How to bring up a boss in yourself. How to cultivate a leader in yourself. Examples of stressful situations

The successful activity of a company largely depends on the business qualities of its leader. It is often believed that leadership is a quality that a person receives from birth or does not receive at all. This premise is erroneous: the art of leadership can be learned.

Let's start with the qualities that a leader should have:

1... Having imagination... The leader must clearly understand the end result of his activities. By selecting the best from his experience, he creates a single whole in his imagination. Perhaps reality will have little in common with the imaginary, but at least in the beginning, the leader must know what he wants.

2. Knowledge. Without them, you cannot plan a route that will lead to your goal. It is knowledge that gives the manager the necessary confidence in the correctness of the goals set, and the opportunities for achieving them.

3. Ability to lead others... Often a person is a master of his craft: he easily accomplishes what is inaccessible to others. But when he goes beyond his own abilities and organizes the work of others, personal skill fades into the background. The most important becomes the ability to lead others. Ideally, everyone under his supervision receives a task exactly according to his capabilities and knows what he needs to do. Such a leader always has order both in the company and in his office. He wastes neither time, nor money, nor effort.

A skillful leader must have his own style, that is, to a certain extent, possess artistry. Organizing a business well is: if you have material, distribute your efforts so that no one is overworking and no one is messing around. The organization is seething, and in its center is a zone of calm, where the most skillful of all works, works without any irritation, panic,.

4. Determination. This quality consists of the understanding that the team is able to complete the assigned task; faith in the success of the business. Decisive action is essential when making a decision. Any decision is better than endless doubts and shuffling from side to side. After a decision has been made, the matter is reduced to the fact that the actions of the leader are based on common sense.

5. Ruthlessness... This quality is not always readily accepted by the current generation. Experience shows that a real leader should not know pity for slovens, idlers and those who are not rooting for the cause. Otherwise, the entire burden of care will fall on the shoulders of diligent workers. In a firm where unprofitable people serve, others quickly lose their feeling of being involved. Without the element of fear, there is no power.

6. Attractiveness. The leader should be a magnet, a central figure to which everyone else is attracted. Magnetism depends on the frequency of public appearances. In the "active action" zone, the true leader should always be in the foreground. One gets the impression that he always and everywhere appears on time.

Psychologically skillful leadership should be based on the following RULES;

1. Ability to take personal responsibility in case of failures, not to blame various circumstances for everything and, even worse, to shift responsibility to subordinates.

2. In every possible way to encourage the improvement of the level of qualifications and the growth of talents of their employees. People whose work is underestimated, and who have insufficient interest in work, work worse than others. Ultimately, the quality level of the entire group is determined by the ability of its weakest employee to work.

3. Ability to provide moral support to employees in case they make mistakes.

4. Achieve intended goals by improving the working conditions of employees, ensuring their close cooperation, and not just teaching and mentoring their subordinates.

5. Be able to show your employees an example in their work. Do not demand from them that which is beyond their capabilities.

6. Never resort to threats, fear-mongering

7. and panic at work. These are signs of mismanagement.

8. To be able to highly appreciate the work of not only leading, but also ordinary employees. Give them the opportunity to experience the results of their own labor.

9. A wise leader will never issue an order if he understands that there is a danger of its failure. A business always comes to completion more successfully if, with all his appearance and intonation of his voice, he demonstrates benevolence, sincere participation, and confidence in success.

10. When giving any order, the leader must show friendliness and courtesy. Understated or overstated assignments spoil even good employees. On the other hand, in terms of their complexity, tasks must correspond to the capabilities of a particular performer.

11. It is important to be attentive and objective even to those suggestions of employees that will certainly not be implemented. Grossly rejected offers can make it impossible for the manager to receive them in the future.

12. It is very important to praise the employee on time, but it is doubly important not to miss the moment for criticism. Praising subordinates is more useful in public, and criticizing in private. Reprimand in the presence of the collective - one of the most severe penalties, it is worth resorting to it only in extreme cases.

13. Breaking the traditions that have developed in the team, although not entirely true, with which people have become accustomed, must be done carefully. In the first period of a new leader's work, when employees evaluate him especially biasedly, it is important to avoid not only major mistakes, but also minor blunders. Orders and orders given during this period require careful revision, and the documents being signed - especially careful study.

14. A competent leader makes remarks to his subordinates as soon as deficiencies in their work are discovered, while a bad leader accumulates them and one day arranges for subordinates to cheat.

15. The basis for healthy communication with subordinates is a democratic leadership style that combines exactingness with fairness. Democracy without maintaining proper order will inevitably slide into chaos.

16. Imitation is highly characteristic of a person - the desire to resemble someone who has interested him in something. The leader should serve as an object to follow. In this case, with long-term interaction with employees, through logical evidence, persuasion, using his personal charm, he is able to bring into the consciousness of others the need to fulfill the program of action proposed by him. This process is the more effective, the stronger the will of the leader, the more convincing and expedient his behavior, the higher his ability to infect with his example. These properties form what is called the authority of the leader. Its influence on employees increases with the growth of authority.

Conversation with subordinates

1. First of all, you need to clearly define the purpose of the conversation.

2. Outline it procedure ", with where to start, how to conduct a conversation. It is important to think about time: how much is needed, when to conduct a conversation and announce to the employee about the time of the conversation and the topic.

3. It is essential that a place conducting a conversation. Many conversations are more convenient to conduct in the office of a subordinate (the manager is not distracted by phone calls, the subordinate has all the materials at hand). Some conversations are wise to be held in a common room for other staff to listen to. Conversations outside the office, especially at home, are undesirable: they create an atmosphere of secrecy, insincerity.

4. During the conversation, it is important to create atmosphere., appropriate to its purpose. The leader should not suggest answers. Questions should be as neutral as possible in order to fully reveal the position of the subordinate. It is necessary to constantly check whether the participant in the conversation correctly understands the questions posed to him.

5. During the conversation, you should clearly separate grades its participant, his opinions to wishes from the facts. It is also necessary to identify the sources of the facts. Regarding opinions, it is helpful to ask questions about the arguments both for and against them.

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Is it possible to identify and begin to develop the leadership qualities of a leader? Can. First, you need to identify, and then - the formation of leadership qualities for the management of employees and the company. How to do it? Is it possible to find and "cultivate" a leader in oneself?

You may have heard that there are no bad soldiers, there are bad commanders. This philosophy is hammered into the heads of all students of military schools. There they learn leadership qualities by giving commands and carrying them out. This is a normal way of life in a military environment. Anyone who does not know how to give orders and carry them out will not take root there. In this environment, discipline reigns, and no exceptions are made for anyone.

The same can be said about business: there are no bad subordinates, there are only bad bosses.

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Leadership development: what is needed for this

Think of all the companies you worked for. If any of them experienced financial difficulties, an unhealthy morale, low productivity, a drop in sales, an increase in overhead costs, then all this, as a rule, was attributed to poor leadership. must take responsibility not only for the success of the team, but also for possible mistakes. Too often, entrepreneurs blame their failures on poor performance by their subordinates, the state of the economy, or the actions of competitors. However, the best businessmen, first of all, look at themselves in such cases and look for their own mistakes in order to learn a lesson from them.

Moreover, you are not at all required to quit your job, close a company and enter a military school in order to master the skills of a leader. There are many other opportunities in life to master this skill, as well as learn how to form a team and inspire it to complete a mission.

Sports can be a good example. Become the captain of the local soccer team. Other options include joining one of the ward commissions, the supervisory board of an organization, or taking over the preparation of a charity event. Taking one of these leadership positions, you will not only develop the necessary qualities, but also acquire the necessary contacts, which is never superfluous in business.

It should be emphasized that leadership implies the ability not only to give orders, but also to carry them out. To become a good leader, you must first learn to be a good subordinate. Only then will you be with those around you and will be able to convince them to follow you. Many small entrepreneurs fail to move into big business because they lack sufficient interpersonal skills. They are still able to manage a group of 10-20 people who are close to them in spirit, but they cannot cope with large teams of people who are very different from each other in education and upbringing.

If a person successfully communicates with others one-on-one, this does not mean at all that he will be able to establish communication with a hundred, a thousand or a million people just as successfully. By training your leadership skills, you will be able to influence many people.

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The first step is to define the word leader. A leader is the one who holds the general mood in his hands, creates an emotional atmosphere, the one who knows why he is doing it. Leaders are not born, they become leaders. And in order to become a leader, you need to educate yourself accordingly, learn to set yourself and priorities.
A leader is not necessarily a person with outstanding natural abilities, ultra-high IQ. This is primarily a person with intuition, insight and communication skills.
There are many qualities that are attributed to leaders. And almost all of them appear in the process of purposeful work on oneself. Leader psychology is a way of thinking, a way of assessing reality and one's capabilities. This is a filter that helps to remain a self-confident person who believes in himself. And the psychology of a leader needs to be educated in yourself if you want to succeed.
Psychologists have long developed many systems and methods for the development of leader psychology and leadership qualities. In this article, MirSovetov will consider some psychological exercises, since there are a lot of them and most of them complement or modify each other.

As you change yourself, be yourself. You should not wear the mask of who you want to become, even if you want it very much. Just puffing up your cheeks instead of objectively assessing your capabilities, working on yourself, self-realization, will not lead to any good results. Try to use all the energy that is given to you, your gifts, abilities at full capacity.
It is hardly worth waiting for results from reading popular psychological literature with bright and promising titles like "Leader in a week", "How to quickly become a millionaire" and the like, biographies of "celebrities and success". It will not be useful to attend courses in which self-proclaimed miracle-couple-bio-psychologists, naturally, for a reward, will teach people, for which they will offer a “magic shovel” for 100 dollars. An objective assessment of oneself, one's capabilities, coupled with self-development, is clear setting goals is what is needed.
In order to analyze your shortcomings, accept them (which in itself is a step forward) and eradicate, there are the following ways:

Personal qualities of a leader

Changing yourself is really difficult, long and difficult. The inner voice is inflammatory and caustic, says that "it is impossible and in general it is not worth getting involved." But you and I are smart people, we understand that it is very worth it. There are many qualities that are considered leadership qualities. If you do not have them, they need to be developed regardless of where or in what you want to be a leader. How? Further MirSovetov will consider psychological exercises that can develop the qualities necessary for the leader or outline the path to their development.

Self-development is the key to success. Among other things, it presupposes the accumulation of experience, knowledge and the desire to develop "endlessly striving for an unattainable ideal." Read more books not only in the area you are going to study, but also in other areas. ... Learn from others. Observe the work of those people who, you believe, have achieved success that deserves respect. Learn from the mistakes of others and, no matter how you want it, from your own. Think of those people in your life who can be called leaders. Analyze through the accumulated experience what they did, how they got out of difficult situations, their behavior, their attitude to the world.
Communicate more, make new acquaintances that are never superfluous. Look for new friends. The information that you can get in the process of communication may be relevantly important, or it may be needed after a while. In addition, the experience will appear to understand the mood, the true thoughts of people, which is very important for a true leader. And it's not just about "useful" acquaintances. A conversation with a traveling musician can be much more beneficial than a long acquaintance with another official.
All this will allow you to replenish your knowledge base, which you will definitely need in the future. The world is not limited by the visible, it is limited by sight.

Sociability is not only the ability to clearly and consistently express your thoughts. In addition, it is common for a leader to motivate those around him with the help of a well-formed speech, to unite under a common leadership.

As a result of one of the opinion polls, it was revealed that approximately 65 percent of managers, in the opinion of employees, lack the ability to use socio-psychological approaches.
In other words, the desire to cooperate must be justified. Therefore, it is necessary to build communication in such a way as to “bring the soul closer” to the employee as much as possible, to increase the feeling of personal involvement in the activities of the team. At the same time, it is very important to know about the interests and goals of each, and, taking into account this knowledge, to be able to explain how the implementation of the general intended task will contribute to the achievement of the interests of each individually.
MirSovetov recommends communicating with everyone on an equal footing, while not forgetting about your leadership. In order to be “your own” in the team and not seem like a person who unfairly claims to be a leader, try to communicate more with everyone (it is necessary that everyone is aware of their personal significance). Participate in solving the daily problems of the team, in its leisure time. We will talk about the elements of behavior in communication further.

This is the quality without which it is impossible to imagine a single leader. To develop self-confidence, you need to constantly (personally for yourself) record your own achievements, successfully completed tasks. And what is equally important, do not hesitate before solving the next problem, with a certain assertiveness to look for all kinds of options for getting out of it - going through difficulties always increases self-confidence. MirSovetov has already dwelled on this issue in more detail (in the material ""), but here we want to talk about how that same confidence manifests itself in the process of a conversation. Through communication, it is easy to notice how confident you are in yourself and your point of view. This is felt both by the timbre of your voice, by the words you use, and even by the look and position of your body.
Do you want to feel like a leader ?! Then show confidence with your whole appearance, believe yourself. When talking, keep your head straight, look into the eyes of your interlocutor. The shoulders should be relaxed, the chest should be slightly exposed.
Be clear about your thoughts and, if possible, do not use words that give your speech shades of uncertainty and excessive softness: "as if", "as if", "probably", "I think so." Try to present everything in such a way that the listener has as little ambiguity as possible in what you have stated. Everything should be extremely clear, concise and understandable. Instead of the word “I think” use the word “sure” or at least “I think”. Try not to justify yourself with phrases like “I’m not an expert in this matter,” “I’m here just recently,” and so on. To do this, go back to the first point and remember that you are a fully developed person, and such phrases do not belong in your words.
You shouldn't even try to put pressure on pity in any conversation. The timbre and depth of your voice can tell a lot about your condition. Watch your voice. Let it be clear, moderately loud and even.

Thanks to this quality, the already agreed self-confidence is developed, and at the same time, the confidence itself, coupled with willpower, firmness of character, contribute to the development of this leadership trait in a person. And a sense of responsibility (which we will also talk about) in the presence of endurance should not be a burden, but an incentive for further action.
"Don't hang your nose" - this should become one of the main rules in your life. Whatever happens - good or bad, you must understand that it is not always you or those who were around you that are to blame. There is always an element of chance. So you need to think over everything again, calculate and try until the victorious finale. If, of course, you need it.

Thomas Edison created an incandescent lamp only after a two thousandth experiment. And he conducted experiments without having any technical education, under the ridicule of "graduates". When asked by a journalist if it was easy for him to conduct experiments after so many failures, Edison replied that he did not get unsuccessful results at all, and found 1999 ways not to create a light bulb.
Only by overcoming difficulties can you make yourself a leader. Unfortunately, the paths of least resistance are often not the paths of greatest benefit. Making yourself relaxed in less, you lose support in the form of experience and psychological readiness for difficulties in the future.
If you help the butterfly to get out of the cocoon by cutting it, you can thereby deprive the butterfly of the opportunity to fly. Because when she resists, tries to break the cocoon, liquid enters her wings, giving them the strength to fly. It's the same with a person.
Set yourself tasks that you think you do not have enough strength to cope with right now. And do whatever is necessary to achieve. Only a high level of claims to oneself and one's capabilities gives their development. "The lazy are always going to do something" - these are the words of the French writer Vauvenargue Luc de Clapier. So, if something is outlined, then do not postpone. Do and don't make excuses for not doing. It may sound trite, but it is.


Don't let anyone or anything piss you off. Try to eliminate as much of the negative as possible from your life. These can be things that you keep for some reason, but which somehow interfere. These can be people who are unpleasant. Try to communicate with those who are pleasant to you. No matter how cruel it may sound, but while constantly complaining about life, whining, we ourselves absorb their problems.
You cannot give a single piece of advice on how to be balanced. Melancholic people do not need it, but choleric people are unlikely to help. Remember that all your actions should be guided only by reason, and not by emotions and, certainly, not by anger. The most banal and widespread advice: in order to calm down, count to 10, 50, 100, and if necessary, in special cases on the verge of affect, then up to 1000. It helps me, if, of course, I count enough.

Know how to say no. How often is it needed! And we, in fear of losing a friend, having trouble or just offending someone, cannot say this simple three-letter word. Well, comrades, "study, study and study again ...".
MirSovetov offers to play an imaginary dialogue with a friend with the participation of you and some person, for whose position, apparently, conscientiousness is not mandatory. And now you need something that this person refuses to do, but is obliged to. The winner is the one who confuses the opponent, depriving him of arguments. A very useful game. Do not use complaints, accusations, threats. Only your confidence and intelligence.
Follow the same rule in life. You must stand up for your rights, be able to prove you are right and say "no". Do not fall for tricks when they put pressure on your pity, conscience, or sympathy. Let your word be so strong that all hope is lost. And with it, "begging" for a service, the implementation of which will entail too much inconvenience for you. And most importantly, keep your composure.
Know how to say no to yourself. Freud spoke about the struggle going on in us. Remember that not all of your weaknesses need to be satisfied. This may be due to some common cause or simply because it hurts you. Quit smoking, do not drink a bottle of beer a day, do not buy a chocolate bar because it is in a beautiful wrapper ...

Ability to make decisions
Let initiative fill life in everything. When going to the store, do not think of buying "something for dinner". Know exactly what you want to cook and what products are needed for this.
Train an initiative person in yourself constantly, take risks. A leader is like a source of various ideas, he has that share of creativity that allows him to always think ahead for the future, make plans and schemes for their implementation.
Thinking over your plans (personal, work, creative, etc.), MirSovetov recommends making a list of possible options for action. This will teach you to seek and make the best decisions. Suppress the accompanying irritation, learn to adequately and calmly assess the situation. Write down even the most unattractive alternatives and you will understand how many options there are always options. Here's an example: “Tomorrow is an important workshop and a friend's birthday is at the same time. What to do? The options are:
a. Go to D / R.
b. Go to a meeting.
c. Quitting - I never liked this job. "
Think about the implications and benefits of a decision.

Set clear goals for yourself and don't expect them to be achieved instantly. “You can't catch a fish from the pond without difficulty,” especially if you don't know why you cast your fishing rod. Instead of "Well, what can you do to get yourself some kind of job, and not so-so, but whoa what !?" Tell yourself, “This is the job I want to get because I deserve it. And I deserve it because ... ”and continue an unlimited number of times, inserting your positive qualities, of which there are probably a lot. But even this job or promotion will not give you yet, because you still need to try. Purposefully and systematically move in the intended direction. And know that the clearer the goal you want to achieve, the clearer the path to it looms. Therefore, if possible, exclude words like “some”, “somehow”, “for some reason” from sentences describing your goals.
All the more important is a clear statement of the plan and goals to other people, those with whom you work or simply to members of the team you are going to lead. Remember Lenin's April theses? Briefly, clearly, leaving no questions - so should you.

Learn to admit your mistakes and take responsibility not only for yourself, but also for the group. Try to do everything yourself and not shift the most important things onto the shoulders of others. This sets an example for others. Of course, the distribution of responsibilities, if you work in a team, is necessary, but let more responsibility be on your leadership shoulders. This should spur you on to a great calculation in activities. And don't give yourself up.
And remember that you and only you, as a leader, are obliged to be aware of everything that is somehow involved in you and your group, company, firm. You and only you make all decisions.
The question of which is more important: the interests of the collective or the interests of each member of the collective is rather complicated. MirSovetov will not be able to answer it unequivocally, and it is hardly possible. It all depends on the specific case. And the burden of responsibility lies with the leader. Only for him to think about what is more important. Remembering Comrade Stalin and acting accordingly, you run the risk of being branded as a tyrant and getting the dislike of others. And by indulging any whim, you can lose your leadership along with respect. Here you need to look for some average value, which will change depending on external significant conditions.
There is a good way to develop a sense of responsibility: you need to write ten or more sentences on a piece of paper, which begin with the words "I am responsible for ...". It is not forbidden to enter the most, at first glance, stupid words. This exercise will allow you to rethink a little what you think you are responsible for. And behind the apparent simplicity lies the importance of this exercise. It can help you recognize and eradicate the desire to always look good to others. And in order not to cause a feeling of worthlessness, you should treat this exercise with humor.

Organizational skills
Discord in any team leads to its disintegration, disruption of its work. One way or another, but the mood in the team is created by the mood of each of its members. The leader needs to deal with any differences that arise. Helping to find a common language is not an easy task, but you, as a leader, will not be left out. Knowing these two people, reconcile them in every possible way. If this is some kind of working group and it is impossible to reconcile them, separate them in order to minimize their contacts during work.
But, nevertheless, it is necessary to be able to unite people. This can be done by a common idea, goal, prospects. Cohesion can only be achieved when everyone understands the meaning and importance of each other. Then there will be mutual assistance, and the desire to give all the best for the sake of the goal. This is important for any team, one way or another, but you always have to overcome certain difficulties together, together.
When communicating with the team, you should find out the personal opinion of each person, his occupations, priorities, hobbies, addictions, social and political positions, goals in life. It is necessary to distribute responsibilities in the group as productively as possible, taking into account their knowledge about each, personal interest in performing certain activities of each person. For example, someone is more like the creative direction of the activity, as opposed to someone who is more inclined to accurate and consistent performance of work. But it is often impossible to take into account the personal preferences of each member of the team, then you should make a decision and assign the performance of some duties to a person who, in your opinion, should and can fulfill them. But, in this case, there is a high probability of meeting the dissatisfaction of the "appointed". And here, with all your intelligibility and tact, characteristic of you, you should convey to the person that it is important for the team as a whole to perform this activity and back up your words with the prospect of gaining benefits for them and, consequently, the appearance of this person's interest.
The ability to integrate and organize undoubtedly comes with experience. There is no curriculum that would make you a great organizer. This comes over time and is inextricably linked with respect for you in your team. Therefore, it is necessary to build relationships in the team on the basis of trust, mutual respect and, which determines the productivity of the activity, on the basis of the personal interest of each and the team as a whole.

And finally, MirSovetov would like to advise you not to deny yourself the pleasures. Try to do something every day that you really want: buy yourself a cake with cream and a rose, go out of town to relax, go fishing or go to a hairdresser (depending on gender or preferences). Learn to enjoy it. So learn to understand that whatever you want is achievable. If some force majeure does not allow, well, alas ... but you shouldn't blame anyone. Five successful days a week is a good indicator.
Well, comrade leaders, have you learned? I hope that the article will help you achieve in life what you want and why you have read the article. This is its purpose. Now it remains to realize all this in life and forward to the unconquered heights. We wish you good luck.

How to become a leader? Surely this question was and is of interest to most of the employees who are subordinate to someone. It is quite logical, since "a soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad." Today, on the shelves of bookstores, you can find a lot of literature on how to "get out in the head".

At the same time, it is paradoxical that there is no universal recipe for how to become a leader. The question is different: will you be the boss or not - it depends only on you ...

Today you can often hear: "I cannot become a boss because I do not have the necessary connections." Are "business dating and connections" the keywords? Not at all. Even if some rich offspring are put in the boss's chair, he can bankrupt the company in a matter of days. Why? Simply because he had never done it before. Certain skills, abilities, experience, qualities and psychological attitude are also important here. And it is important not only to learn how to manage, but also to do it well. Before answering the question of how to become a leader, let us define what the concept of “manage” means in general.

What is "manage"

Leadership means being able to organize, plan, control, and motivate people. It also includes the ability to competently set tasks and dispose of subordinates.

The ability to select personnel and make decisions in difficult times is also one of the facets of good leadership.

The leader who enjoys the authority of his subordinates: who is he?

How do you become a good leader? It should be noted that a successful leader almost always knows how to achieve a set goal. It is noteworthy that it is often the opposite for employees and bosses. For example, the boss wants the employee to work more efficiently even with a small salary, and the latter dreams of raising his wages, and he does not want to be more active in work. If you want to learn how to become a good leader, you must understand one simple truth for yourself: "A kind boss (what is called" your own person "), in whom his employees do not cherish the soul, is a bad manager."

Is it possible to love a person if he makes him work? Unlikely. A good manager is a person of strong conviction who will bend his line in any circumstances. Of course, such a boss may become undesirable for some employees, but the interests of the company should always come first.

The ideal boss

Considering the question of how to become a leader, it should be noted that the latter should be able to establish contact with his subordinates. Employees should be respectful of their boss. In the process of managerial work, both negative and positive moments will arise, and in order to maintain a favorable climate in the work collective, it is important to use not only a stick, but also a carrot. Be generous with praise for your employees and reward them for their work if they deserve it. Mistakes and flaws in work should be punished, but first you need to talk with the guilty person and bring to him the idea that in the future there should be no such excesses in work.

Inspire the team

Have no idea how to become a successful leader? You must understand that the management is the driving force of the work collective, and the success of the enterprise depends on how well it is motivated.

For example, an important project needs to be implemented in the near future. Invite subordinates to the office and explain to them how important it is to the company. Be sure to listen to your employees' point of view on how they see its implementation. Again, mentally tune your subordinates to this work and promise to reward those who have distinguished themselves with cash bonuses based on its results.

Personal example

There is another key point in the question of how to become an effective leader. You must become a role model. First of all, it concerns the appearance. A business suit, an elite perfume, shoes polished to a shine, a leather briefcase - this is the image of a modern businessman. Get to work on time. Be the master of your word: if you have promised something, do it. Keep in mind that subordinates pay attention to this, and your authority in the work collective will depend on it.

Support employees in difficult times

Remember that your subordinates are, first of all, people, and each of them may have difficult periods in life. Support them psychologically, give them a certain amount of money, give them a few days of rest. But do it for those who are really in trouble, and not trying to manipulate you.

Can a woman be a competent manager?

Many representatives of the fairer sex are concerned with the question of how to become a leader for a woman. Is it real? It is generally accepted that only men can perform leadership functions, and the role of women is to maintain and protect the family hearth.

One way or another, but the ideas of feminism are quite popular in society today, and the ladies have proven that they can be successful business women. But how do you become one? Again, there is no universal answer to this question, but a business woman must have certain qualities, skills and experience. Purposefulness, the desire to work 24 hours a day, a high level of professionalism, responsibility, the ability to build relationships with subordinates, maintain labor discipline, charisma, faith in victory - these are the main components of the success of an enterprising woman. And, of course, every business woman should be able to dress appropriately and choose the right accessories for a business suit. However, one should not forget that the outfit for the office should be not only strict, but also beautiful.

A woman leader should not have office affairs with her subordinates. In a number of cases, male favorites become “gray cardinals” in the company, who gradually begin to secretly manage affairs. Naturally, such bosses can subsequently greatly harm the interests of the company, and it is possible that everything will have to start from scratch. Separate work and personal relationships.

What is important to remember when the chance is great to become the head of the department

A huge number of managers are racking their brains over how to become a department head. Naturally, it is not an easy task to prove to your higher management that you are worthy of this position. As a rule, the promotion is received by proactive, responsible, executive and communicative employees who are able to quickly find a common language with their colleagues. But even after you have been entrusted with heading an entire department, you must work together with your subordinates, otherwise you can go back to the status of an ordinary employee.

First, you should always find time for your charges and talk to everyone personally, discussing this or that problem. Secondly, one should not point out to them in an offensive form the mistakes and flaws they have made in their work. Be sure to consult with your subordinates what they think should be done in a particular situation. Only in this way will you gain authority with them.

The qualities of a leader-leader

How do you become a top-notch leader? Of course, in addition to all of the above, you should cultivate leadership qualities. And who is a leader?

In a broad sense, this is a person who knows how to lead crowds of people. Well, the bosses of them are the best, because they know how to organize work in such a way that their subordinates have “eyes burning” from what they professionally do. How to Become a Leader-Leader? You need to learn to set goals and achieve them, be confident in yourself, be able to adapt to the situation, be an intellectual. Such a person never becomes discouraged and does not lose heart, he steadfastly endures all the troubles and failures. A leader is such an energetic nature that he infects others with his enthusiasm.

A leader-leader not only helps his employees to achieve a certain goal, but also worries that at the same time each employee can unleash his potential to achieve a common result.

If you are already a boss, but at the same time want to become a leader, although you do not consider yourself to be such, then the following recommendations will be useful to you.

First, take a close look at your management style. You must determine what the strengths of your leadership are and which ones need to be adjusted. There are even tests that can help you figure out how good a boss you are. Secondly, think about what qualities inherent in you are used for management, how relevant they are in general. Everything is very simple. If something interferes or is ineffective, then it is necessary to exclude it. Thirdly, the leader must regularly set new tasks for his wards, because this is the only way to assess the scale of creative potential. Fourth, you must be a role model for your employees. They should have a burning desire to be like you - this is an indicator that you are a real managerial leader.


One way or another, but most people want to manage, not obey someone. Anyone can lead, but competently leading is a whole science that sometimes you comprehend for many years. As already emphasized, for effective management it is not enough to be a professional in your field; you also need certain qualities. Remember that it is in the boss's chair that it will be most difficult for you to prove that you are the best, since so many are tagging for your place.