Rolled thin-sheet carbon steel of high quality and ordinary quality for general purposes. Transportation and storage

Rolled sheets from quality and ordinary carbon steel for general purposes.

GOST 16523-97

Introduction date 2000-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to thin sheets of hot-rolled and cold-rolled carbon steel of high quality and ordinary quality for general purposes, manufactured with a width of 500 mm or more, and a thickness of up to 3.9 mm inclusive.

2 Normative references

GOST 380-94 Carbon steel of ordinary quality. Stamps

GOST 1050-88 Rolled bars, calibrated, with a special surface finish from quality carbon structural steel. General specificationsGOST 1497-84 Metals. Tensile test methodsGOST 1763-68 Steel. Methods for determining the depth of the decarburized layerGOST 2284-79 Cold-rolled strip of carbon structural steel. Specifications

GOST 2789-73 Surface roughness. Parameters and characteristics of GOST 5639-82 Steels and alloys. Methods for detection and determination of grain sizeGOST 5640-68 Steel. Metallographic method for assessing the microstructure of sheets and tapeGOST 7564-97 Steel. General rules for sampling, blanks and samples for mechanical and technological tests

GOST 7565-81 Cast iron, steel and alloys. Sampling method for determining the chemical composition

GOST 7566-94 Steel products. Acceptance, marking, packaging, transportation and storage

GOST 9013-59 Metals. Rockwell hardness method

GOST 10510-80 Metals. Eriksen Extrusion Test Method for Sheets and Tapes

GOST 11701-84 Metals. Tensile test methods for thin sheets and strips

GOST 14019-80 Metals and alloys. Bend Test Methods

GOST 18895-97 Steel. Photoelectric spectral analysis method

GOST 19903-74 Hot-rolled sheet metal. Assortment

GOST 19904-90 Cold-rolled sheet metal. Assortment

GOST 22536.0-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 22536.1-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining total carbon and graphite

GOST 22536.2-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of sulfur GOST 22536.3-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of phosphorus GOST 22536.4-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining siliconGOST 22536.5-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of manganese GOST 22536.6-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Arsenic determination methods

GOST 22536.7-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for the determination of chromium GOST 22536.8-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining copperGOST 22975-78 Metals and alloys. Method for measuring Rockwell hardness at low loads (Super-Rockwell)

3 Classification, main parameters and dimensions

3.1 Rolled products are divided: according to the method of production:

  • hot rolled;
  • cold-rolled;by type of product:
  • sheets;
  • rolls;

according to the minimum value of temporary resistance (V) into strength groups: K260V, K270V, OK300V, K310V, K330V, K350V, OK360V, OK370V *, K390V, OK400V, K490V; according to normalized characteristics for categories 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;By surface finish quality group:

  • cold rolled:

especially high finishing — I**; high finish - II; high finish - III (111a, III6);

  • hot-rolled: high finish - III; regular finish - IV;

according to the ability to draw (cold-rolled steel with a thickness of up to 2 mm of strength groups K260V, K270V, K310V, K330V, K350V):

  • deep - G;
  • normal - N.

3.2 In terms of the range of rolled products must comply with the requirements: GOST 19903 - hot-rolled, GOST 19904 - cold-rolled.

3.3 The symbol scheme is given in Appendix A.

4 General technical requirements

4.1 Characteristics

4.1.1 Rolled products are made:

  • from carbon steel of ordinary quality of strength groups OK300V, OK360V, OK370V, OK400V;
  • from quality carbon steel of strength groups K260V, K270V, K310V, K330V, K350V, K390V, K490V.

Note - The strength group is indicated by three digits corresponding to the lower limit of the tensile strength. Rolled steel of ordinary quality is designated by the letters OK, from high-quality steel - K.

4.1.2 Steel grades for each strength group are given in Appendix B. The steel grade is set by the manufacturer.

* For the production of welded cylinders for liquefied hydrocarbon gases for pressures up to 1.6 MPa.

** At the request of the consumer.

Weldability of rolled products of strength groups OKZOOV, OK360V and OK370V of categories 4 and 5 is ensured by the manufacturing technology and chemical composition of the steel.

Note - For rolled products intended for welded structures and structures for critical purposes, the steel grade and requirements for weldability are specified in the order.

Table 1

4.1.4 The mechanical properties of rolled products and the diameter of the mandrel during a 180 ° bend test in a cold state must comply with the requirements of table 2.

There should be no tears, cracks or delaminations in the place of bending.

table 2

End of table 2 In millimeters

Note - The bending test of cold-rolled and hot-rolled steel of strength groups K260V, K270V, OKZOOV, K310V, K350V and OK360V at the manufacturer is not allowed (except for the manufacture of rolled products, taking into account the requirements set forth in 4.1.5-4.1.7).

4.1.5 For rolled products made of quality carbon steel with a thickness of up to 2.8 mm, it is allowed to exceed the upper limit of tensile strength by 30 N / mm 2 (3 kgf / mm 2) while maintaining the rest of the standards.

4.1.6 For cold-rolled steel of strength group OK300V, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of tensile strength by 30 N / mm 2 (3 kgf / mm 2) while maintaining the remaining standards. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture rolled products of strength groups OK300V, OK360V, OK370V, OK400V without limiting the upper limit of temporary resistance.

4.1.7 For deep-drawn rolled products, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of temporary resistance by 20 N / mm 2 (2 kgf / mm 2) while maintaining the rest of the standards.

4.1.8 By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, for rolled products of strength groups K390V and K490V, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of ultimate strength by 20 N/mm 2 (2 kgf/mm 2) while increasing relative elongation by 2% abs.

4.1.9 The depth of the hole during the extrusion test shall comply with the requirements of Table 3.

In the manufacture of rolled products of strength group K270V from steel grades 10ps and 10, the norms of the depth of the spherical hole must correspond to the norm of strength groups K310V - K350V.

Table 3 In millimeters

End of table 3 In millimeters


1 For rolling of intermediate thicknesses, the norms of the depth of a spherical hole are taken according to the nearest smaller thickness given in the table.

2 When tested on an automatic machine, a decrease in the depth of a spherical hole by 0.3 mm is allowed.

4.1.10 The grain size of ferrite for cold-rolled steel from high-quality carbon steel of the 6th category of deep drawing should not be larger than the 6th number.

4.1.11 Hot-rolled steel is produced heat-treated, cold-rolled - heat-treated and tempered. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, cold-rolled steel is produced in an undressed condition, while strips are allowed - slip lines, weld adhesion spots and kinks, and indicators for the depth of a spherical hole, relative elongation, flatness and roughness are not standardized.

Hot-rolled steel from continuous rolling mills may be produced without heat treatment.

4.1.12 Hot-rolled steel is produced both with pickled and non-pickled surfaces.

4.1.13 On the edges of the rolled products, defects are not allowed, the depth of which exceeds half the maximum deviation in the width of the rolled products and leading it beyond the nominal size in width.

4.1.14 Rolled products should not have bent corners, inverted ends and edges at an angle of more than 90 °, as well as folds. The length of the ends of partial-width rolls must not exceed the width of the roll.

4.1.15 The surface of cold-rolled steel should be free of caps, through ruptures, blisters, rolled blisters, spots of adhesion of welding, cuts, tears, rolled scale, overetching, underetching, work hardening strips, rolled metal and foreign particles.

Splits are not allowed.

The surface of hot-rolled steel should be free of caps, cuts, blisters, sundowns, cracks, rolled-in foreign and metal particles, through breaks, rolled-in scale, overetching, underetching.

Splits are not allowed.

A non-etched surface may retain a non-peeling scale layer allowing surface defects to be detected.

The surface finish quality characteristic is given in Table 4.

Table 4 It is allowed to remove surface defects by cleaning with a fine-grained emery or felt wheel with emery paste of rolled III and IV surface finishing groups.

At the same time, traces of abrasive stripping are allowed on the surface of the rolled product, and the stripping depth should not take the rolled product beyond the minimum thickness dimension.

4.1.16 The value of elongation and the depth of the spherical hole of rolled products from boiling and semi-quiet steel grades, manufactured in a tempered state, are guaranteed by the manufacturer within 10 days from the date of shipment.

4.1.17 Deep-drawn rolled products of strength groups K260V and K270V can be produced without testing mechanical properties, drawing and microstructure, provided that the metal is stampable for the consumer.

4.2 Characteristics of the execution, installed at the request of the consumer

4.2.1 Rolled products with regulated chemical composition

The chemical composition according to the melting analysis of the ladle sample must correspond to:

For rolled steel of ordinary quality GOST 380;

For rolled products from quality steel GOST 1050.

It is allowed to manufacture rolled products from high-quality semi-quiet steel grades instead of boiling ones.

For rolled steel with grade numbers 3, 4, 5 (all stages of deoxidation), a decrease in the mass fraction of manganese by 0.10% is allowed.

When deoxidizing semi-quiet steel with aluminum, titanium or other deoxidizers that do not contain silicon, as well as several deoxidizers (ferrosilicon and aluminum, ferrosilicon and titanium, etc.), the mass fraction of silicon is allowed to be less than 0.05%. In this case, the mass fraction of aluminum should not exceed 0.07%.

Limit deviations in chemical composition in finished rolled products must comply with those established in GOST 380 and GOST 1050.

4.2.2 Rolled products with weldability

Weldability is ensured by the manufacturing technology and the chemical composition of the steel.

4.2.3 Rolled products of the II group of surface finishes with normalized surface roughness.

Roughness standards are set by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer.

4.2.4 Rolled products of strength group K490V with a depth of decarburized layer (for pure ferrite) not more than 2.5% per side and not more than 4% for both sides of the actual thickness of the sheet.

4.2.5 Hot-rolled steel from high-quality carbon steel of the 5th category with ferrite grain control, the value of which should not be larger than the 5th number.

Grain unevenness is allowed within three adjacent grit numbers.

4.2.6 Cold-rolled steel of strength groups K260V and K270V from boiling steel grades for deep drawing with a thickness of 0.6 mm or less with control for the presence of structurally free cementite.

4.2.7 Rolled carbon quality steel with a thickness of more than 2.8 mm with a limitation of the upper limit of tensile strength by values ​​not more than 50 N / mm 2 (5 kgf / mm 2) exceeding those indicated in table 2.

4.2.8 Rolled products of strength groups K390V and K490V with mechanical properties in accordance with GOST 2284.

4.2.10 Cold-rolled steel of the 6th category of extra high surface finish (I group)

The surface finish quality characteristic is given in Table 5.

Table 5

4.2.11 Rolled products of the 6th category of deep and normal drawing with hardness control. The hardness value must comply with the requirements of Table 6 and can be specified, if necessary, by the manufacturer and consumer.

Table 6

4.2.12 Rolled steel of ordinary quality with yield strength control. The value of the yield strength must comply with the requirements of table 7 and can be specified, if necessary, between the manufacturer and the consumer.

Table 7

4.3 Marking

4.3.1 Marking of rolled products - in accordance with GOST 7566 with additions.

4.3.2 The marking of rolled products must contain a strength group according to the minimum value of tensile strength, a surface finish group, the size of rolled products, and the ability to draw.

The steel grade is indicated in the manufacture of rolled products in accordance with the requirements of 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.

4.4 Packaging

4.4.1 Packing of rolled products - in accordance with GOST 7566 with additions.

4.4.2 Hot-rolled steel with a pickled surface and cold-rolled steel shall be lubricated on both sides with a layer of grease that protects it from corrosion.

At the request of the consumer, rolled products are not lubricated, while traces of lubrication, rust spots and scratches due to the absence of a lubrication layer are allowed.

Packs of cold-rolled sheets are wrapped with mild steel sheets, laid on beams and firmly fastened with steel strips.

It is allowed to use other materials and methods of packaging that ensure the safety of rolled products during transportation.

At the request of the consumer, packs are additionally wrapped with moisture-proof paper before wrapping with mild steel sheets.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 Acceptance of rolled products - in accordance with GOST 7566 with additions.

5.1.1 Rolled products are presented for acceptance in batches. The batch should consist of rolled products of one charge in the furnace or one heat treatment mode for continuous furnaces, one strength group, one drawing category, one thickness size, one surface finish group.

A batch of rolled products manufactured in accordance with the requirements of 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 must consist of steel from one melting ladle.

5.2 Each batch must be accompanied by a quality document in accordance with GOST 7566 with additions:

  • strength groups;
  • surface finishing groups;
  • drawing ability;
  • flatness;
  • categories according to standardized characteristics.

Note - In the manufacture of rolled products in accordance with the requirements of, 4.2.2, weldability (w) is indicated. The steel grade is indicated during the manufacture of rolled products in accordance with the requirements

4.2.1 and 4.2.2. In the manufacture of rolled products in accordance with the requirements of, the actual chemical composition of the steel is indicated in the quality document. When using other (except silicon) deoxidizers, a corresponding indication is made in the quality document.

5.3 To control the surface, dimensions, flatness, chemical composition, mechanical properties, bending tests, extrusion and microstructure determination, two sheets or one roll are selected from each batch.

5.4 Upon receipt of unsatisfactory test results for at least one indicator, a re-check is carried out in accordance with GOST 7566.

6 Control methods

6.1 To check the mechanical and technological properties of rolled products, one sample is taken from each selected roll at a distance of at least 2.0 m from its end. From each sample of the roll or selected sheet, take:

  • one transverse sample for tension and for bending (places of cutting - according to GOST 7564);
  • one extrusion sample.

The sample is cut to a length corresponding to the width of the rolled product. Tests are carried out in places

corresponding to the middle and edge along the width of the rolled products (not closer than 40 mm from the edge). The test result is taken as the arithmetic mean of three measurements;

  • two samples per microstructure: one - from the edge, the other - from the middle part of the width of the rolled product;
  • one sample for hardness.

6.2 Tests are carried out:

  • for tension according to GOST 11701 or GOST 1497 on samples with an estimated length of 80 mm and a working part width of 20 mm;
  • for bending according to GOST 14019;
  • for extrusion according to GOST 10510.

It is allowed to carry out tests on the Eriksen device on samples with a width of 80-90 mm;

  • on grain size according to GOST 5639;
  • for decarburization according to GOST 1763;
  • for the presence of structurally free cementite according to GOST 5640.

6.3 The quality of the rolled surface is checked by external inspection without the use of magnifying devices.

6.4 Sampling for chemical analysis - according to GOST 7565.

6.5 Chemical analysis - according to GOST 22536.0 - GOST 22536.8, GOST 18895 or other methods that provide the required accuracy.

In the event of disagreement, the methods specified in this International Standard shall apply.

6.6 Hardness measurement - according to GOST 9013 or GOST 22975. Hardness is determined on samples taken for tensile testing outside their working part or on samples for microstructure control.

6.7 It is allowed to control the size of ferrite grains in the middle part of the thickness of rolled products with satisfactory results of all other tests.

6.8 The surface roughness of rolled products is measured with a contact profilometer according to GOST 2789.

Samples are taken from the control roll (sheet) at a distance of at least 40 mm from the edge and from the middle part of the roll (sheet) width, one sample 200 x 200 mm in size.

6.9 It is allowed to use statistical and non-destructive control methods that ensure the accuracy of determination achieved by direct measurement methods.

In case of disagreement and during periodic tests, the control methods established by this standard are applied.

6.10 Control of the depth of surface defects is carried out according to the manufacturer's method.

7 Transport and storage

Transportation and storage - according to GOST 7566.



Rental symbol scheme

Note - If any of the parameters is not specified, it is selected by the manufacturer.



Used steel grades

UDC 669.14-422: 006.354 MKS 77.140.60V23OKP 09 7201,

09 7301, 09 8101,09 9101

Key words: thin-sheet rolled products, sheets, coils, cold-rolled, hot-rolled, strength groups, quality carbon steel, ordinary quality carbon steel, chemical composition, quality of surface finish, categories of normalized characteristics, tensile strength, relative elongation after rupture, bending to parallel sides, deep holes , surface condition, hardness, yield strength, batch, mechanical property control, chemical analysis

GOST 16523-97



Official edition


GOST 16523-97


1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee of Ukraine TK4 “Cast iron, rolled sheet, heat-strengthened rolled products, products for rolling stock, hardware and GNG1*

INTRODUCED by the State Committee of Ukraine for Standardization, Metrology and Certification

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 11 of April 23, 1997)

3 This standard complies with the international standards ISO 3573-86. ISO 3574-86. ISO 4995-91. ISO 4997-7S regarding requirements for rolled carbon steel of quality and ordinary quality

4 By the Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology dated April 4, 1999 No. IZ, the interstate standard GOST 16523-97 was put into effect directly as the state standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2000.

6 REVISION. May 2005

This standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication on the territory of the Russian Federation without the permission of the State Standard of Russia

© IPC Standards Publishing House, 1999 © STANDARTINFORM, 2005 About STANDARTINFORM, 2008 Reissue (as of March 2008)

GOST 16523-97

1 area of ​​use............................................... ....... I

3 Classification, main parameters and dimensions .............................................. ...................2

4 General technical requirements............................................................... .............................................2

4.1 Characteristics................................................... ................................................. ..............2

4.2 Characteristics of the execution, installed at the request of the consumer ....................................... 6

4.3 Marking.............................................. ................................................. ....................eight

4.4 Packing.............................................. ................................................. eight

5 Rules for acceptance ............................................... ................................................. ...............eight

6 Methods of control ............................................... ................................................. ....eight

7 Transport and storage............................................................... ..............................................9

Appendix A ................10

Annex B Used steel grades .............................................. II

GOST 16523-97




Rolled sheets Irom quality and ordinary carbon steel for general purposes. Specifications

Introduction date 2000-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to thin sheets of hot-rolled and cold-rolled carbon steel of high quality and ordinary quality for general purposes, manufactured with a width of 500 mm or more, and a thickness of up to 3.9 mm inclusive.

GOST 380-94 Carbon steel of ordinary quality. Stamps

GOST 1050-88 Rolled bars, calibrated, with a special surface finish from quality carbon structural steel. General specifications GOST 1497-84 (ISO 6892-84) Metals. Tensile test methods GOST 1763-68 (ISO 3887-77) Steel. Methods for determining the depth of the decarburized layer GOST 2284-79 Cold-rolled strip of carbon structural steel. Specifications

1 "OST 2789-73 Surface roughness. Parameters and characteristics GOST 5639-82 Steels and alloys. Methods for detecting and determining grain size GOST 5640-68 Steel. Metallographic method for assessing the microstructure of sheets and tape GOST 7564-97 Rolled products. General rules for sampling, blanks and samples for mechanical and technological tests

GOST 7565-81 (ISO 377-2-89) Cast iron, steel and alloys. Sampling method for determining the chemical composition

GOST 7566-94 Steel products. Acceptance, marking, packaging, transportation and storage

GOST 9013-59 (ISO 6508-86) Metals. Rockwell hardness test method GOST 10510-80 (ISO 8490-86) Metals. Eriksen Extrusion Test Methods for Sheets and Tapes

GOST 11701-84 Metals. Tensile test methods for thin sheets and tapes GOST 14019-2003 Metallic materials. Bend test methods GOST 18895-97 Steel. Photoelectric spectral analysis method GOST 19903-74 Hot-rolled sheet metal. Assortment GOST 19904 90 Cold-rolled sheet metal. Assortment

GOST 22536.0-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 22536.1-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining total carbon and graphite

Official edition

See the note of FSUE “STANDARTINFORM*” (p. 12).

GOST 16523-97

I "OCT 22536.2-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining sulfur GOST 22536.3-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining phosphorus GOST 22536.4-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining silicon GOST 22536.5-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron . Methods for the determination of manganese I "OCT 22536.6-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Arsenic determination methods

GOST 22536.7-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of chromium GOST 22536.8-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of copper GOST 22975-78 Metals and alloys. Method for measuring Rockwell hardness at low loads (Super-Rockwell)

3 Classification, main parameters and dimensions

3.1 Rolled products are subdivided: according to the method of production:

hot rolled;

cold rolled; by product type:

according to the minimum value of temporary resistance (B) into strength groups: K260V, K270V, OKZOOV. KZ 10V. KZZOV, K350V. OKZbOV, OK370V 4 , K390V, OK400V. K490V; according to standardized characteristics for categories I. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6; by the quality of the surface finish into groups:

Cold rolled:

especially high finishing - 1 1; high finish - II; high finish - III (Ilia, 1116);

Hot rolled: high finish - III; normal finishes - IV;

according to the ability to draw (cold-rolled steel up to 2 mm thick, strength groups K.260V. K270V. KZ 10V. KZZOV. K350V):

Deep - G;

normal - N.

3.2 In terms of the range of rolled products must comply with the requirements: GOST 19903 - hot-rolled. GOST 19904 - cold rolled.

3.3 The symbol scheme is given in Appendix A.

4 General technical requirements

4.1 Characteristics

4.1.1 Rolled products are manufactured.

From carbon steel of ordinary quality of strength groups OKZOOV. OKZbOV. OK370V. OK400V;

From quality carbon steel of strength groups K260V. K270V. KZ 10V. KZZOV. K350V. K390V. K490V.

Note with chan and s - The strength group is designated by three digits corresponding to the lower limit of temporary resistance. Rolled steel of ordinary quality is designated by the letters OK. from high-quality steel - K.

4.1.2 Steel grades for each strength group are given in Appendix B. The steel grade is set by the manufacturer.

At the request of the consumer.

GOST 16523-97

Weldability of rolled products of strength groups OKZOOV. OKZbOV and OK370V of categories 4 and 5 are provided by the manufacturing technology and the chemical composition of the steel.

Note - For rolled products intended for welded structures and structures for critical purposes, the steel grade and requirements for weldability are set in the order.

Table I

K L IE thorium

Normalized characteristics

Iroi's way

Strength group

To 490 in OK4DOB

Bending test

hot rolled

cold rolled

Spherical dimple drawing test

cold rolled

Bending and drawing test

Cold rolled

rheic hole

Mechanical properties tests

hot rolled

cold rolled

Tests of mechanical properties and

hot rolled

cold rolled

Mechanical properties test, for

Cold noklgan y

drawing a spherical hole and bending

4.1.4 The mechanical properties of rolled products and the diameter of the mandrel when tested for bending at 180 "in the cold state must comply with the requirements of table 2.

There should be no tears, cracks or delaminations in the place of bending.

table 2


Relative*: extension 5.,. %. at least

And n ib to the parallelism of the sides


resistance flax not "and.

Hot rolled steel

Cold rolled steel

(a - figurative thickness, d - mandrel diameter)

up to 2 mm per key.

yes 2 mm II key.


d = 0 (without spacer)

GOST 16523-97

End of table 2

In millimeters


Relative elongation about 4 . %. not

Bending to parallel sides


resistance about i. n/mm-

Hot rolled steel

Cold rolled steel

<« - толщина «брата. d - лиаметр оправки)

up to 2 incl.

yao 2 mm incl.

up to 2 mm incl.

11 r and m e - Bending testing of cold-rolled and hot-rolled steel of strength groups K260B is allowed. K270V, OKZOOV, KZ 10V. K350V and OKZbOV are not carried out at the manufacturer (except for the manufacture of rolled products, taking into account the requirements set forth in 4.1.5-4.1.7).

4.1.5 For rolled products made of quality carbon steel with a thickness of up to 2.8 mm, it is allowed to exceed the upper limit of tensile strength by 30 N / mm: (3 kg / mm 2) while maintaining the remaining standards.

4.1.6 For cold-rolled steel of strength group OKZOOV, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of tensile strength by 30 N / mm - (3 kg / mm 2) while maintaining the remaining standards. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture rolled products of strength groups OKZOOV. OK36GB, OK370V. OK400V without limiting the upper limit of temporary resistance.

4.1.7 For deep-drawn rolled products, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of tensile strength by 20 N / mm 2 (2 kg / mm 2) while maintaining the rest of the standards.

4.1.8 By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, for rolled products of strength groups K390V and K490V, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of ultimate strength by 20 N/mm 2 (2 kg/mm') while increasing the relative elongation by 2% abs.

4.1.9 The depth of the hole during the extrusion test shall comply with the requirements of Table 3.

In the manufacture of rolled products of strength group K270V from steel grades Yups and 10, the norms of the depth of a spherical hole must correspond to the norm of strength groups KZ 10V - K350V.

GOST 16523-97

Tashita ending J

In millimeters

Rolled thickness

Bulk depth. not

less, for hire


■ruin strength

normal pygyzhki ipynii strength

K 260 V. K270V




1 For rolling of intermediate thicknesses, the norms of the depth of a spherical hole are taken but the nearest smaller thickness. given in the table.

2 When tested on an automatic machine, a decrease in the depth of a spherical hole by 0.3 mm is allowed.

4.1.10 The grain size of ferrite for cold-rolled steel from high-quality carbon steel of the 6th category of deep drawing should not be larger than the 6th number.

4.1.11 Hot-rolled steel is prepared heat-treated, cold-rolled - heat-treated and tempered. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, cold-rolled steel is produced in an undressed state, while strips are allowed - slip lines, weld adhesion spots and kinks, and indicators for the depth of a spherical hole, relative elongation, flatness and roughness are not standardized.

Hot-rolled steel from continuous rolling mills may be produced without heat treatment.

4.1.12 Hot-rolled steel is produced both with pickled and non-pickled surfaces.

4.1.13 On the edges of rolled products, defects are not allowed, the depth of which exceeds half of the maximum deviation in the width of the rolled products and leading it beyond the nominal size in width.

4.1.14 Rolled products must not have bent corners, twists of torns and edges at an angle of more than 90 *, as well as folds. The length of the ends of partial-width rolls must not exceed the width of the roll.

4.1.15 The surface of cold-rolled steel should be free of caps, through ruptures, blisters, rolled blisters, spots of welding sticking, cuts, tears, rolled scale, overetching, underetching. hard-working strips, rolled-in metal and foreign particles.

Splits are not allowed.

The surface of hot-rolled steel should be free of caps, cuts, blisters, folds, cracks, rolled-in foreign and metal particles, through breaks, rolled-in scale, and overetching. under-herbs.

Splits are not allowed.

An unetched surface may retain a non-peeling dross layer, allowing the detection of surface defects.

The surface finish quality characteristic is given in Table 4.

GOST 16523-97

Table 4

Method upon thick

Surface finish quality characteristic

cold rolled

On both sides of the rolled products, defects are not allowed, the depth of which exceeds the sum of maximum deviations in thickness and leads the rolled product beyond the minimum dimensions in thickness, as well as tint colors at a distance exceeding 50 mm from the edges. On the front side (the best in terms of surface quality), scratches and scratches longer than 50 mm are not allowed.

cold rolled

On both sides of the rolled products, defects are not allowed, the depth of which exceeds '/g of the sum of the maximum deviations in thickness and leading the rolled product beyond the minimum dimensions in thickness

tint colors not up to tint color are allowed - allowed at a distance of more than 200 mm over the entire surface of the rolled product from the edges

hot rolled

On both sides of the rolled products, defects are not allowed, the depth of which exceeds */ 2 of the sum of maximum deviations in thickness n leading the rolled product beyond the minimum dimensions in thickness

hot rolled

On both sides of the rolled products, defects are not allowed, the depth of which exceeds the sum of the maximum deviations in thickness and leading the rolled product beyond the minimum dimensions in thickness It is allowed to remove surface defects by cleaning with a fine-grained emery or felt wheel with emery paste of rolled ill and IV surface finishing groups.

At the same time, traces of abrasive stripping are allowed on the surface of the rolled product, and the stripping depth should not take the rolled product beyond the minimum thickness dimension.

4.1.16 The elongation value and the depth of the spherical hole of rolled products from boiling and semi-quiet steel grades, manufactured in a tempered state, are guaranteed by the manufacturer within 10 days from the date of shipment.

4.1.17 Deep-drawn rolled products of strength groups K260V and K270V can be produced without testing mechanical properties, drawing and microstructure, provided that the metal is stampable at the consumer.

4.2 Characteristics of the execution, installed at the request of the consumer

4.2.1 Rolled products with regulated chemical composition

The chemical composition according to the melting analysis of the ladle sample must correspond to:

For rolled steel of ordinary quality GOST 380;

For rolled steel quality GOST 1050.

It is allowed to manufacture rolled products from high-quality semi-quiet steel grades instead of boiling

For rolled steel with grade numbers 3, 4, 5 (all stages of deoxidation), a decrease in the mass fraction of manganese by 0.10% is allowed.

When deoxidizing semi-hardened steel with aluminum, titanium or other deoxidizers that do not contain silicon, as well as several deoxidizers (ferrosilicon and aluminum, ferrosilicon and titanium, etc.), the mass fraction of silicon is allowed to be less than 0.05%. In this case, the mass fraction of aluminum should not exceed 0.07%.

Limit deviations in chemical composition in finished rolled products must comply with those established in GOST 380 and GOST 1050.

4.2.2 Rolled products with weldability

Weldability is ensured by the manufacturing technology and the chemical composition of the steel.

4.2.3 Rolled products of the II group of surface finishes with normalized surface roughness.

Roughness standards are set by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer.

GOST 16523-97

4.2.4 Rolled products of strength group K490V with a depth of the decarburized layer (for pure ferrite) not more than 2.5% per side and not more than 4% for both sides of the actual thickness of the sheet.

4.2.5 Hot-rolled steel from high-quality carbon steel of the 5th category with ferrite grain control, the value of which should not be larger than the 5th number.

Grain unevenness is allowed within three adjacent grit numbers.

4.2.6 Cold-rolled steel of strength groups K260V and K270V from boiling steel grades for deep drawing with a thickness of 0.6 mm or less with control for the presence of structurally free cementite.

4.2.7 Rolled products from quality carbon steel with a thickness of more than 2.8 mm with a limitation of the upper limit of tensile strength by values ​​not more than 50 N / mm * (5 kgf / mm 2) exceeding those indicated in table 2.

4.2.8 Rolled products of strength groups K390V and K.490V with mechanical properties in accordance with GOST 2284.

4.2.10 Cold-rolled steel of the 6th category of extra high surface finish (Group 1)

The surface finish quality characteristic is given in Table 5.

4.2.11 Rolled products of the 6th category of deep and normal drawing with hardness control. The hardness value must comply with the requirements of Table 6 and can be specified, if necessary, by the manufacturer and consumer.

4.2.12 Rolled steel of ordinary quality with yield strength control. The value of the yield strength must comply with the requirements of table 7 and can be specified, if necessary, between the manufacturer and the consumer.

GOST 16523-97

4.3 Marking

4.3.1 Marking of rolled products - in accordance with GOST 7566 with additions.

4.3.2 Marking of rolled products must contain a strength group according to the minimum value of tensile strength, a surface finish group, a rolled product size, and drawability. In the manufacture of rolled products in accordance with the requirements of 4.1.17, the designations are indicated - PC.

The steel grade is indicated in the manufacture of rolled products in accordance with the requirements of 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.

4.4 Packaging

4.4.1 Packing of rolled products - in accordance with GOST 7566 with additions.

4.4.2 Hot-rolled steel with a pickled surface and cold-rolled steel shall be lubricated on both sides with a layer of grease that protects it from corrosion.

At the request of the consumer, rolled products are not lubricated, while traces of lubrication, rust spots and parapins are allowed, due to the absence of a lubrication layer.

Packs of cold-rolled sheets are wrapped with mild steel sheets, laid on beams and firmly fastened with steel strips.

It is allowed to use other materials and methods of packaging that ensure the safety of rolled products during transportation.

At the request of the consumer, packs are additionally wrapped with moisture-proof paper before wrapping with mild steel sheets.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 Acceptance of rolled products - in accordance with GOST 7566 with additions.

5.1.1 Rolled products are presented for acceptance in batches. The batch must consist of rolled products of one charge into the furnace or one heat treatment mode for continuous furnaces, one strength group, one drawing category, one thickness size, one surface finish group.

A batch of rolled products manufactured in accordance with the requirements of 4.2.1 and 4.2.2. should consist of steel of one melting ladle.

5.2 Each batch must be accompanied by a quality document in accordance with GOST 7566 with additions:

Strength groups:

Surface finishing groups;

drawing ability;


Note - In the manufacture of rolled products in accordance with requirements, 4.2.2, weldability (w) is indicated. The steel grade is indicated in the manufacture of rolled products in accordance with the requirements of 4.2.1 and 4.2.2. In the manufacture of rolled products in accordance with the requirements of, the actual chemical composition of the steel is indicated in the quality document. When using other (except silicon) deoxidizers, a corresponding indication is made in the quality document.

5.3 To control the surface, dimensions, flatness, chemical composition, mechanical properties, bending tests, extrusion and microstructure determination, two sheets or one roll are selected from each lot.

5.4 Upon receipt of unsatisfactory test results for at least one indicator, a re-check is carried out in accordance with GOST 7566.

6 Control methods

6.1 To check the mechanical and technological properties of rolled products, one sample is taken from each selected roll at a distance of at least 2.0 m or its end. From each sample of a roll or a selected sheet, take:

One transverse sample for tension and bending (places of cutting - according to GOST 7564);

One sample per catch.

The sample is cut to a length corresponding to the width of the rolled product. Tests are carried out in the field.

GOST 16523-97

corresponding to the middle and edge along the width of the rolled products (not closer than 40 mm from the edge). The test result is taken as the arithmetic mean of three measurements;

Two samples on the microstructure: one - from the edge, the other - from the middle part of the width of the rolled product;

One sample for hardness.

6.2 Tests are carried out:

For tension according to GOST 11701 or GOST 1497 on samples with an estimated length of 80 mm and a width of the working part of 20 mm;

For bending according to GOST 14019;

For extrusion according to GOST 10510.

It is allowed to carry out tests on the Eriksen device on samples with a width of 80-90 mm;

For grain size according to GOST 5639;

For decarburization according to GOST 1763;

For the presence of structurally free cementite according to GOST 5640.

6.3 The quality of the rolled surface is checked by external inspection without the use of magnifying devices.

6.4 Sampling for chemical analysis - according to GOST 7565.

6.5 Chemical analysis - according to GOST 22536.0 - GOST 22536.8. GOST 18895 or other methods. providing the required accuracy.

In the event of disagreement, the methods specified in this International Standard shall apply.

6.6 Hardness measurement - according to GOST 9013 or GOST 22975. Hardness is determined on samples. selected for tensile testing outside their working part or on samples to control the microstructure.

6.7 It is allowed to control the size of ferrite grains in the middle part of the thickness of rolled products with satisfactory results of all other tests.

6.8 The surface roughness of rolled products is measured with a contact profilometer according to GOST 2789.

Samples are taken from the control roll (sheet) at a distance of at least 40 mm from the edge and from the middle part of the roll (sheet) width, one sample 200 x 200 mm in size.

6.9 It is allowed to use statistical and non-destructive control methods that ensure the accuracy of determination achieved by direct measurement methods.

In the event of disagreement and during periodic tests, the methods of control established by this standard shall be applied.

6.10 Control of the depth of surface defects is carried out according to the manufacturer's method.

7 Transport and storage

Transportation and storage - according to GOST 7566.

GOST 16523-97



Rental symbol scheme

Stitching conditional wallpaper

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Note - If any of the parameters is not specified, it is selected by iredpriyagae-customgel.

GOST 16523-97

APPENDIX B (informative)

Used steel grades

UDC 669.14-422: 006.354 MKS 77.140.60 V23 OKP 09 7201. 09 7301, 09 8101, 09 9101

Key words: thin-sheet rolled products, sheets, coils, cold-rolled, hot-rolled, strength groups, high-quality carbon steel, ordinary quality carbon steel, chemical composition, quality of surface finish, categories of normalized characteristics, tensile strength, relative elongation after rupture, bending to parallel sides, hole depth, surface condition, hardness, yield strength, batch, mechanical property control, chemical test


G OST 380-94 replaced by 380-2005 Become carbon steel of ordinary quality. Marks.

Editor R. G. /overdovskaa Technical cutter top O.N. Vlasova Proofreader T.N. Kotshenko Computer nepctKa I.L. Iteikipoi

Signed for publication 2S.04.200S. Format 60 x 84 1 /* - Offset paper. Gary typa Times. Offset printing. Usd. sadness 1.86. Uch.-ed.l. 1.40. Tyrach 167 copies. Zach. 432.

FSUE.STANDARTINFORM.. 123995 Moscow. Pomegranate lane .. i. 4.

Typed according to FSUE.STANDARTINFORM. on a PC.

Printed and branch of FSUE "STANDARTINFORM" - type. Moscow printer. I0S062 Moscow. Lyalin per.. 6.

GOST 16523-97






1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee of Ukraine TK4 "Iron, rolled sheet, heat-strengthened rolled products, products for rolling stock, hardware and consumer goods"

INTRODUCED by the State Committee of Ukraine for Standardization, Metrology and Certification

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 11 of April 23, 1997)

State name

Name of the national standardization body

Republic of Armenia

Armstate standard

Republic of Belarus

State Standard of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


The Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Tajik State Standard

The Republic of Uzbekistan


State Standard of Ukraine

3 This standard complies with the international standards ISO 3573-86, ISO 3574-86, ISO 4995-91, ISO 4997-78 in terms of requirements for rolled carbon steel of high quality and ordinary quality

4 By the Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology dated April 4, 1999 No. 113, the interstate standard GOST 16523-97 was put into effect directly as the state standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2000.

5 INSTEAD OF GOST 16523-89


dateintroductions 2000-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to thin sheets of hot-rolled and cold-rolled carbon steel of high quality and ordinary quality for general purposes, manufactured with a width of 500 mm or more, and a thickness of up to 3.9 mm inclusive.

2 Normative references

4 General technical requirements

4.1 Characteristics

4.1.1 Rolled products are made:

From carbon steel of ordinary quality of strength groups OK300V, OK360V, OK370V, OK400V;

From quality carbon steel of strength groups K260V, K270V, K310V, K330V, K350V, K390V, K490V.

Note - The strength group is indicated by three numbers corresponding to the lower limit of the tensile strength. Rolled steel of ordinary quality is designated by the letters OK, from high-quality steel - K.

4.1.2 Steel grades for each strength group are given in.

In millimeters

Strength group

Temporary resistance sv, N/mm2 (kgf/mm2)

Relative extension d4, %, not less than

Bending to parallel sides ( a- sample thickness, d- mandrel diameter)

Hot rolled steel

Cold rolled steel

up to 2 mm incl.

up to 2 mm incl.

up to 2 mm incl.

d= 0 (without spacer)

d = a

d = a

d = 2a

Note - Bending testing of cold-rolled and hot-rolled steel of strength groups K260V, K270V, OK300V, K310V, K350V and OK360V at the manufacturer is not allowed (except for the manufacture of rolled products, taking into account the requirements set forth in 4.1.5-4.1.7).

4.1.5 For rolled products made of quality carbon steel with a thickness of up to 2.8 mm, it is allowed to exceed the upper limit of tensile strength by 30 N/mm2 (3 kgf/mm2), while maintaining the other standards.

4.1.6 For cold-rolled steel of strength group OK300V, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of tensile strength by 30 N/mm2 (3 kgf/mm2) while maintaining the other standards. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture rolled products of strength groups OK300V, OK360V, OK370V, OK400V without limiting the upper limit of ultimate strength.

4.1.7 For deep-drawn rolled products, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of tensile strength by 20 N/mm2 (2 kgf/mm2), while maintaining the other standards.

4.1.8 By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, for rolled products of strength groups K390V and K490V, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of ultimate strength by 20 N/mm2 (2 kgf/mm2) while increasing relative elongation by 2% abs.

4.1.9 The depth of the hole during the extrusion test shall comply with the requirements of Table 3.

In the manufacture of rolled products of strength group K270V from steel grades 10ps and 10, the norms of the depth of the spherical hole must correspond to the norm of strength groups K310V - K350V.

Table 3

In millimeters

Rolled thickness

Hole depth, not less, for rolling

deep drawn strength groups

normal drawing strength groups

K260V, K270V

K310B, K330B, K350B

K260V, K270V

K310B, K330B, K350B


1 For rolling of intermediate thicknesses, the norms of the depth of a spherical hole are taken according to the nearest smaller thickness given in the table.

2 When tested on an automatic machine, a decrease in the depth of a spherical hole by 0.3 mm is allowed.

4.1.10 The grain size of ferrite for cold-rolled steel from high-quality carbon steel of the 6th category of deep drawing should not be larger than the 6th number.

Grain unevenness is allowed within three adjacent grit numbers.

4.1.11 Hot-rolled steel is produced heat-treated, cold-rolled - heat-treated and tempered. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, cold-rolled steel is produced in an undressed state, while strips are allowed - slip lines, weld adhesion spots and kinks, and indicators for the depth of a spherical hole, relative elongation, flatness and roughness are not standardized.

Hot-rolled steel from continuous rolling mills may be produced without heat treatment.

4.1.12 Hot-rolled steel is produced both with pickled and non-pickled surfaces.

4.1.13 On the edges of rolled products, defects are not allowed, the depth of which exceeds half of the maximum deviation in the width of the rolled products and leading it beyond the nominal size in width.

4.1.14 Rolled products must not have bent corners, inverted ends and edges at an angle of more than 90 °, as well as folds. The length of the ends of partial-width rolls must not exceed the width of the roll.

4.1.15 The surface of cold-rolled steel should be free of caps, through ruptures, blisters, rolled blisters, spots of adhesion of welding, cuts, tears, rolled scale, overetching, underetching, work hardening strips, rolled metal and foreign particles.

Splits are not allowed.

The surface of hot-rolled steel must be free of caps, cuts, blisters, sundowns, cracks, rolled-in foreign and metal particles, through breaks, rolled-in scale, overetching, underetching.

Splits are not allowed.

A non-etched surface may retain a non-peeling scale layer allowing surface defects to be detected.

The surface finish quality characteristic is given in Table 4.

Table 4

Finishing group

Mode of production

Surface finish quality characteristic

cold rolled

On both sides of the rolled products, defects are not allowed, the depth of which exceeds 1/2 of the sum of the maximum deviations in thickness and leading the rolled product beyond the minimum thickness dimensions, as well as tint colors at a distance exceeding 50 mm from the edges. On the front side (the best in terms of surface quality), scratches and scratches longer than 50 mm are not allowed.

cold rolled

On both sides of the rolled products, defects are not allowed, the depth of which exceeds 1/2 of the sum of the maximum deviations in thickness and leading the rolled product beyond the minimum dimensions in thickness

tempering colors are not allowed at a distance of more than 200 mm from the edges

tempering colors are allowed over the entire surface of the rolled product

hot rolled

On both sides of the rolled products, defects are not allowed, the depth of which exceeds 1/2 of the sum of the maximum deviations in thickness and leading the rolled product beyond the minimum dimensions in thickness

hot rolled

On both sides of the rolled products, defects are not allowed, the depth of which exceeds the sum of the maximum deviations in thickness and leading the rolled product beyond the minimum dimensions in thickness It is allowed to remove surface defects by cleaning with a fine-grained emery or felt wheel with emery paste of rolled III and IV surface finishing groups.

At the same time, traces of abrasive stripping are allowed on the surface of the rolled product, and the stripping depth should not take the rolled product beyond the minimum thickness dimension.

4.1.16 The value of elongation and the depth of the spherical hole of rolled products from boiling and semi-quiet steel grades, manufactured in a tempered state, are guaranteed by the manufacturer within 10 days from the date of shipment.

For rolled steel quality GOST 1050.

It is allowed to manufacture rolled products from high-quality semi-quiet steel grades instead of boiling ones.

For rolled steel with grade numbers 3, 4, 5 (all stages of deoxidation), a decrease in the mass fraction of manganese by 0.10% is allowed.

When deoxidizing semi-quiet steel with aluminum, titanium or other deoxidizers that do not contain silicon, as well as several deoxidizers (ferrosilicon and aluminum, ferrosilicon and titanium, etc.), the mass fraction of silicon is allowed to be less than 0.05%. In this case, the mass fraction of aluminum should not exceed 0.07%.

Limit deviations in chemical composition in finished rolled products must comply with those established in GOST 380 and GOST 1050.

4.2.8 Rolled products of strength groups K390V and K490V with mechanical properties in accordance with GOST 2284.

4.2.10 Cold-rolled steel of the 6th category of extra high surface finish (Group I) The characteristics of the surface finish quality are given in Table 5.

Table 5

Surface condition

Characteristics of the state of surface finish

Surface quality characteristic


Roughness Ra no more than 0.6 microns

On the front side of the rolled products, defects are not allowed, except for individual scratches and scratches less than 20 mm long. On the reverse side of the rolled products, defects are not allowed, the depth of which exceeds 1/4 of the sum of the maximum deviations in thickness, as well as stains of dirt, tint and gray spots.

Roughness Ra no more than 1.6 microns


Roughness Ra more than 1.6 µm

4.2.11 Rolled products of the 6th category of deep and normal drawing with hardness control. The hardness value must comply with the requirements of Table 6 and can be specified, if necessary, by the manufacturer and consumer.

Table 6

4.2.12 Rolled steel of ordinary quality with yield strength control. The value of the yield strength must comply with the requirements of table 7 and can be specified, if necessary, between the manufacturer and the consumer.

Table 7

with additions.

4.4.2 Hot-rolled steel with a pickled surface and cold-rolled steel shall be lubricated on both sides with a layer of grease that protects it from corrosion.

At the request of the consumer, rolled products are not lubricated, while traces of lubrication, rust spots and scratches due to the absence of a lubrication layer are allowed.

Packs of cold-rolled sheets are wrapped with mild steel sheets, laid on beams and firmly fastened with steel strips.

It is allowed to use other materials and methods of packaging that ensure the safety of rolled products during transportation.

At the request of the consumer, packs are additionally wrapped with moisture-proof paper before wrapping with mild steel sheets.

5 Acceptance rules

6 Control methods

6.1 To check the mechanical and technological properties of rolled products, one sample is taken from each selected roll at a distance of at least 2.0 m from its end. From each sample of a roll or a selected sheet, take:

One transverse specimen for tension and for bending (places of cutting - according to GOST 7564);

One extrusion pattern.

The sample is cut to a length corresponding to the width of the rolled product. Tests are carried out in places corresponding to the middle and edge along the width of the rolled product (not closer than 40 mm from the edge). The test result is taken as the arithmetic mean of three measurements;

Two samples per microstructure: one - from the edge, the other - from the middle part of the rolled width;

One sample for hardness.

6.2 Tests are carried out:

For tension according to GOST 11701 or GOST 1497 on samples with an estimated length of 80 mm and a width of the working part of 20 mm;

For extrusion according to GOST 10510.

It is allowed to carry out tests on the Eriksen device on samples with a width of 80-90 mm;

On grain size according to GOST 5639;

For decarburization according to GOST 1763;

For the presence of structurally free cementite according to GOST 5640.

6.3 The quality of the rolled surface is checked by external inspection without the use of magnifying devices.

6.4 Sampling for chemical analysis - according to GOST 7565.

6.5 Chemical analysis - according to GOST 22536.0 - GOST 22536.8, GOST 18895 or other methods that provide the required accuracy.

In the event of a dispute, the methods specified in this International Standard shall apply.

6.6 Hardness measurement - according to GOST 9013 or GOST 22975. Hardness is determined on samples taken for tensile testing outside their working part or on samples for microstructure control.

6.7 It is allowed to control the size of ferrite grains in the middle part of the thickness of rolled products with satisfactory results of all other tests.

6.8 The surface roughness of rolled products is measured with a contact profilometer according to GOST 2789. Samples are taken from the control roll (sheet) at a distance of at least 40 mm from the edge and from the middle part of the roll (sheet) width, one sample 200x200 mm in size.

Strength group

Yield strength, N/mm2 (kgf/mm2), not less than

St4 (all degrees of deoxidation), St5ps, St5sp


Key words: thin-sheet rolled products, sheets, coils, cold-rolled, hot-rolled, strength groups, high-quality carbon steel, ordinary quality carbon steel, chemical composition, quality of surface finish, categories of normalized characteristics, tensile strength, relative elongation after rupture, bending to parallel sides, hole depth, surface condition, hardness, yield strength, batch, mechanical property control, chemical analysis

GOST 16523-97






6 REVISION. May 2005

GOST 16523-97


Introduction date 2000-01-01

Application area

This standard applies to thin sheets of hot-rolled and cold-rolled carbon steel of high quality and ordinary quality for general purposes, manufactured with a width of 500 mm or more, and a thickness of up to 3.9 mm inclusive.

Normative references *

For rolled steel quality GOST 1050.

It is allowed to manufacture rolled products from high-quality semi-quiet steel grades instead of boiling ones.

For rolled steel with grade numbers 3, 4, 5 (all stages of deoxidation), a decrease in the mass fraction of manganese by 0.10% is allowed.

When deoxidizing semi-quiet steel with aluminum, titanium or other deoxidizers that do not contain silicon, as well as several deoxidizers (ferrosilicon and aluminum, ferrosilicon and titanium, etc.), the mass fraction of silicon is allowed to be less than 0.05%. In this case, the mass fraction of aluminum should not exceed 0.07%.

Limit deviations in chemical composition in finished rolled products must comply with those established in GOST 380 and GOST 1050.

4.3 Marking

4.3.1 Rolled products marking - by GOST 7566 with additions.

GOST 16523-97



Official edition



1 DEVELOPED by the Technical Committee of Ukraine TK4 "Iron, rolled sheet, heat-strengthened rolled products, products for rolling stock, hardware and consumer goods"

INTRODUCED by the State Committee of Ukraine for Standardization, Metrology and Certification

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 11 of April 23, 1997)

3 This standard complies with international standards ISO 3573-86, ISO 3574-86, ISO 4995-91, ISO 4997-78 in terms of requirements for rolled carbon steel of high quality and ordinary quality

4 By the Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology dated April 4, 1999 No. 113, the interstate standard GOST 16523-97 was put into effect directly as the state standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2000.

5 INSTEAD OF GOST 16523-89

© IPK Standards Publishing House, 1999

This standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication on the territory of the Russian Federation without the permission of the State Standard of Russia

1 Scope .................................. 1

3 Classification, main parameters and dimensions .............................. 2

4 General technical requirements............................................................... 2

4.1 Characteristics................................................... ......... 2

4.2 Characteristics of the execution, installed at the request of the consumer .............................. 6

4.3 Marking.............................. 8

4.4 Packing.............................. 8

5 Acceptance rules.................................................... 8

6 Methods of control ............................................... .......... eight

7 Transport and storage............................................................... 9

Appendix A

Appendix B Used steel grades .............................................. 11




Rolled sheets from quality and ordinary carbon steel for general purposes.

Introduction date 2000-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to thin sheets of hot-rolled and cold-rolled carbon steel of high quality and ordinary quality for general purposes, manufactured with a width of 500 mm or more, and a thickness of up to 3.9 mm inclusive.

2 Normative references

GOST 380-94 Carbon steel of ordinary quality. Stamps

GOST 1050-88 Rolled bars, calibrated, with a special surface finish from quality carbon structural steel. General specifications GOST 1497-84 Metals. Tensile test methods GOST 1763-68 Steel. Methods for determining the depth of the decarburized layer GOST 2284-79 Cold-rolled strip of carbon structural steel. Technical

GOST 2789-73 Surface roughness. Parameters and characteristics of GOST 5639-82 Steels and alloys. Methods for detection and determination of grain size GOST 5640-68 Steel. Metallographic method for assessing the microstructure of sheets and strip GOST 7564-97 Steel. General rules for sampling, blanks and samples for mechanical and technological tests

GOST 7565-81 Cast iron, steel and alloys. Sampling method for determining the chemical composition

GOST 7566-94 Steel products. Acceptance, marking, packaging, transportation and storage

GOST 9013-59 Metals. Rockwell hardness method

GOST 10510-80 Metals. Eriksen Extrusion Test Method for Sheets and Tapes

GOST 11701-84 Metals. Tensile test methods for thin sheets and strips

GOST 14019-80 Metals and alloys. Bend Test Methods

GOST 18895-97 Steel. Photoelectric spectral analysis method

GOST 19903-74 Hot-rolled sheet metal. Assortment

GOST 19904-90 Cold-rolled sheet metal. Assortment

GOST 22536.0-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. General requirements for methods

GOST 22536.1-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining total carbon and graphite

Official edition

GOST 22536.2-87 GOST 22536.3-88 GOST 22536.4-88 GOST 22536.5-87 GOST 22536.6-88

Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of sulfur Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Phosphorus determination methods Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for the determination of silicon Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of manganese Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining we

GOST 22536.7-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of chromium GOST 22536.8-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of copper GOST 22975-78 Metals and alloys. Method for measuring Rockwell hardness at low loads (Super-Rockwell)

3 Classification, main parameters and dimensions

3.1 Rolled products are subdivided: according to the method of production:

hot rolled;

cold rolled; by product type:

but the minimum value of temporary resistance (B) for strength groups: K260V, K270V, OKZOOV, K310V, KZZOV, K350V, OK360V, OK370V *, K390V, OK400V, K490V; according to standardized characteristics for categories 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; by the quality of the surface finish into groups:

Cold rolled:

especially high finishing - I**; high finish - II; high finish - III (Sha, Shb);

Hot rolled: high finish - III; normal finishes - IV;

according to the ability to draw (cold-rolled steel with a thickness of up to 2 mm of strength groups K260V, K270V, K310V, KZZOV, K350V):

Deep - G;

normal - N.

3.2 As regards the assortment, rolled products must comply with the requirements: GOST 19903 - hot-rolled, GOST 19904 - cold-rolled.

3.3 The symbol scheme is given in Appendix A.

4 General technical requirements

4.1 Characteristics

4.1.1 Rolled products are made:

From carbon steel of ordinary quality of strength groups OKZOOV, OK360V, OK370V, OK400V;

From quality carbon steel of strength groups K260V, K270V, K310V, KZZOV, K350V, K390V, K490V.

Note - The strength group is indicated by three numbers corresponding to the lower limit of the tensile strength. Rolled steel of ordinary quality is denoted by the letters OK, from high-quality steel - K,

4.1.2 Steel grades for each strength group are given in Appendix B. The steel grade is set by the manufacturer.

* For the production of welded cylinders for liquefied hydrocarbon gases for pressures up to 1.6 MPa.

** At the request of the consumer.

Weldability of rolled steel grades OKZOOV, OK360V and OK370V of categories 4 and 5 is ensured by the manufacturing technology and chemical composition of the steel.

Note - For rolled products intended for welded structures and structures for critical purposes, the steel grade and requirements for weldability are specified in the order.

Table 1

Normalized characteristic

Mode of production

Strength group

Bending test

hot rolled

cold rolled

Spherical dimple test

cold rolled

Bending and drawing test

cold rolled

rheic hole

Mechanical properties tests

hot rolled

cold rolled

Tests of mechanical properties and

hot rolled

cold rolled

Mechanical properties test, for

cold rolled

drawing a spherical hole and bending

4.1.4 The mechanical properties of rolled products and the diameter of the mandrel during a 180 ° bend test in a cold state must comply with the requirements of table 2.

There should be no tears, cracks or delaminations in the place of bending.

table 2

Relative elongation b 4, %, not less than

Bending to Parallelism


(a - sample thickness,



Hot rolled steel

Cold rolled steel

d - mandrel diameter)

d - 0 (without spacer)

End of table 2 In millimeters


Relative elongation 64, %, not less

Bending to parallel sides


resistance Ogj N/mm 2

Hot rolled steel

Cold rolled steel

(a - sample thickness, d - mandrel diameter)

up to 2 mm incl.

up to 2 mm incl.

Note - Bending testing of cold-rolled and hot-rolled steel of strength groups K260V, K270V, OKZOOV, KZ 10V, K350V and OK360V at the manufacturer is not allowed (except for the manufacture of rolled products, taking into account the requirements set forth in 4.1.5-4.1.7).

4.1.5 For rolled products made of high-quality carbon steel with a thickness of up to 2.8 mm, it is allowed to exceed the upper limit of tensile strength by 30 N / mm 2 (3 kgf / mm 2), while maintaining the remaining standards.

4.1.6 For cold-rolled steel of strength group OKZOOV, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of tensile strength by 30 N / mm 2 (3 kgf / mm 2) while maintaining the remaining standards.

4L.6.1 By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture rolled products of strength groups OKZOOV, OK360V, OK37QB, OK400V without limiting the upper limit of tensile strength.

4.1.7 For deep-drawn rolled products, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of tensile strength by 20 N / mm 2 (2 kgf / mm 2) while maintaining the rest of the standards.

4L.8 By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, for rolled products of strength groups K390V and K490V, it is allowed to reduce the lower limit of ultimate strength by 20 N/mm 2 (2 kgf/mm 2) while increasing relative elongation by 2% abs.

4.1.9 The depth of the hole during the extrusion test shall comply with the requirements of Table 3.

In the manufacture of rolled products of strength group K270V from steel grades Yule and 10, the norms of the depth of a spherical hole must correspond to the norm of strength groups KZ 10V - K350V.

Table 3 In millimeters

End of table 3 In millimeters

Hole depth, not less, for rolling

Rolled thickness

deep drawn strength groups

normal drawing strength groups

K260V, K270V

K310V, KZZOV, K350V

K260V, K270V

K310V, KZZOV, K350V


1 For rolling of intermediate thicknesses, the norms of the depth of a spherical hole are taken according to the nearest smaller

thickness given in the table.

2 When tested

on an automatic machine, it is allowed to reduce the depth of the spherical hole by

4.1.10 The grain size of ferrite for cold-rolled steel from high-quality carbon steel of the 6th category of deep drawing should not be larger than the 6th number.

4.1.11 Hot-rolled steel is produced heat-treated, cold-rolled - heat-treated and tempered. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, cold-rolled steel is produced in an undressed state, while strips are allowed - slip lines, weld adhesion spots and kinks, and indicators for the depth of a spherical hole, relative elongation, flatness and roughness are not standardized.

Hot-rolled steel from continuous rolling mills may be produced without heat treatment.

4.1.12 Hot-rolled steel is produced both with pickled and non-pickled surfaces.

4.1.13 On the edges of rolled products, defects are not allowed, the depth of which exceeds half of the maximum deviation in the width of the rolled products and leading it beyond the nominal size in width.

4.1.14 Rolled products must not have bent corners, inverted ends and edges at an angle of more than 90 °, as well as folds. The length of the ends of partial-width rolls must not exceed the width of the roll.

4.1.15 The surface of cold-rolled steel should be free of caps, through ruptures, blisters, rolled blisters, spots of adhesion of welding, cuts, tears, rolled scale, overetching, underetching, work hardening strips, rolled metal and foreign particles.

Splits are not allowed.

The surface of hot-rolled steel must be free of caps, cuts, blisters, sundowns, cracks, rolled-in foreign and metal particles, through breaks, rolled-in scale, overetching, underetching.

Splits are not allowed.

A non-etched surface may retain a non-peeling scale layer allowing surface defects to be detected.

The surface finish quality characteristic is given in Table 4.

Table 4

Mode of production

Surface finish quality characteristic

cold rolled

As well as tempering colors at a distance exceeding 50 mm from the edges. On the front side (the best surface quality), scratches and scratches with a diameter of more than 50 mm are not allowed.

cold rolled

On both sides of the rolled products, defects are not allowed, the depth of which exceeds U2 of the sum of maximum deviations in thickness and leading the rolled product beyond the minimum dimensions in thickness

tint colors not up to tint color are allowed - they are allowed at a distance of more than 200 mm over the entire surface of the rolled product from the edges

hot rolled

On both sides of the rolled products, defects are not allowed, the depth of which exceeds U2 of the sum of maximum deviations in thickness and leading the rolled product beyond the minimum dimensions in thickness

hot rolled

On both sides of the rolled products, defects are not allowed, the depth of which exceeds the sum of the maximum deviations in thickness and leading the rolled product beyond the minimum dimensions in thickness

4L.15.1 It is allowed to remove surface defects by cleaning with a fine-grained emery or felt wheel with emery paste of rolled III and IV surface finishing groups.

At the same time, traces of abrasive stripping are allowed on the surface of the rolled product, and the stripping depth should not take the rolled product beyond the minimum thickness dimension.

4.1.16 The elongation value and the depth of the spherical hole of rolled products from boiling and semi-quiet steel grades, manufactured in a tempered state, are guaranteed by the manufacturer within 10 days from the date of shipment.

4.1.17 Deep-drawn rolled products of strength groups K260V and K27GB can be produced without testing mechanical properties, drawing and microstructure, provided that the metal is stampable at the consumer.

4.2 Characteristics of the execution, installed at the request of the consumer

4.2.1 Rolled products with regulated chemical composition

The chemical composition according to the melting analysis of the ladle sample must correspond to:

For rolled steel of ordinary quality GOST 380;

For rolled products from quality steel GOST 1050.

It is allowed to manufacture rolled products from high-quality semi-quiet steel grades instead of boiling ones.

For rolled steel with grade numbers 3, 4, 5 (all stages of deoxidation), a decrease in the mass fraction of manganese by 0.10% is allowed.

When deoxidizing semi-quiet steel with aluminum, titanium or other deoxidizers that do not contain silicon, as well as several deoxidizers (ferrosilicon and aluminum, ferrosilicon and titanium, etc.), the mass fraction of silicon is allowed to be less than 0.05%. In this case, the mass fraction of aluminum should not exceed 0.07%.

Limit deviations in chemical composition in finished rolled products must comply with those established in GOST 380 and GOST 1050.

4.2.2 Rolled products with weldability

Weldability is ensured by the manufacturing technology and the chemical composition of the steel.

4.2.3 Rolled products of the II group of surface finishes with normalized surface roughness.

Roughness standards are set by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer.

4.2.4 Rolled products of strength group K490V with a decarburization depth of another layer (for pure ferrite) not more than 2.5% per side and not more than 4% for both sides of the actual thickness of the sheet.

4.2.5 Hot-rolled steel from high-quality carbon steel of the 5th category with ferrite grain control, the value of which should not be larger than the 5th number.

Grain unevenness is allowed within three adjacent grit numbers.

4.2.6 Cold-rolled steel of strength groups K260V and K270V from boiling steel grades for deep drawing with a thickness of 0.6 mm or less with control for the presence of structurally free cementite.

4.2.7 Rolled carbon quality steel with a thickness of more than 2.8 mm with a limitation of the upper limit of tensile strength values ​​not more than 50 N / mm 2 (5 kg / mm 2) exceeding those indicated in table 2.

4.2.8 Rolled products of strength groups K390V and K490V with mechanical properties in accordance with GOST 2284.

4.2.10 Cold-rolled steel of the 6th category of extra high surface finish (I group)

The surface finish quality characteristic is given in Table 5.

Table 5

4.2.11 Rolled products of the 6th category of deep and normal drawing with hardness control. The hardness value must comply with the requirements of Table 6 and can be specified, if necessary, by the manufacturer and consumer.

Table 6

4.2.12 Rolled steel of ordinary quality with yield strength control. The value of the yield strength must comply with the requirements of table 7 and can be specified, if necessary, between the manufacturer and the consumer.

Table 7

4.3 Marking

4.3.1 Marking of rolled products - in accordance with GOST 7566 with additions.

4.3.2 Marking of rolled products must contain a strength group according to the minimum value of tensile strength, a surface finish group, a rolled product size, and drawability. In the manufacture of rolled products in accordance with the requirements of 4.1.17, the designations are indicated - PC.

The steel grade is indicated in the manufacture of rolled products in accordance with the requirements of 4.2 L and 4.2.2.

4.4 Packaging

4.4.1 Packing of rolled products - in accordance with GOST 7566 with additions.

4.4.2 Hot-rolled steel with a pickled surface and cold-rolled steel shall be lubricated on both sides with a layer of grease that protects it from corrosion.

At the request of the consumer, rolled products are not lubricated, while traces of lubrication, rust spots and scratches due to the absence of a lubrication layer are allowed.

Packs of cold-rolled sheets are wrapped with mild steel sheets, laid on beams and firmly fastened with steel strips.

It is allowed to use other materials and methods of packaging that ensure the safety of rolled products during transportation.

At the request of the consumer, packs are additionally wrapped with moisture-proof paper before wrapping with mild steel sheets.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 Acceptance of rolled products - in accordance with GOST 7566 with additions.

5.1.1 Rolled products are presented for acceptance in batches. The batch must consist of rolled products of one charge into the furnace or one heat treatment mode for continuous furnaces, one strength group, one drawing category, one thickness size, one surface finish group.

A batch of rolled products manufactured in accordance with the requirements of 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 must consist of steel from one melting ladle.

5.2 Each batch must be accompanied by a quality document in accordance with GOST 7566 with additions:

strength groups;

Surface finishing groups;

drawing ability;


Note - In the manufacture of rolled products in accordance with the requirements of, 4.2.2, weldability (w) is indicated. The steel grade is indicated in the manufacture of rolled products in accordance with the requirements of 4.2.1 and 4.2.2. In the manufacture of rolled products in accordance with the requirements of, the actual chemical composition of the steel is indicated in the quality document. When using other (except silicon) deoxidizers, a corresponding indication is made in the quality document.

5.3 To control the surface, dimensions, flatness, chemical composition, mechanical properties, bending tests, extrusion and microstructure determination, two sheets or one roll are selected from each lot.

5.4 Upon receipt of unsatisfactory test results for at least one indicator, a re-check is carried out in accordance with GOST 7566.

6 Control methods

6.1 To check the mechanical and technological properties of rolled products, one sample is taken from each selected roll at a distance of at least 2.0 m from its end. From each sample of a roll or a selected sheet, take:

One transverse specimen for tension and for bending (places of cutting - according to GOST 7564);

One extrusion pattern.

The sample is cut to a length corresponding to the width of the rolled product. Tests are carried out in places

corresponding to the middle and edge along the width of the rolled products (not closer than 40 mm from the edge). The test result is taken as the arithmetic mean of three measurements;

Two samples for the microstructure: one - from the edge, the other from the middle part of the rolled width;

One sample for hardness.

6.2 Tests are carried out:

For tension according to GOST 11701 or GOST 1497 on samples with an estimated length of 80 mm and a width of the working part of 20 mm;

For bending according to GOST 14019;

For extrusion according to GOST 10510.

It is allowed to carry out tests on the Eriksen device on samples with a width of 80-90 mm;

On grain size according to GOST 5639;

For decarburization according to GOST 1763;

For the presence of structurally free cementite according to GOST 5640.

6.3 The quality of the rolled surface is checked by external inspection without the use of magnifying devices.

6.4 Sampling for chemical analysis - according to GOST 7565.

6.5 Chemical analysis - according to GOST 22536.0 - GOST 22536.8, GOST 18895 or other methods that provide the required accuracy.

In the event of disagreement, the methods specified in this International Standard shall apply.

6.6 Hardness measurement - according to GOST 9013 or GOST 22975. Hardness is determined on samples taken for tensile testing outside their working part or on samples for microstructure control.

6.7 It is allowed to control the size of ferrite grains in the middle part of the thickness of rolled products with satisfactory results of all other tests.

6.8 The surface roughness of rolled products is measured with a contact profilometer according to GOST 2789.

Samples are taken from the control roll (sheet) at a distance of at least 40 mm from the edge

and from the middle part of the roll (sheet) width, one sample 200 x 200 mm in size.

6.9 It is allowed to use statistical and non-destructive control methods that ensure the accuracy of determination achieved by direct measurement methods.

In case of disagreement and during periodic tests, the control methods established by this standard are applied.

6.10 Control of the depth of surface defects is carried out according to the manufacturer's method.

7 Transport and storage

Transportation and storage - according to GOST 7566.



Rental symbol scheme

Type of rolled products - sheet, roll

Manufacturing accuracy


Edge character

Rolled dimensions

Standard number for assortment

Standard number

Ensuring weldability (when rolled products are supplied according to 4.2.2)

Steel grade (upon delivery of rolled products according to 4.2.1 and 4.2.2)


Surface finishing group

Strength group

Note - If any of the parameters is not specified, it is selected by the manufacturer.

APPENDIX B (informative)

Used steel grades

UDC 669.14-422. 006.354 MKS 77.140.60 V23 OKP 09 7201, 09 7301, 09 8101, 09 9101

Key words: thin-sheet rolled products, sheets, coils, cold-rolled, hot-rolled, strength groups, high-quality carbon steel, ordinary quality carbon steel, chemical composition, quality of surface finish, categories of normalized characteristics, tensile strength, relative elongation after rupture, bending to parallel sides, hole depth, surface condition, hardness, yield strength, batch, mechanical property control, chemical analysis

Editor L.I. Nakhimova Technical editor L.A. Kuznetsova Proofreader TJL Kononenko Computer proofing E.N. Martemyanova

Ed. persons. No. 021007 dated 10.08.95. Handed over to the set 07/06/99. Signed for publication on 07.09.99. Uel. oven l. 1.86. Uch.-ed. l. 1.40.

Circulation 753 copies. C3618. Zach. 737.

IPK Standards Publishing House, 107076, Moscow, Kolodezny per., 14.

Typed at the Publishing House on a PC

Branch of IPK Publishing house of standards - type. “Moscow printer”, Moscow, Lyalin per., 6.

Plr No. 080102




Group B23

to GOST 16523-97 Rolled thin-sheet carbon steel of high quality and ordinary quality for general purposes. Specifications