Comic classes for students in the new year. New Year. Scenario for adults, students. 1st round of the competition - casting

Scenario of the evening dedicated to the New Year's holiday.

Developed by:
1. Aitbaeva Zukhra Mindigaleevna - teacher organizer
2. Musina Zhanna Mukhametgaleevna - class teacher and teacher of general education disciplines

The history of celebrating the New Year is rooted in the distant past. New Year noted back in Ancient Rus... Only it was customary to celebrate it in the spring, when nature wakes up from hibernation, begins new life... We know well that all the calendar holidays of our ancestors were closely related to the main occupation - agriculture. New Year was associated with the spring solstice, melting snow.
Then the New Year was celebrated on September 1, when the harvesting of grain ended. In winter, the New Year began to be celebrated thanks to the great reformer Peter I. For the first time this happened in 1700. Peter I issued a special decree, which said that the New Year should be celebrated on January 1 and exactly how to celebrate: congratulate each other with joy as a sign of good undertakings and intentions; decorate houses and streets with pine, juniper and spruce branches; arrange fireworks, light fires; in houses, however, put a coniferous tree, decorated at your own discretion, or at least a twig.
It was from that time that the celebration of the New Year in Russia became a long-awaited tradition. And of course, this holiday is not complete without a beautiful Christmas tree, the obligatory heroes of this holiday are Santa Claus and Snegurochka.
In order to celebrate the New Year, it is necessary to choose the right presenters. They must be able to creatively navigate in any situation. Students of different courses, members of the Youth Center of the technical school were involved in the event.

The purpose of this event:

  • instill in students spiritual and moral values.

Location: technical school gym.

Hall decoration:

Preliminary preparation: All study groups were announced in advance about the holding of a music competition. Each group prepares a musical number. Group class teachers also prepares a musical number.


  • Leading (2 students)
  • Ded Moroz and Snegurochka
  • Bad "Snow Maiden" (in the role of "Snow Maiden", preferably a young man) and Fairy
  • Supervisor educational institution(for this scenario, the deputy director for educational work).
  • Spectators and guests.

Competitions (and everything you need to hold this competition):

  1. Carnival costumes (judged by the jury)
  2. New Year's poster competition (judged by the jury)
  3. Competition "Firefighters" (leader 2) - 4 chairs, rope (at least 2 m long, 4 jackets).
  4. Competition "Crazy Tailor" (Snow Maiden) - a small wooden stick (supposedly a needle), into which a long woolen thread is threaded (it is better if it is twisted into a ball).
  5. Drawing Contest (Fairy) - blindfolds, 2 Whatman paper and markers to all participants.
  6. Game "Long Chain" (Santa Claus) - for each team, one box of small metal clips.
  7. Game "Discoverer" (Snow Maiden) - balloons and markers.
  8. Game "Caterpillar" (Santa Claus).

Main part

Lead 1. Good New Year's Eve, dear friends!
Today, at the very end of 2010, we have to have a lot of fun, laugh, dance, fall in love, and in the same love will explain himself, and with all this say “Happy New Year!”, “Happy New Happiness!”, “Happy New Year! rabbit or cat ". The rabbit is a symbol of happiness, reason and good will, and the cat is a symbol of home and good luck. And what else can we wish each other new on the eve of the new year? ..

Lead 2.

Let the snowflakes be like postmen
The petals carry our desires!
And all the dreams of children, dreams of lovers
Pure as snow, beautiful and light!

Let Santa Claus fulfill his wishes -
All the most cherished dreams!
Gathers from the petals of desires
Magical patterns and flowers!

Under the tree, make a wish
And know that there is no obstacle to the dream!
Believe in a miracle, expect happiness,
And fate will light up the green light for you!

Lead 1. A competition for the best carnival costume is announced. Your costumes will be assessed by a jury consisting of the hostel teacher L.I. Kirikova, psychologist G.R. Yakupova. and the chairman of the jury of social educator L.A. Medvedeva. The results will be announced at the end of the evening.

Lead 2. A New Year's poster competition is announced. The posters will also be judged by the jury. The results will be announced at the end of the evening. Prizes and gifts await everyone.
Demonstration of the presentation "Baimak Agricultural College". At this time - an introductory speech by the presenter.

Lead 1. We give the floor to congratulate the students and teachers of the technical school - Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Vasilyeva Vera Vasilyevna….
Vasilyeva V.V. …….

Lead 2.

Sometimes it's not easy
And happiness is somewhere far away.
But here comes the New Year,
And the burden of worries falls off us!

The Christmas tree garland is shining
We are happy as children again!
And again we believe in magic
In triumph of goodness and light!
May the fairy tale come true, and may
Sadness melts like snow in the warmth!

Lead 1.

Now I will tell you about one New Year's tradition. As soon as I say the word "girls", all the girls clap their hands (preferably loudly). As soon as I say the word "youths," all the youths stamp their feet (preferably loudly). So who will be the most attentive? (All spectators and guests participate). Ready!
“On New Years in Bashkiria, young girls give carpets to Boys so that their dreams come true. Youths to Girls, in response, say that there are no girls in the world more beautiful than them. Girls in Bashkiria are comparable to the purity of the snow, Girls blush, like the sun's bright light. Young men are mobile and energetic. There Boys and Girls dance so rhythmically. The young men go hunting there, while the girls in yurts willingly cook dinner for them. There is peace, comfort reigns, fun from the heart. And, in general, Boys, as Boys, Girls, as Girls. Both the Boys and the Girls are good at themselves! "

Lead 2.

New Year is a holiday that we love and honor since childhood. It is on the New Year that we are given a great opportunity to be a little those restless and naive kids. Do you remember your New Year's parties? .. We call Grandfather Frost in chorus, he, as a rule, loses the bag with gifts, and in addition, he will light the Christmas tree and ask his riddles.
Santa Claus comes

Father Frost. good evening, friends! Happy new year friends!
December day is wonderful today.
And the frost doesn’t care, and the snowflakes are circling
In a whirlwind of kind smiles and songs.

Here I am! Hello friends!
You have not accidentally seen
Where is my Snow Maiden?

Lead 1.

No, Santa Claus. Weren't you together?
Father Frost. What, what are you saying?
I became old, hard of hearing,
Where is my Snow Maiden?
Help me friends.
Shout in chorus,
Perhaps she will appear.
Everyone shouts: "Snow Maiden!" A tall "Snegurochka" comes in and wears a short fur coat, from under which the elastic bands of the stockings are visible. There is a cigarette in my teeth. He comes up to Santa Claus and blows smoke on him.

Bad "Snow Maiden". Hello old man! Where are we going?

Father Frost(brushes off the smoke). Where are we going?

Bad "Snow Maiden". What are you, a parrot?

Father Frost. No, Santa Claus.

Bad "Snow Maiden". I don't care who you are. So to you or to me? Think faster, time is money! (Points to watch).

Father Frost. We go to the guests.

Bad "Snow Maiden". Do you know the price?

Santa Claus (taken aback). What?

Bad "Snow Maiden". With me that much (lowers the elastic of the stocking, on the leg there is an inscription of $ 500), and with guests or with guests that much (lowers the elastic of the other stocking, on the other leg there is an inscription of 1000 $).

Santa Claus (scratches the back of his head). And which company pays that way?

Bad "Snow Maiden"."Winter confused".

Santa Claus (baptized). Holy, holy

Bad "Snow Maiden". So let's go?

Father Frost. (Swears). I will not go with you, you are not my Snow Maiden, I need mine ... which is well-mannered, good-looking, and she is real (stamping her feet). ...

Lead 1. Let's help Santa Claus find his Snow Maiden. Let's call her in chorus…. SNOW Maiden (several times until she appears).
The Snow Maiden and the Fairy appear

Fairy: We came to your holiday tree from afar.
We walked together for a long time through the ice, through the snow.
All the days passed, not knowing laziness, we did not go astray.
They either sat on deer, or in a minibus.

Snow Maiden: Here and to you - they were not late,
because you can't be late
If our best friends are waiting in the elegant room!
(addresses the presenters): Laugh today, rest,
Entertain your friends with jokes!

Fairy: Santa Claus, what is the girl next to you?

Father Frost: I do not know such a Snow Maiden in our land. She's probably overseas….

Bad "Snow Maiden": Since you don't like me ... Come on, okay, I'll go away from you.

Happy new year friends!
With new happiness, friends!
Everything is ready for the beginning.

Father Frost. Well, once it's ready, let's start the festive evening. Please light the New Year's lights on the tree. (Lights come on.)

Father Frost. New Year is the only holiday that is equally dear to both young people and adults, and right and left, and students and teachers, and innocent and wrong

Snow Maiden. It is also a holiday of hope and good mood.

Lead 1. Let's all stand in a round dance and sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest…. "(All perform the song in a round dance around the tree)….

Lead 2. Let's play firefighters, we need 4 brave guys. (Firefighters game. Turn out the sleeves of two jackets and hang them on the backs of the chairs. Place the chairs at a distance of one meter, backs to each other. Place a rope two meters long under the chairs. Both participants stand at their chairs. On signal, they should take their jackets, turn them sleeves, put on, fasten all the buttons. Then run around the opponent's chair, sit on your chair and pull the string.)
Santa Claus gives gifts to the winner.

Lead 1. And now with my new year greetings groups 541 (class teacher Musina R.M.) and group 341 (class teacher Kagarmanov K.A.) will perform …….

Snow Maiden: We continue our evening. For the next game, you need 2 teams of 8 people (4 boys and 4 girls). (Crazy tailor. To play, you need to assemble two teams in which an equal number of girls and boys. All of them stand in a line (girl-boy-girl-boy). Two tailors are selected. Each of them receives a small wooden stick (supposedly a needle) , into which a long woolen thread is threaded (it is better if it is twisted into a ball). At the signal of the leader, “sewing” begins. For boys, the tailor must thread the threads through the legs, and for girls through the sleeves. The tailor who “sews” his team faster wins. )

Lead 1. Let's sum up the results of the carnival costumes competition ... The floor is given to the chairman of the jury social educator Medvedeva L.A.

Lead 2. And now groups 521 (class teacher ZR Magadeeva) and group 321 (class teacher KB Vagapov) will perform with their New Year's greetings …….

Fairy: We continue the contests. We invite those who wish to draw. Your task is to draw, in turn, the symbol of the coming year of the "rabbit" with your eyes closed. Well, who will work out for you, we will find out later. (Draw a bunny. The storyteller offers teams a piece of paper on which a bunny is collectively drawn with closed eyes: one draws the body, the other draws the head, the third, the legs, etc. The one who draws faster and more similarly wins).
Santa Claus gives gifts to the winners.

Lead 1: And now groups 531 (class teacher Burankaeva MA) and group 342 (class teacher Nigamatov BK) are performing with their New Year's greetings …….

Father Frost: We continue our games. I want to play with you too, I suggest the game "Long Chain". We invite first-year groups 111 (captain class teacher), 311 (captain class teacher), 511 (captain class teacher) and 411/312 (captain class teacher). Your task with the whole group is to collect a chain of paper clips as quickly as possible. (Group game against the clock. At the signal to the headman of each group, a box with paper clips is sent, there are small paper clips and there are many of them. The group is obliged to connect all the paper clips into a single long chain. At the end of the game, be sure to compare the length of the collected chains to determine the winner. I ask you to collect the goal (single, integral) from paper clips. Game for a while.
Santa Claus gives gifts to the winners.

Lead 2. And now groups 532/431 (class teacher FY Aminev), group 441 (class teacher GI Khamitova) and group 332 (class teacher FN Vakhitova) are performing with their New Year's greetings …….

Snow Maiden: We invite 3 students from each group. Your task is to populate your planet. (Game "Discoverer" First, the participants are invited to "open" a new planet - to inflate balloons as quickly as possible, and then to "populate" this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw figures of little men on the balloon with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more "inhabitants" on the planet is the winner. )
Santa Claus gives gifts to the winners.

Lead 2. The word for congratulations is given to students of the agronomic department (group 221/421 (class teacher Isakova OP), group 231 (class teacher Pulikov N.I.) and group 241 (class teacher Altynshina NS) …….

Father Frost:

Now let's play. I invite the group 411/312. (Game "Caterpillar". All participants stand in a train and, holding each other by the waists, squat down. They are told that they represent a caterpillar and must show how:

  • the caterpillar is sleeping;
  • stretches;
  • tries to get up (gets up);
  • washes his face;
  • does exercises;
  • finds food;
  • eats (pulls her out);
  • leaves dancing.

At the same time, the tail constantly interferes with the head from doing its own thing (harmful tail. The more students, the more fun and interesting).
Santa Claus gives gifts to everyone.

Lead 1. The word for congratulations is given to students of the new set of group 111 (class teacher Mukharlyamov M.Ya.), group 311 (class teacher Alibekov S.A.), group 511 (class teacher Akhmaeva A.A.) and group 411/312 (class teacher Yusupova L.Sh.) ...

Lead 2. Now remember a few New Year's signs:

Noise - make as loud noise as possible at midnight - you not only celebrate the New Year, but also drive away evil spirits. Show what you are capable of!

  1. On New Year's Eve, do a general cleaning of the house. Together with the trash and unnecessary things sickness, worries and sorrows are carried out of the house. The first five days of the new year, the floor in the house is not swept.
  2. If the first person you meet on the street after the New Year is a man, then the year will bring happiness.
  3. If someone sneezes at the New Year's table, the year will be happy for all the participants in the feast.
  4. As you celebrate the New Year, you will spend the whole year
  5. Before the New Year, you need to forgive all insults. Who was in a quarrel to make up.

Lead 1. The word for congratulating students is given to a group of class teachers (main: Deputy Director for educational work Khasianova G.M.) ...

Lead 2. Let's sum up the results of the New Year's posters competition ... The floor is given to the chairman of the jury, L.A. Medvedeva ...
Santa Claus: Dear students, teachers and guests. It's time for us to say goodbye to you.
May the New Year bring you
More kindness, less worries,
Many happy and joyful days
Smiles, fun and new friends.

May the New Year bring you
Laughter with snow, cheerfulness with frost,
Success in deeds and in spirit firmness,
May happiness be next year
You will be a personal gift
And grief, tears and misfortune
Leave the year old.

Snow Maiden:

Goodbye friends. It's time for us to part.
May in the coming year
New successes will come
Good luck in everything
And all tasks will be solved
And so that this year is coming
Everything was better than the previous one!

May the New Year bring you good luck and success.
Health, joy and happiness
We wish you a New Year.
So that there is no alarm or misfortune
They did not guard at the gate.

So that the sun shines tenderly
Everything that the heart is waiting for came true
And just to make it gratifying
Your whole life, like this year!
Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and Fairy….

Lead 1.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden left us. But our evening continues.
May this year bring you health and happiness,
A sea of ​​smiles and loyal friends
And a peaceful sky, to live more fun!

Lead 2.

On New Year's Eve, friends,
I wish everyone happiness
Live a fun and cute life.
Have a million friends
Love work, nature, sweethearts.
And then everything will be okay!
A disco for students is announced.

List of used literature

  1. "Scripts of school holidays", compiled by N.N. Romanov - M .: "Publishing house" World of books ", 2006
  2. “The school is laughing! Unusual scenarios of holidays, skits, KVN ", ed. Voronova E.A. - Rostov - on - Don, "Phoenix", 2006
  3. “Scenarios of holidays, competitions, discos for students. From session to session, students live cheerfully ", ed. N. V. Kuleshova - Rostov - on - Don, "Phoenix", 2003
  4. "Happy New Year! Poems. " Yekaterinburg. - T.V. Wozniakova, 2005

Scenario new year's eve.

Target: hold an entertainment event for students on the eve of the New Year.

Equipment : laptop, disk, 12 balls, 3 scotch tapes, 3 scissors, cosmetics, kerchief, scarf, hat, stencil with wishes, notes "questions and answers", the text of the song "the little Christmas tree is cold in winter", leaflets for a music competition, questions for the competition " funny nonsense ", a stencil for congratulating Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Characters: Host, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Goblin, Baba Yaga

1.Music - "New Year"

Lead 1:

Friends! Everywhere the trees are sparkling with lights.
May everything that we have conceived come true!
Each house will have a full cup,
And all our loved ones will be healthy!

Lead 2:

Let's all make a wish!
Fate will not leave him without attention!
Will give love and return hope
May the coming year bring happiness!

2. Number from the group

The song "The Holiday Comes to Us"

Lead 1: Hello dhorny friends! Let's find out how you imagine Santa Claus. Answer me in chorus yes or no.

Is Santa Claus a great man?
Loves Stolichny chocolate?
Respects the youth?
Do you give two scholarships?
Does he like jokes, anecdotes?
What about school Saturdays?
Santa Claus sings ditties?
Does Grandfather have girlfriends?

Lead 2 : Santa Claus is already hurrying to us. And tell me, you know how to be HEALTHY? (The audience answers.) Well, how are you going to greet grandfather? (Answer from the audience.) But say what you can.

Nothing, I'll teach you now.

- Are you guys sick?
- No!
- Or did you eat little porridge?
- No!
- Or did you sleep a little at night?
- No!
- Why do you greet sluggishly?

You need to shout in a full voice,
What are you whispering under your breath?
Come on, together, loudly,
- Hello Dedushka Moroz!
- Maybe they didn't wake you up?
- No!
- Or have your throat caught a cold?
- No!
- Did the teacher torture you in college?
- No!
- Did your parent whip at home?
- No!

You are good guys
But shout weakly.
It must be so screaming ...
To make the chandelier swing
To make the walls tremble
For the adults to run away.

Let's call Santa Claus in chorus!

( Enter Baba Yaga in the crown of the Snow Maiden and the Leshy in the cap of Santa Claus. They sing to the melody of the song "Oh, what a good, kind Santa Claus ...". )

Leading ( perplexedly look at each other and ask: who is this?)


Oh so good
Santa Claus came out!
Overgrown with a beard ...

Baba Yaga:

With a pack of cigarettes!
I'm with my figurine.
Goblin dear
Glorious Snow Maiden ...

Goblin: With a bone leg!

Baba Yaga: Hey Goblin! Throw a cigarette! Santa Claus is a non-smoking man!

Goblin: Here on the tree and throw it! You yourself said that we need to light the tree, but I forgot the matches at home!

Baba Yaga: Oh, you dense stump! Are you completely crazy? The tree must be lit with words! Or, as a last resort, an incendiary smile! Well, it doesn't matter! For me, burn it with fire, this tree! We just want to bring the virus into their computers (shows a floppy disk), and this virus will take care of us, transfer the entire scholarship and salary to our account! The main thing is that they accept our gift and not suspect anything! Hello my priceless ones! Happy New Year, with new income! Be with money, like girls with earrings! Excuse me, my grandfather and I are in a hurry! We still need to catch the Sabbath! Here, take our little New Year's gift! This magic diskette contains New Year's wishes for each of you, and it is worth entering them into the computer's memory, and they will come true right away!

Group number

3. Dance "Dolls"

( The real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden enter, the evil spirits move back )

Father Frost.

Good evening friends! Happy New Year, dear students and teachers!

Here I am, a man who seems to be respectable,
And he did not lose his youthful soul!
I didn't come in a wheelchair
And he rode up on a stray troika!

Snow Maiden.

December day is wonderful today.

And the frost doesn’t care, and the snowflakes are circling

In a whirlwind of kind smiles and songs.

Father Frost.

We can't live without songs

We cannot live without dancing.

We like a funny word.


Happy new year friends!

With new happiness, friends!

Everything is ready for the beginning of the concert.

Father Frost.

Happy new year dear friends! With new happiness! Who is this?

Leading: Ouch! Two Santa Claus and two Snow Maidens! Which one is the real one?

Goblin: The first word is more expensive than the second!

Baba Yaga: Whoever has a magical gift is a real one! Yes, any man will say that I am the spitting image of the Snow Maiden!

Father Frost: These impostors must be “taken out into the pure snow”!

Lead 1:

Friends! I have in my hands the results of the sociological survey that we have just conducted. Let's see which of the candidates running for the post of Santa Claus meets the named qualities! I read out the basic requirements: "Two scholarships!" What will the applicants say to this?

Goblin: Do we have two scholarships? And what - well thought out! Only I’m better than three, and the Snow Maiden is one, she’s still underage! And let's go "green" at once!

Baba Yaga: And we give you a floppy disk for this!

Lead 2: You did not understand, grandfather, we hope to receive this New Year's prize from you!

Goblin: Yes, if I had money, I would not be standing here, but lying on a beach in the Canary Islands!

Father Frost: I agree! Only not in money, but their equivalent - laughter and smiles, each in the amount of two scholarships!

Lead 1: That's great! Thank you grandpa! We will have a fun year! What about this requirement: "Santa Claus sings ditties?"

Goblin: Please!

I'm tired of Yaga,
The Snow Maiden is dear to me!
This is not eccentricity
And the struggle for quality!

Baba Yaga:

Me Kashchei which year.
Doesn't give dividends!
Spat on his bald head
And she sent to Leshem!

Lead 2: Somewhere I heard something similar! The last two lines are plagiarism!

Father Frost:

I took the money to MMM -
In Wet-Meteo-Frost!
And precipitation is in question.
And he himself was left "with a nose"!

Lead 1: It’s true, grandfather! You would freeze their accounts!

Father Frost: The time will come - and "freeze" both accounts and deposits!

Snow Maiden:

Nowadays everyone looks to the west,
They want to live in a new way!
Santa Claus will be invited
Grandpa and I will be dismissed!

Lead 2: But this will never happen! Our Santa Claus will sing and dance ditties! And the girls love him! And Santa Claus is one like a finger! He has neither the Snow Woman, nor the Snow Maiden!

Lead 1: Convinced, Santa Claus, but here besides you there are ditties, oh, they want to perform ...

Group number

4. New Year's ditties

Father Frost: And what is it you and I, Snow Maiden, did not take a single snow woman with us?

Snegurochka: Come on, grandfather, we will ask our viewers to help us

(Game "Snow women")

Lead 1: Three couples are invited to the stage

(couples go out)

Each playing pair receives three identical balloons (not inflated). Your task is to inflate them as quickly as possible, while the song is playing, and "mold" them into snowmen with the help of scotch tape. The prize goes to the most original and beautiful snowman, etc.

5. (funny music sounds -

Finnish polka )

Lead 2: Which snowman did Santa Claus like the most?

(Santa Claus looks and points)

So, this snowman won! Winners receive prizes!

Father Frost: Thanks to everyone who tried!

Lead 1: Well, what about all of you about this: "Loves jokes, jokes"?

Baba Yaga: And I have such an anecdote. On New Year's Eve, as you know, it is customary to guess. One woman came to a fortune teller and said:
- When I was with you the last time, you guessed to me that I would have a husband and five children!
- So what? - the fortuneteller is surprised
- So, I really have five children!
- Very well!
- Yes, but I came to find out when I will finally have a husband!

Snow Maiden. And I have a children's joke.

A girl from a matinee writes a text message to her mother: Mom, on New Year's ball butterflies like metwelve girls. Thank you for the costume! Yoursunrepeatable daughter.

Goblin: I also have about kids. The son asks dad:

Daddy, why did you hang the candy so high on the Christmas tree?

And this is so that you, baby, do not eat them before the New Year.

So what am I now, daddy, to choke on a serpentine?

Father Frost: And I have an ad at the Christmas tree market:

Buyer - remember who has a house faux Christmas tree, to that will come a fake Santa Claus with fake gifts!

Lead 2: - Santa Claus, thank you for the gift you brought me.

Father Frost: - A trifle, not worth gratitude.

I think so too, but my mother told me to say so.

Group number

New Year's scene(1 "B")

Lead 1: - So what did you and Katya decide about the New Year?

Lead 2: - We decided - let it come.

Lead 1: Dear friends! Judging by the ditties and anecdotes,real e Santa Claus and Snow Maiden - herethis pair!

Baba Yaga: Okay, got it right, well, at least take a present!

Father Frost: But this is not necessary! This is not a gift, but a real bacteriological weapon! Let's send this couple home with their CD and start celebrating the New Year!

Baba Yaga:

I look like a simple aunt -
No braids, no bow.
All day a bucket and a brush,
Where is the romance here?
Eh, howling-covered with snow!
I'm sitting on a broomstick!
Let the astronomers guess:
What is this UFO?

There are big trees under me
They bristle with cones -
Cuts on a panicle
An old cleaning lady.
Eh, howling-covered with snow!
I'm sitting on a broomstick!
Let the astronomers guess:
What is this UFO?

No wings, no motor
Not a nail, not a screw,
And how will I break out into the open -
Come on, catch up!

Goblin: Well, everything, grandma, we do legs (run away)

Lead 2: It's great that evil spirits will no longer get underfoot and spoil our holiday. And the holiday continues!

Group number

6. Dance "Carnival"

Lead 1: At the New Year's home holiday, there is always one inanimate, but everyone's favorite subject. What is it? No, this is not a tree, this is a TV. Now we want to check how familiar you are with New Year's movies! We will make plans for films, the heroes of which celebrate the New Year, and you answer. Only in rhyme!

Father Frost:

0ni New Year was celebrated at the DACH ...
Do you remember the movie ... ("Gentlemen of Fortune" .)


And, as usual, WOULD look
We on this night ... ("The irony of fate." )

Snow Maiden:

When the CHUROCHKA flared up brighter,
The film ended deplorably ... ("Snow Maiden". )


You will meet a horned CREATURE.
Watch the movie ... ("Christmas Eve" .)


There comes the FINAL of the New Year,
And this film is called ... ("Carnival". )

He was a freak, a dwarf, but a LADY.
And the cartoon is called ... ("Nutcracker" .)

Snow Maiden:

She was lucky to MEET everyone at once.
The film is about these brothers ... ("12 months" .)

Father Frost:

Although Santa Claus is actually a namesake,
But affectionately called in the film ... ("Morozko" .)

(awarding prizes to those who guessed it)

Group number

7. Song "Happy New Year, Dad ..."

Father Frost: Now let's turn to science! Let's check if Baba Yaga and Leshem managed to spoil our computer. I ask you to name 12 adjectives, but not colors!

Snow Maiden: I'll write it down, grandfather.

8. Music "Pun. Village of Fools"

(The Snow Maiden writes them down in order in the following text):

Our ... students and no less ... teachers gathered to spend the old year, which brought many ... events to everyone. Everyone stood around ... Christmas trees, turned on ... music and made ... wishes. This ... holiday was attended by ... Santa Claus and .... Snow Maiden. He promised that the New Year will bring all those present a lot ... adventure, ... success in studies and work and ... luck in love!

Father Frost: Snegurochka and I entered your initial data into our computer, and this is the forecast for the next year given by the program ...

Snow Maiden: ( Reads text by highlighting adjectives .).

Father Frost: May all the good things come true! And besides that, let everyone make the most cherished wish, and I promise to fulfill it!

Group number

9. Dance

Lead 2:And finally, the long-awaited musical competition... Now. Santa Claus, we will sing your favorite song. We will ask three musically gifted students to the stage.

(participants leave)

Do you all know the nursery rhyme "It's cold for a little Christmas tree in winter"? She is cold, bored in the forest. Nothing, we hope that now it will be fun, and everyone knows the song will not seem so dreary and sad, because we will ask our participants to perform this song in different styles:

- in a marching rhythm;

- rap style;

- in the folk style.

Each participant will have to sing this song in only one of the styles, and in which, the lot will determine.

Host 1: And we will ask ... ... ... to remind the contestants of the melody of the song (Performance.)

Now let the audience decide whose performance was the best. Applause to the first participant ... Let's applaud the second speaker ... And now to the third ...

Group number

10. Song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" with staging.

Leading 1:

And now we will hold a contest "Merry Nonsense" (sets of strips of paper with text)

On the left side we have the curious, they will ask all the time, and on the right - know-it-alls - they will answer any question.

(The presenter has two sets of strips of paper. In his left hand - questions, in the right - answers. The presenter passes between the rows, playing alternately "blindly" pulling out a question, (read aloud) then an answer.)

So please - 1st question ... Answer ..

Sample questions:

- do you read other people's letters?

- do you sleep well

- do you listen to other people's conversations?

- Do you hit the dishes out of anger?

- can you put a pig on a buddy?

- do you write anonymously?

- do you spread gossip?

- do you have a habit of promising more of your capabilities?

- would you like to get married of convenience?

- Are you obsessive and rude in your actions?

Sample answers:

- this is my favorite pastime;

- occasionally, for the sake of a joke;

- only on summer nights;

- when the wallet is empty;

- only without witnesses;

- only if it is not related to material costs;

- especially in someone else's house;

- this is my old dream;

- no, I'm a very shy person;

- I never refuse such an opportunity.

Thanks for the interesting dialogue.

Group number

11. Song "The Last Day of December"

Snow Maiden:

Now it's time to play.The game is called "New Year's Eve"

4 people with good coordination are invited to the stage. Their task is to illustrate the story of the presenter.

Lead 1:

Listen first, then do

"On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus brings gifts to the family. He gave dad a comb. Let everyone show with their right hand how dad combes his hair. He gave his son skis. Please, show how your son goes skiing, but do not stop combing. He gave mom a meat grinder - you need to depict the rotation of a meat grinder with your left hand. He gave his daughter a doll that flaps her eyelashes and says “mom.” And he gave his grandmother a Chinese dummy that shakes his head. "

(The leader reads for the 2nd time, and the participants do)

Snow Maiden:

This participant receives the prize, because he was able to show all the specified movements without getting lost.

Lead 1: All who participated in the competitions today are great! Keep it up in the New Year!

Lead 2: Thanks to the audience, if it were not for them, we would not have gotten rid of the evil spirits, we would not have kept our money and the New Year would not have met.

Group number

12. Song "New Year" (Serdyuchka)

Father Frost.

Someone threw flowers at the windows.

Snow like poplar fluff on the street.

They say what you think

On New Year's Eve, it will come true.

I wish love to students

For the mind there is no end to work.

Teachers - so that excitement in the blood,

Despite the experience, it boiled.

Snow Maiden:

Happy New Year with a new happiness!

We believe that life will be blooming,

Hello, joy, youth, hello!

Hello, bright day to come!

Leading: Once again, Happy New Year 2012, everyone!

I wish you happiness and health! And now we invite you to a festive disco!

13. Music for the final

Scenario New Year's performance with interesting contests.

Competition program for the New Year for a friendly company

The curtain opens. "Round dance". At the final of the dance, Sergei and Galina appear in the costumes of Ded Moroz and Snegurochka, the host.

Sergey (Santa Claus): You generally understand what you are saying! I have every day scheduled not by the clock, but by ... minutes! I don't have a second for your events!

Galya(Snow Maiden): We thought it was necessary to congratulate someone here, but in fact ... Your proposal is simply indecent! You wasted our time!

Leading: My friends, calm down, listen to me to the end, and you will understand that the time you spent will pay off a hundred times!

Sergei and Galya take off their costumes and hang them on hangers in the foreground.

Leading: Of course, you are very busy before the New Year, there are so many orders and congratulations, but how would you react if you had helpers ...

Sergey: That is?

Leading: In general, the situation is like this: we threw a cry - who wants to try themselves in the role of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, and ... just imagine, there are those who wish!

Galya: What are you talking about? They don't know what they are doing ...

Leading: Actually, they all take part in new program"People's couple", and we invited you as the main experts on this issue, as honored performers of these difficult roles. Your opinion will greatly help the artistic council to choose the best pair and correctly evaluate all applicants. In a word, I ask you to go into the hall and join the artistic council, which today are also far from newcomers.

Announces the composition of the Arts Council.

Leading: We wish you a productive work. Well, and the viewers and fans to support the program participants as actively as possible, because you have never seen them in such a role.

Light to the center of the auditorium, where members of the artistic council are sitting at the tables. The Arts Council is, in a way, one of actors programs. They work as if online. When they speak, the light is in the center of the room, where the scene is temporarily moved. We will call them: Chairman, First, Second, as well as Sergey (Ded Moroz) and Galya (Snow Maiden).

Chairman: I think we'll start with the casting. Let's see them all at once.

First: Let everyone introduce themselves and perform something ...

Galya: And I'm wondering what criterion they used to choose a pair? Well, why did this participant choose this particular partner for himself, and not another, and vice versa ...

Leading: Let's find out from themselves. So, attention, are you all ready? I invite the participants of the program "People's Couple: Santa Claus and Snegurochka" to the stage and wish them no feathers!


(Phonogram. Participants go on stage, wave to the audience and sit on a snow slide, which is located in the back of the stage as a decoration element. The casting takes place in this way: each participant in turn goes to the microphone, says his name and performs. The Arts Council comments on what is happening: thanks, invites the next one, perhaps asks some questions, but without dragging out the process. You should get "live" communication, as in a real casting)

Chairman: Thank you all, everyone is free for now. (Participants go backstage)

Second: In my opinion, all the candidates are very interesting, what do you think?

Sergey: It may very well be ... Although what we have seen is not yet an indicator. The hardest part begins when you start working in pairs. A good partner is like a real fighting friend

Galya: Yeah ... It will take you out of the battlefield in time ... Host: Let me interrupt you and invite spectators and fans to try pairing, by the way, you can also take part in this. Moreover, the participants will need a little time to prepare for the next stage of the competition. I need 6 people. Four of you will help me complete the stage, giving the proper look to the main symbols of our program. And the two of you will play one well-known game, which is called "Match a pair".

The stand is lowered. The props are rolling out. Start assignments. The four are split into two pairs. On both sides of the stage, men and women are rolled over a mannequin and a basket with a variety of clothes. Their task: to complete the scene with the figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, to the best of their imagination.

The remaining pair, having the numbers of the participants in their hands, makes up pairs of them, you can consult with the audience. All prizes for participation.

Leading: On the right - numbers from 1 to 7, which correspond to the numbers of the participants, on the left - numbers from 8 to 14, which correspond to the numbers of the participants. So, let's see how the viewers' opinion coincides with what pairs were made by the program participants themselves. This is exactly what you will see now, I advise you to mark each coincidence with loud applause! (Addressing the artistic council) Each couple has prepared a New Year's song for your court. Perhaps they are destined to become real hits on the upcoming New Years Eve!

Chairperson: Let's see.

First: Songs are very interesting!


The Arts Council comments, but not “pulling the blanket”.

Leading: Dear artistic council! You listened to 7 new year songs... You have to evaluate them.

Sergey: Songs are, of course, good ... How about congratulations? So that at any time, in any place and fully armed?

Galya: You can't even imagine what applications are sometimes received ... Recently we went to the bathhouse ... in fur coats, can you imagine?

Sergey: Yes, here we have a list for the next 2 days: read it out?

Leading(goes into the hall and takes the list from him): Excuse me! So, what do we have here? Congratulations to chickens and roosters ... original ... Congratulations to kindergarten... well, this is understandable ... Congratulations to the signs of the Zodiac ... curious, congratulations from Akron employees ... very important ... Congratulations in the army ... this is serious, congratulations to new Russians and amateur gardeners ... Yes, a set, however ... That's what, let's offer this entire list to our participants and see what happens!

The Arts Council agrees.


Leading: What do you say, dear members of the artistic council?

Everyone or someone selectively answers. They comment, express their opinion.

Host: And I need to tell you and our dear viewers that the newly made couples have to show themselves in the last test, which we called "New Year's dance floor". Each couple prepared a dance piece from Santa Claus and Snegurochka, the image of which they created. This dance reflects rather good New Year spirit participants, this is their joke, a kind of fantasy on the topic, a gift to us - the audience. However, what I am explaining - see for yourself!


Several concert numbers while the artistic council sums up the results.


Leading: Ded Moroz and Snegurochka! (Further invites participants, calling them by name)

Leading(addressing the audience): Tell me, please, what do you think Santa Claus and Snegurochka lack in order to logically, so to speak, complete the New Year's composition? (Variants from the audience) That's right - Christmas trees. Let's ask Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens to get themselves a Christmas tree, at least, especially since here, on the stage, they just grow in a suitable amount.

The participants "collect" the trees. All program participants will be presented with a Christmas tree, artificial, of course. Up to this point, the trees just stand on the stage as a stage decoration.

The Arts Council enters the stage with its full complement. Announcement of the results. Each member of the artistic council presents a symbolic souvenir to each couple, except for the winners. Something good says about each pair.

Special prize for the winning couple.


Leading: Hello dear listeners! Frosty radio greets you. And today in our studio, who do you think ... Yes, he himself, our very Santa Claus.



New year casting

Prepared and conducted:

Usynkina O.V.


The curtain is closed. The radio screensaver "Frosty radio" is playing. Everything will be hot! "

Leading: Hello dear listeners! Frosty radio greets you. And today in our studio, who do you think ... Yes, he himself, our very Santa Claus.

Father Frost sings: A Christmas tree was born in the forest, in the forest ...

Leading: Moroz Ivanovich, we are on the air!

Father Frost: Oh! (Knocks on the microphone) Wow, it works ... (sternly) Inhabitants of a fabulous country! Happy New Year to everyone! And I remind you: gnomes - you must pack and sort the gifts; all animals - to put things in order in the fairy forest; the devil should choose the most beautiful Christmas tree, and decorate it with the kikimore and her friends. Baba - Yaga and Snegurochka urgently come to the fabulous palace, to my meeting. Khe-khe, thanks for your attention!

Leading : So, in our studio was Santa Claus himself, and we continue!

Radio screensaver sounds"Frosty Radio". Everything will be hot!

Baba - Yaga appears in front of the curtain and sings (tune of the song "Help Me", film "The Diamond Hand")

Baba - Yaga: I am good and I am evil

I can love, I can scare.

But old Grandmother Yagoya

You don't need to name me.

I can easily pass for the Snow Maiden.

Nice and sweet!

I'll play the role, tea is not stupid!

That's it!


I love to sing songs!

I love to ride on a broomstick!

I am still far from retirement!

I like being young!

Oh! I don't think about old age!

I'm frisky! Have fun!

And Serpent Gorynych always courted me without fatigue.

The Nightingale the Robber whistles for me in the morning.

And even the Leshy is a hopeless boor,

Compliments says.

Well, why Baba - Yaga at once. Always this Santa Claus makes me do all sorts of nonsense. I'll come right now, he will say (mimics): Come on, Baba - Yaga, clean my boots, and when you're done, decorate my palace. And, she will say to her Snow Maiden: (mimics) And you, granddaughter, prepare and spend the holiday. And again there will be mortal boredom(leaves)

Scene two

Santa Claus is sitting on the throne, and the Snow Maiden is standing next to him. Baba-Yaga enters.

Father Frost: Well, finally, everything is assembled. Let's start the New Year's planning meeting. So, the holiday is coming soon. Which?

Snow Maiden: (joyfully) New Year!

Baba Yaga: (sad) New year!

Santa Claus: Right! New Years is soon! For a thousand years now we have been giving all people a holiday. Enough! The time has come for us, fabulous residents, to celebrate the New Year as well!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, can we go to the children’s Christmas tree? We will have a holiday there.

Father Frost: The guys have work again at the tree, but I want to rest. And we cannot take all the inhabitants of our fabulous country to the children.

Baba Yaga: Let's call the devils! They are so mischievous! Eh! The holiday will be held for us.

Snow Maiden: (indignantly) What are you doing!

Baba Yaga: What - what ...

Snow Maiden: What nonsense ...

Father Frost: We won't call the devils, but let's call ... (thinks, scratching his head), let's call ...

Baba Yaga: Damn it!

Snow Maiden: Children!

Father Frost: Exactly! City artists! We will call artists from the city, they will hold us a holiday.

Snow Maiden: (dreamily): From the singers we will call Yegor Creed, from the actors - Pavel Priluchny, and from the figure skaters - Evgeni Plushenko.

Baba Yaga: Oh ... (ironically) yes, the fun will be until you drop, not to die of boredom.

I'd rather invite Timati or the guys from Dom-2.

Father Frost: Invite anyone, if only the holiday took place!

Snow Maiden: Then grandfather, we invite the artists I suggested.

Baba Yaga: How is it? (threatening) You, snow maiden, ice girl. It’s hard for you. Grandfather said invite anyone. That means who I said! So, we are waiting for the most icy and beautiful on this stage ... Meet the Snow Queen! (music)

The Snow Queen enters

The Snow Queen:Wow! What a heat! I asked for frost! (irritated)

Performed by Katya Lel's song "New Year":

New Year, it brings us fairy tales from childhood
Round dance, we will be whirled like then
If the New Year strikes on the clock
This means - soon happiness will surely come

There will be a New Year, new dreams

There will be a New Year, new dreams
White-white snow will whirl me again
There will be New Year, you will smile
And you will tell me three words about love

Old Year, we will wave our hand after him
Will take away all sorrows forever
We want to make a guess under the tree with you
All our desires are only about beautiful love

There will be a New Year, new dreams
White-white snow will whirl me again
There will be New Year, you will smile
And you will tell me three words about love

There will be a New Year, new dreams
White-white snow will whirl me again
There will be New Year, you will smile
And you will tell me three words about love

The Snow Queen leaves.

Snow Maiden: Yes, she sings well, of course. Yes, only after her the cold penetrates to the bone.

Baba Yaga: Never mind, I’ll call my sister Kikimora now, she’ll stir everyone up, warm them up.

Kikimora enters

Kikimora: Hello friends! What are you sad? Well, let's play, and first, guess the riddle "What is in my pocket with a letter?" (Answer lipisin)

And what do I have in my second pocket with the letter f (fluoride lipisin)

Now I propose to play a very funny game "Name the Movie"

2 teams are invited, taking turns naming the films that take place in the new year. The winners with the highest number of films will receive an honorable mention prize.

Music sounds. Koschey runs in.

Koschei the Deathless:Fu finally got it!I barely found your village. No one road sign, no pointers. Not a single gadget works. What are you? Are they hiding, or are they not welcome? A?(looking for a yaga)

Granny! My beauty, is it you?

Baba Yaga: My handsome man, in the end, waited for you! Dance dear!

Koschey dances lezginka and runs away.

Snow Maiden: I invite you to our casting of the most beautiful girls in the Magic Land. Meet Cinderella and Snow White!

Cinderella and Snow White enter, perform V. Serduchka's song "New Year".

Are you tired of worries - everything will pass
You are a little unlucky - everything will pass

Why does the soul sing, the body asks to fly
New Year, New Year, New Year

Let the New Year melt the ice in souls
All sorrows will be swept away by the New Year
People have no time to get bored - we will celebrate soon
New Year, New Year, New Year
And people have no time to get bored - soon we will celebrate
New Year, New Year, New Year

Soon New Year will enter your door
New Year will bring good luck to everyone
Why does the soul sing, the body asks to fly
New Year, New Year, New Year
Why does the soul sing, the body asks to fly
New Year, New Year, New Year

New Year's Eve rises on the doorstep
New Year is already knocking on the window
In the New Year, anything can happen
Let no one be alone
This New Year

Bow and leave.

Baba Yaga: (thoughtfully) Yes, we sang well, mentally!

There is a knock. Years 2015 and 2016 included. Folders in hand.

2015 year: We ought to talk with Grandfather, but to hand over the affairs to the next year. 2016 year: And we need to get your signature Moroz Ivanovich!

They sit down at the table.

2015 year: This folder is about overseas sanctions. In this one about dollars and euros. Where do you plan to start?

2016 year: Well, financial matters should be improved.

2015 year: Yes, I recognize myself as young. First of all, take care of this folder, solve all the financial issues in the technical school, well, there are new doors, but plastic windows. And then it is uncomfortable in front of people. I got these cases from last year, but I didn't have enough time to do everything.

2016: Yes, good.

2015 year: Well, and one more thing, there are scholarships for students, you get promoted, respect the old man.

They shake hands. They put their signatures and give them to Santa Claus. He signs

They are going away.

Baba Yaga: Wow, bureaucrats! All pieces of paper are written and written!

Babaya Yaga and Snegurochka are holding a competition "Melt the Ice"

Two teams different ways trying to melt a piece of ice, the first team to complete the task wins.

The song "Somewhere in this world"

Somewhere in this world

Where there is always frost

Bears rubbing their backs

On the earth's axis.

Centuries are running by

Sleep under the ice of the sea.

Bears rub against the axis,

The earth is turning.



The earth turns faster.

They rub, trying

Turn the earth's axis

To be in love earlier

I had to meet

So that one morning

A year or two earlier

Someone told someone

Key words.


Following the spring shower

The dawn will come sooner

And for two happy

Many, many years

Lightning will sparkle

Streams will ring

The fog will swirl

White as a bear.



The earth turns faster.

Babaya Yaga and Snegurochka are sitting.

Baba Yaga: Oh, I'm tired of something.

Snow Maiden: Ugh, I’m tired of something too.

Music from the movie "The Bremen Town Musicians" sounds (they say we are byaki - beeches), a gypsy enters, approaches Santa Claus.

Gypsy: Gilded the handle of the iris, I will tell you the whole truth. (takes Santa Claus by the hand) A long road awaits you ...

Santa Claus pulls out his hand

Father Frost: Yes, I know about the long road, you better guide our guests and tell the whole truth.

Aries I won't sleep in a year,

Sleep and rest will be forgotten.

Money bags full!

There will be truth and sins.

Just remember friends

Gypsy: Oh, I’ll heap, oh, I’ll tell you!

At work, flirting is not allowed!

Gemini the opportunity was given,

It will be boring here!

Do not hesitate only for a long time

So as not to howl with anger like a wolf.

Well, if you want,

Then under the palm tree to indulge

You can even once or twice

The Year of the Monkey is a practical sign. Taurus
Will be engaged in raising sheep,
And from them he will receive such income,
As if the Arab sheikh will heal!

If you are friends with your head

Our Cancer will roam

And our Cancer is a master for a walk.

Control gluttony

Ventilate the premises,

You go to school

And then they will expel, look!

a lion isn't the king? He knows it!

Even if he's on the tram.

But hold the crown!

That the king - prove to everyone.

And for this Monkey

Will give from everything to all pockets!

Our virgin finally

Marching down the aisle!

And like a queen in a fairy tale

The whole year will be our Virgo.

Oh, love in the heart is ripening

Virgo will have time for everything in a year.

Pockets full of money

For Libra Monkey

Prepared a long time ago

And the study is fastened.

And love is in store

Just get out of sleep!

In the year of the Monkey, not everyone stays at home.
Sea cruise is coming soon Scorpion .
On a large liner across the oceans
He will sail to the distant southern countries.

Monkey for Sagittarius

Endless trials

Sends, well, it happens harmful,

And Sagittarius will be a little scared.

Only frightened more than once,

He will give a worthy rebuff.

Capricorn good luck friendly,

He doesn't need a horoscope!

He is in his studies like in the sea,

He is in the fauna and flora,

It is necessary - he will change his life,

The monkey appreciates it!

Ah, love is with Aquarius,

Like a fairy tale

He brings him tea in the morning,

Gives whatever he asks for.

Monkey "crazy" -

Here is a happy destiny!

Fishes ..Sail far away,

So that the disease does not get

Lie down to the depths,

But take care of your health.

The monkey is feeling with you,

The water in your river muddies.

The gypsy leaves. Snow Maiden gets up

Snow Maiden: Yagulechka, let's sing a song with you, it is of course for children, but a little magical, and the audience will sing along with us.

They sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest

In winter and summer, she was slender and green.

A blizzard sang a song to her:
"Sleep, herringbone, bye-bye!"
Frost covered with snow:
"Look, don't freeze!"
Frost covered with snow
"Look, don't freeze!"

Little coward bunny gray
I rode under the tree.

Sometimes the wolf, the angry wolf, ran at a trot.

Chu! Frequent snow in the forest
Creaks under the runner;

The fur-legged horse is in a hurry, running.

The horse is carrying the wood,
And in the woods there is a peasant,

He cut down our tree to the very spine.

And here she is, smart,
She came to us for a holiday,
And she brought a lot, a lot of joy to the kids.
And she brought a lot, a lot of joy to the kids.

Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and Baba Yaga get up.

Father Frost: So our New Year's casting is over.

All the participants come out, the Snow Maiden sings the song of gr. Shiny "New Year's Song"

New Year's Eve weather,
Pre-holiday bustle
Snow outside the windows, we are with you today
We decided to wait for a miracle together


Tick-tock - the clock goes, and the noses -
They run the country to wish a Happy New Year

Let's forget all the insults
Forget the topic rubbish empty
And all the sorrow of days like last year's snow
Let's leave me and you

Clap, clap - crackers, and hung on the tree
Top, top - toys, whirled around
Tick-tock - the clock goes, and the noses -
They run the country to wish a Happy New Year

Tick-tock - the clock goes, and the noses -
They run the country to wish a Happy New Year

We will invite good friends
Let's arrange a holiday: "From the heart"
We will remember every moment with kind words
And we will decide to become happy

Clap, clap - crackers, and hung on the tree
Top, top - toys, whirled around
Tick-tock - the clock goes, and the noses -
They run the country to wish a Happy New Year

Tick-tock - the clock goes, and the noses -
They run the country to wish a Happy New Year

We might be a little sad
After all, a year has passed, but all the same
Another day will begin, New Year will come
And knocks on our window

Clap, clap - crackers, and hung on the tree
Top, top - toys, whirled around
Tick-tock - the clock goes, and the noses -
They run the country to wish a Happy New Year

Tick-tock - the clock goes, and the noses -
They run the country to wish a Happy New Year

Happy New Year to the country

"Scenario New Year's Eve - 2016"

Leading: Good evening, dear students, teachers and college staff! Here comes the end of 2015, which gave each of us a lot of pleasant and unforgettable. Of course, as in any year, you and I studied fruitfully, worked, took care of our relatives and friends - but this is what our life consists of. So let's spend the past year like an old good friend. Now I will call the bureau of good offices and ask if Santa Claus and Snegurochka are coming to us ... (calls on the phone :) Hello, is this bureau of good offices? .. Are you worried from the medical college ... Thank you, we are waiting! tube). While Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are on the way, a group of students sings for you

New Year's potpourri:
(they sing to the tune of the verse and chorus "Songs about five minutes" from the movie "Carnival Night").

We want to sing to you now about the New Year.
He will meet us at the snowy gates.
We will open the doors for him, passing the long-awaited New Year holiday as soon as possible!
Together: New Year, New Year Knocking at the door of everyone! On New Years, New Years A miracle can happen!


Let everyone wait for a miracle, because that's what the New Year is for!If there was no winter ...Based on the song from the cartoon "Holidays in Prostokvashino"
If there was no winter
In cities and villages
How much would we know
Happy new days!
Instead of skis and skates, we
Would swim in the sea.
If there was no winter
There would be no grief!

Just imagine: New Year,
Plus thirty in the yard,
Round dance around the tree,
The fireworks sparkle!
In a red T-shirt Santa Heat
Giving out gifts
Asphalt in the morning
Shines with a hot sun. (they sing to the tune of the chorus "Songs about Five Minutes" from the movie "Carnival Night").
New Year,
New Year
Knocking on everyone's door!
In the New Year,
In the new year
Together: A Miracle May Happen!

Let the end of those miracles only be happy And then the New Year will not cool our hearts for all!
The New Year is coming to us. It brings miracles with itself - It is difficult to doubt this!

Leading: The upcoming 2016 is the year of the fire monkey.The monkey is an eccentric nature, she is capricious, wayward and unpredictable. They recommend not to make serious plans and wait for special changes. The monkey will do everything in its own way anyway. All zodiac signs are in for surprises. Let's find out what awaits each of us in the new year. Group 12-F has prepared an astorological forecast for you.

(astrological forecast, group 12-F)

Leading: Singing student of group 21-A - Mukhareva Diana "If the Snowflake does not melt ..."

Leading: Group 11-F hastens to congratulate you. Please welcome!

(scene "The case of December 31 in the hospital", group 11-F)

Leading: Somewhere our Grandfather Frost is lingering, let's all call him together, I will make riddles, and you answer in unison.

He is kind
He is strict
All overgrown with a beard,
In a hurry to us
Now for a holiday
Who is this? ...
(Father Frost)

He's the rollers for us
Snow covered the streets,
Built bridges of ice
Who is this? ...
(Father Frost)

He comes
On a winter evening
Light candles on the tree.
Overgrown with a gray beard,
Who is this? ...
(Father Frost)

All together: Santa Claus! Father Frost! Father Frost!

(Santa Claus comes out)

Father Frost: Well, who called me? So I came! It just seems to me that I lost something on the way, but I can't understand what ...

Leading: Santa Claus, you must have lost the Snow Maiden.
Father Frost: Of course, that's what I say, lost. I went ahead, but she stayed there somewhere. He says he will catch up.

Leading: We must help grandfather and find the Snow Maiden. Remember what you called Snow Maiden in kindergarten? Let's all call her together! Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

Father Frost: There you are, granddaughter.

(The Snow Maiden comes out, sings the song "Winter")

Father Frost: Oh, and the winter has turned out to be cold today, a blizzard, a blizzard ... I wish that in your soul, regardless of the weather, it was warm and calm!

(dance studio "Grace")

Snow Maiden: I invite you to play with me "The song in the hat "

Notes are thrown into the hat in advance, on which the word is written: tree, icicle, Santa Claus, snow, frost, winter, new year, snowflake, spinning, toys, firecrackers, blizzard.
Each guest takes turns taking notes from his hat and sings a song - necessarily New Year's or winter, in which the word written on his sheet is found!

Leading: Meet the 11-Sp group with your congratulations!

(congratulations from the 11-Sp group)

Father Frost: I know that you had a competition for New Year's toys and New Year's newspaper "Winter Fantasy" in your college. According to the results of the competition, ___________ is awarded for the most original toy, group _____, for the most New Year's toy, a student of group ____________ is awarded,for the most unusual toy - a student of the _______________ group is awarded. Snow Maiden: A student of group ________ is awarded for the funniest newspaper, a student of group ___________ is awarded for the most New Year newspaper, a student of group ___________ is awarded for the best newspaper decoration. Leading: Students of group 11-C are singing for you!

(ditties group 11-C)

Father Frost: Let's play.At the moment when the music stops, everyone who has a monkey in their hands - a symbol of the new year, says a short wish to all the guests.

Leading:Student assets with the song "Christmas toys"

Snow Maiden:The dance studio "Grace" has prepared its New Year's gift for you

(dance studio "Grace" "Ice ceiling")