Nine steps to creating a talent pool. Personnel reserve planning Personnel reserve planning

55. Planning and organization of work with a reserve of personnel

Work on the preparation of a reserve of personnel is purposeful, systematic and planned. The organization of this work is aimed at ensuring high-quality and intensive training of each specialist for independent activity at a new, higher level. Work with specialists included in the reserve is carried out according to a plan that provides for specific measures to acquire the necessary theoretical, economic and managerial knowledge, to deeply master the nature of the work, to develop the specialist’s leadership skills and skills at the level of modern requirements

Talent pool plans can be drawn up in the form of replacement schemes They take a variety of forms depending on traditions various enterprises. It can be said that substitution schemes are options for the development of an organizational structure focused on specific individuals with different priorities.

Organizations have developed a certain procedure for selecting and enrolling in a personnel reserve group: the selection of candidates should be carried out on a competitive basis among specialists under the age of 35 who have proven themselves in practical work and having higher education; the decision to include employees in the reserve groups is made by a special commission and approved by an organization order; for each employee (trainee), the head of the internship (main) and the head of each stage of the internship are approved, who draw up an individual plan for the internship at each stage; the leaders of the trainees included in the personnel reserve group receive material remuneration for the successful passage by the trainee of the stages of the system of service and professional advancement. All persons enrolled in the reserve are subject to registration in the personnel services. Attestation sheets, documents on advanced training, training at the IPK, at the FPC, reports on the results of internships, and characteristics are filed into the personal files of candidates for nomination. At the same time, an assessment is made of the activities of each employee enrolled in the reserve for the past year, a decision is made to exclude or leave him in the reserve.

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Personnel reserve - a group of qualified employees of the company who have undergone preliminary selection, special training and are internal candidates for filling vacancies in senior management positions.

substitution leadership positions internal candidates has the following advantages:

The time of adaptation of a new employee to a position is reduced (when replacing by third-party candidates, the adaptation period is from 3 to 6 months);

There is no need to form loyalty to the company (loyalty has already been formed, and this is a guarantee, because the new leader, who could not adapt to the company, will leave, taking with him data that is a commercial secret);

There is a "soft" replacement of generations and the continuity of technologies and corporate culture(there are no revolutionary restructurings that paralyze the work of the unit for a long period).

The loss of qualified employees of the company, caused by the lack of prospects for professional and career development.

All these advantages have a specific material expression for the company in the form of a reduction in lost profits due to a decrease in the efficiency of the staff. That is why most companies are interested in the professional growth of their employees at all levels, and are trying to create a talent pool.

When it's time to think about building a personnel reserve system for an enterprise:

The company is growing and there is a need for managers and specialists who can lead new departments and areas;

Aging of key and management personnel and the absence of young promising employees at the enterprise who can replace them;

The company has a situation where promising employees do not see an opportunity for their own further growth and leave it;

The rules for raising and moving employees have developed spontaneously, are outdated and lead to frequent mistakes when appointing new leaders;

The search and selection of candidates for senior positions is not based on the company's development plans, but when a "burning" vacancy arises;

The company is moving to a new stage of development, and the requirements for the professionalism of managers are increasing;

People who do not profess the established values ​​and principles of the corporate culture come to the company's senior management;

The activity of the enterprise is complex and requires a high level of qualification, the period of adaptation of new managers is long, which increases the likelihood of making mistakes with serious consequences for the enterprise;

You have a question: what is more effective - to attract new managers or improve the skills of existing ones;

You want to be confident in "your", proven in practice, management team, in its ability to solve any task assigned to it.

Timely identification and successful preparation for work in a high position of future leaders is today the most important success factor in the competitive struggle. Therefore modern companies create a system for the selection, development and transfer of future leaders (reserve) and consider the management of this system as a strategically important task.

The management reserve training system involves the following tasks:

Identification of employees with the potential for leadership positions;

Preparing these employees for leadership positions;

Ensuring the replacement of a vacant position and the approval of a new employee in it.

When working with a reserve of leaders, two groups are distinguished - a reserve (understudies) and a promising reserve (resource) - young employees with leadership potential.

The algorithm of work with each of the groups of the personnel reserve, although it coincides in the main stages, has its own specifics, both in terms of selection and development (table No. 2 "Algorithm for working with the personnel reserve" shows the main stages of work on the formation of the personnel reserve and services provided by Progressive Management Technologies).

Reserve (understudy) - these are managers - candidates for filling certain key positions of the company, who are ready to work in these positions in currently or in the near future.

Their preparation is a complex multi-stage process and requires top management, HR department, heads of departments significant costs time.

However, those companies that have learned how to manage this process receive enormous returns in the form of a painless change of generations and the introduction of fresh views, continuity in work and management.

Reserve preparation is:

An effective means of optimizing the use of the company's personnel, selecting and moving management personnel, ensuring the succession of management, and on this basis - increasing the efficiency of the entire company;

One of the most important conditions successful work companies in the long term.

A promising reserve (resource) is young employees with leadership qualities - specialists who in the future can take leadership positions in the company.

The purpose of working with this category of the managerial pool is to identify and strengthen the development of employees with the potential to occupy leadership positions in the company in a few years.

The process of planning and developing young employees with potential is similar to the process of working with a leadership pool. At the same time, there are a number of distinctive features. Unlike work with a reserve of managerial personnel, the training of promising employees is not targeted - they are not trained for employment certain position but to leadership in general.

When preparing a prospective reserve, special attention is paid to:

Understanding the specifics of the organization and its culture, developing a sense of devotion to one's company;

Constant improvement of managerial knowledge on the basis of advanced training courses (seminars);

Labor discipline(compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations; diligence; conscientiousness; accuracy);

Corporate culture (the ability to build constructive relationships in the team; loyalty to the company);

Management skills (the ability to convince, lead, understand people, defend the interests of the team).

The selection of employees with leadership qualities is the most difficult stage in working with a promising reserve, since it is required not only to assess the state of the employee at the moment, but also to predict what will happen to him in a few years. Increasingly important are methods for assessing the potential of employees with elements of psychodiagnostics, when using which not only the existing level of formation of managerial skills is assessed, but also the potential for their development, as well as the level of motivation for their own development and leadership positions. One of the most effective is the "Assessment center" method.

Based on the results of the assessment, an enrollment in the personnel reserve is carried out, and individual development plans are drawn up for each reservist:

For a group of understudies - drawing up a career development plan and those skills that need to be additionally mastered for the position for which he was approved as an understudy.

For the "promising reserve" group, the plan should be aimed at improving the overall level of managerial qualifications, and include: rotation, independent theoretical training, and training.

The most common training needs for all reservists should be summarized and included in general program training (corporate trainings, seminars).

The organization and control of the development of employees enrolled in the personnel reserve should be carried out by the human resource management unit. Periodic evaluation is used as a control over the results of the development of the personnel reserve. The main focus of the evaluation is on assessing progress in the level of managerial knowledge and skills of reservists, i.e. how the employee develops his potential. The results of work in the current position are very important for assessing the progress of understudy, at the same time, for the prospective reserve, they are considered only as Additional Information, which characterizes the reservist (evaluation of the results of work is more taken into account during certification).

The results of the progress assessment allow you to make changes to the employee's development plan or make a decision about the futility of his further preparation for a managerial position.

The system of working with young employees with leadership potential is an important factor improve the efficiency of the company's management and must comply with strategic goals its development.

Employees of the company "Progressive Management Technologies" have unique methods and experience in their practical application in working with the personnel reserve and are ready to help the CEOs and HR managers in solving the problems of forming and developing the personnel reserve of this company.

6. Features of personnel planning at the enterprise.

Personnel planning is carried out both in the interests of the organization and in the interests of its staff. It is important for an organization to have at the right time, in the right place, in the right quantity and with the appropriate qualifications such personnel that is necessary to solve production problems and achieve its goals. Personnel planning should create conditions for motivating higher productivity and job satisfaction. People are attracted primarily by those jobs where conditions are created for the development of their abilities and high and constant earnings are guaranteed. One of the tasks of personnel planning is to take into account the interests of all employees of the organization. It should be remembered that workforce planning is only effective when it is integrated into general process organization planning. HR planning should answer the following questions:

How many workers, what skills, when and where will they be needed?

How can you attract the right staff and cut down on the redundant without causing social harm?

How best to use staff according to their abilities?

Rice. 1. The place of personnel planning in the personnel management system in the organization.

How to ensure the development of personnel to perform new skilled work and maintain their knowledge in accordance with the requirements of production?

What costs will be required by the planned personnel measures?

The goals and objectives of personnel planning can be summarized in the form of a diagram shown in fig. 2.

Scheduling plays an important role, as it allows you to calculate the time required for manufacturing finished products according to existing orders based on the availability of raw materials, materials purchased from outside and work in progress.

Target scheduling- get an accurate and complete schedule of the project, taking into account the work, their duration, the necessary resources, which serves as the basis for the implementation of the project.

In scheduling tasks, for each job (operation), the duration of its manufacture and the resource that must be used to complete it (a specific type of machine, unit, equipment) are indicated. The resources used in such tasks are reusable. For each resource, the time of its entry into the system is indicated (for machines, this is usually the time when planning began, or, for example, the time the machine began to work after repair) and the amount of the resource that entered the system (for machines, this is the number of machines of the same type). An acceptable solution to the scheduling problem is such a solution (a feasible work schedule) for which the following are performed:

technological conditions,

The resource conditions

the resource cannot be used by several jobs at the same time,

The work consumes the resource necessary for its execution without interruption.

It is required to construct such an admissible schedule for which the resource conditions are satisfied in the "best" way.

Individual development plan - a document voluntarily drawn up by a reservist under the guidance of personnel service with the participation of relevant managers in order to develop the competencies necessary to fulfill the duties of a higher position. The preparation of an individual development plan based on competencies seems to be a very promising way to move away from formalism in working with a reserve.

An individual plan is built on the basis of a competency-based approach. Competences are the knowledge, skills, personal characteristics and models of labor behavior of an employee necessary to perform duties in a particular position in a given organization. The analysis of competencies and the assessment of their presence in the reservist is the basis for drawing up an individual development plan (self-education).

As is known, competencies are functional and organizational.

  • 1. Functional (professional) competencies - This is the specific knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform a specific job. For example, the competence "business assessment of an employee" should have a human resources specialist, and the competence "knowledge of labor legislation" - a lawyer of the personnel service.
  • 2. Organization-wide or company-wide (behavioral) competencies - These are competencies that are common to all employees of a particular organization. This organizational corporate culture underlies the requirements for the behavior of employees.

For example, the possession of the competence "negotiation skills". This is knowledge of the stages of the negotiation process, the ability to determine the interests of the participants, to choose the best strategy for their conduct; the ability to communicate effectively; the ability to discuss, offer, conduct positional bargaining; possession of manipulation techniques and the ability to resist them. Let's define the conditional levels of competence, for each of which we will define the standard of ownership and indicators of competence (Table 8.2).

Competence levels

Table 8.2

Competency Standard

Competence indicators

1st level (high)

  • - The manager has achieved a high level of competence, is able to apply it in situations of increased complexity.
  • - Knowledge of the stages of the negotiation process, the ability to determine the interests of the participants; choose the best strategy for their implementation; the ability to communicate effectively; the ability to discuss, offer, conduct positional bargaining.
  • - Possession of manipulation techniques and the ability to resist them

2nd level (intermediate)

  • - The manager has mastered the competence and is able to apply it in work situations.
  • - Knowledge of the stages of the negotiation process.
  • - Ability to communicate effectively

Based on a tiered approach, using various methods for assessing competencies, the results are analyzed and weak areas of competencies required by the reservist are determined. Further, the directions of their development are determined. It should be emphasized that the most important competencies should be cultivated gradually, step by step. At each stage in the individual development plan, it is planned to develop 1-2 competencies. For the development of each competence, 3-5 events or developmental actions are planned. For the formation of the “negotiation skills” competence, for example, it is possible to plan: attending a thematic training, studying the experience of other leaders in this direction, participating in negotiations as an assistant, self-study with the involvement of special literature.



Goal: by ""_20xx, to increase the level of competencies

up to the position of deputy head of department

Competences: planning and organization, information analysis, development of others.




Creation and implementation of a unified information system. Development of competencies. Information analysis. Planning and organization

Preparation of the work plan of the subproject group "Creation of a single database"

Subproject team work plan

Preparation of working documentation and preparation of a report on the subproject.

1. Decorated working documentation and technical report within the specified time

3. Evaluation by the project committee of the results of the work of the subproject group


Training "Planning and control"

Report on the studied topic. Suggestions to the management on optimizing the activities of the unit


Development of competence. Planning and organization

Working as a Deputy Superintendent during Supervisor Vacation

Manager's assessment. 360 degree feedback.

Rotation report



Generalization of experience and acquired knowledge. Development of competence. Information analysis

Writing and submitting articles for publication

Publication of 3 articles

When making decisions on the implementation of the reserve, it is necessary to observe the dependence of promotion on overcoming shortcomings and the success of training.

The personnel service, together with the top officials of the enterprise, must periodically evaluate the results achieved by candidates enrolled in the personnel reserve. With the same frequency, the feasibility of measures to work with the reserve in the context of the development of the company's business should be assessed and changes should be made to the corresponding plans.

To analyze the effectiveness of work with the personnel reserve, it is necessary to use a number of quantitative indicators(the effectiveness of the training of management personnel within the enterprise, the turnover of the reserve, the average period of stay in the reserve, the readiness of the reserve), taking into account which allows you to timely adjust the training of reservists and their rearrangement. It is important to understand that, being in the reserve, employees undergo thorough training for managerial work, significantly increase their professional and personal potential. And the inability to realize the potential within the enterprise can encourage a specialist to change jobs, as a result of which the efforts (organizational, financial, temporary, etc.) spent on training the employee will turn out to be in vain.

Planning a talent pool is a complex task that requires constant attention and significant resources from HR specialists and from the company's management. The experience of leading organizations shows that they spare no time and money to assess the capabilities of their employees. This gives them the opportunity to train their company's people to effectively achieve their business goals. Such enterprises are usually prepared for the unexpected loss of key employees. Best practice companies view talent pool development as an ongoing process rather than an event.

The personnel reserve system is a complex tool. Its implementation requires a set of measures. It is extremely important that the TFR is not nominal, and for this the company must have:

  • - clear profiles of all positions;
  • - personnel assessment/attestation system (regulations on personnel assessment);
  • - a system of individual development plans for employees;
  • - managers should be trained to work with individual plans, appraisal system and other HR tools operating in the company;
  • - system of internal and/or external training;
  • - a well-functioning system of introductory training in the company (here it is necessary to comment that the introduction of the TFR significantly shifts the emphasis in the company's personnel policy; since this tool is aimed at developing and promoting its own employees, external candidates are accepted mainly for linear positions - except for cases when for positions of a high professional level require knowledge/skills that are not available in the company);
  • - optional: system professional levels, cafeteria social package("Prophiteria");
  • - the company should have a provision on the personnel reserve - it will ensure the transparency of the system, and this is one of the basic conditions for its effectiveness.

The following modules are most often used in talent pool development programs.

Development of basic management skills:

  • - managerial functions: planning, organization, control, delegation;
  • - management decision-making skills;
  • - motivation of subordinates.

Development of managerial thinking:

Manager's personal effectiveness:

  • - effective communication skills;
  • - teamwork skills;
  • - team leadership.

An example of the implementation of the stages of building a personnel reserve system.

Stage 1. Obtaining management support.

Justification of the need for changes for the first persons of the company.

Stage 2. Audit of the personnel management system.

Conducting an assessment of the company's HR processes:

  • 1. surveys of employees (analysis from the inside);
  • 2. Comparison with industry-wide practice (analysis from the outside).

Checking the effectiveness of the training system in the company.

Evaluation of all existing HR processes that should be

included in the personnel reserve system.

Stage 3. Creation and implementation of the missing parts of the personnel reserve system.

  • - Position profile, which should answer several questions: “What results do we expect from a specialist?”, “Who is our ideal candidate and where to look for him?”, “What place will he take in the structure of our company and how will he move forward?”.
  • - Development and implementation of a system for assessing and attesting personnel. This is the kind of change that can be viewed with caution by employees.
  • - The system of individual development plans for employees, its regularity.
  • - Training of leaders.
  • - Development of a system for attracting external candidates for linear positions.
  • - The logical relationship of HR processes involved in the personnel reserve system.
  • - The need to monitor contradictions and eliminate them.

Stage 4. Measurement of indicators.

Measurements of some indicators "at the entrance".

Analysis of processes in the company:

  • - staff turnover (separately at each level, in each major department and in the whole company). Separately, we analyze the reasons for the departure of employees (classic tools - a questionnaire of a leaving employee and an exit interview);
  • - the cost of closing one vacancy (separately for line personnel, middle and top management, and average or weighted average for the company);
  • - percentage of open vacancies filled by internal candidates;
  • - staff satisfaction with opportunities for professional and career growth;
  • - terms of closing vacancies in days (separately for line personnel, middle and top management, and average or weighted average for the company);
  • - filling percentage staffing(quarterly or monthly, we draw conclusions adjusted for seasonality);
  • - the percentage of employees who are ready to recommend the company to their friends as a good employer;
  • - the growth rate of the payroll over the past two or three years (adjusted for inflation).

Stage 5. Implementation of the personnel reserve system.

Holding meetings, the purpose of which is to convey the essence of the TFR to each employee, explain how the system will work and what it will give to each specialist.

Providing information support.

Gathering feedback from employees and their managers.

The personnel reserve can be used not only as a factor in ensuring the stable functioning of the organization, but also as a resource for its innovative development. The definition of such a goal as a key one completely changes the idea of ​​​​the approach to organizing all work with the personnel reserve. Such a goal involves the development and use of the managerial and intellectual potential of reservists, not only and not so much to plug personnel gaps, but to solve the development problems facing the organization. Reservists, with the competent organization of their training and use, are quite capable of both developing projects for solving such problems, and, with the support of top management, organizing their solution.

In addition, the problem of goal-setting in the creation and management of work with the reserve concerns not only the subject of organizing work with the personnel reserve, but also the candidates themselves for inclusion in the personnel reserve. The fact that the formation of a personnel reserve is necessary for an organization (or another subject), as a rule, everyone is more or less aware of. However, when it comes to the interests of promising professionals, their goals (subjective benefits) are forgotten. At the same time, it is important that potentially the most powerful managers, who may have already reached certain heights, participate in the personnel reserve, we need a system of clear and distinct benefits that they can receive by participating in the “personnel reserve” project. In particular, this applies not to intraorganizational reserves, but to reserves formed within the framework of regional management or federal programs.

On the other hand, the problem of motivating internal reservists is also quite acute. It is not uncommon for situations when an employee who is in the personnel reserve has a negative attitude towards the very fact of his enrollment in the reserve. Enrollment in the personnel reserve is enthusiastic, as it is a form of employee encouragement. However, if this employee (or external applicant) is in the talent pool for a long time, and the only way to use the reserve is the vague possibility of being appointed to higher position, enthusiasm from being included in the reserve gradually passes, giving way to irritation and disbelief in the prospects for his career advancement. Instead of gratitude for inclusion in the personnel reserve, a person may experience negative feelings.

The form of support and activation of personnel reserve participants, which has an educational effect, is participation in project work. Participation in solving development problems can be a powerful tool for the development of the reservists themselves, since in this case they have incentives. As a result of the implementation of project tasks, there is a real opportunity to assess the availability of important managerial competencies of the reservist, not only project development skills, but also their implementation.

Thus, the following effects are achieved:

  • 1) solving urgent problems of enterprise development;
  • 2) increasing the labor motivation of reservists employed in the training program, improving their morale;
  • 3) a significant increase in the competence of the reservists, necessary for solving real practical problems of management;
  • 4) the possibility of an objective assessment of the management competencies of a reservist in the course of real management activities;
  • 5) the retention of the most promising personnel, who begin to feel that the organization remembers them and uses their resources;
  • 6) development in the organization of a results-oriented culture, as well as an understanding of the value of expert qualities, such as high competence, analytical and creative abilities, etc.;
  • 7) increasing the efficiency of work with the personnel reserve as a whole (the effect does not end with the selection, training and appointment to a higher position).

Let us give an example of the formation of a reserve for vertical (managerial) advancement (Table 8.3).

Table 8.3

A psychogram reflecting professionally significant socio-psychological, intellectual and business qualities nominee


The presence of personal qualities of a leader; the ability to lead a group to solve specific problems; independence in decision-making and readiness to bear responsibility for their consequences; ambition and striving for status growth; authority and exactingness; stress resistance; perseverance and perseverance in defending one's position and interests


The ability to strategically competently set goals and achieve them regardless of the circumstances; energy; volitional inclinations; resistance to external influences


The ability to rationally organize and plan the activities of one's own and subordinates; self-discipline; consistency, consistency and practicality in the approach to solving current problems; compliance with accepted standards and regulations as a guarantee of reliability for business partners

social intelligence

Intuitive-experimental knowledge of human psychology; knowledge and correct application social norms and standards; ability to adapt to different social groups; flexibility of communicative tactics through "sense of the situation"; delicacy, tolerance and patience in communication

Block of intellectual qualities

Verbal intelligence

Lexical stock; the ability to identify analogies and establish logical connections between various types verbal information; the ability to combine knowledge from various fields of knowledge, the flexibility and speed of switching verbal thinking; the ability to find the most accurate solution from a number of approximate



The ability to establish logical patterns in relation to non-verbal (mathematical) types of information; ability to analyze and forecast (extrapolation of events); the ability to develop and decipher complex algorithms; general intellectual development potential


Flexibility and activity of the intellect in general; the speed of assimilation of new information and the ability to abandon unproductive stereotypes; the ability to effectively use, adequately transfer and combine information from various fields of knowledge; elements of creativity

positive thinking

Realism and practicality in setting goals and determining the means to achieve them; pragmatic orientation of creative approaches, their binding to the solution of current and future management tasks; reliance on the criteria of business efficiency in the assessment of social resources

An analysis of the degree of severity and mutual dynamics of the manifestation of both individual qualities and blocks of qualities makes it possible to predict:

  • - the applicant's success in filling managerial (management) positions, depending on their level, the number of subordinates and the degree of responsibility of the decisions made;
  • - potential for career growth and the limits of the manager's competence;
  • - effective performance of managerial functions related to the solution of current administrative and economic tasks and organizational support for the work of the enterprise;
  • - effective solution tasks related to strategic planning development of the enterprise (organization), as well as the management of projects (directions) based on the development of new technologies, requiring the conquest of new sales markets, non-traditional approaches in the field of marketing and management.

The following documents are mandatory in the organization for working with the reserve:"Regulations on working with the reserve of leading personnel", "Regulations on the competitive commission for the formation of a reserve of leading personnel" and its protocols. Other regulatory documents: "Program and action plan for working with the reserve for the next year"; list of the reserve of leading personnel; personal files of the reservists.

For the legitimacy and manageability of the processes of supporting work with the personnel reserve, methods are created and approved for assessing the professional, business, personal qualities (competencies) of the reservists. If necessary, the company creates Regulations on internship.

In the process of supporting the technology of working with a personnel reserve, typical shortcomings in working with a reserve are revealed, knowing about which you can optimize and improve work.

In addition to the indicated possible formalism in organizing the individual development of reservists, there may be no system in the preparation various categories reservists. It is dangerous that there is no analysis of the changes taking place in labor activity reservists based on the implementation of individual development plans. The development of the personnel reserve is hampered by the stiffness of the composition of the reserve, the lack of scenarios for maintaining a high level of motivation for the reservists to develop leadership abilities. In some cases, reservists are not trained for specific positions.

There may be a violation in the teaching methodology - lack of special trainings for heads of personnel services in this area of ​​work with managers. The next danger is the loss by the heads of personnel departments of the leading role in the entire set of work with the reserve and behind the scenes, closeness when discussing candidates for the reserve. Lack of understanding of the essence of personnel development leads to a lack of work with candidates for the reserve, with young employees who have development potential.

Violations in organizational matters are manifested in the absence of the personnel register of the organization, for the replacement of which a reserve is created, replacement schemes for senior positions and plans for career advancement in the organization. The incompetence of the organizers of the personnel reserve violates the motivation of its participants, when the organization's management believes that being included in the reserve is an opportunity for additional pressure on employees in order to make them work even harder.

In our time, there is also a corruption component when included in the personnel reserve, which creates conditions for penetration into special places in the organizational hierarchy, when the “necessary” candidates, or so-called paratroopers, are enrolled in the reserve.

In finding ways to overcome shortcomings in working with the reserve, an important role is assigned to specialists in the field of personnel management. It depends on their scientific approach and art whether they will be able to realize the potential of talented and promising managers for the benefit of the organization.

Maintenance of work with a personnel reserve involves a legal component, since hiring, firing, any movement within the organization is based on Labor Code RF and creation normative document on regulating the creation and functioning of the personnel reserve (Table 8.4). The following key conditions are also important for success in this activity:

  • - support for work with the personnel reserve from the top management of the company;
  • - motivation of reservists for training and achievement of high results;
  • - taking into account the peculiarities of corporate culture and established management practices when choosing the forms and methods of training candidates for managerial positions.

Table 8.4

Regulatory document on the regulation of the creation and functioning of the personnel reserve

General provisions

The goals of forming a personnel reserve, for example:

  • - Improving the quality of management training;
  • - prompt replacement of key positions at the expense of the internal resources of the company;
  • - maintaining the principle of continuity in the management of the enterprise.

Principles of work with the personnel reserve, such as:

  • - selection of candidates for business and personal qualities;
  • - publicity in the organization of work with the reserve

The procedure for selecting candidates for the personnel reserve

Reserve formation procedure; the procedure for accounting for the results of assessment and certification; criteria for enrolling applicants in the reserve. When selecting, it is recommended to take into account not only general, but also professional requirements which the head of a particular department, workshop, etc. must meet, as well as requirements for personal qualities

Organization of work with a reserve

The order of work on the training of reservists (types of programs and terms of training, budget, evaluation of learning outcomes). For example, three types of programs can be approved: general theoretical training, special program, individual program(practice, internship). As a rule, the training period is 1 year, after which measures are taken to evaluate the reservists in terms of such indicators as the implementation of the annual individual plan, the implementation of the internship plan, performance indicators, etc.

Responsibility when working with the personnel reserve*

Work on the formation and preparation of a personnel reserve is carried out with the interaction of a personnel manager, a psychologist, a personnel training specialist, and heads of departments. Each of them is responsible for a certain stage of work within their competence. General control and responsibility for compliance with the procedures stipulated by the Regulations lies with the HR Director


  • 1. General Provisions
  • 1.1. This Regulation determines the structure of the personnel reserve for replacement vacancies(hereinafter referred to as the personnel reserve), the procedure for its formation and maintenance, general principles selection of candidates for inclusion in the personnel reserve, forms of work with the personnel reserve.
  • 1.2. The personnel reserve is formed to fill the vacant positions of the company.
  • 1.3. The formation of a personnel reserve is carried out in order to:
    • - timely replacement of vacant positions by persons corresponding to the qualification requirements for the position to be filled;
    • - stimulation of increasing professionalism, activity;
    • - shortening the period of professional adaptation upon appointment to a vacant position;
    • - improvement of activities for the selection and placement of personnel;
    • - Improving the quality of work of specialists.
  • 1.4. The formation of a personnel reserve is based on the principles:
    • - competence and professionalism of persons included in the reserve;
    • - voluntary inclusion in the reserve;
    • - the unity of the basic requirements for candidates for nomination.
  • 2. The procedure for the formation and maintenance of a personnel reserve
  • 2.1. The personnel reserve is formed and maintained in the personnel service (personnel management service), its structural divisions.
  • 2.2. The personnel reserve is maintained by specialists responsible for personnel work.
  • 2.3. The personnel reserve is formed and approved before "" _20xx.

The personnel reserve for filling vacant senior and chief positions is approved by the order of the General Director.

The personnel reserve for filling vacant leading, senior and junior positions is approved by the head of the unit

(given away or service) until "" _20xx, is submitted to the department

personnel for the formation of a consolidated list of persons in the personnel reserve for filling vacant positions.

  • 2.4. The list of personnel reserve is formed in the form of a table.
  • 2.5. The personnel reserve may include specialists who meet the qualification requirements and have the necessary professional, business and personal qualities.

Inclusion in the personnel reserve is carried out with a written consent.

  • 2.6. The basis for inclusion in the personnel reserve are:
    • - recommendation of the attestation commission;
    • - recommendation of the head, deputy.
  • 2.7. Every year, the heads of departments analyze the personnel reserve, evaluate the performance of each person enrolled in the personnel reserve.
  • 3. Forms of work with persons in the personnel reserve
  • 3.1. Forms of work with persons in the personnel reserve are:
    • - professional retraining, advanced training in educational institutions vocational education;
    • - internship;
    • - temporary filling of a position (for the period of absence of an employee replacing this position on a permanent basis);
    • - preparation of projects, reports;
    • - other forms.
  • 3.2. Responsible for organizing work with persons in the personnel reserve are specialists from the personnel service and heads of the relevant structural divisions.

Work on the preparation of a reserve of personnel is purposeful, systematic and planned. The organization of this work is aimed at ensuring high-quality and intensive training of each specialist for independent activity at a new, higher level.

Differences in the structure and composition of the reserve, as well as the initial preparedness of workers determine the principle of an individual approach in choosing the forms and methods of work, their sequence and duration.

Work with specialists included in the reserve is carried out according to a plan that provides for specific measures to acquire the necessary theoretical, economic and managerial knowledge, to deeply master the nature of the work, to develop the specialist’s leadership skills and skills at the level of modern requirements.

The system of this work includes: study in the advanced training system for executives with and without interruption from production; internship in the position for which he is enrolled in the reserve; temporary replacement of absent managers for the period of their business trips, vacations; trips to other organizations in order to study positive experience; participation in teaching work in the system of advanced training; participation in inspections of the production activities of the organization and their divisions; participation in the preparation and holding of conferences, seminars and meetings.

Talent pool planning aims to predict personal promotions, their sequence and accompanying activities. It requires working through the entire chain of promotions, relocations, layoffs of specific employees.

In domestic organizations, a special expert list has been developed, with the help of which candidates are selected when forming a plan for the personnel reserve of managerial personnel.

The plan of work with the reserve of managerial personnel of the organization includes the following sections: determination of the need for managerial personnel; selection and study of leading personnel; recruitment of the reserve, consideration, coordination and approval of the reserve; work with a reserve of leading personnel; control over the preparation of a reserve of leading personnel; determination of the readiness of the reserve of managerial personnel for appointment to positions.

Talent pool plans can be drawn up in the form of replacement schemes, which take a variety of forms depending on the characteristics and traditions of various organizations. It can be said that substitution schemes are a variant of the organizational structure development scheme focused on specific individuals with different priorities. Individually oriented substitution schemes are based on standard substitution schemes. They are developed by HR departments organizational structure and represent a variant of the conceptual model of job rotation.

Work with a personnel reserve in domestic organizations has rich experience.

The main criteria for selecting candidates for the reserve are: the appropriate level of education and vocational training; experience in working with people; organizational skills; personal qualities; health status, age.

The sources of personnel reserve formation are: qualified specialists; deputy heads of divisions; grassroots leaders; graduated! professionals employed in production as workers. Organizations have developed a certain procedure for selecting and enrolling in a personnel reserve group:

The selection of candidates should be carried out on a competitive basis among specialists under the age of 35 who have positively proven themselves in practical work and have higher education;

The decision to include employees in the reserve groups is made by a special commission and approved by an organization order;

For each employee (trainee), the head of the internship (main) and the head of each stage of the internship are approved, who draw up an individual plan for the internship at each stage;

Heads of interns included in the personnel reserve group receive material remuneration for the successful completion by the intern of the stages of the system of service and professional advancement;

The trainee is set an official salary corresponding to the new position he occupies, but higher than the previous Report, and he is subject to all types of material incentives provided for this position.

Briefly, the steps can be summarized as follows.

  1. Identification of the need and compilation of a competency model of specialists for whom the CR will be formed.
  2. Collection of applications and recommendations in the Kyrgyz Republic.
  3. Evaluation of candidates for compliance with existing criteria.
  4. Formation of the CD.
  5. Preparation, training of participants of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  6. Assessment of progress in preparation for appointment to the position, correction of the composition of the CR.
  7. Appointment to office.

Principles of organization of the CD

The organization of the RC is usually the responsibility of such structural units organizations as an internal The educational center, assessment center, personnel development department or HR department. The specialists of these departments choose the methods of work, and then give them a normative "weight", approving the order of the head.

Most often, personnel officers are concerned with the creation of CR leaders, since the recruitment procedures for managerial positions are usually difficult, and the result is difficult to predict. By creating the CR of leaders, they get the opportunity to avoid stressful situations, as well as maintain the management approaches established in the company. Thus, there is a vertical movement of employees.

Less often, but still there is another type of CR formation - horizontal. In this case, those responsible for CI accumulate data on employees who do not seek promotion, but are interested in changing the type of activity.

Forms of work with personnel reserve

The tasks of internal recruiting and formation of CR are:

  • Identification of the internal potential of employees (through certification, assessment, interviews, consultations with middle managers)
  • Development, training, retraining, advanced training of specialists included in the Kyrgyz Republic - in order for them to acquire the missing competencies
  • Evaluation of the acquisition of competencies required for the desired position or position, readiness for transfer.

In addition, CR can be replenished from external sources. To do this, the recruiter studies resumes presented on job search sites, sent by candidates on their own, take part in specialized conferences and seminars, professional groups in in social networks- and finding worthy candidates, he addresses them with a proposal to enter the Kyrgyz Republic. Unfortunately, in practice, the effectiveness of an external source is low, because the right specialist is unlikely to wait for a vacancy to open. However, with systematic work, such tactics can bring good results (high-tech companies often resort to it, forming a pool of rare specialists that may be required in the future).

What acts regulate the work with the personnel reserve at the enterprise

With regard to the creation of CD, this can be.