What does p65 rails mean. R65 rail - dimensions: width of the head and sole, height with lining and sleeper, length, characteristics. Size value for rail type

(Instead of GOST 7174-75, 8161-75, GOST 16210-77, GOST 18267-82)

Date of introduction 01.07.2001

Application area

This standard applies to railroad rails R50, R65, R75 intended for link and continuous track of railways and for the production of turnouts. Mandatory requirements for the quality of rails, ensuring traffic safety, are set out in sections 5-8 of this standard.

Rail classification

4.1. Rails are subdivided: by types:

  • R65K (for outer threads of curved track sections),
  • B - heat-strengthened rails of the highest quality,
  • T1, T2 - heat-strengthened rails,
  • H - non-heat-strengthened rails;

according to the presence of bolt holes:

  • with holes at both ends,
  • without holes;

according to the method of steel smelting:

  • M - from open-hearth steel,
  • K - from converter steel,
  • E - from electric steel;

according to the type of raw materials:

  • ingots,
  • from continuously cast billets (NLZ);

according to the anti-flake treatment method:

  • vacuum steel,
  • undergone controlled cooling,
  • undergone isothermal exposure.

Design and dimensions

5.1. The shape and main (controlled) dimensions of the cross section of the rails must correspond to those shown in Figure 1 and Table 1. Permissible deviations of the controlled dimensions and shape of the cross section of the rails must correspond to the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table 2.

Figure 1 - Main dimensions of the cross section of the rail

Table 1
In millimeters

Name of the cross-sectional dimension

Size value for rail type

Rail height H

neck height h

Head Width b

Outsole width B

Neck thickness e

Feather height m

table 2
In millimeters

Name of indicator

Permissible deviation of the size and shape of the cross section for the type and category of rail

R65, R75

T1, T2, H

T1, T2, H

T1,t2, N

Head Width b

Outsole width B

Neck thickness e

Rail height H

Feather height m

Rail neck height h

Deviation of the shape of the rolling surface of the head from the nominal (along the axis of symmetry)

Not standardized

Sole bulge (uniform)

Sole concavity

Not allowed

Profile deviation from symmetry (asymmetry)

5.2. The location, number and diameter of the bolt holes in the neck at the ends of the rails must correspond to those shown in Figure 2 and Table 3. By agreement of the parties, the rails can be manufactured with a different location, number and diameter of the bolt holes.

Figure 2 - Location of bolt holes

Table 3
Dimensions in mm

rail type

Size value

Tolerance for category rail



l 1

l 2

l 3

T1, T2, H

We sell steel rails. Specify the prices at managers. You can order a rail at the office of the Remstroyput company (Ekaterinburg, Taganskaya st., 55a). Available rails R65, RP65, R50, RP50, R33, R38, T62, KR140, KR120, KR100, R80, KR70, R43, R24, R18, R11.

With a continuous replacement of rails on the main directions of railways, two new types are laid on the track, depending on the load density: R75 (GOST 16210-77) and (GOST 8161-75) (Table 7). On the tracks of industrial enterprises, rails of types (GOST 7174-75) and (GOST 7173-54) are used. The railroad tracks contain rails of the same types, but of earlier laying years (Table 8). Rails reused in tracks are called.

Table 7 Main indicators of rails

IndicatorR75 according to GOST 16210-77R65 according to GOST 8161-75R50 according to GOST 7174-75R43 according to GOST 7173-54
Album drawing number 24 25 26 27
Weight of 1 m rail, kg 74,41 64,72 51,67 44,65
Weight of one rail 25 m long, kg 1860 1618 1292 1116
Rail height, mm including: 192,0 180,0 152,0 140,0
head height 55,3 45,0 42,0 42,0
"necks 104,4 105,0 83,0 71,0
"soles 32,3 30,0 27,0 27,0
Rail head width, mm:
up 72,0 73,0 70,2 70,0
at the bottom 75,0 75,0 72,0 70,0
Sole width, mm 150 150 132 114
20 18 16 14,5
95,04 82,65 65,99 57,0
Area distribution along the profile, %:
heads 37,4 34,1 38,1 42,8
necks 26,5 28,5 24,5 21,3
soles 36,1 37,4 37,4 35,9
Distance from the center of gravity, mm:
to the bottom of the sole 88,2 81,3 70,5 68,5
to the top of the head 103,8 98,7 81,5 71,5
horizontal 4489 3540 2011 1489
vertical 665 564 375 260
Moment of resistance, cm3:
on the bottom of the sole 509 435 285 217
on top of the head 432 358 247 208
along the side of the sole 89 75 55 45

Crap. 24. Rail type P75 according to GOST 16210-77 (Rails have been supplied since 1978)

Crap. 25. Rail type P65 according to GOST 8161-75 (Rails have been supplied since 1976)

Crap. 26. Rail type P50 according to GOST 7174-75 (Rails have been supplied since 1976)

Crap. 27. Rail type P43 according to GOST 7173-54 (Rails have been supplied since 1955)

Table 8 Some indicators of rails discontinued but used on the road

IndicatorR75R65P50R43I-aP38 (II-a)P33 (III-а)
GOST 16210-70project 751/CPGOST 8161-63GOST 8161-561950 projectGOST 7174-65GOST 7174-54GOST 3542-47GOST 3542-47OST 119GOST 3542-47GOST 6726-53
Album drawing number 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Weight of 1 m rail, kg 74,4 75,1 64,64 64,93 64,90 51,63 51,51 50,50 43,61 43,57 38,42 33,48
Rail height, mm, including: 192 192 180 180 180 152 152 152 140 140 135 128
head height 55,3 48,5 45 45 45 42 42 42 42 44 40 37
"necks 104,4 110 105 105 105 83 83 83 71 71 71 68
"soles 32,3 33,5 30 30 30 27 27 27 27 25 24 23
Rail head width, mm:
- at the top 71,8 72,8 72,8 72,8 76 70 70 70 70 70 68 60
- at the bottom 75,0 75,0 75,0 75,0 76 71,9 70 70 70 70 68 60
Sole width, mm 150 160 150 150 150 132 132 132 114 125 114 110
Thickness of the neck in the middle part, mm 20 20 18 18 17 16 15,5 14,5 13,5 14 13 12
Cross-sectional area, cm2 95,1 95,8 82,6 82,9 82,9 65,9 65,8 64,5 55,7 55,6 49,1 42,8
Distribution of metal along the profile, %:
- head 37,4 32,3 34,2 34,5 35,5 38,2 38,3 39,5 43,0 45,9 45,4 43,0
- neck 26,5 28,5 28,4 28,3 27,1 24,4 23,8 22,2 20,5 19,3 19,8 19,9
- outsole 36,1 39,2 37,4 37,2 37,4 37,4 37,5 38,3 36,5 34,8 34,8 37,1
Moment of inertia relative to the axes, cm4:
- horizontal 4490 4597 3548 3573 3588 2018 2037 2016 1472 1476 1223 968
- vertical 661 771 569 572 576 375 377 - 257 284 209 167
Moment of resistance, cm3
- on the bottom of the sole 509 547 436 437 432 286 287 285 214 212 180 156
- top of the head 432 426 359 363 370 248 251 248 206 210 182 147

Crap. 28. Rail type P75 according to GOST 16210-70

(The rails were delivered between 1966 and 1977.)

Crap. 29. Rail type R75 under project 751/TsP

(The rails were delivered between 1958 and 1966.)

Crap. 30. Rail type P65 according to GOST 8161-63

(The rails were supplied in the period 1964 - 1975.)

Crap. 31. Rail type P65 according to GOST 8161-56

(The rails were supplied in the period 1956 - 1963, the holes could be oval 38x30 mm)

Crap. 32. Rail type P65 according to the project of 1950

(The rails were delivered between 1953 and 1955.)

Crap. 33. Rail type P50 according to GOST 7174-65

(The rails were delivered between 1965 and 1975.)

Crap. 34. Rail type P50 according to GOST 7174-54

(The rails were supplied in the period 1955 - 1966.)

Crap. 35. Rail type P50 according to GOST 3542-47

(The rails were delivered between 1948 and 1954)

Crap. 36. Rail type P43 according to GOST 3542-47

(The rails were delivered between 1946 and 1954.)

Crap. 37. Rail type 1-a according to OST 119

(Rails were supplied until 1946)

Crap. 38. Rail type P38 (II-a) according to GOST 3542-47

Crap. 39. Rail type (III-a) GOST 6726-53

(Rails were supplied until 1932)

Basic requirements for rails of types R75, R65 and R50 made of open-hearth steel according to GOST 24182-80 (introduced on July 1, 1981 to replace GOST 8160-63 and GOST 6944-63)

1. The standard applies to non-hardened along the entire length rails of types P75, P65 and P50, made of open-hearth steel and intended for laying on broad gauge railways.

2. The design and dimensions of the rails comply with GOST 7174-75, GOST 8161-75 and GOST 16210-77.

3. Rails of two groups are made.

4. Group I rails are made of calm open-hearth steel, deoxidized in a ladle with complex deoxidizers without the use of aluminum or other deoxidizers that form harmful line non-metallic inclusions in the steel.

5. Group II rails are made of calm open-hearth steel, deoxidized with aluminum or manganese-aluminum alloy.

6. The chemical composition of steel must comply with the standards specified in Table. 9.

7. The mechanical properties of steel for rails of groups I and II when tested for a distance must comply with the standards specified in table. 10.

8. The manufacturing technology of rails must guarantee the absence of flocks in them, as well as local non-metallic inclusions (alumina, titanium carbides and nitrides or alumina cemented with silicates), elongated along the rolling direction in the form of tracks - lines longer than 2 mm for group I rails and longer than 8mm for group II rails.

9. The surface of the rail head at its ends must be subjected to rolling heating or high frequency induction heating.

Table 9 Chemical composition of rail steel

Rail groupRail typesteel gradeMass fraction, %
IR75M76V 0,71 - 0,82 0,25 - 0,45
M74C 0,69 - 0,80 0,75 - 1,05 0,18 - 0,40 Not more than 0.035Not more than 0.045
IIR75M76 0,71 - 0,82
P50M74 0,69 - 0,80

Notes. 1. In the designation of the steel grade, the letter "M" indicates the method of steel smelting (open-hearth), the numbers indicate the average carbon content in hundredths of a percent.

2. Rails made of M76V steel are classified as rails with vanadium; from steel grades M76T, M74T and M76VT - to rails with titanium; from steel grades M76Ts and M74Ts - to rails with zirconium.

3. The mass fraction of vanadium in rail steel, depending on the grade, ranges from 0.01 to 0.07%, titanium - from 0.005 to 0.025%, zirconium - from 0.001 to 0.050%.

4. It is allowed to manufacture rails of the P50 type of groups I and II from oxygen-converter steel. At the same time, the letter "M" in the designation of the steel grade is replaced by the letter "K".

Table 10 Mechanical properties of rail steel

Rails intended for welding or other special purposes, at the request of the consumer, are allowed to be manufactured with a length of at least 6.0 m without hardening of one or both ends.

10. Rails after complete cooling can be subjected to cold straightening on roller straightening machines and stamp presses.

11. After cold straightening, the following are not allowed:

repeated cold straightening of rails on roller straightening machines in the same plane;

cold stamp straightening of the ends of the rails, if the curvature of the ends is within the location of the bolt holes;

fall of rails from a height of more than 1.0 m;

waviness and twisting of the rails. The rail is considered twisted if, when measured on a control rack, it has gaps at the ends between the edge of the sole and the rack (diagonally) of more than 1/10,000 of its length.

12. The ends of the rails must be milled perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the rail. The misalignment of the ends should not be more than 1.0 mm when measured in any direction. Chopping and breaking the defective ends of the rails is not allowed.

The bolt holes at the ends of the rails must be drilled perpendicular to the vertical longitudinal plane of the rail. The surfaces of bolt holes and ends of the rails must be free from flaws, scuff marks and shrinkage in the form of delaminations and cracks. Burrs and metal deposits at the bolt holes and on the ends of the rails must be removed by cleaning.

Crap. 40. Main marking of rails:

a - rails of the first grade; b- rails of the second grade; v- places for marking on the neck of the rail; 1 - inspection stamps; 2 - the brand of the quality control department of the plant (may be in the form of a square, a triangle or the letter "K"); 3 - place of drawing the rail number according to its location in the ingot (1 and 2 - head rails, X - bottom middle rails have no designations); 4 - the place of application of the steel melting number (the melting number for rails of the 1st group begins with the letter P); 5 - place of indication of the serial number of the rail from the head of the ingot; 6 - a place of a rolled out (convex) marking along the length of the rail, repeating after about 2.5 m and indicating: manufacturer, month and year of rental, type of rail

13. A test section of a rail for impact tests must withstand an impact test at temperatures from 0 ° to plus 40 ° C without breaking, cracking and punctures of the sole (both in the span and on the supports).

14. A trial section of the rail for testing the strength of the sole must withstand the static load without cracks or fracture until a deflection of 4.0 mm is obtained.

15. For laying on the main tracks of the MPS, the following are not allowed: rails of the second grade of types P75 and P65 with rolled dirt, bubbles and cracks in the middle third of the bottom of the sole with a depth of more than 0.3 mm; rails of the second grade type P50.

16. The marking of the rails is shown in Fig. 40, 41 and in table. eleven.

17. Rails shipped to the consumer must be accompanied by a document (certificate of technical suitability of rails) signed by a representative of the manufacturer and an inspector of the Ministry of Railways, certifying the compliance of the rails with the requirements of this standard, which must indicate:

Designation of the manufacturer;

Numbers of standards in accordance with which the rails and order numbers were manufactured and accepted;

Grade and type of rails;

Imprints or description of acceptance marks and marking of rails with paints;

wagon numbers;

Name and address of the recipient.

Crap. 41. An example of a complete factory marking of new rails of the first grade:

a- the rail was manufactured by the Kuznetsk (K) Metallurgical Combine in May (V) 1990 (90) of type P65, melting A293, from ordinary standard carbon steel, with hardening of the ends (white stripe with paint on the head), carbon content "solid" ( yellow color of the sole at the end), the arrow indicates the head end; b- the rail was manufactured by the Azovstal plant (A) in March 1990 (III 90) of type P75, melting P356, hardened along the entire length (green stripe on the neck and green edging of the butt); v- the rail was manufactured by the Nizhny Tagil (T) metallurgical plant in September 1989 (IX 89) of type P50, melting 751Ya, hardened along the entire length, first class in terms of hardening quality (green edging at the end); G

The entire end of the rail is painted with blue paint, there are three cores on both ends - the rail is rejected, the MPS is not suitable for laying on the way

Basic requirements for rails of types R50, R65 and R75, heat-treated by bulk quenching in oil according to GOST 18267-82
(introduced on January 1, 1984 to replace GOST 18267-72)

1. The standard applies to railway rails of types P50, P65 and P75, made of open-hearth high-carbon steel and subjected to heat treatment along the entire length by bulk quenching them in oil, followed by furnace tempering.

2. Rails intended for heat treatment must comply with the requirements for rails of the first grade, manufactured in accordance with GOST 24182-80.

It is allowed, by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, to subject rails of the second grade to heat treatment. Hardened rails, transferred to the second grade for surface defects, are intended for laying on tracks that do not belong to the Ministry of Railways.

3. The hardness on the rolling surface of the head of hardened rails must be within HB 341...388; the hardness of the neck and sole of the rails - no more than HB 388.

4. The macrostructure of the hardened railhead metal should be hardened sorbitol.

The presence of small disparate sections of ferrite is allowed.

5. The mechanical properties of hardened rails must comply with the following:

Tensile strength, kgf/mm2 ........................................ ³120

Yield strength, kgf/mm2 ....................................... .…….. ³81

Relative elongation, % ..............................................…… ³6

Relative contraction, % .............................................……. ³25

Impact strength at 20 °С, kgf m/cm2 ............................. ³2.5

6. The trial section of the rail must withstand low-temperature impact tests under the impact test without fracture and signs of destruction.

7. In case of unsatisfactory results of repeated impact tests under a headframe, it is allowed to subject the rails to high tempering for hardness HB 255 ... 302 and pass them in accordance with GOST 24182-80 as not hardened.

8. The marking of the rails must correspond to that indicated in the drawing. 40, 41 and in table. eleven.

9. The rails must be accompanied by a document signed by the representative of the manufacturer and the inspector of the Ministry of Railways, certifying their compliance with the requirements of this standard and containing:

Name of the manufacturer;

Product name and method of heat treatment;

Type, class and group of rails;

The grade of steel from which the rails are made;

The designation of this standard;

Imprints or description of acceptance marks, as well as a description of marking rails with paints;

The number of rails, indicating their length and weight;

Name and address of the consumer.

Rail marking

Each new rail is marked on its neck and on one of the ends.

Marking is divided into permanent, performed during rolling and branding in hot and cold condition (see Fig. 40) and temporary or additional, performed by paint (see Table 11). Marking (see Fig. 41) is necessary for the correct laying of the rails on the track.

Old rails are also marked (Fig. 42).

Crap. 42. An example of marking old-year rails (light paint):

a- rail of group I, suitable for laying on the road without repair; b- Group II rail to be repaired (II-P); v- Group IV rail, not suitable for laying on the road (XXX)

Let's consider one of the most frequently used structural elements of the Russian railway network. The focus is on characteristics: cross-sectional area, length, height and width of the R65 frame rail head and other dimensions and parameters. In the text, we will analyze the rental, which takes the direct pressure of the wheels during the movement of the railway train, processes these loads and transfers them to the sleepers, that is, to the support. A detailed approach - in order to understand why this particular model is so in demand when creating tracks (in particular, when laying a wide gauge jointless and sectioned track). Separately, we note that the regulatory documents that determine the steel grade, design features and all other indicators are several GOSTs at once: 8161-75, 51685-2000, 51685-2013.

Purpose, description, dimensions and weight of R65 rails

These structures perform several tasks:

  • determine the direction of travel of passenger and freight transport by rail;
  • accept and transmit loads, thereby extending the life of both the track itself and the moving parts of the train moving along it;
  • create a platform for wheels that are in contact with the working surface of only 30-50 mm of their area, which allows you to develop high speed.

Functionally, these are the upper elements of the railway track laid on sleepers fastened together. They form wide gauges, both link and jointless, with a cargo density of 25-75 million tons km/km per year. They have a fairly detailed classification: by type, quality category, smelting method, the presence of bolt holes, and so on. Type T1 is especially popular, that is, heat-strengthened, designed to create lashes of tracks with a length of 100-800 km. His marking indicates the weight of a running meter, which is equal to GOST 8161-75 - 64.72 (64.88) kg. Models with the mark K (from converter steel) are also in demand, designed for external threads of curved sections.

Rolled metal is produced both from continuous cast billets (that is, continuously cast billets) and from ingots. After release, both controlled cooling and isothermal holding can take place. The above-mentioned GOSTs impose a number of requirements on finished products - in terms of deflection, twisting, deviation (for more details, see the General Parameters section).


The design conditionally consists of three parts:

  • Head - must be of such a shape as to provide reliable support for the wheel of the railway transport.
  • Neck - accepts tension, resists it, transfers it to sleepers.
  • Sole - consists of left and right feathers, evenly distributes the load on the surface of the support bar.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the sinuses located on both sides of the neck and extending from the bottom of the head to the middle of the sole. Thanks to the wedge-shaped linings located in them, separate I-beam guides are connected (attention, on certain sections of the path, and not along the entire length).

Dimensions and characteristics of rail type P65

The shape of this rolled metal product is carefully calibrated, down to each slope, radius of curvature, platform. All surfaces were selected both with the help of calculations and empirically for optimal adhesion to the wheels of railway transport. And also taking into account how seriously these elements are subjected to loads. After all, their design is simply obliged to steadfastly resist deformation for decades.

We offer a comprehensive analysis of which I-beam profile line is responsible for what and why it should be just that. Let's consider L x W x H in the "General parameters" section, and here are the characteristics:

  • R500 is the radius of the head, which is responsible for the centering of stresses, that is, for the coincidence of the longitudinal axes of our supporting structure and the moving part of the railway transport;
  • slope 1:20 - selected in this proportion for optimal matching with wheel flanges;
  • R80, R15, R370 - transitional radii needed for the closest possible contact with the moving part of the vehicle and the upper part (respectively), as well as to eliminate areas of dangerous loads;
  • slopes 1:4 - made with this ratio for the correct installation of wedge-shaped linings (also playing the role of spacers);
  • R3 - rounding radius so that the head is not too sharp and does not concentrate excess stress;
  • R400 - transitional, you need the sole to take the load smoothly.

Before giving the length, width, height, we note that these I-beams are made of durable metal. It deserves separate consideration.

Rail steel

All subspecies of I-profiles of the series are produced from it (including RK65, P50 and P75). Why? Because it has impressive wear resistance, hardness, bending resistance. These properties are due to the composition: the M76BT grade contains 0.82% carbon, as well as a large amount of dopants (silicon, zirconium, titanium, vanadium, manganese).

The rolled metal products we are considering are either immediately smelted in open-hearth furnaces (first group) or cast from blanks (second group). But in any case, they undergo several successive types of heat treatment. The latter affects not only the strength properties, but also the cost.About what steel is used, read in .

General parameters of the R 65 rail

The following requirements apply to their production:

  • inside the material there should be no delaminations (shrinkage, friability), spotty segregation, cracks, crusts (both light and dark), foreign inclusions of slag or metal;
  • defects exceeding the norms agreed with the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation and detected by means of ultrasonic testing are unacceptable;
  • the surface of the product - strictly without dents, scratches, shells from scale, cracks, rolled dirt, sunsets, undercuts, rowan, birdhouses;
  • the deflection arrow (both vertically and horizontally) with uniform curvature must not exceed 1/2200 or 1/2500 T1, T2, H or B-category, respectively;
  • ends - without delaminations, flaws, chips, burrs, sagging; it is permissible to chamfer from the ends with a width of up to 3 or up to 5 mm, and on heat-strengthened rolled metal with bolt holes, this even needs to be done;
  • deviation from straightness, when checking along the chord, vertically (rolling plane of the head) and horizontally (along the side face) should not exceed 0.3-0.5 or 0.6-0.8 mm;
  • bolt hole - strictly without burrs, flaws, shrinkage (cracks, delamination) or drilling;
  • the amount of twisting is not more than 1/10000 or 1/25000 of the total length and corresponds to the cross-sectional area of ​​the R65 rail of category T1, T2, H or B, respectively.

Some manufacturers modify products according to the customer's individual order. They remove the holes in the neck or harden the rolling surfaces at one or both ends, change the diameter and location of the bolt holes, and the like. Such improvements affect the final price of products. Therefore, if a product presented for sale in the PromPutSnabzhenie catalog has any of the listed features, the potential buyer will know about it without fail.

Now let's move on to the table of general characteristics:


sole width P65

full height

cross-sectional area P 65

weight of 1 piece

weight of 1 linear meter

moment of inertia along the axes

distance from center of gravity

neutral axis


150 mm

180 mm

82.65-82.79 cm2

0.811 t

64.72-64.88 kg


3540-3573 cm4


564-572 cm4

to the top:


to the bottom:


18 mm

These are precisely the general indicators, but there are also additional, but also important ones, for example, the head height parameter, which is included in the full and equal to 45 mm, or the width, which is 75 mm. There are also more specific data, such as the distribution of metal by volume or the number of welded joints. We will not bore you with them - the main thing is that all of them are presented in the technical data sheet for the products and can be requested separately when ordering.

When buying from PromPutSnabzhenie, you can not only discuss the delivery time, but also clarify each additional indicator that interests you, up to the density of open-hearth, converter or electric steel used in production. Company managers will be happy to advise and facilitate your choice.

Standard rail length P65

But this indicator is so important that we decided not to include it in the table, but to consider it separately. There are two options here:

  • 12.5 m, with permissible internal curve lines of 12.42 and 12.46 m, and for a seamless railway track - 12.36 m;
  • 25 m, with possible threads of 24.84 and 24.92 m.

Some production features

The ends of rolled metal ready for sale must be milled at an angle of 90 degrees to the axis plane. And with a tolerance of no more than 1 mm.

At the same time, there are I-beams of various series with identical indicators. For example, the bolt holes and the width of the head and sole in the description of the rail P 65 and P 75 are completely the same, which allows them to be joined together without problems when laying the railway track. The moments of inertia and load resistance also coincide, which makes it possible to operate the railway track for a long time without fear that one of its supporting elements will fail much earlier than the other. Design is also greatly simplified - you can create long-distance transport lines, connect and reconstruct even old junctions and interchanges.


This is the most popular, well-known and frequently ordered type of I-beam guides we are considering today. “T1” in the marking means that they are heat-strengthened (that is, they have been treated with extreme temperatures), which means they are of increased strength and are able to stably withstand the most severe loads. The number "65" is the approximate weight of 1 linear meter of such a product (in the table above, we indicated that the exact weight is 64.72 kg).

Easy docking and hassle-free combination are provided. Because the dimensional characteristics of the series completely coincide with the "classic". So, for example, the height and width of the upper part of T1 are 45 and 75 mm, respectively. The radii and slopes are also identical to those presented in the diagrams.

Therefore, heat-strengthened products can be mounted on railway lines not only for special, but also for general purposes, including on access and main tracks. It is all the more convenient to lay them because they are offered in two versions - 12.5 and 25 m each. The right choice allows you to save a significant amount in the construction of an extended railway line. In the warehouse of the PromPutSnabzhenie company, both types are available - please contact and order in the required volume.

Drilling frame rail R-65 T1

It is carried out with special drills of increased neck hardness (according to Brinell - 388 HB, according to Rockwell - up to 41 HRC). These tools are also excellent for processing rolled metal of the P-50 category.

Scope of the T1 series

In addition to the areas already listed, heat-strengthened I-beams are in demand when installing lashes of the so-called "velvet" lines. Their main advantage is that they can be welded together both directly in production and in the “field conditions” using PRSM machines. It turns out that fasteners are not needed with them, which reduces the cost of laying the railway, and the load on the base due to the lack of joints will be reduced.

Another area of ​​application for products that have undergone heat treatment is the repair and reconstruction of railway tracks. The height of the R65-T1 rail with a railway lining and a sleeper is identical to the “classic” one and equals 180 mm, so it can easily replace even the oldest structure that has already worn out or received significant physical damage.


The company "PromPutSnabzhenie" provides services for the sale of railway rails throughout Russia. It sells sleepers, railway fasteners, track tools, provides services for drilling, milling, cutting, welding, repair of railway tracks, manufactures railway products. On other pages of our site, you can also find out the sizes of other samples that interest you.

We also have information about how much "Sixty-fifth" weighs. Also read on our website about and.






1 DEVELOPED by the State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Research Institute of Railway Transport of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation", the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation OJSC "Ural Institute of Metals", OJSC "Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works", OJSC "Kuznetsk Iron and Steel Works" INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 367 " Cast iron, rolled products and metal products” 2 ADOPTED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 18, 2000 No. 378-st 3 INTRODUCED FOR THE FIRST TIME 4th EDITION (March 2002) with Amendment (IUS 9-2001)



General specifications

railway rails.
General specifications

Introduction date 2001-07-01

1 Scope This standard applies to railway rails intended for link and continuous track of railways and for the production of turnouts.2 Normative references This standard uses references to the following standards: GOST 1497-84 (ISO 6892-84) Metals. Tensile test methods GOST 7502-98 Measuring metal tapes. Specifications GOST 7565-81 (ISO 377-2-89) Cast iron, steel and alloys. Sampling method for determination of chemical composition GOST 7566-94 Steel products. Acceptance, marking, packaging, transportation and storage GOST 8233-56 Steel. Microstructure standards GOST 9012-59 (ISO 410-82, ISO 6506-81) Metals. Brinell hardness measurement method GOST 9454-78 Metals. Test method for impact bending at reduced, room and elevated temperatures GOST 10243-75 Steel. Method for testing and evaluating the macrostructure GOST 17745-90 Steels and alloys. Methods for determination of gases GOST 18895-97 Steel. Photoelectric spectral analysis method GOST 22536.1-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of total carbon and graphite GOST 22536.2-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of sulfur GOST 22536.3-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of phosphorus GOST 22536.4-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining silicon GOST 22536.5-87 (ISO 629-82) Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of manganese GOST 22536.7-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determination of chromium GOST 22536.8-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining copper GOST 22536.9-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Nickel determination methods GOST 22536.10-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Methods for determining aluminum GOST 22536.11-87 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Titanium determination methods GOST 22536.12-88 Carbon steel and unalloyed cast iron. Vanadium determination methods GOST 26877-91 Steel products. Methods for measuring shape deviations GOST 28033-89 Steel. X-ray fluorescence analysis method GOST 30415-96 Steel. Non-destructive testing of mechanical properties and microstructure of metal products by magnetic method GOST R 8.563-96 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Methods for performing measurements GOST R 50542-93 Ferrous metal products for the superstructure of rail tracks. Terms and Definitions

3 Definitions

In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions: 3.1. fuse: The volume of steel smelted at a time in a steelmaking unit (open-hearth furnace, oxygen converter or electric furnace). When steel is smelted in large-capacity furnaces and poured into two or more ladles, each ladle is considered to be an independent smelting. Separate ladles of one heat are called adjacent heats. 3.2. swimming trunks series: A number of heats of steel of the same grade, poured continuously through one tundish using the "melting for melting" method. 3.3. the consignment: Rails of the same type, one or more heats, one heat treatment mode (for heat-strengthened rails), simultaneously presented for acceptance in an amount of not more than 100 pcs. 3.4. control rail: Rail selected for acceptance testing. Control rails are rolled from ingots, corresponding to the shrink (head) and bottom parts of the ingots, and rails rolled from continuously cast billets, corresponding to the beginning and end of the casting of one or a series of melts. Designation and marking of control rails according to The rest of the terms used in this standard and their definitions are established by GOST R 50542.

4 Classification

4.1. Rails are subdivided: by types: P50, P65, P65K (for external threads of curved track sections), P75; by quality categories: B - heat-strengthened rails of the highest quality, T 1, T 2 - heat-strengthened rails, H - non-heat-strengthened rails; by the presence of bolt holes: with holes at both ends, without holes; according to the method of steel smelting: M - from open-hearth steel, K - from converter steel, E - from electric steel; by type of initial blanks: from ingots, from continuously cast billets (CWB); according to the anti-flake treatment method: from evacuated steel, after controlled cooling, after isothermal exposure.

5 Construction and dimensions

5.1. The shape and main (controlled) dimensions of the cross section of the rails must correspond to those shown in Figure 1 and Table 1. Permissible deviations of the controlled dimensions and cross-sectional shape of the rails must correspond to the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in table 2.

Figure 1 - Main dimensions of the cross section of the rail

Table 1

In millimeters

Name of the cross-sectional dimension

Size value for rail type

Rail height H
neck height h
Head Width b
Outsole width V
Neck thickness e
Feather height T

table 2

In millimeters

Name of indicator

Permissible deviation of the size and shape of the cross section for the type and category of rail

Head Width b
Outsole width V

- 1,5

- 2,0

Neck thickness e

- 0,5

- 0,5

- 0,5

Rail height H

- 0,5

- 0,5

- 1,0

Feather height T

- 0,5

- 0,5

Rail neck height h

- 0,5

- 0,7

Deviation of the shape of the rolling surface of the head from the nominal (along the axis of symmetry)

Not standardized

Sole bulge (uniform)
Sole concavity

Not allowed

Profile deviation from symmetry (asymmetry)
The dimensions of the rails used to build rolling gauges and not controlled on finished rails are specified in Appendix A. (Amendment). 5.2. The location, number and diameter of the bolt holes in the neck at the ends of the rails must correspond to those shown in Figure 2 and Table 3. By agreement of the parties, the rails can be manufactured with a different location, number and diameter of bolt holes.

Figure 2 - Location of bolt holes

Table 3

Dimensions in mm

rail type

Size value

Tolerance for category rail

R65, R65K
Note - Size t given for setting up drilling units; on finished rails it is not controlled.
5.3. The bolt holes must be perpendicular to the vertical longitudinal plane of the rail. The edges of the bolt holes should be chamfered 1.5 to 3.0 mm wide at an angle of about 45°. 5.4. The length and permissible deviations of the length of the rails must correspond to those given in table 4.

Table 4

Rail length, m

Permissible deviation of rail length, mm, for category

Availability of bolt holes

without holes


with holes


Note - The length of the rails is set for the measurement conditions on the receiving rack of the manufacturer.
By agreement of the parties, the rails are made of a different length. 5.5. The obliqueness of the ends should not be more than, mm: 0.5 - for rails of category B; 1.0 - for rails of categories T 1, T 2 and H. 5.6 Straightness of rails 5.6.1. The deflection of the rails in the horizontal and vertical planes with uniform curvature along the entire length should not exceed: 1/2500 of the length of the category B rail; 1/2200 of the length of the rail of categories T 1, T 2 and H. 5.6.2. Deviations of rails from straightness along the tread surface of the head in the vertical plane and along the side face of the head in the horizontal plane at a base length of 1.5 m when measured along the chord should not exceed, respectively, mm: 0.3 and 0.5 - for category B rail; 0.6 and 0.8 - for rail categories T 1, T 2 and H. 5.6.3. Deviations of the ends of the rails from straightness in the vertical and horizontal planes at a base length of 1.5 m should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in table 5.

Table 5

5.7. The twisting of the rails must not exceed: 1/25000 of the length of the category B rail; 1/10000 of the length of the rail of categories T 1, T 2 and H. 5.8. The design parameters of the rail design are given in Appendix B. 5.9. Scheme and examples of rail designation:

Examples of rail designation: type P65, category T1 made of M76T steel, 25 m long with three bolt holes at both ends of the rail:

Rail R65-T1-M76T-25-3/2 GOST R 51685-2000

6 Technical requirements

6.1. The rails are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner. 6.2. Rails are made of calm steel of open-hearth, converter or electric furnace production. The chemical composition of the steel, determined by the ladle test, must correspond to that indicated in table 6.

Table 6 - Chemical composition of steel

rail type

steel grade

Mass fraction of elements, %



Not more than 0.30

Notes 1 In steel grades, the letters M, K and E denote the method of steel smelting, the numbers indicate the average mass fraction of carbon, the letters F, C, X, T denote steel alloying with vanadium, silicon, chromium and titanium, respectively. 2 In steel grades where chromium, nickel, and copper are residual elements, the mass fraction of each of them should not exceed 0.20%, and the total mass fraction of these elements should not exceed 0.50%. The total mass fraction of nickel and copper in steel grades K78KhSF, E78KhSF, K86F and E86F should not exceed 0.35%.
(Amendment).(Changed edition. Rev. No. 1) 6.3. In finished rails, deviations in the mass fraction of elements from the norms specified in Table 6 are allowed, %: carbon .......................... ± 0.02 manganese ........................ ±0.05 silicon ..................... ....... ±0.02 phosphorus.......... +0.005 sulfur.......... ......................... +0.005 aluminium............... +0.005 vanadium...................... +0.02 titanium............. .............. +0.005 chromium ............................. ±0.005 . 6.4. The mass fraction of oxygen should not exceed: 0.002% (20 ppm) - in category B rails; 0.004% (40 ppm) - in rails of categories T 1, T 2 and H from converter and electric steel. Note - The norm of the mass fraction of oxygen for rails of categories T1, T2 and H is optional. 6.5. In category B rails, non-metallic inclusions in the form of lines of alumina and titanium nitrides elongated along the rolling direction, as well as alumina cemented with silicates, are not allowed. In rails of categories T 1, T 2 and H, the length of the lines of these inclusions should not exceed 0.5 mm. The length of the lines of brittle complex oxides (aluminates, silicates, spinels and others) should not exceed, mm: 0.5 - for category B rails; 2.0 - for rails of category T1 from converter and electric steel; 4.0 - for category T1 rails made of open-hearth steel; 8.0 - for rails of category T2 and H. (Changed edition. Change No. 1 ) 6.6. Flocks in the rails are not allowed. With a mass fraction of hydrogen in liquid steel before casting: not more than 0.00015% (1.5 ppm), it is allowed not to carry out anti-flocking treatment of billets and rails; over 0.00015% (1.5 ppm) to 0.00025% (2.5 ppm) anti-flock treatment of blanks or rails is mandatory. If there is no control over the mass fraction of hydrogen in liquid steel or if the mass fraction of hydrogen is more than 0.00025% (2.5 ppm), anti-flock treatment of rails is mandatory. 6.7. The rails are not allowed delamination (residues of shrinkage cavity and shrinkage friability), internal cracks, spotty segregation, dark and light crusts, foreign metal and slag inclusions. The location, size and nature of other defects in the macrostructure must comply with the standards established by the scales of the macrostructure of the rails, agreed with the consumer. 6.8. In heat-strengthened rails, internal defects detected by ultrasonic testing that exceed the dimensions equivalent to those agreed with the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation are not allowed. 6.9. The total hood when rolling rails must be at least: 35 - when rolling from ingots; 9.6 - when rolling from continuously cast billets. Note - When rolling rails of type P75 from continuously cast billets, the total stretch must be at least 7.6. 6.10. The rail surface must be free of rolled dirt, cracks, flaws, birdhouses, captivity, sunsets, shells from scale, ripples, undercuts and dents, transverse scratches and scratches. The type and maximum value of the parameters of permissible surface defects, depending on their location and rail category, are given in Table 7.

Table 7

Type of defect

Defect parameter name


Middle third of base

Other profile elements

Rolled blisters, hairlines, wrinkles Depth, mm
Length, m
Longitudinal marks and scratches Depth, mm
Note - On the surface of the neck of the rails outside the zone of interface with the overlays, prints with a height of not more than 5 mm are allowed.
On rails of categories T 1, T 2 and H, the following is allowed: gentle cleaning of surface defects with an abrasive tool on the surface of the head and on the middle third of the base of the sole with a depth of not more than 0.5 mm, on other profile elements - with a depth of not more than 1 mm; punching with abrasive cleaning of prints on the neck in the area of ​​interface with the overlays in compliance with the dimensions of the rails and the deviations allowed for them. On the surface of the rails intended for welding, rolled bubbles and hair lines are not allowed at a length of less than 100 mm from the ends. 6.11. The surface of the ends of the rails must be free of flaws, traces of shrinkage in the form of delaminations and cracks. Burrs and sagging of metal on the edges of the ends must be removed. It is allowed to chamfer on the edges of the ends of the rails with a width, mm: up to 3 - along the contour of the head and neck; up to 5 - along the contour of the sole. On heat-strengthened rails with bolt holes, chamfering of 1.5 - 3.0 mm at an angle of about 45º along the upper and lower edges of the head at the ends of the rails is mandatory. (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1) 6.12. The surface of the bolt holes must be free of flaws, scuff marks, screw marks from drilling and shrinkage in the form of delaminations and cracks. 6.13. The mechanical properties of rails during tensile and impact bending tests must comply with the standards specified in table 8.

Table 8

Tensile strength, N / mm 2 (kgf / mm 2)

Yield strength, N / mm 2 (kgf / mm 2)

Relative extension, %

Relative contraction, %

Impact strength KCU, J / cm 2 (kgf ∙ m / cm 2)

Note - The impact strength of rails of type R65K of category T1 must be at least 20 J / cm 2 (2.0 kgm m / cm 2). (Changed edition. Change No. 1 ) 6.14 The hardness of heat-strengthened rails must comply with the standards specified in table 9.

Table 9

Place of hardness test

Rail hardness for category

On the head tread surface
At a depth of 10 mm from the tread surface of the head

At least 341

At least 341

At least 321

At a depth of 22 mm from the tread surface of the head

At least 321

At least 300

Neck and sole

No more than 388

Note - Rails of the R65K type of increased hardness on the tread surface must have a hardness of 375 HB to 415 HB. (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1) The difference in hardness values ​​on the tread surface of one rail should not exceed 30 HB. 6.15. During impact tests, the rail sample must withstand the impact of a falling load weighing 1000 kg from a height indicated in table 10, without a break and signs of destruction.

Table 10 - Drop height and sample temperature during impact testing

6.16. In heat-strengthened rails, residual stresses are not allowed, leading to a divergence of the groove at the end of the sample, mm, more: 2.0 - for rails of category B; 2.5 - for rails of category T1; 3.0 - for category T2 rails. 6.17. The microstructure of the metal of the head of heat-strengthened rails should be a finely dispersed lamellar perlite (troostite or hardened sorbite), small scattered areas of ferrite are allowed. At a depth of not more than 2 mm from the head rolling surface, the presence of bainite is allowed. (Changed edition. Change No. 1 ) 6.18. At the request of the consumer, the surface of the head of rails of category H at the ends is subjected to heat strengthening. Requirements for the heat-strengthened zone of the rail head are established by agreement of the parties. 6.19. Marking 6.19.1. On the neck on one side of each rail in a hot state, a convex marking is rolled out containing: the designation of the manufacturer (for example, K - Kuznetsk Iron and Steel Works, T - Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works); month (in Roman numerals) and year of manufacture (in Arabic numerals); rail type; designation of the direction of rolling with an arrow (the point of the arrow points to the front end of the rail in the direction of rolling). Markings should be 30 to 40 mm high and protrude 1 to 3 mm with a smooth transition to the neck surface. It is allowed to additionally roll out no more than four signs in the form of convex dots with a diameter of 2 to 3 mm, a height of about 1 mm. The marking is applied at least in four places (on rails up to 12.52 m long - at least in two places) along the length of the rail. 6.19.2. On the neck of each rail on the same side where the convex markings are rolled out, the following is stamped in a hot state: melting code; conditional designation of control rails; symbol for heat-strengthened rails. Markings should be about 12 mm high and 0.8 - 1.5 mm deep. Signs should be clear, without sharp outlines of contours and peaks. The distance between signs should be 20 - 40 mm. The smelting code includes: designation of the smelting method for converter (K) and electric furnace (E) steel production; symbol of steel (X - low-alloyed, V - microalloyed with vanadium, T - microalloyed with titanium); designation of the steel-smelting unit and the serial number of the heat. The melting code is applied at least in four places along the length of the rail (for rails up to 12.52 m long - at least in one place), at a distance of at least one meter from the ends. The reference designation of the control rails includes: index "1", which is applied to the front end of the rails corresponding to the shrink part of the ingots and the beginning of the continuous casting of the melt; index "X", which is applied to the rear end of the rails corresponding to the bottom of the ingots and the end of the continuous casting of the melt. The reference designation of the control rails is applied at a distance of 0.7 - 2 m from the end of the rail. The symbol of heat-strengthened rails in the form of a ring with a diameter of 15 - 20 mm and a depth of not more than 1 mm is applied at a distance of at least 1 m from the end. For rails that have passed a high temper and are handed over as non-heat-strengthened, the rings must be removed by a gentle stripping. It is not allowed to apply and correct markings in a cold state. 6.19.3. On one of the ends of the rail in a cold state, branding is applied: melting code in accordance with - on the sole; symbol of the control rail in accordance with - on the upper quarter of the neck; signs of hardening of the ends of the rails (letter K) - on the lower quarter of the neck of the rail. 6.19.4. Acceptance stamps are applied to each accepted rail at the end of the head: Quality Control Department of the manufacturer; inspection of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation or another consumer at his request. 6.19.5. The accepted rails are marked with indelible paint: blue - on category B rails; pistachio (light green) color - on category T1 rails; yellow - on category T2 rails; white color - on rails of category H. Marking is applied: on the end of the rail - by circling the outline of the head with acceptance marks; on the surface of the head and neck of the rail - a transverse strip 15 - 30 mm wide at a distance of 0.5 - 1.0 m from the end with acceptance marks. 6.19.6. Rails intended for laying on curved track sections are additionally marked with indelible paint of a color corresponding to the rail category according to 6.19.5: one sole feather at the end of the rails 24.92 and 12.46 mm long; both sole feathers at the end of rails 24.84 and 12.42 m long. 6.19.7. Additional marking with indelible paint of rails of different lengths, manufactured for turnouts and other purposes, is allowed. The form, color of the paint and the place of marking are established by agreement of the parties.

7 Acceptance rules

7.1. General rules for acceptance of rails - according to GOST 7566. 7.2. The acceptance of rails is carried out by the technical control department (QCD) of the manufacturer. Acceptance is carried out according to the results of acceptance control, including acceptance tests and complete control. 7.2.1. Initial acceptance tests are carried out by floats in accordance with the requirements specified in Table 11.

Table 11 - The procedure for conducting primary acceptance tests

Rail Quality Index

Sample size for category rails

Test intervals for category rails

Chemical composition of steel (6.2) Ladle sample Each heat
Mass fraction of oxygen (6.4) one rail Each heat Every 20th heat
Contamination with non-metallic inclusions (6.5) Six rails (three each with indices "1" and "X") Every 30th heat
Macrostructure (6.7) Two rails (one each with indices "1" and "X") Every 10th heat or one of a series of heats
Tensile properties (6.13) one rail Every 20th heat
Impact strength (6.13) one rail Each heat or one of adjacent heats
Hardness at the head tread (6.14) one rail Each heat
Cross-sectional hardness (6.14) one rail
Impact strength (6.15) one rail One of adjacent or one of a series of swimming trunks
Residual stresses (6.16) one rail At least once a day
Microstructure (6.17) Every 20th heat
Note - The frequency of testing rails of category B for residual stresses and microstructure is every 5th heat. (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1) Samples to control contamination with non-metallic inclusions and the macrostructure of rails made from ingots are taken from the front ends of the control rails with the index "1" and the rear ends of the control rails with the index "X", and rails made from continuously cast billets are taken from the front ends control rails with indices "1" and "X". Samples to control the impact strength, tensile properties and impact strength of rails made from ingots are taken from the front ends of the control rails with the index "1", and rails made from continuously cast billets are taken from the front ends of the control rails with the index " X". Samples for the remaining acceptance tests are taken from the front ends of any rails. In the absence of control rails, samples for acceptance tests are taken from any melting rails. The selected samples are stamped with the number of the melt and the stamp of the inspection of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation or a representative of another customer, and when transferring the right of acceptance by the representative of the customer to the quality control department of the manufacturer, the stamp of the quality control department. In case of unsatisfactory results of primary acceptance tests, repeated tests are carried out on a double number of samples (samples). Repeated tests are carried out on samples taken from the corresponding control melting rails, in the absence of control rails - from any melting rails. In case of unsatisfactory results of repeated tests, a decision is made on the procedure for further acceptance of the rails (piece-by-piece sorting, repeated heat treatment, etc.). Note - Rails made of ingots or continuously cast billets of the same heat, rolled or heat-strengthened with a gap of more than 10 days, are subjected to acceptance tests as rails of different heats. 7.2.2. Heat-strengthened rails are subjected to ultrasonic testing for internal defects (6.8). Each rail is subjected to control. If a conditionally defective rail is detected, this rail is re-inspected. The results of the re-inspection are final. 7.2.3. The rails of the melts that have passed the acceptance tests are presented for continuous control in batches. Note - It is allowed to form prefabricated batches from rails of different heats, lagging behind in the process flow by more than 10 days, heat-strengthened in one mode. The combined batch is subjected to acceptance tests for compliance with the requirements of the standard for mechanical properties, hardness, impact strength, residual stresses. 7.2.4. Control of cross-sectional dimensions (5.1), dimensions and location of bolt holes (5.2, 5.3), length (5.4), straightness (5.6), twist (5.7), surface quality of rails (6.10), quality of ends (5.5, 6.11) and bolted holes (6.12) are carried out on each rail of the batch. 7.3. The batch of rails accepted by the QCD is presented for acceptance by the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation or a representative of another customer. The Inspectorate of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation was granted the right to selectively control the technology of manufacturing rails, take samples from rails of any melting and conduct, together with the quality control department of the enterprise - manufacturer, the necessary additional tests and quality checks of rails. Other consumers, without interfering in the course of the technological process of rail production, have the right to conduct inspection control of the technological process, be present at all tests and receive test results. The consumer can transfer the quality control department of the manufacturer or the inspection of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation the right to conduct control and acceptance. All control results are stored at the manufacturing plant for at least 20 years from the date of manufacture of the rails. 7.4. The chemical composition of the steel of each heat (6.2) is determined by analysis of the ladle sample. The mass fraction of hydrogen (6.6) is determined by analyzing samples taken before casting the steel. The mass fraction of oxygen (6.4) is determined by analysis of samples taken from finished rails (from tensile test specimens). If necessary (at the request of the consumer or during the examination), the chemical composition of steel is determined by analyzing samples taken from finished rails (6.3). 7.5. In case of unsatisfactory results of the control of contamination with non-metallic inclusions of a rail with index "1" or "X" (6.5), all controlled melting rails with these indices are considered not to meet the requirements of this standard. Repeated control is carried out on samples taken from the opposite ends of the rails that did not withstand the primary control. In case of unsatisfactory re-inspection results, all controlled melting rails are transferred to the appropriate category or recognized as not complying with the requirements of this standard. The subsequent control of contamination with non-metallic inclusions of rails of categories T1, T2 and H is carried out by floats until stable satisfactory results are obtained, at which the length of lines of non-metallic inclusions in four successively subjected to control melts satisfies the corresponding category according to 6.5. 7. 6. The absence of flocks (6.6) in the rails is guaranteed by anti-flocking treatment. Rails that have not undergone anti-flake treatment or have undergone it in violation of the regimes that ensure the absence of flokens are considered not to meet the requirements of this standard. 7.7. In case of unsatisfactory results of the primary control of the macrostructure of the control rail with the index "1" or "X" (5.7), it is recognized as not meeting the requirements of this standard and the macrostructure is re-inspected on two other control rails of the melt with this index. In case of unsatisfactory results of the repeated control or if a defect "spotted segregation" is detected during the initial control, a piece-by-piece control and sorting of all control rails of the melt with the index "1" or "X" is carried out. In the case of piece-by-piece inspection, when a “spotted segregation” defect is detected, the macrostructure is inspected at opposite ends of all rails with this defect. If in this case a "spotted segregation" defect is found, then all controlled melt rails are recognized as not complying with the requirements of this standard. The subsequent control of the macrostructure of rails of categories T 1, T 2 and H is carried out by floats until stable satisfactory results are obtained, in which four melts subjected to control in a row do not reveal unacceptable defects in the macrostructure. 7.8. In case of unsatisfactory results of the primary control of the tensile mechanical properties of heat-strengthened rails (6.13), repeated tensile tests of two smelting rails are carried out. In case of unsatisfactory results of repeated tests for at least one sample, all rails of a given heat are allowed to be subjected to a single re-tempering or a single re-thermal strengthening with subsequent acceptance of the rails of this heat. During repeated tempering, hardness (6.14) and mechanical properties (6.13) are controlled. With repeated heat strengthening, this melting is accepted as newly presented. In case of unsatisfactory test results after repeated tempering or repeated heat strengthening, all rails of this heat are subjected to high tempering for a hardness of not more than 321 HB and are accepted as non-heat-strengthened. Subsequent control of the tensile mechanical properties of rails of categories T1 and T2 is carried out by floats until stable satisfactory results are obtained, in which the mechanical tensile properties of four tested batches in a row meet the requirements of 6. 13.7.9. In case of unsatisfactory results of the primary control of the tensile mechanical properties of rails of category H (6.13), repeated tensile tests of two smelting rails are carried out. If the results of repeated tests do not comply with the requirements of 6.13 for at least one sample, all rails of this heat are considered not to meet the requirements of this standard. 7.10. Impact bending tests on heat-strengthened rails to determine impact strength (6.13) are carried out on two specimens from one rail. The test result is evaluated on a sample with a minimum value of impact strength. If the result of the initial test is unsatisfactory, repeated tests are carried out on a double number of samples for controlled melting, and in the case of rail production from ingots, a primary test is also carried out on two samples for adjacent melting. In case of unsatisfactory results of the repeated test on at least one sample, the rails of this melting may be subjected to: a single repeated heat strengthening with subsequent control of all parameters according to 6.13 and 6.14 on a double number of samples; single repeated tempering with subsequent control of impact strength and hardness according to 6.13 and 6.14; high tempering for a hardness of not more than 321 HB with their subsequent acceptance as non-heat-strengthened. 7.11. The hardness control of heat-strengthened rails on the tread surface (6.14) is carried out at the ends and in the middle part along the length of the rail. If the results of hardness measurement on the tread surface do not meet the requirements of 6.14, then it is allowed to re-determine the hardness on the same rail on a double number of prints. In case of unsatisfactory results of repeated determination of hardness for at least one imprint, it is allowed to: sort all the rails of a given melt by the piece according to hardness; to subject the rails of this heat to a single repeated heat-strengthening, in which the hardness on the tread surface is below the minimum standard, with subsequent control of mechanical properties (6.13) and hardness (6.14) on a double sample; subject rails with a hardness higher than the maximum norm to a single repeated tempering, followed by a hardness control (6.14); accept rails with a hardness below 321 HB as non-heat-strengthened. (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1) 7.12. In case of unsatisfactory results of the primary control of the hardness of heat-strengthened rails along the cross section (6.14), a repeated test of hardness is carried out on the same rail. If the results of the repeated control are unsatisfactory, it is allowed to subject: rails with a hardness below the minimum standard to a single repeated thermal strengthening, followed by control of mechanical properties (6.13) and hardness (6.14) on a double sample; a single re-tempering of rails whose hardness is above the maximum norm, followed by a cross-sectional hardness control (6.14) on a double sample; high tempering for a hardness of not more than 321 HB, all melting rails with their subsequent acceptance as non-heat-strengthened. It is allowed to accept heat-strengthened rails with a hardness less than the norms established for category T2 rails as non-heat-strengthened. 7.13. In case of unsatisfactory results of the initial low-temperature impact testing of heat-strengthened rails made from ingots (6.15), a second test is carried out on samples from two other rails of controlled melting and an initial test of the adjacent melt. In case of unsatisfactory results of the initial low-temperature testing of heat-strengthened rails made from continuously cast billets (6.15), a second test is carried out on two samples from two other rails of controlled melting and an initial test of the remaining heats of the series. In case of unsatisfactory results of the repeated test, the rails of this heat can be subjected to a single re-thermal hardening or a single re-tempering, followed by acceptance of the rails as a new heat. In case of unsatisfactory test results after repeated heat treatment, the rails are subjected to high tempering for a hardness of not more than 321 HB and are accepted as non-heat-strengthened. 7.14. In case of unsatisfactory results of the initial knockdown test of category H rails rolled from ingots (6.15), two samples are retested: one from the same rail as for the initial test, and the second from another rail of the same heat. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory results of the repeated test of at least one sample, all melting rails are considered not to comply with the requirements of this standard. In case of unsatisfactory results of the primary impact test of category H rails rolled from continuously cast billets (6.15), two samples are retested: one from the same rail as for the primary test, and the second from another rail of the same heat. If the retest result of at least one sample is unsatisfactory, all the rails of this heat are considered not to meet the requirements of this standard. Subsequent impact tests are carried out by floats until stable satisfactory results are obtained, at which the impact strength of four melts tested in a row meets the requirements of 6.15. 7.15. The control of residual stresses of heat-strengthened rails (6.16) is carried out on a sample taken from one rail in the state of delivery (after cold straightening). In case of unsatisfactory results of the control, 20 rails before sampling and 80 rails after sampling along the process flow are subjected to repeated tempering, followed by control of the hardness (6.14) and residual stresses of the rails of this batch on a sample provided for primary tests. After that, from the next batch of rails in the amount of 100 pcs. (in the course of editing) one sample is taken to determine the residual stresses. Upon receipt of satisfactory results, further control is carried out at least once a day. In case of unsatisfactory results, one rail from each subsequent 100 pieces is subjected to control for residual stresses. until stable satisfactory results are obtained, at which the residual stresses of the rails of three batches in a row comply with the requirements of 6.16. Upon receipt of results that do not meet the requirements of 6.16, the rails are subjected to high tempering for a hardness of not more than 321 HB with their subsequent acceptance as non-heat-strengthened. Clause 7.16. (Excluded. Rev. No. 1) 7.17. The hardness control of the hardened ends of rails of category H (6.18) is carried out in accordance with the documentation agreed with the consumer.

8 Control methods

8.1. The dimensions and shape of the cross section of the rails (5.1) are controlled at a distance of 100 - 200 mm from the end of the rail, the thickness of the neck at the end of the rail in the middle part of its height. The dimensions and shape of the cross section (5.1), the diameter of the bolt holes and the dimensions that determine their location (5.2, 5.3), the oblique ends of the rails (5.5) are checked with templates calibrated in the prescribed manner. Templates and methods of control are coordinated with the inspection of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation. The deviation of the profile from symmetry (asymmetry) is determined by the displacement of the sole relative to the rail head. The location of the bolt holes in height is controlled by the wedge part of the rail sinus. It is allowed to control the dimensions available for measurement (rail height and sole width) using a universal measuring tool in accordance with GOST 26877 or other means that provide the required measurement accuracy, but arbitration control is carried out only with templates. 8.2. The length of the rails (5.4) is measured with a metal tape measure in accordance with GOST 7502 or in another way that provides the required measurement accuracy. 8.3. The overall uniform curvature of the rails (5.6.1) is assessed visually in the "standing on the sole" position of the rail, and, if necessary, by measuring the deflection of the rail using a steel string and a measuring ruler. The deflection arrow is measured along the chord along the largest gap between the rail and the steel string stretched between the ends of the rail. It is allowed to measure the curvature by optical and other methods certified in accordance with GOST R 8.563. 8.4. The deviation from straightness (5.6.2) of category B rails is determined using automatic devices according to the methodology agreed with the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation. For rails of categories T 1, T 2 and H, it is allowed to determine deviations from straightness by the largest gap along the chord between the rail and the control ruler 1.5 m long. The deviation from straightness of the ends of the rails (5.6.3) is determined by the largest gap along the chord or tangential between rail and a control ruler 1.5 m long. When determining the deviation of the ends of the rails from straightness vertically downwards, the point of contact of the control ruler closest to the end with the rail surface must be located at a distance of at least 0.6 m from the end. The downward deviation of the rail end is measured at a point located at a distance of (15 ± 3) mm from the end. The design of the control ruler must be rigid. The deviation from the flatness of the working surfaces of the ruler should be no more than 0.05 mm. 8.5. The twisting of the rails (5.7) is determined by the gap between the rack and the edge of the sole at each end of the rail in the position of the rail on the rack "standing on the sole". The gap is determined with feeler gauges. It is allowed to determine the twisting of rails by optical and other methods certified in accordance with GOST R 8.563. 8.6. Sampling to determine the chemical composition of steel - according to GOST 7565. Determination of the content of chemical elements in steel (6.2) is carried out according to GOST 22536.1 - GOST 22536.5, GOST 22536.7 - GOST 22536.12, GOST 17745, GOST 18895, GOST 28033. The chemical composition of steel can be determined by others methods certified according to GOST R 8.563 and not inferior to standardized methods in terms of accuracy. 8.7 Microsections for the control of non-metallic inclusions (6.5) are made with a length of at least 35 mm along the rolling direction in accordance with Figure 3. The polished plane of the section must be 14 - 16 mm away from the side face of the rail head. A group of point or solid inclusions visible on the polished surface of the section, located along the rolling direction, is taken as a line of non-metallic inclusions. The length of the lines of non-metallic inclusions is evaluated on a metallographic microscope at a magnification of 90 to 110 times. A broken line is considered continuous if the total distance between individual groups of inclusions located on the same line does not exceed the total length of these groups, and parallel groups of inclusions are mixed relative to each other by a distance of not more than 0.5 mm.

Figure 3 - Scheme of microsection cutting

Contamination with non-metallic inclusions is assessed by the maximum line length found when viewing all six sections. 8.8. The macrostructure of rails (6.7) is revealed by deep etching of the surface of transverse templates of the full section of the rail, obtained from selected samples by cold machining (gouging, grinding) according to the GOST 10243 method. rail or directly from the ends of the controlled rails after appropriate preparation of the surface of the ends in accordance with GOST 10243. The assessment of macrostructure defects is carried out according to scales agreed by the manufacturer with the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation. 8.9. Heat-strengthened rails are subjected to ultrasonic non-destructive testing for the presence of internal defects (6.8) according to the methodology agreed with the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation. Category B rails are controlled by the cross section of the neck and head. 8.10. Quality control of the surface, ends and bolt holes of rails (6.10 - 6.12) is carried out by external inspection. If necessary, the presence and depth of surface defects and delaminations at the ends are checked by test cutting, local "lightening" with an abrasive tool, or in another way that guarantees the correctness of the determination. Stratification or splitting of chips during punching is considered a sign of a defect. Category B rails (6.9) are subjected to non-destructive instrumental quality control of the tread surface and sole base according to the methodology agreed with the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation. (Changed edition. Rev. No. 1) 8.1.1 Determination of the mechanical properties of rails (6.13) is carried out according to GOST 1497 by tensile testing of cylindrical samples with a diameter of 6 mm and an initial estimated length of the working part of 30 mm. Sample blanks should be located along the rolling direction in the upper part of the head in the fillet zone as close as possible to the surface at a distance of at least 150 mm from the end of the rail. 8.12. Determination of the impact strength of heat-strengthened rails (6.13) is carried out on samples of type 1 according to GOST 9454. Sample blanks for testing for impact strength are cut along the rolling direction from the upper part of the head in the fillet zone as close as possible to the surface at a distance of at least 150 mm from the end of the rail. 8.13. The hardness of heat-strengthened rails (6.14) is controlled in accordance with GOST 9012. The hardness on the tread surface is determined by the average longitudinal line of the head at both ends of the rail at a distance of not more than 1 m from the ends and in the middle part along the length of the rail. The hardness test site must be cleaned to remove scale and a decarburized metal layer. The cross-sectional hardness of the rails is determined on a transverse rail template with a thickness of at least 20 mm, cut at a distance of at least 150 mm from the end of the rail. Hardness is determined on the tread surface of the template head and at four points of the cross section: in the head at a distance of 10 and 22 mm from the tread surface along the vertical axis of the rail, in the middle of the neck and on the foot of the sole at a distance of 9 mm from its edge. 8.14. The impact tests (6.15) are subjected to a full-profile rail test with a length of (1300 ± 50) mm. The sample is placed horizontally with the head up on two supports with radii of curvature (125 ± 2) mm and a distance between the axes of the supports (1000 ± 5) mm. Mass of the falling load copra - (1000 ± 3) kg, the radius of curvature of the striker of the falling load is (125 ± 2) mm. The sample is subjected to a single impact with a load falling from a given height (table 10). The temperature of the sample shall be as specified in 6.15. 8.15. Residual stresses (6.16) are controlled by the displacement of the edges of the groove cut in the neck of the rail. A sample with a length of (600 ± 3) mm is cut out at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the end of the finished rail and cut in a cold state along the neutral axis of the rail to a length of (400 ± 3) mm. The width of the slot to be cut must be (6 ± 1) mm. The offset of the groove edges is determined as the difference in the height of the rail along the axis at the notched end before and after the notch is made. 8.16. The microstructure (6.17) is controlled on a microsection cut from the upper half of the rail head using an optical microscope at a magnification of at least 400. The microstructure is detected by etching in accordance with GOST 8233. It is allowed to carry out control on a microsection cut from the head of a specimen for tensile testing. 8.17. By agreement with the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation, it is allowed to carry out non-destructive testing of rail contamination with non-metallic inclusions (6.5), mechanical properties in tension and impact strength (6.13), hardness (6.14) and residual stresses (6.16) according to GOST 30415 or other methods certified according to GOST R 8.563 .

9 Transport and storage

9.1. Rails are transported by rail, river and sea modes of transport in accordance with the transportation rules applicable to the corresponding mode of transport. 9.2. Loading and fastening of rails is carried out in accordance with the "Technical conditions for loading and securing cargo" approved by the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation and other relevant departments. 9.3. The shipped batch of rails is accompanied by a quality document certifying the compliance of the rails with the requirements of this standard and containing: the name or symbol of the manufacturer; designation of this standard; rail type; rail category; steel grade; prints or description of the acceptance marks of the inspection of the Ministry of Railways or another consumer and a description of the marking of rails, paints; the number of rails, indicating their length and weight; date of execution of the document on the quality of the rails; number of the wagon or other vehicle; name and address of the buyer; order (contract) number. The document on the quality of the rails must be signed by the quality control department of the manufacturer, and of the rails shipped by the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation, and by the inspection of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation. 9.4. During loading and transportation, damage to the rails is not allowed. It is not allowed to fall rails from a height of more than 1 m. Rails that have fallen from a height of more than 1 m are considered to be inconsistent with the requirements of this standard. 9.5. During storage, the rails must be laid in such a way that deformation and deterioration of the straightness of the rails do not occur.



Rail dimensions used to build rolling gauges

Figure A.1 - Rail type P50

Figure A.2 - Rail type P65

Figure A.3 - Rail type P65K

Figure A.4 - Rail type P75

APPENDIX A.(Amendment).



Design parameters of the rail design

Table B.1

Parameter name

Parameter value for type rail

Rail cross-sectional area, cm 2
Distance from the center of gravity, mm:
to the bottom of the sole
to the top of the head
Distance from the center of torsion, mm:
to the bottom of the sole
to the top of the head
Moment of inertia of the rail relative to the vertical axis, cm 4:
the entire rail
Moment of inertia of the rail relative to the horizontal axis, cm 4:
the entire rail
Moment of resistance, cm 3:
on the bottom of the sole
on top of the head
along the side of the sole
Moment of inertia of the rail during its torsion, cm 4
Sectoral moment of inertia, cm 6
Rigidity of the cross section of the rail, kN / cm 2:
with its pure torsion
with its constrained torsion
Theoretical linear mass of one meter of rail (with a steel density of 7850 kg / m 3), kg
The area of ​​the elements of the rail section, % of the total area: head
Coefficient of linear thermal expansion of steel α 10 6 , deg -1
Keywords: railway rails, classification, design and dimensions, technical requirements, acceptance rules, test methods, transportation and storage

GOST 8161-75*
(ST SEV 1667-79)

Group B42



Design and dimensions

Railway rails type P65.
Design and dimensions

Introduction date 1977-01-01

INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Committee for Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 18, 1975 N 1573

The validity period was removed by decision of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 2-93)


REPUBLICATION (June 1994) with Changes N 1, 2, 3, approved in May 1979, January 1981, April 1985 (IUS 7-79, 3-81, 7-85).

1. This standard applies to hardened and unhardened railway rails type P65 and specifies their design and dimensions.

The standard complies with ST SEV 1667-79 in terms of the design of the rail and the regulation of methods for welding short rails.

2. The design and dimensions of the cross-section of the rails must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 1 or 1a, and the location and dimensions of the holes in the neck at the ends of the rails - in Fig. 2-6.

Holes according to drawings 4-6 are made by the consumer.





* The chamfer is performed on volume-hardened rails.

Note. (Excluded, Rev. N 2).





At the request of the consumer, the rails can be made without holes in the neck and without hardening of the head rolling surface at one or both ends.

At the request of the consumer, it is allowed to change the location, number and diameter of holes at the ends of the rails.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).

3. The maximum deviations in the convexity of the head when measured along the axis of symmetry of the transverse profile of the rail should be ± 0.5 mm, and along the uniform convexity of the sole - 0.5 mm. Concavity of the rail sole is not allowed.

An example of a symbol for a railway rail type P65, length 25 m, version 1:

Rail 1 R65-25 GOST 8161-75

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

4. Deviation from the symmetry of the cross-sectional profile of the rail relative to its vertical axis is not allowed: along the sole - more than 1 mm and along the head - more than 0.3 mm.

For the design (Fig. 1a), the deviation from the symmetry of the sole relative to the head should not exceed 2.15 mm.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 3).

5. The edges of the holes in the neck of the rail should be chamfered in size from 1 to 2 mm at an angle of about 45 °.

On volume-hardened rails chamfering in accordance with GOST 18267-82.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).

6. The length of the rails must correspond to that indicated in the table.

Length, m

Permissible deviations along the length, mm, for rails

The presence of holes in the neck at the ends of the rail



* For rails surface-hardened along the entire length with heating by high-frequency currents, the length tolerances must be set the same as those for non-hardened rails.

Version 1

At both ends

without holes

At both ends

At one end

At both ends

Execution 2

At both ends

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

7. Contact or gas-pressure welding of rails up to 25 m long is allowed from rails with a length of at least 6 m, made of steel of one smelting method. The number of pieces in the welded rail should be determined by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

8. Technical requirements for non-hardened rails - according to GOST 24182-80, for body-hardened rails - according to GOST 18267-82.

9. Compliance with the design and dimensions of the cross section of the rail with the requirements of this standard is determined by templates at a distance of not more than 200 mm from the end of the controlled rail. Use of other devices is not allowed. The location of the bolt holes according to Fig. 1 is controlled along the wedge part of the sinus, and according to Fig. 1a - relative to the sole of the rail.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

10. Calculated data are given in the appendix to this standard.

APPENDIX (reference). Rail Design Design Data



Test standards

Rail cross-sectional area, cm

Distance from the center of gravity, mm:

to the bottom of the sole

to the top of the head

Moment of inertia about the axes, cm:



Moment of resistance, cm:

on the bottom of the sole

on top of the head

along the side of the sole

Theoretical mass of 1 m rail (with a steel density of 7830 kg/m)

* With a steel density of 7850 kg/m

Distribution of metal over the cross-sectional area of ​​the rail,%, of the total area:

in the head

in the sole

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

The text of the document is verified by:
official publication
M.: Publishing house of standards, 1994