How an entrepreneur can choose a contractor for setting up contextual advertising. Why setting up contextual advertising by an entrepreneur himself is not the best option

Your order is in status Receiving proposals, and he receives responses from the performers.
Go to Menu- Personal Area ... Tab Active orders.

Active orders are orders that have not yet been completed. They can be created, published, or under construction.

Select the order you are interested in. Below, under the order description, there are proposals from the contractors.
Each such sentence has tabs: Description and Who suggested... There may also be a tab Applications if the contractor has attached any files to his proposal.
Tab Description Contains information:
- who suggested- the name of the manufacturer registered on the portal
- estimated cost- the cost for which the manufacturer is ready to fulfill your order
- duration of work- the time period in which the manufacturer is going to meet the order. Usually this is the period from the moment of signing the contract to the delivery of the order and the signing of the certificate of completion.
- guarantee- the warranty period, which the contractor is ready to give for this order
- prepayment- that part of the payment that the manufacturer will need to launch your order. Indicated as a percentage of the total indicated value. The manufacturer almost always needs an advance payment in order to purchase material for the manufacture of your kitchen or countertop.
- proposal text- a description by the manufacturer of his offer to your order.
- included in the price- additional options (such as delivery, assembly, installation, etc.) that the contractor has already included in the offer price
- not included in the price- options that the performer either does not provide, or provides, but did not include in the price. For example, going up to the floor, if you do not have an elevator, and you did not indicate this in your order. The contractor initially did not know this and will definitely make a lift, if necessary, it just may additionally be reflected in the cost.

In the masonry Who suggested contains information about the contractor: name, how long it has been working on Kitchenonline, the number of completed orders for a given time, the number of reviews and its rating.

In the masonry Applications contains files that the performer has attached to his offer. These can be diagrams, projects, photographs of similar works, pictures with colors of facades, countertops, etc. These files will help you to more clearly imagine what the artist wants to offer.

Each sentence has two buttons: Select and Not interested

To select this contractor to work on your order, all you have to do is click the button Select... Remember that only one person can be assigned to make a kitchen or countertop! After pressing the button Select your order will be automatically removed from publication. New offers will not be received on it, and your contact information (phone number and e-mail address) will be transferred to the selected performer so that he can contact you and get down to work!

Pressing the button Not interested, You will hide the offer, but it will not be deleted. If necessary, you can find it below the list of all other offers.

We continue the cycle of articles on contextual advertising for owners small businesses and private professionals, freelancers. We hope our team helped you make sure that your business and market are ready for contextual advertising of your products. Why does it often take a long time, expensive, and without the expected results to set up ads with your own hands? What to look for when choosing a performer for tuning contextual advertising to get a good result? Read on for today's blog from our PPC expert. Today Guzel Yarullina will tell you what to look for if you plan to entrust the setup of contextual advertising to a specialist.

Why setting up contextual advertising by an entrepreneur himself is not the best option

Small business owners and private professionals often promote their projects on the Internet themselves, especially at the beginning of their development, when the business is just starting to bring in money.

To get acquainted with contextual advertising, entrepreneurs register their own accounts in Yandex.Direct and Google Advertising and respond to ad systems' calls to “just enter the website URL, set up an advertisement, replenish your account and get the first customers today”. As a result, an entrepreneur can actually get a lot of impressions and clicks on their ads on the same day. However, most of this traffic may not be targeted.

An interested entrepreneur can be persistent enough and after a week of running such an advertisement, he will begin to figure out why there are clicks but no conversions. Then it turns off general keywords, turns on more targeted ones, adds negative keywords, turns off settings advertising campaigns“By default” (for example, “impressions for additional relevant phrases”), deals with updates to advertising systems, and so on. With long work, such an advertising campaign can be made effective. But it will take a lot of time and money.

Let's consider the main pros and cons of setting up contextual advertising by the entrepreneur himself:

  • plus is that an entrepreneur begins to understand the settings and can then find a good specialist in contextual advertising, set tasks and control his work;
  • The disadvantage is that such setting up of contextual advertising requires a lot of time and money and usually does not bring good results, especially in the beginning.

Why is it better for small businesses to order contextual advertising settings from freelancers rather than advertising agencies

Advertising agencies rarely undertake setting up and running contextual advertising for small businesses with an advertising budget of less than 100,000 rubles per month. And if they do, they can simply "spin off" advertising budgets, without optimizing advertising campaigns. Advertising agencies with high overhead and fixed costs are not profitable with small budgets.

Setting up and running contextual advertising for a small business can be handled by one freelancer, if he is a qualified responsible specialist in contextual advertising. Working with such a freelancer is cheaper directly than through an advertising agency.

How to choose a specialist in setting up effective contextual advertising

For example, on the left banner there is an offer for entrepreneurs who are looking for advertising with a guarantee of cost reduction, receiving applications from 50 rubles. But how realistic is the guarantee of the bid price and cost reduction for any site and niche?

And on the right banner - an offer for those who are looking for a quick, inexpensive setup and want to get a high CTR (the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions). This proposal is quite realistic. Only "quickly and inexpensively" is unlikely to give a good result. And a high CTR does not mean that clicks will come from targeted visitors.

Therefore, it is so important for an entrepreneur to first decide what goal he needs contextual advertising to achieve, what indicators and how the entrepreneur will evaluate the results of advertising. And only then look for a specialist who is ready to set up contextual advertising to solve the tasks set by the entrepreneur.

Good contextual advertising specialists also begin the discussion of the project with the question of the goals and expectations of the entrepreneur from contextual advertising, and also analyze the readiness of the site to receive paid traffic, which we talked about in the previous article.

What else distinguishes a qualified responsible specialist in contextual advertising:

  • usually there is a queue for them for several months, they rarely take on urgent work and do not promise to set up advertising in one day;
  • their services cannot be cheap;
  • they know how to conduct and optimize advertising campaigns and are interested in long-term cooperation;
  • they do not actively advertise their services, there is a queue for them on the recommendations of grateful clients;
  • they do not ask to transfer all the money to them: both for the setup and the advertising budget, and the customer replenishes the advertising budget himself;
  • they set up ads in separate (for each advertiser) ad system accounts and give advertiser customers access to ad systems and web analytics system accounts. This point is very important: it helps advertisers to independently track the costs and results of advertising.

Small businesses can get low-quality ad campaign customization from professionals who:

  • do not ask the entrepreneur about his project, do not study the degree of his readiness for paid traffic;
  • take on urgent work and promise to set up advertising in one day;
  • declare a low cost of work;
  • prefer a one-time setup of advertising campaigns, do not know how and do not undertake to conduct them and optimize;
  • actively advertise their services, since this is their main source of attracting customers, and they show reviews from customers without links to real accounts in social networks;
  • offer the customer to receive only from them unified closing documents for advertising services, and therefore the customer must transfer all the money to such specialists: both for setting up advertising and the advertising budget itself;
  • they do not give advertiser customers access to accounts in advertising systems and in web analytics systems - and the customer evaluates the effectiveness of advertising campaigns only based on the information of the person who sets up and runs the advertisement.

In conclusion - a few more practical advice how to choose a specialist for setting up effective contextual advertising.

Considering the fact that the Internet every day captures more and more people of all types of activity, creating and developing your own website becomes a must. It has long been no secret that the success of a company directly depends on the correctness of the promotion and optimization of its web page. However, in order to do this really competently, you should contact really proven professionals in this field. Here we can note such a feature that in Western countries they have been working on the optimization problem for a very long time, while the Russian segment still lacks large resources working in this direction. At the same time, there are a lot of private specialists offering their services, and it becomes more and more difficult to choose a suitable contractor.

First of all, you need to find out how long the company has been providing website optimization services. Naturally, if it arose just a couple of weeks ago, then it can disappear along with the advance payment almost immediately after the payment is made. The promotion process itself is a rather complex complex, designed for a long time, so you should also not buy into advertising, where they promise to promote the resource and bring it to the first lines in one or two weeks. It always makes sense to find out what specific resources have already been served this company, contact their owners. There is also enough on the net and reviews of various webmasters about each optimization firm. In the event that there are promises to bring the resource to the first page in all search robots, this is also most likely a fake scheme, because any specialist understands the almost complete impracticability of such a task.

If the region where sites are being promoted is Moscow or another large city, then a lot of information will certainly be present in all kinds of forums of web specialists. Based on their experience, it will be much easier to choose a professional partner for yourself. In addition, you should pay attention to the following simple tips:

    The site can only be trusted by the hands of a professional; you should not be seduced by low prices of performers, especially those working remotely. If you still have to deal with a remote executor, then you need to at least require real examples work and significant guarantees of the result;

    You should work only with those masters who are ready to sign a contract for the provision of services. Naturally, there must be an opportunity to return the advance payment in the event of default by the contractor. If the work is done with a freelancer, then you can never agree to a 100% advance payment - a maximum of a quarter of the total cost;

    In the promotion of sites, as nowhere else, the adage that the avaricious pays twice is relevant. You should never save on those things that in the future will be able to provide the firm with a stable additional profit and, as a result, will recoup all optimization costs many times over.

If you decide to buy a diploma in Moscow, it is important to choose a suitable artist for writing it. This is a very important question, on the competent solution of which the success of the whole venture often depends. A mistake in the choice of a performer can lead to the fact that the customer will receive an illiterate, poorly written and somehow formalized work, which does not represent any scientific value.

Of course, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of the author. thesis, on which the awarding of qualifications and the successful completion of the training process depend. You should not look for an artist on a dubious resource with a bad reputation. In this matter, it is important to heed the recommendations of those who have already ordered their diploma and were satisfied with the result. Of course, few people would advise the author of a work that should be written independently. Therefore, you can study the reviews on the Internet, and then start choosing an artist, be sure to take into account the following nuances:

  • Don't try to save money. Any product on the market has its own price, this also applies to the services of writing a thesis. Good authors will not work for a penny, conducting independent scientific research is a laborious, creative and complex process that requires knowledge of the subject and the ability to analyze information. Low price fraudsters, as well as bad authors, whose works are of little demand on the market, put up for execution of the order.
  • Choose an author with a good reputation. Study the reviews on different resources, you need to choose a service provider who values ​​his name.
  • It is better to choose not a private artist, but a company that provides services for writing thesis. In this case, you can protect yourself, since a damaged reputation for the company can cause serious losses. Students often select the author of the thesis based on reviews, so a dissatisfied client can scare off potential customers.
  • Choose a company that has been on the market for a long time.
  • If the company has an office, be sure to visit it. Communicate with staff, make sure that representatives of the organization can competently answer questions. If possible, conclude a contract for the provision of services, which will indicate the details of cooperation.
  • If you decide to order a thesis from a private contractor, study his website in detail, paying special attention to the content. Articles should be written as competently as possible, because this author will be engaged in the creation of your graduation project.
  • Our advice will help you choose the right author for your thesis. But it is important to understand that even a well-written scientific study must be correctly presented at the defense. Be sure to prepare for the upcoming event, study the material received so that you can answer the questions of the members of the certification committee.