Chastooshkas on the theme of mom. Chastooshkas and poems for Mother's Day material on the development of speech (senior group) on the topic. November - Mother's Day of Russia

Scenario "Mother's Day". Concert dedicated to Mother's Day

develop emotional sphere
artistry of children;
teach children to be caring, gentle, affectionate towards loved ones


The music "Solar Circle" sounds in the hall
Children of all groups enter the hall and take their places.
Ved: Hello dear mothers! Hello dear guests! We start our Mother's Day concert from concert hall kindergarten № 58.
There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature, clearly marked for centuries,
May the sun always clap her hands with her, where she will live for centuries,
The most beautiful of women-woman with a baby in your arms!

After the song, all the children leave the hall.

Ved: Today I want to laugh
Joke, play and dance.
Let's. Guests, smile
And continue the holiday together!

Child: (gr. Dunno)
"Without mom"
In our house there is a carousel:
Kissel flows like a brook,
Plates on the table
They jump like squirrels.

Masha is looking for a cat
The cat is looking for a bowl
Misha is looking for dad,
Dad is looking for a hat.

And nobody finds anything!
Misha whimpers
Masha is crying
The cat is sick of the white light! ..
What do you guys mean?

This means that mom is not at home!

Here is my mother. Finally!
Everything falls into place.
(E. Serova)

DANCE "FUNNY CHILDREN" children of older groups
And now
Take the kids out

Children: (gr. Cipollino)
"A simple word"
In the world
Kind words
Lives a lot
But everyone is kinder
And one thing is more tender -
Of two syllables
Simple word "ma-ma"
And there are no words
Dearer than it!
(I. Maznin)

"I love my mom"
Mom brings me
Toys, candy,
But I love my mother
Not at all for that.
Funny songs
She hums
We are bored together
It never happens.

Motherhood is a great miracle. With the birth of a child, a lot changes in a woman's life, new priorities and tasks appear. Motherhood is not only bathing in love and joy, but also daily work... Let every mother feel loved, needed and protected. Let her know that at any moment she will find support and understanding among her family. Happy Mother's Day!

SCENE "THREE MOMS" group "Cheerful pencil"
Meet our little artists!
Take the kids out

Children: (gr. Cipollino)
Who to me
Sing a song?
Who is the shirt
Will it sew on me?
Who me

Will the food be tasty?
Who laughs

The loudest
My hearing
Ringing laughter?
Who is sad
When I'm sad?..
(R. Sef)

"Mom is the best friend"
Go around the whole world
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than mom's.
You will not find eyes in the world
Affectionate and stricter.
Mom to each of us
All people are dearer.
Hundred paths, roads around
Walk around the light:
Mom is the best friend
Better than mom - no!
(P. Sinyavsky)

"Mom's hands"
Mom's hands are warm
Mom's eyes are light
Mom's thoughts are with me
My earthly bow to Mom.
(E. Koltovskaya)

Who among us in childhood did not sing ditties? Remember how for all the summer holidays you went to the village to see your grandparents, how you ran around, played and misbehaved all day, and probably just then you heard how your grandmother, if she is in a good mood, sings ditties. Then you yourself did not notice how you began to hum them.
You probably noticed that when you sing ditties, it becomes more cheerful, more joyful in your soul, but inside it is as if birds are singing. It is precisely because of such a magical action of theirs that we want to sing you ditties!

"CHASTUSHKI" children gr. "Parsley"
* * *
To all mommies on this day
We give ditties
So that mommies are with us
There were merry ones!
* * *
We say this word
Each time, two hundred times:
Mom, give! Yes, bring it!
Mom, mom, help!
* * *
Who teaches us to cook cabbage soup,
Wash, wash dishes,
Who forgives everything
This is MOMA - the children know.
* * *
Our mom at work
Strongly respected
And she comes home -
They love it very much!
* * *
I love my mom
She is a kind soul
If somewhere I cheat,
She forgives me everything.
* * *
Do not be angry with your mom,
If he says the wrong thing,
You better hug your mom
Kiss warmly.
* * *
Dad is strong, dad is smart
Dad is wonderful
Only mommy always
Necessarily kinder.
* * *
If you are angry with your mom,
Who sticks his nose in business
You will become a mother too,
You will understand everything then!

It's November now. This is the last month of autumn and now winter will come. And everything is so damp, dull and dull. But it is in November that there is a holiday that makes us be on top. He makes us feel good and brings kindness and warmth. And this is mother's day.
And on this wonderful day, we congratulate you mothers on the holiday and we want you to always please your children with your smiles, warm you with your love and motherly warmth, give fun mood!
Happy Holidays!

DANCE "POLKA" preparatory groups

Meet our little artists!
Take the kids out
Children: (gr. Cipollino)

"Mom's smile"
There is nothing sweeter
Mom's smile -
Like the sun's light flashes
The shaky one will dispel the darkness!

As if it will flash its tail
Gold fish -
Will bring joy to the heart
Mom's smile!
(T. Shorygina)

"Everybody has a mom"
Do you hear, in the morning the leaves are babies
They rustle on the mom-branch:
- We are glad that darkness leaves,
We see mom again!

The bear has a mom
At the elephant calf, at the hedgehog.
End of a long night
Everyone is very happy:

In the morning, as soon as the sun comes out,
The beasts of their mothers will see.
(G. Vieru)


The first tooth, the first steps, the first spoken word, the first time in kindergarten - all this is so fresh in your memory, because in these important points you have always been there for your children!
Happy holiday, mothers!

Child: (gr. Dunno)
"About Mom"
The house is empty
Very sad,
I don't want anything -
Not sung
Doesn't fight
Doesn't even laugh ...

I sat in silence.
Someone knocked.
I opened - and straight
Before me is Mom!

And it's not boring
And not sad
I want to run, I want to jump,
And laughs and sings
And he laughs with might and main!
(E. Karganova)

Walk around a hundred paths around the world,
Mom is the best friend, there is no better mom!
Every person, wherever fate throws him, has a place where you want to return again and again, this place is the Motherland! And this means that MOM is waiting for him at home!
Let us end our concert with a fun children's song.

SONG "ONE - LADOSHKA, TWO - LADOSHKA ..." children gr. "Buratino"

At the end of the song, all the children come out with gifts, line up in a semicircle.

Mom - there are not enough words in the whole world,
To thank you for everything.
For sleepless moments by the bed
And for the tears of bitter insults.
For your support and your care,
Upbringing the first steps
And for every hard Saturday
What did you dedicate to us alone.
For the smile that warms the heart
For the embrace of your beloved hands
Mommy - you are the best in the world!
Heroine, Woman and Friend.
Happy holiday, dear mothers!

Children (in chorus):

Give mothers gifts

Scenario for Mother's Day

There are many good words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more necessary,

Of two syllables - the simple word "Mom".

And there are no words dearer than it!

good evening!

Hello our dear mothers!

And also the mothers of our mothers and fathers are beloved grandmothers!

Traditionally, Mothers Day of Russia is celebrated in our country at the end of November.

Fall 1997 The State Duma adopted the Federal Law on a new holiday, designed to "increase the social significance of motherhood, preserve the humane tradition of honoring the mother, recognizing her merits in raising the younger generation and her important role in strengthening the family, the moral atmosphere in society and the state." The decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 30, 1998 determined: Mother's Day should be celebrated annually on the last Sunday of November.

I don’t know any other word.
To please the ear so.
I will repeat it over and over again
Sorry that the voice is deaf.
We were the first to learn this word.
We live with this word to death
And when the clouds are gathering
be sure to call mom
mom, mom my dear.
The most faithful and loving friend
I feel with all my heart
The warmth of your gentle hands.
These hands were leading me
from childhood to adulthood.
These arms protected me.
From diseases of the blows of fate.

We, today's children, are accustomed to the idea that mother is strong, she does not need anyone's support, she herself will support anyone. Is this so? Maybe our mothers just want to appear strong even in those situations when they really need support - in a word, in deed, at least with a glance ...

Mom is the only one whose life is dedicated to us children from beginning to end.

And no matter how old we are, mother is interested in every step we take, every deed is important.

They do not want to initiate us into their experiences, because they spare us: we will have time to sip more of our worries. And also because they think: they are still small.

The word "mom" is a special word. It is born, as it were, with us, accompanying all life.

The day before his birth, the child asked God:

I do not know why I am going into this world. What should I do?

God answered:

I will give you an angel who will always be by your side. He will explain everything to you.

But how can I understand him, because I do not know his language?

The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles.

What is the name of my angel?

It doesn't matter what his name is, he has many names. You will call him "Mom".

soft music sounds. A Boy and a Girl are sitting on a cloud withwings of angels.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do.

Who was sitting on a cloud

Who looked at the world from above.

Angels in the face of children

Mothers were chosen.

Boy. Soon I will be born!

I need to decide.

Mom will be with me

Like a clear dawn

As the spring water is clear,

Like fluffy snow is tender

Warm like rain in spring

The sweetest and dearest.

Girl. I want the same

I'll fly with you!

Come on at this finest hour

We will choose mom for us.

Several women come out.

Boy. Here, look, they are coming. There are so many of them here and there!

Girl... I want this mom!

In the whole world, I know, no

More fun, more tender, kind,

More beautiful than my mom.

Boy. You can't find a better mom! I'm flying, on my way.

Catch me up soon!

You will be my sister.

the song is playing Omom. "SONG OF THE MAMMOTTEN"

Boy and Girl... We found the perfect mom!

Let her get to know you.

Mama... How difficult it is to be a mother.

And raise a man

With care and attention,

With diligence.

What a happiness to be a mom

And give love to the baby

With affection, understanding,

Forgiving everything in advance!

Mom ... She is our song ...

She is our miracle!

If you are near, you will forget troubles.

Hands will stretch out, gently hug,

Looks tenderly - he will remove all sorrows!

Only the mother's heart experiences our successes and failures as their own.

- As long as we love and take care of our mothers, everything will be fine both at home and in the country.

Together... Happy holiday, dear ones!

Mommy thanks dear
Thank you for the love, for the warmth,
I congratulate you today
And I wish you luck in everything!
The best in the world, I know
I love you more than life
Mommy, dear, congratulations!
And thank you for everything!

Mothers Day -

A worthy good holiday

Which is included

The sun in the family.

And not nice

For those who are the kindest in the world -

Chastooshkas sound for real mothers

Mother's day ditties

1. To all mommies on this day
We give ditties
So that mommies are with us
There were merry ones!

2. We say this word
Each time, two hundred times:
Mom, give! Yes, bring it!
Mom, mom, help!

3. Who teaches us to cook cabbage soup,
Wash, wash dishes,
Who forgives everything
This is MOMA - the children know.

4. Our mom at work
Strongly respected
And she comes home -
They love it very much!

5. I love my mom,
She is a kind soul
If somewhere I cheat,
She forgives me everything.

6. Do not be angry with your mother,
If he says the wrong thing,
You better hug your mom
Kiss warmly.

7. Dad is strong, dad is smart,
Dad is wonderful
Only mommy always
Necessarily kinder.

8. If you are angry with your mother,
Who sticks his nose in business
You will become a mother too,
You will understand everything then!

Children:(in chorus)
From you, our dear mothers,
Let's take an example in everything.
Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers,
We are for everything, for everything, relatives,
We say: "Thank you!"

Competition program

Mothers with their children take part in the contests. Each competition is attended by 2 mothers. The winner receives an honorary title and a "medal"; both mothers receive gifts from their children. The selection of participants is carried out with the help of a "drum", mothers receive numbers in advance. Between competitions (every 5th) - amateur performances.

1. "Mom is a hug champion." Inflated balloons are scattered across the floor. A mother with a child, holding one of the balls together, must hug tightly so that the ball bursts. The winner is the mother who can burst more balloons in 3 minutes.

2. "The strictest mom." Hold out for 1 minute, calmly answering a son or daughter, persuading him to give 500 rubles for a toy.

3. "The most singing mother". The mothers take turns to sing the songs. For example, in which there are "flowers".

4. "Mom is a needlewoman". Mothers are given needles with thread and beads (or beads). In 1 min. string the beads on a string. The mother with the longest chain wins.

5. "The most poetic mom". Write a poem-burime for given rhymes: love, organization, carrots, presentation.

6. "The most affectionate mother." Write as many affectionate words as possible to your child in 1 minute.

Dance "Happiness"

Our dear mom
These gentle lines to you.
Let sorrows not enter your house
Let the disease pass.
All our lives, our dear mother,
I owe you an unpaid debt.
Thank you, dear, for raising,
For not asking for anything in return.
That grief and joy, dividing in half,
In everything, you wished us a better life.
Beautiful, kind, cheerful and tender,
We need you every day and forever.

The song "Mommy"

All: "We love you"

Giving gifts

At the end of November, or rather on the last Sunday of November, we thank our mothers on the All-Russian Mother's Day. Of course, this needs to be done daily, but on this day it needs to be done in a special way.

In honor of Mother's Day, holidays and celebrations are held in schools.

We bring to your attention the scenario of the holiday for Mother's Day.

Mothers Day. Scenario

Scenario for schoolchildren "Everything is beautiful from mom"

Teacher... Every year in Russia, on the last Sunday of November, Mother's Day is celebrated. What do we value most in a woman? What makes her a Woman? The beauty? Charm? Mind? Business qualities? Today's holiday prompts the answer - Motherhood. A lot of words have been said about mothers, a lot of unspoken lives in the heart of each of us. It is important to have time to say kind words when mom can hear them.

Student 1. Our dear mothers! Today we have invited you to a holiday dedicated to you!

There is no such day in the year

So that he was so much like you.

This day is special

Affectionate and warm

Peaceful and beautiful

Kind and happy.

There is no end to different gifts

And in verse words.

After all, today is the main holiday

All mothers in the world.

Pupil 2. Our dear mothers, grandmothers, we congratulate you! Each of us has a feeling of security and peace when mom and mom are around. I will remember for the rest of my life how your gentle hands gently stroked me when I was sick. They were so cool, and when I opened my eyes, you were always near me ...

Pupil 3... Mother's love is difficult to characterize. Self-forgetfulness, that is, forgetting yourself for the sake of your child, is the first and true sign of love. With grief and joy, we go to mommy and find understanding from her. She wants only good.

Student 4.

When I was a child, my dear,

If childhood grief tormented me

I came to you, and my cry subsided:

On your chest I fell asleep in tears.

Student 5.

How accurate are the words of Sergei Yesenin:

You alone are my help and joy,

You are the one untold light to me.

Student 6. The life of a mother is an everyday, sometimes imperceptible, everyday feat. No one has revealed the role of the mother more strongly and more sincerely than Russian writers. All the pride of the world comes from mothers, without the sun flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without women there is no love, without a mother there is no poet or hero.

Student 1.“Everything beautiful in a person is from the rays of the sun and from mother's milk. This is what saturates us with the love of life. " "When a person can name his mother and is dear in spirit, this is a rare happiness." So said Alexei Maksimovich Gorky.

Pupil 2.“Love for the Motherland begins with love for the mother. And a person begins with his relationship to his mother. And all the best in a person is given to him from his mother. " This is Yuri Alekseevich Yakovlev.

Pupil 3.“We will forever glorify the woman whose name is mother,” Musa Jalil said.

Teacher. Children do not always understand well what their mother means to them. They often see in her a person who prepares food for them, washes, strokes, endlessly teaches wisdom, allows something, prohibits something or forces them to do something. But the mother is also the person whom you can trust: tell how your friend let you down, what an absurd mistake you made in the test, how repentance gnaws at you for a perfect mistake. Mom will understand everything. Sometimes we take offense at mom, and we want this, and that. However, mom does not fulfill all our desires. She does not allow playing in the yard for a long time, wandering around ... She only blames us when we quarrel with comrades, demands that we always be in touch. Sometimes it seems that mom is overly strict, angry, too demanding, does not allow a step to take. But deep down, every child understands that mom wants to raise him a good man... In the world there is no person dearer and closer to the mother. Therefore, love her dearly, take care of her, do not hurt your mother with your words and actions. Thank her for her work and care for you, be kind, sensitive, responsive to her. Mom expects constant care, attention, cordiality, sympathy, and a kind word from you. And no matter how old we are - 5 or 50 - a mother will always be needed: her care, affection, attention.

Student 4. With a heartbeat, the love-born word "mom" eternally beats in us.

It burns like a good star

Of a thousand words, a special word

He is not aged, the years do not shrink.

It is always vibrant and new.

Student 5.

Mom, very, very

I love you!

I love so much that at night

I don't sleep in the dark.

I stare into the dark

I am in a hurry to dawn.

I keep you all the time

Mommy, I love you!

So the dawn is shining,

It's already dawn.

No one in the world

There is no better mom!

Student 6.

We can do a lot in the world -

In the depths of the sea

And in space too.

We will come to the tundra and hot deserts.

We even change the weather.

Student 1.

There will be a lot of deeds and roads in life.

We ask ourselves: "Well, where is their beginning?"

Here it is, our answer,

The correct one is:

"It all starts with mom!"

(Children perform ditties.)

Ditties about mom

Oh thank you mom

What gave birth to this:

Mischievous, fighting -

And she called him Natasha.

Here's to clean up once a year

I decided to fry,

And then four days

Couldn't wash me off.

Soup and porridge burnt,

Salt is poured into compote,

How mom came home from work,

There was a lot of trouble for her.

The mother says to the lazy woman:

Get your bed away!

I would, mom, clean

Only I am still small.

I found a broom in the kitchen ...

And he swept the whole apartment,

But what remained of him

Three straws in total.

Vova rubbed the floor to a shine,

I made a vinaigrette

Mom is looking for what to do

There is no work.

We finish singing ditties

And we always promise you:

Listen to you always, in everything

In the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon!

(Competition "What proverbs about mothers do you know?")


We say "Thank you" we, relatives, to you,

After all, the earth is beautiful with the kindness of mothers!

Mother's Day is best spent in the assembly hall, previously decorated with flowers, ribbons, balloons.

Props: medals for mothers (it is better for the children to make them themselves) and flowers.

Children, Presenter and Presenter (graduates).

The presenters appear on the stage.

We celebrate a special day
And now we congratulate all mothers,
We wish everyone love, beauty,
So that your loved ones take care of you!

So that you do not know grief, longing,
So that dreams come to life
To be more beautiful than everyone
And your laughter always sounded loud!

Dear women, today you are not gathered here in vain, because (class name) has prepared a surprise for you. While the guys are getting ready, I sincerely want to congratulate you on Mother's Day. You are amazing, you are delightful and incomparable, because you not only gave life and upbringing, but wrapped you up with your love and care.

You have become that light, a ray of hope, guiding you on the right path. I sincerely want to wish you good health, boundless happiness and surprise.

We invite you to the stage first,
We are your mischievous sons
They will sing for you today,
A few verses from the heart!

(3-4 boys come out and sing a reworked song to the tune "Hello Mom")

Alteration option.

Hello, hello, hello,
Our mothers, hurray!
Always be radiant
Always be there!

We say thank you, dear to you,
After all, the planet is famous for the beauty of mothers,
We fly with you, we eat and sleep,
We thank you for this!

Listen, listen, listen!
After all, the song is for you today,
You are wise, kind, best,
Warmed by the warmth of your eyes!

Adults and children know
That you can't live without a mother,
Mothers save us
They always love us!

We really need mom
Everyone needs mom
Mom always loves us
So that we don't do it!

Mom prepares breakfasts
Mom protects my sleep,
Mom will kiss you tenderly
He will drive all troubles away!

Wondering how hard it is to be a mom?

Trust me, you could never do it!

Do you think?

I'm sure!

Why so?

Well, to begin with, you are not a woman. And that means not so hardy, talented, understanding, vulnerable and persistent!

Ah, that's how it is?

Yes! Like this!

(Arguing backstage. A girl appears on the stage in a dressing gown, slippers, hair curlers and with a frying pan in her hands. Telling the verse, bends her fingers)

Girl 1:
She braided my daughter's braid,
I collected lunch for my husband,
I gave a tuzik food,
Made my son an omelet.
I took my daughter to school
I took my son to the kindergarten,
I gave my husband a tie,
I brought Tuzik!
And made a menu
I'll take the stove off now
And then I'll cook soup,
So that the spouse is happy.
I'll take my daughter after
And I'll take you to dancing
I'll take a walk with Tuzik again,
I seem to be in time everywhere!
Oh, still a son in the garden,
I'll go for him at lunchtime,
I will feed everyone with supper,
And I'll teach you lessons!
I'll read a fairy tale to my son,
I will hug my daughter tightly
I will settle them all to sleep,
I'll take time for myself!

(Sighs and leaves. A girl in a suit, with a phone and a business briefcase steps out in her place)

Girl 2:
In the morning the coffee is burnt
The son did not have time for the lesson,
I stood in a traffic jam
I gave it to my son for lunch!
Husband forgot his keys
I need to turn them on
And pick up the suit,
Send my son to school!
And be in time for the matinee,
And sit at meetings,
Make a deal quickly
And at least jump to the end!
You need to order dinner,
And also to withdraw the salary,
To read to my son at night,
Distribute instructions!
I need to iron my pants
Bake cupcakes and bring
I need to write everything down
To be in time everywhere!

(Buried in the phone, leaves. A girl in a wig, with makeup and a shiny dress comes out in her place. A phone is in her hands, she is taking a picture)

Girl 3:
I collected breakfast for my daughter,
She took her to school
And signed up for a haircut,
And I bought the dress!
Your photo,
I'll upload it to Insta now,
I'll run for a manicure
I will bring beauty.
I'll take my daughter after
I'll take you to English,
I'll drop by for lipstick
Buy new shoes!
Dinner, so be it, I'll cook
More precisely, I will order pizza,
And I will feed the family
And I'll call my friend.
I'll chat with her for an hour
I'll tell my daughter a rhyme
I'll sign up for a massage
And I'll buy myself a corsage
I'll take a foamy bath,
Oh, I'm tired, I can't!

(Takes away the phone, leaves)

The Leaders appear.

You see how difficult it is to be a mom! How many things need to be done, how many things to redo in a day! This is a huge work, by the way!

You're right, I definitely couldn't. But, despite my loss in this dispute, I propose to conclude a peace treaty and continue our concert.

Of course of course. And on this occasion, I want to invite charming girls to this stage, with their beautiful dance!

(5-6 girls dance any dance)

Stocked up with congratulations
You are definitely tired of them,
I'll call them to the stage,
I'll hand them my microphone!

(3 boys and 3 girls come out, those who have not yet participated, and read congratulations on Mother's Day)

And now the girly laughter
They will sing ditties for you!

(Girls appear on the stage and sing ditties)

The options are:
1. I love my mother very much,
I will help her in everything,
Only now I will finish my tea,
I'll have some chocolate!

2. I will kiss my mother gently,
I will hug her tightly
I love my mother, of course,
I want a new doll!

I will be like mom
I am the happiest
And walk in heels
I'll be beautiful!

Mom always gives me
Joy and care
Leads to school and hurries
After to work!

I helped mom in the morning
I made pancakes
The whole kitchen has stained
Mommy, I'm sorry!

Every mom is needed
Every mom is important
Everyone needs mom
And it is not replaceable by anyone!

Children I ask you here
Mom's time to congratulate you!

(Children take turns reading small rhymes)

Rhyme options:
1. My dear, beloved mother,
How lucky I am with you
The best, the kindest
May you be all right!

2. I am stubborn, I am gloomy,
Forgive me for this,
You are the best mom in the world
Take my congratulations!

3. I will be as beautiful as you,
I'll be a copy, just grow up a bit
You make all my dreams come true
I love you very much mummy!

4. I am your protector, I am your support,
And I will always appreciate you,
You are my mother, my dear
And I will always love you!

5. You prepare delicious breakfasts for me,
You always ask how are you doing
You learn lessons with me all the time
I love you with all my heart!

6. And if in a day, you get very tired,
You will take the time for me anyway,
You always read a book with me,
After all, I am your favorite baby!

7. I'm lucky to have you in the world,
And you love me so much
And without you the sun does not shine for me
I love you too my mom!

8. I will be your important assistant,
I will cook, clean and wash,
You only teach me mommy
I will share my life with you!

9. You and I are the best girlfriends in the world,
And I value our friendship
Any secret and terrible secret
I'm mom with you, I will always share!

10. There is no one dearer to me in the world,
I can chat about everything with you,
My dear, dear mommy,
I will protect you from all troubles!

(You can distribute two lines at a time)

Finally, all together say:
Congratulations to mom today
We are from the heart today,
We love you very much,
We are your kids!

(After that, medals and flowers are handed over)

Ditties for my mother's holiday.

1We are today, with dad, with grandfather

The whole house was cleaned.

Put things in order

We sit together, we are waiting for the holiday.

2.I got up this morning

And I put away the toys myself

I made some tea in the morning.

I gave my mother some tea.

3.I wanted to wash the pan

Sister Julia is speaking

Well, why wash under the tap?

Put it in your mom's washing machine.

4.Broom in hand, I took

And I swept everything in the house.

Wipe the floor to a shine.

Toys, everything is in place!

5.Vanya thinks what to do?

The floor should have been washed.

I will go and turn on the vacuum cleaner

I will rub everything to shine.

6 I found flour on the shelf

Sugar, salt and milk.

I kneaded so much dough

Everything comes out of the pan!

7.We bake a pie with dad

With raspberries.

Daddy's in dough, I'm in flour

A pie, stuffed.

8 the kettle is on the table

Tea has already been poured in the cups

We treat Mom.

With pies, with tea.

9 Dad, Grandpa and Me

We buy flowers

Bought a whole cart

Red scarlet, white roses

Congratulations to mom.

10 eh, stomp, kick

Yes, I'll stomp another

We will congratulate mom

We will celebrate the holiday.

11.Dear Mom

Congratulations on the holiday

Cute, beautiful

Most loved ones.


To all mommies on this day
We give ditties
So that mommies are with us
There were merry ones!

* * *

We say this word
Each time, two hundred times:
Mom, give! Yes, bring it!
Mom, mom, help!

* * *

Who teaches us to cook cabbage soup,
Wash, wash dishes,
Who forgives everything
itMOTHER - the children know.

* * *

Our mom at work
Strongly respected
And she comes home -
They love it very much!

* * *

I love my mom
She is a kind soul
If somewhere I cheat,
She forgives me everything.

* * *

Do not be angry with your mom,
If he says the wrong thing,
hug mom
Kiss warmly.

* * *

Dad is strong, dad is smart
Dad is wonderful
Only mommy always
Necessarily kinder.

* * *

If you are angry with your mom,
Who sticks his nose in business
You will become a mother too,
You will understand everything then.

We are funny girlfriends.
We dance and sing
And now we will tell you
How we have fun.

2) Daddy rubbed the floor to a shine,
I made a vinaigrette.
Looking for mom: what to do?
There is no work.
3) Galya washed the floors,
Katya helped
It's just a pity, mom again
I washed everything.
4) Dad solved the problem for me,
Helped in mathematics.
Then we decided with my mother,
What he could not solve.
5) Smoked Pot
Lena cleaned with sand,
Two hours in Lenu's trough
Mom washed afterwards.
6) For mom to be surprised
Dad made us lunch.
For some reason even a cat
Turned away from the cutlets.
7) We sang to you as best we could,
We are only children
We only know, our mothers-
The best in the world.


1. Mom is loved by everything in the world,

Mom is a true friend!

Not only children love mothers,

They love everyone around.

2. I smile like a mother,

I also frown stubbornly,

I have the same nose

And the same hair color!

3. Well, I want to say,

Believe or don't believe

My mom is the best

Better than anyone else in the world.

4. I will kiss mom hard

I will hug her dear.

I love her very much

Mom, my sweetheart.

5 ... Our moms obviously

Very busy people:

Disappear at work

Daily, all year round.

6. Reads books in the evening
And he always understands everything

Even if I'm stubborn

I know my mother loves me.

7. I love you, mom! For what? I do not know,

Probably because I live and dream

And I rejoice in the sun and a bright day

For this, dear, I love you.

8. So let it always sparkle

The sun is shining on people!

Never, you, dear,

We will not upset!

9. We wish our moms

Never lose heart

Every year to be more beautiful

And less scold us

10. Let adversity and sorrow,

Will pass you by

To every day of the week.

Was like a day off for you

11. Mom is heaven!

Mom is the light.

Mom is happiness.

Mom is no better.

12. Who is the loveliest in the world
And it will warm you with its warmth,

Loves more than himself

This is my mom.

13. Never be discouraged,

He knows exactly what I need

If, suddenly, there is a drama

Who will support? My mum!

14. Mom is a fairy tale.

Mom is laughter.

Mom is a weasel.

Moms love everyone.

15. Mom is a lot of strength, health

Gives it to all of us.

So, the truth is not in the world

Better than our mothers.