Professions related to history and society list. Professions in which knowledge of history is required. In what areas can these professions be applied

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The first architects appeared in the countries of the Mediterranean basin (Egypt, Greece, Rome, Crete), as well as in Asia Minor (Babylon, Persia), that is, where, earlier than in other parts of the world, the art of building reached its peak for its time. Little is known about the architects of Ancient Egypt. In addition to the legendary Imhotep - with ...

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The profession of a doctor is one of the oldest. In primitive society, healing was equated with magic, from century to century the profession of helping people was highly valued, and at the same time it was not available to everyone. Modern medicine no longer resembles the mystical rituals of the ancient world, but the role of the doctor has remained unchanged. In primitive society, almost every op ...

The exact date of the emergence of this glorious profession is unknown. But the first mentions of it were found in the works of Pliny the Elder, Aristotle, Strabo and Pythagoras. In addition, Al-Biruni and Avicenna, already in the 9-10th centuries AD, tried to describe and classify geological bodies in detail. After, in the 14-16th century, the great scientists of the Renaissance ...

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Since ancient times, there was a tradition in a small group of people to appoint a person responsible for keeping funds. In Ancient Russia, there was a post of treasurer - a person who kept the treasury of individuals, boyars and princes. In its modern form, the position of a cashier appeared at the end of the 19th century with the invention of the first cash register machines and quickly ...

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For a very long time, the forest has been sacred in many religions. Often the people who used its resources and lived nearby were engaged in the protection of the forest. The forest helped to hide from enemies, hunted in it, built housing from its wood, it was used as fuel. Therefore, the earliest mentions of those who guarded the forest date back to the 9th century ...

To say who was the first painter is a difficult task. But judging by the rock paintings preserved in the caves of France and Spain, then 40 thousand years ago our ancestors knew what paint is. They also used earthen paints - red, yellow and brown ocher and black soot. And in ancient Egypt, except for mineral paints ...

Scientists have determined that man went to sea 23 thousand years ago. But it was impossible to call it professional navigation. Judging by the drawings left, people were simply ferried in small primitive boats over short distances. But the first more or less professional sailors appeared 7000 BC in the Red Sea and ...

Where to go with social studies? This question is asked by those who have chosen this subject, which combines political science, psychology, sociology and many other beginnings of sciences, to take the Unified State Exam.

In order to choose where to go to study, to decide on a good institute or university and faculty, graduates who passed the USE in social studies after grade 11 must first learn as much as possible about this science and about the professions in which it can be applied.

Social studies is a necessary science for university applicants

At the moment, social studies is one of the most popular disciplines that schoolchildren choose to take the exam.

Many people choose social studies because of the wide range of specialties, which can then be enrolled in this subject. It is also taken into account that this humanitarian discipline is relatively easy to pass.

Social science is a science that studies a person within a constantly developing society, and includes several different social branches: sociology, political science, philosophy, history, economics.

Studying social studies, schoolchildren get acquainted with a person within society, with society itself, with its spiritual life, socio-economic relations, laws.

At universities, everything that social studies encompasses is divided into many different disciplines and studied separately from others. Therefore, this subject is so important for applicants, it can be useful at any university in any humanitarian specialty.

For admission to which universities do you need social studies

Who can apply for a graduate with a predisposition to the humanities?

After passing the exam, he can choose a number of the following specialties with specialized social studies:

  1. History, philosophy, cultural studies, political science, jurisprudence. These directions are interconnected, therefore, in order to enter them, it is necessary to pass the same subjects: social studies, Russian language, history.
  2. Philology, pedagogical directions (social studies, Russian language, literature, English, history, geography, physics, computer science, mathematics base - depending on the profile).
  3. Biology, psychology (social studies, Russian, biology, chemistry).

If the graduate is more predisposed to the exact sciences, then he will be able to choose faculties with a mathematical bias:

  • economy;
  • service;
  • trading business.

Take into account: to enter these specialties, you must pass the following exams: mathematics, Russian language, social studies.

So, social studies as a core subject is necessary in:

  1. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
  2. Moscow State Pedagogical University.
  3. State Academic University of the Humanities.
  4. St. Petersburg State University of Economics.
  5. Ural State Pedagogical University, etc.

The list includes universities in cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Tula.

In fact, in many large cities there are universities where they teach specialties that require knowledge in the field of social studies.

List of professions where you need to know social studies

The relevance of professions related to the study of social science in Russia has greatly increased over the past few years. This is primarily due to the fact that people tend to study the processes taking place in society.

It is necessary to know social science:

  1. Public relations specialists(a profession in demand at the moment, since almost all large campaigns need such a specialist).
  2. Political scientists(these are specialists who study and analyze the life of society from a political point of view; here people are required who are able to predict and build hypotheses regarding the relationship between different countries, states, regions, etc.).
  3. To jurists(a specialist competent in solving legal issues and in knowing the essence of the state; here experts of the current laws, theories and rights are required).
  4. Sociologists(specialists analyzing the development and functioning of society; these are people who know how to establish contact with society using various questionnaires, surveys, etc.).
  5. For culturologists(these are specialists who solve issues in the field of cultural history; here people are needed who are interested in culture, the history of different peoples, their foundations of life, architecture, art).
  6. Psychologists(study of human behavior from the point of view of psychology; they are engaged in psychodiagnostics, correctional and developmental work).

In what areas can these professions be applied:

  • political scientist: Mass media, government bodies;
  • jurist: public authorities, local governments, prosecutors, courts, law firms;
  • sociologist: personnel management, advertising agencies;
  • culturologist: curator at exhibitions, in museums, teacher at the university;
  • psychologist: private practice, work at school, at the university, in the internal affairs bodies.


Social science plays an important role in the formation of modern society. The student who passed this subject has an idea of ​​the world order, moral values ​​of peoples, laws and much more.

When choosing a profession related to social science, people get unlimited opportunities for continuous improvement and self-development.

As soon as primitive people became a society, that is, a group of individuals who had common goals, interests and values, they tried to transmit from generation to generation the memory of the most significant events in the life of the tribe. In these stories, authenticity was mixed with fiction, but the further humanity developed, the more real they became. And when writing appeared, history gradually turned into a scientific discipline, with which many activities are associated today.

History refers to the sciences of the social and humanitarian direction, studying the development of mankind as a society, its worldview and ideology. The list of professions associated with this discipline is very long, since it demonstrates the basic laws of the development of society, knowledge of which is necessary for people of many specialties.

Many processes are greatly extended in time, therefore they are not as clear as, for example, the law of universal gravitation, but they are just as real and inevitable, so that attempts to violate them due to ignorance or non-recognition are fraught with the most serious consequences, both for individual countries and peoples, as and for humanity as a whole.

Historian studies primary sources

Important! To be able to manage not only their present, but also, to some extent, the future, people must firmly remember the lessons of history.

History is the most important subject for anyone who wants to work in areas related to education, politics, lawmaking, people management.

Answering the question, which professions are associated with in-depth study of this discipline, it is necessary to mention:

  • history teachers at all levels, from high school to tertiary education;
  • historians who study the past of mankind in all its diversity and recreate, with the help of various methodological methods, pictures of real life that exist now and have become a thing of the past of states and peoples;
  • conducting excavations, studying and systematizing material evidence of the deep past of mankind. There are many techniques that can be used to work with historical material, "looking" into the past;
  • employees of museums of various directions - historical, local history, archaeological;
  • employees of archival institutions: archivists, archivists responsible for recording, storing and organizing documentary materials;
  • lawyers. Since lawmaking has developed along with humanity, the origins of many aspects of jurisprudence lie in the deep past of human civilization;
  • ... Working in the field of international relations, you need to know very well the history of your own country and those states in establishing contacts with which the diplomat is directly involved;
  • politicians and political scientists. No one can have the right to participate in governing the state, make predictions, comment on and give recommendations on the adoption of politically important decisions, if he is not well enough familiar with its history.

The historical profile includes the profession of an ethnologist, whose field of activity is at the intersection of culturology, sociology, anthropology and ethnography. All these sciences are also included in the field of history, and in their study, it is one of the core disciplines.

They specialize in in-depth study of specific time periods of different states, as well as in more narrow thematic areas.

For example, a military historian studies the problems of a particular war, from the closest to us in time to long-past military campaigns, can tell about the reasons for its occurrence and development, about military campaigns and central battles, about what preceded it, when, where and how it ended.

Thus, a specialist with a history education will easily find many areas of activity where the acquired knowledge can be applied. The choice of direction depends solely on the inclinations and abilities of a person with a degree in history.

Useful video: why and how to teach history

History plus literature

These two disciplines have a lot in common, since both belong to the group of the humanities and require the ability to describe and present the facts of the past days in a literate and lexically rich literary language. The most famous professions associated with history and literature at the same time:

  • a writer whose work is dedicated to real historical events;
  • editors and translators of works.

People of these professions should be well oriented in the abundance of events and facts, selecting the most significant for their chosen topic. The profession of a military journalist also includes an obligatory deep knowledge of historical disciplines, only in this case a person will be able to write a competent and truthful article on military topics.

A description of long-standing events and the not so distant past is in itself a fascinating reading. If you add to it literary fiction, framed by real facts, you can create historical novels. Many classics of Russian literature wrote their masterpieces in this genre: Alexander Pushkin ("The Captain's Daughter"), Nikolai Gogol (), Lev Tolstoy ("War and Peace"), Alexei Tolstoy ("Peter the First").

Nikolay Gogol "Taras Bulba"

Some authors have made the historical novel the main focus of their work. The books of the Russian writer of the Soviet period Valentin Pikul, whose characters live and act in different epochs of Russian history, are widely known.

The most popular are:

  1. "Favorite".
  2. "With the pen and the sword."
  3. Bayazet.
  4. "Hard labor".
  5. "Devilry".

This genre of literature plays a large positive role, helping to popularize history as a science among the broad masses, attracting schoolchildren and students to its study. If a fiction writer decides to create books in this direction, he must first deeply study the real events of the time about which he is going to write, so that his works fully correspond to the historical truth. Therefore, in addition to literary education, it is desirable to receive an in-depth specialized education, due to which it will be possible to work with historical material at a professional level.

V. Pikul "Favorite"

How to get a diploma

Having learned what professions need history science for, applicants and high school students can begin an in-depth study of it. A historian is a specialist with a higher education, and you can get it in any profile. You can work as a school history teacher after graduating from the history faculty of the pedagogical institute.

The history faculties, which are available in all Russian universities of the humanities profile, provide more in-depth knowledge in this discipline. A graduate with a university degree can be either a high school teacher or devote himself to any other specialty in history.

When entering a university in order to obtain one of the above professions, applicants, in order to secure a place among students, should try to score as many points as possible when passing the Unified State Exam (USE) for a high school course in a number of humanitarian disciplines.

Let's list them:

  1. and social studies.
  2. Russian language and literature.
  3. Foreign language.

The term of study at the university is from four to six years, depending on the chosen form of higher education - bachelor's or master's degree.

Useful video: the profession of a historian


All professions, one way or another related to history, are in demand on the labor market, but the profession of a teacher of a school history course is in the greatest demand. It requires good memory, logical thinking, and a high level of concentration. Those who would like to devote a significant part of their lives to her must have a broad outlook, be erudite, possess such qualities of character as curiosity and creativity.

The professions associated with history are quite diverse. The historian studies the past of human society at all stages of development and taking into account its historical manifestations. Using historical facts, he recreates a complete picture of the life of various states and peoples, their traditions and way of life. Historians find out the reasons for the development of society from a primitive state to a modern one. They are looking for a connection between the events of different eras.

The political scientist studies politics at all its historical stages, as well as political relations and the role of power in society. He studies politics and its manifestations in society at various stages and time phases of its development, predicts the future of political relations, analyzes the activities of political organizations.

The profession of an art critic closely interacts with history. Moreover, it is a very ancient profession with a rich past. Art history encompasses a wide range of social sciences that study the manifestation and history of art in all its forms. This is the culture of society as a whole and certain types of art.

An art historian studies collections of works, is responsible for their preservation in museums, conducts lectures and excursions. He can establish the value, age and authenticity of the exhibit.

The main work of a culturologist is the scientific study of the history of the emergence, development and formation of certain types of art and their characteristics. In addition, he explores the way of life and traditions of various ethnic groups.

The culturologist is also engaged in excursion activities, writes articles and books. Such specialists are recruited as cultural experts in various institutions, organizations and television.

An ethnographer is a specialist in the study of ethnic groups of peoples, their traditions, customs, political, economic, cultural and religious norms and foundations. Ethnographers analyze historical data about a particular ethnic group, travel to their places of residence and communicate with local residents. In addition, they write articles and research literature.

The archaeologist, in connection with his professional activities, studies the life, traditions and culture of ancient civilizations. Therefore, the profession of an archaeologist has a historical basis. is engaged in tracking individual fragments of the historical past of mankind or its individual peoples.

In fact, it is very difficult to imagine where and in what specialties knowledge is needed, let alone a complete study of history, and where it would be superfluous. Almost any field of human activity, be it carpentry, military, metallurgy, mathematics, or playing the guitar, is associated with history.

Starting any new and unfamiliar business, a new specialty, we first look for its origins, and while studying theory, we are faced with the history of the emergence of this or that kind of occupation. But this, rather, is connected with a superficial study of it, and as for specific professions requiring historical education, we will discuss below in the lists of professions directly related to the study of historical science.

Top five professions requiring history education

List of professions

This article will discuss the following professions:

  • archaeologist;
  • ethnographer;
  • political scientist;
  • culturologist;
  • archivist.

Of course, you can add a lot of professions to this meager list, for example: a military or military historian, sociologist, lawyer, etc., but in order not to bother the reader with a mass of information, we will offer only five specialties requiring historical education.

So, the first area of ​​science on the list, historical education- this is archeology, without which, in principle, history itself would be impossible, well, at least, it would have a lot of gaps, unable to fill them with theoretical knowledge. Archeology is probably the most romantic science, insofar as its study is simply impossible to accomplish while sitting in stuffy rooms. On the contrary, archeology requires constant field trips to find missing fragments in the study of a particular era, and the found artifacts are then kindly presented to historians for detailed analysis.

The first to use the term archeology was Plato, and it happened in the distant fourth century BC. Over the course of time, this dictum changed its meaning several times, but basically its whole meaning was in the study of some material of historical significance.

The beginning of the birth of archeology as we know it now was in the eighteenth century during the Great French Revolution. The first city that fell into the interest of French archaeologists was Pompeii, buried under lava. Then, with the advance of troops to the east, mass excavations were carried out on the territory of former Mesopotamia and Egypt, where in the latter, as a result of painstaking work, the famous Rosetta stone was found, which laid the foundation for the study of ancient languages.

Archeology is truly the first among the historical sciences. She carefully picks up long-lost and forgotten relics from the bosom of the earth, passing them on for study by present and future generations to learn about history.

The second science on the list that will not do without a historian is ethnography. Literally translated from Greek, ethnography is description of peoples, that is, a science dealing with the study of the history of ethnic communities. In the west, it is known as anthropology which makes the same sense.

The first scientist in the field of ethnography is considered Herodotus... Thanks to the rapid advancement and development of the Greek colonies, he had an excellent the opportunity to travel and work, describing the culture and life of ancient tribes and peoples... Subsequently, following his example, every educated traveler considered it his duty to bring home stories about previously unknown peoples. So, gradually, after centuries, ethnography developed and, having withstood the test of time, has come down to us.

Ethnography is an amazing science, because a student for a full report and understanding has to live a certain time among people whose lifestyle differs from the generally accepted one. The researcher collects fairy tales, legends, carefully studies the area and various natural phenomena that can affect people living in a certain area. And although this is a historical science, its path can lead the seeker to where he never thought to be.

Where else can you work with history education? Well, probably everyone knows that a person involved in politics, and even more so studying it, is simply obliged to know history. After all, it is impossible to plan and analyze government issues without certain guidelines for doing business, which history graciously provides, with centuries of experience behind it. Consequently, the third profession on the list requiring a history education will be a political scientist.

Political science, in contrast to the humanitarian ones mentioned above, science is more accurate although it has a lot of different, and sometimes even creative solutions to the same problem. After all, political science - science is purely human and real, designed in order to streamline the life and deeds of people as part of the state, and not a separate society.

No matter how important and educated politicians may look, in reality they are unable to work without the advice of a political scientist. All state affairs go through their clear, cold-blooded and balanced analysis. A political scientist has no chance of a mistake, because the fate of millions depends on him, and also, which is no less important, in what light its neighbors see a particular country. A real political scientist is rarely seen on TV screens or shouting from the rostrum about new reforms. Often these people are in the shadows, day and night long honing their command of the word and the law.

What other science can not do without knowledge of history? Of course, this is cultural studies, which will take the fourth place in this list of professions related to history.

Who is a culturologist and what should he do to maintain this status? Well, probably the name speaks for itself: a culturologist is one who studies the characteristics of a certain people, namely:

Studying culture is not easy, but exciting. The researcher will need knowledge in history, ethnography, architecture, literature, and also need to know all the features of religion and political activity of the people.

A culturologist is a rather responsible profession, because his thinking and views form the perception of people in relation to another culture and their own. A culturologist is directly related to such a wonderful profession as art critic, insofar as art occupies a high position in the cultural niche of a particular society and remarkably characterizes this or that nation. And therefore, in the form of an addition, you can add an art critic to the list.

And finally, the last profession on the list of the top five professions related to history is the archivist. The main task of the archivist (archivist) is the protection of documents of national importance, that is, their cataloging and accurate accounting for further use by the same historians.

Archivers reliably stand behind the safety of all documentation of previous generations. Under their close supervision, not a single information will disappear, not a single person who had the opportunity to live under the sun. In order to work as an archivist, you need a lot of patience, an analytical mind, the ability to digest a huge amount of information, and give each piece of paper its place. Archivists can also engage in research work to study the values ​​of the received material.

Studying history and all its branches is the most addicting robot in the world. What could be more beautiful than the study of hitherto unknown antiquities, artifacts, works of art, the discovery of which can turn the world upside down. Hundreds and thousands of historians around the world day and night work tirelessly to shed light for the average man in the street on the secrets of the past that directly affect today's reality and ourselves.