New technologies in water supply abroad. New technologies for water treatment. Ultraviolet disinfection of wastewater

Household, municipal and industrial consumption accounts for less than one-fifth of global water use, and only 5% in Africa, Central America and Asia. There are large shortages in developing countries, where more than 1 billion people lack access to clean water and many more people depend on unreliable sources of supply. Inequality is also observed in the distribution of water: the poor urban population receives it from unreliable and low-quality sources, overpaying providers excessively. The demand of the urban population is often given greater preference than the needs of rural areas.

There are differences between industrialized and developing countries both in the nature of the problems and in the options for water supply.

In industrialized countries, water use tends to be higher, demand is moderate, and the focus is on reducing consumption and managing water more efficiently to prevent the need to connect new sources of supply or the overall decline in supply.

In developing countries, a low level of supply is associated with high demand, the focus is on finding new sources of water. The low efficiency of existing water supply systems and unsatisfactory organization of management are observed everywhere. Most of the urban poor and the poor are deprived of access to water supply.

The depletion of water sources causes a deterioration in the quality of the latter in both developed and developing countries.

There are a number of options to meet a wide variety of water supply needs. In developing countries, the priorities are to expand the scope of water supply in urban and rural areas, as well as to restore the sources of water supply to urban areas.

Demand management

Demand management is becoming more widespread in many industrialized countries. Its potential to reduce consumption is directly proportional to the prevailing level of water use. Demand management has great potential in the United States, where the average consumption per person is about 400 liters per day. In developing countries, this figure is usually lower. However, this situation differs significantly from country to country, and there is also potential for savings for the most intensive water users. In New Delhi, for example, daily consumption of tap water per household ranges from 700 liters for a low-income household to 2,200 liters for a rich household. Tariffs are predominantly government subsidized and little incentive remains to save water consumption.

Water consumption for washing and sanitary purposes is a significant share of water consumption in the domestic and industrial sector. It is necessary to develop standards, regulations and sanctions to promote water-saving technologies, including for manufacturers of household appliances and equipment, as well as subsidies to consumers who decide to switch to water-saving devices. In Denmark, per capita water consumption has fallen by 24% in 10 years due to the widespread adoption of water-saving technologies, including for toilets, showers and washing machines.

In many regions of the world, including the United States, South Africa, and Europe, block tariffs with low water charges and progressive increases as consumption increases have been successful in containing or reducing water demand. For their effectiveness, it is extremely important to introduce cheap but effective water meters.

Alternative sources of water supply

The level of water loss from leaks, illegal connections and metering problems is still high. In Asian cities, it accounts for 35-40% of the total water supply, and in some cities this figure reaches 60%. Stabilizing and reducing losses in pipeline systems can help improve the water supply. For example, data from the UK show a 29-litre drop in daily per capita water consumption as a result of the introduction of mandatory preventive inspections by the authorities to detect leaks. The implementation of this program and other measures for the rational use of water led to the fact that it was decided to postpone consideration of plans for a new dam in Yorkshire.

Rainwater harvesting through rooftop tanks, reservoirs, and other methods is an efficient way to supply domestic water.

Box 5.6: Urban rainwater harvesting is on the rise

In Germany, there are special subsidies that encourage residents to build tanks to collect rainwater and then use the filtered water. Due to savings in monthly water costs and other benefits, the investment in rainwater harvesting pays off in 12 years. In Tokyo, Japan, 70% of all toilets in the Ryogoku Kokugkan, the sumo wrestling building, come from rainwater.

Wastewater recycling can be another significant source. By 1999, the San Francisco Bay Area in California was reusing a large amount of wastewater—enough to meet the needs of 2 million people. By 2020, it is planned to meet the needs of 6 million people in this way. 32% of this water is used in agriculture, 27% is used to replenish groundwater reserves, 17% to support land irrigation, and 7% to industry needs. The rest is spent on environmental and other purposes.

As a solution to the problem of local water scarcity, the option of transferring it between river basins is often proposed. The consequences of such actions require careful study, especially in cases where return flow to the basin is not provided, as is the case with other methods of abstraction.

Enabling Factors

As with other sectors, it is essential to apply political, institutional and organizational reforms to implement demand side management and find alternative solutions in the water supply sector. Initiatives include the following:

  • in the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia, issuance of licenses for new water abstraction requires the examination of all economically viable demand management proposals;
  • management efficiency is the basis for rational water use and improved planning, but there is no one-size-fits-all method of government or private sector leadership. To improve the efficiency of the work of state bodies, it is necessary to strengthen institutional powers and responsibility for decisions made;
  • in order to maintain access to water supply, it is necessary to introduce effective legislative mechanisms and affordable fees for the poor in urban and rural areas.

The years 2005-2015 have been declared by the UN as the International Decade "Water for Life". One of the ways to meet the demand for clean water is the introduction of methods for hydrowave cleaning of liquid media, which is represented by the North-West International Center for Cleaner Production. We asked the Director General of the Center - Alexander Alexandrovich Startsev - to talk about this innovative technology.

Alexander Alexandrovich, what is the essence of the hydrowave cleaning method?

The hydrowave method is the author's know-how, which has no analogues in world practice. Its main difference is the rejection of traditional methods of heating a liquid and the use of mechanical and frequency effects (thermodynamic cycles) instead. The use of conventional heat exchange systems is accompanied by the formation of various deposits - "scale", the new technology is devoid of this drawback.

The method itself is as follows: when a liquid flow passes through a hydrodynamic heat generator, the effect of flow around a “poorly streamlined body” occurs. As a result, voids containing vacuum are formed in the liquid, inside which the process of vaporization takes place. Moreover, it goes at temperatures much lower than 100 ° C (for example, at 30 ° C), due to this, a significant amount of energy is saved.

Additional high-frequency exposure causes an effective thermal-oxidative reaction, which leads to the destruction of pollutant molecules, including complex organic compounds and heavy metals.

Through contact heat exchange processes, intense vaporization occurs, followed by condensation. As a result, pure distilled water and wet sludge are formed, which, according to the Russian classification, has a hazard class IV. At the same time, the initial wastewater could have I - II hazard classes. That is, the toxicity of waste is significantly reduced, and from the liquid phase they pass into solid sludge.

And what happens to contaminated water when using traditional cleaning methods?

For example, as a result of the use of reverse osmosis, the volume of purified water is only 35-40% of the initial amount of wastewater, the rest is a concentrated liquid highly active "brine". The hydrowave method, on the other hand, makes it possible to turn almost all the water available in wastewater into distillate and reuse it in production. At the same time, the energy efficiency of the new method is beyond any competition: for example, it will take only about 3 kWh to treat a cubic meter of wastewater from an oil refinery.

In addition, reverse osmosis is a rather capricious and “fine” technology; it requires the constant attention of qualified specialists. If the stream being cleaned is not uniform, then the equipment may simply fail. The hydrowave method avoids this.

Where can the hydrowave cleaning method be used?

Installations using this principle can be used in autonomous modular life support systems, for desalination and purification of water from various chemicals and heavy metals in plumbing and sewerage, for the destruction of polychlorinated biphenyls and pesticides. In addition, they will be an ideal solution for treating industrial effluents and removing unwanted impurities from crude oil and liquid fuels in the oil and gas processing industry, for cleaning various tanks and pipelines, for neutralizing toxic substances and liquid radioactive waste, and for recycling spent fuel and lubricants. Finally, they can be used to prepare a modified water-fuel emulsion. It can be used as a fuel for autonomous electric generators of treatment plants, as well as container-type mini-CHPs.

The main advantages of the hydrowave method for cleaning liquid media The liquid medium is heated and evaporates not through the heat exchange surface, but due to high-frequency mechanical action on the liquid. All the heat of vapor condensation can be used to heat and evaporate the initial liquid medium. As a result of high-frequency influences, organic molecules are decomposed into harmless simple components. Technology based on the hydrowave method does not require water treatment. It is possible to combine the hydrowave method with the use of nanotechnologies, in particular, environmentally neutral carbon-based nanomaterials. It is possible to carry out sonochemical reactions, in which the co-precipitation of elements and their isotopes from the stream to be purified can become more efficient. The process is characterized by low power consumption. Hazardous waste is not generated when using the method. The equipment created on the basis of this method is distinguished by reliability, durability and ease of operation. In addition, the container design of the units allows you to avoid significant capital costs and operate the equipment "straight from the wheels".

- Tell us about the equipment using the hydrowave method.

The developer and creator of the experimental industrial equipment is the Moscow Research and Production Center TEROS-MEPhI, headed by V. S. Afanasiev. On July 24, 2008, the company's innovative developments were presented to the President of the Russian Federation, D. A. Medvedev, and deserved his high appraisal. TEROS-MEPhI is also supported by the Federation Council and the Government of Russia.

In March 2010, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia visited the assembly site of TEROS-MEPhI. He got acquainted with the innovative developments with interest and blessed the start of the implementation of the demonstration project "Ark". The project involves the creation of an artificial biosphere object with autonomous life support systems based on hydrowave technologies.

Areas of effective application of technologies based on the hydrowave method: wastewater treatment of various industrial, agricultural enterprises and housing and communal services of any degree of pollution; removal from wastewater of organic substances that cause "blooming" of water bodies (formation of blue-green algae); purification of industrial wastewater and groundwater contaminated with arsenic and other toxic substances; cleaning of storm drains, infiltration of landfills and waste dumps to protect water bodies, rivers and seas from pollution; purification and desalination of sea water, iron removal, desalination of natural waters of varying degrees of pollution; purification of underground and surface water sources from high-molecular chemical pollutants (methyl tredbutyl ether, persistent organic pollutants, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, etc.); non-burning neutralization of persistent organic pollutants, chemical reagents and toxic substances; purification of industrial waste in the process of oil and gas processing, as well as purification of crude oil and petroleum products from sulfur and other undesirable impurities; removal of oil sludge and residues of various chemicals in tanks, cisterns, tanks, pipelines; cleaning of toxic industrial effluents in the textile and leather industries; purification of water from high-salt liquid radioactive waste; creation of modified water-fuel emulsions; utilization of spent fuels and lubricants by creating stable water-fuel emulsions and their subsequent high-temperature combustion with simultaneous generation of energy; creation of highly efficient equipment for the production of biofuels, such as ethanol, from logging and woodworking waste, for the treatment of pulp and paper waste; creation of economical auxiliary equipment for the agro-industrial sector.

As mentioned above, equipment based on hydrowave technologies is characterized by low energy consumption, the temperature regime of its operation does not exceed 100 °C. Consumables (filters, membranes, ion exchange resins, sorbents, chemicals, etc.) are not required. The performance of one module with linear dimensions of 10x3x3 meters is up to 50 cubic meters of treated wastewater or desalinated water per hour (per day - a train of 20 tanks). In essence, this is a mini-plant for the production of distillate from sea water, fresh water of any degree of pollution, industrial and domestic wastewater.

How successful is the introduction of new equipment?

In 2002, a pilot plant for purification and desalination of sea water with a capacity of 1 m³ per hour was created and sent to Saudi Arabia. Since 2004, an artesian water treatment plant with a capacity of 50 m³ per hour has been operating at one of the state facilities in the Moscow Region. An artesian well water treatment unit with a capacity of 3 m³ per hour was sent to the Komi Republic to OAO Severnaya Neft. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, at the battery plant in Bor, a water deironing plant with a capacity of 7 m³ per hour was launched.

Under the state order, on the basis of the hydrowave method, an installation was created for the neutralization of toxic chemicals and reaction masses. A pilot plant for the treatment of low-level liquid radioactive waste for nuclear industry enterprises has been developed and successfully tested.

Within the framework of the international program, six installations for the cavitation preparation of a mixture of poisonous substances and waste water for destruction in a plasma furnace were launched.

In addition, experiments were carried out to improve the quality of Caspian oil (removal of sulfur and other undesirable impurities) and to lower the freezing point of oil (from +8 to -15 °C).

Licenses for the design and manufacture of equipment for nuclear installations have been obtained. Manufactured water treatment plants have all the necessary certificates and acts of commissioning. Developments that use the hydrowave method are protected by 15 Russian and foreign patents.

Apparently, the new technology is of interest both to Russia and to other countries. How can international cooperation in the field of introduction of the hydrowave cleaning method be organized?

The most acceptable option for such cooperation is the initiation of an international project under the auspices of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). Stakeholders negotiate at the intergovernmental level. On the Russian side, negotiations are being conducted by Rosprirodnadzor, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources Management, which is part of the structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. In the process of negotiations, the subject of the project, the timing of its implementation, the expected result, the participating partners and donors are determined. After that, the parties apply to the UNIDO Secretariat and sign the necessary agreements.

In the process of project implementation, innovative pilot equipment is being created, which is being tested in the countries participating in the project. Then a decision is made on large-scale industrial production and, if necessary, with the help of UNIDO, conditions are prepared for the further promotion of equipment.

Editorial staff of UNIDO in Russia


The beginning of the 21st century for the Moscow water pipeline was marked by the introduction of the most advanced technologies used in the global water sector. At water treatment plants, the classical two-stage settling and filtration technology began to be supplemented by ozonation methods in combination with sorption on activated carbons.

The experience of industrial operation of ozone sorption - ozonation followed by sorption purification on filters with granular activated carbon - showed a significant increase in the efficiency of water purification for organic contaminants, a decrease in the concentration of organochlorine substances, residual aluminum and odors in drinking water.

The development of the direction of modernization of technologies in the field of natural water purification was the commissioning in December 2006 of technological facilities, which for the first time in the history of Russian centralized water supply systems included the stage of membrane ultrafiltration. The use of the latest technologies in the centralized water supply system makes it possible to maintain the quality of drinking water that meets the standards not only of Russia, but of the most developed countries of the world, even in conditions of emergency burst pollution of water supply sources.

In the world practice of drinking water supply, in recent years, membrane technologies have begun to occupy a leading position due to the universal ability to increase the efficiency of treatment for many groups of contaminants, including indicators of epidemic water safety. Interest in membrane technologies is also associated with ensuring maximum compactness and automation with a minimum of chemical reagents introduced into the water and guaranteeing high reliability of the structures.

Along with the introduction of new methods of water purification, the processes of water disinfection are constantly being improved. In order to improve the reliability and safety of drinking water production by eliminating the hazardous substance liquid chlorine from circulation, in 2012 at all water treatment plants the transfer of the water disinfection system to a new reagent sodium hypochlorite was completed. In connection with the tightening of the state standard for the content of chloroform in drinking water, purposeful work was carried out to optimize disinfection regimes, as a result of which the concentration of chloroform in Moscow tap water decreased to 4–22 µg/l at a standard of 60 µg/l, which corresponds to the level of developed countries peace.

In conditions of dense urban development and traffic congestion, it is economically feasible to use trenchless methods of repair and restoration. To date, the most modern methods are used in Moscow, including: applying a cement-sand coating to the inner surface of the pipeline, pulling solid polymer hoses, polyethylene pipes into the existing pipeline, mastered the method of repairing large-diameter pipelines "pipe-in-pipe". This allows you to return to active operation the communications that have lost their functionality, increase their service life by at least 50 years, increase the throughput, and for water supply networks, which is especially important, maintain the high quality of the transported water, reduce the number of accidents, and minimize unproductive water losses.

It is no longer a secret for anyone that in the Russian market of pipelines for water supply with an internal diameter of up to 40 mm, the palm belongs to pipes made of polymeric materials.

Recently, modern technologies in the field of the pipe industry have made a big breakthrough. The trend in the development of the Russian market of engineering systems indicates the active replacement of steel pipelines, including cast iron pipelines, by plastic pipelines, the abundance of which is currently a legacy of the last century in standard urban development. It is no longer a secret for anyone that in the Russian market of pipelines for water supply with an internal diameter of up to 40 mm, the palm belongs to pipes made of polymeric materials.

These include pipes made of polypropylene (PP-R), polyethylene (low, medium, high density), cross-linked polyethylene (PEX), high temperature polyethylene (PERT), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), including chlorinated (C-PVC), polybutylene (PB), acrylonitrile butadione styrene (ABS), as well as a number of exotic polyolefins. Of course, it must be borne in mind that almost each of the mentioned types of plastics can have pipe varieties reinforced with metal or fiberglass.

A large selection of materials and technologies for the manufacture of pipes create a choice problem. What is good for individual construction is often not applicable in multi-storey buildings. It takes time to understand new technologies, and the price of an unsuccessful choice is the loss of a lot of money. After all, the pipeline system, which in Russia's specific conditions will be used on a massive scale, must have the best price-quality ratio.

During the construction, design and operation of pipelines, it is necessary to be guided by the norms and rules of SNiP 2.04.01-85 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings" and 2.04.05-91 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning". Pipes used for hot water supply are designed for a maximum operating temperature of 75°C, and for heating systems, pipes with an operating temperature of 90°C are used. Working pressure up to 0.6 MPa. The warranty period of operation is at least 25 years.

According to the research of polymer pipelines, conducted by specialists of the Russian Chemical Technical University named after. Mendeleev, polypropylene (PP-R) became the first material that did not meet the requirements of serial multi-storey construction for the following reasons:

  • The maximum allowable temperature for a service life of 30 years cannot exceed 70°C. With such parameters, it is required to increase the area of ​​the heating devices by 40% and increase the volume of the coolant in the system, which will lead to an increase in the diameters of the pipelines.
  • A high coefficient of elongation during heating leads to the need to install expansion loops, which eliminates the possibility of hidden laying of the pipeline, i.e. wiring is possible only in niches and behind false walls.
  • Welding joints requires special skills when working with a tool and does not exclude violations of the installation technology (overheating, narrowing of the diameter).
  • Different coefficients of linear thermal expansion of plastic and welded-in steel bushing of end fittings (for connecting other parts of the system through pipe threads) inevitably lead to a violation of integrity and, as a result, to the formation of a leak.
  • The pipes do not bend, which increases the amount of bulky waste, requires the installation of unnecessary connections and creates inconvenience during transportation and storage.
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipelines have a low coefficient of linear elongation, which makes it possible to do without compensation loops, but at a temperature of 95 ° C, the service life of PVC pipes is 1 year.

Metal-plastic pipes (PEX-Al-PEX) are not used in multi-storey construction because:

  • The inhomogeneity of the wall of composite pipes of the PEX-Al-PEX type (metal-plastic), due to various coefficients of linear thermal expansion, during the operation of the pipeline leads to the delamination of its constituent layers and, accordingly, it is impossible to calculate the service life for such pipes.
  • The inner layer of these pipes is made of PEX, but has a thickness of no more than 0.8 mm, in contrast to the 2.2 mm required for the design loads, and this leads to a decrease in the allowable pressures in the system by 3.5 - 4 times, i.e. . up to 2 - 2.5 atm.
  • A layer of aluminum foil up to 0.4 mm thick is not able to withstand the pressure of the system, and this is provided that the seam is perfectly welded, and the pipe was not subjected to repeated bending in the same place during installation - here the foil will simply stretch out, integrity will be broken .
  • Today there is no glue that is able to maintain elasticity and withstand significant loads, because. coefficient of linear thermal elongation of polyethylene is 7-10 times higher than the corresponding coefficient of aluminum.
  • The pipe cut must be processed with a reamer, because it is deformed. When bending the pipe, it is necessary to use special equipment, otherwise, the conditional passage will narrow - it will “slam”.
  • The fitting must be equipped with annular rubber gaskets (otherwise it will not be possible to compress the pipe on the fitting), as well as a dielectric gasket that protects the contact between the aluminum foil and the brass body of the fitting - a galvanic couple.
  • Low maintainability - it is not allowed to re-install the fitting in the same place, it is impossible to replace the pipe section laid in the corrugation (channel) and subsequently damaged without opening the structure structure.

The only material capable of withstanding the required loads over a long service life and having properties that meet the requirements for heating systems in multi-storey buildings is molecularly cross-linked polyethylene (PEX), which has:

  • The uniformity of the wall and the strength characteristics of the material make it possible to install water supply and heating systems, including central heating, in high-rise buildings with an estimated service life of at least 50 years. In this case, it is allowed to use hidden wiring, which meets modern aesthetic requirements.
  • The ability to restore the shape due to "molecular memory" allows you to restore the pipeline after a "break" (excessive bending) and operate the system after defrosting.
  • The mechanical crimping of the fitting on the pipe and the "molecular memory" of the material, which constantly strives to return the pipe wall to its original position, make the connection extremely reliable for the entire life of the system. Secondary installation of a fitting in the same place is allowed.
  • The absence of seals, dielectrics or welded embedded parts made of dissimilar materials makes the connections extremely reliable and reduces the cost of products and systems as a whole.
  • A variety of types and a large range of fittings, combined with flexibility and long winding lengths of coils, minimize the number of connections and pipe waste.
  • Hidden laying of an elastic pipeline in a corrugation (channel), in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, makes it possible to replace a damaged pipe section without opening the wall or floor structure.
  • The smooth inner surface reduces the coefficient of hydraulic resistance by 25 - 30% and does not allow solid particles to "stick" to the walls - the pipes "do not overgrow".

There are three ways of forming three-dimensional molecular bonds that satisfy the goals of industrial production: peroxide (PEX-a), silane (PEX-b) and radiation (PEX-c). The strength characteristics of the materials, in general, comply with DIN standards, however, upon their detailed study, it turns out that pipes made of high-density polyethylene by the silane method have increased resistance to temperature and pressure with a long service life.

In order to produce and widely introduce modern systems of polymer pipelines for heating and water supply in Russia and the CIS, a corporation BIR PEX Corporation was established ten years ago, which for the first time in Russia launched the production of pipes from molecularly cross-linked polyethylene PEX-b using equipment and raw materials from English production. Now this enterprise has mastered the joint production of fittings of pressing and compression types according to the drawings and under the trade mark IGL - BIR PEX, the development and production of additional elements, fasteners, mounting units, manifold cabinets, etc. is being carried out.

Ten years of experience in operation in the highest buildings in Russia (currently up to 48 floors), in elite and municipal housing construction, in practice have proven the high performance of products and technologies for installing pipelines for heating and hot water supply systems from BIR PEX Corporation. In 2007, BIR PEX systems received support from the housing and communal services of the Republic of Tatarstan and were recommended to the State customers of ministries and departments of the Republic of Tatarstan, management companies and design organizations for use.

In 2010, silanol-crosslinked polyethylene pipelines and fittings of the BIR PEKS brand were included in the Register of New Equipment Used in the Construction (Reconstruction) of Moscow City Order Facilities and in the Moscow Territorial Construction Catalog (MTSK - 8.18).

Today, the BIR PEX corporation unites companies operating in various areas of production. The corporation performs the functions of a contractor for engineering works, engineering support of buildings and structures, in addition, it has its own design bureau capable of performing the task of designing engineering support for any development complex.

BIR PEX Company LLC offers a comprehensive solution for design, installation and commissioning of internal engineering systems with the implementation of horizontal heating systems, hot and cold water supply with BIR PEX pipelines made of silanol-crosslinked polyethylene, providing a service life of more than 50 years at operating pressure 10 atm. and temperature conditions 70-90˚С.

In Russia, in the heating systems of apartment buildings, in the overwhelming majority of cases, a single-pipe (less often, two-pipe) system with an upper or lower wiring circuit is still used. According to this scheme, the heaters are connected in series, and the coolant is supplied to each apartment through several risers, because of this, the residents of each apartment in high-rise buildings cannot independently change the volume and speed of the coolant flow in the heating system, which means that they can independently accurately regulate the heat transfer of heating appliances. In this case, we are not even talking about the lack of the ability to conduct independent heat metering separately in each of the apartments.

The technical characteristics of pipelines of the BIR PEKS brand made of silanol-crosslinked polyethylene make it possible to design and install a fundamentally new wiring diagram - horizontal.

When using horizontal systems in common areas, steel risers are laid and on each floor - apartment distribution manifolds that feed the apartments, which, at a comparable cost of materials, provides the following advantages:

  • The principle of apartment-by-apartment metering of heat and water consumption is being implemented, thereby solving the issues of energy and resource saving.
  • Servicing and taking readings of metering devices is carried out without access to residential or office premises.
  • In comparison with vertical wiring systems, the number of risers, metering devices, KFD, etc. is significantly reduced.

The adjusting valve on the return branch of the heating system of each apartment provides the necessary amount of heat and protects the heating system from unbalancing as a result of unauthorized intervention by the tenant during work to replace heating devices, pipelines, water heated floors, etc.

The device of single risers of heating systems, hot and cold water supply made of steel ensures their quick replacement without access to apartments and violation of interior decoration.

Horizontally located pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene are laid in a protective corrugation and can be hidden in the floor structure (in a screed) or wall (in strobes), which increases the aesthetics and reduces the risk of damage. If hidden laying in the floor is not possible, it is possible to place it in a special plinth near the floor or in a box under the ceiling.

Thus, the BIR PEX piping system increases the competitiveness of finished housing, has a high level of comfort for the end user, meets the latest energy saving requirements and regulations, has a service life 3-4 times longer than steel piping systems and lower maintenance costs.

One of the factors hindering the widespread use of polymer pipelines of the PEX-b brand (silane crosslinking) was the fact that, according to the highest fifth class of strength GOST R 52134-2003, the maximum operating temperature cannot exceed 80 ° C for continuous operation for 10 years from pressure up to 1.0 MPa. This is due to the fact that the table of strength classes was taken from the ISO 15875-2003 standards, which are written for European coolant standards, where the working temperature of the coolant does not exceed 70 ° C. It turned out that the products included in the project and meeting the requirements of GOST could not meet the parameters of the coolant used in Russia (90˚C ​​or 95˚C).

BIR PEKS pipes are certified for compliance with the specified GOST, as well as the technical specifications TU 2248-03900284581-99 (Research Institute of Sanitary Engineering), the requirements of which are much more stringent and meet the criteria for long-term (more than 50 years) operation at a temperature of 95˚С and an operating pressure in the system of 1 MPa . Corresponding changes were introduced in TU after receiving the results of the study of the RKhTU. Mendeleev regarding increased durability at high operating temperatures for pipes made of polyethylene cross-linked by various methods.

Tyumen is waiting for a revolution. In the water supply and sanitation system of the city. It will be radically modernized by 2031. There will be a transition to underground sources of water supply. To do this, a new underground water intake will be built, and the Metelevskaya water treatment plant, which now uses water from the Tura River, will be completely modernized and rebuilt for underground water treatment. A global reconstruction is also waiting for sewage treatment plants. It has already begun and will affect all stages of wastewater treatment - additional units will appear, the capacity of facilities will increase. In addition, it is planned to create a combined sewerage system in the city, which will help resolve the issue with the development of a storm sewer system. Pavel Perevalov, deputy head of the Tyumen city administration, spoke about this at the Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Professionals of the Rosvodokanal Group of Companies.

An enormous volume of construction of new water supply and sanitation facilities in the city of Tyumen, comparable to the volume of the existing infrastructure, will be carried out by Tyumen Vodokanal, which is part of the Rosvodokanal group of companies.

“Tyumen is a unique city that has a long-term strategy for the modernization of water supply and sanitation systems, supported by a practical document that contains a financial and economic justification, the possibility of implementing all plans,” said Pavel Perevalov. “Tyumen is almost the only city in Russia where this strategy has concrete financial and economic backing in the form of a concession agreement.”

He also noted that our city, for sure, will become a platform for the introduction of modern technologies and approaches to work in the field of water supply and sanitation. Young specialists offer a huge number of innovations that are designed to improve the quality of water treatment and, in general, to make the processes of water supply, wastewater disposal, as well as wastewater treatment, and the operation of the company more efficient.

“I am sure that all the presented projects will be in demand,” Pavel Perevalov expressed his opinion, “Because there are a lot of ideas, fresh, interesting innovations that we need today to move forward. Maybe at this conference some first thoughts, the beginnings of new technologies and approaches will be found. And already in 10-15 years, we will understand that it was precisely at such conferences of young specialists that the first, timid thought was born, which in the end will allow us to apply a specific technology that hits exactly the goal of solving a particular problem.

The importance of the event, in which young professionals voice their ideas aimed at optimizing the activities of resource-supplying organizations, was also noted by the Deputy Governor of the Tyumen Region Vyacheslav Vakhrin.

“Our city is becoming a center of attraction for young talents working in the field of water supply and sanitation. Probably due to the fact that there is always a large number of practical cases in Tyumen, on the basis of which one can experiment, reason, and move on. Young and inquisitive minds give rise to new progressive approaches and technologies. It is important that in these discussions and discussions, something is born and crystallizes that then forms the basis of practical actions, including within the framework of partnership between the region and the Rosvodokanal group of companies,” Vyacheslav Vakhrin explained. — Last year, we only discussed plans to conclude a concession agreement in the field of water supply and sanitation, and now we are already living in it. This is one of the largest concession agreements in the country. With the volume of investments - more than 22 billion rubles, providing for large-scale construction of networks and facilities. As a result, Tyumen residents will receive high-quality and reliable water supply and sanitation services.”

The Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Specialists of the Rosvodokanal Group of Companies is an annual event in which hundreds of young scientists share their ideas and best practices, raise acute problems and offer solutions. Often, the ideas voiced here are subsequently introduced into practice.

“The idea of ​​holding such an important event for the entire industry belongs to the Tyumen Vodokanal, for the first time young innovators in the field of water supply and sanitation met in Tyumen in 2012,” said Marina Aleksandrova, HR Director at Tyumen Vodokanal (a group of companies Rosvodokanal), who oversees organization of this event in our city – every year, the best projects are selected to participate in the conference in each of the cities where the Rosvodokanal group of companies operates. For several years of holding a scientific and practical conference, dozens of ideas of young specialists have been implemented and most of them have earned recognition at the federal level.”

This year, the winners of the regional stages from 6 major cities of Russia: Krasnodar, Voronezh, Omsk, Barnaul, Orenburg, Tyumen, as well as representatives from Moscow and small towns of the Tyumen region, take part in the conference. Their projects are designed both for the application of new technologies in the field of water and wastewater treatment, and the introduction of new approaches, in particular, mobile applications that make communication with customers even more efficient. Issues of introduction of new commercial services and energy efficient technologies are being raised.

Here are a few topics proposed by young scientists for discussion: “Intensification of biological treatment processes through the use of bioloading” (Barnaul), “Technology of improvement after emergency recovery work” (Omsk), “Utilization of snow masses using the thermal energy of wastewater from the drainage system” (Tyumen), "Energy-saving technologies in the production process" (Voronezh), "Sale of additionally purified water" (Voronezh), "Water Points loyalty program" (Omsk), "Commercial supply of water using an automated standpipe" (Omsk), "Legalization use of GIS on mobile devices for efficient operation of emergency teams" (Barnaul), "Antimonopoly compliance as a measure to prevent antitrust risks" (Tyumen), "Intelligent debt reporting system" (Krasnodar), "Creation of a laboratory for verification of metering devices on the basis of OOO " Tyumen Vodokanal”, “Increase in non-tariff revenue through laboratory services” (Omsk), “ Inventory accounting optimization as an effective cost management tool at water utilities enterprises” (Tyumen), “Budget savings by switching the fleet to compressed natural gas” (Orenburg), “Improving the efficiency of production processes through the use of mobile solutions” (Tyumen).

According to the press service of Tyumen Vodokanal, projects are defended by young specialists in three areas - "Production and technology, organization of production processes", "Economics and finance, commerce, marketing", and "Business support". The projects presented at the conference will receive expert evaluation and can become the basis for new technological and business solutions both at regional enterprises and across the country.