Test fm for personal competencies. Competency questions. Examples of questions to determine competence

Is there a difference between a manager and a leader for you, and what is it? A good leader may be reserved and dislike public speaking, while a natural leader may only be a leader among his or her close friends.

These differences have been clearly articulated by Warren Bennis, a contemporary leadership researcher:

The leader manages, the leader changes and improves.
The leader supports, the leader develops.
The leader focuses on systems and structure, the leader focuses on people.
The leader relies on control, the leader inspires confidence.
The idea of ​​the leader is short-term, the leader has far-reaching prospects.
The leader asks how and when, the leader asks what and why.
The leader looks at the bottom line with "Total", the leader looks up at the horizon.
The leader accepts the current state of affairs, the leader challenges him.
The leader is a classic brave soldier, the leader is only himself.
The leader does the right thing, the leader does the right thing.

Well, how is it for you?

It's good if management and leadership go hand in hand. However, today more and more people talk about the difference between generations, about the motivation of the young, and leadership plays a special role in this. An inspiring CEO energizes the team: Mark Zuckerberg does it at Facebook, Steve Jobs did it at Apple. They do not just manage, but make everyone feel their importance, their role in the changes and the near wonderful future - it does not matter whether you are a direct employee of the company or just use its products.

Nevertheless, employers make quite earthly demands on the leader. According to a HeadHunter survey, only 34% of companies expect managers to be able to influence and persuade, only 18% of respondents expect initiative, and only 12% of companies look for emotional control.

How do you know what abilities you already have?
I propose to go through first, on the basis of which you can build your portrait of a leader (strong, weaknesses and potential)
Yitzhak Calderon Adizes is a well-known expert in the field of business efficiency. He became famous for his theory life cycle organizations and typology of leaders.

Yitzhak Adizes argues that for the prosperity of any organization, its effective work, both in the long and in the short term, a combination of four essential functions is important. If something is missing, "diseases" may arise, the symptoms of which are, for example, a decrease in profits, staff turnover, a decrease in market share.

1. Producing results - Head - MANUFACTURER - production of results, in fact, for which the organization exists;

2. Administering - Head - ADMINISTRATOR - administration necessary to ensure efficiency;

3. Entrepreneuring - Head - ENTREPRENEUR - entrepreneurship serving to manage change;

4. Integrating - Leader - INTEGRATOR - integration necessary to ensure the viability of the organization in the long term by combining its elements.

The Itzhak Adizes model is called the PAEI model, due to the first letters of the names of these functions.

The head-manufacturer (producer) is focused, first of all, on the result, which can be expressed in the satisfaction of their customers, in increasing the number of customers, improving the quality of goods or expanding the range of services.

The head - Administrator (administrator) - is aimed at optimizing the use of available resources, minimizing costs. The leader of this type seeks to systematize the entire process of managing the organization, streamline it, establish the so-called bureaucratic order, prescribing all functional responsibilities, having defined the rights and obligations of managers at different levels, to ensure a standardized workflow.

These two types of leaders can already provide successful operation organizations, but they will not be able to deal with its development, adaptation to changing circumstances, constantly changing business environment.

Manager - Entrepreneur (entrepreneur) is able to invent and successfully implement new things, he always has a lot of plans and ideas. This type of leader is often not only loved, but also feared, because, having been alone for at least some time, he can completely analyze everything, rethink it and, therefore, offer something very creative. It is the presence of such ideas that allows any organization not to stop there, but to go further, to develop.

The leader - Integrator (integrator) is not just a leader, it is a leader who is able to create common traditions, values, corporate culture organizations. It defines a common strategic goal, encourages everyone to work together, thereby maintaining unity in the organization.

There is no ideal leader who can simultaneously perform all four functions. To really be a good leader, it is enough to perform each of the functions at a level that meets all the requirements of the task.

A successful leader, according to Adizes, must perfectly perform two functions, one of which is I, and have a style that matches both the stage of the organization's life cycle and the task facing it, i.e. combine at least 2 types of leaders.

And it is important for an organization that, regardless of its size, technology or culture, all 4 main functions listed above are fulfilled in it. This is the key to its successful management.

This PAEI model is currently used in such large companies like "Coca-Cola", "Volvo", "Visa", etc.

Analyzing the inherent roles, first of all, it should be taken into account that this is just an indicator - what you already have and what should be developed.

How to develop such competencies?

Leadership skills can be acquired through experience, strategic vision can be upgraded by studying for an MBA. Is it possible to train leadership competencies or can one only be born a leader?

Direction and leadership are those areas human activity, to which not everyone is inclined and ready, and there are people to whom such activity can cause more discomfort than satisfaction from self-realization. The development of these competencies falls well on fertile ground - if these qualities are already in a person and you just need to apply them.

Testing for the assessment of personal qualities is carried out to determine the professional skills and moral and ethical principles of civil servants. Important elements this test are:

  1. Logical thinking
  2. A responsibility
  3. Teamwork
  4. Subordination in the team
  5. Work with service recipients

Corps "B" civil servants are undergoing certification this year, during which they will be tested by the OLC. Below are sample test questions and CQR answers.

Attention! The answers to the questions were found empirically, and the test algorithm is not known to us, so everyone is requested to comment on this test. Please indicate your answer. Just write the question number and answer in the comment, for example: 1e, ... 10b. Together we can find the best option.

Introductory test tasks Assessments of personal qualities without data on test results, since this procedure, unlike the procedure for assessing knowledge of legal and legal acts, does not have a tolerance value. Source of questions: http://kyzmet.gov.kz/.

  1. Exercise. What quality unites the following words: brother, matchmaker, brother-in-law, grandfather, son-in-law
    1. +relatives
    2. family
    3. sect
    4. detachment
  1. Exercise. Determine the missing number: 47, 38, 29, 10, ...
    1. + 1
  1. Exercise. Determine the main content of the text: “The family has warm relations, they support and understand each other perfectly”
    1. +warm relationship
    2. support
    3. understanding
    4. Friendly family
    5. everyone is friendly
  1. Situation. Your colleague is not organized. What advice would you give to a colleague so that his behavior does not negatively affect the work and its results?
    1. morally support a colleague, tell him that everything will turn out right
    2. +advise him to break one task into several smaller ones
    3. advise him to learn from more efficient employees
    4. advise him to be smarter
    5. advise him to look for the most interesting side of the work
  1. Question. In which of the following processes do you feel most collected and organized?
    1. in order
    2. in constant compliance with the requirements of every working day
    3. +in the clear implementation of plans, tasks and instructions
    4. in independent action planning
    5. in the ability to show balance and stability
  1. Situation. Your work is related to the availability of accurate information received from colleagues. What quality of personality is necessary to show in order to consistently receive reliable information?
    1. find a common language with colleagues who know valuable information
    2. talk with colleagues on various topics of interest to them
    3. +build trusting relationships with all colleagues
    4. show your sociability and charisma
    5. show kindness and respect for colleagues
  1. Question. Which of the following, in your opinion, contributes to successful interaction at work and, as a result, positive results at work?
    1. +accurate understanding of information and colleagues
    2. professional literacy
    3. clear presentation of information content
    4. complete professional knowledge
    5. manifestation of sincerity, honesty, openness in communication with colleagues
  1. Situation. At work, you are faced with the task of always being accurate, meeting the requirements of the service, and being conscientious. What behavior, in your opinion, is necessary to meet the expectations of the employer?
    1. work confidently and seriously
    2. be efficient at work
    3. be creative, offer creative solutions
    4. be flexible, quickly adapt to working conditions
    5. +be responsible for the results
  1. Situation. One of the colleagues shows leadership qualities and is eager to become the leader of the department. What sign will indicate such an employee?
    1. +a colleague who demonstrates to others the results of his work and work on bugs
    2. a colleague with whom you enjoy the results of joint work
    3. a colleague who maintains excellent physical and mental shape and promotes a healthy lifestyle for employees
    4. a colleague who shows himself and promotes impeccability in the execution of instructions from the management
    5. a colleague whose work is distinguished by its greatest usefulness and creativity
  1. Question. Which of the following characterizes your initiative?
    1. +I always offer proactive solutions and ideas
    2. I always carry out my style of work
    3. I always adapt myself to the existing pace and style of work
    4. I always respond to conditions that affect work
    5. I always respond to orders and tasks of the head
  1. Situation. You were instructed to organize and conduct a solemn event. Which of the following qualities would you apply?
    1. the ability to collaborate with specialists in planning and implementing a holiday
    2. the ability to be a vivid example of activity, zeal and initiative in the implementation of instructions
    3. +ability to manage, purposefully regulate the course of events
    4. the ability to motivate employees to be socially active
    5. ability to independently conduct ceremonial events
  1. Situation. For the most coordinated work of the department, the management plans to elect a leader, a responsible head of the department. What personal quality should management focus on when choosing a leader?
    1. the ability to supervise the work of oneself and colleagues
    2. ability to positively influence colleagues
    3. ability to inspire colleagues
    4. Ability to communicate ideas and plans clearly to colleagues
    5. +the ability to see the consequences of collective work events and be ready to independently take responsibility for them
  1. Situation. Among the employees of the department, the management is looking for a leader with the following qualities: demanding of himself, commitment, responsibility for the results of work. In what activities can you track the leadership qualities of an employee?
    1. task in which it is necessary to take into account the interests of all participants
    2. tasks, the result of which depends entirely on the ability to influence people
    3. tasks in which it is necessary to be objective and be able to criticize
    4. +tasks associated with gradually increasing responsibility
    5. tasks in which it is necessary to be able to express and defend beliefs
  1. Situation. Have you noticed that your colleague, in a situation of urgent decision-making, always takes responsibility and tries to explain the actions of colleagues. How do you evaluate the employee's behavior, why does he do it?
    1. he is dedication to his work, his behavior makes sure that he did everything he could
    2. +he skillfully concentrates and orients himself in a situation of urgent decision-making
    3. he is a good performer, knows what he wants and knows what to do
    4. he understands that he is responsible for the result of the work
    5. he worries about the consequences of his work
  1. Question. What is most often expressed, in your opinion, as an indicator of the ethics of a person in the professional sphere?
    1. in your constant support of a positive image
    2. in recognizing you as colleagues and associates
    3. +your lack of tolerance for wrongdoing
    4. in the constant display of professionalism
    5. in the exact execution of professional tasks and assignments
  1. Situation. Your colleague is out of vacation and can't get back to work. During his absence, some staff have mastered the new program of work. Colleague refuses to do current job demanding training in new program. Choose one of the reasons for his behavior?
    1. the employee does not plan to stay in the department
    2. employee is misjudged by management (spoiled by management)
    3. the employee is not interested in mastering new technologies
    4. +the employee strives to be visible and significant
    5. employee has free time
  1. Situation. Your management, clarifying the goals of the department, has set a new, more complex task for you, which will lead to the modernization of the department's functions. What action will you take first?
    1. put the results of actions in perspective
    2. +optimize actions, use the minimum number of operations
    3. take effective action
    4. Respond promptly to management instructions
    5. act thoughtfully, rationally and systematically
  1. Situation. If in a working environment you are faced with a service recipient who requires special treatment and attention to himself, expresses dissatisfaction with his life and society as a whole. How will you behave?
    1. I will not succumb to emotions, I will be stable and balanced
    2. I will emotionally support the service recipient, calm him down
    3. +I will demonstrate to the service recipient all my diligence and commitment
    4. I will demonstrate my reliability, professional literacy
    5. create a sense of trust and security in the service recipient
  1. Question. What do you think is the highest rating for your work?
    1. +this work is what the department needs
    2. it is clear that the soul is invested in this work
    3. very satisfied with the results
    4. no complaints, all is well
    5. work done in good faith
  1. Question. In a situation where you are faced with an aggressive and angry person who is loudly indignant and does not want to understand you, what do you do?
    1. +I will show self-control, and I will not evaluate this person
    2. I will anticipate the conflict, I will avoid meeting it at a distance
    3. I will act as advised by others (parents, friends)
    4. ignore this person, pretend that he is not there
    5. I will win over this person, I will evoke a sense of trust
  1. Situation. You own confidential information that is of interest to many people, including those close to you. How will you do it?
    1. with loved ones you need to share everything
    2. I will refuse to violate confidentiality, including to relatives
    3. + I will explain that I have been warned about liability, including criminal
    4. I will notify law enforcement authorities about interested persons
    5. avoid conversations about confidential information and work
  1. Situation. You noticed that one of the colleagues began to talk often about visiting a religious organization, moreover, he offered to attend a presentation of the ideas and beliefs of this religious organization. How will you do it?
    1. give him a negative opinion
    2. listen to the person with understanding
    3. +explain to him that there are designated places for distribution
    4. ignore the person
    5. take the address of the presentation
  1. Situation. The head of the department insists (both directly and indirectly) that you compromise, violating, at the same time, code of ethics. How will you do it?
    1. discuss with management the terms of a compromise
    2. I ignore the leader who provokes the situation
    3. For further work I will make a compromise
    4. + I will inform my colleagues about the actions of the management, I will ask for support
    5. I will report the actions of the management to the administration or law enforcement agencies
  1. Question. What can you advise a person who is experiencing anxiety and excitement due to the fact that he does not know his roots. He can't trust anyone, doesn't trust anyone or anything?
    1. +take part in social events
    2. live as written in the constitution and holy books, which he himself can choose
    3. work on yourself, developing trust in people, find people who can support him
    4. live the way the people around him at home and at work lived and live
    5. advise not to become limp, set a goal and go towards it

"HR officer. Personnel office work", 2009, N 2

We create electronic test to assess the competencies of document specialists

The modern economy places ever-increasing demands on vocational training personnel involved in documenting the activities of both commercial and non-profit organizations. The choice of an effective method for assessing the qualifications of personnel becomes a vital task for the organization. Evaluation of business and personal qualities is carried out during hiring, staff training, as well as in the process of personnel control and strategic personnel planning. The article describes the principles and methods of developing computer-aided testing of knowledge on documentation management.

Successful management of any process, enterprise, business is impossible without the use of modern technologies documentation management support (hereinafter - DOW).

DOW as a field of activity exists in the developing information society under the influence of information technology (hereinafter referred to as IT) and scientific and technological achievements in the field of informatization.

With the development of new forms of economic relations, managers increasingly began to realize that only a professionally trained specialist can be entrusted to an organization (company) with a preschool educational institution. Such an understanding of the role of the preschool service came in a market environment, when the wrong actions of preschool service workers can lead to significant economic losses. In order to select the right personnel for the PEI service, the manager must have in his hands a "tool" for his assessment.

It should be noted that all employees of the organization work with documents. Documents are always created solely for any purpose: either to secure information in the performance of tasks, or at the request of regulatory authorities.

A specialist working with documents must have professional competence, defined as a combination of theoretical and practical skills.

Competence should not be opposed to professional qualifications, but should not be identified with them either. The term "competence" serves to designate the integrated characteristics of the quality of specialist training, the category of the result of his education.

A competent document manager should not only know the essence of the problem of the organization's DOW, but also be able to solve it practically using the current regulatory legislative framework and the most appropriate IT. In addition, competence involves the constant updating of knowledge, the acquisition of new information for successful application in specific conditions.

We must strive to ensure that the language of competencies and their "nomenclature" (composition, list) are understandable to various professional and social groups and unambiguously perceived by all participants in business relations.

To find out the opinion of employers about the importance of certain competencies among employees involved in preschool educational institutions in various organizations, a questionnaire can be offered (Fig. 1).

Fragment of the questionnaire

to assess the competencies of a document specialist by employers

to assess the importance of the competencies of an employee of the preschool educational institution

Competences of a DOE service employee

Importance of competencies
for an employee
preschool services

1. Professional competencies

Knowledge of state information policy
and its impact on work with documents

Ability to apply normative
legislative framework for general business

base personnel office work

Ability to apply normative methodological
archival base

The ability to create local normative
base in the organization (instruction for
office work, album and report card
unified forms of documents, regulation on
department, job descriptions)

Ability to initiate policy in the field
work with documents and make it practical

Date of filling out the questionnaire _______________
The position of the person who answered the questions of the questionnaire (indicating the full
department and organization names)

The core competencies are related to the strategic priorities and values ​​of the enterprise in the field of preschool education and are applicable to all office personnel.

Of the many methods for evaluating office personnel, testing is the most cost-effective. The rapid development of IT has caused a wave of interest in computer learning and testing. Testing is one of the most technologically advanced forms of conducting automated control with controlled quality parameters. In this sense, none of the known forms of knowledge control of students can be compared with testing.

Currently, a lot of knowledge testing systems have been developed. To assess the knowledge of the subjects, the following types are usually used test tasks:

An open form, when the task requires an arbitrary answer from the subject to the question posed;

Closed form, when the subject is asked to choose the correct answer from several possible ones. Varieties of the closed form include tests for conformity and tests for establishing the correct sequence that are presented in a certain way.

When testing on a computer, the most commonly used are the closed form of single-choice tests, as well as compliance tests and sequencing tests. The use of one form or another of test tasks, their presentation (for example, the use of graphics in questions and answers) and methods for evaluating test results are related to the capabilities of the software shell.

The widespread use of computer tests is hindered primarily by the need to include software components that provide communication between the user and the system in a professional dialect of natural language. As is known, to date, the problem of creating such components has not found a final solution, primarily because of its great complexity.

To reduce the test subject's habituation to the test, questions can be used in tests. open type, requiring a definition of a term unambiguously understood in the subject area. The most important terms and their definitions are presented in normative documents at various levels, primarily in federal laws and state standards. For example, the terminology of the DOE sphere includes terms denoting everything related to the processes of creating documents, processing them, searching, storing, and using them. They are also fixed in a number of federal laws, primarily in the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ "On Information, information technology and on the protection of information" and in state standard, fixing the terms of the sphere of general office work (GOST R 51141-98).

In order to control the memorization of terms, a simple set of questions on the topic will be required. Experience of this kind at the moment is quite large. Many test programs, the questions of which for the most part belong to the category of closed questions.

However, much more important in learning in any subject area is understanding, rather than rote memorization. Although if we consider this problem more broadly, then the learning objectives can be divided into 6 large groups (classification scale (taxonomy) B. Bloom): 1) memorization; 2) understanding; 3) application; 4) analysis; 5) synthesis; 6) evaluation.

Moreover, the complexity of the tasks that the student can solve increases as he moves from the level of simple memorization of factual material to the ability to assess the factual validity of various points of view. These 6 groups of learning objectives constitute, as it were, a ladder to the complete mastery of theoretical knowledge.

In order to provide a more competent assessment of knowledge of terms in any field, it is necessary to control the degree of implementation of all the above learning objectives, choosing the most effective method representation of knowledge.

One of the main problems is the optimal combination of two contradictory concepts: the generality of the knowledge representation system and the efficiency of its use. The fact is that the more general model of knowledge representation is used, the less effective it is in terms of the speed of finding a solution.

All knowledge representation models can be divided into the following classes: declarative; procedural; special. Each class of models has certain properties that distinguish it from others. Each class of models can have its own subclasses (Fig. 2). The task of implementing automated control of knowledge of the terminological basis can be solved using a database (hereinafter referred to as the DB).

Classification of knowledge representation models

┌───────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐

│ Declarative │ │ Procedural │ │ Special │

└───────┬───────┘ └───────┬──────┘ └──────┬───────┘

┌───────┼────────┐ │ ┌──────┼───────┐

│ │ │ │ \│/ │ \│/

\│/ │ \│/ \│/ ┌──────┴─────┐│┌──────┴─────┐

┌──────┴──────┐│┌───────┴───────┐┌──────┴──────┐│Using││ │Using│

│Production│││ Reduction ││ Planner ││ relational│││ algebra │

Algebra │ fuzzy │

│ │ │││ sets │

│ └────────────┘│└────────────┘

│ ┌──────┴───────┐

\│/ \│/ \│/

┌────────┴────────┐ ┌──────┴──────┐┌──────┴─────┐

│ Predicate │ │Semantic││Frame networks│

│ │ │ networks ││ │

└─────────────────┘ └─────────────┘└────────────┘

For this reason, in last years the direction that was the subject of active research in the late 70s - early 80s of the last century, semantic, or conceptual, modeling in the database, was developed. Its main goal is to organize the interface of the end user with the information system at the level of software concepts, and not at the level of data structures. Interest in this area has increased due to the development of computer-aided database design tools based on CASE technologies.

Dictionary of personnel records management. CASE-technology is a software package that automates the technological process of analysis, design, development and maintenance of complex software systems.

CASE-technology supports teamwork on the project due to:

Using the capabilities of the local network;

Export / import of any fragments of the project.

Frame (English frame - frame, frame) - in the most general case, this word refers to a structure containing some information in web design: an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe browser window for presenting a separate web page.

Dictionary of personnel records management. Modern CASE tools cover a wide range of support for numerous design technologies information systems: from simple analysis and documentation tools to full-scale automation tools covering the entire software life cycle.

Usually, CASE tools include any software tool, which automates one or another set of software life cycle processes and has the following main characteristic features:

Powerful graphic tools for describing and documenting information systems, providing a convenient interface with the developer and developing his creative capabilities;

Integration of individual components of CASE-tools, providing controllability of the process of developing information systems;

Using a specially organized repository of project metadata.

When it is necessary to control not just memorization, but understanding of definitions (terms professional sphere), then when organizing testing, it is important to take into account the semantic relationships that exist between the terms.

Any terminological standard consists of a set of definitions of terms that have different semantic relationships. When constructing a semantic network for representing knowledge about terms, semantic links will connect individual terms, not expressions, in contrast, for example, to representing knowledge using frames. This means that with the help of a semantic network, building an automated testing system aimed at checking the knowledge of terms and their relationships will be the most convenient.

If we analyze the definitions of terms, we can see that they consist of 3 fragments: 1) the terms themselves, which are established by the normative act; 2) words that are not defined in this normative act, but are essential for understanding the meaning of the term; 3) words that are necessary to build a phrase.

Thus, the tops of the network should be the terms that are established by the normative act (law, standard), and the words that are not considered in it, but which are also fundamental and without them it is impossible to clearly convey the meaning of the definition. We call these vertices terms and auxiliary concepts, respectively.

Semantic relationships between terms can also be classified.

The definition of one term may include a concept that is established by a normative act, i.e. another basic term. Such, for example, are the terms "document" and "carrier". The term "documented information carrier" is defined by the standard and participates in the definition of the term "document". We call such a connection a connection of the "includes (on)" type.

Along with this, the definition may include a concept that is not defined in the standard, but which is fundamental, i.e. auxiliary concept. For example, "document" and "information". The concept of "information" is involved in the definition of the term "document" and is fundamental, but GOST R 51141-98 is not considered. We call such a connection a connection of the type "means (ozn)".

There are cases where a term is defined as part of another term. Here we are talking about basic terms, such as, for example, "props" and "document". By definition, a prop is part of a document. Therefore, we call such semantic connections connections of the type "enters (in)".

Based on content normative act, we can conclude that some terms are synonyms, thus, when determining the relationship between terms, you can use the "synonym (syn)" relationship. So, for example, such concepts as "clerical work" and "DOE" can be distinguished as synonyms.

If to describe a term it is necessary to use additional terms or auxiliary concepts that are an integral component of the term being described, it is advisable to use the connection "has (them)". This type of connection exists between such concepts as "paperwork", "documentation", "organization of work with documents".

Finally, several terms can be variants of the same term. So, for example, the terms "pictorial document", "graphic document", "audiovisual document", "film document", "photo document", "iconographic document", etc. are varieties of the term "document". We will call such semantic connections connections of the type "maybe (m. b.)".

In table. 1 shows the types of semantic links that are proposed to be used in the network, and their designations when building the network structure.

Table 1

Introduced types of semantic connections and their designation


│ Designation of the type of connection │ Explanation of the designation │

││ Term │ on │ Term ││ Relationship "includes" - definition│

││(auxiliary├─────>│(auxiliary││term includes │

││ concept) │ │ concept) ││main term │


│┌─────────────────┐ ┌─────────────────┐│The connection "means" - │

││ Term │ ozn │ Term ││ the definition of the term includes │

││(auxiliary├─────>│(auxiliary││auxiliary concept, │

││ concept) │ │ concept) ││ describing term │

│└────────────────┘ └────────────────┘│ │


│┌────────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐│ │

││ Term │ in │ Term ││ Communication "enters" - one term │

││(auxiliary├─────>│(auxiliary││is defined as part of another│

││ concept) │ │ concept) ││ term │

│└────────────────┘ └────────────────┘│ │


│┌────────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐│ │

││ Term │ m.b.│ Term ││ Relationship "maybe" - several│

││(auxiliary├─────>│(auxiliary││terms are │

││ concept) │ │ concept) ││varieties of one term│

│└────────────────┘ └────────────────┘│ │


│┌────────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐│ │

││ Term │ them │ Term ││ Relationship "has" - one term │

││(auxiliary├─────>│(auxiliary││contains obligatory │

││ concept) │ │ concept) ││ component │

│└────────────────┘ └────────────────┘│ │


│┌────────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐│ │

││ Term │ syn │ Term ││ Relationship "synonym" - means │

││(auxiliary├─────>│(auxiliary││that one term is │

││ concept) │ │ concept) ││ synonymous with another term │

│└────────────────┘ └────────────────┘│ │


Having studied the main problems of the organization and technology of preschool educational institutions, the semantic model of concepts can be built according to four main concepts: a semantic model with the key concept "Document" - concept, classification, types; semantic model with the key concept "Office work", which, according to GOST R 51141-98, includes the concept of "Documentation" and "Organization of work with documents".

Relationship of terms with various types connections is shown in fig. 3 and 4.

Fragment of the semantic network with the top "Document"


┌──────────────────────┤ Document │<────────────────────┐

│ └───────┬──────┴───────────────────┐ │

\│/ \│/ \│/│

┌────────┴───────┐ ┌────────┴───────┐ ┌─────┴─┴──────┐

│ Information │ │ Media │ │ Props │

└────────────────┘ └────────────────┘ └──────────────┘

Fragment of the semantic network using

connection "maybe"


│ Document │


┌─────────────────────┐ m. b. │││ │ │││ m. b. ┌─────────────────────────┐

│ pictorial │<────────┘││ │ ││└───────>│ electronic document │

└───────────────────┘ ││ │ ││ └────────────────────────┘

┌─────────────────────┐ m. b. ││ │ ││ m. b. ┌─────────────────────────┐

│ photo document │<─────────┘│ │ │└────────>│ background document │

└───────────────────┘ │ │ │ └────────────────────────┘

┌─────────────────────┐ m. b. │ │ │ m. b. ┌─────────────────────────┐

│ sound recording │<──────────┘ │ └─────────>│ video document │

└─────────────────────┘ │ m. b. └─────────────────────────┘


│ text document │


The concept of "document" includes two terms: "props - this is an obligatory element of formalization of an official document" and "a carrier of documented information - a material object used to fix and store speech, sound or visual information on it, including in a transformed form", defined terminological standard, as well as the concept of "information", which is not defined by it. All these concepts are an integral part of the concept of a document and are defined by the relationship "has".

The documentation process is defined by GOST as the recording of information on various media according to established rules.

Documentation includes such concepts as the procedure for compiling documents (requirements for the text of documents), requirements for the execution of documents (requirements for document forms, the procedure for addressing, agreeing, signing, approving, putting marks on the document). In many cases, documentation is mandatory and mandated by law (Figure 5).

Fragment of the semantic network with the basic concept




im │ └─────────────────┘ │ im

┌─────────┴─────────┐ ┌───────────┴───────────┐

│Order of compilation│ │Requirements for registration│

│ documents │ ┌──────┤ documents │

└─────────┬──────────┘ on │ └───┬───────────────────┬─┘

im │ \│/ │ \│/ on │

\│/ ┌───────┴───────┐ │ ┌─────┴─────┐ │

┌─────────┴──────────┐ │Document Form│ │ │ Order │ │ on

│Requirements for the text│ └────────────────┘ │ │addressing│ │

│ documents │ on │ └─────────────┘ \│/

└───────────────────┘ \│/ ┌─────┴───────┐

┌───────────────────┴───────┐ │ Marks │

│Agreement, signing,│ │ on the document│

│ document approval │ └──────────────┘


In the practice of documenting, there are general requirements for the texts of documents. First of all, the person being tested should know that the service document is intended to induce to some action, to convince.

Requirements for the text of documents are displayed on the web (Fig. 6).

Fragment of a semantic network with a vertex

"The procedure for compiling documents"


│The procedure for compiling documents│



im \│/ \│/ im

┌─────────────┴─────────────────┐ ┌──┴──┐

│ Requirements for the text of the document ├─────┐ │ F │

└─────────────┬─────────────────┘ │ └─────┘

├────────────────┐ │

┌────────────────────┐ on │ on \│/ └───────────────┐

│Argumentation│<────┤ ┌─────┴────┐ вкл │

└─────────────────────┘ │ │ Circle │ │

┌────────────────────┐ on │ └─────┬─────┘ │

│ Logic │<────┤ м. б. ┌────────┴───────┐ м. б. │

└───────────────────┘ │ \│/ \│/ │

┌────────────────────┐ on │ ┌────┴─────┐ ┌────┴─────┐ │

│ Completeness │<────┤ │ Один │ │Несколько│ │

└───────────────────┘ │ └────┬────┘ └────┬────┘ \│/

┌────────────────────┐ on │ im /│\ im /│\ ┌────┴─────┐

│ Objectivity │<────┤ ┌────┴────┐ ┌────┴────┐ │Структура│

└────────────────────┘ │ │ Simple │ │ Complex │ │ Text │

┌────────────────────┐ on │ │ document│ │ document│ └────┬─────┘

│Clarity in presentation│<────┤ └─────────┘ └─────────┘ │

└────────────────────┘ │ on

┌─────────────────────┐ on │ \│/ \│/

│ Accuracy of presentation│<────┤ ┌───┴───┐ ┌─────┴───┐

└─────────────────────┘ │ │Sections│ │Semantic│

┌─────────────────────┐ on │ │ │ │ parts │

│Briefness│<────┤ ┌──────────┐ └───┬───┘ └─────────┘

└─────────────────────┘ │ │Subsections│<─────┤ вкл

┌────────────────────┐ on │ └───────────┘ │

│ Reliability │<────┘ ┌──────────┐ │ вкл

│ Information │ │ Items │<─────┘

└───────────────────┘ └──────────┘

The introduced types of semantic links make it possible to link into a semantic network all the basic terms of the DOE sphere, which should be mastered by specialists involved in office work.

In addition, the features of the structure of the semantic network make it possible to construct from the concepts corresponding to the nodes of the network, sentences that describe some of the processes that take place in the DOE of organizations and enterprises.

Such sentences can be viewed as a condition for the occurrence of some event or as its result. To systematize information of similar content, a model based on the rules "if ... then" (production model) can be used.

As an example, let's build a production model using the example of the processing of incoming correspondence.

The nodes of the network are specific statements, which may consist of one or more nodes of the semantic model, i.e. contain one or more concepts from the semantic web.

After analyzing the stages of processing incoming documents, it is necessary to group the selected nodes and additional statements into a table. Each node of the production network is assigned a serial number, depending on the sequence of execution of each of them.

In accordance with regulatory documents, work with incoming correspondence begins with checking the correctness of delivery. Erroneously delivered documents are returned to the post office for forwarding to the addressee. From this it follows that the first node of the production network is the statement: "Implementation of the acceptance and preliminary processing of documents." It should be given the number 2. Pre-processing, in turn, includes "validating the delivery of the document". This statement is assigned the number 3, and so on. (Table 2).

table 2

An example of the characteristics of the network nodes that model the work

with incoming mail


The document is incoming

Receipt and processing of documents

Checking the correctness of the delivery of the document

Document delivered by mistake

Document delivered to

The document is returned to the sender

Checking the integrity of the packaging

Package damage found

Checking the completeness and safety of attachments

A violation of the completeness or safety of attachments has been detected

Violations in the completeness and safety of attachments are not

Registration of documents

Preliminary review and distribution

Making a decision to submit a document for consideration
the head of the organization

The resolution of the head of the organization is affixed to the document

Recording in the registration form of information about

Completion marked

Sending the document to the case

Sending a document

It should also be noted that a feature of the production model is that when certain actions are performed, a specific statement can be the result of these actions and at the same time is the basis for performing subsequent actions.

In other words, the same statement can appear in the model in the "THAT" part (i.e., be the result of a previous action), and then in the "IF" part (i.e., be a condition, the fulfillment of which generates a specific result).

When compiling statements that are nodes of the network, key concepts are used that are the tops of the semantic network, auxiliary concepts that are not used in the network, as well as prepositions, conjunctions used to connect words (Table 3).

Table 3

Examples of definitions involved in the production network


Concepts, statements,
involved in semantic
networks (A)

concept of "real
peace" (B)

conjunctions, prepositions,
for a bunch of words

Incoming document


Reception and pre-processing


Checking the correct delivery

Checking the integrity of the packaging

Preliminary review and


Document execution


Completion mark


Collection of information


Registration of documents

The decision was made

Outgoing document


Direction to business

Sending a document



Completeness check and
safety of investments

Written response

Transfer of the document to the contractor







Is an

We build each statement of the network of rules using numbered words. For example, the sentence corresponding to node number 1 ("Incoming Document") corresponds to the code A1, because the concept of "Incoming document" is part of the concepts used in the semantic network.

The sentence "The document has been delivered to the address", and, accordingly, the host 4a can be represented as the following combination: A15, B2, C1, B3.

This information is used in the future to build a subsystem for editing and replenishing knowledge in an automated knowledge testing system.

The analysis of the data obtained shows that in order to study a certain process in office work, it is not enough to know and use the basic terminology presented in the semantic model. In order to build with the help of terms, and then to check the knowledge of the logical chain of actions, it is necessary to use auxiliary concepts that are not fixed in regulatory documents.

From the statements considered above, a production network is created, which takes into account the logical connections between the statements. The network consists of nodes and arcs. Nodes correspond to statements, and arcs are determined by causal relationships between statements.

Thus, the use of a production model, or a rule-based model based on a semantic network, allows you to create an automated testing system and check knowledge not only of the definitions of terms, but also check the ability of the test person to make decisions independently in critical situations related to DOE , which will be included in the production model. A prerequisite for ensuring the possibility of adapting the testing system to the required competencies is the establishment of a correspondence between the elements of the list of these competencies and subsets of the nodes of the semantic network. Depending on the importance of competencies, determined by the requirements of a particular enterprise, the order of focus activation during testing is formed, as well as the testing strategy for a particular employee.


1. Fionova L.R. On the issue of assessing the professional competence of specialists working with documents // Monthly professional journal "Secretary business", 2006, N 2, p. 46 - 51.

2. Baidenko V.I. Competence-based approach to the design of SES VPO: Methodological guide. - M.: Research Center for Quality Problems in Training Specialists, 2005.

3. Watersan D. Guide to expert systems: TRANS. from English. - M.: Mir, 1989. - 388 p.

4. Fionova L.R., Usmanova I.V., Khusyainova D.B. Intellectualization of professional testing of the level of training of managers of the XXI century // Training of managerial personnel in the XXI century: Proceedings of the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference / Ed. I.V. Rezanovich. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing House of SUSU, 2004, p. 203 - 207.

5. Fionova L.R., Usmanova I.V. Application of the concept of competencies for the development of knowledge testing systems // In the book: "University Education MKUO - 2007", XI International Conf., Penza, PSU, 2007, p. 202 - 204.

L. Fionova


Head of Department

"Information Support

management and production"

Penza State


Signed for print

One of the most pressing issues of our time is how to assess the quality of professional training of students and graduates of colleges and technical schools. It is clear that this requires new methods and tools, cost-effective and easy-to-use procedures. And as it turned out, they already are. Thus, in St. Petersburg, the small innovative enterprise "Academy of Information Technologies" has developed and put into practice several computer systems (programs) that allow you to quickly diagnose the level of leading professional competencies of students studying in the specialties "Medical Optics", "Ambulance Paramedic" , "Laboratory Diagnostics", as well as employees of the relevant profiles (for more details - www.ait.spb.ru). Similar systems can be created for many other specialties, thereby contributing to the improvement of the quality of vocational education and informatization of the process of assessing the competence of employees.

A new method for diagnosing the professionalism of mid-level specialists is presented by the General Director of the Academy of Information Technologies, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Alexander KHODAKOV, Chairman of the Board of Directors of St. Petersburg Colleges, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Viktor SMIRNOV and Executive Director of the Board of Directors of St. Petersburg Colleges, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation Roman PAKHALYUK.

We proceed from the fact that a specialist is an integral subject of professional activity, possessing a complex of special competencies. Considering that, in practice, professional activity is a set of typical, repetitive tasks-problems solved by a specialist, it is possible to propose such a working definition of professional competencies as the readiness (ability) of an employee, based on consciously acquired knowledge, skills, experience, to independently analyze all his internal resources and practically solve significant professional problems, typical tasks (problem situations).

To conduct professional diagnostics, you should use a set of leading final competencies for a particular specialty. Let's say it will be an ambulance paramedic. For this specialty, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor I.P. Minnullin singled out 10 leading final competencies: conceptual, diagnostic, technical-diagnostic, pharmacological, educational-manipulative, technical-hardware, medical-tactical, organizational-tactical, psychological and deontological. All of them meet the basic requirements of the professional standard and together can serve as a comprehensive assessment of competence, that is, to show the level of professional preparedness and compliance with the requirements of modern practice as a graduate student and a specialist who has worked in a medical institution for many years. In other words, these are competencies that reflect the outcome of mastering the profession. They should be logically connected with the "modular" ones, intended for the current control of the educational process and tied to individual educational modules provided for by the new educational standards. The leading final competencies generalize the "modular" competencies and integrate them.

For the rapid diagnosis of professional competencies in computer programs, systems of special tests are used. This or that test simulates a specific production or cognitive situation in which the subject must comprehend a typical professional problem, show his understanding of its essence and suggest ways of the correct and best solution. He does not suggest any speculative questions with a list of ready-made answers, among which false judgments predominate.

Test tasks, if possible, are given such a character in which the subject has to think actively, perform some conditional actions, seek and make informed decisions, mobilizing his internal resources to the maximum. They are intended not so much to measure specific knowledge, but to assess the level of understanding of the subject, the degree of maturity of his professional thinking.

Test tasks were developed by experienced specialists. In particular, for paramedics of emergency medical care, they were compiled by employees of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. I.I. Dzhanelidze.

The performance of test tasks is evaluated according to a single scheme:

  • the number of correct (answers) solutions is counted (A);
  • the number of errors is counted (B);
  • the time spent on the test task (T) is fixed.

For each subject, the program, at the user's command, automatically calculates five different ratings, reflecting various features of professional preparedness. The results are displayed in the form of tables and graphs.

The value of the main assessment for any competence - On is calculated according to the following formula:

Where Amax is the maximum number of correct solutions for this test. In all cases, it varies from 0 to 10. As an individual final grade, the sum of all grades is considered (the maximum possible is 100).

In the process of approbation of the system intended for ambulance specialists, 16 student trainees and 106 medical workers were tested. Both in the first and second groups, the main scores were in the range from 43 to 74. On the one hand, this indicates a high measuring ability of the test systems used, which successfully capture individual differences in the preparation of the students and workers surveyed, and on the other hand, the difference (heterogeneity) in the level of professional competence of both college graduates and staff. And in ordinary practice, this difference cannot be correctly fixed by traditional methods.

The program easily and quickly calculates the group (total) assessment of all competencies - Op (average value for a given sample). For students who master the specialty "Emergency Medical Assistant", this score turned out to be 57.5, for medical workers - 70. Also, the program easily builds a profile of professional competencies for each group of people who have passed the test.

Figure 1. Group profile of professional competencies for students and emergency medical workers.

Thus, computer diagnostics allows you to get a detailed description of the level of preparedness of a group of students and at the same time see what is learned better, what is worse (strengths and weaknesses of training). If testing is carried out in the middle of the final year of study, it is possible to make timely adjustments to academic work and purposefully eliminate shortcomings in the preparation of graduates in the remaining time. And if we take into account that the program clearly ranks the tested persons by the value of the assessment and thus identifies the most and least well-mastered students, it turns out that the head of the educational institution has the opportunity to conclude which professional tasks future specialists will be able to successfully cope with, and which ones they will challenge. they have difficulty.

A profile of professional competencies (individual schedule) can be built for any test participant. It is only necessary that when entering the system, he fills out an electronic personal card, in which he indicates his last name, first name, and gender. Students note the course of study, and medical workers - education and work experience in their specialty.

One click of the mouse, and tables will appear in front of the user, in which comparative assessments of competencies will be presented. Let us give as an example the data obtained as a result of testing a group of students of the St. Petersburg Medical and Technical College enrolled in the specialty "Medical Optics" (Table 1).

Table 1. Average grades of professional competencies for students of different courses (53 people).

The presented information clearly shows the effect of vocational training: the total (final) assessment of competence is noticeably higher among senior students.

The advantage of the developed computer program is that it is possible to analyze the dynamics of indicators related to different types of competencies. The table clearly shows that the greatest “increase” in professional readiness is provided by production, technological and instrumental competencies.

The program allows you to build tables that show the dynamics of the employee's competence with an increase in his length of service (example in Table 2).

Table 2. The main assessments of the professional competencies of ambulance workers with different work experience.

The table reveals the complex and contradictory dynamics of professional competence. The rating of On gradually increases in the transition from the first group of health workers to the third. The most interesting thing: it seems that with the accumulation of a certain work experience, the competence of a specialist freezes at the achieved level, although he has very significant reserves of professional growth (an On score of 71 is not the limit of competence). Such information is extremely important for improving the system of advanced training of specialists.

Computer testing is a good tool for individual diagnostics of a student's (specialist's) professional readiness.

It is easy to obtain a personal profile of professional competence for each subject who has passed the test, since tables and graphs clearly reflect many important features of the preparedness of a particular graduate student or employee.

Note that the computer program allows you to additionally calculate (for each test) the assessment of the productivity of actions - Ra and the assessment of the accuracy of actions - Pb.

where As is the average number of correct answers in the sample

where Bs is the average number of errors in the sample

Personal data show which parameters show a high level of student preparedness, and which ones show failures in preparation. For example, let's give the test data of two students studying at St. Petersburg Medical College No. 3 in the specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics" (for simplicity, the names of competencies are not given):

Figure 2. Personal profiles of professional competencies of students A and B (RA scores).

For all competencies, the test results of student A turned out to be lower than the average values ​​for the group (all Ra scores are negative), and the data for competencies 2, 3 and 9 are the worst. Student B has a different picture. With the exception of tests No. 1 and 4, the subject demonstrates results higher than the average for the sample.

For each student, a competency profile can be built using the Pb score. It will be a good basis for individual work.

Based on the results of these tests of professional competencies, special tables are compiled. Below is a fragment of one of them - for an ambulance paramedic, whose main score On was below the average value for the sample (Table 3).

Table 3. Evaluation of the professional competencies of an ambulance paramedic.

For all competencies, with the exception of psychological, the assessment of Ra is negative. The weakest point in the preparedness of this specialist is the performance of medical manipulations: a low result combined with a large number of errors. He also encounters considerable difficulties when working with technical and diagnostic equipment, as well as in solving organizational and tactical problems.

At the user's command, the program creates a meaningful conclusion of six pages for each person who has passed the test. This greatly simplifies the analysis of the results.

Personal results reflect important individual characteristics of employees and specialists. Slow and fast employees are detected; working neatly, accurately and making many professional mistakes; effective in solving certain professional tasks and insufficiently competent in some aspects of their activities, etc. Based on these results, it is possible to more accurately determine the nature of the consulting assistance that a particular employee needs to improve his level of competence.

It is useful to conduct "input" testing of applicants for vacancies available in this organization.

Both an educational institution and a production organization will greatly benefit if they put into practice regular monitoring of the professional competence of graduate students and specialists.

Computer systems designed for diagnosing competencies are distinguished by their fundamental novelty, simplicity of technical solutions, ease of use, and great information and analytical capabilities.

In our opinion, the proposed methodological tool can be successfully used in the certification and professional qualification centers that are being created, which are designed to carry out an independent examination of the level of preparedness of university and college graduates.

"KADROVIK.RU" No. 6, 2011

Valery Chemekov, Ph.D. psychologist. Sciences, Moscow

To build an effective personnel assessment system in an organization, it is necessary to develop a universal competency model that should be applicable to any activity in the company. In addition, it will be necessary to develop an assessment toolkit adequate to this model and, finally, describe the rules for making personnel decisions based on the results of the assessment.

Depending on the object of study, all types of assessment can be divided into two categories - group and individual. Individual diagnostics includes:

  • assessment of competencies for decision-making when hiring or appointing to a higher position;
  • assessment of personal qualities to resolve the psychological problems of the employee and improve his relationship with colleagues;
  • assessment of the employee's potential to determine the directions of his development, career advancement.
Group diagnostics include:
  • assessment of the properties of the group, the relationship of its members;
  • assessment of corporate culture.
Each of these approaches can have its own set of methods.

Modern methods of personnel assessment in the company

Corporations today use a fairly wide range of tools, which, as assessment technologies develop and requirements for personnel services increase, is constantly replenished. The most popular methods are:

  • tests and psychological questionnaires;
  • study of biographical data and professional path (Track Records);
  • expert review;
  • observation;
  • interview;
  • performance evaluation;
  • assessment center (assessment center).

The goals of assessing basic and profile competencies, the behavior of an employee in a production situation and in a team are best met by tests (questionnaires) and an assessment center. Sources of information for the study of special competencies are the resume and questionnaire of the candidate, which relate to the methods of studying the curriculum vitae and professional path.

Other methods play, as a rule, an auxiliary role and are used in cases where it is not possible to apply tests and there is no assessment center.
Tests share:

  • on personal;
  • ability tests;
  • intelligence tests.

In the last decade, in domestic personnel practice, there has been a surge in activity in the use of tests of all these categories. The picture, however, is rather bleak. Appraisers still enjoy popularity, it would seem, already gone, narrowly focused methods "Progressive matrices of Raven", "Correction test", "Compasses", G. Eysenck's EPI. At the same time, novelties such as MBTI, OPQ, CPI, and 360 Degrees occupy an increasing place in the national assessment.

Intelligence Tests

Intelligence tests allow you to evaluate various aspects of intellectual activity (the ability to analyze, generalize, highlight the main thing, classify, etc.), which makes them more effective and informative than the classic IQ test. They are still actively used - it is believed that their correlation with the success of the activity is the highest. Often they take the form of professional or ability tests: tasks are formulated on the basis of a particular company, real situations in the economy, sales and logistics of the organization are modeled.

At the same time, intelligence tests are the most “sharp” ones: any person can come to terms with the conclusion about his low stress resistance, but information about a low level of his own intelligence is traumatic for the test person.

Aptitude Tests and Professional Tests

Aptitude tests in corporate practice are most often used in the form of professional tests, although they retain their independent significance for identifying the need for training, vocational guidance, developmental ability and are used in assessment centers. Directly or indirectly, they are related to the assessment of intelligence, often multiscale intelligence tests are used in aptitude test batteries.

The main disadvantage of aptitude tests and proficiency tests is the difficulty in making them. Their development is within the power of companies professionally engaged in personnel assessment. If an organization does not have the ability to pay for such services, it will have to be content with the simple methods available.

personality tests

Personality tests are the most widely used. They are usually divided into formalized and non-formalized (descriptive). The first group includes all test questionnaires, the second - projective methods. The latter cannot be used in group testing - the quality of data interpretation depends on the level of specialist training, and the test results are incomparable.

Tests are single-scale and multi-scale. To diagnose a set of competencies, you will also need a set of appropriate methods. If there are seven items in the competency profile, then seven single-scale tests will be required. The likelihood that such tests will be found is very small.

In addition, as a rule, it is more difficult for the subject to complete a battery of short tests than one - even with the same number of questions. Therefore, it is easier and more convenient to use a multi-scale questionnaire, the results of which can be used not only for diagnosing competencies, but also for other tasks that can be formulated later in the course of the work of the tested employee.

Assessment Center

Today, the name Assessment Center (assessment center) is better known than the Development Centre. The latter method differs in goals - it allows you to identify the abilities of the subject and determine the direction of his development.

The Assessment Center was originally intended to assess a candidate's ability to occupy senior management positions.

Today, this line has been erased, and the assessment center (AC) method is used to:

  • evaluating the suitability of an ordinary employee to take a leadership position;
  • determining the suitability of a candidate for a position during selection;
  • identifying areas of study and career development of the subject;
  • periodic certification of personnel.

Table 1

Note: * core competency assessed in the exercise; ** additional competence.

The essence of the AC is to study the behavior of the subject in conditions as close as possible to real activity. It often looks like a business game, where participants are evaluated by expert observers. More often, an AC study is a set of individual simulations (processes, exercises), ability tests, and personality tests. In table. 1 shows an example of a matrix of AC criteria-exercises. In addition to these exercises, the OPQ competency assessment methodology was used.

The exercises are selected in such a way that the competencies they simulate are partially duplicated. One competency should be simulated in at least two processes.

Working with an AC can last from a couple of hours (mini-assessment) for candidates for ordinary positions and up to several days for top managers.

The following stages of preparation of the AC are distinguished:

  1. definition of the competency model and assessment objectives;
  2. selection of ready-made or development of new corporate simulations and cases for the assessment program;
  3. development of instructions and descriptions of assessed competencies for participants (see Appendix 1);
  4. development of instructions and evaluation sheets for experts for each exercise with evaluation criteria;
  5. selection of tests to assess individual competencies;
  6. selection, invitation and training of experts;
  7. preparation of handouts and consumables;
  8. development of the AC program;
  9. selecting, inviting and instructing evaluation participants.

An example of an assessment program is given in Appendix 2. An important section here is the time-list - a clear schedule for each process. The boundaries of time in the AC also act as an additional factor in assessing such abilities of the participant as self-organization, resistance to the “stress of lack of time”. The schedule shows the "attachment" of experts to the participants, the movement of participants through the audience, etc.

A significant element of the system is the training of experts to minimize subjectivity. Experts are trained in an unambiguous interpretation of the displayed competencies.

As a rule, two experts work with one subject. All visible behavioral responses are evaluated without conjecture and interpretation. Usually, a set of symbols is used to quickly fix the flow of observations.

The main disadvantages of DH are its high cost, large expenditure of time and organizational efforts. However, this method is considered the most valid of all assessment tools.

From the point of view of the ratio of price and quality, as well as from the considerations of the compactness of the instrument, multiscale questionnaire tests seem to be more optimal.

Personality tests in competency assessment

Tests and questionnaires are the most popular tools. Traditionally, multiscale questionnaires are used to predict success - R. B. Ketella's test questionnaire (16PF), MMPI, CPI, which can be used both with a holistic and personal approach.

Over the past decades, criticisms of personality tests have arisen in the personnel sphere or among company executives, for example:

  • These are American tests and are not applicable to our conditions.
  • These tests are out of date.
  • Due to the large volume of questions, the burden on the subject is excessive.
  • Several times in different formulations questions are asked about the same thing.
  • Despite the many questions, tests can only characterize a person by 10-20 parameters.
  • You cannot apply the same test to the same person more than once.

Answering such objections is beyond the scope of this article. One has only to note that such judgments are untenable, and among professional psychologists, these methods are respected.

The MMPI method deserves a separate comment. It has earned a steady reputation as a clinical research tool, but at the same time, it has received the widest distribution in the personnel sphere. Scales that are considered "clinical" in capable hands can be of great help in finding contraindications and hidden threats.

Multiscale tests and a holistic approach

The implementation of a holistic approach involves the creation of such a tool (test, test, questionnaire) on a large statistical material, which, without “dividing” the personality into separate competencies and useful qualities, allows one to draw a conclusion about the suitability of the candidate and predict his success.

As part of a holistic approach based on the 16PF test questionnaire, the following are created:

  • reference profiles - profiles of the best representative for a given profession;
  • success indices - test scores based on the weights of the primary factors of the test questionnaire.

In the first case, to predict the success of a candidate, his profile is compared with the reference profile, which is inherent in the most successful representatives of the profession. To do this, the correlation of 16 test values ​​of the subject with 16 values ​​of the reference profile is calculated, and according to its value, a conclusion is made on the degree of suitability.

In the second case, the numerical value of the index is calculated according to the formula derived by regression analysis. So, for example, the index of a successful police officer is: 0.47 × A - 0.35 × (F + L) + 0.23 × (Q2 + Q3) + 9.41. And the successful retailer index looks like this: 0.44 × A - 0.33 × L - 0.44 × Q2 + 0.22 × H - 0.22 × E - 0.22 × Q4. The obtained value is compared with the criterion value or with the interval. Criteria values ​​for the given examples are 5.09 and 5.56, respectively. The intervals are deciphered in this way:

  • 0-2.9 - suitability below the required level (the candidate is not recommended for this position);
  • 3.0-4.7 - minimum suitability (the candidate is recommended in case of shortage in the labor market);
  • 4.8–6.9 - suitability is sufficient (above average);
  • 7.0–8.0 - suitability is high.

When predicting professional success based on multiscale MMPI and CPI questionnaires, as a rule, a different method is used that corresponds to the principles of these methods. It consists in developing scales based on a statistical analysis of the results of surveys of the so-called "contrasting groups" of subjects. The original questionnaire is filled out by two groups of people:

  1. possessing the desired quality or successfully operating in a particular area;
  2. without such characteristics. Of those questions to which both groups give consistently different answers, they make up a new scale. However, such scales are not published and are not widely used - they can only be used in those organizations in which they were created.

The success of a company depends not only on the professional skills of employees, but also on their compliance with values, corporate culture, and their ability to get along with management. Therefore, the resulting scale reveals the compliance of the subject with these features.

When interpreting the results of such testing, it is impossible to determine due to what qualities the tested person will be an effective employee.

Multiscale tests and competency-based approach

Multiscale methods show their effectiveness when it is necessary to select diagnostic tools for a set of competencies. Thus, more than 400 additional scales have been developed for the MMPI method (10 main scales). Many of them are available to domestic practicing psychologists.

Often, additional MMPI scales are called competencies, for example: Responsibility Traits, Lawyer Personality Type, Dominance, Addiction, General Poor Adjustment, Intellectual Efficiency, Impulsiveness, etc. (see .application 3).

The CPI method (20 basic scales) is a relatively new tool, there are so many applications to it, but they exist. Here are examples of additional CPI scales: "Managerial potential", "Orientation to work", "Index of leadership potential", etc. (Appendix 4).

The 16PF test questionnaire has 16 scales, 4 secondary factors, there are no additional scales to it. Perhaps this method is the most convenient, it is often used in practice to diagnose competencies (Appendix 5).

The competency-test matrix given in Annex 6 demonstrates how the competency and the main scale of each of the discussed questionnaires can be compared.

Evaluation system and solving personnel problems

Personnel management in an organization is associated with the following main tasks:

  • assessment of the suitability of the candidate;
  • education;
  • career and travel;
  • non-material and material motivation.

table 2

HR Decision Matrix
Competence assessment
low It is required to make a decision on the employee's stay in the company Need to make decisions about suitability or find an adequate job Transfer to expert work is possible. Additional bonus recommended
average Need to make a decision on suitability or find an adequate job Need to focus on training and coaching to improve performance Should be directed to coaching or performance training
high Requires training There are reserves for the development of knowledge Maximum achievement (risk of burnout). Possible additional bonus

It is impossible to solve them on the basis of conclusions about the development of competencies alone. Suppose that the assessment showed a high level of development of competencies, but the performance of the employee in practice turned out to be low. In this case, it would be reckless to increase the salary after a successful certification, without taking into account the real efficiency of the employee. We can say that competencies are the potential of an employee, and his performance is an indicator of how much he was able to realize his potential.

Therefore, in the personnel evaluation system, its effectiveness should also be taken into account.

Performance evaluation can be monthly, quarterly and annual.

An example of an annual assessment is the KPI, which is based on objective and measurable performance measures. Monthly evaluation may not always use objective indicators - they can hardly be obtained in such a short period of time. In this case, formal, indirect parameters are used to evaluate the effectiveness:

  • percentage of tasks completed for the period;
  • deadline for completing tasks;
  • performance quality.

Estimates are set by the immediate supervisor of the employee expertly. Some corporate information systems and ERP have modules for setting tasks and monitoring their execution. The manager can use the built-in tools to evaluate the quality of the task, while the system takes into account the percentage and deadlines. Monthly assessments easily turn into annual ones. Their other advantage is that they are comparable, regardless of the content of the employee's activity and his rank, while KPIs may not be set for all employees and are often incomparable.

Having estimated data on the competence and performance of an employee, it is possible to build a matrix for making personnel decisions (Table 2). In this example, the matrix contains only examples of prescriptions for actions with personnel. The real matrix can have at least 4 gradations for each of the dimensions, as well as detailed prescriptions in the field of career, motivation, training, the sources for which are the personnel policy of the organization. These instructions are fixed in the normative documents regulating personnel business processes.

So, in order to build a personnel assessment system, it is necessary:

  • formulate requirements;
  • choose the means of assessing competencies;
  • combine methods for assessing both competencies and performance;
  • determine the personnel policy;
  • approve the regulations of personnel processes.

Now the specialist has the opportunity to go further - to create more efficient and compact methods for assessing and predicting the success of activities, namely, tests using the "contrasting groups" technology.

Annex 1

An example of a self-presentation guide


We are often forced to tell clients, colleagues, employers and other people about ourselves, on whose decision something depends on our destiny. Depending on how skillfully we do this, the outcome of our business depends. Self-presentation is an element of the activity of representatives of public professions, to which, of course, yours belongs. This determines the purpose and content of the exercise aimed at developing presentation skills.

Target- to demonstrate to the audience the skills of oral public speaking, in which it is necessary to present oneself and one's dignity to others, to make the necessary impression on them.

Tasks to be solved during the self-presentation:

  1. tell about yourself and your achievements, present them profitably, emphasize your professionalism;
  2. report their own shortcomings;
  3. arrange the presentation in such a way that it is:
    • whole;
    • consistent;
    • not going beyond the allotted time;
    • publicly significant, i.e. audience-oriented.


  1. Each participant prepares a presentation. The sequence of presentation can be any, but the message must contain the following information:
    • Name (patronymic), surname, place of work and current position.
    • Description of career, professional path, achievements and failures.
    • Why do I work for a company? (What attracts me here, what keeps me, what do I expect from the company?)
    • I consider my strengths to be… (I do better than others… What I do really well is…).
    • I would like to learn... to develop in myself...
    • I see my career for the next five years...
    • Personal data, etc.
  2. Participants speak in turn, addressing the audience and not using notes.
  3. Participants give each other feedback on the results of self-presentation.

Assessed competencies

  1. The ability to build a connected story, clarity and consistency of presentation, the ability to highlight the main thing.
  2. Speech quality: colorfulness, variety of vocabulary, intonation.
  3. Persuasiveness, the ability to interest and hold attention.
  4. The ability to manage time.

The time to complete the task is 5 minutes per person. The performance time is fixed and controlled.

Annex 2

An example of an assessment program

Comprehensive assessment of the heads of enterprises of the group of companies

Purpose of the evaluation– determination of the qualification level in order to determine the suitability of participants for positions of heads of departments and above.

Assessment objectives:

  • assess the level of formation of managerial skills of participants;
  • determine the managerial potential of the participants;
  • develop recommendations for the career transition of participants;
  • identify participants for the nomination reserve.

List of participants- Managers at the level of director of the department of the enterprise and above.

Appraisers- managers and employees of the personnel management unit, appointed by the relevant order (instruction) in accordance with the regulation on personnel assessment.

Assessed competencies

Competency Name Content of competence
Basic managerial skills
LeadershipAbility to persuade, inspire, explain goals and educate, ability to form a team
Strategic planningThe ability to have a long-term vision, the ability to set long-term goals and generate resources for achieving achievement, develop strategies
Communicative competenceSkills of effective interpersonal and business communication, influence, interaction with partners, subordinates and management
Organizational CompetenceKnowledge of the principles and rules of behavior in the organization, attraction to certain roles and positions, the ability to fit into the organizational culture and comply with it
Time ManagementSkills of planning and optimal use of work and personal time, distribution of their resources between daily routine and long-term tasks
Delegation of responsibilitySkills for defining, separating and transferring authority to employees, controlling responsibility
Representation SkillsSkills of representation and successful promotion of the interests of the organization in the external environment, the ability to form and maintain a personal and corporate image, negotiation and public speaking skills
Operational management skills
situational guidanceDecision-making skills, ability to take responsibility, consolidate, allocate resources, skills of operational management of the production process
Personnel ManagementA set of personnel management skills: select and place personnel, the ability to conduct training and education, the ability to motivate, control performance, manage conflicts
Meeting managementOrganization, preparation and effective meeting skills
Project managementPlanning, distribution of resources for the implementation of projects on schedule, with a given performance
Financial managementAbility to form and allocate budgets, plan expenses, calculate profits, financing schemes, skills in preparing a feasibility study, business plan, balance sheet
Information managementThe ability to receive, process, form, analyze and summarize information, draw the right conclusions, solve problems, draw up documents

Assessment tool

  1. A standard form completed by each evaluator that serves to assess the performance, competencies and qualities of the participants.
  2. Qualification tests and assignments aimed at assessing the knowledge and qualities necessary for a high-level manager:
    • "Qualification test for the head";
    • "Financial management";
    • "Legal test";
    • psychological tests;
    • sociometric method (leader election and team formation);
    • methodology for group personality assessment (with a set of assessed competencies).

Tasks and processes (Case Study)

  • The self-presentation process.
  • Task "Report on the state of the Enterprise".
  • Discussion "Effective manager".
  • Basket Method: Document Handling process.
  • The game "Enterprise in the market."
  • Process "Personnel decisions".
  • Project process.
  • Process “A post-assessment meeting or assignments/processes”.

Duration– 16 hours including breaks.

Number of participants- 8 people.

Appendix 3

MMPI test

Appendix 4

CPI test

Willingness to cooperate30% Discipline60% Quality of work50% command53.3% Leadership53.3% Orientation to the interests of the client, partner10% Responsibility (including social, legal)60% Ability to negotiate33.3% Commitment to development50% Respect36.7% Purposefulness50% Honesty (decency)60% Broad interests, broaden horizons30%

Appendix 6

Competency-test matrix

Core competencies Name of scales
1.1. Process/result orientationQ3/ 78 AI
1.2. Normative motivationGL25/40V2 Re So
1.3. stress toleranceC19 / 67 sc
2.1. Level of thinking for problem solvingB- Ie
2.2. Breadth of thinkingM5 In
2.3. Willingness to change, flexible thinkingQ135 / 61 fx
3.1. Impact/leadership levelE40 Do
3.2. Control of incoming informationL6 sc
3.3. Autonomy of decision-makingQ245 / 2 AI
4.1. Depth of communicationsA8"5 / 03 Sy
4.2. Influence and activity of communicationsH40"3 / 2 Py
4.3. External/internal communicationsN03 Gi
Special competenciesMethod
1.1. Hierarchical position levelTest, summary
1.2. Job responsibilities (functions)Test
1.3. Content of required knowledgeSummary
2.1. Minimum required level of educationSummary
2.2. Minimum required work experience and skillsSummary
2.3. Impact on the economic efficiency of the businessTest, summary
3.1. Working conditionsPsychophysical
and medical
3.2. Harmful factors of work

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2 Lunev P. A. The role of psychological tests in personnel assessment. Handbook of personnel management 2003; No. 8.

3 Tatsuoka M. M., Cattell R. B. Linear equations for estimating a person’s occupational profiles. The British journal of educational psychology 1970; No. 40: 324–334.
Cattell R. B. Handbook supplement for form C of the sixteen personality factor test. Institute for personality and ability testing. Champaign, Illinois. 2nd edition; 1962.

4 Sobchik L. N. Smil (MMPI). A standardized multivariate method for studying personality. St. Petersburg: Speech; 2009.