Social service. Types of social services for the population The procedure for providing social services to the population

On January 1, 2015, the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 entered into force. No. 442-FZ "On the Basics of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - Federal Law No. 442-FZ).

According to Federal Law No. 442-FZ, social services are provided to citizens in the following forms:

  • stationary social services;
  • semi-stationary social services;
  • social service at home.

The procedure for the provision of social services in any of the three forms is similar with minor differences; to receive social services, follow the following algorithm:

Step 1. Collecting the necessary documents (for the recipient of social services and (or) his legal representative):

  1. a photocopy of a passport or other identity document (pages with a photo and registration). For a minor under the age of 14 - a birth certificate containing information about the place of residence in Moscow;
  2. a photocopy of a passport or other identity document of one of the legal representatives (for a minor or an incapacitated citizen);
  3. a document containing information about circumstances that worsen or may worsen the living conditions of a citizen - for the purpose of recognizing a citizen in need of social services;
  4. a document confirming the circumstances that objectively prevent family members or relatives from fulfilling the duties of caring for a citizen who is incapable of self-service - in the case of a request from a citizen living in a family or if he has close relatives;
  5. the original of the medical certificate on the state of health of the citizen, including the absence of contraindications for receiving social services (can be obtained from the clinic at the place of residence);
  6. a photocopy of a certificate of disability of the federal state institution of medical and social expertise (in case of applying for social services for a disabled person);
  7. the original conclusion of the medical commission of a neuropsychiatric dispensary or hospital with a detailed diagnosis and an indication of the recommended type of social service organization - for a stationary form of social service;
  8. the original of the opinion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission - in the case of an application for the provision of social services to a minor citizen suffering from mental disorders;
  9. a court decision on recognizing a citizen as incapacitated or partially capable - for an incapacitated or partially capable citizen;
  10. a certificate of release from places of deprivation of liberty - for a citizen from among persons released from places of deprivation of liberty, over whom administrative supervision has been established and who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-service;
  11. the original of the certificate containing information about the income of the citizen and his family members for the last 12 calendar months preceding the appeal (except for the information specified in clause 2.2.12 of the Decree of the Moscow Government No. 829-PP dated December 26, 2014 "On social services for citizens in the city of Moscow "(hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) - can be obtained at the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence;
    12) an identity document and a power of attorney - for persons applying in the interests of the recipient of social services (both specific proxies and guardianship organizations can act as legal representatives of a citizen).

Possible questions when implementing Step 1:

  • "A document containing information about circumstances that worsen or may worsen the living conditions of a citizen, - for the purpose of recognizing a citizen in need of social service" - meaning a list of information and documents on the appropriate form of social service, requested in the framework of interagency cooperation and confirming circumstances that worsen (or capable of worsening) the living conditions of a citizen. Such documents may include a certificate of family composition, a certificate of the amount of pension, a petition from the relevant authorities and institutions. For example, a citizen has partially lost the ability to self-service due to age and disability, it is difficult for him to take care of himself on his own and he wants to arrange social services for himself at home so that he can be helped by a social worker. In this case, the citizen must provide a certificate from the place of residence about the composition of his family (or an extract from the house book), which would contain information confirming that he is lonely or lonely (and therefore there is no one to take care of him). In the event that a close relative (for example, a daughter) is registered with a citizen, but in fact she lives separately from her father (in another locality), and this is documented, in this case the citizen is also recognized as living alone.
  • “A document confirming the circumstances that objectively prevent family members or relatives from fulfilling their duties of caring for a citizen who is unable to self-service, in the case of a request from a citizen living in a family or if he has close relatives,” meaning the following circumstances: prolonged illness (more one month), disability, retirement age, remoteness of residence from a citizen in need of care, frequent and long business trips of close relatives and family members. Thus, the relevant documents can be extracts from the medical history, a certificate of disability, a certificate of the actual residence of relatives.

Step 2. Apply for social services in writing or electronically

To submit a written application, contact in person (or through a legal representative) at your place of residence to the Territorial Subdivision of the Social Security Administration of Moscow or to the Multifunctional Center for the Provision of Public Services. To submit an application electronically, use the Internet portal of state and municipal services.

In the application, indicate the form of social services and the desired providers of social services from the Register of Providers (clause 1 of the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 28, 2014 N 159n.

Attach the originals and photocopies of the collected documents to the application (see Step 1.). Your application is registered on the day you apply to the USZN.

Possible questions when submitting an application electronically:

  • If a citizen is already registered on the Portal of State and Municipal Services, then to submit an application, you need to enter the system under your SNILS and password, then open the link "Electronic services", then - "Ministry of Health and Social Development", then - "Social Protection Department" , then - "Reception of citizens' appeals", in the window that opens - click "Get a service", fill in all the fields and send an application. Within three working days following the day of submission of the application, the fact of receipt of the application by a response message to the applicant in electronic form is confirmed, indicating the list of necessary documents and the calendar date of his personal appeal to the Department of Social Protection of the Population, or informs about a reasoned refusal to accept the application.
  • If a citizen is NOT registered on the portal of public services, then the procedure is supplemented: for initial registration, the following documents are required: passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, insurance certificate of state pension insurance, certificate of registration with the tax authority of an individual at the place of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation, and so same mobile phone, Internet access and e-mail address. On the main page of the Portal, click the link "Login / Register", then - fill in the information about yourself, check the accuracy of the entered data, then - follow the instructions, then - confirm your actions by clicking on the link specified in the email, or by entering the code sent via SMS to a mobile phone number. The final stage of registration is to confirm the identity of the citizen through the municipal activation centers (these are social protection bodies, employment centers and the MFC). In this case, you must appear in person and have an identity document with you.
  • Often, a citizen (his legal representative) has the opportunity to apply with an application for the provision of social services directly to the selected providers of social services, bypassing the social protection department / MFC.

Step 3. Wait for a decision on your application

The waiting period usually does not exceed 5 working days from the date of submission of the application for the provision of social services:
Within two days, the completeness and accuracy of the information provided is checked.
USZN no later than three working days from the date of registration of the application:

  • establishes the size of the average per capita income of a citizen for the purpose of providing social services;
  • organizes a survey of the material and social and living conditions of a citizen at his place of residence, based on the results of which an appropriate act of examination of the material and social and living conditions of residence is drawn up (clauses 2.8, 2.9 of the Procedure).

After checking the documents and drawing up the inspection report, the USZN makes one of the following decisions no later than two working days:

  • on the recognition of a citizen in need of social services (see Article 15 of the Federal Law No. 442);
  • on the refusal of social services (clauses 2.11, 2.12 of the Procedure).

Decisions regarding the semi-stationary form of social services and regarding the form of social services at home are made by the USZN, and regarding the stationary form of social services - by the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow (clauses 2.13, 2.14 of the Procedure).

The decision on recognizing a citizen in need of social services indicates (clause 2.17 of the Procedure):

  1. the form of social services and the timing of the provision of social services;
  2. rules for the provision of social services free of charge, for a fee or partial payment;
  3. information about the legal representative (if necessary).

The citizen is notified of the decision taken no later than two working days from the date of the said decision in a way that provides confirmation of receipt of such a notification with a copy of the decision attached (clause 2.20 of the Procedure).

Possible questions when implementing Step 3:

  • In the event that a citizen was denied the provision of social services, there could be the following reasons:
    the presence of medical contraindications to social services (alcoholism, quarantine infectious diseases, severe mental disorders, active tuberculosis, venereal and other infectious diseases requiring inpatient treatment);
    non-compliance of the documents submitted by the citizen or his legal representative with the requirements (including the filing of an application on behalf of the applicant by an unauthorized person);
    non-submission by a citizen of documents (or submission not in full);
    submission by a citizen of knowingly false information and documents that do not meet the requirements of the current legislation in form or content;
    Absence of grounds for recognizing a citizen in need of social services in the form of social services specified in the application for the provision of social services;
    The absence of circumstances that objectively prevent family members or close relatives of a citizen from fulfilling their duties of caring for a citizen who is not capable of self-service, when a citizen lives in a family or has close relatives.
  • If the refusal is related to the inability to provide a specific form of social service or the provision of an incomplete (invalid) set of documents, then the citizen is explained the possibility of submitting a new application indicating another form of social service or additional registration of documents (clauses 2.15, 2.16 of the Procedure).
    ё separate types of payments from the number of payments (specified in clause 5 of the Rules) are not contained.

Step 4. Obtaining an individual program for the provision of social services

If a citizen is recognized as needing social services, the next stage begins. The individual program for the provision of social services (IPPSU) according to the approved form is drawn up no later than 10 working days from the date of submission of the application. The form of an individual program for the provision of social services, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 874n of November 10, 2014.

An individual program is a document that provides for the form of social services, the composition, volume, frequency, conditions, terms for the provision of social services and measures for social support (clause 3.2 of the Procedure). An individual program is drawn up based on the needs of a citizen for social services. Social services are divided into the following categories: social, social, medical, social and psychological, social and labor, social and legal, services in order to increase the communicative potential of recipients of social services with disabilities, urgent social services. It also displays contact information for recommended social service providers.

A citizen has the right to participate in the preparation of the IHCP.

The individual program is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains in the base of the USZN, and one is given to the recipient of social services. IPPSU is subject to revision in accordance with changes in the needs of a citizen in social services, but at least once every three years (clauses 3.3, 3.4 of the Procedure).

* Note: urgent social services are provided without an individual program.

Possible questions when implementing Step 4:

  • A citizen, in order to provide him with social services, has the right to apply for the provision of social services to any provider - both an organization providing social services and an individual entrepreneur providing social services. A citizen is not obliged to apply only to those providers of social services that were listed in his IPPS (the specified list of providers is advisory in nature for a citizen)
    * If a citizen has changed his place of residence, moved to another region, in this case, in accordance with the current legislation, the individual program drawn up at the previous place of residence remains valid in the scope of the list of social services established in the subject of the Russian Federation at the new place of residence. At the same time, a new individual program is being drawn up for a citizen in the region at a new place of residence.
  • A citizen or his legal representative has the right to refuse social services, social services, several of the social services included in the individual program. Refusal is made in writing and entered into the individual program.
  • If a citizen at a certain moment needs a social service that is not included in the IPPSU, in this case he has the opportunity to use this service on a partial or full payment basis.
  • The term for the implementation of the IPPSU cannot be unlimited, since according to the current legislation, the approved IPPSU is subject to mandatory revision at least once every 3 years.

Step 5. Choosing a social service provider, concluding a contract

Select a provider yourself from the proposed Register of Social Service Providers in Moscow and contact him (personally or through a legal representative) with a copy of the decision on recognizing a citizen in need of social services and IPPSU (clause 4.1 of the Procedure).

Important! A citizen must contact a social service provider to conclude an agreement no later than 180 calendar days from the date of the decision and no later than the expiration of half of the term for the provision of social services, which is specified in the decision and the individual program (clause 4.2 of the Procedure).

The contract is concluded within a period not later than one working day following the day of the citizen's appeal to the provider of social services with a copy of the decision and an individual program (clause 5.2 of the Procedure).

The contract must contain mandatory terms of payment for the services provided, suspension of social services, termination of the provision of social services (clause 5.3 of the Procedure).

* Note: urgent social services are provided without drawing up a contract and within the time frame determined by the need of the citizen.

Possible questions when implementing Step 5:

  • A citizen, in order to provide him with social services, has the right to apply for the provision of social services to any provider - both an organization providing social services (as a rule, these are comprehensive social service centers) and an individual entrepreneur providing social services. A citizen is not obliged to apply only to those providers of social services that were listed in his IPPS (the specified list of providers is advisory in nature for a citizen)
  • A citizen may receive a refusal from a provider to receive social services of a stationary form of service due to the presence of medical contraindications specified in the conclusion of a medical facility.
  • In accordance with the current legislation, if necessary, the terms of the contract between the provider of social services and the citizen (his legal representative) may be revised with the consent of the parties.
  • Before the conclusion of the contract, the citizen has the right to receive emergency assistance from the supplier, if circumstances so require. The basis for the provision of urgent social services is the application of a citizen (his legal representative), as well as the receipt from medical, educational or other organizations that are not part of the social service system, information about a citizen in need of the provision of urgent social services.

Urgent social services include:

  1. providing free hot meals or food sets;
  2. provision of clothing, footwear and other essentials;
  3. assistance in obtaining temporary accommodation;
  4. assistance in obtaining legal assistance in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of recipients of social services;
  5. assistance in obtaining emergency psychological assistance with the involvement of psychologists and clergymen in this work;
  6. other urgent social services.
  • In the event that a citizen requires a social service that is not provided for by the content of the IPPSU and the terms of the contract, he has the right to use it on a paid basis.
  • A citizen does not have the right to demand from a provider of social services for a loan or to third parties (relatives, neighbors, etc.)
  • In the case of the provision of social services to a child / minor, at the conclusion of the contract, the recipient of social services cannot also be the parents or the whole family, but only the person in respect of whom this contract was drawn up. At the same time, if not only the child is recognized as needy, but, for example, the whole family, then in this case the IHPSU and the contract are drawn up separately for each family member.

Step 6. Payment for social services, execution of the contract

The provision of social services to citizens is carried out free of charge, for partial or full payment (clause 6.1 of the Procedure).

The amount of the monthly payment for the provision of social services and the procedure for its collection are established by the agreement (clause 6.6 of the Procedure). The calculation of the monthly payment for social services depends on the level of the per capita income of the recipient of the services.

Services are provided free of charge to the categories of citizens specified in part 1 of Article 31 of Federal Law No. 442-FZ, namely: 1. Minors 2. Persons who have suffered as a result of emergencies, armed conflicts 3. Persons whose income is less than or equal to the average per capita income in the region (living wage).

The services that can be provided free of charge include social services included in the Territorial List of State-Guaranteed Social Services. Additional social services that are not included in the specified list are provided on a full payment basis in accordance with the approved tariffs.

If a disabled person or an elderly citizen (women over 55, men over 60) lives with children / relatives of working age, social services are provided for a fee.

The payment for the provision of social services can be changed on the grounds specified in the Federal Law No. 442 (clause 7.1 of the Procedure).

Possible questions when implementing Step 6:

  • When calculating the average per capita income, pensions, allowances, scholarships and other similar payments are taken into account (monthly cash payments, one-time cash payments, compensatory payments, various types of subsidies, material assistance, additional payments to pensions and other types of payments received by citizens in connection with the presence of a certain social status) received by a citizen in cash in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation or received from a foreign organization in connection with the activities of its separate subdivision in the Russian Federation.
  • The social service provider unilaterally has the right to change the amount of the monthly fee only in the following cases:
  1. changes in tariffs for social services approved by regulatory legal acts;
  2. changes in the size of the living wage;
  3. changes in the size of the income of a citizen receiving social services.
  • The provider must notify the recipient of social services in writing of any changes. In case of disagreement with the new terms of payment for social services, the citizen has the right to refuse further execution of the contract.
  • In the event of an unjustified refusal of the provider to provide social services, the citizen has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally or to apply to the court for the protection of his rights.
  • In case of detection of improper performance of the social service, the citizen has the right to demand the gratuitous elimination of the admitted deficiencies in the service or a corresponding reduction in the price of the service provided. If the shortcomings of the service provided have not been eliminated in time, the citizen (his legal representative) has the right to terminate the contract ahead of schedule and demand compensation for damages in accordance with the current legislation.
  • Social services at home can be provided temporarily, for up to 6 months, or permanently.
  • If a citizen does not fulfill the terms of the agreement on payment for the services received (or other conditions stipulated by the form of the agreement), the social service provider has the right to suspend the agreement until the debt is paid, or to terminate the agreement unilaterally.
  • Refusal of a citizen (his legal representative) from social services / social services relieves the authorized body and social service providers from responsibility for the provision of social services, social services.


activities for social support, the provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations. S.o. is based on the following principles: a) targeting;

b) availability; c) voluntariness: d) humanity; e) the priority of providing social services to minors. in difficult life situations: e) confidentiality;

g) preventive focus. S.o. includes a set of social services (care, catering, assistance in obtaining medical, legal, socio-psychological and natural types of assistance, assistance in vocational training, employment, organizing leisure activities, assistance in organizing funeral services, etc.), which are provided to citizens at home or in S.o. regardless of the form of ownership.

The federal list of state-guaranteed social services is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation and is reviewed annually; however, a reduction in their volume is not allowed. On its basis, a territorial list is established, approved by the body

executive power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

One of the main directions of S.O. in RF - S.O. elderly citizens and disabled people. The main act regulating S.o. these categories of the population is the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of August 2, 1995, No. 122-FZ "On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people."

S.o. elderly citizens and disabled persons is carried out in the form of:

a) S.o. at home, including social and medical services; b) semi-stationary S.o. in the departments of day (night) stay of S. o establishments;

c) stationary S.O. in stationary institutions S.O .; d) urgent S.o .; e) social consulting assistance.

Elderly citizens (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old) and people with disabilities (including disabled children) who need in permanent or temporary outside help due to partial or complete loss of the ability to independently satisfy their basic life needs due to the limitation of the ability to self-service and (or) movement.

I. I. Shcherbakov

Encyclopedia of the Lawyer. 2005 .

See what "SOCIAL SERVICE" is in other dictionaries:

    The provision of social services by society to the categories of the population in need of them. See also: Social Protection of the Population Financial Dictionary Finam ... Financial vocabulary

    - (social services) Part of the social security system that requires direct contact with the recipient, and not just payments in cash. The minimum level of human consumption can be achieved through cash payments to those who ... Economic Dictionary

    Legal Dictionary

    Social service Official terminology

    Social service- represents the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social welfare, social medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation ... ... Dictionary of Legal Concepts

    Social service- (English social service) in the Russian Federation, the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social welfare, social medical, psychological pedagogical, social legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and ... ... Encyclopedia of Law

    SOCIAL SERVICE Legal encyclopedia

    social service- 2.1.1 social services: The activities of social services aimed at the provision of social services, the implementation of social rehabilitation and adaptation of citizens in difficult life situations. Source: GOST R 52495 2005: ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    The activities of social services for social support, the provision of social welfare, social medical, psychological and pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    social service- according to the definition of the Federal Law On the Basics of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation dated November 15, 1995, the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social welfare, social medical, psychological pedagogical, ... ... Big Law Dictionary


  • Social services for the population: values, theory, practice. Textbook for university students. UMO stamp of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
  • Social services for the population. Values, theory, practice. Textbook for university students, Topchy Leonid Vasilievich. The paper analyzes the topical issues of the formation and development of the system of social services for the population in the Russian Federation. As objects and subjects of social services ...

Social services are part of the social protection system for the population.

Social services are social activities aimed at meeting the social needs of various categories of the population.

It is the process of providing social services to the population.

The Federal Law "On the Basics of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation" in Article 1 emphasizes that "social services are the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations. "

The Law reveals the main content of the types of social services: material assistance, social services at home, in stationary conditions, social patronage of citizens, etc.

The Federal Law "On social services for elderly and disabled citizens" stipulates that "social services are activities to meet the needs of these citizens in social services."

The Federal Law "On the Basics of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation" states that "social services are enterprises and institutions, regardless of ownership, providing social services, as well as citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities in social services to the population without forming a legal entity."

Two groups of functions of the social service system are recognized:

1. Essential-active functions (preventive, social-rehabilitation, adaptation, security-protective, social patronage).

2. Moral and humanistic functions (personal and humanistic, social and humanistic).

So, social services for the population include types, types, methods, organizational forms, procedures, technologies, subjects and objects of social services, the result of the provision of social services.

The system of social services is developing in the Russian Federation, social services are provided by more than 12 thousand institutions - stationary, semi-stationary and non-stationary. Now there are more than a thousand inpatient institutions of various types: 406 boarding schools (boarding houses) for war and labor veterans, 442 neuropsychiatric boarding schools, 30 special boarding houses for people with antisocial behavior who have served a sentence for crimes, 151 boarding schools for the mentally retarded children, etc.

Various services are being created and developed: psychological and pedagogical assistance, social and psychological, psychological, medical and social, social and leisure, vocational guidance, rehabilitation, etc.

Along with the formation of a network of social service institutions, the tasks of professionalism and high morality arise as indispensable qualities of workers in social services. The development of a network of social service institutions meets certain difficulties: 1.

Weak legal framework. 2.

Limited financial resources. 3.

Lack of coordination of activities of ministries and departments in the field of social services. 4.

Lack of professional training of personnel.

The state and forecast of the development of the network

social service institutions for families and children

Name Report Assessment Forecast 1994 1997 1998 1999 2000 2005 Territorial Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors Center for Helping Children Left without Parental Care Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities Social Shelter for Children and Adolescents Center for Psychological and Pedagogical assistance to the population Center for emergency psychological assistance by phone Others


Note. The numerator is the number of institutions, the denominator is the number of employees.

We need clear state support for the development of the material and technical base of social service institutions, the construction of new types of institutions.

The condition for the effective operation of social service institutions is their legal support and the mechanism of legal regulation of social services.

Signs of legal support: 1.

Unified set of federal laws. 2.

Legal acts, including the norms of legal provision of social services. 3.

By-laws and regulations. 4.

Normative regulation of the activities of social services. 5.

Legal acts for the protection of customer rights. 6.

High level of legal awareness of the population and workers of social services, etc.

There is a need for legal regulation of the social service management system. In the Russian Federation, a collection of normative acts "Organization of social services for the population" has been prepared, collections of normative legal acts have been published for various categories of the population.

At the federal level, there are two main types of documents:

1. Laws as acts with supreme legal force (Constitution of Russia, Federal Laws).

2. By-laws (decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders, instructions of ministries and departments).

In modern Russia, the formation of a legal basis for social services for the population is taking place. First of all, this is the implementation of federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

A legal framework is being created for specialists of social services, which allows them to successfully solve the assigned tasks of social support for people who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Social services for the population are considered as: 1)

modern paradigm of social work; 2)

highly effective social technology that allows to provide effective social support to citizens in a difficult socio-economic situation that objectively disrupts the life of a person or a social group; 3)

a fundamentally important sector of the social sphere.

The possibility of providing social services to the population in the conditions of modern Russia becomes real and tangible as the network of territorial social services is organized and developed and the teams of social workers are quickly formed.

Not all countries in the world have the same understanding of social services. Often, this term has different meanings. For example, in Finland, the Social Services Act refers to social services as “a set of social services, livelihood support, social benefits and related activities that are designed to strengthen social security and contribute to the development of an individual, family, community” 1 ...

In R. Barker's Dictionary of Social Work, social services are interpreted as the provision of specific social services to meet the needs necessary for their normal development to people who depend on others and who cannot take care of themselves ”2.

In modern domestic literature there is no sufficiently deep substantiation of the structure and functions of territorial complexes of social services.

Social services for the population as a system is characterized not just by the sum of institutions with the dynamics of their development in certain territories of the Russian Federation, but by a set of such components as: a certain order of interaction between bodies and institutions of social services, interdepartmental interconnection, consistent and reasonable actions of all institutions aimed at supporting various segments of the population; financial, economic and material and technical support for the activities of institutions that provide social services to the population; multilevel scientific, methodological and personnel support for the activities of territorial social services; the degree of formation of the regulatory and legal field that creates the necessary conditions for the formation and development of social services; correlation of efforts aimed at the development of social services, and the results of social services, expressed primarily in the degree of satisfaction of clients of social services, the effectiveness of social services.

A new understanding of the essence of social services for the population was introduced by the federal laws "On the fundamentals of social services for the population in the Russian Federation" and "On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people", adopted in 1995.

In the Federal Law "On the Basics of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation" in Art. 1 emphasizes that "social services are the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social, social, medical, psychological and pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations" ... An important role is played by the articles of the Law, which disclose the main content of the types of social services - material assistance, social services at home, social services in inpatient conditions, provision of temporary shelter, organization of day stays in social service institutions, counseling assistance, social patronage of citizens and families, and dr.

The federal law "On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people" significantly supplements and concretizes our ideas about social services for certain social groups in our society. It is intended to regulate relations in the field of social services for elderly and disabled citizens, which is one of the areas of social protection of the population. At the same time, the Law defines its subject as follows: "Social services are activities to meet the needs of these citizens in social services." Social services include a set of social services that are provided to elderly citizens and people with disabilities at home and in social service institutions, regardless of ownership.

Social services are based on the following principles: targeting, accessibility, voluntariness, humanity, priority of providing social services to minors, the elderly and disabled people in difficult life situations; confidentiality; preventive focus; observance of human and civil rights; continuity of all types of social services.

Social services are social activities carried out primarily through a network of social services that interact with each other to provide social services to clients.

Therefore, from a methodological point of view, it is of cognitive and practical interest to understand the essence of such a concept as "social services". There are, on the one hand, family services, social and medical assistance services, psychological assistance services, social security services, legal aid services, education services, environmental services, employment services, social services for helping children and youth, on the other, territorial social services ( interdepartmental), municipal, etc.

In the Federal Law "On the Basics of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation" the concept of "social service" is included in the number of basic ones. "Social services are enterprises and institutions, regardless of their form of ownership, providing social services, as well as citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities in social services to the population without forming a legal entity."

The essence of social services as a social system is revealed by identifying and understanding: the structure of types, forms and methods of social services; the structure of social services and individual institutions of social services to the population; subsystems and elements of the system of territorial and departmental social services (state, municipal, public, church, private and others); social service organizations (institutions and enterprises); social service management; resource provision of social services (property, financial, personnel, scientific and methodological, informational).

Social service of the population: concept, participants of social service. Forms and types of social services

Social services in the law of social security is an independent legal institution, has its own separate set of legal norms governing public relations for the provision of social services to various categories of citizens who are in a difficult life situation and need to provide such services.

In the scientific literature, when defining the concept of social service, it is considered in two interrelated aspects: on the one hand, as an economic category, and on the other, as a legal category.

Economic science proceeds, first of all, from the fact that the services rendered in the process of social services are a kind of consumer value and therefore cannot but have a definite impact on the well-being of people.

A service is a kind of expedient activity, the useful result of which is manifested during labor and is associated with the satisfaction of any need. Services are divided into two types, which correspond to the areas of production activity. Distinguish between material services (freight transport, communications for the maintenance of production, trade, housing and public services, etc.) and intangible services (they are provided by education, health care, scientific services, art, social services, loans, insurance, etc.).

In R. Barker's Dictionary of Social Work, social services are defined as "the provision of specific social services to people to meet the needs necessary for their normal development, to people who depend on others (those who cannot take care of themselves)."

In the Federal Law "On the Basics of Social Services in the Russian Federation" social services are defined as the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social, social, medical, psychological and pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in a difficult life situation. The concept of "social services" is also disclosed, which are actions to provide assistance to a client of a social service, i.e. a citizen in a difficult life situation.

Social services are characterized by the provision of social services in kind (in kind). So, an elderly citizen who has completely or partially lost the ability to self-service needs, first of all, the provision of services to ensure his life (food, care, cleaning of living quarters, washing clothes, etc.), the provision of which he cannot organize without outside help. In addition, a distinctive feature of a social service is that the actions for its provision are aimed not only at overcoming a difficult life situation, but also at its forecasting and prevention.

Thus, social service- these are actions aimed at meeting the needs of citizens and (or) families, performed in their interests in order to help solve problems arising in connection with a difficult life situation, as well as to predict and prevent it.

The subjects of legal relations in social services are, on the one hand, authorized bodies of state power of the Russian Federation, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other authorized organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the field of social services for the population without education of a legal entity providing social services, on the other hand, a client of a social service is a citizen (family) in a difficult life situation, who are therefore provided with social services. At the same time, foreign citizens, stateless persons, including refugees, have the right to enjoy the same rights in the field of social services as citizens of the Russian Federation.

The basis for the provision of social services is the onset of specific life circumstances (legal facts), which are defined in the legislative acts on social services as a difficult life situation.

A difficult life situation is a circumstance (set of circumstances) that objectively disrupts the vital activity of a citizen (family), which (or the consequences of which) he (she) cannot overcome on his own.

In the literature, the concept of "life situations" includes a set of events significant for a person and related needs, values ​​and ideas that affect his behavior and worldview in a particular period of life. The following life situations are shared: normal (established) and problem (difficult). Difficult situations are called situations when there is a violation of the order of the flow of a person's life, and he cannot solve this or that problem without someone's help. The onset of such a situation is characterized by the following features: violation of current social activities; uncertainty in the course of events; the emergence of a new system of requirements for the subject; the occurrence of stressful conditions in a person.

The grounds when a citizen (family) can be recognized as being in a difficult life situation are: partial or complete loss of the ability for self-service and / or movement due to old age (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old), illness and / or disability; orphanhood, neglect and homelessness of minors; family problems (conflicts, abuse in the family, asocial behavior of children and / or parents), the presence of HIV-infected family members, family members with persistent drug or alcohol addiction; the presence in the family of people with disabilities and / or children with disabilities; recognition of a citizen (family) as poor (poor) in the prescribed manner; lack of a certain place of residence and certain occupations, including in connection with the release from places of imprisonment; damage as a result of emergency situations, armed and interethnic conflicts, illegal actions of other persons; the consequences of an occupational injury and occupational disease; loss of a breadwinner; forced change of the country of permanent residence; the period of pregnancy and feeding of the child; persistent mental dependence; the consequences of violence or life-threatening situations and other circumstances.

Indeed, not always in these cases, for objective reasons, a citizen can independently, without outside help, overcome difficult life situations, which leads to the need for government intervention in order to assist in overcoming them. For example, the loss of a breadwinner cannot be compensated by the appointment of a survivor pension to a citizen. As a rule, the loss of a loved one is associated with moral suffering that a citizen cannot overcome without providing him with psychological services. The damage inflicted on a citizen as a result of emergency situations, armed and interethnic conflicts leads to the need to provide urgent social services for organizing food for the victims, providing clothing, and basic necessities.

Based on the definition of a difficult life situation, it follows that both individuals and families can be clients of the social service.

The following categories of citizens needing the provision of social services should be distinguished:

1) disabled people (including disabled children);

2) elderly citizens (men over 60 years old, women over 55 years old) who find themselves in a difficult life situation;

3) orphans, children left without parental care, neglected and homeless children, minors in a socially dangerous situation, children who have been abused in the family (mental or physical violence);

4) low-income people;

5) citizens of no fixed place of residence and occupation;

6) women who have been subjected to mental or physical violence;

7) citizens who find themselves in an extreme situation (victims of natural disasters, catastrophes, victims of armed and interethnic conflicts, refugees and internally displaced persons, etc.);

Families in need of social services include:

1) those in a socially dangerous situation (families with children in a socially dangerous situation, as well as families where parents or other legal representatives of minors do not fulfill their responsibilities for their upbringing, education and (or) maintenance and (or) negatively affect their behavior or mistreatment);

2) having in their composition orphans and children left without parental care;

3) low-income people;

4) consisting of only pensioners (families, which include the elderly and disabled, single married couples, etc.);

5) those who find themselves in an extreme situation (victims of natural disasters, refugees and internally displaced persons, etc.);

6) including children with disabilities;

7) having children with disabilities in mental, physical and mental development;

The state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are empowered in the field of social services to create special services and manage the state system of social services, as well as directly carry out activities in the field of social services. Thus, the disabled are provided with guarantees of employment by federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation through special events that contribute to increasing their competitiveness in the labor market; educational authorities, social protection of the population and health authorities ensure the upbringing and education of disabled children, education for disabled people in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for the disabled.

Social services are carried out by enterprises that provide social services to the population and social service institutions, regardless of the form of ownership, which include:

1) comprehensive centers of social services for the population;

2) territorial centers of social assistance to families and children;

3) social service centers;

4) social rehabilitation centers for minors;

5) centers for helping children left without parental care;

6) social shelters for children and adolescents;

7) centers of psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population;

8) centers for emergency psychological assistance by telephone;

9) centers (departments) of social assistance at home;

10) overnight houses;

11) special homes for lonely elderly people;

12) inpatient institutions of social services (boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, psycho-neurological boarding schools, orphanages for mentally retarded children, boarding homes for children with physical disabilities);

13) gerontological centers;

14) other institutions providing social services.

Thus, social services for the population - activities carried out by authorized bodies of state power of the Russian Federation, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other authorized organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, by citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the field of social services to the population without forming a legal entity, but providing social services to citizens Of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, and (or) families in need of the provision of social services to overcome a difficult life situation.

Types and functions of social services

The following types of social services are provided:

1) material assistance in the form of cash, food, sanitation and hygiene, clothing and footwear, other essentials, fuel, special vehicles, technical means for the rehabilitation of disabled people and persons in need of outside care;

2) social services at home are aimed at the maximum possible extension of the stay of elderly citizens and disabled people in their usual social environment in order to maintain their social status, as well as to protect their legal rights and interests. Home-based guaranteed services provided by the federal list include: home delivery of groceries; purchase of medicines, food and industrial essential goods; assistance in obtaining medical care, including escort to a medical institution; room cleaning; assistance in organizing legal services; assistance in organizing funeral services; other home-based services (for example, assistance in providing fuel). Home health care is received by mentally ill people in remission, patients with tuberculosis (except for active tuberculosis), cancer patients.

Children with disabilities who, for health reasons, cannot attend general education institutions, are provided with home education. The Ministry of Health approves the List of Diseases, in the presence of which a disabled child has the right to receive education at home. Children with disabilities are enrolled in an educational institution at their place of residence, receive free educational, reference and other literature, are visited by teaching staff, undergo certification and receive a state-recognized document on the relevant education.

3) semi-stationary social services are provided by day (night) departments at municipal social service centers or social protection agencies;

4) inpatient social services are aimed at providing comprehensive social assistance to persons in need of constant outside care and supervision for health reasons.

An important place in the system of social services belongs to the territorial centers of social services for the population. Territorial social service is a set of governing bodies and specialized institutions that provide direct social services to various groups and categories of the population on the territory of the administrative units of the Russian Federation: in regions, urban and rural areas, microdistricts. The functions of managing social services for the population in the subordinate territory are carried out by the bodies of social protection of the population. Local authorities (as well as non-governmental, public, private and other organizations with a license) create social service centers. In accordance with the approximate Regulation on the Center for Social Services (order of the Ministry of Social Protection of Russia No. 137 of 20.07.1993). The social service center is an institution for social protection of the population, which organizes and practices in the territory of a city or region, district to provide various types of social assistance to elderly citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-service and need constant outside care and support.

The main functions of social services for the population are as follows.

The function of social assistance includes: - identification, registration of families and individuals who are most in need of social support, provision of material assistance, provision of temporary housing to citizens in need; - prevention of poverty - creation of conditions for families to independently ensure their well-being, family entrepreneurship; - home-based services to families and lonely.

The consulting function involves consulting specialists: lawyers, teachers, doctors, psychologists, etc.

Through the function of social correction and rehabilitation, social, medical and psychological rehabilitation of minors with deviant behavior, neglected children and orphans is carried out.

The function of informing the population, studying and predicting social needs: means providing the client with the information necessary to resolve a difficult life situation, disseminating medical, psychological, pedagogical and other knowledge, studying the needs of their clients, their problems, developing and implementing specific measures.

In the event of natural disasters and social conflicts, social workers participate in the development of emergency programs, the formation of teams ready to come, if necessary, to the area of ​​disaster or conflict.

Social services included in the federal and territorial lists are provided to citizens free of charge, or on a partial payment basis. The regulation on the procedure and terms of payment for social services provided to elderly citizens and disabled people by state and municipal social service institutions was approved by the RF Government Decree of April 15, 1996 No. 473 (SZ RF, 1996, No. 17, Art. 2002). The following groups of the population use the services free of charge:

a) single elderly citizens (single married couples) and people with disabilities who receive a pension with allowances below the regional subsistence level;

b) elderly citizens and disabled people whose relatives, for objective reasons, cannot provide them with assistance and care, if the amount of the received pension, together with allowances, is lower than the regional subsistence minimum;

c) elderly citizens and disabled people living in families with an average per capita income below the regional subsistence minimum.

If the size of the pension, together with the allowances of the above citizens, exceeds the regional subsistence minimum, then the amount of partial payment for social services:

a) at home should not exceed 25% of the difference between the received pension and the regional cost of living;

b) in semi-stationary conditions - 50% of the difference between the received pension and the regional cost of living;

c) in stationary conditions - the amount of excess of the due pension over the regional subsistence minimum.

If the amount of the pension, taking into account the allowances, is 150% higher than the regional subsistence level, then social services are provided on a full payment basis.

The cost of services is determined based on the tariffs set for a specific region. The cost does not include the cost of providing medical care in the amount of the basic program of compulsory health insurance, getting an education within the state educational standards.

Additional grounds on which social services are provided free of charge are determined by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Services provided on a commercial basis are fully refundable.

Payment for additional social services (in excess of the guaranteed list) can be made at the expense of funds received from the sale or other alienation of property, including residential premises, securities, etc. alienated residential premises or providing it with other residential premises, as well as the right to material security in the form of food, care, necessary assistance; obtaining written consent from local social service authorities to complete the transaction.

The most important sign of the formation of the system of social services for the population is its dynamically developing infrastructure. In the Russian Federation, social services are provided by more than 6.5 thousand independent institutions and enterprises for social services of various categories of citizens, as well as more than 18 thousand structural units and services that are part of social protection bodies or social service institutions and are involved in the provision of home-based, urgent social and other services.

It is important to emphasize that social services are very closely related to the living conditions of people. It is extremely important to comply with the standards of these services if the basic everyday needs of a person are not met: the provision of water, food, shelter and clothing, the ability to use energy sources and transport, ensuring a safe existence and health care.

Therefore, it is obvious that when developing social services, it is necessary to include a provision on the obligation of the social service to coordinate its activities with other services in order to first of all satisfy the basic needs of the person.

Task number 2

Describe the main stages of working with letters of citizens

All written requests are accepted centrally in one place. After checking the correctness of delivery, the letters are opened, while the envelopes are not destroyed, since the stamp on it can be evidence of the date of receipt of the document. In addition, the address of the author of the appeal, which is to be answered, is often written only on the envelope. Therefore, the envelope is kept together with the document until the end of the solution of the issue and will be filed into the file.

On the document itself, in the lower right corner, the registration stamp of the institution that received the appeal is affixed, which contains the date of its receipt and the start of work with it in this institution. Sometimes it may not coincide with the date on the envelope, since the latter is affixed by the post office, which does not always deliver the letter to the addressee on the same day. Therefore, it is from the date indicated in the registration stamp that the period for the execution of the appeal begins. In addition to the date, the registration stamp also indicates the registration index of the proposal, application, complaint, which consists of the initial letter of the author's surname and the serial number of the received appeal.

Applications can be accompanied by various reference materials in originals or copies. They must be fastened together with the appeal so that they do not get confused in the process of work. This concludes the first stage of working with appeals.

After the initial processing, all applications are submitted for registration, which is maintained in a single form in the manner prescribed by the standard regulation. Registration of this category of documents, in addition to the general registration tasks - accounting, control and reference work - is also legal evidence that they are accepted for consideration in this institution. It is recommended to register on cards or on a computer, and only in cases where an institution, enterprise or organization receives an insignificant number of documents from the population, it is possible to leave a journal registration form.

The essence of registration is an entry on the card of the main search characteristics of the document and information about the applicant. The number of copies of the registration and control cards to be filled out is determined based on the needs of the organization of control over the execution and reference work on appeals. Most often, these are 2-3 copies: the 1st one is for the control card index, the 2nd one is for the reference card index, the third one is sent along with the document to the contractor. However, before proceeding with the registration, it is determined by the alphabetical card index or the alphabet book, whether this appeal is repeated.

An appeal is deemed to be repeated if it has been received from the same person on the same issue if the period for their consideration established by the legislation has expired since the time the first proposal, application or complaint was submitted, or the applicant was not satisfied with the response from the first appeal.

The repeated application during the initial processing receives the next registration index, since the gross accounting of all incoming documents is kept. However, in the registration card, when registering a repeated appeal, all the signs of the first document are indicated, that is, its number and date. On the very repeated reference in the upper right corner and on its registration and control card, a mark “repeated” is made by hand or with a special stamp.

The model provision also provides for such a case when a citizen sent the same proposal, application or complaint simultaneously to several addressees, and they were ultimately redirected to one institution, organization or enterprise, which can resolve the issue on the merits. All these appeals, which ended up in one place, must be counted under one registration index of the first received document with the addition of a serial number. For example, B - 194 /, B-194/2, B-194/3, etc. The registered document is reported to the head or his deputy for making a decision.

The legislative and regulatory acts provide for the option when the received appeal does not at all belong to the competence of the institution, organization, enterprise that received it. In this case, the employee responsible for this category of documents must be sent for consideration to the competent authority or the applicant no later than within five days. In the response letter, an explanation is given where he should send his appeal.

If the appeal raises questions that require decisions from different competent authorities, the head of the organization who received the appeal considers the issue within his competence, and informs the relevant organizations about the content of other issues within the established time frame.

In all cases of sending documents to other organizations, applicants are notified of this within five days from the date of receipt of the document. In the event that the head immediately in the process of considering the document can solve the question raised in it, he reflects his decision in a resolution, which is essentially the answer. On its basis, a response letter to the applicant is drawn up.

If the question only requires clarification, the head in the resolution indicates the executor and the deadline for writing a response explanatory document. All instructions from the head on the procedure for reviewing the document and execution are transferred to the registration and control card. Each decision made upon the appeal of citizens, first of all, should be based on the requirements of specific laws, a comprehensive study of the circumstances and reasons that gave rise to criticism.

Most often, in order to make an informed decision on the appeal, it is necessary to collect the necessary information and reference material, send a request to places, demand an explanation from the perpetrators, send a document for verification to the subordinate authorities, organize a visit to the place of the responsible employee.

Persons whose participation may affect the objective resolution of the issues raised in the document should not be involved in the consideration of applications. The entire process of considering citizens' appeals is subject to mandatory control.

The deadlines for the execution of requests are determined depending on the complexity of the questions raised in them. It is established as the maximum monthly period for the resolution of complaints, applications and proposals in all bodies. Applications and complaints that do not require additional study and verification are resolved immediately, but no later than 15 days from the date of receipt. In cases where it is necessary to conduct a special check and request additional materials in order to make decisions on a complaint or application, it is allowed, as an exception, to extend the deadlines for no more than one month with a notification about this to the person who submitted the application or complaint. To resolve the applications and complaints of servicemen and their family members, shorter periods were established: in the central authorities and administration up to 15 days, in local authorities, in enterprises and institutions - without delay, but no later than 7 days. The practice of work has confirmed the optimality of the established deadlines for working with citizens' documents. These deadlines continue to be adhered to today.

Control over the timely resolution of the documents under consideration is entrusted to the officials, who are obliged to ensure the timely, correct and complete consideration of applications and the execution of decisions taken on the basis of citizens' applications.

The standard provision specifies in a special paragraph that letters from citizens sent to state bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations, to various addressees, demanding to report the results of consideration of proposals, applications, complaints, are taken under special control. On all copies of registration and control cards and on proposals, statements and complaints, the stamp "CONTROL" or the control mark "K" is affixed. Proposals, statements and complaints of citizens, to which intermediate answers are given, are not removed from control.

Control over the execution is carried out according to the registration and control cards, which are put in the control card index according to the deadlines. A control card index based on citizens' appeals is organized and built in the same way as a control deadline card index based on other administrative documents.

All movement of the controlled document, its transfer from the performer to the performer is marked on the card indicating not only the surname of the performer, but also the date of transfer of the document to him. The appeal is removed from control only after the actual implementation of the decision made on it, about which a note is made in the control and registration card. The order to remove from control is given by the person who made the decision on this document.

A computer is successfully used to organize control over the execution of proposals, applications and complaints of citizens. The number of documents that can be controlled using a computer is practically unlimited. The speed of input and output of information into the computer provides for the receipt of operational data on the progress of the execution of documents before the expiration of the deadline, which makes it possible to carry out preventive, preventive control, to ensure the execution of documents on schedule. Reminders can be received at any programmed frequency, the computer, if necessary, can summarize and analyze for a certain period of time the work of individual performers and structural units for the execution of citizens' requests.

Data entry into the memory of the computer by reference is carried out from the keyboard. On the screen, you can rebuild the summaries of the progress of complaints and statements on various aspects and get the required number of copies on printing devices. The dialogue with the computer is conducted by an employee working with this category of documents. The automated system "ACS - application" contributes to ensuring high performance discipline, timely execution of citizens' requests.

There are standard programs for monitoring the timing of the execution of a document on personal electronic computers (PC) and standard programs for monitoring and reference work with citizens' appeals.

One of the important stages of work with citizens' appeals is the organization of information and reference work on them. Simultaneously with the placement of one copy of the registration on the control card in the deadline card index, another copy of the card is placed in the reference card index, built in alphabetical order of the names of the applicants. Using this card index, you can always give an answer to a request from a citizen or institution about the status of consideration of a candy appeal. It is much more convenient to conduct reference work with an automated system, which makes it possible to make inquiries on any document details.

The results of solving the issue raised in the appeal are communicated to the applicant. The answers must be comprehensive, in accordance with applicable law. If the specific implementation of the decision is entrusted to any other body, it is taken under control and the author of the appeal is informed about this, indicating the position of the person who is entrusted with control over the implementation of the decision. The decision taken by the solely competent official is communicated to the author of the appeal on behalf of the body to which the official is subordinate. The decision made by the collegial body is communicated to the author of the appeal with reference to the number and date of this decision, or in the form of an extract from the decision or minutes. Decisions on the refusal of positive satisfaction of the issues raised in the appeal are also communicated in writing. In this case, the refusal must be reasoned, the reasons and grounds for the refusal are indicated with reference to the current legislation and decisions of the competent authorities.

The secretary in charge of office work on citizens' appeals is obliged to systematically analyze this category of documents. Periodically (once a month or quarter), analytical reviews or statements are compiled, which reflect the issues on which the applications were submitted, their number on each issue, the number of positive and negative decisions. In addition, the certificates indicate; how many applications were resolved on time, how many were overdue and why. Such an analysis serves to identify the reasons giving rise to the violation of the rights and interests of citizens, to study public opinion, to improve the work of state bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations.

On each document after the final decision and execution, the inscription "GETS" is made and the personal signature of the official who made this decision is put.

In accordance with the requirements of the Standard Provisions, proposals, applications, complaints must be returned, after their resolution, to employees who conduct office work on applications with all materials related to them and a copy of the registration and control card for centralized formation of the case and file cabinet. The formation and storage of cases with executors is prohibited.

The employee who maintains the current storage of appeals forms them into cases, separately from the general correspondence. At the same time, along with the appeal, a copy of the answer and all documents related to this issue collected in the course of its consideration are filed, i.e. each appeal forms an independent group in the case. Within the case, these groups of documents on applications are usually arranged by the names of the applicants in alphabetical order. If the institution receives a large number of applications from citizens, then each case is opened according to one or several initial letters of the names of the applicants. For example, "Proposals, statements, complaints of citizens on the letter" A "," B "," C ", etc. If there are few requests, they can be grouped into one or two cases. Collective letters are concentrated in a separate case. Moreover, proposals, statements and complaints of citizens on the work of organizations are grouped separately from appeals on personal matters. social service population complaint

With a small number of calls, they can be arranged in cases and in chronological order. Additional materials that have appeared on the issue related to the appeal or repeated appeal are attached to the first group of materials. Only executed documents are grouped into cases. The cover of the case with proposals, statements and complaints of citizens is drawn up in the prescribed form.

Completed cases with proposals, applications and complaints of citizens are stored in institutions, organizations and enterprises for reference and other purposes. Responsibility for their safety, as well as for the safety of all documents, is borne by their leaders. The storage periods for this category of documents are indicated in the articles of the List of standard documents formed in the activities of state committees, ministries, departments and other institutions, organizations, enterprises, indicating the storage periods.

As can be seen from the listed articles of the list, ordinary references of a personal and secondary nature, which constitute the overwhelming majority of this category of documents, are stored for 5 years, but proposals that are interesting for history and have practical significance will be stored permanently. All cases with appeals that have a permanent storage period are transferred one year after the completion of office work on them to the archive of the institution, and then to the state archive.

Preparation of proposals, statements and complaints of citizens and submission to the archive includes: registration of cases, examination of the value of the document, drawing up inventories. Depending on the storage period, full or partial registration of cases is carried out. The processing of cases is the responsibility of a person, usually a secretary, who is responsible for working with proposals, applications and complaints from citizens.


1. Zimnukhova A.V. Social services for elderly citizens and disabled people // Social. Job. - 2009. - No. 1. - S. 39-41.

2. Nesterova G.F. Technologies of social work with elderly people and disabled people / G.F. Nesterova, S.S. Lebedeva, S.V. Vasiliev. - M.: Academy: Mosk. textbooks, 2011 .-- 320 p.

3. Fundamentals of social work with the elderly: study guide. manual for university students / M-vo education Ros. Federation, Magnitog. state un-t; [V.A. Vladimirtsev and others]. - Magnitogorsk: Magnitogorsk Publishing House. state University, 2001 .-- 69 p.

4. Pikalov I.M. Organization of social services and life of older people in a boarding house // Social service worker. - 2011. - No. 10. - S. 25-27.

5. Sokolova V.F. Theory and practice of rehabilitation of elderly citizens: textbook. allowance / V.F. Sokolova, E.A. Beretskaya; Grew up. acad. education, NOU VPO "Moscow Psychological and Social Institute". - M.: Flint: NOU VPO "MPSI", 2012. - 194 p.

6. Social adaptation and social rehabilitation of the elderly and disabled: an integrated approach: collection of articles. scientific. Art. / under total. ed. MM. Gladkova. - Balashov: Nikolaev, 2009 .-- 76 p.

7. Constitution of the Russian Federation;

8. Office work (Documentation management): textbook for universities. M.: UNITY-DANA, 2000.359 p;

9. Kuznetsova T.V., Mosyagina O.V., Ovchinnikova N.V. Organization and documentation of work with proposals, applications and complaints of citizens. Study guide. M.: RGGU, 1992.74 p;

10. Rybakov A.E. Clarifications on issues related to citizens' appeals // Secretary-assistant. - 2004. - No. 8 (35). - P.34-38.

A country's society is not considered prosperous if its citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations are not able to receive social protection and assistance. The development and financing of various types of social services is no less important in achieving the well-being of the country than the growth of the economic, scientific, health, educational and cultural fields.

In Russia, the list of social services for the disabled and the elderly is guaranteed by the 1995 Federal Law and was revised in 2004. But it should not be assumed that social support applies to services only for disabled citizens, namely: disabled people in need and pensioners. In modern legislation, the categories of people who have the right to social services have been significantly expanded. This means that the nature and form, the list of types of social services aimed at supporting the population in need has changed.

Main types

Social services as one of the most important factors of social protection of the population of the Russian Federation currently have nine main types, which should contribute to the practical solution of difficult situations in the life of society as a whole, individual families and individuals. Here is a list of the types of services:

  1. Stationary.
  2. Semi-stationary (day and night presence departments).
  3. Home-based service.
  4. Providing temporary shelter.
  5. Social rehabilitation.
  6. Urgent service.
  7. Material help.
  8. Social counseling.
  9. Social patronage.

It is necessary to consider in more detail what kind of assistance each of these types of services provides to clients of social centers, as well as which of the needy citizens has the right to use them.

Inpatient service

Stationary social types of social services mean the round-the-clock stay of citizens in need in institutions specially equipped for this purpose. Such institutions are intended for people who are fully or partially incapable of self-service and (or) movement, in need of outside care, household services, constant supervision, medical assistance, namely:

  • pensioners;
  • veterans;
  • disabled people (both adults and children);
  • citizens with physical or mental disabilities;
  • orphans and minors who find themselves in difficult life situations or deprived of guardianship.

Institutions of stationary types of social services differ in purpose; stay in them can be temporary or permanent. There is a general type of boarding school, where citizens of retirement age, disabled adults (first, second group), who are fully or partially incapable of self-service, are admitted.

For minors, institutions of a general type are provided, where orphans, children without permanent or temporary parental care or who find themselves in a difficult life situation for the child are sent.

Children's inpatient institutions can be specialized, intended for minors with physical disabilities, mental disorders, disabled people. Psychoneurological boarding schools for adults also belong to similar types of social service institutions.

Home Service

One of the forms of social support is implemented in relation to the disabled and pensioners, who are able to carry out at least the necessary self-service actions. When these people do not have an urgent need to move to permanent institutions, social services workers provide assistance to clients in their usual everyday environment, that is, at home.

The types of social services of this kind mean first-aid medical assistance, services of various household and hygienic nature, and food delivery.

At home, assistance is also provided to people who, according to the list of contraindications, cannot be placed in inpatient institutions, but depend on outside care.

Specialized regional centers are obliged to their clients:

  • provide timely medical assistance;
  • organize the delivery of food;
  • assist in the acquisition of medicines;
  • organize escort to medical institutions;
  • help maintain hygienic conditions;
  • assist in obtaining legal and legal services;
  • assist in the implementation of funeral services.

Semi-stationary service establishments

Semi-stationary social service refers to the forms and types of services that are also carried out in special institutions, but not constantly, but at a certain time of the day. This service applies to disabled people and retirees who are able to actively move around and take care of themselves, to children who are in difficult psychological, physical and material circumstances.

In these institutions, social service workers provide types of services to citizens in the following form:

  • provide hot meals, a sleeping place with clean bedding and other living conditions, as well as basic conditions for leisure;
  • help to get vouchers for sanatorium treatment, measures of medical and recreational and rehabilitation nature, to achieve prosthetics;
  • organize conditions for sanitary and hygienic actions;
  • provide the help of a psychologist;
  • assist in obtaining vocational training, education, employment;
  • help to get legal services;
  • provide assistance with funeral services.

Also in the Russian Federation there are semi-stationary night-stay facilities. They provide lodging, the necessary first aid, free one-time meals, hygiene products and other social services to citizens who do not have any definite employment and housing, as well as those who have recently been released from prison. Employees of social centers also help the latter to restore documents, social ties with relatives and rights to housing.

Temporary shelter establishments

Unlike semi-permanent establishments that work only at certain times of the day, social hotels, shelters and specialized adaptation centers provide clients of social services with a temporary round-the-clock shelter and some other types of services.

A temporary shelter is, first of all, necessary for children who find themselves homeless: orphans; children deprived of parental care; victims of domestic violence; find themselves in situations that are difficult for the child. A special program of social service principles is organized for these children.

For the types of social services for minors in temporary shelters, the range of services and activities is much wider than for adults. In addition to comfortable housing, food, medical care, hygienic conditions and organized leisure activities, children receive assistance from teachers, teachers, psychologists, legal and legal representatives. Such shelters act as centers for social rehabilitation for children. They help to arrange the future fate of minors, thereby preventing child homelessness.

Also, a temporary shelter with food, good housing and living conditions is provided to disabled people, pensioners who are able to move around and at least partially serve themselves.

These types of social services are used by people who need supervision, but are temporarily deprived of the care of their relatives because of the illness of the guardians, their leave on vacation, business trips and other reasons for absence.

Temporary shelters can be used by people who have become victims of violence, natural disasters, military conflicts, homeless people and other citizens.

Material help

Speaking about the types of social services, the population receives them mainly in the form of long-term services. Material assistance is of a short-term or one-time nature and is provided to poor and needy citizens who find themselves in a difficult situation, such as, for example, the consequences of a natural or social disaster.

Material support can be expressed in the form of money, as well as items of clothing, footwear, warm and children's clothes, hygiene, transport and technical means, fuel and others.

Urgent social services

This is a one-time assistance that citizens receive in specialized social service departments. The forms and types of urgent support are used, first of all, by the disabled and the elderly. A much smaller percentage is made up of single citizens, large and single-parent families, unemployed, homeless, fire victims, refugees and other people.

Anyone in need who has a difficult life situation can count on urgent one-time assistance. To do this, you need to submit an application to the department of the CSO and attach a document that confirms the minimum income or gives the right to receive social assistance.

Emergency departments can, on a one-time basis, provide clothes, warm clothes, items that are necessary in the first place, grocery rations or hot food, provide elementary or organize emergency medical care, assist in employment, legal and other consultations.

Cash assistance in urgent social support departments is provided when small amounts are needed by citizens, for example, to obtain or restore documents and other similar actions.

Social counseling

No less than material, in the work of social centers, advisory support to clients is important, which consists in the following types of assistance:

  • informational;
  • psychological;
  • pedagogical;
  • legal.

Contact information (in direct communication with a specialist), as well as written and remote (by phone) consulting assistance is provided in almost every institution of social services.

In addition, information and psychological support can be obtained through one of the 300 hotlines operating in the country. And this practice continues to spread.

Who is using social service advisory activities and why? People with disabilities and retirees who find it difficult to adapt to certain changes and their living conditions. The work of social counseling centers is to identify among this category of people those who need psychological support, legal counseling, work in the family in order to reduce social tension, to ensure correct contact and favorable relations of the individual with his family and society.

People with disabilities can receive the most complete information regarding education, vocational training and employment. Pensioners are more likely to ask for help with paperwork and advice on retirement benefits and benefits, judicial protection of their rights and other issues.

Social counseling support also covers other categories of citizens in need: large families, single-parent and disadvantaged families, women, children, the unemployed and homeless.

Rehabilitation services

Social rehabilitation is a complex process of medical, psychological, labor and professional measures aimed at:

  • restoration and preservation of health;
  • support for social adaptation, the most fulfilling human life in society and family;
  • assistance in arranging the most favorable living conditions.

The clients of social rehabilitation services are people with disabilities, people with disabilities, pensioners who have suffered serious illnesses, juvenile delinquents, women and children who have been subjected to violence, and citizens who have found themselves in difficult situations.

For the disabled, such rehabilitation helps such people restore their social status, achieve material independence, and adapt in the family and society.

To achieve this goal, there is a special focus on the types of social services in rehabilitation departments. People with disabilities are helped to find a job, receive vocational training, if required, assist in providing mobile and transport vehicles, and provide assistance in prosthetics.

Social patronage

Of all types of services for the population, social patronage is aimed at monitoring special families and minors who require constant and long-term monitoring by social services, assistance in the necessary material, economic, household, medical and preventive care, as well as the participation of teachers, psychologists and representatives of the law. Such work is carried out by city or regional Centers for Supporting Children and Family, and, moreover, it is considered not a social service, but an accompaniment.

Which families and children are patronized? Those who are in a socially unfavorable and dangerous situation with a tendency to reduce the ability to independently provide for basic needs and living conditions. Close attention is paid to families where parents or guardians ignore their responsibilities in relation to the maintenance, upbringing, education of minors, show cruelty towards them, or their behavior has a negative impact on the behavior of children.

Also, families who find themselves in difficult living conditions and are unable to cope with the situation on their own need social support. These are single-parent families with many children, parents raising children with disabilities, or who are themselves disabled. In each case, the ways and methods of patronage work are selected individually.

A new system of social services and security is gradually being built in the Russian Federation, which will meet current social needs. Such a system should be based on the real incomes of citizens, their pressing problems. After all, the developed social support for the most unprotected and vulnerable segments of the population reflects the economic stability of the state.