Achievements in the professional field. Block "Achievements" - examples and samples for a resume. Skills and abilities for teachers leading seminars and trainings…

Show achievements in your resume - and the sympathy of employers will be on your side. Because:

  • most applicants describe their duties and tasks in a particular position, and this is important, but the mention of achievements has a greater effect, so that a resume with achievements stands out from the general background;
  • the presence of achievements is the best evidence of the applicant's competence (he not only has knowledge and skills, but can successfully solve problems).

The description of achievements must be correct in order for the resume to make a strong impression - otherwise it may raise additional questions and doubts. For example, a sales manager indicates that thanks to his work, store sales have grown by 20% over the past six months. Is the figure the merit of one employee or the entire management team? When describing achievements, do it in such a way that the information can be interpreted unambiguously.

Achievement types

Quantitative. These are successes that can be expressed in numbers. Monetary units, percentages, tons, square meters can act as units of measurement; the number of buyers, partners and transactions; the number of subordinate employees, completed projects - and much more.

Each professional area has its own set of quantitative indicators.

  • Conducting 10 trainings in the last 6 months; total number of participants - 1255 people.
  • Closing 23 deals per year with a total profit for the company of $15,000.
  • Successful (without remarks and fines) passing 10 audits.
  • Closing of 10 vacancies for top managers in six months.
  • Sale of 12 apartments in new buildings.
  • Drawing design for 20 sites - for 15 different industries (fitness club, real estate portal, online furniture store, business card site for a coach, etc.).
  • Writing 75 texts for websites in the last 3 months, average conversion - 12%.

Quality. Not in every industry, a specialist can evaluate achievements in numbers. This does not mean that achievements should not be mentioned at all - of course, this makes sense.

  • Implementation and setup of e-commerce for a multi-brand online store.
  • Creating an editorial board from scratch and launching the first issue of a business magazine.
  • Creation of a website to promote the company's legal services.
  • Simplification of workflow - creation and launch of a system for creating transport documents in a semi-automatic mode.
  • Preparing for school a child with a disability.

Principles for Describing Achievements

If success is the merit of a whole team of specialists, write what your contribution was. Don't take credit for successes made possible by the efforts of a few people. Most likely, at the interview it will turn out that you exaggerated your merits, and this means a loss of confidence on the part of the employer.

Be prepared to confirm that the accomplishments you describe took place. Confirmation can be a document (report page, diploma, certificate) or a review, recommendation (expert opinion). Be careful not to violate the principle of confidentiality when providing factual supporting information.

Consider in advance how you will illustrate your achievements in the interview - for sure, the employer will ask you to tell how you managed to achieve success. Follow a simple and effective scheme:

What was the task ==> What efforts did you make, what resources did you use ==> What was the result.

At the same time, specify what was your personal contribution to solving the problem.

One of the most controversial sections of a job applicant's profile is personal results. On the one hand, it largely affects the impression of the applicant. On the other hand, they are the most difficult to paint. It is very important to choose the right example: your achievements in the resume must fully meet the expectations of the recruiter. But even this is not enough. It is important to formulate them correctly.

What to write

Not everyone can correctly distinguish between duties and achievements in a resume: examples suggest that it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “did” and “did”. What would be a job achievement template for an accountant resume:

  1. "Passed tax audits."
  2. "Successfully passed tax audits for 4 reporting periods in a row."

In the first case, the employee simply did what the job description prescribes. In the second, he achieved certain results, which distinguishes him from other representatives of the profession.

Let's compare these concepts with functions. This is an even broader concept. So an example of an achievement for a resume is a double instantiation.

Table. Examples - responsibilities, functions, achievements in a resume




Teach informatics for the use of ICT technologies in everyday life

Prepare students for the exam in computer science

Prepared 10 students who scored 100 points on the exam in computer science in the 2017-18 academic year

Sales Manager

Interact with clients

Attract customers through cold calls

Attracted 43 clients through cold calls per month


Provide medical care in the field of surgical dentistry

Perform tooth extraction

Successfully performed the removal of "eights" without complications in 11 patients in a month


Create websites

Develop plugins for online stores

Developed an online payment plugin for an online store website, which increased the average order receipt by 15,000 rubles.

How to write

Consider examples of what achievements can be indicated in a resume, and most importantly, how to formulate them. Here are 5 golden rules:

  1. The focus is on the benefits for that employer. Are you applying for the position of an architect? You should not describe your successes at the McDonald's checkout. You need to show your results as the desired professional. Here is an example of what achievements to include in your resume: received an award in an industry competition, brought his company to n-th place in the ranking for 2017.
  2. Specificity is an indicator of reliability. Describe what specific results you have achieved and for how long. Not "increased sales", but "increased sales by 33% in two months."
  3. Brevity is a job seeker's best friend. Choose the most important and don't get carried away with the details. They distract from the result.
  4. For each duty - according to the result. You will determine a sufficient number of points according to the duties listed above. Show that you strive for the maximum in everything.
  5. Verbs are everything. Let's give an example: successes and achievements in the resume, expressed in short participles, are mentally transferred to someone else. “An innovative project management system has been introduced” - and who introduced it? "Introduced the system" - it's clear, it was you.

You can tell a story about how you excelled in your last job and make the recruiter bored. Or you can attract his attention with bright facts and show your candidacy as the most suitable one. And do it based on the same information.

What won't attract a recruiter

It is better to clear your story of such facts:

  1. Not related to vacancies. When you indicate professional achievements in a resume, examples for a manager are important only for an applicant for a similar position.
  2. Lack of results. Not worse does not mean better.
  3. Personal growth. The recruiter is not interested in the fact that at your last job you finally mastered a computer or learned how to communicate with clients.


Describe your key skills. Start by presenting the type of activity in which you are better and consider yourself qualified enough. State why you consider yourself an expert in this field. Do not include in this section your functional duties from previous jobs and do not indicate your personal qualities. Only purely professional achievements, they should look like a product description with all the useful features. At the end of this section, describe in detail your main achievements that will be most important for this particular employer. This can be a company benefit expressed in numbers: an increase in sales by a certain percentage or a reduction in costs by a specific amount. You can make the desired impression on the employer with specific facts, they will confirm your desire to bring financial benefits to the organization.

The next item will be a description of professional experience. Here, describe in detail your working biography, start from the last place of work. In addition to the profile of the organizations and their previous position, this paragraph should detail achievements for each place of work. If there was career growth within any company, this is also worth mentioning. If you have little experience, in the descriptions, focus on good theoretical training in the area of ​​​​the intended functional duties. At the end of the description of each of your previous jobs, indicate the reasons for moving to another organization. Here, name such reasons as a change in the field of activity, lack of professional growth, etc. In no case do not write about conflict situations with management or with the team, as well as the fact that you chronically did not fulfill too high plans. This will negatively affect your opinion.

Additionally, about your professional image, you should list your computer skills, foreign languages. In the additional information section, indicate the presence of a passport, open visas, the possibility of long-term business trips and the availability of a car that you are ready to use for official purposes.

The final finishing touch are descriptions of personal qualities and your interests outside of work hours. Do not write about standard qualities like sociability and stress resistance. Indicate your real advantages: patience, ability to smooth out conflict situations, pedantry, etc., depending on which of them will be a priority for this position. And in the description of your interests, mention those that characterize you as an educated and erudite person.

Tip 2: How to evaluate the personal and business qualities of your subordinates

Before each leader in a given situation, the question arises of the need to characterize his subordinate. An assessment of the business and personal qualities of an employee is needed when introducing him, compiling a description, recommendation, certification sheet. How not to miss the main thing and write a review about the employee in detail and correctly?


Professional and personal "portrait" should be disclosed as objectively as possible. It is important to take into account all the opinions: both you as your immediate supervisor, and employees of the personnel department (personnel service), and colleagues.

Indicators that will help assess the business and personal qualities of a subordinate are quite diverse. In the first place, as a rule, is professional. When drawing conclusions on this position, take into account the employee's work experience, the level of his knowledge in the field of core activity, as well as the degree of familiarity with the legislative and other regulatory legal acts governing this activity. At the same time, your assessments can be very positive (“great experience”, “high level”, “deep knowledge”); medium ("sufficient"); below average “not familiar enough with…”, low (“does not have experience and skills in the field of…”).

It is important to remember that the business qualities of a person also mean organizational skills and the ability, under certain circumstances, to take on leadership functions. How strong is your subordinate in this?

The performance characteristic will be essential in assessing business qualities. How active, proactive is the employee in the performance of their immediate duties? Does he effectively and creatively organize his work process, does he perform tasks with high quality and does he meet the deadlines? Mark the punctuality and discipline of the employee with the appropriate scale.

Business qualities include the ability of a subordinate to establish productive working relationships with both management and colleagues and clients. Note dedication, ability to work in a team, learning ability.

All positive assessments of your employee were probably marked with various kinds of rewards. Take them as the basis for evaluating business qualities, whether it is a victory in a professional competition or effective public work. Surely the subordinate had other achievements (suggestions for improving working conditions, assistance in preparing a presentation or meeting with partners, and so on).

You can judge the personal qualities of a subordinate taking into account your perception of this person, as well as an adequate assessment of his communication style with colleagues. When describing personal qualities, it is important to note the degree of conscientiousness, goodwill of a person, his responsiveness, sociability, commitment, hard work. It is also appropriate to characterize the subordinate as a family man.

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The most difficult thing for a leader is to protect himself from bias in assessing the business and personal qualities of a subordinate. If there is such a problem, contact the Human Resources Department (Human Resources) for assistance. Think about the objectivity of the wording-characteristics together with other experts.

Useful advice

If it is necessary to characterize a subordinate not in a personal (oral) presentation or recall, but in a written version, pay special attention to the logical construction of your judgments, the correct placement of accents. Separately, you can give up-to-date information about the employee's knowledge of information technology. Evaluate the quality of an employee that is significant in the current conditions - stress resistance.

In order to select a worthy candidate for office or production, it is necessary to assess the professional qualities of applicants. It is necessary to collect as much information as possible, which will help to understand whether this person will cope with this work.


The first stage of the assessment is to view the resume of the applicant for a particular position. If you saw that it was compiled correctly, completely, not loaded with unnecessary information, but specifically described all business and professional qualities, pay attention to this applicant. A good summary will indicate the ability of the compiler to express his thoughts in writing, the ability to analyze and highlight the main thing.

The next stage of candidate verification is a telephone interview. Make an approximate list of questions, from which try to pay more attention to professional qualities, as well as the ability and ability to work in a team. During the conversation, find out from the applicant the true interest and desire to work in your company.

To begin with, invite the applicant to familiarize yourself with the website of your company (if it exists), to understand the nuances and specifics of the company. Give him a few hours to do this. At the end of the appointed time, call back and find out how he has learned the basic policy of the company, how he imagines his future job, what salary he would like to receive.

Be sure to ask why he wants to work for you. If the candidate says that he sees a development prospect in the company, mentions the products that your company produces, then this is very good. If someone says that he wants to try a new field or heard about big earnings, then such a specialist is clearly not suitable for you.

During a telephone interview, you will understand how the candidate reacted to the study of information about your company. If he could not specifically answer a single question, it means that he is irresponsible and not interested in the proposed work. If the applicant thoroughly spoke about the products, pointed out their strengths and weaknesses, suggested the possibility of improving individual processes, then this is an experienced professional and this should not be lost in any case.

After a successful telephone interview, invite the applicant to your company for a personal meeting. Here also make a special questionnaire, combining the topics in such a way as to find out the availability of the required knowledge, biographical data, his competence and desire to work.

Only by collecting all the necessary information, you will be able to determine the professional qualities of the applicant and find out if he is suitable for your company.

When concluding an employment agreement, set a probationary period, where his professional qualities will be fully manifested.

Character - these are the personality traits of a person that determine his behavior, actions and thoughts. Sometimes it is very difficult to give an adequate description of your character, because in this case it is quite difficult to remain objective.


People have subjective opinions about themselves. Unconsciously or consciously, every person exaggerates or underestimates the qualities of his character. That is why it is very important to tune in to objectivity, look at yourself from the outside, imagine that you are being described by an outside observer who needs to give you an adequate and honest assessment.

One of the defining properties of character is considered to be the attitude towards other people, and it is with him that the description should begin. Think about how you relate to others? Do you tend to be indifferent to what is happening in their lives, or maybe, on the contrary, you are too sensitive to events that practically do not concern you. Do you consider people useful or useless, how do you treat your friends and enemies? What happens in your family, how close are your relationships with relatives? All this information allows you to more or less objectively assess this part of your character.

Attitude to work and work is the second important property of character. Imagine that you are watching yourself at work. Answer yourself how much you love work, how much you can work, do you prefer a sedentary job or one where you have to move a lot? Do you love the process of work itself, or is it just a way of earning money for you? How comfortable do you feel in the role of subordinate or boss? Are you ready to take responsibility for your work or do you think that nothing depends on you? The answers to these and other related questions will allow you to assess the relevant traits of your character.

Next, you need to describe your attitude to things. Think about how carefully you treat objects, whether you love jewelry, value gifts. Describe in detail how important things are in your life.

Only after that you can proceed to the description of those character traits that speak of your inner world. After answering the previous questions, you should already have a fairly objective idea of ​​what kind of person you are. Now you can rate yourself. Answer yourself whether you can call yourself good-natured or spiteful, forgiving or vindictive, how religious you are, how you treat members of the opposite sex, how romantic, devoted, faithful, obligatory you are. Do not be afraid of "negative" answers to your questions, getting a complete objective picture of your character will only benefit you, it will help you understand yourself to a greater extent.

Each person has talents and abilities, some are noticeable from childhood, and they are easy to develop. And something is found only at a conscious age, for example, the ability to foresee economic events, a flair for good deals and lucrative contracts. Whatever skills you have, you need to develop them.


First you need to identify your strengths. Note that you are doing better than others. At the same time, it is important that this activity gives you pleasure, be a joy. Look in a variety of areas, not just at work. Perhaps you are a born leader or organizer, you can cook or sculpt from plasticine better than others. You can even find a few skills that distinguish you from others, and it is with them that you have to work.

Every quality needs to be improved. For example, you are a good speaker, you can and know how to speak in front of an audience. It may or may not be required at your place of work. But it is important to study this direction in order to become an even greater specialist every day. It is necessary to read books that help develop these skills, gain theoretical knowledge that will be useful in future use.

If there is a base of skills, you need to work with them in practice. The use of technologies and methods obtained in lectures or books will allow you to see the shortcomings and eliminate them. Each quality is lost over time if it is not used. You need to train it regularly to get results. To do this, find an interest club where your knowledge will be needed and useful. You may not immediately start earning money on this, but you need to start somewhere.

If the best qualities are manifested in athletes, the coach begins to observe this and, if possible, improve these data. From the outside, it is always clearer what is happening, how the training is progressing. Therefore, find your specialist who will help you. Today there are many trainings and seminars that allow you to develop a variety of abilities. Look for the ones that will make you very efficient. Sometimes it takes several years of practice to be successful.

Be sure to set goals. No matter what quality you develop, you need to understand where you are striving. Think about how much better they should become during the year? If you have an understanding of what you are striving for, it will be easier to go. You can break this path into stages to track the results. It is important to establish not only the stages of development, but also the time frame in which they must be achieved, this will stimulate and help.

A person is a flexible person, therefore, if you value work, then you should not show your shortcomings, since any of them can be overcome by doing this for a period of 8 hours. When compiling a resume, you should not even think about the shortcomings. When an interview is conducted, and the employer asks a question about the presence of negative aspects of character, feel free to say that you are completely devoid of them.

The feeling of curiosity is inherent in a person, and if you declare yourself as an employee who has no flaws, the employer will certainly show a desire to check how honest you are. If you declare yourself as a flawless worker, then being in the close ranks of the organization of your dreams, do everything so as not to become a cause of disappointment to someone who has placed high hopes on you.

If the deficiencies column is required

In this case, you should act according to the circumstances, the main of them is the desired position. If you are aiming for the position of a creative director, then a reasonably indicated "flaw" called restlessness will play in favor, but the quality of hyperactivity is completely inappropriate for an office worker who has to spend all day at the computer. This personality trait is much more relevant for a sales representative, on whose activities the company's profit depends.

We were taught to be honest as children, but a resume is a white sheet of personality that you can write yourself, and then only follow and match a certain set of qualities. You are too soft, but you want to get a job in the personnel department, then indicate the quality of straightforwardness among the negative characteristics, because you will have to inform negligent employees that the organization no longer needs their services.

It is worth remembering that a resume is an opportunity to get a job, and not to reveal the negative sides of your character, so you should not point out slowness, irascibility, isolation and non-punctuality, otherwise someone will come who will put a more reasonably composed resume on the director's desk.

A well-written, informative, interesting resume can be a guarantee of successful employment in a prestigious company. Among the components of the relevant document, which many HR professionals consider key, is information about achievements. How to properly reflect them in the resume? What kind of facts should be included in the document?

Priority of facts

Experts recommend: to describe the achievements in the summary, reinforcing the statement with figures and facts. It will be more convincing than any beautiful words. The main thing is to correctly correlate the indicators with the positions that the candidate occupied at that moment, not to confuse anything. Because, for example, a record like this will look rather strange: "A customer support specialist increased department sales by 20% per year."

There is no need to be shy to artificially increase the number of feats, reflecting personal achievements in the resume. That is, for example, you can classify those very sales in 20% (if you are really an expert in them!) By separate groups of goods. How? As an option - "increased sales of the department in the stationery segment by 30%", in another line - "increased the turnover on software sales by 10%". The arithmetic mean will remain the same, but in fact there are more achievements.

Principle of non-disclosure

At the same time, reflecting the achievements in the summary with the help of figures and facts, you need to know when to stop. The fact is that in the activities of almost any company there is It, meanwhile, it can be contained in the very figures and facts that the candidate wishes to bring in his resume. Perhaps, for the former employer, the leakage of such and such data will not become critical. But the managers of the firm where the person is going may not like the fact that the candidate easily takes out secret information outside the employing company. Experts advise to be especially attentive to those who work in retail. Achievements in the resume of the sales assistant, of course, require numbers (as in no other documents of this type). But in very many cases they will be a trade secret.

Instead of numbers - reliability

What to do if, due to the specifics of the position held, the candidate cannot provide specific figures and facts? It is quite difficult, for example, to reflect such achievements of an accountant in a resume. Or, for example, an office manager. They don't sell anything, they do functional work. How can they be?

In this case, experts recommend focusing on the precise execution of functional operations. That is, list job responsibilities with comments like "performed without errors." And if there were any shortcomings, then this, perhaps, is even good. If they managed to be corrected, then the fact of the presence of errors can be turned into an achievement. It is enough just to enter a small explanation in one line with information about the defect: "I solved such and such a problem."

No pattern

Achievements in the summary - an important aspect. But no less significant factor is the form of presentation of information. It often happens that achievements are plentiful, but for some reason the HR manager ignores them. The summary should be made in such a way that the person reading it has a desire to at least get acquainted with the facts contained in it, and not just skim it at a glance. How to do it?

Experts recommend, as an option, focusing on reflecting the uniqueness of previous experience. So that when viewing the resumes of candidates with the same track record, the manager sees that this person really learned something useful at his last job. And therefore, it is highly likely that he will do the same in a new company. How to do it in practice?

Very simple. Listing previous jobs and positions (with achievements), give small accompanying comments. Such as, for example, "mastered the art of cold sales." Or, say, "learned the 1C program." The employer always wants to see effective specialists in his ranks. One of the criteria for this is the desire to learn, to master new tools in the work. However, this quality must be reflected in the resume.

At the same time, HR specialists do not recommend experimenting heavily with the appearance of a resume. It happens that candidates present information about themselves in the form of pictures, and sometimes even in verse. Of course, this kind of resume may be in demand if a person applies for a job in a company for an appropriate creative position. Of course, this format of presenting information will be a positive factor for the candidate. However, this is rather an exception. as a rule, by virtue of his profession, he is conservative. In his settings, the rule is invariably - if the candidate is worthy of the desired position, he will find a way to present facts about himself within the framework of a standard, but at the same time informative scheme.

Achievements in resume structure

How to reflect the achievements in the summary in terms of the structure of this document? Experts recommend not to delay the laying out of facts in relation to the algorithm for presenting information. Personal achievements in the resume should go immediately after the information about the duties in previous jobs. Regarding the content of the relevant section, as we said above, specifics, figures, facts. No general phrases like "gained invaluable experience while solving entrusted tasks."

What would be an example scenario in which accomplishments are presented in a resume? Sales consultant for example? Facts can be reflected in this way. First we write: "Work at an enterprise such and such, in such and such years." The line below: "I developed an algorithm for communicating with customers, which allowed me to increase sales of smartphones by 20%." Even lower: "Sold over 300 iOS devices in 4 months, while the departmental average is 100 devices."

If the task is to reflect the achievements of an accountant in a resume, then the algorithm can be as follows. First - place of work, position, terms. Line below: "Provided error-free reporting." Even lower: "Translated accounting completely into electronic format using EDS." But what about problem solving? And we also reflect this: "I made adjustments to the mechanism of interaction with the Federal Tax Service, which made it possible to avoid errors in recognizing file formats."

Types of achievements

What other examples of achievements can be on a resume? There are a lot of options. Both exclusively professional achievements can be reflected in the resume, and, for example, those that are related to the business development strategy of the employing company. At the same time, achievements of the first type may well predetermine the second. In the first case, you can write: "I mastered three such-and-such programming languages." In the second: "I created an IT product that allowed the company to enter the international market."

When achievements are yet to come

Of course, it is possible that it is problematic to give examples of achievements in a resume due to a small one or because there is nothing special to brag about yet. In this case, experts recommend at least reflecting in the document a sincere desire for numbers that are worth talking about out loud. For example, when it comes to describing accomplishments on a retail salesperson resume, it's perfectly acceptable to comment on previous work experience as follows: "Regularly practiced Neil Rackham's SPIN sales." In itself, the desire to master an effective technique can be almost a big plus for a future employer than the successful results of its application. Therefore, if a person has not yet decided what achievements can be reflected in a resume, what to write as an alternative, we now know.

Reliability is the main criterion

When presenting facts, especially those relating to regalia, the candidate is obliged to write the truth. Even if there is a temptation to add inflated figures, for example, in sales. Or by the pace of implementation of such and such solutions. An experienced HR specialist will be able to check those that a sales manager reflects in his resume, achievements without any problems. And therefore, experts advise candidates: it is better to forget to enter some facts than to indicate unreliable ones.

The fallacy of the wording

Experts note an interesting fact. Many candidates are confused by the terminology that suggests the correctness of the reflection in the summary of information about achievements. What kind of cases are the most common? Many HR professionals believe that this is either a conscious or unwitting substitution of the concept of "achievement" for another, which sounds like a "duty".

Let's study a few examples.

Many candidates write in their resumes comments like: "Did a quality job related to the timely sale of goods." Or, for example: "Stably performed tasks related to software compilation." In fact, this is a reflection of the positions held. It is extremely important, therefore, to distinguish between duties, functions, achievements in the resume. Subjectivism in determining performance criteria is undesirable. It is necessary that the HR manager share the candidate's vision that such and such a fact is an achievement, and not a job description.

There are other interesting points of view regarding this aspect. Some experts, for example, believe that one of the criteria for recognizing a person's achievement may be just going beyond the limits of official duties. Of course, if we are not talking about a direct violation of production instructions in this case. A good example: if a person, working, for example, as an office manager, agitates colleagues to take advanced training courses and organizes a joint trip to them after work. This may well appeal to the new employer. And this fact may well be reflected in his resume manager. Achievements of this nature can significantly affect the positive decision on the selection of this candidate by the employing company.

Achievements must be relevant

An important aspect is the relevance and relevance of the facts that the candidate sets out in the relevant documents. It is also important to consider it in terms of how to correctly state achievements in a resume. What to write to the candidate so that the HR manager considers the information relevant and up-to-date?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the timing. Many skills tend to be forgotten over time. For example, if a person managed to master the 1C program, for example, 4 years ago, but did not reflect in his resume the fact that he used it until recently, then the HR manager may not count the corresponding skill. Likewise, there are skills that require practice to be mastered reliably. That is, if a person, relatively speaking, studied the 1C program in courses literally a month before submitting a resume, then he most likely simply did not use it in a real production environment. And in this case, the relevance of the skill is small. The manager also probably won't credit it.

Of course, information about achievements should be as related as possible to the intended position for which the candidate is applying. That is, the corresponding section of the resume should be targeted. By the way, the candidate's ability to correctly place emphasis in the presentation of facts related to work experience is a significant plus for the HR manager. Even if, perhaps, some information about the achievements will seem rather modest to the HR specialist, the very fact that they are applied to the place is likely to play a positive role for the candidate. In turn, undeniably high-quality results, but not in the profile of the vacancy, may well make the HR manager doubt the prospects of hiring a person who has reflected the relevant information in the resume.

Evidence of realism

Let's study one delicate nuance. Above, we talked about the fact that it is unacceptable to indicate lies in the resume. However, the tactic of reflecting in the relevant document facts about achievements that may seem doubtful to the HR manager due to their amazing performance closely borders on the presentation of false information. And this despite the fact that the candidate writes the pure truth. Moreover, the rest of the components - responsibilities, functions, achievements - are built into the resume very competently. How can this be?

Here everything rests on the subjectivity of the perception of facts. The fact is that a person, working, for example, as a sales manager, raised the dynamics of the sale of a certain product not by 20%, but by 320%. And if he indicates the second digit, then it is quite possible that the HR specialist simply does not believe him. What if this type of achievement is true? Experts advise: no need to be modest in any case. Facts of this kind cannot be excluded from labor achievements. But they must be accompanied by a primary evidence base - one that will at least force the HR manager not to put the resume aside as containing obviously fictitious information.

What are the options here? It is quite acceptable, for example, to accompany the phrase, which reflects the figures of 320%, with a comment like: "Due to the successful implementation of the combined sales technique using the SPIN method and Steve Schiffman's strategies, it was possible to increase the company's turnover by 320%." It will be more believable.

Another great option is to accompany your resume with a recommendation. Ideally, from a former boss or a well-known specialist in the industry, which will reflect praise for the candidate just for those same 320%. Then any HR specialist, even the most conservative views, will believe what is written in the resume. Recommendations, by the way, are an excellent addition to the relevant document in all cases. So stocking up on them will not hurt in any case.

I constantly write in my articles and books that the most important thing when evaluating a candidate is his results, however, I very rarely come across good performance resumes. Most of the resumes I receive from my clients are job oriented. Applicants list what they did without mentioning any results/accomplishments. If you want to increase your chances of being interviewed, you should provide specific examples of what you did in your current/previous job.

5 golden rules

Rule number 1. Right Focus

Focusing on accomplishments on a resume is key. The most important thing is to choose the right focus and make connections between past experiences and the future. The results should reflect the main KPIs of your work, taking into account the position you are applying for currently and meet the challenges of the new job. A future employer is not interested in knowing about your achievements during the time when you worked in a bank as a financial controller if you are currently looking for a job as a director of marketing. The most relevant experiences in the resume are the most recent 5 years of work, so shift your focus to your most recent story.

Rule number 2. Numbers

Most of the results must be digitized and worked through. Otherwise, you will not be able to defend them at the interview. I have written many times about the STAR technique in the context of writing answers for a competency interview, but the same technique can be used when writing a results/achievement-focused resume.

STAR (Situation-situation, Task-task, Action-action, Result-result) will help you present the problem that you solved in the company and emphasize your role in its successful elimination. Of course, you won't be able to tell the whole story on your resume (leave that for the interview), but this technique will help you show off your accomplishments, making your CV stand out from the rest of the job applicants' resumes.

Rule number 3. KIA: Short and Clear

Try right now to write down the most important tasks that you did at your last job. The first two tasks come to mind immediately. Then you will begin to remember and search your memory for everything you can. And then, most likely, you will have difficulties. But these difficulties are easy to overcome: it is enough to narrow the problem and set it according to SMART. For example, list three tasks where you used your people management skill in your last job. Next, do the same task for each skill that is on the list of required competencies for your profession. The paradox lies in the fact that by creating restrictions for a task (goal, task), we force ourselves to act and focus within pre-set limits.

If you know the SMART method for setting goals, then you can easily compile results. For those who are not familiar with this technique, I recommend mastering it as soon as possible. To help, I created a mini-training with cases:.

Rule number 4. 50 to 50 %

Observe the following proportion: 50 % use places in the resume for duties, 50 % — leave the results. Thus, if you want to include a list of 10 responsibilities, you must balance it with 10 deliverables. This rule will help you reduce the number of responsibilities, as it will be quite difficult to make 10 results.

Rule number 5. Action verbs

The Russian language gives us the surest and most reliable way to talk about our results and achievements: the language of verbs. We speak in summary "Not": participles, gerunds, passive voice, nouns in oblique cases. Use active verbs. For example, use "achieved" and "created" instead of passive phrases like "achieved" and "created." The use of verbs such as "designed, created, implemented, etc." helps your resume rank higher. For instance:

  • without action verb: “Helped the company sell more products and make a profit.”
  • with action verb: "Increased the company's profit by 30% by creating and implementing a customer loyalty program."

Achievement examples for resume

Position level: Specialist

  • increased brand A sales by 30% by listing 4 SKUs.
  • increased category "B" sales by 10% in 35 outlets in the "Y" network.
  • increased sales of brand "C" by 8% in TT "X" due to the leadership of the project "Y".
  • increased the representation of the “Y” segment by 25%.
  • increased sales by 35% in the "X" network due to the introduction of non-price promotional mechanics.
  • Reduced report preparation time by 30% through the development and implementation of automated reporting for price monitoring.
  • Attracted 10 major clients. Sales growth for key customers averaged from 20% to 30%.
  • Increased customer base growth by 20%.
  • developed a loyalty program for customers. Growth of trade following the results of the campaign amounted to 35%.
  • increased market share in the region by 15%.
  • attracted 10 regional partners.
  • increased customer conversion by 15%.
  • participated in the opening of 25 new retail outlets.
  • tripled the number of applications. The growth of trade turnover amounted to 45%.
  • participated in the preparation of training for sales staff, as a result of which product sales increased by 20% in 3 months.
  • increased the growth of the client base by 25% due to the active promotion of brands, increasing their recognition.
  • created a design team to solve problem "Y" and as a result, sales increased by 20%.
  • developed a training set together with leading experts. Bookings tripled in 6 months, brand recommendations increased by 10%.
  • reduced the likelihood of product recalls due to incorrect labeling during the high season.
  • played a key role in launching the loyalty program. In the first year, 160,000 users were attracted.
  • increased the number of clients of category "A" by 20% in the first 3 months of work.
  • reduced the application processing time from 5 days to 2, while reducing the amount of errors to 2% by the end of the year.
  • Increased customer base by 40%.
  • overfulfilled the plan by 130% in 4 months.
  • expanded the product range by 45 SKU, the range of related products by 80 SKU.
  • reduced bad debt by 20%.
  • developed a marketing strategy for promoting a new product “X” of company “Y” on the Russian market, formed a marketing budget and a marketing plan.
  • implemented projects to represent the company "X" and improve the company's image in the Russian market.
  • created a professional team of managers, which made it possible to fulfill the sales plan for 2015 by 140% and increase the client base by 35%.
  • after successful negotiations, contracts were concluded with key customers: JSC Gazprom Promgaz and others (please list).
  • developed and implemented "from scratch" the system "Standards of customer service and office design standards".
  • The growth in sales in the category at the end of the year amounted to 25%.
  • doubled brand awareness.
  • increased the client base by 20% in 6 months through the use of additional sales channels.
  • increased the company's revenue by 30% by attracting VIP clients.
  • developed and implemented a new reporting system, which reduced the time for preparing reports by 3 times.
  • concluded exclusive contracts with 5 major foreign partners.
  • increased the client base by 50% by attracting new partners and bringing a new service to the market.
  • developed and implemented promotions for customers during the low season, which increased revenue by 45%.
  • increased the number of regular customers by 30% by improving the quality of services provided.
  • reduced customer churn by 35% by providing individual terms of service.
  • increased the average customer check by 15% due to the active sale of additional services.
  • reduced accounts receivable by 30%.
  • increased the flow of Russian tourists by 10%.
  • increased the client base of partners from Russia by 20%.
  • participated in the conclusion of an annual contract with the Russian community in "X".
  • held a joint training with the personnel department on In-room service. The indicator of the quality of customer service increased by 35%.
  • formed a team of sales managers. 8 employees were promoted to the level of "Office Manager".
  • increased turnover by 15% due to the development and implementation of a new planogram.
  • the salons that are part of my area of ​​responsibility were recognized as the best in terms of sales turnover of “Brand Name” and “Brand Name” accessories.
  • sold a new development of the company to a bank included in the top 10 banks (deal cycle 1 year).
  • created an effective cold calling script that led to an increase in sales on 15 large contracts in 6 months.
  • introduced new tools to optimize business processes.
  • increased sales volumes of clients: Yandex, Promsvyazbank, Gazprombank, Rosatom, Sibur, etc.
  • concluded new contracts (5) with major players in the market. Overfulfilled the plan by 160% in 3.5 months.
  • formed a permanent composition of an effective management team, which made it possible to fulfill the annual plan by 125%.
  • optimized sales business processes, developed effective sales scripts for managers, which increased conversion by 25% and improved the sales funnel by 30%.
  • developed and conducted presentations on various services and products at thematic events. On average, 30-40% of participants became our clients. After the presentation at the meeting of heating networks in the Moscow Region in 2016, 70% of the conference participants became our clients. The company's profit amounted to several million.

Fields of activity: Sales/Marketing/Purchasing
Position level: Head

  • increased revenue by 27% while increasing marginal income by 25% due to expansion of sales markets.
  • created an effective accounting policy, which made it possible to avoid tax risks when implementing an investment project.
  • increased the operational efficiency of the business by 29%.
  • increased net profit by 60% amid stagnating demand by improving the efficiency of business processes, expanding sales markets, and leasing non-core assets.
  • entered into an exclusive agreement with a foreign supplier, which led to a reduction in costs and an increase in the sales funnel by 40%.
  • increased net cash flow by 50%.
  • developed and defended a feasibility study of measures, attracted budget funding for integrated automation.
  • provided sales growth of 9% with a market growth of 2%, profit increased by 15%.
  • initiated an audit of selected teams of distributors, based on the results of which he introduced changes to the organization of work. Saved $1.8 million for the company in 1.5 years.
  • initiated the separation of distributors in the B2B and B2C segments, which increased sales in the B2B segment in 2015 by 25%.
  • increased the market share in the area of ​​responsibility to 34%.
  • ensured a decrease in the level of overdue debts to 1%.
  • provided the brand share in the business with dealers "ABC" and "DFG" - 80%, "KMN" - 85%, "XYZ" - 78%.
  • increased sales by 20% due to the introduction of a new manager motivation scheme.
  • increased sales targets by 15%.
  • developed and implemented a new strategy to increase sales of "X" by 50%.
  • met sales target in 2015, exceeded it by 25% in 2016.
  • received an order for the supply and serial production of products until 2020.
  • improved the performance indicators of the investment project (NPV) by reducing the cost by 35%.
  • identified opportunities for the corporation to enter a new market, proposed and implemented a business development project. The annual turnover in 2016 is 1 MEuro.
  • increased the company's revenues by hiring, training and organizing the activities of contract specialists, thanks to which it was possible to reduce the time for processing orders and optimize the work of sales representatives.
  • increased gross profit by 8%.
  • developed and implemented the main operational processes in the sales department (KPI, reporting forms, CRM). Linear sales growth amounted to 43%, a 3-fold increase in the customer base, entry into a new segment: e-commerce.
  • increased the number of regional distributors from 5 to 25. Signed 4 exclusive distribution contracts.
  • restructured bad debts, which made it possible to reach a positive cash flow.
  • reduced costs by 19% while maintaining a 25% annual increase.
  • improved KPIs and customer satisfaction by optimizing the after-sales service process.
  • increased the growth of the client base by 49% by setting up contextual advertising, email marketing.
  • implemented a personal CRM system for monitoring all stages of interaction with the client.
  • reduced customer churn by 5%, increased profit by 20%.
  • cut costs by 15%.
  • developed and implemented strategies for regional development in the mass market.
  • fulfilled the plan for B2C revenue by 115%.
  • developed and implemented new commercial conditions for working with distributors, which ultimately led to overfulfillment of the sales plan by 45%, an increase in market share by 5%.
  • implemented a project to exchange data with distributors to obtain an objective picture of sales in the market.
  • optimized business processes in the company, thanks to which the company's profit increased by 35%.
  • increased the company's profit by 12% in the first month of operation and reduced accounts receivable by 18% in the first three months after the implementation of the CRM system.
  • developed a customer loyalty program, thanks to which, through cross-selling, the company's profit increased by 20%.
  • Reduced tenant turnover by 50%.
  • retained the main tenants during the crisis period.
  • created a team from "0" to work with corporate clients, which achieved a 3-fold increase in sales in the segment in 2 years. This made it possible to level out the outflow of customers of small and medium-sized businesses and increase the profitability of sales by 35%.
  • increased the growth of the amount of contracts for existing corporate clients by 45% over 2 years due to the introduction of new services, increase in volumes, as well as by building long-term trusting relationships with customers
  • optimized the strategy of working with corporate clients, as a result of which he achieved a reduction in the transaction time by 40% due to the correct segmentation of customers and understanding the peculiarities of the internal business processes of each industry.
  • proposed the concept of a new software product on control systems, which is now being successfully implemented in the country's largest holdings.
  • optimized the work of the personnel department, which led to a decrease in the turnover of line personnel by 2 times.
  • created an effective management system for the FCD of the enterprise.
  • exceeded the targets of the business plan in all areas of activity.
  • increased the efficiency of the advertising and Internet promotion department by 40%.
  • implemented a corporate portal based on 1C-Bitrix software, 1C-Trade module.

Fields of activity: Banking/Finance

  • the growth of the customer loan portfolio amounted to 26%.
  • opened a branch within the deadline strictly set by the shareholders.
  • brought the branch to payback in 8 months.
  • fulfilled the plan in terms of the number of attracted customers by 120%, in terms of commission income - by 150%, in terms of interest income - by 130%.
  • brought the branch to the 2nd place in terms of corporate loan portfolio.
  • according to the results of the financial year, the branch was recognized as the best in the bank.
  • organized the process of supplying the largest Russian clients. necessary documents for making payments as soon as possible.
  • conducted an audit of the current risks of the group, drew up a conclusion in the risk map and
    presented the results and recommendations to the management, which became the basis for KPI
    responsible top managers.
  • received a "high credit rating" for a leasing company from
    agencies "Expert RA" and "NRA".
  • attracted financing from Russian banks for lending to leasing
    joint venture transactions.
  • hedged the risks on foreign currency leasing contracts by purchasing options, which led to a full profit with an increase in the exchange rate.
  • built and led the budgeting system in accordance with the standards of the group.
  • increased the company's revenue by 50% through participation in commercial tenders and government. procurement.
  • transfer of property to the contribution of NCOs, which made it possible to reduce property tax payments in the amount of 6 million rubles. in year.
  • optimized business processes in terms of payments, which led to a decrease in income tax by 30%.
  • conducting an independent examination of credit risks of over-limit credit projects (from 5 billion rubles).
  • successful completion of major investment lending projects.
  • representation of the position of the risk department at the credit committee of the head office of the bank.
  • the default rate of the loan portfolio (NPL 90+) amounted to 0.32%.
  • member of the credit committees of the head offices of the bank on loan applications of SME clients with the right of veto.
  • revealed an overestimation of the business value and significant market risks in a promising investment project, as a result of which the purchase of the asset did not take place.
  • developed organizational structure together with the legal department
    of the acquired asset with the board of directors and committees, and developed and
    approved the KPI system for top management.
  • developed a budget control system for a leasing company, optimized the financial statements of an asset.
  • as a result of negotiations with partners, reduced the cost of services, which allowed an additional increase in commission income by 30%.
  • successful process of liquidation of a legal entity in 2 months.
  • worked the economic part of a major deal to buy a new enterprise.
  • built a financial model for effective participation in electronic trading. Growth of the portfolio of orders by 2 times.
  • developed and implemented a new reporting system, which reduced the time for preparing reports by 40%.
  • implemented a technology to support car loans with non-standard repayment terms: the bank's car loan portfolio was increased by 10%.
  • introduced procedures for restructuring overdue debts: 25% of borrowers with overdue payments entered the payment schedule, which made it possible to reduce provisions for the loan portfolio by 30%.
  • during my work, the company passed 14 tax audits without violations
  • reduced the cost of purchasing equipment, materials and services by 25%.
  • carried out refinancing of loans, which allowed the company to reduce the company's bank interest costs by 5 percentage points.
  • conducted an audit of current risks, drew up a conclusion and recommendations to the management on the transfer of free ruble money supply into dollars, which allowed the company to earn 60 million rubles on the growth of the dollar.
  • increased the timeliness of the return of funds by 15% due to regular monitoring and analysis of receivables.
  • attracted additional financial resources, which increased 1.5 times the volume of distribution sales.
  • prepared a package of documents, which made it possible to register the price of the drug 15% higher.
  • reduced interest payments by 5% due to the restructuring of the company's loan portfolio.
  • entered the top 5 best premium managers in Russia in 2015
  • fulfilled the targets for sales of retail banking products by 115%. Took the 1st place among the branches of the bank.