Test for checking knowledge under ft. Test of knowledge testing of employees of organizations carrying out transactions with funds. Terrorist financing is


checking the knowledge of employees of organizations carrying out transactions with monetary funds or other property of the requirements of the legislation on combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism

1. Legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime is:

a) possession, use or disposal in cash or other property obtained as a result of the commission of a crime.

b) imparting a legal form to the possession, use or disposal of monetary funds or other property obtained as a result of the commission of a crime of a property nature;

c) giving a legal form to the possession, use or disposal of monetary funds or other property obtained as a result of the commission of a crime, with the exception of crimes provided for in Articles 193, 194, 198, 199, 199.1 and 199.2 of the Criminal Code Russian Federation;

2. Financing of terrorism is:

a) the provision or collection of funds or the provision of financial services with the knowledge that they are intended to finance an organized criminal community and its organizations, the preparation and commission of crimes provided for in Articles 206, 193, 194, 198, 199, 199.1 and 199.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ;

b) the provision or collection of funds or the provision of financial services with the knowledge that they are intended to finance the organization, preparation and commission of at least one of the crimes provided for in Articles 205, 205.1, 205.2, 206, 208, 211, 277, 278, 279 and 360 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, or to provide for an organized group, an illegal armed formation or a criminal community (criminal organization) created or created to commit at least one of these crimes;

c) the provision or collection of funds or the provision of financial services with the knowledge that they are intended to finance the organization, preparation and commission of at least one of the crimes provided for in Articles 205, 205.1, 205.2, 206, 208, 211, 220, 221, 277, 278, 279 and 360 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, or to provide for an organized group, an illegal armed formation or a criminal community (criminal organization) created or created to commit at least one of these crimes;

3. Internal control is:

a) the activities of organizations carrying out transactions with monetary funds or other property, to identify transactions subject to internal control;

b) the activities of organizations carrying out transactions with monetary funds or other property, to identify transactions subject to mandatory control;

c) the activities of organizations carrying out transactions with monetary funds or other property to identify transactions subject to mandatory control and other transactions with monetary funds or other property related to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.

4. Organization of internal control is:

a) a set of measures taken by organizations carrying out operations with monetary funds or other property, including the development of internal control rules, the appointment of special officials responsible for the implementation of the internal control rules;

b) a set of measures taken by organizations carrying out transactions with monetary funds or other property, including the development and approval of internal control rules and programs for its implementation;

c) a set of measures taken by organizations carrying out operations with monetary funds or other property, including the appointment of special officials responsible for compliance with the specified rules and the implementation of the specified programs.

5. Implementation of internal control is:

a) the implementation of the rules of internal control and programs for its implementation by organizations carrying out operations with monetary funds or other property, as well as compliance with the requirements of the legislation on documentary recording of information (information) and their submission to the authorized body, on the storage of documents and information, on the preparation and training of personnel;

b) implementation of internal control rules by organizations carrying out operations with monetary funds or other property, as well as compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the identification of customers, their representatives, beneficiaries, on documentary recording of information (information) and their submission to the authorized body, on the storage of documents and information on training and education of personnel;

c) implementation of the rules of internal control and programs for its implementation by organizations carrying out operations with monetary funds or other property, as well as compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the identification of customers, their representatives, beneficiaries, on documentary recording of information (information) and their submission to the authorized body.

6. Does the prohibition on informing clients and other persons about the measures taken to counter the legalization (laundering) of proceeds of crime and the financing of terrorism apply to measures aimed at countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism:

a) no, it does not apply, there is no such obligation;

b) yes, applies only to persons in respect of whom there is information about their involvement in extremist activities or terrorism, or a legal entity directly or indirectly owned or controlled by such an organization or person, or an individual or legal entity acting on behalf of or at the direction of such an organization or person;

c) yes, it does.

7. A transaction with monetary funds or other property is subject to mandatory control if:

a) the amount by which it is performed is equal to or exceeds 600,000 rubles or is equal to or exceeds the amount in foreign currency equivalent to 600,000 rubles, and by its nature refers to the provision of interest-free loans to individuals by legal entities that are not credit institutions and (or ) other legal entities, as well as obtaining such a loan;

b) the amount by which it is performed is equal to or exceeds 3,000,000 rubles or is equal to or exceeds the amount in foreign currency equivalent to 3,000,000 rubles, and by its nature refers to the provision of interest-free loans to individuals by legal entities that are not credit institutions and (or ) other legal entities, as well as obtaining such a loan;

c) the amount by which it is performed is equal to or exceeds 600,000 rubles or is equal to or exceeds the amount in foreign currency equivalent to 600,000 rubles, and by its nature refers to the provision by legal entities that are not credit institutions of any loans to individuals and (or ) other legal entities, as well as obtaining such a loan;

8. A transaction with monetary funds or other property is subject to mandatory control if:

a) the amount for which it is performed is equal to or exceeds 600,000 rubles or is equal to or exceeds the amount in foreign currency equivalent to 600,000 rubles, and by its nature refers to the contribution by a person to the authorized (pooled) capital of the organization of funds;

b) the amount for which it is performed is equal to or exceeds 600,000 rubles or is equal to or exceeds the amount in foreign currency equivalent to 600,000 rubles, and by its nature refers to the contribution of an individual to the authorized (pooled) capital of the organization in cash ;

c) the amount for which it is performed is equal to or exceeds 600,000 rubles or is equal to or exceeds the amount in foreign currency equivalent to 600,000 rubles, and by its nature refers to the contribution by a legal entity to the authorized (pooled) capital of the organization of cash in cash ;

9. A transaction with immovable property is subject to mandatory control if:

a) the amount by which it is performed is equal to or exceeds 3 rubles or is equal to or exceeds the amount in foreign currency equivalent to 3 rubles, and the result of its commission is the transfer of ownership;

b) the amount for which it is performed is equal to or exceeds 600,000 rubles, or is equal to the amount in foreign currency equivalent to 600,000 rubles, or exceeds it;

c) it is made by paying with securities in the amount of 600,000 to 3 rubles;

10. The client must be identified if he:

a) only performs an operation (transaction) subject to mandatory control;

b) only if employees of an organization carrying out transactions with monetary funds or other property, on the basis of the implementation of internal control programs, have suspicions that any transactions are being carried out for the purpose of legalizing (laundering) proceeds from crime or financing terrorism;

c) performs any operation (transaction), except for the implementation by an individual of an operation to buy or sell foreign currency in cash for an amount not exceeding rubles or not exceeding an amount in foreign currency equivalent to rubles;

d) A and B are correct.

11. In what case will a special official meet the qualification requirements:

a) the presence of higher professional education in the specialty "Jurisprudence", confirmed in established order, undergoing training in order to counter the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism in the form of unscheduled instruction;

b) having work experience of at least two months in positions related to the performance of duties to counter the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism and undergo training in order to counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism in the shape of targeted briefing;

c) the presence of a higher vocational education in specialties belonging to the group of specialties "Economics and Management", or in the specialty "Jurisprudence" belonging to the group of specialties "Humanities and Social Sciences", confirmed in the prescribed manner, and in the absence of the specified education - work experience of at least two years in positions related to the fulfillment of obligations to combat the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism and undergo training in order to combat the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism in the form of targeted briefing.

12. What kind of briefing is in question, if it is carried out by a special official when hiring for positions or for performing the functions indicated (indicated) in paragraphs 3, 4 of the Regulations, and when transferring ( temporary transfer) to positions or to perform the functions specified (specified) in clauses 3, 4 of the Regulations.

a) planned;

b) unplanned;

c) target;

d) introductory.

13. One-time training for AML and CFT purposes in the form of targeted briefing is provided for:

a) special officials;

b) heads of organizations (branch);

c) deputy heads of organizations (branches);

e) the head of a legal department or a lawyer of the organization;

f) true a, b, c, d, e;

g) true a, b, c, d.

14. For how long is the organization obliged to suspend the operation if at least one of the parties is the organization or individual in respect of whom there is information received in the prescribed manner about their participation in terrorist activities, or a legal entity directly or indirectly owned or controlled by such an organization or person, or an individual or legal entity acting on behalf of or at the direction of such an organization, or faces:

a) for three working days;

b) for two working days;

c) for 10 working days.

15. What regulatory document defines a unified approach to the development of organizations (with the exception of credit institutions) carrying out transactions with monetary funds or other property specified in Article 5 of the Federal Law of 01.01.2001. , the rules of internal control carried out in order to counter the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism:

a) Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.01;

b) Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2001;

c) Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation.

16. Organizations carrying out transactions with monetary funds or other property in accordance with the rules of internal control are obliged to document the information obtained as a result of the application of these rules and the implementation of internal control programs, and to maintain its confidentiality, while the grounds for documentary recording of information are:

a) the confusing or unusual nature of the transaction, which does not have an obvious economic sense or an obvious legitimate purpose;

b) inconsistency of the transaction with the goals of the organization's activities, established by the constituent documents of this organization;

c) identification of repeated performance of operations or transactions, the nature of which gives reason to believe that the purpose of their implementation is to evade the mandatory control procedures provided for by this Federal Law, other circumstances giving grounds to believe that transactions are carried out in order to legalize (launder) income received crime, or terrorist financing.

d) only A and B are true;

e) is true only A and B;

f) A, B and C are true.

17. Who supervises the implementation of the Federal Law of 01.01.2001 N 115-FZ "On Counteracting the Legalization (Laundering) of Criminally Obtained Incomes and the Financing of Terrorism":

a) Rosfinmonitoring;

b) the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and prosecutors subordinate to him;

c) the President of the Russian Federation;

d) the Government of the Russian Federation.

The condition for performing the test is that only 1 answer option can be correct.

1 .1 List of tests with description Folder: General tests => Tests on banking => ANTI-LEGALIZATION Folder Number of tests General tests Tests on banking ANTI-LEGALIZATION Demo tests 3 Job tests 17 Thematic tests 28 Total number of tests: 48 N Test Rating Demonstration tests Demonstration test "Organization of internal control for AML / CFT purposes" General issues 2 Internal control programs 2 Organization of internal control 2 Risks and criteria for unusual transactions 2 Responsibility measures 2 Total questions Demonstration test "Interaction with Rosfinmonitoring" General questions 2 Procedure for sending information 2 Features of filling out a standard form DBF file 2 Types of electronic messages for AML / CFT purposes 2 Rosfinmonitoring inquiries 2 Total questions Demo-test "Organization of internal control for AML / CFT purposes" (1.182)

2 General questions 2 Internal Control Programs 2 Organization of internal control 2 Risks and criteria of unusual operations 2 Administrative sanctions 2 Total questions 10 Job tests Head of department - General AML / CFT test The test questions are developed on the basis of regulations and various recommendations of the Bank of Russia on organization of the bank's internal control system in the field of combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism. The test can be widely used in training and certification on AML / CFT issues for heads of departments, services and divisions of a bank at any level. Both general issues related to the AML / CFT system in general and the specifics that take place in the implementation of specific programs for the implementation of internal control rules for AML / CFT purposes, in particular, were reflected. The test can be used when hiring, certifying and conducting a routine knowledge test of the heads of the bank's structural divisions. General AML / CFT issues 10 Employee rights and obligations within the framework of AML / CFT compliance Identification of clients for AML / CFT purposes 9 Operations subject to mandatory control and criteria for detecting unusual transactions Responsibility measures 3 Total questions Responsible AML / CFT officer - Test 1 The first of the tests specially designed to test the knowledge and training of Responsible employees and specialists of financial monitoring of the bank's departments (groups) on compliance and application of AML / CFT legislation. The test contains both general issues related to the AML / CFT system as a whole, and issues related to the implementation of programs for the implementation of internal control rules for AML / CFT purposes. Test can

3 be used when hiring, certifying and conducting a routine knowledge test of the Responsible Officer or employees of the financial monitoring unit of the bank. General AML / CFT issues Requirements for organizing work to prevent AML / CFT Operations subject to mandatory control and criteria for detecting unusual transactions Rights and obligations of employees for AML / CFT purposes 6 Procedure for submitting information to the authorized body for AML / CFT purposes Requirements for employees responsible for AML / CFT Identification of clients for AML / CFT purposes 10 Responsibility measures 4 Total questions Responsible officer for AML / CFT - Test 2 The second of the responsible officers and specialists of financial monitoring of the bank's departments (groups) on compliance and application of legislation in the field of AML / CFT tests. Significantly expands the content and range of issues in the field of AML / CFT, including issues of international cooperation and control and supervision of the Bank of Russia over the implementation of legislation in this area. The test can be used when hiring, certifying and conducting a routine knowledge test of the Responsible Officer or employees of the financial monitoring department of the bank. General Provisions and organization of countering legalization Prevention of legalization Submitting information to the authorized body 10 International cooperation in countering legalization Criteria for detecting unusual transactions and operations National payment system. Features of AML / CFT. 8 78

4 Control over the activities of bank payment agents, assignment of identification Control and supervision of the Bank of Russia over the implementation of AML / CFT legislation 6 11 Total questions Responsible AML / CFT Officer - Test 3 The third of the specially designed for knowledge testing and training Responsible employees and financial monitoring specialists departments (groups) of the bank on compliance and application of legislation in the field of AML / CFT tests. The test can be used when hiring, certifying and conducting a routine knowledge test of the Responsible Officer or employees of the financial monitoring department of the bank. General provisions on AML / CFT issues 12 Organization of work in credit institutions to prevent AML / CFT Operations subject to mandatory control 1 Federal Law of the city of 11-FZ "On combating legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime" Total questions Test "Commissioner AML / CFT Officer "This test is designed specifically to test the knowledge and training of the Authorized Employees and Financial Monitoring Specialists of the separate divisions (groups) and GSP of the bank on the issues of compliance and application of AML / CFT legislation. The test contains both general issues related to the AML / CFT system as a whole, and issues related to the implementation of programs for the implementation of internal control rules for AML / CFT purposes. The test can be used when recruiting, certifying and conducting a routine examination of the knowledge of the specified bank employees. General questions on AML / CFT Organization of the AML / CFT system in the GSP 6 Requirements for identification of customers, customer representatives and beneficiaries AML / CFT risk management Identification of transactions subject to mandatory

5 control Revealing unusual transactions 4 Submitting information to Rosfinmonitoring 11 Procedure for forming an IES Total questions 1.22 Test for employees responsible for organizing and conducting training of personnel on AML / CFT issues "On the requirements for training and education of personnel in credit institutions" and serves mainly to test the knowledge and training of employees who are responsible for the organization and conduct of personnel training in AML / CFT issues. However, it can also be used when carrying out certification of other banking specialists, in particular, the Responsible AML / CFT Officer and ICS employees. The test can be used when recruiting, certifying and conducting a routine examination of the knowledge of the specified bank employees. General issues Organization of work on personnel training Content of the training program Specifics of briefing Total questions AML / CFT test for ICS employees Test to test the knowledge and conduct high-quality training of banks ICS employees on AML / CFT issues. In addition to general questions, it contains questions on the organization of the questionnaire and the procedure for maintaining the client's dossier, as well as questions on the qualification requirements for employees specially appointed in the bank who carry out their activities for AML / CFT purposes. The test can be used when recruiting, attesting and conducting a routine examination of the bank's ICS knowledge. General AML / CFT issues 10 Requirements for the organization of internal control for AML / CFT purposes Operations subject to mandatory control and unusual transactions Identification for AML / CFT purposes

6 Qualification requirements for bank specialists in order to organize AML / CFT Total questions AML / CFT test for legal divisions The general test for employees of legal departments of banks was compiled on the basis of regulatory and legislative acts of the state authorities and the Bank of Russia, which regulate various legal aspects of work in the area of ​​AML / CFT. The test reflects both general issues related to the organization of work on AML / CFT in banks, and the specifics of the implementation of specific programs of internal control rules governing specific, only for legal services, issues. For example, questions of identification and questioning of clients. The test can be used when hiring, certifying and conducting a routine examination of the knowledge of employees of the legal department of the bank. General AML / CFT 19 operations subject to mandatory control and unusual transactions Identification of customers in the AML / CFT 17 Refusal to conclude bankovkogo account agreement, termination of the bank account Total Test questions on AML / CFT for security General Test for AML / CFT security personnel, which allows to assess the level of knowledge and ability to apply in practice the foundations of the current legislation and internal regulations for the interaction of various banking divisions in the work on AML / CFT. In addition to the general issues of AML / CFT, compiled specific, affecting only the security departments, questions, in particular, regulate the order of bank secrecy under the direction of data on customer transactions authorized organ.test can be used in hiring, certification and conducting planned knowledge check of the employees of the specified bank division. General AML / CFT issues Mandatory control and criteria for detecting unusual transactions

7 Identification of persons carrying out terrorist activities 6 Identification of clients for AML / CFT purposes 9 Security information security transmission-reception ECO and IES 10 Total test questions "AML / CFT and operation of bank accounts" This test is used to test knowledge of AML / CFT issues in evaluating the bank's employees involved in the work on the identification and reporting of transactions of information on bank accounts (deposits) subject to mandatory control (code group 4000). In particular, operational units, departments, both for work with individuals and legal entities, credit departments and legal departments, departments foreign economic activity... Consists of 6 sections containing the main issues in the field of AML / CFT for the specified category of bank employees. The test can be used when recruiting, certifying and conducting a routine examination of the knowledge of the specified bank employees. General AML / CFT issues 6 Operations subject to mandatory control and unusual transactions Client identification for AML / CFT purposes 17 Operation codes 10 Total questions Test "AML / CFT and cash transactions" This test serves to test knowledge of AML / CFT issues when carrying out certification of bank employees involved in identifying and submitting information about transactions with cash in cash, subject to mandatory control (group of codes 1000). In particular, operational divisions, departments, both for work with individuals and legal entities, departments of securities, cash, foreign economic activity. Consists of three sections containing the main issues in the field of AML / CFT for the specified category of bank employees, including the criteria for identifying and signs of unusual transactions. The test can be used when recruiting, attestation and conducting a routine examination of the knowledge of the specified bank employees

8 General AML / CFT issues 6 Operations subject to mandatory control 6 Criteria for identifying and signs of unusual transactions 4 Identification of customers for AML / CFT purposes 18 Codes of types of transactions 6 Total questions Test "AML / CFT and transactions with valuable paper" Test to test knowledge and conducting high-quality training of employees of securities departments on AML / CFT issues. In addition to general questions, it contains questions on customer transactions subject to mandatory control, as well as criteria and signs of unusual transactions affecting the specifics of the work of these divisions. The test can be used when recruiting, certifying and conducting a routine examination of the knowledge of bank employees who carry out operations with securities. General AML / CFT issues 2 Operations subject to mandatory control 7 Criteria for detecting and signs of unusual transactions 8 Identification of clients for AML / CFT purposes 10 Refusal to execute a client's order 3 Total questions Test "AML / CFT and credit transactions" This test is the main help in the need to test the knowledge and training of employees of the bank's credit departments on AML / CFT issues. Contains sections where, in addition to general ones, there are questions on customer transactions subject to mandatory control, as well as criteria and signs of unusual transactions affecting the specifics of the work of these divisions. The test can be used when hiring, certifying and conducting a routine check of the knowledge of employees of the bank's credit departments. General AML / CFT issues 7 Operations subject to mandatory control and unusual transactions Client identification for AML / CFT purposes 12 Codes of types of transactions 4 Total questions

9 1.233 Test "AML / CFT and transactions involving transfers of citizens, bank cards and deposits" deposits subject to mandatory control. Reflects the specifics of the work of this category of employees and consists of -th sections containing various issues in the field of AML / CFT. The test can be used when hiring, certifying and conducting a routine knowledge check of employees of bank departments serving individuals. General AML / CFT issues 6 Operations subject to mandatory control and unusual transactions Client identification for AML / CFT purposes 20 Codes of types of transactions 4 Total questions Test "AML / CFT and international settlements, short-term relations, foreign economic activity" This test is intended for verification knowledge of AML / CFT issues of the employees of the correspondent relations and international settlements departments of the bank involved in identifying and submitting information on transactions subject to mandatory control. Reflects the specifics of the work of this category of employees. The test can be used when hiring, attesting and conducting a routine examination of the knowledge of the specified bank employees. Operations subject to mandatory control 10 Criteria for detecting and signs of unusual transactions 13 Obligations of employees in connection with the requirements of the AML / CFT Law Total questions AML / CFT of credit institutions responsible for identifying transactions subject to mandatory control. The test can be used in recruiting, appraisal and

10 conducting a routine knowledge test. General provisions on AML / CFT issues 2 Criteria for transactions subject to mandatory control Peculiarities of identifying transactions subject to mandatory control Submitting information to Rosfinmonitoring 28 Responsibility for violations 4 Total questions Test "An employee of the AML / CFT department responsible for identifying unusual and suspicious transactions" This test designed to test the knowledge of specialists of financial monitoring units of credit institutions responsible for identifying unusual and suspicious transactions. The test can be used for hiring, certification and routine knowledge testing. General provisions on AML / CFT issues 2 Signs of unusual transactions 17 Criteria for suspicious transactions 14 Actions of bank employees when unusual and suspicious transactions are detected Bank of Russia supervision of suspicious transactions Responsibility for violations 4 Total questions Thematic tests The general test of the AML / CFT for executives General questions on the issue of AML / CFT 7 Organization of the internal control in the banks for AML / CFT Transactions subject to compulsory control and unusual transactions Identification for AML / CFT 8 Bank "s rights, power and responsibilities in the field of AML / CFT

11 Responsibility for offenses in the field of AML / CFT 2 Total questions Test "Introductory AML / CFT Instructions" training and education program. Terms and concepts 9 Normative documents governing AML / CFT Bodies and officials responsible for AML / CFT Main provisions of Law 11-ФЗ Main internal documents and programs of the bank on AML / CFT Obligations and responsibilities of bank employees in compliance with the requirements of AML / CFT legislation Total questions Test "Codes of types of operations for operational workers" The test is compiled on the basis of the Central Bank Regulation 321-P for operational workers and allows you to identify how correctly the tested person assigns the required code, according to the Directory of types of operations, and qualifies specific operations, information about which must be sent to the authorized body for AML / CFT purposes. The test can be used when certifying employees for any of the positions in departments and divisions of the bank involved in AML / CFT activities, as well as during routine knowledge testing. Operations subject to mandatory control 16 Unusual, suspicious transactions 14 Total questions Test "Codes of types of operations for employees for servicing individuals" The test was compiled on the basis of the Central Bank Regulation 321-P for employees of the department for servicing individuals and allows you to identify how correctly the tested person assigns the required code , according to the Directory of types of transactions, and qualifies specific customer transactions

12 banks, information about which is to be sent to the authorized body for AML / CFT purposes. The test can be used when certifying employees for any of the positions in departments and divisions of the bank involved in AML / CFT activities, as well as during routine knowledge testing. Operations subject to mandatory control 16 Unusual, suspicious transactions 9 Total questions Test "Codes of types of transactions for loan officers" The test is compiled on the basis of the Central Bank Regulation 321-P for loan officers and allows you to identify how correctly the tested person assigns the required code, according to the Directory of types of transactions, and also qualifies the specific operations of the bank's clients, information about which is to be sent to the authorized body for AML / CFT purposes. The test can be used when certifying employees for any of the positions in departments and divisions of the bank involved in AML / CFT activities, as well as during routine knowledge testing. Operations subject to mandatory control 6 Unusual, suspicious transactions 4 Total questions Test "Codes of types of transactions for cashiers" The test is compiled on the basis of the Central Bank Regulation 321-P for cashiers and allows you to identify how correctly the tested person assigns the required code, according to the Directory of types of transactions, and also qualifies the specific operations of the bank's clients, information about which is to be sent to the authorized body for AML / CFT purposes. The test can be used when certifying employees for any of the positions in departments and divisions of the bank involved in AML / CFT activities, as well as during routine knowledge testing. Transactions subject to mandatory control 11 Unusual, suspicious transactions 4 Total questions Test "General questions of customer identification for AML / CFT purposes" This test includes the most common questions 7 4

13 customer identification established by Law 11-FZ, Regulation of the Bank of Russia N 262-P and a number of other documents. The test can be used to assess the knowledge of any specialists (when hiring, transferring, following the results of training when introducing AML / CFT, scheduled knowledge testing and other cases). General questions on identifying clients for AML / CFT purposes Requirements for identifying clients - legal entities Requirements for identifying clients - individuals Identification of beneficiaries 2 Identification of beneficial owners 6 Checking the activities of clients for participation in extremist activities Identification by OTHER persons 4 Requirements for the formation and storage of information about clients Total questions Test "Interaction of a credit institution with an authorized body and the Bank of Russia on AML / CFT issues" The Federal Law "On Counteracting Legalization (Laundering) of Criminally Obtained Incomes and Financing of Terrorism" sending information in cases of suspension of clients' operations, peculiarities of filling out a standard form of a DBF file and others. The test can be used for attestation and carrying out a routine check of the knowledge of employees of the bank's financial monitoring units. Formation and sending of the ECO and confirmations to the authorized body Receiving the IES from the authorized body 4 Sending information on cases of refusal 62

14 conclusion of a bank account (deposit) agreement Storage of ECO and IES Codes of types of operations for DBF files 4 Sending information in case of suspension of a client's operation Ensuring information security Features of filling out a standard form of a DBF file Preventing questionable transactions Conducting checks of the Central Bank 3 Sending information at the request of Rosfinmonitoring Operations business companies The defense industry and the Russian Federation B Total questions Test "Measures of influence against credit institutions for non-compliance with the AML / CFT legislation" The test can be used for a general assessment of the knowledge of any specialists planned knowledge testing and other cases). Basic principles of enforcement 7 Measures for violation of the organization and operation of internal control for the purpose of AML / CFT Measures for violation of the procedure for the purpose of AML / CFT Total questions based on the requirements of the Bank of Russia and recommendations for organizing inspections of banks by authorized representatives of the Central Bank of Russia. The test reflects both general issues related to the conduct of inspections and the specifics that occur during inspections for compliance with AML / CFT requirements. The test can be used to certify managers and employees of departments and divisions of the bank involved in AML / CFT activities, as well as during routine knowledge testing. Types of checks. Activities undertaken by representatives of the Bank of Russia in the framework of inspections

15 Peculiarities of conducting an audit of a branch of a credit institution Rights and obligations of the Bank of Russia during audits of credit institutions Rights and obligations of credit institutions during audits by the Bank of Russia Registration of audit results Familiarization with the audit results. Drafting objections Total questions Test "Typologies of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing" The test is based on an instruction from the Central Bank of Russia No. 100-T and a Letter from the Central Bank of Russia from T. and heads of departments. The questions were drawn up on the main typologies of money laundering and FT (according to the FATF), as well as the problems existing in the activities of banks on AML / CFT, outlined in the ADB memorandum. The main questions of the test can be used when conducting seminars to expand the knowledge of bank specialists in the use of various money laundering and TF schemes by criminal organizations, as well as in the choice of tools aimed at counteracting clients whose business is based on cashing out funds. Receipt of cash from the accounts of resident individuals Non-cash transfers 4 NPOs and links with the financing of terrorism 4 Using the insurance business to legalize PD / FT Operations of influential political persons related to legalizing PD Engaging professional consultants for money laundering ADB memorandum 6 Total questions Test " Classification of types of transactions for cashiers "The test was compiled on the basis of the Central Bank Regulation 321-P for 32

16 cash workers and allows you to identify how correctly the tested person qualifies specific transactions with cash to the types of transactions, information about which is submitted to the authorized body for AML / CFT purposes. The test can be used for attestation and routine testing of the knowledge of employees of any of the positions of departments and divisions of the bank that carry out cash transactions... Operations subject to mandatory control 10 Unusual, suspicious transactions Total questions Test "Classification of types of transactions for operational workers" (legal entity accounts) The test was compiled on the basis of the Central Bank Regulation 321-P for operational workers and allows you to identify how correctly the tested person qualifies specific operations performed legal entities, types of operations, information about which is submitted to the authorized body for AML / CFT purposes. The test can be used for attestation and routine testing of the knowledge of employees of the bank's operational divisions. Operations subject to mandatory control 14 Unusual, suspicious transactions 11 Total questions Test "Classification of types of operations for operational workers" (operations of individuals) The test was compiled on the basis of the Central Bank Regulation 321-P for bank employees serving individuals and allows you to identify how correctly the tested qualifies specific transactions performed by individuals, types of transactions, information about which is submitted to the authorized body for AML / CFT purposes. The test can be used to certify and conduct a routine knowledge check of employees of the bank's divisions serving individuals. Transactions subject to mandatory control 1 Unusual, suspicious transactions 10 Procedure for work on suspended transactions Total issues 30 88

17 1.248 Test "Classification of types of transactions for loan officers" The test was compiled on the basis of the Central Bank Regulations 321-P and 37-P for loan officers and allows you to identify how correctly the tested person qualifies specific transactions arising in the process of lending to legal entities and individuals, types of transactions, information which are submitted to the authorized body for AML / CFT purposes. The test can be used for attestation and routine testing of the knowledge of employees of the bank's credit departments. Operations. subject to mandatory control 12 Unusual, suspicious transactions 8 Total questions Test "Legal responsibility of officials and credit institutions for AML / CFT offenses" labor law The questions were drawn up on the basic concepts of law and law enforcement, as well as the problems of responsibility of officials for committing crimes and offenses in the field of AML / CFT. The test can be used for attestation and routine testing of the knowledge of employees of the bank's legal departments. General provisions 3 Criminal liability 6 Material liability General terms liability occurrence 4 Types of penalties for violations in the field of AML / CFT 2 Total questions Test "Identification of clients - individuals for AML / CFT purposes" This test includes the most general questions of identification of clients - individuals established by Law 11-FZ, Bank Regulation Russia N 262-P and a number of other documents. The test can be used to assess the knowledge of any specialists (when hiring, translating, following the results of training when introducing a topic

18 AML / CFT, scheduled knowledge testing and other cases). General questions on customer identification for AML / CFT purposes Procedure for identifying customers - individuals 12 Procedure for identifying beneficiaries 2 Identification of individuals - foreign citizens Checking the activities of customers for participation in extremist activities Operations performed without identifying individuals, simplified identification Actions for impossibility of identifying a client or beneficiary Total questions Test "Identification of clients - legal entities for AML / CFT purposes" This test includes the most general questions of identifying clients - legal entities established by Law 11-FZ, Regulation of the Bank of Russia N 262-P and a number of others documents. The test can be used to assess the knowledge of any specialists (when hiring, transferring, following the results of training when introducing AML / CFT, scheduled knowledge testing and other cases). General questions on identifying clients for AML / CFT purposes Procedure for identifying clients - legal entities Identification of beneficiaries 2 Identification of non-residents - legal entities 3 Assessment of the degree of risk of transactions by a client Information obtained in order to identify legal entities and individual entrepreneurs Checking clients' activities for participation in extremist activities Actions when it is impossible to identify the client or beneficiary Total questions Test "Features of identifying and transferring information about 76

19 transactions with movable property (code 000) "The test questions are developed on the basis of regulations and various recommendations of the Bank of Russia on the issue of identifying and sending information about transactions with movable property subject to mandatory control. The test can be widely used in training and certification on AML issues / FT of managers and employees of the bank's divisions involved in the implementation of these operations and transactions The test can be used for attestation and routine testing of the knowledge of employees of the relevant divisions of the bank General issues 2 Transactions with movable property subject to mandatory control Transfer of information to the authorized body 8 Total questions Test "Features of filling out the standard form of a DBF file" This test was compiled on the basis of the Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated August 29, 2008 N 321-P "On the procedure for submitting by credit institutions to the authorized body information provided for by the Federal Law" On Counteracting Legalization (dated washing) of proceeds of crime and financing of terrorism "and is designed specifically to test the knowledge of specialists of departments (groups) of financial monitoring of a bank (branch) responsible for the formation and direction of the IES to Rosfinmonitoring. General questions 8 Features of filling in a DBF file 17 Operation codes Total questions Test "Features of identifying and providing information about real estate transactions (code 8000)" This test was developed on the basis of Methodical recommendations on identifying and submitting information about transactions with real estate subject to mandatory control (group of codes 80) (approved by the Committee of the Association of Russian Banks on AML / CFT and Risk Compliance (minutes of the meeting of the Committee of No. 26) and is intended for certification and routine knowledge testing managers and employees of ICS, operational, credit, legal departments 92 69

20 of the bank, as well as the Responsible Officer for AML / CFT. The concept of real estate 4 Real estate transactions subject to mandatory control Recording and sending information to the authorized body Total questions Test "Organization of work of credit institutions on AML / CFT" The test was compiled on the basis of the Central Bank Regulation 37-P for all bank employees. The test can be used when certifying employees for any of the positions in departments and divisions of the bank involved in AML / CFT activities, as well as during routine knowledge testing. Organization of the AML / CFT system in a credit institution Program for managing the risk of legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism Program for identifying transactions subject to OK and unusual transactions in the activities of clients Program for refusal to conclude a bank account agreement Program defining the procedure for interaction of a credit institution with by persons entrusted with identification Program of freezing (blocking) funds or other property Signs of unusual transactions 7 Total questions Test "Head of department General test on AML / CTF" Out of analytics 30 Total questions Test "International cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of AML / CFT" This test can be used when conducting a routine knowledge test of employees of financial monitoring units of credit institutions, which are most involved in the implementation of legislation on 67

21 AML / CFT. Russia's participation in international AML / CFT organizations New FATF recommendations 9 Total questions Test "ML / CFT Risk Management for the Responsible Officer" risk of loss business reputation... This test is specially designed to assess the ability of banking specialists, assess their skills and the ability to correctly qualify transactions subject to mandatory control and unusual, suspicious transactions carried out on a daily basis by bank customers and the degree of their exposure to various kinds of risks. This test can be used for routine knowledge testing of employees of credit institutions who are most involved in the implementation of AML / CFT legislation (for example, employees of structural units of financial monitoring). General issues of ML / TF risk management 10 Client risk assessment 2 Types of unusual, suspicious transactions 18 Total questions Test "Economic and legal bases of AML / CFT" AML / CFT (for example, employees of structural units of financial monitoring). Introduction. Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Methods and Methods of Money Laundering 12 Terrorist Financing Legal basis international cooperation on AML / CFT Total issues

22 General test "Operations subject to mandatory control for AML / CFT purposes" The test questions are developed on the basis of Federal Law 11-FZ, regulations and various recommendations of the Bank of Russia on identifying and sending information about operations subject to mandatory control. The test is universal and can be widely used in training and certification on AML / CFT issues for managers and employees of the bank's divisions involved in these operations and transactions. The test can be used for attestation and routine testing of the knowledge of employees of the relevant departments of the bank. General issues 2 Cash transactions (group code 10) Bank account transactions (group code 40) 8 Transactions with movable property (group code 0) 9 Transactions with real estate (group code 80) 2 Transactions involving extremists ( group code 70) 2 NPO operations (group code 90) 4 Operations under the state defense order (group code 41) Total questions General test "Signs of unusual transactions and suspicious transactions for AML / CFT purposes" Test questions are developed on the basis of Federal Law 11-FZ , regulations and recommendations of the Bank of Russia on the issue of identifying and sending information about unusual transactions and suspicious transactions. The test is universal and can be widely used in training and certification on AML / CFT issues for managers and employees of the bank's divisions involved in these operations and transactions. The test can be used for attestation and routine testing of the knowledge of employees of the relevant departments of the bank. General Issues 2 General Signs of Unusual Transactions 6 Cash Transactions

23 Making money transfers 2 Carrying out operations under credit agreements 4 Carrying out international settlements 4 Carrying out operations with securities and financial derivatives Carrying out electronic banking and settlements with plastic cards Signs of suspicious transactions 13 Total questions

The correct answers to the Finn Mon test with two questions have been empirically derived:

1.- yes, I must,

2.- up to 30 days

How often does a customer service officer need to update customer identification information?


In all these cases
How does a customer service officer guide you when a transaction is classified as unusual?


A set of criteria for suspicion, characteristics of the client, the employee's suspicions about the possible legalization of income, regardless of the amount of the transaction
Does the customer service officer need to identify and examine the persons being served?


Yes, when performing all banking operations and other transactions in excess of the amount established by the legislation of the Russian Federation
What sanctions by supervisory authorities can be applied to a credit institution for violations of the Federal AML / CFT Law?


Administrative suspension of activities

Administrative penalty

License revocation
The client purchases a certificate of deposit from a credit institution in the amount of 1 million rubles. Is this operation subject to mandatory control?


Yes, in any case, by opcode 4006
Which of the listed types of transactions with movable property for an amount in excess of the established value criterion correspond to Operation Group Code 50?


Receipt or provision of property under a financial lease (leasing) agreement

Purchase and sale of precious metals in physical form and in impersonal form, purchase and sale of coins made of precious metals

Provision by legal entities that are not credit institutions, interest-free loans to individuals and (or) other legal entities, as well as obtaining such a loan
What rate is used to determine the ruble equivalent of the transaction amount indicated in the amount of precious metal or in foreign currency for transactions with precious metals or transactions with foreign currency in cash?


The rate set by Sberbank of Russia


All listed documents
Who makes the decision to recognize the client's transaction as a transaction subject to suspension?


Relevant Bank Controller
Which of the listed types of transactions with real estate for an amount in excess of the established cost criterion correspond to the code of the type of operation 8001?


All real estate transactions
An employee of the customer service department revealed that funds were credited (debited) in the amount of 650,000 rubles on the account legal entity, operations on which have not been performed since its opening. Should an employee consider this operation as an operation subject to mandatory control?


Yes should
For how long is the suspension of the operation carried out if at least one of the parties is an organization or an individual in respect of which there is information received in the prescribed manner about their participation in terrorist activities?

Conducting transactions with precious metals
What documents does an employee of the customer service department request from a legal entity when it opens a current account, as part of identification?


Client information.

How many times does a customer service employee need to receive training on AML / CFT issues?


At least once a year
What measures are not taken in the process of suspending an operation, if at least one of the parties is an organization or an individual in respect of which there is information received in the prescribed manner about their participation in terrorist activities?


After the decision to suspend the operation, the employees of the customer service department inform the Client about the reasons for the suspension of the operation
If an employee of the department for work with clients has established that the operation carried out by the client is subject to mandatory control, when should he send a message on the operation to the Controller?


Not later than 10:00 on the business day following the day of the transaction
What documents are the basis for identifying beneficiaries?


All listed contracts
How is a customer service employee guided when detecting extremist or terrorism-related transactions?


A list containing information about persons involved in extremist activity or terrorism, regardless of the amount and nature of the operation
Which of the following structures are supervisory bodies for a credit institution on AML / CFT issues:


1) Bank of Russia;

3) federal Service financial monitoring;

4) The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;
What type of transaction code is assigned to a dubious transaction carried out within the framework of large cash “cashing out” schemes and capital withdrawal abroad?


Code 6001 - Suspicious Operation
What is a customer service employee guided by when identifying transactions that are subject to mandatory control?


The coincidence of the cost criterion and the type of operation
An employee of the customer service department became aware of the implementation of a transaction with real estate by the client in the amount of 2.5 million rubles. Is this operation subject to mandatory control?


No, since the transaction amount does not exceed RUB 3,000,000
Which of the following must be established in the process of conducting the procedure for identifying a client of a legal entity?


1) full and abbreviated name;

2) information about state registration;

4) address of location and postal address;

6) contact telephone and fax numbers.

1. What are the actions of an employee of the customer service department when detecting an operation of crediting to the Client's account in the amount of 100,000 rubles, where one of the parties is an individual who is on the List containing information about persons involved in extremist activities or terrorism?

The amount of the transaction is less than 600,000 rubles, so it is not subject to mandatory control

Operations for crediting funds to the account are not subject to mandatory control.

- The employee sends a message to the Controller with the code 7001

No correct answer provided

The employee sends a message to the Controller with a sign of suspiciousness under code 6001
2. What information must be established in the process of carrying out the procedure for simplified identification of a client of an individual?

Full Name

No correct answer provided

- Full Name; details of the identity document

Full Name; Date and place of birth; citizenship; details of the identity document; TIN; data of insurance certificate of state pension insurance data of migration card and document confirming the right to stay in the Russian Federation (for a foreign citizen or stateless person)

Full Name; Date and place of birth; citizenship; details of the identity document; data of a migration card and a document confirming the right to stay in the Russian Federation (for a foreign citizen or stateless person)
3. What documents should be followed by an employee of the customer service department in fulfilling his duties in the field of AML / CFT?

Federal Law No. 115-FZ and the Rules of the Security Council of the Russian Federation No. 881-5-r

- All specified documents

Technological scheme of VVB SB RF No. 244-4-VVB

Rules of the Security Council of the Russian Federation No. 881-5-r and the Order of the VVB of the Security Service of the Russian Federation No. 244-4-vbb

Federal Law No. 115-FZ, Rules of the Security Council of the Russian Federation No. 881-5-r, as well as regulatory documents Bank of Russia (Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 321-P, Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 262-P, etc.)
4. How does an employee of the customer service department assess the degree (level) of the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing?

Uses criteria set by the account manager

Requests risk data from the client

In the case of the client's first contact, indicates that the degree of risk is absent

An increased degree of risk is established only for transactions that are subject to mandatory control

In all of the above ways.

- Uses the signs established by the Rules No. 881-5-r of 12.05.10
5. Which of the specified information is requested by an employee of the customer service department from an individual when carrying out his identification?


Data of insurance certificate of state pension insurance

All listed information

Data of a migration card and a document confirming the right of a foreign citizen or stateless person to stay (reside) in the Russian Federation with a client who is a foreign citizen or stateless person

- Details of the identity document

6. Who is to be identified, if the client has given the authority to manage the bank account (deposit), also to another person?

Identification in this case is not carried out

- Both the client and the person who has been given the authority to manage the bank account (deposit)

The person who has been empowered to manage the bank account (deposit)
7. What is the employee of the customer service department guided by when determining the transaction as dubious, associated with the “cashing out” of large funds and the withdrawal of capital abroad?

- Signs of the implementation of dubious schemes for "cashing out" and the withdrawal of capital abroad

The coincidence of the cost criterion and the type of operation

Type of operation

Cost criterion

The coincidence of the cost criterion and the type of operation, as well as the frequency of transactions
8. Is it checked in the process of identifying a counterparty of the Bank its presence in the list containing information about persons involved in extremist activities or terrorism?

- Yes, anyway

No, since transactions with counterparties do not apply to operations or transactions specified in Article 5 of the Federal Law dated 02.12.1990 No. 395-1 "On Banks and Banking Activities"

No correct answer provided

No anyway

Yes, if the transaction performed with the counterparty is subject to mandatory control
9. For how long is the operation suspended if at least one of the parties is an organization or an individual in respect of which there is information received in the prescribed manner about their participation in terrorist activities?

The period for which the operation is suspended is set at the discretion of the Head of Customer Relations

The period for which the transaction is suspended is at the discretion of the relevant Controller.

The period for which the operation is suspended is set at the discretion Authorized body

- For two working days from the date when the client's order on its implementation must be executed, if the operation is not suspended for an additional period by a resolution of the Authorized Body

For five working days from the date when the client's order on its implementation must be executed, if the operation is not suspended for an additional period by a resolution of the Authorized Body
10. What is prohibited for an employee of the customer service department when implementing AML / CFT measures?