Implementation of student projects in secondary specialized educational institutions. Student projects Student projects and their implementation

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November 16 in the building of the Financial University, located at st. Kibalchicha, 1, hosted a charity fair called the fair with Wall Street , main task which was a fundraiser for the Sheredar Foundation, which helps children with oncology.

To the fair E was presented sweet treats prepared by students of the Faculty of Credit and Economics. The fair was attended by 14 chefs, who presented over 20 options for various pastries.

The fair was held in the form of an interactive game, where each person who bought the products prepared by our students also received shares of manufacturers. The idea was that the fair was a kind of exchange floor, with unique securities of certain manufacturers, which gave students the opportunity to try themselves as a trader on an imaginary exchange. We believe that we managed to get people interested, immerse them in the atmosphere of trading and give them the opportunity to contribute to charity.

Following the results of the Fair with Wall - street we were able to collect the amount of money needed by the Sheredar Foundation to implement their rehabilitation programs, and we also managed to successfully conduct a business game. Next year we will definitely hold another charity fair and, perhaps, the Sheredar Foundation will again become our partner.

From February 6 to February 21, a project was carried out by the Student Council of the Faculty of Credit and Economics of the Financial University. The main tasks of the project were: to diversify and decorate the student routine, allow children to open their feelings and publicly express them, give many people the opportunity to confess their love, give students an unusual format of a popular holiday.

Two loving couples took part in the project, who passed three tests throughout the project: a business card that allows other students to get to know the couple; an interview in which a couple reveals their secrets and gives an opportunity to check how well the lovers know each other; and a test in which a couple is invited to test their feelings for strength and find out what they are ready for each other.

We believe that we have succeeded in capturing the attention of the majority of the students through intrigue in the competition. Almost 600 people took part in the final voting, which indicates the interest of students in this project. In the future, you can promote this project and make it larger, we hope for the participation of more couples, as many this time wanted to "just watch", because the project was carried out for the first time. Next time these guys will be able to try themselves already as participants.

On March 4, a project was carried out from the Student Council of the Faculty of Credit and Economics of the Financial University called "Qvest 221B".

The project went well: more participants were announced than originally planned (about 60 people), but the organizers did an excellent job with a large number of students. The quest took place in a slightly unusual format: it was as close as possible to the famous British TV series "Sherlock", literally saturated with a subtle English atmosphere. It was possible to convey this through the images of the organizers and riddles that Sherlock could not cope with. Everything was thought out to the smallest detail: the appearance of the trackers, their speech, and the organization of the project itself. The guys perfectly foresaw and prescribed every minute of the project, thanks to which the participants did not have to sit around or get bored. And, of course, it is worth mentioning the cool prizes: 1000 minutes in the anti-cafe, tickets to the Artplay exhibition and to the theater, is it worth mentioning how happy the winners were?

Also, after the project, a survey was conducted among the project participants, the result of which showed that not only the winners of the quest were satisfied. The students were glad that they took part and noted that they were not sorry for the time spent.
And the KEF Student Council considers this project one of the best of its own projects and hopes to be held annually.

Time is rapidly advancing ... The Great Patriotic War has become history. New generations of people have grown up who have never heard the thunder of guns and the explosions of bombs. Trenches and trenches were overgrown with grass. On a land scorched by war, life triumphs.

But the war does not allow itself to be forgotten. She is in the eyes of a veteran, in front-line postcards and letters ...

Students of the Faculty of Credit and Economics have joined the "Letter to a Veteran" campaign. With the help of these letters, the guys were able to convey to the participants The great war a particle of your warmth and attention. These are veterans of the Great Patriotic War, and home front workers, and the children of Leningrad - everyone whom the War touched with its fiery breath.

The action took place on April 24. Students of our faculty wrote letters with trepidation: some are just veterans, and some are to their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. The guys are proud of their country, its great feat! A feat of all people who survived the horror of the war.

War is the greatest tragedy in the history of our people. For us to live happily today, 27 million people gave their lives. And we must remember those who gave us the most important thing - our life.

From May 15 to May 19, the project "KEF-2017 Week" was held by the Student Council of the Credit and Economic Faculty of the Financial University.

Every day throughout the project, the CCt KEF activists tried to diversify the everyday life of students and teachers. Every day of the project was special and memorable.

On May 15, the "Day of Kindness" took place. As part of this day, students and all employees on the territory of the university could leave their wishes for the faculty on a poster in the hall of the building, change cigarettes for sweets to support the fashion for a healthy lifestyle, and also share their warm hugs, because the movement FREE Hugs not only improves the mood, but also unites the team.

On May 17, the Photo Day took place, where everyone could take a picture with the hashtag #bombic_KEF_week and take part in the competition for the main prize. On May 22, after summing up the results, the winners were identified, among which: 1st place was taken by the teacher of Systems Analysis and Modeling Zvyagin L.S., 2nd place - student of KEF 1-5 Zaitseva Anastasia, and 3rd place - Zelentsova Alena, student of KEF 1- 1. Each of them received a prize and fond memories of the project.

On May 18, as part of the "KEF Week", the "Auditornik" was held, where all those who like to sing songs with a guitar, play board games, communicate with people and taste teas gathered. The guys played in the Imaginarium, Aliase , smashed Jenga and, of course, sang songs with a guitar. No one remained indifferent, many suggested spending such evenings within the walls of the university more often.

On May 19, "Tea with the Dean" took place, which was attended by 1-3 year students, the dean of the KEF Bezsmertnaya E.R., as well as Ryabinina E.V. and Gagarina M.A. All those who came could not only enjoy different delicacies, but also ask exciting questions to the administration. The meeting was held in a warm, friendly atmosphere and left pleasant memories not only for students, but also for the staff of the Financial University.

HSE Methodological Center

November 2015

How to create an applied project for undergraduate students

Student projects: what are they for?

Project activities for students were introduced into the HSE undergraduate educational programs in 2014. This practice has two goals: to give students the opportunity to try themselves in real work in the chosen specialty and to gain experience in applying the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in practice.

You can create such a project if you have a task or assignment that students can do. Thus, when executing the project:

  • The customer organizes the workflow or decides a specific task in an organization / department;

  • Students consolidate the learned material in the process of working on the project.
How are project activities organized within the HSE bachelor's programs?

The concept of the project has been formed, there is an interest in it Customer

Registration of an application for a project for Project Fair an employee of the Higher School of Economics

Students sign up for a project, students are selected
The general system of organizing work on a project at the Higher School of Economics is as follows:

Summing up the results of the project, student assessment

Project work

The main feature of the project is the inclusion of students in work on practical tasks that require students to use the knowledge, discipline and responsibility gained in the learning process. Such tasks can be set for students by both HSE departments and external customers. It is important that the project manager is an employee of the Higher School of Economics.

What kind of projects can students do?

You can attract students to work on a project if the purpose of its implementation is a certain product that can be used for applied or research purposes. Also, students can be involved in the organization and implementation of some process - conferences, Olympiads, excursions, open days, etc.

Based on this, projects can be classified into three types:

  • If the main goal of the project is to conduct research that implies the receipt as a result of some scientific or scientific-applied product, for example, an article / publication, report, analytical review or note, an application for a scientific grant, methodological manual etc. - then the project research;

  • In the case when the main goal of the project is to solve some applied problem, such as the development and justification of a design solution, the creation of a business plan or business case, especially for an external customer - the project belongs to applied;

  • a project involving the participation of students in the organization of an event or in the implementation organizational processes(organization of teacher and student feedback, technical preparation of teaching materials, organizational assistance in the process of conducting classes, etc.) - service project.
Each project has a labor intensity in credits, which are credited to the students who completed them and are taken into account in their curricula. Service projects have the lowest cost to loans (and students cannot collect more than 25% of the loans they need with such projects), but for them there are no requirements for a detailed description of the result.

How to prepare such a project?

When preparing a project application, you will need to answer the following questions:

  1. What will be the name of the project?
The title is the first parameter that students will pay attention to. Try to make it clearly and clearly reflect the essence of the work.

  1. Who will lead the project?
An employee of the Higher School of Economics should act as a leader.

  1. Which department is the customer for the project?
If the customer is external, then the application should indicate the department of the project manager.

  1. When should the project be completed?
The project must have a start date and an end date. You also need to decide how long you will accept applications for participation in the project. Allow time to select students if there are more applications than required.

  1. How many credits can be assigned per project?
The complexity of the project is calculated in credits accrued to each student upon completion. 1 credit equals 25 (astronomical) student hours. Some projects may require preparatory or independent work, it should also be counted, as well as the time for defense and / or presentation of the results.

Example: A project lasts 10 weeks and each participating student spends 5 hours a week on it. Thus, in total, students will work 50 hours, which is the complexity of the project in 2 credits.

Example 2: To complete a project, you need to spend 300 hours on it. So, if you open on project 4 vacancies a, it turns out that each student will spend 75 hours on its implementation. The complexity of the project in this case is equal to 3 credits.

Note. The project manager decides for himself which way to round off the clock. If there are few vacancies, and the work is complex, it is recommended to round up the hours up (i.e., for example, 35 hours can be rounded up to 50 and the labor intensity can be assigned to 2 credits). If the work is group and routine, it is recommended to round down.

  1. How many students can be involved in the project?
You can involve as many students in the project as required for successful implementation project on time.

If you do not know how many students you need, this number can be obtained based on the project lead time and the total number of hours required to complete it (or hours spent on a project per week).

Students have both classroom and extracurricular activities, and usually a student can allocate from 1 to 6 hours a week to a project (for especially urgent projects - up to 15 hours). This will allow you to determine the number of students you need.

Example: if the project requires spending 8 hours a week, then you can attract 1 student, or 2 students who will work 4 hours a week, or 4 students who will work 2 hours a week (labor intensity in credits will be correspondingly lower) ...

Example 2: a total of 200 hours are required to complete the project, and the project will take 10 weeks to complete. It turns out that an average of 20 hours per week is needed on a project. If each student is required to work on a project for 4 hours per week, then the project will require 5 vacancies.

  1. Where will the students work?
Students can carry out work on a project on the premises of a department, a customer, or remotely.

  1. How will students be assigned tasks?
While working on your project, students can receive tasks both individually and in groups. It is possible that for all students the task will be the same for the project.

  1. What educational programs (and courses) do you invite students to participate in?
If you wish, you can limit the enrollment of students to certain undergraduate educational programs. You can also limit the selection of certain courses to students, without differentiating according to the selected educational programs.

Example: students of the EP "Oriental Studies", "International Relations" and "Political Science", courses from 3 to 4.

  1. What other requirements should there be for potential project participants?
Please indicate professional requirements- prerequisites to the knowledge, skills and abilities of students that you expect from the project participants. It is possible to indicate the disciplines that students should already master.

  1. Where will meetings with project participants and student work take place (if not remotely)?
Such a territory can be the office of a division of the Higher School of Economics or the territory of the customer.

  1. What are the keywords for the project?
When drawing up an application, you will need to specify tags - keywords related to the project topic. Using them, it will be easier for students and everyone interested to find your project on the HSE portal.

What else is required to be specified in the project application?

If at the previous stage all information about the organizational side of the project has been collected, then at this stage it is required to describe its substantive part.

The project description should indicate:

  1. General description of the goals and objectives of the project;

  2. Information about the external customer (if any);

  3. Activities performed by the student in the project / practiced skills

  4. The planned result of work on the project;

  5. Criteria for evaluating the final result;

  6. Criteria for assessing the individual contribution of students to work.
Pay special attention to the nature of the activities that the students will be engaged in, as this will best show which skills the student will be practicing.

Also one of the key points design work is an assessment of the final result and the contribution of students to work.

In relation to research and applied projects, the result can be assessed by external criteria, for example, acceptance of an article for publication, coincidence of forecasts with reality, changes in observed characteristics, etc. at the same time, the most effective and recommended way of assessing the results of the project is its public defense before the customer... This item is optional for a service project.

The assessment of the student's contribution to work may entirely depend on the assessment of the project's result, or it may be differentiated, in which the number of credits is awarded depending on the student's fulfillment of his project tasks, meeting deadlines, etc.

All items on the page for adding a project are required. The block "Description of the project" should contain the basic information about the content of the work on the project (no more than 500 characters). A detailed description of the project is best attached as a separate file (available in the same section).

After filling in all the required fields, you can send it for consideration to the Directorate of Basic Educational Programs. After reviewing the project for compliance with all the requirements specified in the Instructions, the project will be published at the Fair and available to students.

For potential customers:

If you have an interest in implementing a project with HSE students, but you are not a HSE employee and do not have professional contacts with HSE faculty members who could act as project leaders, take advantage of the following opportunities:

  1. write to us about your idea at [email protected];

  2. contact by contacts on the portal with the leaders of the educational program or department, the students of which are suitable for you for the purpose of the project.

Sections: Technology

Design is an essential part of vocational training. Educational and technical projects are well known as its products. In the experience of colleges and universities, project activities are used in different directions. On the one hand, traditionally (especially in technical educational institutions) diploma design is a teaching and at the same time a controlling form of organizing the training of a specialist. The creation of a final qualifying work or a diploma project acts as a resultant act indicating the student's ability to independently create and publicly present a professional product. On the other hand, design is increasingly being used as a special type of pedagogical activity, including for solving problems aimed at achieving a specific strategic result - providing consumers with additional educational services with a quality product, which is the goal of a process-oriented approach.

This approach will provide continuous management of the relationship between individual processes and subsystems. The application of this approach emphasizes the need to consider the process in terms of added value, obtaining results of its implementation and efficiency, its continuous improvement based on objective measurement.

Socio-pedagogical design is understood as the ability to transform social processes, phenomena, conditions with the help of pedagogical means. Each socio-pedagogical project has its own social mission (purpose). It is born on the basis of social forecasting and foresight, focused on changing the surrounding social environment (social conditions) and requiring self-determination of the project participants regarding the quality of this environment. The specific context of the socio-pedagogical project is formed by the relations of social partnership. The pedagogical potential of this type of projects is aimed at the socialization of its participants, their conscious adaptation to existing conditions; on the formation of the ability to productively interact with the surrounding social space, improving it to the best of their ability and thereby solving their problems.

Design is today in the arsenal of innovative pedagogical tools and methods. The ability to organize the project activities of students is an indicator of the teacher's high qualifications. Real work on a project, and most importantly, a reflexive assessment of the planned and achieved results helps students to realize that knowledge is not so much an end in itself as a necessary means that ensures a person's ability to competently build his thinking and life strategies, make decisions, adapt in society and self-actualize as personality. It was these ideas that were supported by the teachers and students of the secondary specialized educational institutions of the region at the competition of social projects held in our educational institution.

It should be noted that the work in this direction by the teaching staff began from the moment of organizing an experimental laboratory of productive education on the basis of the pedagogical college in 2002 in collaboration with scientists from the Institute of Preschool Education of the Russian Academy of Education and the Pedagogical Institute of S. N.G. Chernyshevsky. Since 2004, the college has adapted to practice a scientifically grounded system of teaching students project activities (author Mitrofanova E.A.).

The first student mega project ("Good Deeds") in 2005 was presented at the 17th Congress of the International Network of Productive Schools (INEPS) "Productive Learning and Democratization of Schools" (Moscow), following which the Volsk Pedagogical College was admitted to the International a network of productive schools. For five years, students have been actively presenting their projects at various conferences of the Russian and international level. In 2006, they took two second places (out of 150 submitted projects at the international conference "From a school project to a professional career" (Saratov), ​​in the "Almanac of productive education" (Moscow) and other collections there are more than 50 articles teachers and students dedicated project activities... All this was the basis for the organization of the regional competition of student projects on the basis of the college, which has been taking place for three years (2006-2009). During this time, students of secondary vocational education institutions of the region, such as the Saratov Regional Basic Medical College, the Volsk Medical School named after V.I. ZI Mareseva, Saratov State Vocational Pedagogical College named after A.A. Gagarin, Saratov Agricultural College, Saratov Regional Social and Pedagogical College, Volsky College of Music, Saratov College culinary arts, Volsk Pedagogical College, etc.

At the competition, projects are presented in which the guys are participants in real affairs, important events. Projects: “I choose life”, “Save for centuries”, “Live the spring”, “First abortion - we are against”, “We are 20 years old” and many others, with just one name, showed how important the problems that the students had to discuss.

To participate in the competition, students and their leaders were divided into 4 sections: “Traditions and innovation in the culture of the XXI century”, “I choose life”, “Understand and help”, “The world around us”.

The social mission of many projects was to attract the attention of as many people as possible to the existing problems. These were the projects “The first abortion - we are against” (Volsk medical school named after ZI Mareseva), “Clean air for the city” (Volsk pedagogical college) 1st place winners; the project “Mass physical culture and sports movement and a healthy lifestyle” (Saratov technical school of railway transport), which took 2nd place; the project “I choose life” (Saratov Regional Basic Medical College), which took 3rd place and others.

The following projects were aimed at enhancing the creative, socially significant activities of adults and adolescents, fostering a responsible attitude towards themselves and the formation of socially positive motivation in adolescents and their inclusion in socially significant activities. These are projects - “Let's Save For Ages”, which took 1st place (Volsk Pedagogical College); “There is such a mansion on Moskovskaya Street” - 2nd place (Saratov College of Culinary Arts); “Through the worlds and centuries” (Saratov State Professional and Pedagogical College named after A.A. Gagarin), “Formula of Success” (Volsk Music College), “Nobody is Forgotten, Nothing is Forgotten” (Volsk Pedagogical College), which took 3rd place ...

Social and pedagogical projects are designed, on the one hand, for a wide public resonance, on the other, participation in them becomes an unforgettable event in life for students, gives them an impulse to master new types of social and pedagogical activity.

So, the main advantages of this activity are that it is aimed at the final result and allows you to quickly respond to changes, to focus all participants in project activities at the result of processes (product). Thus, the process-oriented approach allows you to organize activities in such a way that it is flexible, aimed at continually improving the quality of the final product.

"Digital publishing"

During the course, students get acquainted with the theory and history of digital publishing, choose the topic and content of the book (as a rule, these are collections of essays and articles by famous scientists, critics or publicists), interact with the author, work on the book as editors in Adobe program Digital Publishing System and develop marketing strategies to promote your product.

You can see what happened at. In November 2016, students presented the books they had prepared. One of the books - "How It's Done: Producing in Creative Industries" - entered the top-selling Ridero publishing platform in March 2016.

The course is headed by Alexander Arkhangelsky, writer, TV presenter, literary critic, professor at HSE, and the director of the Institute of Books, co-founder of the Ridero publishing platform Alexander Gavrilov, executive director of the Association of Internet Publishers Vladimir Kharitonov and Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor at the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design at HSE Anna Novikova.

Learn more about student digital publishing projects:

"Transmedia Extensions for Museums"

Students, together with museum professionals, produce transmedia extensions for museums: they think over content and visual concepts, build interaction with designers and museum staff, and work in archives. Thus, museums receive additional resources to attract an audience, and students - experience of working on real projects.

In the 2016-17 academic year, some of the students worked on projects for small museums of the Tretyakov Gallery (these include the A.M. Vasnetsov Museum-Apartment, the V.M. Vasnetsov House-Museum, the A.S. P. D. Korina). The result of their work will be a website, which in the future will be a separate page of the Tretyakov Gallery website. Their work is supervised by Tatiana Gafar, head of the development service for small museums at the Tretyakov Gallery.

The second group is occupied with multi-format multimedia projects, thematically related to the works and life of Leo Tolstoy. They work together with Fyokla Tolstoy, head of the development department of the Leo Tolstoy State Museum.

The course is headed by Anna Kachkaeva, media critic, Ph.D. in Philology, Professor of the Media Department.

More about student projects of transmedia museum extensions:

"Online education"

Students master production in the field of online education courses, learn how key market players work, learn how to correctly apply for the creation of such courses, prepare “selling” announcements, and even make a teaser of their own course.

Among the platforms, the work of which undergraduates get acquainted with directly, are Courson, Netology,, MTS corporate university, etc.

"Today, the project approach is increasingly penetrating into management practice. An increasing number of organizations are beginning to view themselves through the prism of project-oriented activities. The need for professional project managers is growing. The shortage of these specialists is also growing. Therefore, the most urgent problem is the training and selection of managers. In this regard, questions arise about the possibility of creating a system that will facilitate the selection and formation of professionals in the field of project management. "

PMSOFT and the Project Management University, in cooperation with universities, together with representatives of the Big Russian Branch of the AACE, the Moscow Branch of PMI and Young Crew Russia SOVNET, PRUE. G.V. Plekhanov and the Higher School of Economics competition "Best student project"... For several years in a row, the competition has evoked a response from hundreds of students from leading universities in Russia and neighboring countries. The results are winning projects and very promising student work receiving honorable mentions from the jury! This year, the results of the competition and the awarding of the winners will be held in May 2018 as part of.

The main prize in the "Student Project" competition is participation in the business program XVII International Conference on Project Management and the opportunity to hear from Russian and foreign practitioners how to correctly and consistently apply the design technology so that its use becomes the key to the successful development of companies. Participation in the conference will provide an opportunity to listen to the gurus in the field of project management. For participation in the conference, winners will receive 8 PDUs (Professional Development Units used for certification of project management specialists).

According to the results of the last year's competition, the prize in the nomination " Best project "Won a student of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia BN Yeltsin - Evgeny Tolstikov (Scientific supervisors - Marina Nikolaevna Divakova and Alexander Nikolaevich Gushchin) with the work" Village for the elderly ": Comfortable environment for elderly people", and in the nomination " Best idea »The winner was the students from the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanova Sedova Zlata and Shalaevskaya Alina (Nachunov leader - Kuzina Olga Viktorovna) with the work "Construction of an orbital combat station" The number of participants in the competition is constantly growing, the geography of participants is expanding.

The competition will be held for more than 2 months, the work of the participants will be monitored by an independent jury. According to the results of the competition, prizes will be awarded to the winners.

The purpose This competition is to expand interaction with universities in the framework of joint training of specialists who know the basics of project management. Involvement of young people in the study of approaches, tools and methods of project management.

The terms of participation:

  • Entries may contain projects from any area of ​​the application.
  • Students of universities, secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions are participating.
  • Participants in the competition must provide the project charter and the network schedule for the project.

Tentative content of the project charter:

  1. Description of the project
  • Project name;
  • justification of the feasibility of the project;
  • goals of the project;
  • expected results of the project;
  • project product;
  • product development prospects of the project;
  • parties interested in the development of the project;
  • stakeholder expectations;
  • project risks;
  • Project limitations and assumptions
    • project execution time;
    • project costs;
    • organizational;
    • criteria for assessing the success of the project;
    • The project team;
  • Project management plan
    • hierarchical structure of project work;
    • responsibility matrix;
    • project checkpoints;
    • calendar and network schedule;
    • resource provision;
    • cost plan of the project.

    Dates: Competition projects are accepted from February 1 to April 10, 2018. The winners will be awarded at the end of May 2018.