How to solve the problem with the staff. Problems of personnel management in the service sector. Emotional Burnout of Employees: Symptoms of Work Poisoning

  • Which employees are most susceptible to professional burnout?
  • When does it help just to have a heart-to-heart conversation?
  • How to arrange emotional relief for employees
  • 5 common causes of burnout that everyone's forgotten about

Professional burnout is a process that manifests itself in increasing indifference to your duties and what is happening at work, a sense of their own professional inconsistency, dissatisfaction with work, and ultimately in a sharp deterioration in the quality of life. In this article, we will consider 5 main reasons that can provoke professional burnout in employees, and how it can be prevented.

Reasons for professional burnout

Reason 1. Work for wear. When workers have to work to their limit, constant stress persists at all times. At some point, professional burnout occurs because of this. To identify such burnout, the most effective way is to conduct confidential conversations.

To prevent Negative consequences even at the initial stage, an employee can be offered an extra day off or sent on a paid vacation. Such rest gives the opportunity to restore one's strength. For example, I recently noticed a significant decline in the work of one of the top managers. He has established himself as a true professional, having successfully completed many projects. But such an active work of a specialist negatively affected his condition, professional burnout occurred. Based on the results of the conversation with him, I suggested a trip to Thailand - to participate in an event that we organized together with the company's business partners. Such a business vacation turned out to be really effective for a specialist who was able to perfectly recuperate and began to work effectively.

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Every month I organize meetings in which the entire management team of our company participates. In a comfortable informal atmosphere, the situation in our company is discussed, with the search for optimal solutions and ways to eliminate current problems. We organize not just a meeting, but a kind of master class - each of our leaders shares his experience with colleagues, while getting the opportunity to learn from others. We work together to solve problems until they expose one of the employees to professional burnout separately.

Reason 2. Unstable financial position companies. We have to admit that in many companies wages are delayed by employees. If a similar situation may arise in our company, it is better to immediately gather employees and explain the reasons for the problem with payments and the expected time frame for the normalization of the situation. Experience has shown that many employees are ready to understand the position of their management.

For example, in the real estate market, most of the failures with money payments occurred during the crisis. We were forced to face this problem too. Then I decided to gather a team, honestly explaining the future prospects of the company, invited each of them to decide for themselves - to look for new job either wait for money. Many remained then. It turned out that these are the most reliable personnel for the company, which the manager should especially value.

Reason 3. Routine. The day-to-day tasks of most employees remain the same from day to day. After 1-1.5 years, there is a desire to supplement the work with something new, but such an opportunity does not always exist. The total number of our employees is over 3.5 thousand people, so we regularly encountered a similar situation.

Emotional relief is the optimal prevention of professional burnout. Therefore, we regularly conduct various cultural trips (to the theater, to exhibitions), with the organization of interesting corporate events(sports competitions, picnics in nature). In particular, we are planning to organize a game similar to Fort Boyard on Builder's Day. Anything unusual increases the interest of employees, giving them additional vitality.

For this, the following measures are useful to maintain the tone of your team:

  1. Conducting educational trainings.
  2. Expansion of functions. If an employee in a heart-to-heart conversation complains about his tiredness from monotony and his skills have already reached the stage of automatism, I can invite him to share his knowledge and skills with less experienced colleagues - for example, to become the head of a mini-department.
  3. Raising salaries or in a position (such decisions are made subject to the achievement of individual KPIs.
  4. Internships in other departments of our company, abroad or in the regions of the country (for example, they offered their chief architect to participate in green-building courses held in Ireland. Today he successfully uses the knowledge gained in the courses in practice, helping the company to develop).

Reason 4. Dissatisfaction with bosses and colleagues. Workers in mid-sized companies often lack the power to make decisions on their own. The consequence of the lack of sufficient freedom in work is professional burnout. Consider an example of such a situation - the head of one of the departments faced the problem of delegating authority after increasing the number of his subordinates. Previously, I did everything on my own and was afraid that when delegating my tasks it would be unnecessary. Many face similar concerns. They believe that they are irreplaceable, and no one can handle the job at the proper level. I had to take part in this issue, explaining to our employee that the delegation of their powers becomes necessary in a multifunctional mode of operation. Changes like these need to take place in a planned manner, so that each employee is responsible for a piece of work that they can handle. After all, there is no need to immediately overload employees with responsibilities, you should increase their workload in stages - only this condition allows you to maintain stable growth and further development of your department. Such communication and clarification of the situation allowed our employee to cope with the problem.

  • Conflicts between employees: why they arise and how to solve them

Personal conflicts between employees arise in the work of any company. Personally, I think that at the same time, an effective manager cannot be left on the sidelines - it is necessary to be able to resolve such problems. Let's consider an example from the practice of our company. Two heads of one of the departments quarreled so much that the conflict directly affected the quality of their work. I decided to delimit the area of ​​responsibility of each of them - for one Moscow and Moscow region, for the second all the other regions. Consequently, a certain competitive environment arose between them. Thanks to this approach, it was possible to retain important employees, having achieved the efficiency of the enterprise.

Reason 5. The impossibility of career advancement. When starting work in the company, many young people believe that after six months they will be able to achieve a promotion, starting to rapidly overcome the steps up the career ladder. When such success is not achieved, then their efficiency is significantly reduced. To avoid this situation, HR professionals should engage in explanatory conversations about career prospects by considering real examples how a certain specialist was able to achieve career growth in the company, and what was needed for this.

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4 more common causes of burnout

A workaholic leader. With the constant presence of a leader in the workplace, his subordinates have a feeling of guilt for the fact that they can leave on time. They also gradually begin to linger at work, although such a need does not arise. This situation leads to increased dissatisfaction with professional burnout in the future.

Unstable working conditions. Freelancers and freelancers are often in a state of limbo - when there is work today, and tomorrow there may be a “window” without orders. Such tension is not within the power of every person. Such fears are faced and full-time employees over 45 years of age - after all, it will be more difficult to find a job in a new place than for young people.

Intrapersonal conflict. For example, a company employs an honest sales manager by himself, but he is forced to sell goods that do not correspond to the declared properties. Because of this, he is faced with internal contradictions, provoking unstable indicators. This kind of conflict is common for many women who need to choose between family and career - not having time to pay due attention to each side of their lives.

Uncomfortable conditions at your workplace. A noisy atmosphere throughout the working day will be a serious challenge for a sound-sensitive, uncommunicative employee. He has to spend a lot of his energy to concentrate on work.

Prevention of professional burnout of employees

If we talk about ways to prevent professional burnout, you need to take into account that there are no unique means of dealing with the problem, each person individually chooses the most suitable option for himself.

  1. Dosing workload.
  2. Abstract and don't take everything too personally.
  3. Learn to switch between different activities.
  4. It is impossible to always be on top, surpassing others.
  5. Accept that mistakes in your work and life are inevitable.
  6. Get enough rest.
  7. Set aside time for sports.
  8. Be clear about your goals.
  9. Review your goals and objectives.
  10. Try to communicate more often with colleagues from the other team to increase your self-esteem.

Professional burnout becomes a certain bell, reminding you of the need to take care of yourself, so as not to be influenced by the emotional burnout syndrome. To achieve the prevention of an uncomfortable state, you need to provide for a rest from work for at least a week. The best option is to leave the uncomfortable space by turning off your phone. Sports, yoga, meditation or relaxation in nature will be very useful.

This is the CEO speaking

Mikhail Zhukov, Managing director by HeadHunter, Moscow

Based on the results of their research, they were able to determine - only a few domestic employers follow emotional state employees in their team in order to influence it in a timely manner. The majority of respondents (about 80%) emphasized that they felt professional burnout - in the form of fatigue, irritability and loss of motivation for work.

The onset of professional burnout syndrome can be influenced by the motivation system. With the correct organization of the motivation system, it is possible to maintain the fighting spirit of its employees for many years, while maintaining their desire to achieve high results. If the company does not pay due attention to motivation issues, then employees will often ask for a promotion or salary - only such measures will contribute to their desire to give all the best at work. Even worse than neglect of motivation is the wrong organizational system. The consequence of 2-3 mistakes in matters of emotional or financial incentives is the loss of a person's desire to work.

When an employee develops a burnout syndrome, there is no need to rush to fire him. You always need to understand the reasons for this situation. Indeed, in the event that something is done incorrectly in the company, you will often have to think about changing employees. It should be borne in mind that often employees call a conversation with a manager one of the means of solving their problems. Therefore, it is important for employees to understand that the manager is aware of their professional difficulties.

We analyzed data from 600 surveys we conducted between 2012 and 2014. We used information received from five million employees from more than 400 companies working in different countries... After examining the data, we identified four problems in personnel management, equally typical for all countries.

The article contains data only for Russia. Based on the results below, employees and CEOs have conflicting views. Leaders are confident that the company is doing everything right, while their subordinates feel and see the opposite on a daily basis.

The best workers are the enterprising people. They are overwhelmed with new ideas, they are ready to work hard and take responsibility. But they are also the most dangerous - sooner or later they decide to work for themselves. At best, they will simply leave and create their own business, at worst, they will grab your information, a pool of clients and become competitors.

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We call the inconsistencies challenges because they indicate the directions for business development. The described problems of personnel management, among other things, negatively affect its involvement. Profit growth in organizations with the highest rates of employee engagement and conditions for success is 4.5 times higher than in the companies where these indicators were found to be the lowest. Successful companies have 54% lower employee turnover.

Problem # 1. Cooperation

The overwhelming majority of Russian leaders (81%) believe that strong point their teams - the ability to work harmoniously in a team. However, 38% of employees say their team does not receive support from other departments. Another 32% of respondents note that the company is not enthusiastic about cooperation and exchange of new ideas. In the coming years, this personnel management problem will only get worse as the state will include representatives of several generations, as well as people who are used to working remotely.

An example of how to establish cooperation. The Saudi Arabia division of Aujan Coca-Cola launched a Day in the Life program. Employees work one day in a new role, and then share their observations and ideas with colleagues and the manager. The employees who completed the internship noted that it became easier for them to understand other teams and their tasks.

A similar experience is being implemented by the Russian company "220 volts". Once a year, each employee finds himself in the role of an executor in another department. Accountants, lawyers, employees of service departments go on business trips to retail stores. The director of the company has worked in the franchising, logistics and contact center departments. By the way, every newcomer is obliged to work in the contact center for a week.

  • 8 management weaknesses that any company has

Problem # 2. Honesty and openness

Only 46% of employees notice a clear connection between work results and the amount of remuneration, 47% are convinced that they receive unfair remuneration for their work. In addition, 41% complain about a lack of clarity about possible career paths, and 36% do not believe their employer is honest with staff about changes.

An example of how to be honest and open company... UBS, a US investment bank, sent out to its employees a report on the results, both positive and negative, of the latest staff survey. The team liked this frankness. Employees noted that they had never received such open and honest information from the director. The head of the bank decided to go beyond the report. He personally headed the project "Working together as a single team", appointed one top manager for each area and set the deadline for solving each problem - in a hundred days. The project includes six directions.

  1. Great why. Why do employees want to work and stay for a long time in the company?
  2. Terribly clever approach to work. Responding to work-life balance issues identified by the survey.
  3. A culture of partnership. Bringing disparate teams together to build strong customer relationships.
  4. Leading edge. The development of inspiring leaders in a team who know how to lead people.
  5. A company for talent. How can a company stand out from the competition by offering employees outstanding development and career opportunities?
  6. Simple process for clients. Eliminate customer service bureaucracy.

In the Russian IT company SoftBalance, employees have access to any information, including financial information, from the profit of a specific transaction to the salaries of managers and the General Director. The doors to all rooms are transparent and open, only the server rooms and the ventilation room are locked with a key. One of the most viewed documents by staff is the income and expense report. Employees can see what constitutes the income of the departments, what are the expenses, operating and net profit. The employee understands how his work affects the success of the company.

Problem number 3. Culture of innovation

More than a third (39%) of respondents say that their company does not encourage new ways and methods of work. In addition, 31% of employees say they lack the opportunity to put their ideas into practice.

An example of how to develop a culture of innovation. American Insurance Company Aegon launched the CAL program. Each employee must complete a week in one of the customer service positions. Then employees share their experiences, suggest ideas on how best to meet customer needs.

At the Russian furniture factory "Maria", each new top manager must personally go through each stage of work with the client: take a measurement, discuss the kitchen project with the customer in the studio, visit the production, take part in the installation of the kitchen, communicate with the buyer in case of a claim, call him after the sale. After passing each stage, the top manager fills out an online report within three working days, where he describes the problems found and offers ideas for solving them.

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Problem number 4. Performance

According to 47% of respondents, the number of personnel in their division is sub-optimal, and 43% are sure that the structure of the company is built irrationally.

An example of how to increase productivity. The Luck Companies has issued iPads to warehouse workers and delivery drivers. Previously, warehouse employees did not know when and what to load into the truck until it entered the loading dock. Now truck drivers can contact warehouse workers in advance, and loaders have time to prepare materials for loading in time. Thanks to well-established automation, shop managers monitor the work of staff from a home computer. It fundamentally altered the work-life balance and eliminated overwork, burnout, and performance degradation.

In the Russian company Dodo-Pizza, tablets are attached to the walls or tables at key points of production (the kitchen and the room where orders are received and issued). At each production site, an interface is displayed on a tablet with the information required at this stage. Only the actual completion of one operation (the "Finish" button is pressed) makes it possible to proceed with the next one. Thanks to this, employees do not undertake several tasks at once, but efficiently solve one after another.

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The “Quiet” Way to Engage Employees

The Australian company Navy has moved the team to a four-day work week with a daily "quiet hour" from lunch until the end of the working day. Without distractions, in silence, staff worked a quarter more efficiently. Does the noise interfere with the work of employees of Russian companies? Do they want a time slot free from meetings and chatter? The HeadHunter portal helped to find out, interviewing 3 thousand people. Employees admit that they are used to the noise, but dream of daily quiet hours of thoughtful work. However, they do not believe that such an idea can be implemented in their company.

1. Feel free to enter "quiet hour". 58% of the respondents supported the daily “quiet hour”. This idea is most popular among representatives of the production and sale of food products (66%), the media (65%), information technologies (62%).

2. Have a quiet hour in the afternoon. At this time, 42% of all employees and 50% of newcomers are working with concentration. People don't want to be distracted by meetings and calls. According to employees, the first hours of the morning are the most inconvenient time for "quiet hours".

3. Introduce a "quiet hour" for newbies and old-timers. The need for silence depends on the length of service in the company. Silence is especially useful for beginners. After working for a year, employees begin to feel comfortable in noisy offices. But with an increase in seniority to three to six years, the need for silence becomes stronger than at the beginning of work in the company.

4. If you are leading a women's team, be sure to arrange a "quiet hour". Noise disturbs women more than men. Therefore, they are stronger than men, want to get a "quiet hour" (46% versus 35%). However, they may find the daily quiet time a burden - this option received a lot of support from men (60% versus 57%). In order not to become a victim of female logic, arrange an experiment with the regularity of "quiet hour" and choose the option that creates the most favorable atmosphere.

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The creation of a personnel management system, which is not built "as it turns out" or as it was established before, but on the principles of technological effectiveness, can be regarded as an important, certainly attractive task for any company concerned not only with survival, but also with development and prosperity in market conditions. The business development strategy worked out by top management always needs support from the employees of the organization. Management can count on this support and success in achieving its goals only if the personnel management system provides required quality human resources.

Personnel-technologies, in contrast to production technologies, are not transferred in finished form; they are introduced and grown locally. This is due to the significant differences between different organizations. Different companies have not only their own specifics related to the direction of their activities, but also their leaders with their own attitudes, knowledge, prejudices, motivation, their own personnel with certain qualifications, work experience in the organization, the degree of trust in the leadership, motivation, etc. "Growing" personnel-technology in the context of a particular organization requires a careful analysis of how work is done in the appropriate direction for currently... This is important in order for the technology to be created to include, in as large blocks as possible, methods and procedures that are already well-developed and customary for a given organization, so that the existing provisions and instructions are used to the fullest extent possible (subject to their satisfactory quality).

The main stages of creating a personnel management system using modern personnel technologies can be presented in the form of a diagram: (Fig. 13)

Rice. thirteen. The main stages of creating a personnel management system.

An analysis of the current situation was carried out in Chapter 2. Based on the results of this analysis, the following problems can be identified:

Problem 1. Lack of personnel policy.

Problem solving: determining when, where, how many and what (what qualifications) employees the organization will need. Develop clear plans that will serve as the basis for recruiting and firing personnel.

The procedure for the selection of new employees includes a number of relatively independent, arranged in a strict sequence of blocks, each of which has its own goal, tasks, scheme of actions, methods and tools, a specific performer. Reception is carried out through the interaction of the personnel department, security service, doctor, head of departments of companies interested in filling a specific vacancy. Each person is responsible for a certain stage of the admission procedure within its competence. The overall control in the responsibility for adherence to the prescribed procedures for the search, selection and hiring of a new employee rests with the HR manager.

The main blocks (stages) of the employee selection procedure for vacant post are:

Assessment of staffing needs;

Development of a set of requirements for a candidate for a position;

Announcement of a competition for filling a position, searching for candidates;

Selection of candidates;


Onboarding a new employee.

A prerequisite for continuing the recruitment process is the complete completion of the previous stage, provided that satisfactory results are obtained, while the company management or the candidate himself may refuse to take further actions at any of the stages (prior to the issuance of an admission order).

Problem 2. Insufficient efficient use of personnel.

1. No recruitment policy

Problem Solving: Planning the staffing needs of the departments provides the HR department with the information it needs for the recruiting program. The main executors should be the heads of departments, who will provide the personnel departments with information on vacancies existing in their subordinate departments (vacancies can be either planned at the beginning of the year, or "hot"). The personnel service employees check the availability of the specified vacancies with staffing table companies.

Problem 3. Personnel certification is underdeveloped.

Solution to the problem: certification is an event that stimulates employees and managers to professional development. Although, according to modern personnel technologies, recently it is not recommended to conduct such a personnel assessment procedure as attestation. Conducting the assessment in the form of a certification exam was a stressful experience for the employees. Therefore, it is recommended to replace the attestation with an assessment procedure.

The assessment procedure includes the following steps:

employee self-assessment;

assessment of the immediate supervisor;

peer assessment.

In general, the number of evaluators is usually no more than five people, and you can easily trace the relationship between the data obtained. The strong mismatch between an employee's self-esteem and the assessment of others helps people understand the shortcomings of their work.

It is also recommended to link the results of the assessment procedure directly with the functional indicators of the premium part. wages... This will stimulate employee interest in the results of their work.

Problem 4: No policy for continuing education (staff training)

A harmonious training system as such did not exist at all. It was made point-by-point, out of necessity: safety technology, quality system, boiler operators, etc. funding of the learning process, respectively, took place on a leftover basis.

The basic approach on which the training system is now based consists of the following organizational steps:

Created by corporate program staff development for 6 years, within which there are also separate annual training programs. According to the latter, the volume of training costs is estimated annually and the costs for the next year are planned. First, the program includes a maximum of training programs that are needed by the personnel of the enterprise. It is estimated that the implementation of such a volume will require, say, 5 million rubles.

The financial service estimates the company's budget, other cost items and reports that the company has the ability to allocate not 5, but 3 million rubles.

Service staff comes from Money, designated by financiers, but the training program is not curtailed or shortened. Find other options within the available amount. For example, instead of sending one person to study in Moscow for 500 US dollars, you can spend 1000 US dollars and invite a teacher from Moscow and train 50 people in Chelyabinsk directly at the enterprise.

Solution to the problem: the organization is implementing programs for the individual growth of the organization's current interests and the need to prepare for the launch of promising programs.

Problem 5. Ineffective system of material incentives.

The solution to the problem: it is better to determine the performance of employees when a proprietary incentive system is introduced, tied to indicators that reflect these results.

Problem 6. There is no control over the work being performed.

Solution to the problem: the work performed is prescribed in the documents "Description of the workplace" ( job descriptions), where execution control is provided.

Problem 7. No specialized department social development staff.

Solution to the problem: an introduction to organizational structure department of social development.

Analyzing an organization's personnel management system is an extremely difficult task, for the solution of which external consultants are usually invited. The main results of the analysis can be reviewed at a meeting of the organization's senior staff. After the discussion of the results obtained, the stage of development of a personnel management system that meets the goals of KEMMA LLC begins.

An organization's personnel management system, as a rule, includes the following areas:

Personnel selection system

Onboarding workers in the organization


Assessment of personnel performance

Information support of employees of the organization

Periodic monitoring of staff satisfaction with their work, analysis of the reasons for staff turnover

Social protection system for workers

System of official and social growth

Labor incentive system

Personnel Management. Problems and ways to solve them.

People are the main resource of any enterprise, the quality of products, the level of service, the general growth and development of the company depend on the personnel. Correcting the work of the staff is the first thing that should be done by the head of the company.

Personnel Management is a very complex and delicate matter and often more and more problems over time. Indeed, in order to lead, you need to have knowledge in a variety of areas (management, psychology, strategic planning, and so on). It is important to build a personnel management system at the enterprise that will help solve the company's problems and get rid of some of the problems of personnel management. Human resource management of a company is a set of measures for the creation and development of qualified personnel capable of achieving the goals of your business.

Now, regardless of the existing domestic and foreign methods of personnel management, each separately taken company builds its own strategy individually. In some firms, at the initial stage, a large personnel department is formed, and technologies are applied, while in others, there may not be a definite management system or strategy for a long time.

An interesting fact is that in foreign companies, personnel management is carried out with an emphasis on technological methods, and in Russian companies- mainly on the opinions and experience of managers. In other words, they determine the priorities in the personnel policy of the firm. The most important thing is to find the optimal balance, when a competent social program supports employees, satisfies them and motivates them, and a system of subordination and punishment, which sets the framework and deadlines for the fulfillment of the company's goals.

To obtain a result, one should adhere to the tasks set at the enterprise and the interests of employees. But in reality it is very difficult. Too many factors affect the work of employees, and all of them cannot be taken into account, on the other hand, personnel management requires significant resources (personnel department, outside consultations, etc.), so each company prioritizes according to its own capabilities.

The leader, concerned with achieving effective management over his subordinates, is faced with the task of creating such a working environment that will most effectively affect their labor motivation.

By a motivating work environment, we mean the entire context of the professional activity of the organization's personnel, including both the characteristics of work tasks and the characteristics of the work situation that affect the work motivation of employees.

A systematic consideration of the problem of labor motivation of employees of an organization requires taking into account the following factors:

    individual characteristics of workers;

    features of the work performed;

    specifications working situation in which labor activity takes place;

    identification of job satisfaction.

To identify the job satisfaction of the personnel of organizations, it is necessary to conduct a study. Any research should start with the formulation of objectives. A vaguely formulated problem will not allow to correctly define the objectives of the study.

The simplest and most effective method is the questionnaire survey.

Most often, employees of organizations are dissatisfied for the following reasons:

The amount of wages. On average, 68% of the respondents note average satisfaction with the size of their wages.

Prospects for professional and career growth. Polls show that more than half of employees do not see growth prospects in this organization.

Awareness at the enterprise. 40% of employees noted a lack of information about the goals and objectives of the enterprise.

Working conditions.

Reliability of work, giving confidence in the future. The low level of this indicator is more likely associated with the instability of the Russian market, rather than specifically with organizations.

Work as a means of achieving success in life. More than half of the respondents noted average satisfaction with this indicator. This is due not only to the enterprise, but also to the low standard of living in Russia.

There are several ways to improve the efficiency of human resource management. Based on the research carried out, they can be distinguished into five relatively independent directions:

1. Material incentives. Wages are of paramount importance to workers. Of course, the motivational mechanism of remuneration plays a large role, but a constant increase in the level of remuneration does not contribute to either maintaining labor activity at the proper level or increasing labor productivity. Application of this method can be useful for achieving short-term increases in labor productivity. Ultimately, there is a certain overlap or addiction to this type of influence. One-sided influence on workers only by monetary methods cannot lead to a long-term rise in labor productivity.

2. Improving working conditions. The most acute problem of today. At the stage of transition to the market, the importance of working conditions as one of the most important human needs increases. The new level of social maturity of the individual denies the unfavorable conditions of the working environment. Working conditions, acting not only as a need, but also as a motive that prompts to work with a certain return, can be both a factor and a consequence of a certain labor productivity, and, consequently, the efficiency of its management.

3. Improving the organization of work. It contains: setting goals, expanding work functions, enriching labor, production rotation, applying flexible schedules, improving working conditions, researching the time spent by an employee to complete work, work pace, and increasing feedback.

4. Involvement of personnel in the management process. One of the options for applying this method is Western firms using the form of the so-called "partnership" participation. Anyone who comes to the firm knows that he has the opportunity to become its partner. But this opportunity is not immediately provided to him. First, he must prove himself in business. However, the practice of career growth in this company provides that in order to achieve each next stage of job development, a person must work at the previous one for at least 4-6 years. Partners are usually those who pass 3-4 stages in their development, that is, they grow to the position of a fairly large manager. When a person receives an offer to become a partner, he already occupies a fairly high managerial position, which means that he understands the seriousness of the development issues of the company, has a good idea of ​​the market requirements, the competitive environment, survival conditions and the like. Becoming an owner, he is no longer inclined to extremist demands to maximize dividends, if only because he expects that dividends will be a significant help for him even during the period when he retires. And for this it is necessary that the company has a stable life and development, not only today, but also in the long term.

5. Non-monetary incentives. This type of incentive includes:
- moral stimulation;
- stimulation by free time;
- organizational incentives.

When determining what the ideal job should be for subordinates, one should not strive for excessive specificity and originality. All the same, it is rarely possible to take into account the difference in tastes and personal opinions of everyone, so the leader, as a rule, seeks to increase integral productivity. If the manager takes into account the factors below, he has a chance to receive confirmation of the maximum number of his subordinates.

Ideal work should:

Have a goal, i.e. lead to a certain result;

Appreciated by peers as important and deserving of accomplishment;

To enable the employee to make the decisions necessary to carry it out, i.e. there must be autonomy (within the established limits);

Provide feedback to the employee, assessed depending on the effectiveness of his work;

Provide remuneration that is fair from the employee's point of view.

Work designed in accordance with these principles provides inner satisfaction. This is a very powerful motivational factor that stimulates high-quality performance of work, as well as, according to the law of increasing needs, stimulates to perform more complex work.


  1. Actual problems of personnel management and their possible solutions based on motivation.

  2. Personnel Management. How to be and what to do?


An analysis of the qualitative composition of the personnel of OJSC MZMK is presented in Table 11.

Table 11 - The structure of the qualitative composition of the personnel of OJSC MZMK

Years Total number of personnel, people With higher education, people Share with higher education,%
1 2 3 4
1995 610 68 11,1
1996 640 74 11,5
1997 790 111 14,0
1998 840 133 15,9
1999 860 148 17,2
2000 960 175 18,2
2001 900 180 20,0
2002 890 169 19,0
2003 830 163 19,6
2004 860 179 20,9
2005 860 187 21,7
2006 860 187 21,7
2007 810 179 22,1
2008 897 185 20,6

Education has become a major aspect of competition and therefore needs to be given increasing attention. Assessment of the coverage and quality of education is becoming a very important task today, almost as important as assessing the solvency of an enterprise. It is about testing an enterprise's ability to provide a survival environment while maintaining the intellectual and professional skills of its staff.

With higher education at OJSC MZMK - 185 people

With secondary vocational training at OJSC MZMK - 346 people

Seventeen people are currently studying on the job in various higher institutions, some of them get the second higher education.

The presence of a sufficient reserve of workers with secondary specialized education creates a fertile ground for their further development adequate to the emerging conditions.

There are several types of organized courses. The types of courses can be classified: by the main objects, warning (safety courses), adaptation to the workplace, to work, learning new knowledge (improvement), knowledge support, etc. Analysis of the type of courses allows general analysis investment in education among all investment support and expansion of education.

The company pays great attention to the courses "Industrial safety and labor protection". By order general director OJSC MZMK, each manager with a subordinate staff is obliged to take ten-day courses. Every year, students are sent to the institute for advanced training of civil servants in the departments: "finance, prices, audit" "repair and modernization of equipment." Courses are held monthly to improve the qualifications of workers (training and certification of welders, etc.).

The training of management personnel at OJSC MZMK is reduced to the development of skills and abilities necessary for employees to effectively fulfill their job duties or production assignments. Using a training program prepares leaders for promotion. Management establishes what abilities and skills are required to perform duties in all line and staff positions in the power plant and determines which of the managers has the most appropriate qualifications for these or those positions, and who needs training and retraining. Having solved all these issues, we have a schedule for the preparation of specific individuals planned for a possible promotion or transfer to other positions.

The figure shows the process of personnel training and career management at OJSC MZMK

Figure Personnel Career Management Process

Leadership training is mainly aimed at ensuring that managers acquire the skills and abilities required to achieve the goals of the organization. Another consideration, inseparable from the previous one, is the need to meet the needs of a higher level: professional growth, success, testing one's strength.

Management training is carried out through the organization of lectures, discussions in the composition of three small groups (a reserve of nomination for leadership positions), analysis of specific business situations. The rotation method is not applied. There is no temporary transfer of the lower-level manager from department to department. The organization acquaints the new leader with many aspects of the activity. As a result, the young leader understands the various problems of different departments, understands the need for coordination, informal organization and the relationship between the goals of different departments. Such knowledge is vital for successful work in higher positions.

Another important technique is the training of management personnel in the process of their work. A close relationship has been established between the level of requirements in the process of training new managers and their subsequent promotion. Those persons who were faced with more difficult tasks from the very beginning developed higher working qualities in themselves. An example would be the creation of a team led by a senior work management engineer. The technical re-equipment group was staffed with specialists with proper qualifications and experience in workshops and departments of OJSC MZMK. After two years of work, several group leaders were appointed from the group, one shop manager and Chief Engineer OJSC MZMK. In other words, participation in the working group made it possible to ensure rapid advancement in the career ladder (less than three years) by stepping over a number of positions. At the same time, the employees of OJSC "MZMK" do not know their prospects in this team, which indicates a poor organization of work with personnel, the lack of planning and control of a career at the enterprise.

Final goal career planning at the enterprise - improving staff motivation, commitment and performance. It is obvious that effective career management in an organization provides:

1. Ample opportunities for attracting highly qualified specialists.

2. Reduced turnover among the core staff (key employees of the firm) due to their satisfaction with promotion opportunities.

3. An increase in the efficiency of the organization as the end result of coordinated actions of personnel and the company

As a result of this formalization, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of career dynamics, which precedes the formation of a career management policy.

Such work is necessary in order to:

Trace the relationship between career dynamics and performance assessment for subsequent modeling, for example, the dependence of wages on performance assessment;

Indicate the subsequent career path and shape necessary requirements to successfully complete this path or change the direction of this path.

Ultimately, this entire process provides mutual benefit to both the organization and the employee.

In this way, career planning contributes to the development of the organization itself. The increased attention to personal career development on the part of OJSC MZMK generates loyalty to it and, consequently, reduces staff turnover, which leads to a reduction in the costs of staff replenishment activities. In addition, there are stable orientation attitudes among the staff to achieve positive end results for the organization, which provides mutual benefit for both the organization and the employee.

In addition, the second certification of workplaces is to be carried out at OJSC MZMK in 2007 (the first certification of workplaces was carried out in 1999). For its successful implementation, in addition to the employees of the labor protection and reliability service, representatives from the shops will be involved, one from each shop, who will carry out certification of workplaces, each in its own shop. To do this, all those who will carry out certification of workplaces at OJSC "MZMK" are trained either in Kemerovo on the basis of the Kemerovo Regional Institute for Advanced Studies, or in the city of Ivanovo at the Research Institute of Labor in this profile. Everyone who has completed the training receives a certificate for the right to conduct certification.

The costs of labor protection and adaptation of personnel consist of the costs of implementing the Action Plan for labor protection and other unplanned measures aimed at improving the working conditions of employees of the enterprise for the period 2007-2008 are shown in Table 12.

Table 12 - Analysis of labor protection costs thous. Rub.

For the period from 2007 to 2008. at OJSC "MZMK" there was a decrease in labor protection costs by 53.3 thousand rubles. by reducing the cost of financing measures to prevent diseases at work and measures to improve overall working conditions and measures to prevent accidents. This decrease may negatively affect the general condition of workers' working conditions.

Analysis of the implementation of the Action Plan for labor protection, adaptation and training at OJSC "MZMK" for the period 2007-2008. is given in the table.

In fact, it was planned to carry out 47 measures for the amount of 4915.4 thousand rubles.

56 events were completed for the amount of 9219 thousand rubles.

Actual costs for the implementation of planned activities amounted to 6437.1 thousand rubles.

The analysis of workplace certification is shown in Table 13.