Scenario for the New Year of the dog for a cheerful company of guests. How to hold a corporate event in a company so that no one is ashamed Competition "To be executed"

New Year- a favorite holiday since childhood! We celebrate it with family, friends and work colleagues. Many would like to save money on the services of professional presenters and spend the holiday on their own, using a ready-made script. To help activists, we offer an original The script is entertaining New Year's program"Dog New Year" which is recognized best script for adults. More than 200 thousand people have already downloaded it! Leading corporate events and people preparing the event for the first time choose this scenario for several reasons:

- it is suitable for beginners;
- contains a detailed course of the holiday;
- represents the symbol of the year - the dog;
- contains comic contests for men and women;
- it can be used both at home and in a restaurant;
- it is completely free;
- suitable for holding in the city and country club;
- does not require special training and paraphernalia.

Choosing a New Year's scenario yellow dog on the site, we guarantee that your guests will not get bored and will remember such a holiday for a long time!

So, let's move on to the script itself.

Main roles:

1. Host
2. Dog
3. Santa Claus
4. Snow Maiden

Script text

Leading: Hello dear guests! Let's fill our glasses with champagne and remember all the good things that happened to us in 2029 and let go of all the bad things so as not to remember this next year. Our holiday is dedicated to the New Year, which will come very soon, according to the Eastern calendar, next year is the year of the yellow dog, we hope that the dog will become our faithful friend and irreplaceable helper. Today's evening will give everyone a lot of pleasant impressions, I promise that you will like the kindness of our hosts, and participation in our contests will be remembered and will help you discover new acting talents.

So let's go!

(DJ plays fun music and gives guests the opportunity to drink and eat)

Leading: Our fun continues ... And what a New Year's holiday without Santa Claus and Snegurochka? And let us work a miracle and find among our guests the best candidates for the title of "Santa Claus" and "Snow Maiden"! We will hold funny contests for the year of the dog.

Competition for men: the coolest Santa Claus

3 daredevils are summoned. Each is given a pair of felt boots, mittens and a false beard. a string with bells is tied to the belt. To the tune of Jingle Bells, you need to dance and twist your hips so that the bells ring. this hilarious competition will make the guests laugh to tears. By the way, the melodies can change unexpectedly.

Best Actor and Dancer is the winner. He is chosen as Santa Claus.

Competition for women: Snegurochka is a fool

The presenter invites 3 women. Each is given an invoice braid, kokoshnik and mittens. The facilitator asks questions. The Snow Maiden becomes the one who is the most stupid of all to answer comic questions.

Sample questions:

1. What would you do if your Santa Claus did not spend the night at home on December 31st?
2. If roosters were hatching eggs, what would the hens be doing?
3. What is behind a dog, but a poor student - a dime a dozen?

The presenter solemnly announces the winners who will participate in the celebration a little later.

(free time)

Leading: Dear friends! Last year brought us all something good, let's remember who achieved and what successes in 2017? I will ask you questions, and if you hear something about yourself, then say: “This is definitely about me!”.

Chant about the successes last year: "This is definitely about me"

Who got himself a puppy?
And happy with it so far?
Admit it without melting!
(This is definitely about me!)

Who bought the car?
And drove a hundred miles?
Admit it without melting!
(This is definitely about me!)

Who got married that year?
Found a husband or a wife?
Admit it without melting!
(This is definitely about me!)

Who succeeded in their careers
Have you got hold of a new chair?
Admit it without melting!
(This is definitely about me!)

Leading: How many good things happened in the past year. Let's raise our glasses to make your other cherished dreams come true in the Year of the Dog!

(break for socializing and eating)

And now I invite the daredevils who will participate in comic scene: "Who is most important for us?"

"Who is the most important for us?"

Roles (by characters of the year):

Dog"Everybody's nose in the morning"

Pig"I'm on a diet"

Rooster"Ku-ka-re-ku, I can do anything!"

A monkey"Both smart and beautiful"

Goat"Filled her eyes"

Horse"I can ruffle everyone!"

Snake"I'm not cold"

The Dragon"I have a dry law"

Rabbit"Local alcoholic"

Tiger"Call me Igor"

Bull"Right now, I'll give it to the Adam's apple"

Price: 149 R kill

Many believe that the New Year's corporate event is an event that is held by the management of the company for a tick. That is why, there are many reasons and excuses not to go to a boring appointment. It all depends on the company and the employees. This is not to say that a tedious working corporate party is an established stereotype. An experienced manager knows that corporate events are the key to successful team building. A New Year's corporate party allows employees to get to know each other better, build informal, friendly relations and turn the company's team into one whole, instead of impersonal people from different departments. In order for the holiday to be fun, various cool scenarios, scenes and contests are invented. In large companies, vacancies are created for people who are specially involved in corporate events and holidays, but if there are no such workers, you can hire a specialist or come up with and organize everything yourself. Our article will help you make your corporate event for the New Year 2018 interesting and unforgettable. To do this, you need to consider several important points.

  1. The number of employees at the event. When planning a party, you need to start from this moment, taking into account the gender, age and interests of all corporate party participants.
  2. Financial questions. Consider your corporate party budget in advance.
  3. The venue for the corporate party for the New Year 2018. As soon as you know the number of corporate party participants, their interests and hobbies, it will be easier to choose a place. You will understand which institution to order, bar, restaurant or office hall.
  4. Corporate party date. Since employees will want to spend New Year's Eve at home with their families, it is advisable to hold a corporate event on the Friday or Saturday closest to the New Year.
  5. Cool script, contests, fun. Come up with your own theme, funny contests and skits so that your employees do not have to be bored. Since 2018 is the year of the dog, you can come up with an appropriate theme.
  6. Incentive prizes, gifts. You don't need to spend a lot of money on this part, but it is worth buying at least small souvenirs.
  7. Design and decor of a corporate party for the New Year 2018. Consider how to decorate the hall, which would be combined with the theme that you have chosen. Nowadays, the stores are full of things, stickers and toys that will help you decorate the interior. Since it is the year of the dog, come up with appropriate decor items.
  8. Menu. Order interesting dishes and create a menu to surprise everyone at the corporate party.
  9. Corporate dress code for New Year 2018. Since the party has its own theme, ask all guests to dress appropriately.

In this article, we will also consider several ideas on how to have a fun and memorable corporate party.

We bring to your attention cool script corporate party for the New Year 2018 "Scooby-Doo and the New Year's Adventure." Since 2018 is the year of the dog, it is advisable to come up with appropriate contests. You can make a holiday in the style of the famous and popular in the 70s cartoon about the dog-detective Scooby-Doo and his team.


  1. Scooby-Doo (main character, detective dog);
  2. Shaggy (a dog's best friend, characterized by a lack of intelligence and a low level of IQ);
  3. Fred (leader of the "Mystic Corporation" team, smart and confident handsome man);
  4. Velma (the brain of the entire detective team, boring, but very smart);
  5. Daphne (a red-haired beauty with whom something constantly happens).


  1. dog collar;
  2. a tie for Fred;
  3. glasses for Velmi;
  4. red wig for daphne
  5. detective badges.
  6. musical accompaniment;
  7. blanks of paper Christmas trees;
  8. consolation prizes;
  9. newspaper;

The main goal new year's eve will find the kidnapped Daphne. It is proposed to complete a series of quests that will lead you to this goal.

Suggested replicas of actors.

Fred, walking next to Daphne, does not notice how she falls into another trap. He turns to say something to her and sees that there is no one behind. Calls the girl, silence in response. Then Scooby-Doo, Velma and Shaggy come out.

Fred. Oh my God! Someone has kidnapped Daphne.

Velma. As always, I'm tired of looking for her every episode. Someday there will be.

Fred. Come on, you've always envied her. She's a real beauty.

Velma (adjusting her glasses). Her beauty cannot be compared to my intelligence and ingenuity. I have nothing to envy.

Shaggy. Guys, don't quarrel. We need to collect our thoughts and start searching.

Scooby-Doo. Wuffff. It is necessary to look around (in search of a clue, he finds a newspaper).

Fred. What is written there?

Scooby-Doo. The government wishes everyone a Happy New Year. It is also said that on new year holidays the crime rate rises. In this regard, the spiderman and the batman are asked not to drink, so that they again do not go to the call while drunk.

Velma. Oh my God, what a stupidity.

SHAGGIE (picking up the newspaper). Oh, they also write here that Baba Yaga did plastic surgery, enlarged her breasts and applied for a beauty contest. Isn't she old?

Velma. It is not proper to ask a lady's age.

Fred. Where did you see the lady in her there? Okay, let's start looking (looks at the last page of the newspaper). Look, there is something written in pencil (reads). If you want to find a girl - fulfill all my requirements.

Velma looks around and finds mission cards.

The search for Daphne begins and the tasks are completed.

Participants go through the first quest - competition "Guess what".

Description of the competition.

The host names the abbreviation. You can use the capital letters of the company name or whatever the participants can guess. Everyone offers their own decryption options, picking up all sorts of funny options. The winner of the competition is the one who deciphers the hidden abbreviation.

The winner of the competition will be awarded a consolation prize.

Shaggy. Wait, we can ask Scooby to take the trail. Man, look for Daphne's scent.

Scooby-Doo (sniffing). Smells nothing ... No, I can smell perfume, and it seems to be Channel 5.

Fred. This is her favorite perfume. Scooby lead us on the trail.

Everyone runs after the dog.

Competition is being held "Take the trail."

Description of the competition.

As is known, dog knows how to follow the trail. The main goal of this competition is to follow the trail blindfolded. All those present are divided into two teams. From each team, a detective is chosen to complete the task. On the floor of the room, pre-made tracks, human feet or, for example, large dog tracks, are laid out. Each team member picks one detective. He needs to examine carefully the tracks and remember their location. Then they blindfold and offer to follow these tracks. The task of the team members is to suggest in which direction they are. The detective is followed by another participant, who collects the tracks already passed and at the end counts their number. After that, a detective from the other team comes and does everything exactly the same. If desired, the competition can be repeated several times. The winning team will be rewarded with detective badges.

The feast continues. Everyone is making toasts and seeing off the Old New Year. Music sounds (you can take songs on the New Year theme).

Velma. So, we have already completed two tasks. Let's get this over with quickly.

Fred (winking). Velma honey, we still have the whole night ahead.

Velma. Yeah. Joker. Probably the grandson of Petrosyan. What's in the third mission?

Scooby-Doo. It says here that we need to find clues in this room that will help us find Daphne.

Contest "Collect the key".

For this competition, you need to hide the paper keys all over the room. The task of the participants is to find as many keys as possible to the music. Whoever finds more is the winner.

Velma. Fuhh, done (to Shaggy). Give the next task right away, while you get involved.

Shaggy. Only two words are written "Cool eggs" ...

Velma. What is this nonsense?

Scooby-Doo. Wufff ...

Competition is being held "Cool eggs".

Competition rules:

Eggs are boiled and laid out on a dish. Two volunteers are selected. It is announced that all the eggs on the platter are boiled except one. It is necessary to break the eggs on the forehead of the "opponent". It gets more fun with every egg you break. Do not forget to prepare napkins in case you still find a raw egg.

The feast continues again. Also organize dancing to some fun music. After drinking alcohol, you can arrange contests more fun.

Velma. Well, when will we find this Daphne. The next card says "Who's Longer." Boys, well, this is a task for you, sort of. I just don’t understand what the kidnapper wanted to say by that?

Competition begins "Who's Longer."

Description of the competition:

In this competition, two teams of players are recruited. Each of the teams must lay out a chain of clothes, whatever they like is removed. The winner is the team with the longer chain. If you celebrate a corporate party for the New Year 2018 in a club, or other crowded place, you can choose two players who will probably take off their clothes in the framework of decency, and then you can ask people from the audience for help.

Shaggy. Ooh, last card.

Scooby-Doo. Wufff ... And what is there?

Fred. Yes, indeed, speak up already.

Shaggy. I blinded you from what was.

This competition is mostly for women. Every woman chooses Santa Claus for herself and dresses him up with the help of improvised materials (cosmetics, sweets, clothes, Christmas tree decorations etc.). Then each should interestingly introduce her grandfather, using rhymes, songs, dance, etc.

The winner of the competition is the one whose Santa Claus received the most applause.

Scooby-Doo (shouts). Hey, we fulfilled all your conditions, let go of Daphne.

Red-haired Daphne comes out with a bottle in her hands and a cheerful look.

Fred (questioning and surprised). Daphne ?? Did the kidnapper drink you? What happened at all?

Daphne (taking a sip from the bottle). Silly. I kidnapped myself.

Velma. But why??

Daphne. Well, New Years after all. I wanted to have some fun. And watching you fulfill my stupid conditions was very fun and interesting.

Scooby-Doo. Next time, you will save yourself.

All offendedly leave, Daphne remains.

Daphne (taking another sip). And what, it turned out cool.

This cool script for a corporate party for the New Year 2018 will cheer up your company and will not let you get bored. If you wish, you can add more contests and games.

The design of the hall for a corporate party for the New Year 2018 should correspond to the theme. For such a theme, you need to decorate the hall in a mysterious style. You can hang a spider web of threads on the walls, scraps of a map, funny pictures, or frames from the cartoon itself. To fully support the theme, make a van out of scrap materials. The table can be decorated with paper bones, a magnifying glass, and even themed dishes.

Choose funny contests for the New Year's Eve, taking into account the age, interests, mobility of your colleagues.

Proven and fun competition is an "New Year's Turnip"... The number of participants corresponds to the number of characters in the fairy tale, and you add one more person who will be the presenter. All players need to remember their role, because everyone has their own words. Turnip says "Oba-na!", Clapping his hands. The grandfather, rubbing his hands, says "Tek-s". Grandma - shouts "I would kill!" and threatens his grandfather with his fist. Granddaughter - (show your imagination, take a large man for this role) - says "I'm ready." The bug - itches behind the ear and says "Fleas tortured." The cat says "And I am on my own", stroking itself on the head. Mouse - shakes his head and says "Play it out!" The presenter begins to read the original fairy tale, and the characters, upon hearing their name, pronounce their words. The most interesting thing begins when the presenter says "Grandfather for Turnip, Grandma for Grandfather ...". It is still recommended to play the tale several times before showing it. An explosion of laughter and fun is guaranteed to you.

Competition "Drunken Checkers".

All you need to prepare in advance is a chessboard. The competition is held following the rules famous game in checkers. Only instead of the usual red and white checkers are poured into glasses alcoholic drinks... For women you can take red and white wine, and for men - cognac and vodka. Then everything happens like a game of checkers.

Competition "Never".

Each of the guests should be named something that he has never done in his life. For example, I have never been to the mountains or ate sushi, etc. Those of the participants who did this drink a glass of alcohol. Try to come up with sentences that are fun and interesting.

Competition "The Most Inventive Snow Maiden".

This game is played by 4 couples (woman-man). The girls are blindfolded, and the men are allowed to hide 10 Christmas tree decorations in their clothes (in their pockets, in socks, under a sweater or shirt, etc.). The girls must find these toys. Whoever does it faster is the winner.

Competition "Cinderella".

Two teams are recruited for this competition. The host brings out two trays with confetti scattered on them. The task of the participants is to sort the confetti by color to the fiery music. The faster team wins.

Competition "To Be Executed".

The number of players can be any. The players are divided into two teams. The theme of the competition is chosen, for example, love, sports, animals, winter, etc. The task of each of the teams is to select a song on a given topic and sing a couple of lines from it. The team that lasts the longest wins.

Competition "Catch the ball!"

Everything is simple here. Two participants are selected. Each is given a ball and the task is to knock it out without dropping it on the floor. The player who has the first ball to fall loses.

These are just some of the contests. In general, there are a lot of them. You can come up with your own, diversify the old ones, adjust to your company. The main condition is that the contests should be fun, interesting and suitable for any person from the company.

What are the original ones for? scenes for the New Year? The answer is simple. They provide an opportunity to relax, establish contact between people and just have fun. There should not be few of them, but not very many, as guests can get tired. Think about the optimal amount sketches and their form (active, "feast scenes", "for adults", "seated", etc.). We have selected some interesting sketches so that you can use them in preparation for the New Year's corporate party.

The first scene is "Organism after drinking".

Prepare nameplates in advance with the names of the organs. They can be made of cardboard and stapled together. Participants can either stand or sit at the table. Explain to the participants to read the lines on time and only on cue. Each participant has his own organ and his own lines. Print the text in advance and distribute for review. It must be funny and interesting, otherwise you won't get the desired impression from this scene.

The scene involves: Liver, Eyes, Brain, Stomach, Memory, Bladder, Legs, Conscience, Lungs, Language.

Suggested replica text:

The next morning after the New Year, the body woke up. The brains were the first to turn on.

Brain. Oh my God, how bad it is. Eyes, well open up.

Eyes. Opened up. What has become easier?

The Liver wakes up.

Liver. God, where am I?

Brain. Where where. While in place, in the body of this idiot. Why drink so much yesterday.

The eyes fell into thought.

Eyes... How much did we drink yesterday?

Memory turned on.

Memory. I don’t remember, you said yesterday that you don’t need traitors who will constantly remind you of drunkenness, and knocked me out.

Then the bladder spoke.

Bladder... Hey, I need to go to the toilet!

The legs also woke up and screamed.

Legs. Be patient, otherwise, because of you, stomp so much, and it's so bad!

Brain. We listen to everything carefully, washed up and got together. We need to get to work. Hey feet, let's go!

Conscience suddenly woke up.

Conscience. Friends, and wash?

The stomach answers: and in the face? Where were you hanging out yesterday?

Conscience. I ... I ... I ... Who poured?

Legs. Naturally hands, who else. Look how they shake.

Hands. Scoff, scoff. Fools, we have to plow all day at work today.

And that brain began to move.

Brain... Hey legs, I didn't say it clearly, let's go to work!

And then the bladder began to ache again.

Bladder... And go to the toilet, I'll burst soon!

Suddenly the memory flashed.

Memory. Exactly, there was a New Year's corporate party yesterday. There was still a language that was horrible.

Language. What?? I said such speeches. No need to chat here.

The lungs reminded of themselves.

Lungs. Now there would be a haze.

But their tongue reined in.

Language. Yeah, now. And so in the mouth, like the cat put a bunch.

And then his hands began to ache.

Hands. Give me a drink already, I won't be able to work.

The brain turned on again.

Brain. How did you get it all, went to the table. There, it seems, half a bottle of brandy is left.

Scene "Dance while you are young".

Three women are selected as participants. Their task is to imagine that they are on dance competition and have to dance three dances. The presenter names the style of dance (rock and roll, Russian folk, lambada, etc.), and one by one calls each of the participants, while somehow creatively representing her. All other guests will be judges who will choose the winner with applause.

Scene for the New Year 2018 about the Snow Queen.

The Snow Queen: Thorn and Thorn to me. Quickly!

Spit and Thorn run in.

Snow Queen: Well! How long have you done dirty tricks? Speak!

Spitfire: For a long time ...

Thorn: A long time ago ...

The Snow Queen: Out of order. You need to think of something. After all, you want to ruin the holiday for everyone?

Spitfire: I would like to ...

Thorn: Already pricks ...

The Snow Queen: Well, take the New Year's catalog from Avon. But remember, this is an unusual magazine. Each page has its own disease. Whoever touches her will get sick.

Spitfire: Really?

Thorn: Will it fall down completely?

Spitfire: And will he miss the New Year?

Thorn: Seriously?

The Snow Queen: And she will lie down and miss. Go and show the catalog to everyone you meet.

Spitfire: And if it doesn't help?

Thorn: And if people take antiviral pills?

Snow Queen: And they will be left alone on New Year's Eve ... Go ahead!

Come out. Ivanushka appears.

Ivanushka: Gee Alyonushka ?? How much you can gather. Oh, those women. While getting dressed, while putting on makeup, and then taking another selfie, you can die of hunger.

Spitfire: What is this, Ivan the Fool? AND

Thorn: No. This is the one that as a kid was turned into a kid.

Spitfire. Aha, now a real goat has grown up ... Open quickly the page with the contagion for animals.

Thorn: Young man, see what perfume is available for your sister.

Ivanushka: Oh, Alyonushka needs to buy something. I completely forgot. The truth is they say, on an empty stomach you think badly.

Spitfire: Well?

Thorn: Do you like the perfume?

Ivanushka: Oh, something bad for me. And the head is spinning.

Alyonushka enters

Alyonushka: Ivanushka, what have you done again? Why so pale?

Spitfire: And we infected him so that he would miss the holiday!

Thorn: Yes, yes. And you won't do anything!

Ivanushka starts to cough.

Alyonushka: Yeah, now (Picks up the phone). We dial the number. Orderlies to me.

Ivanushka. You, in my opinion, confused something. I'm not going back to the psychiatric hospital.

The orderlies rush in.

The orderlies: What happened, where is the infection?

Alyonushka: Yes, these are here walking around, spreading.

Ivanushka: I was rewarded with some kind of infection.

The orderlies: I see, they are getting the syringes. Now we will fix everything.

Spitfire and Thorn screaming run away, the orderlies after them.

Alyonushka: I told you to go to the rocking chair, and you ... Well, okay ...

Snegurochka enters.

Snow Maiden: I heard what happened. Okay, so be it, I’ll help. Just don't get sick anymore!

Everyone loves to have fun. If you are planning a New Year's corporate party, come up with everything in advance. Please your employees not only with an excellent and interesting menu, but also with a cool script.


Regular readers of the site "Holidays Again" for many years already value one thing in me important quality... As it turned out, I know how to charge with inspiration and awaken imagination.

I hope this will turn out to be the same with this selection of contests for the Year of the Dog. If you're not sorry, write your ideas in the comments so that everyone can enjoy the results of collective work!

As usual, all tasks are simple and kind, children and adults can participate at the same time.

I tried to play up all the canine associations that came to my mind at the time of this writing. Most often, I make additions before 3 pm on December 31, so I recommend visiting the page again before the holiday night.

Dog Waltz or "I love you, that's a plus"

A win-win family dance at the very start of the party, in which couples are drawn by lot. Every year we never cease to be amazed at how harmoniously the dancers are selected: a 70-year-old grandfather and a one-year-old granddaughter, a grandmother with a 16-year-old grandson, a mother with her younger sister, a father with her father ...

In the Year of the Dog, I propose to identify pairs by matching the breed of dogs in the picture (cards can be put under the plates before the start of the holiday, or just offer to draw lots from the hat). Dachshund with dachshund, bulldog with bulldog, poodle with poodle!

These couples remain faithful to each other throughout new year party... Together they not only dance during the disco, but also take pictures and participate in competitions.

If someone did not get a partner (an odd number of guests), put him third in the pair, in which the smallest guest of the holiday turned out to be. Kids go to bed early, even on New Year's Eve.

Puppy delight

Personally, my puppies are delighted with all sorts of special effects acceptable for an apartment. These can be tabletop cold fountains, spring firecrackers with different fillings and special pistols with cartridges that shoot streamers and confetti.

As a goal, you can offer a small spare artificial Christmas tree without decor. Just give free rein ... In a couple of minutes it will be covered with paper springs, fake money, petals and sparkles.

Puppy delight-2

We are running a win-win lottery. To do this, children can collect personal belongings of guests in one box before the start of the holiday, and small gifts in another box. You don't even need to wrap them in wrapping paper, it's more interesting.

Place two children with their backs to each other. One pulls out a gift at random, the second at the same moment - an item from another box. A New Year's candle for mom (she handed in lipstick), a chameleon mug for dad (he threw a tie into the box), etc.

We give out the same prizes to children for diligence at the end of the lottery, as kids often react sharply to all these random successes.

101 Dalmatians and many other breeds

This is a standard drinking game-guessing game in which the guest who calls the number closest to the correct answer wins (usually the host shows a transparent jar with a change and gives the prize to the one who gives the most accurate amount).

We will show you a picture with dogs (any breed can be). Five seconds is enough, let them guess!

If the prize is attractive, the activity of the guests is very high.

It is in this picture - 104 dogs. ...

Camera gun

This competition is dedicated to the beloved buttermilk Sharik and his photo gun.

Have a few guests open the camera on their smartphone and get ready to take photos. We will have children as rabbits, for which we have to “run for half a day to give a photograph”.

Pull the blanket on both sides at a height of 70-80 cm from the floor (there will be something like a screen). Children in hare masks hide behind a screen and jump abruptly for a split second, then hide back. How often is it worth appearing in the frame - the choice of the hares themselves.

Adjust the height of the screen according to the ears of the largest hare. When they are sitting, it should not be visible.

You need to take 10 photos per minute (if more, the first 10 photos are counted). The winner is the one whose camera gun caught the most hares. Prize to him!

During the "hunt" we turn on New Year's music.

To make the photos different and funny, show the children in advance the funny hand movements and expressive facial expressions.


A cat-dog is a cartoon character who has an image of a cat on one side and a dog on the other. We do not care much how they get along in one body, the main thing is that they complete the New Year's task together.

We select pairs of participants, we invite them to do one simple thing together. To do this, you need to sit next to each other, hug.

The right hand of one and the left hand of the other sculpt this cat-dog from a burdock constructor (they fold a paper airplane, make a dog out of a snake puzzle, weave a pigtail, tie a bow on the box, dress a doll, sculpt dumplings or dumplings, etc.)

It must be some kind of action that is usually performed with two hands. How difficult it is for the participants and funny for the audience ...

"Yes, I ate the dog on this matter."

This is a mini-interview with a comic microphone, which the guests give to the host of the holiday, sitting at the table. Round. Everyone needs to remember some case on which this year he "ate the dog."

The brightest answer needs to be confirmed visually (the presenter does not inform about this in advance, of course). Eat the dog. Chocolate. 55 g. In front of everyone.

"Dog in boots"

This is, perhaps, the most "singing" dog cartoon, by its name I hint at a karaoke battle. Personally, I prepare the guests for the performance, I propose to decide on the number in a couple of weeks so that there is time for rehearsals. Only then will people enter in time and sing as artistically as possible, without peering at the running line with the text.

Here's what I remembered from the hits about our symbol of the year: “Man is a friend to a dog”, “Lucy”, “A dog named Druzhok disappeared”, “Everyone knows this (from the movie“ The Adventures of Electronics ”, all hits from the cartoon“ Dog in boots "," The dog is biting "," I walk with Doggy "(Lolita sang once).

You can also recall the "Blue Puppy" ... The strange attitude to this color tarnished the reputation of a great cartoon musical, but the essence there is kind, and the music is gorgeous.

There is no creature more fun than a dog!

A win-win "Crocodile" on the theme of our symbol of the year. Each guest should show with movements an object from a dog's life. Here is the first thing that comes to mind: collar, muzzle, bone, walk with the owner, booth, chain, haircut, bowl, leash, breed, fleas, team, training, dog show.

Oh, how difficult it is to show some of these words ... Try it in front of the mirror!

There are also many comic poems about dogs on the Internet, here is one of them I'm going to learn with my son:

I decided to buy a dog.
And I want to ask everyone:
As the name of the breed,
What do I dream to buy?
To be worth three rubles,
and dined every three days!
But at the exhibition, any
Champion title - MY!
So that it is scary on the street,
To guard the car,
But at the same time (very important!)
The area did not occupy me!
To be very fluffy
But so as not to scratch my wool!

So that I could before the doorstep
Wipe all your paws yourself!
To have a switch in it:
Click! - plays. Clicked - asleep,
To never know me
What and where the dog hurts ...
To write once a week,
and still knew how to fly,
Walking together in the yard
in puddles so as not to step!
So that I do not bark loudly in my ears,
To avoid gnawing the slippers ...
THAT would be such a dog
I took it with pleasure!

Lost a dog named Druzhok

The dog (plush, plastic, edible, or any other) needs to be hidden, and then arrange a small quest for the children in three steps. Twice they find a clue, the third time - the dog itself or several dogs according to the number of children at the party.

Riddle options:

  1. Common riddles (children from 3 to 6 years old), the solution of which is pieces of furniture or Appliances... For example, we give the first riddle in verse: “The house is without windows and closed, but inside it is cold. If a cat is sitting next to it, then the cat is hungry ... ". Children guess the word "refrigerator", find the second riddle there: "He has a big back, And on it he allows you to write and draw, And sculpt, and cut ..." It is clear that the third clue is somewhere near the writing table. Again they find the text: "On New Year's Eve, everyone is happy, Although her outfit is prickly ...". Children find dogs under the tree, of course.
  2. Mini-quests (for children 7-11 years old). This is a series of cipher puzzles that will also lead to a holiday find. It's a long time to describe all this, take suitable assignments

Beethoven and others

This task is for smart lovers of well-known dog names. We will guess the nicknames from the pictures.

For example, in the picture is a balloon. Players remember a dog named Sharik (he is in "Heart of a Dog", in the cartoons "Kitten named Woof" and "Prostokvashino").

In the picture, there is a squirrel and an arrow next to it? Well, yes, these are astronaut dogs Belka and Strelka.

Also: a mitten - a fictional dog Mitten, a portrait of Beethoven - a charming St. Bernard with such a nickname, a picture with a large tooth - White Fang, a plump middle-aged woman - a dog Aunt ("Kashtanka"), a pirate - a clever dog from the Pirate Notes cartoon.

Unclean dog

There are dog breeds that everyone knows. There are those that only lovers of these animals know about.

We call two participants. In the right hand we give an orange (means the word "Yes"), in the other - a pickled cucumber on a fork (the word no). This is me for an example, of course. They are just two different subjects that players use to express their opinion about the real existence of such dogs.

We read the list, which contains the real names of dog breeds and three fictitious words. Anyone who recognizes non-pedigree words, a prize!

Here are the real ones: Alaskan Malamute, Basenji, Brial, Boerboel, Keeshond, Kurzhaar, Italian Greyhound, Miniature Schnauzer, Shi-tsu, Japanese Chin. It's right to pick up an orange ("Yes, there is such a dog")

Well, three think of something: Siberian Losharik, Here-on-boor, Hryun-terrier. Here we raise a cucumber ("No, there is no such breed")

Mix words to confuse participants.

Trained dogs

To participate in the task, we take all children and one adult (for example, a large man). For a minute we take them out to the next room and talk about a special signaling system.

You will show these signals to them in a different sequence behind the backs of the audience, and "trained dogs", looking at you, will follow the commands.

For example:

You open and close your fists - you have to jump and dance;
connect your hands in the form of a large ring - stand in a round dance
press your palm to your lips - it's time to run and kiss your mother (an adult large man should also have a mother at the party)
shaking your hands - everyone falls to the floor and jerks their arms and legs
fold your palms under your cheek and close your eyes - everyone freezes in the position in which they saw your team
hug yourself with your arms - the dogs rush to each other with hugs
and so on in a different sequence to the music.

Like a cat with a dog

This is a relay race, two teams are participating - cats and dogs. You need to compete for something worthwhile ... For a sausage.

In a standard room with a laid table, it is difficult to arrange an active competition, so a team competition for speed is needed.

For example, give each team clothespins, a string, and individual cardboard letters that make up the phrase “Happy New Year” (I usually buy and cut an inexpensive pre-made garland). Place the teams opposite each other so that they can see each other's successes.

Teams of dogs and cats must hang letters at speed in the correct order.


Guide dogs are very intelligent and trained dogs who help blind people. Admiration and deep bow to these animals.

At New Year's home party, you can play a fun obstacle course. Spread it out on the floor plastic bottles with water, pull a string between chairs, lay out piles of stuffed toys, bags, etc. Let the first player see all this, evaluate the difficulty of the route. Then blindfold him and let him go through the entire obstacle course, listening to the commands of the "guide": "Now raise your right leg, step to the left by 40 cm, walk sideways with small steps, bend down, etc."

We show the second player a new obstacle course, but while he will be blindfolded, quietly remove all objects from the path. The "guide" continues to make recommendations in the same spirit: "Duck down, take a big step, to the right, more to the right, more to the right, bend down." Watching the player sneak through invisible obstacles is fun.

Dog in the manger

I have prepared 2 A4 sheets of paper for you. There are stills from films and cartoons, places for recording the names of these masterpieces.

Divide the guests into groups of 4-5 people (each team has 2 leaves, a total of 16 pictures, who will give the most answers).

These films and cartoons: "101 Dalmatians", "Lady and the Tramp", "Three from Prostokvashino", "There was a Dog", "Bobik visiting Barbos", "Scooby-Doo", "Kashtanka", "Bring Rex back "," Dog in Boots "," Blue Puppy "," Belka and Strelka "," Pluto "," Dog's Heart "," Dog in the Manger "," Hachiko "," To Me, Mukhtar "," K-9 " , "Mumu", "Baby from Beverly Hills", "White Bim Black Ear", "Watchdog Dog and an Unusual Cross", "Beethoven", etc.

Divide the guests at the table into two teams, alternately show the frame, count the points. So that you do not think for a long time, on the count of "three" sound a bell signal. Prize to the winning team!

dog's heart

Today's fashionable creative workshops are held at home. There are many dog-shaped wooden blanks in craft stores, but you can do without them.

For example, I will bake heart-shaped gingerbread cookies (no connection with " With a dog's heart"Bulgakov, I just use a popular phrase) and will offer children painting gingerbread cookies with sugar crayons.


All guests can sit at the table, and ask one child over 4 years old to step “on stage” and turn away. He must guess family and friends by their voices, but they will not speak, but bark at different dog voices. Roughly, squeaky, drawn-out or abruptly, with anger and joy. The voice needs to be changed as much as possible to confuse the player.

Naturally, the child must know all the guests by name.

Symbol of the year or Amazing transformation

The bottom line is this. Place all guests in a circle with their backs to each other and pass out opaque bags with different accessories and outfits. Of course, it will be spectacular if everyone has bright New Year's accessories: caps, hats, masks, ears, wigs, unusual glasses, etc.

If you didn't manage to buy all this beauty for all guests, collect baby bibs and nipples, diving masks, kitchen aprons, shower caps, etc.

The main thing is that one of the packages contains a dog mask!

On command, the guests quickly take out the contents of the packages, put on and wait for the presenter's command to turn their faces in a circle and admire each other. It's fun!

The guest who got the role of the symbol of the year goes to the center of the circle and shows him performing the lucky dance)).

By the name of GAV?

Comic guessing of the object in the box. Basically, you can just put all the guests in a circle and the surprise box in the center. Let everyone take turns expressing their assumptions, and the prize goes to the one who is closest to the truth, and somehow guessed that there is a mug with a picture of a dog, for example.

Another option is more complicated. Say that you have hidden an object that has the syllable "GAV" in it. There are few such words in Russian, I remembered the following: gavotte, harbor, agave, Hawaiian, tomahawk. Of all the above, only a small hatchet, reminiscent of a tool of the Indians, can be put into the box. Tomahawk.

For children and adults, only one word with the syllable "woof" comes to mind in the first seconds of the drawing. No one speaks out loud, but everyone has fun.

Paw patrol

Uh ... For this competition, I only came up with a name)).

Stray Dogs Blues

If among my readers there are representatives of a generation that loves and remembers the hits of the "Secret" beat quartet, this New Year should definitely include this blues. Lay the children down, sit comfortably in the armchair and listen!

More home party ideas

Look at the collections of my works over the past years. In some places there will be repetitions, but you will definitely find a lot of new and interesting things:


This is my traditional request. If there is interesting idea, write in the comments. We will collect all the funniest things and spend the New Year at home so that children will remember our efforts with warmth and joy 30 and 40 years later.

The idea for the script "Under the Sign of the Yellow Dog"

The entire scenario of the festive evening can be dedicated to the symbol of the year. A dog for many is a very close, sweet, good-natured creature and evokes clear and bright associations.

You can start by telling the guests about which animal will patronize the coming year. 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. You can find information on astrological sites and make a short story about what qualities the symbol of 2018 has, what can we expect from 2018. Even the most skeptical people on the eve of the holiday tend to believe in miracles and various fables.

Compliments to a Dog

Each guest (if the holiday is held at a table in a small company of 5-10 people) is given a sheet of paper with block letters


The task of the participants: for each letter, come up with a compliment word on the topic of what a Dog is. For example: sunny, optimistic, impeccable, artistic, outgoing, ambitious.

Then each in turn reads out what happened. And the presenter can sum it up with a toast: Duck, let's drink so that the symbol of the year - the Yellow Earth Dog - has all these wonderful qualities and happily shares them with all of us!

Dog portrait

Common holiday competition... But on this holiday it is interesting because we will portray a dog.

Option 1. Drawing.

The participants are blindfolded one by one, given a felt-tip pen and the task to draw any part of the dog's body. As a rule, you get a very funny picture, and in the end you can arrange a photo session next to it.

Option 2. Application.

The meaning is the same. But on a sheet of drawing paper, a silhouette of a dog is drawn in advance. Details are cut out of colored paper: nose, ears, tail, eyes, etc. Double-sided tape is glued to the back of the parts. Participants are blindfolded one by one and each must attach their part in place. Since the eyes are closed, the body parts of the dog are in interesting places. It also turns out to be very funny.

Feed the dog

The competition can be held in the form of a relay race. Participants are divided into 2 teams, and then the relay is held at speed. Or everyone can stand in one line, and then the competition will be just for fun.

What is the point. In a bag or a large basket, you put food that can potentially feed the dog and those that are not appetizing to dogs in any way. For example: bone, can of stew, cucumber, cookies, mushroom, vodka, etc. It can be both real products and dummies, toy food.

Each participant runs to the basket, selects the desired product, runs back and puts it on the team's plate. At the end, the host checks the teams' plates and gives a point for each correct product. Since, the task for speed, the most unexpected things may appear on the plate. The competition will be very interesting for children.

Riddles about dogs. Competition for 2018

We found riddles in the presentation at one of the educational portals and on the website Authors of riddles: Vera Shcherbakova, D. Chemankov, V. Laktionov. A request to the authors: if you are against the publication of poems on the site, write to me. But we would be very happy if other readers who are looking for New Year of the Dog 2018 Contests found out about these riddles.

The riddles are just wonderful, rhymed, the answer can be understood from the rhyme, so they are also suitable for children.

Excess skin hangs down
And the passers-by are surprised.
We will tell you the answer soon.
- Call that dog ... (Shar Pei)

Flies forward, back in an arc,
The hunter follows the horse.
He is on the run. Not evil.
What is the dog's name? ... (Greyhound)

Any loot
An arrow flies through the fields.
Free space symbol,
The pride of the Russian nobility!
Slicing kilometers
Rushing tirelessly ... (Greyhound)

Sullen glance, short muzzle,
Rosette ears, barking bass chord.
The coat is short, plump side.
Who is in front of us? Of course ... (Bulldog)

Curly hanging ears
He is cheerful and good-natured.
On the hunt - the best animal.
Of course it is ... (Spaniel)

The dog got out of the reeds -
Streams flowed from the ears.
Where is the duck hunt
His work is in full swing there.
Find the target without difficulty
Red Cocker - ... (Spaniel)

Short tail, mustache, goatee.
For a trainer - a godsend.
Clever, agreeable, not capricious.
What is the name of the dog? ... (Risen)

He is muscular and tall
This dog is German ... (Great Dane)

Handsome white man with black spots
Cheerful and so nice
Not a giant among dogs,
Children favorite ... (Dalmatian)

Ears with a hatchet, a button with a nose,
And there is an increased demand for a dog,
A mighty giant seems to her a dog,
Baby breed - French ... (Bulldog)

Runs through the forest, barks loudly,
And every animal, of course, knows:
Bear and elk, fox and bunny,
That a formidable enemy is a dog ... (Laika)

She has a little tail
And a very subtle flair
In the taiga with the hunter, the hostess,
The dog has gotten over everyone ... (Laika)

A steering wheel tail, warm fur.
He's the best at hunting.
Seeing the game on the branch
Barks, head raised.
Guess the breed.
Well, of course, this is ... (Laika)

It weighs quite a bit.
As much as a cat weighs.
He's so cute
And his name is Stepashka!
Its size is small,
This is Yorkshire ... (Terrier)

From an open window
A white shock is barking.
Greets the owner loudly
His beloved ... (Bolonka)

Blonde beauty
From ears to tail.
Loves to beat her thumbs
On the couch, among the pillows.
Declares very loudly
What is her name ... (Bolonka)

Energetic and cheerful
Good-natured, mischievous,
Reddish, bearded,
Wool in a beautiful wave.
The most curious beast -
My black-and-back friend - ... (Erdel)

Sleeps quietly under the snow at night,
Having a fur coat with warm fur,
Big heart is full of affection
The northern dog has ... (Husky)

What a miracle of miracles
Did you run into the woods for a walk?
Yes, after all, this is ... (Pekingese)

Push pins,
Removed from the box.
Now he sleeps in it,
A dog named Chip.
Its size is very small,
This dog ... (Toy - terrier).

Black dog, shaggy
And very big!
And meanwhile
He's not evil at all!
He saved a drowning man
This dog ... (Diver).

Plays, swims in the water
Help those drowning in trouble
Dives easily many times
Shaggy black ... (Diver)

Have a puppy that I love!
A speck on the forehead is turning white!
Sprawled on the pillow like a lord
Indoor doggie, thoroughbred ... (Hin).

Curious long nose
Fumbles like a vacuum cleaner.
Let the paws be short
But they row like two shovels.
The tail is upright, on the muzzle of the wax -
Meet - this is ... (Dachshund)

Even if it is very long
The length is given to her by the breed.
When such a blot runs
People laugh, this is ... (Dachshund)

Subtle scent, keen hearing -
He is both a watchman and a shepherd.
I'm afraid you hardly
The dog was seen more seriously.
Hello to you big and hot
Send German ... (Sheepdogs)

She guards the border
He will catch a rogue on the trail,
They let her in where it's hot
And the name is German ... (Sheepdog)

He is neither small nor great
Wears a white collar.
By nature - good-natured,
And by design - a shepherd.
But, today, in this role
You don't often see ... (Collie)

Came to us from Scotland
And the children became the first friend
Petit's great friend, Oli,
Scottish Shepherd ... (Collie)

He chases foxes from holes
And skillfully catches rats.
And in the apartment on parquet
Flies by like a rocket.
Vigor example -
Our funny ... (Fox Terrier)

Despite the formidable appearance,
He's not angry a bit
But, at the same time, you are protected
Without the slightest flaw.
Winner of many exhibitions -
Our illustrious ... (Boxer)

Ladies in hats and furs
She is carried on her hands.
And sometimes they are not alien to her
Royal apartments.
This noble coquette
Called ... (Italian Greyhound)

The memory of ancestors is still
It beckons to the open space.
But alas, in the real world
He sits in the apartment all day.
A giant named Count -
Our Irish ... (Wolfhound)

There is a rumor around the world
That there is a dog stronger than a lion,
And he was portrayed
Like the dog of the Baskervilles.
This may be a myth,
But he is real ... (Mastiff)

There was a barking outside the window
That at least plug your ears!
This is little Totosha
Chases cats in the yard.
Extremely energetic
The mischievous neighbor ... (Pinscher)

Graceful as a deer!
He does not know the word "laziness"!
Like a compressed spring
Rushing into battle uncontrollably -
Faithful service veteran -
Policeman ... (Doberman)

The bloodhound is just a standard
He is also an excellent watchman,
And will not succumb to deception
Serious, brave ... (Doberman)

What a short man this is
Big-eyed sturdy guy?
He walks very busily
And looks a little angry.
He sneezed, wrinkling his nose,
Meet - just ... (Pug)

In the depths of the gray ages
He served with the butchers.
Guarded herds and meat
And he wore a cash register around his neck.
Now the road trailer
Protects our ... (Rottweiler)

Who, tell me, is so familiar
In a dark blue tongue?
And who are sometimes neighbors
Mistaken for a bear?
It walks majestically
Our shaggy ... (Chow Chow)

He's a natural climber
Lifeguard is just first class!
An orderly will help in the mountains:
Will come to the rescue ... (St. Bernard)

The dog in the rack froze
And raised her paw up,
Jump - and the red wind rushes,
Hunting Dog ... (Setter)

What breed is unknown
But their ways are so pretty
Great smart girls, good people,
Favorite children ... (Mongrels)

New Year's chants

A great way to stir up, cheer up and activate a walking company is to give plenty of shouting. New Year's chants will help us with this. There are many of them, on any topic: just New Year's and especially for New Year's, dogs. For example:

Will not list them all. We have already prepared a document for printing in order to print it closer to New Year's Eve. Maybe it will come in handy for you too :)

By the way, the riddles about dogs listed above can also be used as chants.

Sobriety test

Hide a caramel for each cheek and say a tongue twister:

  • Two puppies cheek to cheek pinch the brush in the corner.

Tried with other tongue twisters - it turns out funny.

Dog Polka

Dance warm-up for a company of adults and children. I remember from childhood such a song with simple movements:

Verse 1:

The Beetle took the ball by the arm, they began to dance a polka,

And Barbosik-black nose began to play on the pipe: (stop, on the word "watchdog" - put their hands to the chest, like the legs of a dog, "black nose" - touch the nose with a finger, play "on the pipe" - put your hands to your mouth, imitating playing the pipe).


Doo-doo-doo, woof-woof-woof, doo-doo-doo, woof-woof-woof, (imitating playing the pipe, on "dududu" - lean forward to the partner, on "gavgavgav" - lean back)

Doo-doo-doo, woof-woof-woof, doo-doo-doo, woof-woof-woof. (on "dududu" - to lean forward towards the partner, on "gavgavgav" - to lean back)

Verse 2:

Even the Pussies laughed like the Dogs danced. (dancers become pairs, hold hands and whirl)

And they forgot about the mice that were sitting at the cracks: (they stop, put their hands to their chest, like the legs of a mouse, and each spins around its axis)


Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, (they stop, and, putting their hands on their stomach, as if laughing, on "giggle" - to lean forward to the partner, on "hahaha" - to lean back)

Hee hee hee, ha ha ha, hee hee hee, ha ha ha (on "giggle" - to lean forward to the partner, on "hahaha" - to lean back)

We found this song, but the words are a little different:

Dog song

We danced, now we can sing. Guests are allowed to draw a "lot" - a note with the name of the song. The backing track turns on, and everyone has to play this song like a dog. Examples of songs:

  1. Oh, frost, frost ...
  2. There are fogs, mana in my head ...
  3. The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree…
  4. Oh God, what a man ...
  5. Just a glass of vodka on the table ...

A dog is a friend of man

Guests participate in pairs. One person in a pair is a dog, the other is the owner. The host is given questions, which he reads aloud in turn. Task true friend- to answer them, but without words (dogs do not know how to talk). You can bark, whine, squeak, snort, mimic, use intonation ... The owner must guess what the dog answered. Sample questions:

1. Dear friend, you must be hungry. Will you be Olivier? Or is it better to have a bone?
2. My friend, how much is 2 + 2?
3. My friend, what will you give me for the New Year of the Dog?
4. Doggie, what do you dislike more than anything else?
5. What do you love?

Keen sense of smell

2 participants are selected who will play the role of dogs. They are blindfolded and offered alternately various foods, drinks ... Everything that can emit unusual, pleasant and not so pleasant smells:

  • mustard, vodka, diaper, garlic, candy, cauliflower puree, car flavor, plain water, whatever.

The task of the participants: to guess what is in front of them. The owner of the sharpest scent can be handed some dog attribute, for example, a bowl or bone. Or a comic medal "For the sharpest sense of smell."


You can hide something: a prize, a birthday cake, champagne ... Give hints to guests or make a map in the form of a puzzle (and hide the pieces in different places of the apartment). Let them look for Another option: to make one guest a "thief" - to give him a chocolate coin or a keychain in the shape of a dog. Give guests hints with a description of the guest, by which you can guess who the "thief" is.

Staging a fairy tale

Collective performances of fairy tales, sketches and various humorous stories always go off with a bang. We found two Russians folk tales, the heroes of which are dogs. You need to print the text in advance and distribute the roles, elements of costumes. In the scenario of a fairy tale, you can add elements of humor, alter a little to modern way and it will fly away

Fairy tale "How the dog was looking for a friend"

A long time ago, there was a dog in the forest. Alone alone. She was bored. The dog wanted to find a friend. Such a friend who would not be afraid of anything.

A dog met a hare in the forest and said to him:

- Come on, bunny, be friends with you, live together!

- Come on, - the bunny agreed.

In the evening they found a place to sleep and went to bed. At night, a mouse ran past them, the dog heard a rustle and as it jumped up, it barked loudly. The hare woke up in fright, his ears tremble with fear.

- Why bark? - says the dog. - If the wolf hears it, it will come here and eat us.

“This is not a very important friend,” thought the dog. “He’s afraid of the wolf. But the wolf is probably not afraid of anyone.

In the morning the dog said goodbye to the hare and went to look for the wolf. I met him in a remote ravine and said:

- Come on, wolf, be friends with you, live together!

- Well! - the wolf answers. - It will be more fun together.

They went to bed at night. The frog was jumping by, the dog heard it jump up and bark loudly. The wolf woke up in fright and let's scold the dog:

- Oh, you, so-so-so-so! The bear will hear your barking, come here and tear us apart.

“And the wolf is afraid,” thought the dog. “I'd better make friends with the bear.

She went to the bear:

- Bear-hero, let's be friends, live together!

“Okay,” the bear says. - Send me to the den.

And at night the dog heard how it was crawling past the den, jumped up and barked. The bear got scared and well, scold the dog:

- Stop, stop! A man will come and take the skins off us.

- Gee! - the dog thinks. - And this one turned out to be cowardly.

She ran away from the bear and went to the man:

- Man, let's be friends, live together!

The man agreed, fed the dog, built a warm kennel for it near his hut. At night, the dog barks, guards the house. And the person does not scold her for this - he says thanks.

Since then, the dog and the man have lived together.

How a dog and a wolf visited people at a wedding

Once a wolf and a dog met in the forest. The wolf pounced on the dog, grabbed his teeth and dragged him into his den.

Don't eat me, wolf, - the dog whined, - we'd better go to the people at the wedding.

To people for a wedding? - the wolf was surprised. - How do I get there?

Together with me. Come to the barn in the evening, we will make our way into the hut, no one will notice.

The wolf waited for the evening, crept to the appointed place, and then the dog arrived.

The wedding was in full swing. The dog and the wolf rushed through the door and ducked under the festive table. We sat, sat, the dog began to whine softly. The guests heard and began to throw food at her: meat, bones, and pies - there was a lot of everything, the dog and the wolf were full. And then there was a tub of kvass next to it. The dog pushed the bowl under the table, and the friends indulge in kvass.

The wolf is happy, well fed, completely forgot that there are people nearby. So he suggests to the dog:

Maybe let's sing?

What you! - the dog was frightened. - People will immediately recognize you by your voice.

The wolf was silent for a little and asks again:

Maybe let's sing?

Do not even think about it! the dog warned again. The wolf heeded her advice this time. He was silent for a minute, another, and for the third he could not resist:

Then I'll sing alone! - And how he began to howl: - Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

The guests made a noise, screamed, asked each other:

Where is the wolf in the house from?

Where is the wolf in the house from?

One guest grabbed a poker, another grabbed a piece of wood, the third an iron rod, and let's hunt the wolf - he barely pulled himself together and how he would set off into the forest!

Cartoon dogs

Invite your guests to name as many cartoons as possible where dogs appear in a major or minor role:

1. Three from Prostokvashino (Sharik)
2. Kitten Woof (and puppy Sharik)
3.110 Dolmatians
4. Catdog
5. Once upon a time there was a dog
6. Bobik visiting Barbos
7. Scooby-Doo
8. Dog in boots
9. Chestnut
10. Belka and Strelka
11. Goofy and his crew
12. Barboskins
13. PAW Patrol
14. Pluto
15. Kung Fu Dog

Well, that seems to be all Dog contests that may be interesting for a company of adults and children for the New Year of the Yellow Dog 2018... Share your ideas for New Year's scenario(in the comments), we will be glad! 😉