Technological map for the development of soil for water supply. Technological map for the development and backfilling of the trench. Digging a trench with a single-bucket excavator

Digging a trench with a single-bucket excavator

on coastal areas

  1. General requirements.. 2
  2. The order of production of works.. 2
  3. The need for machines and mechanisms, technological equipment and materials .. 2
  4. The composition of teams by profession… 4
  5. Operational control scheme.. 5
  7. Scheme of work.. 12
  8. Acquaintance sheet.. 13
  1. General requirements

Designed for digging a trench with a single-bucket excavator equipped with a backhoe at the facility:

Digging a trench is done with a single-bucket excavator

  • (bucket capacity - m3)

Moving soil into the dump with a bulldozer

The scope of work covered by the map includes:

  • installation of an excavator in the face;
  • soil development;
  • moving soil into the dump with a bulldozer;
  • bucket cleaning;
  • movement of the excavator during operation.

Trench digging should be carried out in accordance with the detailed design, this flow sheet and the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

  • . Instructions for the production of construction work in the protected zones of the main pipelines of the Ministry of the Oil Industry;
  • . Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements;
  • . Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production;
  • Safety regulations for the construction of steel main pipelines, approved. Minneftegazstroy 11.08.81;
  • Rules for the protection of main pipelines with additions, approved. fast. Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated April 22, 1992 No. 9; dated 11/23/94 No. 61;
  • . Earth structures. Bases and foundations;
  • SNiP 2.05.06-85*. Main pipelines;
  • VSN 004-88. Construction of main pipelines. Technology and organization.
  • BCH 012-88. Construction of main and field pipelines. Quality control and acceptance of works. Parts I and II;
  1. Work order

For the production of work, you must have:

  • written permission for the right to work in the location area
    underground communications from organizations operating these communications;
  • permit for the production of work.

Before starting work, the following must be done:

  • preparatory work was carried out (removal of fertile soil
    layer and clearing the route from forest vegetation);
  • the boundaries of the work are broken and fixed on the ground;
  • excavator and bulldozer delivered to the work site.

The trench is to be developed by the method of face slaughter when the excavator moves along its axis.

The soil taken out of the trench is placed in the dump on one side, no closer than 0.5 m from the edge of the trench.

When operating a single-bucket excavator on straight sections in the direction of its movement, install poles 3 m high every 50-80 m, and pegs between them every 5 m.

On curved sections, within the curve, along the width of the tracks or along the width of the trench, pegs should be installed on both sides every 2-5 m.

The trench parameters are taken in accordance with the working drawings.

The steepness of the slopes of the trench is shown in table 1.

Table 1
slope steepness
Soil types With an excavation depth of not more than Depth
1.5 m 3,0 m ki up to 5 m
Sand and gravel 1:0.5 1:1 1:1
sandy loam 1:0.25 1:0.67 1:0.85
Loam 1:0 1:0.5 1:0.75
Clay 1:0 1:0.25 1:0.5

Note: when layering different types of soil, the steepness of the slopes for all layers is assigned according to the weakest type of soil

Digging a trench is performed by an excavator driver of the 6th category.


Name Unit ism Group indicatorssoil
standard labor costs people hour 15 17 18 20 23 29 37
duration of work in soils of natural moisture shifts 1.9 2.3 2.9 3.6 4.6
in wet soils (boggy)
Excavator performance in soils of natural moisture m 3 / cm 533 444 348 275 216
in wet soils (boggy) 484 403

Shift duration - 8 hours

  1. The need for machines and mechanisms, technological equipment and materials

table 2

Name A type,

Mark, GOST

Quantity, pcs. Brief


Note: if the Contractor does not have single-bucket excavators of the brands presented in Table 2, other brands can be used, the technical characteristics of which should be similar or higher.

  1. The composition of teams by profession

Table 3 Composition of crews for performing work on the development of an underwater trench and a trench in coastal areas, performing drilling operations and works on instrumental and diving inspection

  1. Operational control scheme

Technological, including operational, quality control during trenching, carried out in the course of work, consists in systematic monitoring of the compliance of the work performed with the detailed design, compliance with the requirements of the work production project, this TC, compliance with the requirements of the documents given in section 6.

Operational quality control is carried out directly by the performers indicated in Table 3.

Operational quality control of earthworks should include:

  • verification of the correctness of the transfer of the actual axis of the trench and compliance with its design position;
  • checking the profile of the bottom of the trench with measuring its depth and design marks;
  • checking the width of the trench along the bottom;
  • checking the steepness of the slopes depending on the structure of the soils specified in the project;
  • measurement of the actual radii of curvature of the trench in the turning sections in the horizontal plane.

Defects identified during the control process, deviations from the designs and requirements of building regulations or technological instructions must be corrected before the start of the next operations (works).

Compliance of the trench bottom marks with the design profile is checked using geometric leveling. The marks of the reference benchmarks are taken as the initial ones (if necessary, the network of benchmarks during the execution of marking work is concentrated in such a way that the distance between the temporary benchmarks does not exceed 2-2.5 km). Leveling the bottom of the trench is carried out by technical leveling methods. The actual elevation of the trench bottom is determined at all points where the design marks are indicated in the working drawings.

Completed earthworks are accepted by the quality control service, checking the following parameters:

  • trench width along the bottom;
  • trench depth;
  • slope size;
  • executive profile of the bottom of the trench (applied on the working drawings).

When earthworks are carried out, as-built documentation is maintained, form 2.4, VSN 012-88 “Construction of main and field pipelines. Quality control and acceptance of works. Part II.

Technical criteria for controlled processes and operations, controls and performers are given in table 4 below

Table 4: Technical criteria for controlled processes and operations, controls and performers

Name of processes to be controlled Thing


Tool and method of control Time


Responsible Controller Technical criteria for quality assessment
Fixing the axis of the trench Deviation of the center axis from the design one Theodolite Before digging the trench Surveyor The deviation of the actual axis of the trench from the design should be no more than 50 mm per 1 km of the route
trench digging Bottom trench width Measuring tape, theodolite, template Periodically Surveyor, master Permissible deviations of half the width of the trench in relation to the staking axis:

plus 20 cm;

minus 5 cm;

Marking the bottom of the trench in straight sections Level Periodically

(after 50 m)

Master, geodesist

minus 10 cm

Marking the bottom of the trench on the vertical curves of elastic bending Level Periodically

(after 10 m)

Master, geodesist Permissible deviation of the actual elevation of the trench bottom from the design one:

minus 10 cm

Marking the bottom of the trench on the vertical curves of forced bending Level Periodically

(after 2 m)

Master, geodesist Permissible deviation of the actual elevation of the trench bottom from the design one:

minus 10 cm

slope steepness Templates Master Compliance with the parameters shown in Table 3-1
Trench bottom condition Visually Selectively in places of doubt Master Smooth surface of the bottom of the trench without scallops and collapsed soil

When digging trenches, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of this section of the Labor Code, as well as be guided by the regulatory documents set forth in section 6.

The following workers may be allowed to work on digging a trench:

  • who have reached the age of eighteen, have undergone special training and received a certificate of the established form;
  • who have undergone a medical examination to determine their suitability for health reasons to work in their profession;
  • who have passed an introductory briefing on labor protection and fire safety and an initial briefing on ensuring the safety of work at the facilities of trunk oil pipelines (OOP).

The work manager must:

  • check with the excavator driver that he has a certificate for the right to drive an excavator;
  • conduct briefings with employees at the workplace, taking into account the specifics of the work;
  • together with the workers and the excavator driver, inspect the work site and instruct the daily task to be completed by safe methods in accordance with the working documentation, PPR and this TC;
  • check the actions of employees during the working day on issues of labor safety, compliance with labor and production discipline, as well as work technology.

The driver of a single-bucket excavator during the performance of work is obliged to:

  • comply with the requirements of the labor protection instructions, as well as the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions for the operation of the excavator controlled by him;
  • wear overalls and safety shoes, use personal protective equipment (dielectric gloves, rubber mat);
  • before installing the excavator at the place of work, he must make sure that the ground is planned, and the slope of the terrain does not exceed the allowable according to the excavator's passport;
  • during breaks in work (regardless of the reasons and duration), move the excavator boom away from the face, and lower the excavator bucket to the ground. The bucket can only be cleaned after lowering it to the ground with the engine off;
  • load soil into dump trucks from the side of the rear side wall, prevent the excavator bucket from moving over the dump truck driver's cab. It is allowed to load soil into a dump truck only if there is no driver or other people in the cab;
  • during maintenance of the excavator, stop the engine and relieve pressure in the hydraulic system;
  • do not smoke or use fire when refueling the excavator. Making a fire closer than 50 m from the place of work or parking of the excavator is not allowed;
  • if communications or other objects not indicated by the head of the work are found in the face, the work of the excavator must be immediately stopped and the head of the work should be informed about the incident in order to take appropriate measures.

The driver should not start work in case of the following violations of safety requirements:

  • malfunctions of the mechanisms, hydraulic system of the excavator, as well as the presence of defects in metal structures, in which, according to the instructions of the manufacturer, its operation is prohibited;
  • non-compliance of the conditions and place of work of the excavator with safety requirements;
  • being in the danger zone of the excavator by unauthorized persons;

The excavator operator is prohibited from:

  • transfer control to other persons;
  • transport unauthorized persons in the cabin;
  • leave the excavator with the engine running.

At the end of the work, the driver must:

  • put the excavator in the parking lot;
  • lower the bucket to the ground, turn off the engine, lock the cab. Inform the work manager and the responsible person about the condition of the excavator and malfunctions.

During the operation of machines in mountainous conditions, certain difficulties arise (tipping, slipping, lubrication failure), therefore it is especially important that the machines are in good condition, their technical inspection and preventive maintenance are carried out in a timely manner.

It is necessary to instruct the operators of tracked vehicles that on slopes, especially when turning, caterpillars may be dropped. To prevent this phenomenon, turns should be made smoothly with the rolling of the caterpillar after turning a small sector.

Near the existing underground utilities, soil excavation will be carried out in the presence of a representative of the operating organization, a issued order - admission and additional briefing, working with a list in the journal.

The development of soil by mechanisms should be stopped at a distance of at least 2 meters in both directions from underground utilities. In the immediate vicinity, it is allowed to develop the soil only manually (with a shovel) without the use of impact tools (crowbar, pickaxe, pneumatic tools, etc.)

The allowable horizontal distance from the base of the excavation slope to the nearest machine supports should be taken from Table 5.

Table 5: Horizontal distances from the base of the excavation slope to the nearest machine support, m

Excavation depth, m Horizontal distances from the base of the excavation slope to the nearest support of the machine in the soil, m:
sandy sandy loamy loamy clayey
1,0 1,5 1,25 1,00 1,00
2,0 3,0 2,40 2,00 1,50
3,0 4,0 3,60 3,25 1,75
4,0 5,0 4,40 4,00 3,00

To avoid collapse of the trench walls, the edge of the spoil heap should be located at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the trench berm.

It is forbidden to be in the danger zone of a working excavator. The danger zone is equal to the radius of the maximum reach of the bucket plus 5 m.

When cleaning the bottom of the trench after the operation of the excavator, excavators must be at a distance of at least 10 m from the place of action of its bucket.

When moving the excavator under its own power, the bucket must be raised to a height of no more than 0.7 m above ground level.

When digging a trench, the excavator must be outside the prism of soil collapse (slope)

Carrying out work of increased danger at explosive and fire hazardous and fire hazardous facilities is permitted only with a work permit.

The work permit is issued separately for each type of work and the place of their implementation. If the work is carried out in one place, by one team and under the supervision of one person responsible for carrying out the work, and the conditions for their performance are simultaneously classified as hot work and high-risk work or as gas-hazardous work and high-risk work, then their performance can be issued in one order - admission.

The work permit is valid for the period specified in it. The planned duration of the work should not exceed 10 days. The work permit can be extended for a period of not more than 3 days, while the duration of the work from the planned date and time of the start of work, taking into account the extension, should not exceed 10 days. The order is valid for one shift.

The operator of the customer is informed about the daily start and daily completion of work on work permits, orders.

The person responsible for carrying out the work is appointed on the basis of a joint order of the contractor and the Customer, protocols for checking knowledge of labor protection requirements, protocols for industrial safety certification in the Customer's commission.

During the period of work, the person responsible for the work is constantly at the work site.

Informs the operator of the structural unit about the daily start, daily completion of the work, their completion and the acceptance of the work performed and the place of work.

The person responsible for carrying out the work shall notify the person responsible for admission to the work on the commencement, progress of the work and its completion.

The person responsible for the admission to the work, controls the progress of the work on the work permit, reports the beginning, progress of the work and their completion to the person responsible for approving the work permit.

The engineering and technical personnel of the contractor responsible for carrying out work on the work permit must be trained in a specialized organization under the fire-technical minimum program.

The person responsible for the work is obliged to suspend work, cancel (cancel) the work permit, remove people from the place of work and notify the customer operator and the person who issued the work permit in the following cases:

- the occurrence of a threat to life and health, in the event of an accident associated with the production of work performed under a work permit, as well as in an emergency;

- violations by workers performing work of fire safety rules;

– lack of duly issued permits and work permits for the performance of hot work, the absence of officials of the contracting organization from among the engineers at the place of work;

– automatic activation of the fire extinguishing system;

- issuance of a light and sound signal by the UPS;

Detection of violations of the conditions stipulated by the work permit, which can lead to injury to workers or to an emergency;

- prohibition of work by regulatory and supervisory authorities.

Work can be resumed only after identifying and eliminating the reasons for their suspension and issuing a new work permit.

The work foreman is obliged to check the implementation of fire safety measures within the work site. It is allowed to start repair and hot work only after all the measures to ensure fire safety and provided for in the work permit have been completed.

Supervisors of repair (hot) work performed by contractors are responsible for compliance by subordinate personnel with the fire safety rules and requirements in force at the facility and for the occurrence of fires that occurred through their fault.

The organization of training and briefing on the safe performance of work by employees of contracting organizations is entrusted to the management of these organizations.

The completion of hot and repair work sites with fire equipment and / or primary fire extinguishing equipment, depending on the type and scope of work, must be carried out by the contractor.

Arrangement of fire equipment (including primary fire extinguishing equipment) at the places of fire and repair work should ensure the possibility of supplying fire extinguishing agents for no more than 3 minutes.

It is prohibited to carry out repair, construction and earthworks without issuing the necessary permits, including a project for the production of works, acts for fixing the site, an act of admission to work, an act for the transfer of a site, a permit for work in a protected zone.

Actions of workers in the event of a fire

Each employee of the contractor upon detection of a fire or signs of burning (smoke, burning smell, temperature rise, etc.) must:

  • immediately inform the fire brigade about this by phone; at the same time, it is necessary to give the address of the object, the place of the fire, and also give your last name;
  • inform the dispatcher (operator) of the facility or the manager of the facility (senior official of the facility) about the fire;
  • to take, if possible, measures for the evacuation of people and the safety of material assets, extinguishing the fire with primary and stationary fire extinguishing equipment.

Excavators and bulldozers must be equipped with video recording systems.

It is forbidden to carry out work without the use of video recording equipment on these types of equipment.

Excavator drivers are allowed to perform earthworks on existing oil pipelines and oil product pipelines only after successfully passing a test of practical skills in excavating a repair pit with an excavator at the OST test site.

8 Familiarization sheet

No. p.p. Full name Employee position date Signature




1.1. A typical technological map (hereinafter referred to as TTK) was developed for the production of work on the development of soil in trenches with a single-bucket excavator for laying pipelines.

1.2. Typical technological maps are intended for use in the development of work production projects (PPR), construction organization projects (POS), other organizational and technological documentation, as well as for the purpose of familiarizing (training) workers and engineering and technical workers with the rules for the production of work.

1.3. The purpose of creating the presented TTC is to give a schematic diagram of the technological process of working on the development of a trench with a single-bucket excavator for laying pipelines, the composition and content of the TTC, examples of filling in the necessary tables.

1.4. When linking a typical flow chart to a specific facility and construction conditions, production schemes, scopes of work, labor costs, mechanization tools, materials, equipment, etc. are specified.

1.5. The development of a trench for laying pipelines is carried out on the basis of a project for the production of works and working technological maps that regulate the means of technological support and the rules for performing technological processes during the production of works. The design features of the development of the trench are decided in each case by a working draft.

1.6. The regulatory framework for the development of technological maps are: SNiP, SN, SP, GESN-2001 ENiR, production norms for the consumption of materials, local progressive norms and prices, norms for labor costs, norms for the consumption of material and technical resources.

1.7. Working flow charts are reviewed and approved as part of the PPR by the head of the general contracting construction and installation organization, in agreement with the customer's organization, the customer's technical supervision and organizations in charge of the operation of this pipeline.

1.8. The use of TTK contributes to increasing labor productivity, reducing labor costs, improving the organization and improving the quality of work, reducing costs and reducing the duration of construction, safe performance of work, organizing rhythmic work, rational use of labor resources and machines, as well as reducing the time required for the development of PPR and unification of technological solutions .

1.9. The development of trenches for laying pipelines is carried out in the following technological sequence:

Geodetic marking works are being carried out;

Leveling the surface of the earth along the entire route with bulldozers;

Excavation of soil in a trench by excavators equipped with a backhoe, in an open way with dumping of soil into a dump or loading into vehicles;

Refinement of the soil and cleaning of the slopes and the bottom of the trench by means of small-scale mechanization or manually;

Digging pits for pipe connections;

The device of the base for the pipeline.

1.10. The technological map provides for the development of soil in a trench by a complex mechanized link with a hydraulic, single-bucket excavator ZX-200 from Hitachi , equipped with a backhoe bucket with teeth (" width="11" height="23 src=">), as a leading mechanism.

Fig.1. Excavator ZX-200

1.11. Works are carried out all year round and are carried out in one shift. Working hours per shift are:

External networks and facilities for water supply and sewerage";

SNiP III-42-80*. "Main pipelines".


2.1. In accordance with SNiP 12-01-2004. The organization of construction prior to the commencement of construction and installation (including preparatory) work at the facility, the general contractor is obliged to obtain, in the prescribed manner, a permit (order) for excavation work - the development of a trench for laying a pipeline - in the GATI. Performing work without the specified permission is prohibited.

2.2. The development of a trench is preceded by a set of organizational and preparatory measures, such as:

Appointment of a responsible person for the quality and safe performance of work;

Establishment of information boards indicating the name of the object, the names of the investor, customer and contractor, the start and end dates of work;

Obtaining a permit for earthworks from the customer;

Acceptance from the customer according to the act of the geodetic center base for construction;

Obtaining a working draft with a plan for the location of the pipeline being laid and its removal from existing underground utilities, as well as from overhead networks, including contact networks of relay transport;

Obtaining a PPR or a working flow chart for earthworks and familiarizing workers and line engineers with them against signature;

Instructing workers and engineers involved in the production of work on safe labor practices and industrial sanitation;

Arrangement of entrances to the place of work;

Installation of inventory buildings and structures in accordance with the construction site plan for the storage of tools and household needs;

Preparation of mechanisms, equipment and their delivery to the facility;

Providing workers with tools, devices and personal protective equipment;

Preparation of places for storing materials, inventory and other necessary equipment;

Fencing the construction area with warning signs illuminated at night;

Provision of communication for operational and dispatching control of the production of works;

Provision of the construction site with fire-fighting equipment and signaling equipment;

Drawing up an act of readiness of the object for the production of work.

2.3. Prior to the commencement of earthworks, it is necessary:

Complete the preparation of the scope of work (clearing the territory from forest vegetation, uprooting stumps, leveling, demolition and transfer of structures and communications that impede work) in accordance with the requirements of the work production technology and POS;

Establish temporary benchmarks along the route associated with leveling moves and permanent benchmarks;

Make a breakdown on the ground (with the installation of poles) of the trench axis and its edges, the boundaries of the spoil dump and prepare a place for storage;

Fix the alignment axes and angles of rotation of the route and tie them to permanent objects on the ground (buildings, structures, trees, etc.);

Determine the location of underground utilities and fix them on the ground with appropriate signs or inscriptions, and when crossing them with a trench, protect them from mechanical damage and hang them on rigid jumpers;

Issue an act of breakdown of the route with the application of statements of benchmarks and bindings;

To familiarize the foreman with and transfer to the excavator driver the entire route with the angles of rotation for the performance of work.

2.4. Construction work performed during the development of a trench for laying a pipeline includes the following operations:

Development, with the ejection of soil into the dump, trenches of the appropriate width with a shortfall to the design mark by an amount that meets the requirements of the POS, PPR or working technological map;

Extraction of pits at pipe joints;

Installation of trench slope fastening (if necessary);

Providing drainage from the trench (if necessary).

2.5. The geodetic breakdown of the trench consists in designating it on the ground. The breakdown is carried out in two planes: horizontal and vertical. With a horizontal breakdown, the position of the axis of the pipeline is determined and fixed on the ground and the outline of the trench is outlined in the plan, and with a vertical breakdown, its depth. At the beginning, the location of the pipeline to be laid is determined with the removal and binding of its axis to permanent landmarks. Then the boundaries of the trench are set with the removal of its axis and reference to permanent landmarks outside it.

The boundaries of the excavation of the trench are fixed with cast-offs, consisting of wooden racks dug into the ground and attached to them strictly at one level of rail-boards, on which planks are strengthened showing the steepness of the slopes (see Fig. 2). Cast-off pillars are buried in the ground to a depth of at least 0.7 m and not closer than 0.7 m from the edge of the trench.




Arch. No. 8809

MOSCOW - 1983

The technological map was developed by the design and technological department of the Mosorgstroy trust (A.N. Abramovich, A.P. Smirnov), agreed with the Production Preparation Department of Glavmosstroy, NIIMosstroy.

Comments and suggestions on the map should be sent to the address: 113095, B. Polyanka, 51a, Mosorgstroy trust.

1 area of ​​use

1.1. The technological map was drawn up for the production of work on laying underground utilities (sewerage, water supply, drains, etc.) in trenches with fastenings at the facilities of Glavmosstroy.

1.2. The technological map is intended for drawing up projects for the production of work and for the purpose of familiarizing (training) workers and engineering and technical workers with the rules for the production of work.

1.3. When linking the technological map to a specific object and construction conditions, the schemes for the production of work, the scope of work, the calculation of labor costs, and mechanization tools are specified.

2. Construction process technology

2.1. When laying underground utilities in trenches with fastenings, it is necessary to be guided by SNiP III-8-76 "Earthworks", SNiP III-30-74 "Water supply, sewerage and heat supply. External networks and facilities”, etc.

2.2. Laying underground utilities in trenches with cantilever mounts. Before starting work, the stability of the fastening of the walls of the trench should be checked and an act should be drawn up for the right to carry out work and admit workers to the trench.

By the beginning of work, all necessary materials and products (pipes, reinforced concrete wells, etc.) must be delivered to the construction site, the necessary machinery and equipment must be delivered.

Pipe laying must be carried out in the following sequence:

geodetic breakdown of the axis of the pipeline;

trench foundation preparation;

pipe laying;

installation of reinforced concrete wells;

sealing pipe entries in wells;

powdering pipelines with soil;

hydraulic testing of pipelines (if necessary);

final backfilling of the trench;

extraction of trench fastening elements from the soil (I-beams, metal pipes, Larsen sheet pile, etc.).

Work organization schemes are given on sheets 1 and 2.

2.3. The laying of underground utilities in trenches with spacer fasteners is carried out in the same sequence as indicated above, but with the following addition: the fastener spacers that interfere with the installation of pipes are rearranged during the work.

Work organization schemes are given on sheets 3 and 4.

2.4. Schemes for organizing work when laying plastic pipes in trenches with fasteners and connecting them for welding are shown on sheets 5, 6; 7.

2.5. Backfilling of trenches with laid pipelines should be carried out in two stages:

1) first, with soft soils (sandy, clayey, with the exception of hard clays, natural sand and gravel layers without large inclusions), pits and sinuses are filled up and lined up simultaneously on both sides, and then the trench is covered with the specified soil 0.2 above the top of the pipes, ensuring the safety of the pipes , joints and insulation; at the same time, the soil is backfilled in layers and compacted with manual and mounted electric rammers; for pipelines made of ceramic, asbestos-cement and polyethylene pipes, the height of the soil backfill layer above the pipe should be 0.5 m;

2) subsequent backfilling of the trench is carried out after testing the pipelines with any soil without large inclusions (200 and > mm) mechanized; at the same time, the safety of the pipes must be ensured.

2.6. The dismantling of the fastening elements of the trench walls should be carried out in the direction from the bottom up as the soil is backfilled.

2.7. After removing the metal pipes from the ground, cover the remaining wells with soil to the full height.

2.8. When working with plastic pipes, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements set forth in the instructions SN 478-80 and the technological map "For the installation of fecal sewage from polyethylene pipes", arch. No. 8355.

2.9. The width along the bottom of the trench with vertical walls, excluding fasteners, should be taken:

for water supply and sewerage pipelines in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III-8-76, clause 3.12;

for two pipelines of heating networks (supply and return) with channelless laying in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III-30-74, clause 2.4.

2.10. The laying of underground utilities in trenches with fastenings is carried out by the composition of the link given in the work schedule (Appendix 1).

2.11. Calculation of labor costs is given in Appendix 2.

2.12. Operational quality control of work on laying underground utilities in trenches with fasteners is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III-1-76 "Organization of construction production", instructions SN-47-74, SN-478-80.

The scheme of operational control is given in Appendix 3.

2.13. In the course of work, the requirements of SNiP III-4-80 "Safety in construction" and the system of labor safety standards (SSBT) must be strictly observed.

3. Technical and economic indicators

(per 100 linear meters of pipeline)

Labor costs, man-days - 32.68

Demand for cars, cars - see - 4.3

The cost of labor costs, rub. - 138.95

Labor costs per 1 m of laid pipeline, man-days - 0.33

The cost of labor costs per 1 m of the laid pipeline, rub. - 1.39

4. Material and technical resources

The need for basic materials and products

(per 100 linear meters of pipeline)

Need for basic machinery and equipment

Annex 1


Note. A link of workers is part of the integrated team for the construction of the zero cycle.

Appendix 2


Rationale (ENiR)

Name of works

unit. meas.

Scope of work

Labor intensity

Price per unit measurement, rub.-kop.

The cost of labor costs for the entire scope of work, rub.-kop.

per unit measurements, man-hours or mach.-h.

for the entire volume, man-days or machine-see.

§ 10-5, vol. 4, item 3B; D

Laying of reinforced concrete pipes with a diameter of 40, with preliminary preparation of the base of the trench by an assembly crane

§ 10-27. p. 3, 4 B

Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete wells with a diameter of 1250 mm with sealing of pipe entries in the wells

§ 2-1-44, vol. 1, item 2a

§ 2-4-21, vol. 2, paragraph 10B

Backfilling the trench with soil by a bulldozer with dismantling of fastening elements (boards of pickups)

§ 10-31, paragraph 2B

Annex 3


Name of operations subject to control

Quality control of work performance

work producer (foreman)

involved services

Laying of reinforced concrete pipes with a diameter of 400 with preliminary preparation of the base of the trench by a mounting crane

Geodetic stakeout, leveling, addition and compaction of soil, presence of external defects, quality of pipe connection with a socket, pipe alignment, reliability of fastening

Theodolite, level; sights; tape measure, steel meter, visually

Before and during the work


Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete wells with a diameter of 1250 with sealing of pipe entries in wells

The correctness and reliability of slinging, the alignment of the well, the mark of the base of the well, the reliability of the installation

Leveling, plumb

During installation

Filling the sinuses with sand to a height of 0.5 of the diameter of the pipeline and to a height of 0.2 m above the top of the pipeline manually

The quality of sand and seals, the safety of pipes and joints

Visually, measuring ring

During and after work

Construction laboratory, representative of the customer and operating organization

Backfilling the trench with soil by a bulldozer with disassembly of the fasteners (boards of pickups)

Soil quality, backfill sequence, pipe safety, compaction quality


(when laying sewers, drains, water pipes, etc.)


1 - ladder for descending workers into the trench; 2 - place of storage of reinforced concrete wells; 3 - assembly crane; 4 - places for storing pipes; 5 - container boxes for solution (concrete); 6 - tool box; 7 - reinforced concrete pipe; 8 - reinforced concrete well; 9 - pickup from boards; 10 - temporary fence 110 cm high


1. The admission of workers to the trench is allowed after checking the stability of the walls.

2. Dimensions are in centimeters


Fixing the walls of the trench cantilever


3 - assembly crane; 7 - reinforced concrete pipe; 8 - reinforced concrete well; 9 - pickup from boards; 10 - temporary fencing; 11 - fence height 100 cm


(when laying sewers, drains, water pipes, etc.)


1 - ladder for descending workers into the trench; 2 - places for storing reinforced concrete wells; 3 - assembly crane; 4 - places for storing pipes; 5 - spacers for fastening the walls of the trench; 6 - boxes-containers for concrete (mortar); 7 - tool box; 8 - pickups from boards; 9 - metal pipes with a diameter of 219 mm; 10 - belts from I-beams No. 30 ¸ 60; 11 - reinforced concrete well; 12 - temporary fence 110 cm high; 13 - laid reinforced concrete pipes;


The admission of workers to the trench is allowed after acceptance of the stability of the fastening of the walls of the trench.


Fixing the trench walls with spacers


3 - assembly crane; 5 - spacers for fastening the walls of the trench; 8 - pickups from boards; 9 - metal pipes with a diameter of 219 mm; 10 - belts from I-beams; 11 - reinforced concrete well; 12 - temporary fencing; 13 - reinforced concrete pipe; 14 - fencing of the crane work area 100 cm high


(when laying communications from plastic pipes)

Fixing the walls of the trench cantilever


1 - I-beams No. 30 ¸ 80; 2 - pickups from boards; 3 - support posts; 4 - mobile platform; 5 - installation for welding; 6 - reinforced concrete well; 7 - assembly crane; 8 - car; 9 - ladder for descending workers into the trench; 10 - plastic pipes welded into a whip; 11 - layout of plastic pipes on the edge of the trench


1. The admission of workers to the trench is allowed after acceptance of the stability of the fastening of the walls of the trench.

2. The trench must be fenced as shown on sheets 1 and 2.

3. Sections III - III, IV - IV are shown on sheets 6, 7.


Fixing the walls of the trench cantilever


1 - I-beams No. 30 ¸ 60; 2 - pickups from boards; 3 - support posts; 4 - mobile platform; 5 - installation for pipe welding; 6 - reinforced concrete well; 7 - assembly crane; 8 - car; 9 - plastic pipes welded into a whip; 10 - layout of plastic pipes on the edge of the trench; 11 - temporary fencing of a trench 110 mm high; 12 - the basis for the movement of the platform from the boards; 13 - fencing of the crane operation area 100 cm high


(when laying underground utilities from plastic pipes)

Fixing the walls of the trench cantilever

See sheets 5 and 6 for symbols.

Public corporation

Design and
institute of industrial construction

OJSC PKTIpromstroy


General Director, Ph.D.

S.Yu. Edlicka

"___" ______________ 2007


7390 TK

First Deputy General
director - chief engineer

____________________ A.V. Kolobov

Department head

____________________ B.I. Bychkovsky


The technological map for the installation of water supply inlets into buildings and structures contains solutions for the organization and production of construction work in order to apply rational technological processes, ensure their quality, safety and labor protection when connecting objects to main water pipelines, from the side of the carriageway of streets and highways, as well as pedestrian zones in the conditions of the existing development.

The technological map shows:

Common data;

Organization and technology of building production;

Requirements for the quality and acceptance of works;

Requirements for safety and labor protection, environmental and fire safety;

The need for material and technical resources;

Technical and economic indicators.

The technological map is intended for foremen, foremen and foremen involved in the construction of water supply networks, technical supervision of the customer, as well as engineering and technical workers of construction and design and technological organizations.

The technological map was first developed by employees of the laboratory for improving the organization and construction technology (Department 41) of PKTIpromstroy OJSC in 2000.

This technological map was corrected in March 2007 by employees of department 41 of JSC PKTIpromstroy B.I. Bychkovsky and O.A. Savina.

1 General data

1.1 The technological map for the device of water supply inlets is intended for use in the production of construction work when connecting the water supply network to buildings and structures located along roads and highways, as well as pedestrian zones in the conditions of the existing development.

1.2 The map provides for the presence of loamy soil, engineering networks and communications in the work area, and the absence of groundwater, which affects the choice of work methods.

As an example, the laying of a water supply line from an existing well located on the roadway 2 m from the edge of the sidewalk to the building according to the figure is taken.

1.3 The scope of work considered by the map includes:

Dismantling and restoration of the road surface;

Development and backfilling of soil;

Suspension of engineering networks and communications;

Piping installation and connection.

1.4 Linking the technological map to the projected object, taking into account local conditions, consists in adjusting the parameters in connection with the construction group of soils, the depth and width of the trench, as well as the bill of quantities, costing, work schedule.

When linking the map to facilities under construction in Moscow, you must additionally take into account:

* - dimensions are specified locally.

Figure 1 - Approximate scheme for the input of a water supply system.

A project for the organization of traffic agreed in the regional department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (developed as part of the PIC);

Coordination of organizations - owners of engineering networks and communications that fall into the excavation zone;

Agreed in accordance with the established procedure stroygenplan.

2 Organization and technology of the construction process

2.1 Prior to the commencement of work on the water supply inlet device, the following preparatory work must be performed:

Install signal lighting;

Protect the work site;

Install utility rooms (if necessary);

Prepare mechanisms, tools, equipment, inventory;

Determine the location of underground utilities (ISS cables, water supply, sewerage, telephone networks, etc.) and fix them on the ground with appropriate signs or inscriptions;

Make a breakdown of the axes of the trench;

Organize the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

2.2 Work on the construction of the water supply input is carried out in the following sequence:

Opening of the asphalt concrete pavement of the sidewalk and the road at a distance of 2 m from the edge of the sidewalk;

Manual excavation of soil within underground utilities to the depth of their laying (approximately 0.8 - 1.5 m from the surface);

Suspension of underground utilities to a pipe thrown over a trench;

Further layer-by-layer development of soil up to the design level;

Preparing the bed for the pipeline;

Pipeline laying;

Backfilling device with layer-by-layer soil compaction and execution of an act for hidden work;

Restoration of asphalt concrete pavement of the road and sidewalk;

Disassembly of signal lighting and fencing of the work site.

Figure 2 - Overall dimensions of the pit.

2.3 The opening of the asphalt concrete pavement of the sidewalk and part of the carriageway is carried out using compressors and jackhammers in the dimensions marked in the figure. The thickness of the asphalt concrete layer on the carriageway and sidewalk is assumed to be 300 mm. The dismantled asphalt pavement (chip) must be taken out during the working day.

2.4 Excavation within 2 m from the side surface of communications in accordance with clause 3.22 of SNiP 3.02.01-87 "Earth structures, bases and foundations" is carried out only manually. The developed soil is loaded into boxes and rises to the top with loading into dump trucks and transported to the designated places. In the process of excavation, when underground utilities are opened, they are protected with a wooden box and suspended from pipes thrown over the trench.

Particular care should be taken when opening the ISS cables and other communications and backfilling them.

2.5 The minimum width of trenches should be taken in accordance with the data set out in the table.

Table 1 - Required minimum trench width for laying water pipes.

Trench width, m, excluding fasteners for butt joints


coupling, flange, seam for all pipes and socket for ceramic pipes

Whips or separate sections with the outer diameter of pipes, D, m:

D + 0.3, but not less

Up to 0.7 inclusive

Over 0.7

Separate pipes with an outer diameter of pipes D, m, inclusive:

0.5 to 1.6

1.6 to 3.5

Note- When laying several pipelines in parallel in one trench, the distances from the outermost pipes to the walls of the trenches are determined by the requirements of this table, and the distances between the pipes are established by the project.

2.6 The development of trenches with slopes without fastenings in bulk, sandy and silty-clay soils above the groundwater level (taking into account capillary rise) or in soils drained with the help of artificial dewatering is allowed with the excavation depth and the steepness of the slopes according to the table.

Table 2 - Data for determining the steepness of slopes of trenches (SNiP 12-04-2002)

Slope steepness at excavation depth, m, not more than

Bulk loose





1 When stratifying various types of soil, the steepness of the slopes should be assigned according to the least stable type from slope collapse.

2 Uncompacted bulk soils include soils with a backfilling prescription of up to two years for sandy ones; up to five years - for silty clay soils.

2.7 Digging trenches with vertical walls without fastenings in sandy, silty-argillaceous and thawed soils above the groundwater level and in the absence of underground structures near, if it is necessary for workers to be in them, is allowed to a depth of not more than, m:

1.0 - in loose bulk and natural sandy soils;

1.25 - in sandy loam;

1.50 - in loams and clays.

When the average daily air temperature is below minus 2 °C, the maximum height of the vertical walls of recesses in frozen soils, except for loosely frozen soils, can be increased compared to the established SNiP 12-04-2002 by the depth of soil freezing, but not more than 2 m.

2.8 When using soil as a stop, the supporting wall of the excavation must be with an undisturbed soil structure.

2.9 When performing work in the immediate vicinity and below the sole of the foundations of existing buildings and structures, it is necessary to comply with technical solutions to ensure their safety, which should be provided for by the working design.

2.10 Laying of water pipes should be carried out in accordance with the project for the production of works and technological maps after checking and accepting the trench.

Pipe laying, depending on the availability and number of engineering networks and their laying marks, is carried out in sections or separate pipes, leading them under communications from one side or the other. For welding and sealing of joints of pipelines of all diameters, pits of the following dimensions should be installed: length 1.0 m; width D + 1.2 m, where D is the outer diameter of the pipeline at the joint in m; depth 0.7 m.

2.11 When laying inlet pipelines consisting of two or more pipes, the connected ends of adjacent pipes must be centered so that the width of the socket gap is the same around the circumference.

Welding methods, types, structural elements and dimensions of welded joints of steel pipelines must comply with the requirements of GOST 16037-80 *.

Before assembling and welding pipes, they should be cleaned of dirt, check the geometric dimensions of the groove, clean the edges and the inner and outer surfaces of the pipes adjacent to them to a width of at least 10 mm to a metallic sheen.

To seal (seal) the butt joints of pipelines, sealing and “locking” materials, as well as sealants according to the project, should be used.

Protection of steel pipelines from corrosion should be carried out in accordance with the design and requirements of SNiP 3.04.03-85 and SNiP 2.03.11-85.

2.12 Upon completion of welding work, the outer insulation of pipes in the places of welded joints must be restored in accordance with the project.

2.13 Transverse welded joints should be located at a distance of not less than:

0.2 m from the edge of the pipeline support structure;

0.3 m from the outer and inner surfaces of the chamber or the surface of the enclosing structure through which the pipeline passes, as well as from the edge of the case.

The distance between the circumferential weld of the pipeline and the weld of the welded pipes must be at least 100 mm.

2.14 Welders are allowed to weld joints of steel pipelines if they have documents for the right to perform welding work in accordance with the Rules for the certification of welders approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

Each welder must have a brand assigned to him. The welder is obliged to knock out or build up a brand at a distance of 30 - 50 mm from the joint from the side accessible for inspection.

2.15 Welding and tack welding of pipe butt joints is allowed at outdoor air temperatures down to minus 50 °C. In this case, welding work without heating the welded joints is allowed to be performed:

At an outside air temperature of up to minus 20 ° C - when using carbon steel pipes with a carbon content of not more than 0.24% (regardless of the pipe wall thickness), as well as low-alloy steel pipes with a wall thickness of not more than 10 mm;

At an outside temperature of up to minus 10 ° C - when using pipes made of carbon steel with a carbon content of more than 0.24%, as well as pipes made of low-alloy steel with a wall thickness of more than 10 mm.

When the outside air temperature is below the above limits, welding work must be carried out with heating in special cabins, in which the air temperature should be maintained not lower than the above, or the ends of the pipes to be welded must be heated in the open air for a length of at least 200 mm to a temperature of at least 200 ° C.

After welding is completed, it is necessary to ensure a gradual decrease in the temperature of the joints and the adjacent zones of the pipes by covering them after welding with an asbestos towel or in another way.

2.16 When performing work on laying water supply inlets, you should follow the rules for the production and acceptance of work in accordance with SNiP 12-01-2004, SNiP 3.01.03-84, SNiP 3.02.01-87, SNiP 3.03.01-87, SNiP 3.05.04-85 *, "Rules for the preparation and production of earthworks, arrangement and maintenance of construction sites in Moscow."

3 Quality and acceptance requirements

3.1 Production quality control of work on the installation of water supply inlets into buildings and structures from the side of the carriageway of streets and highways includes incoming control of working documentation and the materials and structures used, operational control of technological processes and assessment of the compliance of the work performed with the project and the requirements of regulatory documentation with the issuance of an act of hidden work and acceptance certificate.

3.3 During the input control, the compliance with the project of the dimensions of the trench, the fastening of the walls, the bottom marks and, in the case of above-ground laying, of the supporting structures, are checked. The results of the checks should be recorded in the work log.

Before installation, pipes and fittings, fittings and finished units must be inspected and cleaned from inside and outside from dirt, snow, ice, oils and foreign objects.

Sections of pipes with dents greater than 3.5% of the pipe diameter or with tears must be removed. The ends of pipes with nicks or chamfers with a depth of more than 5 mm must be trimmed.

3.4 When quality control of welded joints of steel pipelines should be performed:

Operational control during assembly and welding of the pipeline in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12-01-2004;

Checking the continuity of welded joints with the identification of internal defects by one of the non-destructive (physical) control methods - radiographic (X-ray or gammagraphic) according to GOST 7512-82 * or ultrasonic according to GOST 14782-86.

The use of the ultrasonic method is allowed only in combination with the radiographic method, which must be used to check at least 10% of the total number of joints to be controlled.

3.5 During the operational quality control of welded joints of steel pipelines, it is necessary to check the compliance with the standards of structural elements and dimensions of welded joints, welding method, quality of welding materials, edge preparation, gap size, number of tacks, as well as serviceability of welding equipment.

3.6 All welded joints are subject to external inspection. On pipelines, welded joints welded without a backing ring are subjected to external inspection and measurement of dimensions outside and inside the pipe, in other cases - only outside. Before inspection, the weld and adjacent surfaces of pipes to a width of at least 20 mm (on both sides of the weld) must be cleaned of slag, splashes of molten metal, scale and other contaminants.

The quality of the weld according to the results of an external examination is considered satisfactory if it is not found:

Cracks in the seam and adjacent area;

Deviations from the allowable dimensions and shape of the seam;

Undercuts, sinkings between the rollers, sagging, burns, unwelded craters and pores emerging on the surface, lack of penetration or sagging at the root of the seam (when examining the joint from inside the pipe);

Displacement of the edges of pipes exceeding the allowable dimensions.

3.8 Welded joints for control by physical methods are selected in the presence of a representative of the customer, who writes down in the journal of the production of works information about the joints selected for control (location, welder's brand, etc.).

3.9 Welds should be rejected if cracks, unwelded craters, burns, fistulas, as well as lack of penetration at the root of the weld made on the backing ring are found during physical inspection.

When checking welds by radiographic method, the following are considered acceptable defects:

Pores and inclusions, the dimensions of which do not exceed the maximum allowable in accordance with GOST 23055-78 for the 7th class of welded joints;

Lack of penetration, concavity and excess penetration at the root of the weld, made by electric arc welding without a backing ring, the height (depth) of which does not exceed 10% of the nominal wall thickness, and the total length is 1/3 of the inner perimeter of the joint.

3.10 If unacceptable defects in welds are detected by physical control methods, these defects should be eliminated and the quality control should be repeated for a double number of welds compared to that specified in paragraph . If unacceptable defects are detected during the re-inspection, all joints made by this welder should be checked.

3.11 Weld sections with unacceptable defects are subject to correction by local sampling and subsequent welding (as a rule, without overwelding the entire welded joint), if the total length of the samples after removing the defective sections does not exceed the total length specified in GOST 23055-78 for the 7th class .

Correction of defects in the joints should be done by arc welding.

Undercuts should be corrected by surfacing thread rollers with a height of not more than 2 - 3 mm. Cracks less than 50 mm long are drilled at the ends, cut down, carefully cleaned and welded in several layers.

3.12 The results of checking the quality of welded joints of steel pipelines by physical control methods should be documented in an act (protocol).

3.13 Limit deviations and methods of control during the construction of water supply inlets by type of work are given in the table.

Table 3 - Quality control parameters for the construction of water supply inlets.

Limit deviations

Control (method and scope)

Monitoring the condition of slopes and the bottom of trenches

Concentrated filtration, removal of soil and slopes are not allowed

visual observations. Daily

Precipitation control of buildings and structures

Precipitation should not exceed the values ​​established by SNiP 2.02.01-83*

Leveling by grades installed on a building or structure

Deviations of the bottom marks of planning cuts

Measuring, with the number of measurements on the leased area at least 20 in the highest places, established by visual inspection

a) shortfalls

b) busts

Deviations from the design longitudinal slope of the bottom of trenches for free-flow pipelines, drainage ditches and other excavations with slopes

Must not exceed ±0.0005

Measuring, in places of turns, junctions, location of wells, etc., but not less than 50 m

Maximum deviations from the design position:

Must not exceed


Axes of pressure pipelines,

Tray marks of non-pressure pipelines,

Top marks of pressure pipelines

3.14 The gap between the pipeline and the prefabricated part of concrete or brick stops must be tightly filled with concrete mixture or cement mortar.

3.15 When arranging water supply inlets, the following stages and elements of hidden work are subject to acceptance with the preparation of certificates of examination of hidden work in the form given in SNiP 12-01-2004: preparation of the base for pipelines, arrangement of stops, the size of the gaps and the performance of sealing butt joints, the construction of wells and cameras, anticorrosive protection of pipelines, sealing of places of passage.

4 Requirements for safety and labor protection, environmental and fire safety

4.1 Notify the interested parties about the start of work on the water supply input device, and carry out the work under the supervision and technical supervision of representatives of interested organizations (State-owned energy enterprises, the sewer network area, cable management, etc.)

4.2 Prior to the start of earthworks at the locations of existing underground utilities, measures for safe working conditions must be developed and agreed with the organizations operating these communications, and the location of underground utilities on the ground is indicated by appropriate signs or inscriptions.

4.3 Excavation work in the zone of existing underground utilities should be carried out under the direct supervision of a foreman or foreman, and in the security zone of live cables or an existing gas pipeline, in addition, under the supervision of workers in the electric or gas sector.

4.4 If explosive materials are found, earthworks in these areas should be immediately stopped until permission is received from the relevant authorities.

4.5 Before starting earthworks in areas with possible pathogenic contamination of the soil, it is necessary to obtain permission from the State Sanitary Inspection.

4.6 Ditches and trenches being developed on streets, driveways, in the courtyards of settlements, as well as places where people or vehicles move, must be protected by a protective fence, taking into account the requirements of GOST 23407-78.

It is necessary to install warning inscriptions and signs on the fence, and at night - signal lighting.

4.7 Places for people to pass through the trench should be equipped with walkways illuminated at night. An example of the organization of traffic and the place where people pass through the trench at the site of the construction of the water supply system is shown in the figure.

4.8 When laying pipes for entering the water supply system with access to the carriageway of the street, ensure the safety of the structures of the contact network.

4.9 Before allowing workers into pits or trenches with a depth of more than 1.3 m, the stability of slopes or wall fastenings must be checked. In cases where it is necessary to perform work related to electrical heating of the soil, the requirements of SNiP 12-03-2001 must be observed. The heated area should be fenced off, installing warning signals on it, and lighting at night. The distance between the fence and the contour of the heated area must be at least 3 m.

4.10 People are not allowed to stay in areas of the heated area under voltage.

4.11 When extracting soil from excavations using buckets, it is necessary to arrange protective canopies-peaks to shelter workers in the excavation.

4.12 For the movement of pedestrians through trenches, install walkways 1 m wide with railings 1.1 m high, with solid sheathing at the bottom to a height of 0.15 m and an intermediate plank at a height of 0.5 m from the flooring.

4.13 To lower workers into the pit and trenches, use ladders 0.3 m wide or ladders equipped with railings.

4.14 The territory of construction work at night must be illuminated in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.046-85: the illumination of workplaces must be at least 30 lux, the construction site - at least 10 lux. Fences must be illuminated by signal lamps with a voltage not exceeding 42 V.

4.15 When welding outdoors during precipitation, the welding sites must be protected from moisture and wind.

4.16 When performing work in Moscow, one should additionally be guided by the "Rules for the preparation and production of earthworks, arrangement and maintenance of construction sites in Moscow".

Figure 3 - Scheme of the organization of the movement.

5 Need for material and technical resources

5.1 The need for machines, equipment, mechanisms and tools is determined taking into account the work performed, the purpose and technical characteristics in accordance with the table.

Table 4 - Statement of the needs of machines, mechanisms, devices


Type, brand

Technical specifications



Mobile compressor

PKS-5 (or ZIF-55)

Productivity 60 m/h

Compressed air supply

dump truck


Transport work

onboard car

Load capacity 6 t

Transport work

Skid steer loader


Equipped with various attachments

Transport and loading and unloading operations

Asphalt distributor

Based on ZIL-431412

Tank capacity 4000 l.

Waterproofing works

Electric welding machine

Power consumption 30 kW

Electric welding works

Electric tamper

Compaction depth 0.4 m.

Productivity 45 m 3 / h

Soil compaction

Internal vibrator with flexible shaft

R power. = 0.8 kVA

Concrete compaction



Ladder for descending workers into the pit


Bayonet shovels

For excavation


Soil box

Set of labor safety signs


Installation based on excavator EO-6122


For pressing pipes, beams


For pipe assembly

5.2 The need for basic materials, products and semi-finished products for laying the water supply inlet to buildings and structures is given in the table.

Table 5 - List of requirements for materials, products and structures.




water pipe Æ 100 mm

Bituminous mastic



6 Technical and economic indicators

6.1 As an example of a device for introducing a water supply system into buildings and structures, an abstract section of the carriageway of the street and the sidewalk adjoining the red line is taken, for the volume of work of which the calculation of labor costs and machine time and the work schedule were compiled.

6.2 The cost of labor and machine time for the water supply input device was calculated according to the "Uniform Norms and Prices for Construction, Installation and Repair and Construction Works", entered into force in 1987, and are presented in the table.

6.3 The duration of work on the device for introducing water supply to buildings and structures is determined by the work schedule presented in the table.

6.4 Technical and economic indicators are:

Pipeline length, m 7.0

Labor costs per input, man-hours 144.6

Duration of work, hours 38

Table 6 - Calculation of labor costs and machine time.

Name of technological processes

Scope of work

Norm of time for workers, man-hours

Labor costs of workers, man-hours

E 9-2-33 No. 1a

Installation of trench fencing

Installation of road signs

E 17-43 No. 6 (applicable)

Installation of wheel stones

E 20-2-18 No. 2 E 1-22 No. 2a

Crushing of asphalt concrete pavement and loading

E 17-43 No. 4b k \u003d 0.7

Dismantling of side stone

Manual excavation with ejection on two sides

E 9-2-34 No. 2b

Construction of a temporary footbridge

E 9-2-35 No. 1a

Suspension communications

Excavation of pits

E 9-2-32 No. 1 k \u003d 1.2

Base device

Laying of pipelines and welding of joints

E 9-2-34 No. 2v

Demolition of the temporary footbridge

E 2-1-58 v. 2, No. 1b

Backfilling in layers with compaction

E 9-2-35 No. 2a

Suspension disassembly

E 17-33 No. 1d

Black crushed stone foundation

Laying the concrete base of the sidewalk and highway

Installing a side stone on a concrete base

E 17-34 No. 3g

Manual paving of asphalt mix

E 17-43 No. 6b K = 0.7 (as applicable)

Dismantling of the breaking wheel

E 17-50 No. 2 K = 0.7

Dismantling of road signs

E 9-2-33 No. 2a

Dismantling of trench fencing






1.1. A typical technological map (hereinafter referred to as TTK) is a comprehensive organizational and technological document developed on the basis of methods of scientific organization of labor for the implementation of a technological process and determining the composition of production operations using the most modern means of mechanization and methods for performing work according to a specific given technology. TTK is intended for use in the development of Projects for the production of works (hereinafter referred to as PPR) and other organizational and technological documentation by construction departments. TTK is an integral part of the PPR and is used as part of the PPR in accordance with MDS 12-81.2007.

1.2. This TTK provides guidance on the organization and technology of earthworks when arranging a trench for laying a pipeline in a mountainous area.

The composition of production operations, requirements for quality control and acceptance of work, planned labor intensity of work, labor, production and material resources, measures for industrial safety and labor protection are determined.

1.3. The regulatory framework for the development of a technological map are:

- standard drawings;

- building codes and regulations (SNiP, SN, SP);

- factory instructions and specifications (TU);

- norms and prices for construction and installation works (GESN-2001 ENiR);

- production norms for the consumption of materials (NPRM);

- local progressive norms and prices, labor costs norms, material and technical resources consumption norms.

1.4. The purpose of creating the TTK is to describe solutions for the organization and technology of earthworks when arranging trenches for laying pipelines in mountainous areas, in order to ensure their high quality, as well as:

- cost reduction of works;

- reduction of construction time;

- ensuring the safety of work performed;

- organization of rhythmic work;

- rational use of labor resources and machines;

- unification of technological solutions.

1.5. On the basis of the TTK, a PPR is being developed or, as its mandatory components, Working Technological Maps (hereinafter referred to as RTK) for the performance of certain types of earthworks when arranging trenches for laying a pipeline in mountainous areas.

The design features of the arrangement of soil shelves (ledges) are decided in each specific case by the Working Design.

The composition and level of detail of materials developed in the RTK are established by the relevant contracting construction organization, based on local natural conditions, the available fleet of vehicles, the availability of labor resources and building materials.

Working flow charts are reviewed and approved as part of the PPR by the head of the General Contractor Construction Organization and agreed upon by the representative of the Customer's technical supervision.

1.6. TTK can be tied to a specific object and construction conditions. This process consists in clarifying the scope of work, means of mechanization, the need for labor and material and technical resources.

The procedure for linking the TTK to local conditions:

- consideration of map materials and selection of the desired option;

- verification of the compliance of the initial data (volumes of work, time standards, brands and types of mechanisms, building materials used, composition of the worker link) to the accepted option;

- adjustment of the scope of work in accordance with the chosen option for the production of work and a specific design solution;

- recalculation of costing, technical and economic indicators, the need for machines, mechanisms, tools and material and technical resources in relation to the chosen option;

- design of the graphic part with a specific binding of mechanisms, equipment and fixtures in accordance with their actual dimensions.

1.7. A typical flow chart has been developed for engineering and technical workers (foremen, foremen, foremen) and workers performing work in the III temperature zone, in order to familiarize (train) them with the rules for earthworks when arranging trenches for laying pipelines in mountainous areas using the most modern means of mechanization, progressive designs and methods of performing work.

The technological map has been developed for the following scopes of work:

trench length

- L=100 m ;

trench width

- H=2.8 m ;

trench depth

- h=3.0 m .


2.1. The technological map was developed for a complex of earthworks when arranging trenches for laying a pipeline in a mountainous area.

2.2. Earthworks when arranging trenches for laying pipelines in mountainous areas are carried out by a mechanized detachment in one shift, the working hours during the shift are:

2.3. The scope of work sequentially performed in the course of earthworks when arranging trenches for laying pipelines in mountainous areas includes the following technological operations:

- geodetic breakdown of shelves;

- development of shelves (ledges) with an excavator;

- development of shelves (ledges) by a bulldozer.

2.4. The technological map provides for the development of shelves (ledges) by a mechanized link consisting of: bulldozer B170M1.03VR (=4.28 m, =1.31 m); bulldozer Komatsu D355A (engine power N=416 hp); excavator Volvo EC-290B (bucket volume g=1.45 m, excavation depth at the parking level H=7.3 m).

Fig.1. Specifications of the Volvo EC-290B excavator

A - max reach during excavation, 10.395 m; B - max reach at the level of the supporting surface, 10.242 m; H - min turning radius, 3.630 m; F - max cutting height, 9.460 m; G - max unloading height, 6.695 m; C - max excavation depth at the parking level, 7.330 m; D - max excavation depth at the level of 2.44 m, 7.150 m; E - max excavation depth with vertical wall, 6.170 m

Fig.2. Bulldozer B170M1.03VR

Fig.3. Bulldozer Komatsu D355A

2.5. When performing work on the construction of trenches for laying pipelines in mountainous areas, the requirements of the following regulatory documents should be followed:

- SP 48.13330.2011. "Organization of construction. Updated edition of SNiP 12-01-2004";

- SP 126.13330.2012. Geodetic works in construction. Updated edition of SNiP 3.01.03-84;

- Manual to SNiP 3.01.03-84. Production of geodetic works in construction;

- SNiP 3.02.01-87. Earthworks, foundations and foundations;

- Manual to SNiP 3.02.01-83 *. Manual for the production of work in the construction of foundations and foundations;

- SP 36.13330.2012 SNiP 2.05.06-85 *;

- SP 86.13330.2014. Main pipelines. Updated edition of SNiP III-42-80 *;

- STO Gazprom 2-2.1-249-2008. Main gas pipelines;

- STO Gazprom 2-2.2-382-2009. Main gas pipelines. Rules for the production and acceptance of work during the construction of onshore sections of gas pipelines, including in the conditions of the Far North;

- SP 104-34-96. Earthworks production;

- SNiP 12-03-2001. Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements;

- SNiP 12-04-2002. Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production;

- Safety regulations for the construction of main pipelines;

- RD 11-02-2006. Requirements for the composition and procedure for maintaining as-built documentation during construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities and the requirements for certificates of examination of work, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks;

- RD 11-05-2007. The procedure for maintaining a general and (or) special journal for recording the performance of work during construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities;

- MDS 12-29.2006. Guidelines for the development and execution of a technological map.


3.1. In accordance with SP 48.13330.2001 "Organization of construction. Updated version of SNiP 12-01-2004" prior to the commencement of construction and installation works at the facility, the Contractor is obliged to obtain from the Customer, in the prescribed manner, project documentation and a permit (order) for the performance of construction and installation works . Performing work without a permit (warrant) is prohibited.

3.2. Prior to the start of work on the installation of trenches for laying a pipeline in mountainous areas, it is necessary to carry out a set of organizational and technical measures, including:

- develop RTK or PPR for the development of a trench for laying a pipeline in a mountainous area and coordinate with all subcontractors and suppliers;

- appoint persons responsible for the safe performance of work, as well as their control and quality of performance;

- provide the site with working documentation approved for the production of work;

- to equip a link of machine operators, to acquaint them with the project of excavation in mountainous areas and the technology for the production of work on the development of a trench;

- briefing the members of the safety team;

- establish temporary inventory household premises for the storage of building materials, tools, inventory, heating workers, eating, drying and storing work clothes, bathrooms, etc.;

- prepare an excavator and bulldozers for work and deliver them to the facility;

- provide workers with manual machines, tools and personal protective equipment;

- provide the construction site with fire-fighting equipment and signaling equipment;

- to provide communication for operational dispatch control of the production of works, a device for two-way duplicated communication with the control point;

- deliver to the work area the necessary materials, fixtures, inventory, tools and means for the safe performance of work;

- test the hydraulic excavator;

- draw up an act of readiness of the object for the production of work;

- obtain permission from the technical supervision of the Customer to start work (clause in the form of Appendix 2, RD 08-296-99).

3.3. General instructions

3.3.1. The methods of earthworks for the construction of main pipelines are determined by the project and regulated by the requirements of SNiP for earthworks, bases and foundations.

3.3.2. Earthworks must be carried out with the provision of quality requirements and with mandatory operational control of all technological processes.

3.3.3. The parameters of earthworks (width of a trench or embankment, excavation depth, embankment height, steepness of slopes) are determined by the project (working drawings) in accordance with the design requirements of SNiP.

3.3.4. The dimensions and profiles of the trenches are established by the project depending on the diameter and coverage of the pipelines, the type of ballast, soil characteristics, hydrogeological and other conditions. The width of the trenches along the bottom should be:

- not less than (D+300) mm for pipelines up to 700 mm in diameter (see Fig. 4);

- 1.5D - for pipelines with a diameter of 700 mm or more (see Fig. 4), where D is the nominal diameter of the pipeline.

For pipelines with thermal insulation, as well as concreted pipes, instead of the value D, the outer diameter of the pipeline coating (D) should be taken.

Fig.4. Profile of the developed trench in normal conditions

3.3.5. In sections of horizontal curved inserts, the width of the trench along the bottom should be at least twice the width of the trench being developed in adjacent straight sections (see Fig. 5).

Fig.5. The profile of the developed trench at the angles of rotation from bend bends

3.3.6. In areas where the pipeline is ballasted with weights, the width of the trench along the bottom must be at least 2.2D (see Fig. 6).

Fig.6. Profile of the developed trench in the presence of ballasting

3.3.7. In places of technological breaks for welding joints, pits should be developed with dimensions not less than: length 1.0 m, width (D + 1.2) m, where D is the outer diameter of the pipeline, taking into account the thickness of the coating, depth 0.7 m.

3.3.8. When passing the pipeline route in mountainous areas along steep longitudinal slopes, their planning should be carried out by cutting the soil and reducing the elevation angle. These works are carried out across the entire width of the right of way by bulldozers, which, cutting the soil, move from top to bottom and push it to the foot of the slope outside the construction strip. The trench should be dug not in bulk soil, but in the mainland. The device of the embankment is possible only in the area of ​​passage of transport vehicles.

3.3.9. When arranging trenches in rocky soils in mountainous conditions, before the development of trenches, the following must be performed:

- overburden works;

- work on the arrangement of entrances to the highway and roads along it;

- work on the arrangement of shelves, ensuring the work of earth-moving and laying equipment on them.

3.3.10. The development of trenches on sections of the route with longitudinal slopes up to 15 °, if there are no transverse slopes, should be carried out with a single-bucket excavator without special preliminary measures. When working on longitudinal slopes from 15 to 36 °, the excavator must be pre-anchored. The number of anchors and the method of their fastening should be determined by calculation in accordance with the project for the production of works.

3.3.11. On longitudinal slopes up to 22 °, excavation with a single-bucket excavator is allowed in the direction both from the bottom up and from the top down the slope.

In areas with a slope of more than 22 °, it is allowed to work with a straight shovel only in the direction from top to bottom along the slope with a bucket forward in the course of work, and with a backhoe - only from top to bottom along the slope with a bucket back in the course of work.

The development of trenches on longitudinal slopes up to 36 ° in soils that do not require loosening should be carried out with single-bucket or rotary excavators; in previously loosened soils - with single-bucket excavators.

The operation of rotary excavators is allowed on longitudinal slopes up to 36 ° when moving them from top to bottom. For slopes from 36° to 45°, excavator anchoring is used.

The work of single-bucket excavators with a longitudinal slope of more than 22 ° and bucket-wheel excavators with a slope of more than 45 ° must be carried out by special methods according to the project for the production of work.

3.4. Preparatory work

3.4.1. Prior to the start of work on the development of shelves (ledges), the preparatory work provided for by the TTC must be completed, including:

- construction site accepted from the customer;

- a geodetic breakdown of the trench was completed;

- a project for the production of earthworks was developed;

- calculation of the stability of the excavator for sliding on the slope;

- an assignment order was issued to the drivers of earth-moving machines for the production of work.