Analysis of the car market. Comprehensive study of the sectoral car market Key players in the passenger car market

The automotive market of the Russian Federation refers to the commodity markets of the Russian Federation, which are influenced by various non-linear factors such as the level of cash money supply, the level of monetization and the share of hidden production, a high level of taxation, unemployment.

The capacity of the world automotive market is growing year by year. The past year was no exception. Europe continues to be one of the largest automotive markets in the world. Last year, 18 million cars or 29% of world sales were registered in 25 EU countries. Most of the sales cars, like machines in general, falls on the German market. In second place in terms of volume is the United Kingdom, in third - Italy.

Volkswagen is the leader in the European Union among automotive brands. The leader in terms of growth among mass brands in Europe was FIAT (+20.9%), among luxury brands Lexus (+76.3%). The largest market share is still owned by VW, followed by PSA, Ford, GM, Renault.

In recent years, the Russian market has seen a steady growth in sales of new passenger cars. The exception was the “crisis” years of 2008-2009, when, with the increasing influence of the financial crisis on the world automotive markets, the largest automakers began to experience difficulties in selling their products - the liquidity crisis began to affect the real sector of the economy. This is especially noticeable in the case of Western European countries: according to the results of nine months, the total sales of passenger cars decreased by almost 5% compared to the same period last year. The world's largest automakers are no longer seeking funds to promote products and technological innovation, but to continue functioning. The Russian market was no exception - a significant tightening of lending conditions (not only the size of the down payment, but also interest rates increased, requirements for borrowers increased) had a direct impact on the autumn sales of cars.

The developed countries of the Eurozone used car sales incentives back in 2009, so their smooth recovery from the global financial crisis in 2010 coincided with a decline in car sales on the market. According to JATO Dynamics, sales of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in Europe decreased by 17.4% in July 2010 compared to the same period in 2009. As before, the "people's" Volkswagen remains the sales leader in European countries.

And how are things in the car market in our country? Russia, as usual, has its own way of development. Having dropped to fifth place in 2009 in terms of sales of passenger cars in Europe, in the middle of 2010 it was again in the “top three”.

In 2010, the automotive industry of the Russian Federation gradually began to recover: the production of automotive equipment almost doubled, but did not reach pre-crisis levels. According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, over the past year, production has grown in all major segments: the production of cars - by 102%, trucks - by 68%, buses - by 26%.

Despite high production growth rates, the significance of high growth rates should not be overestimated, since in 2009 both production and sales of automotive vehicles fell sharply, which created the so-called low base effect in 2010. Simply put, it is necessary to compare last year's figures not with 2009, but with 2008, when the car market showed the highest figures over the past ten years. If we compare the total output of automotive vehicles for 2010 and 2008, it turns out that the figure for last year is lower by 22%.

As before, passenger cars provide the bulk of automotive production. In 2010, their share was 86%, which is 3.4 p.p. higher than in 2009. It should be noted that the share of cars in the production of automotive equipment is growing every year, so in 2007 the share was 77%, in 2008 - already 82%. It is the passenger car segment that determines the state of the market and its prospects.

In his speech, Alexei Rakhmanov, Director of the Automobile Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, noted that in 2010 domestic production of passenger cars increased significantly against the backdrop of continued decline in direct imports. At the same time, the domestic production of foreign cars for the first time exceeded the production of passenger cars of domestic brands. In the medium term, domestic production will continue to increase as consumer demand for passenger cars recovers.

In 2010, passenger car sales increased by 29.9% compared to 2009 results. The state provided tangible support to the automotive market - in 2010, a program for the recycling of old cars began to operate, accelerating the renewal of the Russian fleet of passenger cars. In addition, there is currently a program of preferential lending, which includes many foreign cars that are going to Russian factories. New models are often selected precisely with the expectation of falling under the action of this program. In particular, the new model Hyundai Solaris, whose production started in early 2011, is already included in the concessional lending program.

Against the backdrop of government support and a gradual recovery in consumer demand, the Russian car market will recover relatively quickly. Already in 2011, it is expected that more than 2 million cars will be sold in Russia.

The new conditions for the regime of industrial assembly of cars, which came into force in 2011, will accelerate the growth of the market by increasing domestic production. However, much depends on the state of the automotive component industry, which now determines the development automotive production. Taking into account the more stringent requirements of the new industrial assembly regime in terms of the level of production localization (60% in six years), the development of the automotive component industry through the opening of factories of foreign companies here seems to be the most likely development scenario. In addition, the implementation of the requirement to establish R&D centers will allow automakers to develop their own technological and research base.

According to the Association of European Businesses (AEB), sales of new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in Russia increased by 30% in 2010. for the whole year, 1,910,573 new cars were sold in our country. In December, 204,586 cars were sold, which is 60% more than in the same month of 2009.

David Thomas, Chairman of the AEB Automobile Manufacturers Committee, said that the forecast for 2011 is 2.24 million vehicles.

Car sales in Russia turned positive compared to the low results of 2009 in April 2010, in autumn the growth rate reached 50% year-on-year, and in November 80% more cars were sold than a year earlier - 189,902. At the same time, the Russian car market was ahead of the forecasts: at the beginning of the year, AEB experts expected that no more than 1.5 million cars would be sold during the year, later the forecast was adjusted to 1.7 million cars, and in December it was announced that the expected sales of cars at the level of 1 .9 million and an increase of 30%.

According to Mark Ovenden, Vice Chairman of the AEB Automobile Manufacturers Committee and Head of Ford Russia, the results of 2010 are encouraging, and forecasts for 2011 are quite positive, but only if the Russian economy and currency continue to grow.

At the beginning of 2011, it was announced that it was extending its used car recycling and concessional lending programs. Automakers welcomed this initiative of the Russian government. However, as Ovenden notes, it should be noted that 80% of sales under these programs come from cheap cars from traditional Russian automakers. AvtoVAZ sold the most cars (517,147) in 2010, showing an increase of 48%. At the same time, almost half of them were sold under the state recycling program: according to the automaker, 221,584 cars were sold with a state discount. In the last month of 2010, the car factory sold 49,597 cars, which is 78.3% more than in the same month of 2009, of which 27,160 cars were sold under the recycling program.

In second place in terms of sales in Russia is Chevrolet (116,233 cars for the year and 12,552 in the last month), which increased sales by 11% and 35%, respectively, compared to the same periods last year, followed by Kia, Renault, Ford and Hyundai, sold 104,235, 96,466, 90,166 and 87,081 cars respectively. At the same time, sales of Kia in 2010 increased by 49%, Renault by 33%. Ford sold 10% more vehicles and Hyundai 17%.

Many Japanese brands strengthened their positions by the end of the year. 10,323 Nissans and 575 luxury Infinitis were sold in December, up 108% and 141%, respectively, compared to the same month in 2009. Sales of Mitsubishi increased by 129% in the last month of the year (5314 cars sold), demand for Mazda increased by 85%. Nevertheless, in 2010, Mazda sold 24,926 vehicles - 19% less than a year earlier. Honda sales decreased by 22% (up to 18,159 cars).

Also, 8525 Toyota cars were sold in December, which is 46% more than in the same month last year.

In total, in 2010, the Japanese corporation sold 90,296 Toyota and Lexus cars in Russia, while the demand for luxury cars of the Japanese brand increased by 72%, to 10,981 cars, Toyota sales increased by 15%, to 79,315 cars. Takeshi Isogaya, head of Toyota's Russian representative office, expects that the total Russian car market in 2011 will reach 2.3 million vehicles. Sales of Toyota cars are expected at the level of 115 thousand cars.

“According to our estimates, Toyota's car market share in Russia will amount to about 6% of the total car market in Russia by the end of this year. Sales of Lexus cars in 2011, according to our forecasts, will grow by 45% compared to 2010 - up to 16.1 thousand units. In this scenario, Lexus' market share in the premium segment will be over 13% next year,” he says.

In the luxury segment, most brands finished the year with significant growth. In the Big German Three, Mercedes, which sold 19,724 vehicles (+64%) over 12 months, overtook Audi (18,510 vehicles, +23%), but fell short of BMW (20,584 vehicles and 26% growth). Sales of LandRover increased by 7% (9970 cars per year), while Jaguar (858 cars) went into negative territory by 8%. The performance of the Japanese Infiniti remained practically unchanged (4674 cars in 2010 and 4630 a year earlier), sales of Porsche increased to 1572 units (+24%). Volvo official dealers sold 10,650 vehicles during the year. Thus, sales growth amounted to 54.48% compared to 2009 (6,894 vehicles sold).

The recycling program in 2010 revived the demand for the VAZ "classic", which became the most purchased car model. 136,006 Lada 2105 and 2107 were sold during the year, which is 102% more than in 2009.

It is followed by Priora, Kalina and Samara. The best-selling foreign car was the Ford Focus (67,041), which overtook the Moscow RenaultLogan (62,862) by almost 4,000 cars. According to David Thomas, Chairman of the AEB Automobile Manufacturers Committee, the Russian automotive market may return to the pre-crisis level of 2008 by the end of 2012, with the result of 2.8-2.9 million vehicles.

The revival of the automotive industry in Russia is evident. This follows at least from the fact that nine out of ten brands included in the "top ten" most popular in the first half of the year are produced at domestic car factories. The international motor show MIAS-2010 held in August 2010 in Moscow became an indicator of the growing interest of the population in cars. A year ago, any exhibition activity in large Russian cities brought only losses, and world manufacturers openly ignored domestic car dealerships, in 2010 things are different. The Moscow Motor Show is again on a par with the largest European auto shows in terms of popularity.

The modern economy is characterized by the interaction of its three main subjects: the producer, the consumer and the state. Each of these participants in economic processes has specific goals, in accordance with which they build their activities. In a market economy for successful work its subjects of particular importance are deep knowledge of the market and the ability to skillfully apply tools to influence the situation that is developing on it. The totality of such knowledge and tools form the basis of marketing.

Most companies now carry out some form of market research on a regular basis. The content of the concept of marketing is determined by the tasks facing it. From the moment of its appearance to the present day, it has changed depending on changes in the conditions of production and sale of products. Currently, marketing is a system for organizing all the activities of a company in the development, production and marketing of goods based on a comprehensive study of the market and real customer requests in order to obtain high profits. In other words modern system marketing makes the production of goods dependent on the needs of consumers.

Marketing Analysis involves the definition and evaluation of the markets of the enterprise and the external marketing environment in order to identify attractive opportunities, detect difficulties and weaknesses in the work of the enterprise. An effective marketing analysis is a necessary condition for the development of marketing plans, and it is also carried out in the process of their implementation.

Marketing research is the collection, processing and analysis of data in order to reduce the uncertainty associated with making marketing decisions. The market, competitors, consumers, prices, internal potential of the enterprise are subjected to research. Market research involves clarifying its state of development trends, which can help identify the shortcomings of the current market situation and suggest opportunities and ways to improve it, but this is only part of the problems that determine the content of marketing research as a whole.

The theme of the course work - "Marketing research of the secondary car market in Norilsk" - is very relevant. Currently, marketing research of any market is of great importance, both for sellers and consumers. After all, not only demand, but also the supply of goods is of great importance.

All marketing research is carried out from two positions: the assessment of certain marketing parameters for a given point in time and the prediction of their values ​​in the future.

The object of study of the course work is the secondary car market in Norilsk.

The purpose of the work is to analyze the secondary car market in Norilsk on the basis of marketing research and propose measures that improve the competitiveness of the goods.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to perform the following tasks:

Explore theoretical basis marketing research;

To master the process of conducting marketing research;

Assess the state of the secondary car market in Norilsk;

Develop questionnaire questions and conduct marketing research on the topic under consideration;

Analyze personal data and make specific recommendations to improve the competitiveness of the product.

Course work consists of introduction, theoretical, research, design parts, conclusion, bibliography and application.

The theoretical part reveals the goals, objectives and purpose of marketing research, as well as the general characteristics, content and main directions of the marketing research process.

The research part contains a comprehensive description of the secondary car market both in the country as a whole and specifically in the city of Norilsk. Here the expediency of studying this market is substantiated and the main stages of the study are determined.

The third part of the work analyzes the marketing research and provides specific recommendations on the competitiveness of the product.

It is not the first year that global automakers have been reporting growth in sales in the Russian market. But any new car sooner or later becomes used, and the owner has a desire to sell it. Now Russian car owners have to spend a lot of time and effort on the process of buying and selling cars. Whereas in Europe, the secondary car market has already been built, and it accounts for the bulk of sales.

The fact that it is necessary to form a civilized secondary car market in Russia has been talked about for more than a year. This problem became especially acute with the advent of the car loan system, which led to a boom in sales of new cars.

In the course of writing the term paper, the works of the following authors were used: Kotler F., Golubkov E.P., Solovyov B.A. and others.

1.1. Goals, objectives and purpose of marketing research

The diversity of marketing functions reflects the versatility marketing activities aimed ultimately at bringing the product to the sphere of consumption and at satisfying the needs of buyers.

Functionally, marketing is a hierarchically organized system for managing activities in the market, regulating market processes and studying the market.

One of the basic requirements of marketing is to ensure the "transparency" of the market and the "predictability" of its development.

Without the collection of reliable information and its subsequent analysis, marketing will not be able to fully fulfill its mission, which is to meet the needs of customers. The collection of information, its interpretation, estimated and predictive calculations performed for marketing services and the management of the company on their order are commonly called marketing research.

A number of specialists approach the concept of "marketing research" by listing its main functions, without revealing its essence. These include F. Kotler, who interprets marketing research as a systematic determination of the range of data required in connection with the marketing situation facing the company, their collection, analysis, and report on the results. Domestic authors E.P. Golubkov, A.I. Kovalev repeat a similar formulation. A.P. Dubrovich lists the elements of marketing research and opines that they are intended to reduce the uncertainty associated with making marketing decisions. In my opinion, the point of view of I.K. Belyavsky, according to which marketing research is any research activity aimed at meeting the information and analytical needs of marketing. That is, marketing research continues to be integral part marketing, forms an independent scientific and practical direction.

Thus, the subject of marketing research should be considered marketing activities in the market, as well as market processes and phenomena connected in any way with it.

A serious problem is the choice of the object of marketing research. It can be the enterprise itself and the forces included in the microenvironment of its marketing, in particular competitors, suppliers and competing enterprises, consumers / buyers - customers; the federal or regional market, including its segments, as well as the population or its separate group, as a carrier of demographic and socio-economic factors of the marketing macro environment.

The purpose of marketing research is to create an information and analytical base for making marketing decisions and thereby reduce the level of uncertainty associated with them.

The many goals that marketers or their customers set for themselves can be broken down into four easily identifiable groups:

‒ search - providing for the collection additional information, shedding light on the problem and helping to develop several working hypotheses for further study;

- descriptive - involving a detailed description of individual factors and phenomena, as well as their relationships and influence;

- experimental - consisting in testing marketing hypotheses about the existence and forms of causal relationships between demand, on the one hand, and the essential characteristics of the product (price, packaging, image, etc.) and the consumer himself (age, gender, income, character etc.) - on the other;

- exculpatory - designed to reinforce the already formed opinion, belief, position of the head (company) or point of view with objective information.

The tasks of marketing research can be very different. First of all, this is finding potential buyers, studying their needs, existing and future demand for goods in order to select target markets, i.e. markets in which the firm can achieve its goals. After the market is selected, it is necessary to conduct ongoing observations of its state in order to respond in time to the changes taking place. Market research is also necessary for predicting long-term trends in its development. The forecast should be the basis for setting goals, developing a strategy and planning the company's activities. Market research becomes especially acute when an enterprise intends to start developing, manufacturing and introducing new products to the market.

Each firm independently sets itself the tasks of marketing research, based on its own interests. Coverage of a wide range of areas of marketing research depends on specific conditions: the situation on the product market, the marketing strategy of the company and, of course, on its specialization. A significant part of domestic production and marketing and trade enterprises conducts marketing research in the following areas: assessment of the market situation, short-term and medium-term forecasts of the main market parameters, studying the behavior of buyers and competitors, characterizing the level and dynamics of prices, etc., as well as assessing their own potential . Research areas are constantly expanding. F. Kotler lists 28 directions, and later authors - up to a hundred.

Marketing research is an integral part of the general information system. Information, facts, data collected for marketing purposes form an independent sector of a single information field. Therefore, marketing research is based on the general requirements and principles of informatics, and the following principles must be observed when conducting it:

- scientific character, i.e. explanation and prediction of the studied market phenomena and processes on the basis of scientific provisions and objectively obtained data, as well as identifying patterns in the development of these phenomena and processes;

- consistency, i.e. the allocation of individual structural elements that make up the phenomenon, the discovery of a hierarchical connection and mutual subordination;

- complexity, i.e. study of phenomena and processes in their entirety, interrelation and development;

- reliability, i.e. obtaining adequate data by ensuring the scientific principles of their collection and processing, the exclusion of bias in assessments, careful control, the use of scientific research tools;

- objectivity, i.e. the requirement to take into account the possible errors of measuring one or another phenomenon, not to adjust the facts to a predetermined scheme and to be careful in their interpretation;

- efficiency, i.e. achievement of the set goals, commensuration of results with costs.

In marketing research, the best results are achieved by those who are creative, take the initiative, find new, non-traditional ways of research.

Marketing research is usually expensive. F. Kotler, for example, claims that the marketing research budget is 1-2% of the company's sales. Significant losses will be incurred by the entrepreneur who wishes to save on marketing research. In the literature on marketing problems, when analyzing the bankruptcy of some firms in the market, as a rule, one of the serious reasons is the inability of marketing services to adequately assess the situation on the market and make reasonable forecasts.

large manufacturing or commercial enterprise can afford to have a unit in the marketing service, the function of which will be the organization and conduct of marketing research. Medium and even more so small enterprises do not have such opportunities and either limit themselves to small units of a few people, or resort to combining professions, entrusting one of the employees who performs any marketing functions to carry out research work.

However, in some cases even large enterprises it is unprofitable to independently conduct a large-scale study that requires the participation of highly qualified specialists, conducting large surveys, etc. Foreign and domestic experience shows that in most cases complex marketing research is carried out by specialized marketing or consulting firms operating on a commercial basis. In addition, scientific institutions and higher scientific institutions, as well as some public and government organizations are involved in marketing research.

The advantages of transferring the marketing research function to specialized firms are as follows: firstly, there is no need to create a large team of specialists who know the methods of collecting information and econometric and statistical analysis, to provide them with appropriate equipment; secondly, specialized firms have research experience in a particular area of ​​marketing, the necessary connections, etc.; thirdly, many of these firms have survey panels, as well as specialist interviewers, banks of programs (models), etc.

Marketing research of this kind can be carried out by order and according to the program of the customer enterprise on commercial terms, or independently by a marketing company according to a standard program designed for certain categories of enterprises. The results of such studies are sold to everyone. Sometimes a marketing firm sells research methodology, algorithms, and applications.

Competent, professional marketing research allows the company to objectively assess its market opportunities and choose those areas of activity where the achievement of the set goals becomes possible with a minimum degree of risk and with greater certainty.

To determine the need for market research, all organizations should continuously monitor their external environments. The main purpose of monitoring is to provide operational information to the management of the organization. This information allows management to assess whether the results are in line with current activities organization's planned goals; whether the adopted laws had an impact on the purchasing power of consumers, on the activities of enterprises in the industry; whether there have been changes in the value system of consumers and their lifestyle; whether new strategies have been used by competitors. Monitoring can be done in many ways, both formally and informally. For example, a company may use an IIA; may use a more traditional system of control over their finances; the owner of a small business can himself carefully monitor the influence of the external environment on the state of the business.

Regardless of the type of monitoring system used, it should be designed to look for signs that the organization's marketing mix is ​​not in line with market conditions.

For example, it was recently found that McDonald's sales had stopped growing. A study of the external environment was conducted, which made it possible to identify three trends. First, consumers have become more health conscious, which has led to a decrease in meat consumption and, consequently, hamburger sales. Secondly, the fast food industry has reached a saturation level, so the volume of sales has not increased. Thirdly, year after year, new competitors have won one market segment after another from traditional "fast food" producers by providing menus twice as cheap - for example, a system of pizzerias with free shipping dishes home. Having identified such trends in the fast food market, McDonald's began to produce healthier dishes and tested a new type of cafe "Golden Arch", in which the menu was more varied and visitors were served by waiters.

The management of the organization, while monitoring the external environment, receives information from a variety of sources - shareholders, who may express complaints about the low quality of products, from dealers, who may inform that the organization is losing market positions to competitors, etc. However, this information most likely relates to symptomatic problems, rather than basic, underlying problems. The task of researchers is precisely to identify the latter, which underlie the problem-symptoms.

Problem definition and

A clear, concise statement of the problem is the key to successful marketing research. There are the following main sources of marketing problems: unforeseen changes, planned changes, some of which may be random ideas - for example, prompted by consumers.

Often clients of marketing agencies do not know their problems themselves. They state that the volume of sales is falling, the market share is decreasing, but these are only symptoms, and it is important to identify the causes of their appearance. The classic situation is when marketing research does not address the real problem. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to investigate all possible causes of the symptoms that have appeared. Often, special exploratory studies are carried out for this purpose.

When conducting marketing research, two types of problems are encountered: marketing management problems and marketing research problems. The first occurs in two cases. First, when there are symptoms of failure to achieve the goals of marketing activities. Secondly, when there is a possibility of achieving the goals, however, the manager needs to choose a course of action that will enable him to take full advantage of favorable circumstances.

Marketing research problems are defined by the requirement to provide managers and marketing professionals with relevant, accurate and unbiased information needed to solve marketing management problems.

Obviously, marketing management problems are critical, because without their correct definition, it will be difficult to identify marketing research problems. And this can lead to further undesirable consequences in the course of their implementation.

After identifying the problems of marketing research, the goals of conducting marketing research and methods aimed at achieving them are established.

Achieving the goals of marketing research allows you to obtain the information necessary to solve the identified problems. These goals characterize the information vacuum that must be eliminated in order for managers to be able to solve marketing problems.

When setting marketing research goals, the question is asked: “What information is needed to solve this problem?” The answer to this question determines the content of the objectives of the study. Thus, a key aspect of setting research objectives is to identify specific types of information that are useful to managers in solving marketing management problems.

Based on this, the objectives of marketing research can be of the following nature:

1. Exploration, i.e. be aimed at collecting preliminary information designed to more accurately identify problems and test hypotheses;

2. Descriptive (descriptive), i.e. consist in a simple description of certain aspects of a real marketing situation;

3. Casual, i.e. be aimed at substantiating hypotheses that determine the content of the identified cause-and-effect relationships.

As for the specific method of conducting marketing research, at this stage it is described in the most generalized form and characterizes the tools for collecting information necessary to achieve research goals (for example, conducting a survey). In addition, at this stage of the study, the required time and cost of the proposed study are also usually indicated, which is necessary for the manager to make a decision on conducting a marketing study and solving organizational issues of its conduct.

An example of a market research goal might be: "Determine the demographic profile of buyers using parameters such as age, gender, education, and annual family income."

The nature of the goals of marketing research predetermines the choice of specific types of research bearing the same names, namely: exploratory, descriptive and casual.

Market research acts as an information basis for achieving such goals as the implementation of a certain volume of sales, the creation and introduction of new products to the market, and an increase in market share. Setting these goals assumes that we are talking about the market for a particular product. In this regard, revealing the content of market research, first of all, it is necessary to dwell on the study of the commodity structure of the market.

The concept of "market" in this case is used with the definition of commodity. The commodity market is understood as the sphere of sale of a particular product or group of goods, interconnected by certain signs of a production or consumer nature. In this study, the car market.

There are many different features of the classification of commodity markets. The use of certain signs depends on the objectives of the study. Let us note only the most important ones, which are of paramount importance for the needs of practical research of the footwear market.

One of the important features of commodity markets is the territorial coverage. Market analysis in each specific study is carried out within the framework of the internal (aggregate) market, external (world), regional (certain territorial division). Studies of the aggregate domestic and foreign markets, as a rule, are of a strategic nature and are carried out on enlarged product groups. When studying a regional commodity market, along with regional characteristics, it is necessary to take into account the state of the aggregate market.

The classification of the market can also be carried out according to the ability of goods to meet the needs of certain consumer groups: the market is male, women's shoes. A feature of the study of such commodity markets is to take into account the relationships various forms and means of satisfying a particular need.

Market research is required if a manufacturer of goods wants to understand the markets in which he can sell his products and the facts that affect these markets. In other words, manufacturers and, above all, marketing services of many enterprises are interested in the sales market for products.

The product sales market is a part of the market within which the sale (wholesale and retail) of goods produced by a given enterprise, association, industry is carried out. The sales market is formed and develops within a certain product market.

The sales market for a particular product can be conditionally divided into several parts: consumers who do not know about the product (sleeping segment); know about the product, but do not purchase it; purchase products of competitors; buy our products.

Market research is carried out in two sections: assessment of certain market parameters for a given point in time and obtaining predictive values. First of all, the current situation on the market (the market situation) is assessed, then the size of the market capacity is determined, its segmentation is carried out and its position of the product in individual market segments is determined.

Market conditions are a set of conditions under which activities are currently taking place in the market.

It is characterized by a certain ratio of supply and demand for goods of this type, as well as the level and ratio of prices.

The study of the conjuncture of the commodity market is based on the analysis of indicators characterizing the production and supply of goods of this group, the volume and structure retail, commodity stocks in warehouses of the enterprise, in wholesale and retail trade. Therefore, the main goal of information support for market research is to create a system of indicators that allows one to obtain quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the main patterns and features of the development of population demand and product supply, to identify factors in the formation of market conditions.

These indicators include: production of goods in assortment; renewal of the product range; availability of materials, raw materials, production capacities; stocks of goods in assortment; rejection of goods and complaints (list of goods of limited and increased demand); sale of goods in assortment; change in market share occupied by competitors; execution of orders for the supply of goods; change in consumer demand; the value of unsatisfied demand in the expanded assortment; price dynamics; sale of goods at reduced prices.

Conjuncture-forming factors are divided into cyclic and non-cyclic. Cyclical factors are determined by the cyclical development of the economy. The conjuncture depends on the phase of the cycle (recession, depression, recovery, recovery). Non-cyclic factors that can reverse the effect of cyclic factors are divided into permanent and non-permanent. Constant factors include scientific and technological progress, changing external conditions, the influence of monopoly, state regulation, inflation, etc. Non-permanent factors include political crises, social conflicts, seasonality, natural disasters, etc. .

When studying the conjuncture of the commodity market, the task is not only to determine the state of the market at one time or another, but also to predict the likely nature of its further development for at least one or two quarters, but no more than a year and a half.

One of the main tasks of researching the selected market is to determine its capacity. This indicator demonstrates the fundamental possibility of working in a particular market.

Under the capacity of the commodity market is understood the possible volume of sales of goods at a given level and the ratio of different prices.

Two levels of market capacity should be distinguished: potential and real. The real capacity of the market is the first level. The potential level is determined by personal and social needs and reflects the volume of goods sold adequate to them. The actual developing capacity of the market may not correspond to its potential capacity.

The market capacity is usually calculated both in monetary and physical terms.

Knowing the capacity of the market and the trends of its change, the company gets the opportunity to assess the prospects of a particular market for itself. It makes no sense to work in a market whose capacity is insignificant compared to the capabilities of the enterprise: the costs of entering the market and working on it may not pay off.

An in-depth study of the market suggests the need to consider it as a differentiated structure depending on consumer groups and consumer properties of the product, which in broad sense defines the concept of market segmentation.

Market segmentation consists in dividing the market into clear groups of indicators (market segments) that may require different products and to which different marketing efforts must be applied.

A market segment is a group of consumers characterized by the same type of reaction to the offered products and to a set of marketing incentives.

Market segmentation can be done using various criteria. For segmentation of the consumer goods market, the main criteria (features) are: geographical, demographic, socio-economic, psychographic, behavioral.

Geographic segmentation is the division of the market into different geographical units: countries, regions, regions, cities, etc.

Demographic segmentation is the division of the market into groups depending on consumer characteristics such as: age, gender, marital status, size and life cycle family, religion, nationality. At present, according to demographics, such groups of consumers as children, youth, middle-aged people, the elderly, pensioners, large families are distinguished.

Socio-economic segmentation consists in the selection of consumer groups based on the commonality of social and professional affiliation, levels of education and income. All these variables are recommended to be considered in relation to each other or with variables of other criteria, for example, demographic.

Psychographic segmentation is the division of the market into different groups depending on social class, lifestyle or personal characteristics consumers.

Behavioral segmentation involves dividing the market into groups depending on such characteristics of consumers as: level of knowledge, attitudes, nature of the use of the product or reaction to it.

The criteria underlying market segmentation must meet the following requirements: be measurable under normal market research conditions; reflect the differentiation of consumers (buyers); identify differences in market structures; contribute to the growth of market understanding.

After dividing the market into separate segments, it is necessary to assess the degree of their attractiveness and decide how many segments the company should focus on, in other words, select target market segments.

The target market segment is one or more segments selected for the marketing activities of the enterprise.

After determining the target market segment, the company must study the properties and image of competitors' products and evaluate the position of their product in the market. Having studied the positions of competitors, the company decides on the positioning of its product, i.e. about ensuring the competitive position of the product in the market. Positioning a product in a chosen market is a logical extension of finding target segments, since the position of a product in one market segment may differ from how it is perceived by buyers in another segment.

If segmentation provides the characteristics that a product should have in terms of desires and assumptions, then positioning convinces consumers that they are offered exactly the product that they would like to purchase.

The factors that determine the position of a product in the market are not only prices and quality, but also the manufacturer, design, discounts, service, image of the product and the ratio of these factors. An enterprise's assessment of its products on the market may differ from the opinion of buyers on this issue.

1.3. General characteristics of the marketing research process

Marketing research is a complex, hierarchically structured process that consistently unfolds over time. There are different views on the structure of the marketing research process. So, for example, in the works of F. Kotler, G.D. Krylova, I.K. Belyavsky, A.A. Brevnov, despite a certain similarity in the course of the marketing research process, there are slight differences in the procedures included in a certain stage. My study presents the point of view of E.P. Golubkov, according to which the marketing research process includes the following steps and procedures:

1. Definition of the problem and objectives of the study.

Determining the needs for marketing research.

Problem definition.

Formulating marketing research goals.

2. Development of a research plan.

The choice of methods for conducting marketing research.

Determination of the type of information required and sources of its receipt.

Determination of methods for collecting the necessary data.

Development of forms for data collection.

3. Implementation of the research plan.

Data collection.

Data analysis.

4. Interpretation of the obtained results and their bringing to production.

Determining the need for marketing research.

To determine the need for market research, all organizations should continuously monitor their external environments using a monitoring system. The main purpose of using the monitoring system is to provide operational information to the management of the organization. Such information allows management to assess whether the results of their current operations are in line with planned objectives; whether the laws adopted by law had an impact on the purchasing power of consumers, on the activities of enterprises in the industry; whether there have been changes in the value system of consumers and their lifestyle; whether new strategies have been used by competitors.

In some cases, there may not be a need for marketing research. There are 4 possible situations:

1. The information is already available;

2. Lack of time for marketing research;

3. There are no necessary resources;

4. The costs outweigh the value of market research results.

When monitoring the external environment, the management of the organization receives information from a variety of sources - from shareholders, who may express complaints about the low quality of products, from dealers, who may inform that the organization is losing market positions to competitors, etc. However, this information is more likely to be related to problems - symptoms, rather than underlying problems. The task of researchers is precisely to identify the underlying problems that underlie symptom problems.

Problem definition.

A clear, concise statement of the problem is the key to successful marketing research. Often clients of marketing firms do not know their problems themselves. They state that the volume of sales is falling, the market share is decreasing, but these are only symptoms, and it is important to identify the causes of their manifestation. The classic situation is when marketing research does not address the real problem.

To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to investigate all possible causes of the symptoms that have appeared. Exploratory studies are often carried out for this purpose.

You need to know what the problem definition includes:

1. Identification of symptoms;

2. A clear statement of the possible causes or underlying problems underlying the symptoms;

3. Identification complete list alternative actions that a marketing manager can take to solve problems.

When conducting marketing research, two types of problems are encountered: marketing management problems and marketing research problems. The first appear in two cases. First, when there are symptoms of failure to achieve the goals of marketing activities. Secondly, there is a possibility of achieving the goals, but the manager must choose a course of action that will enable him to take full advantage of favorable circumstances.

Marketing research problems are defined by the need to provide managers and marketing professionals with relevant, accurate and unbiased information needed to solve marketing management problems.

The formulation of marketing management problems is carried out in a very concise form (no more than a few sentences), taking into account the following:

- the company, company divisions and managers who should take part in the study are indicated;

‒ symptoms of problems are stated;

- the possible causes of these symptoms are stated;

‒ the proposed directions for the use of marketing information are formulated.

The formulation of marketing research problems is carried out in three stages:

- selection and clear definition of the content of the parameters to be researched;

– determination of relationships;

- choice of models.

As an example of research parameters and their definitions, the following can be mentioned: “awareness”, “attitude towards the product”, etc. An example of a relationship between different partners is price and sales volume. Defining the parameters and their relationships leads to the creation of a model.

Formulating marketing research goals.

The goals of marketing research stem from the identified problems, the achievement of these goals allows you to obtain the information necessary to solve these problems. They characterize the information vacuum that must be eliminated in order for managers to be able to solve marketing problems. The list of goals agreed with the manager usually includes several items.

Goals should be clearly and precisely formulated, be sufficiently active, there should be the possibility of measuring them and evaluating the level of their achievement.

When setting marketing research goals, the question is asked: “What information is needed to solve this problem?” The answer to this question determines the content of the objectives of the study. Thus, a key aspect of setting research objectives is to identify specific types of information that are useful to managers in solving marketing management problems.

Choice of marketing research methods

The first task of choosing methods for conducting marketing research, which is the initial stage in developing a marketing research plan, is to familiarize yourself with the individual methods that can be used at its individual stages. Then the most suitable set of these methods is selected taking into account the resource possibilities.

The most widely used marketing research methods are document analysis methods, consumer survey methods (the whole set of which, with a certain degree of conventionality, can be called sociological research methods), peer review and experimental methods.

The main difference between the methods of sociological research and expert assessments is that the former are focused on mass respondents of very different competences and qualifications, while expert assessments are aimed at a limited number of professional specialists. These two groups are united primarily by the fact that in both cases the same methods of mathematical statistics are used to process the collected data.

Another class of methods used in marketing research is provided by economic and mathematical methods.

Determining the type of information required and sources for obtaining it

Usually, when conducting marketing research, information obtained on the basis of primary and secondary data is used.

Primary data are obtained as a result of so-called field marketing research specially conducted to solve a specific marketing problem; their collection is carried out through observations, surveys, experimental studies carried out under the part of the total population of the studied - elective.

Secondary data used in the conduct of so-called desk marketing research refers to data previously collected from internal and external sources for purposes other than those of marketing research. In other words, secondary data is not the result of special market research.

Internal sources include company reports, conversations with sales and other managers and employees, marketing information system, accounting and financial reports; reports of managers at meetings of shareholders; sales staff messages; travel reports; surveys of customer complaints and complaints, production and R&D plans, business correspondence of the company, etc.

External sources are data from international organizations; laws, decrees; decisions of state bodies; speeches of state, political and public figures; data of official statistics, periodicals, results of scientific researchers, etc. .

Sources of external secondary information also include: exhibitions, fairs, meetings, conferences, presentations, open days, commercial databases and data banks.

Determining how to collect the necessary data

Data collection methods in marketing research can be classified into two groups: quantitative and qualitative.

Quantitative research is usually identified with the conduct of various surveys based on the use of structured questions closed type, which are answered by a large number of respondents. The characteristic features of such studies are: a well-defined format of the collected data and sources of their receipt, the processing of the collected data is carried out using streamlined procedures, mostly quantitative in nature.

Qualitative research involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data by observing what people do and say. Observation and conclusions are of a qualitative nature and are carried out in a non - standardized form .

Development of data collection forms

To collect data, questionnaires (questionnaires) are being developed. Information for filling them is collected by taking measurements. Measurement is the ordering of the set of properties of real objects relative to the set of signs by means of an ordering rule that allows isomorphic display of the elements of the relationship between them in the subject area through the elements and the relationship between them in the area of ​​the model - scale. Once a characteristic has been determined for the selected object, the object is said to have been measured for that characteristic.

Development of a sampling plan and determination of the sample size.

The following stages in the development of a sampling plan can be distinguished:

1. Definition of the appropriate population.

2. Obtaining a "list" of the population.

3. Designing a sampling plan.

4. Determination of methods of access to the population.

5. Achievement of the required sample size.

6. Checking the sample for compliance with the requirements.

7. If necessary, the formation of a new sample.

The sample size decision is a compromise between theoretical assumptions about the accuracy of survey results and the possibilities of their practical implementation, primarily in terms of the cost of conducting a survey. .

Data collection.

In terms of organizing the process, there are at least three alternative approaches to data collection: by marketing staff, by a specially created group, or by involving companies specializing in data collection. The process of collecting information is usually the most expensive stage of the research. In addition, a fairly large number of errors may occur during its implementation.

Many errors can occur in data collection, other than sampling errors, hence called out-of-sampling errors. These errors include selecting the wrong sample items for interviews, not taking into account the opinions of those who refused to be interviewed or not at home, and false estimates given by interviewees intentionally. Falsification of the received data by the interviewer is possible. Mistakes can be made when transcribing the collected information from the questionnaires.

Unlike sampling errors, out-of-sample errors cannot be measured. Therefore, it is important to find out in advance the possible causes of out-of-sample errors and take appropriate measures to prevent them.

Data analysis

It starts with the transformation of the original data (introduction to the computer, checking for errors, coding, representation in matrix form). This allows you to translate a lot of raw data into meaningful information. Next is carried out statistical analysis(averages, frequencies, regression and correlation coefficients are calculated, trends are analyzed, etc.) .

Preparation of the final report on the study.

The structure of the final report must meet the specific requirements of the customer. If they are not available, then it can be recommended to divide it into three parts when preparing the final report: introductory, main and final.

The introductory part includes the opening page, title page, research agreement, memorandum, table of contents, list of illustrations, and abstract.

The opening page immediately preceding the title page and including only the title of the report.

The title page contains: the name of the document, the name of the organization / the name of the person - the executor.

The main purpose of the memorandum is to orient the reader to the problem studied and to create a positive image of the report.

The list of illustrations indicates the numbers and titles of figures and tables, as well as the pages on which they appear.

The abstract is aimed primarily at managers who are not interested in the detailed results of the study.

The main part of the report consists of an introduction, a description of the research methodology, a discussion of the results obtained, a statement of limitations, as well as conclusions and recommendations.

The methodological section describes with the necessary degree of detail: who or what was the object of the study, the methods used.

In the “restrictions of the study” section, the degree of influence of restrictions (lack of time, money and technical means, insufficient qualifications of personnel, etc.) on the results obtained is determined.

In the final part, appendices are given that contain additional information necessary for a deeper understanding of the results obtained.

Summarizing all of the above in a theoretical aspect, let's move on to the analysis of the problem under study, using the equally widely used method of questioning, which allows you to most strictly follow the plan and get a high level of mass research at the lowest cost.

For a clearer idea of ​​consumer preferences in the secondary car market, a marketing study was carried out, the analysis of the results of which made it possible to more effectively formulate the main goals and objectives of the secondary market.

The purpose of this study is to study, based on the theoretical material given in the previous chapter, in practice, consumer demand and draw conclusions, on the basis of which to give appropriate recommendations for improving activities in the secondary car market in Norilsk.

This paragraph summarizes the results of a marketing study of the secondary car market in the city of Norilsk.

During the study, 50 people were interviewed. The sample was random, the survey was conducted by the method of questioning. The survey method was chosen as the most accessible. The questionnaire was compiled as follows:

Dear Respondent, in connection with the analysis of the study of the secondary automotive market, we ask you to answer our questions.

1. Do you buy a car in the secondary market?

a) yes b) no

(if you answered “no”, then go to question number 13)

2. Where do you prefer to buy a car?

3. How often do you change your car?

a) 1-2 years b) 3-5 years c) more than 5 years

4. Cars of which manufacturer's country do you prefer?

a) Russia b) Japan c) USA d) Germany e) England

f) Other _____________

5. How much are you willing to spend to buy a car?

a) up to 150,000 rubles b) from 150,000 to 300,000 rubles

c) from 300,000 - 500,000 rubles d) more than 500,000 rubles

6. What do you pay more attention to when choosing a car? Rank the most important answers for you (from 1-5 to points; if 1 is the least important; 5 is the most important):

a) price b) reliability c) economy d) comfort

e) security

7. Do you use a car loan?

a) yes b) no

8. Car, what type of body do you prefer?

a) sedan b) hatchback c) SUV d) station wagon e) other____________

9. What age of the car do you prefer when buying?

a) up to 1 year b) from 1 to 3 years c) from 3 to 7 years d) more than 7 years

10. What are you guided by when choosing a car?

a) personal experience b) advice from acquaintances c) advertising

d) other _______

11. What do you prefer after selling your car?

a) buying a new car b) exchange with a surcharge c) other ____________

12. What type of wheel drive do you prefer?

a) front b) rear c) full

13. What is your gender?

a) male b) female

14. What is your age?

a) up to 25 years b) from 26 to 31 years c) from 32 to 37 years d) from 38 to 43 years

e) over 44 years old

15. What is your monthly income?

a) up to 5000 rubles b) from 6000 to 11000 rubles

c) from 12,000 to 17,000 rubles d) over 18,000 rubles

As you know, most of us want to drive a new car. The first question that was asked to the respondents of the ongoing marketing research is the question of whether you buy a car in the secondary market? Preferences in choosing the automotive market are shown in Fig. 2.1

Rice. 2.1. Preferences in choosing the secondary car market

So, from the diagram shown in Fig. 2.1 it can be seen that the majority of respondents 60% prefer not to buy cars in the secondary market and only 40% of potential car buyers want to buy a car in the secondary market. This is due to the solvency of potential buyers. After all, the higher the solvency, the higher the requests, and, therefore, such a buyer can afford to buy a new car.

As well as with the choice of the level of the car market, this is the case with preferences for where to buy a car. A graphical representation of respondents' preferences in choosing one or another option is shown in Fig. 2.2.

Rice. 2.2. Preferences in choosing where to buy a car

The desires of the respondents were divided equally between buying a car from friends and car sales advertisements, in turn, they did not give preference to such a place of purchase as a car market. Perhaps this is due to the high risk of buying a car on the market, which is now famous for its control over dealers and the car, frankly, leaves much to be desired.

The preferences of buyers in the frequency of time to change a car are presented in the line diagram shown in fig. 2.3.

Rice. 2.3. Respondents' preferences in the frequency of car change times

Respondents gave an equal number of preferences when changing from 3-5 years to more than 5 years (40% each). The category from 1-2 years old (20%) received the lowest value. Most likely, this is caused by the desire not to rush to sell your own car and accumulate a larger amount of money to purchase another car.

Also, the country that produces cars is important. Thus, the majority of respondents want to buy a domestic car 30%, Japanese and American 25% each of the respondents, and least of all wanted to buy a car made in Germany 20%. A graphical representation of the preferences of potential buyers, depending on the country of manufacture of the car, is shown in Fig. 2.4.

Rice. 2.4. Respondents' preferences by car manufacturing countries

How much are you willing to spend to buy a car? The answers to this question are graphically presented in Fig. 2.5.

Rice. 2.5. Respondents' preferences depending on the cost of the car

Respondents' preferences depending on the price of the car were distributed as follows. The majority of respondents (75%) chose the price category from 150,000 to 300,000 rubles for purchase, 10% received price categories 1 and 3 each, and the remaining 5% chose a price range over 500,000 rubles. Thus, cars priced from 150,000 to 300,000 rubles are in great demand.

To the question "Car, what type of body do you prefer?" respondents responded as follows. Sedans are going to buy 30% of respondents, this is the majority of the total number of respondents. Station wagons and hatchbacks are planned to be purchased by 25% of respondents, 20% choose SUVs. The diagram of distribution of answers to this question is presented on fig. 2.6.

Rice. 2.6. Distribution of answers to the question "Car, what type of body do you prefer?"

An important role is played by the age of the purchased car, that is, its technical condition, the distance traveled.

The graphical distribution of the choice of age categories of the selected car is shown on a linear histogram (Fig. 2.7).

2.7. Age of the purchased car

Thus, 50% of respondents choose a car aged 1-3 years, 35% buy a car no older than a year, 10% agree to a car aged 3 to 7 years, and only 5% are ready to be content with a car older than 7 years. This is probably due to the fact that the Respondents do not want to overpay money for a one-year-old car, wanting to purchase in a different age category with a significant difference from a new or one-year-old one.

The distribution of answers to the question about what you are guided by when choosing a car is shown in Fig. 2.8.

Rice. 2.8. Car buying guide tools

For the most part, potential buyers draw information about buying / selling cars from personal experience (55%), advice from friends (30%) and advertising (15%).

Rice. 2.9. Types of car wheel drive

One of the most important characteristics when choosing a car is the type of wheel drive. It depends on the style of driving and its behavior on the road. For the most part, respondents prefer front-wheel drive (45%), and then rear-wheel drive (35%) and finally all-wheel drive (20). This is due to the fact that front-wheel drive is more predictable on the road and easier to manage than rear-wheel drive, while all-wheel drive is something in between the two previous drives, therefore it requires more serious training and driving skills.

To the question: What do you pay more attention to when choosing a car? Respondents gave their preference to each option by a certain number of points from 1 to 5, and not repeating themselves. The results of the answers are shown in Figure 2.10

Figure 2.10 Priority indicators when choosing a car

As can be seen from the analysis of the graph, price and quality received the most points, this is probably due to the fact that respondents take into account not only the price of a car as a rule, but also safety at the same price of a car, taking care of their lives first of all.

Figure 2.11 Do you use a car loan?

Respondents' opinions on this question were divided equally, without revealing a certain priority answer option.

Rice. 2.12 What do you prefer after selling your car?

The priority response was the purchase of a new car, perhaps this is due to the desire to buy a car with no mileage, with a greater likelihood of a clean purchase history.

Rice. 2.13 Gender of respondents

As can be seen from the graph of the response results (Fig. 2.13), the majority were men, and almost all female representatives refused to buy cars in the secondary market, this may indicate that the weaker sex is not interested in a more serious approach to choosing a secondary car.

Rice. 2.14 Age indicator of the respondents.

The bulk of the people surveyed are under the age of 25, this is the economically active population, with different life preferences.

Rice. 2.15 What is your monthly income?

This analysis of the issue reflects the low earnings of the majority of respondents, which indicates little opportunity when choosing a car.


3.1. Development of a promotion strategy

A complete analysis of the marketing research of the secondary car market in Norilsk allows us to conclude that potential car buyers are not very wealthy. There is a developed demand for 1-3 year old cars in the price range from 150,000 to 300,000 rubles, with front-wheel drive. To buy, they prefer to look for cars as with friends, there and in all kinds of ads, guided in large cases by their personal experience, and then by the advice of friends and, in rare cases, advertising. It is also necessary to take into account the factor of preference of the domestic manufacturer, which is not far ahead of the Japanese manufacturer, and in general, the imported manufacturer dominates in its conquest of preferences among consumers in Norilsk. In this regard, the following types of product development strategies can be distinguished:

What do we react to when viewing ads? Our gaze stops at very beautiful plots, dynamic or very unusual, in which there is not only a show of a car, but also elements of humor. When directing television commercials, they try to do something memorable. A sensual background is formed about viewing the video by the buyer. The incompleteness of the plot of the video is interesting. It is known that incompleteness contributes to the emergence of interest, for the following reasons a person in his thoughts completes the missing parts of the image, receiving internal sensory and intellectual satisfaction from the creative process. Thus, when advertising on TV, you need to highlight the image, definitely distinguish it from everything around. If possible, try to adopt an association with movie heroes, artistic heroes. Key types of plots in car advertising: dramatic, historical, poetic. Advantages of advertising on television: - simultaneous effect on vision and hearing - a wide range of attracting the attention of buyers due to the essence of the moving image of a car with alternating brand display. Advertising on the Radio. It is becoming more and more popular. With this look of car advertising, you need to focus on the sounds (brand name) and images of the car model among the listeners. The main advantages of this type of advertising: - a rather large audience coverage - a relatively low price - the greatest confidence in comparison with print advertising Advertising in the printing industry. Placement of a graphic advertising block in a glossy magazine or on letterheads quite increases the popularity of the car brand. High printing quality and prestige allow you to see your advertisement and appreciate the brand of car. Brochures, catalogs and booklets also play their own role in promoting the brand. As we have already said, advertising is obliged to present honest information to the buyer, so it can be very useful to place articles on this topic in printed materials. Similar advertising in special editions will be a good help. They prefer a detailed description. positive sides and data of a particular brand of car. When placing advertisements in the printing industry, it is worth directing your eyes to the quality of the material, and in addition to the design. No need to use more than 3 types of fonts, place information on the photo, remember to place the brand image on the title side of the poster. External advertising. Outdoor car advertising can include billboard and illuminated advertising, streamers and almost everything else.

The present time can be described as a time of discounts. But they have already become boring to a larger number of motorists, so companies are developing new promotions. When creating them, they primarily proceed from the fact that the promotions being held are attractive to customers and, in addition, have uniqueness, that is, they must differ from the shares of other companies. Let's look at a few different options.

One of such promotions is free refueling when buying a car: “a full tank of gasoline as a gift!”, as well as a full CASCO insurance package. In the conditions of rising prices, this action will be one of the key factors.

As you know, after a purchase, a person thinks about choosing a good service center, which must meet all modern requirements. After all, it is there, as a rule, that the owner of the car carries out all the necessary maintenance and current repair work. Another option could be the cooperation of the seller with licensed service centers, which will allow you to make a certain discount after buying a car for work in the service, stimulating the buyer of the car to contact the proposed service center, and this is a very good help for the owner of a car bought on the secondary market.

Commodity assortment policy.

The product is the first and most important element of the marketing mix. Commodity policy requires the adoption of consistent decisions regarding individual commodity units, product range and product nomenclature. Each individual item offered to consumers can be viewed in terms of three levels. The product by design is the basic service that the customer actually purchases. A product in real performance is a product offered for sale with a certain set of properties, external design, quality level, brand name and packaging. A Reinforced Product is an actual product with accompanying services such as warranty, installation or assembly, preventive maintenance, and free shipping.

In this case, the sales activities are based on the orientation of the sale of cars on the brands and models of cars that are in demand on the market. The seller, assessing the needs of the market, builds his own range of offered machines by conducting market research, identifying the main trends. Thus, the seller receives the maximum benefit by being able to offer a product that is very popular and extracts the maximum profit from this.

3.2 Determination of the firm's strategy

Having considered several options for product promotion strategies, we will choose advertising as the basic one.

The car today is one of the active means of transportation. But recently, many people are beginning to perceive it as a luxury item. They try to buy a car that fully meets their requirements. As a result, the costs of the car companies that produce them are skyrocketing. For them, the cost of advertising marketing increases dramatically.

In this regard, marketing decisions play a key role. In many firms, the number of specialists in marketing departments and divisions has increased dramatically. By creating them, companies seek to strengthen their marketing policy.

Attracting customers requires a fairly large investment. For this significant funds invest in advertising.

Therefore, when choosing advertising media, I recommend first of all using billboards that are installed on the streets of the city. Their use is not only economically justified, but also quite effective, since this ensures coverage of a sufficiently large number of motorists. Advertising may interest them new model. In addition, she can push separate group motorists who want to change the car, but do not have sufficient determination. Therefore, competent advertising can be this last step that will make them buy a car.

Summer night. It's raining. The actor is a guy of about 20, in stylish jeans and a light jacket, with a fashionable hairstyle.

He leaves the house and goes to the parking lot. Showing a long shot of all the cars around and approaching a close-up of his silver car. A couple walks nearby under an umbrella - a girl and a guy and pay attention to the advertised car, stop.

The owner gets into his car, turns on the headlights and turns sharply to the exit, the brightness of the headlights blinds everyone around, they show how the girl under the umbrella turns away from the light, and her boyfriend looks enviously at the car. During these couple of seconds, the main actor drives up to the entrance to the house, beautiful girl, sits in the passenger seat. And the car drives away at high speed...

Then there is a series of shots where the car races along the avenue, also at night in the rain. And on this dark background at the top is the emblem of the car and the inscription of the brand.

public relations.

The PR system involves the formation public opinion in relation to the product. The following methods will be used:

Relations with the media - representatives of the target segment read mainly automotive magazines and newspapers. They will be printed articles about the test drive of cars, about the differences between specific cars from others. It is also expected to publish several articles about the seller's company, as a dynamically developing company in Russia.

Conducting a presentation - in order for potential buyers to be able to personally see the car, an exhibition will be held in car dealerships or city sites, where those who wish can learn about technical specifications car, sit behind the wheel, take pictures nearby, get all the information about the possibilities of purchasing. During the exhibition, booklets will be distributed, the first part of which is information about the car, and the second is information about the seller of cars. Famous DJs will be invited to the presentation in order to attract even more visitors.

Evaluation of demand generation activities - analysis of the effectiveness of activities should be based on the volume of sales made. Based on this analysis, a further marketing strategy for cars in the market of the city of Norilsk will be built.

Thus, the promotion of cars on the market is a rather complicated process, which depends not only on the quality creation of a car, but also on advertising, which is the main factor for increasing car sales.

In this regard, we can offer a certain estimate tomorrow for an advertising campaign for a certain car sold on the secondary market in Norilsk:

· two advertising banners on the central streets of the city within 6 months. The cost of placing one advertising banner is 2000 rubles. The cost of this type of advertising will be: 2 * 2000 rubles. * 6 = 24,000 rubles. in year.

· advertising in the newspaper "Chance": 1/4 newspaper page 4 times a month. The cost of this type of advertising will be: per month: 20,000 rubles. per month; per year: 240.000 rub. per year without discount; per year, taking into account the discount: 200,000 rubles. in year;

· commercial on television ("TNT"): 10 sec. x 3 times/day = 0.5 min. per day production of the video - 10,000 rubles. roller rental - 2000 rubles. for 1 min. per day: 1000 rubles. month: 1000 rub. * 30 = 30,000 rubles. per month; per year: 30,000 rubles. * 12 = 360,000 rubles. per year, excluding discounts per year, including discounts: 300,000 rubles. in year.

This type of cost is typical for large car sellers in the market, which offers a wide range of cars and a wide range of price categories. If we consider a smaller seller, it is possible to reduce advertising campaign up to a one-time release of each type of advertising, thereby reducing advertising costs and being able to constantly adjust the content and type of advertising.


The firm cannot carry out market analysis, planning and control of its activities without researching its customers, competitors, intermediaries and other subjects and forces operating in the market, as well as without collecting comprehensive information about the level of sales and prices. There are practically no such firms that would be completely satisfied with the marketing information that can be collected. On the days of the firm note the lack of accurate information, others indicate an excess of incorrect or false information. Therefore, the key to effectively operating firms is the presence of a developed system of marketing information.

In a developed market economy, there are many types of enterprises, but none of them can do without a marketing service. Although economists identify various ways to improve the efficiency of the company, the author focuses on the marketing service, on how the specialists of this department help the entrepreneur to increase the efficiency, and, consequently, the profitability of the company.

First of all, marketers are engaged in research work: research of the market, consumers, goods, competitors.

The marketing policy of the enterprise is a logical continuation of the research. Marketing accompanies the product throughout the process of creation, pricing, marketing strategy and promotion.

Product marketing policy determines the best tools to influence new product, the life cycle of a product, predicts obsolescence, which contributes to cost savings and efficiency gains.

Pricing policy helps to determine the true price of a product, identify factors that affect price changes, and develop a strategy for changing pricing. This tactic prevents the entrepreneur from miscalculating the price, as well as overestimating it, which in both cases could lead to bankruptcy.

The marketing strategy of a product affects the definition of the optimal distribution channel, its width and length, the choice of an intermediary and supplier, the choice of a marketing method, the ability to create your own trading network, which has the best effect on cost savings, in market conditions, when even the slightest mistake is punished by a competitor.

V term paper a marketing study of the secondary car market in Norilsk was carried out, based on the results of which the main ways to increase the competitiveness of the bottom type of goods were formulated.

The following can be proposed as the main strategic directions for the development of the agency:

2. Creation of new promotions and all kinds of events that differ from competitors.

3. Development of a new product-assortment policy.


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The market for goods and services includes a fairly large number of segments, and each enterprise is directly related to one of them, or several, depending on the scale and types of activities. Car business not an exception.

For any company, it is important to advance in the market and strengthen their own positions. That is why marketing research exists, which can cover both the Russian and foreign markets of the automotive industry.

To conduct a qualitative marketing research of cars, it is necessary to first determine the goals and objectives of this study. Which particular market segment should be covered - cars, trucks, bus fleet, or all of the above at the same time.

It is also worth paying attention to the age category and structure of the fleet and the country of manufacture, if import or production of foreign brands is implied.

Another goal for conducting marketing research should be to determine the level and dynamics of car sales in the selected market segment. It is worth paying attention to the level of supply and demand and consider both budget options for cars and business class cars and above.

Where to get money to start own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways of obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

One of the tasks that must be set when drawing up a marketing research plan is the further forecasting of the car fleet, the development of the company in the market, as well as minimizing losses and eliminating minuses in work. It is also necessary to determine the time period, for example, to make a forecast until 2015.

Ultimately, a progress report should be drawn up, which will necessarily include such aspects as:

  • Sales and production volumes in this area for a specific period of time, as well as the most popular car models for the same period.
  • The next step will be to determine the same indicators in relation to the freight industry and the bus fleet. Here, too, a sales forecast should be drawn up and further development fleet.
  • In conclusion, all the data received should be summarized and analyzed, on the basis of which a plan for further market policy will be drawn up.

Such market research will be useful for both retail and wholesale sales, as well as companies that are engaged both exclusively in production and repair, as well as provide Maintenance vehicles.

Sources of information when conducting marketing research of cars will include both secondary information and statistics from the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, traffic police, television and print media.

Based on the results of the study, the management of the customer company should be provided with a report containing an analysis of all the information collected and a proposed list of actions for the further development of the company in the market.


The study analyzes the dynamics of passenger car production in Russia as a whole and by federal districts. The report also provides data on the monthly dynamics of passenger car production. The study presents forecasts of production volume in the market for 2019.

In addition to a detailed analysis of import-export operations (delivery volume by years and months, leading countries of import and export), the study contains information on the main manufacturers of passenger cars in Russia.

Attention! The study is provided within 3 working days.

Purpose of the study

Assessment of the state and development forecast of the Russian car market.

Research objectives

Analyze the volume and structure of passenger car production;

Analyze the dynamics of exports and imports of passenger cars;

Collect background information about the main players in the Russian car market;

To identify trends and prospects for the Russian car market.

Research methods

Collection and analysis of statistical information (data Federal Service state statistics, EMISS, FCS);

Analysis of financial information of a specialized database of Russian enterprises;

Collection and analysis of secondary information from printed and electronic business and specialized publications.

Products analyzed in the study:



Import and export:

Passenger cars (by engine size).

Price situation:

Producer prices:


Consumer prices:

Passenger car imported supported;

A passenger car of a foreign brand is new;

Passenger car domestic new.

The list of products analyzed in the study is subject to change depending on the availability of statistical indicators.



Study Description

Project Summary

General economic situation in Russia


International trade

Demographic situation


Standard of living and income of the population

Passenger car classification

Analysis of the Russian car market

Volume of production

Dynamics of production by years

Structure of production by federal districts

Dynamics of production by months

Indicators of the passenger car market by brand

Price situation

Price Forecast

Analysis of import and export of passenger cars

Import of cars to Russia

Dynamics of imports by years

Import dynamics by months

Structure and dynamics of imports by countries

Structure of imports by federal districts of imports

Structure of imports by regions of import

Export of cars from Russia

Export dynamics by years

Export dynamics by months

Structure and dynamics of exports by countries

Structure of export by federal districts of export

Export structure by export regions

Major players in the car market

Top players in the Russian market by revenue

Changes in financial results industry players

Top 10 player profiles

Description of the company: history, main characteristics of activity

Product range and brands

company's news

Financial indicators

Trends and prospects of the Russian passenger car market


Annex 1. List of tables and diagrams

Topic: Comprehensive industry market research

Stages of market research

The following stages are distinguished in the research process:

  • 1. Formulation of the problem and objectives of the study.
  • 2. Determining the need for information and organizing its collection.
  • 3. Information analysis.
  • 4. Preparation of an analytical report.

The formulation of the research problem requires clarification of the main priorities of the organization in the field of marketing. To do this, it is necessary to answer a number of questions that help identify the main guidelines for production and economic activity: what changes have occurred in the market situation? in which direction should the organization develop? how to make a transition to a new state? The exact formulation of the objectives of the study is required to draw up a task for the analysis. It includes:- general characteristics organization and its activities in the market (when research is carried out by a third-party marketing firm); - information on the degree of knowledge of the market; - a description of the specifics of the problem posed and its relationship with the goals of the organization; - specific aspects of marketing activities that need to be studied; - requirements for the accuracy and reliability of the initial data; - terms and costs of the study. For the development of the task, it is fundamentally important to take into account the limitations that will help to avoid incorrect comparisons and increase the specific focus of the analytical work:

  • a) for comparability of the objects of analysis, the studied goods of competitors (product lines) must belong to the same classification group of the All-Russian classifier products;
  • b) to specify the objectives of the analysis, the geographical boundary of the analyzed market should be determined, taking into account the specifics of the use of the product, the reasonable alternativeness of its offer, the cost of transportation to the place of use, the frequency of purchases. The geographical boundaries of the market are expanding with an increase in the degree of uniqueness of the product and its complexity. At the same time, they narrow down with weak and expensive communication, a short service life and a high degree of product unification;
  • c) to take into account the possible seasonality of sales, the time interval of the analysis should include the full cycle of product sales (measured, for example, by the financial year).

The methodological basis for the analysis of marketing information is formed by a bank of methods and models that allows you to most fully reveal the relationship of the studied phenomena and is based on: - general scientific methods of system analysis and integrated approach; - analytical and predictive methods of linear programming, queuing theory, communication theory, probability theory, network planning, economic and mathematical and expert methods; - methodological techniques borrowed from sociology, psychology, anthropology, ecology, aesthetics, design; - models of statistical data processing and related application programs; - marketing research methods. The most commonly used methods of the latter group include measuring market capacity, assessing market shares organizations, measuring the level of competition intensity, market segmentation.

The results and conclusions of the marketing research are drawn up in the form of an analytical report, which includes the following information: - the name of the group (agency, firm) conducting the research, and the client for whom the research was performed; - the essence of the problem and the objectives of the study, formed in the assignment for the analysis; - the main results of the study presented in the form of reasoned conclusions and recommendations for solving the problem; - groups of analyzed physical and (or) legal entities, criteria for their selection, sampling methods and its type, reliability of the information received; - technology for conducting observations, experiments and surveys; - the period of time during which the study was conducted; -- geographic boundaries of the analyzed market; -- calculations and applications. The report may also include data necessary to illustrate the findings. For example, when analyzing many product markets, the findings can be systematized by product segments. opportunistic market commodity automotive

For new fast-growing markets, indicators of the dynamics of supply and demand are considered. In the conditions of the formation of a new business, it is advisable to include in the report the results of the analysis of marketing methods used in similar product markets abroad, etc. In addition, the report should contain all the necessary information to develop a marketing mix aimed at solving the problem. Comprehensive market research.

In Anglo-American literature, such concepts as market research are distinguished, i.e. collection and analysis of information about a particular market, and marketing research, which involves the study of all elements of the marketing mix (commodity policy, pricing policy, product promotion systems, personnel management systems, communication policy). Marketing research is applied research. While market research answers the question of whether there is a market, marketing research provides answers to more practical questions: is there a market for a given product, how to enter it and gain a foothold.

Marketing research collects information about the dynamics of the market, and market research is more static. The British Institute of Marketing believes that marketing research is "the targeted collection, recording and analysis of all facts on problems relating to the exchange and sale of goods and services by the manufacturer to the buyer." According to the definition of F. Kotler, marketing research is a systematic problem analysis, the creation of a model and the definition of a circle of data in order to make the most correct decisions, improve control over the marketing of goods and services. The basis of marketing, of course, is complex marketing research, including both the study of the market and its conjuncture, and the assessment of the capabilities of the enterprise (firm) itself, which builds work on the principles of marketing. Such marketing researches allow planning, i.e. to make a reasonable forecast of the development of the market situation, corresponding to the results of marketing research, and to develop appropriate measures of marketing influence on the market in order to ensure the effectiveness of the production, marketing and scientific and technical activities of the company.

Comprehensive market research involves a thorough study of the economic environment. Marketing as a concept derived from the market is both a scientific and practical activity for managing the production and marketing of goods, depending on long-term and short-term market development trends, the economic situation in general and the commodity market in particular. Market research related to the study of supply and demand in the market and its individual segments, the capacity and nature of the market, the price level and price elasticity of supply and demand, the degree and conditions of market competition, are necessary for making appropriate decisions at all levels of marketing activity - strategic, tactical and operational.

Observation of the current situation and its analysis make it possible to solve operational marketing tasks, while the study of long-term trends and the forecast of the situation are tactical and strategic tasks to achieve the set medium-term and long-term goals. Marketing theory uses the concepts of the marketing environment (market area) and market research (market research), which, in fact, is the study of economic conditions. The concept of conjuncture is used in all cases when it comes to characterizing the situation in the external economic environment in relation to an economic entity at any given moment or period.

The external economic environment refers to the internal and external markets in which the economic entity operates. The study of the marketing environment and the market involves the analysis and forecast of various economic, demographic, social, natural, political and other conditions and circumstances. All of them are conjuncture-forming factors. So what is the economic environment?

Economic conjuncture is a form of manifestation on the market of a system of factors and conditions of reproduction in their constant development and interaction, in a concrete historical refraction, expressed in a certain ratio of supply, demand and price dynamics. This definition contains all the essential features of the concept of conjuncture.

First, it singles out the subject of economic conjuncture - the market, since the conjuncture is linked, first of all, with the state of affairs in the sphere of exchange, on the market as such, which is an integral part of commodity-money relations.

Secondly, it is emphasized that the conjuncture is not limited to the sphere of exchange, but embraces and includes the entire process of reproduction (production, distribution, circulation, consumption), which is viewed through the prism of exchange.

Thirdly, the conjuncture is considered in time and space, in dynamic development.

Fourthly, the conjuncture is linked to the specific historical conditions of the reproduction process, because each new stage in the development of the reproduction process is characterized by a certain combination of factors and conditions for the development of the conjuncture.

Fifthly, it is indicated that the main form of conjuncture manifestation is the ratio of demand, supply and price dynamics. Ultimately, it is these factors that determine the state and dynamics of the market that are the central link.

Other factors affect the development of the market situation only indirectly, through supply and demand. In accordance with the fact that in economic science it is customary to use two objects of market research - the economy and the commodity market, in the concept of economic conjuncture, two relatively independent components are distinguished - the general economic conjuncture and the conjuncture of commodity markets.

The general economic situation can be considered as a system that is a structural unity, i.e. a certain set of conjuncture of commodity markets with many relationships between them. However, these parts exist only due to the presence of the whole, i.e. non-commodity conjunctures constitute the general economic conjuncture and, conversely, the general economic conjuncture generates, in its division, elements - the conjuncture of commodity markets. Therefore, the properties of the general economic conjuncture cannot be considered an arithmetic sum of the properties of the commodity conjunctures of its constituents.

Combining the conjunctures of commodity markets as elements into the general economic conjuncture as a whole gives the latter new qualities that the commodity conjunctures that compose it do not have. The conjuncture of the commodity market as an element of the general economic conjuncture is characterized by both specific features inherent only to it, and general features inherent in the general economic conjuncture.

Thus, only the interaction and interconnection of these traits and features of the general and parts determine the nature of the formation and development of the general economic and commodity conjuncture.

The general economic and commodity conjuncture has the following specific traits: - volatility, - volatility and frequent fluctuations, - moreover, some fluctuations reflect the action of forces that have a short-term effect on the market situation, - others are the result of factors that have a medium-term or long-term effect on the state of the market situation; - unevenness, which is clearly visible when the direction of the dynamics of various indicators characterizing the conjuncture coincides, but the rates do not match; - exceptional inconsistency, which is expressed in the fact that various indicators of the conjuncture at the same time indicate the presence of opposite tendencies of rise and fall; - the unity of opposites that are formed in the process of reproduction of social capital, despite the exceptional inconsistency.

The study of the economic situation is not limited to the study of only the general patterns of development of the sphere of exchange and its interaction with other stages of the reproduction process. It is aimed at conducting a reasonable analysis and making a forecast of the situation that is developing in a particular commodity market. A commodity market is a system of economic relations, firstly, between producers and consumers of a given product and, secondly, within groups of producers and consumers.

The main form of relations of the first type is the purchase and sale, the second - competition. Commodity markets, interacting through the mechanism of intersectoral competition, form the national market as a whole. In the course of historical development, market relations go beyond national borders, and international commodity markets are formed. They operate in close cooperation with the respective markets of individual countries and regions.

There is a huge variety of national economies and commodity markets with their inherent conditions of formation and factors of development of the economic situation. Each commodity market and each stage of development of its conjuncture is characterized by its own combination of factors that determine the features and parameters of long-term trends, medium-term fluctuations and short-term changes, their relative importance, and the ranking of their interaction with each other.

Automotive Market Research

The automotive market shows stable growth. To date, the volume of the Russian market is estimated at 182 billion dollars. The Russian market is considered the most promising business in the world this year. Stable growth - 15% per year. Today, with used cars, the market capacity is no less than 4.5 million cars. On the marketing market cars can be divided into 3 major segments. They can also be divided into cash flow for each segment in %. 1. Trucks (including micro trucks) - $42 billion

  • 2. Passenger cars (including minibuses) - $100 billion.
  • 3. Buses - $40 billion

As you can see, passenger cars enjoy a big advantage, but do not forget that mostly used cars are sold by private traders, and this money does not enter the market. A trucks and buses are mostly bought new. Imported equipment is in greater demand - this indicates its quality and last years reduced price.

Detailed overview of car market segments


The volume of the segment market is $100 billion. It is attractive to all players in the automotive market, from private companies to large automakers. The market trend turned out to be a decrease in car prices and profitable terms loan.

Let's look at the sub-segments: domestic cars - 20%, and foreign cars - 80%. Foreign cars dominate to a large extent, and in the next 5 years their percentage will grow, which will lead to a decrease in the production of domestic cars. The decline in prices for European and domestic cars was also due to the entry of Chinese car models, especially Chery, into the market.

Let's segment the market by car brands, here's what we get:

Others - 20%

Chevrolet has been leading for the third year in a row - 14%, but other brands are also not in bad positions.

truck market

Volume Money valued at $42 billion.

The truck segment can be divided into 4 sub-segments.

  • 1. Asian trucks. Demand from companies that are associated with small everyday transportation.
  • 2. European trucks. High demand in medium industrial companies.
  • 3. Russian trucks. Great demand mainly from large industrial companies.
  • 4. American trucks. There is a great demand from those companies that work with further and heavy freight transport.

bus market

The capacity is estimated at $40 billion. This segment is divided into 2 sub-segments:

Buses of foreign production.

Buses of domestic production.

There is more demand for a foreign manufacturer, this is again associated with better quality and reasonable prices. In Russia in 2010, 385,000 imported buses and 200,000 Russian-made buses were purchased.


In the coming years, market growth will be between 15% and 17%. It can also be said that the domestic market shows a trend towards steady growth. His attractiveness to businessmen can be rated above average. Stages of market research.