Retail sale in 1s 8.3 ntt. Accounting info. Moving goods from wholesale to retail warehouse

3.0" step by step to reflect all operations retail. In this material, we will consider the receipt of products and their movement to retail, the sale of retail warehouses, the sale of products in non-automated outlets, as well as the collection or receipt of proceeds at the cash desk.

NTT includes trade objects that do not have the opportunity to install a personal computer, or to establish a connection with a common information database. This, for example, can be an exit trade or a stall.

Receipt of products to the enterprise

In almost all cases, in order to get to the HTT warehouse or retail warehouse, products first go to the wholesale warehouse. Then in this warehouse it is processed and moved to retail.

We will not describe the supply to the wholesale warehouse, since we have devoted a separate material to this. Just so that our further actions are clear, we will give an example of filling out a 1C document:

in the program "1C" for retail

After entering 1C, it is necessary to set retail prices for products. To carry out this operation, use a document called "Setting item prices". The latter is entered in the section named "Warehouse". But we will generate a document based on the receipt document. First you need to go to the previously generated product receipt document and press the button called "Create based on". After that, in the drop-down list, select the item with the name "Set item prices".

Next, a new document window should open, in which all the main details will already be filled in. You will only need to specify the price type. Create two such documents at once so that you do not have to return to this section later. In the existing documents, assign price types under the names "Retail price" and "". Prices must be the same. Further, for example, we offer a document:

The button called "Change" will also provide access to special options for manipulating prices. For example, it is possible to decrease or increase by a certain percentage.

Moving products from wholesale to retail warehouse

And now the necessary products can already be moved from the wholesale warehouse to retail. To this end, in software product there is a document called "Movement of Goods", which is located in a section named "Warehouses".

Before moving, you need to create two trains - one with the "Non-automated outlet" attribute, and the second with the "Retail" train type.

For this purpose, compositions are formed in the section called "Reference books" - "Warehouses".

Let's give the name "Store No. 2" to the first of the compositions, its type - "Retail store". We select the price type from the directory with the name "Nomenclature price types":

The second will be called "Trading Room". The warehouse type will be "Manual outlet", the price type will be "Retail", and the item group will be "Products".

In addition, we will generate two documents "1C 8.3": moving to the warehouse "Trading Room" and "Shop No. 2". Documents must also be generated on the basis of the goods receipt document. In this case, it remains to fill in only the details called "Warehouse - recipient" and the quantity of products:

At the end, the products will be in retail warehouses. There is an opportunity to proceed with the registration of the sale of prepared products.

"1C": report for the store on retail sales

In order to reflect the sale of products in retail, a document called "Retail Sales Report" from the section named "Sales" is useful. To begin with, we will issue a sales document from a retail warehouse. The latter, by the way, is not much different from the document called "Implementation (acts, invoices)". The only difference is that the counterparty is not indicated, and it is immediately possible to reflect the proceeds from the sale itself.

For this, a cash account is selected. For analytics in 1C, you can also fill in the details "DDS Movement". It will be on the cash register. Document example:

Sale of goods in NTT

In the case of the sale of products in a non-automated outlet at the end of the shift, we do not have information on how many products were sold. But it is known exactly how much was moved from the wholesale warehouse. In order to calculate the quantity of products sold, it is necessary to calculate the remaining products in the warehouse, and subtract it from the quantity received. Consider an example: fifty packages of sweets were transferred to NTT, as a result of the trade, thirty packages remained. According to this, twenty packages were sold.

In order to reflect this calculation in the software product, you need to use a document called "Inventory of goods", which is located in the section named "Warehouse".

After that, go to the menu called "Warehouse", then the link named "Inventory of goods". Finally, click on the "Create" button.

After that, add the nomenclature in the table and indicate the actual balance in the warehouse. It is possible to use such a key as "Fill". The deviation from the accounting quantity will just be our sales of products:

Once done, swipe the document and click on the button called “Create Based on” and then select “Retail Sales Report” from the drop-down list. A new document will be generated reflecting the sale of products in NTT.

Reflection of retail sales revenue in 1C

Let's just write it down for now, as the document will not be held at this time. This means that it is also necessary to reflect the receipts of retail revenue in the section called "Bank and cash desk". Here is an example document:

Now you need to post a document named "Retail Sales Report".

document Retail sales report in 1C summarized for the period are reflected. After the document is posted, the nomenclature listed in it will be deregistered. You can find this document in 1C 8.3 in the section Sales → Sales → Retail sales reports:

The retail sales report in 1C 8.3 is created:

  • Automatically as a result of an operation close shift;
  • Based on document Inventory of goods;
  • Can be created manually.

How to make a Retail Sales Report when selling through an automated point of sale (ATT) in 1C 8.3

In 1C 8.3, retail sales in a retail store (ATT) or from a wholesale warehouse are documented Retail sales (checks). In this case, each sale is recorded by a separate check.


In a retail store (warehouse "Store Warehouse No. 2"), 06/20/2016 During the shift, three checks were broken:

  • Receipt No. 1 sold: zipper 20 cm - 2 pcs. and threads - 1 pc.;
  • Receipt No. 2 sold: buttons - 5 pcs. and a ballpoint pen - 1 pc.;
  • Receipt No. 3 sold: ballpoint pen - 3 pcs.:

At the end of the working day in the store or at the time of closing the checkout shift, you must perform the operation close shift. This operation in 1C 8.3 is available in the document journal Retail sales (checks):

As a result of this operation, documents are automatically generated in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0:

  • Retail sales report;
  • Cash inflow with transaction type - Retail revenue:

Each of these documents will be reflected in its journal. In 1C 8.3, these documents are generated, recorded, but not carried out. It is necessary to check the correctness of filling in the information in the created documents. If we make sure that all the information in the documents is filled out correctly, then we will conduct them:

Document Retail sales report the same nomenclature will be written in one line, taking into account returns. In our example, this "Ballpoint pen". This nomenclature was punched in check No. 2 in the amount of 1 piece, and in check No. 3 in the amount of 3 pieces. Since there were no returns during the day, we see in the report that 4 ballpoint pens were sold.

Document Cash flow reflects the total total revenue from punched checks, taking into account the return.

How to reflect the return of goods in the Retail Sales Report

As noted above, when automatically generating a document Retail sales report 1C 8.3 takes into account all returns made during the cash register shift.

Let's look at this situation with an example. To do this, we will use the data of the example above and assume that according to receipt No. 2, the product “Ballpoint pen” was returned in the amount of 1 pc. Return to 1C 8.3 is reflected in the document Check (Return):

After posting this document in the journal Retail sales (checks) a check with the type of transaction will be displayed Return:

Let's close the cash register shift and see that the report reflects sales, taking into account the return. Namely, the product "Ballpoint pen" was punched in check No. 2 in the amount of 1 pc., and in check No. 3 in the amount of 3 pcs. and was returned in the amount of 1 pc. Therefore, in the report we see that 3 ballpoint pens were sold:

How to make a Retail Sales Report "manually"

Consider the option of manually filling out a retail sales report in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0. This option is used when in 1C 8.3 each sale is not documented as a separate document Retail sales (checks), and the sales are immediately recorded in the Retail Sales Report document.

Using the data from the example above, let's fill out the document manually by doing the following: section Sales → Sales → Retail Sales Reports → Report → Retail Store:

Using button Pick up fill in the document table:

Document Cash flow with this registration of retail sales, it is also necessary to register manually. This can be done using the mechanism Create based on. The created document will reflect the total revenue for the document Retail sales report:

How to fill out a Retail Sales Report when selling through manual outlets (NTT) in 1C 8.3

A manual outlet in 1C 8.3 is a store where sales data is not entered daily.

Document execution Retail Sales Report to reflect sales in NTT depends on how sales information is received in accounting. Information can be submitted in two ways:

  • Information about the sold goods is provided;
  • An inventory is being carried out.

Both can be done daily or at intervals specified in the organization's workflow. Let's consider both methods.

Method number 1

In the accounting department, for example, information about the goods sold is submitted daily. In this situation, in 1C 8.3 we draw up a document Retail sales report. Chapter Sales → Sales → Retail Sales Reports → Reports → Manual Point of Sale:

In the header of the document, select the warehouse. In the tabular section, using the Add or Selection button, indicate the product sold per day. Document ready:

Method number 2

Let's assume that the organization does not report sales, but takes inventory of the warehouse every three days. Then the actions in 1C 8.3 will be as follows:

  • Retail revenue coming in;
  • We take inventory of the warehouse. We form the document Inventory of goods;
  • We draw up a document Retail sales report on the basis of the inventory document .

In the inventory document, we indicate the actual balance of goods in the warehouse. Lines where the actual quantity does not match the booked quantity show a variance. Deviation and will reflect sales:

Using mechanism Create based on, we form the document Retail sales report:

Whether all this product was really sold or part of it is missing, the 1C 8.3 program will check during the document Retail sales report, since before posting this document, it is necessary to capitalize retail revenue. Otherwise, it will not be possible to post the Retail Sales Report document in 1C 8.3:

If the credited revenue does not match the amount indicated in the report, then this report on retail sales in 1C 8.3 is not carried out. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the reasons for the discrepancy:

Not a single trading company can do without operational accounting of the sold goods, and of course, the most common accounting solution in our country - "1C: Accounting" makes it possible to keep the necessary accounting of retail sales of goods.

To do this, you need to enable the corresponding functional option in the "Administration/Functionality/Trading"* section.

*UI customization may be required to display functionality.

Figure 1. Enabling the option

Retail sales in the accounting program are reflected in a standard document included in the Retail Sales Report configuration. The document opens in Enterprise Mode from the Sales section.

Figure 2. Positioning and opening the document

In the accounting program, a retail facility is treated as a warehouse. The setting for a retail warehouse is of great importance: is it an automated retail facility or a non-automated one *.

* An automated outlet is different in that every day it is known how much and what kind of goods were sold at the outlet, a non-automated one - there is no daily information, and accounting is kept on the basis of total retail revenue.

An automated or non-automated trading facility is configured in the standard directory "Warehouses" / field "Warehouse type".

Figure 3. Retail warehouse setup

Merchant sales through an automated point of sale (ATT)

The sale of goods in the ATT must be entered through the document "Report on retail sales". He makes postings in 1C for accounting and tax accounting, including for posting money to the cashier.

You can enter the item sales document manually. To do this, in the list you need to click "Report" / "Retail store" *.

Figure 4. Manually creating an ATT sale

*In order to indicate to the program that the store is an automated outlet, you must select the appropriate type of warehouse "Retail Store".

Figure 5. Selecting a retail warehouse in a document

The cash register account when creating a document manually is substituted by automatic machine 50.01 / "Cashier of the organization". It is also possible to select accounts 50.02/"Operating cash desk" and 50.04/"Cashier for the activities of the paying agent".

It is possible to specify how to reflect VAT: include in the amount / reflect from above / do not take into account.

Figure 6. Selecting the reflection of VAT in the document

In the document, you can select (pre-create if it does not exist) an item on cash flow (item DDS). It will need to be filled out if the organization generates a report of form No. 4 “Cash flow statement”.

Through the buttons "Add" or "Selection" it is necessary to add the sold goods to the created document, indicating its required quantity. The price is filled in automatically according to the price type specified in the document, if there is a set price in the system on the date of the document. The goods accounting account, VAT rate, and income accounting account are pulled up automatically from the settings previously created for the item. Subconto 90 of the account is pulled up from the item card from the "Nomenclature group" field.

In the document, you can show and take into account the payment from a retail buyer with a bank card or a bank loan. To do this, on the "Non-cash payments" tab, you must enter the amount of payment by card, selecting payment by payment card from the "Type of payment" directory.

Figure 7. Reflection of non-cash payment in the document

Postings in 1C will reflect: proceeds from sales / receipt of cash received at the cash desk minus the amount of non-cash payment / payment by card / VAT allocation.

Figure 8. Reflection of the sale in accounting and tax accounting

Also, payment can be reflected with a gift certificate on the appropriate tab.

Figure 9. Reflection of payment with a certificate

If an organization acts as a sales agent when selling goods at retail, this is reflected on the "Agency services" tab.

From the document, you can print KM-6 (Help-report of the cashier-operator).

The posting of sales proceeds to the cash desk of the enterprise is documented by the cash receipt document “Cash Receipt” with such an operation as “Retail Revenue”, which can be issued on the basis of a document on retail sales. This document does not generate postings for either accounting or tax accounting (because the postings are made by the Retail Sales Report document), but falls into the Cash Book report.

Figure 10. Cash book

Since most stores install cash registers/fiscal devices, retail sales can also be processed using checks: at the end of the day, when the shift is closed, a “Retail Sales Report” document is automatically created, which accumulates all sales by checks for the day.

Figure 11. Reflection of sales by checks and closing the shift at the end of the day

After the shift is closed, the sales document "Cash receipt" will be automatically created.

Retail sales through manual point of sale (HTT)

To indicate to the program that the store is a manual outlet, you must select the type of warehouse "Manual outlet".

Posting money to the cash desk from retail sales is carried out by the document "Cash receipt" with the transaction type of the document "Retail revenue". This document reflects the relevant accounting entries and falls into the Cash Book report.

Figure 12. Reflection of sale in NTT

Periodically, at the NTT warehouse, it becomes necessary to carry out a re-account of goods, the results of which are recorded by the document "Inventory of goods". On the basis of this document, you can immediately generate a “Retail Sales Report”, which will include the amount of “missing” goods based on the inventory results as the quantity of goods already sold.

You can also add information about the sold product manually by creating a document about trade sales at retail from the list of documents with the type "Non-automated outlet".


We examined the main features of the 1C company's solution for accounting in terms of operational accounting of retail sales. It is safe to say that the functionality of "1C: Accounting" will fully satisfy the needs of firms and companies leading retail and retail activities.

We propose to consider how the process of retail sales takes place in a non-automated outlet based on the program 1C 8.3 Accounting, edition 3.0.

A non-automated outlet (NTT) is a retail facility that does not have the ability to directly access the 1C database. This could be a retail store, kiosk, marketplace, or outreach.

Reflection of retail sales involves the creation of several related documents. This:

    Receipt of goods.

    Price setting.


    Sale from a retail warehouse in NTT.

    Collection or receipt of proceeds.

Retail goods are sold from a retail warehouse. Where it gets by moving from the wholesale warehouse. Let's first analyze the receipt of goods. This process is registered by the document "Receipt of goods and services". The following fields are filled in the header:

    Invoice No. - supplier's document number.

    Original received - check the box if the supplier has presented the original documents for the supply of goods.

    Number and date - are formed automatically in order.

    Organization - if one organization is registered in the accounting policy of the 1C program, then the field is filled in automatically or is absent. And if accounting is maintained, for example, remotely through 1C in the cloud for several organizations, then necessary company choose from the directory.

    Warehouse - indicate which warehouse the consignment of goods falls to, is selected from the directory. As a rule, this is the "Main Warehouse" or "Wholesale Warehouse".

    A counterparty is a supplier organization. Choose from the directory of contractors or create a new one.

    Agreement - is substituted automatically after selecting a counterparty.

    Invoice for payment - selected from the journal, if it was previously issued. If not subscribed, then the field remains empty.

    Settlements - this item can be configured depending on the type of settlements with the counterparty. Just click on the link and specify the desired type.

    The consignor and consignee is a link, by clicking on which it is possible to specify or change information. It is used when the data differs from the declared ones.

    An item with VAT is displayed automatically based on the parameters entered in the counterparty card and accounting policy.

The tabular part of the document can be filled in any of the following ways:

    Through the "Add" button. Each product is individually selected from the nomenclature and the quantity is manually specified.

    Through the "Select" button. In this case, goods with the required quantity are selected from the nomenclature and transferred to the document in bulk.

After adding the product, if necessary, you can specify information in the columns "Custom declaration number" and "Country of origin".

After entering all the data, we check and carry out. If the supplier has provided an invoice, you must register it by entering the number and date in the appropriate field at the bottom of the document. The item has been credited. Now you need to set the price at which it will be sold. To do this, there is a special document "Setting item prices". It is located on the Warehouse menu tab. The document is filled out manually. The 1C program has the ability to massively set prices directly from the receipt document, which is very convenient and saves time. We go into the created document "Receipt of goods and services" and press the "Create based on" button. In the drop-down list, select the item "Set item prices". A form will open filled with basic data. All you need to do is select the price type in the corresponding field.

On the basis of the receipt, you can create several documents "Setting item prices" with different types of prices (if it is not possible to enter all the necessary types of prices).

The form has an item "Register zero prices". If the checkbox is checked, then it is better to uncheck it. Otherwise, for goods for which a new cost has not been established, a price with the value "0" will be registered. It is unacceptable.

You can correct the price value (increase or decrease by %) using the "Change" button. The cost of the goods is assigned, it can be moved to the outlet. It can be NTT or a trading floor. The process is formalized through a special document "Movement", the log with which is located on the menu tab "Warehouse". This is useful if you need to move a small number of positions. During a mass transfer, a “Movement” is usually formed from the receipt document through the “Create Based on” button. All filling takes place according to the document-base, it remains only to set the type of the recipient warehouse and manually enter the number of items to be moved.

Based on the receipt, you can create several Transfer documents to different warehouses. The quantity is edited manually. If you suddenly made a mistake and indicated more than what is in stock, the program will generate an error displaying the name of the product.

Now you can sell the goods. If sales are carried out from the “Trading Room” warehouse, then at the end of the working day, a “Retail Sales Report” is generated. All sold items will be listed here. The report is created for the warehouse, which you need to select yourself, reflecting the revenue:

Fields to be filled in:

    Warehouse – for which warehouse the report is generated.

    Article DDS - it is necessary to indicate "Cash receipt retail revenue".

    Cash account - an account for which revenue is recorded.

If necessary, you can enter the "Account Account" and the Income Account, if not automatically substituted, and subconto.

To report retail sales at a manual outlet, you must first take inventory. We go to the menu tab "Warehouse" and select the item "Inventory of goods". The document header indicates the warehouse and organization. Adding goods in bulk is carried out through the "Fill" button. From the drop-down list, select "Fill with inventory balances". The tabular section will display the entire nomenclature that is listed in the specified warehouse. After recounting the goods, the existing balance is entered in the column "Actual Quantity". The column "Deviation" will reflect the amount of goods sold.

After the inventory, directly from the document, through the "Create Based on" button, we form the "Sales Report". But the report will not be carried out until the receipt of revenue is registered in 1C. To do this, go to the menu tab "Bank and cash desk" and form the document "Cash receipt".

Fill in the fields:

    The type of operation is retail sales.

    Warehouse – which warehouse was used for sales.

    Amount - the amount of revenue.

    In the tabular section, add a line indicating the amount of payment and the article DDS.

We carry out the document. After that, we return to the sales report and post it.

Features of retail sales through a non-automated outlet, or NTT (for types of retail outlets in 1C, see the article) is that in this case there is no way to register sales directly in the program. V information base information about already completed sales is entered - the so-called "post-mortem" record is kept.

In "1C: Trade Management 8" (rev. 11.3) there are two options for accounting for sales through NTT - manually and based on the results of the inventory. We will now consider the first option. The registration of retail sales based on the results of the inventory is described in the article.

In 1C to reflect the sale of goods from retail outlet and the receipt of funds at the cash desk of KKM is a document called the "Retail Sales Report".

Let's open the corresponding log of documents.

Sales / Retail Sales / Retail Sales Reports

In the "KKM cash desk" field, select the stand-alone cash register of the cash register of the non-automated outlet from which the sale was made.

Important. Manual creation of the “Retail Sales Report” document is only possible if a cash register with the “Autonomous cash register” type is selected in the corresponding journal in the “KKM cash register” field.

Create a “Retail Sales Report” by clicking the “Create” button. In the new document, the KKM cash register, as well as the retail store linked to it, are already filled in automatically (the latter is not available for change).

On the “Products” tab, we will enter the sold products by manually adding lines (the “Add” button) or selecting them (the “Fill - Pick up products” button). Please note that the price of the product is also filled in automatically and cannot be edited (since the price is linked to the store).

In the "Client" column, the program has substituted a predefined element from the partner directory - " Retail Buyer' should not be changed.

In addition to the sale of goods, the document is intended to reflect the acceptance of payment for the goods sold. If no other methods of payment are recorded, the program “considers” that the payment was received in cash, and when conducting the “Retail Sales Report”, it registers the receipt of money at the KKM cash desk indicated in it.

The document "Report on retail sales" allows you to register payment by payment cards, gift certificates, bonus points, reflect accrued bonuses. There are corresponding tabs for this. Some of these features will be discussed in future articles.

Let's carry out the document "Report on retail sales". After that, by clicking the "Document Movements" button, you can see the movements in the registers - goods in warehouses, free balances, cash at the cash desks of KKM and others.

Statement of cash at the cash desk of KKM

After the retail sale is completed, we will make sure that there is money at the cash desk of the KKM using the report.

Sales / Sales Reports / Retail Sales / Cash at KKM

Let's generate a report on our KKM checkout. The receipt of cash from sales is reflected in the cash desk.

Transferring money from the cash register of KKM to the cash desk of the enterprise

Cash received from retail and located in the box of an autonomous cash register must be transferred to the cash desk of the enterprise. This operation is executed in 1C using the document "Incoming cash order".

Let's open the corresponding magazine.

Treasury / Cash desk / Incoming cash orders

Let's create a new document with the type of operation "Receipt from the cash desk of the cash register".

In the created document, on the “Basic” tab, in the “Cashier” field, we indicate the recipient of the money - the cash desk of the enterprise (if the cash desk was indicated in the journal of orders, then when creating a new order, it is filled in automatically). In the field "Cashier of KKM" we will select the KKM from which the money is received.

The amount must be entered manually.

Important. If the organization is a VAT payer, in addition to the amount of receipt, you must manually enter the amount of VAT in the incoming cash order for receipt from the cash register of KKM.

Do not forget to specify the details for printing the incoming order on the "Print" tab.

After filling out the document, we will conduct it.

If we now reformat the statement of cash at the cash register of KKM, it will reflect both the receipt of sales and the issuance of money from KKM - in the column "Receiving retail revenue".

Statement of cash

The movement of money from the cash desk of KKM to the cash desk of the enterprise can be seen in the report “Statement on money". Let's open this report.

Treasury / Treasury reports / Statement of cash

Let's create a report on our organization. By default, reports are generated in the currency management accounting(in our example - US dollars). The report reflects the movement of cash: receipt and write-off from the cash register of KKM, receipt at the cash desk of the enterprise.