How made cheese in production. Technology manufacturing some classic solid grades of cheese. Types of cheese produced at home

Oddly enough, but cheese, which we all like to eat, can be compared with a person. Just like a person, cheese is born, ripens, aging and dies.

By the way, as well as in humans, there is their own hierarchy among cheeses: patriarchs, aristocrats and commoners.

The technology of cooking solid cheese almost does not change in centuries.

In small and medium-sized damp, where the tradition is still doing the cheese manually. On the large enterprises Cheese production processes are mechanized and automated, and the equipment is equipped with software control.

The original ingredients from which any solid cheese is being prepared is milk. The technology of manufacturing different varieties of solid cheese of milk has a lot in common, so before starting to cook cheese, you need to study general provisions, and then apply various recipes.

1. Pasteurization of milk. As you know, there are three pasteurization modes:

  • long, when milk should be heated to 65 ° C and withstand 30 minutes;
  • short-term - milk is heated to 75 ° C and withstand 20 minutes;
  • instant when milk is heated to 90 ° C and do not stand.

According to various recipes, solid cheese can be prepared on pasteurized milk, and in the fresh, as well as on the pair, that is, immediately after the fear.

Depending on how milk you use during cheese, cheese acquires its special characteristics and taste.

2. Education of a clock. After you add a milk excavating enzyme or starter to milk, a gel is formed.

Depending on the temperature at which the crust or enzyme was added to the milk, the result of coagulation (coagulation) of milk will be different.

Depending on the recipe for cheese, the resulting coagulates are subjected various types Processing for serum separation purposes are cut, heated, stirred. This process is called syneresis.

3. Cutting a bunch. Coagulat is ready for cutting after a period of 25 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the recipe for cheese.

To determine exact time Cramp cutting, spend a clean finger test. This is a traditional method that is used by jelly.

The meaning of the test on a clean finger is to dip the finger, the probe (spatula) or the thermometer column into the top layer of the bunch and lifting it, as a result of which the clutch decays, forming a break line.

A clean spill with unwatching edges and green serum at its base indicates that the bunch can be chopped.

The soft uneven lines of the white serum is testifies to the weak strength of the bunch. On the sides of the break, you can judge the quality of the bunch: the granular structure indicates that the clot is too dense.

4. Preparation of the cheese mass. As a result of the processes produced with cheese, the cheese mass is obtained. In fact, this is already ready-made cheese, in which you can add various spices at this stage, salt, herbs, nuts, etc. The cheese mass is either seized or pressed.

5. Pressing and self-resistance of cheese. At the stage, it is laid out in special forms and exposed to pressing.

You can buy cheese forms in the online store with delivery.

Pressing can pass in several stages and may be different by pressure.

6. Ripening cheese. At this stage, the cheese should be transferred to the cellar, or any other special room for ripening, where it will be necessary to carefully care.

If you are preparing a cruise cheese, then it can and ripen, and in the future stored in the brine.

In the process of ripening, the cheese must be turned over, sometimes washed, brushing. Depending on which cheese is manufactured, it can even smoke, wipe on alcohol, spice and make other manipulations.

It is important that in the room throughout the ripening process, a certain level of humidity and temperature was maintained, since the final result depends on this.

You can buy a package for ripening cheese in the online store.

In our state, the production of cheese is considered a fairly popular business.

Like many other dairy products present in the diet of people, this is a product, we must always have a great demand.

The plant producing cheese is an income enterprise. Someone begins to open production from scratch, and someone already has some kind of food business.

Where to start a business?

Regardless of whether you have or not your experience in this area, it should be started with the compilation of a business plan. He will provide an opportunity to evaluate the costs of opening a cheese plant, the difficulties associated with this, make a forecast for the volume of production and sales, to analyze the demand, and also decide what the range will be.

It should be remembered that to open the production of food production, you will need a large number of documents allowing this case. You will also need to issue various certificates.

When you become a business plan "Cheese Production", you should decide on price Policy and product sales market. To do this, you need to assess the demand of buyers in all parts of the market. At first, to implement the products you can in its region, and as the production volume increases, increase sales due to neighboring areas and regions.

Nutritional value of the dairy product

Cheese production is pretty profitable business. For his organization you need a major start-up capital.

Cheese is a high-calorie protein product that has a greater nutritional value due to the content of all people required for the body in shape, easily digested. This includes proteins, peptides, fats, calcium and phosphorus salts, as well as amino acids.

Varieties of cheese

Natural cheeses on technological features are divided into reels and fermented milk products. The rennet cheese is produced when coincided by milk with rejuvenation enzymes. The dairy product is made by bowering raw materials with special leaves.

Cheeses are also divided into classes:

Solid (renewed, having solid consistency);
semi-solid (rennet, having a dense consistency);
Soft (renewed or sour milk, having a soft consistency);
The loose (matures in the brine, contains a mass fraction of salt salt).

Each such class may be divided into subgroups.

Production technology

Solid cheeses are made from cottage cheese, separated from serum, washed and pressed. Such cottage cheese in the right amount is placed under the press and is there for a long time until the taste appears. On average, it takes this month. The longer the maintenance, the better taste and sharper taste. The density of the finished cheese depends on the severity of the cargo.

The highest quality product is made from whole milk. Almost the same technology as solid, and soft cheeses are made. But such a product is maintained much less in time. The duration of this process is a maximum of a week, or it is not performed at all. Such cheese is not kept for a long time and is consumed in the near future.

The technology of producing cheese of solid and soft varieties has other differences. The first species are greater popularity than the second.

Equipment for making cheese

In order to establish at least mini production of cheese and conducting a qualitative product process, it is necessary to purchase specialized equipment.

You will need:
- long-term pasteurization bath having a volume of 100 liters;

75 liters paraffin;

IPKS bath, having a volume of 200 liters;

Necessarily press for cheese;

Two forms;

Two refrigeration plants;


Product quality

From how good the components going on the manufacture of cheese depends on the quality of the finished product. Therefore, the following conditions must be observed:
buy milk only healthy cows;
On the pH meter, the level of active acidity should be at least 6.8;
The composition should not be antibiotics;
basic fatness in the range of 3.5;
the presence of no less than 3.0% in proteins;
Temperature for receiving no more than 12 ° C.

It is required to conclude contracts with milk suppliers and register the requirements for the quality of raw materials listed above, its amount, payment terms, delivery method, as well as a postponement, if necessary.

Making a dairy product. Stage First

As an example, consider the manufacture of a solid product product. Cheese production technology is a very complex biochemical process, which is carried out when exposed to microorganisms and enzymes. It requires the observance of a clear algorithm during the manufacture of the product.

The production of solid cheese includes the following steps:
preparation of milk;
coagulation of raw materials, obtaining homogeneous mass;
Ambly of cheese.

So, the first stage is the preparation of milk. What is it? The milk used must contain the required amount of protein. It depends on the product output and consumption of raw materials. First of all, the milk is cleaned and cooled to prevent the development of such microflora, which will result in the damage of raw materials. The milk-reading filters or separators will be needed.

Cooling milk is required to a temperature of 7 degrees on the plate cooler with the desired performance.

Second phase. Obtaining homogeneous mass

The next step in the production of cheese is the ripening of milk. It is held from 12 to 24 hours. During this time, milk is gaining acidity.

As for raw purified milk, and for pasteurized, extract is necessary. The pasteurized product is made by the break from lactic acid bacteria, and possibly a rennet enzyme. Next, milk must be cooled to the coagulation temperature.

It is normalized on the separators-cream separators, pasteurize - on pasteurization-cooled installations at a temperature of 74-76 degrees. The process lasts about 20 seconds. With heat treatment, all vegetative forms of microorganisms are destroyed, enzymes are inactivated, and the milk is prepared for coagulation (up to 32 degrees). Before this, the acidity of raw materials should be at least 20 degrees of Turner.

Third stage. Ripening cheese

The product is prepared in a cheerful coagulation product in a cheerful bath, add from bacteria, calcium chloride solution. If necessary, the rennet enzyme is introduced. For solid cheese, soldered from aromatic and lactic acid streptococci (1.0%) is mainly used.

IN manufacturing process Often, mature milk is used - 1/5 of the total mass - to increase the content of SA and improving the quality of the bunch. The rennet enzyme gives a guarantee of the formation of a durable bunch in a short time.

Milk coagulation is performed at a temperature of 32 degrees within an hour. A clutch that turned out, cut and dry 45 minutes, 1/3 of the serum is removed. To accelerate dehydration, the raw grain is re-heated for 30 minutes, the temperature should be maintained (40 degrees).

Then the cheese mass is dry for 50 minutes. The processing duration is thus obtained about 2-3 hours. Grain largest should be 5-6 mm.

Final stage. Ambigra

The embonon is the next step in the production of cheese. This process is performed at the end of the dry grain drying stage. 70% serum is removed before this. Salted concentrated brine is entered in grain for 30 minutes with constant stirring. Next, go to molding.

The pump is a cheese grain towards a serum separator. From there it is poured into forms.

For an hour, self-configuration occurs, while you need to turn a single turning. The cheese mass is then sent under the press for 4 hours, there its active acidity is very rising.

Then for 10 days, the cheese is dry. At the end of this time, the head is covered with paraffinolimed alloy.

It is required to produce technochemical control of the production of cheese to determine how the process complies with standards. Now you know how to produce cheese. But there are still nuances associated with the organization of production.

Registration of documentation for the enterprise for the production of cheese

Before you open your cheese manufacturing workshop, start product activities and purchase equipment, you need to get the necessary permissions and issue the required documentation.

The cost estimate should include:
Getting the right to purchase or rent land and building permits.
Register your company.
Conclusion of necessary contracts.
Obtaining licenses and certificates for products.

This is required to worry about it in advance, otherwise you may have various force majeure circumstances during the manufacture of products.

If you choose an organizational and legal form, then it is better to give preference to a limited liability company or individual entrepreneurship. These options will help significantly reduce the tax.

Cheese certification

Due to the fact that cheese is the product of the dairy industry, its certification is obligatory. For example, a declaration of compliance of the OKP 92 2511 is issued to Russian cheese. It is issued either to the contract or on the manufacturer with an accurate indication of the batch.

For obtaining needed further paper: Application, contract, constituent documentation of the applicant, label layouts, phytosanitary registration certificate, veterinary certificate.

Required documents and requirements of the SES

Opening your production of cheese, as well as choosing any other kind economic activityYou will certainly need to have permission from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (SES), because the requirements of legislation on sanitary and epidemic supervision are applicable to almost all types of activities.

There are a large number of regulatory documents regulating the sphere of SES permits. That is why to fulfill the requirements of this service at the enterprise, to go through the procedure of examination and issuing permission and also clearly learn about their rights and responsibilities without legal support specialists is quite difficult.

List of documents

For a successful start and maintenance of business, the company must receive:

1. Coordination of the land management project to lead the land plot.

2. Conclusion about the choice (assignment) of the land plot for construction.

3. Conclusion on the construction project.

4. Coordination for the commissioning of reconstruction facilities or buildings or permission to operate (food producers).

5. Conclusion on the compliance with the provisions of sanitary legislation.

6. Conclusion Expertise SES on regulatory documentation on products of imported, as well as domestic production, according to the object itself.

7. Coordination of the range of food products produced by the enterprise and (or) implemented.

Documents that are necessary to obtain permission to the SES

1. Certificate of state registration of an enterprise (copy).

2. Taxpayer certificate (copy).

3. Treaty with the owner of the rental of premises or territory.

4. Routing Production, list of equipment used on the object, as well as the power of the object.

5. Number of employees, data on medical examinations.

6. Plan of rented premises, which indicates the installed equipment.

7. Project of the reconstruction of the room (with a change in the functions of the premises) and the conclusion of the SES on the coordination of this project.

8. Passport on the ventilation system.

9. Treaty for garbage collection.

10. Treaty with "Profdesection".

11. Help statistics with printing.

And finally

A need to provide other documents regulating the activities of the enterprise or are mandatory to obtain permission.

Knowing the manufacturing technology of this product and having a sufficient idea of required equipment, as well as the documentation required to start your case, you will be ready to open your personal mini-plant for the production of cheese.

Technology production of the "Russian" cheese

The technological process of producing the "Russian" cheese is carried out according to the technological scheme shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Technological scheme for the production of "Russian" cheese

Acceptance. The technological process of production of the "Russian" cheese begins with the acceptance of raw materials.

Milk delivered to the acceptance of the form and vehicles with a sanitary passport is allowed.

Milk acceptance consists in determining its quantity, quality control and sorting.

Control subjected each batch of milk entering the plant. Under the party, the milk, surrendered at the same time, one grade, in a homogeneous container, one farm, decorated in one accompanying document. When transporting milk in tanks, the parties consider each section (compartment) of the tank.

The milk acceptance includes the following operations: checking the accompanying documents, inspection of the container, organoleptic evaluation of milk, temperature determination, testing for analyzes to assess the quality of milk, analyzes, milk sorting, the design of the necessary documentation.

In case of inspection, Tara is celebrated: serviceability and purity of packaging; the presence and integrity of the seal, the presence and condition of the rubber rings under the covers of the flask and tanks; The presence of plugs and covers on tank nozzles.

After stirring in each packaging unit (section of the dairy tank, the flask), the organoleptic indicators of milk are determined: odor, color and consistency. Taste estimate is carried out only after boiling of milk sample.

The milk temperature is measured in each section of the tank in two-three flasks from each batch, in doubtful cases in all flasks, in accordance with GOST 26754-85.

Analyzes characterizing the quality of milk are carried out according to GOST 3624-67.

Based on the results of the organoleptic assessment, physicochemical (density) and biological (reductase and rectaging-ferrous samples) of the analyzes establish the raycrime of milk and determine possible methods His preparation for processing.

Milk reservation. The redundancy of milk consists in storing it at a temperature of from 2 to 6 ° C not more than 24 hours after milking, cleaning and cooling. For this purpose, tanks must be installed in the reservation places, the separator is the dairy, cooler.

The redundancy of milk ensures the rhythm of production, allows you to deliver milk at a certain time, to organize the correct processing of it at the factory.

Mattering milk. The optimal mode of ripening milk in the cheese, is the excerpt at a temperature of 10 ± 2? C for 12 ± 2h. In the process of maturation, the physico-chemical and technological properties of milk change (the amount of soluble nitrogen substances increases, the redox potential is reduced, etc.). All this has a positive effect on the rennet coagulation of milk, the development of microbiological and biochemical processes and its quality.

Thermal processing of milk. The heat treatment of milk is carried out for the destruction of technically harmful to hodges and pathogenic microflora, viruses and bacteriophages, as well as for cleaning its somatic cells. The optimal mode of pasteurization of milk in the cheese, is heating it to a temperature from 70 to 72 ° C with an excerpt from 20 to 25 s.

Milk pasteurize immediately before recycling on cheese.

Normalization of milk. To obtain standardly mass frauds of the fat, milk must be normalized, that is, to install a certain mass fraction of fat in the dairy mixture to produce cheese.

Milk normalization is carried out in a stream using a separator - normalizer.

After filling a cheese bath in milk, once again check the mass fraction of fat and finally regulate it, adding pasteurized skimmed milk or cream.

Preparation of milk to turning. Calcium chloride into milk. When milk pasteurization, part of the calcium salts passes from soluble into an insoluble state. This is accompanied by a deterioration in the rejuvenation of milk and obtaining a more flabby, fragile bunch.

To eliminate these disadvantages, a solution of calcium chloride is added to the milk from 5 to 25 mg of anhydrous salt per 100 kg of milk.

To prepare a solution of calcium chloride, water is used with a temperature of 85 ± 51 ° C at the rate of 1.5 m3 per 1 kg of salt. Before use, the solution is given to stand, after which it should be transparent and colorless.

Use calcium chloride in the form of a dry salt or freshly prepared non-solid solution is prohibited.

Store the finished solution in a closed glass, ceramic or stainless steel dishes. The dry salt of calcium chloride due to its large moisture-absorbing ability is stored at the factory in hermetically closed container.

Put in potassium milk or sodium nitric acid. To suppress the development of harmful gas-forming microflora (bacteria of the intestinal sticks group and oily acid bacteria), if necessary, milk is allowed to be allowed to be made of potassium solution or sodium nitrogen at the rate of (10 ± 5) g of salts per 100 kg of milk.

To prepare a solution of potassium or sodium of nitrogen acid, water is used with a temperature of 85 ± 5 ° C at the rate of 1DM at 150 ± 50g salt.

It is allowed to enter potassium milk or sodium nitric acid in the form of a dry salt. For this, the required amount of salt is placed in a two-three-layer gauze bag, which is tied to a mixer or on the pipe under the jet of the milk supplied.

The use of bacterial starters. The necessary element of the production of cheeses is lactic acid bacteria introduced into milk to produce cheese in the form of specially selected and prepared combinations.

Local bacteria perform the following functions in the cheese:

  • - convert the main components of milk (lactose, fat) in compounds that determine the taste and aromatic properties of cheese, its nutritional and biological value;
  • - activate the effect of milk excavating enzymes and stimulate the synergy of the rennet bunch;
  • - take part in the formation of drawing of cheese and its consistency;
  • - Create unfavorable conditions for the development of foreign microflora.

To produce the "Russian" cheese with a low temperature of the second heating, ready-made bacterial starters of direct introduction are used, in the microflora of which mesophilic lactic acid bacteria of the Lactococcus group of N, Leuconostoc, as well as thermophilic lactic acid streptococcus St. TERMOPHILUS. The milk mixture before coagulation should have a titrated acidity from 19 to 22 ° t. Bacterial starters before use are stored in the refrigerator (in the freezer or under the freezer), not allowing sharp temperature drops. The shelf life of dry starters at a temperature not higher than 5 ° C - from 3 to 4 months.

Combining milk. The amount of milk-electron preparation necessary for coagulation of milk must be minimal, but to ensure the production of a clock at a specified time (30-35 minutes).

If the testimony of the device for the reels of milk is indicated by the infinite ability of milk to coagulation, then it is necessary to increase in the permissible dose of calcium chloride and bacterial starters, to increase the coagulation temperature, to increase the dose of the milk excavating drug is not recommended.

The milk excavating drug is made in milk in the form of a solution prepared for 25 minutes before use. The required amount of the enzyme preparation is dissolved in pasteurized and cooled to a temperature of 34 ° C water at the rate of 2.5G preparation per 100 ml of ox. The mixture is prepared for chopping 100l natural milk.

After making a milk-electron preparation, milk is thoroughly mixed within 6 mni. And then leave alone before the formation of a bunch.

Duration of milk coagulation in the development of solid renewed cheeses should be 30 minutes.

The readiness of the bunch is determined by the generally accepted method on the break. It should give enough sharp edges on the break with the release of transparent serum greenish-yellow color.

Stupid gentle or too dense clutch is equally not desirable for cutting. In this case, it makes it difficult to formulate a homogeneous grain size, with many cheese dust (very small pieces of the clot), which reduces the yield of cheese and is negatively reflected on its quality.

Cutting bunch and grain production. The purpose of the processing of the renewed bunch (cutting, crushing, second heating, drying) - remove excessive serum from the cheese mass, reach the optimal humidity and optimal active acidity of it.

The finished clutch is cut with a special mechanical stirrer .. The titratable acidity of the serum after cutting should be between 13 ° T to 14 ° t. Cutting a clock and grain formulation is carried out for 15-20 minutes.

Cutting a bunch and grain production produce slowly carefully, not allowing the formation of small protein particles, so starting cheese dust. After grain setting, 20-30% serum is removed and started to wash (15 min).

Second heating and cheese grain drying. The second heating of the cheese grain is carried out to 42 ± 1? C for 20-30 minutes. With constant stirring. Permanent mixing is carried out so that the cheese grain does not slip. At the same time, its further dryness occurs, the activation of bacterial processes and acidity growth.

To prevent unnecessary development of the lactic acid process in the cheese at the beginning of the second heating, 3-15% of drinking water contribute into a mixture of grain with serum.

In the process of processing, second heating and grain drying, 2-3 times determine the acidity of the serum, which should increase during this time by 1 -2.5 °

The partial sunflower in the grain is carried out during the second heating or immediately after the end of the second heating, for which the extra-grain mixture is made by a cooking salt "Extra" from the calculation of 300-400 g per 100 kg of milk.

At the end of the second heating, the grain continues to mix until the readiness, which is determined by its elasticity and stickiness.

Forming the cheese mass. The molding of cheese is a combination of technological operations aimed at separating the cheese grain from the serum and the formation of monolithic individual cheese heads or blocks with the required form, size and mass.

After 20 minutes. Exposures with salt grain pump (from cheese baths) are served on a vibration sieve (tray) to remove serum.

From the bunker of the vibrator, the grain comes directly into the cheese molds installed on the transport, pre-lined with a damp pure sickle or a mitkalem. In the shape of grain seal, the sickle is painted, stretched, the ends are gently placed on the surface of the cheese. Forms with compacted grain move to presses.

The vibrational sieve should be in the pressing room near the press, and the raw grain is served with a pump. The use of pumps and vibrator provides the flow of production. At the same time, the separation of serum from the thorns will accelerate without lowering its temperature and without the delay in the development of the lactic acid process.

The molding of the cheese grain in bulk contributes to the formation of a hollow, uneven, angular and sliding drawing characteristic of this type of cheese. The voids remaining between the grains, after the removal of the serum is filled with air, and in the further gas, which causes the formation of eyes of various sizes and shapes.

Pressing the cheese mass. After the formation, the cheeses are usually pressed, or their self-insulation occurs under the severity of the overlying layers. Pressing and self-presses are necessary for further fixing the shape of the cheese, dense grain compounds in solid monolith, to remove mechanically captured serum and creating a dense closed surface.

The grain filled with grain is left within 2.5-3.5 hours for mass self-resistance. Upon expiration of this time, the cheese is put under the press. Pressure during the first hour of pressing should be 10pc. After an hour, the cheese is repressive, pressing the sickle, and labeled with casein numbers, placing them in the center of the top canvase of the cheese (the date of production), then the metal disk is placed in the form and again put under the press. Since the pressure acts mainly on the lower layers, the upper layers remain low-welded. Therefore, cheeses must be recresed and turning over.

The duration of pressing cheese ranges from 2 to 7 hours with a gradual increase in pressure from 10kpa to 35 kPa.

The duration of the process of self-addiction and pressing cheese is determined primarily by the achievement of the active acidity in the cheese after pressing in the range from 5.2-5.3 pH. Prescribed cheese should have a well-closed surface. The optimal mass fraction of moisture in cheese after pressing is 44-45%.

Ambly of cheese. The goal of the cheese aids is to give it to it with the appropriate taste and conservation of the product from rapid pegs and damage. Salt is to some extent a regulator for the development of lactic acid, propionic and other bacteria involved in the ripening of cheeses. A partial embononal of the cheese mass in the process of second heating increases the hydrophilicity of the grain and the moisture content in the raw mass by 2-3%, which is held at the subsequent stages of processing.

The cheese of the cheese in a saturated brine leads to the loss of moisture in cheaps with a low temperature of the second heating and the dermiska is up to 4-5% to the initial weight of the cheese.

Salt affects the development of bacteria in the cheese mass and can affect the process of ripening cheese.

Ambipid of Russky cheese in the grain is achieved by the content of salt in cheese after pressing no more than 0.8-1.0%, so the pressed cheese is placed in the brine concentration of 18 to 24% and accelerate during (2-3) days to keep the content Salts in ripe cheese amounted to 1.5 ± 0.5%. The temperature of the brine (8-12) ° C.

An additional embononal in the brine favorably affects the sealing of the surface layer and contributes to the fastest formation of the crust of cheese, and also reduces the temperature of the cheese mass, which protects the cheese from the deformation during its further excerpt in the raw in the ripening. Cheese is placed in pools on special sheins. In the process of the cheese and further care of them, it is impossible to damage the crust of cheeses in the crust, since the appearance of minor cracks and other damage is beginning to develop a subhead mold, and therefore a decrease in the quality of cheese.

Cheese touch. After the embrace, the cheese move to the separation of the raw storages with a temperature of 8-12 ° C, the relative humidity of 90-95%, where it is dry from two days to three days. At this time, it is carefully monitored that there are no drafts or reinforced ventilation in the room, in order to prevent unnecessary microke of the surface layer of cheese and the appearance of small cracks in its crust, leading to the development of subcortical mold.

In the chambers of the cheese chance, it is impossible to intermittent with spores of mold, which leads to the development of mold on the surface of the cheese and in the subcortex layer. In the premises there must be a fourfold exchange of air from mechanical and biological filtering, warning the development of mold. The temperature of them must be maintained only feeding in the chambers with the help of air conditioners pre-dry air. Cooling rawlyrass with batteries is not desirable, because This increases the humidity of the air, which adversely affects the quality of cheese.

Cheese packaging. After 2-3 days, the cheese is packaged into a polymer film. Cheese to be packaged must have a dry, clean surface without mold and mucus and without any damage. To prevent moisture condensation on the surface of the cheeses, the temperature in the packaging room should not exceed the temperature in the cheese ripening chambers. If the packaging is carried out at room temperature, then the cheeses are pre-kept in the packaging room during 2 ± 0.5 h.

Packing of cheese in the packages made of polymer film spend on special vacuum packaging machines. When packing cheese under vacuum from the package, air should be completely removed and its sealing of a metal clip is ensured. After the cheese packaging, the film is carried out - the packaged cheese is immersed in hot water with a temperature of 80-85 ° C. Under the influence of high temperature, the film gives shrinkage and fits tight to the surface of the cheese.

Packaging is considered satisfactory if the film fits tightly cheese, there is no visible airspace between it and the surface of the cheese and with a slight pressure at an angle of 30? It does not move to the surface of the cheese. It is not allowed to check the quality of the packaging by pulling away the film from the surface of the cheese to avoid breaking the package.

Ripening cheese. The cheese packed into the polymer film ripens in the chamber with a temperature of 10-15 ° C, and the relative humidity of 85-90% for 60 days from the date of production.

During the ripening of packed cheeses, it is monitored to detect a packet sealing disruption on time, which is accompanied by the development of surface microflora. Such cheeses should immediately be sink, heat treatment and after a touch, they are re-packaged into the film.

Storage of cheeses. Storage of cheeses is carried out at a temperature of from - 4 to 0 ° C and relative humidity of 85-90% or at a temperature of from 0-8 ° C and relative humidity of 80-85%. The quality of the cheese is not less checked than once every 30 days. According to the results of these inspections, they make a decision on the possibility of further storage of cheeses without reducing their ball valuation.

Cheeses should be stored on racks or packed in a container laid by stacks on the rails. Between the folded stacks, there is a passage of 0.5m width, and the ends of the container with marking on them should be addressed to the passage.

The timing of the storage and suitability of cheese should be counted from the date of issuance of quality certificate. Cheese is stored for three months at a temperature of 0-8 ° C and four and a half months and at a temperature -4-0? P.

Sort cheese. The cheeses that have reached the conditioned maturity (the ripening period is calculated from the date of development), before shipment from the factory, they are pre-sorted by the dates of production, harp numbers and are evaluated by quality. Mature cheese sorting appearance, according to the results of the audition and organoleptic evaluation of the cheese sample, brought by dipstick.

Sorting, inspection and assessment of the quality of cheese conducts a technologist of an enterprise sending cheese. The organoleptic assessment of the cheese is carried out at a product temperature of 18 ° C in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documentation for this type of cheese.

Marking. Each cheese head should be indicated: Date of development (number, month), cheese cooking number (numbers located in the center of the top leaf of the head or cheese bar) by crimping in the dough of casinic cheese or plastic numbers or the ottis of metal numbers allowed by the use of the Russian Federation authorities of the Russian Federation .

On the film, which is packed with cheese, stick or apply a continuous printing method (at the factory - film manufacturer) the label, the sample of which is developing and approved by the enterprise - the manufacturer in accordance with GOST P51074, containing the following information: Cheese names; Names of the manufacturer, its legal address, including the country; trademark of the manufacturer; composition of cheese, mass fraction of fat in a dry matter in percent; food and energy value of the product of storage conditions; shelf life; certification information; Designations of these technical conditions.

On one of the end sides of the packaging with cheese of indelible paint with the help of a stencil or a label, labeling is applied with designations: the name of the cheese, the name of the manufacturer, the composition of the cheese; mass fraction of fat in a dry matter in percent; Cooking rooms and dates of production; net mass; gross masses; the number of packaging units in the box; storage conditions; shelf life; certification information; designation of these technical conditions, food and energy value of the product; Manipulating sign "Bear from heating".

Transportation of cheese. Cheese shipped from the manufacturer's enterprise in packing form. Mature cheeses must be packed in male drawers. For the sale of cheese inside the region, the edges or the Republic of the Russian Federation, in which they are developed, and for non-residential transportation is allowed to package cheeses in cardboard boxes that meet the requirements of regulatory documentation. The internal dimensions of the boxes (in mm) for the packaging of the Russian cheese should have size 760x374x174.

Cheeses selected for packaging are weighed in the accompanying documentation record weight of containers, net mass, gross and amount of cheeses. Before packing the cheese in a wooden container, it is wrapped in wrapping paper, parchment or under parchment.

In each box, the cheeses of one name, varieties, one date of development and one cooking number are placed. Packaging of cheeses of various dates for one box with marking "Collected" is allowed. Tara for packing of cheeses should be clean, not having extraneous smells affecting the product quality of products. Wood moisture should be no more than 20%, mold on skiing and straps is not allowed. Foreign wormochin and resten pockets are allowed only on the outside of the container.

Thus, the observance of the entire order of the technological process leads to obtaining quality products.

The production of cheese at home is a useful hobby, which in the conditions of sanctions may be the only source of truly delicious cheeses. Moreover, with sufficient enthusiasm and willingness to invest, it can turn into a business that brings a stable income without foredeings.

Pros and cons of home production

The manufacture of cheese for sale has its own advantages:

  • Sales market stability. Cheese will always be sought after. A variety of varieties made for all technologies, on clean milk, in good conditions will definitely find their customers. This recent is especially noticeable - import cheeses are no longer imported into Russia, because the demand for goods of local producers is growing.
  • Variability. At home, you can make a wide variety of cheeses - from soft curd varieties to solid salty - and be sure to be the easiest and easiest of the most popular option.
  • Simplicity. You can start a business with minimal investments - Equipment for the production of cheese at home in the initial stages can be made with your own hands, which will not affect the quality of the finished product.
  • Accessibility of raw materials. Milk can be extracted without special problems in any corner of Russia - simultaneously providing in demand at least one farming.
    The advantage can also be considered that at home, with personal control, it is possible to produce a truly delicious product.

However, there is such a business and minuses:

  • Relatively high starting costs. Even if they make cheese on homemade equipment, not attracting workers who need to pay, will have to be purchased with raw materials and materials, without which it will not be possible to start.
  • The need for official registration. Any small business should be registered and taxes should come to the state. It will be necessary to collect documents, contact public authorities and wait.
  • The need to obtain a license. Cheese food product. To be eligible for sales, you need to get a license from the state, which will confirm its quality. The process of obtaining may be long, require the collection of documents and evidence.

Cons, however, do not differ in great specificity. Cheeseing as a business at home, requires readiness to invest, specific permits and licenses. The advantages are more pronounced - with the demand of cheeses there is less chance to ruin.


Running own business - A process that requires a conscious sequential approach. Before proceeding with active actions, follows:

  • Decide what cheese will be made. The most common raw materials - cow's milk. Goat and horsepower are more exotic. You can go further and start producing a product from a donkey, camel or any other milk - but most of the beginners choose the cow's milk. It is easier to get and cheeses from it are more common, which means more in demand.
  • Determine which cheese will be made. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the market for the markets, to ask what option is more in demand. There are four main:
  1. Solid. Multiple milk is made, they require a long excerpt under the press - the exquisite varieties that are in demand from gourmets can be held up to a year. It is also stored for a long time if providing conditions.
  2. Soft. It is made of solid, and from the filmed milk, they do not require such a long excerpt as solid - after a week they can be used on sale. Stored in the refrigerator and not so long as solid.
  3. Curd. They are preparing simply, they can be allowed to sell the next day. It is also stored for a short time, even in the refrigerator. Frequently complemented by a variety of spices and greens.
  4. Melted. They are also preparing simply, they do not need to withstand under the press, do not need to be covered with paraffin. Most often act as an additional product that is used to expand the range.
  • Determine in what form an enterprise will be registered. For the production of home cheese, they choose, as a rule, IP - it gives some references in taxes, and for a small shop is greater and not required. In addition, if the power grows, the state will be expanded and turnover will become too large for the IP, there will always be able to expand it to LLC.
    When the elections are made, and the market is investigated, the time comes for active actions.

check in

First of all, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur. You can do this in several ways:

  • independently examine the list of necessary documents, collect them all and contact the tax;
  • use the public services portal, fill out everything you need, assure an electronic signature and send.

Because those who are just starting their business electronic signatureAs a rule, no, it is much easier to act in the first option. Need to collect:

  • application form P21001 (you can take the form in the tax or on the public service website);
  • notice of the choice of taxation system;
  • a copy of the passport;
  • receipt, indicating the payment of state duty.

With all documents, you need to contact the tax, where they will be checked and taken away. Five days will be ready the result. If there were errors in the documents, the procedure will have to repeat.

After the procedure is completed, also get also:

  1. License for the production of dairy products. It is impossible to sell cheese without it.
  2. SES permit for production. To get it, you will need to take care of the room where cheese will be made corresponding to the requirements. Next documents are needed:
  • evidence that the company is officially registered and pays taxes;
  • contract with the owner of the premises - or documents confirming the right of ownership;
  • technological card in which all used equipment for homemade cheeseing will be painted;
  • the document in which the number of employees will be indicated and the information about whether they passed medical examinations;
  • floor plan;
  • ventilation plan;
  • contract for garbage collection;
  • statistics certificate certified.

Only after all documents are ready, the room is checked by SES and all licenses are obtained, you can proceed to the production of cheese.

Arrangement of the room

Even at home, you need to highlight at least two rooms:

  • Manufacturing facility. It will accommodate the equipment for cheese at home and will be the main work on the manufacture.
  • Warehouse. Cheese storage is a long matter. Many varieties need to withstand several months before they acquire a real taste. To do this, it is necessary to allocate a separate room in which it will be quite cool and dusk.

The premises should be well ventilated, their finishes should be mainly natural and not allocated dangerous substances. At the initial stage, the equipment that will be used for production may be the easiest:

  • Special forms for cheese. The most simple equipment for making cheese at home - any tin cans are suitable, in the bottom of which you can do holes. In the process of manufacturing the bottoms, marks are closed, a raw mass and a layer of fabric is placed on top. In them, the mass is prepared for anneal.
  • Press. Used in the manufacture of solid varieties. It can be bought in the store or made with your own hands using a pair of strong boards and sticks.
  • Thermometer. Any sufficient is suitable, which is convenient to immerse in the liquid.
  • Colander. Any sufficiently large size is suitable.
  • Gauze. Used for spinning.
  • Paraffin. It is used to form a protective film on cheese.
  • Additional tools. This category includes a pair of saucepan, knives, bricks and a spoon with a long handle.

When all the equipment for cheeseing at home is collected, you can start production.

Manufacturing process

Passes manufacture B. several stages:

  1. Pasteurization. At this stage, the raw material is harvested - milk boil at a temperature of 90, 75 or 60 degrees. It is from this stage that the characteristics of the future cheese depend on this - how dense it will be, what will be his taste.
  2. Milk coagulation. It is impossible to prepare solid cheese in the fresh, because the boiled milk should be diluted with a trunk and a special enzyme that will accelerate coagulation (it can be carried out and naturally, but it is longer). As a result, the milk will be divided into serum and clutch.
  3. Cutting. When the clutch separated from the serum and floats separately - it is ready for later work. You need to remove it, postpone into a separate container and cut into small cubes with a sharp knife. Mix the result. At the same time, if the clutter does not turn out, it falls apart, loose, disintegrates on the granules - this means that solid cheese from it is likely to not work and the technology was not withstanding.
  4. Seal. Capacity with a clot to put into another cold water container. Start slowly heat the water - so that in five minutes the temperature rises only for a couple of degrees. When it comes to 38, the fire should be reduced so that it does not rise anymore. Circular need to constantly interfere, not allowing it to stick or collapse into individual pieces.
  5. Cooling. When the mass becomes dense and uniform, you can start cooling it. At first up to 32 degrees, add salt and spices, then up to 30 and lay out the shape covered with gauze, which sets the shape of the finished cheese.
  6. Pressing. When the form is filled, another piece of gauze is put on top. The press is put on top, any heavy board of a suitable form - and bricks are laid on it. Ten minutes, the board is removed, the liquid distinguished, and the procedure is repeated until the state of the cheese mass arranges the wizard. It should be dry and dense.
  7. Drying. Cheese is removed from the form, wipes with a dry cloth. It is important that there are no cracks on it so that it does not crumble and was not wet.
  8. Paraffin. When the dry crust is formed on top and the cheese will impress almost ready, you need to melt the paraffin and dip the head into it for 20 seconds.
  9. Maturation. It should be placed the finished head of the cheese in the cool (no higher than 15 degrees of temperature) as a minimum for at least 3 weeks. The longer he breaks, the more sharp and exquisite will be his taste.

Drying cheese


It is necessary to act neat and consistently - cheese does not tolerate sleep and disrespect.

Depending on how the main stages passed, cheeses can get very different taste. More acute and more acidific, more dry and fresh, young or old - variability strikes imagination.
Additionally, it is also possible to produce melted cheese - it is unlikely to become the main products, but it can be pleasant to add solid cheeses.

  • Preparation of ingredients. There will be 1 egg, shells of cottage cheese, butter, half a teaspoon of soda, as well as salt and spices.
  • Mixing. All ingredients lay out in one container and mix.
  • Boiling. The resulting homogeneous mass you need to peck for 5 minutes on medium heat.
  • Lad out. Lay out the mold in a lubricated oil.

Homemade cheese


Production of cheese - troublesome process. It can well be organized by the forces of one family. From workers need:

  • accountant who will deal with all the calculations and, if necessary, monitor the market;
  • public Relations Specialist, which will look for the sales market, negotiate with suppliers and engage in paperwork;
  • two masters who will work directly with cheese;
  • the cleaner who will put the room in order, which is very important because the cheeses are very sensitive to the state of the environment.

If you correctly organize the process, the production of home cheese will quickly begin to pay off. Over time, it will be possible to afford more perfect, automated equipment, hire more workers, expand the room.

The main thing is that the process deliver pleasure and brings truly high-quality products. Then and do business will also be as interesting as any hobby.

In this article:

The attractiveness of the cheese market Russian businessmen rated a few years ago when the internal production began to grow. Modern trends are also saved to today: the product is in demand in the market.

To produce high-quality cheese, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology, withstand the product with the optimal temperature in the room.

We draw up documents on a cheese manufacturing company

Before starting production activities and buy equipment, you should take care of obtaining the necessary permits, to issue relevant documentation.

This costs will include:

  • getting the right to purchase (rent) of land and construction;
  • registration of the enterprise;
  • conclusion of contracts;
  • licensing and certification of products.

All this should be taken in advance, otherwise unforeseen circumstances may arise during the manufacture of solid cheese.

As for the choice of organizational and legal form, it is preferable to carry out activities through LLC (with a simplified form of taxation) or individual entrepreneur. Both options will significantly reduce taxes on paying taxes.

Since Cheese (Cheese) is a dairy industry, its certification is a mandatory procedure.

For example, on russian cheese It is necessary to obtain a declaration of conformity code. OKP 92 2511.. It is drawn up on the manufacturer or contract, indicating the exact number of the party.

You must provide the following documents:

  • request;
  • complainant constituent documents;
  • contract;
  • phytosanitary registration certificate;
  • label layouts;
  • veterinary certificate.

We purchase a mini shop for the production of solid cheese

To establish a production process, you need to purchase specialized equipment that will consist of:

  • long-term pasteurization baths, 100 l.;
  • paraffin, volume of 75 l.;
  • iPKS baths, 200 l;
  • press for cheese;
  • two forms for cheese;
  • 2 refrigeration chambers;
  • desktop.

Long pasteurization bath


Bath IPKS.

Basic requirements for feedstock

The quality of the main components depend on the taste quality of solid cheese.

Compliance with the following conditions:

  • milk must come exclusively from healthy cows;
  • the level of active acidity on the pH meter should not be below 6.8;
  • absence of antibiotics;
  • the basic level of biminess, in the limit of 3.5- the protein content of at least 3.0% - the reception temperature is not higher than 12 ° C

With milk suppliers, it is necessary to conclude agreements in which the above requirements for the quality of milk, its quantities, terms of payment, delay (if necessary), delivery methods.

Technology production of Russian cheese

Cheese production technology is a complex biochemical process, which occurs under the influence of microflora and enzymes and requires strict sequence in the process of its manufacture.

Cheese Production Stages:

  • preparation of milk;
  • coagulation of milk and obtaining homogeneous mass;
  • ripening cheese;
  • ambly of cheese.

Hardware technological scheme

The hardware technological scheme for the production of cheese is presented in the following photo:

In the cheese, the quality of the source raw materials are subject to special requirements.

Preparation of milk

It must contain a sufficient amount of protein, thus increasing the product output and lowering raw material consumption. First of all, milk must be cleaned and cooled to prevent the development of microflora and damage it subsequently. In this process, milk-cleaning filters or separators are involved.

Cool milk to a temperature of 7-8 ° C on plate coolers necessary performance.

Mattering milk

Ripening of milk comes from 12 to 24 hours, during this period it is gaining acidity.

Excerpt It is necessary for both raw purified milk and pasteurized. In pasteurized milk, it is necessary to enter the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria (or the rennet component).

It is allowed to use fresh milk with the addition of ripened milk (2 to 1 ratio).

After that, milk should be cooled to the coagulation temperature. Its normalization is carried out on separators-cream separators, and pasteurization - on pasteurization-coolers at temperatures of 74-76 ° C of about 20 seconds. With the help of thermal treatment, vegetative forms of microorganisms are destroyed, enzymes and preparation of milk to coagulation (up to temperature 32 ° C) occurs. Milk acidity Before the process of coagulation should be at least 20-22 degrees of Turner.

Sour tartling

In a cheese bath, it is prepared for the rennet coagulation, namely, the bacterial soldering is introduced; Chloride and calcium solution. If necessary, add the rennet enzyme. For the manufacture of Russian cheese, it is often used to be used from lactic acid and aromatic streptococci (in an amount of 0.8-1.1%).

Quite often in the production process use mature milk (fifth of the total) in order to increase the calcium content and product quality. Adding a renewed enzyme guarantees the formation of a durable bunch in a short time.

The process of coagulation of milk occurs at a temperature of 32 ° C for half an hour. The resulting clot is cut and dry in 45 minutes, and the third part of the serum is deleted. In order to speed up dehydration, it is recommended to hold the second heating of the cheese grain (T 40 ° C - 30 min.).

Sounded the raw mass after the second heating for 50 minutes.

Thus, the duration of all processing is about 2-3 hours. The magnitude of the grain should be 5-6 mm.

Cheese Embatriot Process and Product Formation

Ambassador solid cheese It is carried out at the very end of dry grain drying, pre-removing 70% serum. The concentrated salty brine is made in grain, stirring for 30 minutes. Now you can move to the molding of the product.

Using the pump, raw grain is fed to the serum separator, from where it is poured into the forms.

Self-resistance Must occur within an hour, subject to one-time turning. After that, on specialized equipment (press), the cheese mass is exposed to pressing for another 4 hours, where its active acidity increases significantly.

Cheese is dry for 10 days, after which it is covered with a paraffinolimeric alloy.

It is also necessary to carry out technochemical control of the production of cheeses for compliance with generally accepted standards.

Business Plan for Production of Cheese

Costs of raw materials, room and equipment for the production of cheese

To start production activities, the mini production room, with an area of \u200b\u200b300 square meters with engineering and technical communications. It will place a shop for the production of cheeses, a warehouse for finished products and household premises for employees. It can be purchased or renting it.

Suppose a monthly rental cost of 5,000 rubles.

Cost production line will be 207,880 rubles (capital costs).

Curvas will consist of:

  • procurement of raw materials;
  • monthly fot.

For cooking 1 kg. Solid cheese (containing 45% water) requires 9 liters of milk. The average cost of 1 liter is 16 rubles. Zakvaska from lactic acid and aromatic streptococci: 1 dose for every 1000 liters.

At the rate of the monthly generation - 5,000 kg. Solid cheese, costs will be:

  • Milk - 35,000 liters x 13 rubles \u003d 455,000 rubles;
  • Exquisites - 45 pieces of 30 rubles \u003d 1350 rubles;
  • Payment communal services For the month will be 10,000 rubles.

Thus, the cost of the finished product will be equal to 466,350 rubles per month. (5,596,200 rubles per year).

We recruit employees:

  • director - 30,000 rubles;
  • technologist - 22 000 rubles;
  • cheesemar - 18,000 rubles;
  • storekeeper - 15,000 rubles;
  • 3 workers - 30 000 rubles.

Total photography: 115 000 rubles per month (1,380,000 rubles per year).

Revenue and profit from cheese

Calculation of annual revenue: Monthly Development x Cost 1 kg. Cheese \u003d 5,000 x 250 rub x 12 months. \u003d 15 million rubles.

Gross annual profit (Proceeds cost) \u003d 9 403 800 rubles.

General expenses, taking into account the initial investment in equipment - 7 184 080 rubles.

Profit before tax (gross profit - total costs) \u003d 2 219 720 rubles. After tax (15%) - 1,886,762 rubles. This will be the size of pure profits.

Profitability coefficient (Net profit / revenue) will be 20.06%.

It should be noted that in the case of acquiring a functioning mini workshop, it is possible to save up to several million rubles.

The main directions of sales of cheese

Determine the price policy and the estimated sales markets for the solid cheese produced are still at the initial stage of developing a mini-plant business plan.

In the first months, it is possible to implement products in the region where production facilities are located. And then, as the volume of products increases, it will be possible to increase the sales market in other areas.

Enterprises that produce mainly solid grade cheeses, subsequently expand their range, manufacturing cottage cheese, sour cream, glazed raw materials, etc.

The main advantage of such products is a compressed production time (one to two days). Thus, the profitability of the enterprise increases.

According to sales statistics, the solid grade of cheese with the average cost is leading. Luxury high fat varieties cannot even overcome 10% of the total consumption. Turns out that target audience There will be a buyer with an average level of wealth.

Therefore, it will be more profitable to produce solid grades of the medium price segment.

Of course, the main consumers will store shops and supermarkets, cafes and restaurants with which long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation should be established. Later, after overcoming the payback period, even the international market will be conquered, implementing products for export.