are in kindergarten, and at first we cried loudly, shouted,

Asked to go home to mommy, which was just oh-oh-oh!

7 reb: And it doesn't matter that there is neither dad nor mom in the group,

Here are educators and nannies, they are everywhere with us.

8 reb: Today is an unusual, wonderful, excellent day!

There is only one reason for this, it is clear to everyone.

Very soon, very soon we will go to school.

And it's time to wish us "No fluff, no feather!"

9 reb: The first phrase, “Masha ate porridge”,

new worlds opened up.

This same porridge from that time!

“Twice-two” is a simple science,

But all sciences head!

Everything in life, that's the thing

It will start with “twice-two”!

Song "Learning should be fun"

  1. On the road girls, on the road boys

Walk boldly along the ladder of knowledge,

Wonderful meetings and good books,

There will be steps on it.


And a song, and a song on the road come in handy,

Learn to be fun, learn to be fun

Let's learn fun to learn well.

  1. On the ladder of knowledge you will be able soon,

Reach the inaccessible sea depth,

Go underground, climb mountains,

And even reach the moon.


2Vedas: Here are your favorite dolls, it's time to part with them.

You watered them, fed them, but this game ended.

It's time to get ready for school, but let's not be sad,

Well, now I propose to invite them all to dance.

reb: Our lovely girlfriends, beautiful dolls,

We all love to dance with you.

Spanish girls group "Doll Dance"

1Ved: Dear Guys! Where have we not been with you this year! We were visiting Autumn, Santa Claus. And today the most difficult journey is to the Land of Knowledge. But how to get there? Look, here is a house, and if a kind person lives in it, then he will help us.(knocking on the house)

Cinderella: I've never been to a ball

answers from the houseCleaned, washed, boiled, spun.

When did it happen that I got to the ball,

The prince lost his head from me.

1 Vedas: Who lives in this house?(children answer)

Cinderella: Hello dear friends! What brought you to me?

1 Vedas: We are looking for a way to the Land of Knowledge. Can you tell us where she is?

Cinderella: I'll give you a hint! My friends are polite words. They must be known, otherwise there will be no road.Hear riddles:

1. When you ask for a toy

With a friend or girlfriend

If they don't, don't complain.

You forgot to say...(children answer: please)

2. Cake, sweets, a cup of tea ...

And you are being fed!

If you can't eat anymore

Need to say something?(children answer: thank you)

3. If you pushed a neighbor,

Or a friend did not notice.

So that they don't get angry

What do you owe? (children answer: Sorry)

Vedas. Cinderella, we have prepared a surprise for you too.

Song "Educator"

Parents bring us to kindergarten every day.

They run, they fly, they leave, who cares,

We live, grow, laugh, we are in front of you,

And frankly, we love you very much.


You, our first teacher,

You are like our parent

Friend and teacher

Educator, educator.

You are our first mentor

Shield and nerves of steel

He, our virtue,

Our educator.

There is no doubt that it is difficult for you sometimes.

But you will always make the right decision.

Forgive the little rascals that we give you heat,

You love kids, and we sing about you.

Chorus: 2 times

You give care, you give warmth.

Dance, sing, you are with us at the same time,

We will hug you tightly, snuggle gently to you,

And if we leave the garden, then we need to remember.

Chorus: 2 times

Our teacher...

Cinderella: Well done! You have chosen the right path to the Land of Knowledge. Go straight ahead and don't be afraid!(leaves)

A girl enters the hall, depicting a deuce

Deuce: Hello! They say you have a holiday today, but for some reason I was not invited.

2 Vedas: And who are you?

Two: Me?

I am charming to everyone marvelously, all curved beautifully,

I decorate the diary, since you are a bad student.

Don't trust anyone, kids: there's no better mark than a deuce.

It’s impossible without me, all lazy people are my friends!

I love couch potatoes, I love sluts, but I can’t stand zealous ones.

It's fun to be friends with me, it's easy to get a deuce!

Leading: Guys, are we going to get deuces? (No)

Deuce: Guys, let's play.

Attraction “Rope”

To the music, adults walk around the rope laid on the floor, at the end of the music they stand on the rope, whoever does not fit, leaves the game, each time the rope folds in half, four times, etc.

Deuce: Guys, how smart and brave you are, well done! Guys, it's time for me to say goodbye to you, I wish you never meet with me again.

1 Vedas: I hear someone else rushing towards us. Who is this?

Guess the riddle.

All girls and boys
Managed to love him.
He is the hero of a funny book,
Behind him is a propeller.
He flies over Stockholm
High, but not to Mars.
And the kid will recognize him.
Who is this? Cunning...
Answer: Carlson

Children guess, Carlson enters

Carlson: I am Carlson, I am a cheerful kid!

I eat manna porridge

Of course, if there is honey in the porridge,

Any kid will understand me

Hi guys! I knew you couldn't do without me! Tell me, who is the most intelligent and scientist? And who is the most beautiful? And who is the best friend?

Ouch! (stops).Where did I get to?

1 Vedas: Don't worry, Carlson, you ended up in a kindergarten for a holiday. We are going to the Land of Knowledge. Will you help us find the way?

Carlson: Of course I'll help! But first I will check how ready they are for school. Let's see how the children learned to form words from letters.

The letters went out for a walk, began to collect the word.

Here is a whole platoon of consonants floating in the air.

Vowels both here and there walk, run, scurry.

The letters are all connected, read what happened.


Leading: Carlson, and our guys know a lot of poems, please listen.


  1. There is a miracle garden in the world,

I am glad to go to this garden

Here in summer and winter

All my friends are with me

Living well here

And in our garden they grow

No cherries or pears.

Sasha, Vanya and Katyusha.

Cherries do not live here -

Marinochki and Mishenka,

And it's not the twigs that make noise,

Kolya, Dashi, Svetochki.

Our favorite gardener

Calls everyone by name

Our teacher,

Dances and sings with us.

Help her in the morning

nannies and cooks

Protects our health


This is what a miracle garden is here,

For guys like us!

  1. When we came to the nursery for the first time,

Mothers brought us in wheelchairs,

And here we go to the first class,

And parting awaits us.

But we will certainly come to visit you,

And remember how we used to play here.

We didn't have to sing and draw,

Set tables, make beds,

And with the boys to dance the polka,

Our kindergarten, our beloved kindergarten,

We will mourn you more than once.

  1. OK it's all over Now! Goodbye my kindergarten

With you, childhood is leaving little by little,

I'll save childhood memories

I will take some of them with me on the road.

We are our own good kindergarten

We won't stop loving

And yet we say goodbye

After all, we have become big,

Everything passes, but I'm a little sorry

Everything is ahead, but only in kindergarten,

We will never return.

  1. Many, many years in a row

We went to kindergarten

Sang a lot, ate a lot,

Wanted to grow up

Finally dreams come true

study ahead,

Bright flowers everywhere

Today is a special day.

To learn the business

You have to work hard

We are taught everything at school,

And learning is a joke, right?

flew by unnoticed

carefree days

We have matured...

We are terer - students!

Carlson : Well, guys, surprised! You were not taught in vain.

Goodbye! (leaves)

Shapoklyak on a scooter enters the hall

Shapoklyak : Oh, in a hurry! I almost broke my transport. I found out that you are going to school, and now I also want to go to first grade with you!

2 Vedas: Wait, Shapoklyak, how old are you?

Shapoklyak: a lot.

2 Vedas: Well, if there is a lot, then it was necessary to study earlier.

Shapoklyak : And to learn, by the way, it's never too late!

2 Vedas: Okay, so what can you do? Can you read and write?

Shapoklyak : Of course not! But I can shoot sparrows with this slingshot.

Put more buttons on the chairs, pull the girls by the braids, pinch, scream, whistle... (tries to whistle, but nothing happens)Ugh, the whistle is broken! Oh, I also ride a scooter: ding-ding-ding! Here's how much I can do! Is this not enough?

2 Vedas : Even a lot, but you won't need it at school. But are you able to solve problems?

Shapoklyak: Easy!

2 Vedas: Here you have two apples in your pocket...

(finches in pockets):I don't have any apples in my pockets!

2 Vedas: Yes, it is so in the problem it says that you have two apples in your pocket. Someone took one apple from you. How much is left?

Shapoklyak: Two!

2 Vedas: Why?

Shapoklyak : And I won’t give an apple to someone. Even if he fights and screams!

2 Vedas: Think, Shapoklyak, what if someone did take one apple from you? How much is left?

Shapoklyak: None!

2 Vedas: Why?

Shapoklyak : And I'll have time to eat them!

2 Vedas: No, Shapoklyak You don't know how to solve problems!

Shapoklyak : Do you know how? Then help me. Here Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka wrote puzzles. Listen.

1. I bent down to the ground and saw four cat paws and four chicken legs under a bush. How many cats and how many chickens? / one and two/

Let's write it down: one cat and two chickens.

2. The pike was swimming in the lake, the worm was off the hook.

Boiled pike cabbage soup, invited five ruffs.

Pike shchi is good. How many fish ate cabbage soup?/six/

Let's write it down: six.

3. Six funny cubs rush to the forest for raspberries,

But one kid was tired, lagged behind his comrades.

Now find the answer: how many bears are ahead?/five/

Let's write it down: five.

  1. Gave the hedgehogs a hedgehog,

Eight brand new boots

The hedgehogs squeal with delight,

How much did dad eat? (2)

1Ved : Mathematics is going well for the guys:

Count, compose, decide everything in a row!

2Vedas: Knowledge is applicable in life! 'cause for you now

The story will sound not long, instructive story!

Performance "Two and three"

Dad: My son went to first grade, you better not joke with him!

Mom: It's not a sin for such a wise man to turn up his snub nose!

Somehow, at the table, his father asked a question ...

Son: Two pies here, dad, right? And if you want - on a bet! -

I can always prove that there are not two, but three?

We count together: here is one, and here are two, look!

Attention! One and two - just will be three!

Dad: Here is a mathematician, well done! In fact, three!

And so I'll take two, and you take the third!

Shapoklyak : Well, you solve problems. Guys, can you dream?

Scene for graduation in kindergarten "Dreams"

1st child: My years are growing
There will be seventeen.
What should I do then?
What should I do?
2nd child: I will read books
Strive for knowledge.
To be very smart
To go abroad.
3rd child: And I really want to become
Top model catchy.
But grandma says
That they are all "boards".
4th child: And I'll be a showman
All mustachioed, bright.
I will spin the wheel
Receive gifts.
5th child: good showman,
And be a better singer.
I would go to the Basques
Let me teach!
6th child: And I want, like Galkin, to sing,
I can, I can handle it!
Maybe Alla Pugacheva
I'll like it too!
5th child: Oh don't think about her
You are wasting your time.
You are for Alla Pugacheva
Already very old!
7th child: I would become a teacher
Let me teach!
4th child: Did you think at all?
The nerves are shattered!
8th child: I will work
Our President.
I'll ban it all over the country
I'm semolina porridge!
9th child: Mom dreams for me
Dad, grandma, friends...
I'm just a stubborn guy
You can't give in to them.
Everyone gives advice
Me vying with each other.
In spite of this,
I will be myself!

1st child: We read poems to you
Clap, try.
It was you who raised us
Here also understand!

2 Vedas: Our children also learned to dance. And now they will show you a dance.

Spanish children group "Dance"

Shapoklyak : Just think, they learned to sing, dance. And I, and I, and I know the poem. Here, listen.

The fly sat on the jam ... That's the whole poem.

1 Ved : Your poem is painfully short.

Shapoklyak : Yes, because there was not enough jam.

1 Vedas: Listen, Shapoklyak, what great poems our children know.

Children read poems


  1. With gentle sadness "Goodbye!"

Let's say we are native to the group,

We didn't part with her.

Except on the weekend.

Here the builders were

Doctors and tailors

In our bedroom hundreds of times

Rested in quiet time

Set the table for dinner

Studied etiquette,

And in the albums they drew

House trees and dawn

And more than once during leisure hours,

Sitting quietly on the carpet

We visited with the book

In a good fairy land

In September other children

They will come to the new group,

Well, we'll close the doors

Big things are waiting for us!

  1. preschooler, preschooler,

I hear almost from the cradle

Only from tomorrow

Don't call me that

I'll get up early tomorrow

And in the morning I'll become a schoolboy,

Our beloved, our beautiful,

Our wonderful kindergarten

You are happy on your way today

Escorting preschoolers

Goodbye our fairy tales

Our cheerful round dance,

Our games, songs, dances!

Goodbye! School is waiting!

Our favorite kindergarten

You will remember forever

We will send you HELLO from the school from excellent students!

  1. We happily went to kindergarten,

It was cozy and light in it,

Educators, like mothers, loved us

And gave affection and warmth,

Every day we learn something

The first words were hard to write

Letters printed in a notebook,

Adults were taught to help in the garden,

Songs to sing, sculpt and dance,

Walking happily

And they all loved to play together

You have books in your portfolio

I have a bouquet in my hand

All the familiar boys

They stare in surprise.

Why are we so cheerful?

Why is everyone so happy?

We're off to school!

Goodbye Kindergarten!

  1. I will wake up one morning.
    That's it, I'm no longer a prankster!
    I became an adult, I became wise,
    I am now a first grader.

    There will be no time to play
    I'll put on a new satchel
    Learn to write, count
    Talk like a foreigner.

    Exploring other countries
    I will study for many years
    And then I will become a scientist.
    Mom will be proud of me


(behind Shapoklyak sneaks with a briefcase Cheburashka. Shapoklyak notices him)

Shapoklyak: Cheburashka, stop! Where are you going, my yacht?

Cheburashka : Where where. Don't hit the road!

Shapoklyak: And why do you need a briefcase, are you also going to school? And what about me?

Cheburashka: I won't be friends with you anymore!

Shapoklyak: ( takes a handkerchief out of his pocket, pretends to cry):

Didn't I love you? Did I not feed you? She told stories in the evenings! How did you thank me?

Cheburashka: Oh guys, take me to school!(Shapoklyak grabs him, tries to pull him out of the hall)

Wait, I haven't said hello to the guys yet! This came to my mind fun game: let's say hello with our eyes closed!

The game "Say hello with closed eyes"

(First Cheburashka and Shapoklyak play, then children)

Shapoklyak: Cheburashka, Cheburashka! Do you want me to bake pancakes today? With cherry jam, or maybe with your favorite, raspberry ... huh?

Cheburashka: No... can you tell a story? About Gena!

Shapoklyak: Well, of course! Sit down soon. Well, guys, with you, but it's time to take Cheburashka home before he changes his mind! Good luck to you! Goodbye!

(Cheburashka leaves on a scooter, and Shapoklyak runs after him)

The deuce again enters the hall, Dunno goes towards her, “the raven counts”

Deuce: Hi Dunno! Do you think it's a raven again? Tell me, is it really great not to know and not to learn?

Dunno: Of course, why is all this necessary?

Deuce: Well done, stranger! Now children will come here, they are going to the Land of Knowledge. Don't show them the way!

2 Vedas: Have you contacted us again? Do you want to make all the guys lazy and dunno? Will not work! Don't bother Dunno, get out of here!(two run away)

Dunno, tell me where we need to go in order to meet the Queen of Knowledge as soon as possible?

Dunno: And you first help me collect a bouquet for Sineglazka, then I'll tell you.

Attraction "Who will collect the flower soonest"

Dunno: Thanks for helping. And you have already arrived. In kindergarten, you learned a lot, got good knowledge. Meet the Queen of Knowledge!

The Queen of Knowledge appears to the music

Queen: Hello guys! I have been watching you for a long time and I saw that you know a lot and know a lot. I hope that when you become first graders, you will not be friends with the Deuce, and only good marks will decorate your diary.

Queen: But at school you can't do without my assistants:

And what assistants, you will learn about them now.

Pencil: It's time for us to go notebook,
We might be late
Kindergarten not nearby
Need to hurry.
(a brush comes to them)

Tassel: Who said about kindergarten?

Pencil : Everyone is talking about it.

Tassel: I go there myself
But I can't find the way.

Pencil: Straight, straight and right
And then through the ditch
Into the alley and then
And then you see the house
There are three rows of trees.
Why are you there?

Tassel: What do you mean why? Don't you know?
The kids are celebrating today!
I want to meet
I will teach them to draw.
I am a great artist!

Pencil: Enough brush to boast.
Here's what I'll tell you
I'm friends with the guys
Every day early in the morning
I go to school with them
Because at school
A pencil is needed.

Notebook: Let's take it in order
What is a notebook for?
To write and draw
So the main thing is a notebook!
(at this time, abacus, diary and primer are suitable)

Tassel: Why are you silent accounts?
Or there is no desire to argue?

Accounts: We believe, we believe
We add, we subtract.
And of course first class.
Can't do without us.

Diary: True friend my student
The most important thing is my diary!

Notebook: You are a diary for dads and moms,
Put everyone in their place.
Who to put in a corner
Who to send for a walk.

Primer: Stop talking
And unnecessary words.
Do the guys from your disputes
Your head will hurt.
I will teach them to read books,
I will teach them how to write letters.
There are different letters in the alphabet
I'm the most important of all, no matter how you twist it!

Child : Do not argue, dear friends.
You are a whole family together
And the school really needs you,
All equally important
The student needs help
Friendship of my guys.
Everything: We will be friends guys, we are with you,
And you treat us carefully.
If you don't tear and break,
We will help you to study only for 5!!!

Leading: Queen, and the guys wanted to amuse you and sing a cheerful, perky song.

sing a song to the tune of "Quadrille"

1. Once upon a time Serezha, Katya, Dasha,

Artems, Vicki, Sveta went with a roar to the kindergarten,

Shed tears, wiped themselves with handkerchiefs,

They clung to dads and moms and cried: “Back! »

Chorus : Ah, kindergarten, ah, kindergarten!

Instilled love in all the guys

And to discipline, and to work,

And taught to believe in a dream!

2. Here you were taught to listen, you lived - did not grieve,

And different sciences taught you.

In the morning they wanted to sleep, and you barely walked,

And that's what they became - I can't believe my eyes!

Queen: Guys, what fun you have in kindergarten.

Well, are you ready to receive knowledge at school?

Promise not to be lazy, don't forget kindergarten!

reb: Here we played, played pranks, grew up,

Here our childhood years passed.

We rushed here every morning.

Everything : We will never forget kindergarten!

Queen: Everything passes, and everyone is a little sorry,

That childhood closes the page,

Everything is ahead, but only in kindergarten

You will never return!

Goodbye, guys!(leaves)

reb: OK it's all over Now! Goodbye my kindergarten

Little by little, childhood is leaving you.

I will keep childhood memories.

I'll take some of them with me on the road!

1 Ved : So we met the Queen of Knowledge. We hope that not only we, but the whole country will be proud of you.

2 Vedas : Our dear children, we will miss you.

Let me say goodbye to invite you to the dance "Waltz"

Performing "Waltz"

After the waltz, the children stand in a semicircle

1 reb: In a cozy kindergarten, we lived like at home.

Any corners were familiar to us here.

We grew up in friendship. Loved to laugh

But now they have become big, it's time to say goodbye!

Farewell, sleeping dolls, and shiny balls,

And soft toys, and different animals.

Giving gifts to children


1. Summer is winter, years have flown by.

Ever since we got here.

And even though the kindergarten is still waiting for us.

It's time for us to say goodbye, the school is calling us.


It is a pity to part, to leave your beloved home.

A house where it's fun to meet in our hometown.

Together with dad, together with mom, we will sing this song.

Kindergarten, the best, in our native city.

And we began to distinguish between truth and falsehood.

You told us not just a poem,

What is bad in the world, and what is good.


3. The happy time has gone by.

And your love, and native warmth.

We are forever carried away in our hearts.

Thanks a lot! Thanks for all!

Chorus: 2 times END


Host: Good afternoon!

Vedas. Hello dear guests, parents!

Vedas. We are glad to see you today in our hall at the celebration, "Goodbye kindergarten, hello school."

Vedas. May he give you a smile, laughter and good mood. Meet our alumni.

The word is given to the head of the kindergarten

Diplomas and photographs are awarded.

Deniska is our shirt guy!

he won't go anywhere.

Well, if need be,

Will lead you.

There are no equals in Serezha's gym.

We wish him victories

And "great to receive"

Our Anya is a laugher,

Cheerful and nice girl.

The school will love her very much.

Vlad loves to sing, dance,

We wish to study it only on "5"

and develop their talents at school.

Roma grew up quickly

He managed to get everything.

He strives for new knowledge.

It will come in handy at school.

Our Yulenka is smart,

Endowed with kindness.

We believe that only "4" and "5"

There will be notebooks to fill in.

From any position

You will always find a way out

Do you like to fantasize?

You will never get lost.

Kolya, you are a daredevil

In everything you are great.

Feel free to go to school

And learn science.

And slender as a spikelet.

Likes to help adults

And better not to find.

We sincerely wish Sonya

Meet good friends

To be as kind, glorious

And get fives.

Dancer, anywhere!

And the mind and all took.

We will miss you.

Dasha, promise to visit us. (P)

Likes to build, craft,

Talk a lot.

We sincerely wish him

It is sad to part with Dasha (M),

But we will still smile.

After all, there are so many interesting things at school,

unknown, wonderful.

Our Artyom loves to draw,

Adults like to help.

He has many talents.

Let there be a bright road!

We wish Katya true friends,

Lots of health and sunny days,

Good luck with your studies and all the best.

May your life be full of joy!

Fair and calm

Praise is always worthy.

Children respect Dima

Everyone wishes him success.

Vika can sing beautifully,

You can even play the piano

The plays are difficult to play.

But it's time to say goodbye

Gotta go to school

golden sun

We have in the group.

golden sun -

The beams are uncountable.

We wish Angelina

And at school shine for everyone.

Bring good grades from school.

We accompany Olesya to school

And with all our hearts we wish

So that the lessons answered

Without hesitation, without difficulty

And the teacher even gasped

And he said, "Wow!"

We see off Nastya (Ch) to school

With all our hearts we wish

Do your best at school

And work hard.

Thank you parents.

Congratulations to the Kindergarten staff.

  1. Head
    At the head of care
    All other worries are more important.
    How he comes to work
    This is how the cycle went:
    The nanny got sick in the group,
    Need someone to replace
    And there will be no energy -
    Call Gorenergo.
    Select specialists
    To start the school year.
    Invite artists to kindergarten
    Show the children the story.
    Register new kids
    Praise the teachers
    And of course updates
    Buy for kindergarten.
    And thank you very much
    We all want to say.
    Sorry, Rita Pavlova, in elementary school
    We won't miss you.
  1. Thinking in a modern way

To raise kids

All sciences, no doubt

The Methodist needs to know

Tatyana Alexandrovna can be proud of,

It's hard to find a better methodologist,

Can write any program

On training plans to submit,

Everything will be developed, discussed,

And organizes with teachers.

  1. manager
    Working day at the caretaker
    It's very difficult to predict.
    That flood hangs as a threat,
    That plumbing again
    Here the battery broke
    There is a revision going on.
    Didn't have time to look back
    The garden is closed for renovations.
    How to live without caretaker?
    We hasten to thank you, Natalya Evgenievna!
  1. Medical workers
    Good Doctor Aibolit
    He has been at his post since morning.
    He issues certificates
    And he will go to the catering department,
    And he will deliver vaccinations on time,
    And send the sick home.
    We thank Anastasia Ivanovna,
    That kindergarten is always healthy!
  1. I burred all the letters, did not speak at all,

She controlled our speech, explained everything as it should,

Where to direct the tongue so that we do not lisp,

The word is correct to say and all the letters we name,

Thanks to Natalya Gennadievna!

  1. Music worker
    For music lessons
    Children have been going for many years.
    Now everyone is a karaoke star
    To dance - no problem.
    And if the school suddenly happens
    Who will perform on stage
    Anyone can make a difference
    Since there is talent, why hide.
    Thank you, Elena Vagizovna, for teaching
    And dance and sing songs.
    So much talent has been revealed to us,
    Whatever is expensive to watch.
  1. For a sports worker
    So that children do not get fat,
    So that in a healthy children's body
    The spirit has always been healthy,
    The physical worker said:
    "Before the kids wake up,
    Bring to charge
    Sports will help you become dexterous,
    If necessary, surrender change ...
    Yes, with a log, with a Swedish wall
    Kids should be friends.
    Let them beat their knees a little
    And tear their pants."
    Which of them will become an athlete,
    The whole world will glorify the country,
    After a couple of years
    We learn from the newspapers...
    In the meantime, thank you, Marina Vladimirovna,
    From the guys, their dads and moms!
  1. Chefs
    Who came to kindergarten in the morning?
    These are our chefs.
    Breakfast porridge is ready
    The porridge is cooked. Hooray!
    Who cooked fragrant soup
    And a side dish of different cereals?
    Who baked us buns
    Or apple pie?
    These are our chefs.
    They have been working since six in the morning.
    Dear chefs,
    Adults and kids
    They say thank you
    Thanks from the bottom of my heart
    For borscht, meatballs, porridge ...
    We appreciate your work!
    Thanks to Galina Anatolyevna,

Alevtina Nikolaevna

Svetlana Alexandrovna.

  1. Laundress
    She washes all day
    And the linen does not decrease.
    Doctors, cooks...
    Here's a new mountain...
    This is how it goes day by day
    You, Lyubov Nikolaevna, at the graduation
    We say thank you
    And thank you for everything!
  1. Assistant teacher

    For children to grow up faster
    You need to feed them more often.
    Educator, believe
    Can't live without a helper.
    And the cleaning needs to be done
    Wipe the dust everywhere
    And run to the warehouse for something,
    And help the kids get dressed.
    Change linens, beds,
    How to sleep, refuel ...
    Keep the group in order
    In general, there is no time to be bored.
    Our Oksana Alexandrovna has time
    Get things done quickly.
    Never get discouraged
    That she came to work in the garden.
    Many people in the village know
    About her invaluable work.
    In the group she has - as in the house:
    Cleanliness, comfort, coziness.

  1. (First caregivers)

How long have we gone to the nursery,

You taught us how to hold a spoon and a mug.

They taught us to wear a coat and a hat,

And sing the first poems and songs.

Parting is not a problem

You paved the way to childhood in your heart,

You are for us today and always

Relatives, relatives, dear ones

  1. Our teachers are a feast for the eyes, the highest class

We all studied with them, we didn’t get bored in the classroom,

What we glued, sculpted, gave everything to parents,

They controlled plasticine, they didn’t even stain their hands,

They taught us to work, not to be lazy in the classroom,

It's sad to part with you, you need to get ready for school,

Valentina Grigorievna, Nadezhda Leonidovna

Thank you and thank you for everything!

The floor is given to the parents.

We continue our speech and confidently declare to everyone: Kindergarten No. 17 is the mind, honor and conscience of the Yuzhny village.

- and life in it is a complicated thing, but interesting, because they work here:

- the most reliable educators,

- smartest teachers

- the kindest assistants to the educator,

- the most skilled chefs,

- the most talented musicians,

- the most wonderful doctors,

- and the most caring manager.

We will remember you with love

How did you mothers treat our children,

And they made you feel at home.

- Thank you, bow to the ground,

Accept from all parents

And also carefully, loving,

Teach your other children!

Bow for your golden hands,

For your faithful hearts

After all, you have worked, dear ones,

Not for the red word.

- Thank you for your patience.

With what each of them was taught,

For your worries and worries,

For the heart that hurts like for relatives.

- May the days of your life be good,

And in the house there will be joy and harmony,

And we wish you with all our hearts,

Great human happiness

We want all of us parents to admit

We love you very much

You just have to try

Do not forget and remember us!

Graduation in kindergarten "Best of all"

Ivleva Irina Mikhailovna, musical director.
Material Description: This scenario will be useful to teachers and musical directors of kindergartens in preparation for the festive graduation ball. (festive matinee dedicated to the release of children to school)
(leading educators enter the hall to the music)
Target: creating a festive, solemn atmosphere among pupils, teachers and parents.
- develop emotional responsiveness
- develop children's creativity
- to achieve a clear and precise pronunciation of words in songs and poems;

1st presenter: Hello dear guests!
Let the holiday begin now.
hello good guests
Are you ready to meet graduates?
Guests: Yes!
2nd host: Now the celebration will begin in our hall.
Who will shed tears, and who will smile.
Meet the culprits of the holiday as soon as possible:
Quiet, why, funny pranksters.
Today they say goodbye to the garden, the school will open its doors to them.
1st presenter: Well, your children are standing at the door, meet your sons, daughters!

1. Dance "Goodbye kindergarten."
(To the music and applause, the children enter the hall and stop facing the guests)
1st child Vika Shishkova: Hello moms, dads and guests!
Hello, our dear kindergarten.
With impatience, with special excitement,
We were waiting for our big holiday.
2nd child (boy) Zhenya: The guys have quieted down this morning
Goodbye day, it's time to part
All phones are ringing tirelessly
The girls went to the salons for their hair.
3rd child (girl) Irina: The boys combed their whirlwinds
Today they are not up to the game!
And even though we're parting forever
However, we remain friends forever.
4th child Roma D .: We will leave the garden, but we will miss
Remember your preschool childhood!
What a pity, it's time to part
Our game is over, kids! (all children go to their places, take bells)

2. The song "Soon to school."
(at the end of the song, a small child enters the hall and rings a big bell)
1st presenter:(takes the baby's hand)
These are the kids we met in the garden.
And then the years went by, you grew up a little.
Guys, remember, five years ago, how did you go to kindergarten?

Child (girl) Lera: We came to the kindergarten as kids,
We were two years old then.
Sometimes they wanted to see their mother so much!
And I cried sometimes!

Child (boy) Vanya: I don’t remember at all,
How did you get here the first time?
Then we were like this
Now we are growing anywhere!
Child (boy) Timothy: I used to eat badly,
Spoon fed me
The bib saved us from porridge,
From tea, soup, curdled milk.
Child (boy) Sasha: Do you remember, I built big cities out of sand?
We loved throwing sand
Vika loved to hug.
They were such fools
They fought with their hands and feet.
Child Daniel: We have already forgotten
That the "little ones" were ...
Didn't know how to dress, didn't know how to wash,
There are many things to remember
But it's time for us to go to school.
Look at us:
We are all lovely, just class!

2nd host: Hear someone knocking on our door
And to enter here - afraid!
I'll go and take a look
And then I'll tell you! (looks out the door)
Guys, toys have come to you: dolls, bunnies, animals.
you today from the heart
They all want to congratulate!

3. Exit toys.
(kids come in junior group dressed up as toys)
Toy child: Oh, we were almost late, the guys detained us.
Will you go to school soon, but won't you take us with you?
Vika girl. X. (approaches the toy): My cute favorite toys
It was fun to play with you.
Dolls, bunnies, bears, parsley
We will remember you at school.
Girl Veronica. D. (approaches the doll): I can talk to you,
All secrets to reveal to you
Tell a story quietly
And swing in the stroller.
Pauline's baby B. (approaches the dog toy): Cute, plush puppy,
You helped me grow.
Too bad you don't grow up
You won't go to school with me!
Child Irina (approaches the bunny toy): My long-eared bunny,
My beloved, dear
Stay kids
We break up with you.

Child Julia: (approaches a toy bear): Bear, my friend clumsy,
You are kind, you are not evil.
Well, let's hurry paw-
We say goodbye to you!

4. Dance "Toys and children".

(dance is performed by several graduates with kids)

Toy child: You are in first grade today
Everyone leave us.
Do well in school
Don't fight, don't be lazy. (threatens finger)
1st presenter: Thank you, baby toys, for coming to congratulate us.
Accept a gift from us and quietly go to the group.
(give small chocolates and escort to the door)
(leave to music)
2nd host: From year to year, 5 years in a row you came to kindergarten
Cheerful, happy. But those days have passed, today you are graduates,
And tomorrow you are all schoolchildren. (children take letters, toys, dance)

5. Dance "Now we are first-graders"

1st presenter: What good grown children -
We believe that they will be gladly welcomed at school!
Graduates of kindergarten No. 93 in 2018 are talented in everything.
2nd host: There are mathematicians and musicians, artists, dancers and singers.
What can I say here - all our children ... well done!
I must tell you that each of them deserves the title of "Best of all"!
Today, dear guests, you are undoubtedly lucky, because you are present at the final show "Best of all!" Our guys will prove that they are worthy of this title. So here we go!
The screen saver sounds

1st presenter: We present to you the first participants .... our unique beautiful girls.
Child Veronika.B .: You have revealed talents in us, we are singers and musicians.
We are artists, dancers, and, a little bit, actors.
Thank you for your efforts, patience and attention.
Today we are here and only for you we will dance a dance.

6. Dance with canvases.

2nd host: If you liked the performance, do not spare your emotions and hands. And now, the wizards of the word will demonstrate their talents, our dreamers are on the stage.

7. Scene "Dreamers".
5 children come out, take pillows, squat down, facing the audience
1 child, Roma Grishin: Sleep again! Same!
Who came up with "quiet time"?
You lie there for 2 hours pretending to sleep!
And I'm not going to sleep, you can lie silently,
The main thing is not to get in trouble!

2nd child, Veronica. D: Shut up? So uninteresting, I propose to dream,
Who wants to be who in life!
I would go to the store
Sell ​​toys.
I invite you with me
Dear girlfriends!
3rd child Polina: Guys, I want to become an artist,
To draw the sky, and the sun, and the house.
I will also draw flowers and a meadow,
A bug warmed up on a thin blade of grass
Let flowers and butterflies dance with each other,
Let the rainbow circle everything in a semicircle.
4 child Alyosha: And I will be a showman,
All mustachioed, bright.
I will spin the wheel
And receive gifts.
5 child, Julia: I will soon become a model,
I'll get a long dress
I'll wear black stockings
And shoes - "stilettos" - heels.
I really want to become
Top model catchy.
But grandma says
That they are all "boards"!
1 child Roma Grishin: Hey, anxiety! Everyone be silent! The teacher is coming! Sleep!
(Everyone from a sitting position quickly lie down and close their eyes)
Lera, child educator: Look at them, they are not going to sleep.
I just need to be bullied for an hour.
My head is already cracking! Who is chatting?
Who is not sleeping?
All: We don't know who it is because we've been sleeping for a long time.
(Bow, pillows removed, sat down)

1st presenter: Let the music sound every time in a new way
Sing, dance merrily, because the show "Best of All" is great!
On our stage is the magnificent Irina Kupreeva.

8. Dance "Mezhance".

2nd host: The next number of our show will amaze you with its splendor. After all, you have never met so many talented boys in one place and at one time. So, meet. The best gentlemen of kindergarten No. 93.

9. Dance of gentlemen.

(after the dance, children playing in the orchestra come out)

Child Katya.Z. : Listen! Listen! Listen!
Everything from the first to the last row.
You are welcomed by the best musicians of our garden!

Child Egor: Noise Makers and Knockers
We used to take
Loud but not friendly
Knocked and strummed
Now it's different:
Orchestra is not fun
More than once we - musicians -
Shouted in the hall "Bravo!"
Sure - today
We will surprise you again...
Attention!..Let's start...
Guys, are you ready?

10. Noise orchestra.

2nd host: Bravo young musicians! I think you deserve the title of "Best of All". Applause to our orchestra! And we continue the show and sing a song about kindergarten.

11. The song "Secret to the whole world."

1st presenter: Unfamiliar music sounds and someone is in a hurry to celebrate our holiday.

Exit Lentyaev.

(2 Loafers come out, go around the hall, sit on the carpet)
1st Lazybones: Oh, the boring stuff!
2nd Lazybones: Heh heh, boredom!
1st Lazybones: Listen, can we play my favorite game "Tyabe-Myan"?
2nd Lazybones: And you won't offend me?
1st Lazybones: Everything depends on you!
The 1st Lazyman takes out cards of two colors (red and black), begins to distribute.
1st Lazybones: This is you! It's meane! It's me again! You can do it! It's always mine!
Well, you were afraid.
2nd Lazy So you have more! You fooled me again, you little wretch!
1st Lazybones: What? Am I shorty? Yes, I love you ... Yes, I love you ... (there is a scuffle)
1st presenter: Guys, I think we should intervene. What are you doing?
Calm down, here is a kindergarten and here are children!
2nd Lazybones: I don't understand anything! Kindergarten, some kids?
1st Lazybones: Well, what a dumbass you are! These are new profits. We haven't replenished for a long time. Greetings, dear friends loafers, lazybones and loafers!
1st presenter: No no no. You and I are not on our way,
We need to go to school! And we don't need you.
1st Lazybones: Why don't you need us? Do you know how many lazy-loose friends we have? Whoa, how much! you see on the last row two people are hiding (points to dad).
These are our old friends. They also sat at the last desk at school and their entire diary was hung with deuces. Hello friends! (waving to dad).

1st presenter: Don't think, Lazy! Such good
children cannot be dads of losers. You are confusing them with someone else!
1st Lazybones: How are you confusing, how are you confusing!? You see how they
they smiled at me, they recognized me! .......
1st presenter: No, Lentyaikin, our parents are very smart and quick-witted. They can both sing and dance. Come on, mothers, come out, show your talents.

12. Song "Kindergarten quadrille".

1st Lazybones: So so so. Moms showed their talents. And dads, as they were loafers and parasites at school, so they remained.
1st presenter: Nothing like that, now dads will show what they are capable of.

13. The game "Make a word."

Capes are put on the shoulders of the parents on which the letters are pasted: N-L; A-O; E-I; W-P.

2nd host: Here are the letters for you - one on the chest, and the other on the back.
I will ask questions, and you must make up your answer from these letters.
1. Little horse. (Pony).
2. Sometimes a fish, sometimes a tool. (Saw).
3. The flower of the tree with which tea is brewed. (Linden).
4. Sometimes it's wheat, sometimes it's football. (Field).
5. Shoes for the wheel. (Tire).
6. Sometimes sea, sometimes for shaving. (Foam).
2nd Lazybones: Well, what do you think, they make up words. Do they know how to solve problems?

14. Tasks for parents.

How many ears do three mice have? (6)
- Birds flew over the river: a dove, a pike, two tits,
Two swifts and five eels, how many birds, answer quickly? (5)
How many paws do two cubs have? (eight)
- There are three thick branches on a birch, on each thick branch there are three thin branches.
On each thin branch, one apple. How many apples are there? (Not at all, apples do not grow on a birch)
- Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does a grandmother have? (one)
2nd Lazybones: Oh oh oh. They know everything, they can do everything. And your children are as smart as their parents. Let them prove that they are not from a team of lazy and losers, that they can sing, dance, read poetry.
If you go to school
What you take with you:
In a cell notebook? (Yes)
New slingshot? (No)
Cleaning broom? (No)
Bread two crusts? (No)
Album and paint? (Yes)
Carnival masks? (No)
ABC in pictures? (Yes)
Ripped boots? (No)
Felt pens and a pen? (Yes)
A bunch of carnations? (No)
Colored pencils? (Yes)
Are the mattresses inflatable? (No)
Eraser and ruler? (Yes)
Is there a canary in a cage? (No)
Okay, you know what you need to take to school. Do you also make words from letters?

15. The game "Find a word."

2nd Lazybones: Graduates! Attention please! Please make an effort - Math game! It's time for us to count: How many tails does a cat have? How many toes are on one foot? Tell me, guys, - How many handles does a shoulder blade have? How many "ears" does the pillow have? How many legs does a frog have? How many months does summer have? - Make me happy with the answer! How many windows are in this room? How many dances did you dance?
2nd host: See how good they are! And they do great in school.
2nd Lazybones: What, Lentyaikin, are we going to do? We are losing clientele!
Something must be done!
1st Lazybones: Let's go look for other children! Do not find understanding here!
Goodbye, goodbye!
They leave to the music.

1st presenter: We are very glad that you coped with all the tasks of our unexpected guests. Prove that you are smart, inquisitive and attentive. And I propose to continue our show. The next participants in our show, Yulia Devyatova and Alexei Akhmedov, with the poem "What is a school."

This is where all the children rush in the morning.
What a strange question, if you have already grown up?
If seven, then just right to get ready for first grade!
Alexey: What is a school? How do you answer?
This is where you learn about everything in the world:
About the multiplication table, about verbs and addition,
About planets and seas, what a round earth!
Julia: What is a school? How do you answer?
Changes and calls, buns in the buffet,
And marks in the diary, and the task on the board.
Together: We will find out and understand everything when we come to school!

16. Dance "What do they teach at school?".

2nd host: Well, dear graduates, we saw a lot of talent at our show.
What else would you like to show us?
Narrator Sasha: We are skilled actors and actresses.
We invite you backstage
Look how we perform skits
Fairy tales are fun to play.

Scene "Two"
Dad is sitting on a large chair, cross-legged, reading a newspaper;
another newspaper under the booty.
To the music of "Deuce" the son comes in with a briefcase. He walks waving his briefcase. Claps the hand of a friend who sits with the children in the hall ... teases with one hand, putting thumb to the nose. Then casually tosses the briefcase on the floor, throws the textbooks on the floor. Hides the diary under a chair. Gets the ball, plays. Mom steps are heard, the child leaves, leaves the ball. Mom comes in with heavy bags, puts the bags down, puts away the textbooks. Nods his head (holds his head with his hands).
Mom Katya Gornovaya: Wow, father, my light,
My strength is gone.
The house is full of ta-ra-ram ...
Here is a briefcase, and books are there ... (Approaches his father)
Well, father, what do you say?
Maybe you can tell me
Why is our son a slacker
Why is it on Monday
Did you get three deuces?
He broke a window in the classroom. (stomps foot, picks up newspaper)
Answer me why?
(father changes legs)
Father Arseny: - Warm me up, dinner is better,
Take out cups, spoons (strokes mother's hand)
And don’t pester me (changed his foot for a foot, takes out a newspaper from under his priests, reads again)
Mum: Here are those times, here is the punishment,
And when for education
Will you take our son?
When will you do business?
Father:(gets up from the chair) Well, what do you say,
Where were you looking?
(son enters)
Father: Aaaah, here he is, And we missed ...
Son Roman Darenskikh: Have you seen my ball?
Father:(approaches son)
-Don't put noodles on your ears
You are the father, son, listen ...
Why are there books under the chair?
Why is there a hole in the pants? (grabs pants)
Come on, answer quickly.
And here's the diary...
A son: Mom, what happened to dad?
Did the boss not give him a salary?

Mum: Don't be smart, please
A son:(pulls out diary from under chair)
Well, I already carry, I carry ... (gives the diary to his father)
I don't understand anything
Is there any news there ... (father flips through the diary)
As always the same
You know how hard it is at school...
Multiplication and division
Boredom, well, no patience!
Father: Mother, admire, on the pages there are only deuces, ones!
I burn with shame.
The son cuts us without a knife! (gives diary to wife)
Mum:(to son) So he will be punished ..
Father: And you won't go for a walk...
Get busy day and night.
Otherwise, I'll take off my belt!
I'll beat the laziness out of you! (parents leave, the son sits on his father's chair)
A son: I didn't take lessons
Got a lot of two
Didn't clean up after myself...
Mum and dad were upset.
Our conclusion here is
You have to think with your head!
It's time for me to get smarter
I'll go fix the deuces ... (scratches in the back of the head)
In general ... .. I'm tired of studying,
Maybe, brothers, I should marry!
2nd Leader: Good, smart children were raised by our kindergarten. And today all our employees wish you guys success in school, good grades, true friends. And today you will also hear wishes from your parents ...
You parents, don't yawn.
Help together!
Answer: Yes, yes, yes!
Or: No, no, no
17. Game "Wishes".

2nd Leader: We congratulate children on the holiday!
Parents: Yes Yes Yes!
Presenter: And, of course, we wish you well!
Parents Yes, yes, yes!
Presenter: Grow more for everyone.
Parents: Yes Yes Yes!
Presenter: Be sure to be all fatter!
Parents: No no no!

Presenter: OK. Be beautiful, kind, sweet!
Parents: Yes Yes Yes!
Presenter: Both loud and quarrelsome.
Parents No, no, no!
Presenter: So that moms and dads love kids!
Parents Yes, yes, yes!
Presenter: With a strap so that they were beaten more often.
Parents: No no no!
Presenter: So that everyone is taught well at school!
Parents: Yes Yes Yes!
Presenter: And there were only fives in notebooks?
Parents: Yes Yes Yes!

2nd Leader: Thank you dear parents for your wishes. But I know that you have a surprise for our kids. Come to us soon and about Well, and now on our stage I want to invite parents who raised the best children in the world. And you know that our talented children have equally talented parents, and they sing no worse than their children and read poetry. Do you want to listen?
So our show "The Best of All" is coming to an end. And it's time to introduce the whole team that worked on raising such wonderful and unique stars.
(children exit)
Child Arseniy: Head of the project "Best of all!" - Nina Nikolaevna!
Everything in our garden is excellent -
Beauty is visible in everything
Because on my own
She does miracles!
And our manager
For her efforts
We'll say thank you now
Sincerely yours!

Child Vanya: The nurse of the project is Irina Veniaminovna!
Physicians are strictly watching
So that our garden does not hurt;
They know what and how to be treated,
We will not be offended.
If the virus leaks out
Instantly QUARANTINE will be introduced!

Child Egor: Alla Leonidovna followed the food standards on the project!
To cook a delicious dinner,
Both potatoes and cabbage
Someone has to buy
Don't forget about sausages.
The storekeeper knows about it,
All products are in time
Buy in a timely manner.
And what is there to say
You have everything in stock.
Thank you and honor for that.

Baby Katya. Z .: Our lovely chefs,
All adults and children
They say thank you
Thanks from the bottom of my heart
For borscht, cutlets, porridge,
We appreciate your work.

Child Roma.G: Not a speck of dust, not a speck
In kindergarten we will not find
Larisa Vitalievna "Thank you!"
Let's say we're at graduation.
Clean floor and window sill
And watered all the flowers
We don't call you for nothing
Our Fairy of Purity.

Child Timofey: Chief artist of the project Olga Valerievna.
Let's draw a still life with her,
Or maybe a portrait.
And she always tells
Always gives good advice.

Child Daniel: Sports coach and mentor Natalya Alexandrovna.
Thank you for the exercises
For a cheerful spirit and mood,
For the fact that they were accustomed to sports,
Our health has improved!

Child Vika.Kh .: The director of the project and the music director is Irina Mikhailovna!
There is nothing more interesting
More musical and louder.
Danced with you
And they tried their best.
You taught us to sing
And play and listen.
Even those who bear
Stepped on my ears!

Child Vika.Sh .: Tireless mentors, as well as beloved educators -
Ulyana Mikhailovna and Lyudmila Iosifovna.
Thank you for your kindness and warmth, we were with you side by side and it was light on a gloomy day,
You took pity on us, loved us, you raised us like flowers,
It is a pity that we will not be able to take you with us to the first class.

Child Zhenya: We will tell everyone a secret
In our big garden
There are no empty shots
All work is important and weighty!
All Kindergarten staff
Thanks must be given!

1st Leader: And we sincerely thank the sponsors of the project, the closest people of the graduates - these are our parents! Thank you very much for your help, understanding and cooperation! Applause to our parents!

Child Veronika.B .: We grew up, now other children
They will come to your garden, as we once came,
And we say to all employees: “Thank you!”
And this song is given to you guys.

18. Song "Farewell".


- create conditions for a festive mood and a solemn atmosphere;

- evoke positive emotions;

- to bring joy from participating in a festive event and in all types of activities at the holiday.

Equipment: costumes of the heroes of the holiday, a satchel, a ball, stars with wishes written on them, cubes with letters.

1st leader. Good afternoon, dear guests!

2nd host. Hello, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers and everyone who came to the music hall of the kindergarten on this exciting day for us.

1st leader. The years fly by very quickly. We do not have time to look back, as the kids become schoolchildren.

2nd host. Today we escort our graduates to school. A very important page in the life of preschool children has been passed.

1st leader. A new page is opening before the children, interesting and exciting - the school is waiting for them. Meet the graduates.

The hosts call the names of the children who come out to bow.

2nd host. Ahead is a difficult road to the world of adult school life. And today they, beautiful, funny, smart and, of course, a little excited, came to the first prom in their lives.

1st leader. Let's once again greet our graduates with loud applause.

Applause sounds.

2nd host. It has already become a tradition to start the prom with a wonderful dance - a waltz. So let's not back down from it. We give this waltz to all guests.

Children perform "Waltz" (from T. Suvorova's program "Dance Rhythm for Children").

1st leader. We give the floor to our guys.

1st child

Our favorite kindergarten

Kingdom fairy tale golden.

Please don't forget

We say goodbye to you.

2nd child

Kindergarten has become our home,

Let's say in this sad hour

To their educators:

We love you with all our hearts!

3rd child

Even the sun is shining

It became brighter above the ground

To give us all

It's a graduation party.

A. Metzger

Children sing the song "Goodbye, Kindergarten" (music by G. Levkodimova, lyrics by V. Malkov).

1st presenter

It is always very difficult to say goodbye to childhood.

The white boat has sailed away, you will not return.

Memories light feeling

It gets stronger the longer you live.

M. Ryabinin

2nd host. But I wonder what our guys dream about? They will tell their secret in funny ditties.

Children perform ditties.


We will sing ditties to you


Because we are children


My years are growing

I will be seventeen

Who should I work then

What to do?

Strive for knowledge.

To become very smart

And travel abroad.


I'll run for president

I will receive gifts.

I will rule the country

Increase everyone's wages.

1st girl

I want to be a star

I am not silent about this.

Without much work

I am always ready to sing.

2nd girl. I would become an educator, let them teach me.

3rd girl. You think about what you said, because the children are tormented.


We sang ditties to you,

Clap, try.

It was you who raised us

You understand.

1st caregiver

Yes, there are many different professions

But the road to them is difficult.

Become a teacher, driver,

businessman, sailor,

Conductor and actor

President and doctor

You remember, friends,

It is impossible without teaching.

A boy runs in with a knapsack behind his back - Petya Lentyaikin.

Peter. Who said it's not possible? Here I am, Petya Lentyaikin, I do not like to study.

2nd leader. What a suspicious name. And you're speaking the wrong words. It is better to say parting words to our children, future first-graders.

Peter. Don't go to school. School years are terrible, the most, the most terrible. I already went twice to the first class, twice to the second.

2nd leader. So are you a doppelgänger?

Peter. It's not my fault. I got the wrong teachers. Take me to school with you, maybe I will study well with you!

2nd leader. Okay, what is that behind your back, it seems, a knapsack? It should have a diary. Can I see what you were assigned to read? Here's a puzzle to solve. Did you complete it?

Peter. No.

2nd leader. Guys, let's help Petya and do it for him homework by reading.

There is a house, whoever enters it will acquire a mind. (School.)

If it lies on the table, then the food appears by itself. (Self-assembly tablecloth.)

What object lies on the floor at home, but flies in fairy tales? (Magic carpet.)

They were waiting for their mother with milk, but they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these little children? (Goats.)

Gobbling up rolls, a guy rode on the stove,

He rode through the village and married the princess.

Who is this? (Emelya.)

What do wizards wave when they cast a spell? (Magic wand.)

Well, Petya, they guessed the riddles and completed the reading task. Let's see what is given in mathematics. Have you solved the tasks?

Peter. No.

2nd host. Guys, let's help solve puzzles so that Petya doesn't get a deuce.

May beetles lived under the bushes near the river:

Daughter, son, father and mother, who managed to count them?

Seryozhka fell on the snow, followed by Alyoshka,

And behind him Irinka, and then Marinka.

And then Ignat fell.

How many guys are in the snow?

gave the ducklings a hedgehog

Eight brand new boots.

Who will answer from the guys

How many ducklings were there?

Seven sparrows landed on the beds,

They jump and peck at something without looking back.

The cunning cat suddenly crept up,

Instantly grabbed one and sped off.

That's how dangerous it is to peck without looking back,

How many sparrows are in the garden now?

(Six flew away.)

Petya, you need to do your homework, and then you will do well at school.

Peter. I'll hurry to school.

Petya runs away, leaving the satchel behind.

1st presenter. He ran away and left his bag behind. Let's see what else it has. (Names the items that are in the satchel, but does not reach them.)

Guys, let's play school. I will name the lesson for which the student should prepare. You need to quickly get those supplies that are useful, for example, for a drawing lesson.

The game "Get ready for the lesson" is being played.

Now you know everything you need to take with you to school. But the little mice from the poem by T. Efimova take not only books and notebooks:

Two mice for the first time were going to the first class.

They took pens and notebooks, each took a chocolate bar,

Paints to paint and a pillow to take a nap.

They took clubs, they took helmets - this is all for a change.

And also a tape recorder to have a pleasant dream.

The mother mouse told them:

- We need to remove the excess

To not play at school, and not to jump, and not to sleep.

Mommy Mouse helped, she collected backpacks herself.

Now for the fun change.

Children perform a dance (at the choice of the teacher).

2nd leader. And there's a book in the bag too. What a beautiful book of fairy tales. Let's open it on any page and read it.

In the depths of the forest stood a hut. Whoever entered this forest could no longer find his way back, because Baba Yaga lived in that hut.

Baba Yaga runs on a broomstick.

Baba Yaga. Stop, the device is not failing, carrying me above the ground. Wow, where did I go? Have you taken my fairy tale to read?

2nd host. Hello Grandma Yaga. This is us, the children from kindergarten. We have fun today, because it's a holiday.

Baba Yaga. What kind of fun is this, is it your birthday?

2nd leader. No, the guys are going to school, and therefore the holiday is a graduation ball.

Baba Yaga. What kind of holiday is this, what kind of ball is this? Who gave permission for such an event?

2nd host. Grandma, don’t be angry, because the guys love you and have always been waiting for such a cheerful old woman to visit.

Baba Yaga. Yes, I'm so cheerful, groovy. What, you don't believe? Well, play with me, you can even tease me, I won't be offended.

Game "In the dark forest"

In the dark forest there is a hut,

Stands backwards.

In that hut there is an old woman -

Grandmother Yaga lives.

Crochet nose, big eyes,

Like fires are burning.

Wow, what an angry

Hair stands on end.

Children perform movements according to the text, at the end of the game they scatter from Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga. It's okay to tease. Better ask and I'll sing. Children applaud.

Baba Yaga sings (to the motive of the song of the robbers from the film "The Bremen Town Musicians").

They say I'm Grandma Ezhka,

And I'm limping a little

As if my nose had become a hook,

Curls, curls - all straight up.


Oh, la, la, oh, they invent in vain,

Oh la, la, oh la, la, eh ma!

I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful

And you laugh in vain

You take a better look

All my soul is inside.


I don't like to dance alone. Well, where are my gentlemen? (Brings some boys on stage and dances with them.)

Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit and look at the girls.

2nd leader. Yes, our girls are very beautiful today.

Baba Yaga. Yes, not on these, but on those that won the very first place at the competition, because they sang a song about me. Let's meet, meet.

Children sing a song about Baba Yaga (at the choice of the teacher).

Pleased the old woman, I'm leaving for a fairy tale with a calm soul. You study well at school, but don’t forget to look into fairy tales, because “There is a lie in a fairy tale, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.” Hey, handsome boy, come on, see the old lady.

The boy accompanies Baba Yaga to the doors of the hall and waves to her.

1st presenter

At school we will study

Be sure to "five",

In gym class

Let's play balls.

There are ball competitions.

2nd host. Our guys dream at school to study only "four" and "five", to find new friends, to see their class and the first teacher as soon as possible. Oh, I imperceptibly ended up in a fairy tale ...


I hear you want to dream

Talk about a dream.

I look at the stars at night,

I'll tell you about stellar secrets now.

I took a few stars with me,

There are too many lights in the sky.

I know everything, the stars tell everything. Here you are, boy, I know your name is Nikita. And you dream ... Oh, you are still small dreaming about this. But this girl's name is Masha, and she dreams ... oh, what a beautiful dream.

1st presenter. Suleiman, give our guys a starry dream, because you can do anything.

Suleiman. O fairest of stars, help me arrange my stars on your magic carpet.

The game "Our desires"


Let's run in circles now

One after the other all forward.

And now the star will show

In the future, what awaits us all.

Children jump around the carpet to the music, and at the end of the music they take one star. Wish is written on the back. Each child reads what is written on his star. For example, I want to learn how to drive a car. I will study only for five. I want to find a seven-flower. I will be a military man and I will pass all tests in physical education as "excellent". I'm going to travel around the world on a big ship.

I'll tell you guys this:

Dream more often, and I will help.


2nd host. Well, let's turn another page of the magical book of fairy tales.

Three girls sit on a bench.

1st presenter

Three girls on a spring day

They were in a good mood.

They cooed on the bench and dreamed about the future.

1st girl

If I were a queen

That is for the whole baptized world

I would prepare a feast.

2nd girl

Eka is not seen, sister.

If I were a queen

That would be one for the whole world

I wove the canvases.

1st girl

Canvas? Well, you can also say

And why does the king need mats?

2nd girl

Do you think he needs

Burnt pancakes?

both girls(referring to the third girl)

Why are you silent

Are you saying nothing?

3rd girl

I want to study at school, I promise not to be lazy.

Because when I grow up, I want to become a scientist.

And to study the computer, and be friends with mathematics.

Own geography to see the whole world.

Geometry and Russian, Biology, French

In school, you need to study in order to be the smartest.

1st girl

The smartest, that's the way it is!

And you're not tired?

2nd girl. Why do beauties like us go to school? We will find suitors for ourselves.

The girls approach the boys and lead them out to dance.

Children perform "Tango" (from T. Suvorova's program "Dance Rhythm for Children").

1st leader. Girls dream of suitors, people dream of happiness, guys dream of school, new friends, a good teacher and good grades.


Very soon, very soon

I will go to school.

And for the first lesson

The bell will call me.

I'll grow up over the summer

To make it visible to everyone

That it's time to go just right

I am in first grade.

The song “We are now students” sounds (music by G. Struve, lyrics by K. Ibryaev).

1st presenter

The fairy tale ended, we are in the kindergarten again,

It's time to say goodbye.

How fast our dear children are growing up,

How quickly the years go by.

2nd host

Everything passes, but we are a little sorry,

That childhood closes the page.

Everything is ahead, but only in kindergarten

You will never return.

And again, we give the floor to the main heroes of our celebration - graduates.

Children take flowers for employees, and presenters take out cubes with letters.

1st child

Today we are all standing in front of you,

A little tired, but proud inside.

We have grown older in the garden for five years,

We stand handsome, whatever you say.

2nd child

For everything we want to say "thank you"

To all those who raised us so carefully.

To everyone who treated, fed, protected

And he loved naughty people very much.

3rd child

We will never forget the educators and the nanny,

We will miss school, sometimes we will visit you.

We will get five

We will never forget you.

4th child

And our manager is beautiful,

Handles all matters.

And she has a lot of work.

And thank her very much.

5th child

We part with kindergarten,

But still, there is no need to be sad.

After all, on a golden autumn day

We will all go to school together.

But we will always remember

How did you come here for the first time?

Children sing the song "Goodbye, Kindergarten" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).


Just one word we want

Fold from capital letters

We want it for you today

Speak with love.

Children add the word "thank you" from large cubes.

Everything(together). Thanks!

Children give flowers to kindergarten staff.

Congratulation of the head and presentation of diplomas. Congratulations to parents.

Scenario High school prom"Stars of Desire" (2016)

Hosts include:

Ved1. Oh, how many times we celebrated the holidays in the spacious hall!

But this one has been waiting for so many years. And now the solemn moment has come!

Ved2. Ved2. We are seeing our cute kids to school today,

We wish you good and happiness! Make way for schoolchildren!

Children come in with balloons and dance.

Ved1. Today, unrest cannot be contained.

Your last holiday in kindergarten.

Our hearts are warm and anxious,

After all, the children have grown up and go to school.

Ved2. Oh, how hard it is to part with you

And let you out from under the wing into the light!

You became family, you became friends

And better than you, it seems, can not be found!

Reb1. The sun gently shines in the sky, the breeze plays with the foliage.

Well, today we are very sad, kindergarten, we say goodbye to you!

Reb2. We say thank you, our dear kindergarten,

That you tirelessly raised and raised children.

Reb3. We learned letters and syllables, we know how to sing and dance.

We know how they will look strictly when we start to be mischievous.

Reb4. We often remember the group, the gentle warmth of the beds,

How we watered the flowers and sprinkled grain on the birds.

Reb5. But time cannot be turned back. Here comes the moment of goodbye

We love kindergarten very much and we tell you

All: Goodbye!

Song "Magic country of childhood".

A girl and a boy come out with stars.

Dev. Even adults sometimes return to childhood

And smiles with a multi-colored rainbow in the morning.

Malch. Well, it's time to reveal the secret to you

And give stars of desire.

Ved1. Guys, let's give the wish stars to your parents.

Well, how can we not remember today about those

Who shared with you grief, joy, laughter,

Who gave you life and opened new horizons!

Ved2. We hand over the star of desires to (Parent's name) and recognize her dream.

(The parent comes out and the center of the hall.)

Genus. I dream to find myself in the future and find out who our graduates will become when they grow up.

Children come out

Reb1. My years are growing, I will be seventeen,

What should I do then, what should I do?

I will be a businessman, let them teach me.

I'll buy a fur coat for my mom, a cooler jeep for dad.

Reb2. And I really want to become a catchy top model,

But granny says they are all planks.

Reb3. Well, the model, well, what is it? What did you find cool about her?

I will run for president, I will have apartments.

I will rule the country, increase salaries for everyone.

Reb4. When I grow up, I will get married right away.

I will choose a husband like Natasha Koroleva.

Reb5. As Yakubovich I will be a showman, all mustachioed, bright.

I will spin the wheel, receive gifts.

Reb6. It's good to be a showman, but it's better to be a singer.

I would go to the Basques, let them teach me.

Reb7. I want to become Volochkova, to perform on stage,

So that they always gave flowers, they only talked about me,

To get a lot of money and what I want, buy everything!

Reb8. And I want to sing like Galkin, I can handle the parody.

Maybe Alla Pugacheva will like me too.

Reb9. I have my own dream. She has a simple beauty.

I want to become a teacher, let everyone be surprised

After all, it all begins with kindergarten and school.

(Teacher's name) I would. Let me be taught.

Reb10. Did you think at all? The nerves are shattered!

All: Yes, the work of a teacher is difficult! But it is very, very beautiful!

We want to thank you today.

After all, every child was loved by you!

Song back to school.

Rod1. Well, your choice is not bad. In parting, I wish you success in all your endeavors.

Ved1. And now the wish star goes to (name of the next parent).

Rod2. I will definitely say to become strong, hardened,

I dream that you are friends with sports and everyone is healthy.

Sport is a joy, a game, there is pressure in it.

Can show prowess, enthusiasm?

Reb. Games and sports have always been friends with music.

Music is very important for the mood.

Hey musician, come on, charge.

Here, children, start our dance!

Dance "Top-top on the parquet".

Ved2. And now the mother will open the star of desires for you (the name of the child and the name


Genus 3. Girls and boys are the best.

In the life of parents, you, the children, are the main ones.

I really want to wish you all:

Be smart, study for five at school!

Moms and dads with children, be sensitive.

Attention, don't forget to give care.

In life, patience is important for everyone,

It will help children to develop all skills.

Ved2. All parents, without exception, want to see their children as excellent students. And what happens if suddenly a deuce? Let's see a movie about this.

The music is "Film, film, film."

Director. How to film? Great movie? What will it be about? A! Exactly! About school! And the film will be called "Again the deuce."

Director assistant. Frame one, take one.

The cameraman, the son with a briefcase, the mother with the basin, the father with the newspaper, go on stage.

Mom does laundry, dad reads the newspaper.

Son (sadly). Mum! I got a two.

Mum. Father, our son got an F.

Dad. How? Our son got a D? Where is my belt?

Director. Stop! Stop! Stop! Something is not right here (thinks). Exactly! Necessary

something more fun!

Assist. dir. Frame one, take two.

Rock and roll sounds, the son dances and says:

Son (cheerfully). Mum! I got a two!

Mum. Father! Our son got an A! (He happily waves his underwear.)

Dad. How? (Dancing merrily.) Our son got a deuce? Where is my belt? (Laughs.)

Director. Stop! Stop! Stop! (Wipes his forehead.) Something is not right here.

(Thinks.) Exactly! We need something sportier!

Assistant director Frame one, take three!

A sports march sounds, the son does exercises.

Son (clear). Mum! I got a deuce!

Mum. Father! Our son got a two-ku! (Rhythmically erasing.)

Dad. How? (Showing muscles.) Our son got a two-ku? Where is my re-men? (Steps.)

Director. Stop! Stop! Stop! (Waving his arms.) Again, not that ... (Thoughts-

vayutsya.) Exactly! We need something more tragic!

Assist. dir. Frame one, take four!

Tragic music sounds.

Son (tragically). Mom! (Puts her hand to her forehead.) I got a deuce!

Mum. Father! (Puts his hand to his forehead.) Our son got a deuce!

Dad. How? (Waving his arms.) Did our son get an A? Where is my


Dad falls to the floor. Then all the characters fall.

Director Stop! Stop! Stop! (Looks around in confusion.)

Everyone bows out and says:

We promise you, parents, to get fives.

Today we leave kindergarten for first grade.

We invite you to our farewell dance.

"Dance with Moms"

Ved1. Dear parents, are you worried about how your children will go to school? You love them, cherish them, undead. Who will cook breakfast for them? Who from the school will meet? Who will help carry a heavy briefcase? I need to find a nanny urgently. Let's write an ad that we need a nanny for our children.

(Presenters write an announcement with their parents.)

Babysitter needed for future first grader! Honest, good character. Educated, loving children!

(Announcement is placed on an easel.)


The announcement is ready. Now we just have to wait for someone to respond.

(Knock on the door.)

How quickly information spreads these days! It must have been her!

(Freken Bock enters to the music, in the hands of the cat Matilda.)

F.B. Good afternoon. I'm on the ad. Do you need a nanny? My name is

Freken Bock. I'm bored alone. The kid went on vacation, and I decided to work for you. Are you a boy or a girl?

Vedas. Hello, we have both boys and girls.

B. You are lucky! I am both a governess and a housekeeper. Here is my Matilda! (Puts the cat on a chair.)

Vedas. Very nice, only we need a nanny, not a housekeeper.

F.B. (with force). So you're lucky, I'm two in one!

Vedas. I hope F.B. Do you love children?

F.B. Uh... How do you say... Crazy! Come on, children, say hello to me!

Children. Hello!

F.B. Matilda, did you hear those children? What disorganization! Well,

dear guests, set an example!

Guests. Hello!

F.B. Yeah! Is that how you show an example? And well, one more time, friendlier, all together!

Rod.and children. Hello!

F.B. Now that's better. It is immediately clear that I have done the work. Learn! Is this your apartment? The apartment is suitable, there is even a piano.

I really like, you know, to play all sorts of symphonies. Well, who needs to be educated here? (Looks at the children.) Is that all your children? And I have to educate them all? I have never tried to raise such a bunch of children at once. Well, never mind, let's do it! The approach will be different: we all build together, sometimes individually. (Pay attention to the talking boy.)

Come on, give me that talkative boy over there. Well, tell me about

What are you talking about with your neighbor now? (The boy covers his mouth with his hand.)

F.B. Already a conspiracy! So, the children are already neglected, but not lost. I'll take them seriously while they're soft as wax, then they'll harden and it'll be too late.

Ved2. No, no, our children are good, well-mannered, with a sense of humor ... This

they joked.

F.B. Sense of humor I will eradicate! Got it, comedians? Okay, don't

interfere with raising children. They sat down straight, straightened their backs and did not move, otherwise my head starts to hurt from you and my mood deteriorates. I'd rather sit at the table and have a cup of tea with something delicious.

(Goes to the table, pours tea, tastes sweets.) The tea is not bad, not bad at all. Well, I'm back in power, now let's do vocals.

(Music leader.) And you move away, do not interfere with raising children. Children, sing): la-la-la ... (Presses one key and sings.) “They have faded

chrysanthemums have been in the garden for a long time ... "Children, I can't hear you, sing with me. To you

what, a bear stepped on your ear? (Music hands.) Your children cannot sing.

Muses. hands Our kids are doing great. Here listen.

The song "What is childhood"

F.B. Matilda, have you seen these children? Interesting, they really know how to sing! Simply outrageous! Now let's check your attention. You have to answer "Yes" and "No"

Let's go to school in the fall - Yes, yes, yes. We will find friends there - Yes, yes, yes.

We will study at school - Yes ... And we will fight with friends - No ...

We will take a diary to school - Yes ... To get deuces - Yes ...

We will play with dolls - No ... We will solve problems - Yes ...

I'll ask you to answer, what are we going to take to school?

We put notebooks in the briefcase - Yes ... We also need slingshots - Yes ...

An album to draw - Yes ... Matches - set fire to the school - No ...

For dolls, let's take outfits - No ... Felt-tip pens and paints are needed - Yes ...

We'll take the kitten to school - No ... We put the gun in the briefcase - No ...

Plasticine to sculpt - Yes ... We will drink pills at school - No ...

We will become students - Yes ... We will do the lessons ourselves - Yes ...

F.B. Children, do you know the letters?

Reb. We already know all the letters, we even read the signs,

And the names of newspapers and candy wrappers.

F.B. Now let's see how you can read.

Game "Add the word and read"

F.B. And now I want to test your knowledge in mathematics. I will ask you questions, and you will answer, do not forget to raise your hand, as in school.

In the morning 20 children came to the kindergarten group,

20 in the evening they took away, how many in the group? Speak. (Zero)

There were 10 mittens, 8 suddenly ate a moth.

And I know that there are exactly mittens left ... (Two)

Pears ripened on the pine tree, we decided to eat them.

It was 8, it became 3, how much did you eat? Speak. (They do not grow on a pine tree)

In the house I live friends, I have neighbors.

5 and 7 are their names, but what is my name?(6)

Cunning little brothers live in a smart book.

10 of them, but these brothers will count everything in the world. (Numbers)

You've done all the right things. Now it's time for the dancing.

Can your kids dance?

Vedas 1. Our children dance well and you will be convinced of this.


F.B. Well, for the first time I see so many smart, all-knowing children and quite ready for school. None of them need my babysitting services.

Matilda, let's go home to bake buns and watch TV. See you!

Ved1. We have only one star left with the most cherished desire and

we will entrust it to our head (I.F.O.)

Head Good fairy tale childhood will remain for you.

Today you go to school, in the first grade.

Do not forget all the happy and joyful days,

Remember our kindergarten and be kind.

This is the end of our preschool childhood. They all have a great future. All of them are wonderful, talented, bright, like stars that bring joy and light to everyone. And may this light accompany them throughout their lives.

Dance "We are little stars"

Ved1. The moment of farewell is coming, you will not come back here.

Goodbye, friends, goodbye, let's release guys today.

Books remain here, toys and friends remain with you,

New meetings are waiting for you, girlfriends ... At school, the doors are open for you.

Ved2. Look, children, in this hall those who cared for you,

Who met you in winter and summer, who was here with you every hour.

You will study at school, and let the years fly by,

But these dear faces never forget!


We are sad, very sorry to leave. We promise to visit our garden!

But it's time to say goodbye, we want to say "thank you" to everyone.

We came to kindergarten as kids, we couldn't even hold a spoon.

And now, you all see for yourself, wiser and grown up.

Employees of our kindergarten, we will often remember you.

After all, it is probably not easy to give your heart to children.

It was always cozy and beautiful here, we were happy to go to the kindergarten in the morning.

We speak to all of you together

So tnank you! And bow to you to the ground!

Song "Farewell"

Ved1. All games played, all songs sung.

The holiday is over, good luck, friends!

Good luck in school, courage, patience,

The family wishes you kindergartners!

Ved2. We want you to be honest.

They were good at work.

So that we can say with pride

That you grew up in our garden!

(Presenting diplomas and gifts.)