Business school training a mlm. MLM (network marketing). Learning Methods in Network Marketing

Not so long ago, we could not even imagine that we would have a computer in almost every home. And today, we simply cannot imagine the modern world without computers and, of course, the Internet.

We are so used to it that if our computer fails for a couple of days, we do not find a place for ourselves ...
We have everything there! Mail, news, favorite games, chatting with friends on social networks, photos and even books.

And that's not all. Many have already realized that on the Internet you can not only have fun, but also make money. They look for opportunities, register for projects, even try to master Internet technologies, but they do not have basic computer knowledge. They stumble on level ground, nothing goes well and their hands drop.

Knowing how to use a mailbox, correspond, find something on the Internet is not enough, this is very superficial knowledge.
To master the Internet, you need to have some knowledge, and the most elementary! This makes the journey easier and saves a lot of time.

Unfortunately, in our team we often come across such a situation when a person is eager to learn how to work via the Internet, but there is no computer knowledge.

I had a case!
A new partner joined the meme business, a networker with extensive experience in MLM in real life and with his entire team. Through the Internet, they have never worked before.
They began to study in focus groups, but each task was given with great difficulty and took a lot of time. And all because of the lack of basic computer knowledge.

Unfortunately, this is often the case ...
Of course, we help them, but next time another elementary question arises.

To my mail, letters of the following content often come:
“I really want to learn how to make money through the Internet, but I have no knowledge, and I'm not very friendly with a computer either. I looked on YouTube for videos on the most basic knowledge, and found almost nothing - only a few training videos for school students. Or very superficial knowledge. What should I do, what can you advise me? "

Therefore, having consulted in the team, in order to make life easier for ourselves and our partners, we decided to do for those who are not computer friendly School in video format:
"Foundations of MLM Business on the Internet".

We discussed for a long time what videos to make so that an absolute beginner would immediately feel like a confident user of a computer and the Internet.
The result is 18 video tutorials!

Who is this School for?
This School is for networkers who want to learn how to work via the Internet, but do not have
basic knowledge and skills, computer work.

How will video training be convenient for you?
1. The video lesson is always with you and you can watch it as many times as necessary to fully master the topic.
2. At any time you can return to the video and watch it over and over again.
3. During your studies at the School, a trainer will be in touch with you in Skype chat, who will help you at any time and answer questions.

School for Beginners, modeled after our partner training school.
Therefore, we know that this type of training is the most effective!

From the lessons, you will learn:
1. How easy and simple it is to communicate with the computer; Important!
2. How to create folders, files, archives in one click and how to work with them.
3. How to quickly and easily edit photo files.
4. How to create and configure email in the service; Important!
5. How to download programs to your computer
6 ... How to register and work in popular services and social networks.
7. How to use electronic money efficiently and safely; Important!
8. How to create your first video

And much more, so necessary for beginners ...

Having finished this School, You will gain confidence when working for computer and yes the Internet will become clearer for you. Thus, you will feel your strengths or vice versa weaknesses.
After completing training at the School, our partners will also get a great start, as well as networkers in real life who want to develop their business on the Internet too.
After graduation, they will be able to safely start studying Internet technologies and study in our Focus Group.

What is our benefit! :)
We decided to test the School and invite everyone to study at the school for free. But for now ... only for the duration of testing!
School in video format for Beginners starts every Monday. And we will have only 5 such sets for the School.

To apply for training, leave your name and email address on the page:

I bought this business book a couple of weeks ago and finished reading it today. If you want to successfully build a MLM 2.0 business, in general, any business on the Internet from scratch - invest in your education every day!

Read at least half an hour a day! In the information age, the winner is the one who has the most valuable information and is not lazy to put ideas into practice.

This book is not about mlm, it is about business and marketing in general. Nevertheless, drawing parallels with the network business, I discovered many new usefulness in it, I identified 20 main ones:

1. Focus on global markets

If you have an international network company, expand your MLM business via the Internet to all countries where it has representative offices. I don't know why, but very few people do it. For example I already have network groups in 3 countries.

2. Design systems for all aspects of the business

Create an MLM system for searching for candidates in a network business who are looking for income on the Internet, a system for attracting consumers, a system for training business partners, a system for keeping up activity for consumers of your MLM company's products. Your tools can be sites about network marketing on the Internet, mailing lists, educational articles in files, programs for communication and Internet services for holding business meetings.

3. Make your MLM business independent from you

Remember the rule: at the beginning of a MLM business, 90% of the time is devoted to finding business partners, 10% to training them, then 90% to training and 10% to searching. This is often forgotten and continues to be recruited in mlm, concentrating the entire network Internet business on themselves. So you can make money on the Internet, but not freedom.

4. Work to build a powerful brand in mlm

Your brand is your name. Improve yourself as a professional in mlm 2.0 and people will look for you and want to learn from you, revealing null of your service.

5. Lead the market

The market can be the top position of the mlm site in the search engine, groups in the social. networks, strive to be the best!

6. Invite the brightest and most talented people to the mlm business

It can be a businessman, a talented psychologist, an experienced teacher or a website promotion specialist.

7. Reward your key home business partners online for a good job

It can be a paid course, a program or a book on MLM sent by mail.

8. Use improvements and innovations in network marketing via the Internet.

A new program, technique or teaching method can significantly affect the growth of your MLM online business!

9. Create a subscriber base in mlm

If you have not yet started your mailing list about network marketing on the Internet - do it immediately and start creating mlm subscriber base. As practice shows, it is an indispensable thing for building strong trusting relationships in remote work via the Internet.

10. Give your customers and business partners an unforgettable experience

Do you wish everyone in your MLM structure a happy birthday?

12. Have a passion for success.

I was "lit" by the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by R. Kiyosaki and I start building a network business on the Internet from scratch.

13. Learn from the most experienced professionals

In the networking business over the Internet, many networkers have already achieved success, who share their knowledge, learn from them!

14. Distinguish with passion, excitement, energy

Make emotional articles about MLM business, videos, announcements, people miss it so much.

15. Use someone else's reputation in the mlm business and not only

Interview online network marketing professionals (who may be your more experienced sponsor) and ask them to write a review for you.

16. You are constantly looking for highly qualified specialists.

Do not miss the opportunity to add some experienced freelancer to your ICQ, even if you do not need him now, he will be useful to you in the future in your practical work via the Internet!

17. Get ready for trouble in mlm

Are you ready for the fact that your mlm site can be hacked, money can be stolen from the Webmoney wallet, that a key business partner will leave the mlm business? You need to be prepared both financially and psychologically for such things when working remotely on the Internet.

18. Praise your network business partners publicly and criticize them in private.

The golden rule of any "boss"

19. Appreciate your own time and knowledge in mlm business

Stop persuading business partners to build a network business, put your position rigidly, people will feel a leader in you and will follow you

20. Have a big mind.

Create global business projects with the entire MLM structure, strive to occupy the "market" not only within your MLM company, build international network business structures via the Internet.

I started my first steps in the Internet in the fall of 2007. I studied how a laptop works, how to turn it on, how to enter the Internet, how to open e-mail and send the first letter to myself personally.

At that time, I needed to learn how to fill orders via the Internet for myself and my structure in a network company. It was for this purpose that I bought a laptop.

The idea that it is possible to conduct an MLM business via the Internet did not yet come to me. But already in 2008, I received from a partner of my structure a link to a series of letters in which I first encountered information of this kind.
By the way, the person from whom I received information did not begin to study this issue. And later this person was even sincerely surprised when I said that it was from him that I received this link and this information.

Just like in a parable. It all depends on what kind of soil the seeds got into!

Today I do not consider myself a newcomer to the Internet business. I know and can do a lot. But all the same, my Internet machine does not work efficiently enough and requires improvement and more precise grinding in some corners of its system.

That is why at the moment I have joined the training Evgenia Khodchenkov and Pavel Bagryantsev “MLM Revolution. 100-day training ". This training is a kind of constructor in which such areas as MLM, the Internet and affiliate programs are combined into a kind of harmonious combination.

Like other Internet projects of various marketers of recent times, this training adheres to an innovative step-by-step system, in which the transition to the next training module is not possible automatically. The training participant is obliged to complete his homework, submit a report, get approval or any wishes from his supervisor with a proposal to finalize the training module. Only then can you move on to the next one. There will be 14 Modules in total, the work on which is designed for 100 days.

Since I paid for VIP participation, I will receive live feedback once every two weeks. I can ask questions that concern me and I hope for answers that will allow me to understand where, in what bottlenecks my online business Internet machine has not yet received sufficient attention and does not give the level of result that I expect from it.

A few words about the speakers of this training.

Evgeny KHODCHENKOV has already earned a huge prestige and the level of an expert in the field
e-mail marketing in Russia. He is deservedly considered his Leader and the engine. Suffice it to say that the subscription base of E. Khodchenkov, more than 2 million people. It is unlikely that there is still an Internet entrepreneur on the Runet whose subscription base could come close to or be compared with that of E. Khodchenkov.

Speaking of comparison, I mean not only the quantity, but also the quality of the subscription base. He constantly cleans as he says "Augean stables" , removes "sleeping" subscribers who accidentally got into the database, rarely open letters or do not do it at all. And, as you know, subscribers who do not read letters do a disservice to the authority and rating of the mailing list. Such mailing letters are more likely than others to end up in the SPAM folder.
Evgeny Khodchenkov believes that only those who learn to work with e-mail marketing will earn and build their business on the Internet.

Pavel BAGRYANTSEV - the second speaker of this training. Having started his business in a network company, he rapidly climbed the career ladder and in 2 months the turnover of his structure reached 1 million rubles.

Today he has three major projects on the Internet. Over the year, its subscription base has grown by more than 100,000 people. He has 5 YouTube video channels that have racked up over 1 million views.

Pavel Bagryantsev is rightly considered an expert in public speaking, personal brand promotion through YouTube videos and Instagram photos.

I made a decision that on the Blog I will open a new section and, as soon as this or that Module is ready, I will notify my readers of the Blog and subscribers to SmartResponder about the work done. I am sure that my reports can give a clear idea of ​​the training system. If you, the readers of the blog, are interested, subscribe to blog updates, and you will be aware of what is happening. And if you have a desire to gain deeper knowledge in this area, you can fit into the training the next time you are recruited for training.