Configuring kkm offline in upp 1s. How to set up retail sales. Accounting for marked fur products

This lesson shows how to configure the program in terms of accounting retail sales, cashier workplace settings and shop equipment.

basic settings

Let's start with the basic settings - I'll show you where the retail sales accounting is enabled:

We set the sign of accounting for retail sales, set the storage periods for pending and archived receipts, set up what to do with receipts after closing a shift (you can archive it, or you can delete it immediately). If you are using gift certificates, check the appropriate box. If you have several stores (or there are several cash registers in one store, enable the use of several cash register cash registers):

If you plan to accept payments by bank cards, you need to enable the appropriate setting:

If you have several retail outlets, you need to enable the use of multiple warehouses:

If you plan to issue discount cards to customers, accrue bonuses on them, turn on the appropriate settings in the CRM and marketing section:

Now let's set the sign of the use of commercial equipment:

If we use Offline equipment (a cash register, into which data is first loaded from a file with the rest of the stock list, and then a retail sales report is loaded from it into the database, also through a file), we set the use of exchange with such equipment:

Now you need to create a warehouse for the retail store, the main settings are highlighted in red:

The retail price type must be selected - the price of the item of this particular type will be substituted in the cash register receipts. Well, and accordingly, you need to set the prices of the item for this type.

For each cash register used in the organization, we introduce an element of the directory Cash register KKM:

We create a new checkout:

The cash register indicates the organization from which sales are made, the type of cash register, warehouse, as well as serial and registration number equipment. For a correct exchange with the accounting department of the enterprise 3.0, it makes sense to choose a division:

The cash register in the program can be of 3 types:

Fiscal registrar- cash register connected to a computer and 1C. When a check is punched in the program at the checkout, a check is printed, when the shift is closed in the program, a cancellation report (Z-report) is printed at the checkout.

KKM offline- the cash register, into which information about the inventory balances is loaded daily (the file is formed in the program), and at the end, a file is formed in this cash register, which is then loaded into the program (based on it, reports on retail sales are created in UT).

Autonomous KKM- a cash register that is not connected to the PC and the program and does not support the offline exchange mode. When working with such a cash register, the sales data is entered by users manually (a document called Retail Sales Report is created).

To demonstrate how to work with a cash register type offline cash register, we will create another cash register cash register (this time you do not need to select a warehouse):

For each user of the program, you can set up sales rules - set, if necessary, limit the use of manual discounts, and also set up rights in the cashier's workplace:

On the first tab, the application of manual discounts is configured:

On the second - the powers in the cashier's workplace (RMK):

Connectable equipment

Now you need to configure the equipment connected to the program (since in fact, I have no equipment, I will install the emulator, well, look where and how this is done in principle):

We go to the list of connected equipment:

In the opened workplace, select the type of equipment (Fiscal recorders) and add a new device:

In the equipment card, I select an emulator (in your real case, you need to select a driver that matches your specific model of a fiscal machine). Please note that the connected equipment is tied to a specific workplace:

We will also create a device with the offline KKM type. Let's select the version of the exchange format and set the directories for loading and unloading exchange files:

If necessary, a barcode scanner and an acquiring terminal are immediately connected:

Now we need to configure workplace:

In the RMK card, we can configure hotkeys for various actions (a handy thing, it can significantly speed up the process of customer service:

In the hotkey settings, we can not only assign convenient key combinations to various actions, but also add different nomenclature to Fast goods(for ease of selection, add here the products that are sold most often, for example, T-shirt bags):

If personal sales of managers are used trading floor(the revenue is analyzed in the context of managers), then, in addition to the cashier, you also need to choose a manager as a seller.

On the first tab of the used equipment table, add the created fiscal registrar emulator:

If necessary, an acquiring terminal is also added here.

As the requirements of the legislation on the mandatory transfer of information about the activities of economic entities to state information systems come into force, for organizations and entrepreneurs, including those selling at retail, the tasks of automating daily operations come to the fore. In this article, 1C experts talk about how the "1C: Accounting 8" version 3.0 program supports the procedure for using CCP, as well as integration with the current state information systems - EGAIS and GIS "Marking".

To automate business processes retailers specialized software products are intended of various scales: "1C: Trade Management 8", "1C: Management of a Small Firm 8", "1C: Retail 8". Nevertheless, certain representatives of small business selling retail, to ensure regular accounting, can use "1C: Accounting 8" edition 3.0, where the use of control cash registers(KKT), as well as, in the minimum required volume, - integration with existing state information systems:

  • The unified state automated system accounting for the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (EGAIS);
  • State information system for labeling products from natural fur(GISM).

To keep records of retail sales available to the user, he will need to configure the appropriate functionality of the program (section The main thing). On a bookmark Trade need to set flags Retail and Gift certificates to enable the ability to use your own and third-party certificates, and on the tab Bank and cash desk- flags:

  • Payment cards- to enable the possibility of paying for goods and services to customers using payment cards and bank loans;
  • Fiscal registrar- to enable the possibility of connecting a fiscal registrar for printing checks to counterparties.

Online CCP support

Federal Law of 03.07.2016 No. 290-FZ made significant changes to the procedure for the application of CRE. The changes affected both the procedure for using cash registers and the functionality of cash register equipment. According to Article 4 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003, new-type cash registers (online KKT) must:

  • contain a special module, with the help of which, through a special communication operator, information about the sales made, including the price of goods and the nomenclature of the check, will be transmitted to the FTS;
  • ensure that checks are issued to customers electronically.

The timing of the transition to online cash registers depends on the applicable tax regime and the type of activity. So, from 01.07.2017 it will be possible to use only the CCP of a new sample, and from 01.07.2018 the use of CCP will become mandatory for payers of UTII and entrepreneurs on a patent.

These changes in legislation will significantly affect the activities of entrepreneurs and organizations, both for those who have not previously used cash registers by virtue of exemption from such an obligation, and for those who used the simplest cash registers without interacting with a computer. After the purchase, modernization or replacement of cash register equipment, such organizations will need to use software and hardware systems for retail.

Under certain conditions, a tool for synchronization and control cash equipment can serve as "1C: Accounting 8" version 3.0. The capabilities of the program satisfy the needs of small organizations and entrepreneurs selling retail, having one cash register, conducting simple inventory accounting, and also using only the most necessary types of trade equipment - barcode scanner, fiscal registrar, and (where in modern world without it!) acquiring terminal.

Focusing on the needs of this kind of entrepreneur, starting with version, the program has the ability to reflect retail sales using a document Retail sale (check)(chapter Sales) and additional equipment, the connection of which can be configured in the form , which is accessed from the section Administration -> Connected equipment.

In "1C: Accounting 8" edition 3.0, the following additional devices used in retail trade are supported:

  • barcode scanners - for auto fill information about the range of purchased or sold goods. Barcodes that will be used when reading by the scanner can be specified directly in the form of a directory item Nomenclature(via the link in the navigation bar More -> Barcodes);
  • RFID readers - for automatic filling of RFID-tags data in control (identification) marks (CIZ) used for marking fur products;
  • fiscal registrars;
  • receipt printers;
  • acquiring terminals - to pay for goods using a bank card;
  • POS-systems (KKM Offline) - for the use of autonomous KKM. POS-system ("point of sale" - point of sale) or POS-terminal is a software and hardware complex for automating the work of a cashier based on a fiscal registrar.

Consider the document Retail sale (check) in more detail (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Document "Check"

Information about the product can be filled in by clicking the button Add by barcode or simply by starting to enter the barcode in the field Nomenclature... By button Accept payment in the window that opens, you can select a payment method (cash, card or other method) and indicate the need to print a sales receipt by setting the appropriate flag. When paying with a bank card by the button Accept payment there is a possibility of automatic exchange of information with a connected acquiring terminal, which must be previously indicated in the reference book Types of payments.

At the end of the day, the entrepreneur can close the shift on the fiscal registrar directly from the program and print the Z-report. Based on the entered documents Retail (receipt) a summary document will be automatically generated Retail Sales Report separately for each fiscal registrar.

Integration with POS systems

Entrepreneurs using stand-alone POS systems (KKM Offline) or tablet-based cash register solutions or mobile phones, can download the nomenclature and prices directly from "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0), as well as load sales reports into the program. Integration with POS systems can be carried out via file exchange or using a web service.

File exchange with autonomous POS systems (KKM Offline)

Along with other devices, the connection of an offline POS system is configured in the form Connecting and setting up equipment... On a bookmark Equipment you need to add a new type of equipment: POS systems (KKM Offline) and configure it by specifying the required details (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Connection of KKM-Offline

When you first connect to a POS system (KKM-Offline), you need to load data on goods and prices into it. To do this, use the form (Fig. 3), which is accessed by the link of the same name from the section Sales... Product and price data are downloaded from information base to the exchange file by the button Unload goods in cash register... In the future, in the event of a change in the list of goods or their prices, it is enough to upload the files generated in the form Exchange with connected equipment Offline and containing information about the changes that have occurred, by the button Update prices.

Rice. 3. Exchange with connected equipment Offline

At the end of the shift in "1C: Accounting 8" through the form Exchange with connected equipment Offline you can load data on items sold per shift by clicking the button Download sales report... The result of the download will be an automatically generated document Retail Sales Report by organization and store specified in the connection settings.

Exchange with 1C: Mobile checkout (WEB service)

In "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0) added the ability to exchange data on goods, prices and retail sales with the application for smartphones and tablets "1C: Mobile Cashier". The application is intended for registration of retail sales of goods in the pavilions of off-site trade by couriers, insurance agents, receiving payments for services by taxi drivers and in other cases of non-stationary retail trade (the instructions for connecting can be found in the mobile application). To synchronize with this application, you must have a published web service or use cloud solutions from 1C: BusinessStart * and 1cFresh **. Configuring the connection of the equipment Web service is also carried out in the form Connecting and setting up equipment on the bookmark Web service equipment. Pay attention that in order to use the connected equipment, in the case of working with the 1CFresh or 1C: BusinessStart service, it is necessary to use a thin client.

* "1C: BusinessStart" - a simple and convenient accounting program for directors and entrepreneurs, special electronic delivery basic version"1C: Accounting 8" with an interface that is understandable for entrepreneurs and directors, and not just for accounting specialists.
** 1cFresh technology allows creating "cloud" services that provide subscribers (groups of users) with Internet access to applied solutions based on the 1C: Enterprise platform.

Further work comes from mobile app... You can remotely download prices and nomenclature or unload sales reports, which are converted into a document in 1C: Accounting 8 Retail Sales Report.

Exchange with EGAIS

Integration with EGAIS in "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0) is primarily focused on organizations and individual entrepreneurs who sell beer and beer drinks at retail, for which the Government of the Russian Federation of May 25, 2006 No. 522 does not establish the obligation to promptly transfer information to the Unified State Automated Information System about traffic alcoholic beverages.

To ensure data exchange with EGAIS, in the functionality settings on the tab Trade you need to set the flag Alcoholic beverages.

After setting the flag Alcoholic beverages in the form of a catalog item Nomenclature links to information about the supplier and characteristics of alcoholic beverages become available. This information can be filled in both manually and automatically according to EGAIS data when loading incoming consignment notes.

To start working with EGAIS, you need to set up a connection software tool for work with EGAIS - Universal Transport Module(UTM). Exchange settings with EGAIS are carried out in the form of the same name, which can be accessed from the section Administration... In the settings form, you must specify:

  • organization and warehouse, where the receipt and sale of alcoholic beverages is taken into account;
  • the code assigned to this point of sale in the licensee's office (in accordance with the specified code, the specified organization will be automatically compared with the organization in the EGAIS classifier);
  • parameters local network providing connection with UTM.

The exchange process with EGAIS in the program begins with the receipt of incoming EGAIS consignment notes (section Shopping -> TTN EGAIS (incoming)) by button Load TTN... After checking the uploaded documents, the user sends a confirmation to the system by executing the command Confirm.

After confirmation of the incoming TTN, a document is automatically created Receipt (act, invoice), filled in on the basis of admission in the EGAIS system. If a new or previously unmatched item comes in, a form opens in which you can set the correspondence between the items of the TTN EGAIS document to the elements of the directory Nomenclature(fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Receipt of alcoholic beverages on the basis of the TTN EGAIS

With the release of version, in addition to the transfer to the EGAIS of the confirmation of the purchase of alcohol, the program added new features that allow the following movement of alcoholic beverages to be reflected in the EGAIS system:

  • balancing;
  • return to supplier;
  • moving between warehouses;
  • write-off.

If alcoholic beverages are moved to another store (to another warehouse), then this information must be transferred to the EGAIS system. Please note that in EGAIS, each warehouse is accounted for as a separate entity, and movement between warehouses must be reflected as movement between different organizations.

To register the movement of alcoholic beverages between warehouses, a document is used with the type of operation Sales Invoice(fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Consignment note TTN EGAIS (outgoing)

Document EGAIS consignment note (outbound) available from sections Shopping and Warehouse... It is advisable to create a document based on the document of the accounting system Moving goods by button Upload to EGAIS... In this case, the TTN tabular section will be filled in automatically. The transfer of information to EGAIS is carried out by the button Send to EGAIS.

The same document EGAIS consignment note (outbound), only with the type of operation Return to supplier, serves to reflect returns of goods to the supplier.

Document EGAIS consignment note (outbound) with a view Return to supplier can be generated based on the document of the accounting system Returning goods to a supplier by button Upload to EGAIS.

To transfer to the EGAIS information about the products received by the organization before connecting to the EGAIS, in the section Warehouse a new document appeared Balance sheet act(fig. 6).

Rice. 6. The act of placing on the balance sheet of alcoholic beverages

To transfer information about the write-off of alcoholic beverages, a document is used Write-off act, which can be formed both on the basis of an accounting document Write-off of goods, and filled in manually.


For detailed information on the exchange with the Unified State Automated Information System (EGAIS) in "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0), see the reference book "EGAIS" in the section "Technological support of applied solutions".

Accounting for marked fur products

From 12.08.2016, according to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11.08.2016 No. 787, mandatory labeling of products made of natural fur is introduced throughout the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Now all manufacturers, importers, wholesalers and retailers are obliged to:

  • to mark fur products with special labels - control (identification) marks (KIZ), where a specialized RFID tag is embedded. In addition, on the surface of the KIZ, its number is applied using an alphanumeric inscription and a barcode;
  • transfer information to the state information system marking (GISM) on the main operations with fur products (on the receipt, sale and return of goods from the buyer, as well as on its write-off).
Starting from version, in "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0), it became possible to keep records of labeled fur products. In order for the integration with the GIS "Marking" system to become available to the user, he will need to perform the initial configuration of the system:
  • configure certificates electronic signature;
  • enable the corresponding functionality of the program.

Configuring electronic signature certificates and programs used for signing and encryption is carried out from the section Administration -> General Settings -> Electronic Signature and Encryption.

In the functionality settings on the tab Trade you need to set the flag Fur labeling.

To perform automatic exchange of messages with GISM on a schedule in the section Administration -> Setting 1C: Marking it is necessary to specify certificates of keys for electronic signature of organizations.

After enabling this functionality, the user has the opportunity in the form of a directory item Nomenclature set the flag Fur product for the corresponding product category.

For nomenclature items with the characteristic Fur product control (identification) mark must be indicated in the field Check mark GISM when generating the following documents:

  • Receipt (acts, invoices)(fig. 7);
  • Return of goods from the buyer;
  • Return of goods to the supplier;
  • Retail sale (check);
  • Retail Sales Report;
  • Write-off of goods.

Rice. 7. Indication of KIZ in the receipt document

It is possible to enter the data of a new KIZ manually or by reading a barcode scanner.

Also, in the KIZ card, you can specify the RFID tag data by reading it using an RFID scanner (this data may be needed, for example, to correctly generate a notification about the import of labeled goods from the EAEU).

Configuring the connection of the RFID-tags reader is performed in the section Administration -> Connected equipment.

The main actions for interaction with GISM are carried out using a special panel 1C: Marking, on which the main operations are displayed (Fig. 8). Access to the workplace 1C: Marking carried out by the hyperlink of the same name from the section Sales -> Service.

Rice. 8. Workstation "1C: Marking"

Let's consider the order of interaction with GISM in "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0). To reflect the receipt of a marked fur product, you first need to generate a standard document of the accounting system Receipt (act, invoice) and then go to form 1C: Marking and associate the received notification (Fig. 9) with a specific receipt document.

Rice. 9. Notification of the receipt of labeled goods

The next step is to confirm receipt of the goods by pressing the button Confirm receipt, after which information about the performed operation will be sent to GISM.

Similarly, the receipt of labeled goods, registered with the help of a document, is confirmed. Return of goods from the buyer.

Further, it is important for the user to correctly reflect the sale of the purchased fur product. The order of reflection depends on the infobase document with which the sale is registered. 1C: Accounting 8 supports the sale of fur products to both wholesale and retail customers.

When selling at retail, you first need to create a document Retail Sales (Check), fill it in by specifying the KIZ numbers manually or using a barcode scanner.

At the end of the shift, a consolidated document is formed Retail Sales Report which can be transferred to the marking system by command Upload to GISM, or through the panel 1C: Marking.

Similarly, sending notifications to GISM is supported in the following documents:

  • Implementation (acts, invoices);
  • Return of goods to the supplier;
  • Write-off of goods.

Question: KKM OffLine


I am trying to set up the synchronization of minipos under the control of the Cashier Workplace (RMK) and 1C: Enterprise 8.1 ( with the Trade Management configuration, edition 10.3 (10.3.2.

The crux of the problem:
I'm trying to configure the KKM offline, according to the pictures in the instructions, according to the description on the atola website. But in my version, the setting is done differently. I try by analogy with pictures, but

Attention! The current user is absent in the "KKM in Off-Line" trade equipment user group!

At the same moment, he writes that the equipment is correct.
But when I go to Retail-> Unloading in KKM offline, it shows that the equipment is not connected!


The problem with loading the report into 1C has been resolved. Everything was unloaded / loaded normally after updating to.
So in our case the problem was only with the Cashier, the 1C handler is working fine.

Question: UT 11.2 and KKM-Offline

Hello, the problem is this ...

It is necessary to unload the goods from UT 11.2 through KKM-Offline to the checkout under Frontol 4.9 control
What did you do:
Created an item 4 items, made an item receipt for these 4 items and set item prices for these 4 items. Created KKM-Offline with an exchange rule. But when you try to unload, an error appears, and specifically, it is not unloaded because of what ... see the photo.

Actually the question is, what have I not done?


Senya said:

Try manual pricing.

Click to Expand ...

Thanks for the answer, but the problem was solved by the fact that it turns out that this processing of unloading in KKM Offline in UT 11.2 does not bother that you have one warehouse and this warehouse is by default, it is necessary in the program settings in "NSI and Administration" -> Setting sections -> Warehouse and delivery -> in the "Warehouse" section, check the "Multiple warehouses" box and in the "Exchange rules with KKM Offline" form, the "Warehouse" field appears, select the warehouse and Hurray !!! prices appear automatically ... and everything is unloaded ...

That's how it is ...))

Question: [RESOLVED] UT 11.1 connection of KKM offline

I welcome everyone. Problem with connecting KKM offline. UT 11.1, KKM Atol. Enabled exchange with cash register offline, created a rule (type of connected equipment - offline cash register), created cash register cash register (offline cash register type). I also added to the equipment - KKm offline with an indication of the driver - Atol cashier's workplace with an indication of the created rule. Everything seems to follow the instructions. But the problem is that when I open Exchange with the connected KKm equipment offline, there is nothing in the list, neither the device nor the rule, what am I missing?

PS. I tried it in two different versions of 1c UT (with an update and earlier) wherever I read the instructions, everything was done according to the instructions
I also tried to add the scales they appear in the list.


I figured it out, it turns out that it was still necessary to configure the RMK for the current workplace.

Question: Data exchange via KKM Offline in the retail sales report cannot change the date.

Uploading documents from KKM Offline retail sales report is uploading but I cannot change the date there how to do it please tell me.
configuration Retail


Question: UT 11.1 connection of KKM offline

Colleagues, tell me, I can't figure it out.
Configured rules for unloading cash register offline, installed filters

But for some reason, the whole product is unloaded into the KKM regardless of the configured filters. Having picked the code, I do not see any filtering when unloading, the whole product is unloaded. There is a sign "Used" in the register "Codes of Products of the Connected Equipment Offline", for products that do not match the filter set to false. Who faced how this selection should work? What is the logic of the developers?

Answer: Mmmm, and the atol also changed the format recently.
It is best to write down your upload and download handling.

Question: Exchange with KKM-offline Frontol 5 (EGAIS)

Good afternoon. 1C 8.3 retail. When loading alcoholic beverages into cash register offline (Frontol 5 trade of EGAIS), it is not indicated that it is alcohol, although in 1c in the nomenclature card the type of nomenclature indicates that it is alcohol (vodka). What could be the reason? in the settings I did not find one to specifically enable the function of unloading this parameter


Raideres said:

in the types of alcoholic beverages, check the marked box, try

Click to Expand ...

I tried it. I called the ATOL suppliers and said that while 1c does not have such a function to unload the sign of alcoholic beverages, it is expected that with the update such a function will appear, it turns out either to wait or add it through the programmer. [RESOLVED]

Question: Error connecting ADODB. The data source was not found.

Good day!

It is necessary to connect from 1c to the Firebird database. It works for me on the test, but on a real server I cannot solve the error.

An error occurred when calling the context method (Open)
COMConnection.Open ();
because of:
Exception occurred (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers): [ODBC Driver Manager] Data source not found and no default driver specified

OS: 2008 x64
Version 1C 8.3. X32 client.
Connection string:
DRIVER = Firebird / InterBase (r) driver; UID = SYSDBA; PWD = masterkey; DBNAME = ts: c: \ db.fdb;
The driver name is correct. There is a driver in the system.
In ODBC itself, the connection goes through without errors in 32 and 64 bits, I tried it through DSN, indicated a specific "DSN = DB" - the error is the same

Possibly a permissions issue? Where to dig?

Answer:() try not c: \ db.fdb

do you really disrespect your admins so much that you decided that you have access to the root of the C: drive on the server?

Question: [SOLVED] External Data Sources: Connection Issues in 8.3.7

Hello. There is a need to connect to the hosting mysql database. I would like to do this with external data sources.
The problem is this:
I create a table, register the connection parameters, select a driver, but I do not find a suitable one in the list (the one I need is not in the list). I assume you need the MySQL ODBC 5.3 Unicode driver, it is installed on the system. Platform, OS Windows 10.

Tried doing the same on server 2008R2, same problem observed.
When trying to connect the Microsoft ODBC for Oracle driver, it gives an error:

Colleagues, tell me how to solve the problem? What can be wrong?


I solved the problem. It turned out that it was necessary to install the 32-bit version of the ODBC driver.

Q: Connecting to an external data source

1C 8.3.12, UNF,
I unload goods from 1C via ODBC into the MySQL database of the site, and after every 30 (sometimes 25) goods a sign "Connection to an external data source" pops up where the login and password of the connection are already specified, you just need to click "connect", while before uploading to In the connection parameters, these data are already indicated, and if you load goods in several pieces, then there are no problems. Can anyone suggest something?

Answer: Thank you all, the problem was solved after I rewrote the code.
Correct option:


It turned out to be connected on the local computer:

Change Driver Export; & AtServer Procedure Connect ExternalComponentOnServer () Attempt to ConnectDone = Connect ExternalComponent ("PriceDrv.dll", "My", ExternalComponentType.COM); Driver = New ("AddIn.My.PriceChecker"); Report ("Connection successful!"); Exception Report (ErrorDetailedView (ErrorInformation ())); End of Attempts; End of Procedure

And on the server (terminal connection) it does not work. Well, God bless him, let the admin handle this situevina.
But I still don't understand how I can handle the events of the barcode scanner.
Is this library enough to catch events in the appropriate handler in my external processing form module?

& AtClient Procedure ExternalEvent (Source, Event, Data) If Source<>"PriceChecker" Then Refund; EndIf; Report ("Event intercepted!", MessageStatus.Attention); // ШК = SocrLP (Data); // Nomenclature Table = Barcoding.GetNomenclatureDataBy Barcode (Barcode); End of Procedure

--- An association messages, 18 May 2017 ---

I repeat: it is configured, "communication" with the driver test passes, I get the answers. But I don’t understand how 1s will see it.