Organization of marketing at the enterprise of the construction industry. Thesis: Development of marketing for a construction company on the example of LLC Rembytstroy. Fig.2.1. Organizational structure of ZAO Vesna

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  • Introduction
  • Section 1. Theoretical foundations of construction products in the marketing system
    • 1.1 Features of construction products as a commodity
    • 1.2 Features of the distribution of construction products
    • 1.3 Pricing policy of construction products
  • Section 2. Marketing research on the example of OJSC "Lyuban Plant of Wall Blocks"
    • 2.1 general characteristics marketing service of the enterprise, assessment of the marketing mission
    • 2.2 Market Research
    • 2.3 Marketing environment research
  • Conclusion
  • List of sources used


Marketing as a method of managing the activities of construction organizations and as a form of relationship between these organizations and the customer-consumer is increasingly being used. Marketing methods have become an integral element of maintaining and increasing the competitiveness of the organization, both at the regional level and at industry market. At the same time, the specific marketing activities stems here from the features of the very process of creating construction products as a commodity.

Marketing in construction has such an important feature that it is carried out on the basis of an increasingly complex development construction market, covering an exceptionally wide range construction works and related (operational, commissioning, etc.) services related to construction. Only such a marketing model in construction can ensure the effective sale of construction products in the industry market.

Marketing research of any type of construction products includes the collection, processing and analysis of data from the construction products market, the composition of market entities, and specific consumer requests. Based on the results of market research, marketing decisions are developed and made. The specificity of research on the construction products market is associated with the peculiarities of its promotion, primarily with the weak influence of commercial intermediaries on the construction products market.

The target orientation of marketing research in construction is determined by the presence of individual problems, which, as a rule, are specific to each participant in the construction process. Therefore, marketing research in the field of construction differs mainly in the content of the marketing problems being solved, and their results are evaluated by the number of realized goals. From this point of view, studies can be considered complete, where the objects of market research are goods, consumers, competitors. Experience shows that in the specific conditions of construction, continuous marketing research on a wide range of problems is not at all necessary.

Subject of research: marketing activities of JSC "Lyuban Plant of Wall Blocks".

Object of study: products manufactured by JSC "Lyuban Plant of Wall Blocks".

The main goal of the course work is, in relation to the specialized conditions of managing an enterprise, to analyze existing system organization of marketing research and develop measures to improve it.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Consider the theoretical aspects of construction products in the marketing system.

2. Evaluate the marketing aspects of the activities of OJSC "Luban Plant of Wall Blocks"

The theoretical basis of the study was the work of such authors as: I.L. Akulich, O.I. Karpeko, N.Yu. Kulak.

By structure course work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography.


1.1 Peculiaritiesconstructionproductshowgoods

The construction industry is a complex dynamic system with multilateral and business ties. Building products in marketing as a commodity is everything that can satisfy a person's need for objects of sale with the aim of acquiring them for personal or public use. In a market economy, a business is a supplier of goods and services.

Product (service) - everything that can satisfy a need or need and is offered to the market in order to attract attention, purchase, use or consumption. These can be physical objects, persons, places, organizations, ideas.

Construction products in the marketing system can be considered as a product according to the intention of its content (project), a product in real performance (a finished object), a product in the form of construction services of a contractor, a product in the form of support for construction products.

Product by design, from the point of view of marketing, is the need to identify the needs of the consumer. You need to sell not the properties of the product, but the benefits from it. If the consumer purchases a house, then he must see some benefit from the acquisition of this particular house.

The level of quality of performance, architectural, technological solutions characterize construction products as goods in real performance.

The interests of the buyer can be supported by the provision of a loan, loan guarantee service, guarantee service technological equipment, payment by installments, operational support, delivery by the manufacturer of building structures and materials. In this case, construction products are considered as goods accompanied by additional services. Construction products in marketing as a commodity is everything that can satisfy a person's need for real estate.


The difference between construction products as a commodity in relation to all types of mass and mass-produced goods requires a different approach to studying market problems. In this case, we consider the competition between firms, not for what is produced by construction, design, manufacturing enterprises, but for construction products (finished buildings and structures for housing and civil or industrial purposes, building structures and building materials), accompanied by additional services in the form of guarantees, consultations, financing, supply features that are of interest to the consumer (environmentally friendly areas, a prestigious area will make it possible to extract higher incomes at the same costs for the construction of the facility and its operation).

When considering marketing activities, one should dwell on the features of construction products as a product. Features include:

Immobility, stationarity, both during its creation and during the entire period of operation;

The life cycle is usually longer compared to products industrial production, even long-term use;

High capital intensity limits the range of potential buyers of real estate;

Individuality of demand for real estate objects;

A high degree of individualization has a significant impact on the elasticity of demand.

The promotion of construction products is characterized by the following features:

Channels of distribution and goods movement are characterized by direct contacts between the commodity producer and the consumer;

The sale of newly created products takes place on the sales market of objects, where it encounters serious competition from the secondary real estate market;

May be a product of delayed consumption;

The development of the market for contract work depends on the socio-economic development of the region;

The duration of the creation of products requires the justification of design decisions, clear financing, taking into account the time factor;

The product life cycle is limited to a separate order;

The involvement of a large number of participants in the creation of construction products.

Thus, the specific features of construction products influence the definition of marketing strategies for certain types of goods. construction industry. Based on the characteristics inherent in these products, they can be classified.

Based on the conditions for classifying construction products in marketing activities in the construction industry, the following areas can be distinguished:

Marketing of investment projects;

Marketing manufacturers and suppliers building materials and structures, technological equipment;

Marketing of offers and services of a contracting construction and installation organization;

Marketing sales of finished construction products.


Market research, development of a strategy for the creation and sale of goods, methods of promotion and marketing are carried out separately for each area of ​​marketing activities in the construction industry.

Construction products as a commodity are divided into:

Construction products for industrial purposes (industrial construction);

Construction products for social purposes (civil engineering).

Construction products for industrial use differ in:

Reproductive cycle (new construction, technical re-equipment, repair);

Sources of financing (private, state (budgetary), other - public organizations);

The nature of the settlements (for a fully commissioned object, by stages of construction, with prepayment, payment in installments);

Industry affiliation (by sectors of the national economy - industry, transport, trade, communications);

Degrees of readiness (construction objects, construction in progress, single objects, building complexes).

A construction firm defines the goals it seeks to achieve with a particular product. The most commonly defined goals that affect price development are:

Ensuring survival. There are many manufacturers on the market, fierce competition, customer needs often change. The firm is forced to lower prices until they cover costs;

Maximization of current profit. The firm evaluates demand and costs at different price levels and chooses the price that maximizes current profit and cash flow and maximizes cost recovery;

Gaining leadership in terms of market share. Achieving leadership in terms of market share, the construction company goes to the maximum possible reduction in prices in order to increase market share;

Gaining leadership in terms of product quality. A high price is set to cover all the costs of achieving high quality and R&D.

Thus, we can say that construction products are the result of activities construction organization and has a number of differences compared to all types of products on the market. The construction firm also defines the goals it seeks to achieve with a particular product.

1.2 Peculiaritiesdisseminationconstructionproducts

Construction products turn into a commodity only in the market, and this requires marketing efforts to:


Goods movement;

Marketing communications.

Distribution channel - a set of firms or individuals that take over or help transfer to someone else the ownership of a particular product or service as it moves from producer to consumer.

Tactical distribution tasks:

Retaining old customers and attracting new ones;

Organization of timely and high-quality execution of orders for construction products;

The fastest possible receipt of payment for the work performed and the products delivered to customers.

Distribution channels can be characterized by the number of their constituent levels. The level of the distribution channel is any intermediary that performs some work to bring the product and ownership of it closer to the final buyer. Since both the producer and the end consumer perform certain work, they are also part of any channel.

For construction products (housing), four levels of distribution channels can be distinguished:

a) Zero level channel. Economic relations for production and sale finished products are formed between the construction organization and customers directly. Having the necessary investments and knowing the conjuncture of the contract work market, the customer prefers to work with the contractor himself, avoiding intermediaries. The reason is that most properties are built to order, investment risk is high, and consumer costs are individual.

The contract organization as an intermediary between the construction organization and the customer appears in two cases:

With budget financing of construction;

In the mass production of building products.

With budget financing of construction, the functions of the customer and payer are distributed among various bodies.

The payer, in the conditions of a competitive distribution of the volume of contract work, performs the functions of commercial mediation, since it actually represents the interests of customers for the construction organization and the interests of the contractor for customers.

In the mass production of building products (housing construction), the roles of the customer and the buyer may belong to different persons.

The local government acts as a customer of communal housing, and individuals and legal entities act as buyers. In this case, the functions of the local government are similar to the functions of commercial intermediaries.

The following distribution channels for construction products are distinguished:

b) A peer-to-peer link includes one intermediary. It can be a sales agent or a broker.

c) The two-level channel, in addition to the named works, also includes an investment company. Unlike a specific organization that distributes mainly budgetary funds, an investment company can accumulate investments from all sources, including, first of all, household savings. If such savings are accumulated for housing construction, then the investment company can direct them to finance contract work through contract organizations, which are more professional in judging the contract work market conditions. At this level, the process of distribution of construction products takes the form in which households invest in investment funds, which, on a contractual basis, attract contract organizations to more effectively allocate investments among construction organizations. Then the construction products purchased by the investment company are sold to investors.

d) A three-level channel arises if another link appears in the considered chain - a realtor.

A realtor is an intermediary between the seller and the buyer of real estate. It complements the complex of a commercial intermediary in the construction products market, offering goods at retail (individuals) or small wholesale (organizations). A realtor can interact directly with construction organizations and customers, or deal with finished building products, looking for buyers.

It can be concluded that construction products turn into goods only in the market. Distribution channels can be characterized by the number of their constituent levels. For construction products (housing), four levels of distribution channels can be distinguished: zero, one-level, two-level and three-level.

1.3 Pricepoliticsconstructionproducts

There are two price groups:

Prices used in mass commodity production (construction products in the form of building materials and structures);

Prices for construction products in the form of construction services.

Prices for bulk goods can be:

Wholesale prices of the enterprise (prices at which manufacturers sell their products to consumers - enterprises, marketing and wholesale bodies);

Transfer price (serves commercial transactions between divisions of the same firm);

The exchange price of building materials and products is formed on the basis of the wholesale price of the enterprise, taking into account the exchange quotation, allowances and discounts from it, depending on the characteristics of the goods, the distance from the place of delivery;

Retail prices (prices at which goods are sold in various trading network population, businesses)

Auction price (reflects the rare properties of goods and depends on the skill of the one who conducts the auction).

Classification of prices depending on the place of transfer of goods to the buyer:

Free wagon, station of departure (the goods are transferred to the buyer at the place of its production and he pays all the costs of transporting the products to the destination);

Free-of-charge vehicles, in the supplier's warehouse (the goods are loaded into the buyer's transport);

Free wagon, destination station (carriage charge is equal to the average amount of transportation costs);

Zonal prices (all customers within the boundaries of this zone pay the same total price);

Prices in relation to the base point (the seller chooses one city or another as the base point and charges all customers transportation costs in the amount equal to the cost of delivery from this point, regardless of where the shipment comes from);

Tariffs for the transportation of goods (the price of goods includes production costs and the costs of delivering goods to the buyer - distribution costs).

Classification of prices as the degree of freedom of prices from the influence of the state in their determination:

Free prices (prices are freely formed on the market);

Regulated prices (they are formed under the influence of supply and demand, and the state influences them by directly limiting their growth or decline, by regulating profitability. The size of the trade allowance is 20-25%).

Prices for construction products in the form of construction services:

Free (contractual) prices are formed on the basis of supply and demand for construction products, labor, materials, machinery and equipment. It is established by both the customer and the contractor on an equal basis when concluding a work contract (contract) for the performance of construction work. Prices can be open, which can be specified during construction, or fixed (final). The free contractual price of construction, if contract bidding (tenders) are held, is established by the tender committee after evaluating and comparing proposals submitted by contractors - applicants.

The list price (the cost of 1m2 of usable area), 1m2 of living space is determined for housing and civil facilities under construction, for which standard projects are available.

If a construction company is building objects as an owner (residential buildings, offices), the sale price is determined on the basis of data on production costs and taking into account market conditions.

Consider the following pricing methods:

1. The method "average costs plus profit" - the margin on the property of the goods is determined. This method is simple and popular for a number of reasons:

Sellers are more aware of costs than they are of demand;

The prices of many firms are similar, price competition is minimized;

This technique takes into account the interests of both buyers and sellers.

2. The method of perceived value of the goods. When calculating the price, the main factor is not the costs of the seller, but the buyer's perception. Marketing determines what value ideas are in the minds of consumers about the products of competitors. Consumers can be asked how much they are willing to pay for the same apartment, but in different areas of the city.

3. The method of setting prices based on the level of current prices. When setting a price, an enterprise starts from the prices of competitors and pays less attention to indicators of its own costs or demand. It may charge a price above or below the price level of its main competitors. However, the price cannot be lower than the cost, otherwise the company will inflict financial damage on itself.

4. Method of trial sales. Trial sales in selected markets quantify the volume of goods sold. For building products, test sales are more for building materials and products purchased for individual, non-commercial use.

5. Method of setting prices for new products. The highest price per consumer is set at new product, is the price of “skimming cream”. As demand decreases, the price decreases.

In order to attract the maximum number of buyers and conquer the market, the company sets a lower price than the prices of similar products of competitors. This price is called the market entry price.

6. Discount pricing method:

Discounts for cash payment;

Discounts for the quantity of purchased goods;

Seasonal discounts;

functional discounts.

The purpose of all these methods is to narrow the price range within which the final price of the goods will be chosen. The firm should pay attention not only to economic, but also to psychological factors prices, namely:

Many consumers look at price as an indication of quality;

The price must be an odd number.

So, the firm sets the final price for the product, taking into account its most complete psychological perception, compliance with the pricing policy practiced by the organization, perceived favorably by sales personnel, competitors, suppliers, and the state.

The dynamics of demand for construction products can be represented as follows:

Falling demand (may be due to external and internal factors);

Irregular demand (seasonal);

Complete demand.

The task of the marketing service is to identify the causes of changes in demand and maintain full demand by monitoring market conditions, competitors' actions, and monitoring product quality.

The marketer needs to know how sensitive demand is to price changes.

In the field of construction services, free contractual prices are set, formed by the contractor and the customer, or during competitive contract bidding, a competitive form of contract placement.

The opportunities and challenges of pricing policy vary with the type of market. Companies in the construction industry need to have an orderly methodology for setting the starting price for their products.

Rice.1. 3 Methodologyestablishingoriginalpriceson theconstructionproducts

Important characteristics of the construction market are:

a) long service life cycle.

b) stability of technologies for rendering services.

c) the services offered are standard. The characteristic of standard services satisfies the needs of customers.

d) the costs of customers for switching from the services of one firm to the services of another firm are quite low.

e) there are a large number of customers who have a significant force to reduce the price.

Thus, two groups of prices can be distinguished: 1. prices used in mass commodity production (construction products in the form of building materials and structures); 2. prices for construction products in the form of construction services. Prices for construction products in the form of construction services: free and list prices. In order to attract the maximum number of buyers and conquer the market, the company sets a lower price than the prices of similar products of competitors. In the field of construction services, free contractual prices are set, formed by the contractor and the customer, or during competitive contract bidding, a competitive form of contract placement.


2.1 Generalcharacteristicmarketingservicesenterprises,grademarketingmissions

The enterprise was organized in 1987 and is located at the address: 223839, Minsk region, Lyubansky district, p / o Smolgovo. Open joint-stock company "Lyuban Plant of Wall Blocks" was established on the basis of and through the transformation of the Inter-farm enterprise for the production of small wall blocks, by decision No. 313 of April 29, 2003 of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

OJSC "Lyuban Plant of Wall Blocks" sells products to consumers, both on the domestic market and outside the Republic of Belarus. The main consumers are: construction organizations, agricultural production cooperatives, individual entrepreneurs and population. The main consumers in the foreign market are such regions as: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Leningrad, Kaliningrad regions, Ukraine.

The objectives of the enterprise: the creation of modern products that meet the requirements of domestic and foreign markets based on the use of traditional skills and historical experience of the company's employees.

The main activity of the open joint-stock company OJSC "Luban plant of wall blocks" - production of blocks from cellular concrete wall small and foam polystyrene heat-insulating slabs.

OJSC "Luban Plant of Wall Blocks" produces wall blocks from cellular concrete in accordance with STB1117-98 and polystyrene heat-insulating slabs in accordance with STB1437-2004. Blocks made of cellular concrete are designed for laying external, internal walls, basement walls and partitions of buildings with a relative humidity of indoor air of not more than 75% and in a non-aggressive environment. The enterprise produces three brands of blocks in terms of density: M400, M500 and M600 and, accordingly, three classes in terms of strength: B1, B1.5 and B2. Products made of cellular concrete have a low coefficient of thermal conductivity - 0.1 ... 0.14 W / m2 ° C, withstand 25, 35 cycles of alternate freezing and thawing. The sizes of blocks vary according to STB1117 or under the order of the client. The blocks produced on the new cutting complex (M400 and M500) have a more precise geometry, which allows them to be used for laying with glue. The second type of manufactured products is heat-insulating polystyrene foam boards intended for thermal insulation of external enclosing structures of newly built and operated buildings and structures, thermal protection of individual elements of building structures (floors, basements, roofs, etc.), industrial equipment in the absence of contact of plates with internal premises, as well as in refrigerators. The enterprise produces plates of the brand - PPT-15A, the thermal conductivity of the product is not more than 0.04 W/m2 °C.

The structure of the enterprise includes:

main production building (grinding department, technological line No. 1 and No. 2, autoclave department, storage chambers, finished product warehouse);

administrative building;

storage of sand and lime;

cement warehouse;

material warehouse;

compressor room;

cooling tower;

artesian well with water tower;

sewerage pumping station;

transformer substation.

At present, JSC "Luban Wall Block Plant" produces and sells a wide range of building materials, both for multi-storey buildings and for individual buildings.

Organizational structure JSC "Lyuban Plant of Wall Blocks" is shown in Figure 2.1.


At present, the enterprise OJSC "Lyuban Plant of Wall Blocks" has the necessary marketing information. Marketing activities are not bad, planned properly and therefore quite effective. The analysis of actions is carried out and accordingly, if there are problems, they are clearly indicated.

But there is one minus, there is no information about target audience about the end user. Structural divisions of the enterprise work separately, practically without communicating with each other. There is also no feedback from the end user.

2.2 Studyconjuncturemarket

The marketing strategy used by the enterprise is illustrated by the example of a product / market opportunity matrix - a market development strategy.

For the production of products of OJSC "Luban Plant of Wall Blocks" rather large workshops with special equipment are needed. At the moment, apart from the workshops of OJSC "Luban Plant of Wall Blocks", there are no others that would meet the same requirements. It takes at least 8-10 years to build a similar enterprise and put it into operation.

Old Market New Market

Product Product

new old

Market Development

Market penetration

Product development



The need for complete and reliable information about the market of competing products, the plans and intentions of their manufacturers, led to the emergence of such an important marketing function as tracking competitors.

The first and most obvious competitors of the enterprise are enterprises - manufacturers of similar goods entering this market.

1. JSC "Smorgonsilikatobeton"

2. JSC "Minsk plant of silicate products"

3. CJSC "Mogilev plant of silicate products"

The market share of OJSC "Lyuban Plant of Wall Blocks" in the total market of competitors is presented in Table 2.1.

table2. 1 SharemarketJSC"Lubanskyfactorywallblocks" vgeneralmarketcompetitors

Competitor's name

Location in the Republic of Belarus

Market share it owns (in %)

product name

JSC "Smorgon silicate concrete"

Grodno region, Smorgon, Industrialny avenue 17-101

JSC "Minsk plant of silicate products"

Minsk, Minina st., 28

Wall blocks from cellular concrete

CJSC "Mogilev plant of silicate products"

Mogilev, st. Krupskaya, 224

Wall blocks from cellular concrete

JSC "Luban plant of wall blocks"

Minsk region, Lyuban district, p / o Smolgovo

Wall blocks from cellular concrete

Rest of the market

Wall blocks from cellular concrete


on the course "Fundamentals of Marketing"

"Marketing Development construction company(on the example of Rembytstroy LLC)"


1. Marketing mix of a construction company

1.1 Marketing orientation of the construction industry

1.2 Formation of the marketing mix of a construction company

1.3 Marketing management of a construction company

2. Analysis of the marketing activities of a construction company

2.1 Analysis of sales activity

2.2 Analysis of marketing communications of a construction company

2.3 Analysis of the pricing policy of a construction company

3. Development of a competitive strategy for a construction company based on the marketing mix

3.1 Development of a commodity-pricing strategy for a construction company

3.2 Development of a strategy for promoting construction products

3.3 Development of a marketing strategy for a construction company


Economic liberalization in Russia, combined with economic growth, contributed to the gradual transformation of the state-monopolized economy into a competitive market, the replacement of commodity shortages with shortages. Money, the transformation of the supply problems of a construction company into the problems of sales of construction works and services.

Marketing today forms the basis of entrepreneurial activity, being both an increasingly widespread way of economic thinking, and a holistic system of measures for studying the market and actively influencing consumer demand. At present, for the majority of enterprises, the need to justify long-term development goals is becoming more and more obvious. This largely determines the relevance of marketing planning in the modern economic formation, which is still in transition.

The experience of marketing activities of domestic enterprises is very limited. Many enterprises are just beginning to operate, and some are organizing marketing services. Based on the experience of Western countries, Russia is developing its own type of marketing.

Marketing planning is becoming today one of the most important elements of the concept of enterprise management. It is used to improve the efficiency of the existing management system in firms, makes it possible to draw up more realistic production and sales programs, respond faster to changes in the market, and creates significant competitive advantages.

Various issues of marketing planning are considered in the works of both domestic and foreign scientists: Anikeeva S.N., Kotler F., Khrutsky V.E. and others. At the same time, construction marketing is poorly studied abroad and almost not described (with the exception of the work of Ivakin E.K. and Stakhanov V.N.) in the domestic literature, which determines the relevance of this thesis.

The main purpose of this work is to study the development of a marketing planning complex, both theoretical aspects and in practice for a particular construction company.

Based on the goal in this work, the following tasks were set:

· Analyze the main elements that characterize the marketing orientation of the enterprise: the presence of a mission; conducting SWOT-analysis and analysis of the macro-environment and micro-environment; developing a business portfolio based on these analyzes; market segmentation; development of commodity and pricing policy, promotion and distribution channels.

· Consider the process of marketing management and the procedure for developing a marketing plan in the enterprise.

· Describe the features of marketing in construction.

· Analyze sales activities, marketing communications and pricing policy of a particular enterprise; describe ways to improve them.

The subject of this research is the marketing complex of the enterprise. The object of research work is the marketing complex of a particular construction company.

Methodological and theoretical basis studies serve as the works of domestic and foreign economists and marketers, regulations, instructional materials.

Conclusions and proposals received in the process of performing this thesis work will be used in the activities of a particular construction company.

Thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. In the first chapter - theoretical, the marketing complex of a construction company is considered. The second chapter analyzes the marketing activities of a particular construction company. In the third chapter, the results are summarized and proposals are made to improve the marketing complex of the enterprise. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn on the topic of the work.

1.1 Marketing orientation of the construction industry

It's no secret that the change of economic formations leads, among other things, to a change in relations between various market entities. And this phenomenon takes place not only at the macroeconomic level, but also at the microlevel. Under the influence of external forces, there are significant changes in relations between the enterprise and the state, the enterprise and competitors, the enterprise and consumers. In addition, relationships within the organization are also changing. Most of these transformations can be attributed and defined within the framework of the "manufacturer-market" system. In this case, the market is understood as the marketing definition of this concept: a set of consumers with certain needs and principles of behavior, that is, a well-defined category.

For more than ten years in Russia there has been a transition from one form of management to another. This is expressed not only in a change in the official course of the national economy, but also in the form of changes in the relationship of the enterprise with the market.

Western experts identify four main stages in the development of marketing, which are reflected in the principles of goal setting and problem solving. All of the approaches listed below have been used and are being used in real business, but the relevance of many of them has significantly decreased by now. Such "outdated" principles are applied only by enterprises operating in peculiar markets, as will be discussed below.

The first stage in the evolution of marketing is called production - the stage of development of an organization with a focus on production. The purpose of the existence of an enterprise located at this stage of development is to constantly increase production volumes and reduce the cost of the product due to economies of scale. (In this case, we omit the statement that the main goal of any commercial organization- profit. Since it (the goal) remains regardless of the professed approach to marketing.)

Adherents of the production approach argue that only by reducing the price can you increase sales and satisfy the consumer. And since the price very much depends on the volume of production, then, consequently, the volume of production is the main factor in market satisfaction.

The second approach to marketing says that an increase in satisfaction, and, consequently, an increase in sales, can only be achieved by improving the quality of products. This approach is called the product or product concept of marketing. On the this stage development, the company is trying to improve the quality of its products, investing huge amounts of money in improving technologies and financing the development of new, better products. Naturally, most often this happens to the detriment of the price.

The third stage in the development of marketing is called the marketing concept. In this case, the organization focuses on the active promotion of manufactured goods, while the emphasis is on selling the goods at any cost, even if at the expense of future relationships with customers. Proponents of this approach argue that the consumer will never purchase a product unless he is forced to do so.

In this case, it does not really matter what to sell, so the dominant role in the organization, as well as in the previous two, is played by production units. This stage is associated with the construction of all kinds of sales networks, the development of agency trade (traveling sales), huge investments in advertising. Admirers of this approach say that sales bring money.

And, finally, the fourth stage of marketing development is based on such principles as “the customer is always right”, “you can only produce what is in demand on the market”, etc. This approach is called the "marketing concept" and states that only by studying the needs of the market and producing goods on behalf of customers, you can achieve high sales, and hence profits. This concept is implemented through continuous research to determine consumer preferences, purchasing behavior, choice factors, methods and channels of influence, etc. The philosophy of this approach is that the organization must satisfy the needs of customers.

The above stages of marketing development do not imply a mandatory and consistent transition from one concept to another. Currently, there are enterprises that build their activities on both one and other approaches. But what is the difference between these systems? How to determine which system dominates the organization, and which should ideally exist? To do this, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of each of them.

The principle of building the first three systems is the dominance of production units over other services of the enterprise. Opinions of production workers have more weight, and all functional services work for them. Those goods are brought to the market that are profitable to produce from a technological point of view, and in the production of which there is already sufficient experience, and not those that are in demand. At the same time, the difficulties in selling products fall entirely on the shoulders of the marketers, who, in case of failure, are accused of incompetence. Of the marketing tools, only sales, advertising and occasionally after-sales service work. This system of marketing organization is called production orientation. Typical, although not mandatory, features of such systems are:

· the top managerial level of the enterprise consists of former production workers;

· v collegiate bodies management and at public events, the “key word” belongs to the head of the production department, Ch. technologist or engineer;

· Production Department has the ability to "put pressure" on the director in order to lobby certain interests;

The marketing department does not exist or is engaged in the search for customers and sales;

· management of the marketing department (if it exists) is carried out by the head of the sales service or commercial director;

selling prices are set in the planning department or accounting department. The marketing (sales) department has little or no influence on their decisions;

· there is no mechanism of flexible pricing;

· Sales staff cannot make discount decisions.

In contrast to this provision, the marketing orientation of the company is based not on production indicators, but on market information, on the basis of which the short-term goals of the organization are determined, financial performance is forecasted and production volumes are determined. The price of products in this case is determined on the basis of market prices, the marketing strategy of the enterprise and the projected sales volumes. On the basis of these indicators, effective and optimal production volumes are determined and decisions are made on various enterprise services.

With this approach, information flows are directly opposite to the direction of flows when using the first three concepts. So, first, information about the market is collected, processed and analyzed in the marketing service, and then the necessary indicators are transferred to other departments of the enterprise. The indicators of such a system are:

Establishment (optionally approval) of product prices by the marketing service;

continuous improvement of products, updating and expanding the range;

investment in market research;

Development of measures to attract potential customers and retain existing ones;

work on the image of the enterprise;

Subordination of the marketing service directly to the director of the organization.

To be competitive, an organization must choose the most effective marketing system for a given market and a given stage in the development of the national economy. There are several basic rules for this. The production concept is the most successful solution if:

Demand sharply exceeds supply.

The high cost of production can be reduced due to economies of scale;

Price is the main selection factor.

The following conditions are necessary for the introduction of a commodity approach:

quality is the main factor of choice;

· high elasticity on quality;

· quality - distinguishing feature goods from competitors' products;

high-tech and high-precision goods.

The marketing concept can be used when:

The product is not in demand, but has a certain value for consumers (insurance services);

It is necessary to quickly sell inventory when changing activities or liquidating an organization;

The product is standard and the market is fiercely competitive.

The fourth approach is effectively implemented if:

The market is competitive and dynamic;

Consumers understand the product and are looking for the best purchase option;

New items appear on the market frequently.

lack or decrease in demand for the company's products with a steady demand for similar products of competitors.

The philosophy of marketing, or integrated marketing, assumes that there are two levels of management of the marketing system.

The first level - external marketing consists in representing the interests of the enterprise in the market, attracting customers, creating a favorable image, i.e. demand management. The second level - internal marketing is to protect the interests of the consumer within the enterprise. In this case, we are talking about taking into account customer suggestions for improving products or improving the distribution system, as well as tracking market trends and consumer preferences. At this level, marketing services are a counter-force to manufacturing workers and economists.

The individual goal of any construction company is effective, expedient activity, stable production, production and sale of construction products or services that provide a constant income and an appropriate level of quality of life for its employees.

The high-quality creation of a building system and its effective functioning entirely depend on how successfully, accurately, they were determined, predicted for a long period the goals of the organization for each stage of the life of the system. The goals of the organization of any social, production system are determined on the basis of a thorough, systematic analysis of the environment external to the system under consideration.

The external environment of a construction company is, as a rule, more complex, more multifactorial and more dynamic than the external environment of any other manufacturing enterprise, since the production process of creating construction products involves the largest number of participants in its sphere and is distinguished by the maximum variety of natural conditions in which it takes place.

In organization and systems theories, any system is considered in close relationship with its environment. Consequently, building marketing will have its own marketing building environment, which is in a certain state at a particular point in time and has its own specific development trends.

In view of all of the above, marketing system orientation of a construction enterprise in market conditions should be a comprehensive study of the external environment surrounding this enterprise, determining its place in it and the place of its construction products (construction services), consumer requirements for the volume, quality, price of products and services. This is achieved through a comprehensive, comprehensive and systematic analysis of the market, forecasting demand, prices, creating new types of products and services, advertising, coordinating intra-company planning, financing, etc.

The marketing system in construction is aimed primarily at determining the individual goal of organizing construction production. A deep understanding of the essence and nature of the organization of building systems is necessary, prerequisite reasonable use of the results of marketing research, which determine, in general, the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the work of a construction enterprise and construction production.

Today, marketing is a set of provisions, rules, recipes on rational ways to establish a chain of "producer - consumer", starting with the production of the necessary consumer construction goods and services, skillfully delivering them to those markets where they will find demand and sale, and completing the sale at a price acceptable to the buyer and profitable for the seller.

In the conditions of fierce competition and rising costs, marketing becomes an indispensable condition for the survival of an economic entity. Interest in this activity is growing as an increasing number of enterprises, including those in the construction sector, realize that it is marketing that contributes to their more successful performance on the market.

Among the problems of the development of construction firms during the period of economic reform, the most relevant are the issues of increasing the efficiency of their activities, directly related to meeting consumer demand for construction products, works or services.

Marketing as an orientation system for a construction company involves the analysis and improvement of all aspects of its activities: from the formation of the project idea and primary engineering and architectural developments, to the sale of construction products among end users. Already at the stage of creating an idea for a building system, it is possible to set the task of creating a marketing service capable of determining the goals of the organization, and searching for possible investors.

Thus, the orientation system of construction enterprises in a market economy is a marketing tool that provides the ability to timely regulate the organizational structure of a construction enterprise, improve its internal and external relations, prevent the negative effects of risks and, ultimately, create the necessary conditions for the optimal functioning of the construction system ( construction company, construction industry).

Marketing activities must begin with planning.

Typically, companies make annual, long-term and strategic plans:

· The annual plan is a short-term plan that describes the current situation, the company's goals, the strategy for the coming year, the action program, the budget and the forms of control.

· The long-term plan describes the main factors and forces that will influence the organization over the next few years. It contains long term goals, the main marketing strategies that will be used to achieve them and determines the required resources. Such a long-term plan is updated annually to make adjustments in accordance with the changes that have occurred. Annual and long-term plans are related to the current activities of the company, help in its implementation.

· A strategic plan is created to help a company take advantage of opportunities in an ever-changing environment. That is, there is a process of establishing and maintaining a strategic correspondence between the goals and capabilities of the company, on the one hand, and changing market opportunities, on the other.

Strategic planning is the foundation for other types of planning in the company. It begins with the definition of global goals and mission of the company. Then more specific goals are set. For this, complete information is collected about the internal environment of the organization, its competitors, the situation on the market and everything else that in one way or another can affect the work of the company. After conducting a SWOT analysis, a detailed report is prepared on the strengths and weaknesses company, the opportunities and threats it will face. Top management then decides which particular types of construction activities should be carried out, what support should be provided to each of them. In turn, each department responsible for separate view activities, must develop its detailed marketing and other plans, in accordance with the overall plan of the company. Thus, marketing planning is carried out at the levels of departments responsible for certain types of construction activities and markets. It facilitates strategic planning through detailed planning of various marketing situations.

The strategic plan includes several components: mission, strategic imperatives, strategic audit, SWOT analysis (analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats), analysis of the business portfolio, goals and strategies. This plan is supported by such plans and in turn supports them.

The mission defines the main purpose of the company. A clear mission statement acts as an "invisible hand" that guides the company's employees, allowing them to work independently and at the same time collectively to achieve the overall goals of the company.

Strategic audit consists of two main parts: internal and external audit.

An external audit, or an audit of the marketing environment, examines the macro-environment and the environment of the company's tasks.

Internal audit examines all aspects of the activity construction company. It includes all major operations: procurement, construction, sales, marketing and after-sales service. In addition to the listed processes, the audit extends to the so-called supporting activities, on which the main activities of the company depend: the conclusion of procurement contracts, the development of technologies, personnel management and the infrastructure of the organization. All this is beyond the scope of traditional marketing activities, but the marketing strategy depends on all of these components.

SWOT analysis allows you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company, opportunities and threats when conducting a strategic audit. After the audit, a large amount of information of varying degrees of importance and reliability is accumulated. SWOT analysis clears this information and highlights the most important results of internal and external audits. A small number of strong points allows the company to focus on them.

Having formulated the mission of the company and the tasks facing it, the management must plan its business portfolio, that is, the set of types of construction activities that the company will be engaged in. A good business portfolio is one that best fits the company's strengths and weaknesses to the environment. The company should, first, analyze its existing business portfolio and decide in which areas of activity to direct more or less investments (or not at all), and, secondly, develop a growth strategy to include new lines of activity in the portfolio.

The strategic plan of the company defines the areas of activity that the company will develop, and the tasks associated with each of them. Then each area of ​​activity should be planned in more detail. To achieve strategic goals, the main business units of the company must work smoothly in all areas - in marketing, in financial policy, in accounting, in supply, in production, in personnel selection, etc.

The overall strategy of the company and its marketing strategy are largely the same. Marketing takes care of the needs of the consumer and the ability of the company to meet them; these same factors are determined by the mission and objectives of the company. In the strategic planning of the company, many concepts of marketing are used - market share, market development, growth; sometimes it can be difficult to separate strategic planning from marketing. In practice, some companies refer to their strategic planning as "strategic marketing planning".

The marketing service must determine The best way achievement of strategic goals for each division of the company. The goal of marketing managers is not always to ensure the growth of sales of construction services. Their goal may be to maintain existing sales while reducing advertising costs and promoting construction services in the market, or even reduce demand. In other words, the marketing function must maintain demand at the level defined in the strategic plans of the top management. The marketing service helps the company to assess the potential of each business unit of the company, set goals for each of them and then successfully achieve their goals.

The strategic plan defines general purpose and mission of the company. Within each division, marketing helps to achieve common strategic objectives.

The marketing strategy focuses on target buyers. The company selects the market, divides it into segments, selects the most promising ones and focuses on serving and satisfying these segments. She develops a marketing mix, which consists of the components under her control: product (in our case, construction services), price, sales and promotion of the product. To draw up and put into action the optimal marketing mix, the company conducts analysis of marketing information, marketing planning, organization of the marketing service and marketing control. Through these activities, the company monitors the marketing environment and adapts to its changes.

The development of a marketing plan for a construction company is described based on the methodology of F. Kotler. The methodology is a complete practical guide for drawing up marketing plans and deserves detailed coverage in the theoretical part of the thesis. According to this method, detailed marketing plan should contain the following sections: an overview of the marketing plan, the current state of the market, threats and opportunities (SWOT analysis), tasks and problems, marketing strategies and marketing mix, action programs, budgets and control procedures.

The marketing plan should begin with a summary that briefly describes the goals and proposals for their implementation. F. Kotler in his work gives the following example.

“The marketing plan for 1999 is aimed at achieving a significant increase in sales and profits of the company compared to the previous year. The estimated sales volume is $240 million, the planned profit is 20% of the sales volume. We believe that this growth can be achieved by reducing production costs, increasing the level of competitiveness and improving distribution methods. Operating net income will be $25 million, up 25% year-on-year. To achieve these goals, $4.8 million, or 2% of planned sales, must be earmarked for sales promotion. Advertising spending should be $7.2 million, or 3% of planned sales…”

A review of the marketing action plan helps senior management understand the main points of the plan. The overview should be followed by a table of contents.

To characterize the current state of the market, a construction company must conduct a marketing audit. Marketing audit is a systematic comprehensive study of the company's activities, environment, goals and strategies in order to identify the problems and opportunities of the company. Marketing audit consists of the following sections:

· Audit of the marketing environment (macro environment and micro environment).

Construction marketing macro-environment factors can be combined into the following groups: demographic, economic, political, environmental, scientific and technical and cultural environment factors.

The influence of demographic factors on construction marketing is multidimensional, for example:

1) population growth in a favorable economic environment stimulates an increase in demand for housing construction;

2) a change in the age and sex structure of the population significantly affects the shifts in the construction of objects of social and cultural significance;

3) a decrease in the number of members of an average family can, ceteris paribus, lead to a distortion in demand for construction products, etc.

The most radical impact on the marketing of construction is the economic environment, which includes: the general state of the economic situation; the level of business activity in general and in the investment sector in particular; the degree of economic liberalization and government intervention in the activities of construction organizations; openness of the economy to foreign investors and opportunities for international exchange; employment of the population and the level of savings of households, the economic policy of the state, etc.

The political environment of construction marketing differs little from the political environment of entrepreneurship in general. In all respects, political stability is especially important for construction, as entrepreneurial investments are most often of a long-term nature.

The influence of environmental factors on the marketing of construction cannot be overestimated, since no major investment project is complete without environmental expertise.

Marketing in construction takes into account the factors of scientific and technological progress that contribute to improving the quality of life of the population.

Of the factors of the cultural environment in the marketing of domestic construction, it can be noted that the rather rapid urbanization of Russian society has led to the erasure of national traditions and the emergence of many typical buildings and even the so-called "twin cities".

The main factors of the marketing microenvironment are: customers, suppliers, subcontractors, competitors, commercial intermediaries. In a market economy, a construction organization has a sufficient degree of freedom in choosing elements of the marketing microenvironment. But this freedom should not be exaggerated, since society's resources are always limited, and because of this, the freedom of choice is also limited. The choice of the customer, for example, may be limited by the existing specialization of the construction organization, the inevitable localization of construction, etc. Similar restrictions apply to the choice of suppliers, subcontractors and commercial intermediaries. As for competitors, they are usually not chosen, except when entering new markets. The construction organization to some extent can influence competitors by entering into a fight or collusion with them.

· Audit of the marketing strategy: company goals, marketing tasks, budget.

· Audit of the marketing organization: the structure of the marketing service, the functional effectiveness of the service, the consistency of actions.

· Audit of marketing systems: information, planning, control, development of new products.

· Audit marketing effectiveness: profits and costs.

· Audit of marketing functions: construction services, pricing policy, promotion and distribution channels, distribution services.

The SWOT analysis section is based on the results of the marketing audit. This is a short list of key success factors, strengths and weaknesses compared to competitors.

To conduct a competitive analysis of the industry, it is necessary to unambiguously identify all entrepreneurs who can be attributed to the circle of real or potential competitors. The study of the latter is of particular importance in a rapidly expanding market, high profitability and relatively easy access to the market and should focus on the following areas:

Potential competitor strategies

Current position of competitors

· financial opportunities;

Entrepreneurial philosophy and culture;

goals of competitors.

The study of the activities of competing firms is carried out in three stages:

Identification of existing and potential competitors;

analysis of performance indicators, goals and strategies of competitors;

Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of competitors.

Analysis of competition in the market is carried out within the framework of common system collection and processing of information operating in the company. Identification of existing and potential competitors is carried out, as a rule, on the basis of one of the approaches: the first is associated with an assessment of the needs satisfied in the market by the main competing firms; the second focuses on the classification of competitors according to the types of market strategy they use.

In the first approach, competing firms are grouped according to the type of needs that their products satisfy, and the following main groups of competitors are distinguished:

firms focused on satisfying the entire range of requests made by the consumer for construction services;

firms specializing in meeting the specific needs of individual market segments;

firms planning to enter the market;

The method of identifying competitors based on groupings by strategy type is based on grouping in accordance with the key aspects of their orientation in production and marketing activities:

· strategy in the field of expansion in the market;

· strategy in the field of price policy and quality policy;

technology strategy.

Such studies make it possible to identify the most dangerous potential competitors, which most often include:

firms prone to market expansion that operate in geographically adjacent markets;

firms that follow production diversification strategies and operate in this or related areas;

large subcontractors;

small firms that, as a result of absorption by a large company, become strong competitors in the market.

SWOT analysis includes the following elements:

Identification of changes in the structure of consumer preferences (opening in the market of opportunities);

assessment of the expected actions of competitors to use these opportunities (threats);

Determination of the company's goals and strategy for responding to emerging opportunities and threats;

study of the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, in relation to the firm, in the most important aspects economic activity(organization of production, management, marketing, etc.), collection of relevant information.

After conducting a SWOT analysis, the company determines the tasks and problems that need to be solved when executing the marketing plan. Objectives should be formulated in the form of goals that the company would like to achieve during the period under review. (For example, increase the market share to 15% if the current market share is 10%).

Next, a marketing strategy is drawn up that is used to achieve the goals. A marketing strategy is a logical framework for marketing activities by which a company hopes to achieve its marketing objectives. It consists of separate strategies for target markets, positioning and marketing mix. The marketing strategy should clarify the market segments on which the company plans to focus its efforts.

When conducting segmentation, it is important to keep in mind that, in general, the meaning of segmentation is not just to identify groups of consumers (in one way or another) as such, but to search for a target market segment for which the product is this place, at this time and in these conditions is best suited. This will allow the management of the enterprise or firm to pay attention to the specific needs and demands of consumers and build a marketing strategy accordingly.

Potential buyers of consumer products can be grouped according to geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral characteristics.

· Geographical (determination of target groups by geographical features);

Potential consumers of the product are grouped by regions of residence and (or) by the number of inhabitants in the settlement. The place of residence of this target group is determined (regions or republics within the Russian Federation, districts and cities of regional subordination, city districts, etc.). For most construction organizations, the market segment is limited to the region, rarely spreading across the country. On the regional market, municipal, regional and federal construction can be distinguished.

· Demographic (determination of target groups according to demographic characteristics);

Consumers are grouped by age group, income level, occupational composition, educational level and/or religious beliefs. It is especially important to take this into account when a construction organization specializes in the construction of housing and social and cultural facilities.

· Psychographic (determination of target groups by psychographic features);

It is possible to group consumers according to the following criteria: lifestyle, social stratum, personal qualities. This feature is most significant when segmenting the housing market, social and cultural facilities.

· Behavioral (determination of target groups on behavioral grounds);

Segmentation is possible by the nature of the purchase, the attitude of consumers to the status of a regular customer, the search for benefits from the purchase, the willingness to purchase, the need for the product, product loyalty and (or) product perception.

The main sales markets for construction companies are organized consumer markets. Marketers working in the markets of final and organized consumers usually use the same variables to segment their markets. Buyers in the organized consumer market can be segmented by geography, by the nature of the benefits sought, by user status, by intensity of consumption, by degree of commitment, degree of willingness to perceive the product and attitude towards the product. In addition, marketers working in the market of organized consumers use some additional variables. These include: demographic characteristics, technological characteristics, procurement approaches, situational factors and individual characteristics. Let's take a closer look at the variables used to segment organized consumer markets:

· Demographic characteristics: industry, company size, location.

· Technology variables: technology, user or non-user status (active, moderate, weak, non-user), user capability (requires high volume of services, low volume of services).

Procurement management system: organization of procurement activities (centralized, decentralized), priority structure, existing relationships (established relationships, new relationships), general procurement policy (conventional procurement, leasing, competitive bidding, public procurement), procurement criteria (service , quality, price).

· Situational factors: urgency, requests for goods (work on all or certain requests), order size (small, medium, large).

· Individual characteristics: similarities or differences between buyer and seller, attitudes towards risk, commitment or non-commitment to suppliers.

Target groups can be defined by one or more criteria.

When identifying target groups, the following questions need to be answered:

Are there several various types user descriptions? What is the size of each target group? Can you formulate your customer profile(s)?

· After a product is purchased, who influences its consumers? The extent of this influence? How can these people be described?

· Does the target group make up approximately 50 percent of the total market capacity or will it be necessary to act on a narrower segment?

· Is it possible to define one narrow focused profile of the target customer? What is this profile?

· Does the target market remain stable or does it tend to shrink?

· What problems and opportunities can be identified in the analysis of target groups?

After segmenting and identifying target groups, separate strategies should be defined for all components of the marketing mix: product, price, promotion methods, distribution methods. Consider these components:

The product is a building product manufactured for sale. The product itself as an element of the marketing mix is ​​considered according to those stages of maturity: product by design, product in real performance, product with reinforcement. In this case, the following characteristics can be distinguished:

· installation;

· quality;

· design;

· ecology;

· location;

· architecture;

· after-sales service;

· guarantees.

In this case, the product by design - protecting consumers from the negative effects of the environment, the product in real performance - a convenient location of housing and beautiful architecture, the product with reinforcement - the delivery of a turnkey construction site, a long-term guarantee of normal operation, financial support for the buyer in the acquisition process .

The commodity policy of a construction organization should be based on the following principles:

· Orientation to the material or the origin of the goods: the wider the variety of building materials, the wider the assortment possibilities of the construction organization;

· Orientation to a certain price level, based on the purchasing power of consumers;

· Orientation to the range of problems, in accordance with the needs of consumers.

· Orientation to the field of knowledge: technically complex objects are within the power of only construction organizations employing highly qualified specialists.

In a strategic plan, the product policy of a construction organization should be based on the concept of the product life cycle. The product life cycle includes the following phases: product development period, market entry, sales growth, maturity, saturation, decline and market exit. For most real estate objects, the life cycle is measured in decades. The high capital intensity of construction projects requires a significant intensification of marketing efforts in the early stages of the life cycle.

Formation of the product policy of the enterprise includes:

· Determination of current and prospective needs of customers, analysis of ways to use these products and features of consumer behavior in the respective markets.

· Evaluation of existing analogues of competitors in the same areas.

· Critical assessment of products manufactured by the enterprise from the point of view of buyers.

Deciding which products should be added to the assortment and which should be excluded from it; whether it is necessary to diversify production at the expense of other directions of production of the enterprise.

· Consideration of proposals for the creation of new products, improvement of existing ones, as well as new ways and areas of application of goods.

· Development of specifications for new or improved products in accordance with customer requirements.

· Explore opportunities to produce new or improved products, including price, cost and profitability issues.

· Carrying out tests of products taking into account potential needs in order to determine their acceptability in terms of key indicators.

· Development of special recommendations for the production departments of the enterprise regarding the requirements of consumers in accordance with the results of the tests, confirming the acceptability of the characteristics of the product or the changes that predetermined them.

· Evaluation and revision of the entire range.

Price is the amount of money buyers have to pay to get a product. This group of variables includes:

the list price;


the term of payment;

· credit terms.

The main competitive advantages in the construction services market are prices, as well as the company's reputation for the quality of work. The indicator for assessing the competitiveness of a construction company should be built, first of all, taking into account the price of the service offered.

place and role of price in the marketing strategy; price is the main element of the marketing mix and often the main criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing efforts;

methods of price calculation; the degree of realism of prices, and hence the validity of the chosen marketing strategy, depends on the choice of pricing methods;

place of the construction organization in the price war;

· pricing policy for new products;

the life cycle of manufactured goods;

the level of demand for the product; since the price can be considered as an agreement between the seller and the buyer, then in a free market, the opinion of the buyer, expressed by effective demand, is often decisive;

production costs as the lower limit of prices;

a system for providing goods and customer service; usually this method is quite productive when the consumer receives a product with a reinforcement, i.e. a system for providing goods in the process of its use;

The cost of purchasing goods

the level of the base price; deviations from the base price should be due not so much to the price claims of the construction organization as to the competitiveness of construction products;

the presence of restrictions on pricing; when monopolizing the market for construction products, the state is forced to impose restrictions on the price claims of builders by setting price ceilings, profitability standards and other restrictions.

The following stages of pricing policy formation for construction organizations can be distinguished:

setting pricing goals;

A variety of pricing goals can be summarized in three groups: 1) ensuring the survival of the enterprise in the market, which is achieved through price coverage of all production costs; 2) maximization of current profit, when, along with covering production costs, the price allows you to create the maximum possible profit; 3) receiving competitive advantage to expand markets and increase sales.

Formation of pricing policy;

The pricing policy is formed as a way to achieve the chosen goal. It provides a coordinated set of actions, including: target market definition, brand image analysis, analysis of other elements of the marketing strategy, definition of a general pricing policy, development of a pricing strategy and setting specific prices.

development of pricing strategies;

The pricing strategy in the production of traditional goods is mainly to obtain competitive advantages in terms of product quality or to establish a deeper price differentiation. F. Kotler considers nine pricing strategies:

Table 1.1

Matrix of pricing strategies in the "price-quality" system

implementation of pricing strategies;

The implementation of a pricing strategy mainly relies on the choice and use of pricing methods. The following pricing methods are distinguished: 1) costly, the price is set as the sum of all costs and the desired profit; 2) market, the price is set on the basis of the perceived value of the goods; 3) competitive, when the price is the result of a compromise between the price claims of the construction organization and the purchasing power of the consumer.

price adjustment.

Distribution methods involve the activities of a company that make a product available to target consumers. When determining the methods of distribution of goods, the following are studied:

· sales channels;

market coverage;

· location;

Distribution channels are most often distinguished by levels, i.e. by the number of commercial intermediaries between the producer and the consumer. For construction products, four distribution channels can be distinguished: realtors, an investment company, a contract organization, and customers.

V last years The most common distribution channel for construction products is the zero-level channel, when economic relations are formed directly between customers and construction organizations. Having the necessary investments and knowing the conjuncture of the construction market, the customer prefers to work with contractors himself, avoiding intermediaries.

The contract organization as an intermediary between the construction organization and the customer appears in two cases: budget financing of construction or mass production of construction products.

The distribution channel of the second level also includes an investment company. Unlike a contract organization that distributes primarily budgetary funds, an investment company can accumulate savings from all sources, including household deposits.

The distribution channel of the third level occurs when a realtor appears, who is an intermediary between the seller and the buyer of real estate. In principle, he can directly interact with construction organizations and customers, but more often he deals with ready-made construction products.

A company's overall marketing communication program, called the promotion mix, is a specific combination of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations. All these tools are used by companies to achieve advertising and marketing goals. Below are definitions of the four main means of promotion.

· Personal selling - the presentation of goods to one or more potential customers, carried out in the process direct communication and for the purpose of selling and establishing long-term relationships with these customers.

· Sales promotion - one-time incentives that encourage the purchase of certain goods and services. In construction - discounts, sales, sales of real estate on credit, etc.

· Public relations - building relationships between the company and various contact audiences by creating a favorable reputation for the company, a positive "corporate image", on the one hand, and eliminating or preventing unwanted rumors, gossip and actions - on the other. Nowadays, not a single major investment project can be implemented without taking into account the opinion of the population and public institutions. With a sharp reduction in budget financing of capital construction, it is impossible to do without lobbying representatives of the legislative and executive authorities at all levels of government.

At the same time, the concept of communications is not limited to these promotional tools. External design of the goods, its price, general form, - all this is a way of transmitting information to the buyer. Thus, although the promotional mix is ​​central to a company's marketing communications program, other elements of the entire marketing mix (product, price, and distribution) should not be neglected for optimal results.

The most common form for building products is the personal sale. This is due to: firstly, the specifics of construction products, where real estate objects prevail; secondly, the peculiarities of the production of construction products (as a rule, to order); thirdly, a system of payments for completed construction work (significant savings are required); fourthly, the composition of buyers (usually a group of professionals).

The main points of the company's marketing policy are as follows:

Formation of a sales strategy and development of sales plans;

selection of distribution channels and establishing contacts with buyers.

Within the framework of construction marketing, the following types of sales policy are distinguished: 1) personal sales; 2) association of producers of complementary goods; 3) an association of manufacturers with a common clientele; 4) creation of associations of producers; 5) concession. We single out here the marketing policy based on the creation of associations of construction organizations. This type of marketing activity is especially beneficial for small and medium-sized construction organizations. For example, in Rostov-on-Don there is an Association of Don Builders. There are the following main types of sales management organization: 1) functional; 2) regional; 3) commodity.

The remaining sections of the marketing plan (programs of action, budgets and control procedures) will be discussed in the next paragraph.

According to V. Khrutsky, the development of an integrated marketing plan is carried out in three stages:

preparatory (determining the content, purpose and format of the plan, the circle of responsible executors and their preparation);

development of individual activities of the plan (collection and processing of the necessary information based on the results of marketing research, identification of problems, goals and objectives of the plan, ways to solve problems);

Consolidation of individual activities (drawing up a general plan for a construction company and submitting it for approval to the management of the enterprise).

The procedure for developing an integrated marketing plan is regulated by the Regulations on the Enterprise Marketing Plan.

Table 1.2

Organization of work on the preparation of a marketing plan

What is being developed

and implemented

Expected Result

The order to create a group for


It is necessary to determine the circle of persons responsible for conducting marketing research, systematizing marketing assessments, developing organizational and technical documents for the introduction of marketing into the management decision-making system

What is being developed

and implemented

Expected Result
Market Research Format Creation of a unified methodological basis for conducting marketing research; search, collection, analysis and display of marketing information
Formulating Marketing Problems It is necessary to determine the most important problems of the marketing complex of the enterprise, to identify its target segments
Marketing strategy Allows you to effectively solve the problems of the enterprise in the field of marketing
Recommendations for conducting marketing research Allows you to systematize marketing assessments, collect, process and analyze information in the field of marketing in all divisions and services of the company, at all levels of management

Plan Format


Allows you to determine the form of a uniform presentation of marketing activities by structural divisions in accordance with the assessments and results of marketing research

At the first stage, the structural units that should participate in the preparation and implementation of the marketing plan are determined. Responsible managers or specialists are allocated in each of the divisions, and a working group is formed headed by the head of the market research service.

In the process of forming a working group, special attention should be paid to the distribution of functions in drawing up a marketing plan between representatives of various structural divisions enterprises. For the group, 2-3 representatives of each structural unit are selected. The total number of the group is 8-12 people. The distribution of powers in the group is approximately as follows:

Table 1.3

Approximate distribution of powers and responsibilities between members of the working group for the preparation of a marketing plan

Structural subdivision The nature of the examination


Top management Approval of marketing goals; pricing; general leadership Identification of promising areas; formation of the company's pricing policy; work coordination
Linear production units (teams) Product manufacturing; performance evaluation Product development; quality of customer service; product analysis
Sales department; commercial service Collection and processing of orders; formation of a sales network; advertising Consumer analysis; product promotion analysis; distribution channels
Technological service Product design; technology development Product development; determination of comparative competitive advantages
Financial service financial planning Development of the budget and implementation costs

At the second stage, the participants of the working group get acquainted with the results of the market research conducted by the market research service (it brings the results marketing research for the upcoming planning period to individual structural units), with the main goals of the construction company and its development strategy for the coming period, determine the list of problems to be solved by means of marketing, formulate the goals and objectives of the plan (taking into account the general goals and strategy of the enterprise), outline the ways solutions to the problems facing the enterprise (in accordance with the capabilities of each unit). A set of activities for each structural unit is presented in a unified form (in the format of a marketing plan). And the marketing plan is developed according to a single methodology in structural divisions and for the enterprise as a whole.

At the third stage, all the materials of the working group in accordance with the regulations (that is, by a certain, predetermined date) are submitted to the market research service for their subsequent consolidation into a single integrated marketing plan for the enterprise. The market research service examines the measures developed by other departments, if necessary, adjusts them (for this, a certain mechanism should be provided for resolving a possible conflict of interest between various departments), clarifies the responsible executors and submits the final version of the plan for approval to the management of the enterprise.

The action plan itself is compiled in the form of a table, the lines of which indicate the target segments and marketing complexes (product, price, promotion, distribution) for each of these segments. For each of the elements of the marketing complex, a list of activities is compiled, both general and activities for individual structural divisions (construction and installation departments, teams). The columns of this table also indicate the periods of execution of these activities, the responsible executors and the necessary resources (cash).

Action plans allow you to create a budget for marketing activities that provides these actions, calculated on the basis of planned income and expenses.

There are four most common methods for calculating the budget as a whole: from cash, as a percentage of sales, competitive parity, and based on goals and objectives.

· The cash method is the allocation by the company of such an amount for the implementation of marketing activities that it, in its opinion, can afford.

Unfortunately, this method of calculation completely ignores the impact of marketing activities on sales volume and therefore leads to overestimated or underestimated costs.

· Calculation method as a percentage of the amount of sales - calculation of the budget as a certain percentage of current or forecasted revenue, or as a percentage of the price of the goods.

Compared to the previous one, this method has a number of advantages. It is easy to use and displays the relationship between costs, the selling price of a product, and the amount of profit per unit of product. But this method has many disadvantages. He sees sales as a precondition for promotion, not as a result. The budget is determined on the basis of available funds, and not on the prospects for business development. This method does not allow for unplanned costs, in some cases necessary to revitalize trade. The choice of a specific percentage is arbitrary and not justified by any objective considerations other than the firm's past experience or similar costs to competing firms.

· The method of competitive parity - the allocation to the budget of marketing activities of an amount corresponding to the costs of competitors.

There are two arguments in support of this method. First, the level of costs of competitors reflects the point of view of most companies in the industry. Secondly, it is believed that the same level of costs helps to avoid intense competition in the field of promotion. But none of these arguments can be considered convincing. There is not the slightest reason to believe that competitors are able to estimate the necessary amount of costs for the company better than the company itself. Nor is there any evidence that competitive parity budgets discourage intense competition.

· Calculation method based on goals and objectives - budget calculation based, firstly, on the formulation of specific goals; secondly, from the definition of the tasks to be performed in order to achieve these goals; thirdly, from the assessment of the costs of performing these tasks.

This is the most difficult method in practical terms. The main advantage of this method is that it requires management to clearly state the communication goals, how to achieve them, and budget alternative communication programs.

For a real solution of the existing problems of the enterprise, it is also necessary to implement the planned measures and monitor their implementation.

Since many unforeseen circumstances arise during the implementation of marketing plans, the marketing department must constantly monitor the implementation of marketing activities. Marketing control is an assessment of the results of the implementation of the marketing strategy and plans and the implementation of corrective actions to achieve the goals. It is divided into four stages listed below.

· Formulation of goals. (What are we striving to achieve?)

· Performance measurement. (What's really going on?)

· Analysis of performance results. (Why is this happening?)

· Corrective actions. (What should be done?)

Operational control includes comparing the current performance with the planned plan and, if necessary, corrective actions. The purpose of operational control is to make sure that the company achieves the level of sales, profits and other goals established by the plan. It also includes determining the profitability of various products, territories, markets and distribution channels. Strategic control consists in determining the compliance of the company's main strategies with its capabilities. Marketing strategies and programs quickly become obsolete, so every company should periodically review its approach to the market. The main tool for such strategic control is a marketing audit, in addition, it provides input for the development of an action plan to improve the effectiveness of the company's marketing. Sometimes it is carried out by independent auditors.

Many managers believe that "getting the job done" (implementation) is as important or even more important than "doing the right job" (strategy).

The implementation of marketing plans and strategies requires coordinated work at all levels of the marketing organization. The implementation of marketing requires the daily decisions and actions of thousands of people inside and outside the company. Marketing managers make decisions about target segments, about the use of trademarks, packaging, pricing, methods of promotion and marketing of goods. They work with others in the company to get support for their products and programs. They discuss product design with technology, production and inventory management with manufacturing, and financing and cash flow with finance. They also work with people outside the company, in particular with advertising agencies, in terms of planning advertising campaigns and with the media, seeking public support. Sales managers encourage businesses retail advertise the company's products, provide them with enough space on the shelves, use the company's promotional materials.

Successful implementation depends on several key points. First, it requires a program of action that coordinates the work of all performers and all the activities of the company as a whole. Secondly, the formal organizational structure of the company plays an important role in the implementation of the marketing strategy. In a study of flourishing companies, marketers at Peters and Waterman found that these companies strove for a simple, flexible structure that allowed them to quickly adapt to changing conditions. Their structure, moreover, tended to be more informal; examples include MBWA's "management by the way" style at Hewlett-Packard, "clubs" at 3M that initiate small group influence, and Nokia's new egalitarian culture. However, the structures used in such companies do not always suit other firms; many of the successful companies mentioned have faced the need to restructure their structure in response to changes in market position and strategy.

Company decision-making and incentive systems are effective levers through which planning, budgeting, remuneration and other activities are carried out; they also affect marketing implementation. For example, if a company rewards managers for intermediate results, they have no incentive to work on long-term goals. Companies that realize this are rewarding their employees for more than just sales. For example, Xerox rewards its employees for customer satisfaction. Effective implementation also requires careful planning of human resources. At all levels, a company must populate its structure and systems with people with the right qualifications, commitment, and personality. In recent years, many companies have discovered that long-term human resource planning can provide a significant competitive advantage.

Finally, to be successful, marketing strategies must be in line with the overall culture of the company. The culture of the company is a system of values ​​and beliefs shared by the employees of the organization, the collective consciousness and mentality of the company. Marketing strategies that do not fit with the company culture are difficult to implement. Since company culture is difficult to change, companies usually prefer to develop strategies that fit their current level of culture, rather than trying to change their style and culture every time to fit new strategies.

Generally successful implementation marketing depends on how well a company uses the combination of all five elements - the program of action, organizational structure, decision-making and reward systems, human resources and company culture - within a single program that supports its strategy.

V. Khrutsky believes that the following main problems arise when developing marketing plans at our enterprises:

· Lack of sufficient data for marketing research.

The factors limiting the use of planning in domestic conditions include an excessively high degree of uncertainty in the Russian market, due to ongoing global changes in all areas public life: economic, political, social, spiritual, etc. (the unpredictability of such changes reduces the scope and horizons of planning).

Lack of adequate support from top management.

Only when the top management of the enterprise understands the importance of market research and the need to develop a marketing plan can all relevant departments of the enterprise be involved in the preparation and implementation of the marketing plan.

· Insufficient preparedness of marketing service specialists and especially other structural divisions of the enterprise.

Insufficient preparedness of the relevant specialists prevents not only to collect the necessary data, but also to systematize the marketing information that many departments of the enterprise already have, to provide it in a form that allows you to actually develop a system of measures in this area. It is therefore very important that the enterprise has a solid methodological basis for conducting market research.

· Sales and market research functions are not separated.

Very often, the market research service of an enterprise is part of the sales department. The insufficient status of the market research service leads to the fact that it does not have the ability to exercise the functions of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of marketing plan activities.

The LLC "Remstroybyt" enterprise (Donetsk, Rostov region) was founded in 1994. V currently the company is a leading company in the city of Donetsk in the field of construction and repair and construction works. LLC "Remstroybyt" (hereinafter referred to as "Remstroybyt") carries out the following types of construction work:

· Installation of metal structures and fittings.

· The device of designs from monolithic concrete.

· Construction of reinforced concrete structures.

· Pile works.

· Installation of prefabricated concrete structures.

· Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures.

· Masonry of stone, brick, blocks.

· Installation of asbestos-cement, gypsum concrete, arbolite lightweight concrete polymer products.

· The device of the bases and the bases.

· Acting as a general contractor.

· Performance of construction and installation works for buildings and structures of I and II levels of responsibility.

1. Preparation of the construction site.

2. Earthworks:

Space planning;

Soil development;

Strengthening and compaction of soils;

The device of drainages, designs from a stone.

3. Special works in soils:

Underwater technical works (underwater concreting);

Pile work (all types of piles), including bored and drilled-secant piles, plunging and extracting sheet piles;

Arrangement of impervious curtains, soil stabilization.

4. Erection of load-bearing and enclosing structures of buildings and structures with a height of more than 40 meters during the construction of bridges and overpasses, up to 40 meters high during the construction of other structures:

Installation of metal structures and fittings;

Arrangement of monolithic concrete structures;

Arrangement of reinforced concrete structures;

Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures;

Masonry of stone, brick and blocks;

Installation of wooden structures and products.

5. Works on the arrangement of external engineering networks and equipment:

The device of wells, platforms, heads, trays;

Arrangement of power transmission towers, lines of industrial and urban transport;

Laying of power supply networks up to 35 kV;

Installation of shutoff valves;

Installation of sanitary equipment;

Laying of heating networks with a coolant temperature of up to 115 degrees. WITH;

Laying of water supply networks;

Laying of sewer networks.

6. Works on the arrangement of internal engineering systems:

Installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems;

Laying of internal power supply networks up to 1000 V;

Laying of internal heating networks with a coolant temperature of up to 115 degrees Celsius;

Laying of internal water supply networks;

Laying of internal sewer networks;

Installation of sanitary appliances;

Internal lighting device.

7. Works to protect structures and equipment:

Waterproofing of building structures;

Anticorrosion protection of building structures;

Electrochemical protection of metal structures.

8. Finishing work.

9. Installation of technological equipment:

Handling equipment;

Weighing equipment;

Compressor machines, pumps and fans;

Technological metal structures;

Electrical installations;

Boiler installations and auxiliary equipment.

10. Quality control of construction and installation works (including quality control of welded joints by ultrasonic testing).

11. Transport construction:

Construction of small artificial structures on roads and engineering protection structures;

Road construction.

12. Geodetic work on the construction site:

Creation of a geodetic basis for construction;

Breakdown of on-site, except for main, linear structures or their parts, temporary buildings (structures);

Creation of an internal grid network of a building (structure);

Geodetic control of the accuracy of the geometric parameters of buildings (structures) and executive surveys with the preparation of executive geodetic documentation;

Geodetic measurements of deformations of foundations, structures of buildings (structures) and their parts.

· Engineering services.

1. Design, process and construction engineering.

2. Intermediary works and services in construction.

More than 100 people work at the Remstroybyt enterprise. Annual turnover In 2003, general contracting enterprises amounted to 400 million rubles, while the company practically does not use the services of subcontractors, who carry out only an insignificant part of the finishing work.

The production base of the enterprise includes:

Reinforcing shop for the manufacture of reinforcing cages;

· curing chamber for the manufacture of prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures;

mechanical and repair shops;

carpentry shop;

production laboratory;

"Remstroybyt" has a modern fleet of construction machinery and specialized equipment, which includes:

equipment for earthworks (2 excavators, 2 bulldozers, 7 loaders);

· equipment for driving piles and sheet piles by shock, hydraulic and vibration driving methods;

· specialized equipment for automatic and semi-automatic welding of metal structures;

· power plants EDS-100, PES-10;

· car lift AGP-2204;

crane on crawler carrying capacity up to 50 tons;

2 stone-cutting machines;

small road equipment (2 vibrating plates and 1 seam cutter);

· 4 truck mixers;

Auto concrete pump

· 3 dump trucks;

· 1 truck crane;

· 5 different specialized vehicles.

One of the basic principles of the enterprise "Remstroybyt" is the existence of a developed system social guarantees for company employees. The company has a system of social benefits: paid for medical care, transportation costs of employees. Free hot meals for employees are organized at all facilities, in the office, at the production base. The company is building its own housing for its employees. Employees of the enterprise and their families are provided with vouchers for rest and treatment, the company has its own recreation center on the Black Sea.

The sales department of the Remstroybyt enterprise was founded in 1998. The department employs two sales managers who report directly to the commercial director of the enterprise. In this paper, it is supposed to show the feasibility of introducing the position of a marketer into the staffing table of an enterprise and the formation of a marketing and sales department, which will be led by the commercial director of the enterprise.

The sales market for the company's construction services can be segmented geographically (Donetsk, Donetsk region, nearby cities: Kamensk, Gukovo, Zverevo) and technologically (industrial construction, civil engineering).

At the moment, one can also note the receipt of contracts for construction work through a competitive bidding system. Let us single out the following changes in the structure of procurement of construction services by state institutions:

· increase in the number of members of the "purchasing center" - the decision on the purchase is made by a commission created by the local Department of Construction and Housing and Communal Services;

· the growing role of chief specialists of local administrations (for example, chief architects), who, as a rule, are appointed by experts to procurement (tender) commissions and play an important role in making the final decision;

increase in the size and cost of construction contracts;

aggravation of competition;

· transition from the system of personal sales of sales agents to the system of team trading;

For the distribution of construction products, Remstroybyt uses zero-level channels, that is, it works directly with customers.

Let us consider the organization of the work of the sales department of the Remstroybyt enterprise in more detail.

Once every three months, at a meeting in which the commercial director and department managers take part, a work plan for the sales department for the next quarter is developed.

This meeting also analyzes the work of the department for the past quarter. When summarizing the activities of the marketing and sales department of the enterprise, the following issues are discussed:

comparison of the number of construction works in the current and past time periods;

analysis of the company's customers

analysis of the terms of sale of construction services of the enterprise;

analysis of discounts offered to customers; the ratio of different sizes of discounts;

Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the activities of managers;

Implementation or non-fulfillment of certain items of the department's activity plan in the past quarter, reasons for non-fulfillment;

Sales managers select and analyze various advertising options, the final decision is made by the commercial director. This topic will be discussed in more detail in the next paragraph.

Direct marketing activities of sales managers can be divided into two parts:

1. "Passive" sales - work with clients who have applied to the company. Potential buyers contact the company by phone or personally visit the office. Managers can do the following:

Advising clients on pricing various kinds construction works;

· Familiarization of clients with the terms of construction works, demonstration of catalogs and prospectuses;

· informing potential buyers of the housing stock with prices for housing in houses built by Remstroybyt;

· Issuing invoices to potential customers;

2. "Active" sales - search and attraction of new customers. Active sales also take place, both by phone and in person. It includes the following steps:

Search for potential customers using the phone (telemarketing), directories, the media, by interviewing existing customers;

Visiting potential clients with distribution of price lists, prospectuses and catalogues;

participation in construction exhibitions;

The structure of the company's sales service is complex: the territorial structure prevails, but there is also a consumer orientation (see below). The first sales manager is fully responsible for "active" and "passive" sales in the local market (Donetsk, Donetsk region), the second - for "active" and "passive" sales in the nearby area (Gukovo, Zverevo, Kamensk). The company's managers also try to work on the territory of Ukraine (for example, Krasnodon), but due to customs barriers, various licensing and certification rules for construction works and services; at the moment, such marketing activities are difficult to carry out.

If one of the managers is absent from the workplace for a long time (illness, business trip, etc.), another manager replaces him. With "passive" sales, the question of which sales manager will work with a potential buyer is decided on a "who picked up the phone" principle. "Active" sales are carried out according to the principle of consumer orientation: the one who found him works with the client. (The latter introduces some confusion into the work and reporting of managers, since a situation arises when, for example, a client from Donetsk comes to the office and a manager “leads” the nearby territories agrees on a job with him.)

Sales managers also monitor the payment of invoices issued to customers and, after receipt of funds to the company's settlement account, control and coordinate the construction process. (This is done by the manager who worked with this client).

The commercial director carries out the organization, planning and control of the work of the sales department. In addition, he organizes the participation of the enterprise in competitive bidding (tenders). The commercial director collects information on the conduct of competitive bidding, organizes the preparation of documentation for tenders, takes a direct part in the competitive bidding.

When receiving information about the upcoming competitive bidding, sales managers pass it on to the commercial director to make a decision on participation or non-participation in this tender. When preparing for participation and directly participating in competitive bidding, sales managers help the commercial director in preparing documentation and resolving current issues.

The system of remuneration of managers of the enterprise "Remstroybyt" - salary + bonus. Sales managers salaries are set according to staffing enterprises. Bonuses are paid according to the results of transactions of a particular manager. Managers, like all employees of the company, are provided with “full social package”: they are granted vacations, sick days, etc.

Planning the marketing activities of the enterprise for the next three months includes the following:

Identification of a circle of potential customers and development of an action plan for this market (the executor is a sales manager working with the local market);

· determination of the area of ​​competence and area of ​​responsibility of managers in carrying out various marketing activities;

Determining the timing of various marketing activities;

· Determining the conditions of sales in the period under review and the amount of discounts provided to customers;

· coordination of activity of managers and the commercial director at participation in various competitive auctions.

Unfortunately, the preparation of sales forecasts at the enterprise is not practiced, although when developing an action plan for the marketing and sales department, the state of the internal and external environment of the company is to some extent taken into account, namely:

· economic situation in the country and the Rostov region;

changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation;

activity of competitors.

Every month managers of "Remstroybyt" provide the director with a report on the work done. The report lists the sales activities carried out by managers in the past month (progress report) as well as the manager's sales for the month (contracts report). Based on these reports, a comparison is made between the planned and completed scope of work and some adjustments are made to the quarterly sales plan. Monthly progress reports are the director's main source of information about the activities of sales managers. In addition, the director controls the work of managers, its quantitative and qualitative assessment with the help of personal observations and the organization of "feedback" (communication with clients).

Based on the data below, it is possible to identify a trend towards an increase in the volume of construction work and services provided by the enterprise (see Fig. 2.1).

Rice. 2.1 Gross profit of Remstroybyt LLC on general contracts in 2002-2003

On fig. 2.1 shows seasonality in the demand for construction work. The main peak of work falls on the period from March to October.

On fig. 2.2 and fig. 2.3 shows the ratio in the structure of the work of LLC "Remstroybyt" industrial and civil construction in 2002-2003.

Figure 2.2 Gross profit of Remstroybyt LLC on general contracts in industrial and civil construction in 2002

Figure 2.3 Gross profit of Remstroybyt LLC on general contracts in industrial and civil construction in 2003

Based on Fig. 2.2 and fig. 2.3, the following patterns can be identified. Firstly, during the winter period, a large share in the construction contracts of the enterprise is occupied by civil engineering. Secondly, the increase in turnover is primarily due to industrial construction, which is associated with the current economic growth, the emergence of new enterprises and the expansion of the fields of activity of existing ones.

As noted in the previous chapter, general program A company's marketing communications includes a combination of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and public relations. Let's consider them in order, in relation to the Remstroybyt enterprise.

When determining the budget for the promotion of construction works and services, the enterprise uses the method of calculation from cash. As noted above, this method of calculation ignores the impact of promotional activities on sales.

participation in specialized exhibitions;

When selecting and analyzing various advertising options, the job responsibilities of managers include the following:

· viewing the specialized press, postal advertising in order to select options for participation in construction exhibitions;

· consideration of the selected options: analysis of the expected attendance of the exhibition and the number of companies that will participate in the exhibition; whether competitors are going to participate in the exhibition or not, etc.

analysis of specialized directories, magazines and newspapers in order to select advertising options according to the following parameters: circulation, distribution regions, distribution methods, ratio with the target advertising audience, the cost of advertising depending on its type and size, the cost of reaching 1000 people of the target advertising audience.

· analysis options placement of outdoor advertising.

Finally, the question of the choice of exhibitions in which the enterprise will participate; options and methods of postal and outdoor advertising; types and methods of advertising in the press are decided by the director. He also decides on the specific performer and coordinator of this advertising option. (For example, he may entrust the development of an advertising module for a building guide to an advertising agency, and instruct one of the managers to coordinate and control this process).

Consider detail work managers in the preparation and holding of specialized exhibitions of construction equipment. This work is as follows:

· Invitation by phone of potential customers to the stand of the enterprise;

organization and control of the design of the company's stand at the exhibition;

· work at the exhibition stand: demonstration of equipment, collection of information about organizations interested in the enterprise;

· sales work based on the results of the exhibition.

Below is table 2.1, which analyzes the costs of the company "Remstroybyt" for various promotional activities, as well as their return and payback.

Table 2.1

The table shows that the most profitable of all types of advertising is outdoor advertising, the most unprofitable, at the moment, is participation in construction exhibitions.

The main method of sales promotion of the company is the provision of discounts depending on the volume of work, as well as discounts regular customers. The enterprise does not carry out any noticeable work on organizing and building public relations.

The price policy unites and consolidates all decisions of the construction organization in the field of marketing.

The price list of the enterprise for all types of construction works is given below (see table 2.2).

Table 2.2

Price list LLC "Remstroybyt" cost design work as of 03/01/2004 (internal statistics data of the enterprise)

Table 2.3

Price list of LLC "Remstroybyt" of the cost of erecting a "box" of a building with materials as of 03/01/2004 (data from the internal statistics of the enterprise)

"Remstroybyt" conducts construction and installation works only on the basis of a working draft.

Table 2.4

Price list of LLC "Remstroybyt" of the cost of repair and finishing works as of 03/01/2004 (data from the internal statistics of the enterprise)

The company performs repair work only on the basis of a design project.

Table 2.5

Price list of LLC "Remstroybyt" of the cost of electrical work as of 03/01/2004 (data from the internal statistics of the enterprise)

Delivery of the object is included in the cost of electrical work.

When concluding contracts with customers, the company uses a policy of contract prices with turnkey construction. At the same time, warranty service is provided for all types of repair and construction work.

When working with customers, the company practices two options, depending on whether the customer has a project for the performance of work or not. In the first case, on the basis of the project, the client is provided with a commercial offer for the performance of work. In the case of concluding an agreement with a company, detailed estimates and a work schedule are attached to the agreement. In the second option, Remstroybyt offers the customer to conclude a contract for design work. If, after the completion of the design work, the client concludes a contract for the production of construction and installation works, then as an incentive for the customer, 50% of the cost of the detailed design is credited to the construction.

"Remstroybyt" sets prices for its products, using the "cost plus markup" method as the main method. How the cost is determined is shown in Fig. 2.4:

Figure 2.4 Cost structure of contract works performed by Remstroybyt LLC in 2003, in percent

Since Remstroybyt is the largest construction company in the market of the city of Donetsk and the surrounding area, the company uses the premium markup method when determining its pricing strategy, in which the buyer is willing to pay a higher price for providing competitive advantages.

3.1 Development of a commodity-pricing strategy for a construction company

Before developing the commodity-pricing policy of the Remstroybyt enterprise, we will analyze the products offered to the market by the company's competitors. To do this, we will segment the sales markets according to the geographical principle, highlighting: 1) Donetsk and the region of Donetsk; 2) nearby cities: Gukovo, Zverevo, Kamensk.

The enterprise "Remstroybyt" offers a full range of construction works and services with the delivery of turnkey construction projects, while being engaged in both industrial and civil construction. The figures below show the company's share in the considered sales markets.

Figure 3.1 Market of construction works and services in Donetsk and Donetsk region (as of January 1, 2004)

Figure 3.2 Market of construction works and services in Gukovo, Zverevo, Kamensk (as of January 1, 2004)

Figures 3.1 and 3.2 show that Remstroybyt is a leader in both markets. The analysis showed that the Donetskstroy enterprise, adhering to more low prices, in comparison with "Remstroybyt", loses to the latter in terms of the assortment list of proposed construction works. As for the firms "Stroitel" (Kamensk) and "Dorozhnik" (Gukovo), their prices for construction work are much higher than those of the Remstroybyt enterprise, while Dorozhnik is mainly engaged in road work only , and the firm "Stroitel" carries out mainly industrial construction.

Since Remstroybyt covers almost all types of construction activities, it is necessary to develop adjacent markets. Promising is the development of "related" industries, such as sales of road construction equipment; taking into account the absence in the considered segments of the market of enterprises that are engaged in activities of this kind (construction organizations carry out all purchases of special equipment from Rostov firms). At the same time, the Remstroybyt enterprise will be able to sell road construction equipment at competitive prices, due to long-term partnerships with its suppliers, which provide them with good discounts on purchased equipment.

In the field of pricing, the company adheres to the goals of obtaining competitive advantages. The Remstroybyt enterprise adheres to the strategy of premium margins, i.e. offers the construction market high-quality and expensive products, setting prices based on the perceived market value of the product. To ensure success in the competition with other construction companies, it seems inappropriate to reduce prices for the work and services provided, since the company works with relatively low profitability(about 30-35%). It seems more reasonable to approach this problem "from the other end" and increase the profitability of the enterprise by reducing the cost of construction work and services provided. To do this, it is necessary to develop the practice of purchasing construction equipment on lease.

Leasing is a word of English origin, derived from the verb lease - to take and lease property for temporary use.

Leasing is a property relationship in which one organization (user-lessee) applies to another (leasing company) with a request to acquire necessary equipment and hand it over to her.

Leasing is a investment activity, aimed at investing temporarily free or attracted borrowed funds, when, under a financial lease (leasing) agreement, the lessor (lessor) undertakes to acquire ownership of the property stipulated by the agreement from a certain seller and provide this property to the lessee (lessee) for a fee for temporary use for business purposes.

The object of leasing can be any movable and immovable property that, according to the current classification, is classified as fixed assets, except for land plots and other natural objects, as well as objects prohibited for free circulation on the market.

The property transferred to leasing, during the entire term of the leasing agreement, is the property of the lessor, with the exception of property acquired at the expense of budgetary funds.

The conditions for putting the leased property on the balance sheet of the lessor or lessee is determined by agreement between the parties to the lease agreement.

The leasing agreement may provide for the right to redeem the leased property by the lessee upon or before the expiration of the term of the agreement.

The lessor has the right to use the leased property as collateral, unless otherwise provided by the lease agreement.

The lessor, when acquiring property for the lessee, must notify the seller that this property is intended to be leased (leasing) to a certain person. From the moment of delivery of the leased property of the lessee, the right to make claims to the seller regarding the quality, completeness, delivery time of the property and other cases of improper fulfillment of the sale and purchase agreement concluded between the seller and the lessee passes to him.

Unless otherwise provided by the lease agreement, the lessor shall not be liable to the lessee for the fulfillment by the seller of the requirements arising from the sale and purchase agreement, except in cases where the lessor is responsible for the choice of the seller. In the latter case, the lessee has the right, at his choice, to present claims arising from the contract of sale, both directly to the seller of the property and to the lessor.

The leasing services market is characterized by a variety of forms of leasing, models of leasing contracts and legal norms governing leasing operations.

When allocating types of leasing, they proceed, first of all, from the signs of their classification, which characterize: attitude to the leased property; type of financing of the leasing operation; type of leased property; the composition of the participants in the leasing transaction; type of leased property; degree of payback of leasing property; market sector where leasing operations are carried out; attitude to tax, customs and depreciation benefits and preferences; lease payments.

Almost any object of the active part of fixed assets can be leased, if it is not destroyed in the production cycle. Depending on the nature of the leasing object, there are leasing of movable property (machine-technical leasing) and leasing of real estate. In construction, objects of movable leasing can be:

vehicles (trucks and cars, panel carriers, automobile cranes, pneumatic wheel cranes, mobile power plants and compressors, helicopters, etc.);

construction equipment (earth-moving machines - excavators, bulldozers, scrapers, motor graders; hoisting and transport machines - tower cranes, crawler cranes, hydraulic lifts, construction hoists, loaders, etc.);

Mixing machines and small-scale mechanization (concrete mixers and grout mixers, concrete pumps, belt conveyors, welding units, etc.);

· mechanized tools (tools with electric and pneumatic drives - drilling machines, grinders, rammers, jackhammers, etc.);

mobile plants (crushed stone, mortar-concrete, etc.);

computer facilities;

other construction equipment, mechanisms and devices.

The objects of real estate leasing are buildings and structures for industrial purposes. Currently, in Russia, the rental of real estate has become widespread. However, its specific forms are not completely identical (in terms of the terms of transactions, the distribution of responsibility between the parties, the volume of rights they acquire, and other parameters) with real estate leasing, which has become widespread abroad.

As a rule, three subjects take part in a leasing transaction: the lessor, the lessee and the seller of the equipment, i.e. the supplier.

The lessor in construction may be:

mechanization department, mobile mechanized enterprises and others, the charter of which provides for this type of activity;

· a financial leasing company, created specifically for the implementation of leasing operations, the main and in fact the only function, which is the payment of property, i.e. deal financing;

· a specialized leasing company, which, in addition to financial security of the transaction, undertakes a range of non-financial services: maintenance and repair of property, replacement of worn parts, advice on its use, etc.;

any firm or enterprise for which leasing is a non-core business, but not prohibited by the charter, and which have financial sources for leasing operations.

Anyone can be a lessee entity regardless of the form of ownership: state and municipal unitary enterprises (organizations), cooperatives, business partnerships or society.

Any legal entity can also be a supplier of property: a manufacturer of property, a supply and marketing organization, a trade organization, etc.

The scheme of the leasing transaction is as follows: the future lessee, who needs certain types of property, independently selects a supplier who has this property. Due to the lack of own funds and access to borrowed funds in order to acquire property in ownership, he applies to the future lessor, who has the necessary funds, with a request for his participation in the transaction. This participation of the lessor is expressed in the purchase of property from the supplier into ownership and its subsequent transfer to the lessee for temporary use on the terms specified in the leasing agreement.

Depending on economic conditions, the number of participants in the transaction may expand or contract. In addition to the three parties listed, in some cases, brokerage leasing firms may take part in the transaction, which are not directly involved in the provision of property, but act as intermediaries between the supplier, the lessor and the lessee. Abroad, in large multi-million dollar transactions, the number of participants can increase to 6-7, including brokerage firms, trust corporations, funding institutions, etc.

The composition of the participants in the transaction is reduced in operating leasing, if the supplier and the lessor are the same person, for example, the mechanization department, which acts as a leasing company. In such cases, leasing issues are handled by subsidiaries or affiliates within the manufacturing enterprises of the marketing management service.

When singling out the types of leasing, they proceed from the signs of classification: the composition of the participants in the transaction, the type of property leased, the degree of its payback, the terms of depreciation and the attitude to tax and depreciation benefits, the volume of services, the market sector where operations are carried out, the nature of leasing payments.

1. Depending on the composition of the participants in the transaction in construction industry distinguish:

a. direct leasing;

b. leaseback, taking into account the current situation in the construction services market, it can be assumed that this type of leasing is most suitable for the tasks of small construction companies, since it allows them to flexibly and quickly solve their problems;

c. indirect leasing.

2. According to the type of property, there are:

a. leasing of movable property (machine-technical leasing);

b. real estate leasing.

In the construction industry, it is possible to lease property that has already been in operation. The object of leasing in this situation is transferred for use not at the initial, but at the estimated cost.

Turning to this type of leasing is beneficial for both the investor and the user. The supplying enterprise (mechanization department), independently or through a leasing company, provides for leasing the machine-technical equipment (property) that has already been in operation, but is currently idle. Thus, it compensates for its losses from forced downtime. Having provided in the leasing agreement the period when he may need the property, the supplier enterprise will receive it back and will be able to operate it again.

A construction organization acting as a general contractor in this type of leasing can be attracted by a relatively low cost of property, which allows you to perform work on your own.

3. According to the degree of payback of property, the following are distinguished:

a. leasing with full payback;

b. leasing with partial payback.

4. Depending on the conditions of depreciation, there are:

a. leasing with full depreciation;

b. leasing with partial depreciation.

5. According to the volume of maintenance of the property leased, the following are distinguished:

a. net leasing;

b. leasing with a full range of services;

c. leasing with a partial set of services.

At present, the infrastructure of the leasing services market has not yet developed in construction in the Russian Federation, and there are practically no such leasing companies that could provide adequate Maintenance leasing objects.

6. Depending on the sector of the construction market where leasing operations are carried out, there are:

a. internal leasing;

b. external (international) leasing.

External leasing, in turn, is divided into export and import leasing.

7. In relation to tax and depreciation benefits, there are:

a. fictitious leasing, if the transaction is of a speculative nature and is concluded solely for the purpose of extracting the greatest profit by obtaining unreasonable tax and depreciation benefits;

b. valid leasing, if during the transaction the above purpose is not the main and determining one.

8. By the nature of lease payments, there are:

a. leasing with cash payment, if all payments are made in cash;

b. leasing with a compensation payment, when payments in construction are made in the form of providing residential premises (apartments), office premises to the lessor or in the form of providing a counter service;

c. leasing with a mixed payment, when the forms of payment listed in the first two cases are combined.

The leasing process is divided into three stages. At the first stage, a number of documents are prepared:

1. an application received by the lessor from the future lessee;

2. analysis of the solvency of the lessee and the effectiveness of the leasing project;

3. order-order sent to the supplier by the lessor;

4. a loan agreement concluded by a leasing construction company with a bank to provide a loan for leasing transactions.

At the second stage, a leasing transaction is concluded in two-tripartite agreements. The leasing procedures carried out at this stage are formalized in the following documents:

1. contract for the sale of the leasing object;

2. an act of acceptance of the leasing object for operation;

3. leasing agreement;

4. contract for the maintenance of the leased property;

5. contract for insurance of the leasing object.

The third stage of the leasing process is the period of use of the leasing object. At this stage, leasing operations are reflected in accounting and reporting: leasing payments are made to the lessor, and after the expiration of the leasing period, relations for the further use of the property are formalized.

The Remstroybyt enterprise should develop its leasing programs based on the above recommendations. It is preferable to look for a lessor in Rostov-on-Don, among the large Rostov banks that carry out leasing operations (for example, Alfa-Bank).

A subsidiary of Alfa-Bank, Alfa-Bank-Leasing LLC, purchases fixed assets at the request of customers with subsequent leasing.

Basic terms of leasing:

term - from 1.5 to 5 years

The cost of leasing equipment - from 500,000 US dollars

Basic requirements for the lessee:

· The leasing company must have sufficient business experience in the industry in which the leased equipment is used (at least 2 years).

· The activity of the company must be break-even for the last 4 quarters.

· The company should not have arrears on payments to the budget and off-budget funds.

· The company must pay an advance of at least 20% of the value of the leased property at its own expense.

The enterprise "Remstroybyt" meets all the above requirements.

The strategy for promoting the construction works and services of the enterprise is identical for both geographic market segments. An analysis of the channels for promoting the products of the Remstroybyt enterprise was carried out in paragraph 2.2

Let's consider ways to improve the strategy for promoting construction products by types of mass communications: advertising, sales promotion, public relations.

In the field of advertising, the Remstroybyt enterprise can be offered, since outdoor advertising is the type of advertising with the highest return for the enterprise, to place billboards not only in the city of Donetsk, as at the moment, but also in the cities of Kamensk, Gukovo, Zverevo. Mailing lists, as practice shows, give first of all a return in the field of industrial construction, while the materials sent out must be of good quality. Currently, from advertising in the media, "Remtstroybyt" places advertisements exclusively in the press of Donetsk. It is necessary to work out the issues of placing advertisements in the media of nearby cities, including on television.

In the field of sales promotion, in addition to discounts for regular customers, it is proposed to carry out mortgage lending for buyers of housing stock, concluding an agreement with one of the Rostov banks for this purpose, which has a similar mortgage program.

The company does not use such type of advertising as PR, i.e. creation of a positive image of the enterprise. To strengthen public relations, it is necessary to place articles in the local press with a detailed story about the enterprise and, in particular, about its social policy.

It is also necessary to revise the system of spending on promotion of goods. It seems appropriate to move from the method of calculation from cash to the method of calculation as a percentage of the amount of sales. Compared to the previous one, this method has a number of advantages. It is easy to use and displays the relationship between costs, the selling price of a product, and the amount of profit per unit of product. Since the company's profit in 2003 amounted to about 120 million rubles, it is possible, given the advantageous position of the company in comparison with competitors, to set a promotion budget for 2004 in the amount of 5% of the profit, or 6 million rubles.

The company is currently implementing a personal marketing strategy with a regional management organization and offering both markets, outlined in paragraph 3.1, a full range of construction works and services. Such an organization of marketing activities, together with the professionalism of the employees of the sales department, allows you to competently implement the marketing strategies of the Remstroybyt enterprise.

In order to improve the efficiency of the sales department of the Remstroybyt enterprise, in our opinion, it is necessary to take the following actions.

A job description should be developed for marketing and sales managers, including a list of official duties managers, as well as quantitative and qualitative assessments of their activities. Development job description will help to minimize the performance by managers of work not related to their specialty and profession; will facilitate the assessment of the work of managers, both by the commercial director and by the managers themselves.

It seems expedient to release managers of the sales department from activities not related to direct sales by introducing the position of a marketing manager in the structure of the sales department, subordinate to the commercial director of the Remstroybyt enterprise.

The job responsibilities of a Marketing Manager might be as follows:

· visiting specialized building exhibitions (mainly in Rostov-on-Don) with distribution of promotional materials and collection of various information about competitors;

collecting information about the company's competitors;

analysis and consideration of possible new directions of the enterprise's activity;

· development of the marketing plan of the enterprise for the nearest time period with its transfer for approval to the commercial director;

· Analyzed the main elements that characterize the marketing orientation of the enterprise: the presence of a mission; conducting SWOT-analysis and analysis of the macro-environment and micro-environment; developing a business portfolio based on these analyzes; market segmentation; development of commodity and pricing policy, promotion and distribution channels.

· Considered the process of marketing management and the procedure for developing a marketing plan for the enterprise.

· Features of marketing in construction are allocated.

· Analyzed marketing activities, marketing communications and pricing policy of a particular enterprise.

In the course of writing the thesis, the tasks were completed, the goals were achieved in connection with which the author of the work concluded:

With regard to construction, a detailed interpretation of the principles of marketing suggests that it is necessary:

· comprehensively study the state and dynamics of demand for construction products at all stages of its life cycle;

· to ensure a high degree of adaptability of the construction industry to the requirements of the market, which contributes to a sufficiently full utilization of production capacities and a real market orientation of production;

· actively influence the solvent demand of buyers, forming a progressive structure of consumption of construction products;

· involve in the achievement of marketing goals both employees of the construction organization and subcontractors (subcontractors), developing a creative approach to solving consumer problems;

· expand the range of services provided to consumers, constantly improve the quality of service, thereby conquering new segments of the construction products market; has a special value in the eyes of consumers comprehensive service, which in construction is equivalent to the delivery of an object on a turnkey basis and the organization of after-sales service;

· to form an integral management system for marketing construction as a process that includes scientific developments, design, construction, service;

· timely update the range of construction products and services, focusing on meeting the highest demands of consumers;

· Correctly allocate "centers of gravity" in the costs of marketing, when the costs provide a breakthrough to the market, the conquest and expansion of market segments; in other words, it is necessary to concentrate marketing efforts on the so-called "growth points" that determine the place of the construction organization in the market;

· strive to conquer the market of construction products not by mechanical increase in production, but by improving the quality of construction and reliability of service;

· achieve competitive advantages in compliance with the principles of fair competition with a focus on the highest consumer demands;

When solving tactical problems, do not forget about the achievement of strategic marketing goals;

· Do not ignore the requirements of distribution and distribution channels, pursue a balanced policy in the field of commercial mediation.

Marketing activities must begin with planning. Typically, companies make annual, long-term and strategic plans. Strategic planning is the foundation for other types of planning in the company. It begins with the definition of global goals and mission of the company. Then more specific goals are set. For this, complete information is collected about the internal environment of the organization, its competitors, the situation on the market and everything else that in one way or another can affect the work of the company. After conducting a SWOT analysis, a detailed report is prepared on the strengths and weaknesses of the company, the opportunities and threats that it will have to face. Top management then decides which particular types of construction activities should be carried out, what support should be provided to each of them. In turn, each division responsible for a particular type of activity must develop its own detailed marketing and other plans, conduct market segmentation, outline channels for promoting and distributing products, and develop a commodity-price and sales policy in accordance with the general plan of the company.

There are four most common methods for calculating overall marketing budgets: cash-based, percent-of-sales, competitive parity, and goal-based.

In the course of the work, the following ways of optimizing the marketing policy of a construction enterprise were proposed: to introduce a leasing and mortgage program at the enterprise; increase allocations for outdoor advertising; place a number of articles in the local press with a detailed story about the enterprise and, in particular, about its social policy; proceed to the calculation of the marketing budget depending on the volume of sales; organize the sale of construction equipment; add a marketing manager to the staff of the enterprise.

1. Central Coast Small Business Development Center. How to develop a marketing plan: National Seminars Workbook– California, 1993.

2. Alekseeva M.M. Planning the activities of the company: Educational and methodological manual. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2007.

3. Degtyarenko V.N. Fundamentals of logistics and marketing.– Tutorial. Rostov-on-Don: RGAS, 1995.

4. Efremov A.G., Tutova O.N., Lutsenko N.E. Improving the activities of construction enterprises in market conditions. M.: 2006.

5. Kovalev A.I., Voilenko V.V. Marketing analysis. Moscow: Center for Economics and Marketing, 2000.

6. Kostoglodov D.D., Paramonov M.Yu., Stakhanov V.N., Shakhnulov E.A. Economy commercial enterprise: Textbook. - Rostov-on-Don: Rostov State Economic Academy, 2005.

7. Kostoglodov D.D., Savvidi I.I. Enterprise marketing management. - Rostov-on-Don: Rostov State Economic Academy, 1995.

8. Kostoglodov D.D., Savvidi I.I., Stakhanov V.N. Marketing and logistics company. M.: Prior publishing house, 2000.

9. Kotler F. Marketing, management: Per. from English - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

10. Kotler F. et al. Fundamentals of marketing: TRANS. from English - 2nd European. ed. – M.; St. Petersburg; Kiev: Williams Publishing House, 2000.

11. Marketing: Dictionary-reference book. - Minsk, 2003.

12. Matyukhin A.B., Nemchin A.M. Organization of construction. - Tutorial. - L .: LISI, 1998.

13. Nozdreva R. Basic pricing methods of Japanese firms. Marketing, No. 1, 1995, pp. 64-73.

14. Popeta G. G., Gerasimenko V. P., Alekseev O. Yu. Marketing: - Textbook. -. Rostov-on-Don: Rostov State Economic Academy, 1997.

15. Raitsky K.A. Economics of the enterprise: Textbook for universities. - M .: Information and implementation center "Marketing", 2006.

16. Stakhanov V.N., Ivakin E.K. Construction marketing. - Tutorial. Rostov-on-Don: RSSU, 2007.

17. Khrutsky V.E., Korneeva I.V. Modern Marketing - Handbook for Market Research: Study Guide. - M.: Finance and statistics, 1999.

The essence and content of the marketing activities of the enterprise. Principles and methods of developing marketing activities, the place and role of marketing in the activities of the enterprise. Marketing analysis of the enterprise, ways to improve the marketing strategy.

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According to V. Khrutsky, the development of an integrated marketing plan is carried out in three stages:

preparatory (determining the content, purpose and format of the plan, the circle of responsible executors and their preparation);

development of individual activities of the plan (collection and processing of the necessary information based on the results of marketing research, identification of problems, goals and objectives of the plan, ways to solve problems);

Consolidation of individual activities (drawing up a general plan for a construction company and submitting it for approval to the management of the enterprise).

The procedure for developing an integrated marketing plan is regulated by the Regulations on the Enterprise Marketing Plan.

Table 1.2

Organization of work on the preparation of a marketing plan

What is being developed

and implemented

Expected Result

The order to create a group for


It is necessary to determine the circle of persons responsible for conducting marketing research, systematizing marketing assessments, developing organizational and technical documents for the introduction of marketing into the management decision-making system

What is being developed

and implemented

Expected Result

Market Research Format

Creation of a unified methodological basis for conducting marketing research; search, collection, analysis and display of marketing information

Formulating Marketing Problems

It is necessary to determine the most important problems of the marketing complex of the enterprise, to identify its target segments

Marketing strategy

Allows you to effectively solve the problems of the enterprise in the field of marketing

Allows you to systematize marketing assessments, collect, process and analyze information in the field of marketing in all divisions and services of the company, at all levels of management

Plan Format


Allows you to determine the form of a uniform presentation of marketing activities by structural divisions in accordance with the assessments and results of marketing research

At the first stage, the structural units that should participate in the preparation and implementation of the marketing plan are determined. Responsible managers or specialists are allocated in each of the divisions, and a working group is formed headed by the head of the market research service.

In the process of forming a working group, special attention should be paid to the distribution of functions in the preparation of a marketing plan between representatives of various structural divisions of the enterprise. For the group, 2-3 representatives of each structural unit are selected. The total number of the group is 8-12 people. The distribution of powers in the group is approximately as follows:

Table 1.3

Approximate distribution of powers and responsibilities between members of the working group for the preparation of a marketing plan

Structural subdivision

The nature of the examination


Top management

Approval of marketing goals; pricing; general leadership

Identification of promising areas; formation of the company's pricing policy; work coordination

Linear production units (teams)

Product manufacturing; performance evaluation

Product development; quality of customer service; product analysis

Sales department; commercial service

Collection and processing of orders; formation of a sales network; advertising

Consumer analysis; product promotion analysis; distribution channels

Technological service

Product design; technology development

Product development; determination of comparative competitive advantages

Financial service

financial planning

Development of the budget and implementation costs

At the second stage, the working group members get acquainted with the results of the market research conducted by the market research service (it brings the results of marketing research for the upcoming planning period to individual structural units), with the main goals of the construction company and its development strategy for the coming period, determine the list of problems that to be solved by means of marketing, formulate the goals and objectives of the plan (taking into account the general goals and strategy of the enterprise), outline ways to solve the problems facing the enterprise (in accordance with the capabilities of each unit). A set of activities for each structural unit is presented in a unified form (in the format of a marketing plan). And the marketing plan is developed according to a single methodology in structural divisions and for the enterprise as a whole.

At the third stage, all the materials of the working group in accordance with the regulations (that is, by a certain, predetermined date) are submitted to the market research service for their subsequent consolidation into a single integrated marketing plan for the enterprise. The market research service examines the measures developed by other departments, if necessary, adjusts them (for this, a certain mechanism should be provided for resolving a possible conflict of interest between various departments), clarifies the responsible executors and submits the final version of the plan for approval to the management of the enterprise.

The action plan itself is compiled in the form of a table, the lines of which indicate the target segments and marketing complexes (product, price, promotion, distribution) for each of these segments. For each of the elements of the marketing complex, a list of activities is compiled, both general and activities for individual structural divisions (construction and installation departments, teams). The columns of this table also indicate the periods of execution of these activities, the responsible executors and the necessary resources (cash).

Action plans allow you to create a budget for marketing activities that provides these actions, calculated on the basis of planned income and expenses.

There are four most common methods for calculating the budget as a whole: from cash, as a percentage of sales, competitive parity, and based on goals and objectives.

· The cash method is the allocation by the company of such an amount for the implementation of marketing activities that it, in its opinion, can afford.

Unfortunately, this method of calculation completely ignores the impact of marketing activities on sales volume and therefore leads to overestimated or underestimated costs.

· Calculation method as a percentage of the amount of sales - calculation of the budget in a certain percentage of the current or forecasted revenue, or as a percentage of the price of the goods.

Compared to the previous one, this method has a number of advantages. It is easy to use and displays the relationship between costs, the selling price of a product, and the amount of profit per unit of product. But this method has many disadvantages. He sees sales as a precondition for promotion, not as a result. The budget is determined on the basis of available funds, and not on the prospects for business development. This method does not allow for unplanned costs, in some cases necessary to revitalize trade. The choice of a specific percentage is arbitrary and not justified by any objective considerations other than the firm's past experience or similar costs to competing firms.

· The method of competitive parity - the allocation to the budget of marketing activities of the amount corresponding to the costs of competitors.

There are two arguments in support of this method. First, the level of costs of competitors reflects the point of view of most companies in the industry. Secondly, it is believed that the same level of costs helps to avoid intense competition in the field of promotion. But none of these arguments can be considered convincing. There is not the slightest reason to believe that competitors are able to estimate the necessary amount of costs for the company better than the company itself. Nor is there any evidence that competitive parity budgets discourage intense competition.

· Calculation method based on goals and objectives - budget calculation based, firstly, on the formulation of specific goals; secondly, from the definition of the tasks to be performed in order to achieve these goals; thirdly, from the assessment of the costs of performing these tasks.

This is the most difficult method in practical terms. The main advantage of this method is that it requires management to clearly state the communication goals, how to achieve them, and budget alternative communication programs.

For a real solution of the existing problems of the enterprise, it is also necessary to implement the planned measures and monitor their implementation.

Since many unforeseen circumstances arise during the implementation of marketing plans, the marketing department must constantly monitor the implementation of marketing activities. Marketing control is an assessment of the results of the implementation of the marketing strategy and plans and the implementation of corrective actions to achieve the goals. It is divided into four stages listed below.

· Formulation of goals. (What are we striving to achieve?)

· Performance measurement. (What's really going on?)

· Analysis of performance results. (Why is this happening?)

· Corrective actions. (What should be done?)

Operational control includes comparing the current performance with the planned plan and, if necessary, corrective actions. The purpose of operational control is to make sure that the company achieves the level of sales, profits and other goals set by the plan. It also includes determining the profitability of various products, territories, markets and distribution channels. Strategic control consists in determining the compliance of the company's main strategies with its capabilities. Marketing strategies and programs quickly become obsolete, so every company should periodically review its approach to the market. The main tool for such strategic control is a marketing audit, in addition, it provides input for the development of an action plan to improve the effectiveness of the company's marketing. Sometimes it is carried out by independent auditors.

Many managers believe that "getting the job done" (implementation) is as important or even more important than "doing the right job" (strategy).

The implementation of marketing plans and strategies requires coordinated work at all levels of the marketing organization. The implementation of marketing requires the daily decisions and actions of thousands of people inside and outside the company. Marketing managers make decisions about target segments, branding, packaging, pricing, promotion and marketing. They work with others in the company to get support for their products and programs. They discuss product design with technology, production and inventory management with manufacturing, and financing and cash flow with finance. They also work with people outside the company, in particular with advertising agencies, in planning advertising campaigns and with the media, trying to gain public support. Sales managers encourage retailers to advertise the company's products, provide them with enough space on the shelves, use the company's promotional materials.

Successful implementation depends on several key points. First, it requires a program of action that coordinates the work of all performers and all the activities of the company as a whole. Secondly, the formal organizational structure of the company plays an important role in the implementation of the marketing strategy. In a study of flourishing companies, marketers at Peters and Waterman found that these companies strove for a simple, flexible structure that allowed them to quickly adapt to changing conditions. Their structure, moreover, tended to be more informal; examples include MBWA's "management by the way" style at Hewlett-Packard, "clubs" at 3M that initiate small group influence, and Nokia's new egalitarian culture. However, the structures used in such companies do not always suit other firms; many of the successful companies mentioned have faced the need to restructure their structure in response to changes in market position and strategy.

Decision-making and incentive systems of the company are effective levers with the help of which planning, budgeting, remuneration and other activities are carried out; they also affect marketing implementation. For example, if a company rewards managers for intermediate results, they have no incentive to work on long-term goals. Companies that realize this are rewarding their employees for more than just sales. For example, Xerox rewards its employees for customer satisfaction. Effective implementation also requires careful planning of human resources. At all levels, a company must populate its structure and systems with people with the right qualifications, commitment, and personality. In recent years, many companies have discovered that long-term human resource planning can provide a significant competitive advantage.

Finally, to be successful, marketing strategies must be in line with the overall culture of the company. The culture of the company is a system of values ​​and beliefs shared by the employees of the organization, the collective consciousness and mentality of the company. Marketing strategies that do not fit with the company culture are difficult to implement. Since company culture is difficult to change, companies usually prefer to develop strategies that fit their current level of culture, rather than trying to change their style and culture every time to fit new strategies.

In general, the successful implementation of marketing depends on how well the company uses the combination of all five elements - the program of actions, organizational structure, decision-making and reward systems, human resources and company culture - within a single program that supports its strategy.

V. Khrutsky believes that the following main problems arise when developing marketing plans at our enterprises:

· Lack of sufficient data for marketing research.

The factors limiting the use of planning in domestic conditions include an excessively high degree of uncertainty in the Russian market, due to ongoing global changes in all spheres of public life: economic, political, social, spiritual, etc. (the unpredictability of such changes reduces the scope and horizons of planning).

Lack of adequate support from top management.

Only when the top management of the enterprise understands the importance of market research and the need to develop a marketing plan can all relevant departments of the enterprise be involved in the preparation and implementation of the marketing plan.

· Insufficient preparedness of marketing service specialists and especially other structural divisions of the enterprise.

Insufficient preparedness of the relevant specialists prevents not only to collect the necessary data, but also to systematize the marketing information that many departments of the enterprise already have, to provide it in a form that allows you to actually develop a system of measures in this area. It is therefore very important that the enterprise has a solid methodological basis for conducting market research.

· Sales and market research functions are not separated.

Very often, the market research service of an enterprise is part of the sales department. The insufficient status of the market research service leads to the fact that it does not have the ability to exercise the functions of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of marketing plan activities.

Greetings, fellow marketing professionals. Today I will answer a few questions about the marketing of a construction company, asked on VKontakte by our esteemed colleague, who recently got a job in this company and is trying to apply himself and the possibilities of marketing in this company.

I will not retell a long letter from a colleague and, for simplicity, I will form a note in the form of an interview: a question - an answer. Let's see what happens, maybe a few questions and answers to them about the problems of marketing in the construction industry will be useful to someone else.


Is there a place to be a marketing strategy in a construction company - with the developer.

I suppose that you are talking about the goals of marketing and the path to these goals?! But let's take it a little higher... Marketing "stands" on pillars. One of which is "mix marketing". Even if the marketing mix is ​​not described in any way and is not formalized for the goods and services of the builder, this does not mean at all that, say, a company that has been building and selling apartments for ten years does not understand where it is going in the market, does not know its product, the price for it. Most likely, there is an understanding of these 2 "P" marketing in a company that conducts market activities, which means that there are market marketing goals and an understanding of how to go to them. A marketer should talk with the owner, salespeople and, first, understand for himself:
1. What is good and what is bad about the product that the builder makes and sells?
2. What are the good and bad things about the developer's pricing strategy?

You just need to start by formalizing for yourself the portrait of the buyer for whom the company preferably works. Next, you should pay attention to the market and try to understand how the portrait of the buyer, drawn by the company, corresponds or does not correspond to the buyer who:

  1. Buys apartments from the company
  2. Who DOES NOT buy apartments, but applies to the company
  3. (and this is the most difficult thing) A potential buyer who does not even apply to the company, but would like to buy apartments at the prices of the company and in their houses.

The discrepancy between the drawn picture and reality will lead you to one of the thoughts:

  1. There is nothing to catch here. The company with its goods, services and prices is crazy and crazy. Even trying to change something by talking and convincing the owner is simply pointless.
  2. There are a lot of problems with the quality and price of the goods. Something cannot be changed (well, the house has already been built and it is as it is), but something can be changed.
  3. You can change, but the amount will not change from changing the places of the terms. Let me just try to add something to the product and offer in order to increase sales and then concentrate on promotion.
  4. With the product and the price, everything is fine and it is worth concentrating on the remaining 2 P's of marketing.

The company is very conservative for changes, it feels like it is not ready ...

The fact is that bringing change is not the job of a marketer. The job of marketing is to make sales efforts unnecessary. If it turns out that the house they built is bad, and the prices for apartments are not adequate to the market, then no one will even think of demolishing the built house and making a new one according to the requirements that the marketing specialist "draws".

The task of the marketer is to make as much effort and incur as many costs as it takes to compensate for the low marketing characteristics of the product and thereby ensure sales. If it turns out that the costs will be excessive, then this is no longer a problem for the marketer, but a problem for the economy and business of the company - the marketer is obliged to paint this picture that is not rosy for the businessman,

Everything is correct! All the manipulations described above you do for yourself. Your employer only wants one thing from you – sales. If something needs to be changed, change it; if something needs to be done, do it, but sales are the goal!

I ask what is the company's strategy? To understand in which direction to move ... my wonderful leader says, I don’t know, I’m not a marketer))

I understand you are asking about company and business strategy. Why do you need her? If you hear, for example, that the owner's goal is to sell the business in five years, how does that help you "sell more apartments"? Your marketing goal is more sales. The smile of your leader is understandable and justified - he does not answer your question, but puts you in your place, because the strategy that is subject to a marketer is a marketing strategy. A formulated marketing goal, a description of its achievement, a form of company behavior in the market (positioning, differentiation, communication style), painted, in the form of a consistent set of work - a marketing plan, marketing tactics - this is the work of a marketer.

And yet ... the functionality was painted for me ... and it kills me

If they understand your purpose, scope of work and the most effective tools, they are right. If they are wrong, then try to write a marketing strategy based on what you understand: "product" and "price" from the marketing mix. If you cannot reasonably explain your functionality through the marketing goal and the complex marketing work- you are dead or listen to your leader, fulfill his plan, understand and gain experience.

Here the manager tells me: "write down goals for SEO promotion"

If the goal of any action of a marketer at a developer and builder is to sell apartments, then SEO promotion should lead to the goal of sales. If there is a direct connection: SEO - you cannot track apartment sales yourself, then either doing this is a mistake, or look for the opinion of experienced comrades, practitioners who will help you understand how the SEO of the developer’s website or the site of its object affects apartment sales. Look for a freelancer, contractors who work in this market. They will not teach you everything, but they will draw a picture for your understanding of the role of the CEO for the marketing promotion of their property and for the sale of apartments.

But you don't have to start with SEO. If, when analyzing the possibilities of attracting the attention of buyers, you find out that the Internet is the most effective and most economically and marketing-based channel of communication with the buyer of apartments, then it is worth understanding what are the most effective means and methods of communication with buyers via the Internet. But further, if SEO is a good tool, then go for it!

But you need to start with the second of the pillars of marketing - "promotion mix" and with the understanding that one of the promotion methods complements the other. Promotion is complex work. Look…. With the help of SEO, you have attracted a potential buyer. Where should he go, to which site? When he reads something on the site, what action will he take next and what information should he slip? When he wants to talk to you personally, which specialist, where and with what promotional materials should meet him?

Only here the marketing and communication strategy must be comprehensive, taking into account all effective communication channels, communication methods, means of communication and communication tools - marketing must be comprehensive, integral, impressive and ... leading to sales of apartments.

It feels like it’s not ready, even VK is stressful for them ...

Certainly. I think that for you the thought of what account 30 is affiliated with in the balance sheet will be stressful, just like the practice of using a construction tool called "trowel" will shock you.

Do not talk to them about marketing tools: VK, landing pages, media, banners and CTR. The driver talks about the transport of goods, but not about the number of turns and difficulties along the way. The cook cooks borscht, but never loads the client with the amount of cabbage or what kind of knife is more efficient to use for chopping it.

Talk to them about apartment sales, even if they are interested in marketing methods, marketing tools. Submit a marketing plan and a marketing budget for their signature, in which everything is verified, everything is clear to you. At any of them, point your finger at the "sheet" of the marketing budget, calmly and authoritatively .... talk about selling apartments, about how it helps to sell what is dearest to them in the world.

Actually, that's all for now ... It is more convenient to discuss very specific and private issues on the marketers forum. If these questions and these answers were interesting and useful to anyone, I am very glad. Good luck.