Scenario who meets spring like. The scenario of the holiday "meeting spring" in kindergarten. The scenario "There are many of us, we are together" for children of the senior and preparatory group of the kindergarten

Kamenskaya O.S., folklore methodologist of the Volkhov Municipality "Inter-settlement socio-cultural association district house of culture"


Cognitive - entertainment program for children

6 girls.

Attributes: Larks 6 pieces, rope, foam rubber balls, 2 boxes, 2 hoops.

storyteller. The winter time in Russia lasts a long time. The merry holidays of Christmas and Maslenitsa have already passed. Everyone dreams of how warmly will drive away the fierce cold. And with bright hope we are waiting for the arrival of spring. What month does spring start? (since March). And in the old days, March was called zimobor, protalnik, dry, birch. Spring comes in March timidly, takes its first steps uncertainly. In order to bring closer the joyful time of the spring renewal of life, people came up with another rite - invocations of spring. Poems were composed about spring, songs were sung, round dances were dedicated to her, calling on her to melt the winter snow as soon as possible. This ceremony was performed on March 22. What event falls on this day according to the natural calendar? (Day of spring equinox). With spring, the first flowers wake up. What spring flowers do you know? (snowdrops, tulips, mimosa). And beautiful girls came to you like spring flowers, in order to call spring with songs-springs, to see off winter.

Girls run out.

1 girl. Bless, mother, see off the winter,
See off the winter, call spring.
2 girl. Let the winter go away
Spring will be on the threshold!
3 girl. Spring, spring, wake up!
And you, winter, go beyond the seas.
4 girl. You are tired of us and bored,
Our little hands froze.
5 girl. We, winter, are tired of you,
And she ate all the bread.
6 girl. We burned all the wood.
She took the straw off the roofs.
1 girl. No bread, no potatoes
The samovar is on the window.
2 girl. I drank tea, ate sugar,
I put the samovar on a stake.
Storyteller. Let's guys help winter get away until next year. The girls will sing the song “Vesnyanochka”, and you sing along.

Girls (dance and sing).

And the red sun is hot, hot,
And everywhere gold spilled, spilled.
Spring streams all murmur, all murmur,
The cranes are chirping, everyone is flying, everything is flying.
Soon the whole land will be in a wreath, be in a wreath.
Snowdrops bloomed in the forest, yes in the forest,
Oh, sun-father, please, please.
And mother earth freak, freak.

Spring enters.

Spring. Hello! You called me so well that I could not pass by. Storyteller. The children tried to talk to spring as a kind and generous friend.
1 girl. Spring is red, where have you been?
Spring. I wintered in the forest, fenced the garden,
Planted cabbage, planted flowers.
2 girl. Spring is red, what did you come for?
Spring. On the plow, on the harrow, on the perch, on the furrow.
On a rye spikelet, on a wheat pie.
3 girl. Spring is red, what have you brought us?
Spring. Plow, harrow and filly crow,
A patch of sun and a bunch of straws.
A loaf of bread and a mug of water.
Rooks fly, they trumpet all over Russia:
“Choo-choo, choo-choo, we bring spring!”
Storyteller. In March, the housewives baked small balls from the remains of wheat or oatmeal, and then every day they threw one ball into the street, persuading the frost to taste the treat.
Girls. Frost-Red Nose,
Here is bread and oats for you,
Now, get out of here and say goodbye.
Spring. And we offer you to play, appease the winter. Flowers will help you, show you how to play.

Winter treat game.

Two teams run to the basket of balls and throw one at a time into the hoop.
or a box. The team that throws the most balls wins.
Spring. Well done! The frost has eaten, until next year it will now go away and take the winter away.

Storyteller. We guess about the approach of spring by the fact that the day is getting longer, the birds are returning from distant countries to their homeland. What birds are the messengers of spring, do you know? (Rook, starling, swallow, lark, chaffinch, crane).
Spring. The birds were gathering
The singers gathered in herds, herds.
The birds sat down
The singers sat in rows, rows.

Guess what kind of birds they were?

1 girl. Black, agile, shouting "crack!", worms enemy (rook).
2 girl. In front of the bird is a hairpin, behind the bird is a wiltz.
The bird itself is small, but there was a (swallow) across the sea.
3 girl. The bird sat on the bough and sings: "Ku-ku, ku-ku" (cuckoo).
Storyteller. Most of all, the peasants loved the sonorous singer of the lark, who, with his trills, forced nature to wake up from its winter sleep. And on March 22, in every house they baked lark birds from dough, smeared them with sweet fragrant honey. Also, larks were made of clay, rags and paper, decorated with gilding. Festively dressed girls and children walked around the village, threw up their figurines of birds, and sang songs-calls: they called, that is, they called, they called for the red spring to come to the earth as soon as possible.
Spring. Let's split into two teams and make larks.

Game "Make a lark".

Two teams draw a lark, color it, cut it out.

And now let's take our larks in the palm of our hands, we will slightly toss them up, and the girls will sing songs-chants. (The guys take the larks in their hands and throw them under the songs of the girls).
1 girl. Chuvil, chuvil, lark,
Fly to the fires, bring us
2 girl Spring-red, red sun,
Warm fly, green mowing!
3 girl. Larks, come
Bring red spring.
4 girl. Bring spring on your tail
On a plow, a harrow, on an oat sheaf.
5 girl. The lark sings on a thawed patch,
He calls the red spring, calls.
6 girl. Do not fly snow in an open field, melted,
A violent river in the blue sea rolled away.
Spring. And spring responded, life awakened in the fields to the call of people, the first greenery sprouted. And on the festivities they led the first round dances.
Storyteller. In the old days, the round dance was associated with rituals in honor of the main deity.
- the sun, symbolized the movement of the sun. Hence the main drawing of the round dance is a circle.
Spring. Get ready, kids, it's time to dance! (everyone becomes in a round dance).

Round dance "Zemelyushka-chernozem"

1. Zemelushka-chernozem, Zemelyushka-chernozem,
Chernozem, chernozem, chernozem-chernozem.

2. Here the birch has grown, the birch has grown,
She grew, she grew, then the birch grew.

3. Grass under the birch, grass under the birch.
Grass, grass, grass under the birch.

4. Flowers on the grass, flowers on the grass,
Flowers, flowers, flowers on the grass.

5. The guys were walking here, the guys were walking here.
Walked, walked, the guys walked here.

6. Tore flowers from the grass, tore flowers from the grass,
From the grass, from the grass, they tore flowers from the grass.

7. Weaved wreaths of flowers, weaved wreaths of flowers,
From flowers, from flowers, wreaths of flowers were woven.

Storyteller. April, April, drops are ringing in the yard. In April, the mighty forces of nature wake up - they bloom with the first delicate flowers, they rise with sweet birch sap. April also has other names - pollen, birch. The day in April is noticeably longer, the sun's warmth pampers the earth. And April 2 is the day of birds.
Spring. Mother, storyteller, we called the larks, but forgot about the rest of the birds. Now the guys and I will sing such incantations. Let's split into 10 groups. The girls will help each group learn the verse of the call.

1. Kulik fly from the sea, fly to the field.

2. Long-necked crane, you hum well.

3. You are a chaffinch-whistle, a forest whistle.

4. Jackdaws, jackdaws, bring a stick!

5. Doves, doves, bring a ball!

6. Cuckoos, cuckoos, bring a reel!

7. Tits, tits, bring a spoke!

8. Canaries, canaries, bring a sewing machine!

9. Tap dance, tap dance, bring on the brush!

10. Ducks, ducks, blow the pipes.

And together we say:“Bring spring to freedom, bring spring to the hem” (Children repeat). Spring. And now we will play the game "Karkusha".

Karkusha game.

Everyone split into two circles. Right hand to the center of the circle. We move in a circle and say these words:
“Karkusha, karkusha, karkusha, dear! Karkusha, karkusha, karkusha, my dear! We have one person KARKUSHA. He can call “CAR” at any time, after which everyone should quickly find a mate from another circle. KARKUSHA is also looking for a mate. Whoever is left without a couple becomes KARKUSHEI.

Storyteller. Well done! And in the spring it was time to drive out cows, horses, sheep, goats to pastures. And for the first time they drove out cattle with the help of a sprig of fluffy willow. And the hostess baked special gingerbread - in the form of horses, which were supposed to be attached above the gates of the peasant yard. It was believed that such gingerbread protects animals. Girls. Gingerbread friend, save our nurse In the field and beyond the field, in the forest and beyond the forest,
Under the bright moon, under the red sun,
From a predatory wolf, from a fierce bear, from an evil beast.
storyteller. What else did people do in the spring?
Spring. The main thing is to get along a plow and a harrow, to plow the land in order to sow bread. Storyteller. It is now that smart machines have come to the aid of people. And before the land was plowed with a plow and plow.
Spring. Girls will guess riddles for you, and you try to solve.
1 girl. Grandmother Andrevna, hunched over, stands.
Legs in a zemelushka, she spread her little hands - she wants to grab everything (plow).
2 girl. An iron nose has grown into the ground,
Digs, digs, loosens the earth (plough).
3 girl. Curve disheveled, and toothy combed (plow and harrow).
4 girl. Guess my riddle: what actions are described in it?
I'll throw my riddle behind the garden bed.
Summer will pass - it will rise like a roll (sowing grain).
storyteller. And when the grains sprout, there is another riddle about this:
The green letter lies on black velvet (seedlings on the field).
Spring. When the sowing was over, people waited for the long Mitroshka to knock on the window. What's this? (rain).
storyteller. Yes, the rain was necessary and welcome. After the rain, the sun was supposed to dry and warm the sown fields. And what was the herald of a change in the weather? Guess, a multi-colored rocker hung over the river (Rainbow).
Spring. And now we will start sowing millet.

The game "And we sowed millet."

The players are divided into two teams and then, holding hands,
stand in two rows, one row opposite the other.
The first half sings:

1. And we sowed millet, sowed,
Oh, Did Lado, sowed, sowed.

On the first line of the verse, the first half approaches the second half, on the second line they retreat. The other half responds with the same movements:

2. And we will trample millet, trample,
Oh, Did Lado, trample, trample.

1. And how do you trample, trample?
Oh, Did Lado, trample, trample.
2. And we will release the horses, release,
Oh, Did Lado, let's release, let's release.
1. And we will catch the horses, we will catch,
Oh, Did Lado, we'll catch, we'll catch.

The first half catches the second. When everyone is caught, the game starts over.

storyteller. In the spring it is necessary to manage everything: to plow, and sow, and graze cattle, and lead a house. So people have put together proverbs and sayings about work!

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.
If there was a hunt, any work would be adjusted.

Spring. With laboring hands you will not disappear anywhere.
Girls, let's check how the guys know proverbs about work.

1 girl. Without difficulty ... (you can’t catch a fish from a pond).

2 girl. Small business is better... (big idleness).

3 girl. Business - time ... (fun hour).

4 girl. A good end to the whole thing ... (crown).

5 girl. Put off idleness, but don’t put off ... (business).

6 girl. The work of the master ... (afraid).

Storyteller. And they also said this: “If it rains in April, there will be rye by autumn. The sun will warm - everything will be in time. If you plow in time, you will dance more cheerfully.
Spring. Let's play the Russian folk game "Brook".

The children line up one at a time. Each of the guys puts his hands on the waist of the person in front. A rope is placed on the side at a distance of 0.7-0.8 meters. During the game on the word "Wow!" we all need to jump over the rope together - "to the other side of the stream." The one who does not jump over "steps into the water and gets wet" is out of the game.

A brook spilled, a golden horn - wow!
Spilled with water, cold, snowy - wow!
Spilled with water, transparent, key-wow!
Over mosses, over swamps, over forest decks - wow!

Storyteller. Let spring gain strength, let bright days grow, and we will help them with this!
Spring. Let's start a round dance, we'll all sing together.
Let's walk in chorus and have fun in the spring!

Round dance "Golden Gate".

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The scenario of the spring holiday in the preschool educational institution.

Spring holiday in DOW.

Scenario for kindergarten "Meeting of Spring"


Adults: Host, Spring

1st Dragonfly

2nd Dragonfly children.

1st Butterfly

2nd Butterfly

3rd Butterfly

Children sit in a festively decorated hall. Music sounds. The Host (teacher) enters.


From distant lands where the sea wave

Lace crumbles with foam,

Spring comes to us on the wings of the winds

And it brings change.

Decorates Spring and gardens and fields,

Covers the ravines with flowers.

The earth warmed by the sun comes to life,

Drinks fragrant drops of moisture.

Music sounds. Children sing a song about spring (at the choice of the teacher).

Let's guess together

By what signs

We recognize Spring.


There will be more light!

The streams will ring!

There will be warm days!

snowdrop blooms,

Blue and soft!

Leading. Sometimes I see how children, walking in the forest, pick flowers, and then throw wilted bouquets on the ground.

Reads the poem "Bouquet of Violets".

Through the dark needles

Cheerful light poured.

I walked along the forest path

And suddenly I found a bouquet.

Bouquet of forest violets

Lying on an old stump

And I felt sorry for them

And I became sad.

The flowers are already withered

The petals have fallen.

Why were they ripped off?

Broken stems?

Children(in chorus)

We will not pick flowers!

These are drops of beauty

Let them grow and bloom.

They bring us joy!

presenter. Spring brings beauty and joy to us. For a long time, people met her arrival with cheerful dances, songs, and red maidens led round dances.

Music sounds. Children lead a round dance.

Something Spring is delayed. It's time for her to come! Let's call her.


Oh, spring is red!

You are blush, you are clear!

Come to us with kindness

Give us warmth

We have been waiting for you for a long time!

A Bird appears in the hall, spinning, shaking off snowflakes from feathers.


Together with the young Spring

We hurried to our native land.

Suddenly out of nowhere

Evil blizzards and snowstorms

They swirled, flew

Blocked the path of Spring.

Children, do you believe me?

Children (in chorus). We believe, we believe!

Leading. How to help Vesna?

Ray boys run into the hall, with golden arrows on their hats.

Rays(in chorus)

We are spring rays!

We are fast and hot.

We rush forward like arrows,

Let's quickly melt the white snow.

Rays run away to rescue Spring from winter captivity. Music sounds. Spring appears. She is wearing a green sundress embroidered with flowers, a wreath on her head, and a golden branch in her hands. She is accompanied by Rays, Butterflies, Dragonflies, Bumblebee.


Comes to our native land

Spring is a beautiful fairy

Walks through gardens and alleys

With a branch of gold.

Whatever she touches

That will come to life, wake up!


I love when gardens bloom

And the grasses are green

Dragonflies glide by the water

The leaves of oak forests rustle.

When everything breathes and lives,

No more snowstorms

When the sky is high

Azure pours on the ground.

Then I touch lightly

To the bud of a sleeping flower,

By the wave of a hand

The flower will open its petals!

Spring touches with a golden twig children dressed in flower costumes. The children are wearing caps in the form of closed flowers. They hold the petals with their hands, when Spring touches them, the flowers open.

Music sounds. Dragonflies, Butterflies, Bumblebee fly up to the flowers.


I am a big hairy bumblebee

Wake me up April

hot rays,

Ringing streams.

I fly, I buzz

I'm circling over the meadow,

I will choose a bright flower,

I will drink fragrant juice.

1st Dragonfly

The vines bowed low

Above the calm waters

We are swift dragonflies

Here we dance.

2nd Dragonfly

Without any effort

We slide over the water

Our wings sparkle

Transparent mica.

1st Butterfly

Brooks murmur in April

The sun caresses us.

We flew to the meadow

And here we dance the waltz.

2nd Butterfly

We'll spread our wings

Nice pattern on them.

We're spinning, we're spinning

What space all around!

3rd Butterfly

Fragrant flowers

Spring welcomes us

And it seems that with us

The whole meadow began to dance.

Music sounds. Children perform polka.

Leading. Spring is red! We've been waiting for you! Children learned poems, they want to please you. Children read poetry (optional).


The hall is decorated with attributes of Russian folk life. The central wall is the scenery of the village. At the window - a house with windows. Next to it is a stump. A teacher in a Russian costume (leading storyteller) meets the children.

Narrator: Please, dear guests, please. We have a place and a word for everyone.

The children enter the room.

Storyteller: Spring! Gracious, long-awaited? Everyone is waiting for Spring: animals, birds, people, and Mashenka.

Masha looks out the window in the house.

Storyteller: Masha is waiting for a warm, kind spring. And you can't see it, you can't hear it. What to do here? Trouble?

Masha: Spring, red spring,
Come, Spring, with joy,
With joy, with joy
With great mercy.
With tall flax,
With a deep root
With abundant bread.

Oh, guys, spring is not coming. I'll go look for her. Mashenka hangs her bag over her shoulder and walks in a circle. Masha: Help, kids, I can call the Sun. Maybe it saw Spring-Red?

Children: Sunny, Sunny,
red bucket,
Look over the mountain
Look out until springtime?

A girl in a suit "Sunshine" comes out.

Masha: Have you, Sunny, seen the red Spring, your sister?

Sun: I did not see Spring, but met the old Winter. How fiercely she fled from Spring, she carried cold in a bag, the cold shook the ground. The old woman scared the birds away. They all scattered, Call the birds, and ask them.

The sun slowly sets, closes with hands.

Storyteller: After a cold winter, rooks are the first to return from warm lands. With their arrival, Spring begins.

Masha: Oh, guys, can you help me call the rooks?

2nd child: Come to us,

3rd child: Bring us

4th child: Warm time,

5th child: New bread!

Children dressed as rooks run out.

Masha: Rooks, have you seen Spring?

Children: No.

Masha: Yes, and the Sun hid somewhere. Without him, it is not fun for us to play and sing songs. Look for the Sun for us, Rooks. The Russian folk game "Cold - hot" is being held. Storyteller: With the arrival of the rooks, Spring came even closer. But Masha will never find her.

Masha: Children, what other birds can you call?

1st child: Starlings, starlings.

2nd child: Little black feathers!

3rd child: The sun warms warmer,

4th child: Come quickly!

Children dressed as starlings run in. Held musical game"Starlings", music by V. Gerchik.

Masha: The starlings have already arrived.

Only I will never meet Spring.

Children, call the main birds of Spring - larks. They will tell me where to find Spring-Red.

1st child: Chuvil-vil-vil,


2nd child: Bring spring

On your tail.

3rd child: On the plow, harrow,

4th child: On a rye pile,

5th child: On an oat sheaf.

Children dressed as larks run out. The recording of M.I. Glinka "The Lark" sounds. "Larks" "fly" around the hall, then sit down.

Storyteller: Oh, Masha is tired of looking for Spring. She sat down on a stump to rest, but under the gentle ringing-ringing of the first drop, she fell asleep.

Children's orchestra performs a melodic folk song.

Spring enters the hall.

Storyteller: A white swan flies, noticing, through a wing silver through two-gilded. It flies and spreads down and feathers on the ground. That swan was Spring. Spring releases silk grass across the meadows, spreads pearl dew, spills fast rivers and small streams.

Masha wakes up, runs up to Spring.

Masha: Oh, spring-spring, kind mother! You go to our lands, drive away the fierce Winter. Old. Winter: does not leave, cold-cold lets in.

Spring: Oh, sandpipers, larks,
Come visit us alone.
A sandpiper flew from across the sea,
Brought a sandpiper 10 locks.
Sandpiper, sandpiper close the winter.
We are tired of the cold winter
We froze our hands.

Bird children carry the key.

Spring: I close the winter.
I let Rosa go.
Dew honey.
Silk grass.
Drive away the winter
Meet spring in a round dance!

Children lead the Russian folk round dance "Vesnyanka".

Spring: And now, kids, play with me. On the spring holiday of Magpies, it was customary to bake larks from dough, call them and treat relatives and friends. We will also treat each other.

The game "Feed a friend" is being played. Blindfolded, you need to feed your friend. And before that, say the invocation:

Kulik - Samorot,
Flew to the garden.
Broke a stick
Killed the jackdaw
The jackdaw is crying
Kulik is jumping.

Spring: And there was also such a custom: the children ran out of the hut into the yard, made a wish and threw forty chips back over their heads. Come on guys let's play a game of hit the hoop.

Those who wish stand with their backs to the hoop and throw the chips over their heads so as to get into the hoop.

Spring: I, Spring, came with joy, with mercy.

She brought with her not only spring warmth, fun games, but also hard work on the field. Here the snow has melted. Stop sleeping and napping, you have to work during the day.

Children show a staging of the Russian folk song "Drema".

Spring: And I also brought with me the day of Kasyan the Envious,

Masha: We please Kasyan,

Storyteller: We welcome apples!

Carry out baskets of apples and treat the children.

Irina Ardatova
Spring Festival script

Vedas: We have gathered today in the hall

So about spring to lead a story,

We've been waiting all winter long

And we are very happy with it now.

Here today we meet spring

And with a bow we invite

Everyone who loves to have fun

And laugh and frolic!

1 child: Guests came to us, dear ones came,

We will meet, delight and welcome guests!

2 reb: Hello guests, Welcome!

April is in the yard, and we have "Spring drops"

3 reb: We will open with a ringing song.

We have a cheerful holiday,

Let her fly on wings

Will circle the entire globe

the song is being performed "The sun is laughing"

4 reb: Let's go out to the spring meadow, become the children in a circle.

You are my friend and I am your friend, Everything danced around!

being executed "Spring round dance" 5gr.

5 children: The sun warmed us with a beam

We will call all the guys in a round dance

We will all dance together

We will meet young spring!

being executed "Pair Polka" 3 gr

Vedas: -The holiday has already begun, but There is no spring. Let's call her, please her with new songs, poems, dances.

Everything: - Spring - Red, go here!

Bring us warmth (music sounds in the hall enters Spring)

Spring: - Hello children, hello dear guests!

I Spring-Red rich in sunshine. Thanks for inviting me to

Vedas: - Hi Spring! Our children have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time and have learned a lot about you. Know that Spring comes with warm winds,

bright colors, warm sun.

Spring: -I love leaves, grass, flowers, and I will give you guys these flowers!

Vedas: - Guys and we Spring Let's give a dance with flowers!

dance is being performed "Winter don't be offended" 3g

Vedas: - Spring And the guys also know a song about you. Listen to her now!

the song is being performed "Goes sings Spring»

child 5 gr. Louder music, play, Children can not sit

We are meeting may holiday. Let's have fun!

dance is performed "Top, top on the parquet" 5g

Spring: - Wonderful dance! Even the sun is shining brighter! And riddles about spring you guess? (gives riddles about spring)

Spring: - Well done, guys, guessed all the riddles! The birds return from the south

And they start building their nests. But starlings love strong

Houses are birdhouses that people build for them.

Child 3 gr. Birdhouses are ready, you can settle

Ready at home - tower! Fly, fly merry birds

Hurry up at home.

Spring: - Let's play a game "Take a house"

(children get up in pairs, hold hands - this is a house. A group of children are birds, there are more of them, they fly around the hall. It rained and hide in the house)

Spring: - The sun woke up, Children smiled. Appeared from the window

Here is the song! Shine brighter than the sun. Sing the song out loud!

the song is being performed "The sun is waking up"

child 3gr: - The days are fine. On the holidays similar.

In the sky the sun is warm, cheerful and kind!

Spring: - The spring sun shines merrily

He invites our children to his round dance!

a round dance is being performed "Sunshine Dress" 3gr.

leading: - Spring the children were preparing for holiday, learned poetry, now listen

Reading poems about spring.

(last poem about spring rain) 5gr.

the song is being performed "Merry Rain"

Spring: - The ruddy sun rises in the sky,

And the spring brook sings merrily.

Let's play a game "Brook"

The game is being played "Brook"

Child 5 gr: Everyone in the world is happy with the sun. Both animals and children.

And trees and flowers, butterflies and moths

And under our warm sun

We all dance merrily!

being executed "Polka" 5gr.

Spring: - Now it's time to say goodbye to you, children,

And rush to distant lands

They are waiting for me everywhere in the world

Let everyone hear the song of the stream.

I liked your celebration, and the sun from this began to warm more. And I no longer feel like a guest, but a full-fledged hostess on earth. At parting, accept my treat. (treat children with sweets)

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Scenario of thematic lesson

Spring was waiting.

(entertainment for children of senior groups No. 5.8).


Leader - educator


According to the music, the children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

Presenter: The last snow in April melts, everyone is happy with the sun and spring.

Spring in April arrives with a spring swallow to me.

Spring will disperse evil clouds, April is the best month for us.

Children sing the song "Spring Day".

1st child: Mother spring is coming - open the gate!

2nd child: March came first - white snow came down!

3rd child: And after him comes April - open the window and the door!

Presenter: What a glorious day, gather in a round dance!

Children perform the spring round dance "Spring round dance".

Children sit on chairs. Spring comes out with a casket in his hands.

Spring: You guys don't get bored, meet the red spring.

I will drive away the snow and cold, I will bring heat from the south.

Streams will run around, streams of the sun will splash.

presenter (takes a casket from Spring): Hello spring-red! We are very glad to see you!

Spring is red, it's finally here

She brought a golden box with her.

In that casket, a ray of sun is hidden,

And also the chirping of birds and a lot of mysteries.

Listen guys, spring riddles!(Is reading.)


1. Birds arrive, buds swell,

The sun warms ... When does it happen?(In the spring.)

2. Who does not grow up, but down? Who will decorate our cornice?

Who, only the sun bakes, tears pours, and pours, and pours?(Icicles.)

3. The river certainly wants to escape from captivity in the spring.

A crackling is heard from afar - the ice floes are driven away by the river. What's this?(Ice drift.)

4. Only the snow in the forest became limp, he ran down the hill,

It spins along the ravines - it wants to meet the river.(Brook.)

5. Only the sun will warm in due time,

A wonderful flower will wake up under the snow.(Snowdrop.)

Spring: I invite you guys to walk in the spring meadow.

We will have fun together, jump, run and play.

Children perform the dance "Flowers are good in the spring in the garden."

Children sit on chairs.

Presenter: Tili-teli, the birds sang,soared - flew to the forest.

The birds began to make nests, dance round dances.

Now let's play: I only name birds, but if you hear that not birds appeared, but something else, let me know. Clap your hands. Ready?

Held word game"The birds have arrived."


Flies and swifts...(Children clapping.)

What's wrong?(Flies.)

And flies - what is it?(Insects.)

Birds flew: pigeons, tits,

Storks, crows, jackdaws, pasta...(Children clapping.)

What's wrong?(Pasta.)

Pasta - what is it?(Flour product.)

The game continues.

Birds flew: pigeons, tits,

Lapwings, siskins, jackdaws and swifts.

Mosquitoes, cuckoos...(Children clapping.)

What's wrong?(Mosquitoes.)

Mosquitoes - who is this?(Insects.)

And finally.

Birds flew: pigeons, tits,

Jackdaws and swifts, lapwings, siskins,

Storks, cuckoos, even scops owls,

Swans and ducks -

And thanks for the joke! Well done boys!

Get in a circle.

Let's have fun playing

Enjoy spring!

Children perform a round dance "Spring has come."

Spring: Please Spring with your song.

Children sing the song "Spring".

Spring: ( in the hands of a casket with treats). Thank you for a fun holiday, for songs, round dances. I really liked you. I brought you a present. And now it's time for me to say goodbye! Goodbye!

Presenter: Gloriously we met the Red Spring! They sang songs and played, but our festive festivities were over.

Music sounds, the children leave the hall.