Sincerely, Edward. Respect without commas. What is the part of the sentence

An email signature is an essential attribute of business correspondence. This element often determines whether the message will be read or immediately sent to the "basket". Content letters can be advertising, informational or congratulatory. In all cases, the signatory must show respect and identify himself. It is recommended that you also provide your contact details to ensure prompt communication. The originality of the design and the correct presentation of information can significantly affect the attitude of the recipient of the mailing to the company.

The correct signature in an email - what it should be

An email message for a counterparty or business partner must be signed by the sender. The absence of such an attribute indicates a low level of professionalism and ignorance of standard business etiquette. The signature has a number of important functions:

  • communication of information (the signature acts as a business card);
  • unobtrusive advertising (free creation of a certain image and a reminder of oneself);
  • saving time when automating the procedure for approving messages.

How to properly sign an email:

  1. You must specify basic information about the organization and the sender with their contact information.
  2. The signature must reflect the type of activity of the company.
  3. Conciseness is a must. For the final element of the message, 3-4 lines are enough. If the signature has more than 5 lines, it will become a repulsive factor.
  4. An important condition is the literacy of writing.
  5. Aesthetics is manifested in the organic combination of the selected color scheme with the font size and type. Don't make the caption block too bright, it should complement the text of the message, not distract from it.

The original signature in an email does not always have the expected positive effect. The excessive angularity of the selected font indicates inflexibility and facelessness. It is recommended to use them for automatic mailings. The handwritten style is appropriate for cases where it is necessary to establish a trusting relationship with the recipient of information, provided that there were already personal contacts that made a positive impression on the client. The choice of a decorative style of writing letters is made if you wish to emphasize the novelty, originality, and creative vein of the sender.

Signature in an email: examples


There was also the question of whether it is necessary to put a comma after the phrase ... that's when you are in a letter ... here, you finish the letter and write "Respectfully". And they asked me to bring, there, as it were, a theoretical justification. Here, I say right now comma is always included : "With respect - a comma - such and such." But, unfortunately, there is no theory on this matter, there is always a comma, and this is simply accepted.

Marina Koroleva in the program "We speak Russian" on the radio " Echo of Moscow» 29.06.2014


As always categorically, Marina Koroleva stated that after the expression (not the phrase!) “With respect” at the end of the letter, a comma is supposedly always put before the signature. She could not explain this “as if theoretically”, but refers to the fact that it is “simply accepted”.

If you put such a comma and "accepted", then not everyone and, I'm afraid, not those who should be taken as an example. However, I must admit that the problem is complex. The opinion of M. Koroleva is also shared by the website:

Of course, is a respected site, and we know that Ekho Moskvy journalists are friends with it. But it is still not the ultimate truth, references on this site are written by ordinary people who also make mistakes. And let me remind you that there are other people who are doing the same thing, for example, the website. He is of the opposite opinion:

In this reference, it is quite correctly noted that this comma was thoughtlessly transferred by our businessmen from the rules for writing letters in English.

As for the theoretical justification for the absence of a comma, it just exists. Imagine that you wrote in a line: " Regards, Ivan". This spelling makes the name Ivan appeal, i.e. it turns out that it's not you - Ivan, but the one you are addressing. But after all, a signature is not an appeal, and the words “with respect” are not an introductory phrase. These words are an incomplete sentence, a fragment of the implied phrase: "Ivan wrote this letter with respect to you." By the way, “Respectfully” is not the only form of completing a letter; in the same way, without a comma before the signature, the phrases “With regards”, “With love”, “With best wishes”, etc. are written.

And in order to finally dispel doubts, it is best to turn to authoritative sources. Such in this case will be the letters of undoubtedly educated people. Let me give you two examples first:

P.S. After the phrase "Sincerely" you can put a dash (because it replaces the implied words, for example, “wrote to you”) and a period. For example, Block wrote:


There was also the question of whether it is necessary to put a comma after the phrase ... that's when you are in a letter ... here, you finish the letter and write "Respectfully". And they asked me to bring, there, as it were, a theoretical justification. Here, I say right now comma is always included : "With respect - a comma - such and such." But, unfortunately, there is no theory on this matter, there is always a comma, and this is simply accepted.

Marina Koroleva in the program "We speak Russian" on the radio " Echo of Moscow» 29.06.2014


As always categorically, Marina Koroleva stated that after the expression (not the phrase!) “With respect” at the end of the letter, a comma is supposedly always put before the signature. She could not explain this “as if theoretically”, but refers to the fact that it is “simply accepted”.

If you put such a comma and "accepted", then not everyone and, I'm afraid, not those who should be taken as an example. However, I must admit that the problem is complex. The opinion of M. Koroleva is also shared by the website:

Of course, is a respected site, and we know that Ekho Moskvy journalists are friends with it. But it is still not the ultimate truth, references on this site are written by ordinary people who also make mistakes. And let me remind you that there are other people who are doing the same thing, for example, the website. He is of the opposite opinion:

In this reference, it is quite correctly noted that this comma was thoughtlessly transferred by our businessmen from the rules for writing letters in English.

As for the theoretical justification for the absence of a comma, it just exists. Imagine that you wrote in a line: " Regards, Ivan". This spelling makes the name Ivan appeal, i.e. it turns out that it's not you - Ivan, but the one you are addressing. But after all, a signature is not an appeal, and the words “with respect” are not an introductory phrase. These words are an incomplete sentence, a fragment of the implied phrase: "Ivan wrote this letter with respect to you." By the way, “Respectfully” is not the only form of completing a letter; in the same way, without a comma before the signature, the phrases “With regards”, “With love”, “With best wishes”, etc. are written.

And in order to finally dispel doubts, it is best to turn to authoritative sources. Such in this case will be the letters of undoubtedly educated people. Let me give you two examples first:

P.S. After the phrase "Sincerely" you can put a dash (because it replaces the implied words, for example, “wrote to you”) and a period. For example, Block wrote:

In the structure of any letter, both business and personal, three parts are usually distinguished: introductory - with an appeal to the recipient, main - containing the essence, and final - where the author is indicated. At the end of the letter, its originator usually writes the phrase "respectfully" and leaves his full name and / or initials. This is where a reasonable question arises: "After the phrase "with respect" is a comma needed or not?"

What do the rules of the Russian language say?

What can advise the compilers of the dictionary of the "great and mighty" Russian language, who know perfectly the rules of spelling and punctuation? Consider different aspects from all sides.

Introductory constructions

Some, when answering the question of whether a comma is needed after “respectfully”, believe that yes, it is needed, since the phrase “respectfully” is an introductory construction. But is it?

Introductory constructions are words and phrases that reflect the attitude of the speaker to what he said. At first glance, the phrase "with respect" confirms this. What if we dig deeper? To whom is the speaker showing respect? To myself? It turns out that when answering the question of whether a comma “respectfully, Ivanov” is needed, such people believe that it is needed, since a certain sender Ivanov loves himself. This explanation looks ridiculous and absurd.


Others, when they think about it and begin to decide whether a comma is needed after “respectfully” or not, they remember about appeals. Yes, appeals are separated by commas in sentences, but then again, who are they aimed at in this case? It turns out that again on himself. This attempt at explanation is completely untenable. In a letter, first of all, everyone seeks to show their recognition and respect to the addressee, but not to engage in self-praise.

Another thing is if, when resolving the issue: “In the phrase“ with respect, Ivan Ivanovich ”, is a comma needed?” the name Ivan Ivanovich would belong not to the sender, but to the recipient. In this case, separating the proper name with a comma would look quite reasonable.

Does such a rule exist?

Any author, even the most detailed textbook on Russian punctuation, does not regulate this situation in any way, that is, there is simply no rule that can resolve the dispute in one direction or another. Looking through all the sources and collections, you can see that there are no regulations that a comma is needed after “respectfully”. Therefore, let's try to consider this issue from a different angle, based on the meaning of this phrase and the traditions of modern society.

How about Rosenthal?

Before going further, it is necessary to find out what the greatest guru and the most literate native speaker of the Russian language, Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal, thinks about this, who wrote so many manuals and textbooks of the Russian language in his life that if you put them in a pile, this short person will get lost behind them. If you analyze his letters, it becomes clear that he does not separate the phrase “with respect” with a comma from the surname with initials. He argues that, in accordance with historical traditions, this punctuation mark is not required in this case. So why do so many people persist in using a comma at the end of a letter?

West alignment

One of the reasons for the positive answer to the question: “After the phrase with respect, is a comma necessary?” is the cooperation of most modern companies with foreign firms. At first glance, the connection is not obvious, but will be more noticeable for people studying international languages. Indeed, from letters of business correspondence with foreign enterprises, written, for example, in English, it is clear that the phrase "best regards" is separated from the proper name by a comma. This phrase can look different, for example, "with regards, John" or "with kind regards, John" or even just "regards, John". The practice of long-term partnerships with foreign companies was one of the reasons for borrowing the comma.

In English texts, a comma is always placed when there is a semantic pause, in contrast to the Russian language, where punctuation is strictly limited by the rules. Compare the sentences: “Today, Donald Trump said that E=mc 2 ” and “Today Donald Trump said that E=mc 2 ”.

Intonation emphasis

Of course, you should not break the invented rules. But it is impossible to formulate all the laws in all areas of life, although this should be striven for. All the variety of words and possibilities of the Russian language cannot be put into a one-sided, rigidly conditioned framework. We remember this from the school course, where some of the rules always had exceptions. Therefore, with the answer to the question: “After “respectfully”, is a comma necessary or not?” not everything is so clear.

However, do not forget about intonation, which greatly enriches and adorns the magnificent Russian language. Any person, when reproducing his thoughts, pauses, emphasizes individual words and sentences with his voice, expressively focuses the attention of listeners on significant places. In the paper text, for the correct semantic reflection of individual phrases, the author's punctuation is sometimes used. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that punctuation marks serve as a way to create an emphasis on places that are important for understanding.

Proponents of this theory believe that the answer to the question: “After the phrase « respects "do you need a comma?" is a positive "yes" statement. If you focus on how the written will be read, then it is better to leave a punctuation mark in order to highlight intonation a grateful attitude towards the recipient of the letter. Otherwise, the phrase "respectfully" will look somewhat damp and lose some of its significance.

Standards for the design of business correspondence

In accordance with the rules of business etiquette, in modern society it is not even worth thinking about what to put after the phrase « regards" - whether a comma is needed or not - just a space, no punctuation marks. A comma is definitely needed, it will emphasize a respectful attitude towards the interlocutor.

What to write after the comma? It already depends on the desire of the sender. If the addressee is close to the author of the letter, you can limit yourself to only your own name. In business correspondence, it is desirable to indicate the position, place of work, full name or surname with initials.

Did you know about it? In a business letter or document, do not put a dot after the signature. Here the signature is an obligatory element - a requisite, it does not act as a complete sentence. The exception is personal letters.


And yet, after the phrase "respectfully" is a comma necessary or not? Let's summarize. If you are writing a formal business letter, it is better to put a comma. This will emphasize respect for the recipient and commitment to modern traditions. In a personal letter, everyone can act according to their own understanding: if you want to emphasize your literacy and knowledge of the rules of the Russian language, then you can do without punctuation marks, and if it is more important for you to highlight an intonation of appreciation, you can leave a comma.

The phrase "respectfully" can be a homogeneous member of a sentence or as part of a polite signature of a business letter. Where to put a comma, the context will tell.

"Respectfully" is separated by commas

From two sides

It is separated by commas if it is in the middle of the enumeration of homogeneous members of the sentence.

  • We treated our professor with love, respect, and surprise at his vast knowledge.
  • We congratulate our girl with joy, with love, with respect, with a sense of admiration for her hard work and dedication.

Before a phrase

If the listing ends at the end of the sentence or after the word there is a conjunction and.

  • He talked about his father with pride and respect.
  • The brigadier attracted with calmness, prudence, respect and readiness to help everyone.

After the phrase

In a polite signature at the end of modern business letters.

"Respectfully" is a comma needed or not? In Russian grammar, there was no rule for putting a comma after the phrase "with respect" and the signature of the author of the letter.

Now there is a tradition that after “respectfully” a comma is required, because when reading in place of a comma, a pause is called for intonationally. The comma is also placed in this case by analogy with punctuation in English.

The Russian language develops, some traditions are forgotten, and new ones appear. In this situation, the double use of a comma is allowed. Now it becomes a tradition to have a comma after the words with respect and before the name of the author of the letter. Most of the addressees consider the new tradition correct.