Development of recommendations for improving the marketing communications system in M. video. Improvement of marketing communications of the organization Improvement of the system of marketing communications of the enterprise

Development of recommendations for improving the marketing communications system in the company "METROCash & Carry" LLP

The main directions of improving the marketing communications system

Currently, two main factors are influencing changes in marketing communications. First, because of the fragmentation of sales markets, marketers stop focusing on mass marketing. Secondly, the rapid development of computer and information technology contributes to the active exchange of information between disparate sales markets. The shift in the center of gravity of interests from mass marketing to specialized marketing has a decisive impact on the use of the means of promoting the company.

The foundation of communication policy is the formation of public opinion. This is due to the nature of this activity, as well as its actualization, associated with the development trends of both the global and domestic consumer markets.

As the domestic market becomes saturated, enterprises begin to face emerging difficulties in differentiating products through quality and price, due to increasing standards in manufacturing. In this regard, the importance of individual elements of the marketing communications complex is actualized, mainly means related to the formation of public opinion and associated with image management (branding). The growing importance of the firm's reputation as an object of public relations instrument management, the growing importance of image management, suggest a further rise in the importance of public relations activities. In terms of investment volumes, this activity may not occupy a dominant position, but the importance attached to tools for shaping public opinion, especially in terms of image management, is growing.

The purposeful shaping of public opinion plays an important role in coordinating actions in the framework of communication policy. Forming a certain, satisfying strategic goals, public opinion, the company creates in the external environment conditions conducive to the implementation of functional tasks posed to the promotion complex as a whole. Therefore, the activity on the formation of public opinion is primary in relation to other elements of the promotion complex.

Secondly, if funds allow, it is possible to participate in various urban projects as a sponsor. Company support for a sporting event (for example, an athletics relay) will allow you to give the competition its own name, the opportunity to conduct an advertising campaign before the start, or place shields and banners with the name and logo of the company at the event venue. Expected results from sports sponsorship:

  • - gaining fame. Wide coverage of the competition, both in electronic and print media, opens up wide opportunities for the sponsoring company to disseminate information about itself. Recently, there has been a significant increase in interest in sports due to the fact that communication through sports provides much more opportunities for brand communication with the target audience, and this is much cheaper than direct communication channels;
  • - forming a connection with a certain lifestyle. The era of influencing a mass audience is over. Companies today reach out to each narrow target segment with a distinct marketing message. Sponsoring is an effective channel for this personalized communication. It allows you to divide consumers by age, gender, income level and territory, that is, segment the market according to geographic, ethnic, psycho- and demographic principles;
  • - merchandising opportunities. Tying to a sporting or entertainment event can be reflected in the seasonal display of goods. This will give them an attractive entourage, brightness and uniqueness (and the very strategy of laying them out can be implemented in a few weeks or even months.

Third, use network marketing tools such as the Internet to establish contacts and build long-term relationships with customers. Today, the development of social networks, blogs, electronic file-exchange sites, business Internet press, etc. makes this area the most attractive for communicating with consumers. The first direction is the creation of an electronic store. You can set up your own store on the Internet or buy a place in an on-line commercial service.

The second direction is participation in non-commercial network resources. This participation increases the credibility and credibility of the company. The three main resources of this kind are forums, newsgroups and electronic bulletin boards.

The third area is the placement of advertisements on computer networks. An organization can place an ad in a commercial on-line service in three ways. First, large services have a special section for advertising, broken down by thematic categories. Second, you can place advertisements on specific newsgroups. You can use on-line message boards, which, one way or another, arise with various popular services.

The fourth direction is the use of electronic mail (e-mail). With the help of an email address, a company can provide its customers with the opportunity to ask questions, express wishes, suggestions and even complaints. By email, the marketer can quickly connect with buyers.

As a result of using Internet resources, the company has the opportunity to address each consumer personally and make him understand that he is appreciated. In addition, the marketing department receives information to analyze the effectiveness of the marketing communications system.

In the consumer market, the seller works with the visitors of the outlet already as carriers of the needs formed by public relations events and advertising. Its main task is the performance by the consumer of an action, that is, a purchase; in addition, it is no less important for the seller to maintain and strengthen consumer loyalty.

Summing up, we can say that the application of the concept of integration optimizes the reach of the audience due to a clearer target orientation; creates conditions for faster and more effective branding; concentrates efforts to attract opinion leaders to the side of the company; creates two-way communication with consumers; demonstrates the social position of the manufacturer; contributes to the compilation of detailed databases in relation to professionals and consumers with the possibility of continuing communication.

The recommendations on the company's participation in various urban projects as a sponsor are aimed at gaining fame, forming a positive attitude of consumers, and forming a connection with a certain lifestyle. The directions of using the tools of network marketing, namely the Internet, are proposed. The first direction is the creation of an electronic store. The second direction is participation in non-commercial network resources. This participation increases the credibility and credibility of the company. The three main resources of this kind are forums, newsgroups and electronic bulletin boards. The third area is the placement of advertisements on computer networks. The fourth direction is the use of electronic mail (e-mail).

It is recommended to constantly and intensively work with sellers, namely, conducting trainings, business games. The marketer needs to provide information on the results of promotions, thematic events and other sales promotion programs. This will increase the importance of the contribution of each store employee to the achievement of the common goal of increasing profits. Thus, the proposed recommendations allow us to solve the identified shortcomings in the marketing communications system.

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State educational institution of higher professional education

Khakass State University named after N.F. Katanova

Institute of economics and management

Department of Management

Final qualifying work

Improving the organization's marketing communications

Abakan, 2011


In recent years, along with the growing role of marketing, the role of marketing communications has increased. Indeed, effective communication with consumers has become key success factors for any organization.

Enterprises of various types of activity, from small retailers to large commodity producers, as well as non-profit organizations (educational, medical, churches, museums, symphony orchestras, etc.) are constantly promoting their activities to consumers and clients, trying to realize several goals:

) inform prospective consumers about your product, services, sales conditions;

) convince the buyer to give preference to these particular goods and brands, to make purchases in certain stores, attend these particular entertainment events, etc.

) forcing the buyer to act - the consumer's behavior is directed towards what the market is offering at the moment, and not postponing the purchase for the future.

The above is called promotion or marketing communications management.

Communication, being an integral part of the marketing mix (marketing mix), is a link between elements inside the production and economic system, as well as outside it - between this system and elements of the external environment.

Marketing communications, like international marketing in general, are based on the fundamental principles of marketing. This means that marketing is a system of events and a set of technological methods that allow an enterprise to win and subsequently retain a profitable clientele by constantly monitoring the market in order to influence its development or, in the worst case, adapt to it.

Thus, marketing communications contain the idea of ​​communication with consumers.

The trend towards the integration of marketing communications, i.e. the combination of advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct selling, point-of-sale communications and event marketing with other elements of the marketing mix is ​​one of the most significant marketing achievements of the 1990s.

In the past, companies have often viewed the elements of communication as separate activities, while marketing philosophy today believes that integration is absolutely essential for success, as is well summarized in the following quote from Spencer Plavoukas: “A successful marketer in today's environment, this is the one who coordinates the communication complex so tightly that from advertising to advertising, from article to article, from one program to another, you immediately know that the brand speaks with the same voice. "

The reason there is so much emphasis on marketing communications is that many organizations have traditionally resisted integrating different communication elements. The reluctance to change was largely due to the fear of managers that these changes would lead to budget cuts and a decrease in their authority and authority. Corporate ad agencies were reluctant to change for fear of expanding their functions beyond advertising. However, they have expanded their functions by merging with companies or creating new divisions specializing in sales promotion, direct marketing, and more.

Analysis of sales and methods of promoting goods is an integral part of the organization of sales of products at enterprises. This topic, which is relevant for modern market conditions, is the topic of this diploma project "Improving the marketing communications of the organization on the example of the Limited Opportunity Company" Khakaskosmetika "IP Bakhar VN" (hereinafter referred to as the Limited Opportunity Company "Khakaskosmetika".

The first chapter of the thesis examines the role of marketing communications in the development of an organization, discloses the concept of marketing communications, the planning process, and marketing communications tools. The second chapter analyzes marketing communications in the Hakaskosmetika Limited Opportunity Company. An organizational and economic assessment of the enterprise's activities is given. The market opportunities of the company, its target market and competitive positions are shown. The practical side of marketing communications at the enterprise is analyzed. The third chapter presents proposals for optimizing marketing communications in the enterprise.

In this thesis, on the basis of a system analysis, the practical aspects of marketing communications by an enterprise are analyzed. When conducting applied research, it became possible to give the necessary recommendations for optimizing the marketing communications of the studied enterprise.

The purpose of the thesis is to improve the marketing communications management of the company of the Limited Opportunity Company "Khakaskosmetika". To solve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Consider the role of marketing in the development of an organization;

Study marketing planning processes in the system of organizations;

consider the process of planning marketing communications;

explore the tools of integrated marketing communications;

to give an economic assessment of the activities of the enterprise;

analyze the market opportunities of the company and competitive positions;

analyze the conduct of marketing communications;

The object of the research is the Khakaskosmetika Limited Opportunity Company. The subject of the research is the management of the marketing communications of the enterprise.

The degree of elaboration of the problem. When researching this topic, websites were used, the works of Russian and foreign economists and academicians related to marketing communications, sales promotion, means of communication, etc. were studied. These issues are considered and analyzed in the works: Aleksunin V.A., Barnett J., Golubkov E.P., Pesotsky E.A. and others. The greatest contribution to the disclosure of this concept was made by F. Kotler and J. Barnett. A significant contribution was made by domestic authors: V.A. Aleksunin, E.P. Golubkov, A. Malyazhov.

Work structure. The graduate study consists of an introduction, three chapters containing 7 paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of references. The work includes 6 applications.

The role of marketing in the development of the organization

1.1 The process of planning marketing in the organization's system

The planning of marketing activities of any organization is carried out on the basis of a market development forecast, which is carried out in the long, medium and short term. Long-term forecasting allows you to choose the optimal one for the organization from the identified set of options for the possible development of the market situation, taking into account its production capabilities and the availability of resources. The focus on obtaining the final results is the most important requirement for planning, but the plans of the organization themselves are constantly adjusted, based on the analysis of the results of its activities. Feedback control is cyclical. Based on the information received about the state of production and commercial activities, market conditions, the state of the external environment, the long-term plan is updated, goals are adjusted, many tactical decisions are made related to strengthening the market position, short-term plans are developed to achieve final practical results.

Marketing planning is one of the components of the planning process for any organization. It is carried out in four main areas: planning of tariff policy, planning of sales (sales), service and sales promotion activities. The main task of marketing planning is to develop a strategy and tactics of performance for each region where it operates.

Plans can be long-term, medium-term and short-term (operational). Operational plans (tactics) are a matrix that indicates the timing of specific activities, the expected results, those responsible for their implementation and the control system.

In general terms, planning includes: identifying the prospects for the development of the external environment, formulating goals and probable strategies, setting priorities and determining courses of action to achieve them. The planning process covers all levels of management and creates the necessary prerequisites for ensuring, in principle, in the firm, the exact correspondence of the actions taken to the requirements of the general goals. In the work on intra-firm planning, first of all, top managers are involved, who form the starting points for achieving the optimal distribution of intra-firm resources, delegate the powers necessary for the effective use of these resources.

Those who are delegated authority and assigned resources are required to be creative in the use of resources. Progress in this direction depends on the ability of managers to use the latest theoretical provisions, various analytical tools to find the best connections between the present and the future, to solve the problems of setting goals. Industrial firms are doing their best to improve the validity of plans, seeing this as an additional source of their growth. Large corporations use their planning services and to monitor supplier compliance.

The marketing plan includes several sections: the results of market research, a system of goals and a strategy for the organization's activities, marketing goals and strategies for each region, sales (sales) plans, promotional activities, the development of a tariff policy and a service system. Usually, in the first section of the plan, three main points are indicated: analysis of the environment (dynamics of conjuncture-forming factors, the activities of government organizations, competing enterprises and agents of the organization itself, analysis of the needs of the main groups of consumers), analysis of the activities of the company itself (marketing organization in the management structure of the company, the presence of an effective information system, etc.) and analysis of marketing strategies (how much it contributed to the achievement of the company's goals, what resources were allocated for this, what were the costs of the organization and what is the result of its activities, etc.).

Further, the plan reflects the system of goals and the general strategy of the organization's activities, developed at the highest level of management. Depending on the available resources for each region, systems of marketing goals and strategies (sales, advertising activities of the company, etc.) are formed. The tariff policy reflects the main points of the use of various types of tariffs, the provision of discounts and benefits to certain categories of consumers. The action plan to improve the service includes the introduction of new types of services, the organization of additional services. The plan of measures to stimulate sales specifies the forms and methods of conducting an advertising campaign, methods of motivating the activities of company agents, participation in various business meetings ("public relations"), sponsorship of the company, etc. The final stage of marketing planning is the development of a control system - here includes control of sales and profitability, as well as analysis of the effectiveness of marketing activities in the main areas. The marketing control system contains information on how the organization's performance results correspond to the intended goals and plans, and in this regard, assesses its position on the market at the moment in time.

As you know, the management process consists in planning, organizing actions for the implementation of plans and monitoring the final results. The better worked out and the more closely interconnected these most important functions, which together determine the essence of the subject of management, the more effective the management. Many firms have learned from their own experience that planning is a means that allows them to determine the nature, form and sequence of future actions over an extended period.

The meaning of intrafirm planning ultimately comes down to determining the decisions that need to be made today to ensure the efficient operation of the company and its growth in the future. Planning includes making decisions in relation to: the choice of both short-term and long-term strategies of the firm; the development of guidelines and actions that help to fulfill the set goals or overcome threatening situations; setting operational standards that are used as a basis for monitoring; revising earlier plans in the light of changing conditions.

The most important goals of different firms are: ensuring a certain level of profits, sales volume, quick sale of goods, market penetration, product improvement, increased labor productivity, more complete use of production capacity, and the achievement of rhythmic production.

The order of setting goals (for example, increasing production, ensuring stability, taking a leading position in the market, increasing profits, ensuring a return on investment) usually occurs in the following sequence: a detailed statement of the general goals that ensure the receipt of the intended profit; the formation of each goal for all major areas of activity; the establishment of quantitative characteristics or indicators by which it is possible to judge the fulfillment of the set goals (for example, the turnover of the company); the establishment of standards for the performance of work in the shops.

When formulating the main goal, they are guided by the requirement to obtain a certain amount of profit, which is established as a result of a critical analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the company's activities, taking into account the surprises lurking in the uncertainty of the external environment. This work uses the method of constructing a "tree of goals". The tree is based on the main strategic concepts of the firm. They branch out sequentially, defining more specific and, at the same time, more specific goals for each lower level of management.

Based on this, each manager must define their specific goals. When the goals are formulated, conditions are created for evaluating the work of managers - according to the success in fulfilling the assigned tasks. The lower the level of the hierarchy, the more specific the goals become in terms of their nature, orientation, and the period covered. For a manager, each specific goal opens up an opportunity for his individual creativity, the development of which should be facilitated by sufficient organizational independence. Effective execution of the planning function presupposes: the receipt of information about the main general economic and market conditions, the impact on the market of the company itself and its competitors, about past sales and profits; determination of the optimal commodity structure of production at any given moment in time, taking into account scientific and technological progress; operational accounting of available resources and flexible maneuvering by them; establishing control over the implementation of plans and adjusting them if necessary.

For plans to be implemented, someone obviously has to actually accomplish each of the tasks arising from the organization's goals. To do this, management must find an effective way to combine key variables that characterize tasks and people. Setting goals and enforcing them with policies, strategies, procedures and rules contributes to achieving this goal. Motivation and control also play a significant role in ensuring that tasks are completed effectively. However, the organization as a process is a function that is most obviously and directly related to the systematic coordination of many tasks and, accordingly, the formal relationships of people performing them. There are two main aspects to the organizational process. One of them is the division of the organization into divisions according to goals and strategies. This is what many people mistake for the entire organizational process. The second aspect is based on the relationship of authority, which links higher production with lower levels of workers and provides the ability to distribute and coordinate tasks.

Organizational design stages:

1. Implementation of the division of the organization horizontally into broad blocks corresponding to the most important areas of activity for the implementation of the strategy.

2. Establishing the balance of powers of various positions. In doing so, management establishes a chain of command, if necessary, makes further division into smaller organizational units in order to more effectively use specialization and avoid management overload.

Defining job responsibilities as a set of specific tasks and functions and assigning them to specific individuals. In industrial organizations, the management develops even specific tasks and assigns them to the direct executors, who are responsible for their satisfactory implementation.

It is important to understand that the organizational structure that emerged as a result of the development is not a frozen form, like the frame of a building. Since organizational structures are based on plans, significant changes in plans may require corresponding changes in the structure. Currently, successfully functioning organizations regularly assess the degree of adequacy of their organizational structures and change them as required by external conditions. The requirements of the external environment are determined during planning and control.

Effective control involves constant interaction with all other management functions - planning, organizational activities, resource allocation and people management. The organization of control is considered one of the most difficult tasks facing modern management. This is due to the expansion and complication of the activities of large concerns, concentration and diversification.

Management control, which is a prerequisite for the functioning of any economic mechanism, in modern conditions receives its further theoretical development and practical improvement based on the improvement of management accounting methods and automated information processing, the use of analytical decision-making methods, and system analysis.

The effectiveness of managerial control plays a critical role in ensuring the life of an industrial firm.

The task of management control is to ensure the achievement of the intended goals, the implementation of planned decisions by organizing flows of production information.

1.2 Planning marketing communications

Marketing communications is the process of communicating information about a product to a target audience. All marketing communications are aimed at providing the target audience with certain information or persuading them to change their attitude or behavior. Selling firms use a variety of ways to convince consumers. They can use any information, arguments and incentives. It is also necessary to actively listen to the voice of customers.

Each of the marketing mix areas has its own goals and strategies. Marketing communications are designed to give target audiences an idea of ​​the company's marketing strategy by sending them special messages about the product, its price and sales methods in order to arouse their interest, convince them to accept a certain point of view.

Marketers can plan ahead for certain types of contacts, such as those arising in the course of an advertising campaign, but sometimes contacts take place independently of the plans developed. Such unplanned contacts may occur as a result of the dissemination of certain information received by customers.

Hundreds of different types of communications can be used to spread marketing messages. The process can be carried out both with the help of the developed marketing communications program, and through the unplanned use of elements of the marketing mix and other methods of establishing contact. As shown in fig. Appendix 1, planned and unplanned marketing calls can be used to achieve marketing contact. Obviously, both types of communication can be equally important.

Depending on the circumstances, the various activities from the marketing mix can be either planned or unplanned hits.

All employees of the firm, and especially those who directly deal with clients, can inadvertently become sources of transmission of unwanted information, if they do not undergo special training, during which they become familiar with the communication effects of their actions and manner of communication. While marketing communications professionals may not always have to be held accountable for these unplanned calls, they should anticipate and rule out calls that are inconsistent with the firm’s overall communications strategy, and encourage the dissemination of information that fits the strategy.

When marketing communications professionals are involved in developing the marketing mix and evaluating the results, then this mix is ​​considered as the source of planned referrals.

However, no amount of marketing communications effort will ever help a company producing low-quality products. Experience shows that the simplest way to "bury" any low-quality product is to create and implement a good communication program for it, since it is such a program that will quickly show the target audience all its shortcomings.

The field of marketing communications is designed to convince consumers and other participants in the marketing process, so manufacturers strive to tailor their messages to each group of stakeholders. As the business develops, the manufacturer expands the circle of important participants in the marketing process, developing the field of marketing communications.

The development of marketing communications is also influenced by the state of the external environment in which the business and its potential consumers are located. The state of the economy, culture and scientific and technological progress has an unconditional influence on the field of marketing communications.

International factors cannot be ignored, as the achievements of other countries in the field of marketing communications technology today can be quite easily perceived in Russia.

So, it is indisputable that communications are recognized as effective if they allow you to achieve the intended results. Obviously, the achievement of communication results will help increase the sales of the promoted product.

However, when the funds allocated by manufacturers for marketing communications are limited, it is always interesting to assess their commercial success.

The planning process in the enterprise should be considered in sufficient detail, both in terms of strategy development and its implementation.

Next, you need to consider in detail the factors influencing decision-making for each stage of planning and implementing the strategy of marketing messages. A product, its price, and how it is distributed can provide important market information to consumers.

These three elements, along with marketing communications, form the marketing mix. Marketing communications are used to demonstrate important characteristics of the other three elements of the marketing mix in order to increase consumer engagement in purchasing a product. If marketing communications are based on a comprehensive, well-thought-out marketing plan, then they can generate a “great idea” that will be fully internalized by the target audience.

Marketing communications, along with the other three elements of the marketing mix, are a key factor in making strategic decisions based on a marketing plan.

Integrated marketing communications should lead to the same result - increase profits. The firm will not, and should not, spend money on advertising or sales promotion if the costs do not pay off. In practice, things are far from simple. Advertising and sales promotion must produce a number of effects that, if successful, lead to profit.

For a manager, the sequence of six stages of marketing communications effectiveness looks exactly the opposite. The manager has to plan all stages "from top to bottom", from profit to contact. This happens because goals must be set before behavioral strategies are developed in the first stages.

Simply put, no one will first advertise and then come up with a purpose for it. Therefore, the manager seems to “descend the ladder” of six stages of effectiveness (the first planning stage corresponds to the last two “rungs” of this ladder, and an additional, final stage appears, at which the entire advertising campaign is evaluated).

When planning marketing communications, as well as planning integrated marketing communications, the manager must first of all define the marketing goals for a given brand and formulate the overall goal of advertising or incentives from the point of view of the firm.

Most often, marketing goals are somehow linked to making a profit. Advertising of many new products brings only losses for the first year or two, because sales must first cover the costs of creating a product, including capital and time investments.

These goals were set both for the initial period and for subsequent ones and were calculated on the basis of a certain price level, such that profits (net) would begin to flow in a year or so. The marketing manager either calculates the estimated income himself, or receives guidance from above.

He then predicts the required sales volume and, most likely, the price and cost levels at which the product will generate the desired income (including for the future).

At this stage, the manager must determine what, or rather, who will serve as a source of sales, to whom the promotional communications and sales promotion activities should be directed. The solution to this issue is the choice of the target audience of consumers. This is followed by the task of defining the actions that are required of these people, or functional goals. Depending on the audience, this will be either a trial or a repeat purchase. There may be other goals - buying-related activities that can be converted into a purchase through other marketing factors. You can also set goals for the buying process. For example, set a goal for the most profitable product placement on store shelves.

In order for advertising communications and sales promotion activities to induce buyers to take certain actions, they must cause communication effects. To do this, the manager must determine exactly what effects, that is, associations associated with the brand, should arise in consumers and what position in their eyes the brand should take in order for people to start acting. For this, communication goals are established, advertising communications and sales promotion activities are determined for each campaign separately.

Typically, communication objectives are selected from the following set: need for a category, brand awareness, attitude towards the brand, intent to buy the brand, and purchase facilitation.

Positioning implies the strategic application of the first three communication effects in accordance with the characteristics of the target audiences. More specifically, for each audience, the brand is positioned in a category (by linking brand awareness and category needs) with an emphasis on its benefits (to influence brand attitudes). The common buyer does not feel that the product is positioned differently for different people. However, he is clearly aware of what type he belongs to and what benefits or benefits the product brings.

After the communication goals and brand position have been determined, the manager must contact an advertising agency to propose a creative (creative) strategy that can convey the brand's position to people and achieve the set goals.

It is possible that a broader integrated communications strategy will be required to achieve all communication goals. This strategy coordinates advertising and other means of promotion.

This strategy requires the agency to come up with an advertising idea or creative concept that, once implemented in the form of one or more advertising messages, will be well received by the target audience.

This idea should then generate the necessary communicative effect and position the brand correctly. The role of the manager at this stage is to approve the creative strategy and, in most cases, to test the specific advertisements based on it.

To achieve communication and positioning goals, an integrated communications strategy can be applied. It combines advertising, various promotional activities and, of course, sales promotion. We shouldn't forget about incentives for the retailers themselves.

The manager must now draw up a plan for the use of the various promotional tools. Basically, this task relates to contact with advertising and information processing. The manager must make two main decisions: choose a means of promotion where it is best to reach the target audience) and draw up a schedule for advertising and conducting promotional events.

The planning principles for various media are the same for advertising and for other types of product promotion. The latter often use slightly different "carriers", such as shelves and shop windows, packaging. An integrated approach requires that they also be seen as a means of promotion.

It was necessary to choose the means of promotion ("carriers") and for incentive measures. In our case, these were tabs in newspapers, direct mail advertising and networking with consumers at points of purchase. Newspaper tabs, by the way, are a great example of combining advertising and promotion. They are similar to advertising messages from magazines (and can even replace them) and at the same time they work as coupons. The second solution - drawing up an advertising schedule - is quite complicated. The manager had to answer a number of difficult questions. Then, in accordance with the answers to these questions, you need to distribute the advertising budget between the means of promotion.

At the final stage, the manager must plan how the progress of the advertising campaign will be monitored and evaluated. You need to start well in advance, because Before starting a campaign, you should analyze the state of the market, so that later you have something to compare the results with.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the process of advertising communications and sales promotion activities.

It is especially important to take control of the stages of customer reaction: contact (how the advertising schedule is respected); information processing (does the advertisement attract attention); communication effects (is the audience aware of the brand and what kind of attitude is formed towards it) and positioning; and, finally, actions (what does the target audience do - make test purchases, repeat purchases, or their behavior is characterized in some other way). The results obtained are linked to data on sales, market share and profits.

Consequently, all stages of the effectiveness of advertising communications and sales promotion activities are covered. In addition to advertising and incentives, many other factors affect sales, so tracking and evaluating a campaign is never simple and straightforward. Often, managers try to avoid this stage, which, of course, is unacceptable.

Thus, the planning of marketing communications is one of the components of the planning process of the company. The focus on obtaining the final results is the most important requirement for planning, but the plans of the company themselves can be adjusted based on the analysis of the results of activities.

Based on the information received about the state of production and commercial activities, market conditions, the state of the external environment, the long-term plan is updated, the company's goals are adjusted, many tactical decisions are made related to strengthening the market position, short-term plans are developed to achieve final practical results, tools are used to integration of marketing communications.

1.3 Integrated marketing communications tools

One of the main marketing communications tool is sales promotion. Initially, sales promotion was used as an auxiliary tool that was considered less important than advertising and personal sales in the marketing communications mix. Now this point of view is outdated. Sales promotions can support or complement other marketing communications media, or act on their own as a primary vehicle.

Sales promotion can be directed to all or to specific audiences represented by consumers or distributors of products. The sales audience includes retailers, wholesalers, distributors and brokers working in distribution channels. The sales audience can also represent sales personnel or other employees.

The main purpose of sales promotion is to offer consumers and participants in the trade process “additional incentive” to act. Sales promotion helps increase sales by offering additional short-term incentives to stimulate activity. While the additional incentive is usually provided in the form of a price reduction, it can also be offered in the form of additional merchandise, cash payments, prizes, gifts, and the like. This additional motivation is exactly what differentiates sales promotion from other marketing communications mix tools.

Sales promotion is based on the premise that each brand or service has a set expected price and value; incentives change this accepted relationship between price and value by increasing value, decreasing price, or both.

Sales promotion offers consumers an immediate enticement to buy a product with a simple retreat towards value-adding. Incentives can encourage unknowing consumers to try the product or convince those familiar with it to buy it again.

Sales promotion techniques can help achieve specific communication goals where other elements of the marketing communication mix cannot cope. For example, sales promotion over a short period of time can improve the sales trend. It can help launch a new product to market, amplify advertising images and messages, and create a positive brand experience among shoppers at many stages of the purchasing decision-making process.

Incentives can also provide new channels for reaching specific audience segments through special promotions.

The most important benefit of sales promotion is its ability to get people to take action - to try or buy something. This is achieved by adding value to the product through special pricing or in some other special way that in practice leads to a change in the price / value ratio. From the company's point of view, sales promotion is also used to increase the frequency and / or volume of purchases.

Sales promotion brings the flexibility to a business to meet a variety of marketing communications challenges and reach any target audience.

However, there are weaknesses in incentives. Incentive actions are tried to be creative, made to shout about themselves as loud as possible, or are offered ever-increasing discounts to attract attention from consumers and traders.

A key weakness in trade promotion is that it is difficult to get busy traders, including the company's own sales force, to cooperate.

There is no guarantee that traders will take part in events such as contests or that they will use promotional materials intended for retailers or distributors.

When used inadvertently, sales promotion can contribute to a decrease in brand loyalty by shifting consumer attention from brand value to price. The advantages and disadvantages of incentives are summarized in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 Advantages and Weaknesses of Sales Promotion Practices



Provides additional incentive for action

Introduces additional clutter

Changes the price-value ratio

May set erroneous retail prices

Adds tangible value to the product offering

Some consumers won't buy until there is a discount

Provides an incentive for immediate purchase

Leads to forward purchases by traders

Adds excitement, entertainment

Allows fraudulent coupon redemption and gift theft

Encourages trial shopping

Sometimes makes collaboration difficult

Encourages consistent or repeat purchases

May reduce brand image, create brand insensitivity

Increases the frequency of purchases

Develops trading through reminders

Creates databases

To use sales promotion effectively, marketing communications managers need to be aware of how the sales promotion strategy relates to the overall marketing communications strategy. Incentive strategies can be broadly categorized into push or pull strategies depending on whether they focus on consumers or sellers.

The push-through strategy directs the main marketing efforts towards the end consumer and is usually implemented with high advertising costs. It may contain additional incentives for the consumer in the form of coupons, compensation, samples or a lottery. Comparison of sales promotion with other means of marketing communications - table 1.2.

Table 1.2 Comparison of sales promotion with other media mix

Sales promotion

Public Relations

Direct interaction

Personal sales

Time frame

Short term

Long term

Long term

Short term


Main motive

Emotional and rational





The main task

Brand image

Favorable attitude

Contribution to profitability


The strategy's efforts create consumer demand to get the product through the distribution channel. Thus, a push-through strategy requires little promotional effort on the part of the sellers.

In contrast, the push strategy directs most of the marketing efforts towards the resalers and the sales force in order to stimulate personal sales.

Sales promotion techniques are summarized in table 1.3.

Table 1.3 Methods of sales promotion in trade for intermediaries


Implementation method

Dealer contests

Promote bulk purchases; generate enthusiasm, support the "main ideas" of marketing communication

Shopping coupons

Increase the frequency and volume of purchases, achieve a quick assessment of the goods

Bonuses to dealers for the volume of purchases

Encourage a certain level of shopping, reward the middleman for supporting the promotion efforts; create a sympathetic attitude

Trade agreements

Reward intermediaries financially for purchasing a product; stimulate the frequency and volume of purchases, achieve cooperation in the promotion of goods

Sales staff

Many incentives can help increase the focus of resellers on product support. Above, we consider four methods: dealer tenders, sales coupons, premiums to dealers for the volume of purchases, and trade agreements that include various compensation payments. Database marketing and loyalty programs serve to accelerate sales through direct marketing channels, so we will consider these as incentives for direct marketing. Direct marketing is an interactive marketing communications tool that uses one or more advertising media to generate a measurable response and / or close a deal, regardless of location. In addition, direct marketing uses a database - the consumer card index. This definition is based on five key points. First, direct marketing is an interactive system. Those. a prospect and a salesperson can enter into a two-way communication. Second, as part of two-way communications, direct marketing always offers the consumer a means of feedback. Since the answer is possible, the number and characteristics of those who do not provide an answer are also of great importance for planning. Third, direct marketing can be used anytime, anywhere. Feedback does not require a retail store or salesperson. The order can be placed at any convenient time of the day or night and can be delivered to the buyer so that he will not have to leave the house. Fourth, direct marketing must have a measurable answer - whoever uses direct marketing must accurately calculate the costs of implementing the strategy and the final income. This quantitative result demonstrates the primary benefits of direct marketing and is undoubtedly the reason for its growth in popularity. Fifth, direct marketing requires a database of customer information. With this information, a salesperson using direct marketing can design communications aimed at prospective individual or corporate clients. planning marketing communication integrated

Direct marketing is extremely flexible. This is especially true for direct mail advertising, where there are few restrictions on size, color, timing, and format.

Direct marketing is different from other marketing communications tools. First, those who use direct marketing look directly to customers to distribute products, rather than to resellers and retailers. Those who use direct marketing tend to avoid middlemen and have direct contact with consumers. Second, communication in the form of direct marketing is designed to provoke a response, not to advertise a product or enhance a company's image. Introductory advertisements reinforce brand positive elements in consumers' minds and can communicate value reductions through coupons, discounts, and contests. Communication in the form of direct marketing usually uses direct response advertising, i.e. advertising designed to motivate consumers to respond quickly - through an order or through a request for additional information. In addition, direct marketing communicates directly with the consumer through targeted media rather than through the media.

Direct marketing is also different from personal sales, a marketing communications tool often used to reinforce indirect marketing efforts. To spread the sales message, direct marketing does not focus on the sales force. Whereas in indirect marketing the sales force plays a major role in communicating and selling to resellers or end users, direct marketing primarily relies on delivery vehicles, salespeople, to convey the call to purchase.

Public Relations provides the public with information about the company in order to achieve sympathy and understanding of the company's activities. Public relations professionals help shape company operations by advising senior managers of the company on public opinion and the positive or negative consequences of certain behaviors. They also seek opinions and assessments from various groups in the public associated with the organization and explain them to senior managers. As a result, public relations are the use and dissemination of information through multiple means of delivery in order to influence public opinion.

Tracking attitudes and public opinion is an important part of the role that PRs play.

Another function of public relations is planning how to manage communications in the event of a crisis before it occurs, or how to quickly and accurately deal with unforeseen crisis situations.

Public relations have a number of positive aspects. First, public relations targets and manages the relationship with those stakeholders. Second, public relations can reach difficult audiences such as opinion makers and high-profile consumers. Publicity is carried out through news dissemination media, so it can more effectively reach this consumer group. Third, public relations professionals, with their finger on the pulse of public opinion, can advise clients and companies on the implications of current trends and corporate practices. Fourthly, public relations specialists are able to present the company as a respectable member of society through the competent behavior of the company's managers, control of the organization's reputation and its corporate image. Fifth, they can draw up a crisis management plan that minimizes its negative impact on the organisation's reputation. Sixth, public relations offer businesses greater messaging flexibility than advertising and sales promotion because laws governing news releases are not as strict as rules governing advertising. Seventh, PR adds credibility and credibility to messages because target audiences tend to perceive messages in news broadcasts as more objective than other marketing communications that are designed, presented, and paid for by the sponsor. Eighth, public relations are more effective at breaking through information chaos than other marketing communications media because people are more willing to believe the news message than the purely commercial message. Finally, public relations are also effective in terms of cost-benefit ratio, because if there is something interesting, it will be shown in the news for free.

There are also three main disadvantages to public relations activities. The first is the inability to control how the stories are covered. Business information provided to the media may not be used the way the company wanted it to be, especially since information to a newspaper or studio may also come from other sources.The second weakness of PR is the inability to control which stories receive priority coverage ... Another weakness of public relations is the difficulty in assessing their effectiveness. Public relations are monitored in terms of the degree of media coverage, but this does not provide a real indicator of its impact on public opinion or relationships with other stakeholders.

Public relations contributes to the integrated marketing communications program in several main areas. They help launch a new product to the market by providing the ability to use news to communicate a product in a trustworthy way that attracts consumer interest. They help organizations identify key stakeholders, analyze the nature of the relationship with them, and communicate the messages they need to keep the relationship positive and productive.

Personal sale - an individual presentation of a product to a potential client by a company representative. Personal selling has several advantages over other marketing communications. First, they are more flexible as salespeople can adjust their presentation based on the needs and motives of the client. Second, salespeople identify targeted leads more than they do with mass advertising, so personal selling minimizes wasted effort. Third, the interactive nature of personal sales allows salespeople to repeat calls to action that often lead to a close. Fourth, salespeople can do a variety of other jobs on behalf of the company, such as taking orders, gathering information, and offering service. Finally, personal selling performance is easy to measure. But personal selling also has some drawbacks. Their costs are relatively high, finding and retaining highly skilled people can be challenging, salespeople often deliver messages that are not aligned with other elements of marketing communications and across all salespeople, and in addition, salespeople often have varying levels of motivation. affects the volume of sales of goods

A marketing communications specialist must decide how to use personal sales in marketing communications-mix, taking into account several factors, including the product itself, the market, the distribution channel, the nature of the information required to sell the product, the purpose of marketing communications, available alternatives from the composition of marketing communications- mix and relative costs of personal sales versus other marketing communications tools. To manage the sales force, sales managers must perform multiple tasks, such as planning, working with people, achieving sales goals, controlling and adapting to change.

Sponsorship - a contribution provided by a company to support an event, organization, person or good cause. The company can act as the sole sponsor of this activity, organization or individual. Companies use sponsorship to enhance their image in ways that resonate with the mainstream of society. They do this by linking to activities that are interesting to their target audience.

Souvenirs are free goods with the name of the company or its identification mark, given out to the presenters of the target audience to remind them of the company or event.

Licensing is an agreement entered into by a manufacturer who wants to reproduce a logo, slogan or individual image of an organization by placing them on their products.

Packaging is the last message a customer sees before making a purchase decision. For some products, it is the main carrier of the message. To be effective, the message must match other messages in marketing communications, such as those found in advertising or sales promotion.

Exhibitions provide an opportunity to present a product, demonstrate it and explain its characteristic features in terms of personal contact. This is one of the cheapest ways to sell a product to important buyers in the industry and to keep them informed of product changes and new products.

Ancillary marketing services include a variety of marketing tools that are used to build customer confidence in a given product and its manufacturer, or to help close a potential trade deal. One such support service is customer service, which focuses on smoothing out problems in the relationship with them and uses every available opportunity to engage in dialogue with customers. It also uses public opinion, one of the most powerful forms of communication, and a completely new field of marketing communication planning.

Summarizing the above, it should be noted that marketing communications contain the idea of ​​communication with end consumers. In addition, they, being an integral part of the marketing mix (marketing mix), are the link between the elements inside the production and economic system, as well as, outside it, between the given system and the elements of the external environment. Therefore, it is necessary to make every effort to ensure that communications with consumers are effective, becoming the key factors in the company's success at the present stage.

2. Analysis of marketing communications in a society with limited opportunity "hackascosmetika"

.1 Organizational and economic assessment of the enterprise

Limited Opportunity Company "Khakaskosmetika" is an enterprise, the main activity of which is the sale of non-food products.

In its activities, the company is guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents, regulations on accounting policies for the purposes of accounting and tax accounting.

Limited Opportunity Company "Khakaskosmetika" is a growing and promising trading company. The company, being a distributor of industrial goods, offers its customers a wide range of them.

The main purpose of the enterprise is to achieve significant financial results, to maintain the benchmark return on equity by demanding the goods sold by the company. The company pays special attention to improving the quality of service for all categories of its customers and improving the sales system.

The aim of the company is to carry out production and trade settlements with potential customers. As a result - making a profit.

The trading company carries out the following operations: monitors the availability of all items of goods in retail outlets; controls the delivery of goods with minimal costs; conducts contractual activities with retail trade enterprises and suppliers; monitors the quality of the goods sold; carries out wholesale and retail sales.

The organizational structure of a trading company is linear-functional with signs of adaptation - i.e. the process of dividing the organization is divided into separate elements, each of which has its own clearly defined task and responsibility.

Traditional elements of the organization: administrative premises; auxiliary premises; warehouses; transport premises (Appendix 2).

The organizational process is closely related to the production structure. And the production structure is associated with a variety of activities at the enterprise. The main processes include:

Finance is the most important resource, without which no business can exist. For the Society, they represent own capital obtained on its own;

Equipment: computers, machine tools, office furniture, shelving, cars;

Time of work: daily, at certain working hours;

Personnel: in total there are about 50 people in the company. Of these: - with higher education - 40%, with technical education - 60%;

Raw materials: packing paper, tracing paper, film, fuels and lubricants, etc.

Information: Laws, GOSTs, normative and instructive literature of the enterprise.

Login - all of the above resources. The main process is the sale of consumer goods through wholesale and retail sales. The way out is customer service. Consumers are individuals and legal entities.

The management of the company acts in accordance with the tasks assigned to it: determines the main directions of improving the activities of the enterprise, measures to fully satisfy the needs of customers in food products; solves social problems of the company's team; hears reports of heads of departments on the state of work; considers issues of selection, placement, assessment and dismissal of heads of departments. Control system. Administration: General Director, Chief Accountant, Head of the Sales Department.

Description of management methods: organizational; operational; well structured; production; multi-criteria; taken through a rational procedure.

The functional system is based on the division of labor in the management system. Here, each head of the department has all the administrative rights within the framework of his competence. At the enterprise, material incentives have a variable - bonuses for the performance of employees and sales representatives, in general.

The external environment includes two types of factors that affect the organization. These include direct impact factors and indirect impact factors.

Direct factors have a stronger impact than indirect factors.

Direct factors include: capital, labor resources, consumers, suppliers, transport companies, competitors; laws, GOSTs, taxes.

The factors of indirect impact include the political state of the country, economic, social factors, weather conditions, seasonality, scientific and technological progress.

Financial and business transactions are individual actions that cause changes in the volume, composition, placement and use of funds, as well as in the composition and designation of the sources of these funds.

The financial condition of an enterprise is characterized by the size and use of assets and the sources of their formation (equity capital and liabilities), i.e. liabilities.

Consideration of the balance sheet structure is of great importance for assessing the dynamics of the financial condition.

Analysis of balance sheet indicators allows you to establish growth rates, which is important for the financial condition of the enterprise (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1 Analysis of the dynamics and structure of the balance sheet of the enterprise for 2008-2010.


Indicator value

The change

in thousand rubles

in% to the balance currency

in thousand rubles

in% to the balance currency

in thousand rubles

in% to the balance currency

in thousand rubles

growth rate%

1.Non-current assets

2.Working assets

1. Equity capital

2. Debt capital

3. Raised capital

Balance currency

The structure of the company's balance sheet is not homogeneous. Analyzing its data, it is necessary to say about the change in the proportion of the value of own working capital in the value of assets. From the presented balance sheet data, it can be seen that the assets of the organization for the analyzed period 2008-2010. increased by 146012 thousand rubles. But, despite the increase in assets, equity capital has a negative value, negatively characterizing the dynamics of changes in the property status of the enterprise.

Organizational asset structure 2010 characterized by the following ratio: 86.7% of fixed assets and 13.3% of working capital. The organization's assets compared to 2009 increased significantly (by 80.8%). Noting a significant increase in assets, it should be noted that equity capital increased to a lesser extent - by 69.1%. The lagging increase in equity capital relative to the total change in assets should be viewed as a negative factor. However, the assets of the enterprise significantly decreased in relation to 2008 - by 247 thousand rubles, while fixed assets increased by 17887 thousand rubles. The balance sheet increased by 8%. The active capital of an enterprise is characterized by the ratio of its non-circulating and circulating parts. This ratio characterizes the mobility and mobility of active capital. From a financial point of view, the capitals placed in circulating assets create opportunities for maneuverability and are estimated according to the formula (2.1):

SC = Avn = 247902 = 6.53, (2.1) Aob 37928

where SK is equity capital; Avn - non-current assets; Aob - current assets. It is generally accepted that if the value of this indicator< 3, но >1, therefore, this characterizes the average degree of mobility of the active capital of the enterprise (6.53< 3, но > 1).

Analyzing the value of the organization's net assets, we obtain the following results: in 2008. were less than the authorized capital by 21.5 times. As for the volume of assets at the end of 2010, they are 5.7 times less than the authorized capital (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2 Assessment of the value of the company's net assets for 2008-2010.


Indicator value

The change

in thousand rubles

in% to the balance currency

in thousand rubles

in% to the balance currency

in thousand rubles

in% to the balance currency

in thousand rubles

1. Net assets

2. Share capital

3. Exceed. assets above the share capital

Obviously, at the end of the reporting period, the basic legal requirement for the amount of net assets is not complied with. Nevertheless, the continuation of the existing trend is capable of bringing the company's net assets to a satisfactory level in the future. The growth in the volume of the company's assets arose primarily due to difficulties in the sale of goods. The opportunity was missed to sell by lowering prices. Inventories, which are unlikely to be used at their book value, mostly lie in warehouses for a long time. Consideration should be given to their use by outsourcing at discounted prices.

After analyzing the level and dynamics of financial results according to the profit and loss statement, it should be concluded that the final financial result of the enterprise was influenced by the following external factors.

Over the past three years, the cost of tariffs for cargo transportation has increased almost 2.5 times, which caused additional costs for the company. In addition, the change in prices for raw materials, materials and fuel consumed by the enterprise also influenced the amount of the enterprise's profit.

In the conditions of market relations, the role of indicators of profitability of products, which characterize the level of profitability (unprofitability) of its production, is great. Profitability indicators are the most important characteristics of the actual environment for the formation of profit and income of enterprises. For this reason, they are indispensable elements of comparative analysis and assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise.

When analyzing production, profitability indicators are used as a tool for investment policy and pricing. Profitability indicators are relative characteristics of the financial results and efficiency of the enterprise. They characterize the relative profitability of the enterprise, measured as a percentage of the cost of funds or capital from various positions (Table 2.3).

Table 2.3 Analysis of profitability for 2008-2010.

Profitability indicators

Indicator (in kopecks) 2008

Indicator values ​​2009

Indicator value 2010

for the report. period

for anal. period last of the year

for the report. period

for anal. period last of the year

for the report. period

for anal. period last of the year

1. The value of approx. sales per ruble

2. Great. approx. from sales in each rub. ext. real-ai

3. The amount of profit before tax on rubles.

The presented profitability indicators have negative values ​​at the end of 2008, as a consequence of the unprofitableness of the enterprise. In the reporting period 2008. the enterprise for ordinary activities received a loss in the amount of -6.3 kopecks from each ruble of sales proceeds. Nevertheless, there is an increase in the profitability of sales compared to the same period in 2007. (+3.2 kopecks).

The profitability, calculated as the ratio of profit before tax to the total expenses of the organization, was -7.7%. That is, from every ruble spent in 2008. within the framework of the financial and economic activities of the organization, it was received -7.7 kopecks. loss. For the same period in 2007. a loss was also received, but by 3.2 kopecks. from the ruble less than in 2008. The return on sales in the reporting period was 5.6%. At the same time, there is an increase in sales profitability compared to the same period in 2008 (+ 11.9%).

However, profitability indicators have positive values ​​as a consequence of the profitability of the enterprise in 2009. In 2010, the organization made a profit, both from sales and from financial and economic activities in general, which led to the positive values ​​of all three profitability indicators presented in the table.

Return on assets is the most important indicator of the efficiency of an enterprise. The rate of return, as the ratio of accounting profit to total assets, is the main indicator of cross-industry competition. The return on equity is determined by the efficiency of not only the use of assets, but also the management of capital (equity and debt). But, since the company actually had no equity capital (net assets on average for 2008 were negative: -7841 thousand rubles at the beginning of the period and -7841 thousand rubles as of December 31, 2008), the calculation of the return on equity ratio is deprived sense and was not carried out (Table 2.4).

Table 2.4 Profitability of using capital invested in entrepreneurial activity in 2008-2010.

Profitability indicator

Indicator value in 2008,%

Indicator value in 2009,%

Indicator value in 2010,%

Calculation of the indicator

1. Profitability of production assets

The ratio of the profit from sales to the average year. cost of OS and mat. - production. stocks

2. Return on assets (ROA)

The ratio of net profit to the average annual value of assets

3. Return on Equity (ROE)

The ratio of the net profit to the average year. the amount of own capital

During the period under review in 2008, each ruble invested by the enterprise in fixed assets and inventories provided 0.24 rubles. loss from sales. In the considered 2009. the situation is similar - since the organization actually did not have equity capital (net assets on average for the period under review were negative: -10746 thousand rubles at the beginning of the period and -10746 thousand rubles as of December 31, 2009), the calculation of the profitability indicator is not was carried out. For the period under review in 2009, each ruble invested in fixed assets and inventories provided a sales profit of 0.2 rubles.

Considering the activities of the enterprise in 2010, it is also clear that, since the organization actually did not have equity capital (net assets on average for 2010 were negative: -9196 thousand rubles as of December 31, 2010), the calculation of the return on equity indicator was also not was carried out. In 2010. each ruble invested by fixed assets and MTZ brought profit on sales in the amount of 0.16 rubles.

The enterprise needs to strive to accelerate the turnover of assets. The indicators of the return on equity capital allow us to conclude that investments of own funds in production did not give a good enough result. The reason for the low turnover of assets was a decrease in the profitability of sales of goods, i.e. an increase in production costs due to an increase in prices for raw materials and materials, and, as a result, an increase in prices for products sold by the enterprise.

Having considered the financial performance indicators of the Limited Opportunity Company "Khakaskosmetika", the following conclusions were made.

Despite the increase in the value of the company's property in 2010, its financial stability deteriorated in a number of indicators. Having on the balance sheet a significant value of circulating assets, the company needs a greater amount of circulating assets, despite the significant share in the composition of the property.

The indicators characterizing the solvency are below the norm, which is mainly explained by the presence of a significant amount of accounts payable at the enterprise. Balance sheet profit in 2010 increased significantly.

Despite this, after paying income tax, the company did not have enough funds to cover all expenses, as a result of which a loss was received in the reporting period, which indicates the ineffective use of the company's property. The indicators of profitability of production assets and investments also slightly increased. In general, the financial and economic condition of the Hakaskosmetika Limited Opportunity Company should be considered satisfactory.

2.2 Assessment of the market opportunities of the company andcompetitive positions

Small business, which has already become an active participant in the market, is a large reserve of business activity in Khakassia.

Small business in Khakassia today is a sphere of the economy, the importance of which is recognized at all levels of government. This is a significant number of employed people (25-26% of the economically active population of the republic), this is the successful development of many occupations demanded by society, this is significant investment in the economy of the republic, considerable tax revenues (10-12%) and a flexible response to changes in market conditions.

The organization is one of the small businesses of the republic.

The sectoral structure of small business organizations in 2010 was presented as follows: 44.7% - organizations in industry, construction and transport, 30.2% - organizations of trade and public catering.

In the volume of investments in the fixed capital of the republic, investments of small business organizations occupy 0.9%.

The bulk of small business organizations (55.4%, 14% and 14.7%, respectively) operate in the cities of Abakan, Chernogorsk and Sayanogorsk.

The development of small business is proceeding at a significant pace, small business is a promising area for capital investment and contributes to the stability of the republic.

Internal trade and services to the population is one of the most important spheres of life support for the population. The modern consumer market is characterized by a relatively high saturation, the absence of a commodity deficit. In this area of ​​the economy, the highest entrepreneurial and investment activity.

The consumer market of Khakassia is a large sector of the republican economy, providing goods and services to about 550 thousand people - residents of the republic and its guests.

The industry retains a leading position in the small business sector both in terms of the number of enterprises and the number of employees employed in it, where about 800 small businesses operate.

With regard to the share of the consumer market, the enterprise uses various variants of the "military strategy".

The leading strategies are the strategy of a concentrated offensive, a concentrated defense.

Having as many competitors as competitors, the company strives to satisfy the needs of its regular customers by attracting them. Occupying similar defenses in the sales market, the firm seeks to maintain relationships, finding benefits for the client, creating demand. The main task is to create a range of industrial products. The problem of the quality of products is one of the main ones. If we consider strategies in relation to demand, then the company uses the following types of marketing:

Remarketing. Depending on the time of year, the demand for some products decreases, so the company uses this type, with the help of incentive measures, using, in most cases, discounts and bonuses for delivery, a minimum of advertising, thereby enlivening the demand.

Supportive. By conducting research, analyzing the implementation of a business plan, this type of marketing is used to maintain demand.

When choosing target markets, the company determines the degree of their attractiveness using types of marketing strategies. Here the following factors are taken into account: the size of the segment and the rate of its change; structural attractiveness of the segment; goals and resources of the organization.

After analyzing all the necessary factors, it is necessary to find out which of the segments to choose as target markets. On the selected target markets, types of strategies can be used: undifferentiated marketing; differentiated marketing; concentrated marketing.

From time to time, the company conducts critical assessments of marketing effectiveness in general, re-evaluates its overall approach to the market, using a marketing audit - a comprehensive, systematic, impartial and regular study of the company's marketing environment, its tasks, strategies and operational activities in order to identify emerging problems that open opportunities and recommendations for an action plan to improve the marketing activities of the company.

An assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise in a SWOT analysis is shown in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5 Assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the company


Weak sides

Distribution system

Experienced staff Availability of product stock Analysis of customer needs

The need for risk

Own financial assets of the company

Replenishment of stocks Uninterrupted delivery of goods Improved quality of work

Organization by company management

Mobile reaction to objectivity Changes in the form of the company Creation of qualified teams of specialists

Senior management allocates resources and staff

Company image

High level of service Terms of fulfillment of contractual obligations

Meeting deadlines and commitments with minimal or zero profit

You can assess the opportunities, threats in SWOT analysis (table 2.6).

Table 2.6 Opportunities and threats to the enterprise



Expansion of the product market

Changing political situation Uninsured

Market development trend

Entering an unconventional market Modification of product policy

Adopting new standards


Dumping prices Deterioration of the position of some competitors

Production of new generation goods Reducing the price of competitors


Growing demand for goods An upturn in the economy, an increase in demand

Risk in assessing buyers' solvency


Entering new market segments

Making a decision about goods from a specific seller


Manufacturing modifications

Overcoming obsolescence


Building up their inventory of goods

Irregularity in the supply of resellers

An analysis of the company's environment showed that it has a number of strengths. Working for the good of her client for several years, she has established trusting relationships with customers. The company is known not only for a wide range of products, but also for the flexibility of its approach to the client.

When analyzing turnover, experts consider the following characteristics: growth / decline rates of sales; to whom the goods are sold - buyers, their characteristics; commodity structure of turnover; outlets where goods are delivered; the ratio of warehouse and transit sales; the state of inventory and turnover; suppliers of wholesale enterprises, their supply volumes. The analysis of wholesale turnover begins with an analysis of changes in total sales in the reporting period in comparison with calculated data or with indicators for previous periods. The growth rates of turnover, growth rates, changes in value terms are determined.

When analyzing the structure of sales, the company's management makes decisions on the use of various resources to obtain the expected economic benefits, which can be attributed to three components of the business:

Investment activities;

Primary activity;

Financial activity - the choice of own and borrowed sources of financing, ensuring the efficient operation of the company.

These components of the business are highly interconnected. The relationship of financial flows can be demonstrated on the diagram of the company's financial flows presented in Appendix 3, which contains both physical and financial flows of the enterprise, as well as the main elements necessary for the general scheme of the movement of financial resources. Analyzing the sale of food products allows the company to better understand the emerging trends of decline or growth in sales. In addition, the analysis of sales allows you to identify promising and unpromising types of them, as well as those goods, for promotion to the market of which certain efforts should be made. Carrying out such an analysis allows the company's management to form more specific and targeted management decisions regarding the sale of products.

The company analyzes the dynamics and structure of product sales. During this stage of the analysis, the dynamics of sales of products as a whole for the company and in the context of individual product groups is assessed, as well as an assessment of the structure of sales and structural dynamics.

As part of this, the company monitors trends in sales (growth, stability, decline). If we talk about the structure of the market for goods and services to the population of the republic, then the following is obvious.

However, the largest share of the enterprise falls on the wholesale trade turnover (table 2.7.).

Table 2.7 Dynamics of indices of the physical volume of goods and services in% to the previous year

The structure of the gross regional product of the republic in the analyzed period testifies to the average degree of diversification of the republic's economy and indicates the development of medium and small business in the republic.

This is due to the decrease in the share of the types of activities in the GRP, which monopolistically determined the main economic trends in the development of the Republic of Khakassia.

If we consider the state of the market, then it in Khakassia is determined by the ratio of supply and demand.

Supply and demand are interdependent elements of the market mechanism, where demand is determined by the solvent needs of buyers, and supply is determined by the totality of goods offered by sellers. The relationship between them adds up to an inversely proportional relationship, determining the corresponding changes in the level of prices for goods.

It is obvious that the development of the wholesale and retail market of the Republic of Khakassia directly depends on the state of the republic's economy. The gross regional product is the main generalizing indicator characterizing the socio-economic development of the region.

The values ​​of demand in the Khakassian market have a certain meaning and refer to a certain period of time.

The purpose of the analysis is to use resources efficiently, to optimize the firm's actions to use external factors.

The fundamental property of demand is as follows: with all other parameters unchanged, a decrease in price leads to a corresponding increase in the amount of demand. There are cases when practical data contradict the law of demand, but this does not mean its violation, but only a violation of the assumption, other things being equal.

The need to choose a strategy dictates the state of the market and its participants. Since there are many sellers of industrial goods and buyers in the Khakassian market, it would be advisable to consider market demand. Price is the most important determinant of the quantity of any item purchased, but there are other factors that affect purchases. These are non-price determinants. When they do change, the demand curve shifts. Therefore, they are also called demand drivers.

Consider the impact of non-price determinants. A favorable change in consumer tastes or preferences for products, driven by advertising or a change in fashion, would mean that demand increased at each price. Unfavorable changes in consumer preferences will cause a decrease in demand and a shift in the demand curve to the left.

The increase in the number of buyers in the market leads to an increase in demand. And a decrease in the number of consumers is reflected in a decrease in demand. The impact of demand changes in monetary income is more complex. For most goods, an increase in income leads to an increase in demand.

Whether a change in the price of a related good will lead to an increase or decrease in demand for the item in question depends on whether it is an interchangeable item or an accompanying item. When two products are interchangeable, there is a direct relationship between the price of one and the demand for the other. When two products are complementary, there is an inverse relationship between the price of one of them and the demand for the other.

Consumer expectations about future food prices, the availability of it and future income can change demand. The expectation of falling prices and lower incomes leads to a reduction in current demand. The converse is also true.

An increase in demand, all other things being equal, gives rise to the effect of a price increase and an effect of an increase in the quantity of goods.

The decrease in demand reveals both the effect of reducing the price and the effect of reducing the quantity of goods. In the Khakassian market, a direct connection is found between changes in demand and the resulting changes in the equilibrium price and quantity of goods.

2.3 Analysis of marketing communications management

Marketing activities at the enterprise are carried out by the Purchase and Marketing Department, which is working to attract buyers of goods, to promote them in the Khakassian market.

Among other things, the duties of the department employees include the following duties: interaction with the media, placement of advertising and information materials in the media, the conclusion of business contracts with contractors, media coverage of information on corporate events of the enterprise, direct work on the sale of goods.

Distribution channels are impersonal mass media. The company uses advertising in newspapers and magazines, on radio and television, city advertising (billboards), participation in exhibitions, advertising in transport, public relations.

The trading company establishes goodwill relations with the general public, and as part of this, participates in charitable activities, in exhibitions and fairs. It is based on the ability and desire to establish contact, beneficial mutual relations with the public.

The company provides almost complete information about spare car parts. This activity is aimed both at the external environment and at the employees of the enterprise itself.

One of the main tasks is to fulfill certain social responsibilities. In practice, activities in this direction involve solving the problems of supporting and developing the initiative of their own employees (relations within the enterprise), promoting the creation of new opportunities for young people (education), supporting the poor (charity), etc.

Thus, human relations represent the impact on public opinion, which has developed as a result of the activities of the enterprise, its advertising and charitable events.

In turn, the trading company plans activities in this area for future influence on public opinion.

As for the economic efficiency of marketing communications in a given enterprise, the simplest method of determination is to compare the turnover before and after the advertising event. According to this method, the economic efficiency of advertising is determined either by comparing the turnover for a certain period of time when the product was exposed to advertising with data for the same period of time when the product was not advertised, or by comparing the daily turnover before and after the promotional event in the current time period.

The first way, in the case of considering the data, requires an adjustment due to the rise in prices due to inflation. When using the second method, the data for the current year are usually considered, so a direct comparison of the indicator values ​​is possible, without the need for adjustments.

For the same reason, the accuracy of the results obtained by the second method is higher than the accuracy of the first method, since an error is introduced when using corrections.

The final conclusions about the cost-effectiveness of advertising are obtained by comparing the additional profit received as a result of the use of advertising with the costs associated with its implementation.

The main material in the analysis of the economic efficiency of the results of sales-promoting communication activities of the company are, as in the analysis of the effectiveness of advertising, statistical and accounting data on the growth of turnover. On the basis of this data, it is possible to investigate the economic efficiency of one or several sales promotion activities at once, as well as all the firm's sales promotion activities. However, these measures are not fully utilized. Measuring the cost-effectiveness of sales promotion is not very difficult, since these measures have an effect immediately after the start of their use, and after their end, the effect disappears.

The economic effect of advertising activities can be: positive - advertising costs are less than additional profit; negative - advertising costs are higher than additional profit; neutral - advertising costs are equal to additional profit.

Consequently, the economic efficiency of advertising can be determined by the method of targeted alternatives by comparing the planned and actual indicators, assessed as a result of investment in an advertising company.

The growth of turnover in retail outlets where such events are not held is due to the influence of those factors that operate independently of these events. The same factors affect the turnover in the store, where advertising and sales promotion events are held.

The economic efficiency of the promotion of goods in this case is calculated by determining the ratio of the growth index of the turnover of the store, where advertising and sales promotion measures were carried out, to the index of the growth of commodity turnover, where such events were not carried out.

An advertising campaign should be based on a specific idea, for the implementation of which it is necessary to develop a special plan. An advertising campaign plan includes: defining an advertising campaign object; selection of the purpose of the advertising campaign; determination of the target audience; timing and location of the advertising campaign; strategy for the selection of advertising media; media planning, budget;

The marketing objectives of the company at this stage depend on the state of the market and the capabilities of the company.

The policies chosen to achieve the goal may be: an increase in primary demand, or extensive development that encourages the emergence of new users when the market is just emerging and it is necessary to stimulate demand; an increase in secondary demand, or intensive development, when the potential primary demand is very small; creating a circle of reliable customers who constantly buy products from this company and attract new customers due to their commitment to the company; strengthening competitiveness to expand market share by competing products, when secondary demand has stabilized or even turned out to be saturated, and primary demand has not yet been fully developed.

As for the target audience of the enterprise, it is made up of people to whom the advertising appeal is addressed. It should be defined as precisely as possible in order to avoid information dispersion, wasteful costs. In addition, it will allow ad creators to speak the same language with the consumer.

The above provides a basis for judging the incomplete work of the leadership in the field of marketing communications, which gives reason to offer recommendations in this area by the author of the thesis project.

3. Development of communication activities in the context of marketing for the Limited Liability Company "Khakaskosmetika"

Analyzing the activities of the Limited Opportunity Company "Khakaskosmetika", we can draw the following conclusion - the company has a future and is able to compete.

However, as a result of the analysis of the activities of the investigated enterprise, certain shortcomings were identified. Working in the field of product policy, the company strives to increase the competitiveness of the products sold by their quality characteristics and optimization of the product range.

Analyzing its positions, the company decides on its own positioning, however, the company needs a more persistent offer of the goods themselves and its image, which will allow the target market segment: to clearly understand the content of the offer and the reputation of the company and understand its difference (advantage) from competitors. Positioning will make it possible to determine the nature of the perception of the enterprise by target customers.

But in order to determine the position of a product on the market, it is necessary to understand how the consumers, to whom the firm addresses, determine the value for themselves, on what their choice is based, taking into account the proposals of competitors, to evaluate the external environment of the enterprise. In addition, the enterprise does not analyze the use of its resources in order to optimize actions to use external factors. In the area of ​​pricing policy, the following shortcomings have been identified. The company becomes the market leader, it owns, though not the most, but a large share of it. It does this in the hope of having high long-term profits and is going to cut prices as much as possible. A variant of this goal is the desire to achieve an increase in market share. With this in mind, it forms the price and marketing activities. As for the conquest of leadership in terms of product quality, the company can and should set itself a goal

As for the sale of goods, it is obvious that in most cases the production and consumption of goods do not coincide either in time or in space. Therefore, no matter how varied the consumer properties of the goods, the company can count on real commercial success only if they are rationally distributed, i.e. their marketing. Sales policy requires an increase in the efficiency of all divisions of the company. The company has the necessary staffing units designed to solve the following major tasks: development of short-term, medium-term and long-term sales strategies; research of factors that determine the structure and dynamics of consumer demand for products, market conditions; studying the demand for food and developing long-term, medium-term and short-term forecasts of food consumption; organization of advertising and sales promotion of products. However, their activity is minimal.

Sales policy is inextricably linked with demand and with its own production and sales, financial, organizational, management and other capabilities. If the sales policy of competitors is obviously more effective, then the company should either leave the target market, or radically modernize the entire sales system in order to significantly increase its competitiveness, or change its production and sales specialization. For a better sales policy, it is necessary to strengthen the activities of a marketer, whose duties will include regular research not only of the market, but also of competitors' policies. In addition, it is possible to introduce units such as “business coach”. These specialists could train company employees on successful sales.

The company in its activities uses such type of advertising as branded advertising (the company advertises the merits of the company); product advertising (informs about the merits of the product). Distribution channels are impersonal mass media. The company uses advertising mainly for participation in exhibitions and city advertising (billboards). However, the use of advertising by the company is minimal.

Based on the results of the study, in order to improve marketing communications for the Limited Opportunity Company "Khakaskosmetika", it is possible to formulate the following proposals with the implementation of incentive measures within the framework of such elements of the marketing concept as product, price, sales policy, communication policy, personnel policy, namely:

1. Carrying out activities within the framework of the product policy.

Due to the great competition in the region, LLC Khakaskosmetika, forming its product policy, must:

1. to offer retail and wholesale buyers a product that is distinguished by the quality and reliability of the manufacturer's brand;

2. to ensure the availability in warehouses and retail outlets of a wide and stable range of industrial products that meet the demand of retailers and wholesalers;

Providing wholesale buyers with additional services related to the sale of products, namely:

Unloading the purchased goods directly at the destination.

The ability to accept applications for the supply of goods via e-mail.

Place price lists for goods on the website on the Internet with a mandatory weekly update.

2. Carrying out activities within the framework of the pricing policy:

Realization of the economic interest of the company based on meeting the maximum effective demand of retailers (analysis of prices for products of competing firms);

Development of a pricing strategy by analyzing all external factors influencing decisions;

Providing support to both existing and potential retail customers by offering them payment by installments.

Carrying out activities within the framework of the sales policy:

Ensuring long-term market stability of the company, using marketing research of the Khakassian market and the activities of competitors according to the questionnaire developed by the author (Appendix 4);

Distribution of sales volumes by regions of the republic, i.e. distribution of sales volumes in the regional context: the opening of economically justified bases, warehouses of finished products, which must be justified and bring a certain income:

1.when distributing sales volumes by points of the region, an assessment of the attractiveness of each region for the company should be given,

2. it is necessary to determine the level of profitability of the regions for the firm in comparison.

Select distribution channels and consider which distribution channels are used by competitors, market availability, frequency of purchases by retailers, inventory holding costs, and other evaluation criteria. 4. Carrying out activities within the framework of the communication policy. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the advertising campaign

Advertising is one of the main components of the communication policy. The enterprise needs constant popularization of its activities on the territory of Abakan and the Republic of Khakassia through the art of advertising. But one should not forget that advertising is quite an expensive undertaking, so the company needs to analyze how justified the costs of advertising will be. All this will depend on the correctness of the calculations of the economic effect and the foresight of the company's management.

Study and analysis of the marketing situation;

Determination of the costs of achieving each of the goals and the total estimated costs;

Comparison of the amount received with the funds released;

Final determination of cost-effectiveness

The use of incentives is needed to accelerate and enhance market response. Basically, the company stimulates sales in the area of ​​prices. Below the author proposes an advertising campaign for the company, consisting of the following activities: placement in newspapers, on the radio, outdoor advertising, as well as calculations for its effectiveness. The following media were selected: the newspaper "Chance", radio "Siberia" and radio "Abakan". Appendix 5 shows the characteristics of the main newspapers in Abakan and the cost data of regional print media).

The choice of the newspaper "Chance" is based on the following indicators: circulation of the newspaper - 30,000 copies, volume - 56 pages. "Chance" is distributed in Khakassia, Tuva and Krasnoyarsk Territory. Has an Internet version.

Radio "Siberia" and radio "Abakan" were chosen as the carrier of audio advertising. According to their characteristics, these tools are similar: the broadcasting time is round-the-clock, broadcasting areas: Khakassia and the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: Abakan, Ust-Abakan, Chernogorsk, Prigorsk, Sayanogorsk, Minusinsk. The number and estimated composition of the audience: more than 400 thousand people, aged 20 to 45 years. The initial data for a radio commercial is reflected in Appendix 6.

Advertising in the newspaper "Chance" will be placed 4 times a month throughout the year, the tariff for the placement of 1 cm2 of the advertising layout is 35 rubles. The area of ​​the model is 20 cm2. The tariff for making 1 cm2 of a model is 15 rubles.

where is the tariff for the production of 1 cm2 of the layout, rubles; - tariff for placing 1 cm2 of advertising layout, rubles; layout area, cm2.

Table 3.1 Costs for the production of an audio clip

The following placement of the audio clip was chosen - 8 outputs per day and 10 times per month.

Let's calculate the costs for the production and placement of the audio clip according to the formula (3.2):


where is the cost of producing an audio clip, rubles; - costs for the production of an audio clip, rubles; - the cost of placing an audio clip, rubles; t is the duration of the video;

SBr = SC; (3.3)

which is equal to the sum of all costs for the production and placement of all types of advertising, and will be:

As a result of the event, the following results can be achieved: the market share of the trading company will increase, which will lead to an increase in proceeds from the sale of goods. Thus, significant savings are evident in newspaper and radio advertising. In addition, advertising will have a positive effect on the company's image, and will indicate that it is "in step with the times."

Do not forget about such an important component of communication policy as Public Relations. It is necessary to establish friendly relations with the general public, namely, charitable activities, participation in exhibitions and fairs.

4. Carrying out activities in the framework of personnel policy

In all difficult times for any organization, the main support, first of all, is the professionalism of employees. I consider it possible to introduce a “business coach” unit into the staff, who would train the company's personnel in the skills of running a successful business.

It is necessary to regularly train the employees of the enterprise in the skills of business negotiations and conflict management.

Particular attention should be paid to the professional training of personnel and the business qualities of the heads of the company's structural divisions, which will be the key to successful sales of goods sold by the company.


In this thesis, on the basis of the analysis, aspects of marketing communications were considered by a modern trade enterprise.

Marketing communications, like international marketing in general, are based on the fundamental principles of marketing.

This means that marketing is a system of events and a set of technological methods that allow an enterprise to win and subsequently retain a profitable clientele by constantly monitoring the market in order to influence its development or, in the worst case, adapt to it.

Successful implementation of a marketing program requires that the marketing message at each point of contact work to convince the buyer of the merits of the offered product.

Hundreds of different types of communications can be used to spread marketing messages.

The process can be carried out both with the help of the developed marketing communications program, and through the unplanned use of elements of the marketing mix and other methods of establishing contact.

The main levers of control of the marketing mix are in the hands of the chief marketing officer, and therefore many marketing decisions are controlled directly by him. However, these decisions are not always considered in terms of establishing marketing contacts, and communications professionals may not be involved in planning the marketing mix.

There are six successive stages of the effectiveness of integrated marketing communications: contact (consumer with an advertisement); data processing; communication effects and brand positioning; actions of target buyers; increasing sales or market share, building brand equity; Receiving a profit.

Based on the information received about the state of production and commercial activities, market conditions, the state of the external environment, the long-term plan is updated, the company's goals are adjusted, many tactical decisions are made related to strengthening the market position, short-term plans are developed to achieve final practical results, tools are used to integration of marketing communications.

Ancillary marketing services include a variety of marketing tools that are used to build customer confidence in a given product and its manufacturer, or to help close a potential trade deal.

Every effort must be made to ensure that communications with consumers are effective, becoming the key factors in the success of the company.

During the research of marketing communications of the Limited Liability Company "Khakaskosmetika" the following main results were obtained:

1. The role of marketing in the organization is considered.

Marketing communications have been analyzed.

Communication activities in the context of marketing have been developed.

Based on the research carried out, it can be concluded that the prospects for the development of the trading enterprise "Khakaskosmetika" Limited Liability Company are quite extensive. This enterprise is one of the leaders among their own kind in the region. Having considered theoretically the processes of marketing communications, having reviewed the financial condition, the following recommendatory conclusions can be made: An enterprise needs to constantly focus on the market, based on the principles of a modern marketing concept, which means the formation of a new way of thinking, the development of communication between the enterprise and the market. It is expressed through the achievement of maximum profitability of a given small business enterprise due to consumer satisfaction with the correct organization of the sale of goods through the use of marketing communications.

Bibliographic list

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22. Lauks G. Fundamentals of organization: management of decision-making: trans. from German / Likes G., Liermann F. - M .: Business and Service, 2007. - С 600.

23. Makarevich L.M. Business risk management. - M .: Business and service, 2008. - P 448.

24. Marketing. How to win in the market? / Nozdreva R.B, Tsygichko L.I, / - M .: - 2011 .-- 200 p.

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These resources delegate the authority necessary for the efficient use of these resources.

Those who are delegated authority and assigned resources are required to be creative in the use of resources. Progress in this direction depends on the ability of managers to use the latest theoretical provisions, various analytical tools to find the best connections between the present and the future, to solve the problems of setting goals. Industrial firms are doing their best to improve the validity of plans, seeing this as an additional source of their growth. Large corporations use their planning services and to monitor supplier compliance.

The marketing plan includes several sections: the results of market research, a system of goals and a strategy for the organization's activities, marketing goals and strategies for each region, sales (sales) plans, promotional activities, the development of a tariff policy and a service system. Usually, in the first section of the plan, three main points are indicated: analysis of the environment (dynamics of conjuncture-forming factors, the activities of government organizations, competing enterprises and agents of the organization itself, analysis of the needs of the main groups of consumers), analysis of the activities of the company itself (marketing organization in the management structure of the company, the presence of an effective information system, etc.) and analysis of marketing strategies (how much it contributed to the achievement of the company's goals, what resources were allocated for this, what were the costs of the organization and what is the result of its activities, etc.).

Further, the plan reflects the system of goals and the general strategy of the organization's activities, developed at the highest level of management. Depending on the available resources for each region, systems of marketing goals and strategies (sales, advertising activities of the company, etc.) are formed. The tariff policy reflects the main points of the use of various types of tariffs, the provision of discounts and benefits to certain categories of consumers. The action plan to improve the service includes the introduction of new types of services, the organization of additional services. The plan of measures to stimulate sales specifies the forms and methods of conducting an advertising campaign, methods of motivating the activities of company agents, participation in various business meetings ("public relations"), sponsorship of the company, etc. The final stage of marketing planning is the development of a control system - here includes control of sales and profitability, as well as analysis of the effectiveness of marketing activities in the main areas. The marketing control system contains information on how the organization's performance results correspond to the intended goals and plans, and in this regard, assesses its position on the market at the moment in time.

As you know, the management process consists in planning, organizing actions for the implementation of plans and monitoring the final results. The better worked out and the more closely interconnected these most important functions, which together determine the essence of the subject of management, the more effective the management. Many firms have learned from their own experience that planning is a means that allows them to determine the nature, form and sequence of future actions over an extended period.

The meaning of intrafirm planning ultimately comes down to determining the decisions that need to be made today to ensure the efficient operation of the company and its growth in the future. Planning includes making decisions in relation to: the choice of both short-term and long-term strategies of the firm; the development of guidelines and actions that help to fulfill the set goals or overcome threatening situations; setting operational standards that are used as a basis for monitoring; revising earlier plans in the light of changing conditions.

The most important goals of different firms are: ensuring a certain level of profits, sales volume, quick sale of goods, market penetration, product improvement, increased labor productivity, more complete use of production capacity, and the achievement of rhythmic production.

The order of setting goals (for example, increasing production, ensuring stability, taking a leading position in the market, increasing profits, ensuring a return on investment) usually occurs in the following sequence: a detailed statement of the general goals that ensure the receipt of the intended profit; the formation of each goal for all major areas of activity; the establishment of quantitative characteristics or indicators by which it is possible to judge the fulfillment of the set goals (for example, the turnover of the company); the establishment of standards for the performance of work in the shops.

When formulating the main goal, they are guided by the requirement to obtain a certain amount of profit, which is established as a result of a critical analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the company's activities, taking into account the surprises lurking in the uncertainty of the external environment. This work uses the method of constructing a "tree of goals". The tree is based on the main strategic concepts of the firm. They branch out sequentially, defining more specific and, at the same time, more specific goals for each lower level of management.

Based on this, each manager must define their specific goals. When the goals are formulated, conditions are created for evaluating the work of managers - according to the success in fulfilling the assigned tasks. The lower the level of the hierarchy, the more specific the goals become in terms of their nature, orientation, and the period covered. For a manager, each specific goal opens up an opportunity for his individual creativity, the development of which should be facilitated by sufficient organizational independence. Effective execution of the planning function presupposes: the receipt of information about the main general economic and market conditions, the impact on the market of the company itself and its competitors, about past sales and profits; determination of the optimal commodity structure of production at any given moment in time, taking into account scientific and technological progress; operational accounting of available resources and flexible maneuvering by them; establishing control over the implementation of plans and adjusting them if necessary.

For plans to be implemented, someone obviously has to actually accomplish each of the tasks arising from the organization's goals. To do this, management must find an effective way to combine key variables that characterize tasks and people. Setting goals and enforcing them with policies, strategies, procedures and rules contributes to achieving this goal. Motivation and control also play a significant role in ensuring that tasks are completed effectively. However, the organization as a process is a function that is most obviously and directly related to the systematic coordination of many tasks and, accordingly, the formal relationships of people performing them. There are two main aspects to the organizational process. One of them is the division of the organization into divisions according to goals and strategies. This is what many people mistake for the entire organizational process. The second aspect is based on the relationship of authority, which links higher production with lower levels of workers and provides the ability to distribute and coordinate tasks.

Organizational design stages:

1. Implementation of the division of the organization horizontally into broad blocks corresponding to the most important areas of activity for the implementation of the strategy.

2. Establishing the balance of powers of various positions. In doing so, management establishes a chain of command, if necessary, makes further division into smaller organizational units in order to more effectively use specialization and avoid management overload.

Defining job responsibilities as a set of specific tasks and functions and assigning them to specific individuals. In industrial organizations, the management develops even specific tasks and assigns them to the direct executors, who are responsible for their satisfactory implementation.

It is important to understand that the organizational structure that emerged as a result of the development is not a frozen form, like the frame of a building. Since organizational structures are based on plans, significant changes in plans may require corresponding changes in the structure. Currently, successfully functioning organizations regularly assess the degree of adequacy of their organizational structures and change them as required by external conditions. The requirements of the external environment are determined during planning and control.

Effective control involves constant interaction with all other management functions - planning, organizational activities, resource allocation and people management. The organization of control is considered one of the most difficult tasks facing modern management. This is due to the expansion and complication of the activities of large concerns, concentration and diversification.

Management control, which is a prerequisite for the functioning of any economic mechanism, in modern conditions receives its further theoretical development and practical improvement based on the improvement of management accounting methods and automated information processing, the use of analytical decision-making methods, and system analysis.

The effectiveness of managerial control plays a critical role in ensuring the life of an industrial firm.

The task of management control is to ensure the achievement of the intended goals, the implementation of planned decisions by organizing flows of production information.