Organizational structure of Rostelecom company diagram. Analysis of the organizational structure of Rostelecom's management. Rules for the protection of communication lines and structures of the Russian Federation

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Brief description of the enterprise OJSC "Rostelecom"

The company was founded on September 23, 1993 in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation No. 1531-1 "On the privatization of state and municipal enterprises in Russian Federation»Dated July 3, 1991 and with the State program of privatization of state and municipal enterprises of the Russian Federation for 1992, approved by the resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation No. 2980-1 of July 11, 1992.

The founder of the Society is State Committee RF for state property management.

The company is registered in the United state register legal entities under the number 1027700198767, the Company was assigned an identification number taxpayer 7707049388. The list of activities carried out is determined by the Charter of the Company.

The Company includes: Corporate center, macro-regional branches, representative office and regional branches.

Macro-regional branches are separate subdivisions of the Company located outside the location of the Company and performing part of the functions of the Company, including representative ones, in the area of ​​operation of the Macro-regional branch.

Regional branches are separate subdivisions of the Company located outside the location of the Company and performing in the area of ​​operation of the regional branch some of the functions of the Company, including representative ones.

Representative office is stand-alone unit Society located outside the location of the Society, representing the interests of the Society and their protection. For the purposes of this provision, the respective macro-regional branch and regional branches together constitute a macro-region.

Representative office, macro-regional branches and regional branches of the Company (hereinafter referred to as separate structural divisions) operate on the basis of the Charter of the Company, Regulations on Macro-regional / regional branches, Regulations (temporary regulations) on representative offices. Directors of Separate structural divisions act on the basis of powers of attorney issued to them.

Relations between the Corporate Center and the Separate structural divisions Societies are built on the basis of administrative subordination.

OJSC Rostelecom is the main national long-distance operator in Russia and the only company with its own extensive network of high-quality digital channels and paths throughout Russia. Rostelecom will provide you with high-quality long-distance communication with any region of the Russian Federation, international communication with any country in the world.

The company by its organizational and legal form is an open joint stock company. The company was created for an unlimited period of activity.

The legal status of the Company, the procedure for its activities, reorganization and liquidation, as well as the rights and obligations of the Company's shareholders are determined by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On joint stock companies", other Federal laws, other legal acts Of the Russian Federation, adopted by the relevant state bodies within the limits of their powers, as well as by this Charter.

Company objectives:

  • · The most complete satisfaction of customers' needs in communication services;
  • · Implementation of advanced service principles;
  • Comprehensive development based on modern technologies;
  • · Increasing the level of profitability and capitalization of the company.

The main strategic goal Rostelecom is the creation, development and improvement of a unified transport telecommunications environment both within Russia and abroad to ensure the transmission of information flows of regional telecom operators, central and regional TV and radio broadcasting companies, government bodies.

The Company uses unified forms of accounting for primary accounting documents approved by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation.

When registering financial and business transactions for which unified forms are not provided, independently developed forms of primary accounting documents are used, containing required details established by the Federal Law "On Accounting" dated 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ.

The right to sign primary accounting documents, rules and procedure for organizing document flow, document flow schedule, technology for processing primary accounting documents are regulated by internal organizational and administrative documents, which are developed by structural divisions independently.


Brief description of the company PJSC "Rostelecom"

PJSC Rostelecom ( is one of the largest national telecommunications companies in Russia and Europe, present in all segments of the telecommunications market and covering millions of households in Russia.

The company occupies a leading position in the Russian market of broadband access and pay TV services: the number of broadband access subscribers exceeds 11.9 million, and Rostelecom's pay TV subscribers are over 8.8 million, of which over 3.7 million are watching the unique federal product Interactive TV ".

PJSC Rostelecom is the undisputed leader in the telecommunications services market for Russian government bodies and corporate users of all levels.

The company is a recognized technology leader in innovative solutions in the field e-government, cloud computing, healthcare, education, security, housing and utilities.

Consider the organizational structure of PJSC Rostelecom in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Organizational structure of PJSC Rostelecom

The figure shows that the head of the board is the President of PJSC Rostelecom, who is responsible for the management of the company.

The President of PJSC Rostelecom, when developing specific issues and preparing appropriate decisions, programs, plans, helps special apparatus consisting of functional units. Functional subdivisions in terms of management structure are subordinate to the chief line manager (president of the company). They implement their decisions through the main leader, or, within the limits of their authority, directly through the respective heads of the executing services.

The main governing body of PJSC Rostelecom is the Board of Directors. PJSC Rostelecom is headed by the president of the company, who manages the entire production, economic and financial activities PJSC Rostelecom organizes all work and bears full responsibility for its condition and performance. General manager manages the enterprise with the help of deputies and assistants: director of operations, director of human resources and social issues, Director of Economics, Director of Technology and Mechanization, Director of the Administrative Directorate.

Currently, the main players in the Russian telecommunications market are Rostelecom, MTS, VimpelCom, MegaFon and JV with Tele2 Russia - companies that provide a wide range of basic communications services and generate more than 80% of the revenues of the entire Russian telecommunications market. Despite the existing opportunities for the development of alternative players, 5 key market participants claim the main share in the growth of the industry's revenues both through growth in the regions and through transactions. Rostelecom is the undisputed leader in the fixed-line services market and the largest universal operator in the country. Rostelecom provides a wide range of services and enters new market segments. Last year, the company continued its steady growth in high-tech segments, developing broadband Internet access and data transmission services, interactive pay TV, video conferencing services, and intelligent communications services. The Company also maintained its leadership in the traditional local and long-distance communications markets. The company managed to win the position of the undisputed leader in the telecommunications services market for Russian government bodies at all levels, government agencies and organizations.


on the course "Modeling in business systems"


Work manager

Kripak E.M.


student gr. 15Ek (m) MIMA

T.P. Negorozhina

"_____" _________________ 2017

Orenburg 2017

About company

PJSC Rostelecom is one of the largest national telecommunications companies in Russia and Europe, present in all segments of the telecommunications services market and covering over 34 million households in Russia.

Rostelecom is recognized as a technology leader in innovative solutions in the field of e-government, cloud computing, healthcare, education, security, housing and communal services.

General information

Rostelecom occupies a leading position in the Russian broadband access market and digital television: The number of broadband access subscribers exceeds 10.9 million, and Rostelecom's pay TV subscribers are over 7.7 million, of which over 2.4 million are watching the unique federal product Interactive TV. The company also provides local and long-distance telephone services, cellular and etc.

Full range of services:

Services for all client segments - B2B, B2C, B2G and B2O

Traditional: local and long distance telephony


Services of broadband access, including broadband access, and data transmission

Interactive TV

VPN networking

Cloud services

Video conferencing services

Intelligent communication services

Company's mission

The mission of the company is to contribute to the development of a society in which telecommunications unite people, ensuring the possibility of realizing the potential of Russia and states that are of priority importance for Russia, and providing the most modern and high-quality communication services anywhere, at any time and in any territory. . Rostelecom creates more possibilities for people - both through their services and through the implementation of projects and initiatives that touch on issues important to society.

Company goals

1. Creation of innovative solutions in the field of e-government, cloud computing, healthcare, education, security, housing and communal services.

2. Provision of Russian government authorities and corporate users with all levels of telecommunication services.

3. Implementation of a single social role for all regions, allowing to implement projects with a large scale and maximum effect.

4. Provide the most effective assistance to society and promote information openness through their developments and innovations.

5. Solution of social or environmental issues through the elaboration and implementation of each project in the field of sustainable development at a high professional level.

Identifying key factors

PJSC Rostelecom is one of the leading companies in the Russian telecommunications market. In 2008, the Company successfully retained its leadership in the traditional segment of long-distance and international communication services and continued sustainable growth in high-tech segments.

The following key factors influenced the company's success:

1. Promotion of services through the use of modern technologies. The resources of the telecommunications network and the use of only modern technologies allow the company to continue active promotion modern services connections and expansion into new markets.

2.. High operational maintenance of communication facilities and equipment of terminal stations, intermediate amplification and other equipment; routine and preventive maintenance.

3. Innovative activity. Innovation activity is a priority area of ​​development for PJSC Rostelecom. The company has developed an Innovative Development Program, in accordance with which the company is today transforming from a traditional telecom operator into a global service provider of the world level.

4. High reliability and efficiency. High reliability and availability of services, a high level of security of information resources located in the data center, efficiency and cost-effectiveness are one of the main key factors for the success of the company.

5. High level of qualifications of the employees of PJSC Rostelecom. The most important competitive advantage company in modern society is a high level of qualifications of personnel. An offer of quality and comprehensive service helps to attract new customers in all segments of the communications industry.

6. "Universal operator". In 2008, the Company focused on offering a range of various telecommunication and infocommunication services to the population, to corporative clients and telecom operators, both in Russia and abroad, positioning itself on the market as a universal operator.

7. Mutually beneficial cooperation. Rostelecom conducts mutually beneficial cooperation with 600 national and international operators.

8. Wide geography... The long-term leadership of PJSC Rostelecom is ensured by a high-speed backbone communication network, which allows providing communication services to users on a national scale, as well as having access to the networks of the largest international operators.

9. Guarantee and safety... The equipment is protected from unauthorized access, round-the-clock access of representatives of the Data Center for conducting an independent technical support and administration. Availability of network certificate requirements information security FSTEC.

10. Social responsibility... Rostelecom works for society, therefore, its contribution to the well-being of society is not limited only to the economic component. Every year the company implements socially significant programs and projects based on public interests to achieve even better results in work for the benefit of the company and every citizen of the country.

11. Rostelecom has direct international connections. In the era of globalization and informatization, the international relations of the Company are of particular importance, allowing them to reach a qualitatively new level of development. PJSC Rostelecom has direct international connections to the networks of more than 150 telecom operators in 68 countries, participates in 25 international cable systems and interacts with 600 international operators and companies. The company provides traffic transit services to foreign operators, leases international digital channels of almost any capacity.

12. Improvement of the backbone communication network. Improvement of its own backbone communication network creates the basis for meeting the growing demand for modern and high-quality telecommunication products and provides users with the opportunity to access the services of PJSC Rostelecom in all regions of the country.

Organizational structure of PJSC Rostelecom

Figure 1 - Organizational structure of PJSC Rostelecom


1. Unambiguity of the subject's influence on the control object.

2. Lack of intermediate links between the manager and the subordinate.

3. The ability to receive consistent, linked assignments.

4. High responsibility of the leader for the result of the work of the team.

5. Ensuring the unity of leadership from top to bottom.

disadvantages organizational structure of PJSC Rostelecom:

1. High requirements for the competence of the leader.

2. Overloading senior managers.

3. Lack of horizontal links between subordinates. Lack of links for planning and preparation of decisions.

4. Complex coordination of the activities of individual performers.

Main business processes of PJSC Rostelecom

Rostelecom is one of the largest Russian telecommunications companies, in the course of which various business processes are carried out. Let's consider the main business processes:

3. Provision of digital television services

4. Organization of VPN networks

Business processes Key success factors
Use of modern technologies High operational maintenance Innovative activity High reliability Constant influx of qualifications. cadres "Universal operator" Mutually beneficial cooperation Wide geography Guarantee and safety Social responsibility International relations
Provision of local and long-distance telephone communications + + + + + + + + + +
Provision of broadband access (DSHPA) and data transmission + + + + + + + + + +
Provision of digital television services + + + + + + + +
VPN networking + + + + + + + + + +
Providing an intelligent communication network + + + + + + + +
Carrying out projects and actions in various spheres of society + + + + + + +
Providing cloud products + + + + + + +
Providing intercom and telegraph communication + + + + + + +
Providing video conferencing + + + + + + + +

Thus, it should be noted that the business processes "Provision of local and long-distance telephone communications", "Provision of broadband access and data transmission" and "Organization of VPN networks" are most influenced by the key success factors.

Classification of business processes of Rostelecom

Rostelecom's business processes will be divided into main business processes, innovation development business processes and management business processes. Let's consider this classification in more detail.

Main business processes:

1. Provision of local and long-distance telephone communications

2. Provision of broadband access (DSHPA) and data transmission

3. Provision of interactive and digital television services

4. Organization of VPN networks

5. Providing an intelligent communication network

6. Carrying out projects and actions in various spheres of society

7. Provision of cloud products

8. Provision of selector and telegraph communication

9. Provision of basic services

Supporting business processes: of personnel;

2. service maintenance of equipment;

3. provision of communication, IT - provision;

4. administrative and economic support;

5. financial and accounting support of the organization's activities;

6. security, etc.

Business processes of innovative development:

Implementation of a comprehensive efficiency programs of the combined company, including: optimization of commercial and administrative functions, payment acceptance channels, point-of-sale and service networks, implementation of a unified intelligent network operation model

Creation Corporate University for the organization of training, retraining, advanced training of personnel on the basis of a unified knowledge base and a system of information and communication technologies for implementation different forms training - full-time, distance and mixed

Implementation and improvement quality management systems certified in accordance with ISO standard 9001-2000, and includes: monitoring of the product quality ratio, certification of communication services, risk management, user satisfaction assessment and comprehensive control of business processes

Management business processes:

Personnel Management

Inventory management

Strategic management

Financial management

Marketing management

Let's create a context diagram: A-0 Activities of an advertising company. Using the Text Block button, enter the text in the diagram field - point of view and goal.

Using the One-way connection block, create arrows on the context diagram.

Table 1 - Arrows of the context diagram

The result of the previous steps is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Context diagram

Let's create decomposition diagrams. We will distribute the work of the decomposition diagram in the area of ​​the header block in accordance with Table 2.

Table 2 - Works of the decomposition diagram A0

As a result, we get:

Figure 3 - Decomposition diagram

A node tree is a diagram that displays the hierarchy of activities in a process.