How and where to get an Oriflame order? Detailed instructions for receiving Oriflame orders in all localities. How orders are delivered from online stores Where to pick up an order

In Citylink you can pay for your order in any way convenient for you:

  • in cash in a store or at Citylink-mini points (see below "Payment Procedure");
  • cash to the courier upon delivery of the order;
  • by bank transfer (if you are a representative of a legal entity);

    plastic cards;

    through the online payment service Yandex.Money;

    through the international settlement system WebMoney;

    through self-service terminals and mobile phone shops;

Product availability

The catalog of items available for ordering is updated every two hours and shows the availability and relevance of prices at the time of order creation.

For legal entities, the cost of the goods is retained at the time of receipt of the invoice and in accordance with the reservation rules.

When placing an order via the Internet, pay attention to the pictograms informing about the availability of the goods.

The product is in the store

The product is in one of the stores

The product is out of stock

Goods in transit

You can pick up the goods yourself (at the addresses: on the day of placing the order or order the "Delivery" service.

If the selected product is not available in one full-format store, and is available in another, you can receive it in a full-format store convenient for you the next day after 12 hours by ordering self-pickup.

When placing an order for such a product, please note that you can pick it up yourself (at the addresses:) only after 1-2 days (if the order is made before 17:00). Delivery to your address can be carried out 1-3 days after placing the order (if the order is made before 17:00 of the current day).

If the order amount is more than 300 thousand rubles, an advance payment is required.

The product will be in the store in 1-2 days. Only after the goods arrive at the store, you will be able to place an order for it.

Terminals installed in Citylink stores: at Amurskaya, 7, building 1, st. 1st Dubrovskaya, 12A, bldg. 1, st. Prishvina, d. 26, p. 1, Bagrationovskiy proezd, d. 5 show the availability of goods only in the store.

Reservation of goods

When placing an order at the terminal in the trading floor, your order is reserved for 30 minutes from the moment you receive the barcode for payment at the checkout. Registered users of the site are given the opportunity to reserve goods on the site for up to 72 hours for subsequent independent receipt. Payment for such orders is made at the box office of the sales area, upon presentation of a printout of the order form with a barcode or its number. If you ordered the goods with delivery, its reservation is made by the Call-center manager, who coordinates the order and delivery terms with you.

Payment order

Payment in cash for individuals is made both at the cash desks of the store upon pickup, and through the forwarder upon delivery.

As a result of unforeseen and unintentional technical errors, a deliberately incorrect price may be indicated in the catalog.
If the price of the goods ordered by the Client is indicated incorrectly, the Seller, if an error is found, informs the Client about it in order to confirm the order at the corrected price.
The client has the right to refuse to execute such an order. If the Client paid for the order before the error was discovered and refused to execute the order, the Seller is obliged to return the amount paid for the order to the Client.
If the Client paid for the order before the error was discovered and did not refuse to execute the order, and the amount paid for the order is greater than the amount after the correction of the price of the goods, the Seller is obliged to return the difference between the erroneous and the corrected price of the goods to the Client.
If the Client paid for the order before the error was discovered and did not refuse to execute the order, and the amount paid for the order is less than the amount after the correction of the price of the goods, the Client is obliged to pay the Seller the difference between the erroneous and the corrected price of the goods. Payment by legal entities is possible for cash and bank transfer. Detailed information can be obtained in

Orders are processed only on weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00 local time.

After you have placed an order and sent it for processing, during the day from 9:00 to 18:00 local time, the site manager can contact you in order to confirm the order. The moment your order is sent for assembly, the first message will be sent to you (via SMS or Viber *): "Your order No. **** has been sent for assembly."

When your order is collected in the warehouse and sent to the pharmacy of your choice, a second message will be sent to your phone (via SMS or Viber): "Your order No. **** has been sent to the pharmacy ..."... It will contain the order number and its cost, as well as the pharmacy phone number.

If the order was placed on the site from Monday to Thursday before 18:00 local time, we will try to deliver it to the pharmacy the next day. But in some cases, delivery is possible in 1-2 days after placing the order.

Please note that in some regions, delivery may take 3-4 or more days, depending on the distance the pharmacies are located.
Delivery schedules for regions with remote settlements.

If the order was made on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, we will try to deliver it to the pharmacy you specified on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.

When the order arrives at the pharmacy, in most cases, the pharmacy staff will call and inform that the order has been received and that it can be collected. After this call, you can receive your order at the pharmacy. If the order is not redeemed within 5 days, the pharmacy will return it back to the warehouse.

Important! All messages (via SMS or Viber) are sent automatically. Therefore, sometimes there are situations when the delivery of the message is ahead of the delivery of the order to the pharmacy. A phone call from the pharmacy is a guarantee that your order has arrived at the pharmacy and you can receive it.

You can also contact the pharmacy yourself by the phone number indicated in the SMS and find out if your order has been received.

Payment and receipt of order

To receive an order in a pharmacy, it is enough to give its number, and if you have forgotten it, the order will be easily found by your phone number.

The order is paid upon receipt. Information on the procedure for paying for ordered goods must be clarified with the pharmacy organization that is the seller of these goods.

Pharmacy discount cards and other discounts do not apply to online orders made through the site, but a pharmacy, at its discretion, has the right to provide customers with additional discounts for online orders.

All claims for goods included in the online order are accepted upon receipt at the pharmacy before payment at the checkout. When receiving your order, check the compliance with what was ordered, the quantity of goods, their prices, integrity, color (if this is a product), expiration dates.

The warranty for medical devices is issued at the pharmacy at the time of purchase. To do this, you need to fill out the warranty card, which is in the packaging of the device, sign it at the pharmacist and ask to put the seal of the pharmacy.


We do not sell products on the site and do not deliver orders to your home. Remote sale of medicines (including home delivery) is prohibited by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 81 of 06.02.2002. We are not breaking the law.

The prices indicated on the site are valid only when ordering from the site, when the order is delivered to any pharmacy of your choice. The pharmacy has no right to demand from you more than the specified order value. This is a violation.

All orders are delivered is free.

* Messages in Viber are sent if the Viber messenger is installed on the user's phone. In this case, SMS messages are not sent.

Now we will understand in detail how the parcel is received from Aliexpress, and we will also consider the whole process from the moment of ordering to receiving the parcel in our hands at the post office. After all, the Aliexpress website is not really an online store, but a trading platform, an intermediary between the buyer and the seller, which also acts as the guarantor of the purchase and sale of goods.

How does an order come from Aliexpress?

After paying for the order, the money goes to the internal account of Aliexpress and is frozen there, the seller receives the money only after you confirm the receipt of the goods and are satisfied with your order.

The order can only be canceled if the parcel with the goods has not yet been sent (usually the order is sent within 1-3 weekdays and the order from Aliexpress arrives in the mail without problems, even if the parcel is not tracked by the track number)

In 95% of cases, parcels from Aliexpress arrive at your local post office, which is usually located within 1 km from your home and serves your house / street. Post offices are linked to the postal code, so if you do not know where your mail is located, you can easily google the postcode, find out your mail schedule, etc. (usually they work from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, and lunch from 14:00 to 15:00)

First, the parcel moves around China, goes through sorting centers and customs, then crosses the border and can go in transit through several countries, after which it enters the buyer's country, again undergoes customs inspection and from the postal warehouse to the postal warehouse, then slowly moves towards your post office.

Parcels sent by courier services DHL, FedEx, TNT, EMS, SPSR delivered by couriers, you will be called in advance by the phone that you indicated in the delivery address and will specify the time of delivery of the parcel to your home convenient for you, or you can pick up your wishes from the nearest warehouse (all information can be found on the websites of these postal companies, their contact numbers are also available there) ...

How to pick up a parcel from Aliexpress?

First you need to wait for the parcel to arrive at your post office. Arriving at your post office, the postman writes out a postal notification of the arrival of the parcel in your name and delivers this notification to your mailbox (it looks like a piece of paper with handwritten scribbles).

This means that you can go to the post office and pick up your parcel; to receive the parcel, the most postal notification is not required, you just need to take an identity document with you, such as a passport or driver's license.

If you are under 16 or under 14 and do not have a passport, then a student will ride with your photo or a birth certificate and one of your parents with a passport (to confirm that you are you and show the registration at the specified address).

If the parcel is sent by express delivery DHL, FedEx, EMS, then you will be called on the mobile phone that you indicated when filling in the delivery address and they will tell you how and where you can pick up your parcel or offer courier delivery to your home (delivery by courier straight home to your apartment).

What if the package from Aliexpress has not arrived?

If for any reason you did not receive a parcel or the wrong product came, do not panic, any conflict situations can be easily resolved and you will be refunded without any problems or sent the goods again, since the transaction is guaranteed and a 100% refund is possible.
You can write to the seller and clarify why the parcel takes so long or if the order protection is already expiring (ending), and there is still no parcel, then you can open dispute(dispute) and return money.

What if I accidentally confirmed receipt of an order for Aliexpress?

If you accidentally confirmed the receipt of the order (parcel) from Aliexpress, then all you have to do is wait and hope that the seller has sent your parcel, as well as the expectation and reality will coincide. According to the new rules, if you have confirmed the receipt of the order, then another 15 days are given to opening a dispute and it remains possible to return the money, but if the goods are still in transit and the parcel is tracked by the track number, then you will have to wait until the parcel arrives, although you can try to open a dispute in advance.
If there is no way to open a dispute, but the parcel did not arrive or did not come what you would like, you can try write a complaint to the Aliexpress administration Still have questions? ask your question in the online tech support chat or write it below in the comments

The volume of purchases via the Internet is showing steady growth. More than 30% of the working population of our country regularly makes orders in online stores. Over the past three years, the number of online shoppers has grown 2.5 times. Moreover, this growth is mainly due to residents of the regions and young people, which are among the most active users.
e-commerce. Among the most popular categories of goods purchased over the Internet are household appliances and electronics (over 40%), clothing and footwear (15%), auto parts and household goods (10% each).

How does the product get to the delivery service?

After the customer has made all the required clicks, information about the order is sent to the online store's database. The account manager must contact the buyer, confirm the purchase and send a request for order completion and delivery to the logistics company.

Large stores often outsource logistics functions - with a large flow of orders, this is much more profitable than keeping even small warehouses in the regions.

How not to bring a chair instead of shoes

After the application has arrived at the logistics company, it is processed by managers and transferred to the warehouse. Its employees select packaging depending on the delivery method and the nature of the attachment, complete the shipment, pack it, draw up accompanying documents, stick labels and submit the order for delivery. This is a very important stage, since it depends on it whether the buyer will bring what he ordered.

The girl refused to swim in a vest, called the store that had to fix
mistake at own expense

Once, for example, a girl ordered a sports swimsuit in a well-known and very expensive Moscow store. The manager called, checked the price, the customer confirmed everything. We agreed on the date of arrival of the courier. At the appointed time, the courier arrived and brought her a vest. The girl refused to swim in a vest, called the store, which had to correct the mistake at her own expense. In the end, the client was satisfied, but where the first copy of the swimsuit was "lost" remains a mystery.

The reason for such cases, as a rule, is an error of the store manager in the nomenclature when transferring the order for picking. A warehouse error is also possible. Therefore, control of the conformity of articles on the product and in the accompanying documents is a very important component when completing an order. If, due to an error, the buyer receives something completely different from what he ordered, the store has to incur significant expenses. In addition to the cost of shipping a confused product, you have to pay for re-kitting, packaging, registration and re-delivery of the order. And to maintain customer loyalty, it is worth putting an additional small gift in the package.

How the order is sent

The online store, in the case of self-picking of orders, transfers the packaged shipment to the transport company. The transport company, if necessary, prepares it and prepares the accompanying documents. After that, the order finally goes on its way.

At this stage, many errors can occur - from a failure in the IT system of one of the parties, as a result of which there is confusion in addresses, to errors in the data provided by the online store, which make delivery difficult.

It is very important for buyers to be careful about filling in the address data when placing an order: an error even in one digit can lead to the fact that your order will be sent to a completely different locality. For example, there are two cities of Blagoveshchensk - in the Amur Region and in Bashkiria. And if the buyer did not indicate the index, and the online store did not check it, the package may end up in a completely different region of Russia.

What do the parcels use?

The choice of the type of transport, which the order will use, depends on the target cost and target terms of transportation (moreover, logistics is aimed at minimizing the cost, and the commercial service is aimed at reducing the time). Most often, for a distance of up to 500 kilometers, they are driven by cars, more than 500 kilometers are more expedient to carry by rail or air.

By the way, ground transport also has its own restrictions on the duration of movement, on average it is no more than 500 kilometers per day for each type of transport. Plus two days minimum should be set aside for additional processing of the shipment.

At the same time, the distance has almost no effect on the condition of the goods at the end of the journey. It is important here how many overloads and intermediaries there will be, as well as what their competence is. It is possible to deliver a damaged shipment in the Moscow region, or you can bring an order intact to Vladivostok.

Who pays for shipping

As a rule, online stores are divided into two camps: they take all the costs of order delivery on themselves and shift these functions onto the recipient. In the first case, the store guarantees free delivery of the order (as a rule, if the order amount exceeds a certain minimum) and chooses the delivery channel itself. In the second case, the online store offers the recipient to choose the courier company himself from several options, depending on the expected delivery time and cost.

However, there are also such companies that offer a single rate for delivery, which is paid by the recipient, and the difference between this rate and the rate of the courier company, if any, is reimbursed at their own expense.

What happens in the mail

After passing the highway and sorting, the shipment arrives at the post office and waits for the recipient to redeem it. However, it happens that it can lie for a very long time, since the recipient, for example, did not receive a notification.

And it happens that the customer, while waiting for the parcel, changed his mind and simply did not go to the post office to redeem it. No one will blame him for this, and this happens often. Online shopping is often emotional and momentary. And after a few days there is already a risk that the person will "burn out".

Online shopping is often emotional and momentary. After a few days, there is already a risk that the person will "burn out"

When we deliver orders, we try to competently build a dialogue with the customer of the online store, and the number of shipments that refused to redeem is reduced. In 2014, the percentage of returns for all items passing through us did not exceed 6.78%.

In the case when the goods are delivered by courier service, difficulties may also occur. Starting from the complex process of agreeing on time and delivery address, to confidentiality issues. For example, when shopping in intimate goods stores, many customers are not ready to accept a courier at their office and prefer to pick up the goods “on the street”. With one of our clients, we have developed an entire order delivery system that guarantees the confidentiality of the purchase and reduces possible embarrassing situations to a minimum, from special packaging to instructions for call center operators and couriers.

How the order is returned

If you cancel a purchase, the story for the online store and the shipping company that carried out the delivery does not end. You need to take the product back, return it to the online store. And the online store needs to dismantle it, place it in storage and pay a double tariff for delivery without earning a dime.

Some online stores even use the opportunity to return an unsuitable product as one of the ways to attract a customer. But each return is an additional processing cost. Depending on the category of the product, both the buyer himself and the online store can pay for this.

In the case of unredeemed shipments, most often the costs are borne by the store. He will have to pay for delivery to the place of residence of the prospective buyer (100% of the delivery rate), return delivery of the goods (from 50 to 100% of the rate, depending on the operator), unpacking the shipment and placing the goods for storage (the cost depends on the order fulfillment operator or costs of maintaining your own warehouse). In addition to delivery, the online store has already paid for the advertisement for which the buyer came to it. Perhaps he will pay fines to the supplier if the goods are returned to him. Sometimes, after long transportation, an assessment of the goods for their suitability for further sale is required, and this is the cost of an expert, lawyer and other specialists who will deal with complaints with the transport company and supplier.

Returning goods to an online store is one of the biggest problems in Russian e-commerce, since for most online stores these costs consume up to 80% of their profits. According to our data, a 3-5% decrease in the number of return shipments increases revenues by 20-30%. If online stores work effectively with customers and logistics operators at the last stage of delivery, then many of those who are now on the brink of survival will be able to save their business.