Demanded engineering specialties of the near future. The labor market in Russia. What professions are in demand for Russian men


Vitaly Altukhov, a leading labor market specialist, director of research and development at the career guidance service Profilum, spoke about promising professions for the Children of Mail.Ru project. Unlike the fantasies of futurologists, each item is the result of an analysis of existing professions, trends and demands of the economy.

Drone operator

Estimated salary: up to 150,000 rubles


Aerobiology is the science that studies microorganisms living in the atmosphere. This profession is at the junction of several specializations at once: biology, engineering, geography, meteorology, ecology, medicine, optics and physics.

An aerobiologist studies all layers of the Earth's air envelope: which ones live in this ecosystem, how they interact with each other and with different substances, how they move.

Aerobiologists help reduce the spread of dangerous diseases and mortality from them. Specialists of this profession can both develop new methods of air disinfection, and monitor the operation of existing installations, track errors and inaccuracies in their work.

Solar plant engineer

Alternative energy sources are the sun, wind, ebbs and flows, waves of the seas and oceans. Renewable energy is only gaining momentum, so there are no number of specialists in this field.

Solar power plant engineers are responsible for choosing the technology for converting solar energy into electrical energy, developing power plant projects taking into account the terrain and weather conditions. This profession needs technical specialists with an energy education and a good one: in their work they will have to deal with solving atypical problems, look for non-trivial solutions.

Estimated salary: up to 80,000 rubles

Big Data Manager

Big data is a huge amount of information, the processing of which has become possible due to the development of computer technology. And they are also tools and methods that turn these arrays of information into results that are understandable and useful to a person.

The sources of such data can be user behavior, digitized texts in different languages, photographs from space, GPS signals from cars and phones, transactions of bank customers, indicators of sensors that track complex systems, and much more. A traffic data analyst must be able to make management decisions - about the need to repair the road, install barriers or a new sign. He monitors the development of the traffic situation in potentially dangerous places, he needs to constantly monitor the situation and quickly make decisions at critical moments, taking into account many factors.

Estimated salary: up to 90,000 rubles

Virus Analyst

The first computer viruses appeared in 1971 and have been ruining the lives of both individual users and entire companies ever since. To protect against viruses, you need anti-virus programs and, of course, the people who make them - virus analysts. They are the first to encounter new viruses by working with infected files. This specialist is constantly at the forefront, his task is to protect the user by any means. It literally dissects malware by studying its components and functionality.

The virus analyst also predicts the emergence of new viruses. It is important for him to be a bit of a psychologist - in order to understand how the creator of the program thought, what protection mechanisms he provided for the program.

Estimated salary: up to 200,000 rubles

What profession to choose so that after 5 years it brings not only moral satisfaction, but also a stable income?

Are you satisfied with your profession? Have you ever thought about changing it? Or maybe you haven't made one of the most important choices of your life yet? The question of acquiring a profession is not only for schoolchildren.

Today, specialists who have reached the limit in their field, those who are tired of routine or low salaries, young mothers who are not ready to break away from their child for 9-12 hours are thinking about a radical change in work.

When looking for a business to your liking, you should not forget that it should be in demand and make a profit not only now, but also after some time.

For example, 5 years, because this is exactly how long it will take to get an education and initial experience in the chosen field and evaluate the first fruits of your labor.

The most paid specialties

As a rule, those professions that require a lot of study and mastery of special skills are the most paid professions. After 5, managers, financial managers, talented "salespeople" will earn the most, as they do now.

It is expected that in a few years the level of salaries of some categories of doctors, engineers and programmers will reach European and American levels.

  1. Techniques. Already today, recruiting agencies are complaining about an acute shortage of engineering and technical personnel. Old cadres are retiring or unable to cope with modern technologies, and there are simply not enough new ones: for too long, technical specialties have remained in the shadow of economics and jurisprudence.
  2. Builders. Meanwhile, for budding design engineers, builders, telecommunications specialists, a line is built up even in senior courses of universities. They are in demand on the labor market in the West and, with perseverance and ability, can count on no less wages in Russia.
  3. Marketing. Another industry where pay cuts are not expected is marketing. More and more products are offered on the market, and manufacturers are fighting for the attention of the buyer. Specialists who can significantly increase sales without large investments will be in value in 10 years.
  4. Internet marketers. Growth in demand is expected for Internet marketers, due to the constant development of Internet commerce, and specialists in the field of non-traditional advertising (viral, guerrilla).

In 5 years, a stable demand for doctors of a narrow specialization, engineers and IT specialists is predicted.

The medicine

Dentist. The quality of the teeth of a modern person is steadily deteriorating - this is a fact. At the same time, the requirements for appearance are increasing. Aesthetic dentistry in Russia is rapidly gaining momentum.

And after 5, and after 10 years, a highly qualified doctor will not be left without work, because his clients, according to statistics, are more than 50% of the population.

Orthodontist. Remember how many of your friends had braces 10 years ago? And now? Straight beautiful teeth become a real necessity. Frightening voluminous metal braces give way to modern systems that are not even noticeable at first glance. All this allows us to predict even greater growth in demand for orthodontist services.

Even in large cities, you often have to wait to get an appointment with a competent orthodontist, and his services are not cheap.


Programmers of various directions. Computers will still be indispensable in 5 years, so the demand for programmers in the world will be consistently high.

When choosing a specialization, you should focus on the fact that mobile devices are replacing stationary devices, and cloud services are replacing traditional data storage and processing.

Specialists working at the intersection of programming and other industries. There will be demand for programmers who are well versed in another area, for example, in biology (bioinformatics), banking or medicine. Most often, these are professionals who have received a second education.

International economics

Logistics and export specialists. Globalization is inevitable. In 5 years, even greater growth in international traffic, exports and imports is expected. It will require professionals with knowledge of several languages, economics and foreign economic activity.

What is offered to girls

Traditionally, professions are divided into male and female. Nowadays, this border is gradually being erased, but there are areas of activity where even in 5 years representatives of the fair sex will be in demand.

Highly qualified nannies, governesses and teachers. Experts predict an increase in the demand for this specialty, as more and more schools and preschool institutions of premium class or with the use of non-traditional development methods, as well as a variety of children's centers, are opening.

Busy parents will increasingly hire a nanny or governess for their children, preferring not to quit their job due to the increasing competition in the labor market.

Increased requirements will be imposed on such specialists: knowledge of foreign languages, early development methods, the ability to teach music, etc.

Online store manager. Already, the annual growth in sales in online stores is 30-50%, depending on the area. In 10 years, most shopping will be done online, and people who can run these stores will be in high demand.

Beauticians. Increasing requirements for appearance will force more and more people to turn to cosmetologists. Since the master's time is limited, then, undoubtedly, cosmetologists with a good reputation will be able to raise prices for their services with an increase in the number of clients.


According to the forecasts of recruitment agencies, in a few years the demand for some traditionally female professions will fall:

For love or money

This question is often asked by those who choose a profession for the first time or decide on major changes. To answer it, you need to admit to yourself, are you ready to do an unloved thing every day for many years?

Psychologists and recruiters unanimously argue that burnout and nervous exhaustion haunt those who do not experience the joy of their work despite the high salary.

Much happier and more self-confident are those who have chosen a business to their liking and have reached the heights of mastery in it. The work of highly qualified specialists and enthusiastic professionals in the end is always well paid.

When choosing a profession, you need to remember that your demand and income will depend only on your perseverance and hard work.

Video: Forecast for 2015-2020

Not so long ago, competent specialists predicted a list of professions that will be popular in the future, and also described the least popular ones. The new century of development of various technologies has given rise to a large number of new professions, which 10 years ago people did not even know about. So, after all, what professions will be in demand in the future? This is what we will try to tell you in our article.

Not so long ago, about 5 years ago, managers, commercial workers, sales representatives and similar professions that require economic education were in great demand. Among the 25 most popular professions, there are 8 that require knowledge in the IT field. But in the very near future, according to experts' predictions, employers will start looking for professionals who are more technical than economic.

What professions are most in demand

So, we present to your attention a list of the ten most necessary professions in the future.

  • Computer specialists - given the rapid development of IT technologies, this column does not surprise us at all, and does not make a stunning sensation.
  • Engineers - the need for these specialists is actually already increasing markedly. And the presence of additional legal or economic higher education from craftsmen or engineers will be especially appreciated.
  • Masters of biotechnology and electronics - in the very near future, circuits that will be based on living organisms will become objects of development. By the way, the science of Bionics has long existed, which is engaged in a detailed study of this area.
  • Service masters - the demand for such a profession is associated with an increase in the number of the middle class, and an increase in the income of the population.
  • Marketers - the coming problems associated with a glut of the market with services and goods will require filling the labor market with masters in the field of marketing who can successfully respond to certain situations.

What professions are more in demand than the top five? Let's continue the list of already directly necessary professions of the future:

  • Specialists in the field of nanotechnologies are indeed a very promising profession, in connection with the introduction of nanotechnologies into everyday life in the fields of the food industry, medicine or mechanical engineering.
  • Ecologists - Problems of environmental pollution have always been relevant, and now no production can imagine its existence without ecologists. People in this profession will certainly be needed by the enterprises of the future.
  • Logisticians - even now, this profession is one of the most sought after. In the future, logistics professionals will be needed, even more pronounced, since in the global market, countries will take an active part.
  • Chemists - the greatest interest in representatives of this science will be shown by energy companies. Also, the food industry without the same chemists will not go anywhere.
  • Doctors - one of the reasons why this profession will clearly be in demand is the search for ways to extend human life.

Less demanded professions

Specialists also named professions that will be less in demand - these are web designers, agents, florists, fashion designers, plastic surgeons, as well as representatives of professions that will no longer be needed, farmers, industrial workers. Already now, the demand in such professions as journalists, jewelers, architects, theater actors, political scientists and musicians is falling sharply.

What professions are in demand in Russia

If we look into the future, then again, environmentalists and nanotechnology professionals will be in demand in Russia. This is due to the constant growth of enterprises and the level of pollution. Well, nanotechnology is an industry that is already being used everywhere. This includes chemistry, space, mechanical engineering, and the food industry. And to the level of salaries of these specialists, the prefix "nano" will be inappropriate.

And finally, what profession is the most in demand, and will it be so in 5 years? Undoubtedly, this is a biomedical engineer. These specialists develop equipment for medicine, as well as medical devices - from drug delivery systems to artificial organs. Statistically, this will be the fastest growing profession, due to advances in technology and the study of an aging population.

Job opportunities in Russia are endless. Today, highly qualified specialists in the field of industry and construction, medicine and education, science and law are in great demand among employers.

Trends in the modern world are changing at an unprecedented pace, and therefore some professions are in great demand these days.

IT sphere


We live in a world of computerization, innovation and information technology. Computer technology has become an integral part of our lives.

Programmers and webmasters occupy a leading position among the most sought-after workers. The virtual network will firmly hold the leading position for many years to come.

Nowadays, IT professionals are at the peak of popularity. They are needed in any sphere of production and services. Every enterprise or organization needs professional programmers, whose work is recognized as one of the most highly paid.

The development of new software for their own needs is given considerable attention in almost every firm, company, organization. Here, qualified employees develop new programs to protect all available information that is stored in working computer databases.

Thanks to information technologists, their knowledge and skills, the horizons of the commercial sphere are expanding, enterprises are making big profits, developing and improving.

The medicine

Many modern applicants prefer medical professions. Today they occupy one of the first places in the ranking of popular specialties. The medical profession never goes out of style. Many young surgeons, oncologists, gynecologists, cardiologists give all their strength and energy in their work and put their knowledge into practice.

The demand for doctors in Russia is confirmed by the opening of new medical centers that carry out diagnostic, preventive, and health-improving activities.

Dentists are extremely popular. We can confidently put ourselves in the hands of an experienced dentist who will do everything possible to ensure that our smile is no worse than Hollywood and will help to gain confidence in ourselves and our beauty.

The nursing profession is in demand throughout the country. These people come to our aid in difficult moments of life, provide exorbitant assistance to people with disabilities, help to regain health after a serious illness or injury.

bank employees

Financial graduates, as well as young people who graduate from higher education institutions to study business and banking, easily and quickly find work throughout the country. The number of banks in our time is constantly growing, therefore, specialists in this field are simply needed. Large banks and their branches provide excellent working conditions for young professionals, offering high wages for their work and the opportunity to have a good rest during their holidays.



The prestige of legal professions is growing every year. Lawyers, barristers, notaries are in demand today by our society, like many previous years. Professional reputation plays a huge role in resolving many contentious issues, both among legal entities and individuals.

Professionalism, knowledge of laws, regulations and documents allows experienced lawyers to easily find work, carrying out their activities competently and efficiently, showing respect and sympathy for clients, acting thoughtfully and honestly.

Lawyers are representatives of one of the enlightened strata of our society.


The origins of psychology date back to ancient times. Despite the fact that psychology is a controversial subject, an increasing number of the population uses the services of psychologists. Our daily life is associated with constant stress, nervous overload, psychological stress. Psychologists in educational institutions, companies, organizations, and enterprises are no longer news. They help to solve many problematic situations in personal life or on the labor front.

Psychology is one of the most demanded professions in Russia.



Logistics profession has become one of the most needed these days. Today there is a glut of the manufacturing market with products. To manage its flows, the help of qualified logisticians is required. The demand for representatives of this profession is growing every year, and in the near future it will only increase. .


Humanity has been dealing with ecology for many, many years. In our days of natural disasters, gas pollution, industrial development, this profession has become one of the most sought after. Many large cities in Russia suffer from air pollution, which subsequently leads to various undesirable consequences that adversely affect the health of people, both adults and children.

The work of ecologists is aimed at intensifying the fight against such factors, they take a number of preventive measures, which include reducing the adverse impact on the environment. The demand for professionals in this category is increasing.

Working specialties

Our existence is unthinkable without builders, tilers, carpenters, electricians. Today, these specialties are more in demand and popular than ever. We build private houses and cottages, equip summer cottages and suburban areas. Here you can not do without workers. Working specialties are among the first and most necessary for each of us.

Technical specialties

Technical workers are in demand today more than ever. The modern world is inextricably linked with the extraction of natural resources, as well as with the search for alternative energy sources. Here, chemists come to the rescue, who in our time have become one of the most sought-after professions, because the future of the country lies precisely with such highly qualified specialists. Professionals in this field are highly paid specialties, and the need for them in the Russian Federation is growing every year.

The country's economy is developing at a steady pace, and the demand for industrial and residential premises is constantly increasing. This suggests that the need for specialists in the field of architecture and engineering is constantly growing. Graduates of higher educational institutions of this direction enjoy considerable attention from the heads of construction companies and organizations that need the help of engineering workers.

The manufacturing automation and construction industries are at the peak of their development, in need of well-trained specialists.

Foreign language specialists


Close cooperation of Russian specialists with foreign partners requires knowledge of foreign languages ​​for free communication and establishment of business relations. Linguists and translators occupy a leading position in the top ten most demanded professions.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is becoming mandatory for work in many modern companies.

Service sector

The service sector is in high demand.

None of us can do without the help of hairdressers, cosmetologists, tailoring specialists, without managers of hotel complexes. The demand for service specialists is confirmed by our way of life, because they help to solve simple issues in our busy and hectic lives.

Considering that the entertainment industry is at the top of its popularity, it cannot do without service personnel. Adults can entrust their children to an experienced employee of the entertainment center while they themselves shop in supermarkets or enjoy relaxing in a cozy cafe or bar.

Ten professions that are not dominated by inflation, sanctions and creative crises.

Interview: Maria Mikulina @MariaMikulina

Yes, difficult times have come. if in one word. The economic crisis, if two. Quite the edge, if in two pathetic words. and creative agencies are closing. Office plankton flocks to the street. Scooter prices skyrocketed, smoothie blood levels dropped. On Facebook, you can only hear: “Reduced! Fired! There are no jobs!”

But this is not true. We intend to prove the opposite to you: there is work, there is. Real man's work. This is always in demand - and in well-fed times, and in a crisis. And this is not an unfounded statement. Meet ten men who know how to make money in any conditions. And take an example from them. Or at least just exclaim: “Wow, well done!”

An electrician

Where to study

I studied for several months at courses for professional retraining of personnel. In general, I graduated from the Institute of Culture and Arts. He worked at, was even a store director, a business coach. Some people like to work in the office, some don't. To me - no.

Where to get clients

I work for DES. Each of the electricians has either its own client base, or foremen with whom you constantly cooperate. The client base develops by itself: a good specialist is always needed.

Initial set

DEZs do not issue anything. However, a large amount of tools for working in the DEZ is not needed, because the work is mainly with the operation of equipment. The tool will cost literally two thousand rubles, if you know what you need.

How in general?

The working day starts at 9 am. Officially. But that doesn't mean you have to be there exactly by nine. You can safely drink coffee without fear of being late. The most important thing is that there are no complaints. Personally, I work in shifts, two after two. I don't like being tied down, I love relative freedom, and here I feel like I'm on a horse. Here you can see the end result. The light bulb does not light - you changed the light bulb, it caught fire. Immediately satisfaction from own work.

You can have from 70 to 100 thousand rubles a month. The question is where do you live, how do you work. In any case, there is always work and you can always earn a piece of bread. I still remember very clearly the crisis of 2008, when I was not paid my wages for four months in my place in the office.


Andrey, 45 years old, Moscow

Where to study

In Moscow, there are courses called - School of Russian Masters. Education - two months, there are full-time and correspondence courses. It costs something around 30 thousand rubles. Then they can take in assistants - the second person, the third person in the team. Courses do not provide practical knowledge. You know the theory, but how in practice ... But the community of stove-makers does not leave its people in trouble. You can choose any of the list - call, ask. Gradually, you learn from your mistakes, from your bumps.

Initial set

The more you plunge into the profession, the more tools you need. And at first you can get by with a grinder, a trowel, nothing else is needed.

How in general?

I have been laying stoves since 2010. There are professions where people earn money. There are professions that people do for the soul. And in this work, you can combine both. All my clients constantly call, congratulate me on all the holidays, invite me to visit: “If you drive by, stop by for tea.”
There is also a negative. Now there are many guest workers everywhere, they do everything. Starting with the construction of fences and digging wells and ending with the construction of houses and the construction of stoves. When you arrive at the facility and find out that you are already the third stove-maker, that the person was burned twice ... But if you know your job, after 5-6 days this negativity disappears and normal relations appear.

At least 100 thousand rubles a month. More than the average salary in Moscow.


Where to study

I have a secondary special education, I studied after school. You can get a job as an apprentice to the master - usually not very qualified workers go.

Initial set

A basic set of carpenter's tools will cost about 30 thousand rubles.

How in general?

In general, I like the work. I get pleasure. Again, variety: you can make furniture and stairs, especially if you work for yourself. So I just started building a workshop on my site. The only bad thing is the injuries. Well, yes, two days ago I drilled my hand. I'm already used to the fact that for each order a drop of blood is standard. When I make furniture - either a deep splinter, or something else.

If you work for hire, on average you can get 40-50 thousand rubles. And if you yourself, like me, then you can easily receive from 30 to 100 thousand rubles a month, depending on orders. You choose when to rest, when to work. I actually have a higher economic education. But what's the point? Then I will receive the same 30 thousand rubles, but by working all month. And as a carpenter, if I work hard, I can earn them in three days.


Where to study

You can not study at all, since often nurses are required without special education. A few years ago I found myself in Moscow without work and housing, and at first it so happened that I contracted to sit with the grandfather of a friend, and then I realized that, in principle, I was satisfied with such a life. I work under private agreements, but there are also agencies where they will train, if necessary, and draw up documents. If you have a medical education, you can do injections, droppers, dressings - you will earn more, although sometimes the difference is very small.

Initial set

All that is needed, including rubber gloves, is provided by the relatives of the ward. All you need is physical strength. And more. Sometimes patients are very full, and they have to be lifted, turned over, and some of them even carried to the bathroom, for example. And if a person has it, then you need to be able to hold him, fix him, if necessary ... It is also important that there is no physical disgust and what I would call good-natured indifference: if you worry too much about the patient, it’s harder for you, but it’s also the last thing to get angry at him, get annoyed .

How in general?

Fine. Of course, you are tied to the place, it is not always possible even to go to the store if there is no replacement. But I am a loner in life, I like to read, watch movies, play games, surf the Internet - and there is enough time for all this. I now have a paralyzed patient who is quite elderly, he sleeps most of the time. You wash him, change his clothes, feed him, give him pills, read something to him aloud, go about your business - and the day has passed.

I have my own room in an apartment, travel card, Internet, full meals and 30 thousand a month for personal expenses. In principle, there is nothing to spend on, I convert almost everything into foreign currency and save it for the future.

crane operator

Where to study

I studied at the company, there were three-month courses. And he immediately got a job there. In general, now there are many courses for crane operators, any licensed institution teaches. I don't want to learn. There are also requirements for candidates, mainly medical ones. Still, we are dealing with different factors: chemical compounds, elevated temperature. Completely pass the medical examination. If healthy in all respects, they give admission to training.

Initial set

The cost of the courses is free. And during the training, you also get paid some kind of salary.

How in general?

This is an interesting job. Mechanisms and pieces of iron are what any man is interested in. Be sure to know the basics of repairing equipment. Work in shifts: there is a morning shift, there is an evening shift. Morning - from 6:30 to 14:00, evening - from 14:00 to 22:00. The actual workload is about half the shift, 4-5 hours.
The first time you study, you work in tandem with a slinger who walks under a crane. It shows the commands you need to understand. Stress, of course, is still there, as it is dangerous: the cable can break at any moment. But you get used to it with time.

The average salary is 40-50 thousand rubles. For our region, this is a very good salary. My wife works in a kindergarten for 10 thousand. The average salary in our city is 30 thousand rubles. So I'm not complaining.

Greenhouse assembler

Where to study

I came to the organization when I knew nothing, and I was trained. They saw the enthusiasm and took me. The main thing is to have a desire to learn. Started working in 2005, the work was related to glazing. Now for several years I have been engaged in greenhouses.

How in general?

If I didn't like the job, I would look for something more interesting. I think a person should always strive for the best. The number of orders depends on the season. In the spring, the snow melts - everyone leaves for the gardens, they start ordering greenhouses. But, in principle, in winter there is a demand for greenhouses: they are cheaper out of season. If you engage in glazing in different directions, then you can keep yourself busy all year round. The working day can start very early - sometimes you have to wake up, for example, at four in the morning. Hours of operation are not standardized. I adhere to this principle: "If a person does not find time for rest, he will find time for treatment." Weekends are a must with the family, family comes first. In general, I have time to relax.

The average salary of an assembly worker, if we take our region, is about 40 thousand rubles. This is quite enough for our places. During the season you can earn more. There are a lot of wrong things going on in our region when it comes to work. They don't pay salaries to people. At my old place of work, in a different specialty, I still owe money. Now I am much calmer financially.


Where to study

I have been in the profession for over five years. I did not finish the course, I studied along the way. I consulted with the guys and coached myself, so to speak.

Initial set

A basic set of plumbing tools is at least 40–50 thousand rubles. You also need a power tool: a puncher, a grinder.

How in general?

In general, I like the work: I am my own boss. At least I haven't found anything better yet. My working day starts at six in the morning, because I live in the Moscow region, and I work in Moscow - it takes a lot of time to get to the object. But it all depends on the order - if anything, I can later. The main negative in the work: misunderstanding with the customer. Fortunately, this doesn't happen often.

We work piecework, month after month is not necessary. On average - from 70 thousand rubles a month.


Where to study

I studied for three months at the Master Groom firm in St. Petersburg. To sit on the tail of a specialist - now there is no such thing. Lots of courses and seminars. Within a year you become a normal groomer. Training is not everything, experience is needed.

Where to get clients

Our firm has a VKontakte page, and I have a VKontakte page. For example, people walk with dogs: “Where did you cut your hair so beautifully?” - "Over there." - "Okay, give me the phone number." Word of mouth is stable.

Initial set

Desire and understanding that this is a physically and psychologically difficult profession.