Organization management in modern conditions. The essence of modern enterprise management Features of company management in modern conditions

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Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… ... 3

Chapter 1. Theoretical basis enterprise management in modern conditions.

      Enterprise and organization as an object of management …………………… .6

      The basics modern approach to enterprise management ………… 12

      Planning as a management function ……………………………… ... 24

      Firm's management strategy in market conditions ..................... 33

      The main features of a modern manager …………………………… ..37

      Organization management in crisis conditions ……………………… 42

      Innovation Management as a Rescue Opportunity

Organizations ……………………………………………………………… 52

Chapter 2. Practical aspects and ways of improving enterprise management (for example travel agency"Alliance Tour").

2.1. Brief organizational and economic characteristics of the travel company "Alliance-tour" ……………………………………………………………………… 59

2.2. Marketing and logistics management tools

travel agency ……………………………………………………… 64

2.3. General problems of improving management efficiency ..................... 70

2.4. Improving the functional management structure

tour companies ……………………………………………………………………… .71

2.5. Building the sustainability of the tourism business in Russia

market …………………………………………………………………………… ..73

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………… .80

List of used literature ………………………………………… ... 83


A modern enterprise is a complex production system that includes elements such as fixed assets, raw materials and supplies, labor and financial resources. Of particular importance is the problem of using the listed elements in such a way as to ensure the effective functioning of the entire production system, survival and development in a tough competition.

The behavior of an enterprise in a market economy is changing, and this change affects many issues of the enterprise.

The importance of management was especially clearly recognized in the thirties. Even then it became obvious that this activity had turned into a profession, the field of knowledge - into an independent discipline, and the social stratum - into a very influential social force. The growing role of this social force made people start talking about the "revolution of managers" when it turned out that there are giant corporations with enormous economic, production, scientific and technical potential, comparable in power to entire states. The largest corporations and banks constitute the backbone of the economic and political power of great nations. Governments depend on them, many of them are transnational in nature, extending their production, service, distribution, information networks around the world. This means that the decisions of managers, like the decisions of statesmen, can determine the fate of millions of people, states and entire regions. This question is all the more relevant today.

Management of an organization, a firm, a production in our dynamic time is a difficult job that cannot be done successfully, guided by simple dry learned formulas. Consequently, there is a need for creative solutions, the introduction of innovations in this area, the manifestation of an active position.

The purpose of this work is to consider ways of improving enterprise management, creating a management model.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks are set in the work:

Consider an enterprise as an object of management and identify the foundations of a modern approach to enterprise management, study the methodology of management;

Study planning as the main function of management;

Define the main features of a modern manager;

Analyze the management of an organization in crisis conditions, and also consider innovation management as an opportunity to save the organization;

Consider a brief description of the travel agency "Alliance-tour" and study the marketing and logistics tools for managing a travel company;

Determine the general problems of improving the efficiency of management and consider ways to improve the functional structure of management;

Analyze the possibility of creating the stability of a travel company in the Russian market.

The object of the research is the enterprise (firm) management system.

Subject - management of the activities of a travel company - management in tourism.

The structure of the work is due to the specifics of the tasks. The research includes an introduction, a theoretical part (one chapter), a practical part (one chapter), a conclusion, a list of sources used.

The first chapter examines the theoretical foundations of enterprise management in modern conditions. General definitions of the concepts are given, the features of the modern approach to enterprise management are revealed, and the management of an organization in a crisis, anti-crisis management is analyzed.

The second chapter analyzes the practical aspects and ways of improving enterprise management. The activity of the travel agency "Alliance - tour" is taken as a basis. A brief organizational and economic characteristic of this enterprise is considered, ways of improving management, as well as the possibility of creating a firm's stability in the Russian market, are analyzed.

The research used the following methods: analysis, comparison, synthesis, theoretical, deductive and statistical methods.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of enterprise management in modern conditions.

1.1. Enterprise and organization as an object of management.

One of the main elements of a market economy is an enterprise (organization). Becoming an object of commodity-money relations, possessing economic independence and fully responsible for the results of its economic activities, an enterprise must form a management system that can ensure high performance, competitiveness, and financial stability. The term "enterprise" after the adoption of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part 1) has undergone significant changes. It is retained only for a group of enterprises in state and municipal ownership. All legal entities receive the name of organizations, which are divided into two groups: commercial and non-commercial. An enterprise is understood as a separate specialized production and economic unit created on the basis of a work collective organized according to one principle or another, which, on the basis of the available material and financial means of production, produces products or provides services necessary for society.

An enterprise as an object of law is recognized as a property complex used for carrying out entrepreneurial activities. The enterprise as a whole as a property complex is recognized as real estate. An enterprise as a whole or part of it can be an object of purchase and sale, pledge, lease and other transactions related to the establishment, change and termination of material rights.

A modern large enterprise is a complex industrial socio-economic system, which has all the characteristics of the system: input, output, process, goal, feedback, etc. The enterprise purchases resources (fuel, energy, equipment, materials, components) from suppliers, carries out the production process due to the labor activity of the team, receives finished products and supplies it to consumers. In addition to suppliers and consumers, the external environment in relation to the enterprise is a higher organization (various bodies, ministries), a bank through which all financial transactions with suppliers and consumers are carried out. An enterprise, like any complex system, consists of a complex of simpler systems that perform certain functions.

In terms of production and technology, an enterprise is a technical and technological complex, a system of working machines and mechanisms, selected proportionally in terms of quantity and power in accordance with the types of products (performed works, services), technology of its manufacture and production volumes. Organizationally, an enterprise is a primary link, a production unit with a certain internal structure, external environment, laws of functioning and development. The organizational system of an enterprise includes its production and organizational structure of management, as well as the relationship between production and management, between the enterprise and external organizations. In social terms, the enterprise acts as a social subsystem of society, it is on it that the interaction of social, collective and personal interests is carried out.

Economically, an enterprise is a separate unit with a certain operational and economic independence and carrying out its activities on the basis of full cost accounting. The economic system of the enterprise includes the economic relations of the enterprise with the state, a superior organization, suppliers and consumers, and financial organizations.

In terms of information, an enterprise is a complex dynamic system characterized by a large volume, intensity and multidirectionality of informative connections between subsystems and elements, constantly exchanging various kinds of information with the external environment. The information system of the enterprise includes reporting and regulatory and technological documentation, as well as various information characterizing the state and movement of the components of the enterprise. In environmental terms, an enterprise is a production system that interacts with the external environment through material and energy exchange. In administrative and legal terms, the enterprise acts as legal entity with the rights and obligations established by the state in the legislation.

The expansion of market relations leads to an increase in the number of enterprises (organizations) and an increase in their role in the life of society. Most people act primarily as their representatives (owners, managers, employees).

As a social system, the organization is open, for its survival depends on the outside world. It is described by such basic characteristics as external and internal environment, structure, goals, strategies, technology, personnel, potential 1.

Fig. 1. Organization model.

The structure of an organization, that is, an ordered set of its interrelated elements, is technical, social, socio-technical, regulatory.

The technical structure is based on material objects and processes (premises and their layout, equipment, working conditions, flows of raw materials, energy, etc.). Since its elements are unchanged, such a structure is classified as rigid. At a manufacturing enterprise, the technical structure largely determines the professional and qualification composition of personnel, the nature and content of labor operations, creates the basis for functional ties between people and significantly affects their interpersonal relationships.

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  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the features of the management of organizations in modern conditions
    • 1. What is an organization
    • 2. Resources used by organizations (enterprises)
  • Chapter 2. Analysis of the study on the example of the company "Victoria"
    • 1. General characteristics of the company
    • 2. Internal environment of the company
  • 2. Requirements for goals
    • 4. Organization management design
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix A
  • Appendix B


The theme of my research work- features of management of organizations in modern conditions and ways to improve it. The relevance of the topic I have chosen is connected, first of all, with the fact that a person worked and works always and everywhere, for example, in a team (community, family, etc.), any joint work cannot do without management, which is required to establish coordinated actions of the participants labor process... Management, in turn, must be competent, well planned and, of course, efficient.

The functioning of modern organizations is faced with many problems, some of which are typical and can be quite simply solved by specialists using conventional technologies for developing and implementing solutions. To solve non-standard (non-standard) problems, special technologies for developing solutions are required and, finally, solving some of the problems may not be within the power of both managers and specialists. A set of such problems characterizes the organization as one of the most difficult objects for study and cognition. Of particular interest is the organization's management system, its study and improvement is a constant task of the head.

The basis for the control system is the following components:

· Information support for the development and implementation of solutions;

· A set of standard business procedures for solving the assigned tasks;

· Personnel activation system.

Optimization of these components is the main direction of improving the control system. These components are very important, but they fix a certain stage in the state of the management system and reflect only a part of the modern management system, which should include elements of development, including methodological (management) support in the development and implementation of solutions.

The purpose of my small research is to study the features of managing organizations in modern conditions and to develop directions for improving the management system.

Based on the goal set for myself, I identified a number of tasks that needed to be solved:

1. Consider the theoretical foundations of management and explore state of the art personnel management at Russian enterprises.

2. Conduct an analysis of the management system using a specific example;

3. To develop the main directions for improving the management system.

The research methods that I used when writing this work are analysis and synthesis, observation, study of theoretical materials. The internal review process should focus on whether the organization's structure is appropriate for following and implementing the organization's HR strategy or not. Organizational analysis is primarily a performance analysis that is closely related to structural issues.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the features of the management of organizations in modern conditions

1. What is an organization

The current level of understanding of management assumes that the object of management activities are organizations. The concept of organization in management has two meanings:

First, it is the system as an economic entity (enterprise, society, firm, association, bank, company and other legal entities);

Secondly, this is the process of creating the system itself, the functioning of its individual elements (organization of transport, storage, energy facilities, organization of labor, etc.). This definition of the concept is broader.

An organization is a structured set of people (organization personnel) who realize their individual goals and objectives in the process of group interaction through the prism of organizational interests.

Human behavior in a complex, multifunctional, dynamic system (which the organization is) is subject to special laws, principles, rules and norms. Effective management is impossible without understanding them.

The key point in this case is the determination of the individual interests of the organization's members (through the study of the actual levels of needs and the motivational structure of activities) and organizational interests (formalized and expressed in the mission, goals and objectives of the organization's activities). Their coincidence or difference ultimately determines the effectiveness or inefficiency of the entire organizational system.

Any organization, depending on its size and the nature of its activities, is a complex system consisting of separate elements. We can consider each element as a subsystem consisting of its own special parts (elements).

The complexity of technological, organizational and economic interrelationships between the elements of systems and subsystems predetermines the need to take into account in the process of researching the patterns and features of the activities of firms, the specific features of the methodological principles of systems research.

2. Resources used by organizations (enterprises)

Any organization transforms five types of resources to achieve results, which are products or services: capital, materials, technology, people, information.

Let's take a closer look at each of the resources.

Capital - this includes the funds for which the organization exists. Sources can be budget allocations, private capital, bank loans or own means of production, etc.

Materials are the means of production, from which the final product is made.

Technology is the combination of the skills of employees, equipment, infrastructure, tools, and related technical knowledge required to bring about the desired transformations in information materials or people. In other words, machines, equipment, raw materials, of course, can be viewed as components of technology, but the most significant component is undoubtedly the process by which the starting materials are converted into the desired product at the output.

People - workers, staff. Speaking about human resources, it should be noted that people are individual and have different abilities, gifts, perceptions, values, expectations. To achieve the goals of the organization, it is necessary to direct and manage the behavior of employees. It is necessary to work with those people who have a number of necessary traits, possess the necessary abilities and skills. In addition, it is very important to create an atmosphere and a favorable environment in which the necessary skills and abilities of the personnel (employees) will be maintained and developed.

Information. Information resources are used continuously to communicate and coordinate each phase of the transformation process. Market research information helps to determine the most perspective view products. Communication with workers provides information that is necessary for the quality performance of the task. The speed and volume of product sales allows management to decide how well the company is working towards achieving the desired results. Information is acquired and disseminated in the course of communication.

3. Organizational structure of the company

The organizational structure of a firm is most often presented in the form of a diagram showing the connections and division of responsibility within the organization. To prepare it, it is important:

ь determine the immediate needs of the company and what will become necessary as the company develops;

ь find out what employees are capable of performing the functions assigned to them;

ь evaluate the relationship between employees and how tasks will be formed for them.

This creates the basis for determining the organizational structure of the company, which should be formed in such a way as to ensure the most efficient implementation of the assigned tasks. How responsibility and, more importantly, power will be shared, must be decided at a very early stage in the development of the firm. V organizational chart business strategy and methods are reflected.

Of course, the separation of individual structural divisions within the company (regardless of their name - workshops, departments, branches, etc.) makes sense when:

ь a sufficiently large number of employees, in which effective management of their activities from one center becomes difficult;

b and if the personnel of the company perform work of a different technological nature, which makes it necessary to organize the management of technological processes by specialists of various profiles.

An important aspect of managing an organization is the study and analysis of the external environment and internal problems of the organization. Analysis of the external environment allows you to answer the following specific questions:

Where is the company currently located?

Where does senior management think it should be in the future?

What should managers do to move the organization from where it is now to the market position that management would like it to be?

4. The relationship between the division of labor and management

Division of labor is an economic phenomenon in which professional specialization, narrowing and sometimes deepening of the functions of an individual specialist occurs. The general production process is divided into extremely simple operations, each of which is performed by a separate person or mechanism.

The division of labor is the reason for the increase in the overall labor productivity of an organized group of specialists (synergistic effect) due to:

Development of skills and automatism of performing simple repetitive operations

Reducing the time spent switching between different operations

The concept of the division of labor is quite fully described by A. Smith in his treatise "A Study on the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations".

Allocate social division labor is distribution in society social functions between people, and the international division of labor.

The division of labor led to modern world to the presence of a huge variety different professions and industries. Earlier (in ancient times) people were forced to almost completely provide themselves with everything they needed, it was extremely ineffective, which led to a primitive way of life and comfort. Almost all the achievements of evolution, scientific and technological progress can be explained by the continuous introduction of the division of labor. Through the exchange of the results of labor, that is, trade, the division of labor becomes possible in society.

From the point of view of business engineering, division of labor is a functional decomposition of business processes. Often it is possible to isolate in separate species such part of the functions, which then becomes possible to entrust the automation or machine. The division of labor has taken place and is still happening now and has a close connection with the processes of automation. In the field of intellectual work, its division is also possible and very useful.

The division of labor is the first link in the entire system of labor organization. Division of labor is isolation different types labor activity and dividing the labor process into parts, each of which is performed by a specific group of workers, united by common functional, professional or qualifications.

For example, the main method of work in accounting is the division of labor of specialists. We distribute the work of employees by areas accounting under the guidance of leading experts and auditors, which allows them to achieve maximum efficiency of their work. Thus, we dynamically combine developments in the field of accounting automation and experience in the administration of accounting services.

5. Management system and structuredness

The structure is one of the most important components of the system, which gives it a certain direction.

The organizational structure in the management system has a skeletal meaning, i.e. is the backbone of the organization. It reflects the level of socio-economic development of the subject of management, the degree of technical and technological maturity, forms of organization of production and other objective signs of the development of the object and subject of management, its philosophy and strategy.

In any organization, you can distinguish the constituent parts that interact with each other in a certain order, this is the structure. By changing the way of separation, you can change the order of interaction between the parts and, ultimately, the results of the whole. Each subsystem of any organization (technical, technological, informational social, financial, etc.) consists of interacting parts, has a structure and is itself a structural part of the organization. The interaction of all parts of the organization must ensure its work. This is due to the existence of an important organizational structure - management.

The governance structure is one way of dividing an organization into parts. An essential distinguishing feature is that in each isolated link, you can point to a person or group of people who have the ability to make decisions. This opportunity is provided by resources, managers of which are involved in the process of managing the organization, setting and solving management problems.

Thus, any link in the management structure is a unity of management tasks, resources intended for their solution, and performers of these tasks.

The manager (leader) plays an important role in taking over the management of the organization. A number of factors affect the effectiveness of a manager's activity: the employee's potential, his ability to perform a certain job; means of production; social aspects of the activities of personnel and the team as a whole; culture of the organization. All these factors work together, in an integrated unity.

Thus, management efficiency is one of the main indicators of management improvement, determined by comparing management results and resources spent on achieving them. It is possible to assess the effectiveness of management by comparing the received profit and management costs.

Systemic efficiency depends on how rationally the management is organized, i.e. on the composition and number of links, their subordination, distribution of functions. The effectiveness of the management system is determined by the quality of the organizational structure, management processes, and does not depend on the qualities of specific managers.

Operational efficiency - relationship between results management activities and the effort expended is primarily determined by business qualities managers, as well as how rationally their potential is used.

Chapter 2. Analysis of the study on the example of the company " Victoria"

1. General characteristics of the company

The company LLC "Victoria" is a small organization that operates in the field of goods, unites 2 self-service grocery stores. The company has existed on the market relatively recently, since July 2005.

The position occupied in the market is very unstable and depends on many factors. The market share is very small as there is a lot of competition. Strong competition is associated with the fact that some organizations distribute their stores wherever possible, buying everything.

Changes in the economic and social sphere have a direct impact on the organization I am considering, whether it be an economic crisis, whether it is dependence on buyers, on prices, on suppliers. The changes are reflected primarily in the profits of the enterprise.

In my opinion, the company's strategy (the main, main goal) is to defend its existing positions in the market.

The organization is not really in the business of developing a strategy. Now we are defending our positions, perhaps in the future the mouth of the organization is possible.

The firm I am considering has a strong organizational culture:

· Ability to work in a team;

· Type of managerial role;

Type of organizational culture

· Way of socialization.

Simple technologies are used here, namely computerization, which is not an innovation already.

There are many times more subordinates than managers. The level of professional training is quite high.

There are two levels of management - general director and director, six divisions - accounting, legal department, commodity managers, cashiers, salesmen and service personnel. Appendix A contains a diagram of the firm's management system.

Wide control range. The degree of formalization is not great.

There are many standard things in the organization. Each employee performs his functions, everything is very clearly distributed. Product content and layout are standard.

The department is more concerned with securing merchandise for stores and maintaining partnerships with suppliers. Control over personnel is performed by other parts of the organization. The degree of independence of the middle and lower level is sufficient. Everyone knows their responsibilities, so they independently implement them.

I believe that it is impossible to foresee the circumstances that force this organization to reduce the level of performance. You can only be prepared for certain changes in the market, in the economy, in the social sphere, etc. It is impossible to foresee, for example, natural disasters, economic crisis, equipment breakdown, employee illness, damage to goods, etc.

2. Internal environment of the company

Elements of the internal environment of the organization

Staff. Structure: commodity experts, hall administrators (senior salespeople), salesmen, cashiers, loader, security, cleaning lady; there are no qualified specialists among the staff; the number of employees - 15 people; staff turnover is low; labor cost - 44 rubles per hour (average); the interests and needs of workers - the need for decent wages, the need for good working conditions, the need for social contacts.

Management organization: organizational structure.

Managment structure:

1. Planning and modeling of organizational and job structures (staffing table).

2. Maintaining the history of the staffing unit, viewing the staffing table in a historical context.

3. Personnel management in terms of material and non-material motivation of employees:

l management of motivation based on measured indicators, setting indicators and parameters for calculating bonuses (fines) in the position profile, accounting for indicators and calculating payments (deductions) based on the work order mechanism;

ь personnel management in terms of training and retraining;

ь accounting of education, skills and abilities of employees;

ь planning activities (courses) to cover training needs;

ь accounting of the personnel reserve and part-time employment in order to manage the career of employees.

4. personnel management in terms of selection:

l automatic determination of vacancies for a given date based on the staffing table, taking into account the approved staffing positions with the upcoming opening date, determining the vacant positions in the future period based on taking into account the planned change in appointments (desired replacement of an employee, upcoming dismissal, decree);

ь keeping track of all personal data (including resume) of candidates for regular positions;

l conducting interviews;

ь automated assessment of the candidate's compliance with the vacancy requirements;

ь formation of orders for the admission of an employee;

ь evaluation of the effectiveness of measures for the selection of personnel.

The management level is corporate strategy, that is, the person responsible for making decisions is the executive director, key vice directors. Qualification is high.

Senior management abilities and interests:

ь the ability to take into account the behavior of subordinates in management;

l the ability to establish and control discipline;

- striving to flexibly use different styles, adapting them to changes;

ь awareness of his role and effective use of his position;

ь developing and maintaining good relationships with others;

ь giving clear unambiguous instructions and orders;

ь regular analysis of the work of subordinates and taking into account its results;

l stimulating the activities of subordinates, encouraging the best examples in work;

ь a systematic approach to the analysis of work;

l creation of effective feedback;

l protection of the organization's personnel from external threats;

ь search for ways to improve the performance of employees;

l establishment of a performance appraisal system and criteria for success.

Firm culture - provision of services for the sale of food products.

The prestige and image of the company is absent.

Organization of the communication system - work with suppliers, personal sale.

Financial stability and solvency - volatile financial condition, associated with a violation of solvency, in which, nevertheless, it remains possible to restore balance by replenishing the sources of its own working capital and increase in the latter, profitability and profitability (by goods, regions, distribution channels, intermediaries); own and borrowed funds and their ratio; effective accounting system, including cost accounting, budgeting, profit planning.

3. The goals of the organization and requirements for them

1. The main goals of the organization, their hierarchy.

Sphere of income:

ь profitability, reflected in indicators such as the amount of profit, profitability, etc .;

ь market position, described by such indicators as market share, sales volume, market share relative to a competitor, the share of individual products in total sales, etc .;

l financial resources, described by indicators characterizing the capital structure, the movement of money in the organization, the value working capital etc.

Scope of work with clients:

l work with customers, expressed in such indicators as the speed of customer service, the number of complaints from customers, etc.

Sphere of work with employees:

b changes in organization and management, reflected in indicators setting targets by time organizational changes, etc.;

ь human resources, described using indicators reflecting the number of absenteeism, staff turnover, professional development of employees, etc.

2. Requirements for goals:

b goals should be achievable.

goals should be flexible.

goals should be measurable. Goals should be formulated in such a way that they can be quantified, or it is possible to assess in some other objective way whether the goal has been achieved. If goals are immeasurable, then they generate confusion, complicate the process of assessing performance and cause conflicts;

b the goals should be specific, with the necessary specificity, helping to unambiguously determine in which direction the organization should operate. The goal should clearly record what needs to be obtained as a result of the activity, in what time frame it should be achieved and who should achieve the goal. The more specific the goal, the easier it is to express the strategy for achieving it. If the goal is formulated specifically, then this allows you to ensure that all or the overwhelming majority of employees of the organization will easily understand it, and, therefore, know what awaits them ahead;

l goals should be shared. Compatibility suggests that long term goals correspond to the mission, and short-term goals - long-term. But interim compatibility is not the only way to establish compatibility of goals. It is important that the goals related to profitability and competitive positioning, or the goals of strengthening the position in an existing market and goals of penetrating new markets, profitability and philanthropy goals, do not conflict with each other. It is also important to always remember that compatibility requires a goal of growth and a goal of maintaining stability;

· The goals should be acceptable for the main actors of influence that determine the activities of the organization, and first of all for those who will have to achieve them. When formulating goals, it is very important to consider what wants and needs employees have. Since buyers (another actor in the organization) play a key role in the survival of the organization today, managers must consider their interests when setting goals, even if they lead to reduced profits by reducing prices or increasing costs to improve product quality. Also, when setting goals, it is necessary to take into account the interests of society, such as, for example, the development of living conditions on a local scale, etc.

3 goal tree

The organizational structure determines efficiency, as it ensures the stability of the connections between the many constituent components of the control object and ensures the integrity of the system. It connects the individual elements of the system into a single whole, significantly affects the forms and organization of planning, operational management, methods of organizing work and their coordination, makes it possible to measure and compare the results of the activities of each link in the system.

It also shows the coordination of the work of all functional services of the enterprise, a clear definition of the rights and obligations, powers and responsibilities of all participants in the management process.

Factors affecting the organizational structure:

1. consumers;

2. other enterprises;


4. employees;

5. the state.

4. Organization Management Design

management resource management

Organization design is carried out in four stages.

1. The goals and results of the activity are determined.

2. Relationships with the external environment are identified - all contacts that the organization needs to carry out (in connection with its technology, compliance with laws, maintaining its own performance, etc.) are identified.

3. Processes are divided - by stages, by levels of hierarchy.

4. Functions are grouped. A common is established between the separated processes - the basis for combining individual stages into more generalized chains. In this case, two strategies are possible: grouping of work around resources and around the result of activities.

Changing organizational structures

Various types of changes can be distinguished according to various classification criteria.

Depending on the reason initiating the process:

ь Unforeseen - due to the appearance of an unexpected circumstance that threatens the existence of the organization (for example, a reduction in cash payments - the transition to mutual offset and barter) or may contribute to its development (leaving the market of foreign competitors due to a change in the exchange rate).

b Planned - due to a conscious desire to change something (for example, the creation of a specialized unit for the centralized supply of materials for several enterprises of the corporation).

b Depending on the predominant focus of changes on a specific organizational area:

ь Structure-oriented - changing the distribution of powers (duties, rights and responsibilities), changing the methods of coordination (introducing a planning system), etc.

l Behavioral-oriented - changing expectations, knowledge and / or skills, prevailing informal norms of behavior, etc., for example, setting a different daily routine, or requiring heads of departments to wear ties.

b Technology-oriented — changes in materials, equipment, or work procedures, such as the use of calculators or personal computers to perform calculations.

b Depending on the scale of changes:

ь Affecting individual employees - for example, the establishment of a shorter working day for employees receiving higher education in the evening departments of universities.

ь Influencing a group of employees (department) - for example, reassigning a department to another manager.

Influencing the organization as a whole - for example, a change in the organizational structure, the introduction of a new remuneration system, etc.

Strengths and weaknesses of organizational culture:

For understanding organizational culture it is important to know how the career system is built in the organization, and what criteria serve to promote employees. If the organization promotes workers faster and based on individual achievement, then it can be assumed that there is a weak organizational culture. If the career of employees is of a long-term nature and preference for promotion is given to the ability to work well in a team, then such an organization has clear signs of a strong organizational culture. This organization shows signs of a strong organizational culture. It all depends on the desire to work, on the goals set, on the attitude of the management.

Factors influencing the formation of organizational culture:

1) visible elements of culture, such as the manner of communication of employees, dress code, open or closed office premises, etc. This is a superficial level of corporate culture;

2) behavior and actions: stereotypes of behavior of employees of the organization, including methods of decision-making, teamwork and attitudes to problems. This is the next, deeper, level of corporate culture;

3) morality, beliefs, values: judgments of employees from the standpoint of such concepts as "right-wrong", "just-unfair", "good-evil", "lawful-illegal". This is the core of the corporate culture.

Organization values:

l the importance of various leadership positions and functions (the importance of leadership positions, roles and powers of departments and service);

treating people (caring for people and their needs; impartial attitude and favoritism; privileges; respect for individual rights; training and professional development opportunities; career; fair pay; motivating people);

ь selection criteria for managerial and supervisory positions (seniority or performance; priorities in internal choice; influence of informal relationships and groups, etc.);

ь work organization and discipline;

ь style of leadership and management;

ь decision-making processes;

ь dissemination and exchange of information (awareness of employees; ease of exchange of information);

ь the nature of socialization (who communicates with whom during and after work; existing barriers; special conditions of communication);

ways of resolving conflicts (desire to avoid conflict and compromise; preference for using formal or informal ways; participation of senior management in resolving conflict situations, etc.);

ь performance evaluation.

Chapter 3. Development of measures in the main areas of management improvement

The person is the basis of the organization, its essence and its main wealth. People behave differently, they have different abilities, different attitudes to their work, to the organization, to their duties, people have different needs, their motives for activities can differ significantly. Finally, people perceive the reality of the people around them and themselves in this environment differently. All this suggests that managing a person in an organization is extremely difficult, but, at the same time, an extremely responsible and important matter for the fate of the organization.

The main component of a manager's work activity is organizational work. And its most important feature is that the leader organizes the work of people; interconnects the work of man and technology; organizes people for joint, collective work. Since the leader organizes the work of subordinates, he plans the work of the team. Its most important responsibilities are to establish joint activities, transfer and disseminate best practices, create favorable conditions for the development and implementation of the abilities of each employee, form a responsible and diligent attitude to resources, and ensure a favorable moral and psychological climate in the work collective. The manager's management methods should be focused on such motives of behavior as the realized need for labor discipline, a sense of duty, the desire of a person to work in a particular organization, etc.

An important role in the relationship between the leader and the subordinate is played by the justice of the career growth of all team members. Moreover, employees should be aware of their prospects in this team, as otherwise it indicates a poor organization of work with personnel.

Despite the fact that managers in enterprises are assigned similar roles, each of them plays this role in a different way, based on their chosen management style.

Factors in the economic environment must be continually assessed because the state of the economy influences the goals of the firm and how they are achieved. These are inflation rates, international balance of payments, employment levels, business lending rates, etc. Each of them can pose either a threat or new opportunity for the enterprise. So, fluctuations in the dollar exchange rate relative to the currencies of other countries can cause the acquisition or loss of large sums of money.

For business, political stability in society is of great importance. The level of inflow of investments and other kinds of resources to a certain region depends on this. The attitude of the administrative authorities towards business is expressed in the establishment of various benefits or duties, which either develop business in the region or crowd out a hundred, creating unequal conditions for various organizations. Also, techniques are used to lobby the interests of certain industrial groups in government agencies, which also affects the entire business as a whole.

When organizing an activity, one cannot but take into account the cultural environment in which it takes place. This is, first of all, about the values ​​and traditions prevailing in society. The standard of conduct is based on this. The fundamental difference between American and Japanese standards is known. In the first case, the standard is expressed in the "individualistic" approach to the organization, and in the second - in the "family" approach. Hence, the norm of behavior in one case is the desire to career growth with a regular change of jobs (in the United States it is believed that a person must change jobs every few years), in another - a person works in an organization all his life, treating his boss as a father who must be listened to.

Scientific and technological progress determines the ability to increase production efficiency, and, consequently, the effectiveness of ways to satisfy consumers. In order for an organization to be competitive, it is necessary to collect, store and distribute large amounts of information about innovations arising in the operating environment. Recently, completely new technologies for processing resources and information have appeared: computer and laser technology, robotics, satellite communications, biotechnology, etc. high speed changes in technology, and this trend continues.

1) Consumers: directly people living in the area of ​​the store.

Suppliers: KMK, KMZ, KIO, Baltika, Klinskoe, Vyatich, Mentos, Winston, KHK, etc.

Competitors: Globus, Everything in the World, Grocery store"," Family "etc.

Infrastructure: State Bank.

State and municipal authorities: SES, Consumer Rights Protection, Security Service, etc.

2) This organization directly depends on these structures. They affect the existence, maintenance of market positions, and competitiveness.

3) Strong influence

b Customers and consumers.

b Raw materials, suppliers and other business partners.

b Competitors.

b Financial institutions and other infrastructure organizations. Controlling organizations.

4) Weak influence

b External stakeholders. They can be both physical and legal.

b Public. Legislation of the relevant field of activity: Civil Code, UK, ...

5) This organization has an impact on consumers, this is manifested in the convenience of purchasing goods, people go to where the store is closer and the goods are of better quality. Influences suppliers by making them a plan. The more stores, the more suppliers will help out.

6) All elements of the business environment have a strong impact on the organization, especially consumers (Appendix B).


The priority of public interests over individual interests is becoming more and more recognized: satisfaction of needs without prejudice to the interests of others. There is a recognition of the social responsibility of management and business both to society and to individuals working in the organization. Therefore, in the management of an enterprise, strategy becomes the main thing, which is not only a tool for substantiating, developing and implementing long-term goals and objectives of production, scientific and technical, economic, organizational and social nature, not only a factor regulating the activities of an organization to achieve its goals, but at the same time a means of communication enterprises with an external market environment.

The practical implementation of the new management principles is very difficult and requires a radical revision of the entire philosophy of business, a change in the psychology of workers (including managers), an increase in their qualifications and the growth of personal potential. An increasing number of companies are trying to move away from the previous command-hierarchical relations in their organizations and to strengthen their positions by better using and creating conditions for development strengths staff. At the same time, the approaches to the formation of the development strategy and its goals, to the construction of the structure of the organization and management, to the process of developing and making managerial decisions, to work with personnel and to assessing the effectiveness of the organization, its divisions and employees, are changing.

Since the goal of management is to achieve a goal, it is important to define it correctly. If a manager sets himself the task of improving the organization without specifying its goals, then we risk assuming better ways performing unnecessary functions or the best ways to achieve unsatisfactory end results that can cause material damage. The art of choosing and formulating the right goal, managing the process of its implementation, including assessing the achieved degree of implementation, distinguishes a truly skillful leader.

It is impossible to manage people if both the leaders and subordinates of the goals are completely unclear. To manage is to encourage others to achieve a goal that is clear to them, rather than forcing them to do what you think is right.

Therefore, in modern management the concept of purpose is one of the main ones. Without defining this concept, without identifying the ratio of goals, means of achieving goals, it is impossible to solve the problem of effective management. This means that without a clear formulation, it is impossible to comprehensively solve a single problem associated with building a company, planning its activities, evaluating its effectiveness, and developing its strategy.


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8. Andreev V.F., Grishina N.G., Lopatina S.G. Fundamentals of Management: Textbook / Ed. S.G. Lopatina. - M .: Yurayt, 1999 .-- 265 p .;

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19. Smirnov E.A. Fundamentals of the theory of organization: Textbook. manual for universities. - M .: Audit, UNITI, 1998 .-- 375 p.

20. Management: Textbook for universities / Under. ed. prof. M.M. Maksimtsova, prof. M.A. Komarov. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M.: UNITI-DANA, Unity, 2003 .-- 359 p.

Application A

Scheme of the control system of the company LLC "Victoria"

Appendix B. Business environment of the organization

Elements of the business environment

How is the influence manifested?

How strong is the impact (strong, moderate, minor, no impact)?

Is there a resource dependency / what kind of resource)?

How is the influence of your organization manifested?

How strong is it?

In whose favor is the balance of power being formed?






Does not render

Fixed and working capital

In providing products


In favor of consumers








Fixed and working capital

In the purchase of goods

In favor of suppliers







Does not render

Does not render


In favor of the Globe

State and municipal organizations




Fire Service

Def. consumer rights



All kinds of resources


In favor of the state. organizations

Posted on


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1. What is an organization

The current level of understanding of management assumes that the object of management activities are organizations. The concept of organization in management has two meanings:

First, it is the system as an economic entity (enterprise, society, firm, association, bank, company and other legal entities);

Secondly, this is the process of creating the system itself, the functioning of its individual elements (organization of transport, storage, energy facilities, organization of labor, etc.). This definition of the concept is broader.

An organization is a structured set of people (organization personnel) who realize their individual goals and objectives in the process of group interaction through the prism of organizational interests.

Human behavior in a complex, multifunctional, dynamic system (which the organization is) is subject to special laws, principles, rules and norms. Effective management is impossible without understanding them.

The key point in this case is the determination of the individual interests of the organization's members (through the study of the actual levels of needs and the motivational structure of activities) and organizational interests (formalized and expressed in the mission, goals and objectives of the organization's activities). Their coincidence or difference ultimately determines the effectiveness or inefficiency of the entire organizational system.

Any organization, depending on its size and the nature of its activities, is a complex system consisting of separate elements. We can consider each element as a subsystem consisting of its own special parts (elements).

The complexity of technological, organizational and economic interrelationships between the elements of systems and subsystems predetermines the need to take into account in the process of researching the patterns and features of the activities of firms, the specific features of the methodological principles of systems research.

2. Resources used by organizations (enterprises)

Any organization transforms five types of resources to achieve results, which are products or services: capital, materials, technology, people, information.

Let's take a closer look at each of the resources.

Capital - this includes the funds for which the organization exists. Sources can be budget allocations, private capital, bank loans, or own funds production, etc.

Materials are the means of production, from which the final product is made.

Technology is the combination of the skills of employees, equipment, infrastructure, tools, and related technical knowledge required to bring about the desired transformations in information materials or people. In other words, machines, equipment, raw materials, of course, can be viewed as components of technology, but the most significant component is undoubtedly the process by which the starting materials are converted into the desired product at the output.

People - workers, staff. Speaking about human resources, it should be noted that people are individual and have different abilities, gifts, perceptions, values, expectations. To achieve the goals of the organization, it is necessary to direct and manage the behavior of employees. It is necessary to work with those people who have a number of necessary traits, possess the necessary abilities and skills. In addition, it is very important to create an atmosphere and a favorable environment in which the necessary skills and abilities of the personnel (employees) will be maintained and developed.

Information. Information resources are used continuously to communicate and coordinate each phase of the transformation process. Market research information helps to determine the most promising product. Communication with workers provides information that is necessary for the quality performance of the task. The speed and volume of product sales allows management to decide how well the company is working towards achieving the desired results. Information is acquired and disseminated in the course of communication.

3. Organizational structure of the company

The organizational structure of a firm is most often presented in the form of a diagram showing the connections and division of responsibility within the organization. To prepare it, it is important:

ь determine the immediate needs of the company and what will become necessary as the company develops;

ь find out what employees are capable of performing the functions assigned to them;

ь evaluate the relationship between employees and how tasks will be formed for them.

This creates the basis for determining the organizational structure of the company, which should be formed in such a way as to ensure the most efficient implementation of the assigned tasks. How responsibility and, more importantly, power will be shared, must be decided at a very early stage in the development of the firm. The organizational chart reflects the strategy and methods of the business.

Of course, the separation within the company of individual structural units(regardless of their name - workshops, departments, branches, etc.) makes sense when:

ь a sufficiently large number of employees, in which effective management of their activities from one center becomes difficult;

b and if the personnel of the company perform work of a different technological nature, which makes it necessary to organize the management of technological processes by specialists of various profiles.

An important aspect of managing an organization is the study and analysis of the external environment and internal problems of the organization. Analysis of the external environment allows you to answer the following specific questions:

Where is the company currently located?

Where does senior management think it should be in the future?

What should managers do to move the organization from where it is now to the market position that management would like it to be?

4. The relationship between the division of labor and management

Division of labor is an economic phenomenon in which professional specialization, narrowing and sometimes deepening of the functions of an individual specialist occurs. General manufacturing process is broken down into extremely simple operations, each of which is performed by a separate person or mechanism.

The division of labor is the reason for the increase in the overall labor productivity of an organized group of specialists (synergistic effect) due to:

  • Development of skills and automatism of performing simple repetitive operations
  • Reducing the time spent switching between different operations

The concept of the division of labor is quite fully described by A. Smith in his treatise "A Study on the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations".

Allocate the social division of labor - this is the distribution in society of social functions between people, and the international division of labor.

The division of labor has led in the modern world to the presence of a huge variety of different professions and industries. Earlier (in ancient times) people were forced to almost completely provide themselves with everything they needed, it was extremely ineffective, which led to a primitive way of life and comfort. Almost all the achievements of evolution, scientific and technological progress can be explained by the continuous introduction of the division of labor. Through the exchange of the results of labor, that is, trade, the division of labor becomes possible in society.

From the point of view of business engineering, division of labor is a functional decomposition of business processes. It is often possible to single out such a part of the functions in a separate form, which then becomes possible to entrust automation or a machine. The division of labor has taken place and is still happening now and has a close connection with the processes of automation. In the field of intellectual work, its division is also possible and very useful.

The division of labor is the first link in the entire system of labor organization. The division of labor is the separation of various types of labor activity and the division of the labor process into parts, each of which is performed by a certain group of workers, united by common functional, professional or qualifications.

For example, the main method of work in accounting is the division of labor of specialists. We distribute the work of employees in accounting areas under the guidance of leading specialists and auditors, which allows us to achieve maximum efficiency of their work. Thus, we dynamically combine developments in the field of accounting automation and experience in the administration of accounting services.

5. Management system and structuredness

The structure is one of the most important components of the system, which gives it a certain direction.

The organizational structure in the management system has a skeletal meaning, i.e. is the backbone of the organization. It reflects the level of socio-economic development of the subject of management, the degree of technical and technological maturity, forms of organization of production and other objective signs of the development of the object and subject of management, its philosophy and strategy.

In any organization, you can distinguish the constituent parts that interact with each other in a certain order, this is the structure. By changing the way of separation, you can change the order of interaction between the parts and, ultimately, the results of the whole. Each subsystem of any organization (technical, technological, informational social, financial, etc.) consists of interacting parts, has a structure and is itself a structural part of the organization. The interaction of all parts of the organization must ensure its work. This is due to the existence of an important organizational structure - management.

The governance structure is one way of dividing an organization into parts. An essential distinguishing feature is that in each isolated link, you can point to a person or group of people who have the ability to make decisions. This opportunity is provided by resources, managers of which are involved in the process of managing the organization, setting and solving management problems.

Thus, any link in the management structure is a unity of management tasks, resources intended for their solution, and performers of these tasks.

The manager (leader) plays an important role in taking over the management of the organization. A number of factors affect the effectiveness of a manager's activity: the employee's potential, his ability to perform a certain job; means of production; social aspects of the activities of personnel and the team as a whole; culture of the organization. All these factors work together, in an integrated unity.

Thus, management efficiency is one of the main indicators of management improvement, determined by comparing management results and resources spent on achieving them. It is possible to assess the effectiveness of management by comparing the received profit and management costs.

Systemic efficiency depends on how rationally the management is organized, i.e. on the composition and number of links, their subordination, distribution of functions. The effectiveness of the management system is determined by the quality of the organizational structure, management processes, and does not depend on the qualities of specific managers.

Operational efficiency - the ratio between the results of management activities and the expended efforts, primarily determined by the business qualities of managers, as well as how rationally their potential is used.

Enterprise management problems in modern conditions Enterprise management, itseconomic,economic and socialactivities

To carry out the production, economic and social functions of the enterprise, an administrative apparatus is created. The number of divisions, the organizational structure of the enterprise, the staff depend on the specificity of production and are determined by the enterprise itself. The basic principle of state enterprise management remains the principle of democratic centralism. Its essence lies in the unification of centralized management with the provision of a certain degree of independence. An important management principle is a unified leadership, that is, subordination to the head of all divisions of the enterprise, all members of the workforce. This also means that the head of the enterprise or the relevant department personally supervises, organizes and is responsible for the effective operation of the enterprise and its workforce. Such management is carried out by him through his deputies and heads of the relevant divisions of the enterprise (personnel department, economic planning, legal department s, accounting, office), which are functionally subordinate only to the director of the enterprise.

Control - these are power relations, and their retention is determined by the nature of the property. Within the framework of his property and rights, the owner-owner himself determines the methods and system of management. He is a monopolist in the management of his property. If the enterprise is state-owned, then the relevant management functions are carried out by the state through its authorized managers. At the same time, the collective is only an organized aggregate of hired workers who, in part, at the request of the owner, to a greater or lesser extent, can be allowed to manage production.

If the owner of the enterprise is a labor collective, a joint-stock company, a cooperative, then the heads of such enterprises are elected. The supreme governing body of such enterprises is the general collection of property owners. The executive functions of managing the collective enterprise are carried out by the board. The board of the enterprise is elected by the owners of the property at a general meeting by secret ballot on an alternative basis. From among its members, the board elects a chairman and his deputies, or their roles are performed alternately by all members of the board. At all enterprises where hired labor is used, a collective agreement is concluded between the owner and the labor collective. This agreement regulates the productive, labor and economic relations of the labor collective with the administration of the enterprise, issues of labor protection, social development, participation of employees in the use of the enterprise's profits, etc. The labor collective considers and approves the draft of the collective agreement, decides, in accordance with the charter of the enterprise, issues of self-government of the labor collective, determines the scope and procedure for granting social benefits to the employees of the enterprise. [

At all enterprises, the indicator of the financial result of economic activity is profit. The procedure for using the profit is determined by the owner of the enterprise or an authorized body in accordance with the charter of the enterprise. State influence on the choice of directions and volumes of use of profit (income) is carried out through taxes, tax incentives, as well as economic sanctions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The enterprise independently determines the wage fund without limiting its increase by state bodies. The minimum wage cannot be lower than the subsistence minimum, which is established by the legislative acts of Russia. Enterprises can use tariff rates, official salaries as guidelines for differentiating wages depending on the profession, qualifications of workers, the complexity and conditions of the work and services they perform.

The enterprise independently provides material and technical support for its own production and capital construction through a system of direct agreements (contracts) or through commodity exchanges and other intermediary organizations.

The enterprise sells its products, property at prices and tariffs that are set independently or on a contractual basis, and in cases stipulated by legislative acts of the Russian Federation, at state prices and tariffs. In settlements with foreign partners, contract prices are used, which are formed in accordance with the conditions and prices of the world market. The products of enterprises holding a monopoly position in the market of goods, which determine the scale of prices in the economy and the social security of the population, are subject to state regulation in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Prices and Pricing". At the same time, state prices should take into account the average industry cost of production and provide a minimum level of profitability of the products to which they apply. Social development issues, including improving working conditions, life, health, guarantees of compulsory medical insurance, insurance of members of the labor collective and their families, are resolved by the labor collective with the participation of the owner in accordance with the charter of the enterprise, the collective agreement and legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

Fundamental features of modernenterprise management systems

The peculiarities of the enterprise management system at the present stage are closely related to the change in strategic guidelines in their activities. The main economic goals of the enterprise in market conditions are to increase production efficiency, maximize profits, conquer new markets and meet the needs of the team. At the same time, the influence of the economic risk factor is increasing, the advantages of free pricing appear, the possibility of independent choice of suppliers and consumers. At the same time, the state is relieved of all responsibility for providing the enterprise with raw materials and materials, for the sale of its products, for the level of its wages.

In a planned and market economy, enterprises know their customers, suppliers and competitors, although they are not always sure of their strategy. In a socialist economy, there is no competition for the consumer, but there is competition in the struggle for resources - not only labor force but above all investment. Enterprises are also fighting for scarce resources and materials. And today, operating enterprises are in a position where the survival of other enterprises is under great question. Demand structure and industry structure are constantly changing. Enterprises cannot count on the stable existence of their suppliers and consumers. They have to look for new partners. However, as practice shows, the directors of many enterprises believe that there are not so many options for replacing their current suppliers. In this regard, they try to keep the existing connections. This is one of the paradoxes of the transitional period. Transformation of a state enterprise into a limited liability company, joint stock company, etc. allows him to become a market structure. At the same time, the question may arise: is it necessary to privatize any state property to create an effective market economy? On this issue, there are diametrically opposite opinions. According to one of them, state-owned enterprises by their nature are not capable of becoming market entities, according to the other, they can not only be transformed into such economic entities, but it is absolutely necessary to make efforts in this direction. These two views give rise to two very different concepts of the conduct of policy in relation to state enterprises, which should be called, respectively, liquidation and commercialization.]

The liquidation concept aims to liquidate state-owned enterprises. It is believed that they are not suitable for inclusion in the market economy and, therefore, they need to either be privatized or liquidated. An important argument in favor of the liquidation concept was the assessment that state-owned enterprises are highly dependent on bureaucratic structures, they will not be able to free themselves from the associated skills of mismanagement.