Truck parking business plan. Parking is like a business: All the secrets of opening it. Project launch schedule

A truck is a versatile means of transporting various goods over different distances. For this reason, truck parking is now gaining special popularity. If you look at this fact from the point of view of doing business, you can understand that this is a very profitable project. So, let's talk about this in more detail now.

How to open a cargo car park from scratch?

Where is the best place to place the car park

Before you think about opening a parking lot, you need to find a place where it will be located. In big cities, this can be a little problematic. Since getting access to the desired site is sometimes very difficult. There are two ways to obtain land for a truck parking:

  1. Car parking rent. Considered the most the best option for novice businessmen. The most important thing is to conclude an agreement with the owner of the site or obtain written permission from the city authorities, who owns it.
  2. Buying a car park. This is a very costly method and therefore many professionals advise against taking such an action. After all, you will have to pay a very large amount to the seller, you need to establish all communications.

Also, you will face the problem of "knocking the thresholds" of the local authorities. The only plus is that if the business starts to develop successfully, you will have a guarantee that no one will take the land, and of course the business.

What documents are needed to open a parking lot

After buying a land plot or concluding a lease agreement, you need to develop a project for a future parking lot. It should contain construction estimates, the equipment of the future parking lot is described in detail. After the project is ready and all the documents are collected, you need to agree on them in many government agencies. If you do not know what documents are needed, then contact the state authorities. They will tell you there.

Example of a cargo parking project

It will take two to three months to agree and formalize the project. But this is after the approval of the opening of your business and confirmation that the project has been developed correctly. Then a special order is issued to the owner.

It states:

  • the number of permitted parking spaces;
  • operating mode;
  • and how the freight transport will be located.

Timely rental payment is considered a prerequisite. After completing the registration procedure, you can start equipping the parking lot for trucks. As well as the competent construction of doing business, for more successful work and high profitability.

Truck parking equipment

An important factor in arranging a parking lot is the choice of quality equipment and the right marketing ploy. After all, a complete and concise look attracts future consumers. Here you need to think over everything thoroughly and to the smallest detail. To do this, use an approved project.

  1. A large number of companies specialize in the sale of special equipment. They offer the right assortment of goods. You just have to choose the right one.
  2. Your future parking lot should have a barrier at the entrance. It will regulate the movement of cars. Also provide an automatic gate with a checkpoint.
  3. The parking lot in which the security service is provided will enjoy great confidence. After all, its presence means reliability and a guarantee of the safety of the car and its contents.
  4. All parking spaces must be marked according to the developed project.
  5. The distance between the rows must be at least seven meters. The parking lot itself should be covered with asphalt treated with a special agent that will prevent the absorption of oil products. If the processing was not carried out, then this fact can negatively affect the reputation of the parking lot. Since when checking the state. authorities for lack of protective cover can be fined. But you can also cover with plain gravel.
  6. The entire car park must be well lit. And around the clock. And the presence of surveillance cameras will help you raise the price of services and earn trust among customers. This will have a positive effect on profits.
  7. If there is a hotel or cafe nearby, then this will also reflect well on your business. Although, you can build the above itself. Only it will be very expensive. The most important thing is that there are no competitors in the immediate distance.

How much money does it take to open a parking lot

All investments in such a project, with the right approach, should pay off in three years. But this is relevant only when the right conditions and prices for services are created.

You can often see how a piece of land that yesterday was just a city wasteland, today is already surrounded by a fence, a booth with a guard flaunts above it, and cars are parked on the gravel site. The implementation of such an idea as opening a street parking lot does not require special knowledge and high costs. It is unlikely that it can be viewed as a long-term business, but it makes it possible to accumulate a certain amount of primary capital.

What is the difference between parking and paid parking

Despite the fact that in everyday life the names parking, parking, parking are often used synonymously, from a legal point of view, these are completely different concepts. Moreover, the definitions of these objects are contained in different normative documents.

  • Parking lot - an open area or part of a building, a separate structure intended for storing motor vehicles (Resolution of Law No. 795 of November 17, 2001).
  • Parking is a designated place for organized parking for vehicles, paid or free (by the decision of the land owner), which is part of the road or adjacent to it, or to other objects of the road network (clause 21, article 1 of the Urban Planning Code).

The key difference is the mention in the first case of the word "storage", which implies different responsibilities for an entrepreneur providing parking services and renting a parking space. We will tell you more about this below, but for now we note that there are several types of parking:

  • Parking open type- a ground platform with a fencing, spaced or common place of entry-exit. In this case, at least half of the outer surface of the fence consists of open openings. The security point is being equipped with alarm, time tracking, primary fire extinguishing equipment.
  • Closed parking lot - equipped with a canopy to protect it from snow, or using modular pre-fabricated structures. Requires significant investment, the cost of a place on it is higher. Fire requirements for such a structure are higher.
  • Parking in a building (parking) - can be attached, built-in, underground, detached, multi-level and even mechanized. Such construction is carried out according to special project consistent with architecture management.

The aspiring entrepreneur has little choice. Most often it is about opening an ordinary open car park, therefore, we will talk about the legal and economic side of organizing just such a business with a small initial investment.

Types of parking lots and parking lots according to Methodical recommendations Ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities, 2017.

Choosing a location and registration of a land plot

Possible options

In this regard, only one thing can be said: paid parking lots are in demand everywhere. The number of cars is dozens of times greater than the capacity of parking lots in any city. Many people prefer to park their car in a safe place for little money, rather than find it with a scratched bumper or broken glass after spending the night in the yard or in a narrow alley. The question is where you will find a vacant lot for a parking lot and whether you can rent it.

  • The central part of the city. In megalopolises this is practically impossible, but in medium-sized cities it is quite. As a rule, in places left for the development of "new" urban centers. It is especially beneficial if there is an already operating shopping and entertainment center or other large facility nearby. Renting land for parking will be expensive.
  • Sleeping areas. There is absolutely nowhere to put the car in old yards, which is the reason for constant scandals with the mothers of children walking in the yard, with the Criminal Code, HOA and further down the list. There are quite a lot of vacant lots in the area of ​​the new building, and even more cars. If you can find a convenient place, the parking lot will definitely not be empty.
  • Outskirts and suburbs. The biggest advantage is cheap land. At the entrance to the city, an open parking lot will be in demand among truckers. Equipping a site for trucks is a little more difficult. If a residential area is being built up nearby, the parking lot for passenger cars will bring stable income for a long time.

Lease of private and municipal land

The number of required documents, approvals and permits directly depends on who owns the land. There are two options here: rent from a private owner or from the municipality (administration) of the city. In the first case, such a site is usually rented out by the developer, and here you should not count on a long-term lease agreement. Most often, the site is provided for 11 months (so as not to register with Rosreestr) with subsequent prolongation for the same period. In addition to the contract, you may only need to obtain permission from the administration for the arrangement of a parking lot on private land, and then, provided that this is provided by the local regulatory document.

If the land is state (municipal), first of all, you need to find out if there are any Rules for the placement of parking lots in a particular city. In most cases, there are such documents, and they contain the entire procedure for registering a site for these objects and required documents... A typical set of requirements is shown below (may vary by region).

  • Preliminary agreement in the land management committee on the possibility of providing the selected site for rent.
  • Parking lot placement project carried out by a licensed organization and agreed upon:
    1. with Rospotrebnadzor, if it is located near residential buildings;
    2. utilities if pipes for water supply, heating, etc .; pass underground;
    3. Traffic police, when the parking lot is equipped in close proximity to road infrastructure facilities;
    4. with the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning.
  • Permission of the Administration of the municipality, issued after the presentation of the project and positive conclusions.

After that, a tender will be announced for the land plot, as expected, and it is possible that you will have competitors. Please note that many regional documents establish the order only for state lands, without affecting the interests of private owners.

Sanitary standards and fire safety

The main document that regulates the rules for the arrangement of parking lots is the CODE OF RULES SP 113.13330.2016. It is designed according to Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures (No. 384-FZ 0t 12/30/2009) and on fire safety requirements (No. 123 of 07/22/2008). Most of the recommendations apply to building structures. There are not so many restrictions for open car parks:

  • the minimum distance from the gate (barrier) to the street is 20 m, the intersection is 50 m, the stop is 30 m;
  • the presence of a fence at the parking lot, equipped entrances (exits);
  • the width of the passage between the lines for placing cars is not less than 7 m;
  • a checkpoint for a parking lot with a capacity of 50 cars or more;
  • fire extinguishing equipment, garbage container.

In terms of the size of the parking lot and the number of cars, one should be guided by SP 42.13330.2016, and the fire safety standards for parking lots are regulated by clause 6.11 of SP 4.13130.2013. For open areas, the arrangement of smoke removal and ventilation systems is not required, but there must be an equipped place for a fire fighting tool, fire extinguishers, and SZI.

Do you need approvals?

V mandatory technical documentation for the construction of capital objects is being agreed. Usually this is done by the organization carrying out the project, but if an open parking lot is planned, where there will be only temporary structures without a foundation, that is, in fact, just a fenced plot of land, there is nothing to agree on. However, when leasing state land, a project may be required in this case as well.

Parking services are included in the classifier section “ Storage facilities and auxiliary transport activities ". They do not belong to, therefore, it is not necessary to notify Rospotrebnadzor about the start of activities, as well as the Ministry of Emergency Situations (fire supervision). It turns out that no approvals are needed, except for the permission of the municipality.

This does not mean that sanitation and fire safety will not come to your car park for a check. Most likely, this will be done in the first 1-2 months after opening. To avoid prescriptions, it is advisable to adhere to the joint venture and, before erecting a parking lot, get advice from the designers about possible claims

Site arrangement and equipment

  • Leveling and covering the site of PShchS, gravel with bitumen impregnation, asphalt crumbs.
  • Fencing of the parking lot around the perimeter, arrangement of the gate (barrier).
  • Installation of a heated trailer, cabins for security guards,
  • Connection to the mains (availability of other sources of power supply).
  • Installation of lighting devices (lanterns, spotlights).

It is necessary to think over a communication system and burglar alarm... CCTV cameras will provide control not only over the territory of the parking lot, but also over the work of employees. In addition, in the event of an emergency, this will help to find intruders, and in any case will save you from accusations of improper organization of the protection of vehicles entrusted to you.

Service rules

Main normative act, which regulates the relationship between the parking lot (its owner) and consumers of the service - Rules approved by the Post. Right. No. 795, they need to be studied first. In a disputable situation, the court always bases its decision on this document. It contains the following basic norms.

  • All information about the entrepreneur, the Rules for the provision of services, the work schedule, the price list must be in a conspicuous place.
  • A written storage agreement is concluded between the service provider (parking lot) and the customer, which, among other things, indicates the brand, registration plate of the car, the price of the car by agreement of the party.
  • For a long term, the client is issued a pass. If the car costs less than a day, it is permissible to issue a receipt, token, receipt indicating the car number. If they are available, the contract is considered concluded.
  • In case of damage, theft of parts, car theft, an act is drawn up. The owner of the parking lot is obliged to pay damages within 10 days. The consumer of the service has the right to demand full reimbursement of the value of the property.

Brief business plan (financial part)

To open a business, it is most profitable to register an individual entrepreneur, especially since the activities of parking lots are subject to UTII. OKVED code - 52.21.24 according to the OK 029-2014 classifier (NACE Rev. 2) as amended in 2018. Let's give an example of a financial calculation showing what basic expenses and incomes need to be taken into account when drawing up a business plan.

The main indicators of the parking lot:

  • Area - 25 acres (2,500 sq. M.).
  • The number of parking spaces is 100.
  • Occupancy per day - 70 units.
  • The cost of the service is 60 rubles / day.
Initial investment Amount, rub. Fixed costs per month Amount, rub.
Registration of individual entrepreneurs, organizational expenses 5 000 Land lease ( municipal land) 25 000
Project order for an open car park 40 000 Employee salary 3x 10,000 = 30,000
Site preparation (sand, crushed stone, bitumen impregnation) 700 000 Payment for electricity, communication services 3 000
Change house for security, toilet 200 000 Removal of solid waste 1 000
Fences, gates 150 000 Taxes (UTII) 3 500
Lighting (lights) + electricity supply 50 000 Contributions to the Pension Fund for employees 9 000
Furniture, telephone, fire extinguishing equipment 10 000 Payment accounting services outsourcing 5 000
Video equipment 90 000 Reserve 10 000
Total 1 245 000 86 000

* Prices may vary by region

In the given example, the annual expenses are about 1,032,000 rubles per year, and the income of the parking lot is 1,512,000 rubles per year. The investment will pay off in 2.5 years in the optimistic scenario. This must be taken into account when concluding a lease agreement for a land plot.

Risks and responsibility for the safety of vehicles

The main risks when opening a parking lot are short-term lease agreements and the possibility of loss (damage) of a car left for storage. You can get into a situation where they refuse to extend the lease even before the business pays off and starts making a profit.

It cannot be ruled out that the car will be accidentally or intentionally damaged, or even stolen from the parking lot. Its cost will have to be reimbursed. Many entrepreneurs try to evade responsibility, claiming that they do not provide parking services, but simply provide a parking space. But if it comes to court, the winnings, as a rule, remain with the owner of the car.

The fact is that the provision of a place for temporary parking is also formalized by an agreement, and it must state the absence of responsibility for storage. It is clear that in their right mind none of the clients will sign it. It happens that an announcement is posted on the territory of the parking lot that it is not responsible for the safety of the vehicle. However, this is not taken into account by the court, since it is a violation of the Rules.

In conclusion, we note that cases of compensation for damages by parking lots are rare. Moreover, almost every car today is equipped with an alarm. The risk is minimized with the help of reliable security, liability insurance, and the conclusion of an agreement with a private security company. When it comes to renting, you need to research the prospects in advance, using all possible sources. If you open a parking lot in a good location for 5-6 years, it will bring a good income. In fact, this requires only initial investments; it requires almost no costs for current maintenance.

Despite the desperate efforts of the municipalities of large cities, the total deficit of parking spaces is only getting worse every year. Due to the lack of parking, car owners are forced to park in prohibited places. The phenomenon has become widespread, the fight against it is being waged with varying degrees of success.

Increasing the upper limit for fines for such violations, as a rule, have a short-term effect - over time, the situation becomes poorly controlled again. Motorists themselves are not averse to leaving their cars without breaking the rules, but either the lack of parking in a particular area of ​​the city, or the too high cost of such services, affects.

In other words, the opening of a parking lot should not be regarded as a deliberately hopeless occupation - in this niche there is always a chance of success, even despite a considerable number of competitors. The main thing is to produce marketing research in order to analyze the market, which will allow us to determine the most promising locations. The next steps depend on how realistic your car park business plan will be, and whether you will be able to implement it without significant discrepancies.

Choosing a type of future parking lot

Before you open your own parking lot "from scratch", you need to decide on its type. It should not be assumed that the classic type is the only one possible or available. Open and closed, for cars and, surface and underground, paid parking - this is not a complete list possible options... Not all of them are easily realizable - for example, a multi-storey parking lot should be designed as part of a general building project - it is almost impossible to organize it in an existing building.

Outdoor car park

If you are experiencing a shortage of start-up capital, if you are looking for the easiest way with a minimum surplus, this option will be the most attractive for you. It does not require a large amount of free funds or large-scale construction works... It is enough to find a site suitable for the location and size, erect a fence, put up a security booth and organize a convenient entry / exit.

Requirements for open-type parking projects are minimal; solving all organizational issues will take a minimum of time, effort and money. Your current expenses will consist of renting a land plot and salaries for security guards, initial expenses are the registration of a business and related documentation, as well as work on creating the appropriate infrastructure (erection of a fence and premises for personnel).

The hardest part is finding the right place. It is very difficult to do this in the central part - competition is high, there are few vacancies, and the rental price is high. Another thing is in residential areas, where the concentration of personal transport is also high, the shortage of suitable sites is much less pronounced, and rental prices are quite acceptable.

Closed parking

The main advantage of this type of parking lot is the protection of cars from external factors. Those car owners who value not only the safety of their cars from thieves, but also their appearance, prefer closed structures that can reduce the rate of occurrence of corrosive phenomena.

Opening a parking lot for closed cars will be much more expensive, since you will need to spend money on arranging a capital roof. But the cost of the service is about twice as high, so if the location is successful, the startup will definitely be profitable.

Paid parking

The main difference between parking and parking is that the latter involves placing the vehicle for an arbitrarily long time. In case of parking, only a short stop of the car is permissible. But if the place is crowded, then you can guarantee that there are no free seats for most of the day, that is, for a good profitability of the project. It is important to take into account that the requirements for such places are quite strict: taking into account the area occupied by parked cars, the width of the carriageway should not be less than 7 m.

To open a paid parking lot for cars, you will also have to take measures to apply a protective layer to the roadway designed to absorb oil products and other technical liquids that may flow out of a stationary car due to a leakage of the corresponding systems.

Truck parking lots

Within the city limits, such a parking can be organized only in industrial zones, but there you cannot count on a large number of customers. Best location for a truck parking lot is considered a busy highway on which the movement of this category of vehicles is allowed. And if there are infrastructure facilities nearby (tire fitting, etc.), you can rest assured that truckers will be happy to park their truck at your outdoor truck parking lot.

Underground parking

This solution is considered ideal for locations such as the central / business part of the city, near large shopping facilities and entertainment centers... However, the organization of underground parking, as well as a multi-storey one, requires significant investments, most of which will go to design and construction work. If you are a private entrepreneur, then this option will be practically inaccessible for you - you will have to look for other ways how to open your own paid parking lot.

Drawing up a business plan

Any startup is unthinkable without detailed business plan... Even if it is not planned to attract investors. In our case, it is also necessary, despite the seeming simplicity of the task, especially in the case of an open parking lot. Any mistake in this document, which is a guide to action, can lead to a loss of profit and even to the closure of the business before it reaches self-sufficiency. As practice shows, such cases are more a pattern than an exception to the rule.

The presence of such a document is not an absolute guarantee of business success, even if it is perfect. Not even the most detailed, but well thought out and carefully planned business plan increases your chances of achieving profitability in the shortest possible time.

If you are a beginner entrepreneur, it is not at all necessary to pore over its compilation - after all, in the absence of experience and knowledge, its quality will be far from what is required. It is much easier and more efficient to take a ready-made template or parking lot and adjust it in accordance with specific realities. It doesn't cost that much, and maybe it's free. But you will save a lot of time, protecting yourself from "childish" mistakes, and get an initial idea of ​​what you have to do.

Market analysis

Marketing research should always precede any other stage. When planning the arrangement of a car parking, engage in market research in your city aimed at identifying the most profitable locations, analyzing pricing in a niche and researching the most fruitful business ideas.

The following statistics will help you in your endeavors:

  • the most widespread in Russia are paid car parks of the open type, in second place are closed car parks;
  • the most profitable are the properties located in the business / residential areas of large cities;
  • payment for services is most often hourly, but the option of daily payment must also be present. The national average cost of one hour of parking is 60 rubles, the minimum cost of the daily rate is 200 rubles. Prices may vary depending on the location;
  • over 80% of car owners leave their cars in parking lots for a period not exceeding 3 hours;
  • v last years in megalopolises, supply lagged behind demand by 80-90%;
  • the increase in the amount of the fine to 700 rubles (the upper limit is 1000 rubles) for violations associated with leaving the vehicle in the wrong place has led to an increase in popularity.

When planning the size of the object, it is necessary to take into account that, according to the "Rules for the provision of services in the field of parking lots", introduced in 2001, the minimum distance between a residential building and a parking lot must be 50 meters. The design should be carried out on the basis that one car will require 25 m 2, and the distance between adjacent rows should be from 7 meters. At the same time, a special coating must be applied to the asphalt in the parking area, which will prevent the penetration of oil products into the soil.

At this stage, it is necessary to carefully consider the target audience, that is, who can become your regular customer... You can count on the following categories of the population:

  • residents of high-rise buildings belonging to a group of people with an average level of income - they are the ones who are guided by open protected areas with a relatively low price level;
  • in more prestigious areas, it is preferable to equip a closed parking lot - it will be preferred by car owners with incomes above the average level;
  • tourists and businessmen visiting the busiest areas of the city will be glad to have any opportunity to park their cars.


Knowing what it takes to open a parking lot is not enough. The choice of its location is one of the most important and responsible points of the business plan, therefore, the choice of location should be taken very carefully. This task should be facilitated by the marketing research carried out at the previous stage.

The most preferred are the following location options:

  • central areas of the city. If you can find a suitable site here and solve all organizational issues, then you can consider yourself lucky. It is in the most visited areas that the demand for parking services is highest. The element of luck is simply necessary here - usually the center and the business part have already been "captured" by competitors, and where there is still an opportunity to equip parking, the rental price is prohibitive. If your budget is limited, it is better to abandon this option in favor of a more affordable one;
  • sleeping areas. There are good chances of success here, regardless of whether this is a place of accumulation of old high-rise buildings or new buildings. In both cases, there will be a shortage of personal garages, and the adjoining territory will be able to accept only a very small part of the cars. Land rent here is significantly lower, plus you can count on at least at night, although your parking lot will not be empty during the day;
  • car park outside the city limits. Here the cost of renting a land plot is minimal, but the attendance is much lower. But here, too, options are possible - for example, the proximity of a large mall, a tourist or other object that is popular with the population.


In addition to parking cars or trucks, you can also focus on two-wheeled vehicles - it all depends on the preferences of the local population and the characteristics of a particular location. You can also expand the functionality of the site by providing space for storing winter tires and other auto accessories and equipment.

If you are working for the future, you should think about a car wash, a spare parts store, providing for this the availability of free space in the area where the parking lot is located.

Form of activity

It is also necessary to decide on the form economic activity... The most common options are individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. In our case, an individual entrepreneur will be a preferable option, both from a financial point of view, and purely organizationally. In a word, if you want to save money and are not guided by a scale that goes beyond one or several parking lots, then issue an IP. It will cost from 30,000 rubles.

Registration features

When starting to draw up a business plan, it is necessary to provide for an item concerning the legalization of a parking lot, that is, its registration.

This procedure includes several activities of different complexity:

  • obtaining permission from the municipal authorities for the right to lease the selected land plot. This will not be an easy task, since you will have to spend a lot of effort, nerves and funds, to use personal connections (your own or your friends, acquaintances). The more prestigious the area, the larger the area of ​​the site, the more obstacles you will have to overcome. And face human factor represented by specific officials. It is at this stage that many start-up entrepreneurs stumble, who are sickened by flirting with the authorities;
  • after obtaining permission and concluding a lease, it is necessary to develop and execute the project documentation of the object, which will have to be coordinated in the prefecture, and then in the Land Committee. If you have successfully coped with obtaining permits for the site, then there should be no big problems with the project. Although nuances are possible here;
  • Finally, if your business plan provides for the construction of an object (and if it is not an open parking lot, then such a need will arise), then an appropriate permit will also be required.

Get ready for the fact that the stage of obtaining all permits will cost you at least 100,000 rubles.

The cost of opening a parking lot as a business "from scratch"

The most important part of a business plan is financial section, which describes the estimated costs and expected profits. You should not assume that taking ready-made calculations as an example and making your own adjustments, you will get numbers that will become final. They can be used as a guide, but trust me, you will have to make a lot of adjustments to them. That is why we present a business plan for a parking lot with calculations that may turn out to be far from reality, since they depend on a large number of factors.

In any case, all financial costs associated with are divided into one-time and monthly. We will list them in one list:

  • registration costs permits from local authorities;
  • the cost of renting or purchasing a land plot for parking;
  • arrangement costs;
  • costs of advertising and marketing activities;
  • remuneration of personnel.

How much does it cost to open a parking lot: basic costs

Consider what needs to be done to arrange a parking lot:

  • install a fence, bring communications (electricity is required, Internet with distribution via Wi-Fi is desirable);
  • install an automatic barrier at the entrance;
  • The guard post for staff must have good visibility, especially if the parking area is large. You will need a two-story building with furniture, a computer, communication means;
  • you will have to take care of the installation of the video surveillance system, if you do not want to often sue your clients in case of controversial issues and problematic points;
  • if you have been allocated an unpaved land plot, you will need to lay asphalt. In addition, in accordance with environmental standards, opening a parking lot is impossible without applying a special composition that prevents the absorption of oil products and other technical liquids into the soil. Failure to comply with the latter requirement can lead to serious fines;
  • part of the funds will have to be spent on providing lighting for the parking lot at night.

The approximate cost of performing all these activities is from 150,000 rubles.


When arranging a site designed to accommodate up to 100 vehicles, 3-4 employees will be required (shift work organization). If you do not want to take over the maintenance of accounting documentation, you will also need an accountant. The total cost of salaries will be 70-90 thousand rubles / month, but, again, this will depend on the region, area of ​​the city and your generosity.


A car park as a business does not require superfluous efforts in registration, obtaining permits and arrangement, the profitability in this niche is also quite good. But there are several points that relate to risks and that must be taken into account:

  • since in most cases the option of leasing a land plot is chosen (for a novice businessman, its acquisition will hardly be possible), then you need to be prepared for the fact that the owner of the plot can terminate the lease at any time, referring to any formal argument (for example, a buyer has appeared ), and then you have to move. However, it is possible that you yourself can become the initiator of the transfer of the parking lot for objective reasons. In this case, all your expenses for the arrangement will have to be spent again;
  • the possibility of theft or damage to vehicles is another serious risk. It must be remembered that in such cases, not only the specific guard will be guilty, but also the owner of the parking lot. If your guilt is proven in court, the financial costs will be impressive. The presence of a video surveillance system and well-designed constituent documents will help reduce these risks, but not completely eliminate them, therefore, it is highly desirable to take out insurance. In this case, the burden compensation payments will fall on the shoulders of the UK, but your income will decrease accordingly.


The last point of the business plan is the calculation of profitability and profitability. This niche is considered to be highly profitable. If we proceed from the fact that the daily stay of a car in the parking lot will give you 200 rubles on average (during this time several cars may change), and the capacity of the parking lot is 50 cars, then with full employment your income will be 10,000 rubles, for a month you will receive 300 thousand.

From this amount you will need to subtract taxes, rental costs, salaries and other expenses. As a result, the net profit will amount to 60,000-90,000 rubles, the approximate period of full payback of a startup is from 1 to 2 years.

And now we will give the final calculations, so that it is convenient to operate with numbers:

  • the cost of obtaining permits - from 100,000 rubles;
  • costs of arranging a parking lot - from 150,000 rubles;
  • monthly rental cost - from 80,000 rubles;
  • expenses for registration of an individual entrepreneur - from 30,000 rubles;
  • salary for security guards / accountant - from 90,000 rubles.

The amount of monthly expenses will be about 200,000 rubles, the expected income - 250-300 thousand, net income - 50-100 thousand. Payback - from 1 year.

Once again, we note that the figures are approximate, in reality, each of the indicated points may turn out to be both more and less. But in any case, opening up a parking lot can be seen as sufficient. Provided a competently conducted market analysis in your city and a well-prepared business plan, even a novice entrepreneur can easily organize such a business, since the amount of investment in the case of organizing an open parking lot is small.

The assessment of the prospects in this case depends on your entrepreneurial acumen: already at the stage of site selection, you need to provide for the presence of free territories in the immediate vicinity, which can be used to expand the parking area or to organize related businesses. The sites located in the area of ​​capital construction will be very promising, and the larger it is, the more dividends you will receive in the future.

The residence permit entitles you to free parking at paid city parking places within the area of ​​residence from 20:00 to 08:00 daily for one year, two or three years (at the choice of the applicant).

To be able to park the rest of the time (from 08:00 to 20:00), you need to pay a fee of three, six and nine thousand rubles - for one, two or three years, respectively. This can be done only after obtaining a resident parking permit for free parking from 20:00 to 08:00.

Residents of paid city parking lots include:

  • apartment owners;
  • tenants of apartments under social tenancy agreements;
  • tenants of apartments under contracts of service employment.

They can apply for a parking permit for their cars or for cars permanently registered in their apartments or tenants under lease or sublease agreements if they have a temporary registration. A resident parking permit can be issued for a car, the owner of which does not have fines in arrears, or there is a court decision that has entered into force on the cancellation of the relevant decisions.

Permits are issued on the basis of one apartment, two permits.

In case of re-issuing a resident parking permit, the resident can submit an application in advance - not earlier than two months before the expiration of the previous one. The new permission will take effect the next day after the expiration of the previous one.

2. How to get a residence permit?

To obtain a permit, you will need:

  • (not required when submitting documents online);
  • an identity document of the applicant;
  • if the documents will be submitted by the applicant's representative - a document proving the identity of the applicant's representative and a power of attorney (in simple writing or notarized);
  • certificate of registration of the vehicle for which a permit is required;
  • The lease / sublease agreement of the dwelling must be registered in the Unified state register right. "> contract lease / sublease of housing or contract of lease of office accommodation (if the application is submitted for a resident permit to park a car The temporary registration of the owner of the car must be at least the validity period of the parking permit. "> or if you are a service employer);
  • an extract from the house book - will be needed if the car for which the permit is issued is not registered to the owner of the home, and at the same time:
  • in relation to the house in which the dwelling is located, the calculation of payments for housing and communal services and registration records at the place of residence and stay is not carried out by the State Budgetary Institution MFC;
  • housing is located in the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts;
  • documents confirming the court's decision to cancel the decisions issued on fines for violation of the rules road traffic and payment for parking in relation to the owner of the car for which a parking permit is issued (if any).

If you are not the only home owner (including under a social rent agreement), you will need Written consent is not provided by residential property owners if they are:

  • participants of the Second World War;
  • former underage prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War;
  • participants in the defense of Moscow during the Second World War;
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union;
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation;
  • full holders of the Order of Glory;
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor;
  • Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation;
  • full holders of the Order of Labor Glory.

In respect of such persons, an entry on a resident parking permit is entered into the register of resident parking permits of the city of Moscow without the consent of other owners of residential premises.

"> the consent of the rest As well as legal representatives of minor owners. "> Owners about which owner of the dwelling the resident parking permit will be valid for.

If you will be submitting documents to, consent can be submitted:

  • simultaneously with filing an application in the personal presence of all owners (and legal representatives of minor owners) - in this case, their consent is certified by an employee of the center of public services. You will need documents proving the identity of other owners, as well as documents confirming the powers and status of legal representatives of minor owners;
  • in writing - if the personal presence of all owners is impossible. The signatures of the owners (and legal representatives of minor owners) on such consent must be notarized.

You can apply for the service of issuing a resident parking permit at any convenient center of public services "My Documents".

If a parking permit is requested, consent can be confirmed:

  • by attaching to the application a scanned copy of the notarized written consent of all owners (and legal representatives of minor owners) of housing;
  • remotely via Personal Area to the website. When filling out an online application for a parking permit, you need to send requests for remote confirmation of consent to the rest of the owners (and legal representatives of minor owners) housing. Within 5 business days from the date of registration of your application, other owners must confirm their consent by logging in with their account.

In either case, your car will be entered into the register of parking permits within 6 working days from the date of registration of the application.

3. How can I find out about the readiness of a permit and where can I see its status?

You can get a notice of entering in the register of parking permits in the form of a paper document at the center of public services.

Information on the availability and validity of a parking permit can be found on the website in your personal account.

4. How to park with a residence permit around the clock?

To be able to park on the territory of the area of ​​residence around the clock, you need to pay a residence fee in the amount of three, six or nine thousand rubles, depending on the validity period of the resident parking permit (one year, two or three years, respectively).

The service is activated automatically the next day after the payment is made.

You can pay for the service:

  • on the portal site using the service. To find an invoice for payment, on the page that opens, go to the "Paid Services" section;
  • on the site ;
  • via mobile app Moscow Parking (for iOS or Android);
  • offline. A receipt for payment can be received along with a notification of entry into the register of parking permits in the center of public services "My Documents".

When paying through the website, the option of partial online payment of bills has become available, that is, residents who have received a parking permit for three years can pay the amount (nine thousand rubles) in installments. The main condition is that at the beginning of the new year, the account must have three thousand rubles. Otherwise, the document will lose its validity.

5. When can a resident permit be revoked?

A resident parking permit is canceled when:

  • termination of a social tenancy agreement, a contract for the lease of an office dwelling, alienation by a resident of a dwelling or a share in the right of ownership of a dwelling;
  • alienation of a vehicle;
  • deregistration at the place of residence or stay in a residential building;
  • termination or expiration of the lease or sublease agreement of residential premises concluded with the resident by the person for which the vehicle specified in the resident parking permit is registered
  • death, recognition as missing or declaring deceased of the person specified in the resident parking permit.

A resident permit can be canceled both at the request of a resident who applied for a permit, and at the initiative of the State Institution "Administrator of the Moscow parking space"(GKU" AMPP ").

Please note: in case of cancellation of the resident parking permit, the fee paid for the placement of the vehicle specified in the permit will not be refunded.

6. In what cases can the resident permit be suspended?

Your residence permit may be suspended if you are found to have at least three outstanding traffic fines and parking payments.

If within 10 working days from the date of sending the notification you liquidate all the debt and notify GKU "AMPP" about this in writing, the parking permit will not be suspended.

Otherwise, the permit will be suspended for a period until the liquidation of all debts and three months after the corresponding written notification of the State Institution "AMPP". The period of validity of the permit will be extended for the general period of suspension.

If any of the personal data of the person specified in the permit or information about the vehicle has changed, you need to change the entry on the resident parking permit. To do this, you will need the same documents as for the initial registration, except for the consent of other homeowners - it is not required to make changes to the parking permit.

You can make changes to the entry on the parking permit:

  • by contacting any center of public services "My Documents";
  • by sending a request.

After the expiration of the validity period of the resident parking permit, it is not changed, but renewed - provided that the applicant retains the right to obtain such a permit. To submit a request, you need exactly the same list of documents as for the initial registration of a resident parking permit.

You can submit a request for an extension of a parking permit no earlier than 2 months before its expiration. Methods for submitting a request:

  • in person at any center of public services "My Documents"

The number of cars is growing every year. This trend affects all cities in Russia. To clearly see it, it is enough to align two photographs of any courtyard today and 15 years ago. The number of cars is huge and everyone needs to park their property somewhere. In this article, we will look at the solution to the problem that has arisen and talk about how to open the car park.

Niche pros and cons

Parking is a tricky business, so the first step is to identify all the pros and cons.


  • High demand;
  • There is no expensive equipment or technology;
  • Can become a passive source of profit.


  • Difficulties in officially registering a business and obtaining all permits;
  • When choosing an unsuccessful place, it is impossible to move to another along with the whole business;
  • Certain types of parking lots require an entrepreneur in millions of dollars in construction budgets;
  • You bear the risk of stealing and damaging your customers' vehicle.

In some business models, the pros or cons outweigh them for sure. In the case of a car park, everything is complicated. Here the pros and cons are balanced. Therefore, we will classify this business idea as an average one, when it does not promise something very bad or very good. In other words, the chances of success and failure are equal.

Parking types

It's time to briefly go over the types of parking lots, analyze them and choose the option that suits us.

Difference between car park and parking

Despite the fact that parking and parking are considered synonymous, in fact, in legal terms, they have some differences.

The key difference is that the car park is responsible for the safety of cars, and parking (paid or free) is not, as it simply provides a place for the car for rent.

Some parking lot owners try to avoid liability for the safety of their vehicles. They post a notice that they are not responsible, but as a rule, this does not save them in the future in court.

In fact, lawsuits against parking lot owners are extremely rare. All modern cars are equipped with alarms, your land is delimited by a fence and a guard sits at the entrance. Therefore, nothing happens to cars. They will definitely not be stolen, but they may well be scratched by other drivers when parking.


The first type is the most common car park for everyone. Its main feature is its location. It is located on the ground and does not have any structures to protect cars from rain and snow.

When organizing an open parking lot, we do not have to invest a lot of money on construction. It is enough to cover the area with asphalt, put up a fence and a security booth. That is why aspiring entrepreneurs often choose this type of parking lot.

Consider financial plans for such parking lots for 50, 100 and 250 places.

50 seats

According to the law, a parking lot for 50 parking spaces must be removed 15 meters from residential buildings and 50 meters from schools, hospitals and kindergartens. The required area for one parking space is 14 sq.m. So we need an area of ​​700 sq.m. To cover such an area with asphalt, we will need 560,000 rubles. It will take 290,000 rubles to fence the perimeter with a fence. Also, do not forget about the costs of lights, a barrier and a security booth.

As a result, the cost of opening a parking lot for 50 places will amount to approximately 1,000,000 rubles. The cost of parking for a month is on average 4,500 rubles and if you fill it up by 100%, then the revenue will be 225,000 rubles. From this amount, it is worth deducting monthly expenses for salaries of employees, rent of territory and other expenses. Then the net profit will be 125,000 rubles, and the payback is 8 months.

100 seats

Here the essence is exactly the same, but we will only show the numbers. To open a car park with 100 spaces, we must move 25 meters from residential buildings and 50 meters from schools and hospitals.

A short business plan will look like this:

  • 1400 sq.m.
  • Asphalting: RUB 1.120.000
  • Fence: RUB 580,000
  • RUB 400,000
  • Required investments: RUB 2,100,000
  • Potential revenue: RUB 450,000
  • Potential profit: RUB 250,000
  • Payback: 9 months

250 seats

Large parking lots for up to 300 cars should be located 35 meters from residential buildings, 50 meters from children's institutions and 60 meters from hospitals and sports facilities.

The financial plan for a parking lot of this magnitude would be as follows:

  • Minimum required area: 3500 sq.m.
  • Asphalting: RUB 2,800,000
  • Fence: RUB 1.500.000
  • Other expenses for the arrangement: RUB 800,000
  • Required investments: RUB 5.100.000
  • Potential revenue: RUB 1.125.000
  • Potential profit: RUB 775,000
  • Payback: 7 months

Important note!
It should be noted that the calculations were made taking into account 100% workload. You need to understand that in reality, the revenue may be lower. In the first months, 100% workload is generally unrealistic, because you will earn customer base gradually. Parking lots for 50 and 100 places may well come to the fact that their occupancy will be 100%, but large parking lots are unlikely to come to this number. Their real percentage of utilization is 50% -70%, 100% is achieved in very rare cases.


We decided not to focus on closed parking lots, because the costs of opening them are extremely high and it is unlikely that there are many people among our readers who have a budget of more than 10 million rubles. Nevertheless, in order to understand the whole picture of the market, we will analyze these options as well.

Closed parking lots can be aboveground or underground. They are always built in large cities where car owners are willing to give large sums for the content of their technique. In cities with a population of less than 1 million people, it is not economically viable to build such parking lots.

Multilevel aboveground

Such a car park involves a building with several floors, which is located on the ground in a densely populated area.

Immediately, we will shock you with large numbers. A multi-level parking project alone will cost from 300,000 rubles. The cost of construction works is 20,000 rubles per sq.m. To erect a building designed for 400 car places with an area of ​​2.000 sq. M. we will have to spend 40 million rubles. In addition to construction, do not forget that we have to buy land, prices can reach from 5 to 20 million rubles. depending on the regions.

Such parking lots bring their owners approximately 1 million rubles. per month and pays off in about 4-6 years.

Multilevel underground

The costs of building underground parking are even higher. One square meter will cost from 30,000 rubles. up to 130,000 rubles It is very expensive. Such projects are being built by experienced entrepreneurs with a large budget or contacts of investors. The potential profit will be from 1 million rubles, and the payback period will be in the region of 5-7 years. Of course, this business model is not suitable for small towns.

For heavy trucks

The last idea we want to consider is a truck parking lot. It is usually located on the outskirts of the city or on the highway, so renting or buying land will be inexpensive.

An interesting life hack that some people use. Cemeteries are often located on the outskirts of the city. Of course, no one wants to live next to them or open restaurants, so the land around the cemetery is considered unprofitable and is quite cheap. Some entrepreneurs, in order to save their budget, buy or rent just such land for the construction of a parking lot for trucks.

Of course, a truck parking business plan will be very different from your usual one. In this case, our the target audience- these are truckers who carry cargo for millions of rubles. Therefore, in addition to providing a parking space, we must provide the following:

  • Reliable security;
  • Cafe;
  • Hotel;
  • Score;
  • Showers and toilets;
  • Tire fitting;
  • Technical service.

As you can imagine, each item is practically a separate business. Covering the territory with high-quality slabs alone, which will withstand the weight of trucks, will take 5 million rubles. And the construction of the complex as a whole can take up to 10-20 million rubles. This is a very risky business. We do not recommend that you get involved in this business if you do not have an understanding of the niche and experience in entrepreneurship.

Step-by-step parking lot opening for 100 spaces

Take a closer look at how to open the car park. Will be disassembled step-by-step instruction for an open car park for 100 spaces with an area of ​​2500 sq.m. with a daily rental cost of 200 rubles. and monthly 4.500 rubles.

Step 1 - Finding a place

The first stage in this business is the most difficult. You must find a place for your future car park. According to state requirements, we must be located 25 meters from residential buildings and 50 meters from schools and hospitals.

In addition to government requirements, our location must be in line with commercial interests. That is, you need to find a place where you will have clients. This is the key to this business.

You need to open a city map and carefully analyze it. Old, non-expanding areas are usually already fully developed. They have parking lots and people know where to park their car overnight. But the situation with new or expanding areas is quite different. In them you can find a great place that will be in great demand.

Step 2 - Ground Issues

After you find a great place, you need to figure out how you can get it for your purposes. There can be three options in this situation: this land is yours, this is private land or municipal land. Let's take a look at everything in turn.

Own land

Opening a parking lot on your own land does not pose any problems at all, except for one. The location may not be profitable at all if you place a car park on it. Therefore, you always need to start with the fact that you are looking for a profitable place and only then decide the issue of renting or buying it. If you are sure that there will be demand on your land, then we can congratulate you, because you can easily open a profitable business on it.

Private consistency

As a rule, developers own good parking lots. You can negotiate with them and they will provide you with a land lease for 11 months with subsequent renewal.

Problems in this case should not arise, except that the owner of the land may refuse to lease it to you.

Municipal property

If the land belongs to the state, then this greatly complicates everything in general. You need:

  • Permission of the Land Management Committee on the possibility of placing a parking lot;
  • The project is coordinated with Rospotrebnadzor, utilities, traffic police, committee of architecture and town planning;
  • Permission from the administration of the municipality.

After that, a tender is put up for the land, and you may have competitors.

Summing up, we can say that the lease of state land is a rather complicated process that will take a lot of time and effort.

Step 3 - Business registration and required documents

The business registration procedure is standard. You must register as individual entrepreneur, choose the UTII taxation system and open a bank account.

The great advantage of opening parking lots is that you do not need any special documents if you are opening on your own or renting a private area. The situation with municipal land is different, but we talked about this above.

Car parks are included in the section "Warehouse management and auxiliary transport activities". Your business will literally have no foundation. The security booth can be made from a transportable container, so you do not have to obtain any permits from Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspection. Nevertheless, sooner or later they will come to you and so that no questions arise, you should discuss these points with the people who will develop the project for you.

The only permit that will have to be obtained is the permit of the municipality.

Step 4 - Construction

Construction will be the most expensive stage in preparing your business. We recommend that you completely delegate this stage and not try to do something yourself. Yes, you will spend more money, but you will save time and get rid of a lot of problems.

Car park project

First you need a project to build on. It can be ordered for 20 rubles. 1 sq.m. and as a result, you will receive a detailed plan and drawings of the parking lot. In our case, the cost of the project will be 50,000 rubles. The resulting project will meet all standards and requirements.


The estimate for the construction of an open car park will look like this:

In total, we will need 2,100,000 rubles for the construction and arrangement of our parking lot.

Step 5 - Personnel

The staff in this niche is minimal. For work, it is enough to hire two security guards who will work in shifts. In total, their salary will be 50,000 rubles.

In addition, in winter, you may need the services of tractor drivers to clean the area.

Step 6 - Attracting Customers

If you walk through parking lots from different cities, you can conclude that they don't bother with advertising at all. And this is really so, because the opening of a parking lot in itself is an event that is interesting only to a certain circle of motorists.

You will never see a targeted ad for a parking lot or a guy on the street handing out flyers like you would for a restaurant. This happens because no advertising can attract a car enthusiast who is simply uncomfortable leaving his car with you.

You should definitely choose a place for business that will definitely be in demand. That is, to be located in densely populated and preferably new areas. Ideally, there should be no customer acquisition costs at all. If you have them, then you are doing something wrong.

Business risks

The main risk of opening a car park is the lack of customers. If they do not exist, you will never recoup your investment, or you will beat them off for years. This usually happens because entrepreneurs fail to get a profitable place. They have to make compromises and choose the less profitable in the hope that it will bring at least some profit. As a result, they have a small number of clients and a small profit.

Therefore, consider the place in which you are going to open your business several times. Analyze how many people live in the area, how many motorists and whether they are willing to pay for parking.

Additional sources of profit

After starting a business, you can significantly increase your profits by adding value to your parking lot. Nearby you can place a car wash and tire service. These businesses by themselves can bring you good profits, but this is not the most important thing. If before that the occupancy of the parking lot could be 40% -50%, but after the opening of the car wash and tire fitting it will increase to 70% -80%. It is convenient for people when everything is at hand and these things become important factor in favor of your car park.