How to earn a million real stories. Where to invest a million rubles to earn. Real stories and examples of earning a million dollars

You can spend two years and $100,000 on an MBA from Harvard. Or a few minutes of conversation with smart rich old people who share their experiences. Our correspondent did exactly that, taking advantage of the slackness of such guys during a round-the-world cruise. Heed their advice. Don't you need a million dollars?

Of the 25 richest people in the world, only one has an MBA. 13 created the companies that made them billionaires themselves. So guys with cool ideas are the most likely to get rich, regardless of their education.

We solemnly sail along the coast of Brazil on the Crystal Serenity cruise ship, one of the most luxurious in the world. Time for slush on the streets and seasonal affective disorder north of these places. But here, on the pool deck, passengers bask in the sun while sipping caipirinhas. The cost of a cabin on our three-month cruise around the world ranges from $40,000 for a closet on the third deck to half a million for a luxury penthouse. Well, it is clear that most of the men on board are pensioners, and, of course, rich and successful. Such gorillas in comparison with us, monkeys.

At the time of their youth, it was already possible to obtain an MBA degree (Master of business administration, an educational course for middle and senior managers in business - MH), Harvard was the first to introduce such training in 1908. But only a few of the local millionaires have such a degree. In fact, some of them have not even graduated from high school. But they have earned a much more honorary degree with their work and biography, which we at MH call MBR, or “Master of Real Business”.

“The main problem with business schools is that most really successful people have never attended them., says Philip Delves-Broughton, author of the memoir "Ahead of the Schedule: Two Years at Harvard Business School." - Such a situation is impossible in medicine, for example, or in jurisprudence. Every successful lawyer has legal education. But not every successful businessman has an MBA.”. So let's put aside dry textbooks full of tables and formulas in order to listen to those who actually made a lot of money.


After serving in the army during World War II, Illsley founded a company to develop and manufacture antireflection coatings for various kinds of optical lenses. Today, Optical Coating Laboratory technologies are used in the manufacture of satellites, computer monitors and flat-panel TVs.

1. Make a list: not what you want to do, but who you want to be.

How to do it “In 1960, when I was 38, I was offered $1 million for my company., - recalls Illsley. - At that time it was a lot of money, so I thought hard. I decided to make a list of what was really important to me: 1) when I am 80, I want to feel that I have not lived my life in vain; 2) I want to be of sound mind, not to lose self-respect and dignity, not to be lonely; 3) be in good health; 4) to experience pleasant excitement from what I do; 5) to have freedom and peace of mind; 6) not to think that someone (or fate itself) is unfair to me; 7) have enough money for all of the above; 8) be free from disappointment; 9) be self-confident, but not proud; 10) do not buy too much real estate that needs to be serviced; 11) make your own decisions and plan your time. So money was not an end in itself. I turned down the offer, and today, at 91 years old, I can proudly say that I have achieved everything that was on that list.”.

Why it works “What does a good job really consist of? It gives you a sense of well-spent time, value and self-respect., says Warren Bennis, professor of management at the University of Southern California. - It’s a great idea to make such a list, but in today’s fast-changing world, you may have to make changes to it a couple of times a year. ”.


He doesn't have higher education, but he got to the post of president and operating director of the medical corporation Tenet Healthcare.

In his 20 years of management, Tenet has grown from 35 to 114 hospitals in 16 states. Today Focht is the soul of the company on cruise ships.

2. Have the right people work for you.

How to do it “In one of my hospitals, the head of the administrative service was a guy whom I called Dandelion - he was always shaggy. And he was constantly whining, and it drove me crazy. So one day I went and fired him. This turned out to be a mistake. If I had carefully studied his work, I would have understood that he just does it flawlessly. I agree that in MBA schools the future top manager is given a good theoretical base, but they do not teach how to work with people at all. And for me, this is the key to success: understand the task, find the employee who will best cope with it, and then just patiently observe how things are going, separating his personal qualities from professional ones ”.

Why it works “The higher you climb the managerial ladder, the more other people begin to play a role in your success, since you can no longer do everything yourself., explains Delves-Broughton. - Harvard Business School has a bunch of sophisticated courses. But when graduates of the school were asked five years after graduation what they would like to know if they could go back to Harvard, one of them said: “I would like to be taught how to talk to truck drivers.”.


After leaving the IRS in 1982, he founded a tax consulting firm that overnight became the largest in Ontario. He owns two mansions in Canada and one in Malta, and spends six months of the year on vacation.

3. Become one of the 3% of people who know something useful.

How to do it “I once heard a piece of advice from motivation guru Jim Rohn and I really liked it. says Bill Hotram. - He said, "Everything a person needs to know to be successful is already written, but only 3% of Americans have a library subscription." I thought it was a very easy way to feed on new ideas. In the years since, I've probably read 1,500 business advice books.". Bill marked tips he liked with stars: 1 = “good”, 2 = “pretty good”, 3 = “very good”, 4 = “wow, worth putting into practice!”. "Four-star" judgments and ideas he entered into the database. Today, the database contains about 50,000 quotations selected by Hotram, categorized for quick search ("hiring", "firing", "negotiations", etc.). When a problem arises, he simply turns to this pool of knowledge and chooses a solution - it usually works, which proves Hotram's success in business.

Why it works “Some MBA students think they know everything now. says Professor Warren Bennis (who has written, by the way, 30 books on business and leadership). - I wouldn't hire any of them for the job. I am looking for a person who goes through life with eyebrows raised in surprise, who has not lost his craving for new things, fuse, ambitions, who wants to become better and is constantly learning..


Born in Beijing, he worked in a broom factory and later received a scholarship to study electrical engineering at Columbia University. During his 35 years in Silicon Valley, he founded three companies; his latest startup, ICS, provided for him for the rest of his life.

4. You are too busy to sit.

How to do it “At most corporate meetings, people struggle with sleep while drinking coffee and snacking on nuts., says Ling Wu. - It's unbelievable how much time is wasted. When our companies were doing big projects, I had meetings with key people every day. But with one trick: I scheduled them for 5 pm, when everyone was already tired and wanted to go home. And I didn't let anyone sit down. So everyone could focus and work efficiently. Our meetings have never lasted longer than an hour, in most cases we fit in 20-30 minutes..

Why it works “Management guru Tom Peters said that the most important condition for a successful business is “readiness to act immediately”, - quotes Delves-Broughton. - MBA holders love to hold meetings and discuss everything down to the smallest detail, because they were taught this in business schools. But while you're talking and talking, honing the details, you're postponing action. Something as small as having no chairs in a meeting has a huge motivating effect, because it says, "We need to move forward, not sit here." This is how military meetings are held.. In a famous study conducted by the University of Missouri, two groups of subjects held meetings: one - "sitting", the other - "standing". And the results still came to the same decisions. So what's the difference? "Sedentary" flyers lasted 34% longer. You can't waste time like that.


Born in the UK, left school at 15 to sell men's shirts. Founder of the company that owns the rights to use Star Wars and Disney characters, Barbie, Spiderman, etc. in the design of home textiles (for example, bed linen).

5. Find your chutzpah.

How to do it Any business is show business says Tommy Schweiger. - You are constantly on stage, and your industry looks at you evaluating ... You must be an artist and be able to build a message about your product so that potential buyers and suppliers fall into your arms. The first to give permission to use their logos in my products was the famous football club Manchester United. The guy from Manchester United that I negotiated with had power, but I had chutzpah. This word in Yiddish means both the demeanor and the life position in general - this is a sense of self-esteem, any lack of timidity and shyness, composure and self-confidence. This cannot be learned from books. Chutzpah needs to be trained - in talking to people, shaking hands, patting on the back... My chutzpah then allowed me to immediately make a deal, although I had a lot of problems in business. But I was sure that I could do it ... Successful people know where sincerity turns into talkativeness, confidence into arrogance, and conviction into goat stubbornness. They know and do not cross this border, although they are constantly next to it..

Why it works “MBA students believe that business is done with spreadsheets, presentations and email, - ironically Delves-Broughton. - But this is only part of the process, which does not guarantee success at all. I met a lot of smart people from the business world who were not at all able to convince and ignite. They had great ideas, but they didn't succeed in business. A lot of leadership depends on chutzpah.”.


He was a telephone attendant in the customer service department of the fledgling telecommunications company MCI in the early 1980s. And has grown to the senior vice-president of the company. In 1998, WorldCom took over MCI, allowing Keith to retire at the age of 47.

6. Losing your job is normal. The main thing is not to lose passion for it.

How to do it “Most of the guys are in MBAs, building careers with one goal in mind - to achieve higher incomes. says Keith Steiner. - This is the wrong approach. It's foolish to choose a career based on where you'll be paid the most. You need to look for a position and a company that would cause you, I'm not afraid of this word, passion. One of the reasons for my success is that I loved what I did. MCI was a small company when I got there. We made history building America's first telecommunications network to compete with AT&T. It was an exciting task, so I enjoyed working late into the night and never complained about the stress, despite the heavy work rhythm. ”.

Why it works “Most MBA students are trying to buy a ticket to a world that has already been created., says business coach Philip Delves-Broughton (his latest book is The Art of Selling). - They want to fit into the existing corporate structure. But the most successful businessmen make the world conform to them. Simply put, you are more likely to make a profitable and promising project that excites yourself (even if it seemed like complete nonsense to others at first) than to repeat someone else's success in proven areas. When you find your passion - that fusion of what you want to do and what you're good at - the rewards will follow. Corporate strategists call this passion “sustainable long-term advantage.” It allows you not only to work harder and be better than your competitors today, but to maintain that advantage throughout your career.”.

What is the basis of a successful career?

50% - interpersonal skills

48% - motivation and energy

47% - planning and strategy development

42% - leadership style

37% - trainings and education

35% - communications

33% - reputation and honesty

28% - Ability to compromise and negotiate

Which of them is right? Each. And everyone makes the same mistake. Because so far not a single scheme has been created to get a million, which would work under any circumstances.

It ever passes through our hands, no matter what position we hold, how much we earn in our own business. For many, many years, a million arrives in parts in our wallet, and dissipates in the same way.

Because a million in its entirety can be obtained only if the earnings for decades are not spent at all.

In this scenario, you can still earn a million if there are many sources of profit in the family. But does the accumulated million make its owner a millionaire? Unlikely. A millionaire is someone who makes a million in a month

However, to earn the first million, a one-year term will do. Because the first one is more difficult than all the subsequent ones.

If you decide to make a million, do not be afraid to make a mistake in choosing a strategy. Do not be afraid that this will be "not your" field of activity.

The main thing is to do, to do something. Let elementary, but working in 95% of cases.

Be prepared for "dirty" work, fruitless work, many hours of non-stop work. And know that these are the components of your million, and therefore success in general. Because after the first million, you are unlikely to want to stop.

And remember that it is quite possible to make a million from scratch. Earning a million quickly will only work if you have already counted the millionth earnings. Of course, you can try to earn a million without doing anything, but at the moment no one has succeeded.

Who becomes a millionaire

One girl sold Chinese-made navigators for tractor drivers and quickly made a million on this. An ordinary student transformed into a business woman, breaking the stereotype of male millionaires. She had to personally sit in the cab of the tractor, testing know-how products, checking their practical value for the operator of agricultural machinery.

Another girl, named Sasha, was on her way to meet her brother, and suddenly a clear image of a huge golden hippo flashed in her head. Soon she purchased golden leather from a fabric store, then she was helped to develop a mock-up pattern, which she took to the production workshop along with the material.

Now in Moscow boutiques are sold pretty cute elite stuffed hippo toys made of genuine leather under the Skin Toys Vip brand.

A young millionaire with colossal sales had to open her own factory for sewing "golden" hippos.

The same hippo Skin Toys Vip

Have you ever wondered how much you can earn from dog shampoos? Laugh, laugh, and Alexander Cherednichenko earned a million on such cosmetics.

The "chip" of the business is a narrow specialization: cosmetics are intended only for Yorkshire terriers.

The idea was taken from the book "How to Work 4 Hours a Week" by Timothy Ferris and was to find a narrow niche and create a high-margin product in it. Alexander, who doesn't own a toy or other dog, makes millions from Yorkshire shampoos. He now works not even 4 hours a week, but 2 hours a month.

Once a young company, consisting of two girls and a young man, went to eat Italian pasta in one of their Moscow restaurants. The disgusting taste of the dish overshadowed the dinner, but ignited the star of a new startup -

Dilyara Mingaliyeva, Andrey Surin and Zhanna Sharipova have developed a smartphone application that helps millions of restaurant food lovers navigate among numerous establishments and find out which one serves a particular dish at the highest level.

Presentation of the application

To do this, it was necessary to endlessly photograph dishes, collect reviews about them, study other sources where such information could come from (because going around all the restaurants and trying all the dishes in them is an impossible task even for a group of people). But the result was worth it: became the winner of the Global Startup competition, having passed the selection of 120 teams.

Someone has created clothes that change colors, someone has come up with seamless swimsuits, foldable boats, self-heating cups, luminous railings, patterned sausage, billboards that determine the gender and age of passers-by, etc.

These ideas belong to people who have been able to see millions in profits where the average person passes by.

However, these are also ordinary people. They were able to unlock their potential, find the means to implement their ideas and earn the first million. Elon Musk argues that you need to invest money only in those projects that can reflect on the future of mankind, improve it.

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Manufacture and installation of mosquito nets

Contrary to the lofty aspirations of the famous startup, “million dollar ideas” do not always have a deep sacred meaning. It is unlikely that perfume for newborns or bottled water for dogs will play a significant role in human progress. But not bad for making a million, right?

Million per year

If you are interested in how to make a million in a year, and not in two, then you are moving in the right direction. As an individual entrepreneur, you have registered, identified the niche in which you will work, and you are interested in the prospects of your enterprise. To do this, you need to make a decomposition of your million - in any currency, be it the ruble or dollar, euro. Even 5 million can be reached by the decomposition method.

It doesn't matter what you sell, even cast iron generators. Suppose one of them costs 5000 rubles. And you need to earn a million in a year. To do this, a million - let's take, for example, rubles - we divide by 12, the number of months in a year. We get approximately 8330 rubles, rounded up to 8400. To get your 8400 rubles a month, how many generators do you need to sell?

We divide 8400 by 5000, we get about two generators. Can you sell two instruments in a month? Of course you can.

But keep in mind that these calculations are made for a million net, i.e. you can't spend those 8,000 to reach a million by the end of the year.

That is, in addition to them, you will have to earn money for advertising (it will definitely take you half the cost of the generator per month) and for life. But for the sake of your millionaire, will you sell the required volume of products?

How to make a million dollars?

A million dollars, according to Rich Dad, the hero of Robert Kiyosaki's book, is the starting point. And there is. The principles of becoming a millionaire are the same everywhere, despite the differences in currency. It's just that the dollar is a world reserve currency with a stable exchange rate, so those who have been successful with the same amount in ruble terms want to know how to make a million dollars.

It is necessary to make a reservation that this task is within the power of those who have been in business for more than a year.

If you know how a business works, then $1 million is just the beginning for you.

Business is not only self-confidence, motivation, niche and other concepts that modern business coaches use. This is the same everyday work, only you bring profit to yourself, and not to another person. In general, get ready that this is not the 5th floor to climb.

Make partnerships with other companies

By adhering to these clear rules, many people have become billionaires. They believed in their idea and supported its implementation. And most importantly, they took on those products that could affect the future of generations.

Elon Musk, for example, who today is called a superstarter, created three companies, each of which brought him a billion. “I made a million,” Musk recalls, “at 24 when I started Zip2. Four years later, it was bought by AltaVista for $307 million.”

The main thing is to develop your idea and believe in its benefit for humanity. Then you don't have to create information products of dubious quality, violating copyrights, but strive further. Let there be only a few people like Elon Musk, but there are also peaks that are much more achievable.

Business youth: young, but rich!

Even cherishing dozens of business ideas in your head, you will not succeed without owning necessary knowledge. Suppose you want to make money on floristry. You have a unique concept, and you are sure that no one else will come up with such a thing. And where to start, where to run, where to get money, how to earn it, in the end - it is unlikely that a novice businessman has such a store of knowledge.

The Business Youth Society was created in order to outline, almost graphically, the path of a novice entrepreneur to a flourishing business that brings millions in profits. Its founders, Petr Osipov and Mikhail Dashkiev, are tough but creative guys. They are successful themselves and earn 2 million a month, so they know the fortune of newcomers. But feelings of laziness, indecision, fear are also familiar to them. That is why you can fly out of their courses quite quickly without completing the task. Considering both the expectations from the courses and their cost (from which not a penny will be returned), this is a personal drama for the student.

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Dealer of plastic windows

But "innovation in the field of education" is guaranteed to work: a person is forced to earn money, and does it.

Their website contains many cases of successful businessmen who, with or without start-up capital, have achieved profits of up to a million a month.

What can be said about the career of the main BM-shifters, Peter and Mikhail? Now they are 25 years old, and they have everything they dreamed of. Osipov made a million selling flowers - the first million. The next millions came under illumination LED lamps, which turned the course of Peter and Michael. At the moment, they are still engaged in the sale of LED lamps. But the lion's share of their earnings come from teaching business courses.

However, business courses are too general a definition for all the knowledge, actions and skills that a BM student has to master.

These are not only the notorious "Intensive", "Coaching" and "Million for a hundred", but also "Sales Department in 60 days", for example. In addition, numerous seminars on the narrowest and most problematic business topics.

And in October 2012, the BM project “How to earn the first million” was released on the TNT channel. Hosted by Peter and Michael. Who knows what it is - a way to popularize BM theories and prove their effectiveness in practice, or a stimulating reality show for those who want to step into their business.

Members of the Business Youth Society

The show really captivates by the fact that at every step, on the example of the success or defeat of the participants, Dashkiev and Osipov give wise advice on how to stabilize the situation, how to dispel stressful situations how to optimize your business organization and how to earn a million afterwards. Thus, the TV project has not only a hedonic function, but also a teaching one.

Assignments, goals and advice are given to participants based on their unique situation. The creators of the show do not impose any scheme of earnings. Before the viewer, 5 different ways to a million are revealed on the example of the project participants, who are commented, discussed and changed under the guidance of the BM creators.

How to make your first million

This is the name of the television project of Dashkiyev and Osipov. They arranged a grandiose casting, which was attended by many young people who wanted to start their own business and quickly earn a million. First. And since there is the first million earned, it means that there is enough knowledge to earn the second million.

Unfortunately, at a crowded casting it turned out that young people really know very little about making money. They assume that you need to work hard, but they have no business skills, no idea about its structure. Don't worry, you can learn.

But if you don't know what to learn, it's hopeless. At least until a person is mature enough to master knowledge, it makes no sense to give it to him.

According to this principle, five project participants were selected. For several months, their ideas were under the patronage of the project leaders, who gave the necessary instructions, as well as implemented various measures penalties for unfulfilled work, up to expulsion from the project.

Frame from a television project

One of the participants did not reach the second part of the reality show. He wanted to build a business wholesale sugar, but was defeated. In the rest, the participants had to "voluntarily" get rid of their favorite things. For example, Olga had to smash her laptop to smithereens. But the next time she made more efforts, and the task nevertheless completed.

Tip: the threat of material damage greatly fuels interest in work - put it into practice by giving some of the money or your favorite things to an uninterested person.

Agree with a person who is not your relative or close friend that you will give him a specific amount of money in case of failure to complete a certain amount of work at a given time.

We will not dwell on the course of the transfer and the personalities of the participants. It's just that this program demonstrates that the problem of financial independence of young people is relevant in any country and has become topical. Against the backdrop of unsuccessful employment and moral impoverishment, it is better not to waste time thinking, but to start acting.

Without what it is impossible to earn a million

Earning a million rubles or other national currency over decades, as American investors are calling for, is not always possible with our unreliable banks and a volatile political environment. Whatever one may say, we are not the USA. Therefore, we will use those technologies that will allow us to earn a million quickly, beautifully and our way!

1. If you're not a millionaire, don't go big. Just do something first

For example, student Vladlen was sure that the sale of special equipment would make him a millionaire in just a week, because you can make a lot of money on the percentage of the sale of one car. Potential buyers were found, suppliers too, but ... The cars simply were not in stock.

You need at least to be savvy in special equipment, even better - to have a "face" - a brand or brand and status, because without this, not every company will entrust you with the sale of expensive JCB or Caterpillar loaders.

As a result, the guy had to urgently create a one-page website, post ads on public bulletin boards in order to ... sell fashionable headphones. With 100% wrap. So he earned 30,000 rubles in a week and stayed on the project.

Take action. If a large-scale project has failed, take on the extraction of "labor cents".

2. Stick to the 21 day rule

From the moment the client saw the product for the first time, and before receiving real money from it, no more than 21 days should pass. If more - this is not your way, not your products, not your "niche", as it is now fashionable to say. No matter how much you like it, you will never earn money on this product. Despite the fact that similar products are intensively sold by a competitor.

Good day, dear readers. My name is , I am a successful entrepreneur in the tourism business. Today I will talk about how to earn a million dollars in the conditions of modern Russian realities, without going beyond the legal framework and personal dignity.

As history shows, there are many ways to become a successful and wealthy person. The vast majority of which is available to most people, regardless of where they were born and how social status originally possessed. So why are there so few millionaires?

For many, this question will be rhetorical. But in fact, there is an answer to it and it is damn simple - not all people can become millionaires! Since a successful person is also rich, a person must combine 7 qualities, without which success is simply impossible.

Absolutely all successful people are curious, like cats, and incredibly persistent in their curiosity. They are always eager to learn more! And having learned something new, they begin to ask questions: “What should I do with it?” or “How to implement it?”. At the same time, they always start with distrust and skepticism, sorting the information they receive into bricks to find causal relationships. And only after that they begin to act!

Successful people on a conscious or unconscious level always believe that they are 100% responsible for their actions and their consequences. For them, there is no such thing that something just happened, for them everything is always “done” either by them or by those whom they control.

Such a construction of consciousness, from the point of view of psychology, indicates that successful people perceive themselves as a subject - the one who controls, and not an object - the one who is controlled.


How to make a million without perseverance and a bulldog grip? No way! It is impossible to become rich if you retreat at the slightest resistance or overtaken by failure. You need to cling to your goal and go to it no matter what!

Self-criticism and the ability to admit their mistakes.

Whatever path to success you choose, you should remember three simple truths:
Mistakes are inevitable - people tend to make mistakes even in simple things.
Mistakes and failures are the price of the most valuable experience.
Admitting your failures and mistakes is a predicate of wisdom!

The ability to attract people.
Successful people are able to impose their thoughts and ideas on other people. They can collect them around themselves, or something indicated by them.

Self-discipline and willpower.
No matter how trite it may sound, but you cannot achieve anything if you have weak willpower. This is equally true for small things - getting up at 4:00 to go fishing; and for significant ones - devote 3 hours every day to mastering new information so as not to lose the level of qualification.

Do you want to know what willpower you have? Then set yourself a simple task: every day for 2 months, at eight and a half o'clock in the evening, pour water from the tap into a glass and pour it into the toilet.

Think it's easy? According to statistics, only 1 person out of 30,000 is able to complete the task without interruptions and errors (deviations) in time.

Sense of humor.
Even knowing how to make a million and following this path, you will not achieve success if you are unable to perceive troubles and failures with humor. Without this, the process of achieving the goal will become depressing and unbearable.

How to Make a Million: 6 Strategies for Future Millionaires!

So, let's say you have all the traits of a successful person and decide to earn your first million. At the same time, you want to become not a ruble millionaire, but a dollar one! Since in the first case, the task is not very difficult. In order to earn a million rubles in one year, it is enough to get a job with a salary of 150 thousand rubles and save about 84 thousand from this amount. Such salaries are not uncommon in our time.

But what if you need to earn 1,000,000 US dollars? There are seven answers to this question, or rather seven answers - six strategies that have been tested by time and success.

Strategy #1. In the footsteps of pioneers!

The first strategy you can use to become a millionaire is to discover own business for the production of goods and / or trade in them. This option is perfect for those who want to not only earn a lot, but also strive for self-realization and self-development, since entrepreneurial activity requires constant improvement in many aspects:

analysis and the ability to draw correct conclusions;
ability to predict;

In fairness, it should be said that owning a business is, as a rule, a very laborious process that not everyone can handle. In addition, according to statistics, most of the new commercial organizations in Russia leaves the market without having existed even for two years, which is due to several things, the main of which are:

Low business literacy of the population;
difficult economic conditions;
lack of cheap bank loans and unnecessarily difficult access to public finance;

However, if you decide to earn $1,000,000 through classical production or trade, then you need to decide on the following things:

1) understand what exactly you will do;
2) analyze the market and make a plan on how to make a million in your chosen field of activity;
3) draw up a very detailed business plan;
4) calculate how much money is needed to open your own business, to promote and develop it.

Having done the above, you can begin to implement the planned business plan. In fact, all this is relatively simple, except for the choice of the field of activity and the formation of start-up capital.

The field of activity must be chosen based on personal preferences and professional skills. For example, if you love flowers and know how to trade, then you can open one or more intermediary flower shops.

If you do not want to trade, then you can do flower decoration for special occasions or just grow flowers in greenhouses for sale. Another way to make money on flowers is the selection of new species.

In other words, find what brings you pleasure, and then choose the best way for you to monetize your preferences.

Regarding the difficulties with the formation of start-up capital, I wrote about this in an article. Read it at your leisure, and you will understand that even now it is not so difficult to get money to open your own business.

Strategy #2. Network marketing: how to climb to the top of the pyramid?

You have probably heard about the next strategy - this is trading with something with a referral profit distribution system. That is network marketing.

Network marketing is a unique concept for the sale of services and goods, which is based on a multi-level system of independent sales agents (distributors), each of which has the right not only to sell goods, but also to attract new agents.

Income in such a system is distributed in a pyramidal structure - from the bottom up.

For example, if you sell flowers as part of network marketing, then in addition to the profit from sales, you will also receive a certain percentage of the profit of the network agent that you have attracted. And the one who attracted you will receive a percentage of your income (revenue from the sale of goods + your income coming from downline network agents attracted by you).

This is called a referral income sharing system, where a referral is a network agent, part of the proceeds of which goes to the one who referred him.

Therefore, to earn a million, you need to have as many referrals as possible. You can achieve this very quickly if you follow this sequence of actions:

1. It is necessary to create by personal example the image of a successful participant in the referral system!
2. You should advertise yourself and your profits in the system - wherever possible.
3. Complete special training on attracting referrals to understand how it works.
4. Training downstream network agents on how to attract new members. If there are no skills, find someone who has them, let him teach.

In practice, everything looks like this: you are being introduced into the current structure of network marketing; you begin to advertise your product through advertising and acquaintances; and after several transactions with the client, you invite him to become a member of the system.

Do this for a long time and in six months you will be able to receive passive income from 1 to 15 thousand dollars, depending on what you trade. After that, you should start organizing courses for training downstream agents.

It should be noted that the time required to receive the first million is 95% dependent on perseverance and systematic work to attract new referrals. For someone, it can be only 1 year, and for someone it will take 10 years.

Strategy number 3. How much is your knowledge worth?

Want to know how to make a million without starting capital and any experience entrepreneurial activity? Then you should study the newfangled trend modern world under the name "Infobusiness". This is an activity based on information, or rather its trade.

The simplest example of such a business is the sale of educational audio cassettes for study. in English. In this case, the information is how to speak English correctly, and the money is taken for teaching this.

To create your own infobusiness, you need to initially understand what you are an expert in and what you can teach other people. Training and expertise can be sold together or separately.

For example, you can sell information about the current state of the pharmaceutical market. And you can teach for money how to do the analysis of this market yourself. The situation is similar with the stock markets. But there, asset value forecasting is more valued than expert assessment of the current state of the market.

It is very easy to understand what from your knowledge will be useful to others. To do this, it is enough to ask your colleagues, clients and friends what they have learned from you.

In order to earn on your knowledge, you should:

1) choose a niche in which you will be engaged in the information business: economics, needlework, plumbing, alcoholism treatment, etc.;

2) create a website with a relevant theme;

3) fill the site with interesting and useful content: articles, audio recordings, videos, images, photos;

5) create a newsletter emails with the news and novelties of your site. In parallel with this, create your information product, dividing it into two parts: the main one is free; and bonus - distributed on a paid basis.

This is the easiest way to build your infobusiness from scratch with minimal investment. But there are other options: holding seminars, publishing books, selling electronic discs, or privately consulting people. Which one is best for selling your expert information is up to you!

Strategy number 4. Financial markets - they rule the world!

Do you know that in the last 15-20 years the world economy has been growing solely due to an increase in the financial value of assets, without a serious increase in real production? This is easy to see if we compare several factors that indirectly reflect the dynamics of the quantitative and material indicators of the world's main economies with the dynamics of world GDP growth.

For example, if you look at the chart for the Baltic Dry Index, you can see that it has fallen significantly since 2010. And this indicates a decrease in the volume of trade in the world economy:

Baltic Dry Index is an index that reflects the cost of transported dry cargo (grain, coal, ore, etc.) by Panamax, Handymax and Capesize class vessels. The index is calculated daily by the Baltic Exchange.

A similar situation is observed in the dynamics of trade within the United States - a fall of 2.5% in 2015! This is even more noticeable in the indicators of imports and exports of Chinese goods, where only according to official data, there is a drop in indicators by 10-16%. And these are the bottoms of the last 8 years. The same picture can be seen if we examine the figures for electricity consumption in these countries – they are steadily declining.

A similar situation is observed in the TOP-20 world economies, which directly indicates a drop in the level of roll production in the world!

However, if you look at the graph of world GDP growth, it becomes clear that according to financial indicators The world economy has almost recovered from the crisis of 2007-2009.

What does this indicate? It's simple - the money is leaving the "real" sector in the financial markets.

Therefore, if you do not know how to make a million, pay attention to trading exchanges, Forex or binary options that are gaining momentum.

Financial markets are a set of financial instruments that allow you to trade a variety of assets in very large volumes with minimal costs.

Depending on what type of asset is a commodity, financial markets are divided into:

The market for bonds, stocks and other securities;
currency market;
futures market;
money market;
exchanges of precious metals;
capital market.

In Russia, the most popular markets are Forex (currency trading) and the stock exchange. There has also been a growing interest in options lately. This is a financial trading instrument, on which a commodity (asset) is a contract for the purchase or sale of a certain asset with an exact execution date. The cost of the contract is also specified in advance. With regard to binary options, in the case of them, a real transaction of buying or selling an asset does not occur, but only a price prediction for it will rise or fall.

However, if you want to understand this type of earnings in more detail, then I advise you to read my article. It describes all the nuances of how to make a million on binary options for several years. But let me tell you, it's not easy!

To make a profit in the financial markets and binary options in particular, you need to be thoroughly prepared. Understand how a particular market works and learn in advance effective ways to predict the movement of the value of an asset. For the latter, it may take from a few weeks to 3-5 years, depending on the level of your diligence and natural ingenuity. You also need to thoroughly study and apply the rules of money management, which I talked about in the article. However, if you study everything, choose the right strategy and follow it, then the first million dollars on your deposit may well appear within a few years! Personally, I strive for this and make excellent progress:

Strategy number 5. How to make a million in RuNet: 3 ways to wealth!

The Internet is the second most popular segment of the economy after financial markets in terms of investment attractiveness. Therefore, it is also easy to become a dollar millionaire here. Of course, if you know what to do.

Earnings on the Internet can be divided into three categories: services, speculation and advertising.

Advertising on the Internet is probably the easiest way to make money on the World Wide Web. Since even a schoolboy with a 7th grade education is able to make a profit from his Vkontakte account, albeit a small one.

But for serious profit, you will need to create an advertising platform that will attract five thousand unique visitors daily. And this is not so easy, because Internet surfers are very picky and are ready to regularly visit only those portals that are professionally made and filled with high-quality, interesting content.

Of course, sometimes there are exceptions if something incredibly unique, addictive or out of the ordinary appears. But even in such cases, the platform that provides this wonderful new content needs to be developed and improved. Since the novelty effect works for the first 2-3 months. And during this time you will not become a millionaire!

Conclusion, if you want to make a million on the Internet, create an attractive advertising platform and constantly update it.

The second way to make money on the Internet is mediation in trade. Such business can be divided into two groups: petty speculation and online shopping.

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways of obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

In the first case, this is the sale of something in small quantities through their accounts in in social networks, tweeter or blog, which does not require a large investment or a lot of time. It is enough to engage in the purchase of goods once a week and from time to time look on the Internet, realizing the goods purchased earlier.

In the second case, you need to create a large business project!

Important! In capitalism there is no medium business, only large and small. Since any enterprise that goes beyond small retail is obliged to act according to the same rules and principles as big business.

As a rule, an online store is created according to the following scheme:

1) first, it is necessary to analyze the market in order to find a free or least competitive niche;

2) after that you should study who your buyer is and what his needs are;

3) then pick up tools (specific product names) to meet the needs of potential customers;

5) all financial costs are calculated, including marketing costs;

6) the business plan is put into practice.

The last way to make money online is to provide certain services. The essence of this activity is to save time, money and nerves of your client. Or do something on the Internet that the client cannot or does not want to do on their own.

For example, you can deal with the legal nuances of the interaction of people with government agencies (issuing visas, subsidies, doing accounting).

Also, freelancing can be attributed to Internet services. This is the remote execution of tasks without signing a contract for permanent cooperation. The services there include: copyright, programming, market analysis, photo services, private one-time consultations, etc.

You can also earn big money from this. There are many examples of professional copywriters who earn from 300 thousand rubles a month. And if an experienced programmer is engaged in freelancing, the specified amount can be increased by 5-10 times.

Strategy number 6. How to get money without doing anything?

The next strategy that allows you to earn big money in a relatively short time is the creation of passive income. There are several such sources of funds, but we will consider only the four most accessible and proven options.

Passive income is the receipt of money from sources that do not require constant active actions to fill them and maintain income levels.

Option number 1. You can earn passive income if you become a distributor famous company and in parallel with the main work to engage in network marketing. This has already been discussed above, so we will not dwell on it. I will only point out that earlier we talked about how to make money exclusively on network marketing. And in this case, it means Additional income without pretensions to dominance in the "network pyramid".

Option number 2. You can also create an information Internet portal with good attendance and receive from it 20-50 thousand rubles a month from advertising. This is a great option for those who are well versed in computers and Internet marketing.

Option number 3. You can also rent out your property. This is probably the easiest way to get additional passive income, provided that you have real estate. Otherwise, real estate can be purchased by taking a loan from a bank. However, this should be done under two conditions:

First, the monthly annuity must be greater than the loan payments;
secondly, you should not buy real estate on credit if its value is more than 120 monthly rental payments.

Option number 4. The last option for creating passive income is investing in assets or commercial structures. This means medium-term and long-term investment, since investing money for a short time is earnings in the financial markets, as was written earlier when talking about Forex and.

12 rules of investing from Herbert Casson!

It should be noted that you can borrow money not only for buying real estate, but also for investing it. Only in this case, you should be 95% sure of the profitability and reliability of investments.

At the same time, your confidence should not be based on “faith” in a brighter future. And on the analysis, the right strategy and 12 investment rules from Herbert Casson, which serve as a "manifesto" for most entrepreneurs in the "Western" world.

Rule number 1. Investments should be invested only in what you understand!

You should not be under illusions and think that everyone wants to help you and therefore they advise you to invest in an asset unknown to you. Everyone has their own selfish goals and, as a rule, they run counter to yours.

Rule number 2. Don't invest under pressure!
If you feel that you are being persuaded or pressured, pause, retire and think it over carefully.

Rule number 3. Money should be earned on real things, not on plans!
Only very rich people, banks and states can afford to spend money investing in the words and intentions of people. An ordinary investor must be very careful, because he is obliged to invest only in reliable assets.

Rule number 4. Invest in what can be sold!
At the same time, remember that the cost of something is determined by demand, and not by media popularity or uniqueness.

Rule number 5. There is a profit - take it!
Do not forget that the purpose of investing is to generate income. Many novice investors forget about this. And after receiving the first profit, they invest it again and again until they lose all the money.

Rule number 6. Listen to the advice of bankers or economists.
Finance is an incredibly large tangle of tangled and intertwined threads that only someone who has been doing this all his life can figure out.

Rule number 7. You need to invest during a fall in value, and sell when it rises.
This is a general rule of capitalism that allows you to make money, not lose it.

Rule number 8. Money must work!
Want to know how to make a million? Then fill simple truth- only the movement of capital generates profit.

Rule number 9. If you take a loan, then all the funds you receive must be invested in the business!
You should not postpone and create a "cushion" of safety from part of the money that is borrowed. Borrowed money - use it for its intended purpose.

Rule number 10. Credit funds are needed for development, not banal boasting.
Many investors cannot distinguish one from the other. Money should be invested in something that generates profit, not something that brings fame or improves status.

Rule number 11. Investors don't lend!
If you give money, then for the sake of profit, and not empty gratitude.

Rule number 12. By investing in an asset, you are betting on an industry, not a single business.
Don't invest in the best company in the worst industry.

I note that on our website we decided to conduct an investment experiment by investing $ 5,200 in some assets through an intermediary ShareInStock. The results of our small project are displayed in .

Professions that bring millions!

The above is how to make a million in the short term. But, as for me, this will not be enough. It is also necessary to mention who you should learn from in order to earn a lot in the future.

Only from the very beginning I will indicate: the professions that I will indicate are in demand in developed economies. In addition, you may think that they cannot be learned in Russia. However, I would not advise getting hung up on the domestic education market, since there are countries that are ready to educate several thousand students from the CIS every year on a free basis (Switzerland, Canada, Italy or the UK).

Oddly enough, but representatives of this profession are becoming a rarity in our time, if you do not take into account countries such as China and India. In the EU and the USA, an ordinary engineer receives from 5 thousand dollars a month, an experienced one - from 8 thousand, and a professional in his field - from 15 thousand dollars.

Representatives of this profession receive from 3 thousand dollars even in the CIS. What can we say about the EU, the USA and Canada.

It is also an engineer, but specializing in medical equipment. They are divided into 2 groups:

Specialists who work in polyclinics with a monthly income of 7 thousand dollars ;
employees of medical device manufacturers. Their salary starts from 20 thousand dollars.

This medical worker dealing with hearing problems. Experienced specialists in this specialty earn about 600 thousand dollars a year.

These are people with the widest profile of activities and therefore the spread of their income level is quite impressive: from 1 thousand dollars a month to several million a year.

Many believe that the economic crisis destroyed this profession, but in reality it only removed most of the non-professionals from the market. While professional traders still earn fabulous money.

Even in our country, such civil servants are paid a lot of money. And this is understandable - the higher the salary of an official, the less likely that he will become a corrupt official.

These are people who automate and optimize business processes. Sometimes they are also called anti-crisis managers. The income of such specialists sometimes reaches amounts of several million dollars per contract.

I think it is quite natural that people who save lives should earn a lot.

One could also mention several such professions as actors, writers, artists, singers and TV presenters. They, theoretically, can also be the answer to the question of how to make a million dollars. However, success in these professions is 99% dependent on luck, so you should not bet on them.

How to make a million: 10 absurd ideas that brought fabulous wealth!

Do you want to know what "novice" millionaires earn on? You just don't tell anyone, but anything can bring big money. When in doubt, check out some examples of some absurd business ideas that brought fabulous wealth to their owners.

Idea number 1. What do you think, is it possible to make money on revenge? It turned out that yes! This is proved by the “Revenge Stores” operating in St. Petersburg. Their essence is this; a client comes to them with the idea or idea of ​​an “act of revenge”, and the store employees embody it, if necessary, beautifully draw up “this action” and complement it original ideas. Of course, everything is within the framework of the current legislation.

Idea number 2. One day, an American 15-year-old guy decided that he had a brilliant idea. The essence of which is to record your "fart" and make a plug-in for browsers out of this sound. A kind of button, pressing which leads to a "fart". The guy turned his idea into reality and now he earns tens of thousands every month by selling a “farting” button.

Idea number 3. Have you thought about whether there are ineffective and unnecessary advertising? As practice shows, it is not! As evidenced by the site Milliondollar, where the creator of the portal provided 1,000,000 pixels for advertising at a cost of $ 1 per piece. It could be said that no one needs it. But all the pixels were bought out, and 21-year-old Alex Tew became another millionaire.

Idea number 4. In 2001, Byron Reese decided it would be nice if parents could find out what their kids wanted for Christmas. And even better if you can make money on it! On reflection, our hero decided to open the North Pole mailbox in Alaska, in the name of Santa Claus. And he suggested that parents send letters from children to Santa on his "Pole", after which they will return back, but as Santa's answer. Such mediation costs only $10 per letter.

Idea number 5. There is a perfume company in Ukraine that makes money on “pleasant gases”. It produces candies that the company says improve the flavor of "fart". They cost only $3.25 per bottle. The range includes fragrances from Sensation, Calvin Klein, Clara and many more. Including scents of lavender, hay and pine forest.

Idea number 6. Travel agency for our pets - I think that says it all. Although no, it is worth mentioning the British company Chien Bleu, which invented this service and made it a reality.

Idea number 7. Notarial registration of predictions. This service is provided by a notary office in the city of Saint Paul (USA). Whether this is good or bad is unknown. But it is known that the business serving the "Nostradamus" brings a lot of money.

Idea number 8. The clergy of the Cistercian abbey named after the Holy Virgin Mary decided to follow the spirit of the time and created their own website LaserMonks for this, where they offer their users the services of consecrating cartridges and discs. Financial reports people are said to have paid over $2.5 million since 2005 to save their devices from corruption. Hallelujah!

Idea number 9. In the west, there are many places selling Emergency Underpants, which in Russian will sound like “rescue” or “spare” disposable underpants. They are packaged and sold in the same way as disposable wipes are packaged and sold. According to the creators of this product, disposable briefs are in constant demand and brought them a lot of money.

Idea number 10. One of our compatriots decided that it would be nice to say goodbye to some things with "pomp!". And now anyone can part with their beloved, but cracked mug to the applause of a dozen spectators and fireworks explosions.

Let's say you made your first million. So, what is next? Most likely, you will lose it, spend it or go broke - this is what the statistics and experience of most entrepreneurs say.

However, this can be avoided if you heed the advice of those who have earned more than one million dollars and managed to save their fortune.

Council number 1. There are only three things that don't decrease in value over time: gold, gems, and US bonds.

Council number 2. Don't trust women! Their understanding of the words "profitable" and "save" in most cases is identical to the word "I want."

Council number 3. If you have earned one million in production, invest half in development and you will receive three million.

Council number 4. Stock markets are good for making profits, but they are not good for holding money.

Council number 5. If you don't know what to invest in, invest in yourself!

Council number 6. Peace and quiet is the slow depreciation of capital. Money loves movement!

Council number 7. There are no permanent partners in business, there are only permanent business interests.

Council number 8. Spend money wisely! Do not buy fame or status - invest in resources and financial instruments.

Council number 9. Forget about the interests of those business partners who care about your interests.

Tip number 10. Lost your first million - what prevents you from earning another one, or two?

In conclusion!

Summing up, I will note an important detail: there is no exact instruction where it would be written exactly how to earn a million, but there are proven tools in the form of concepts and strategies. Their correct use will allow you to achieve commercial success in the shortest possible time. Follow them and you will definitely get rich!


Hello! Today we will talk about how to make a million. Rubles or dollars, it doesn't matter, it all depends on your fantasies. Of course, each of us at least once in our lives, but thought about it.

How realistic is it to make a million?

Despite popular belief, it is quite possible to earn millions in Russia. It's easiest if you already have some useful resources. For example - well-established and profitable, good connections or a high position. Often such resources include a big name, outstanding talent and reputation.

However, even if you do not have any of the above, earning a million dollars is quite realistic. True, it will require much more time and effort, but as a result, all of them will pay off many times over.

It is worth remembering that the first thing the path to the treasured million begins with is own wish. If it is strong and you are not afraid of difficulties, our tips and recipes for success are at your service.

Not all people can boast of belonging to the Rockefeller, Rothschild or slightly less rich families. But if you can independently, and not just successfully realize the funds received by inheritance, then you can be proud of such an achievement much more. It is possible that it is you who will be able to join the people who have earned a million in the shortest possible time.

There are many recipes for success. However, experts give a number of tips that are common to all paths:

  1. Do not be afraid. Many people remain in old age with nothing because they are simply afraid of change, afraid to try something new. As a result, it turns into complete static and inertia - in this case, a million will not be earned in any way. Some fear that in their pursuit of the desired amount, they will simply lose their main job. In fact, losing a job is not scary. Much worse than losing the desire to make money;
  2. If you want to earn 1,000,000 from scratch- learn. This applies not only and not so much to large, but absolutely all financial receipts. This will not only free up funds for the next one, but also create a good habit. Experts recommend starting with 10%, gradually increasing the percentage. Such a move will also allow you to form a useful safety cushion - even if the skills of earning a million on the Internet in a month will not lead to anything - you will not end up with a broken trough. The volume of such a pillow, according to experts, should be the amount that would allow you to live without working for up to 6 months;
  3. Stick to a strict schedule. Those who want to earn 1 million for short term, can't afford to lie on the couch and enjoy TV shows or movies. You should carefully plan your day, and then stick to the schedule. Only in this way will it be possible to accustom oneself to fruitful everyday work. In no case should you stretch a half-hour business for the whole day;
  4. Give up impulsive actions and be economical. It is enough to look at the things you bought during the year to understand that some of them are simply not needed, and their purchase did not bring much joy, instead making you poorer;
  5. Engage in improving your own financial education. Despite the fact that in Russia, as nowhere else, the percentage of people with higher or secondary education is high, not so many people can boast of financial literacy - we simply do not teach such subjects. Books in the style of "How to make your first million in a month without investing" should be read only after you learn how to handle finances. Otherwise, all science will not go for the future;
  6. Don't limit yourself to a single source of income. Many are satisfied with just getting paid from their main job, but what happens if an employee is suddenly fired?
  7. Get into creating assets that generate . Take care to create a system of generating funds that provides a stable passive income;
  8. Work on your environment. Often underestimated, but at the same time a very important nuance. It's no secret that working in a team of like-minded people is much easier than working alone. Responsible friends who share your goals can become a support on the way to the cherished goal, as well as even a kind of think tank for generating ideas. If for some reason the environment tries to dissuade you from the idea, it is better to immediately stop communicating with these people. They will slow you down;
  9. Don't waste your time. One of the most valuable human assets is time. Those who know how to manage their time can say with confidence that it was much easier for them to earn a million without investments, and they did it much earlier than the rest;
  10. Even if you don't have money, try to take actions that will allow you to become more independent. It is enough to periodically work on your solvency instead of wasting money in order to feel the result very soon.

Finally, it remains to recall the statement of the famous millionaire Robert Kiyosaki: make money work for you, strive for them to make money themselves.

Several ways to earn millions

Today, there are a number of ways. However, those who study the issue of earning money in Russia most often come to one of the five main methods.


Consulting or counseling is one of the fastest growing fields of activity. It consists in providing paid consulting services in commercial, financial, technological or other fields of activity.

The main task of consulting is to help in achieving a particular goal, as well as help in resolving the issue that has arisen. Most often, consulting services are used in financial areas, which is quite understandable, because almost every one of us dreams of financial well-being.

What kind of financial advice is in demand today? Absolutely any. Someone is interested in how to get rid of debts once and for all, others want to learn how to manage a family budget, others want to create passive income. The list of topics on which you can give advice is very, very wide. Often you will be contacted with completely different problems.

To learn how to consulting, it is desirable, although not necessary, to have an appropriate education. However, today you can find a lot of literature that reveals this issue from all sides. Almost anyone can improve financial literacy enough to start sharing this science with others. It is possible that in a couple of years you yourself will begin to tell someone how to make money quickly.

As for the prices for consulting services, they vary quite widely. Depending on professionalism and work experience, you can successfully receive up to 30,000 rubles and even more in one hour. Consultations are held more often in person, but may also be through videoconferences or correspondence.

This way of earning will help you quickly earn the desired million, but it imposes certain obligations on the adviser. The main thing is to be a specialist in the areas with which he will work. Teaching someone without achieving anything yourself is not very ethical.

Another way to earn 1 million is to work with assets. This word refers to any property that can generate income. Today, this term also often refers to resources on the Internet that are capable of generating profits of 30,000 rubles or more.

The World Wide Web is full of possibilities. Today you can find many stories when in just a few years people started from scratch in order to sell their offspring for that same million rubles or even more. As the main option, you can, which will be highly appreciated by advertisers, and then sell it. In order to implement this plan, you will need the skills of site building and resource monetization.

Accordingly, not everyone will be able to implement such a plan - such skills are not so easy to obtain. However, to try and learn the basics, and then develop them to the proper level - the task is much easier. It is enough to try and. It will be followed by the second, third and so on, until you notice that they bring the desired income.

There are many examples of such business today. Among the most popular, one can single out at least Alex Tew, a modest American student who created. It contains a table of a million pixels. Each interested advertiser could get one pixel for his use for $1. It is easy to calculate that as a result, the author of the idea was able to earn a million dollars.

There are examples in our country. A Russian guy made a million on the ChatRoulette dating site. The idea is based on a portal, which is designed to introduce users with the help of webcams. After the user registers on the portal, a random interlocutor from another city or country will get into the chat. Such an idea quickly fell in love with the Runet audience, which made it possible to raise the cost of the site to unprecedented heights. At the same time, the author himself at that time was only 18 years old.

Both examples illustrate the following idea: in order to make a million on the Internet, you do not need to create any fundamentally new solutions, it is enough to correctly select the subject of the resource, create it and fill it, and then monetize it.

Another popular way to make your first million is. This term refers to the trading of information for money. The modern Internet has reached the level where it is possible to sell and buy absolutely everything, including information and knowledge. Given that in this context we are primarily interested in earnings, then the story will focus on the sale.

You can earn in a short time by selling your knowledge to interested people. Of course, we are talking only about those areas that are in demand today and can bring real benefits.

An example is the following analogy: a book on growing zucchini in the Far North and a course of video lectures on getting rich quickly for a substantial amount. It is easy to guess that the second product will cost much more and at the same time remain more in demand. As a result, you should choose knowledge that has been tested and needed by people and share it - this will ensure stable popularity and, as a result, income.

The main thing here (besides qualification in the chosen topic) is to determine whether your product will end up being in demand. Otherwise, you can simply be left without buyers. Thus, before you start working in this direction, you should study the market situation and demand.

Regarding the prices for the lessons. The spread, again, is very large. For example, audio courses and e-books today you can offer 500 rubles each, but trainings and video courses can already be sold for 5-25 thousand rubles per lesson. The chosen field and the value of your skills in it most strongly affect the price. Those who have already decided the question of how to earn their million in a month in Russia today can boast of amounts of 100-300 thousand rubles a month and even more. There are many examples of such success today. In the case of a well-chosen strategy, you can earn the desired amount in the first month.

make a million online

The World Wide Web is able to give interested people a huge variety of ways to earn money. There are many stories about how this or that person made a fortune without leaving home.

You can in, on, on online games, on creating a site and making money on it. Many people think that the latter method requires special skills, but in reality it is not quite so. You can earn 1 million on the development of portals without knowing the technology of their creation at all - it is enough to perform only the functions of a manager, entrusting all the work to specialists. As a result, the company can achieve a lot in a relatively short time.

Any other business idea

In fact, you can make money on any business idea. The main thing is to choose your direction in business and work hard.

Examples and stories of earning a million

Throughout the article, we have repeatedly talked about many examples of success in one way or another. Now we will specifically tell you where successful people earn millions.

Internet millionaires

  • Caric Cook. At the age of 15, the girl, along with her brother Dave, launched a social network for classmates. In 2005, she was able to make a splash and bring the authors several million dollars. Tellingly, only the idea belongs to teenagers - most of the funds were invested by third-party investors who quickly figured out where to make a million;
  • Michael Furdyk. Together with partners in 1996, he successfully caught the wave by creating a portal dedicated to computers. The content of the site was carried out by the creators themselves, and the materials were taken from all over the Internet. 4 years after the sale of the portal, the developers enriched themselves by several million each;
  • Adam Hilbert. An almost canonical example. He began his journey with the launch of a social network for teenagers. In essence, nothing particularly interesting, but the chosen monetization model turned out to be almost a unique example. Adam approached advertisers and suggested using the network's audience as focus groups for research. This approach brought him 4 million, which he received before he turned 20 years old;
  • Jason Bryan. This person was able to make a million on the Internet, following a slightly different path. Instead of inventing something fundamentally new, he decided to implement the available information. He created a portal to help potential buyers find their car. The information collected in this way he sold to car dealers. Those willingly responded to the idea and provided funding in the amount of 250 thousand dollars, and in just two years the revenue increased to 6 million.

Millionaires in Trade

  • Olga Nazarova. In addition to simply selling the product (which was the role of navigators), she introduced a different system - the implementation of a set of services with each purchase. It includes a variety of motion control programs. Such an idea quickly fell in love with forwarding companies, enriching the author of the idea by several million. As a result, Olga was able to earn not even one million;
  • Jamie Wells. He solved the question of how to earn millions with the help of the most ordinary glasses. The idea was brilliant in its simplicity - he. It was enough for people to send him a prescription, enter additional data and receive points in the mail. Cheap and cheerful is a good recipe for a company with a multi-million dollar turnover;
  • Raymond Lee. This entrepreneur found his million where others would not think to look. He bought T-shirts in China and then sold them in the US on his own website. As a result, a young man in his 20s completely abandoned his studies to become a millionaire in just one year;
  • Cameron Johnson. His story of earning a million began at the age of nine. Little Cameron made money by selling invitation cards of his own design. After that, he retrained to trade in bear cubs and various plush monsters, which at that time were on the wave of success. The next stage was the implementation of a number of projects, which made it possible to receive several million as a result already in 19 years. True, Cameron himself claims that he earned a million in a year at the age of 15.

Manufacturing millionaires

  • Dmitry Yurchenko. It is a rare case when the capital is based on a socially oriented project. His main achievement was the development of a "life button" with which pensioners can raise the alarm. As soon as the signal arrives at the call center, a team of doctors immediately goes to the place. I would like many to decide how to make money in such a socially useful way;
  • Jason Wall. Also a very unusual success story. Jason took up the production of the simplest thing - caps for car antennas. But just in just a couple of years, the company he created was able to cross the line of a million dollars in income. And this is far from the most interesting example of a success story;
  • Nick Base. This entrepreneur made his fortune on glass lids. Nick's invention changed color depending on the temperature of the liquid inside. To earn even more, the entrepreneur decided to sell advertising space on such caps, which brought him additional income.

These are just some of the examples, but in fact there are a lot of millionaires in Russia.

The main thing here is your desire and desire. Going forward and not giving in to difficulties is the key to success.

Greetings readers of the online magazine ""! Today we’ll talk about how you can earn a million (1,000,000) rubles or even dollars in a month or a year and what options are possible for this.

After studying the article from beginning to end, you will also learn:

  • Is it possible to earn a million from scratch in Russia;
  • What are the ways to earn your first million;
  • Where can you earn $1,000,000?

In the presented publication you will find real stories and examples, as well as advice to those who decide to make a million without investments .

It is useful to study the article for everyone who has not yet earned a million and does not yet know how to do it. Don't forget the proverb "time is money". So don't lose it and start reading right now.

About how to earn a million in a month or a year and who earns $ 1,000,000 - in our new issue

(million) rubles or dollars for 1 day, week, month, year?

Many dream of earning a million rubles or dollars in a short time . However, not everyone understands whether this is real.

In fact, earning such an amount is quite realistic. However, there must be already existing options for this - working business, expensive real estate, high-paying job or even just connections .

Also, those who have unique talent or famous name . It concerns For example, famous football players, actors, singers.

Naturally, not everyone has these advantages. However, even in their absence, do not despair: it is quite possible to earn a million. Just keep in mind that you have to spend more time and effort on it. But all the efforts will definitely pay off many times over.

If you are not one of those who are afraid of difficulties, start working. Simple calculations make it possible to understand that earning about 100,000 rubles per month, you can get a million already after 10 months. And it is quite real.

Of course, you can earn a lot of money and much faster. However, we do not do not recommend use fraudulent schemes or engage in crime. Therefore, in our article we will only talk about honest and reliable methods. They will definitely help you earn a million, even if it takes about a year.

TOP 8 ways to earn your first million

2. Where and how to earn your first million from scratch in Russia - 8 possible options

actually earn billion and don't give up on anything ordinary person in Russia is almost impossible. This requires serious initial capital, as well as connections. It's different when it comes to earnings. million or even several.

First of all in order to achieve financial well-being, you will have to change - reconsider your own habits, beliefs, attitude.

When a certain work on oneself is done, the desire to earn the first million will inevitably appear. Naturally, at this point the question arises how to do this. To earn a million, you have to learn not only to reason, but also to act actively. Below are TOP-8 options for earning 1,000,000 in Russia .

Option 1: Employment

Among those who are looking for ways to make a million from scratch, the ideas of work for hire are usually not popular. However, the wages of experienced professionals in metropolitan areas are often significantly higher than the profits of an entrepreneur in the provinces.

Of course, finding a high-paying job is not easy. A number of conditions will need to be met.

To get a decent income, you must:

  1. become a highly educated specialist who is in demand in the labor market;
  2. carefully build a career, choosing from a large number of offers the most promising and highly paid.

Today the biggest salaries boasts not only management staff, but also specialists in the field programming , accounting , lawyers , dentists , realtors for the sale of real estate.

Subject to certain experience, a serious attitude to work, employment in a large company, they can earn several million a year.

Option 2. Own business

In search of a way to make a million, many pay attention to the opportunity to start their own business. Financial specialists confirm that this is one of the few options that can bring hundreds of percent per year from the funds invested in the business.

It should be remembered that it is unlikely that it will be possible to earn in this way from scratch. In any case, you will have to invest in creating your own business cash.

Of course, there are areas that allow you to start a business with minimal investment. Moreover, a novice entrepreneur can count on free financial support from the state. However, in order to get it, you will have to develop and submit a quality one to the commission for consideration.

When choosing the direction of your own business, experts recommend first of all to pay attention to mini business ideas . They allow you to get started with minimum investment at home. The only thing you need to do is evaluate your knowledge and skills.

Almost everyone has the resources necessary to run the following types of business:

  • cosmetic and major repairs of residential and commercial premises;
  • small household services in the field of electrical and plumbing;
  • equipment repair;
  • services of a private driving instructor;
  • production of cakes to order;
  • cleaning services;
  • tutoring;
  • consulting services.

Method 5. Earning at home

Even those who live in small towns and do not have initial capital can earn a million. To do this, it is enough to organize your own home business.

Professionals advise Start your own business in a field with which you are familiar. The greatest success is achieved by former employees who have managed to gain serious experience in their professional field.

It is also important to ensure that the chosen direction of activity is in demand. Today, the greatest success is achieved lawyers, teachers, confectioners, photographers.

The choice of options for creating their own business for those who have free space for this is significantly expanding. Many successful businessmen started their business in a garage.

The following types of companies can be opened in the garage room:

  1. car service;
  2. furniture shop;
  3. production of building materials, paving stones, paintwork and other products;
  4. dry cleaning or laundry;
  5. cleaning feather pillows;
  6. growing mushrooms and herbs;
  7. production of dry breakfasts, herbal teas.

If you choose a business that you like and are in demand among residents of nearby areas, it will be quite possible to earn a million. Of course, this will require some effort.

Method 6. Investments

Many who have free cash are thinking about how to make money on them. Most often, the decision is made to put capital in the bank at. However, the yield of this option leaves much to be desired.

In fact, there are many ways to invest money that allow you to make good money in a fairly short time.

At the same time, it should be understood that higher ⇑ rate of return is associated with higher ⇑ risk of loss of invested funds. Therefore, when investing, it is important to choose the optimal ratio of these two indicators for yourself.

The table shows the most popular investment instruments in ascending order of risk and return.

Table: "Levels of profitability and risk of various investment instruments".

Investment instrument Level of risk Yield
Bank deposit Minimum Low
precious metals Low Low
Bonds Low Medium
Stock Average Might be high enough
Currency elevated High
Private lending Very tall Maximum

An important principle of this income option is that the investor must be well versed in the chosen financial instrument. In this case, it will be possible to earn a million and even more quickly enough.

Newbies who have necessary knowledge absent, may partially or completely lose the invested capital. However, there is an opportunity that allows you to significantly reduce⇓ risks - to transfer money to trust management professionals. In this case, the owner of the funds only needs to find an experienced manager who can competently invest the funds with maximum profit.

Method 7. Freelance earnings

This income generation option is very popular all over the world. In Russia, they are still very wary of him. Meanwhile, it allows you to earn a million by offering your services to those in need. However, it should be borne in mind that serious experience and knowledge in a certain area will be required.

Freelancing benefits include:

  • there is no need to spend time on the road to the workplace;
  • the ability to independently plan the working day;
  • the absence of demanding bosses, the freelancer himself decides when and what to do.

However, despite the serious advantages, this option also has tangible limitations . They are primarily associated with instability of earnings. There is no guarantee that orders will arrive evenly throughout the month; for an indefinite period of time, you can be left without income.

It is in connection with the instability that experts recommend first using freelancing as a source additional income. Only when a voluminous client base has been accumulated, you can quit your job and devote yourself completely to your favorite business.

Method 8. Own website

Not everyone knows, but it allows you to quickly earn a million creating your own sites . For such work, you need to be able to create resources, select and write high-quality content, and promote a finished site. If such skills are not available, funds will be required to pay for the services of specialists.

It is not necessary to have a huge experience to start earning in this way. Beginners can create websites on free templates, purchase inexpensive texts on stock exchanges to fill them. Of course, such a resource cannot be sold dearly, but on it you can work out basic skills and learn a lot.

Real examples of how successful people in various fields have earned millions of dollars

4. Real stories and examples of earning a million dollars 💰

We have already told you what methods you can use to earn a million. But the article will be incomplete without examples of real millionaires. The following is about people who managed to earn money in various fields.

1) Manufacturing Millionaires

To make a million dollars $ today in the field of production, it is necessary to create a truly unique product. At the same time, he Not only must be special, but also in great demand. Below are the stories of three businessmen who succeeded.

👨‍💼 Dmitry Yurchenko

Today, it is quite rare for businessmen to bet on social projects. All the more interesting is the story of Dmitry Yurchenko, who managed to make money on the creation of the so-called life buttons .

The essence of the idea is quite simple.: Pensioners can send an alarm signal to the call center with just one click. After his arrival, an ambulance team is immediately sent to an elderly person. Surely, the world would be a better place if more businessmen developed such projects.

👨‍💼 Nick Base

Nick Bays managed to get rich thanks to the invention of a seemingly elementary thing - lids for glasses . They change color according to the temperature of the contents of the glass.

When there was a demand for his invention, Nick did not stop there. The businessman decided to sell space on the surface of the lids for advertising. This brought him considerable additional profit.

👨‍💼 Jason Wall

Jason Wall's story is also very unusual. At one time, he began to produce elementary goods - caps for car antennas .

Despite the simplicity of the products, Jason Wall's company was able to 2 earn over a million dollars a year.

2) Millionaires in the trading field

This concludes our release.

We wish all readers and visitors of the online magazine "site" to find a really profitable way to make money. If you haven't managed to earn your million yet, may you manage to do it soon!

If you have any questions, comments or additions on this topic - write them in the comments below. Do not forget to also share this material with your friends on social networks. See you soon!