Kindergarten Knowledge Day event. Scenario of the holiday for the Day of Knowledge for all groups “Hello, our kindergarten! Characters and props

Knowledge Day is used to celebrate at school. But in kindergarten, with younger children, it would also be appropriate to hold such a holiday. After all, children there not only play, but also gain knowledge, and also prepare for a very important stage - the transition to an already conscious school life.

Characters and props

The main participants, of course, are children. The presenter is their teacher. The well-known brownie Kuzya, who has dropped in on the holiday, is helping the host. Abbreviations: leading - V, Kuzya - K.


Student supplies - from notebook to chalk - can be made in large sizes from cardboard, but they are necessarily very believable. You need to attach strings to them in advance so that the objects can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Holiday progress

It is better to hold the event outdoors, if the weather permits. If not, then a large hall in a kindergarten is fine for children to run.

To the music, the children are led into the prepared area, where the presenter is already located and the chairs are arranged. The children sit down. When the music stops, the presenter begins the opening speech. V: Hello, my dear, beautiful, dressed up, funny girls and boys! True, it's great that we met in this beautiful hall. (on the site)! Tell me, why do you look so wonderful today? Probably because today is a very important day, right? This is the beginning of our new school year with you. Do you know what they call him? Right. It's Knowledge Day! It is with him that the school year begins. Let's then congratulate each other in chorus. Let's start! Happy New Year, Happy New Year! Here the general choir gets confused, as Kuzya runs into the hall with a Christmas tree under his arm. He, not paying absolutely any attention to the audience, chaotically runs around the hall and tries to attach his Christmas tree somewhere. TO: I welcome everyone. Where is the New Year celebrated here? I brought you my Christmas tree. Where is the best place to put it? Here, I found it! He puts it here and there, looks at the result, shakes his head, transfers it to another place. Finally, he liked the place in the center of the hall. V: Kuzya, hello. Why did you bring us this beautiful Christmas tree? TO: You all shouted here - New Year! I thought, how can you be on a holiday without the main forest beauty? V: You probably did not quite understand us correctly. We gathered to meet not an ordinary one, but an Educational New Year. TO: Here's how ... And what, there will be no Snow Maiden, snow, Santa Claus? V: Everything that you mentioned only happens on a winter holiday. Really, children? The children agree. TO: Where am I going to put the Christmas tree now? Can't you carry her back to the forest? V: I think you can leave with us. (To children) And what do you think? Are we leaving? Good. But what are we to do with it now? TO: Let's do as usual: we will decorate! V: But with what? There are no balls and serpentine roads, toys and stars ... TO: I figured it out! Let me make riddles about the school, and the answers will be decorations. We will hang them on the tree! Kuzya makes riddles. Children collectively guess and decorate the “school” Christmas tree together.

If you hone it well,

You can draw anything in the world.

You want an apple, but you want a reed.

What it is?


It happens in a ruler and a cage,

They write letters and numbers there,

And you can even draw!

It is called…


The very first, the most important,

The alphabet begins with it.

There is a belt and two posts.

Do you know the letter?

If something in a notebook

You wrote it wrong

Then all the blots are small

Your assistant will erase from the sheet. What is it?


We have prepared for you. It is called: "Goodbye, kindergarten, open the door for us, school!" To decorate the room, it will not be superfluous for you to have a video and learn how to make figures from long balloons with your own hands.

If I just want to

I'll draw everything in the world.

Guess soon!


On a brown field

Little white bunny

Draws different signs.

He ran and jumped

And the trail behind him

He was also very white.

Do you know what kind of hare?


Paint with a tail

All behind me

The whole wonderful album -

Here is the mushroom. Here is the house. What is it?


Calls for everyone

Small and sonorous.

Then the lesson will begin

It will finish it. It…


TO: Thanks guys! We have dressed up a very beautiful school Christmas tree!
V: All good fellows! Now I have a proposal - want to commit fabulous journey to another planet called "Shkolyandiya"? Want to? TO: I also really want to fly with you. Take me! And then I want to learn and there is no way. V: Let's take him guys? Okay, Kuzya, you fly with us. But before a long journey, we definitely need to warm up. Summer is over, and soon there will be many rainy (but interesting!) Days. Let's play a game together and find the sun.

Relay "Find your sun".

All children must be divided into two equal teams. Gymnastic sticks are distributed to everyone. An ordinary gymnastic hoop is placed on the floor in front of each group at a distance of 7–8 meters. This is a blank sun.

At a signal from each team, one participant runs out to the hoop and puts his "ray" - a stick - near the sun. The second participant begins to run only after the return of the first. Thus, the children will "draw" their own sun. The winner is the team that has mastered this "sports drawing" before.


V: Each of our team is a separate ship. So we will fly. Kuzya and I will accompany you. Ready? We fly to the first stop - planet "Fairy Tale"... The music of "travel" sounds. Children, following the presenter, run along the perimeter of the hall. V: To make it more interesting on this planet, let's try to remember a few fairy tales. I will name and show the heroes of the fairy tale, and you will try to guess where exactly, on which fairy island (this is a separate fairy tale) they live.

  • Toad, Mole, Beetle, Swallow, little Elf. (Thumbelina).
  • Stepmother with her daughters, fairy godmother, pumpkin, rat coachman, prince and others. (Cinderella).
  • Papa Carlo, Lisa Alice, Basilio the Cat and others. (The Golden Key. The Adventures of Pinocchio).
  • Rooster, cat, dog, horse, king, princess and so on. (The Bremen Town Musicians).

TO: Wow! The guys know so many fairy tales! And I can tell you a riddle about fairy tales. Want to? He will heal the sick animals of everyone in the world. What's his name guys? Doctor…. - Aybolit!

Kuzya and the presenter ask a few more riddles. After that, flight music sounds again, the ship teams fly one after another to the next planet.

V: Here's the next stop - planet "Tsiferka"... Who knows what numbers and math are for? The children take turns trying to answer. Kuzya also joins the answers, and then invites the guys to help him a little with the numbers. All together they solve simple riddle problems that require elementary calculating skills. Four boys were riding on a sled down the hill, two fell on the hill in the snow. How many have reached the very bottom of the slide? Then each team receives a set of numbers. They must be scattered, and the children must put everything in the correct order. TO: I also know a few math questions!

  • How many noses do two dogs have?
  • How many tails do three cats have?
  • How many wings do two birds have?
  • How many legs do three mice have?

V: All the guys are very clever! And Kuzya is great! Well, let's fly on? The flight takes place, as in the previous time: in a circle, everyone goes around the hall to the music. Then the leader announces that both ship teams have successfully landed on the next planet. V: Wow! Arrived, landed! Guys, Planet Fun! TO: Oh, fun is dancing, right? I really like to dance, do you? After general agreement, the dance "Repeat" is announced. Kuzya dances to cheerful music, performing simple movements, and the children repeat exactly the same movements after him. TO: Oh, how fun! I want more! V: Then let's try to learn a new sport. It is called "Robotic Beast". I will show you how animals move, and everyone should walk the same way. Do you agree? The presenter imitates the movements of different animals, Kuzya and the children repeat.

After that, it is announced that the next planet is already ready to accept such active and cheerful children. The ships are flying again - music is playing, everyone is moving in a circle one after another.

V: Well, children, we landed at the terminal station - on planet "Shkolyandiya". Let's remember together the signs by which you can find out that it's time to go to study:

  • The leaves on the trees have become ... Yellow!
  • Began ... Rains!
  • All children in the morning ... Go to school or kindergarten!
  • On the calendar ... September!
  • Children take with them to school ... Satchels!
  • What are they carrying in their satchels? Notebooks, pens, books, pencils and so on.

V: Well done! Now let's practice well so that you always come to school or kindergarten on time.

Relay "Run to class".

V: When you need to get up in the morning, I really want to lie in bed a little more. If you stay late, you might be late for class. Let's pretend that you've already overslept and now run to your class. The teams line up in two lines. The first participant is put on a backpack (Kuzya is appointed the main assistant in this competition and will put on the backpacks for one team, and the leader for the other). You need to run to class with a knapsack (a stool is placed at a distance of 7–8 meters) and go back. Then the knapsack is passed to the next participant until everyone has run through. V: Everyone did just fine! No one will ever be late for class now. Congratulations! And now it's time to return home to our favorite kindergarten. Ready? Music sounds, everyone comes back in a circle.

V: So our wonderful and informative journey has ended. Did everyone enjoy flying to new planets? TO: I also really liked it. Cheers cheers! What will happen now? V: We all have further - New school year! Stay with us, Kuzya. TO: I would love to, but I can't leave my house with Granny-Yagulya, my favorite stove. But I will come to visit you. Will you guys wait for me? (General "Yes!"). V: Now the moment to say goodbye has come. Until new wonderful meetings! Music sounds, children leave. In most cases, at the beginning of September, the weather is still warm and Knowledge Day with children can be celebrated outside, as in the following video:

For children of the senior and preparatory group for school


  1. Primary school teacher;
  2. Peppy long stocking.

Teacher: Hello dear guys! Hello dear adults! We are very glad to see you at our holiday. Today is an unusual day - all children who are 7 years old go to school for the first time with their mothers, bring flowers as a gift to the first teacher, worry and rejoice. What is the name of this holiday? (Answers of children.)

The Day of Knowledge is an important holiday!

Remember friends

Without knowledge and skills

There is no way to live!

Guys, today at our holiday merry knowledge competitions are waiting for you!

Well tell me, kids,

Are you ready to play?

Pippi Long Stocking appears to the music.

Peppy: Hello, hello guys! It's me - Peppy Long Stocking! The most fun and mischievous girl! I love to have fun, dance, frolic! Do you know how to have fun? Repeat everything after me!

Wow, it's freezing outside! - Well, everyone rubbed their nose! ... (Three noses.)

There is no need for us to beat thumbs up, Everyone quickly took up their ears! ... (We take up the ears.)

Twisted, twirled, So the ears flew off! ... (We twist our ears.)

They shook their head! ... (We shake our head.)

They knocked on the knees! ... (Knock on your knees.)

They patted on the shoulders! ... (We clap on the shoulders.)

And now they have trampled! ... (We stomp.)

How beautiful, smart and funny you are here! You, probably, also came to the holiday? I love the holidays so much, especially September 1 - April Fool's Day!

What? If not April Fool's Day? And what kind of holiday is this?

But how does this happen? After all, my friends told me that September 1 is April Fool's Day. On this day, everyone is having fun and joking at each other. And I am the best at joking and having fun!

Teacher: Peppy, you seem a little confused. April Fool's Day is April 1st, and today September 1st is Knowledge Day!

Peppy: Wow ... It seems like I'm really confused ... Now I don't understand anything ...

Teacher: Tell me, guys, will we help Pippi find out what kind of holiday it is - Knowledge Day? ( Children's answers.)

Peppy: Thank you for agreeing to help me. So what do you need to do on this day?

Teacher: Wait, wait, Pippi, do you know what a school is and why children attend it?

Peppy: No, I've never heard that word.

Teacher: School is ... (Answers of children.)

A big house for children, like a kindergarten, only bigger

There are teachers who know the answers to all questions.

Sports competitions are held there.

Children go to school in order to learn, gain new knowledge, become smarter and more educated.

Peppy: How interesting. Will I go to school too?

Teacher: Of course, as soon as you turn 7, you will definitely go to first grade. But in order to go to school, you need to know the rules of conduct in the lesson. For example, do you know the rules of conduct?

Peppy: Of course! I know this very well - you need to shout loudly all the time, wave your arms and knock your feet! Are you guys right?

Teacher: (addressing children) Can I do this in class? Of course not! How should you behave in the lesson? (Answers of children. When answering the question, raise your hand, do not shout or knock, listen to the teacher carefully, do not interrupt.)

Teacher: Remember, Peppy, because soon you will grow up and also go to school, and these rules will be useful to you.

Peppy: What about the fun? Don't kids ever have fun at school?

Teacher: Of course they have fun! In order for the children not to get tired of the lessons, the school has a special time for rest. What is this time called? (Answers of children.)

Peppy: Let us now also imagine that we have a break and play a fun game!

"Forward 4 steps, back 4 steps" (each group makes its own circle).

Teacher: Tell me, Peppy, can you guess riddles?

Peppy: Of course! This is what I know how to do best of all!

Teacher: Okay, then listen carefully, and you guys help Peppy.

There is a cheerful, bright house.

There are a lot of nimble guys in it.

They write and believe there

They draw and read.


The school opened the doors

She let the new settlers in.

Who guys know

What are they called?

(First graders.)

As soon as autumn comes

He takes me by the hand.

And again in the rain and in the blizzard

With me walks my ...


He calls, calls, calls

He tells a lot of people:

Then sit down and study

Then get up, disperse b.

(School chime

Teacher: Well done, guys, you're doing great! Probably, you will go to school soon too, huh? And you know, in order to go to school, you need to be very careful. Let us now check your attentiveness?

Game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends"

The rules of this game are quite simple - if you agree with what I am saying, then answer: "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends." If you do not agree with me - then do not say a single word.

Kindergarten came to life today

After the summer holidays.

The world of knowledge, kids, is very complex

Who is ready to go to it? (answer).

Who will study the letters

Reading on the sly?

Will not bother mom:

"Well, read a little" (answer).

Loves who to sleep in the morning

And to miss the exercise?

Capricious and lazy

Well, answer quickly! (answer)

Who will sing and dance

So that later the assessment is "5"

Receive in the lessons? (answer).

Teacher: Great job! You cannot be fooled!

Peppy: Let's make a break again and get some rest!

Dance "Boom-boom la-la".

Peppy: How I love to have fun and play! Do you guys like to play? I will name several fairy-tale heroes, and you will have to guess the name of the fairy tale where these heroes live.

Game "Guess the fairy tale"

Grandfather, woman, egg, chicken, mouse ("Ryaba Hen".)

Grandfather, woman, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse, root crop ("Turnip".)

Grandfather, woman, magnificent, round, ruddy ("Kolobok".)

Hare, fox, bear, dog, rooster ("Zayushkina hut".)

Teacher: Games are certainly good and fun, but in order to study at school, you need to know the numbers. Tell me, Peppy, do you already know the numbers? Do you guys know?

All the guys need a nose so much

So that he smells the smells,

On his face he is the master

Because he is ... (alone).

Nature gave to all people

Just one head!

Well, what about arms and legs?

Each of them has ... (two).

What a miracle! Come on, come on,

You better take a look -

It seems to be a letter,

But also a number ... (three).

I was with my grandmother, -

In her whole apartment

Three huge tables

Everyone's legs are… (four).

Baby Lena is on her hand

She, surprisingly,

Every time it comes out ... (five).

If the padlock

Raises the proboscis up,

Then we'll see here

Not a lock, but a number ... (six).

We have a proverb

And she is known to everyone -

You only cut it once

And you need to measure it ... (seven).

- How many legs do you have? -

Let's ask the octopus quietly.

He will not be able to answer us,

But even so we know - ... (eight).

Number six turned over

It turned into a new figure! (nine).

Zero, stand behind the unit

For his own sister.

The only way when you are together

They will call you ... (ten).

Peppy: How interesting! Now let me play with the guys! I know a fun game!

Game for the preparatory group "Funny numbers"

All children move on the carpet, and at the command of the leader they gather in number.

Pippi's words: "I love the numbers very much, I want to add them by 2 (2-3-4-5)!"

Game for the older group "1, 2, 3, freeze!"

I like to play the game, and give tasks

1, 2, 3, freeze on tiptoe!

1, 2, 3, you dance like a bunny!

1, 2, 3, you freeze on your haunches!

1, 2, 3, you are like a bird in flight!

1, 2, 3, freeze without moving!

Peppy: Well done! Did an excellent job!

Teacher: Tell me, Peppy, do you know what a student needs at school in order to learn easily and simply?

Peppy: (speaks thoughtfully, dreamily) I don’t know, probably toys, sweets, sticks from the street, various stones ...

Teacher: Do you guys think so too? (Answers of children.) Pippi, you need to bring special items to school with you in your portfolio that help children learn. But don't take up space in your portfolio unnecessary things... Let's play a game! Be careful!

What will we put in the portfolio?

Maybe waffles, caramel?

Give the correct answer!

Maybe yes, maybe no!

Delicious cheesecakes? (No)

Blankets and pillows? (No)

Wooden rulers? (Yes)

Singing canaries? (No)

Shoes and pants? (No)

Primers and books? (Yes)

Colored pencils? (Yes)

Linen ropes? (No)

Water pistols? (No)

All the subject notebooks? (Yes)

What about a military truck? (No)

Student diary? (Yes)

Teacher: It's good that we figured out the things that you will need at school.

And the children from our kindergarten will soon also go to school, but we will not worry about them, because today they have shown that they know and understand very well what a school is and why study in it.

Have you, Peppy, learned something new today?

Peppy: Of course! I remembered what items to take with me, learned how to behave in class.

Teacher: Well friends, I'm glad that we were able to help Peppy, and now it's time to dance!


Poems and riddles on the site:

This methodical development can be used to hold the Day of Knowledge in a multi-age group of a kindergarten.
Target: the formation of positive motivation to study at school.
1. Host.
2. Peppy long stocking.
Leading: Hello dear guys! Hello dear adults! We are very glad to see you at our holiday. Today is an unusual day - all children who are 7 years old go to school for the first time with their mothers, bring flowers as a gift to the first teacher, worry and rejoice. What is the name of this holiday? (Answers of children.)
Of course, September 1st is Knowledge Day.
The Day of Knowledge is an important holiday!
Remember friends
Without knowledge and skills
There is no way to live!
Guys, today at our holiday merry knowledge competitions are waiting for you!
Well tell me, kids,
Are you ready to play?
- YES!
Pippi Long Stocking appears to the music.

Peppy: Hello hello guys! It's me - Peppy Long Stocking! The most fun and mischievous girl! I love to have fun, dance, frolic! Do you know how to have fun? Repeat everything after me!
Wow, it's freezing outside! - Well, everyone rubbed their nose! ... (Three noses.)
There is no need for us to beat thumbs up, Everyone quickly took up their ears! ... (We take up the ears.)
Twisted, twisted, So the ears flew off! ... (We twist the ears.)
Whoever did not fly away, We flew further with us! ... (We wave our hands.)
They shook their head! ... (We shake our head.)
Knock on your knees! ... (Knock on your knees.)
They patted on the shoulders! ... (We pat on the shoulders.)
And now we have trampled! ... (We stomp.)
How beautiful, smart and funny you are here! You, probably, also came to the holiday? I love the holidays so much, especially September 1 - April Fool's Day!
What? If not April Fool's Day? And what kind of holiday is this?
But how does this happen? After all, my friends told me that September 1 is April Fool's Day. On this day, everyone is having fun and joking at each other. And I am the best at joking and having fun!
Leading: Peppy, you seem a little confused. April Fool's Day is April 1st, and today September 1st is Knowledge Day!
Peppy: Wow ... It seems that I really got confused ... Now I don't understand anything ...
Leading: Tell me guys, we will help Pippi find out what kind of holiday it is - Knowledge Day? (Answers of children.)
Peppy: Thank you for agreeing to help me. So what should you do on this day?
Leading: Wait, wait, Peppy, do you know what school is and why children attend it?
Peppy: No, I never heard that word.
Leading: School is ... (Answers of children.)
A big house for children, like a kindergarten, only bigger
There are teachers who know the answers to all questions.
At school, children are taught to write, read and count
Sports competitions are held there.
Children go to school in order to learn, gain new knowledge, become smarter and more educated.
Peppy: How interesting. Will I go to school too?
Leading: Of course, as soon as you turn 7, you will definitely go to first grade. But in order to go to school, you need to know the rules of conduct in the lesson. For example, do you know the rules of conduct?
Peppy: Of course! I know this very well - you need to shout loudly all the time, wave your arms and knock your feet! Really guys?
Leading:(addressing the children) Can I do this in class? Of course not! How should you behave in the lesson? (Answers of the children. When answering the question, raise your hand, do not shout or knock, listen to the teacher carefully, do not interrupt.)
Leading: Remember, Peppy, because soon you will grow up and also go to school, and these rules will be useful to you.
Peppy: What about the fun? Don't kids ever have fun at school?
Leading: Of course they have fun! In order for the children not to get tired of the lessons, the school has a special time for rest. What is this time called? (Answers of children.)
Peppy: Let us now also imagine that we have a break and play a fun game!

"We will now go to the left ..." (older children)

Leading: Tell me, Peppy, can you guess riddles?
Peppy: Of course! This is what I can do best of all!
Leading: Okay, then listen closely and you guys help Peppy.
There is a cheerful, bright house.
There are a lot of nimble guys in it.
They write and believe there
They draw and read.

The school opened the doors
She let the new settlers in.
Who guys know
What are they called?
(First graders.)
As soon as autumn comes
He takes me by the hand.
And again in the rain and in the blizzard
With me walks my ...
He calls, calls, calls
He tells a lot of people:
Then sit down and study
Then get up, disperse.
(School bell)
Leading: Well done, guys, you're doing great! And you know, in order to go to school, you need to be very careful. Let us now check your attentiveness?

Game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends"

The rules of this game are quite simple - if you agree with what I am saying, then answer: "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends." If you do not agree with me - then do not say a single word.

Kindergarten came to life today
After the summer holidays.
The world of knowledge, children, is very complex
Who is ready to go to it? (answer).

Who will study the letters
Reading on the sly?
Will not bother mom:
"Well, read a little" (answer).

Loves who to sleep in the morning
And to miss the exercise?
Capricious and lazy
Well, answer quickly! (answer)

Who will sing and dance
Write, read and paint,
So that later the assessment is "5"
Receive in the lessons? (answer).

Leading: Great job! You cannot be fooled!
Peppy: Let's make a break again and get some rest!

"Dancing Zoo" (younger children)

Leading: Games are certainly good and fun, but in order to learn at school, you need to know the numbers. Tell me, Peppy, do you already know the numbers? Do you guys know?

All the guys need a nose so much
So that he smells the smells,
On his face he is the master
Because he is ... (alone).

Nature gave to all people
Just one head!
Well, what about arms and legs?
Each of them has ... (two).
What a miracle! Come on, come on,
You better take a look -
It seems to be a letter,
But also a number ... (three).

I was with my grandmother, -
In her whole apartment
Three huge tables
Everyone's legs are… (four).
Baby Lena is on her hand
Loves to count fingers!
She, surprisingly,
Every time it comes out ... (five).

If the padlock
Raises the proboscis up,
Then we'll see here
Not a lock, but a number ... (six).

We have a proverb
And she is known to everyone -
You only cut it once
And you need to measure it ... (seven).

- How many legs do you have? -
Let's ask the octopus quietly.
He will not be able to answer us,
But even so we know - ... (eight).

Number six turned over
It turned into a new figure! (nine).

Zero, stand behind the unit
For his own sister.
The only way when you are together
They will call you ... (ten).

Peppy: Well done! Did an excellent job!
Leading: Tell me, Pippi, do you know what a student needs at school in order to learn easily and simply?
Peppy:(speaks thoughtfully, dreamily) Well, I don’t know, probably toys, sweets, sticks from the street, various pebbles ...
Leading: Do you guys think so too? (Children's answers.) Peppy, you need to bring special items to school with you in your portfolio that help children learn. But do not take up space in your portfolio with unnecessary things. Let's play a game! Be careful!

What will we put in the portfolio?
Maybe waffles, caramel?
Give the correct answer!
Maybe yes, maybe no!
Delicious cheesecakes? (No)
Blankets and pillows? (No)
Wooden rulers? (Yes)
Singing canaries? (No)
Shoes and pants? (No)
Primers and books? (Yes)
Colored pencils? (Yes)
Linen ropes? (No)
Water pistols? (No)
All the subject notebooks? (Yes)
What about a military truck? (No)
Student diary? (Yes)
Leading: It's good that we figured out the things you need at school.
And the children from our kindergarten will soon also go to school, but we will not worry about them, because today they have shown that they know and understand very well what a school is and why study in it.
Have you, Peppy, learned something new today?
Peppy: Of course! I remembered what items to take with me, learned how to behave in class.
Leading: Well friends, I'm glad we were able to help Peppy, and now it's time to dance!

Oksana Ilyushina
Fun adventures for preschoolers. Quest game for the Day of Knowledge in kindergarten.

“In search of new knowledge» .

Quest game for the Day of Knowledge in kindergarten

Goals: create a good mood in children, create a friendly atmosphere, a positive attitude towards school.


Develop communicative qualities, mastery of emotions, speed of reactions;

To develop the ability to analyze, to consolidate in children the ability to independently solve problems.


letter on the door (children have to guess how to read it) ;

candle; fake lock and key, tree feeders, fake sunflower flower.

envelopes with tasks;

tennis balls, hat - "Invisible", audio tape recorder, funny music.

Holiday progress


Hello adults! Hello children!

We are very glad to meet you today!

Let's start our holiday soon,

Sing and play with a smile and joy!

(let's greet each other with applause)

Summer is over, you are in a hurry to go to the kindergarten,

What is the holiday today, tell me?

Guys, today we have a holiday September 1 - Day knowledge... We congratulate you on the start of the new school year! We wish you new discoveries, new successes, new knowledge! Have a good mood to you!

Today is the first day,

September on the calendar.

And the sun shines at least that,

And it's hot outside.

Open the door at school today

Opened in the morning.

Summer has passed

Children walk to schools again.

Educator: Guys, dear parents and guests of our holiday, I invite you all to our holiday dedicated to the day Knowledge.

Oh, look, and there is a lock on the door, it is closed and some letter is attached but nothing is written here. What do we do?

Children's answers.

Educator: I know how you can read such letters. For this we need a candle.

"Hey. I, Karabas Barabas. I love peace and quiet. It was I who locked this door and will not open it until you have passed all the tests. "

Educator: Look guys, it is written here mystery:

I grow in the garden "

And when I mature

They make a tomato out of me

They put it in the cabbage soup and eat it like that.

Children: A tomato

Educator: Guys to us on the territory children's garden you need to find a tomato.

Everyone goes to the site, finds a tomato and a note.

Educator: First test

Game "YES or NO"

(The teacher asks questions, the children answer "YES" or "NO")

You a day knowledge dressed up?

Were you going to the kindergarten quickly?

Have you all washed and combed?

New guys came?

Are there many children?

Together will be more fun?

Is everyone beautiful and cheerful?

Do the kids have a lot of energy?

V we will go to kindergarten to be educated?

The one who attends the kindergarten grows faster?

Educator: Well done guys and parents. See what's here written: “The next tip is under "The sun on the leg"»

Children in a flower bed under a sunflower find a note where it says "Move more, live longer"

Educator: Second test

"Sharp arrows"».

On the site put two hoops, from a short distance, the participants in the game must hit the tennis ball into the hoop. Whoever has more hits won.

Educator: How fast and skillful you are. Let's find the next clue, for this, guess riddles:

There is always comfort for birds in it,

People put the grains.

House without windows, but with a crown.

It is called…. (Feeder).

Educator: That's right guys - this is a feeder. Now find the tasks that are hidden in the feeders.

Educator: Third test.

"What will we put in the portfolio"?

Maybe waffles, caramel?

Give the correct answer!

Maybe yes, maybe no!

Delicious cheesecakes? (No)

Blankets and pillows? (No)

Wooden rulers? (Yes)

Singing canaries? (No)

Shoes and pants? (No)

Primers and books? (Yes)

Colored pencils? (Yes)

Linen ropes? (No)

Water pistols? (No)

All the subject notebooks? (Yes)

What about a military truck? (No)

Student diary? (Yes)

Educator: It's good that we figured out the things that you will need at school.

The game "Funny numbers"

All children move on the carpet, and at the command of the leader they gather in number.

Presenter “I love the numbers very much, there are 2 of them (2-3-4-5) I want to fold! "

Educator: Well done boys. We coped with all the tasks.

Educator: Hear, the music is playing, it seems there is a glade Fun.

Now, my friend,

Stand in a round dance.

We need a little rest

The game "Do as I do".

Song « Kindergarten»

Song "Lesson"

Dance "Barbariki"

All children repeat the movements behind the leaders under fun music.

Educator: How I liked this clearing. So funny... Did you guys like it? But we must go further.

“She came from a fairy tale to us, she is magical

This thing has the ability to suddenly disappear!

Well if you take a look inside her

She can show you a fairy tale! "

(Invisible hat)

Children are looking in the clearing Fun hat with a task inside.

Educator: Fourth test.

Guess riddles about fairy tales and fairytale heroes.

He is kinder to everyone in the world,

He heals sick animals,

And one day a hippopotamus

He pulled it out of the swamp.

He is famous, famous

This is a doctor…. (Aibolit)

Run away from the dirty

Cups, spoons and pans.

She is looking for them, calling

And on the road, tears are pouring. (Fyodor's grandmother)

With a primer walks to school

Wooden boy.

Hits instead of school

Into a linen booth.

What is the name of this book?

Who is her hero - a boy? (Pinocchio)

Grandfather grabbed tight:

Oh, there is no way to pull it out!

Oh, she sat down tight!

But the helpers will soon come running

Who sat down so tight

Did you find out?


The old man went out to sea

And the net will cast

Will catch someone

And he will ask for something. (Gold fish.)

Alyonushka's sister

The little brother was carried away by the birds.

They fly high

They look far away. (Swan geese)

Hurry up the evening

And the long-awaited hour has come

So that in my gilded carriage

Go to the fabulous ball.

No one in the palace will know

Who am I and what am I called

But only midnight will come

I will return to my attic. (Cinderella)

I did not tremble in front of the wolf,

I ran away from the bear

And the fox's teeth

All are caught. (Gingerbread man)

Educator: What good fellows you are. All riddles have been solved, look here for another note from Karabas Barabas.! (The teacher takes another note out of his hat and reads it)

“You have coped with all my trials with dignity, and therefore I will go to my fairy tale, and I will leave the key in the well. Until then, and see you again. Yours Karabas Barabas ".

Educator: Look how smart and resourceful children are. They helped us open the door. Guys and dear guests of our holiday, we ask you all to go to our garden.

The teacher conducts an excursion for parents and children. Introduces them to kindergarten.

1. Children and parents enter the Fairy Tales Room.

Older children show a puppet theater based on a fairy tale "Kolobok"

2. Excursion to Phytobar.

Children get acquainted with medicinal herbs of the Kuban (rosehip, linden)... They guess riddles and find them.

Rosehip riddle

Sitting on a stick

In red shirts

The abdomen is light

Stuffed with pebbles.

About what "Red shirts" is it a riddle? Why "The belly is light" and what "Pebbles" is it stuffed? What means "Sit on a stick"?

People call rose hips "Fruits of life" because they contain a lot of vitamins and other useful substances. In pharmacies, vitamin preparations, syrups, and tablets prepared from rosehip berries are sold. Since ancient times, it has been known about the medicinal properties of rose hips. Flowers, berries and roots of rose hips were considered almost the main medicine and they were profitably exchanged for precious fabrics and furs. Tsar Ivan the Terrible sent entire detachments to collect rose hips. Stocks of fruits were kept for military campaigns and wounded soldiers were given infusion to drink.

Rosehip has long been used as a decoration. Even in primitive times, women and girls wore beads from its fruits. In many countries, brides, poets, heroes, rulers were decorated with garlands of its flowers.

Have any of you already drank it? Tell us about it? What does it taste like? After the lesson, we will try to make beads from the rosehip ourselves.

Linden riddle

A tree grows in parks

The scent when it blooms.

For colds and wheezing

What will help? Flowers - (Lindens)

Children look at linden flowers.

Educator: And now I want to invite you to try the rosehip and linden infusion, enjoy the aroma of delicious and healthy drinks.

Children and their parents sit at tables and drink tea.


I wish our dear guys this year to gain even more knowledge, grow up, grow wiser and go to school next year!

On the road, girls, on the road, boys!

On the ladder walk boldly of knowledge.

Wonderful meetings and kind books

The steps will be on it.

On this ladder you can soon

Reach the inaccessible depth of the sea

Go underground, climb mountains.

And even reach the moon.

There will be steep steps on the ladder,

But the cherished route has been verified exactly,

To make you friends with an amazing miracle,

Which Knowledge is called.

The Knowledge Day holiday in kindergarten can be not only educational, but also fun. For this, parents and educators should draw up an original script. Fascinating numbers, inviting fairytale characters can make September 1 in kindergarten unforgettable. We have selected best ideas for carrying out the lineup on the street, in the assembly hall or in the game room. We tell and show how the Day of Knowledge is held with Dunno, Baba Yaga and the Barboskins. Interesting examples will help you spend September 1 in the preparatory, middle and junior kindergarten groups in an active, fun and unusual way.

Ruler on September 1 in kindergarten - a script for Knowledge Day on the street with the Barboskins

The invitation of active and cheerful animators or the reincarnation of the educators themselves will surely please the children in the kindergarten. The guys will be able to entertainingly play and chat with the characters during the lineup. And after it is held, the kids will definitely want to be photographed with their favorite characters. The ideas we have picked will help you learn more about which numbers should be included in the script for Knowledge Day on September 1 on the street for toddlers from kindergarten.

Ideas for drawing up a script for the Day of Knowledge with the Barboskins in the kindergarten on September 1

Unlike Knowledge Day, which is held in the game room or assembly hall, on September 1 outdoors allows you to expand the scenario with different games or contests. Therefore, inviting the Barboskin family or individual characters from this cartoon, you need to instruct them to conduct entertaining competitions between children. To create an active and exciting holiday in kindergarten, we recommend using examples of such games:

  1. Like in a mirror.

The presenter turns to face the children and assumes different poses. Toddlers must repeat them exactly. Those who do the wrong posture are removed from the field. The child who is the most attentive and accurate wins.

  1. Catch the sparrow.

A circle is drawn on the asphalt, inside which the catcher will stand. Children depicting sparrows must hop into and out of the circle. The catcher's task is to catch the players while they are in the circle.

  1. Attention check.

The presenter makes certain signals (one clap - children sit down, two claps - children run in a circle, etc.), and then the children will need to repeat them exactly. The child (or team) who completed the task more accurately than others wins.

These games are suitable for toddlers and students middle group... They can involve from 10 to 20 or more children.

Video example of a lineup for Knowledge Day on September 1 in a kindergarten with the Barboskins on the street

Readers can also get ideas for holding an exciting Knowledge Day in the kindergarten with the Barboskins from the following video. This version of the holiday is suitable for drawing up a scenario for the Day of Knowledge for the preparatory, primary and secondary groups.

Holiday on September 1 in kindergarten - a script for the Day of Knowledge in the preparatory group

Conducting the Day of Knowledge on September 1 in preparatory group kindergarten should be performed in a concise script. It should not include many congratulatory speeches. Children will be simply not interested in the conversations of the head, the wishes of the educators. For kids, it is better to create an exciting and fun holiday program.

How can the holiday on September 1, Knowledge Day be held in the preparatory group of the kindergarten?

Kids get tired pretty quickly, so the holiday scenario should be short and as interesting as possible. It should include a couple of song numbers, dance competition for babies. The rest should be occupied by active games with a teacher and a nanny. It is they who will help the children to get to know each other better and in the future to attend the kindergarten without fear and anxiety.

The original holiday on September 1 in kindergarten - scenario with Dunno

Cheerful Dunno is one of the favorite characters of kids. Therefore, his invitation to Knowledge Day will surely delight every child. In addition, by September 1 in kindergarten, you can make an unusual and very interesting scenario with the participation of Dunno.

Ideas for drawing up an original script with Dunno for the holiday on September 1 in the kindergarten

Conducting surveys and communicating with kids will help to keep the children busy on the September 1 holiday. For example, he can ask them about the summer:

  • who and where rested;
  • with whom the children met new;
  • which of the grandparents were visited;
  • what books have you read;
  • how many new friends have made.

Also, the animator will need to prepare the kindergarten students for the beginning of the new school year. He can talk about interesting activities that will be held for them. He can also make useful or even "magical" gifts that can help children learn. For example, give them stationery kits, quilling paper, plasticine.

Video examples of the holiday of the first of September in kindergarten with Dunno

The video examples we have selected will help readers to compose an interesting scenario for the holiday on September 1. They feature original numbers for the Day of Knowledge with the participation of the Dunno animator.

Cool line on September 1 with Baba Yaga in kindergarten - holiday scenario

Using the script with Baba Yaga will help to spend an unusual time on September 1 in kindergarten. But at the holiday of the Day of Knowledge, she will not act as a negative hero, but a positive character.

How to compose a cool script for the line on September 1 with Baba Yaga in the kindergarten?

Baba Yaga, who has matured, can ask the children what exactly she will like in the kindergarten, what classes will be held. The guys, talking about the training, will be able to concentrate on the positive aspects themselves. This will help them to attend kindergarten with great pleasure, to obey the teachers and nannies. After communicating with children, you can include in the program games with a fairy-tale character or holding contests of drawings, songs and dances. This scenario is optimal for September 1 in the middle or senior group.

Interesting September 1 of the younger group in kindergarten - the scenario of the holiday for the Day of Knowledge

The little ones who come in junior group kindergarten, are quite worried before the start of classes. Dispelling the fears of the guys and giving them an unforgettable September 1 will help composing cool script with cartoon characters. They will be able to tell the children about the importance of learning and show them entertaining numbers. To learn more about what performances can be included in the script for September 1 for the younger group of kindergarten, our examples will help.

Ideas for the scenario of the holiday on September 1 of the Day of Knowledge in the younger group of the kindergarten

It is recommended to choose popular cartoon characters as the leading or main characters of the performances in front of the younger group of the kindergarten on September 1. For example, it could be Fixies or Paw Patrol. The heroes must play active games with the guys. But also animators can talk about what useful knowledge children will receive. You can end the Day of Knowledge by presenting small gifts: key rings, notebooks. With them, children will be able to go to the younger group in the future, and with them they will often remember the fun and interesting holiday on September 1.

Unusual scenario September 1 in kindergarten - ruler for the middle group

Middle class students look forward to meeting their friends. Therefore, the holiday of the Day of Knowledge is recommended to be carried out with a large number of games. Children will be able to have fun and tell their classmates about their summer holidays. For other ideas for the September 1 scenario in the middle kindergarten class, our readers will be able to glean in the suggested tips and examples.

Ideas for the scenario of the lineup of the middle group of kindergarten by September 1

It is recommended to spend the holiday on September 1 for a medium group not in the games room or hall, but in the fresh air. For example, parents and caregivers can take children to a nearby park. For a good holiday, you can include the following contests and games in the script:

  1. Drawing with closed eyes.

The guys have to portray one episode of their summer vacation blindfolded. The rest of the children will guess what exactly and who exactly is drawn in the picture.

  1. Knowledge check.

Educators will take turns asking questions from last year's program (the simplest and most obvious). Guys who answer more questions will receive special prizes.

  1. Conducting a competitive photo session.

The finished pictures will be assessed by the children themselves in 1-2 school days in the kindergarten. In addition, children and parents will be able to choose photos for themselves, with which they will decorate their photo albums.

Video examples of scenario numbers for the holiday on September 1 in the middle group of a kindergarten

After reviewing our examples and ideas for drawing up a script for the Day of Knowledge, parents and educators can prepare an unforgettable holiday for kindergarten. We viewed best options holding a ruler on the street, in the playroom. We also talked about how September 1 goes in kindergarten with different fairytale characters... Together with the Barboskins, Dunno and Baba Yaga, the Day of Knowledge holiday will be a little more interesting than the usual performance of the director and educators. The proposed ideas can be used both for the preparatory and for the younger, middle group of kindergarten.