Funny contests for the new year of the rooster. Merry New Year: holiday contests for adults. Attention competition

Each New Year is unique, and therefore one should prepare for it in a special way. The brightest and long-awaited holiday of the year deserves to show imagination, think over and contests that will appeal to everyone. To diversify New Year's Eve fun entertainment for all ages, we present you a list of the most interesting contests to celebrate the New Year 2017.

What are the New Year contests?

Types of competitions: dance; song; comic; for children or, on the contrary, for adults; contests for youth; with dressing up; for erudition or drawing; team or single; ; family; movable, etc.

Depending on which company will gather for the New Year 2017, you should select competition program... If these are unfamiliar people, then it would be appropriate to come up with New Year's entertainment and contests, during which the audience will have the opportunity to get to know each other better. If a large number of children are planned for the holiday, then you should think over a separate program for them, otherwise they will not be interested in watching only how adults are having fun, and their impressions of the holiday will not be the best. For young people, mobile, cheerful New Year's contests are better suited, while older people will gladly take part, for example, in song contests.

Hilarious and funny contests for the New Year 2017

Correct organization of competitions

In order for the holiday to be as fun as possible, it is worth attracting all those present to participate in the contests. But not everyone is easy going. Many are shy, especially if the company is unfamiliar. Therefore, there are several tricks aimed at attracting participation in New Year's activities all, even the most motionless guests of the holiday.

1. Start your contests no earlier than the first toast.
This is a simple rule, and it is perfect for New Year 2017. It is not recommended to start the holiday program too early. It is necessary that people get used to it, take a closer look at each other, eat and drink. Alcohol will help you feel some liberation, which will come in handy for further participation in competitions.

2. Do not let the audience at the New Year's table only ate.
A person who overeats becomes sedentary and clumsy. Distribute the time at the table so that there is a minute for a snack, and for a good toast, and for a group game.

3. Alcohol at the New Year's table is a frequent guest, but it can also ruin the holiday.
Therefore, too frequent toasts will quickly incapacitate guests, maybe not all, but who, for sure, would not mind taking part in the merry New Year's entertainment.

Cool New Year's games and entertainment for the Year of the Rooster 2017

Competition for children "Symbol of the Year 2017 - Rooster"

If the kids are of different ages, it can be difficult to bring them together with one idea. Therefore, you should come up with such games, as well as entertainment that will be interesting for older children, but the kids will be too tough. For example, such a simple and widespread competition for. In this case, the Fire Rooster acts as a symbol. Ask all participants to crow or play a rooster. The one who best portrays the Rooster naturally wins.

New Year's competition "Surprise" for adults

Prepare balloons according to the number of participants. In each of them, attach a note with an assignment. Guests must choose a ball and burst it without using their hands, after which they must complete the task: dance rock and roll, solve a riddle, etc.

"Gift for the New Year" - fun for the whole family

Warn guests to prepare small souvenirs (one per person). When entering the room, hang an opaque bag in which everyone will put their gift. During the celebration, Santa Claus or the organizer himself, having mixed gifts in the bag, distributes something from the bag to each of those present without looking. But the person receiving the gift must definitely stand on the chair and recite a rhyme or sing. Thus, everyone will receive their New Year's gift, and no one will be left offended.

Talent show

If you know the attendees well, then prepare assignments for them in advance. Perhaps someone sings well, someone draws, etc. Ask each of them to show their talent (people love when they are allowed to prove themselves in what they are really strong in): sing a song about the New Year, draw a fun picture for everyone (for example, with felt-tip pens on an album sheet), and then hang it on the wall. For each talent, the participant receives a sweet prize (chocolate, biscuit or something else) with the words: for example, "Best singer of the year."

Also see: cool and funny games for children, youth and adults.

November 21, 2016

Starting with the first snowflakes circling slowly in the frosty air, we begin to wait for HIM! The most wonderful, most fabulous, incredible and fun holiday - New Year!

There is not a single holiday anymore, three months before which, friends would ask: “Well, what do you think there about the New Year?”. Yes, this is exactly the day when the aliens are in a panic from an unknown signal from the Earth - “New year is rushing towards us, soon everything will happen ...”, and the whole planet is shining with bright lights and fireworks! It is from December 31 to January 1 at 23:59, we all stand with glasses of bubbly champagne in our hands and happily meet the new year and new emotions that will burst into our lives, and this, by the way, is an excellent reason to throw an unrealistically cool party !

It is impossible to imagine any party without the company of your beloved friends. With them, even the International Pancake Day, even celebrate Bastille Day - it's always fun and interesting! In order not to interrupt this wonderful tradition, you should thoroughly prepare for the organization of the main party of the year!

An important part of the 2017 meeting is entertainment: games and contests for the New Year for adults... They make you get to know each other better, make the team more united, and the evening is more interesting, if you understand what I mean 😉

site I am sure that almost all adults will take part in practical jokes with great pleasure, dance in a round dance, make a cool toast and compete in exciting contests! They can be different: playful, witty, dexterous and, of course, with erotic overtones. It all depends on the measure of relaxedness of the guests of the party.

We offer 12 fun games and contests for celebrating the New Year, which will make the party fun and memorable.

1. So this is about me!

Take small paper bags in which you can put souvenirs, sweets or any small items (batteries, condoms, a glass ...). The nominations are written on the packages:
- the longest-haired;
- the one who kissed the girl before anyone else;
- the one who kissed the guy before anyone else;
- the owner of underwear with the greatest number of colors and shades;
- the most powerful armwrestler;
- the lady with the highest heel;
- the most thrifty smoker (the one or the one who has the most cigarettes with him);
- the coolest rapper (who reads poetry the fastest);
- the bluest eyes 2017;
- the most sonorous laugh of 2017;
- the craziest act in 2016;
- the most unlucky one (the one who did not receive any of the holiday packages).

You can come up with your own nominations - the most suitable for your friends and family.

Ready-made packages with contents must be hung on the tree. This can be done before the guests arrive, but then they will be discovered too early, most likely, even before everyone gathers. Therefore, it is best to do this right after midnight, when everyone goes to look at the balcony or watch the New Year's fireworks outside. At this point, hang the packages on the tree. What are not original gifts for all those present.

Guests returning from the fireworks will notice the new Christmas tree decorations and the competition will begin ...

2. What do you remember the outgoing year

Buy Whatman paper size A1 or A0. Above, write in large letters "What was the year 2016 remembered for." To make the inscription look even and beautiful, print it on a printer using your favorite New Year's font. You can stick photos of guests on whatman paper (for couples - use joint pictures). There should be a distance between pictures for pictures. It's even better if you order such a poster from a printing house.

We hang the poster on the wall or closet. Let everyone draw next to their photo the best event of the outgoing year for them. Someone will depict a palm tree, symbolizing a vacation in warm countries, someone a new car, and for someone - this is a child confidently walking to school for the first time with a portfolio.

You can make such collections of positive memories a tradition of your friendly company.

3. The coolest

We choose the main characters of the evening - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Those who wish to change into costumes, take thematic attributes: a beard, mittens, a staff, a bag of gifts, and in turn are presented to the public. The most cheerful, charismatic and irresistible guy or girl will become Santa Claus. The choice is made by voting with applause. Not only girls, but also brave guys can take part in the casting for the role of the Snow Maiden! A little bit of powder, red lipstick and a wig with pigtails will turn a serious TOP manager into a cute granddaughter of Santa Claus. A short catwalk in a skirt will determine who will become the queen of the party, even if she is with stubble.

4. Alphabet

Further, to warm up the guests of the party, it will be correct to hold a competition for the best toast in alphabetical order. The bottom line is that each in turn says a toast with wishes, but not just like that, but it should start with a specific letter. For example, the first one with “A” - “The sweetest orange, the most delicious tangerine, a kind Santa Claus will bring you as a gift”, then on “B” - “Great hopes, beautiful dreams, rays of goodness, and a cute beaver! Happy New Year! ”,“ V ”-“ Santa Claus comes to the house, he brought us gifts: a soft bear, a delicious cake, a telephone and a moon rover, pasta, orange, soap, gingerbread and a dolphin ”.

In such a cheerful manner, everyone pronounces their toasts, the author of the most original rhyme gets a prize.

The option is easier - the wish consists of one or two words per dropped out letter. For example: I wish a active rest, b properties, v luck, G lamura, d money ...

Especially lucky for those who get the letters Y, Y, B, B 🙂

5. Ale, sleepwalkers

Such a competition is best held when all the guests are already in a cheerful mood. One participant is seated on a chair, and now he plays the role of the main lunar base, others will represent lunar rovers and passing asteroids. To do this, you need to crawl on all fours around the room, saying: "Reception, Lunokhod-1 is calling the base", "Lunokhod-2, refueling is needed at the lunar base, the battery is dead."

An asteroid periodically flies between spaceships at speed, and with the words "Banzai" tries to get into the lunar rover. There is only one rule in this game - don't laugh! At all! Anyone who gets a laugh in his mouth, crawls to the base to receive the task.

It might look like this:

  • remove two layers of skin from your lunar rover;
  • pour 200 ml of fuel into Lunokhod 1;
  • solder 3 new casing parts to Lunokhod-2;
  • dock with Lunokhod-3;
  • inspect the environment in reverse mode, etc.

The winner is the one who has never laughed. Great mood is guaranteed for everyone!

6. New Year's sculptor

Props for two sculptures:
- round balloons of various colors, 100 pieces;
- round balloons with a face pattern (smiley), 2-4 pieces;
- balloons for modeling (those of which the clowns make dogs), 50 pieces;
- double-sided scotch tape, 2 pieces;
- threads, 2 spools;
- multi-colored markers.

We divide into two teams and start creating a festive sculpture. The choice of an image at the discretion of the organizer: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, rooster (symbol of 2017), monkey (symbol of 2016), snowman or any other interesting character.

7. Pass it on

The good old game of match will help the audience get to know each other better and relax a little. All guests stand in a circle, alternating - a guy, a girl. The match is cleaned of sulfur, the first participant takes it with his lips and hands it to the next. After the first circle, the match is cut a few mm, and it goes to a new circle. The game ends when the participants have nothing to transfer, well, or at will.

8. News

Participants receive sheets of paper with five words written on them. They should write interesting news on them in five minutes. Words from the card can be turned into any part of speech, for example:

  • England, Chinese, ax, genetics, Malvina (English genetics crossed the Chinese with an ax. But he refused to chop wood, but he cut a wooden Malvina for Pinocchio - let the baby have fun until the twig dries up);
  • Tula, flashlight, minibus, roofing material, camel;
  • Zimbabwe, pan, sun, skis, toothbrush;
  • Antarctica, soap, ostrich, bicycle, ear.

9. Associations

One person whispers a word in the next ear, he gives a synonym or a word close to this to his neighbor, and so on until the end. The last participant pronounces the word aloud, and it is compared with the first, often at the end absolutely unrelated words are found, such as, for example, sea and Olivier.

10. Slow motion

Anyone can take part in this game. In turn, each participant is given a task, which he must portray in slow motion:

  • the capture of Sparta;
  • tearful declaration of love;
  • a fight with invisibility;
  • escape from the tiger;
  • pitching a tent;
  • surfing, etc.

Whoever completes the task most creatively will receive a prize.

11. Alligator

The game of all times and peoples "Crocodile" is liked by everyone, regardless of age, preferences and other factors. But this is a festive crocodile, so let's call it "Alligator" today. At the same time, the essence does not change: to show a phenomenon or an object, without the help of words or sounds. Since the topic is known, it will be necessary to show tangerines, deer, Christmas decorations, firecrackers, garlands, etc.

12. Whose is Santa Claus?

For some reason, everyone thinks that Santa Claus comes from Lapland. The poor fellow flies around all the children on the planet every year in one night, delivers gifts to all obedient, and magic pendals to the disobedient. But is it?
Guess where each of these Santa Clauses comes from, and what he does in life:


  1. Originally from the Netherlands
  2. Lives in Smolensk
  3. His students from the 5th school №10 ask for good grades


  1. Special Santa Claus for the very naughty
  2. Santa Claus from Germany
  3. Fulfills the New Year wishes of the Landsknechts


  1. Canoeing through Panama's canals
  2. Lives in Hawaii
  3. Santa Claus part-time, got all the Santa Claus with stupid questions, and often hears "Kana from here Kaloka" addressed to him.

Papa Pasquale?

  1. Santa Claus of the Colombian drug mafia
  2. Is the "Don" of Italian Santa Clauses
  3. Initially, he was the brother of Carlo Pasolini, but, unable to withstand the glory of the latter, he retrained as Santa Claus

Fairy Befanu?

  1. Santa Claus transvestites
  2. Symbolizes New Year in Italy
  3. Fairy - Santa Claus in the Amazon tribes

Popeye Noel?

  1. The oldest Santa Claus, brought New Year gifts to the camp of the nomads of Khan Mamai, for this he received the respectful nickname "Popeye"
  2. He began his career in England, then changed the climate and moved to one of the French colonies. The natives called him "Yohar papaya" (because he always brought the wrong gifts that he ordered), but the French colonialists "Noel" (that is, you went with your ale
  3. Papay Noel from Brazil, where there are many wild monkeys in the forest

And here are the correct answers: Thunderclass (1), Weichnachtsmann (2), Kanakaloka (2), Papa Pasquale (1), Fairy Befanu (2), Papay Noel (3).

Arrange a quest

Come up with your own unique adventure quest for friends. See an example.

If you don't have enough time, order a ready-made one. All you have to do is print and lay out the clues in the hiding places. Preparation will take no more than an hour. Or a tabletop quest for the New Year - you don't need to hide anything at all, but spend about 10 minutes on preparation. Link to quests below.

A child lives in each of us, and we all expect something unusual, magical and wonderful from the New Year's celebration. Arrange cool holiday everyone can do it for themselves and their friends, and we hope our selection New Year's contests, will become a real lifesaver for you at the festive table on New Year's Eve 2017.

Have a nice holiday and Happy New Year, friends!

How fun it is to spend new Year's Eve with your family! It's great when everyone is at home and rejoicing together. But often this joy is not long: the news ends, anecdotes and funny stories are not remembered, and everyone starts to simply examine them for hours. It doesn't have to be this way, so we prepared funny contests for the new year 2017 for families who will be great at home. Watch contests and play with the whole family!

Competition - Hunger Games!
At the very beginning of the evening, all the guests are hungry. They are ready to eat whatever is on the table. But we have to wait a little longer.
And to make the wait more fun, let's play a little game - the hunger games! The essence of the game is to take food of a certain color from the table faster than others. The host speaks or shows the color, and the guests should take food of that color on their fork.
If you do not want to spoil the table setting at the beginning of the feast, then you can skip the food. And just name a salad or something edible, where there is a product of the desired color. And already when everyone has played enough, then you can start eating with a good appetite.

Competition - this is KU-KA-Kino!
And this is a competition for knowledge of cinema and TV series. You are showing a video where one freeze frame appears first. In this freeze frame, all the faces of the characters are hidden under the masks of a rooster and chickens. Guests make a guess and name the movie or TV series. And then the second freeze frame is turned on, where the actors are without masks. And everyone can see what kind of film it is. Whoever guesses the most is the winner!

Competition - dancing in the style of animals!
Have you ever seen animals dance? If not, then it's not scary, you yourself will show it! Or rather, your guests will show you, who will amuse you and have fun themselves!
For the competition, you need animal cards. We put all the cards in a bag. Each guest in turn takes out one card and looks at it. You cannot show it to others! Then he goes to the center and begins to dance, as this animal can dance. And other guests guess what kind of animal dances they are! The one who guessed it, draws the card next.

Competition - such different cocks!
And in this competition you will have to show different roosters. Again, you need cards, but they will tell you which rooster to show you.
For instance:
- the rooster is frozen.
- a rooster courting a hen.
- the rooster thinks about life.
- the rooster saw the grill chickens spinning on the spit.

Competition - will we sing, cockerel?
Do you want to sing? Let's! And we will sing New Year's songs. Although how to sing? Crow!
Again, we need cards. On which the names of the songs will be written. For example, a song - a Christmas tree was born in the forest. Whoever took out this card, he crows a song, its motive. And the rest of the guests, realizing what kind of song, I begin to sing along, that is, to humor. The result is a wonderful choir.

Hurray, wait - the new year is coming. it is very cool and every family is looking forward to the holiday. Are you waiting for him? Then rather watch the new funny contests for the new year 2017 for the family to spend this night without forgetting! Bright contests funny games - the new year 2017 will be held in such a way that you will live with good mood and with luck. Let's start?

Competition 1.
In the first competition, we propose to celebrate the outgoing year brightly. for sure in the past year you had a lot of good and memorable. Let each family member in turn name some event from the life of the family or his personal life, which he remembered from the good side. Those who, in their turn, could not name the event, are eliminated. The winner is the one who has never missed his turn. You can give him a calendar in a frame for 2016 - so that he always remembers the most best year own life!

Competition 2.
So we spent the year of the monkey, you can prepare for the year of the rooster! And the first warm-up competition.
For this competition, you need Kinder Surprise Yellow Kegs. They resemble eggs so much, and this is the main theme of the coming year! If you have 5 or more people in your family, then 15 kegs will be enough for you. And you also need pieces of paper on which you write forfeits (tasks for guests). We put each leaf in our own barrel and mix them; guests take turns taking out one barrel at a time, open them and read out the task, which must be completed.
Examples for assignments in forfeits:

Competition 3.
The next competition is a video competition. Surely you watch movies and TV shows with your whole family. If so, let's play a movie! Stills from famous films and TV series will appear in this video competition. And the guests have to guess what kind of movie it is. But not everything is so simple - after all, the faces of the actors will be hidden under the masks of a rooster and hens! When everyone has given the answers, the next frame appears already without masks. And everyone can see what kind of film it is.
An example of a video game:

Competition 4.
We go further, and we are on the way new competition... Here family members should name in turn the things and objects that are associated with the rooster. The rules are simple: whoever did not name, in turn, is eliminated.
Examples of associations:
- hen
- egg
- chicken coop
- barn
- nashest
- wheat
Etc. It is advisable to justify your version to make it more interesting and funnier.

Competition 5.
The New Year is getting closer, and it's time to make a wish! Here you need sheets of paper and pens or pencils. You just need to write your wish on the sheets with pens! Just? No - you will write with your foot!
Everyone knows the expression - like a chicken with a paw. So - in this competition you will try to portray this very chicken that writes with its paw!
You don't have to choose a winner, you can just leave all your wishes as a souvenir and open them and remember in a year or more. And at the same time, check whether they came true or not.

Competition 6.
The new year is approaching. he's almost knocking and it's time for the last competition.
2017 is the year of the rooster. And in order to attract his attention to ourselves and attract good luck, let's sing a New Year's song - a Christmas tree was born in the forest. But let's not just sing, but crow it like a rooster!
Be sure to record this song on video - you can watch it forever!

Oh ... Agree, a complex character. In the eastern horoscope, the Rooster has a strong position, but with us this hero is not very popular. Although ... One can also recall in Russian fairy tales the brave defender of the hare hut, who threatened: "I want to cut the fox, get off, fox, from the stove."

I decided to dilute the rooster theme with chickens, chickens and eggs to make the contests more diverse. I write a selection of ideas for each new year, I hope to disappoint my readers this time too.

New Year's contests "Year of the Rooster"

As prizes, you can give out cockerels in the form of lollipops and chocolate medals. A selection of the more essential gizmos that are awarded for participating in competitions are painstakingly collected in separate articles with links to stores. , a . I advise you to see if you need to quickly resolve this issue.

Lady in red or all to Pushkin?

The Internet is replete with good advice on what to wear on New Year's Eve in the Year of the Red Rooster. In my opinion, there are no special rules, everyone comes up with their own ideas. You and I need something else - just to have fun, so I propose to announce some kind of dress code for the guests.

Option 1
Let all the ladies and girls come in red to match the Red Rooster (or have some kind of red accessory - a clutch, scarf, earrings, a headband with a red feather, a cape, a bracelet). Men can decorate themselves with a red tie.

Option 2
If you like fancy-dress holidays, I suggest taking the characters of Pushkin's "The Golden Cockerel" as a basis. Well, not everyone can dress up in roosters and chickens on New Year's Eve! Let there be the Tsars of Dadona, the Shamakhan queens, the Astrologers-wise men, Russian soldiers and the governor in armor.

Option 1. Fun photo session
You can take pictures by the Christmas tree or come up with another photo zone from simple materials (). If only not against the background of furniture and wallpaper. Your guests will have something to brag about on social networks.

Option 2. Defile
If everything is only in red, do a fashion show with the song "Lady in red" (Chris de Burgh). If everything is according to Pushkin, you can take something like "Marusya" from the movie "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession" for the exit of Tsar Dadon and "rati". And for the Astrologer and the Shamahan queen, you will need something oriental.

Prizes for the most artistic.

Collage "Cockerel 2017"

Now at events it is very popular to create one memorable art object for all. Someone paints a general picture in oil, someone paints a large plaster figure, someone builds monumental structures from cardboard. At home, you can also repeat something like this.

For example, you can create a beautiful cockerel collage and frame it.

Option 1
Before the start of the feast and in between the gastronomic blocks, your guests can come up and choose fragments for a collage, glue and write side by side good wishes... I would suggest replacing the red paper with pictures from glossy magazines (I found in the old "Domashny Ochag" large pages with examples New Year's decoration). Nice?

The outline of the cock should be visible. It is better to print immediately on a music or newspaper background. The layout on a white background can be downloaded from my Yandex Disk (A3 format), but the layout on a translucent musical background. All details must be circled and cut out in advance.

Option 2
With the help of the picture, you can hold a win-win lottery of prizes. There are only 28 fragments. Arrange the pieces in envelopes, offer to draw them out at random. On the main background, number all the "pieces" and stick the same numbers on the gift boxes. Why children and adults like it so much, I don't know, but they all open their packages anxiously and rejoice at every little thing.

Option 3
If you do not want to involve adults in the creative process, download coloring pages with cockerels, let the children color the pictures for the New Year's exhibition. Also good.

Bean kernels

Oh, remember that tragic story from the fairy tale "Cockerel and a seed of beans"? He was in a hurry, choked, the chicken had to work hard to grease the neck with butter. We can fantasize on this topic. My ideas:

Option 1
Speed ​​relay. We call two players. In one hand we give an empty one plastic bottle, on a plate next to it - beans. Beans, in other words. Well, whoever shoves all the beans in the narrow neck faster will get the prize.

Option 2
We call 5-7 guests, put them in a row. On the family holiday it is better to mix children and adults. Remember how in that fairy tale each hero came up with a task for another hero to make butter for the chicken? That's how we need to come up with. In the role of a chicken - the LEADER.

Leading to the 1st player: "Vova, wish me a Happy New Year!"
1st player: "Let my grandmother hug me, then congratulations"
Leading to the 2nd player: "Hug your grandson, then he will congratulate me on the New Year."
2nd player: "Let Katya give me her purse, then I will hug you"
Lead to the 3rd player: "Katya give the handbag to your grandmother, then she will hug her grandson, he will congratulate me on the New Year."
3rd player: “Let my mother pat me on the head, then I’ll give it up”
Leading to the 4th player: "Pat Katya on the head, then she will give her handbag to her grandmother, and the grandmother will hug her grandson, and he will wish me a Happy New Year."

You can also take a selfie, scratch your back, massage your ears, donate a ball, etc.

Chicken memory

Option 1. All to the garden. Kindergarten!
I must say right away that the finale must be filmed. In a year you will laugh even harder. The bottom line is that all guests from 3 to 93 years old need to distribute simple nursery rhymes about the new year.

Turn on joyful New Year's music for 3 minutes and ask to memorize the verses by heart. For recording on video, it is better to distribute accessories (funny glasses, ears, horns, caps, red noses, masks). Line everyone up as in kindergarten(here it is also better to alternate tall uncles with babies), make the music a little quieter and ask to read your quatrain. Okay, you can peep. Only expressively !!!

Oh yes ... For each correct answer we give a caramel cockerel on a stick!

Chickens do not peck money

I like the name of the competition ... Basically, you can come up with anything for a cash prize of even 100 rubles. Hopefully someone in the comments will throw in a couple of ideas. So far, here's an idea from the "classics of the genre".

Show guests a transparent jar with a bunch of change and ask them to name the amount. Those who are closer to reality receive a cash prize.

Chicken brains

Let us read a fragment from "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" by A.S. Pushkin and put a code on it.

The first number is the line number (I have numbered for convenience)
The second number is the ordinal number of the word in the line.
The third number is the ordinal number of the letter in the found word.

You need to encrypt the place where the next portion of the gifts is folded. For example, this is how I encrypted the word "windowsill"... There are only four of them in our apartment, let the children look for which one a surprise awaits them.

If there are more than 8 guests, it is better to divide into two teams and give different codes. In the end, everyone needs some little surprises. Even cakes for tea. So you and I even have a small quest ...

1. "Plant you this bird, -
2. He said to the king, - on the needle;
3. My golden cockerel
4. Your faithful watchman will be:
5. If everything will be peaceful around,
6. So he will sit at ease;
7. But only slightly from the side
8. Expect war for you,
9. Or a raid of abusive force,
10. Or other uninvited misfortune
11. Instantly then my cock
12. Will lift the scallop,
13. Will scream and start up
14. And it will turn to that place. "


Comic divination

Option 1. Fortune telling on "Kinder"
Well, these are eggs, so it suits us on the topic. You need to buy them from different series in order to get different figures. Children and adults alike are interested in unwrapping and examining toys, then making assumptions about events in the new year. Someone got a mole with a trowel? Well, the construction is ahead, what else. A pretty doll in pink? It really depends on the fortuneteller. We predict a lot of toys for the girl in the new year. The girl is a success and a lot of fans. Adult family park - the birth of a daughter or granddaughter. Something like this.

Option 2. Here is a subject, and in it - a hint
Keys, magnifiers, screwdrivers, pacifiers, coins, key chains, stationery, kitchen gadgets, vitamins, concert tickets, hand-held expanders, music sheets, comic banknotes, cosmetics, etc. are wrapped in opaque paper. We usually put the basket on the floor and ask the youngest children to pull a “year prediction” for each guest. Everything will be good for everyone, with health, and with work, and with creativity, and with prosperity. Love, luck home comfort, visiting theaters, sporting success.

Cook-river by notes

Option 1
You could have seen such a competition in the program "Moscow Nights". One player is shown a card with the name of a famous song, he must replace all the words with crowing, and the rest try to guess. For example, "Two funny geese lived with a grandmother" will sound something like this (imagine that I am singing to you): "Well, etc.

The songs should be very popular: "Sunny Circle", "Kalinka", "Katyusha", "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", Jingle Bells, "Somewhere in the world", "Antoshka", "We don't care", " Call me, call me "," Three white horses "," It's time-let's-rejoice ", etc.

I advise you to give the players exactly the most significant phrases from the songs, otherwise they may remember for a long time how the chorus begins in the song of the Musketeers.

Option 2
I also spied on this in some entertainment program. They took several lines from the chorus of a famous song in advance and translated them into English, Chinese, French, etc. via Google Translate. The resulting text was again passed through this service in reverse side, i.e. translated into Russian. The result is always funny, sometimes it's hard to guess what kind of song it is.

For example, I posted an example of the song "About Hares", starting with the words "We don't care," in Google Translate. First she translated into Hebrew, then from Hebrew back to Russian. Here's what happened:

And we don't care.
And we don't care.
Let's not be afraid of the wolf and the owl.
We, by any chance, no?
In a chilling hour.
We are magic.
We mow the lawn tryn.

Or here. It was I who took the chorus of the Dolina song "Weather in the House" and translated it first into Romanian, then into Armenian, then back into Russian:

Basic weather at home
And more and more noise
Me and you, and everything except
Easily fix with a drop to the side of the removal.

In my opinion, it's funny! So you can translate 4-5 famous songs, amuse your guests. It takes no more than 5 minutes to prepare, you just need to choose songs that your family knows for sure.

White and yolk or Everybody dance!

I don’t know about you, but it’s hard to get our guests out of the table to warm up and dance. You must always come up with some kind of situation when they simply have nowhere to go.

At the same time, there is no place to dance in an ordinary apartment, so we arrange a minute out for each couple for a solo performance to different music.

How to pair up guests? This is the most fun. Everything should turn out by accident. Only in this case there will be a grandfather and a one-year-old granddaughter, two siblings over 40, a grandmother and a 16-year-old grandson in one pair.

To support the theme of the cock, I propose to make simple pictures in the shape of an egg with different centers. Print duplicate identical egg halves and distribute to guests. A pair is made up of guests with the same picture.

The halves will form pairs by themselves, everyone will dance.

We select bright and short musical fragments. I don't even download now, I just turn on in a row from (in the search on this site, type "dance competition")


Crowing under the table is a classic of the genre. This year, this kind of fun suits us more than ever.

Fants are now sold ready-made in a beautiful design, this entertainment is carried out by children from 8 to 12 years old. Already they strictly follow that all adults have honestly punished. The assignment cards can be downloaded from the Internet, and even bookstores offer digital format.

Ryaba chicken

If you are celebrating at the dacha, why not break up on New Year's Eve. This is the first thing that comes to mind when recalling a simple plot about Ryaba Chicken. "Grandfather beat and beat, did not break", "Baba beat and beat, did not break." And we will break! As you know, a bunch of sweets, confetti, and small toys are poured out of a hollow toy. New Year! You can immediately use crackers.

In an apartment, such a number will not work, you need to break something else. For example, burst small balloons at speed. They are very similar in shape to eggs.

Chicken tabaka

People of my generation remember well the scene performed by the young Leonid Yarmolnik on the program Around Laughter, where he showed a fried flattened chicken.

You can offer guests a version of the game "Crocodile" (where they show the names of objects and phenomena without words). Let the guests guess the most common New Year's dishes: Olivier, herring under a fur coat, jellied meat, cake, champagne, tangerines, barbecue, etc. For a demonstration, call the active player, and show the names themselves to him alone on pre-prepared cards.

What else can you think of?

I really didn't want to repeat myself! In case you weren't spending your family New Year according to my scenarios, here is a short list of the best articles. I assure you, there are a dozen more ideas out there that can easily be drawn to the celebration of the Year of the Rooster.