The latest version of utm yegas. What you need to know about the Universal Transport Module. With internet connection

ATTENTION! Before proceeding with the installation of the UTM (Universal Transport Module), be sure to complete the following steps (if you have not completed them earlier):
(Changed 06.06.2018)

UTM installation process:

  1. We go to the official website of EGAIS -;
  2. Click enter Personal Area EGAIS;

3. Enter PIN GOST: 0987654321;

4. Click to show the certificate;

5. Choosing a Certificate;

6. Go to the Transport module (UTM) tab;

7. Click download the transport module installer.


Download transport module installer version 2.1.6 for Windows (no Internet connection required during installation) (73 Mb)

Download documentation for the EGAIS universal transport module (version 2.1.6)

XSD - schemas electronic documents available in the installed transport module

8. After the UTM installer is downloaded, run it as “ Administrator”(Right-click on the installer);

9. Installing FSRAR UTM - click further;

10. In this window, do not change anything, click Further;

16. Installation of FSRAR UTM is completed.

  • Request for reference books of counterparties and AP;
  • Request for balances in EGAIS documents;
  • Request for full information of certificates A and B;
  • Request for balances EGAIS Z;
  • Request for the history of movements using help B;
  • Repeated request for TTN from the EGAIS server;
  • Request for unprocessed TTN (TTN, to which it is necessary to send certificates, in accordance with the requirements of the FS RAR);
  • Request to add new alcoholic beverages;
  • Request for adding a new foreign organization EGAIS;
  • Request for the presence of stamps on the remains according to certificates B;
  • Variable comparison of EGAIS reference books and accounting (optional);
  • Variable comparison of accounting reference books and EGAIS (optional).

Receipt of goods from a supplier. Buyer's return

  • EGAIS consignment note (TTN);
  • Act to the EGAIS Consignment Note (Act to the TTN);
  • Confirmation of the Act to the EGAIS Consignment Note (Confirmation of the Act to the TTN);
  • Variable installation of correspondences between EGAIS objects and accounting objects;
  • Accounting document "Receipt of goods and services";
  • Accounting document Return of goods from a client;
  • The act of canceling the TTN.
  • Sale of goods to the buyer

    • Accounting document Sale of goods and services;
    • Sending the EGAIS consignment note;
    • Sending the act to the TTN for the consignee;
    • Sending confirmation of the act to the TTN.

    Warehouse documents

    • Accounting document Posting of goods;
    • Balance sheet act;
    • Balance sheet cancellation act;
    • Accounting document Write-off of goods;
    • Write-off act;
    • Write-off cancellation act.

    Production / import

    • Accounting document Production report per shift;
    • EGAIS production report;
    • Brand type codes;
    • EGAIS production cancellation act;
    • Accounting document Customs declaration for import;
    • EGAIS import report;
    • The act of canceling the report on the import of EGAIS.

    By-brand (piece) accounting

    • Separate accounting, archiving, partial control of balances, deferred change of brand statuses - as mechanisms to ensure the productivity of brand accounting;
    • Peculiarities of binding packages to brands and building a tree of the hierarchy of packages. Documents "Repackaging of stamps" and "Re-arrangement of packages" - as mechanisms for tracking the history of group packaging in accounting;
    • Loading stamps and packages from the supplier. Incoming document "Movement of stamps". Condition of brands;
    • Changing the packaging of stamps. Document "Repackaging of stamps";
    • Changing the nesting of packages. Document "Rearrangement of packages";
    • Loading of shipped brands from external systems (via COM, XML, Web-interface). Binding stamps to lines of documents;
    • Correction of documents (series in accounting documents and certificates B in EGAIS documents) based on the results of selection or loading of stamps. Control of the number of brands and goods;
    • Sending stamps and packages to the buyer. Outgoing document "Movement of stamps". Writing off stamps and archiving the statuses of stamps and packages.

    Control and extended functionality of documents

    • Minimum price control;
    • License control;
    • Logical control during unloading to EGAIS;
    • Residue control;
    • Control of the correctness of filling in the data;
    • Status control;
    • Delayed sending of documents;
    • Automatic selection of documents of implementation in the tabular section of the document "Return from the buyer" along the chain of references B;
    • Request the status of the document in EGAIS (click the hyperlink and the browser itself will open the website with the filled request data);
    • Self-analysis of UTM. The program will not send garbage data to the UTM from its copy, it will register exchange errors with the UTM and generate a report on them. In addition, the program monitors the expiration date of the GOST / RSA certificate and generates a warning a few days before the expiration, which is also included in the report.


    • All connections to the UTM are cached, all previously requested documents are placed in the local 1C storage in a compressed form. This allows you to exchange with UTM in the shortest possible time;
    • The structure of data and indexes of 1C objects is designed taking into account the statistics of missing and redundant indexes of the MS SQL2014 server, accumulated as a result of long-term work of a working database of 30 GB;
    • All relevant queries have been reviewed and debugged through the analysis of MS SQL query plans;
    • The analysis of the technological log for the presence of long-term controlled locks was carried out; based on the results, their causes were eliminated. The work was carried out on a 15 GB work base;
    • The data storage and processing system is designed for 1 million marks per day, from receipt to shipment. All requests and entries to the database were carried out on the basis with a multimillion-dollar brand composition, documents with 200-300 thousand marks, with the collection of request plans, their analysis and revision of the subsystem based on the analysis results;
    • Mechanisms for archiving old brands have been implemented to maintain performance at the proper level.

    To set up an exchange, go to workplace Exchange with EGAIS(chapter NSI - Service - Exchange with EGAIS), select in the section Settings and references function Connection parameters to EGAIS and press the button Create.

    In the dialog box that opens, fill in the fields:

    • Workplace- the workplace from which the exchange will be made. The workstation of the current user is set by default.
    • UTM address- IP-address or domain name of the computer on which the UTM is installed.
    • Port- port of network connection with UTM (8080 by default).
    • Timeout (s)- the period of waiting for a response from the UTM.
    • FSRAR code- identifier of the user's organization in EGAIS. It can be taken from the UTM web page (section NSIServiceExchange with EGAIS, see alsoOpen UTM Web-interface).

    If the previous parameters are set correctly, in the window Exchange settings with EGAIS a message about successful UTM connection will appear.

    • Compiled in IB... In this group of commands, ultimately the Organization, Organization of EGAIS and Shopping facility (store).

      To match, call the command Request from EGAIS.

    • In the message that opens, "Before requesting data from the EGAIS organization using the FSRAR code, the current setting must be recorded", you need to click Record and continue.

      In the shape of Exchange settings with EGAIS in props Compiled in IB: Organization of EGAIS the created organization will appear.

    • A window will open automatically Organizations request... In it you should press Request.

    • The dialog box will switch to data exchange mode.

    • After receiving a response from EGAIS, a message window will open:

    • Following the hyperlink with the name of the organization, you need to open the loaded EGAIS organization.

      In the opened window Organization of EGAIS you need to set the exchange format with UTM "V3" and in the settings group Compiled in IB link the current data on the organization, obtained from EGAIS, with the organization and the store.

    • At the bottom of the window Organization of EGAIS the checkbox is located Is in countryside ... He controls the start date of the exchange of rural retail outlets with EGAIS - not earlier than the "Start date retail sales in EGAIS in rural areas "(section Administration - Item Settings - Alcohol Accounting). It must be installed if the store is located in a rural area.
    • Incoming documents... Takes on the value Upload or Do not upload... The requisite allows you to determine whether incoming documents will be loaded and processed at this workplace.
    • Exchange... Takes on the value On the 1C: Enterprise server or On the local computer... The value is set depending on whether UTM requests will be processed on the server or on the client.
    • Scheduled... Includes the ability to set a schedule. The schedule can be configured by clicking on the hyperlink Schedule not set.
    • Open UTM Web-interface- opens the UTM page in the browser. You may need it when analyzing connection settings.

    The first stage of working with EGAIS for an entrepreneur is to choose a browser: Internet Explorer 8 or Google Chrome. For the second option, you need to install the CORS extension. The next step is to make sure that the transport module is functioning, that is, insert the access address to the UTM into the browser, it was indicated during the installation of the module on the organization's PC. The screen will display information from the EGAIS website about the UTM version upon successful connection.

    If issued with a notification that there is no access to the system, then it is necessary:

    1. For Google Chrome, restart the extension (turn it off and on) and check the settings;
    2. For Internet Explorer go to the "Security" section, select "Other", activate access to data sources outside the domain and restart the laptop to start the updates;
    3. Find the file in the PC, run it with Notepad and write the asterisk (*) symbol in the line: access.control.allow.origin =. Save the document and restart the transport module.

    It is important to remember that UTM does not work without the update module, so for convenience, place its shortcut in a visible place on your desktop.

    The final stage will be working with invoices, in this process a problem may arise: the store administrator does not see the documentation that the supplier sent.

    There are three reasons why this situation arose when working at EGAIS:

    • the sender (supplier) entered an incorrect FCPAR Identifier, which serves as a number point of sale in system;
    • the entrepreneur updated the transport module as a result of an invoice that has not yet been processed and was automatically deleted;
    • the store administrator applied a different program to work and she cleared the documentation list.

    If the phrases "WayBill" and "FORMBREGINFO" appear on the monitor when unloading the waybill, then you need to send a request to technical support and report the problem you have encountered.

    Solving problems that arise when working with the transport module

    Can't open a module or data is not entering the program? The reason may lie in blocking the connection of the UTM address for EGAIS or its use by other applications.

    First, make sure that JaCarta is in the PC with the transport module installed.

    Try to open the UTM in several ways, for example, using the menu in the lower left corner of the desktop, where you will find the module icon and by clicking on it load the required page, or do it through the "Control Panel" and "Administration" sections, and in the "Services" section find the line: Transport-Updater, which is launched in two mouse clicks.

    How to fix a problem that arose when working with EGAIS:

    1. Disable Windows firewall and antivirus software and enable them in the connection settings for the address;
    2. If the port is used by another program, then close it and update the settings for compatibility with the transport module;
    3. We made sure that the port is not used by any program, but the transport module did not work, then you need to reinstall it.

    Also, the error "Wait for time is expired" and "ERROR es.programador.transport.h.e" may occur at low Internet speed, therefore it is recommended to change the provider or move the computer to a point where the Internet speed is more powerful.

    Latest version of transport module error

    In February 2017, the module was updated automatically, which led to a problem in the form of a message from the system that the organization had an expired license. This lag is explained by the fact that UTM now automatically controls the availability of an active license for entrepreneurs.

    To fix the problem, study the data about your outlet on the official website of FSRAR in the section "State Consolidated Register of Licenses" and in case of finding data that does not correspond to reality, contact the MRU as a wholesaler or to the licensing authority of the entity as an entrepreneur selling retail.

    After confirming the information from the above services, submit an application with a problem in your personal account.

    If the system generates the error "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space." you need to do the following steps:

    1. In the "Control Panel" section, click on the "Java" item and set "Xms1024m" in the "Runtime Parameters" column;
    2. Go to the register, find the transport service in order to enter: —JvmMs 500 —JvmMx 1000;
    3. Restart the system and computer to update the data.

    Three reasons to restart RSA certificate

    If you find the following errors on the laptop screen, then update the outlet certificate on the EGAIS website:

    • The transporter logs say “couldn’t create SOAP message due to exception: Unable to create StAX reader or writer”;
    • Task execution error 'es.programador.transport.updater.i: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; Premature end of ";
    • Vlogslog throws "сaused by: ParseError at:".

    Problems and mistakes in working with EGAIS periodically arise and you need to know how to solve them in several ways, because not always one option will help two entrepreneurs. It is important to follow the updates of the UTM versions in order to be aware of changes in cooperation with EGAIS, as well as to have high-speed Internet, the absence of which may cause difficulties in connecting to the system.