Improving the quality of working life in the organization. Improving the quality of the employee's working life through the formation of professional and personal comfort. Brief description of the organization

One of the most important developments in the field of human resource management is associated with the creation of programs and methods for improving the quality of working life, which have become widespread since the mid-70s. XX century in the United States, and then in other countries. The quality of working life is understood as the degree of satisfaction of the personal needs and interests of the employee through work in a given organization. The quality of working life is an indicator of well-being, an indicator of the degree of freedom in the realization of the intellectual and creative potential of the personality of the employees of the organization.

The mechanism for ensuring the growth of the quality of working life is laid in the reorganization of labor:

The amount of work is the number of different operations performed by workers and the frequency of their repetition. The volume of work is called narrow if the worker performs only a few operations and repeats them often (a typical example is work on an assembly line). The volume of work is called wide if a person performs many different operations and repeats them rarely (for example, the volume of work of a bank teller is usually wider compared to the work of a person who is only busy entering data through the keyboard into the financial accounting system).

The meaningfulness of work is understood as the relative degree of the influence that the worker can have on the work itself and the working environment: independence in planning and performing work, determining the rhythm of work and the employee's personal participation in decision-making. A lab technician's job is not meaningful if it is all about installing equipment, loading chemicals, and cleaning up the lab. If a laboratory assistant can order chemicals and equipment, carry out some experiments and prepare reports on the results of work, then the content will be high.

Enrichment of labor is a set of methods for organizing the labor process aimed at improving and humanizing working conditions in order to minimize the negative consequences of monotony, monotony, intellectual poverty of labor, increase people's satisfaction with their work and ensure the growth of labor efficiency.

From the standpoint of the formation of motivation for labor activity, the attractiveness of the content of the activity acquires great importance. The activity can attract, interest a person from different sides. It can be the unknown, the mysteriousness of the final result (for a scientist, traveler, geologist, reader of detective stories), it is also the difficulty of the problem being solved, which “challenges” a person's pride (I can or cannot). Obviously, solving a task, a problem, a person experiences pleasure from the tension and productivity of the activity, and, as a consequence, his strength and stability of the motive for its implementation increase.

The opposite effect is caused by simple and monotonous work (with no problems), which quickly leads to boredom, apathy, and, if it lasts, to a state of mental satiety, aversion to work. A monotonous activity is inherent not only in conveyor production, but also in many other professions (assembly fitters, stampers, weavers, teachers).

The stability of the response to stimulation in this case is facilitated by the presence of monotonic resistance in a person, which is largely determined by the properties of the nervous system. There are significant individual differences in people's resistance to monotonous activities (monotonophiles and monotonophobes). Naturally, for those types of work where monotony is the main characteristic of the activity, it is advisable to accept monotonophiles (who even like this kind of work, "because there is no need to think there," as some of them say) or persons with high monotonic stability, i.e. with the later development of a state of monotony.

The question of the attractiveness of a particular activity is of great importance when choosing a profession. Very often, interest in a particular profession is based on superficial knowledge, on external attractiveness, and not on an adequate understanding of the requirements that this type of activity places on a person.

spontaneous, arrogant enrichment of the content of labor through the unauthorized appropriation of additional labor functions (sometimes this is expressed in excess of official powers);

striving to strictly fulfill the prescribed labor functions;

deliberate and arbitrary decrease in the content of labor, failure to perform labor functions in full.

The enrichment of labor is carried out by the following methods:

Direct methods (directions) of labor reorganization:

the creation of autonomous work teams (groups), the expansion of the range of their duties and responsibilities;

providing opportunities for group discussion of upcoming decisions;

prompt change (rotation) of jobs and operations during the working day, as well as periodic professional movements and combination of professions;

comfort of social services;

delegation of responsibility - personal responsibility for the quality of work, product sales, etc .;

organization of feedback - the employee must know the opinion of the consumer about the quality of his work, the competitiveness of his products or services provided;

decrease in the regulation of labor (decrease in the number of instructions, prescriptions, free schedule of visits, freedom of contacts with specialists and managers, etc.);

providing freedom to dispose of resources - equipment, materials, finances;

advanced training, acquisition of unique experience;

provision of the right to train employees and transfer experience.

Compensatory methods (directions) of labor reorganization: without changing the overall content of labor, they can reduce the negative effect of the monotony of the labor process - broadcasting functional music, organizing communication during work, aesthetics of the workplace and organizing recreation conditions during breaks for employees.

Involvement in management involves the joint activities of personnel carried out at various levels of management - sections, workshops, the organization as a whole. In foreign practice, target groups are created at the lower level to solve problems arising in the workplace; self-governing teams responsible for the smooth operation and safety of equipment, the quantity and quality of products, the organization of work. Participation in management at the level of the organization as a whole is expressed in the functioning of special bodies - works councils, etc.

At present, the Japanese method of organizing "quality circles" is widely recognized in many countries. Quality circles and small problem groups, created on a temporary or permanent basis to solve various production problems, have become the main methods of attracting workers to management. The main requirement for their creation is the need to orient the activities of all small problem groups towards the general goals of the enterprise and its focus on achieving the goals of the organization as a whole.

It should be noted that management involvement programs, despite their obvious positive features, have a number of disadvantages:

too few employees participate in these programs (10-15% of the total number of employees of the company);

disunity of members of small groups, because they specially meet to discuss and solve problems at a certain time (once a week, a month, etc.), and the rest of the time, everyone goes about their usual business.

one should not count on the global effect of the activities of such small groups, because they are mainly attended by workers from the lower production levels, who are not able to make significant adjustments to the current management system, because they are the activities of small problem groups are usually focused on improving specific production processes, and not on increasing the overall efficiency of the organization's management;

Measures to involve employees in management must begin with a change in the process of introducing managerial innovations, then these measures will have a stimulating effect. More promising is the introduction of new forms of management among those workers whose daily work will directly depend on these new forms of labor organization and management. These measures will be less effective if the process of introducing new methods of work and management will be focused on functional specialists who will be engaged in the implementation of innovations solely by the nature of their duties.

Business career management is activities carried out by the personnel department of an enterprise for planning, motivating and monitoring the employee's career growth based on his goals, needs, capabilities, abilities and inclinations, as well as based on the socio-economic conditions of the organization.

If we talk about the organizational interpretation of career management, then this is the management of the progressive advancement of an employee up the career ladder, associated with changes in skills, abilities, qualifications and the amount of remuneration based on the results of the employee's labor activity. Career does not always mean moving up the corporate ladder, taking up a higher position within the organizational hierarchy. A career can also be called obtaining greater powers, higher status, prestige, power, material wealth, obtaining higher qualifications, etc. (you can briefly mention the types of careers: vertical, horizontal, centripetal, intra-organizational, inter-organizational). An understanding of a career on a personal level is reflected in the employee's subjectively conscious own judgments about his work future, about the expected ways of self-expression and satisfaction with work.

The engine of career motivation is the deep motives of the personality that determine the desire to have a particular job or occupy a certain position, which determine the desire to see and know the prospect, the specific goal of their labor efforts.

The presence and awareness of an employee of a perspective, a specific goal has a powerful influence on the motivation of work, and in this sense, it is career management that is the main condition for the stimulating effect of these measures. Uncertainty of the future reduces the motivation generated by purposefulness: among employees for whom the future prospects are not clear (fired or not, transferred to another department or not transferred, etc.), there is more often a decrease in labor productivity, activity and, in general, desire to work. The power of stimulation by goals depends on how clearly a person is aware of the goal, the meaning of the activity. The goal will stimulate a person only when its achievement has some meaning for him. Senseless work not only diminishes the strength of the motive, but also degrades the dignity of a person.

The reality of achieving the goal not only gives the activity a clear direction, but also significantly increases the motivation to achieve these goals. The proximity of the goal, as well as the idea of ​​the final results of the activity, more strongly induce the achievement of this goal. Therefore, the practice of stimulation in this case should be focused on the formation of a continuous perspective ("tomorrow's joy"), with private goals increasing in difficulty.

It is advisable for managers of any hierarchical level to set for themselves and their subordinates not only distant, but also intermediate and close goals.

At the same time, a long wait, an indefinite postponement of the satisfaction of a need often leads to a "cooling" of a person, to a loss of desire and interest. The same effect is exerted by the ambiguity of the goal, its ambiguity. Example: wanting to read something for a dream to come, we begin to sort through the books and, as a result of the protracted search, we generally lose interest in reading and cancel our intention.

Thus, the practice of career management as a measure of organizational incentives for labor should be focused on the fact that the prospect of an activity should be clearly conscious, specific, achievable (close), continuous, with private (intermediate) goals constantly increasing in difficulty, should make sense, give an idea of ​​the expected final results of activities.

This type of organizational stimulation is aimed at ensuring the commitment of the employee to the interests of the organization, increasing labor productivity, reducing staff turnover, more fully disclosing a person's abilities, because provides a materially and morally justified opportunity to work in full force and creates conditions for expedient, meaningful work, focused on the long term.

When developing specific career management programs, the HR professional should:

Assess the professional, business and personal qualities of the employee;

Assess the professional suitability of the employee;

Develop areas of professional and career growth;

Formulate the conditions for promotion (theoretical education, professional development, experience building, etc.).

As a result of these measures, motivation for training, professional development, exchange of experience is formed, the employee is better aware of the tasks of his activity and understands the need to succeed in the chosen field of activity. At the same time, work in this organization is no longer considered temporary, the future is associated with it, since it is here that the opportunity to satisfy one's ambitions in the best sense of the word is provided.

Chernysheva Yu.E., Southern Federal University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Personnel Management, 3rd year

1. Introduction

A person's participation in economic activity is characterized by his needs and the possibilities for their satisfaction, which are determined by the characteristics of human potential: health, morality, creativity, education and professionalism. Thus, a person in a market economy acts, on the one hand, as a consumer of economic benefits produced by organizations, and on the other, as the owner of the abilities, knowledge and skills necessary for organizations, state and public bodies.

The concept of the quality of working life is based on the creation of conditions that ensure the optimal use of a person's labor potential. Quality of working life can be increased by changing for the better any parameters that affect people's lives. This includes, for example, the participation of employees in management, their training, management training, the implementation of career development programs, training employees in methods of more effective communication and behavior in a team, improving the organization of work, etc. As a result, labor potential is maximized, and the organization - high level of labor productivity and maximum profit.

At the present stage of development of management thought, a lot of attention is paid to such a component of the quality of working life as psychological and emotional satisfaction of employees. Since in the process of aggravating the influence of negative factors, the emergence of dissatisfaction, overload, and due to the effect of emotional burnout, performance and labor efficiency decreases. The main problem considered in the work is the possibility and ways of improving the quality of the employee's working life in the process of forming professional and personal comfort, increasing the degree of employee satisfaction and overcoming stress.

Often, workers are in a rapidly changing or stressful environment, and the level of physical activity at work may not be sufficient to maintain health. The longer and harder people work, the more the work affects their personal life. This connection becomes more pronounced when work begins to affect human health. From the results of this survey, it becomes clear that for many there is a clear relationship between work and health.

Fig. 1 Indicators of the negative impact of work on overall health, according to respondents

Improving the quality of working life provides for the improvement of the socio-economic content of labor, the development of those characteristics of labor potential that allow entrepreneurs to more fully use the intellectual, creative, organizational, and moral abilities of a person. The corresponding quality of working life should create conditions in order to give an outlet to the creative abilities of the employee himself, when the main motive is not the salary, not the position, not the working conditions, but satisfaction from labor achievements as a result of self-realization and self-expression.

The relevance of the research topic is determined by the need to create conditions for the effective functioning of the organization through the resource that is so important at the present time - personnel. And satisfaction with psychological working conditions directly affects productivity and quality of work.

Quality of working life most economists are recognized as a factor and at the same time an important element of the quality of life. Research and formed scientific concepts in this area, as well as the basic conditions that provide quality of working life, dedicated their works to: V.N. Bobkov, V.F. Potudanskaya, P.V. Savchenko, G.E. Slezinger, N.A. Tuchkova, P.E. Schlender.

Among the foreign authors who have formed the conceptual foundations are: the work of J. Heckman, associated with the creation of programs to improve the quality of working life in the United States. The works of M. Albert, M. Mescon, F. Hedoury present developments on the application of the quality of working life in the field of human resource management in the United States.

Objectives of the work:

  1. To study the influence of negative psychosocial production factors on the level of the quality of the worker's working life.
  2. In the course of independent research, to study the possible reasons for the formation of the effect of emotional burnout.

According to the objectives of the study, the following tasks were set:

  1. Describe the significance of the psychosocial component in the theory of the quality of working life
  2. Conduct a study among the teaching staff of a secondary school, specialists of the information and implementation center "Partnership" and working senior students on the subject of the relationship between character accentuations and the degree of burnout effect.
  3. Provide a list of possible ways out of difficult work situations associated with stress, overload and the effect of emotional burnout.

2. Theory of the quality of working life

Ideas about the quality of working life at the present stage

Labor is an expedient, material, social, tool activity of people aimed at meeting the needs of the individual and society.

Labor is becoming the main way of self-affirmation of a person in the world. In work, the physical and spiritual qualities of a person are improved, and their own cultural needs are formed. Thus, in labor, not only consumer products are created, but also the doer himself, the subject of labor - a person. In this regard, we can say with good reason - "labor created man." Based on these judgments, it can be concluded that for a person involved in labor relations and striving to make these relations more efficient, the components of the quality of working life become very important factors.

One of the most important recent developments in human resource management is related to the creation of programs and methods to improve the QUALITY OF WORKING LIFE. J.R. Heckman and J.Lloyd Suttle define quality of working life as "the degree to which members of a manufacturing organization can satisfy their important personal needs through their work in that organization."

AP Egorshin gives such a concept to the quality of working life: "With the development of the labor market, an important function of the organization is to improve the quality of working life - the level of satisfaction of the personal needs of workers through their activities in the organization."

From the very definition of the quality of working life, it follows that this concept is initially interconnected with the theory of motivation. Motive is understood as the motivation of human behavior based on subjective feelings of deficiencies or personal stimuli.

The main thing in motivation is its inextricable connection with the needs of a person. A person seeks to reduce stress when he experiences a need (not always realized) in the satisfaction of any need (biological or social).

Rice. 2. Model of motivated behavior

On the basis of emerging or already existing needs, a person has various motives that add up to a single motivational structure and, acting on which through motivators, labor efficiency and employee satisfaction increase.

Fig 3. Approaches to personnel management

Quality of working life is a multifaceted indicator containing both objective and subjective characteristics. The former include indicators of per capita income, population migration, mortality rates, education system and level, the degree of equality in the distribution of income, etc. The subjective ones are perception assessments, which are mainly present in various social surveys or public opinion polls.

Considering the entire system of factors, it should be remembered that a real assessment of the quality of working life can be obtained only by analyzing and assessing both the objective and subjective components of each of the factors under consideration, which means that it is necessary to know how workers themselves assess the influence of factors of the quality of working life. It is a subjective assessment based on the results of a survey of the opinions of workers that makes it possible to assess the satisfaction with the work of an individual employee, a group of employees, and the entire labor collective.

For a correct analysis of the production activity of a person, first of all, it is necessary to distinguish between his ability and readiness to work. It should be borne in mind that both components are closely interrelated and interdependent. This approach requires careful consideration of various factors that determine the ability and desire to work, since it is they that decisively determine the degree of labor efficiency. A person's skill is aimed at the development of work skills, which include the knowledge gained, the mental and physical capabilities of their application, as well as such specific qualities inherent in a person as prudence, endurance, patience, sensitivity, and the ability to adequately respond to a situation. In other words, each employee must understand well what knowledge and abilities he must have in order to successfully solve the task, and what working conditions are necessary for this.

The organization of work, being one of the main characteristics of the quality of working life, affects the change in the nature of work, and, consequently, the way to enhance motivation and increase productivity. However, this dependence is observed only in people and organizations with certain characteristics. These characteristics are summarized in the model developed by R. Heckman and G. Oldham.

In accordance with the theory of R. Heckman and G. Oldham, there are three psychological states that determine a person's satisfaction with their work and motivation:

  • the perceived value of the work, i.e. the degree to which a person perceives their work as something important, valuable and worthwhile;
  • felt frankness, i.e. the degree to which a person feels responsible for the results of his work;
  • knowledge of the results, i.e. the degree of a person's understanding of the effectiveness or efficiency of his work.

The feeling of the importance of work is realized by providing the employee with the opportunity to expand the number of work skills, the certainty of production tasks, and an increase in their importance. Responsibility for the results of work can be strengthened by giving the employee more independence.

Awareness of the real results of his work is ensured if the employee receives feedback on his work.

The enrichment of the content of labor (work) should create conditions for the preservation and development of the employee's personality, when he is provided with opportunities for improving skills, developing abilities, increasing knowledge, manifesting independence, and a variety of work. The meaningfulness of work is the relative degree of influence that an employee can have on the work itself and the work environment. This includes factors such as independence in planning and performing work, determining the mode of work, and participation in decision-making.

Quality of working life can be increased by changing any organizational parameters that affect of people. This includes decentralization of power, participation in leadership, education, leadership training, management programs about career movement, training employees in methods of more effective general niya and team behavior. All these measures are aimed at giving people additional opportunities to satisfy their active personal needs. while simultaneously increasing the efficiency of the organization.

3. Socio-psychological component of the quality of working life and the factors that determine it.

In order to effectively manage people, you need to understand what driving forces affect the way people behave at work. This means that you need to take into account the fundamental characteristics of people, namely:

  • Individual differences - human ability, intelligence, personality, education and culture, gender and race;
  • Attitudes - causes and manifestations;
  • Impact on behavior - personality and attitudes;
  • Attribution theory - how we form an opinion about people;
  • Orientation - people's approaches to work;
  • Roles are the roles that people play in fulfilling their job responsibilities.

Assuming innate differences between people based on their gender or race is dangerous and offensive. If there are differences in behavior at work, they are most likely due to environmental and cultural factors. Undoubtedly, the working environment influences the feelings and behavior of each of these categories. The conducted research, according to D. Arnold's data, found that working women in general "experience more daily stress, dissatisfaction in marriage and anxiety about age, and are less inclined to openly express irritation than housewives and men."

Acquired traits such as attitudes, expectations and their alignment with the culture and customs of the company play a much more important role in shaping the professional comfort of the employee.

When people are faced with a situation, such as doing a job, they must play certain roles to cope with that situation. Ambiguity and inconsistency of roles, or role conflict in most cases lead to oppression of the employee's perception of the production atmosphere, other team members, their own significance, and leads to stressful situations.

Emotional stress in the labor process is due to various reasons:

1) Responsibility of varying degrees for the result of one's own activity can have moral, material, administrative, criminal aspects.

2) The most significant of all indicators of tension is the risk to health and life (of one's own and others), regardless of the degree of its probability.

Negative emotional stress, being a manifestation of occupational stress, is accompanied by a tension of autonomic functions (an increase in the levels of pulse and blood pressure, increased sweating, a change in the temperature reaction of the skin). In the future, this can lead to negative consequences on the part of the cardiovascular system. Emotional stress is often found in professions related to medicine, pedagogy, driving a vehicle, the service sector, and business. They are also typical for dispatchers of various services, rescuers, firefighters, police, etc.

Monotony of loads.

1) The number of elements in an operation and their duration per second are characteristics of sensorimotor (man-made) activity. These indicators can be investigated by timing methods using the example of any work of the local, local-regional and regional type, performed on a conveyor belt with a continuous or intermittent cycle.

2) The time of active actions and the time of passive observation are manifestations of the monotony of the sensory type, inherent in dispatching types of work, driving a vehicle, and working in security. They are also determined by chronometric studies. The size of these periods is calculated as a percentage of the total duration of the shift.

The inner atmosphere is of great importance for motivation,
corporate principles, psychological climate in the company. You can say as much as you like “we are cheerful, cheerful”, but if this is deceit, then there will be no positive result. If a person feels that it is possible to achieve something in the company only by pull or similar principles, then he will not be motivated. The efficiency of work in an unhealthy psychological climate decreases significantly.

As a result, one of the components that negatively affect the quality of working life is psychosocial disturbances in the normal course of the work process. Failures in it lead to a violation of its rhythm, loss of working time, deviations from the requirements of technology. Overtime work, combined with frequent downtime, and the use of workers outside their specialty are one of the main causes of job dissatisfaction and, therefore, lead to a decrease in the quality of working life.

According to the concept of quality of working life, the development of friendly relations with colleagues and the opportunity for employees to participate in decision-making that affect their work is linked to whether employees feel self-respect for themselves, have a sense of their own dignity, whether they feel the uniqueness of their personality, whether they feel loyalty to colleagues and a sense of belonging to the firm. The moral and psychological climate at the enterprise should ensure good relationships in a team free from prejudices.

The conditions in which the members of the working group interact affect the success of their joint activities, satisfaction with the process and work results. An analogy can be drawn with the natural and climatic conditions in which a plant lives and develops. In one climate it can blossom, in another it can wither away. The same can be said about the socio-psychological climate: in some conditions people feel uncomfortable, tend to leave the group, spend less time in it, their personal growth slows down, in others the group functions optimally and its members get the opportunity to fully realize their potential ...

When talking about the socio-psychological climate (SPC) of a team, they mean the following:

  • a set of socio-psychological characteristics of the group;
  • the prevailing and stable psychological mood of the team;
  • the nature of the relationship in the team;
  • integral characteristic of the collective state.

Favorable SPK is characterized by optimism, joy of communication, trust, a sense of security, safety and comfort, mutual support, warmth and attention in relationships, interpersonal sympathy, openness of communication, confidence, cheerfulness, the ability to think freely, create, grow intellectually and professionally, contribute to development of the organization, making mistakes without fear of punishment, etc.

Unfavorable SPK is characterized by pessimism, irritability, boredom, high tension and conflict of relations in the group, insecurity, fear of making a mistake or making a bad impression, fear of punishment, rejection, misunderstanding, hostility, suspicion, distrust of each other, unwillingness to invest efforts in a joint product, in development of the team and the organization as a whole, dissatisfaction, etc.

There are signs by which one can indirectly judge the atmosphere in the group. These include:

  • staff turnover rate;
  • labor productivity;
  • product quality;
  • the number of absenteeism and lateness;
  • the number of claims, complaints from employees and customers;
  • completion of work on time or with delay;
  • accuracy or negligence in handling equipment;
  • the frequency of work interruptions.

There are a number of factors that determine the socio-psychological climate in the team. Let's try to list them.

Global macroenvironment: the situation in society, the totality of economic, cultural, political and other conditions. Stability in the economic and political life of a society ensures the social and psychological well-being of its members and indirectly affects the socio-psychological climate of working groups.

Local macro environment, i.e. organization, the structure of which includes the labor collective. The size of the organization, the status-role structure, the absence of functional and role contradictions, the degree of centralization of power, the participation of employees in planning, in the allocation of resources, the composition of structural units (gender and age, professional, ethnic), etc.

Physical microclimate, sanitary and hygienic working conditions. Heat, stuffiness, poor lighting, constant noise can become a source of increased irritability and indirectly affect the psychological atmosphere in the group. On the contrary, a well-equipped workplace and favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions increase job satisfaction in general, contributing to the formation of a favorable SPK.

The psychological contract can be described as a set of mutual, unwritten expectations that exist between workers and employers. It implies that there is an unwritten, ongoing set of expectations for every person in the organization that affects assumptions, expectations, promises, and mutual obligations. The psychological contract prompts the answers to two key questions of labor relations that concern people: "What can I expect from the organization" and "What contribution and to what extent is expected from me in return?" However, it is unlikely that both the psychological contract itself and the labor relationship in general will be fully understood by each of the parties.

The psychological contract suggests answers to two key questions of labor relations that concern people: "What can I reasonably expect from the organization," "What contribution and in what amount is expected from me in return?" However, it is unlikely that both the psychological contract itself and the labor relationship in general will be fully understood by each of the parties.

Aspects of the employment relationship implicit in the psychological contract include, from the employee's point of view, the following:

  • confidence that the organization's management will keep its promises, i.e. "Execute the deal"; attitude towards employees from the standpoint of fairness, equality and stability;
  • job security;
  • the opportunity to show competence;
  • expectation of career growth and conditions for the development of skills and abilities;
  • involvement in the labor process and the ability to influence.

From the employer's point of view, the psychological contract includes the following aspects of the labor relationship:

  • commitment;
  • competence; efforts; subordination; loyalty.

The discrepancy between these expectations of the employee and the employer, as well as non-compliance with the terms of the psychological contract, or a sharp change in the conditions of one of the parties (mainly by the organization) leads to the formation of employee dissatisfaction, psychological depression and a decrease in work efficiency, or, on the contrary, a protest in a hidden or open form, which adversely affects the entire psychological climate of the team.

Job satisfaction. Of great importance for the formation of a favorable SPK is how interesting, diverse, and creative work is for a person, whether it corresponds to his professional level, whether it allows him to realize his creative potential, to grow professionally. The attractiveness of work increases satisfaction with working conditions, wages, the system of material and moral incentives, social security, distribution of vacations, working hours, information support, career prospects, the opportunity to improve the level of one's professionalism, the level of competence of colleagues, the nature of business and personal relationships in the team vertically and horizontals, etc.

Psychological compatibility is an important factor affecting SPK. Psychological compatibility is understood as the ability for joint activity, which is based on the optimal combination of the personal qualities of the participants in the team. Psychological compatibility may be due to the similarity of the characteristics of the participants in joint activities. It is easier for people who are similar to each other to establish interaction. The similarity contributes to the appearance of a sense of security and self-confidence, and increases self-esteem. Psychological compatibility may also be based on the difference in characteristics based on the principle of complementarity. In this case, they say that people fit together "like a key to a lock." The condition and result of compatibility is interpersonal sympathy, the attachment of the participants in the interaction to each other. Forced communication with an unpleasant subject can become a source of negative emotions.

The degree of psychological compatibility of employees is influenced by how homogeneous the composition of the working group is according to various social and psychological parameters:

There are three levels of compatibility: psychophysiological, psychological and socio-psychological:

The psychophysiological level of compatibility is based on the optimal combination of the features of the sensory system (sight, hearing, touch, etc.) and the properties of temperament. This level of compatibility is especially important when organizing joint activities. A choleric person and a phlegmatic person will perform the task at a different pace, which can lead to disruptions in work and tension in relations between workers.

The psychological level assumes compatibility of characters, motives, types of behavior.

The socio-psychological level of compatibility is based on the consistency of social roles, social attitudes, value orientations, interests. It will be difficult for two entities seeking to dominate to organize joint activities. Compatibility will be facilitated by the orientation of one of them towards submission. A quick-tempered and impulsive person is more suitable as a partner for a calm and balanced employee. Psychological compatibility is promoted by self-criticism, tolerance and trust in relation to the interaction partner.

Harmony is the result of employee compatibility. It ensures the maximum possible success of joint activities at the lowest cost.

The nature of communications in the organization acts as a factor of the SPK. The lack of complete and accurate information on an issue that is important to employees creates fertile ground for the emergence and spread of rumors and gossip, weaving intrigues and behind-the-scenes games. The role of the manager in creating the optimal SPK is decisive:

The democratic style develops sociability and trust in relationships, friendliness. At the same time, there is no feeling of imposition of decisions from the outside, “from above”. The participation of team members in management, characteristic of this leadership style, contributes to the optimization of the SPK.

An authoritarian style usually breeds hostility, submissiveness and ingratiation, envy and mistrust. But if this style leads to success that justifies its use in the eyes of the group, it contributes to a favorable SPK, such as in sports or in the military.

The permissive style results in low productivity and quality of work, dissatisfaction with joint activities and leads to the formation of an unfavorable SPK. The permissive style may be acceptable only in some creative groups.

If the manager makes excessive demands, publicly criticizes employees, often punishes and rarely encourages, does not appreciate their contribution to joint activities, threatens, tries to intimidate with dismissal, deprivation of bonuses, etc., behaves in accordance with the slogan “the boss is always right”, does not listen to the opinions of subordinates, is inattentive to their needs and interests, he creates an unhealthy work environment. The lack of mutual respect and trust forces people to take a defensive position, to defend themselves against each other, the frequency of contacts decreases, communication barriers and conflicts arise, there is a desire to leave the organization and, as a result, there is a decrease in productivity and product quality. The fear of punishment gives rise to the desire to avoid responsibility for the mistakes made, to shift blame onto others, and to look for a "scapegoat." Even if a leader uses an authoritarian management style, he can be positive if, when making a decision, he takes into account the interests of employees, explains his choice to them, makes his actions understandable and reasonable, in other words, he begins to pay more attention to establishing a strong and close relationship with subordinates.

4. The effect of emotional burnout as a consequence of the imbalance in the factors of the socio-psychological component of the quality of working life

4.1. Burnout effect

The term "burnout" was first coined by the American psychologist Fredenberg in 1974. It denotes the mental state of people who interact intensively and closely with others. Initially, Fredenberg included in this group specialists working in crisis centers and psychiatric clinics, later she united all professions that presuppose constant, close communication ("person - person").

Burn-out syndrome is a state of emotional, mental, physical exhaustion that develops as a result of chronic unresolved stress in the workplace. The development of this syndrome is typical for altruistic professions, where care for people dominates (social workers, doctors, nurses, teachers, etc.).

The first work on burnout appeared in the 70s in the USA. One of the founders of the idea of ​​burnout is H. Fredenberger, an American psychiatrist who worked in an alternative medical care service. In 1974, he described a phenomenon that he observed in himself and his colleagues (exhaustion, loss of motivation and responsibility) and called it a memorable metaphor - burnout. Another founder of the idea of ​​burnout, Christina Maslach, a social psychologist, defined this concept as a syndrome of physical and emotional exhaustion, including the development of negative self-esteem, negative attitude to work, loss of understanding and empathy towards clients or patients.

The main symptoms of CMEA:

  • Deteriorating relationships with colleagues and relatives;
  • Growing negativism towards patients (colleges);
  • Alcohol, nicotine, caffeine abuse;
  • Loss of sense of humor, constant feelings of failure and guilt;
  • Increased irritability - both at work and at home;
  • A persistent desire to change occupation;
  • Every now and then the absent-mindedness arises;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Heightened susceptibility to infectious diseases;
  • Increased fatigue, feeling tired throughout the entire working day.

Burnout syndrome includes 3 stages, each of which consists of 4 symptoms:

  • dissatisfaction with yourself,
  • "caged",
  • experiencing traumatic situations,
  • anxiety and depression.

2nd stage (2) "Resistance" - symptoms:

  • inadequate, selective emotional response,
  • emotional and moral disorientation,
  • expanding the sphere of saving emotions,
  • reduction of professional duties.

3rd stage (3) "Exhaustion" - symptoms:

  • emotional deficit
  • emotional detachment
  • personal detachment,
  • psychosomatic and psychovegetative disorders.

The change of seasons, especially the end of winter - the beginning of spring, gray snowdrifts, slush, city traffic jams often provoke depression and bad mood. Previously, the business activity of your employees could be envied, but now many look tired and annoyed, they are rude to colleagues and clients, and are late for work. You are worried about their condition, but you do not know what is the reason and what can be done ... Perhaps, some of them developed "professional burnout syndrome" ...

A sign of an employee's imminent professional crisis is increased irritability, which can turn into unmotivated aggression towards others. The reasons for this behavior are hidden in internal tension: dissatisfaction with oneself or others, creative stagnation, internal conflicts that a person, as a rule, is not aware of. This stress builds up, and from time to time it becomes necessary to dump it into the external environment. When this need makes itself felt, any difficulties that have not previously caused such a violent emotional reaction become catalysts.

Leaders and HR managers should listen to employee complaints about poor health and well-being. Chronic fatigue, decreased interest in current events, a feeling of physical weakness, emotional exhaustion, drowsiness or insomnia - each of these signs can indicate nervous overload and a developing syndrome.

It is important to timely identify the emergence and development of professional burnout syndrome. After all, its consequences have a detrimental effect not only on the career of individual employees, but sometimes on the success of the business as a whole. So which worker is most affected by this syndrome?

Firstly, representatives of communication professions suffer the most, that is, those employees whose work is associated with constant communication: company executives, sales managers, training managers, personnel managers, recruiters, psychologists, etc. Their work is related to huge psychological stress: during the day you have to contact a variety of people, including strangers, talk a lot, listen, smile, be always in shape.

Those who deal with clients who are in a negative emotional state are especially susceptible to burnout, for example, call center employees who communicate with conflicting clients several times a day. Day after day, the level of tension in such workers builds up, and at some point, their body begins to defend itself. Protection is manifested in the desire to get away from communication, to reduce the time of interaction with clients, managers and colleagues.

Secondly, the risk group includes employees prone to age crises. In the able-bodied period of life, people may be subject to a crisis of professional self-determination, a crisis of the meaning of life and a crisis of middle age.

The crisis of professional self-determination occurs at the age of 20-23 and, as a rule, is caused by the fact that a person passes into a new status for himself - the status of an employee of the organization. The daily routine of a young employee is changing dramatically, he needs to quickly adapt to the requirements of the employer and the new team, and acquire practical skills. For yesterday's students, the first serious work may be accompanied by chronic fears: "What if it won't work out?" These fears and high internal stress are signs of professional burnout syndrome and can lead to doubts about the correctness of the chosen profession. In this case, a novice specialist needs additional training, instruction or a mentor who could not only teach the young colleague work skills, but also support him morally. If burnout is related to disappointment in the profession, the HR manager can conduct a series of career guidance tests and interviews with the young employee to determine plans for the future. While the employee is young and energetic, he can still master a new type of activity and get another profession.

A crisis in the meaning of life, or a crisis of 30 years, can cause an unexpected decline in professional activity. As a rule, by this age, a person has already decided on the choice of his life path, achieved the first successes, solved the tasks that he set for himself 10-15 years ago. And then, on the wave of success, the question suddenly arises: "Did I strive for those goals?" People who do not have a ready-made answer to this question begin to doubt their choice. This crisis is painfully experienced by those who have not fully realized their plans or have experienced disappointment - in their profession, in business or in their personal lives. The syndrome of professional burnout, which develops against the background of the “crisis of the meaning of life,” is characterized by a decline in business activity and alienation from colleagues. In these cases, a person can become attached to alcohol, neglect the requirements of labor discipline, move away from their direct duties, and be in the office as little as possible.

4.2. Practical research (possible reasons for the formation of the effect of emotional burnout)

Professional activity is full of stressors. Among the main psychologists are the following:

  • The need to communicate a lot and intensively with different people, familiar and unfamiliar. From day to day you have to deal with different problems of many people, and such contact from an emotional point of view is very difficult to maintain for a long time. If you are characterized by modesty, shyness, isolation and concentration on the problems of "everyday work", then you tend to accumulate emotional discomfort.
  • Frequent work in situations requiring high efficiency(you should be invariably sweet, charming, polite, organized, collected, etc.). Such publicity and tight external control from both the manager and colleagues can, over time, cause internal irritation and emotional instability.
  • Emotionally tense atmosphere(a stream of calls, things "for yesterday", receptions, visits, dependence on the mood of the manager), constant control over the correctness of their actions... In an environment where demands exceed your internal and external resources, stress arises as a natural reaction.

A number of researchers believe that the main prerequisites for creating an unfavorable work atmosphere and a deterioration in professional and personal comfort are the presence of organizational problems (too much workload, insufficient ability to control the situation, lack of organizational community, insufficient moral and material remuneration, injustice, lack of significance of the work performed). At the same time, other researchers consider personal characteristics (low self-esteem, high neuroticism, anxiety, etc.) to be more important. Thus, there are no unified views on the etiopathogenesis of burnout, and there are no established uniform diagnostic criteria.

In the course of an independent study, a survey was carried out of a group of teaching staff of a secondary school, specialists of the information and implementation center "Partnership" and working senior students on the subject of the relationship between character accentuations and the degree of burnout effect. The total number is 50 people.

The respondents were offered a methodology for identifying character accentuations of Leonhard-Shmishek and a modified method for studying the degree of Boyko's emotional burnout (see Appendix).

During the study, the following assumption was made:

Most of all, the risk of occurrence of CMEA is exposed to persons who make exorbitant demands on themselves. In their view, a real specialist is an example of professional invulnerability and perfection. Individuals in this category associate their work with purpose, mission, so the line between work and personal life is blurred.

In the course of the research, three more types of people were identified who are threatened by CMEA.

The first type is the so-called " pedantic". The main characteristics of this type: conscientiousness, raised to the absolute, excessive, painful accuracy, the desire to achieve exemplary order in any business (even to the detriment of oneself).

The second type is " demonstrative". People of this type strive to excel in everything, to always be in sight. At the same time, they are characterized by a high degree of exhaustion when performing imperceptible, routine work.

The third type is " emotive"." Emotics are infinitely, unnaturally sensitive and impressionable. Their responsiveness, a tendency to perceive someone else's pain as their own borders on pathology, on self-destruction, and all this with an obvious lack of strength to resist any unfavorable circumstances.

It is also interesting that the degree of CMEA often grows with the degree of unhealthy loyalty and commitment to the organization.

And also the fact that often employees who are more susceptible to the onset of the syndrome can belong to borderline types of accentuation, but have rather high scores for problem accentuations, i.e. complement their character type with traits from the risk group.

The main indicators of the work of any enterprise are the position of the management, efficiency, psychological climate. Changing one of these parameters entails changing all the others in one direction or another.

The position of a manager plays an important role in the formation of the psychological climate at the enterprise. The formation of a healthy or unhealthy psychological climate depends on this. In turn, the psychological climate at the enterprise forms the qualities of the subordinates that promote or oppose an increase in the performance of the team as a whole.

Timely diagnostics of the team will allow the leader to make the necessary adjustments to his own position of the leadership and thereby turn the work of subordinates in the direction he needs.

How to get accustomed to a new team: four rules

The trial period is the first three months. During this period, it is necessary not only to prove yourself as good as possible, but also to enter the team as much as possible, accept the norms of corporate culture, coordinate the psychological climate of the company and the team (department) with their own ideas about comfort.

Rule # 1: Pause

We all experience discomfort when joining a new team. A person needs time to feel the space. Therefore, you need to take a break and look around. If you have the opportunity, of course.

First, it is best to carefully observe what kind of people are around, to remain neutral for a while. And only then, having carried out a little reconnaissance on the ground, start your work duties. At the same time, the “pause at the entrance” may take different times for different people: for some, a few hours are enough, while others will come to their senses from the abrupt change of life only after a week.

Rule # 2: Shy? Tell about it!

Shyness is irresistible. If a shy person tries to overcome it, this can result in rudeness, arrogance. But at the same time, you can help yourself, you can dull the excitement of the first working day: just tell others about it.

The older a person is, the easier it is for him to talk about his fears. If you openly say: I am worried, today is my first working day, you could not help me, people will come to the rescue. Moreover, shyness and excitement cannot be kept in oneself - this is harmful to health: people trying to hide their condition break through sweat, their stomach rolls, the right words are lost, they often find themselves in ridiculous situations.

Rule # 3: Open up

If a person comes to a completely new team - for example, a company has just started its work - it is much easier for him than for a newcomer who is part of an established team with his own traditions. The main thing here is to be friendly, open to communication, to establish contacts with people.

It is very important not to be isolated in yourself: benevolence, smile and willingness to help will always be on your side.

Rule # 4: Understand what can and cannot be asked

To define their responsibilities, a person often needs to ask many clarifying questions. First, make a list of all the questions. Write them down, determine for yourself personally, which is not yet clear in a new job.

Then go through this list, understand whether the answers to all questions can be obtained exclusively from colleagues, or whether you can take a lot from other sources: look on the Internet, read instructions and references, etc.

In the process of searching for answers, you will come to understand that you can still only find out a certain list of questions from your colleagues. At this stage, any shyness should disappear, and a clear understanding should be formed that asking questions is a work necessity.

After that, you need to mentally distribute the remaining list of questions among your colleagues. Thus, a person once again structures information for himself. After that, you can safely go and ask - you will not seem intrusive, stupid or unwise to anyone.

Work stress: ways to overcome

Some companies develop special support programs that allow employees to have access to telephone consultations, trainings, teach methods of providing psychological assistance, and organize events aimed at team building and relaxation. It should be noted, however, that management's focus on stress at work is still a rare occurrence in Russia.

  • Develop time management skills and prioritize work wisely.
  • Grow professionally, improve your competence and try new approaches to problem solving.
  • Divide global goals into intermediate ones, strive to achieve them and enjoy success.
  • Feel free to reach out to colleagues and friends for help and support. Show attention to people, be sincere and friendly with them. This will give you an outside perspective and encouragement.
  • If you make a mistake, forgive yourself and learn a lesson from this experience that will help you deal with this situation in the best possible way in the future.
  • Delegate authority.
  • Plan your personal time, spend time with family and friends, notice the wonderful things in life, develop your interests.
  • The close connection between our body and the emotional state has long been proven, so any positive effect, whether it be sports or spa treatments, will have an excellent anti-stress effect, giving a feeling of vigor and recovery.
  • Develop positive thinking skills.

Prevention of burnout syndrome

An excellent remedy for both age and professional crisis is the analysis of information about the business activity of employees, their interest in work, and motivation. You can prepare a small test for employees on the topic "Are you at risk for burnout syndrome?" Talking to a staff member or a psychologist will also help the employee understand that the syndrome is a temporary phenomenon and it is not at all necessary to commit spontaneous, rash actions under its influence. Employees of all levels should know that loss of energy and emotional breakdowns are natural with the development of professional burnout syndrome, that this is a natural mechanism for regulating the internal state of mind and this happens to everyone.

Another method of preventing burnout syndrome is adhering to a vacation schedule. Give workers full rest and recuperation. In order for the rest to be effective, advise the employee during the vacation not to contact colleagues, not think about work and change the environment (go out of town, on a trip abroad). Let this time he fully devote to himself. A change in the rhythm of life and the environment always has a positive effect on the emotional sphere of a person.

People with the following characteristics are experiencing a lower health risk of occupational burnout:

  • good health;
  • conscious, purposeful care of your physical condition (constant sports activities and maintaining a healthy lifestyle);
  • high self-esteem and self-confidence, their abilities and capabilities.

In addition, professional burnout is less likely to threaten those who have experience of successfully overcoming professional stress and are able to change constructively in stressful conditions. They are sociable, open-minded, independent and strive to rely on their own strengths, constantly improving their professional and personal level. Finally, an important trait of burnout-resistant individuals is the ability to form and maintain optimistic attitudes towards themselves and other people and life in general.

So, it must be remembered that low performance during a crisis does not deprive you of your professional qualities and you continue to be a valuable employee.

There are several methods of psychological recovery from a difficult situation that can help neutralize professional burnout. The latter in the early stages is almost completely amenable to correction without the help of psychologists and special medical equipment.

is a panacea for almost all ills and a cure for all mental trauma. Someone is more suitable for auto-training or meditation, for someone - daily exercise or dousing with cold water, and for someone - running or modern dances.
  • Full rest... Effective work is impossible without it. What is your holiday - decide for yourself. There is only one condition - you need to spend some time on rest, and not just “take a nap on the subway”. A change of scenery, new impressions, an emotional shake-up will renew you and, when you return, you can continue to work productively.
  • The art of rationalization... Remember that your job is not your whole life. Treat it like a small piece of your life film.
  • Psychological withdrawal... In a situation where you are insulted by visitors or a boss, create a mental barrier in the form of glass in the car through which you can see the other but not hear them.
  • Creating physical distance... You can stand or sit a little further away from visitors than usual, look them in the eyes less often, and use signals that implicitly indicate the transience of the conversation. Talk to visitors about superficial, general topics. This will require much less personal resources from you.
  • 5. Conclusion

    Summing up the work, one cannot fail to note once again that the level of the quality of working life directly affects the state of the employee, his willingness to work, efficiency and effectiveness of results. Undoubtedly, the level of remuneration, according to research by consulting companies, is the most important factor in labor efficiency in the survey of respondents. However, one cannot but pay attention to the psychosocial component of the employee's comfort, since, due to the impossibility of a constant increase in wages, satisfaction with the amount of money decreases over time and the indicators of the psychological climate of the company and the emotional harmony of the employee come first.

    Many people feel that their work is negatively affecting their health. This is understandable because if people spend a significant amount of time at work, for many of them work and life are closely intertwined.

    Typically, workers identify a number of factors that adversely affect health, including:

    Overtime hours
    Work associated with low physical activity
    Poor morale / lack of teamwork
    Non-recognition of merit

    Less commonly referred to as emotional pressure, and the rarest factor is physically hazardous work.

    One of the most common problems people experience with work-related stress is sleep disturbance. Stress has a huge impact on overall health. High levels of work-related stress pose a significant health hazard. The survey found that 13% of respondents around the world often or consistently suffer from sleep disturbances caused by stress at work.

    Initially, stress is considered a normal biological response of the body's adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Because we live in an ever-changing world, any emotionally significant event, be it an exam, a conversation with a boss, family conflicts, or speaking in front of an audience, can be a source of stress. In such situations, stress fulfills its main function, allowing the body to allocate resources to resolve the problem that has arisen, after which the stage of restoring the forces spent on combating stress begins. In those cases when the body cannot cope with the problem, the effect of the stress factor continues, depriving the body of the possibility of recovery, which leads to its exhaustion. This condition is often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety, low mood, decreased performance, poor concentration, demotivation, and communication problems. It has been established that prolonged stress is one of the factors leading to psychosomatic illnesses.

    The professional activities of mental health workers pose a potential threat to the development of burnout syndrome (more than 70% of respondents have signs of burnout of varying degrees of severity).

    Personality traits of emotional instability, conformity, shyness, suspicion, tendency to feel guilty, conservatism, impulsivity, tension, introversion, as well as the locus of control, play a role in the formation of burnout syndrome.

    The low severity of the burnout syndrome is accompanied by a distinct characterological core.

    Since we spend most of our time at work, the issue of reducing stress at work is of particular relevance. The following factors causing stress can be identified: overload and irregular working hours, monotony of functions performed, vague career prospects, heightened level of responsibility, tight deadlines for completing tasks, inability to plan one's time, competition and communicative loneliness. Business leaders are increasingly becoming aware of the impact of employee stress on motivation and performance, which ultimately affects the success of the company as a whole.

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    Annex 1.

    Methodology for assessing the level of quality of working life by employees

    (on psychosocial indicators)

    A significant part of people's lives is spent in production, and therefore the quality of working life largely determines the quality of life of a person as a whole.

    The quality of working life is the degree of satisfaction of important personal needs through activities in a labor organization.

    The quality of working life is the most important condition for the growth of labor productivity, an indicator for assessing the effectiveness of social and labor relations and the use of labor potential, as well as meeting the material needs of the employee.

    The quality of working life includes the following groups of indicators: labor collective, wages, workplace, enterprise management, service career, social guarantees and benefits.

    One of the most important recent developments in the field of human resource management is associated with the creation of programs and methods to improve the quality of working life, measures aimed at giving people additional opportunities to meet their active personal needs while increasing the efficiency of the organization.

    1. Improving the organization of work is achieved by expanding the volume and enrichment of the content of work (the ability to influence work and the working environment), contributes to the elimination of the monotony and meaninglessness of labor, increases the employee's awareness of the labor process and its ultimate goal, which is necessary to understand his place and roles in production. It is brought to the level when conditions are created for a broad-based worker who is ready to constantly switch to solving new production problems, when there is a direct opportunity to use and develop his abilities.

    2. Creation of favorable physical and hygienic working conditions for the full realization of human potential, organizational and motivational aspects of working conditions. Creation of psychological assistance services, hygiene services.

    3. Fair remuneration for labor, as a factor of labor motivation, due to which the quality of the workforce increases, and higher human needs develop.

    Recognition of labor by society, an employee must know that the organization in which he works does work that is useful to society and performs it in the best possible way, otherwise many workers lose a sense of the usefulness of their work, self-respect falls, which leads to a decrease in labor productivity.

    4. Availability and possibility of using the social infrastructure of the enterprise.

    5. Opportunity for professional growth and confidence in the future in relation to their employment and income. It is necessary to create conditions for the employee to improve the professional and qualification level, to ensure constant renewal of knowledge and improve skills, to promote the development of a sense of confidence in the future with respect to their employment and income.

    6. The moral and psychological climate at the enterprise should ensure good relationships in the team.

    In accordance with the theory of Heckman and Oldham, there are three psychological states that determine a person's satisfaction with their work and motivation:

    perceived significance work, i.e. the degree to which a person perceives their work as something important, valuable and worthwhile;

    felt responsibility those. the degree to which a person feels responsible and accountable for the results of their work;

    knowledge of the results, those. the degree of a person's understanding of the effectiveness or efficiency of his work. Those types of work that are organized in such a way that allow workers to experience all three of these conditions to a sufficiently high degree should provide high motivation due to the work itself, high quality work performance, greater job satisfaction, as well as lead to a decrease in the number of absenteeism and reduce staff turnover. ...

    RS. The quality of working life at the present stage is the most important stimulus for the growth of labor productivity in organizations. It is determined by the state of the workforce, a good remuneration system, an effective workplace, the attitude of the organization's management to employees, the possibility of a career and objective certification of personnel, providing social guarantees and additional benefits to employees.

    A high quality of working life should be characterized by the following:

    1. The work must be interesting.

    2. Workers should receive fair remuneration and recognition for their work.

    3. The working environment should be clean, with low noise and good illumination.

    4. Management oversight should be minimal, but carried out whenever needed.

    5. Workers should be involved in decisions that affect them and their work.

    6. Guarantee of work and development of friendly relations with colleagues should be provided.

    7. Household and medical facilities must be provided.

    Indicators of the quality of working life

    Expert assessment on a 10-point scale

    1. Labor collective. The amount of points "

    Good psychological climate

    Normal relationship with the administration

    Employee participation in management

    Compliance with regulations

    Minimal stress at work

    Positive motivation of employees to work

    The relationship of small social groups

    Performance characteristics of the team

    The social structure of the team (gender, age, nationality)

    Russian Federation

    Federal Agency for Education

    Oryol State University

    Faculty of Economics and Management

    Department of Applied Economic Disciplines

    by discipline: "Social - labor relations"

    on the topic: The quality of working life: analysis, assessment, management.

    Completed: student

    4 courses 404 groups

    Isaikina S.N.

    Head: Y. V. Rusu

    Chapter 1 Theoretical aspects of the quality of working life.

    1.1 The concept of the quality of working life.

    With the development of the labor market, an important function of the organization is to improve the quality of working life - the level of satisfaction of the personal needs of employees through their activities in the organization.

    The participation of a person in economic activity is characterized by his needs and the possibilities for their satisfaction, which are primarily due to the characteristics of human potential discussed above: health, morality, creativity, education and professionalism. Thus, a person in a market economy acts, on the one hand, as a consumer of economic benefits produced by organizations, and on the other, as the owner of the abilities, knowledge and skills necessary for organizations, state and public bodies.

    The concept of the quality of working life is based on the creation of conditions that ensure the optimal use of a person's labor potential. The quality of working life can be improved by changing for the better any parameters that affect people's lives. This includes, for example, the participation of employees in management, their training, management training, the implementation of career development programs, training employees in methods of more effective communication and behavior in a team, improving the organization of work, etc. As a result, labor potential is maximized, and the organization - high level of labor productivity and maximum profit. This concept is one of the most significant developments in the field of personnel management in recent years.

    There are many definitions of what is called the quality of working life. In this work, it is defined as the degree (level) of satisfaction by members of the organization of their personal needs, the achievement of their personal goals and the fulfillment of strong desires through work in this organization. The creation of programs and methods for improving the quality of working life is one of the important aspects of personnel management.

    So, improving the quality of working life provides for improving the socio-economic content of labor, the development of those characteristics of labor potential that allow entrepreneurs to more fully use the intellectual, creative, organizational, moral abilities of a person. An appropriate quality of working life should create conditions in order to give an outlet to the creative abilities of the employee himself, when the main motive is not salary, not position, not working conditions, but satisfaction from work achievements as a result of self-realization and self-expression.

    1.2 The main elements of the quality of working life.

    The feeling of the importance of work is realized by providing the employee with the opportunity to expand the number of work skills, the certainty of production tasks, and an increase in their importance. Responsibility for the results of work can be strengthened by giving the employee more independence.

    The enrichment of the content of labor (work) should create conditions for the preservation and development of the employee's personality, when he is provided with opportunities for improving skills, developing abilities, increasing knowledge, manifesting independence, and a variety of work. The meaningfulness of work is the relative degree of influence that an employee can have on the work itself and the work environment. This includes factors such as independence in planning and performing work, determining the mode of work, and participation in decision-making.

    Improving the organization of work by expanding the volume and enriching the content of work contributes to the fact that the monotony and vacuousness of labor are destroyed, the disparate elements of work are combined into a single whole, more consistent with the requirements of personality development. In these conditions, the employee has complete information about the labor process and its ultimate goal, which is necessary to understand his place and role in production.

    According to B.M. Genkin, the expansion of work in order to improve the organization of labor allows you to get away from the excessive division of operations, when the work of an employee is reduced to several monotonously repetitive operations; expand functions; to increase the degree of responsibility; use the creativity of the employee. The scope of work is a formalized concept and represents the number of different operations performed by the worker and the frequency of their repetition. Improving the organization of work by increasing the volume is called the consolidation of work.

    However, it should be borne in mind that not all workers respond positively to changes of this kind. Employees with a strong desire for growth, achievement, and self-esteem usually respond positively to enriching the content of work, which is directly related to the quality of working life. When people are not so strongly motivated by high-level needs, enrichment of the content of labor often does not give noticeable success, which significantly reduces the role of the quality of working life in the personnel management system.

    Implementation of programs to reorganize working conditions improves the quality of working life by promoting a sense of job satisfaction, reducing absenteeism and turnover, and improving product quality. Their effectiveness is enhanced when they are understandable and desirable for workers, as well as economically feasible.

    The following characteristics of the quality of working life - safety and ecology - are problems that are associated with the creation of social and normative working conditions and occupy one of the leading places in the concept of the quality of working life. Studies, as noted by L.P. Egorshin, show that human potential cannot be fully realized if the physical and sanitary-hygienic conditions of production are unfavorable and a person is worried about his health and safety.

    The modern quality of working life necessarily includes psychological aspects in working conditions. In particular, these are the problems of work discipline, the technique of punishments and rewards, the fight against delays and truancy, the problem of "flyers", etc. In this case, the creation of rational working conditions requires a psychophysiological approach.

    In practical work related to personnel management, traditionally, for the purpose of safety and ensuring healthy working conditions, it is recommended to create an occupational health service in the organization, as well as psychological assistance services.

    E.P. Ilyin notes that improving the quality of working life cannot be ensured without the possibility of receiving fair remuneration for work and recognition of one's work. Fair remuneration for work is considered not only as a priority condition for ensuring the reproduction of the labor force, but also as a factor of labor motivation, on the basis of which higher human needs develop.

    Wage policies are motivated by equity and that small wage gaps could accelerate structural change in the economy. If all organizations pay equal wages for equal work, despite the level of profits, then it is difficult for those organizations that are doing poorly to survive. Therefore, the unproductive activity of enterprises stops even faster than if they could compete with low wages. At the same time, highly productive organizations and industries are developing even faster than in the case when they would raise the wages of employees at the expense of high profits.

    Thus, the policy of solidarity in the area of ​​wages is fair (in fact, equal pay for equal work) and at the same time contributes to faster growth of labor productivity, in contrast to a situation where wages are entirely determined by the market.

    The next element that reveals the quality of working life is the opportunity for professional growth and confidence in the future. This concept is considered in the concept of the quality of working life in connection with the fact that the effective implementation of the labor potential of an employee is impossible without his professional growth.

    Given these circumstances, the following measures should be envisaged within the framework of the concept of working life, according to A.Ya. Kibanov:

    Creation of conditions for the employee to improve his professional and qualification level, ensuring constant updating of knowledge and improvement of skills;

    Appointments should be made with a growth perspective, i.e. the position provides for planned advanced training and retraining;

    The possibility and necessity of career advancement as a result of recognition of the employee's professional success in the eyes of the team, family and society as a whole;

    The feeling of confidence in the future in relation to their employment and income makes the employee's work more productive, allows him to fully realize his labor potential. Calculations show that full employment of workers is much more profitable than layoffs, a shorter working week, transfer of workers to another place, restrictions on the hiring of new workers, etc.

    Today the employee has no idea about his future work career, its formalized image. The creation of such images seems to be very important, since they allow employees to assess themselves more objectively in the labor process, to present realistic requirements for the quality of its organization.

    According to the concept of quality of working life, the development of friendly relations with colleagues and the opportunity for employees to participate in decision-making that affect their work is linked to whether employees feel self-respect for themselves, have a sense of their own dignity, whether they feel the uniqueness of their personality, whether they feel loyalty to colleagues and a sense of belonging to the firm. The moral and psychological climate at the enterprise should ensure good relationships in a team free from prejudices.

    This element of personnel management is aimed at creating such conditions and such a level of quality of working life, when each employee identifies himself with the firm and considers the interests of the firm to be his own. As a result, the "corporate spirit" and "corporate culture" are fostered.

    Along with material incentives, the mobilization of the intellectual potential of performers, based on a combination of economic and social factors for increasing job satisfaction, which is carried out in various organizational forms: groups for studying and improving working conditions, initiative groups for putting forward rationalization proposals, plays an important role in increasing personnel motivation.

    An important element of the quality of working life is the availability and the possibility of using the social infrastructure of the organization. The premise here is the fact that there is a clear and direct link between the quality of working life and the quality of life in general.

    Changes in the conditions for the reproduction of labor in industrialized countries led to a significant change in the structure of consumption. In particular, such items of consumer spending as spending on recreation, entertainment, cultural needs, have moved into the category of paramount, physiologically necessary. In the situation under consideration, one of the most important becomes the problem of creating and using social infrastructure to maintain and develop the employee's ability to work. Social infrastructure can be used by an employee both individually and collectively, if it is created within the organization.

    The last element of the quality system of working life is a worthy place of work and the legal protection of an employee in an organization.

    The question of a decent place of work in a person's life requires consideration of the impact of individual working life on other aspects of life, i.e. family life, relationships with friends, acquaintances, the opportunity to relax and develop spiritually and physically. For example, overtime work can negatively affect family relationships, business travel can interfere with family fun, etc. All these negative aspects impede the increase and rational use of free time, which turns work into a burden, reduces its effectiveness.

    To address these negative aspects, the development of flexible work schedule programs is recommended within the framework of the concept of quality of work life.

    Thus, the main components of the quality of working life include labor relations, the physiological and social environment of a person at the enterprise, the system of management, motivation, remuneration of personnel, as well as the relationship between labor and non-labor spheres.

    1.3. Factors of the formation and development of the quality of working life

    Attention to the problems of the formation of the quality of working life and the systematization of factors influencing the quality of working life is limited in modern science to a very small number of scientific works and the contradictory nature of scientific views.

    The existing disunity of views and approaches to considering the category "quality of working life" in scientific and educational literature, assessing the relationship of this category with the categories "labor potential", "labor process" and "social and labor relations", to the systematization and classification of factors affecting the formation of the quality of working life, served as the basis for the development of a classification based on the systematization of previously existing classifications (Fig. 1)

    Fig. 1 The system of factors shaping the quality of working life

    As logical analysis shows, the quality of working life can be influenced by many factors, some of which contribute to an increase in KTZ, the other part can hinder its growth, and in certain cases, reduce the already existing level of KTZ. In turn, the quality of working life, undoubtedly, has an impact on development, labor process, social and labor relations and, as a result, on the quality of life in general.

    Dividing the factors of the formation of the quality of working life into two large groups: technical-organizational and socio-economic factors, it is difficult to decide which of these two groups can be considered as the main one, especially in modern socio-economic conditions. If we take into account the fact that scientific and technological progress, the development of technology and technology have always been decisive in the development of society, then of course the priority should belong to the first group of factors and, above all, to the technical and technological factors included in it.

    Most economists point to the organization of labor as one of the most important factors of its quality. New progressive forms of labor organization, of course, allow solving the problems of adapting the labor process to the growing needs of a person, are an indispensable condition for ensuring a higher quality of working life in the workplace.

    At the same time, the quality of working life is negatively affected by various violations of the normal course of the labor process. Failures in it lead to a violation of its rhythm, loss of working time, deviations from the requirements of technology. Overtime work, combined with frequent downtime, and the use of workers outside their specialty are one of the main causes of job dissatisfaction and, therefore, lead to a decrease in the quality of working life.

    The group of socio-economic factors seems to us no less significant due to the increasing role of these factors in modern conditions. The division of this complex group of factors into economic, legal and socially individual, we consider conditional, but necessary. This division makes it possible to distinguish and study in more detail the influence of individual factors and their complex within a group on the quality of working life.

    Economic and legal factors include a set of legislative acts and regulatory materials, which in modern conditions of dynamic economic development are constantly changing and supplemented. The state in a market economy is entrusted with the important task of protecting the rights of citizens, since a modern society is unthinkable without a well-functioning legal system and the rule of law. Laws enforce property rights, limit monopoly power, protect consumer rights, intellectual property, and more. In the world of work, the leading role is assigned to the labor code, which is constantly being transformed in order to more effectively regulate social and labor relations. The complex of works on lawmaking is designed to create a more stable situation in the country, to promote faster economic growth.

    The group of socio-individual factors combines factors designed to provide the employee with the necessary social guarantees, both during the period of his labor activity and outside it, the maintenance of health throughout his life, the ability to constantly improve the educational and professional qualification level.

    This combination of social factors, complemented by the personal characteristics necessary when performing specific types of work, in our opinion, should have a positive effect on the worker's labor activity. The opportunity for professional growth, confidence in the future, good relationships in the work collective, awareness of the social usefulness of work, interest in the work performed, in aggregate, are designed to provide the employee with such job satisfaction that work in this team can become a vital necessity for him.

    Considering the entire system of factors, it should be remembered that a real assessment of the quality of working life can be obtained only by analyzing and assessing both the objective and subjective components of each of the factors under consideration, which means that it is necessary to know how workers themselves assess the influence of factors of the quality of working life. It is a subjective assessment based on the results of a survey of the opinions of workers that makes it possible to assess the satisfaction with the work of an individual employee, a group of employees, and the entire labor collective.

    Thus, a comprehensive and systematic study of the factors forming the quality of working life allows making timely organizational and managerial decisions aimed at improving the quality of working life, better use of labor potential, improving social and labor relations, and, as a result, increasing the socio-economic efficiency of the work of individual links. and the entire economy as a whole.

    In general, it can be noted that at present there is no common understanding of the quality of working life, basically by this concept we mean the level and degree of well-being, social and spiritual development of a person. The main elements of the quality of working life are the content and organization of work, working conditions, safety, ecology, psychological and social aspects of work, professional growth, etc. The factors of KTZ are divided into technical-organizational and socio-economic, which in turn fully reveal and show us the influence of various aspects of labor on the quality of working life.

    Chapter 2. Assessment of the quality of working life in Russia and in the region.

    2.1. Assessment of the quality of working life at the enterprise "Voskrensky", Orel.

    To assess the quality of working life, the indicators shown in Fig. 1.

    Assessment levels
    From the standpoint of an employee From the standpoint of an entrepreneur From the standpoint of society as a whole
    job satisfaction

    The presence (absence) of stressful situations at work

    Personal promotion opportunities

    Working conditions

    Opportunity for professional growth and self-expression

    Psychological climate

    Professional adaptation

    Staff turnover

    Labor discipline

    Alienation of Labor

    The identification of the goals of the employee with the goals of the enterprise

    Number of conflicts


    No cases of industrial sabotage, strikes

    quality and standard of living (cost of a consumer basket)

    Labor quality level

    The cost of the social protection system for workers and their families

    Consumer behavior

    Social adaptation

    Alienation from society

    Life satisfaction indicators

    Rice. 1. Indicators of the level of quality of working life

    Assessment of the quality of the organization's working life can be done in two main ways.

    First, through a sociological survey of the organization's employees using questionnaires, where the work collective is divided into social strata (the poor, the poor, the disadvantaged, the well-to-do, the well-to-do and the rich) in relation to their relation to the consumption of various material goods included in the biological and social subsistence minimum. This can also be done by comparing the average monthly wages of employees with the subsistence minimum in the region (city), published by the regional committee of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. The disadvantage of this method is the focus only on income and the degree of satisfaction of medico-biological and material needs.

    Secondly, through a sociological survey of employees of a particular organization according to the degree of satisfaction with the local qualities of working life. For these purposes, it is necessary to conduct a sociological survey of the workforce using a questionnaire (see Appendix No. 1), in which 2/3 employees of a small or medium-sized enterprise or selected representative units for a large enterprise participate.

    Questionnaire "Quality of working life"

    It is used for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of working life of the workforce of an organization or individual employees.

    Employees are encouraged to read the indicators of the quality of working life of employees and give an assessment on a 10-point scale. At the same time, 10 points characterize the greatest achievement, and 1 point - the lowest. After that, the total number of points is calculated for each section (group of indicators).

    Using this questionnaire, I investigated the quality of working life of employees of a private enterprise LLC "Voskresensky". The survey was anonymous.

    After the calculation, it turned out that according to the sum of the points, the indicators of the quality of working life for each section turned out to be as follows:

    Labor collective 71 — good;

    Salary 55 - satisfactory;

    Workplace 67 is good;

    Organization leadership-74-good;

    Service career-60 - satisfactory;

    Social guarantees - 59 - satisfactory;

    Social benefits 61- satisfactory.

    The total score for all sections was 378 - satisfactory.

    The results of assessing the quality of working life corresponded to expectations, since the patterns of dynamic changes in the level and quality of life of an individual organization as a result of the state socio-economic policy in Russia.

    Based on my research, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    To improve the quality of the working life of an organization, it is necessary:

    Creation of conditions for a combination of alternation of work, study and rest, since the stable employment of the employee guarantees him a certain level of income;

    Improvement of remuneration based on its high-quality rationing, in order to create an active stimulating effect on the motives of behavior and labor activity of the employee, corresponding to the level of quality of working life that will connect the employee with the enterprise for many years;

    Preserving the health and working capacity of the employee on the basis of improving working conditions, reducing the number of workers in conditions that do not meet sanitary and hygienic standards.

    Thus, with the stabilization of the development of economic transformations, such components of the quality of working life as increasing the content of work, ensuring job satisfaction, the development of labor democracy are likely to become as important as employment, wages, working conditions, but for this it is necessary to form purposeful Russian attitude to work.

    2.2 The trend in the development of the level and quality of working life in Russia.

    A person in a market economy acts, on the one hand, as a consumer of economic goods, on the other, as the owner of abilities, knowledge and skills. A person's participation in economic activity is characterized by his needs and opportunities for their satisfaction, which are determined primarily by the characteristics of human potential - health, creativity, education, professionalism. To satisfy his needs, a person enters into socio - economic relations, the main indicator of which is the quality of working life.

    In the 1980s, the Research Institute of Labor carried out large-scale studies related to the assessment of the severity of work in a number of sectors of the national economy of the USSR, based on the results of which a classification was developed for quantifying the severity of labor, which made it possible to determine the categories of the severity of labor, the degree of fatigue and changes in working capacity depending on from the severity of labor.

    Since the beginning of the 90s, the health of the Russian population began to deteriorate sharply. The mortality rate has risen 1.5 times compared to the mid-1980s. Due to this, by 2003, the country lost about 7.7 million people who died in excess, primarily from diseases of the heart and cerebral vessels.

    The situation is especially tragic in the Central and Northwestern Federal Districts, where the population is disappearing at a rate of more than 1% per year. In ecology, this level is considered a pre-threshold level, indicating the approach of a humanitarian catastrophe. The list of 18 most threatened territories is topped by the Pskov region with a depopulation rate of 1.51% per year and a population “half-life” of 33 years.

    Material well-being is essential to health.

    In 2002, the share of the poor and the very poor by international criteria was (income, dollars per day): beggars ($ 1 or less) 18%; very poor ($ 1-2) 32%; poor ($ 2-5) 39%; the rest (more than $ 5) 11%.

    People began to move more, working two or three jobs. The ecological situation even improved due to a twofold reduction in industrial production and a decrease in the chemicalization of agriculture. There are only 800 AIDS patients across the country. The stress of change did not play a decisive role, since even under more traumatic circumstances (the Great Economic Depression of the 1930s, etc.), the dynamics of mortality among the population changed insignificantly.

    In recent years, the president and the government have been constantly "reporting" to the people about their economic achievements, which, as you know, are just a consequence of high oil prices. However, no one is responsible for the fact that the indicators of the quality of life continue to deteriorate catastrophically, despite these "achievements" and the quality of working life also remains at a low level.

    Models of motivation for improving the quality of life and work of workers both in Russia and in other countries are built in such a way as to maximally induce an individual or a team to work towards achieving personal and collective goals.

    The precipitous destruction of the earlier mechanism of remuneration and the rejection of state regulation of wages did not lead to positive results. Moreover, it has led to a decline in the standard of living of workers. As of 1996, in a number of industries, up to 40% of workers receive wages below the subsistence level. There was a sharp differentiation in the levels of remuneration of managers and ordinary workers. The gap between the wages of ordinary workers and managers is from 4 to 20 or more times;

    In recent years, the level of injuries and occupational diseases has sharply increased, which was a consequence of the reduction of the relevant services at enterprises that monitored the safety of labor activities, which led to a decrease in KTZh;

    Unlike other countries in Russia, the standard of living of the population is measured by its socio-economic indicators:

    1. monetary incomes and expenses of the population, their composition and use;

    2. dynamics of real incomes of the population;

    3. indicators of income differentiation of the population (distribution of the population by income level, concentration of income, Gini index);

    4. the level of poverty;

    5. food consumption;

    6. the purchasing power of the population's monetary income;

    7. the level of the consumer basket (subsistence minimum).

    So, a high and worthy level and quality of life for a person can be achieved with the successful and highly efficient use of the labor potential of Russia and each enterprise separately. It is the rational highly efficient use of labor potential based on the use of effective motivational models and systems that can not only revive, but also create an effective mechanism for managing the economy.

    2.3 The quality of working life in the Oryol region.

    Chapter 3 Measures to Improve the Quality of Working Life .

    3.1 Problems in the management of the quality of working life in the system of social and labor relations.

    With regard to the Russian economy, the preconditions for improving the quality of life in the near future have not yet been created. The current situation can be argued with the following considerations:

    firstly, in Russia at the present stage of development there is no mechanism for managing labor motivation, and, consequently, improving the quality of life of workers;

    secondly, one of the indicators of the quality of working life is the level of wages of workers and their differentiation by industry.

    thirdly, the quality of life is largely influenced by the conditions and environment in which the labor process is carried out. The main task in this regard is to adapt (adapt) the employee functioning at the enterprise or workplace, leading to the enrichment of the labor process and the reduction of monotony. Unfortunately, we have to admit: these factors are practically not taken into account in labor activity at Russian enterprises;

    fourthly, an increase in the quality of life is facilitated by conditions, the creation of which contributes to the development of the employee's personality, the growth of his qualifications, self-expression and independence in decision-making, professional and official career;

    fifth, the democratization of society also presupposes democratization in the management and organization of labor of workers, which presupposes the development of new collective forms of organization of labor activity instead of the individual organization of labor. World experience has necessarily shown that the development of collective forms of labor organization contributes to the development of democratization of the management process, planning, distributional attitude and election of managers.

    The range of problems included in the concept of "working conditions" is very wide: from legal forms affecting labor productivity to the psychophysiology of human labor activity and the arrangement of premises and equipment that creates the material environment that affects the physical, intellectual and mental working capacity of a person.

    Today the employee has no idea about his future work career, its formalized image. The creation of such images seems to be very important, since they allow employees to assess themselves more objectively in the labor process, to present realistic requirements for the quality of its implementation.

    Consequently, the quality of working life is only one element of the quality of life of people in general. From the point of view of the degree of development of social and labor relations, their relationship is quite obvious. KTZ of the population of a certain territory or country is determined by the cumulative impact of economic, social, demographic, environmental, geographic, political, moral and other factors, therefore, all the main problems of KTZ are primarily a derivative of the problems in the life of each person, team, country and planet as a whole.

    3.2 Humanization of labor as a measure to improve the quality of working life.

    Humanization of labor leads to an increase in the quality of working life, is predetermined by the improvement of labor rationing, is associated with the improvement of the organization of the workplace, an increase in its value due to an increase in the factor of moral and mental satisfaction with working conditions, and not because of a solid monetary income and fear of losing one's job ...

    Humanization of labor is conditioned by two main circumstances. First, there are new parameters of the production process, which ensure the growth of labor productivity and high quality products. Secondly, the need for creative work, the desire to improve professional skills, the need for safe working conditions began to occupy a significant place in the system of human needs.

    The problem of humanization of labor is reflected in many concepts and theories. The most popular theory is the concept of the quality of working life, the main points of which are aimed at creating conditions that prevent the alienation of labor. The main criteria of this concept are: fair and sufficient remuneration for work, labor safety, the ability to develop one's abilities, the ability to advance up the career ladder, and the social usefulness of work.

    Humanization of labor should always be in the center of attention of enterprise managers. There are many methods of humanizing labor.

    1) Introduction of new forms of labor organization:

    The use of flexible working hours, that is, to allow employees to set the beginning and end of the working day themselves, while the beginning and end of work may change daily, but in general it is necessary to work out the required number of working hours;

    Formation of autonomous work teams that carry out the assembly of individual units. An independent section is allocated for each brigade, workers are trained in related specialties and new professions. All team members jointly plan working methods, set rest breaks, control product quality, perform the functions of setting up, maintaining equipment and cleaning the workplace themselves.

    2) Enrichment of the content of labor through:

    Expansion, the scope of work, that is, the worker performs a number of duties as a foreman and a number of auxiliary units;

    Workplace rotation that reduces the monotony of work,

    Changing the rhythm of work - the introduction of a system in which the rhythm of work is set by the workers themselves, they themselves can alternate work and rest during the work shift.

    3) Creation of conditions for professional advancement on the career ladder, creation of conditions for professional growth. Typically, an employee acquires labor skills over several years, then he reaches a "peak" in his career, and in the future his prospects are narrowed, as the knowledge and skills acquired become obsolete. Further professional growth of employees is an important element of personnel policy. The effect of learning is largely related to the methods and technology of learning. An important form of employee training is the creation of training, educational situations in the process of real production activities, which makes it possible for individual development. The most valuable source of growth is facing real challenges. Training situations involve people taking on assignments outside of their job responsibilities, which enhances their experience and competence.

    Such assignments should be in the nature of real assignments, for example:

    Attendance at meetings of senior staff;

    Implementation of projects;

    Consultations with other departments;

    Making decisions in new areas of activity;

    Analysis of information, etc.

    4) Ensuring safe working conditions, since human potential cannot be fully realized if production conditions are unfavorable and a person experiences fear and anxiety for his health. Workplace safety is not only a matter of technology or production organization, but above all a moral obligation of every manager. Accidents are usually the result of a combination of factors that make them, if not inevitable, then highly probable. The main ones are: poor training, ill-conceived safety policy and its implementation on the ground. Personnel management necessarily includes special training of employees in the necessary safety rules. To ensure that safety rules are being followed, any manager needs to monitor their implementation.

    5) Involvement of employees in the process of developing and making management decisions, that is, developing means and methods for eliminating and mitigating bureaucratic forms of labor management, creating conditions under which the employees themselves will bring their target settings in the labor process in line with the optimally defined conditions and objectives of the enterprise. Many employees have an extremely negative attitude towards administrative dictatorship, authoritarian management style, and patronizing attitude on the part of managers. Therefore, one of the main tasks of humanizing labor activity is to develop a means of methods for eliminating and mitigating bureaucratic forms of labor management. The participation of workers in making managerial decisions allows you to more fully use the potential of each person, improve the moral and psychological climate in the team. The essence of labor democracy lies in the transition from rigid authoritarian forms of labor management to flexible collective forms, in expanding the opportunities of an ordinary worker to participate in management.

    6) Strengthening the stimulating role of wages - achieving fair and appropriate remuneration for work. In order for wages to become an effective motivator for work, it is necessary to ensure two conditions:

    Wages should correspond to the cost of labor and provide the employee with decent living conditions;

    The salary should depend on the results obtained.

    Material interest, of course, is one of the main universal human incentives for labor activity, but it does not always work (sometimes it is more important to have more free time or more comfortable working conditions, less strenuous work, etc.). The satisfaction of workers with wages depends not so much on their size as on social justice in wages. And the biggest obstacle to increasing labor motivation is leveling! With all the enthusiasm and conscientious attitude towards work, the consciousness that another person, with a much smaller contribution, receives the same amount, has a demoralizing effect on the employee.

    Thus, the humanization of labor means the implementation of measures aimed at eliminating or reducing the influence of negative factors on employee satisfaction.

    3.3 Increasing labor flexibility and democratizing the workplace as measures to improve the quality of working life.

    Increasing the flexibility of labor involves the regulation of the duration of the working time during the working day, week, year, working life in general.

    Methods used to improve the quality of working life: working day

    2.slipping work schedule

    3. 3-4 working days a week

    To eliminate the negative aspects of the concept of the quality of working life, it is recommended to develop flexible work schedule programs.

    It is also customary to distinguish and flexibility of employment. The following aspects of employment flexibility exist:

    First, there is numerical flexibility, that is, the ability of employers to reduce the number of employees in accordance with production fluctuations. It is believed to be facilitated by fixed-term contracts, labor and work contracts and the absence or minor restrictions on employers' right to fire workers. We have shown above that employers in the new private sector use these forms of contract intensively, however, as it turned out, they do not significantly affect job security.

    A second form of employment flexibility is functional flexibility, which refers to the ability of an employer to move an employee from one job to another or to require a combination of occupations in accordance with production needs.

    The third form of flexibility is the flexibility of working hours - the ability of the employer to change the mode and amount of work in response to fluctuations in demand and production.

    Flexibility can be achieved by indirect methods, in addition to increasing management control over the work process. In particular, employers can implement remuneration systems that increase employee interest in the results of their work. In this regard, we need to look at pay systems to understand the extent to which new businesses overcome the rigidity and sluggishness of traditional pay systems in order to stimulate employee initiative.

    As for the democratization of the workplace, a three-sided mechanism for regulating labor relations is being created, training employees in enterprise management at all levels.

    The method of increasing KTZh is a system of joint consultations, the creation of works councils, which include representatives of workers and employers. In Norway, a law came into force in 1973, according to which one third of the management of the enterprise consisted of personnel representatives, who are elected on the basis of general elections.

    So, within the framework of increasing labor flexibility and democratizing the workplace, we can regulate the length of the working day and the organization's management system and use this to improve the quality of working life.

    The following conclusions can be drawn: improving the quality of working life is the satisfaction of the employee with his work. The quality of working life can be improved by changing any organizational parameters that affect people, including the decentralization of power, participation in leadership, training, leadership training, career management programs, and training workers to communicate more effectively and to behave in a team. All these measures are aimed at giving people additional opportunities to meet their active personal needs while increasing the efficiency of the organization. Particular importance should be given to the humanization of labor, increasing the flexibility of labor and in the methods of democratizing the workplace.


    The quality of working life is an integral concept that comprehensively characterizes the level and degree of well-being, social and spiritual development of a person.

    Improving the quality of working life provides for the improvement of the socio-economic content of labor, the development of those characteristics of labor potential that allow entrepreneurs to more fully use the intellectual, creative, organizational, and moral abilities of a person. An appropriate quality of working life should create conditions in order to give an outlet to the creative abilities of the employee himself, when the main motive is not salary, not position, not working conditions, but satisfaction from work achievements as a result of self-realization and self-expression.

    The main components of the quality of working life include labor relations, the physiological and social environment of a person at the enterprise, the system of management, motivation, remuneration of personnel, as well as the relationship between labor and non-labor spheres.

    A comprehensive and systematic study of the factors forming the quality of working life allows making timely organizational and managerial decisions aimed at improving the quality of working life, better use of labor potential, improving social and labor relations, and, as a result, increasing the socio-economic efficiency of the work of individual links and the entire economy generally.

    With the stabilization of the development of economic transformations, such components of the quality of working life as increasing the content of work, ensuring job satisfaction, the development of labor democracy, are likely to become as important as employment, wages, working conditions, but for this it is necessary to form a purposeful Russian attitude to work.

    A high and worthy level and quality of life for a person can be achieved with the successful and highly effective use of the labor potential of Russia and each enterprise separately. It is the rational highly efficient use of labor potential based on the use of effective motivational models and systems that can not only revive, but also create an effective mechanism for managing the economy.

    The quality of working life is only one element of the quality of life of people in general. From the point of view of the degree of development of social and labor relations, their relationship is quite obvious. KTZ of the population of a certain territory or country is determined by the cumulative impact of economic, social, demographic, environmental, geographic, political, moral and other factors, therefore, all the main problems of KTZ are primarily a derivative of the problems in the life of each person, team, country and planet as a whole.

    The humanization of labor means the implementation of measures aimed at eliminating or reducing the influence of negative factors on employee satisfaction. As part of increasing flexibility and democratization of the workplace, we can regulate the length of the working day and the management system of the organization and use this to improve the quality of working life.

    Russian Federation

    Federal Agency for Education

    Oryol State University

    Faculty of Economics and Management

    Department of Applied Economic Disciplines

    Course work

    by discipline: "Social - labor relations"

    on the topic: The quality of working life: analysis, assessment, management.

    Completed: student

    4 courses 404 groups

    Isaikina S.N.

    Head: Y. V. Rusu

    Chapter 1 Theoretical aspects of the quality of working life.

    1.1 The concept of the quality of working life.

    With the development of the labor market, an important function of the organization is to improve the quality of working life - the level of satisfaction of the personal needs of employees through their activities in the organization.

    The participation of a person in economic activity is characterized by his needs and the possibilities for their satisfaction, which are primarily due to the characteristics of human potential discussed above: health, morality, creativity, education and professionalism. Thus, a person in a market economy acts, on the one hand, as a consumer of economic benefits produced by organizations, and on the other, as the owner of the abilities, knowledge and skills necessary for organizations, state and public bodies.

    The concept of the quality of working life is based on the creation of conditions that ensure the optimal use of a person's labor potential. The quality of working life can be improved by changing for the better any parameters that affect people's lives. This includes, for example, the participation of employees in management, their training, management training, the implementation of career development programs, training employees in methods of more effective communication and behavior in a team, improving the organization of work, etc. As a result, labor potential is maximized, and the organization - high level of labor productivity and maximum profit. This concept is one of the most significant developments in the field of personnel management in recent years.

    There are many definitions of what is called the quality of working life. In this work, it is defined as the degree (level) of satisfaction by members of the organization of their personal needs, the achievement of their personal goals and the fulfillment of strong desires through work in this organization. The creation of programs and methods for improving the quality of working life is one of the important aspects of personnel management.

    So, improving the quality of working life provides for improving the socio-economic content of labor, the development of those characteristics of labor potential that allow entrepreneurs to more fully use the intellectual, creative, organizational, moral abilities of a person. An appropriate quality of working life should create conditions in order to give an outlet to the creative abilities of the employee himself, when the main motive is not salary, not position, not working conditions, but satisfaction from work achievements as a result of self-realization and self-expression.

    1.2 The main elements of the quality of working life.

    The feeling of the importance of work is realized by providing the employee with the opportunity to expand the number of work skills, the certainty of production tasks, and an increase in their importance. Responsibility for the results of work can be strengthened by giving the employee more independence.

    The enrichment of the content of labor (work) should create conditions for the preservation and development of the employee's personality, when he is provided with opportunities for improving skills, developing abilities, increasing knowledge, manifesting independence, and a variety of work. The meaningfulness of work is the relative degree of influence that an employee can have on the work itself and the work environment. This includes factors such as independence in planning and performing work, determining the mode of work, and participation in decision-making.

    Improving the organization of work by expanding the volume and enriching the content of work contributes to the fact that the monotony and vacuousness of labor are destroyed, the disparate elements of work are combined into a single whole, more consistent with the requirements of personality development. In these conditions, the employee has complete information about the labor process and its ultimate goal, which is necessary to understand his place and role in production.

    According to B.M. Genkin, the expansion of work in order to improve the organization of labor allows you to get away from the excessive division of operations, when the work of an employee is reduced to several monotonously repetitive operations; expand functions; to increase the degree of responsibility; use the creativity of the employee. The scope of work is a formalized concept and represents the number of different operations performed by the worker and the frequency of their repetition. Improving the organization of work by increasing the volume is called the consolidation of work.

    However, it should be borne in mind that not all workers respond positively to changes of this kind. Employees with a strong desire for growth, achievement, and self-esteem usually respond positively to enriching the content of work, which is directly related to the quality of working life. When people are not so strongly motivated by high-level needs, enrichment of the content of labor often does not give noticeable success, which significantly reduces the role of the quality of working life in the personnel management system.

    Implementation of programs to reorganize working conditions improves the quality of working life by promoting a sense of job satisfaction, reducing absenteeism and turnover, and improving product quality. Their effectiveness is enhanced when they are understandable and desirable for workers, as well as economically feasible.

    The following characteristics of the quality of working life - safety and ecology - are problems that are associated with the creation of social and normative working conditions and occupy one of the leading places in the concept of the quality of working life. Studies, as noted by L.P. Egorshin, show that human potential cannot be fully realized if the physical and sanitary-hygienic conditions of production are unfavorable and a person is worried about his health and safety.

    The modern quality of working life necessarily includes psychological aspects in working conditions. In particular, these are the problems of work discipline, the technique of punishments and rewards, the fight against delays and truancy, the problem of "flyers", etc. In this case, the creation of rational working conditions requires a psychophysiological approach.

    In practical work related to personnel management, traditionally, for the purpose of safety and ensuring healthy working conditions, it is recommended to create an occupational health service in the organization, as well as psychological assistance services.

    E.P. Ilyin notes that improving the quality of working life cannot be ensured without the possibility of receiving fair remuneration for work and recognition of one's work. Fair remuneration for work is considered not only as a priority condition for ensuring the reproduction of the labor force, but also as a factor of labor motivation, on the basis of which higher human needs develop.

    Wage policies are motivated by equity and that small wage gaps could accelerate structural change in the economy. If all organizations pay equal wages for equal work, despite the level of profits, then it is difficult for those organizations that are doing poorly to survive. Therefore, the unproductive activity of enterprises stops even faster than if they could compete with low wages. At the same time, highly productive organizations and industries are developing even faster than in the case when they would raise the wages of employees at the expense of high profits.

    Thus, the policy of solidarity in the area of ​​wages is fair (in fact, equal pay for equal work) and at the same time contributes to faster growth of labor productivity, in contrast to a situation where wages are entirely determined by the market.

    The next element that reveals the quality of working life is the opportunity for professional growth and confidence in the future. This concept is considered in the concept of the quality of working life in connection with the fact that the effective implementation of the labor potential of an employee is impossible without his professional growth.

    Given these circumstances, the following measures should be envisaged within the framework of the concept of working life, according to A.Ya. Kibanov:

    Creation of conditions for the employee to improve his professional and qualification level, ensuring constant updating of knowledge and improvement of skills;

    Appointments should be made with a growth perspective, i.e. the position provides for planned advanced training and retraining;

    The possibility and necessity of career advancement as a result of recognition of the employee's professional success in the eyes of the team, family and society as a whole;

    The feeling of confidence in the future in relation to their employment and income makes the employee's work more productive, allows him to fully realize his labor potential. Calculations show that full employment of workers is much more profitable than layoffs, a shorter working week, transfer of workers to another place, restrictions on the hiring of new workers, etc.

    Today the employee has no idea about his future work career, its formalized image. The creation of such images seems to be very important, since they allow employees to assess themselves more objectively in the labor process, to present realistic requirements for the quality of its organization.

    According to the concept of quality of working life, the development of friendly relations with colleagues and the opportunity for employees to participate in decision-making that affect their work is linked to whether employees feel self-respect for themselves, have a sense of their own dignity, whether they feel the uniqueness of their personality, whether they feel loyalty to colleagues and a sense of belonging to the firm. The moral and psychological climate at the enterprise should ensure good relationships in a team free from prejudices.

    This element of personnel management is aimed at creating such conditions and such a level of quality of working life, when each employee identifies himself with the firm and considers the interests of the firm to be his own. As a result, the "corporate spirit" and "corporate culture" are fostered.

    Along with material incentives, the mobilization of the intellectual potential of performers, based on a combination of economic and social factors for increasing job satisfaction, which is carried out in various organizational forms: groups for studying and improving working conditions, initiative groups for putting forward rationalization proposals, plays an important role in increasing personnel motivation.

    An important element of the quality of working life is the availability and the possibility of using the social infrastructure of the organization. The premise here is the fact that there is a clear and direct link between the quality of working life and the quality of life in general.

    Changes in the conditions for the reproduction of labor in industrialized countries led to a significant change in the structure of consumption. In particular, such items of consumer spending as spending on recreation, entertainment, cultural needs, have moved into the category of paramount, physiologically necessary. In the situation under consideration, one of the most important becomes the problem of creating and using social infrastructure to maintain and develop the employee's ability to work. Social infrastructure can be used by an employee both individually and collectively, if it is created within the organization.

    The last element of the quality system of working life is a worthy place of work and the legal protection of an employee in an organization.

    The question of a decent place of work in a person's life requires consideration of the impact of individual working life on other aspects of life, i.e. family life, relationships with friends, acquaintances, the opportunity to relax and develop spiritually and physically. For example, overtime work can negatively affect family relationships, business travel can interfere with family fun, etc. All these negative aspects impede the increase and rational use of free time, which turns work into a burden, reduces its effectiveness.

    To address these negative aspects, the development of flexible work schedule programs is recommended within the framework of the concept of quality of work life.

    Thus, the main components of the quality of working life include labor relations, the physiological and social environment of a person at the enterprise, the system of management, motivation, remuneration of personnel, as well as the relationship between labor and non-labor spheres.

    1.3. Factors of the formation and development of the quality of working life

    Attention to the problems of the formation of the quality of working life and the systematization of factors influencing the quality of working life is limited in modern science to a very small number of scientific works and the contradictory nature of scientific views.

    The existing disunity of views and approaches to considering the category "quality of working life" in scientific and educational literature, assessing the relationship of this category with the categories "labor potential", "labor process" and "social and labor relations", to the systematization and classification of factors affecting the formation of the quality of working life, served as the basis for the development of a classification based on the systematization of previously existing classifications (Fig. 1)

    Fig. 1 The system of factors shaping the quality of working life

    As logical analysis shows, the quality of working life can be influenced by many factors, some of which contribute to an increase in KTZ, the other part can hinder its growth, and in certain cases, reduce the already existing level of KTZ. In turn, the quality of working life, undoubtedly, has an impact on development, labor process, social and labor relations and, as a result, on the quality of life in general.

    Dividing the factors of the formation of the quality of working life into two large groups: technical-organizational and socio-economic factors, it is difficult to decide which of these two groups can be considered as the main one, especially in modern socio-economic conditions. If we take into account the fact that scientific and technological progress, the development of technology and technology have always been decisive in the development of society, then of course the priority should belong to the first group of factors and, above all, to the technical and technological factors included in it.

    Most economists point to the organization of labor as one of the most important factors of its quality. New progressive forms of labor organization, of course, allow solving the problems of adapting the labor process to the growing needs of a person, are an indispensable condition for ensuring a higher quality of working life in the workplace.

    At the same time, the quality of working life is negatively affected by various violations of the normal course of the labor process. Failures in it lead to a violation of its rhythm, loss of working time, deviations from the requirements of technology. Overtime work, combined with frequent downtime, and the use of workers outside their specialty are one of the main causes of job dissatisfaction and, therefore, lead to a decrease in the quality of working life.

    The group of socio-economic factors seems to us no less significant due to the increasing role of these factors in modern conditions. The division of this complex group of factors into economic, legal and socially individual, we consider conditional, but necessary. This division makes it possible to distinguish and study in more detail the influence of individual factors and their complex within a group on the quality of working life.

    Economic and legal factors include a set of legislative acts and regulatory materials, which in modern conditions of dynamic economic development are constantly changing and supplemented. The state in a market economy is entrusted with the important task of protecting the rights of citizens, since a modern society is unthinkable without a well-functioning legal system and the rule of law. Laws enforce property rights, limit monopoly power, protect consumer rights, intellectual property, and more. In the world of work, the leading role is assigned to the labor code, which is constantly being transformed in order to more effectively regulate social and labor relations. The complex of works on lawmaking is designed to create a more stable situation in the country, to promote faster economic growth.

    The group of socio-individual factors combines factors designed to provide the employee with the necessary social guarantees, both during the period of his labor activity and outside it, the maintenance of health throughout his life, the ability to constantly improve the educational and professional qualification level.

    This combination of social factors, complemented by the personal characteristics necessary when performing specific types of work, in our opinion, should have a positive effect on the worker's labor activity. The opportunity for professional growth, confidence in the future, good relationships in the work collective, awareness of the social usefulness of work, interest in the work performed, in aggregate, are designed to provide the employee with such job satisfaction that work in this team can become a vital necessity for him.

    Considering the entire system of factors, it should be remembered that a real assessment of the quality of working life can be obtained only by analyzing and assessing both the objective and subjective components of each of the factors under consideration, which means that it is necessary to know how workers themselves assess the influence of factors of the quality of working life. It is a subjective assessment based on the results of a survey of the opinions of workers that makes it possible to assess the satisfaction with the work of an individual employee, a group of employees, and the entire labor collective.

    Thus, a comprehensive and systematic study of the factors forming the quality of working life allows making timely organizational and managerial decisions aimed at improving the quality of working life, better use of labor potential, improving social and labor relations, and, as a result, increasing the socio-economic efficiency of the work of individual links. and the entire economy as a whole.

    In general, it can be noted that at present there is no common understanding of the quality of working life, basically by this concept we mean the level and degree of well-being, social and spiritual development of a person. The main elements of the quality of working life are the content and organization of work, working conditions, safety, ecology, psychological and social aspects of work, professional growth, etc. The factors of KTZ are divided into technical-organizational and socio-economic, which in turn fully reveal and show us the influence of various aspects of labor on the quality of working life.

    Chapter 2. Assessment of the quality of working life in Russia and in the region.

    2.1. Assessment of the quality of working life at the enterprise "Voskrensky", Orel.

    To assess the quality of working life, the indicators shown in Fig. 1.

    Assessment levels
    From the standpoint of an employee From the standpoint of an entrepreneur From the standpoint of society as a whole
    job satisfaction

    The presence (absence) of stressful situations at work

    Personal promotion opportunities

    Working conditions

    Opportunity for professional growth and self-expression

    Psychological climate

    Professional adaptation

    Staff turnover

    Labor discipline

    Alienation of Labor

    The identification of the goals of the employee with the goals of the enterprise

    Number of conflicts


    No cases of industrial sabotage, strikes

    quality and standard of living (cost of a consumer basket)

    Labor quality level

    The cost of the social protection system for workers and their families

    Consumer behavior

    Social adaptation

    Alienation from society

    Life satisfaction indicators

    Rice. 1. Indicators of the level of quality of working life

    Assessment of the quality of the organization's working life can be done in two main ways.

    First, through a sociological survey of the organization's employees using questionnaires, where the work collective is divided into social strata (the poor, the poor, the disadvantaged, the well-to-do, the well-to-do and the rich) in relation to their relation to the consumption of various material goods included in the biological and social subsistence minimum. This can also be done by comparing the average monthly wages of employees with the subsistence minimum in the region (city), published by the regional committee of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. The disadvantage of this method is the focus only on income and the degree of satisfaction of medico-biological and material needs.

    Secondly, through a sociological survey of employees of a particular organization according to the degree of satisfaction with the local qualities of working life. For these purposes, it is necessary to conduct a sociological survey of the workforce using a questionnaire (see Appendix No. 1), in which 2/3 employees of a small or medium-sized enterprise or selected representative units for a large enterprise participate.

    Questionnaire "Quality of working life"

    It is used for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of working life of the workforce of an organization or individual employees.

    Employees are encouraged to read the indicators of the quality of working life of employees and give an assessment on a 10-point scale. At the same time, 10 points characterize the greatest achievement, and 1 point - the lowest. After that, the total number of points is calculated for each section (group of indicators).

    Using this questionnaire, I investigated the quality of working life of employees of a private enterprise LLC "Voskresensky". The survey was anonymous.

    After the calculation, it turned out that according to the sum of the points, the indicators of the quality of working life for each section turned out to be as follows:

    Labor collective 71 — good;

    Salary 55 - satisfactory;

    Workplace 67 is good;

    Organization leadership-74-good;

    Service career-60 - satisfactory;

    Social guarantees - 59 - satisfactory;

    Social benefits 61- satisfactory.

    The total score for all sections was 378 - satisfactory.

    The results of assessing the quality of working life corresponded to expectations, since the patterns of dynamic changes in the level and quality of life of an individual organization as a result of the state socio-economic policy in Russia.

    Based on my research, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    To improve the quality of the working life of an organization, it is necessary:

    Creation of conditions for a combination of alternation of work, study and rest, since the stable employment of the employee guarantees him a certain level of income;

    Improvement of remuneration based on its high-quality rationing, in order to create an active stimulating effect on the motives of behavior and labor activity of the employee, corresponding to the level of quality of working life that will connect the employee with the enterprise for many years;

    Preserving the health and working capacity of the employee on the basis of improving working conditions, reducing the number of workers in conditions that do not meet sanitary and hygienic standards.

    Thus, with the stabilization of the development of economic transformations, such components of the quality of working life as increasing the content of work, ensuring job satisfaction, the development of labor democracy are likely to become as important as employment, wages, working conditions, but for this it is necessary to form purposeful Russian attitude to work.

    2.2 The trend in the development of the level and quality of working life in Russia.

    A person in a market economy acts, on the one hand, as a consumer of economic goods, on the other, as the owner of abilities, knowledge and skills. A person's participation in economic activity is characterized by his needs and opportunities for their satisfaction, which are determined primarily by the characteristics of human potential - health, creativity, education, professionalism. To satisfy his needs, a person enters into socio - economic relations, the main indicator of which is the quality of working life.

    In the 1980s, the Research Institute of Labor carried out large-scale studies related to the assessment of the severity of work in a number of sectors of the national economy of the USSR, based on the results of which a classification was developed for quantifying the severity of labor, which made it possible to determine the categories of the severity of labor, the degree of fatigue and changes in working capacity depending on from the severity of labor.

    Since the beginning of the 90s, the health of the Russian population began to deteriorate sharply. The mortality rate has risen 1.5 times compared to the mid-1980s. Due to this, by 2003, the country lost about 7.7 million people who died in excess, primarily from diseases of the heart and cerebral vessels.

    The situation is especially tragic in the Central and Northwestern Federal Districts, where the population is disappearing at a rate of more than 1% per year. In ecology, this level is considered a pre-threshold level, indicating the approach of a humanitarian catastrophe. The list of 18 most threatened territories is topped by the Pskov region with a depopulation rate of 1.51% per year and a population “half-life” of 33 years.

    Material well-being is essential to health.

    In 2002, the share of the poor and the very poor by international criteria was (income, dollars per day): beggars ($ 1 or less) 18%; very poor ($ 1-2) 32%; poor ($ 2-5) 39%; the rest (more than $ 5) 11%.

    People began to move more, working two or three jobs. The ecological situation even improved due to a twofold reduction in industrial production and a decrease in the chemicalization of agriculture. There are only 800 AIDS patients across the country. The stress of change did not play a decisive role, since even under more traumatic circumstances (the Great Economic Depression of the 1930s, etc.), the dynamics of mortality among the population changed insignificantly.

    In recent years, the president and the government have been constantly "reporting" to the people about their economic achievements, which, as you know, are just a consequence of high oil prices. However, no one is responsible for the fact that the indicators of the quality of life continue to deteriorate catastrophically, despite these "achievements" and the quality of working life also remains at a low level.

    Models of motivation for improving the quality of life and work of workers both in Russia and in other countries are built in such a way as to maximally induce an individual or a team to work towards achieving personal and collective goals.

    The precipitous destruction of the earlier mechanism of remuneration and the rejection of state regulation of wages did not lead to positive results. Moreover, it has led to a decline in the standard of living of workers. As of 1996, in a number of industries, up to 40% of workers receive wages below the subsistence level. There was a sharp differentiation in the levels of remuneration of managers and ordinary workers. The gap between the wages of ordinary workers and managers is from 4 to 20 or more times;

    In recent years, the level of injuries and occupational diseases has sharply increased, which was a consequence of the reduction of the relevant services at enterprises that monitored the safety of labor activities, which led to a decrease in KTZh;

    Unlike other countries in Russia, the standard of living of the population is measured by its socio-economic indicators:

    1. monetary incomes and expenses of the population, their composition and use;

    2. dynamics of real incomes of the population;

    3. indicators of income differentiation of the population (distribution of the population by income level, concentration of income, Gini index);

    4. the level of poverty;

    5. food consumption;

    6. the purchasing power of the population's monetary income;

    7. the level of the consumer basket (subsistence minimum).

    So, a high and worthy level and quality of life for a person can be achieved with the successful and highly efficient use of the labor potential of Russia and each enterprise separately. It is the rational highly efficient use of labor potential based on the use of effective motivational models and systems that can not only revive, but also create an effective mechanism for managing the economy.

    2.3 The quality of working life in the Oryol region.

    Chapter 3 Measures to Improve the Quality of Working Life .

    3.1 Problems in the management of the quality of working life in the system of social and labor relations.

    With regard to the Russian economy, the preconditions for improving the quality of life in the near future have not yet been created. The current situation can be argued with the following considerations:

    firstly, in Russia at the present stage of development there is no mechanism for managing labor motivation, and, consequently, improving the quality of life of workers;

    secondly, one of the indicators of the quality of working life is the level of wages of workers and their differentiation by industry.

    thirdly, the quality of life is largely influenced by the conditions and environment in which the labor process is carried out. The main task in this regard is to adapt (adapt) the employee functioning at the enterprise or workplace, leading to the enrichment of the labor process and the reduction of monotony. Unfortunately, we have to admit: these factors are practically not taken into account in labor activity at Russian enterprises;

    fourthly, an increase in the quality of life is facilitated by conditions, the creation of which contributes to the development of the employee's personality, the growth of his qualifications, self-expression and independence in decision-making, professional and official career;

    fifth, the democratization of society also presupposes democratization in the management and organization of labor of workers, which presupposes the development of new collective forms of organization of labor activity instead of the individual organization of labor. World experience has necessarily shown that the development of collective forms of labor organization contributes to the development of democratization of the management process, planning, distributional attitude and election of managers.

    The range of problems included in the concept of "working conditions" is very wide: from legal forms affecting labor productivity to the psychophysiology of human labor activity and the arrangement of premises and equipment that creates the material environment that affects the physical, intellectual and mental working capacity of a person.

    Today the employee has no idea about his future work career, its formalized image. The creation of such images seems to be very important, since they allow employees to assess themselves more objectively in the labor process, to present realistic requirements for the quality of its implementation.

    Consequently, the quality of working life is only one element of the quality of life of people in general. From the point of view of the degree of development of social and labor relations, their relationship is quite obvious. KTZ of the population of a certain territory or country is determined by the cumulative impact of economic, social, demographic, environmental, geographic, political, moral and other factors, therefore, all the main problems of KTZ are primarily a derivative of the problems in the life of each person, team, country and planet as a whole.

    3.2 Humanization of labor as a measure to improve the quality of working life.

    Humanization of labor leads to an increase in the quality of working life, is predetermined by the improvement of labor rationing, is associated with the improvement of the organization of the workplace, an increase in its value due to an increase in the factor of moral and mental satisfaction with working conditions, and not because of a solid monetary income and fear of losing one's job ...

    Humanization of labor is conditioned by two main circumstances. First, there are new parameters of the production process, which ensure the growth of labor productivity and high quality products. Secondly, the need for creative work, the desire to improve professional skills, the need for safe working conditions began to occupy a significant place in the system of human needs.

    The problem of humanization of labor is reflected in many concepts and theories. The most popular theory is the concept of the quality of working life, the main points of which are aimed at creating conditions that prevent the alienation of labor. The main criteria of this concept are: fair and sufficient remuneration for work, labor safety, the ability to develop one's abilities, the ability to advance up the career ladder, and the social usefulness of work.

    Humanization of labor should always be in the center of attention of enterprise managers. There are many methods of humanizing labor.

    1) Introduction of new forms of labor organization:

    The use of flexible working hours, that is, to allow employees to set the beginning and end of the working day themselves, while the beginning and end of work may change daily, but in general it is necessary to work out the required number of working hours;

    Formation of autonomous work teams that carry out the assembly of individual units. An independent section is allocated for each brigade, workers are trained in related specialties and new professions. All team members jointly plan working methods, set rest breaks, control product quality, perform the functions of setting up, maintaining equipment and cleaning the workplace themselves.

    2) Enrichment of the content of labor through:

    Expansion, the scope of work, that is, the worker performs a number of duties as a foreman and a number of auxiliary units;

    Workplace rotation that reduces the monotony of work,

    Changing the rhythm of work - the introduction of a system in which the rhythm of work is set by the workers themselves, they themselves can alternate work and rest during the work shift.

    3) Creation of conditions for professional advancement on the career ladder, creation of conditions for professional growth. Typically, an employee acquires labor skills over several years, then he reaches a "peak" in his career, and in the future his prospects are narrowed, as the knowledge and skills acquired become obsolete. Further professional growth of employees is an important element of personnel policy. The effect of learning is largely related to the methods and technology of learning. An important form of employee training is the creation of training, educational situations in the process of real production activities, which makes it possible for individual development. The most valuable source of growth is facing real challenges. Training situations involve people taking on assignments outside of their job responsibilities, which enhances their experience and competence.

    Such assignments should be in the nature of real assignments, for example:

    Attendance at meetings of senior staff;

    Implementation of projects;

    Consultations with other departments;

    Making decisions in new areas of activity;

    Analysis of information, etc.

    4) Ensuring safe working conditions, since human potential cannot be fully realized if production conditions are unfavorable and a person experiences fear and anxiety for his health. Workplace safety is not only a matter of technology or production organization, but above all a moral obligation of every manager. Accidents are usually the result of a combination of factors that make them, if not inevitable, then highly probable. The main ones are: poor training, ill-conceived safety policy and its implementation on the ground. Personnel management necessarily includes special training of employees in the necessary safety rules. To ensure that safety rules are being followed, any manager needs to monitor their implementation.

    5) Involvement of employees in the process of developing and making management decisions, that is, developing means and methods for eliminating and mitigating bureaucratic forms of labor management, creating conditions under which the employees themselves will bring their target settings in the labor process in line with the optimally defined conditions and objectives of the enterprise. Many employees have an extremely negative attitude towards administrative dictatorship, authoritarian management style, and patronizing attitude on the part of managers. Therefore, one of the main tasks of humanizing labor activity is to develop a means of methods for eliminating and mitigating bureaucratic forms of labor management. The participation of workers in making managerial decisions allows you to more fully use the potential of each person, improve the moral and psychological climate in the team. The essence of labor democracy lies in the transition from rigid authoritarian forms of labor management to flexible collective forms, in expanding the opportunities of an ordinary worker to participate in management.

    6) Strengthening the stimulating role of wages - achieving fair and appropriate remuneration for work. In order for wages to become an effective motivator for work, it is necessary to ensure two conditions:

    Wages should correspond to the cost of labor and provide the employee with decent living conditions;

    The salary should depend on the results obtained.

    Material interest, of course, is one of the main universal human incentives for labor activity, but it does not always work (sometimes it is more important to have more free time or more comfortable working conditions, less strenuous work, etc.). The satisfaction of workers with wages depends not so much on their size as on social justice in wages. And the biggest obstacle to increasing labor motivation is leveling! With all the enthusiasm and conscientious attitude towards work, the consciousness that another person, with a much smaller contribution, receives the same amount, has a demoralizing effect on the employee.

    Thus, the humanization of labor means the implementation of measures aimed at eliminating or reducing the influence of negative factors on employee satisfaction.

    3.3 Increasing labor flexibility and democratizing the workplace as measures to improve the quality of working life.

    Increasing the flexibility of labor involves the regulation of the duration of the working time during the working day, week, year, working life in general.

    Methods used to improve the quality of working life: working day

    2.slipping work schedule

    3. 3-4 working days a week

    To eliminate the negative aspects of the concept of the quality of working life, it is recommended to develop flexible work schedule programs.

    It is also customary to distinguish and flexibility of employment. The following aspects of employment flexibility exist:

    First, there is numerical flexibility, that is, the ability of employers to reduce the number of employees in accordance with production fluctuations. It is believed to be facilitated by fixed-term contracts, labor and work contracts and the absence or minor restrictions on employers' right to fire workers. We have shown above that employers in the new private sector use these forms of contract intensively, however, as it turned out, they do not significantly affect job security.

    A second form of employment flexibility is functional flexibility, which refers to the ability of an employer to move an employee from one job to another or to require a combination of occupations in accordance with production needs.

    The third form of flexibility is the flexibility of working hours - the ability of the employer to change the mode and amount of work in response to fluctuations in demand and production.

    Flexibility can be achieved by indirect methods, in addition to increasing management control over the work process. In particular, employers can implement remuneration systems that increase employee interest in the results of their work. In this regard, we need to look at pay systems to understand the extent to which new businesses overcome the rigidity and sluggishness of traditional pay systems in order to stimulate employee initiative.

    As for the democratization of the workplace, a three-sided mechanism for regulating labor relations is being created, training employees in enterprise management at all levels.

    The method of increasing KTZh is a system of joint consultations, the creation of works councils, which include representatives of workers and employers. In Norway, a law came into force in 1973, according to which one third of the management of the enterprise consisted of personnel representatives, who are elected on the basis of general elections.

    So, within the framework of increasing labor flexibility and democratizing the workplace, we can regulate the length of the working day and the organization's management system and use this to improve the quality of working life.

    The following conclusions can be drawn: improving the quality of working life is the satisfaction of the employee with his work. The quality of working life can be improved by changing any organizational parameters that affect people, including the decentralization of power, participation in leadership, training, leadership training, career management programs, and training workers to communicate more effectively and to behave in a team. All these measures are aimed at giving people additional opportunities to meet their active personal needs while increasing the efficiency of the organization. Particular importance should be given to the humanization of labor, increasing the flexibility of labor and in the methods of democratizing the workplace.


    The quality of working life is an integral concept that comprehensively characterizes the level and degree of well-being, social and spiritual development of a person.

    Improving the quality of working life provides for the improvement of the socio-economic content of labor, the development of those characteristics of labor potential that allow entrepreneurs to more fully use the intellectual, creative, organizational, and moral abilities of a person. An appropriate quality of working life should create conditions in order to give an outlet to the creative abilities of the employee himself, when the main motive is not salary, not position, not working conditions, but satisfaction from work achievements as a result of self-realization and self-expression.

    The main components of the quality of working life include labor relations, the physiological and social environment of a person at the enterprise, the system of management, motivation, remuneration of personnel, as well as the relationship between labor and non-labor spheres.

    A comprehensive and systematic study of the factors forming the quality of working life allows making timely organizational and managerial decisions aimed at improving the quality of working life, better use of labor potential, improving social and labor relations, and, as a result, increasing the socio-economic efficiency of the work of individual links and the entire economy generally.

    With the stabilization of the development of economic transformations, such components of the quality of working life as increasing the content of work, ensuring job satisfaction, the development of labor democracy, are likely to become as important as employment, wages, working conditions, but for this it is necessary to form a purposeful Russian attitude to work.

    A high and worthy level and quality of life for a person can be achieved with the successful and highly effective use of the labor potential of Russia and each enterprise separately. It is the rational highly efficient use of labor potential based on the use of effective motivational models and systems that can not only revive, but also create an effective mechanism for managing the economy.

    The quality of working life is only one element of the quality of life of people in general. From the point of view of the degree of development of social and labor relations, their relationship is quite obvious. KTZ of the population of a certain territory or country is determined by the cumulative impact of economic, social, demographic, environmental, geographic, political, moral and other factors, therefore, all the main problems of KTZ are primarily a derivative of the problems in the life of each person, team, country and planet as a whole.

    The humanization of labor means the implementation of measures aimed at eliminating or reducing the influence of negative factors on employee satisfaction. As part of increasing flexibility and democratization of the workplace, we can regulate the length of the working day and the management system of the organization and use this to improve the quality of working life.