How do swans live in nature. Swan. Description of the species and interesting facts. Legends and myths

There are many legends about swans associated with their greatness, love of freedom and fidelity. Which of these commonly held beliefs is true and which is fiction? After reading this article, you can find out the real facts from the life of this majestic bird. And also how to distinguish a goose from a swan, how much a swan weighs, how many years these birds live, what is the difference between a whooper swan and a trumpeter, their differences from a mute, how swans sleep, interesting facts about swans and other information.


animal or bird

The swan is a migratory waterfowl.

According to the scientific classification, these birds belong to:

  • Kingdom - Animals.
  • Type - Chordates.
  • Subtype Vertebrates.
  • Class - Birds.
  • Superorder - New Sky.
  • Order - Anseriformes.
  • Family - Duck.
  • Subfamily - Goose.
  • Genus - Swans.

What is the difference between a goose and a swan

These birds are assigned to the same order of birds, but they are very different:

  • Appearance. The swan is more graceful and majestic than the goose, the contours of its body are curved.
  • Neck length. The neck of the swan is longer and more graceful. This is due to natural necessity - the goose can find food on land, the swan is more attached to the reservoir.
  • Dimensions. Goose is much smaller. Even a medium-sized swan, with its huge wingspan, is giant compared to a goose.
  • Taming. Geese are more suitable for keeping at home, and their relatives are freedom-loving birds.
  • Sounds. Each bird makes its own unique sounds.
  • Reproduction. Swans are monogamous animals, they are very attached to their halves. Geese are polygamous and create a new family every season.

Description of the species

External features include:

  • length - from 1 to 2 meters;
  • wingspan - from 2 to 2.5 meters;
  • weight - from 5 to 12 kg;
  • physique - large dense with a small head;
  • neck - thin long curved or straight;
  • wings are wide;
  • paws - short black, for convenience when moving through the water, the paws are not located in the center, but closer to the tail, there are swimming membranes;
  • beak - wide, flat; black, yellow or red;
  • the tail is short, above it is the coccygeal gland, which secretes fat, which the swan
  • lubricates feathers so that they do not get wet;
  • feather cover - thick, voluminous with a developed downy layer, feathers are soft;
  • color - plain white or black.

What sounds do birds make

According to the nature of the sounds they make, birds are divided into three types:

  1. Whooper swan with its sonorous loud cry. In nature, you can hear his cry during the mating season. The rest of the time, the birds are silent, only giving a sign of alarm when danger approaches. This bird is notable for its lemon-colored beak with a black tip.
  2. A trumpeter swan whose cry resembles the sound of a trumpet. The color of its beak is different from other bird species - it is completely black.
  3. The mute swan does not know how to scream, but it can hiss menacingly at the enemy. The beak of these birds is red with a marigold.


Birds live in the coastal part of the Caspian Sea, along the shores of reservoirs in India and the Mediterranean, on the California coast and in Florida. For settlement, they can choose both a small river and a sea lagoon. According to the places of distribution, two types of birds are distinguished:

  1. Northern - settles in the tundra and northern forests. These are migratory birds.
  2. Southern - prefers lakes and swamps of the tropical zone. The lifestyle of this bird is sedentary.

Lifestyle in the wild

Swan loyalty and relationships within the flock

Swans in nature live in pairs. Throughout life, the couple remains faithful to each other.

There are legends that a bird that has lost its soulmate commits suicide. In fact, in the event of the early death of the "spouse" or "wife", a widowed bird can create a new family.

Each family has its own territory, which the birds protect from the invasion of neighbors. During mass nesting, couples are more relaxed about their neighbors and arrange their nests more densely. The nest is a huge structure (a heap up to 800 cm high) made of reed and grass stalks.

Birds are "taciturn", behave slowly, have a calm character.

In case of danger, they defend themselves - they bite and flap with powerful wings, from the blow of which the opponent can be seriously injured.


Migratory birds during the flight create a wedge, which is headed by the strongest individual. He sets the pace for the rest of the pack, and the aerodynamic flows that the leader creates make it easier for his relatives to fly. At long distances, the leader is replaced by another swan.

Taking off and landing are not easy for birds. In order to gain height, swans flap their wings for a long time. They always sit down on the water, and slow down, moving their paws along the surface of the reservoir.


The basis of the diet of a wild swan is the seeds and roots of aquatic plants. Birds may also eat:

  • grass;
  • worms;
  • crustaceans;
  • shellfish;
  • insects and their larvae;
  • shells;
  • small fish;
  • snails;
  • caviar;
  • small amphibians;
  • willow branches;
  • grain crops (millet, corn, cereals).

Finding food at the bottom

To get food, birds can plunge their heads deep into the water or find food near the shore.

An adult bird can eat up to 5 kg of food per day.


For northern swans, the mating season begins in March-April, after they have arrived at a new place. In southern birds, mating games take place during the rainy season. To attract a female, the male raises his wings and nods his head. Males usually do not arrange fights, but they will protect their soulmate and territory to the last. Blocking the path of the opponent, the male is able to pursue the offender at a distance of up to 20 m.

In one swan clutch there can be from 3 to 7 greenish or brown eggs, the incubation period lasts an average of 35 days. The chicks of swans of all kinds that were born have gray plumage.

How long do swans live

In the natural environment of a bird, the average life expectancy of a swan is 30 years. At home, significantly different from wildlife, there is no harsh climate, there is always quality food, there are no threats in the form large predators and other threatening factors, swans can live much longer.

There are cases when they, being in captivity, lived up to 70 years.

How do birds sleep

For safety reasons, the bird sleeps directly on the water. Having bowed her head and buried her beak under the wing, she can sleep, continuing to swim slowly.

Waterfowl prefer to hide in the thickets of willow, reeds or reeds on the shore. Floating houses are installed in special reserves and parks for birds to rest.

Swan in heraldry

The swan as a symbol of wisdom, beauty and greatness, nobility, fidelity and purity is common in tribal and territorial heraldry.

List of some countries and settlements, on the coat of arms of which a swan is depicted:

  • Dolgoprudny (Russia);
  • Svetlinsky possovet (Orenburg region);
  • MO Vosyakhovskoe (YaNAO);
  • Yeravninsky district (Buryatia);
  • Kobyaisky ulus (Yakutia);
  • Namsky ulus (Yakutia);
  • Kopkul rural settlement (Novosibirsk region);
  • Lebyazhevsky district (Kurgan region);
  • Lakhdenpokhsky district (Republic of Karelia);
  • Lebyazhsky district (Kirov region);
  • Chanovsky district (Novosibirsk).
  • Udmurt republic;
  • Miora (Belarus);
  • Denmark (on the coat of arms of the country);
  • municipality of Le Blanc (France);
  • municipality of Borsflet (Germany);
  • department of Tolima (Colombia).

What gender is the word swan

At the moment, the word "swan" refers to the masculine gender. Previously, it was classified as a female. In this sense, the word is still used in fiction: "Look - over the flowing waters, a white swan floats."

What are the names of the female and chick?

When it is necessary to name exactly the female, it is customary to use the word "swan". There are other less popular names:

  • quinoa;
  • winch.

The chick can be named like this:

  • swan chick;
  • swan;
  • swan (colloquial)

Same-sex marriage

Same-sex couples are common among birds. Black males can attract a female only for laying eggs, after which she is expelled from the nest. Both males incubate eggs and raise children. Such pairs make up to 25% of all pairs in black swans.

Belonging to waterfowl, they are distinguished by an impressive exterior, longevity and the ability to be faithful to one partner.

The description of the life of swans is of great interest, because among the waterfowl brothers there is no longer such grace and beauty. The birds are large, the weight of an adult reaches 15 kg, the length is from 110 to 180 cm, and the wingspan is about two meters. In nature, there are varieties with snow-white, gray and black plumage.

Swans are distinguished by a long curved neck, thanks to which they look for food in the coastal areas of water bodies. They have well-developed muscles, so they cover long distances during seasonal flights, but because of their short legs on land, they waddle.

Birds do not have sexual dimorphism, in connection with this it is almost impossible to distinguish a female from a male by external signs.

Living in a natural environment

Swans have chosen the expanses of reservoirs with abundant vegetation.

The northern subspecies inhabit tundra forests with an abundance of water sources, and in the south, the swans liked secluded bays and expanses of tropical swamps.

Almost without exception, breeds are migratory birds; for wintering, they fly from the northern regions to places with a mild climate.

During the migration period, several individuals gather in flocks, so at first only single birds fly, the number of which increases every day.

Migration begins after the freezing of water bodies, they return to their native lands in the spring.

Birds are very careful, they try to nest away from human dwellings. Even during nesting, they settle in separate families, and in case of danger, the male can cripple a dog or a fox that has entered his territory with his beak and wing beats. The female lays 4-8 eggs, incubation lasts 35 days.

The male is nearby to defend the nest. After the appearance of gray fluffy chicks, the parents begin to molt, they lose the ability to fly for a month and a half.

What do they eat naturally

Thanks to the developed muscles, the birds confidently stay on the water surface and dive. What swans eat determines the habitat conditions, which determine the abundance of vegetation in the diet. They prefer to seek food in shallow water, eat worms, insects and amphibians. They submerge their neck under water, capture suitable food in the coastal zone and between aquatic vegetation.

Under natural conditions, the diet includes:

  • young willow leaves
  • aquatic and coastal vegetation
  • small fish

Feeding occurs as follows: the birds lower their beak into liquid silt, filtering the liquid, and with their tongue they separate the food from unnecessary solid particles.

When to feed the swan

They feed sick or injured individuals, especially in severe frosts below -15 degrees.

Symptoms of hypothermia are the icy neck of a swan, he sits on the icy surface of the reservoir, hiding his head under his wing.

A healthy bird is not afraid to freeze, it has accumulated subcutaneous fat by winter.

An injured swan is given food on ice or given in a large basin.

In the frosty season, they are fed with cereals, and when it is warm, they are fed with chopped beet tops, cabbage and carrot leaves, corn cobs and boiled potatoes.

Recommendations of experts regarding winter feeding

What do swans eat in winter if it seems that the bird is starving? In the absence of food in water bodies, a healthy bird will not stay there for more than three days. If there is no food or it runs out, the swans fly away in search of food elsewhere.

  • wheat grains
  • barley or millet
  • oatmeal or oatmeal

Before feeding cereals should be prepared:

  • grain is poured into a container
  • top with hot water
  • leave to infuse for several hours in heat

If you want to provide the bird with fortified food, grains are germinated:

  • oats or wheat are poured into a wide basin
  • fill with cold water so that it covers the grain evenly
  • leave warm until sprouts appear

Sprouted or steamed grains are better absorbed in the body, they are not able to injure the esophagus.

Nutrition in the aquatic environment

The bird eats duckweed, roots and green mass of vegetation, water donkeys and mollusks in the water. When diving above the water, only half of the body is visible, and at this time the individual is trying to catch fish or frogs passing by.

The diet contains food of plant and animal origin:

  • larvae and crustaceans
  • aquatic plant roots
  • tree leaves, cereal seeds, berries

The chicks are not yet able to skillfully catch fish, so they catch daphnia, snails and small crustaceans in shallow water.

What does he eat on dry land

Swans on land move clumsily, but sometimes they come ashore to feast on young grass, look for worms, larvae, and catch lizards. Birds love grain - wheat or corn, and for digestion they eat fine gravel and shells. Chicks also need protein food, so they eat insects and snails along with their parents.

During molting and during stress, the bird's appetite increases, it can eat up to a quarter of its own weight. Usually an adult requires 4 kg of green mass per day.

How to feed swans living next to a person

Swans are admired in zoos, reserves and protected areas. For convenience, caretakers build houses on the water or make straw flooring on the shore so that feathered pets can rest. Don't feed the birds with bread the best option there will be slightly steamed cereals.

There are those who like to feed swans at the zoo, but instead of buns, you can buy special compound feed in the store. It is enough for waterfowl to saturate small living creatures and vegetation in the reservoir, only a sick or injured bird experiences hunger.

Nuances of feeding at home

Waterfowl eat vegetation best. Large feeders are placed directly on the ground, compound feed or dry food is poured.

In winter, vitamin and mineral supplements are introduced.

Grains of wheat, barley or millet are steamed from cereals, boiled vegetables from the garden are given, and chopped greens are also provided.

The food is placed in a wide container, filled with water to the brim.

A special place for rest is arranged nearby, that is, they lay a thick bedding of straw up to 40 cm high.

Poultry can be given meat waste, meat and eggs, which successfully replace food of animal origin. Young animals eat minced fish and meat, millet porridge and hard-boiled eggs.

Summer food for adults

In warm weather, vegetables in the diet are replaced with green chopped. If a reservoir is located nearby, the bird is released for free food.

For each adult, an approximate diet is calculated:

  • 250 g wheat or oat grains
  • 230 g minced meat
  • 500 g green mass
  • 20 g bone meal

Winter menu

In frosty weather, it is impossible to provide swans with green vegetation, so the portion of grain is increased. They reduce the issuance of minced meat, because under natural conditions the fish is not available at this time, and the worms hid deep underground.

Diet in winter:

  • 700 g bran or millet
  • 20 g minced meat
  • 300 g boiled vegetables
  • 20 g bone meal

Feed preparation

It is advisable to provide the bird with water, when giving food, feed a lot of chopped greens. In summer, the diet is enriched with finely chopped carrots, cabbage, lettuce and mowed grass, in winter they are fed with grass meal. Swans eat germinated cereals, boiled peas, minced meat, chopped cucumbers, eggs, bran and bone meal.

Preparation of special compound feed:

  • chop vegetables, root crops and grass
  • all components are mixed in a bowl
  • pour water into a semi-liquid mixture

How to feed a sick swan

If salmonellosis is suspected, the chicks are fed with fermented milk products and water with the addition of potassium permanganate. In order for the kids to be able to swallow the medicine, it is necessary to mix it thoroughly with minced meat.

Sometimes, instead of pebbles, the bird swallows fishing weights, which rub against each other in the stomach, and lead particles enter the intestines and blood. From lead, severe poisoning begins, watery diarrhea appears, the bird noticeably weakens. They are soldered with water and honey in equal proportions or with a solution of glucose.

The ability of swans to form a pair for life is admirable, but often after the death of a partner, the second begins to look for a new pair. Although the birds are painfully experiencing the loss of their soul mate.

Many interesting facts about the life of swans have been recorded:

  • The color of the bird depends on the habitat, in the southern regions the plumage is gray or yellowish, the further north, the whiter the shade becomes.
  • Regardless of the type of bird, babies are always born with a gray down color, only after three years they get an adult color.
  • In black swans, about 20% of hatched chicks are the fruit of adultery with other males.
  • Young females remain in the family with their parents for a long time, but if they find a partner, they will not be able to fly away with him without the approval of their father-leader
  • The flock does not leave the sick swan, they wait until he gets better.
  • Swans belonging to the royal family float on the River Thames. A similar law was issued in the 12th century, but is still in effect.

Birds with a regal posture inspired creative people to write poems, poems and musical works. The constellation Cygnus shines in the firmament, and at wedding celebrations, newlyweds wish swan fidelity.

The swan is a majestic graceful bird.

These are the largest of all waterfowl that exist today on the planet.

In this article, we will talk about existing types swans, about what each of them is interesting for, and we will also acquaint you with the feeding behavior of these birds.

General information

The swan (lat. Cygnus) is a waterfowl from the order Anseriformes and the Anatidae family. A common feature of all varieties of these birds is a long and agile neck., allowing, without diving, to forage in shallow water. Swans can fly, love to move on water, and are clumsy on land. Adult male and female representatives of the same species are colored the same and have almost identical dimensions, so it is very difficult to distinguish them. The warmer the nesting area, the darker the shade of the bird's feathers. As for the character, these anseriformes are distinguished by their developed ingenuity.

Due to the graceful body structure and noble appearance, the swan is considered a majestic and aesthetically attractive bird. He personifies beauty, grace and grace. Almost all types of swans are included in Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Important! It must be remembered that swans have a shy disposition, they do not go well with people. Spotting these birds in the park area, do not try to get too close to them. An adult bird, out of fear, can attack a person and even cripple him by breaking his bones.

The bird is known for its rather long lifespan. Under natural conditions, these waterfowl can live 25–30 years.

Swans are very territorial. All types of swans are monogamous birds, create permanent inseparable pairs for life. Moreover, in the event of the death of a female, her partner remains alone until the end of her life, and vice versa. But often after the death of a swan from a pair, the second (or second) soon also dies. Thanks to such devotion to their family, swans have become a symbol of fidelity and romance. Year after year, these birds can use the same nesting site, flying to the chosen place and correcting their “home”. Swans build a nesting area near the water, where the female then incubates 3–7 eggs for 30–40 days. The male does not move far from the nest, guarding the female.
Swans are known as excellent parents, both partners take part in feeding and raising the brood. Anseriformes take care of their cubs until the age of 1 or 2 years, helping them catch their own food and protecting them.

types of swans

There are only 7 species that live mostly in the Northern Hemisphere, South America and on the Australian mainland.


It owes its name to the black color of the feathers. The bird lives in the South-West of Australia, in New Zealand and North America (mainly in protected natural areas).
The feathered handsome man lives in estuaries, in overgrown lakes, in swamps, but he can also be found in captivity in zoos around the world. Despite its magnificence and limited habitat, the black species is not included in the Red List of the International Community for Conservation of Nature.
Females are slightly smaller than males, both sexes have black feathers and a bright red bill with a white tip. The weight of adult birds reaches 9 kg, the size in length is up to 142 cm. The maximum life span of this species in the natural environment is only 10 years. By nature, this bird is very trusting, it is easy to tame.

Did you know? Black swans can sometimes create pairs of two males. And only for procreation, males call the female. After the female lays her eggs, she can be expelled from the nest, and both males take turns surviving.

black neck

This species was also named due to the peculiarities of plumage coloring. Their head and neck are black, the rest of the body is snow white, and their beak is grey. On the beak of an adult bird there is a red outgrowth, which is not present in young birds.
Adult representatives of the species can weigh up to 6.5 km, and their length can reach up to 140 cm. This sophisticated creature is found in South America. Nests are built on small islands or in reeds. Wild birds usually live no more than 10 years, while in protected areas they live up to 30.
Males diligently monitor the safety of the female during the period of incubation of eggs. The cubs of the black-necked species are very energetic, they like to travel, sitting on the back of one of the parents.

Did you know? In the UK, the capture of swans of any kind is prohibited by law, and all birds in this country are considered the property of the royal family.

mute swan

Here is one of the largest varieties, along with the black swan. Adults, especially in the wild, are able to gain weight up to 15 kg, and the wingspan is about 2.5 m.
The plumage is white, while the head has a mustard color. The beak is red with a marigold, the paws are black. The chicks are characterized by a brownish tint, but gradually, by the age of 3, it changes to white. The mute can live up to 28 years. This species is found in the northern and southern parts of Europe and Asia.
The mute is recognized by its dense, S-shaped neck - the mute bends its neck while swimming on the water, unlike other species that hold the neck straight. The bird expresses its irritation and dissatisfaction with a special hissing sound, from which its name came.

The trumpeter swan is similar in appearance to the whooper swan (about him - below), but his beak is completely black. He got his nickname due to the screams made when communicating with other individuals.
Trumpeters gain weight up to 13 kg, and the length of the bird reaches 180 cm. The feather cover is painted white. In May, the breeding season begins for the birds, while the females sit on the nests for exactly 1 month. In total, during the incubation time, the female lays no more than 9 eggs.
This species is found in Central America. In zoos, birds live up to 30 years, in natural conditions - up to 10.

This species is a large bird weighing up to 12 kg. Its wingspan is about 2.5 m, and its body length is at least 150–155 cm. The neck and body are approximately the same length.
A characteristic feature of the species is a lemon-colored beak with a black tip. The color of the feathers is white, but the plumage of the young is gray with a dark head. The neck is set straight. Whooper makes a rather loud cry during the flight, hence the nickname of the bird.
This species lives in the North of Europe and in some parts of Eurasia, on the banks of lakes and rivers. Whooper nests are made of moss, grass and feathers. In zoos, these anseriformes have a lifespan of approximately 30 years.

Did you know? The whooper swan is one of the national symbols of Finland.


The American species is the smallest: the bird does not exceed 146 cm in length, and its weight rarely reaches 10 kg.
According to external data, the American is similar to the whooper, but his neck is somewhat shorter, his size is more modest, and his head is rounded. Beak - yellowish with an admixture of black. When the female incubates the eggs, the male carefully guards her.
This majestic bird lives in the tundra forests of America. The nesting site equips on the outskirts of reservoirs and moss areas. In protected natural areas, these birds live up to 29 years.


The small swan is outwardly similar to the whooper. According to its characteristics, it also resembles the American variety. The length of the bird is 140 cm, the wingspan is 200–210 cm, the beak is short, yellow-black. A distinctive feature is the individual pattern on the beak of each individual. In captivity, the maximum life span of a small swan is 20 years.

What do swans eat

Under natural conditions, they prefer to eat in shallow water. The main food of these birds is:

  1. Aquatic vegetation (small algae, duckweed; stems, shoots and roots of aquatic plants). Plant foods contain many vitamins and minerals (especially iodine) useful for plumage, skin and a number of internal organs birds.
  2. Coastal grass and foliage from willow thickets hanging over the water. The grass is rich in vitamin B9, folic acid and fiber, which contribute to the growth of the bird, increase the level of oxygen in the blood, and normalize the digestion process.
  3. Small fish. Fish contains essential amino acids, as well as polyunsaturated fats required for the proper functioning of the heart and brain.
  4. Crustaceans. They have a beneficial effect on the state of plumage. In addition, it is a very nutritious product.
  5. Amphibians (frogs). Frog mucus has a bactericidal (anti-inflammatory) effect. Amphibian meat contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals (in particular, a lot of calcium), which improve the functioning of the body. Calcium improves the condition of plumage, gives it shine, prevents feathers from falling out.
  6. Mollusks and their external skeleton (shells). The benefits of this food are to improve metabolism and strengthen the body (immunity) as a whole. Shellfish are also useful in the presence of a large amount of mineral salts and vitamins.
  7. Insects and their larvae. The benefits of this delicacy for swans are due to the high content of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins and low fat content. Insects in the swan's diet help protect the body from the harmful effects of an environmentally unfavorable environment.

Important! It is important for city dwellers to remember that it is undesirable to feed swans with bread closer to winter. For anseriformes, black bread is especially harmful, since it can cause severe fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract. White bread is not dangerous, but too high-calorie food can dull the migratory instinct of a bird. It is better to use grain as feed - oats, but not hard, but slightly boiled. Swans also willingly eat grated vegetables and hay soaked in water.

Birds filter bottom silt in search of food. Due to the special structure of the oral apparatus (the beak is equipped with plates inside and denticles along the edges), they circulate water. Water entering the beak brings with it food particles that remain in the mouth. Having caught a frog or a fish, swans do not swallow food immediately, but wait until water flows out of their beak. The denticles also help these anseriforms to easily bite off plant parts.

The swan is a waterfowl, another member of the anseriformes order of the duck family. It is distinguished by a long lifespan, a tendency to form an inextricable pair and quick wit. Because of the noble appearance the swan is considered a majestic and aesthetically attractive bird, personifying grace, grace, fidelity. Almost all species of swan are listed in the Red Book.

Description of swans

Despite the fact that there are several types of swans with their own size and plumage color, it is still possible to derive some of their common external features and characteristics. Thus, these are the largest birds. Their color can vary from white to black. There are also swans with a gray tone of the pen. Males and females among these representatives of waterfowl are extremely difficult to distinguish among themselves externally - the same body size, the same beak shape, the same neck length and the same color of plumage.

The wingspan of swans can reach 2 meters in length, body weight - more than 15 kilograms. The paws of the swans are small, short, which makes the birds seem awkward when walking, moving waddling from side to side. The flying muscles of swans are very well developed, which allows them to make long-distance flights, overcoming thousands of kilometers.

The smallest among the swans is the tundra swan, for which it is also called small. Its body weight is up to 6 kilograms, the wing length is up to 550 millimeters. Like the whooper swan, it has a yellow color on the sides of the beak, but it does not reach the back edge of the nostrils. Young tundra swans differ in color from adults: their belly is light, and their back is slightly grayish.

The largest swan is the mute swan. Its body weight can even reach 22 kilograms with a wing length of 620 millimeters. But usually it weighs from 13 to 20 kilograms. It has a pure white plumage, often with a reddish-rusty coating in the head and neck. At the base of the swan's beak is a black "bridle". The neck is curved (letter "S"), the tail is wedge-shaped. The swan keeps its beak down. At a young age, their belly is slightly brownish, and their back is gray-brown.

types of swans

Today, there are 7 types of swans, which include:

  1. Cygnus cygnus - whooper swan;
  2. Cygnus olor - mute swan;
  3. Cygnus buccinator - swan - trumpeter;
  4. Cygnus bewickii - tundra swan;
  5. Cygnus columbianus - American swan;
  6. Cygnus melanocoryphus - black-necked swan;
  7. Cygnus atratus - black swan.

The habits of swans

The mute swan can actually make hissing sounds that resemble the voice of domestic geese or the loud hiss of a snake. He and the black swan are able to fold their wings on their backs in a “house” - not pressing tightly to the body and leaving them slightly raised. Unlike the mute, the last of them (the black swan) has a beautiful voice: individuals greet each other precisely in voice, lowering and raising their heads at the same time.

Swan - the trumpeter has a stentorian, trumpet voice. Quite often, swans swim out to the middle of the reservoir and begin to trumpet loudly, resting their heads on the water. So they express their dissatisfaction or simply convene relatives. The whooper swan emits a semblance of whistling cooing in flight, but this is not the voice of a bird, but just a “singing” plumage: at the moment of flight, the air comes into contact with the feathers on their wings and they make such charming sounds. A similar effect is no longer characteristic of any other species of swans.

Loyalty of swans

All swans are monogamous birds. They form a couple once and for all, which is why they are the personification of fidelity, beauty and romance. From year to year, swans can use the same nesting site, flying to the chosen place and correcting their “home”. Very loyal to the chosen partners. Both parents take part in building the nest, feeding the brood, raising the young and protecting it. That is, swans are extremely loyal to their family.

Where does the swan live

Swans live in both the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and throughout Eurasia. The black swan is a typical representative of the Australian continent. Behind last years The habitat of black swans has also covered Europe, where they occupy a place not only in zoos, but also in ordinary parks. The black-necked swan lives in South America.

There are 4 species of swans in Russia: the tundra swan (occupies mainly the tundra and forest-tundra zones, preferring water bodies from the Kolyma River to the Kola Peninsula, also found on some northern islands), the whooper swan (settles in the forest taiga, forest tundra and tundra, choosing Kamchatka water bodies, often in the Baikal region, the northern part of Kazakhstan and in the lower reaches of the Volga), the mute swan (found from the Far East region to Europe, as well as in the Baltic countries, on the Danube River, Lake Chany, the Ussuri River, in Transbaikalia) and the American swan (its nesting sites are seen in the Far East).

What does a swan eat

As the vast majority of lamellar beaks, swans feed on aquatic plants, small algae, often eating them directly with insects and mollusks. Swans willingly eat grain - for example, corn and wheat. They often pinch leaves from willow branches hanging over the water, feed on coastal grass.

Swan: Red Book

Almost all swans are listed in the all-Russian and regional Red Books of the Russian Federation. The mute swan is included in the Red Book of the Chelyabinsk region, the Sverdlovsk region, Bashkortostan and Belarus. The whooper swan is a representative of the Red Books of the Kirov region, the Chelyabinsk region, the Khabarovsk region, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, it is also listed in the Red Book of Russia. The tundra swan is generally a very rare, single species, therefore it is also included in the All-Russian Red Book. In addition, whooper swans are listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan, as well as Buryatia and some other administrative territories.

Hunting for swans

Officially, swan hunting has been completely banned since the 1960s., which gave some increase in their numbers. For the most part, all types of swans today form a group of ornamental waterfowl and are kept in nurseries, reserves, zoos, park areas - where there are reservoirs. In general, swans easily take root in captivity, decorating farmsteads, sanatoriums, recreation parks, so there are wild and semi-wild individuals.

Most often, swan down is of interest - soft, light and retains heat well. The taste of the meat of this bird can only be learned from the testimonies of the writer and avid hunter S. T. Aksakov, who noted that it is so tough that 2-day soaking does not even help, but tastes like the meat of ordinary wild geese, in which it is also much juicier and softer.

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Today, the hero of our article will be the largest and most majestic representative of the goose order - the mute swan. The snow-white handsome man amazes with his grace and article.


The mute swan is one of the largest birds in Russia. Its weight reaches 14 kg. He loves stagnant ponds with large thickets of semi-aquatic vegetation - cattails, reeds, sedges. The facts of its nesting on the Zavolzhsky lakes are recorded. Distributed from southern Scandinavia and Central Europe to the Ussuri valley, south to Asia Minor, Afghanistan, Iran. In winter, it migrates to the areas of the Caspian and Mediterranean seas. Individuals living in the south do not fly away for the winter. This species is registered in seventy countries.

Mute swan: description

The large bird belongs to the mute swan (goose order) and is protected in many countries. The average body length of a bird is one hundred and sixty centimeters (including the neck), the wingspan reaches two hundred and forty centimeters. The plumage is snow-white, on the neck and head there is a light buffy coating. Adults have a bright red beak, bridle, velvety bump under the beak. The legs are painted in thick black.

The young mute swan has a light gray plumage with a brownish tinge. Its beak plumage changes by about three years. These birds have thicker necks than other white swans. They keep it afloat in the form of the letter “S”, effectively raise their wings and hiss intimidatingly (hence the name). Unlike their northern counterparts, they cannot make loud trumpet sounds.

Habitat and food

The mute swan prefers to create a pair in which it lives permanently. Birds nest on overgrown lakes. Having occupied a small reservoir, the couple does not allow other birds to enter their territory. Nests are built in reed beds. They are a large structure of moss, reeds and grass. For the construction of birds, last year's reed is used, to which a large amount of other plant material is added. The bottom of the nest is covered with its fluff and soft reed panicles.

The mute swan devotes a lot of time to arranging its home. What does this powerful bird eat? These are mainly fruits, green parts and roots of plants growing in a reservoir and on its banks. In addition, these are mollusks, small crustaceans, worms. Sometimes in the summer, birds go to the steppes to feast on cereals.

mating season

As already mentioned, the mute creates a couple for life. In the mating season, which begins in early spring, birds that have not yet found their partner lek. Wanting to win the heart of the chosen one, the male swims around her, raising his wings, turning his head from side to side. If the female responds to courtship, she assumes the same posture. During the nesting period, the pair occupies an area of ​​about 100 hectares. Having built a nest, the swans mate. This usually happens in water.

reproduction, offspring

Birds reach sexual maturity by three to four years. The female lays 4-6 white or light yellow eggs. The incubation period lasts 35-38 days. Hatching offspring at this time guards his girlfriend, being always nearby. It should be noted that the mute swan has good paternal qualities. Interesting Facts recorded by many researchers. When the female needs to briefly leave the nest in order to get food for herself, the male takes her place. He is not afraid of any predators. With one blow of his powerful wing, he is able to kill a fox, a man.

The hatched chicks weigh about 200 grams. They are covered with thick gray down, barely dry, ready to leave the nest. However, at first they accompany their mother everywhere, sitting comfortably on her back. From the first hours of life, the chicks feed on their own, only at night they return to the nest under the mother's wing to keep warm. The offspring are cared for by both parents.

At four months (sometimes a little earlier), the chicks begin to take off. From that moment on, they unite in large youth flocks. Under natural conditions, the mute swan lives 25-28 years.

During the breeding season, the mute swan is very aggressive. He fiercely defends his nest, mercilessly drives other birds and their broods from "his" reservoir.


Going for the winter, these birds gather in thousands of flocks, most often consisting of family groups. This provides them with greater security.

When it is not possible to get food due to rain or wind, the swans lie down on the ground, hide their paws and beak in warm plumage, and in this position they wait for hours for the weather to improve.

Life in the pack

Spikes are very accommodating. They are peacefully related to their brothers and other birds. Fights happen extremely rarely, only in cases where you need to protect your territory. Opponents strongly beat each other with beaks and wings.

Mute Swan: Red Book

Despite the fact that at present the state of the species does not cause concern, it needs protection. It must be protected from poachers, to observe periods of silence on water bodies in May-June. At this time, the mute swan acquires offspring. The Red Book of Russia, Tatarstan, Belarus, Saratov region has this handsome man in their lists.

Before you buy swans for keeping, you must fulfill a number of prerequisites:

Organize a reservoir with clean water;

Provide winter housing for birds.

The pond can be of any size, but it is desirable that it be as large as possible. This makes bird care easier. If so, then part of the problem is solved. In winter, a compressor and pipes for pumping air and water can be installed in it. Thus, a constant current is created, the pond does not freeze even in severe frosts.

Some act differently - they transfer birds from a large reservoir to a winter room. Provided that it has a pool in which you can regularly change the water, and a small clearing for walking with dry bedding, the birds will feel comfortable.

However, the most humane way of winter maintenance is to transfer swans for overexposure to a nursery, which has all the conditions for keeping birds in winter with a guarantee of their preservation.


According to the latest data, there are 500 thousand individuals of this species in the world, of which 350 thousand live in Russia. Most of them live in the Volga delta. About 30 thousand mute birds live in the UK, in other countries there are much fewer such birds. Hunting for these birds was banned in 1960, after which their numbers increased significantly.

Mute swans are pretty smart birds with a good memory. They easily remember the one who offended them, and even after a few months they can take revenge on him. They show aggression towards people only during the breeding season, protecting clutch or chicks. Mute have excellent eyesight and hearing. Birds communicate with each other in an interesting language, consisting of a large number of gestures and sounds. The body of an adult swan is covered with more than 23 thousand feathers. Individuals living in captivity often reach the age of thirty.