Classifier of services in foreign economic activity. Classifier of services in foreign economic activity Classifier of services of foreign economic activity decoding

To standardize the collection, processing and presentation of statistical information, a new Classifier of Services in Foreign Economic Activity (KUVED) was introduced in Russia from 01.01.2013. It was approved by the Order of Rosstat dated 02.07.2012 No. 373. We will tell you about the scope of KUVED and the structure of the classifier in our consultation.

Scope of KUVED

KUVED is a sectoral normative document Rosstat. It is mandatory for use when conducting federal statistical observation for foreign trade in services.

The classifier can be used by other organizations and individuals in agreement with Rosstat.

The codes of the types of services according to KUVED are indicated by organizations representing Rosstat annual form No. 8-VES (services) "Information on the export (import) of services in foreign economic activity."

Structure of KUVED-codes

Objects in the KUVED classification are services that are provided or consumed by Russian participants in foreign economic activity.

Codes of types of services according to KUVED contain 18 digital characters and consist of 4 blocks.

Each character of the code determines its belonging to one or another level of the hierarchy.

In the structure of KUVED codes, there are 8 hierarchy levels:

Let's represent the correspondence of the hierarchy levels to the signs in the structure of the KUVED code

Let us show by an example the procedure for generating the KUVED code.

So, in accordance with the classifier, the services of recreation parks for rental or provision of equipment for recreation (benches, armchairs, sun loungers, etc.) have the code 10401.2.897.

Let's show the structure of this code by levels of the hierarchy:

Hierarchy level Group name KUVED code
Chapter Services in the field of recreation, culture and sports 10000.
Subsection 10400.
Class Sports and other recreational services 10401.
Group Services used in EBOPS *
Category Other services for individuals and services in the field of culture and recreation 10401.2.897.
Subcategory Recreation parks and beach services 10401.2.897.92.72.11
View Recreation park services 10401.2.897.
Subspecies Recreation park services for rental or provision of recreation equipment (benches, armchairs, sun loungers, etc.) 10401.2.897.

* EBOPS is an extended classification of services reflected in the balance of payments.

Foreign economic relations cover international trade not only goods, but also services. But unlike foreign trade operations with goods that physically move across the customs border of the country and undergo customs processing, services do not go through customs control and cannot be issued with a cargo customs declaration. Transition to the accounting methodology accepted in international statistical practice foreign trade caused the need to develop and introduce on the territory of Russia not only the TN VED, but also the Classifier of services in foreign economic activity (CU VED). The classifier was developed in 1990 by a working group of the USSR State Statistics Committee for revising statistical methodology and in the first years had a temporary status. The Temporary Classifier of Services (VKU) for foreign economic activity was put into effect simultaneously with the TN VED of the USSR on January 1, 1991. The Temporary Classifier of Services in Foreign Economic Activity and explanations to it were prepared on the basis of the materials of the Unified Classification of Goods (UCT), developed by the UN Statistical Commission. After entering into established order in the VKU VED, a number of additions were given the status of a permanent one.

The Classifier of services in foreign economic activity (CU VED) includes services of a material and non-material nature, which are objects of foreign economic activity.

Material services include:

  • - transport services (amounts in foreign currency paid by domestic charterers for the carriage of passengers' cargo and luggage, towing ships, etc.);
  • - design and survey work;
  • - construction and installation work;
  • -- services storage facilities;
  • -- communication services;
  • - repair of foreign vehicles, equipment, instruments, as well as other types of repairs carried out both on the territory of countries and abroad (included in export), including the repair of domestic vehicles, equipment, instruments and other types of repairs abroad (reflected in the import);
  • - printing work and others.

Intangible services include: -commercial services (services for financial intermediation, insurance, rental of buildings, machinery, equipment and vehicles, services in the field of research, development, advertising, legal services etc.);.

  • - services in the field of education;
  • - services in the field of health care;
  • - services for waste disposal, sanitization, etc .;
  • - services for the organization of recreation, tourism, cultural and sporting events.

The Classifier of FEA services reflects the name of the services and their code designation. The length of the code is 9. digital characters. For comparability with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), its group code "99" is used, which is a reserve one.

Here are examples of service coding in accordance with. Classifier of foreign economic activity services:

  • 99 51 600 00 Installation of equipment during construction works
  • 99 86 400 00 Market research services (marketing)

and eliciting public opinion

1.2 Classifications in statistics of foreign economic activity

Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity.

In the study of flows of goods in the foreign market, the classification of goods is one of the main issues. For the classification and coding of goods in the statistics of foreign economic relations, the classifier "Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity" (TN VED) is used. In our country, the TN VED classifier was originally introduced as the TN VED of the USSR, replacing, on January 1, 1991, the Unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Trade of the CMEA Member Countries. Currently in Russia for statistical purposes the Commodity

the nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (TN VED CIS), adopted as an interstate classifier by the decision of the heads of government of the CIS member states on November 3, 1995 (Since January 1, 1997, the 2nd edition of the Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the CIS is in effect.)

The commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity is based on the Nomenclature of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (NGS), developed by the World Customs Organization, as well as the Combined Nomenclature of the European Union, and is essentially their national (Russian) derivative. In our country, the maintenance of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity is entrusted in accordance with the Customs Code Russian Federation on Customs Russia. Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity, like any economic classifier, has its own structure. Its main elements are classification and coding systems.

The classification system of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity provides for the characteristics of classified objects (goods) and classification levels. The object of classification in the Foreign Economic Activity Commodity Classification is all goods circulating in the foreign trade of the country. TN VED has 6 levels of classification: sections, groups, subgroups, commodity items, subheadings, subheadings. An idea of ​​the classification structure of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity is given in Table 1.

Table 1 - Classification structure of the Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity

Classification level Code Quantity
Sections Roman numerals 21
Groups 2 characters * 99"
Subgroups Roman numerals 33
Commodity items 4 digits 1241
Subheadings 6 characters 5019
Subheadings 9 characters 9506

* Product groups and lower levels of classification (excluding subgroups) are indicated Arabic numerals.

** Groups 77, 98, 99 in the TN VED are reserved.

The coding of goods in the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity is a technique that allows expressing a classified object (goods) in the form of a group of signs according to the rules established by this classification system. The purpose of the classifier code system is to present information in a form convenient for collection and transmission, adapt it for processing on a computer, and also provide search, sorting and aggregation of specific data. For commodity classifiers used in international practice, the coding system allows you to eliminate language barriers in the identification of a particular product.

In the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity, a nine-digit numerical designation of a code based on a decimal system is adopted. It includes a group code (two digits), a heading (two digits) and a subheading (two digits), with each character ranging from 0 to 9. The first six characters (digits) correspond to the nomenclature of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (NHS) and the first eight are the Combined Nomenclature of the European Union (EU CN). An idea of ​​the structure of the TN VED code is given in Table 2.

Table 2 - Selected goods by TN VED

The classification of goods entering foreign trade is carried out by the customs authorities. This is achieved by reflecting in the cargo customs declaration (CCD) the name-1 of the goods crossing the customs border of Russia, its characteristics, as well as the corresponding code. For these purposes, the cargo customs declaration provides for column 33 "Code of the Goods", which indicates the 9-digit code of the goods under the TN VED. Structurally, the code is written without spaces and other separators.

ХХХХХХ - Six-digit product code according to the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System;

XX - Eight-digit product code according to CN of the EU, providing for additional detailing of goods, carried out by the European Union;

X - The mark at the level of which it is considered necessary to reflect the national characteristics of the product.

To ensure a uniform identification of classified objects (goods), the TN VED includes notes developed for the main levels of classification, as well as interpretation rules that have legal force.

Classifier of services in foreign economic activity

Foreign economic relations cover international "trade not only in goods, but also in services. But unlike foreign trade operations with goods that physically move across the customs border of the country and undergo customs processing, services do not pass customs control and cannot be issued with a cargo customs declaration. to the methodology of foreign trade accounting adopted in international statistical practice has caused the need to develop and introduce on the territory of Russia not only the TN VED, but also the Classifier of services in foreign economic activity (CU VED) The classifier was developed in 1990 by a working group of the USSR State Statistics Committee on revising the statistical methodology and in the early years it had the status of a temporary one.Temporary classifier of services (VKU) for foreign economic activity was introduced simultaneously with the TN VED of the USSR from January 1, 1991. The temporary classifier of services in foreign economic activity and explanations to it were prepared on the basis of the materials of the Unified Classification of Comrade arov (ECT), developed by the UN Statistical Commission. After a number of additions were made in the VKU VED in accordance with the established procedure, it was given permanent status.

The classifier of services in foreign economic activity (CU VED) includes services of a material and non-material nature, which are objects of foreign economic activity.

Material services include:

· Transport services (amounts in foreign currency paid by domestic charterers for the carriage of passengers' cargo and luggage, towing ships, etc.);

· Design and survey work;

· Construction and installation work;

· Warehouse services;

· communication services;

Repair of foreign vehicles, equipment, instruments, as well as other types of repairs carried out both on the territory of countries and abroad (included in export), including the repair of domestic vehicles, equipment, instruments and other types of repairs abroad ( reflected in imports);

· Printing works and others.

· Intangible services include:

· Commercial services (services in financial intermediation, insurance, rental of buildings, machinery, equipment and vehicles, services in the field of research, development, advertising, legal services, etc.);

· Services in the field of education;

· Services in the field of health care;

· Services for waste disposal, sanitation, etc .;

· Services for the organization of recreation, tourism, cultural and sports events.

The classifier of foreign economic activity services reflects the name of the services and their code designation. The length of the code is 9 digital characters. For comparability with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), its group code "99" is used, which is a reserve one.

XX - "99". In order to include CU VED in common system HS coding;

ХХХХХ - Five-digit code of services for EKT;

XX - Two characters for additional detail (if necessary).

Table 3 - Individual services in accordance with the Classifier of Foreign Economic Activity Services

1.3 Indicators of the volume of foreign trade and the involvement of the national economy in world economic relations

The volume of foreign trade of a region or a country as a whole is characterized by a system of indicators, which includes:

Indicators in physical terms - the volume of exported (imported) goods by type;

Cost indicators: the volume of exports (imports) - total, including by types of exported (imported) goods; volume foreign trade turnover; foreign trade balance (trade balance).

All characteristics refer to the interval, calculated for a certain period, as a rule, for a quarter or a year.

On the scale of a particular country (region), the volume of foreign trade turnover consists of the sum of the value of exports and imports:

where WTO - foreign trade turnover;

E - export;

And - import.

The foreign trade balance (trade balance) of a country (region) represents the difference between the value of exports and imports:

, (2)

E - export;

And - import.

If the ratio is in favor of exports, then the foreign trade balance of the country (region) will be positive, and the trade balance will be active. If the value of imports exceeds the value of exports, then the foreign trade balance of the country (region) is negative, and the trade balance is passive. If the value of exports and imports is equal, the foreign trade balance is zero, and the ratio in the trade balance is called the net balance. Comparison of exports with imports can also be relative. The measure obtained from such a comparison is called the import-export coverage ratio:

, (3)

where is the coefficient of coverage of imports by exports;

E - export;

And - import.

This indicator belongs to the category of relative values ​​of coordination and answers the question to what extent the volume of exports exceeds the volume of imports or how many units of exported goods per unit of imported goods.

In addition to the value indicators of foreign trade turnover and the balance of trade, determined at the level of individual countries, international statistics of foreign trade calculate the turnover and balance of world trade.

World trade turnover characterizes the total volume of goods moved between countries. The peculiarity of its statistical assessment is that it is understood as the sum of the export value of all countries, i.e. the calculation is carried out according to the formula:

, (4)

where OMT is the volume of world trade turnover;

n is the number of countries that have carried out reporting period export of goods.

This method of calculating this indicator is explained by the fact that the export of goods from all countries of the world corresponds to the import to these countries. Therefore, the summation of the volumes of world exports and imports by analogy with the calculation of foreign trade turnover at the level of an individual country would lead to a double counting of the same goods.

Due to the differences in the basic estimates of exports and imports (exports - in FOB prices, imports - in CIF prices), a value arises that is referred to in international statistics as the balance of world trade. It is calculated as the difference between the sum of the value of exports of all countries in the world and the sum of the value of their imports:

, (5)

where SVT is the foreign trade balance;

Э j - total volume export j-th country;

And j is the total volume of im port j-th country.

m is the number of countries that imported goods in the reporting period.

The balance of world trade shows how much it costs the world community to deliver goods to importing countries. Given that the CIF prices for goods moved between countries always exceed the FOB prices, the balance is only negative.

Indicators of the involvement of the national economy in world economic relations

Foreign trade statistics study the participation of individual countries in the international division of labor. The involvement of national economies in world economic relations is reflected in the system of indicators, the main of which are:

The share of individual countries or groups of countries in world trade, which characterizes the role of individual countries (groups of countries) in world commodity markets. Calculated as:

, (6)

where is the share of individual countries;

Share of country groups;

E j is the total volume of exports of the j-th country;

ОМТ - the volume of world trade turnover;

n is the number of countries in the analyzed group that exported goods;

The share of certain countries in the export of certain goods (commodity groups). It reveals within which industries and types of production the country's specialization in the international division of labor is developing. It is determined in accordance with the calculation algorithm as:

, (7)

where is the share of individual countries in the export of individual goods;

m is the number of countries that exported i-th product to the world market.

The share of exports of a particular country in the gross national product. Shows what part of the produced gross national product the country sends to the external market or how many units of exported goods per unit of gross national product:

, (8)

where is the share of exports of a particular country in the gross national product;

E j is the total volume of exports of the j-th country;

The coefficient of dependence of the national economy on imports, reflecting how many units of imported goods per unit of the produced national gross product. Calculated as:

, (9)

where is the coefficient of dependence of the national economy on imports;

And j is the total volume of the port of the j-th country;

GNP j is the gross national product of the j-th country.

Export share in production certain types products, indicating what part of the product produced in the country is exported. Calculated as:

, (10)

where is the share of exports in the production of certain types of products;

Э ij - the volume of exports of the i-th product of the j-country;

Q ij - production volume of the i-th product j-th country.

The share of imports in the consumption of certain types of products. Shows what part of the total consumption of a product is provided by imports. Expresses the dependence of the country's economy on the import of certain goods:

, (11)

where is the share of imports in the consumption of certain types of products;

And ij is the volume of imports of the i-th product of the j-th country;

Р ij - the volume of consumption of the i-th product of the j-th country.

The coefficient of relative export specialization, which characterizes the level of the international division of labor.

Determined by the formula:

, (12)

where K oes is the coefficient of relative export specialization;

With K oes> 1, there is a reason to assert that this country specializes in the world economy in the production and trade of this product;

Diversification (or diversity) coefficient, calculated as:

, (13)

where is the diversification coefficient;

d ij - the share of exports of the i-th product in the total export volume of the j-th country;

d ij - the share of exports of the i-th product in the total volume of world exports.

n is the volume of the commodity nomenclature.

The second form of the coefficient is used when the relative values ​​of the structure are expressed in percentages in the numerator. The diversification coefficient is determined in the range from 0 to 1. If the indicator tends to 1, it means that the country specializes in the world market in the production of a narrowed range of goods. With the expansion of the production of export products sold by this country on the world market, the diversification coefficient approaches 0.

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