How can you scare away birds in the garden. How we scared away the blackbirds from the garden. Feathered enemies of cherries: who are they and why are they dangerous

Many summer residents know how much harm to the crop can be caused by seemingly harmless sparrows or rooks. Sweet cherries, cherries, apricots and other fruits of the gardener's labors can be destroyed in a matter of minutes, and birds can also do a lot of troubles in the garden, for example, pulling out and pecking seedlings. In this regard, information on how to scare away birds will be useful to many. There are many methods of scaring away birds, so everyone can choose the most suitable and effective method for themselves. Surely, among the most popular methods, many will remember a scarecrow or a ratchet, some use plastic rustling bags, but in fact, the variety of methods for scaring away birds is very large. In this article, we will look at the most popular ways to preserve the harvest.

There are the following methods of scaring away birds:

  • Discomforting to birds (e.g. ultrasound, flash lamps, watering, etc.);
  • Reducing the quality of food (mordants);
  • Aimed at preventing birds from perching (barbed wire, spikes, nets);
  • Imitating predators (stuffed animals, screams, flapping of wings);
  • Blocking places for nests (forming a crown of a tree, filling up cracks and niches);

Techniques that cause discomfort in birds

Bright light is especially effective - for example, you can install a bright lamp that will periodically blink in different colors, or a laser system that emits bright directional beams.

Also, birds pay attention to bright, shiny and sparkling objects, avoiding them. So, shiny ribbons or discs with a holographic surface can be hung on tree crowns, on the roofs of houses, and then the birds will avoid these places. Even tapes from old audio or video tapes act on birds in a similar way. All these objects sway even from the slightest wind and also rustle, so they effectively scare away birds.

You can also use special ultrasonic installations, which exclude the appearance of birds within a radius of 10-20 meters from them. But these devices also affect a person, so it is better to use them away from home.

An unusual method of scaring away birds is the release of a powerful jet of water, triggered by a motion sensor. Thus, you can scare away not only birds, but also small animals.

There are also special odor repellents that act on birds (even though their sense of smell is poorly developed). The porous material is treated with a special substance, the smell of which is unpleasant for birds, and they begin to avoid these places.

Mordants for birds

There are special mordants that reduce the taste of food for birds, but are harmless to other animals. They are used to process berries, fruits and even grass on gazans. This is especially convenient if there are free-range poultry (geese, ducks, etc.), and you need to protect berries in the garden or grass on the lawn from them.

Methods for preventing birds from perching

Birds cannot fly constantly, and even the most restless of them sometimes need to rest. When sitting down, the birds sleep, clean their feathers, rest, observe the environment.

If you reduce the number of places for an attachment, then you can also completely get rid of the birds. For this, there are various designs that prevent birds from sitting in comfortable places.

Predator Simulation Techniques

Often, various means that imitate predators are used to scare birds away.

Nesting blocking techniques

All of the above methods may be ineffective if the birds have already built a nest and chicks have appeared in it. If there is a need to scare birds away in a specific location, such as workshops, attics, sheds or certain trees, it is best to use anti-nesting techniques. Sparrows, pigeons love secluded places, so it is necessary to close all existing cracks and niches. Places through which birds can enter the attic or other rooms can be closed with nets. If they want to prevent crows from nesting in trees, then they form the crowns so as to avoid convenient branching, or they use special bird glue on the branches to prevent them from planting.

Maximum efficiency can be achieved by combining several methods at once, as well as systematically transferring bird scarecrows to new places.

Another way to scare away berries is to use infusions with a strong smell:
garlic broth;
hot pepper;

All of these crops are not popular with birds and will avoid sprayed trees. However, this method has a small drawback: the very first rain will wash away all the protection, and hot weather does not contribute to the long-term preservation of the natural essential oil.

Cherry shelter is another way of protection

Covering tree crowns is an equally effective means of protecting the crop.

It's important to know

Covering materials should not serve as an obstacle to the penetration of sunlight, natural precipitation and fresh air.

But at the same time, they should not give the birds the opportunity to sit on the branches.

Recently, many safety nets have appeared on the market. Low density nonwovens, which are often used to cover growing crops. They do not interfere with the breathing of plants, they conduct natural moisture well, both from precipitation and during watering, also do not interfere with the sun's rays. The fabric is very light, and therefore does not damage branches, and at the same time serves as a reliable way of protection from birds for trees with small crowns.

For large trees, coarse meshes are best. There will be no harm to the crown. Birds, of course, will be able to sit on cherries, but they will not be able to get to the fruits. Due to its green color, the netting is difficult to see from the side, and it will not affect the appearance of the garden in any way.

Other ways to protect

If the gardener does not want to entrust the protection of his harvest to home methods, he can apply the latest technologies, with the help of which a mechanical device that emits ultrasound is invented.

The human ear is not able to hear the sound vibration, but for birds it will be heard as an alarm signal. This measure is also suitable for a small area and a huge farm.

Technical characteristics, the power of the device allows you to choose an option that will suit any gardener.

We come across birds all the time. The happiest of us enjoy the singing and appearance of the forest dwellers, the flight and grace of the feathered inhabitants of the plains, fields, lakes and river valleys.

Nightingales, larks, goldfinches, jays, woodpeckers are rare guests in everyday life. Each meeting with them is a joy, a great reason to take an unforgettable photo for memory.

A stork's nest on the roof of a dwelling is a good sign and a weighty argument in choosing the right place for a house.

Harmful birds and their habitat

Everything is different in the city. Birds have lived with people for a long time. We got used to everyday life, noise, we got used to people. , Are the main synanthropes in the urban environment.

City dwellers often complain about dirt on windowsills and balconies from pigeons. Some are very annoyed by the cheerful chirping of sparrows in the early morning - they are not allowed to sleep on a working day.

Doves on a grain stream are a separate problem. A reckless, low-fear bird can die in grain. Flocks of pigeons carry dirt, diseases and tangible losses in granaries, elevators, warehouses with cereals, bread, mixed feed.

Hypermarket building owners routinely clean clogged gutters with seagull feathers and excrement.

Ravens. Nobody likes them. It is the main enemy of melons, vineyards, sunflowers, corn and wheat fields. Clouds of crows in the city evoke melancholy and depression. On a bright day, flocks cover the sun with their wings, their excrement smears the sidewalk, asphalt paths and tiles in parks.

Starlings, blackbirds in the country. Any summer resident immediately shudders, hearing their characteristic clatter. He wants to cover cherries, gooseberries, currants with his body.

At the moment there is no "magic pill" that drives away any birds. What is good for scaring off some flying robbers may not work at all for others.

For example?

Here is a real picture that I saw in February 2018 in the center of Moscow:

Frost -9 ° С. Underground passage to the metro. Station "Lubyanka". Another renovation. Everything is covered with metal corrugation. Behind him, a perforator and a jackhammer are continuously pounded. The roar is terrible. It is impossible to be with a person for more than two minutes. The head is blown apart. Passers-by sweep swiftly through the noise, diving into the subway or vice versa, hurrying upstairs, into the street, away from this cacophony. Nobody lingers.

But here are the pigeons ... Dozens of birds inside. They walk calmly and busily. Seeing scattered food from afar, they hurry with their unique gait to it - nodding their head and swaying - this is an old woman, two steps away from the entrance to the station, scattering millet. Rumble, feed, pigeons. Idyll in Hell.

People run away, pigeons live. I don't know about Lubyanka, but at the nearby Kitay-Gorod station, pigeons' nests are constantly found in the crossings. Those. pigeons live and breed in the midst of the incessant noise.

Standard scarers do not help with pigeons. Scarecrows, balls with the eyes of birds of prey, ultrasonic devices, bioacoustics - nothing takes this stubborn bird. Thunder-cannons are used successfully on gigantic territories. Moreover, they have to be regularly rearranged, otherwise the pigeons quickly get used to them.

But if there is a constant scattering of feed, then the guns will not help. Pigeons will do everything to get to food and peck, peck, peck ... No wonder, many people consider city pigeons to be flying rats.

But crows, at the sounds of frightened companions, which are broadcast by the bioacoustic installation, instantly fly away from giant plantations of several hectares.

What even a propane cannon from pigeons cannot solve is easily solved by a bioacoustic device from crows. The pigeon will sit on the speaker and clean the feathers.

Not a single electronic deterrent is able to drive away pigeons if there is a scattering of grain and cereals. The only thing that can stop them is anti-attachment spikes and the complete absence of spilled food.

The use of funds depends on the type of object, its area, location and, above all, on the type of synanthropic birds.

Here's a quick checklist for bird repellents

For open gigantic spaces, far from the city limits (these are the fields of the agro-industrial complex, melons, vineyards, gardens, airfields, solid waste landfills)

  • From pigeons - thunder guns
  • Sparrows - hand lasers, thunder guns
  • From crows, rooks, jackdaws, forty - bioacoustics, thunder guns
  • From seagulls - hand-held lasers, bioacoustics, thunder guns
  • From starlings, blackbirds - bioacoustics, thunder guns

For open spaces in a residential area (roofs, parking lots, monuments)

  • From pigeons and sparrows - thorns, gel, hand-held lasers
  • From crows and seagulls - bioacoustics, thorns

For closed or partially open premises where cattle, pigs, poultry are kept (these are poultry farms, poultry farms, cowsheds, pig farms)

  • From pigeons, sparrows - thorns, stationary lasers, bioacoustics
  • From starlings, blackbirds, crows - thorns, bioacoustics

For warehouses, closed spaces where people work

  • From pigeons, sparrows, tits - thorns, stationary lasers

It is clearly seen from the list that anti-perch spikes can be used from all species of birds, wherever possible, and thunderbolts can be used in open, uninhabited spaces.


Birds adapt very well to their environment. They very quickly understand - where is the real danger, and where is artificial, invented by man. It takes time and the right choice of deterrent to drive pests out of the territory.

Feeding pigeons - not allowed

A scarecrow in the garden can scare away birds and make the gardeners and gardeners themselves get terrified, or it can be a cute, but spinning, gurgling and sparkling creature. It all depends on whether there is a desire and time to create, or you just need to quickly make at least something from the material at hand, so that at last these nasty birds do not spoil the harvest.

Birds destroying crops, most of the people are smart or eventually get used to a lonely, fearless, scarecrow. In order for the birds not to cease to be afraid of the scarecrow, you can:

First, to stick or attach to it many different glare objects, be it pieces of mirrors, sequins, tinsel, CDs, etc. At a certain angle (and they will all be glued randomly) any object will still glare on the bird and it will clearly alert her.

Secondly, you can attach something moving or rotating. It would be absolutely wonderful if the scarecrow made some sounds. As a rule, such a structure moves from the wind, and at the same time its components in the form of empty beer cans, bottles, etc. are rattling and ringing. Often "wind chimes" are attached to the scarecrow.

What to make a scarecrow for the garden

For the simplest structures, two sticks fastened with a cross and some old clothing are enough to put it on these very sticks, thereby making it look like a person. The role of the head in this case, as a rule, is performed by a bucket, with a hat on it.

If you want to create a cute scarecrow that will delight your eyes and the eyes of your neighbors, and God forbid, scare the birds, then you will need a different set of materials. Practically it will be a cloth doll stuffed with straw. But the most important thing is to remember her role in the garden, so something should shine and move on it.

Making such a doll will not be difficult, the main desire is. And these photos can help you in creating your masterpiece.

Scarecrow for the garden photo

We must not forget that insectivorous birds are of great benefit to your farm, saving it from insect pests. Therefore, it is impossible to kill birds in any case - you can only scare them away during the ripening and collection of fruits and berries.

For a long time, garden scarecrows have been used for this purpose - an imitation of a human figure. Put two sticks together at right angles and put old clothes on them. From an old hat and a piece of sheet, make a head and a semblance of a face. The problem is that birds quickly get used to a static figure and stop paying attention to it.

Shiny rotating objects, such as old CDs, especially double-sided ones, have a good deterrent effect. Hang them on strings from the branches of fruit trees. They will sway in the wind and give glare - for some time the birds will be frightened until they are convinced of their complete harmlessness. Instead of discs, you can hang New Year's Christmas tree "rain" or flags cut from foil.

Birds are frightened by the image of the eye. Cut out a circle slightly larger than a human face out of thick cardboard or plywood and paint it black. On both sides, glue the circles cut from the holographic film, depicting the eyes and mouth. Hang these "horror stories" inside the crown of a fruit tree. When you turn the circle, the angle of incidence of light on the holographic film changes and, accordingly, its color changes. The illusion of a lively look is created, which the birds are afraid of.

The result will be better if you combine noise and light effects. Cut out circles from old cans and punch holes around the edges. String the choker-shaped tin circles on the fishing line so that they touch each other, and hang along the branches of trees or on pegs along the beds. This will make a good scarer, since the circles will not only shine, but also knock from each other.

Tin cans with nails inside can be tied to the ends of a stick representing the hands of a garden scarecrow. Banks will spin in the wind, shine and rattle. The grandfather's way of scaring away birds will become much more effective.

If you still have old magnetic tape, stretch it along the beds, tying it to the pegs. It will turn out to be long, which, under the influence of the wind, will shine and make a vibrating sound. Birds and moles will not like this very much. Scraps of magnetic tape can also be tied to the branches of fruit trees.

A small net with a cell of no more than 20x20 mm protects the beds very well. Throw it on the pegs driven in the corners, and be sure to press the edges to the ground, otherwise the birds will be able to crawl under the net and calmly rob. Low bushes can be closed in the same way.