Job description of a specialist in educational and methodical work. Layout of job description Job description of a specialist in vocational guidance of a university

responsible for career guidance

in an educational institution

I. The person responsible for career guidance should know:

§ The Constitution of the Russian Federation.

§ Laws of the Russian Federation, decrees and decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal educational authorities on education.

§ Declaration of human rights and freedoms.

§ Convention on the Rights of the Child.

§ Normative documents regulating issues of labor protection, health care, career guidance, employment of students and their social protection.

§ Fundamentals of vocational guidance, professional studies and labor psychology, psychological counseling, defectology, psychodiagnostics.

II. Responsible for career guidance:

§ Responsible for the work of the school office (corner) for vocational guidance.

§ Coordinates the career guidance activities of class teachers, subject teachers, teachers of extended day groups, teachers additional education, educators - organizers, educational psychologists, social educators and other categories of teaching staff educational institution;

§ Works in close contact with the specialists of the center for social and labor adaptation and vocational guidance, which is assigned to the educational institution, submits reports on the vocational guidance activities carried out by the school.

§ Forms a request for vocational guidance work with school students, in accordance with a cooperation agreement between an educational institution and TsSTAiPO.

§ Participates in district and city career guidance events held by YuZUO, OMC, TsSTAiPO - meetings, seminars, conferences, etc.

§ Conducts outreach work in an educational institution; organizes and conducts career guidance events.

§ Participates in the planning and development of career guidance programs educational activities schools, taking into account the gender and age characteristics of students.

§ Conducts vocational guidance classes according to developed and approved programs.

§ Participates in organizing excursions for students and teachers to enterprises, institutions of NGOs and secondary vocational schools, universities, etc.

§ Provides assistance to students, parents (legal representatives), teaching staff in solving specific problems of professional self-determination of students.

§ Maintains current documentation and prepares reports on career guidance work in an educational institution.

III. The person responsible for vocational guidance has the right to:

§ To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the school management concerning its activities.

§ On issues within his competence, submits proposals to the school management to improve the vocational guidance activities of the school and improve work methods; comments on vocational guidance activities of school employees; offers options for eliminating the existing shortcomings.

§ To involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the school director).

§ Require the school management to assist in the performance of his job duties and right.

The person in charge of career guidance reports directly to the deputy director for teaching and educational work or the director.

teaching staff

educational institution

Duties of the director:

Appoint a person responsible for career guidance from among teaching staff educational institution

Supervise the work of the school office (corner) for vocational guidance

monitor and analyze all career guidance work at school;

Create and organize the work of the school board of vocational guidance;

Constantly get acquainted with instructions, orders, decisions on vocational guidance, with scientific and methodological literature;

Take into account the requirements and recommendations presented in the documents when drawing up the relevant sections of the school-wide plan for career guidance work;

At the beginning of each academic year, form and approve a school work plan for vocational guidance of students;

Annually, at the beginning of the academic year, inform the Department of Education about the employment of graduates of the 9th and 11th grades.

Prepare reports and analytical references at the request of the Department of Education

Duties of the deputy director for teaching and educational work:

Create an educational and methodological base for career guidance;

Organize and check the activities of subject teachers in vocational guidance;

Collect, generalize and disseminate advanced experience in vocational guidance work of subject teachers;

Organize the work of the office (corner) of vocational guidance at the school and provide its organizational and methodological support;

Coordinate the implementation of design and research activities of students.

Duties of an educational psychologist:

Conduct psychological diagnostics for primary vocational guidance and profile testing of students; carry out the primary processing of the results obtained and their primary analysis; to form a database on vocational guidance work on a fixed site;

Draw up psychological and pedagogical conclusions based on materials research works with the aim of orienting the teaching staff, as well as parents (legal representatives) in the problems of professional, personal and social development students;

Identify the interests, inclinations of students, professional preferences and their dynamics;

Determine the social attitudes of students and provide practical assistance in their formation;

Determine the motivation for the professional choice of students and its structure;

Form students' readiness for introspection and self-assessment;

Participate in conducting vocational guidance classes with students.

Responsibilities of the class teacher:

Deeply and comprehensively study the emerging personality of the student, his inclinations, interests, abilities through joint work with a psychologist and subject teachers;

Based on the study of the student's personality, conduct targeted career guidance work during class hours, extracurricular activities, pre-profile training, excursions;

Work on vocational guidance should be carried out in close contact with the parents of students, to identify the position of parents regarding the further professional path of their child;

To organize the participation of students in school, district, district and city career guidance events, as well as open days organized in vocational education institutions.

Responsibilities of a social teacher:

To identify the interests and needs of students in matters of choosing a profession;

To organize different kinds socially valuable activities of children and adults, activities aimed at the development social projects and programs that promote informed career choices.

The director approves the plan of events organized by the person in charge of vocational guidance work. Social teacher participates in surveys and other activities aimed at helping in employment and organizational and legal support of working schoolchildren. The psychologist participates in diagnostic and training career guidance activities. Classroom teacher together with the person in charge or independently informs the students about the planned activities, together with the person in charge, social. teacher, psychologist, specialists outside organizations conducts career guidance activities.

The main one sounds proudly, especially when it comes to a career. The higher the level of the position, the better the employee feels: the more significant takes place in the structure of the company, can influence the processes that bring real results, make suggestions to move the team towards the goal.

The higher the level of the position, the higher the level of responsibility. In an effort to get a good position, an employee does not always understand that he will have to be responsible for the implementation and non-fulfillment of the points of the job description.

To avoid controversial points when hiring an employee, it is imperative to familiarize him with the job description. A competently drawn up document must contain the rights that are assigned to the employee. Job description the chief specialist, as well as other employees, is kept in the office and is not subject to disclosure.

What is a Chief Specialist?

Chief Specialist belongs to the category of specialists, is appointed to the position held by the order of the director of the organization on the recommendation of the head of the department or another person authorized for this.

To be appointed to the position, you must obtain higher education by profession or not professional education and related refresher or retraining courses. Work experience in the profession or in the relevant authorities must be at least five years. Work experience in the specialty is an important point if the job description of the chief specialist of the district administration is drawn up. Most often, without the necessary skills and practical experience in applying theoretical knowledge, it is impossible to get a position in the administration. The job description of the chief specialist is a document that must be read when appointing to a position.

What guides you in your work?

The job description of the chief specialist obliges him in his work to be guided by normative as well as legal acts, governing and teaching materials that regulate the relevant field of activity. He is also guided by the charter, orders and orders of the management and his direct job description.

Required knowledge

Depending on the field in which the chief specialist works, the knowledge necessary for work changes.

In the technical field, for example in construction, important and fundamental points that you need to know are:

  • methodological instructions that relate to construction, budgeting, rules for conducting installation works, alterations, reconstructions, construction projects;
  • legislation Russian Federation concerning the issues of pricing in construction;
  • basics accounting, the procedure for drawing up accounting documents;
  • techniques with which to analyze economic activity and financial performance;
  • rules for the implementation of installation and construction works, health and safety standards, as well as industrial safety ( fire safety), industrial sanitation;
  • technical, economic, social and environmental requirements that apply to facilities under construction and design.

Requirements in the field of education

In the field of education, employees have different rules and regulations. Accordingly, the knowledge required to perform basic job duties should be different.

The job description of the chief specialist of the education department obliges him to know:

  • The Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  • pedagogy;
  • basics of hygiene and physiology;
  • theory and methods of management in educational systems;
  • technologies for diagnosing conflict causes and ways to resolve them;
  • internal work regulations in educational institutions;
  • instilled in TB, OT, PB;
  • legislation in the areas related to the educational part.

If you compare the points, you can see that the job description of the main technician and a specialist in the field of education contains both the same moments and fundamentally different ones. Based on this, it can be assumed that for any position that implies a high level of responsibility, it is important and mandatory to know both generally accepted norms that relate to general rules of conduct, safety and labor protection, and specific acts and regulations, norms, rules and documents, regulating a specific field of activity.

Requirements for employees of municipal services

The most stringent qualification requirements are imposed on employees of municipal services and administrations. Due to the fact that these employees have to constantly communicate with people, in addition to education and knowledge, specialists must also have personal competencies of a certain nature.

Requirements for professional knowledge:

  • knowledge of Federal laws, the Constitution, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government;
  • normative acts and decrees, official documents that regulate the scope of activity as applied to the performance of specific duties;
  • the foundations of the organization of labor and management;
  • the necessary features of the service process;
  • rules, as well as norms of business etiquette;
  • general issues of workflow, the procedure for storing and transferring service information.

Requirements for professional skills, job description of the chief specialist municipal service lists in detail and is accessible. The chief specialist is obliged:

  • have the skills of working in a field that corresponds to the focus of the relevant department;
  • planning office hours, conducting analysis in a responsible area;
  • applying the experience of more qualified colleagues;
  • usage modern means communication and preparation of materials.

Special Requirements

Besides general requirements, to specialists municipal institutions there are special requirements that are additional. The job description of the chief specialist should contain a list of these requirements.

These include:

  • knowledge of systems that help interact with organizations and citizens;
  • knowledge of accounting systems, work with which provides the support necessary to perform federal authorities main issues as well as functions;
  • knowledge of systems of interaction between departments;
  • knowledge of the systems by which the information resources of the state are managed;
  • knowledge of information and analytical concepts that provide preparation, processing, analysis of data and their storage;
  • knowledge of systems that ensure information security;
  • knowledge of operational management systems and programs.

Required professional skills

Important points required in the work professional skills are prescribed in job descriptions. The chief specialist of administration, appointed by the leadership of the administration, is especially often interested in skills related to working with people. Among the requirements related to professional, there are:

  • the ability to work with systems of interaction with organizations and citizens;
  • skill of working with systems of interaction between departments;
  • experience with electronic archiving systems for storing and processing data.

Municipal workers

Citizen of the Russian Federation, in the agreed and established order performing the duties of a municipal service for monetary compensation is called a municipal employee.

Municipal services are local government services. These include state councils and city executive committees.

The employees who work in these units are municipal employees. The demands placed on them reach a high level. Employees of these authorities must have a communicative and professional qualities... Representing the authorities in their city, these workers are obliged to meet the most difficult requirements.

The job description of a municipal employee regulates the rights and obligations of these employees. At the same time, the chief specialist is singled out as the most responsible person.

Employee rights

In addition to responsibilities, each employee has rights. Municipal employees are no exception.

The employee has the right:

  • to get acquainted with the papers that establish his duties, rights in the position held;
  • get acquainted with the criteria for assessing the quality of his work;
  • to receive the provision of the material and technical basis necessary for the performance of his immediate duties;
  • receive wages and other payments in accordance with labor law, labor contract and the law on municipal service;
  • for rest, which is ensured by the establishment of standard working hours, as well as the provision of days of rest and paid leave every year;
  • receive, in the prescribed manner, materials and information that are needed to perform official duties;
  • make proposals for improving regional self-government bodies;
  • take, on their own initiative, participation in competitions for filling positions on a competitive basis;
  • to receive additional education at the expense of the budget to improve their qualifications.

The job description of the chief specialist of the department should also contain a clear listing of acts and regulations that govern the work of the department and the employees included in it.

1.1. This provision regulates the activities of the Career Guidance Department as a structural subdivision of the [name of the university] (hereinafter referred to as the "University") when the Department carries out the main (budgetary) and extra-budgetary activities in accordance with its purpose in the structure of the University.

1.2. In its activities, the Career Guidance Department is subordinate to the Rector of the University.

1.3. The career guidance department may have a sub-account for accounting for funds from income-generating activities in the operational accounting of the planning and financial department of the University.

1.4. The Career Guidance Department manages the funds on its sub-account, within the limits of the estimated income and expenses of the Department approved by the Rector of the University, uses the property that is on the balance sheet of the University and assigned to the Department.

1.5. The Career Guidance Department, within the powers determined by these Regulations, fulfills the obligations of the University.

1.6. The department has a stamp with its name and an indication of affiliation with the University.

1.7. Location of the department: [enter address].

2. Goals and objectives of the career guidance department

2.1. In order to organize vocational guidance (practice) of University students, the Career Guidance Department carries out:

Study of the existing bases of students' practice;

Organization of the work of the departments to find new bases for the practice of students;

Generalization of applications from graduating departments to provide practice bases, preparation of consolidated applications for the university;

Preparation of draft contracts with enterprises, institutions and organizations for all types of practice in accordance with the approved curricula;

Interaction with enterprises and organizations to agree on the terms of the practice;

Carrying out work with students to conclude individual contracts for internship;

Participation in the preparation of cost estimates for the preparation and conduct of the practice and control over its implementation;

Participation in the methodological work of departments on industrial practice;

Control over the timely submission of reports of departments based on the results of all types of practice, drawing up on their basis summary reports and submitting relevant information to the management of the University;

Statistical processing and analysis of information based on the results of educational and industrial practice.

2.2. In order to promote employment and adaptation to the labor market of the University graduates, the Career Guidance Department:

Analyzes the needs of the labor market for University graduates;

Forms a data bank of employers and their vacancies in the specialties of the University;

Analyzes the efficiency of employment of University graduates;

Organizes and conducts on the territory and outside of the University a set of activities for the employment of graduates of the University - "Job fairs", "Career days", presentations of enterprises and their specialties, thematic exhibitions, competitions, schools, seminars, conferences, etc .;

Conducts individual work with graduates of the University on their employment;

Organizes information and consulting support University graduates on employment issues;

Participates in the implementation of federal and regional programs to promote employment and employment of youth.

2.3. In order to popularize and support the positive image of the university, the Career Guidance Department:

Provides the emergence and strengthening of long-term mutually beneficial relations of the University with enterprises-employers in the Russian Federation;

Maintains relations with centers for promoting employment of student youth and employment of university graduates, employers' associations, trade unions and associations, youth public and socio-political organizations;

Ensures the participation of the University in programs, competitions and projects of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Federal agency by education, divisions Federal Service employment of the population, other government agencies and institutions, international organizations and foundations (according to the activities of the Division);

Based on the analytical materials received, develops specific proposals and recommendations on the employment of students and young professionals for federal and regional government bodies.

2.4. The career guidance department has the right to carry out on a reimbursable basis:

Carrying out research and development on the orders of third-party organizations, regardless of the organizational and legal form in the field of employment and temporary employment of youth;

Provision of consulting and information services on employment and temporary employment of youth;

Organization of paid internships and student exchanges (including international ones);

Promotion of seasonal work programs for students and youth, as well as work programs for students and youth abroad.

3. Property of the career guidance department

3.1. The University administration provides the Career Guidance Department with all the necessary material and technical means, and also creates working conditions that meet sanitary and hygienic standards.

3.3. The department is not entitled to independently dispose of the property assigned to it.

3.4. The department disposes of in cash received from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities in accordance with the estimate of income and expenses approved by the Rector of the University.

3.5. The operational accounting of income and expenses of the Career Guidance Department is carried out by the planning and financial department of the University.

4. Management of the department of career guidance

4.1. The Head of the Department is appointed and dismissed by the Rector of the University.

4.2. The Head of the Career Guidance Department is guided in his activities by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the University, the Internal Labor Regulations and this Regulation.

4.3. The Head of the Department of Career Guidance carries out the operational management of the activities of the Department, performs all current functions and responsibilities for organizing and supporting the activities of the Department.

4.4. The Head of the Career Guidance Department reports directly to [write in].

4.5. The head of the Career Guidance Department, within the limits of his competence, has the right to issue orders, give instructions that are binding on all employees of the Department.

5. The structure of the career guidance department

5.1. The structure and staffing of the Career Guidance Department is approved by the Rector of the University in accordance with the standards for the number of specialists, taking into account the volume of work and the characteristics of the Department.

5.2. The structure of the Department may include divisions (sectors, bureaus, groups) and individual specialists in the organization of industrial practice and vocational guidance of students.

5.3. The division of duties between the employees of the Department is carried out by the Head of the Department in accordance with the job descriptions and these Regulations.

6. Responsibility of the department

6.1. The head of the Department bears full responsibility for the quality and timeliness of the tasks assigned to the Career Guidance Department.

6.2. The degree of responsibility of other employees of the Career Guidance Department is established by their job descriptions.


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"______" _______________ 20___


Chief specialist in the department

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the chief specialist in the [Organization name in the genitive case] department (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. The chief specialist in the department is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. The chief specialist in the department belongs to the category of specialists and reports to the [name of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Company.

1.4. A person who has:

  • higher professional education in the specialty "Design of buildings" or higher professional education and professional retraining in the direction of "Design of buildings and structures";
  • work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years;
  • advanced training at least once every 5 years and the availability of a qualification certificate for compliance with the position held.

1.5. The chief specialist in the department should know:

  • laws and other regulations legal acts The Russian Federation in the field of urban planning;
  • administrative methodological and regulatory documents for the design, construction and operation of facilities;
  • prospects for the development of architectural and construction design;
  • design methods;
  • organization, planning and economics of design and engineering surveys;
  • advanced domestic and overseas experience design and construction;
  • technical, economic, environmental and social requirements for the designed facilities;
  • the basics of the organization of labor in the design;
  • building regulations;
  • standards, specifications and other regulatory documents for the development and execution of design estimates and other technical documentation;
  • fundamentals of standardization and patent science;
  • economics and organization of construction;
  • Copyright;
  • software systems and types of automation tools for design and computational work;
  • fundamentals of labor legislation;
  • labor protection rules.

1.6. The chief specialist in the department is obliged to:

  • promptly respond to requests from other employees in the area of ​​professional activity, provide the required information in full;
  • treat other employees objectively, evaluate their contribution to the achievement of the organization's goals based on the results of their work, regardless of personal attitude;
  • to comply with the established deadlines for the execution of tasks and instructions;
  • provide assistance to colleagues at work in solving the problems of their activities in the event that assistance can lead to a qualitative improvement in performance results;
  • continuously improve their professional level;
  • honestly and conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to him;
  • keep the property in use intact and safe;
  • to contribute in every way to the formation and strengthening of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team;
  • keep official and commercial secrets;
  • comply with the confidentiality rules when working with the personal information of the organization's employees, the internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.7. The chief specialist in the department is guided in his activities by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Company;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety measures, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions of the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description.

1.8. During the period of temporary absence of the chief specialist in the department, his duties are assigned to the [name of the position of the deputy].

2. Job responsibilities

The chief specialist in the department carries out the following labor functions:

2.1. Develops the most important design solutions for a separate section (part) of the project.

2.2. Organizes patent research in order to ensure the patent purity of new design solutions and their patentability.

2.3. Prepares proposals for the use of the most progressive and economical competitive design solutions in the project.

2.4. Forms tasks for the development of sections (parts) of the project and issues them to performers.

2.5. Checks the compliance of the developed design solutions with the issued assignment.

2.6. Provides technical guidance for the development of sections (parts) of the project using design automation tools and participates in solving issues related to these sections (parts) at all stages and stages of design, construction, commissioning of facilities and development of design capacities.

2.7. Participates in the coordination of design solutions and in the discussion of the project in higher organizations and examination bodies.

2.9. Taking into account the actual state of construction, prepares proposals for amendments to working documentation when new normative documents.

2.10. Analyzes and summarizes the experience of design, construction and operation of constructed facilities, prepares, on this basis, proposals for improving the design and implementation of measures to improve the technical and economic level of design solutions.

2.11. Prepares reviews and opinions on rationalization proposals and inventions, draft standards, specifications and other regulatory documents related to design and construction.

2.12. Takes part in the examination of projects, preparation of publications and drawing up applications for inventions, the work of seminars and conferences in his specialty.

2.13. Supervises the employees subordinate to him.

In case of official necessity, the chief specialist in the department may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by the provisions of the federal labor legislation.

3. Rights

The chief specialist in the department has the right to:

3.1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the Company's management concerning its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description for the management's consideration.

3.3. Attend meetings of committees and working groups, other meetings of employees in the area of ​​activity.

3.4. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the activities of the structural unit.

3.5. If necessary, interact with employees of all structural divisions of the Company.

3.6. To request, personally or on behalf of a direct supervisor, from the heads of departments and other specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of their official duties.

3.7. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

3.8. To involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions, if not - with the permission of the head of the Company).

3.9. Require the management of the geological organization to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

3.10. Act on behalf of the structural unit and represent its interests in relations with other structural divisions Companies within their competence.

3.11. To represent the structural unit in relations with external organizations in the direction of activity within its competence.

3.12. Maintain official correspondence with the structural divisions of the Company and external organizations on issues related to professional development, training and personnel development.

3.13. Independently make decisions on planning your working time.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1 The chief specialist in the department bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in individual cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) liability for:

4.1.1. Failure to comply or improper fulfillment of the official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of one's own labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to enforce labor discipline.

4.1.7. Offenses committed in the course of their activities are within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.1.8. Causing material damage and / or losses to the organization or to third parties related to action or inaction during the performance of official duties.

4.2. Evaluation of the work of the chief specialist in the department is carried out:

4.2.1. Immediate supervisor - regularly, in the process of the employee's daily performance of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Attestation Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on the documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of the chief specialist in the department is the quality, completeness and timeliness of the fulfillment of the tasks provided for by this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The mode of work of the chief specialist in the department is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the Company.

5.2. Due to production needs, the chief specialist in the department can visit business trips(including local significance).

Acquainted with the instructions ______ / ____________ / "__" _______ 20__

Chief and leading specialists

department (sector) of career guidance

District (city) center

Population employment



(full title _

district (city) center

employment of the population


Job description


(job title in genitive)


1. The main task of _________________________________ is



(formulation of the main task)

2. ____________________________________________________________


2.1. Provides: _____________________________________________

2.2. Provides: ________________________________________________

2.3. Introduces __________________________________________________

2.4. Carried out by: _____________________________________________

2.5. Minor tasks: ____________________________________

3. Powered by: __________________________________________

4. Directly reports to: ________________________________

5. Appointed and dismissed by order of ____________________________________________________________________

6. Interacts with ___________________________________________

7. In his work he is guided by:

· Current legislation;

· The law of the Russian Federation "On employment of the population in the Russian Federation";

Methodological materials of higher organizations public service employment of the population of the Russian Federation;

· Orders and orders of the regional center of employment of the population;

· The regulation on the center of employment of the population;

· Professional and ethical principles and norms of the activity of a professional consultant;

· This job description.


A. Chief specialist

The chief specialist is obliged:

1. In organizational work:

1.1. Provide general guidance to workers involved in career guidance in the center.

1.2. Participate in planning career guidance work.

1.3. Develop plans for organizational and methodological measures, schedules for consultations.

1.4. Determine the need of the center for reference, information, diagnostic and other materials.

1.5. Participate (together with public education authorities) in inspections of educational institutions, organizations, institutions, enterprises on career guidance issues, regardless of their departmental subordination; to submit to the regional (city) coordination council for vocational guidance proposals aimed at improving vocational guidance work.

1.6. Help educational institutions and interested organizations in the correct formulation of vocational guidance work on a contractual basis.

2. In professional consulting work:

2.1. Conduct professional diagnostics and counseling on choosing or changing a profession using psychodiagnostic methods, data on the needs of the region and the served area in qualified specialists, about enterprises, their specific features (working conditions, wages, opportunities for professional growth, advanced training, professional and production factors, etc.), information about educational institutions region, conditions of admission and training in them.

2.2. Depending on the results of the counseling, guide the client:

· To the labor inspector;

· Specialist in retraining;

· A psychologist.

2.3. To systematize the results of work with clients in an easy-to-use form.

2.4. Participate in the approbation and adaptation of the methods of psychological work recommended by the career guidance department of the OTSZN.

2.5. To form a bank of vocational guidance methods for working with the population.

2.7. Participate in the methodological work of the career guidance department of the OTSZN.

2.8. To take an active part in the work of seminars to improve the qualifications of employees of the employment service, coordinate vocational guidance work.

2.9. Systematically improve your professional level.

2.10. Improve the ability to use computer versions of psychodiagnostic techniques.

B. Leading specialist

The leading specialist is obliged to:

1. Conduct consultations in order to assist the client in choosing a specific profession, based on his needs and desires and taking into account the real situation.

2. To identify clients with disabilities and limited professional suitability, to assist them in their professional determination.

3. Depending on the results of the counseling and taking into account the client's desire to guide him:

* to the labor inspector;

* chief specialist-professional consultant;

* professional training specialist;

* to a psychologist.

4. Maintain documentation fixing the data necessary for the selection of work for the client; draw up final conclusions containing the results of the interview, recommendations; collect, process and organize the relevant information in a user-friendly form.

5. Ensure the confidential nature of the use of data from consultation interviews and surveys.

6. Analyze, for use in career guidance work, data on the needs of the region and the area served in qualified specialists, on enterprises, their specific features (working conditions, wages, opportunities for advanced training, occupational and production factors, etc.), information on educational institutions of the region, conditions of admission and training in them.

7. Form a bank of professional cards and information cards; teach the rules of using them to the center's specialists involved in customer service.

8. Systematically improve your professional level.

9. Take an active part in the work of seminars to improve the qualifications of employees of employment services, coordination of vocational guidance work.

10. To improve the ability to use computer versions of psychodiagnostic techniques.

__________________ (position) has the right:

1. Require: ___________________________________________________

2. Engage: __________________________________________________

3. Participate: ________________________________________________

4. Use: _______________________________________________

5. Receive the necessary information: ______________________________

6. Sign: ________________________________________________

7. Submit applications for the formation of the material and technical base and methodological support of their activities.


_________________ (position) is responsible for:

· For timely and high-quality performance of work;

· The reliability of the data provided;

· Compliance with professional and moral and ethical standards;


5.1. The specialist must have a higher psychological education and work experience of at least 2 years or higher education and work experience of at least 5 years with the obligatory completion of refresher courses.

5.2. The specialist should know:

· Directive materials of higher authorities on vocational guidance work;

· Goals and objectives of vocational guidance work;

· Decrees, orders, orders of higher authorities and other guiding, methodological and regulatory materials on issues related to the competence of _____________ (position);

· Main scientific problems in the field of vocational guidance and vocational counseling;

· Requirements for psychological, psychophysiological and personal characteristics of a person, presented by various professions.

_____________ (position of the team leader) ________ (signature)


Head of Career Guidance Department

ОЦЗН __________________________________ (signature)

With job description

familiar with _________________________________ (signature)


Introduction ................................................. ..............................................
Chapter 1. Methodological foundations of professional counseling ........................................... ..
1.1. Types of psychological assistance. The concept of professional counseling in psychological theory and practice .......................................... .......................................
1.2. Systems analysis as a scientific method of consulting ............................................ ..............................................
1.3. The concept as a theoretical toolkit for a professional consultant ............................................. ...................................
1.4. Professional position and experience of a professional consultant ............................................. ...............................................
1.5. The five-step psychological interview model as a basic counseling model. Focus analysis in a psychological interview ............................................ ................
Chapter 2. Professional counseling for schoolchildren ............................................ ......................................
2.1. Career guidance at school ............................................... ......
2.2. Methodology of individual vocational consultation in a situation of choosing a profession ........................................... ...............
2.3. Practical tasks ................................................ ...........
Chapter 3. Professional consulting in the organization ........................................... ......................................
3.1. Professional consulting in the personnel management service ............................................ ..........................
3.2. Formation of the organization's personnel ...............................
3.2.1. Professional counseling in the situation of recruiting and hiring ......................................... .....
3.2.2. Professional consulting in a situation of professional adaptation of new employees. Assistance in the development of organizational culture ..................
3.2.3. Professional advice on personnel transfers ............................................. ................
3.2.4. Vocational counseling when releasing personnel .............................................. ...............................
3.3. Professional development of personnel
3.3.1. Technology for supporting the professional and intra-organizational career of an employee .......
3.3.2. Professional counseling in the training program for the personnel reserve ............................................ ........
3.4. Motivation and assessment of personnel work .................................
3.4.1. The work of a professional consultant with the motivational sphere of the organization's employees .................................
3.4.2. Participation of a professional consultant in personnel assessment ...
3.5. Practical tasks ................................................ ...........
Chapter 4. Professional counseling in the employment service ......................................... ...
4.1. Career guidance system in the employment service ...
4.1.1 Psychological portrait of clients of the employment service ............................................. .............................
4.1.2. Work technology of the professional consultant of the employment center ............................................ .........
4.1.3. Professional diagnostics and psychological support for unemployed citizens ............................................ ...
4.2. Professional counseling in a situation of loss and job search ........................................... .............................................
4.2.1. Methodology of individual vocational consultation in a situation of loss and job search ...........................
4.2.2. Social adaptation programs in the employment service .......................................... .......
4.3. Practical tasks ................................................ ...........
Literature................................................. ..........................................
Applications ................................................. .........................................

Fairuza Salikhdzhanovna Ismagilova

Fundamentals of professional



Editor E. A. Ushakova

Computer layout I. M. Namyatov

Reprinted by the order of the editorial and publishing

university council

License of the Republic of Latvia No. 040328 dated 10.04.97

Signed for printing on 08.02.99. Format 60x84 / 16. Multi-purpose paper devices. CONV. print l. 13.9. Uch.-ed. l. 14.8. Circulation 300 copies. Order

Publishing house of the Ural State Vocational Pedagogical University. Yekaterinburg, st. Machine builders, 11.

Printing house of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Yekaterinburg, GSP-170, st. S. Kovalevskaya, 18.

* Based on materials from the Russian training center employment services.

* L. Usine Nouvelle. 1992.17 / XII. N 2391. P / 120-121.

* Interview conducted and prepared by N. Novoselova, a student of group G-403, Faculty of Psychology, USPPU

* Interview conducted and executed by a student of group G-403, Faculty of Psychology, USPPU N Kunshchikova

* The interview was conducted by N. Petrovskaya, a student of group G-403, Faculty of Psychology, USPPU. Abbreviations used: PC ¾ professional consultant, K client.