Parking space management. London, Great Britain. Parking management system

Parking management is modern systems, which are equipped with many useful functions that help the owner of the parking lot control costs and get high profits, and the driver - saving time looking for free space and confidence in the safety of his car. The parking management system collects information about the current state of the parking lot, analyzes it and transmits the result to the parking administrators in real time.

Parking management - Where are these systems installed?

A wide range of options allows you to choose the optimal solution individually for each object and take into account all the nuances of organizing the parking space.

The main objects in need of parking automation:

  • Shopping and entertainment centers;
  • Hotels and hotels;
  • Airports;
  • Railway stations;
  • Sports centers and fitness clubs;
  • Exhibition complexes;
  • Residential areas;
  • Garage cooperatives;
  • Large enterprises.

Our offer

We take into account all the features of the location and the nature of the object, offering both standard and individual solutions based on Designa equipment, which are adjusted and supplemented with options in accordance with the budget and wishes of our customers. For more information on the equipment and its options, please follow the link

System capabilities:

  • Online parking monitoring;
  • The ability to manage a network of parking lots included in a single system;
  • Increasing the profitability of parking;
  • Instant access to information on rates and costs;
  • Report management;
  • Maintaining customer base providing information about regular customers, cards and subscriptions;
  • Parking malfunction or disturbance warnings;
  • Increasing the throughput inside the parking lot;
  • Saving time looking for free space for a car;
  • Possibility of parking zoning depending on the cost of the space (service parking, vip-zone);
  • Increasing the level of security in the parking lot (protection against thefts, burglaries).

What is the benefit for the client?

The client has the opportunity to pay for parking in modern ways payment (paypass; sms; NFC). It becomes possible to book a parking space in advance using special electronic applications. Thanks to the intuitive navigation system, the search for a free parking space is reduced.

What is the benefit to the maintenance service?

Parking management provides a number of reports on various indicators, as well as informs staff about events taking place in the parking lot. The main ones are:

  • Unauthorized access to the parking lot;
  • The parking lot (lack of free spaces);
  • End of tickets at the entrance terminal (the system informs the staff in a timely manner, thus avoiding system downtime) and much more.

All information about the state of the parking, necessary for correct operation, is available to the staff in real time.

Our company offers complete equipping of the parking space with an integrated automated parking system (CAPS) based on Designa equipment, which controls access to the parking area and collects payments for services provided, as well as ensures service functions and customer safety.

You can find out more detailed information on products or place an order by calling the phone number indicated on the website, or by ordering a call back to contact the manager.

Effective parking management is a complex and multifaceted task. Its solution requires not only the involvement of qualified specialists, but also the availability of automated system parking management. Such a system will make parking management transparent, simple and cost effective.

Basic requirements and tasks to be solved

Requirements for the system automated control parking, depend on its purpose, scale, functions, intensity of use and a number of other factors.

The automated parking management system solves the following main tasks:

Ensuring the convenience of using the parking;
- provision of statistical information for effective management of paid parking;
- receiving income from the operation of the parking area;
- efficient use of parking space.

Depending on the tasks to be solved, two large classes of such systems can be distinguished:

Paid parking management systems;
- systems for counting free places and parking navigation.

Paid parking systems are designed to automatically charge parking fees. Often, paid car parking is not aimed at generating income, but serves to “cut off” non-targeted users. This is typical for shopping centers with a tariff, for example, the first three hours are free.

The automated parking navigation system makes it easier for the customer to find a free space even in high traffic conditions and allows the owner to use the parking space more efficiently.

Reporting and statistics

Effective management of the system requires reliable information about the current parking load and statistics of the occupancy for different periods of time. Such information can usually be provided by both a paid parking management system and a navigation automated parking system.

The software allows you to get different types standard reports, which are usually sufficient to get a complete picture of the parking operation. If necessary, specialized reports can be created for the needs of a particular client.

Special abilities

The paid parking management system implies the automation of entry and exit control, cost calculation and collection of payments. These tasks can be successfully solved by the automated control system for paid parking. Such a paid parking system usually includes entry and exit terminals, automatic cash registers, operator workstations.
In addition to the standard functions of control of entry / exit and acceptance of payment, the paid parking management system provides various special features, for example:
- admission of regular users on the basis of subscriptions;
- license plate recognition and fraud prevention;
- special mode of use for tenants;
- flexible rates for different times of the day and days of the week, etc.
Automated paid parking systems can provide cash or bank cards at automatic cash desks or at cashiers.

Parking system selection

Obviously, the choice of a parking management system is influenced by the tasks at hand, the features of the operation of a particular facility, the intensity of work, and finally, financial capabilities.

An automated parking system is a rather complex hardware and software complex, and when assessing the effectiveness of implementation, it is necessary to assess not only the cost of acquisition, but also the cost of its operation. The automated paid parking system requires regular Maintenance to ensure many years of trouble-free operation and success largely depends on the level technical support, availability of spare parts and consumables from the supplier.

The choice depends a lot on the scale. For a parking complex of a large airport and a small parking lot for 50-100 parking spaces, absolutely different systems parking management.

The project "Management of the parking space of the city of Astana" was created in accordance with the Program for the modernization of the transport complex of the capital.

The main goal of this project:

  • reducing the load on the road network by reducing the number of parked cars on the road for a long time;
  • increasing the speed of traffic in the city center;
  • creating opportunities for comfortable movement of pedestrians, public transport vehicles and cars.
  • Zone No. 1: intersection of Turan - Saraishyk - Orynbor - Syganak streets;
  • Zone No. 2: intersection of Saryarka - Bogenbai batyr - Republic - Naberezhnaya streets.

A full-fledged project "Management of the parking space of the city of Astana" is being created in two stages. At the first stage, it is planned to equip 910 parking spaces on Nurzhol Boulevard.

By the end of 2016, it is planned to create about 9000 paid parking spaces in Astana, which will be located in two zones:

For vehicle owners, the parking space will be equipped parking spaces with markings, signs, information boards describing the payment process, as well as electronic displays indicating the number of free parking spaces and parking meters for cashless payments.

Control over the provision of services and ensuring the well-coordinated work of the entire system is carried out from a single dispatch center.

Parking space management is carried out using an integrated automated system. In the future, it will be possible to pay for the use of parking in several ways:

  • parking meters installed directly on the parking spaces of the road network;
  • SMS messages;
  • parking tickets;
  • mobile applications;
  • across Personal Area from a parking account.

The project "Management of the parking space of the city of Astana" provides for the right to preferential parking for:

  • participants in the Great Patriotic War throughout the parking space;
  • disabled people of groups I and II in specially designated places;
  • residents of houses included in the paid parking zone within the same cadastral quarter.


Let us recall that the creation of paid parking lots in places of active traffic is one of the most effective measures in world practice to prevent traffic jams and reduce the number of traffic violations.

Moscow, Russia

For example, the Moscow Parking Space project was launched in Moscow to cope with the problem of “chaotic parking” on the streets of Moscow.

The implementation of this project has shown positive results:

  • Increase in movement speed by 12%;
  • Reducing the number of parking violations by 64%;
  • Reducing the number of personal vehicles entering the Garden Ring by 25%;
  • Increase in the turnover of parking spaces by 4 times (if earlier a car took on average one parking space for 6-8 hours, now - no more than 1.5 hours).

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

A similar project called “Parking space in St. Petersburg. Demonstration Zone ”was created in St. Petersburg.

The goal is to create a comfortable and favorable urban environment by increasing the capacity of the road network, creating opportunities for comfortable movement of pedestrians, public transport vehicles and cars.

The main tasks of the project:

  • Increasing the capacity of the city's road network in the zone of paid parking;
  • Reducing the number of violations of the rules of stopping and parking on the road network;
  • Increased driving speed Vehicle in paid parking zones;
  • Reducing the flow of personal vehicles entering the toll zone and stimulating the use of alternative modes of transport.

London, Great Britain

In London, one of the most expensive metropolitan areas in the world for motorists, you have to pay not only for the opportunity to park your car on the streets, but also for entering the center. The tax was introduced by the city in 2003, with an exception being made for owners of hybrid and electric vehicles.

In addition, the roadsides of almost all streets within the city are lined with yellow and red lines, which denote the paid parking zones. Special machines are also installed here, which accept payment, as well as provide information on the permitted time for using parking, its cost and maximum duration: usually, in central London, you can keep a car in one place for no longer than two hours.

The price of one hour of parking varies depending on the area, and you can park your car for free only in the evening (after 18.00) and on weekends.

Vienna, Austria

In Vienna, there is a charge for parking on most city streets. Moreover, since October 1, 2012, the number of paid parking zones has increased. The city is divided into districts, in each of which there is a certain time frame when you will have to pay for parking your car. Usually the paid time is from 9.00 to 19.00, less often - until 22.00. At night, as well as on weekends and holidays You can leave your car in the same areas free of charge.

In addition, in Vienna there is a maximum permitted parking time: usually it is 2-3 hours. To pay for parking in the Austrian capital, special coupons are used, which differ in color and in the length of the parking time. Red vouchers for € 1 are for half an hour, blue for € 2 for an hour, green for € 3 for an hour and a half, and yellow for € 4 for two hours.

There are also 10 minute free purple coupons that are used for short stops.

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Parking management system

Price for one point of travel from: 6 657 rubles

Price for one point of travel from: 6 657 rubles

Tibbo Parking Management System is an infrastructure for controlling the access of cars to a parking space. Similar technologies are used to ensure the physical security of facilities in business centers, residential and shopping malls, train stations, airports, hotels.

Features of Tibbo Parking Management System:

  • flexible architecture allows one, two or four points of drive to be controlled from one controller;
  • the ability to select or combine online and offline access control operating modes;
  • the ability to choose manual, automatic or service mode of operation;
  • the vehicle identifier is read out remotely ( RFID UHF technology out of the box);
  • gate state monitoring system (open / closed) and automatic gate closing by timer;
  • the ability to connect a fire alarm system sensor;
  • the controller's database can store in memory up to 6 thousand users per controller with online synchronization mode;
  • convenient operator panels for monitoring and working with the database;
  • the controller is able to carry out self-diagnostics and, in case of an emergency situation, notify the operator;
  • the ability to integrate with billing systems;
  • the ability to synchronize the database of passes in real time and unload the event log;
  • open source;
  • The solution is suitable for parking spaces in residential complexes, business centers, shopping and entertainment complexes.


The Tibbo parking management system is designed primarily to optimize the process of entering / exiting vehicles into the parking lot and to ensure the safety of the fleet. The control is based on the Tibbo Project System (TPS) hardware platform and the AggreGate integration platform. The Tibbo controller connects to the access mechanism automation and regulates its actions, following the set logic or commands from the outside. The very same infrastructure work is based on four principles:

  • identification of the car in order to make a decision on the possibility of a pass;
  • control of a barrier, gate or other blocking access mechanisms;
  • constant monitoring of the state of the system in order to detect abnormal situations;
  • integration with other subsystems (billing, video surveillance systems, building automation).

How the parking management system works

Conventionally, parking management systems can be divided into contact and non-contact based on the principle of reading cards. The first option, most often, is implemented where there is a large flow of new cars, these are: large business centers, airports, train stations, etc. The principle of this technology is quite simple. Before entering the parking lot, the driver stops in front of the terminal and the system monitors the free spaces. Then the user clicks on a button, receives a map and drives to the parking lot. The controller sends data about the newly arrived car to the database. Upon departure, the driver hands over the card and, if necessary, pays for the seat.

The contactless identification system is usually used where personal cards are used, for example, in parking lots in residential complexes. In this case, the code is read at the moment when the car enters the parking lot. One of the advantages of this technology is that the driver does not have to waste time to drive up to the controller and attach the card. The user simply drives up to the reader, the card is identified and the system allows or denies access to the parking lot.

Extensive capabilities of the Tibbo parking management system

The software part is implemented through the platform interfaces Internet of Things AggreGate, thanks to which the work with the database of passes is ensured, event logs are recorded, analytics are performed and reports are provided. In addition, the system has powerful visualization tools that allow you to organize various operator panels... Tools such as Java, .NET API and web services give the platform the ability to easily integrate with other subsystems of the object: video surveillance, Fire safety etc. The presence of an SDK for mobile platforms allows you to create applications for custom smartphones... This function can be useful when using the technology Tibbo in the residential sector. So, it becomes possible to order a guest pass in a few clicks from an application on a smartphone.

A system for automating the management of Moscow parking space facilities and the use of parking space by citizens and organizations (AIS EPP) was created in 2012 and has been repeatedly modernized. Developer latest version system and its mobile application is the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Social Register" (MSR). Since May 2015, the same organization has been acting as a system support contractor.


Purchase of Oracle for 300 million rubles

In February 2016, the Moscow Department of Competition Policy in the interests of DIT announced an auction to select a supplier of software for storing and processing data in AIS EPP. The starting price of the auction was 310 million rubles.

The list of supplied software includes Oracle Database Enterprise Edition, Oracle Real Application Clusters, Oracle Partitioning, Oracle Spatial and Graph. The customer requires 64 licenses for each of these products. Also requires 16 licenses of Oracle Active Data Guard software.

Oracle Database Enterprise Edition is the most expensive item in the specification. The customer is ready to pay about 114.2 million rubles for DBMS licenses. In addition to software DIT purchases certificates for technical support of all products for a period of 12 months. Its cost is approximately 63.6 million rubles.

The results of the auction were announced at the end of February. The only company that applied for participation was IT Business Group. In the protocol of consideration of the application, the state customer is recommended to send a letter to the only participant with a proposal to reduce to 5% of the maximum contract price.

In addition to the protocol, DIT also published a rationale for the impossibility of observing the ban on the admission of software originating from foreign countries. The document was signed on February 8 by the head of DIT Artem Ermolaev. It says that the ban cannot be complied with, since the software, information about which is included in the register of Russian software and which corresponds to the same class of software as the one planned for purchase, does not meet the requirements set by the customer in terms of characteristics.

At the time of signing the justification, only 3 products were included in the register, including the Red Database Database Management System. The other two products were 1C: School. Informatics. Grade 11 "and" 1C: School. Russian language. 5-6 grade. Lexicology ".



From 2012 to 2015, contracts with a total volume of more than 800 million rubles were concluded for various works related to the AIS EPP.



On December 22 and 23, 2015, there were malfunctions in the parking payment system in Moscow. Drivers could not pay for parking: mobile app service "Parking Moscow" showed a zero balance. In addition to the money in their accounts, many citizens did not see any cars or residence permits in the application.

On December 23, DIT stated to TAdviser that the reason for the failure the day before was a sharp increase in the load on the system at an uncharacteristic time of day for normal peaks and did not exclude the version of a targeted attack. On December 23, there was also an increased load on the system, but the department hoped to cope without serious interruption of the service.

Later, DIT added that there was definitely no hacker attack, no hacking attempts were recorded, while the department does not rule out a version of a targeted DDoS attack, as well as an error in the latest version of the Moscow Parking mobile application for iOS, through which payment is made parking lots.

In the comments in one of the posts about failures on Facebook, the head of DIT Artem Ermolaev wrote that the money from the drivers' accounts did not disappear, and the balance is not displayed in the application, because the mobile application unit was disconnected from the main system in order to correct the malfunction. He also said that during the period of inoperability of the system, parking is not charged and fines are not imposed.

On December 25, AMPP announced that it would present the contractor for the maintenance of the parking payment system - the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow Social Register” (MSR) - with fines in the amount of about 4 million rubles. for a failure in the parking payment system. This amount was not received by the city due to technical malfunctions in the operation of parking payment services, which were observed on December 22 and 23.

In connection with failures of parking payment services, GKU "AMPP", as a functional customer of the system, will impose penalties on the contractor who has performed poorly on the maintenance of the system. We instructed the DIT of Moscow to strengthen control over the system's performance and prevent similar incidents in the future, ”said Maxim Liksutov, head of the Moscow Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development.

The reason for the inoperability of payment services, according to DIT, was an error in the latest version of the Moscow Parking application for iOS. The AMPP said to TAdviser that the developer of the system and the mobile application is also the MCP. At the end of 2014, the organization under the state contract with DIT modernized the system, the work included the creation of a new generation mobile application.

At the same time, in iTunes and Google Play, the developer of the Moscow Parking application is indicated as Electronic Moscow, which was the contractor for the creation of the system in 2012. With what this is connected, the AMPP preferred not to specify.


On April 8, for almost five hours, parking in Moscow was free of charge due to an outage. Parking payment did not go through SMS messages and personal account.

System modernization and development

In September 2015, AMPP held two tenders for the modernization of the system. The initial price of the first of them was 46.6 million rubles. The winner of the tender was MSR, which offered to perform work for 43.9 million rubles. The second bidder, Dataline, offered to complete the work for 24.2 million rubles.

The starting price of the second tender for modernization was 48.6 million rubles. The winner was MSR with a proposed price of 46.1 million rubles. Dataline, which took part in the competition, offered to perform the work for 23.8 million rubles. In October, the ITS held a tender for the completion of work on the completion of the functional blocks of the AIS EPP, setting a maximum price for them of 37 million rubles. The only participant in the competition was Servionika, which offered its services for a price similar to the initial bidding price.

In September, AMPP also held a competition related to the AIS EPP - to carry out work to expand the information interaction of the system in terms of improving the protocol for the exchange of parking devices. The initial bidding price was 36.7 million rubles. They were won by Dataline, which offered to complete the work for 34.4 million rubles. The second participant of the competition - "Aitinvest" - offered its services for 19 million rubles.

In October, the ITS held a competition for the development of information interaction of the AIS EPP with a maximum price of 27.7 million rubles. The only participant in the competition was Servionika, which offered to complete the work for the maximum price.

In September, there was also a competition for the implementation of work on the creation of an AIS for reconciliation of payments made using the AIS EPP and funds received at the account of the Federal Treasury Department in Moscow. The winner was SUE MSR, which offered a contract price of 30.4 million rubles. The second participant of the competition - the company "Dataline" - offered to perform the work at a price twice lower. Later in October, ITS procured from sole supplier to carry out the same work - "Servioniki", which offered to do the work for 15.9 million rubles.

In May 2015, MSR won the AMPP tender for the provision of AIS EPP maintenance services. The initial bidding price was 26.8 million rubles. MSR offered to complete them for 26.5 million rubles, and its rival in the competition - "Iceberg Group" - for 20.1 million rubles.

In October, MSR carried out a purchase from a single supplier - NAU Innovations RUS, which originally developed the system - for the provision of services for the service and analytical maintenance of the AIS EPP. The supplier's price was equal to the maximum declared price - 17.2 million rubles.

In 2015, NAU Innovations RUS also became a contractor for MTS to perform such works as the creation of a single centralized billing subsystem for 43.1 million rubles. (August 2015) and work on the modernization of the AIS EPP for 25.2 million rubles. (July 2015).

In May, AMPP also held a tender for the provision of services for the operation and maintenance of AIS EPP as part of improving the payment mechanism through centralized tariff management in the system, the initial price of which was 45.8 million rubles. The winner here, too, was the MSR, which offered a contract price of 45.4 million rubles. The second participant - "Iceberg Group" - was ready to perform work for 34.4 million rubles.


Development of a new generation mobile application

In September 2014, DIT of Moscow held a tender for the provision of services for the modernization of the AIS EPP with an initial price of 94.5 million rubles. The MSR won it, offering to perform the work for 88.8 million rubles.

Among the modernization works - the development of a mobile application and a second generation AIS EPP user portal. The TK states that through the mobile application the following should be available: information in real time about the statuses and parameters of all parking lots in the city; parking management; Carrying out the payment of traffic fines, fines for non-payment or violation of the payment procedure for paid parking; payment for services with saving the history of transactions; notification of users about news and events. One of the points is the creation of an easy-to-use application interface.


System creation

Initially, the contractor for the creation of a parking system, including a mobile application, was the Electronic Moscow company, and the customer was the State Unitary Enterprise Directorate of Garage Construction. This information is contained in the message of the GKU "Administration of the Moscow parking space" (AMPP), published in August 2015.

The corresponding agreement was concluded as a result of the competitive procedure in September 2012, according to the AMPP. It assumed the phased creation, transfer of exclusive rights and the commissioning of "AIS for automating the management of parking space facilities in the city of Moscow." To carry out the work, Electronic Moscow hired a subcontractor: it was Nau Innovations Rus, the Russian subsidiary of the Estonian developer of solutions for parking space management NOW! Innovations.

The annual report of "Electronic Moscow" for 2012 contains information on the contract it concluded for the development, creation and implementation of AIS to automate the management of parking space facilities in Moscow, as well as the provision of services for automating the use of parking space by citizens and organizations. The specified amount of the contract is about 247.7 million rubles.

A pilot project for paid parking was launched in the capital on November 1, 2012. Then she first appeared on the street. Petrovka and Karetny Ryad, as well as on adjacent lanes.