Sales of physical goods training. Special training in selling physical goods from scratch. What Roman teaches in his courses

Resumed my course "Selling goods from one-page sites from scratch".

I will say right away that this is the best course in Runet for a commodity! And also Roman gives FREE 5 full lessons from this course. Details below!

What the course will give you

  1. You will learn from scratch to sell products from one-page sites and make good money from it. Someone from the first month earns 30,000 rubles. and more, someone later. But if you do everything that is said in the course, then you will start earning 100%.
  2. You will learn how to work with advertising on the Internet and sell not only goods, but also provide services.
  3. You will learn how to make one page websites.
  4. You will be able to consult with the author of the course on any questions related to online sales. Consultation from an experienced person is worth a lot.

How the course will run

Training takes place with constant support and feedback from Roman. He answers questions, prompts and gives everything you need.

  • After purchase, you will be added to a special service where you can watch the lessons and get all the additional files for each lesson.
  • You are also added to the closed VKontakte group, where you can communicate with other students;
  • You can also ask Roman questions during training in two ways: in a closed VKontakte group or through a chat on the training service.
Important! This is not mentored group training, no homework checks here. You will get access to the course immediately after purchase.

What will you learn from the course

The course includes 6 chapters, and each chapter consists of several lessons. Thus, there will be a total of 29 lessons in the course.

Chapter 1: Product selection and test

The chapter includes 9 lessons in which Roman will teach you how to correctly find a product for sale and test it before purchasing. He will share the contacts of suppliers and an intermediary and tell you how to properly purchase goods.

Chapter 2: Making your own website

Includes 7 lessons.

In this chapter, Roman will teach you how to create a Landing Page in Adobe Muse using his own technique and with all the tricks that he uses himself; will show you the basic functions in Photoshop that are required to create a website; connect analytics services and configure them; integrate the site with RetailCRM, configure it and connect telephony for calls.

Chapter 6 lessons.

Here Roman will teach you how to properly set up advertising in Google Ads, with all the chips that he uses himself. Also, set up ads on search and in YAN in Yandex.Direct. And also, he will tell you about SEO optimization of the landing page and show you how to do everything correctly so that the site is in the top for the queries you need.

Analytics in e-commerce is one of the important things. Therefore, this chapter contains 2 big lessons on Google Ads analytics, Yandex.Direct and website analytics.

Chapter 5: Additional Traffic Sources

At the moment, in chapter 3 of the lesson.

  1. Advertising on VKontakte - learn how to make the right VK groups for your products, again with chips.
  2. Advertising on Instagram - targeting on Insta and advertising from bloggers + creating an account.
  3. Remarketing in the KMS - catch up with your ads to everyone who was on our site through Google Ads.

Chapter 6: Supplements

Here Roman brings in all the new lessons that help in online sales.

What bonuses will you get besides lessons

  1. A complete course on setting up Yandex Direct, costing 15,000 rubles (Roman bought it, but gives it to you for free);
  2. A complete course on setting up advertising on Instagram worth 10,000 rubles (Roman bought it, but gives it to you for free);
  3. A package of more than 500 widgets for Adobe Muse, with a total cost of over 7,000 rubles (Roman also bought them, but gives them to you for free);
  4. Special Excel files for calculating goods, for analyzing their activities without CRM (Roman developed them for his business);
  5. Secrets for passing Ya.Direct moderation;
  6. How to use Roistat end-to-end analytics service for free;
  7. Links to various useful services that will make your work easier;
  8. Basics of Photoshop, which Roman uses to create a landing page;
  9. Links to lessons from which Roman studied;
  10. Examples of Roman's conversations with customers.

Those. you save at least 35,000 rubles, as well as more than one year of time to study all this on your own.

What will you get besides lessons and bonuses from this course

Roman's constant support in the form of answers to your questions.

No matter how good the course is, there will always be individual questions that you can get an answer to personally from Roman


It happens that Roman conducts webinars for students, in which he will answer your questions and share useful tips.

Knowledge gained in this course, allow you to make money not only on the sale of goods, but also to advertise your services and other business, as well as on freelancing, in such areas as:

  • Make websites to order.
  • Provide services for paid advertising setup.
  • Traffic arbitration.

Student results

In June 2018, Roman conducted a closed group survey among students to share the results. As you can see on the screenshot, out of 85 people who voted (and there are about 300 students in total), half did not apply the course in practice. Of those who applied, most started selling. And those who voted for “No, I have no sales,” unsubscribed in the comments that they just finished trying on the very first, unsuccessful test of the product. And it happens that you need to test several products to find the right one.

Well, now the reviews

I will give only part of the reviews. The rest look at Roman's website.

In the summer, Roman conducted an experiment in his public, in which 3 people took a course and described their successes. You can read their reviews on VKontakte by searching by hashtag #kolesnikova experiment.

Course price

Course cost only 13800 rubles!

You can find out the details on Roman's website.

You can also find 5 FREE lessons on Roman's website!

100% money back guarantee if it doesn't work out

The novel will refund the full amount for the course, if after passing you did not start earning! He is ready for this, because he is 100% confident in his course and all students who passed it earn from 20,000 rubles. per month clean in the first months.

Roman's goals from this course

1. Quantity discounts from suppliers, because many goods can be purchased together (Roman has already begun to practice this with his students).

2. Constant communication with like-minded people that will allow you to grow as an entrepreneur.

3. In order to update the course, Roman tests new ideas and tricks, which again helps to develop in this area.

4. And of course Roman sees this as one of the ways to diversify his business.

1. What is a sales technique?

Let's talk with you about trainings, courses and generally about teaching sales techniques.

Technology (ancient Greek τεχνικός from τέχνη) - art, skill, skill.

So what needs to be taught to teach technique? Art training? Craftsmanship training? Skill training? The point is that art, skill and skill are something that, in principle, cannot be taught, it can only be developed.

If we move a little from the classical definition of sales techniques and what they are, and come closer to the sales technique, I would give it the following definition:

Sales Technique is a personalized skill system for making a sale.

Let's take a closer look at each of the words of this definition in order to understand how to correctly conduct sales training, are popular courses suitable for this?

1.1. Individual

I believe that sales techniques, including telephone sales, should be based on the individual characteristics of the sales manager. Depending on the degree of development of certain characteristics of a manager, one or several leading abilities are determined:

  • the ability to locate the interlocutor;
  • the ability to analyze the client's business processes;
  • the ability to find the optimal solution for the client;
  • high organization, etc.

A manager may, to one degree or another, possess these skills, but one of his features will be leading. The one that will distinguish him from other middle peasants. The manager should build his personal and telephone sales technique around this strength.

1.2. System

Possession of any one skill cannot lead to a quality sale. The rest of the skills should support the leading skill and not be the weak link. Therefore, a system is needed, even if it is tuned to maximize one or two skills. If the rest of the skills are not honed, it is imperative to conduct courses on sales techniques.

1.3. Skills

A skill is an action formed by repetition and automatism.... A very accurate definition. You can study many books, but not learn how to sell. For a successful sale, it is necessary for your brain to automatically generate the "necessary" words and perform actions that will lead to a sale. Therefore, a skill is knowledge applied in practice as many times as it allows you to automatically use it during sales. In the process of selling, brain activity will be aimed at analyzing the incoming information for the use of a particular skill.

Based on this definition of sales techniques, it becomes clear that it needs to be developed. You can call this process "teaching technique" or, but now you understand that this phrase does not reflect reality ... When you see an ad for a boxing school, it doesn't say “Teaching the Art of an Olympic Champion”. It says boxing training. But whether a person becomes an Olympic champion depends on a million more factors.

2. What are the sales techniques?

2.1. Active sales technique

Not all managers can work in active sales. here, among other things, you must always look representative, be charming and 100% energized. I won't lie if I compare an active sales manager with an actor on stage. If in telephone sales, part of the non-verbal can be hidden, then everything will pop up in the client's office: doubts about his own words, ingratiating himself, annoyance, a tired look, etc. Therefore, before you go to meet with a client, take care of your appearance and control of psycho-emotional reactions.

In general, active sales are not much different from, for example, telephone sales: there is also a structure (acquaintance, identifying needs, presentation, working with objections, closing a deal), working with a script (if you do not have one, then I recommend creating ). The main difference is that in active sales you need to have increased observation and the ability to "read" non-verbal.

2.2. Telephone sales technique

In telephone sales, everything is both more complicated and simpler at the same time. Of course, the big difference lies in whether it is an incoming or outgoing call, as well as the first or tenth in a row. Unlike active sales, where a manager can visit no more than 5 people per day, a telephone sales manager manages to talk to hundreds of clients of varying degrees of "readiness". Based on this, the telephone sales technique is aimed at saving time, which the conversation script allows. Without it, we would be wasting an unacceptable amount of time on each client.

The essence of the telephone sales technique comes down to 3 things: the speed of call processing, maintenance in crm, a script. Therefore, it is so important to work through each of these points to the point of automatism.

2.3. Techniques to increase sales

First of all, we are interested in the sales technique for increasing the average check, cross-selling and the need to always close deals. One phrase at the end of a conversation can increase sales several times. For example: “Are we booking?”, “Issue an invoice?”, “Will you take it?”. Despite the seeming simplicity, many managers are sure that poor communication with the client, his intonation, objections, etc. talk about a 100% guarantee that he will never buy. However, this is not the case ... Always close the trade!

To increase the average check, it is not always enough to offer. Most often this is a kind of "multi-move" that grows from the principle of three YES, from a deep understanding of the business, from special conditions (supposedly) for this particular client. And it's good if you have several special offers for your client, which should be named according to the increase in the size of the discount.

It is a little easier to become a successful salesperson than an Olympic champion, but it is also impossible to "teach" this, you can only develop it, but to what level ... You can make a mistake already at the stage of diagnosing the leading ability, in this case, no courses on sales techniques, or training will help. To develop a skill, I recommend taking this test and finding out your strengths. And for those who are confident in themselves and want to improve their skill level, we provide further assistance in finding a job for successful managers

In this article, you will learn:

  • What are active sales, and when they apply
  • What are the main stages of active sales
  • How to use the active listening technique correctly
  • How to deal with bounces in the active sales process
  • What are the typical mistakes managers make in active sales and how to deal with them

The goal of any business, whether it is selling toys or large equipment, is to make a profit. To achieve it, various tools are used to promote products on the market, expand the circle of consumers and, ultimately, gain leading positions in their segment. One of them is the technique of active sales. The essence of this tool is the seller's ability to convince the buyer of the need to purchase a product that can satisfy his needs. Managers, sales representatives and sales consultants must be proficient in the technique of increasing sales.

Who needs an active sales technique and when

Active sales Is a type of interaction between a seller and a buyer, in which the initiative comes from the one who needs to sell their goods or services. The peculiarity of this technique is that the consumer may not even know about the existence of this product.
A distinctive feature of the active sales technique is that the client did not plan to purchase, but was convinced of its necessity in the process of communicating with the manager. At the same time, the seller in many cases faces the task of not only direct implementation, but also an independent search for buyers.
The most developed area of ​​application of the active sales technique is the b2b ("business-to-business") segment. This is where it delivers the best results at the lowest cost. When selling goods or services to corporate partners, it is much more efficient and cheaper to offer them directly using this technique than using mass advertising.
A very important feature of active sales- the client's lack of an urgent need to purchase. When it exists, he himself is looking for a product or service. With the help of this technique, there is either the promotion of new products unknown to the consumer, or the sale of goods and services in conditions of fierce competition. How to find out the hidden needs of the client? Find out on the training program
The area of ​​application of the technique of active sales is extremely wide. However, its use is not always justified. If we are talking about the sale of consumer goods to individuals (the so-called FMCG), it is more expedient to act differently. A point of sale with constant traffic and competent marketing will bring higher profits than using the technique of active sales. Conversely, if you need to promote a specific product in which a narrow circle of consumers is interested, it is more profitable to call a few large potential buyers than to invest in advertising.
As already mentioned, the active selling technique is most widespread. in b2b segment:

  • Sales representatives... Their task is to promote the product by offering directly to retailers. Traveling to shops and trading companies, managers conclude agreements on long-term cooperation. The technique of active sales is presented here in direct communication between the merchant and the buyer. This is a fairly developed market segment with a large number of people involved in it. Competition in this area is quite high, and not only between different sellers of similar goods, but also between agents of the same company.
  • Telemarketing for small and medium businesses... The technique of active sales through telephone calls is very widespread. In a similar way, both various services and some types of goods are sold. Telemarketers, in the process of communicating with a client, lead him to the need to purchase a particular product.
  • Sales of expensive business equipment... Trading in specific goods requires a long, multi-stage preparation, starting with a call to a potential buyer and ending with the signing of multimillion-dollar contracts. Compliance with the technique of active sales is necessary at every stage.
  • Sales of goods to other countries and cities... Promotion of products to remote consumers using negotiations by phone or e-mail.

For b2c ("business client") segment the use of the technique of active sales is also possible. Its use is especially justified at the stage of promoting a new product. However, some companies have put active selling techniques at the core of their existence. This is a well-known network marketing, when consumer goods are offered directly to an individual, bypassing retail.

Types of active sales to individuals:

  • Telephone sales... This type of trade is widely used in the sale of various goods and especially services (Internet providers, cable TV, kitchen appliances, maintenance of plastic windows, etc.).
  • Internet sales... The network provides unlimited opportunities for promoting products using the technique of active sales.
  • Apartment bypass... This method is gradually becoming a thing of the past due to its low efficiency.
  • Various promotional activities... Active sales on the streets or in shopping malls using various means of attracting the attention of customers, for example, sound reinforcement technology.
  • Public transport vendors. Merchants offering small goods to commuters and metro passengers. They can rightfully be considered the pioneers of the active sales technique.

Learn how to properly clarify customer objections. Find out on the training program

Active selling technique: pros and cons

Positive factors of active sales:

  • Creation of a consumer base with the aim of stable sales of goods.
  • The buyer can become a regular customer thanks to the efforts of the seller.
  • Constant contact with the consumer.
  • The possibility of increasing sales due to the use of active sales techniques.
  • The emergence of a need for a buyer to purchase a product as a result of the influence of a manager.
  • The ability of the seller to use his personal qualities to achieve the goal.

Negative factors of active sales:

  • A manager's earnings are directly related to sales growth.
  • Communication with a large number of potential consumers.
  • High requirements for the personal qualities of specialists.
  • The need to train personnel in the technique of active sales.
  • Improving communication standards with prospective buyers.
  • Control over the compliance of personnel with the requirements.

What is the technique of active sales: the main stages

  • Stage 1. Establishing contact.

Whether the communication takes place largely depends on the successful completion of this task. Therefore, in the technique of active sales, this stage is given special attention.
The famous the rule of three pluses will help in establishing a friendly atmosphere. By evoking positive emotions in a stranger three times, you will set him up for a positive attitude towards himself. Naturally, depending on which type of active sales is used, the ways of creating a favorable impression will be different.

In personal communication, a presentable appearance, a smile, a compliment to a future client is of great importance. If you are communicating via the phone, a pleasant voice, a friendly tone, and courtesy during the conversation play the main role. For active sales via the Internet, the decisive factor can be a technically competent design of the site and a detailed description of the product.
After establishing contact with the prospective consumer, you should find out if he needs your product. The active selling technique does not imply a negative answer to this question.

  • Stage 2. Identification of needs.

This stage sets before the manager the task of bringing the buyer to the idea that the product or service you are offering is in dire need of him. This is one of the key points of the active selling technique.
The main problem for many sellers consists in the premature presentation of the goods. In an effort to grab the customer's attention, managers give out a lot of information, extolling the merits of the product. This is what they consider to be the main thing in the technique of active sales. However, without preliminary preparation of the listener, such eloquence often goes to waste. The client can interrupt the conversation by refusing to continue communication. To avoid this mistake, do not skip the needs identification step. As a result of using the technique of active sales, a potential client should get the impression that he himself has made a decision about the need to purchase a product.
The most effective way to get someone to buy your product is to ask. The technique of active sales is based on this. With a competent approach and skillful formulation of questions, a person has no choice but to answer them. The more the client says, the more chances you have of selling your product to them..
By asking questions in a specific sequence and responding correctly to the answers ( active listening), you will ensure that the buyer himself speaks about his needs. You will only have to skillfully present your product as the only possible means of satisfying them. In this case, the active selling technique will fulfill its function.

  • Stage 3. Product presentation.

By identifying the customer's needs, you've prepared them to learn about the benefits of your particular product. At this stage, you simply repeat the thought that is valuable to the client, and finally convince him of the need to complete the deal. The technique of active sales involves the presentation of the product. The product should be presented depending on its specifics, using all kinds of listener's attention and using various psychological techniques. The purpose of the presentation is to visually demonstrate the merits of the product.
A mandatory point should be an indication of the benefits that the buyer will receive by purchasing your product. For this, professionals use their own statements from the client, obtained at the stage of identifying needs. It is the individual approach that appeals to all people that is one of the distinctive features of the active sales technique.
The presentation should not be too long, so as not to tire the client. Enough 5-7 sentences characterizing the product and proving the need to purchase it. Specialists in active sales techniques do it masterly.
At the presentation stage, it is imperative to tell the client colorful stories about third parties... Their content should clearly show the benefits that consumers have received as a result of purchasing your products. The active selling technique takes into account that people are always guided by those around them, which means that such stories motivate them to buy your product. In addition, few people like to be a pioneer, and stories about the successful use of a product or service by third parties soothe and tune in to make a deal.
Even the most successful presentation does not guarantee that the consumer will not have any questions or objections regarding the purchase of a particular product. Therefore, you should be ready for the next stage of the sales increase technique.

  • Stage 4. Dealing with objections.

The client can express his doubts throughout the conversation. Knowledge of the technique of active sales allows the manager to tactfully suppress objections, reduce their number, overcome the resistance of the buyer and, as a result, lead him to the conclusion of the transaction.
Objections will certainly be... Consumer protest against a purchase offer is an indispensable element of active sales. It is natural for a person to have a positive attitude towards his own decisions and to resist if they are imposed from the outside. The task of the manager is to use this technique to convince the buyer that his opinion is very valuable to you. No matter what the client says, we agree with him. Thus, you give a person a sense of his independence and the right to make independent decisions. This is one of the key points of the active selling technique.
However, agreeing with the buyer's objections, you must give your counter-arguments, which will convincingly prove to the consumer the need for the purchase.
After you have dealt with the client's resistance, the final moment of active selling comes.

  • Stage 5. Completion of the transaction.

The logical result of the use of the technique of increasing sales is the fact of purchasing a product.
You prepared the client, talked about the merits of the product, parried his objections. The moment comes when it becomes clear that stop presenting, it's time to finish... There should be a direct offer to buy the product.
The active selling technique involves several options for obtaining consent to a transaction. For example you make a short summary of what was said... It is worth drawing the attention of the buyer to those advantages of the product that he noted for himself and voiced in a conversation. Once again, in accordance with the technique of active sales, recalling the benefits that this product will bring to him, you thereby push the client to the idea of ​​the need to purchase.
After that, the transaction is completed.

What is the technique of active sales of PPP

When training managers, the scheme is used PPP (Attract Attention, Interested, Sell)... Let's dwell on each of the stages:

  1. To draw attention.

The complexity of the active selling technique for beginners is that the product should be sold to a person who is not in the mood to buy. The main task at the first stage is the need to interest the client, to achieve his location in order to be able to present his product. This is the skill of the active sales manager.
Phrases to attract attention are well-formulated questions. The technique of compiling them is not as difficult as it seems. The answers of your interlocutor to them should only be positive. For example, "Do you want to spend less on cellular while getting more options?" or "Do you want to look good with little effort?" There can be many such questions, the main thing is that they arouse the interest of your client already at the stage of attracting attention.
There are frequent cases when the buyer can answer that he is not interested... A manager who possesses the technique of active sales must be prepared for such a development of events. It is a big mistake to immediately agree and interrupt the conversation. This way you will not give yourself any chance to make a sale, and the client - to make a profitable purchase.
How to properly respond to refusal to communicate? Active selling involves showing interest in a customer's problems and helping them solve them.
The first thing to do is figure out what not to do. If the person is not in the mood to listen to you, by no means start the presentation. This is contrary to the active selling technique. You're wasting your time. It is also a mistake to try to attract attention by promising discounts or special terms of service.
In case of a negative answer from the client you need to find out the reason why he refuses to listen to you. Tactful questions will help challenge the person to a conversation and identify their needs and objections. The ability to fend off them is included in the knowledge of the technique of active sales.

  1. Interest.

So, you managed to attract attention and set the person up to continue communicating with you. Next, you need to achieve an increase in interest in your proposal to such an extent that the client has a desire to purchase a product or service. It is also a must when using the proactive selling technique. To get the customer interested, you do not need to talk about all the properties and benefits of the product. It is enough to voice the minimum required to complete the transaction. How to define it? Listening to the answers to your questions, highlighting the main thing and analyzing, you should find out the needs of a person and, depending on them, present the product, placing maximum emphasis on the fact that with its help the buyer can solve his own problems. The main thing is that the presentation takes place in the form of a dialogue, with the direct participation of the client. Interaction, not a monologue, is the main principle of the active selling technique.

  1. Sell.

Many will say that there is nothing to describe at this point: he took money from the buyer, gave the product and wished him good luck. Keep in mind, by doing this, you will lose a client once and for all! Having achieved your goal, in no case should you lose all interest in the buyer at the same time. If you want to acquire a permanent customer, the act of active sale must end differently.
Having received the money and having returned the goods, we will thank him for choosing a company and leave our contact phone number... An invitation to apply yourself, as well as a request to recommend your services to friends and relatives, will allow you to continue mutually beneficial communication in the future. This will expand your ability to use proactive selling techniques.
If possible, take the client's contact phone number, specify what else from the products you offer may interest him. The technique of active sales should work for the future as well. Ask for permission from time to time to call or send messages about new products or promotions.
With this approach, you will not only receive a one-time profit from your customers, but you will also form your own customer base. Remember that people tend to trust the opinion of their acquaintances when choosing products and services. Therefore, it is likely that a new consumer will advise their loved ones to purchase your product, which will increase the number of customers and will be an excellent result of the sales increase technique.

AIDA Active Selling Technique: How to Benefit from the Power of Persuasion

Another commonly used scheme is AIDA. This model is based on two main principles: the power of persuasion and the identification of real or foreseeable problems in a potential client.
In this technique the main role is assigned to the sales manager, in particular, his ability to tune the buyer to purchase.
The scope of this model is unlimited. Knowledge of its basics and the ability to use will make it possible to complete almost any transaction. All AIDA sales techniques are based on:

  1. Grabbing the customer's attention.
  2. Awakening his interest.
  3. Stimulating desire.
  4. Motivation for action.

All these stages are already reflected in the abbreviation AIDA :

  • Attention- to draw attention. In the technique of active sales, it is the first phrase that should arouse curiosity and help start communication with a person who is not focused on buying.
  • Interest- arouse interest. To do this, the technique of increasing sales involves comparing the needs of the buyer with the opportunities that the product provides.
  • Desire- ignite desire. Make it clear how the quality of life will change after purchasing the product.
  • Action- to induce to action. Transfer the issue from the theoretically discussed to the real plane. Discuss the terms of further cooperation.

AIDA is an active sales technique that requires a manager to persuade, because it depends on this whether a potential buyer becomes a real one.

An effective technique for active phone sales: the cold calling method

This method is most common in large companies that sell expensive products in large volumes. When dialing the number of a potential buyer, an active sales manager must be tuned in to the result, regardless of the possible refusal to communicate. Using this technique, in the first few phrases, you should do everything possible to interest the interlocutor and get a chance to present your product. This requires patience, focus on a positive outcome of the conversation and excellent knowledge of the technique of active sales.
The specialist should be guided by the following principle: more sales won't happen from more calls... Better results will bring 10 calls to their logical conclusion than 200 wereted calls. Applying proactive selling techniques wisely will help lead every conversation to success.
Basic rules of cold calling:

  • Before picking up the phone find out who you are calling... By addressing the interlocutor by name, you already have the potential client towards you. So you let the person know that your offer is prepared directly for him. The technique of active sales is based on this.
  • Find out what the company or the person to whom you are offering something is doing... It is bad form to call with an invitation to buy products that are of no interest to the client. Of course, such a mistake cannot be completely avoided, but if we are not talking about mass-market goods, but about expensive products, you should be careful.
  • To make people want to listen to you , come up with a reason for the call related to the interlocutor. For example, you read an article about a company in a magazine and want to make a lucrative offer that will help the company reach a new level of development. Of course, the information must be reliable, otherwise the interlocutor will not trust you.
  • The best reason to call would be something that is personally related to the person you are interested in meeting. For example, the head of a company to which you want to offer cooperation, expressed his opinion on any issue in a TV show. After complimenting his straightforwardness, he will almost certainly agree to meet with you. You can refer to the exchange of business cards at some kind of mass event - a specialized exhibition of equipment, etc.
  • One caveat - do not offer anything during a call... The task of selling something on the first call is not worth it. The minimum goal is to make an appointment. It is easy to achieve using the active selling technique.
  • Everyone is afraid of the standard question: "What is the reason you want to meet?" If your communication has gone in the right direction, it will not sound. With the proper use of the technique of active sales, the entire first conversation should be aimed at intriguing the interlocutor. Make it clear that there are no serious telephone conversations. Every effort should be made to make the meeting take place. With personal communication, you will have more opportunities for active sales.
  • If you still hear this question, forget the rules.... You missed the chance to present the offer in a face-to-face meeting, so it's worth making a last attempt so as not to lose your future client. If you managed to interest the interlocutor in any way, the probability of making a deal is still quite high. The rule of the active selling technique is not to give up after the first failure.

Be honest about the reason you are calling and insist that you are confident in the benefits you can bring. Specify the exact duration of the product presentation. This will make it clear that you value the other person's time and are not going to waste it. If you made a good overall impression and also had a compelling reason to call, chances are you will be given the opportunity to explain the benefits of your offer in person. In this case, you should carefully prepare for it using the technique of increasing sales.

Active selling technique: how to ask questions correctly

  1. Closed questions.

These include such formulations to which there are only two answer options - "yes" and "no". They play a certain role in the technique of active sales.
Purpose of the closed question:

  • Get consent.
  • Obtain confirmation of agreements or assumptions.
  • Clarify information.
  • Commit something.
  • End the conversation.


  • Use closed-ended questions only.
  • Ask them at the beginning of the sale.
  • Formulate closed questions for which you can get an unnecessary "no".
  • Asking several closed-ended questions in a row. Such communication is more like interrogation and is unacceptable in the technique of active sales.

How to ask correctly
Interrogative intonation allows you to turn any declarative sentence into a closed question. This is a matter of technology.

  1. Open questions.

They involve getting a broad, detailed answer. In the technique of active sales, their use is mandatory.
Purpose of the open-ended question:

  • Talk to the client.
  • Get general information.
  • Understand what is behind the client's claims.
  • Get some pause to think.


  • Use at the end of the conversation.
  • Asking open-ended questions on abstract topics.

How to ask correctly
Start with interrogative pronouns: what? when? why? etc. It is very important to learn how to ask these questions if you want to use the technique of active sales.

  1. Alternative questions.

The answer is chosen by the interlocutor from two or more of your options.
Purpose of the alternate question:

  • Direct the client's mind towards choosing alternatives.
  • Understand the buyer's areas of interest.
  • Provide choices.


  • To include in the question as one of the alternatives what is not beneficial to us.

How to ask correctly
Suggest two or more alternatives and formulate the question, providing an opportunity to choose between them using the conjunction "or".

Well: "How to launch bulk sales of physical goods in large cities" . At the beginning of March, the course was in a closed section, but today the material was merged into another forum, it makes no sense to leave it in the closed section, since it has already gone through the forums for hides and paid access. Material from a well-known author. The course will be useful for those who are involved in sales, especially in cities. Read the detailed description to understand what this material is about, who is suitable and who is not. The information is fresh, the intensive took place at the end of February! Explore while you can. Try it, because without practice nothing will work. Material sent anonymous user. The material can be removed at the request of the copyright holder!

Course Description:

For whom:

  • You are looking for new opportunities. If you are considering interesting options for a quick start of a new project with a response and a result in 2-3 days, then this intensive is for you.
  • You already know about the profitable sale of physical goods at a high mark-up. At the same time, you do not have a budget of millions to enter the CPA market or to sell all over the country.
  • You want more money from the merchandise business. You already have sales and you make money, but by introducing one new idea, you can get much more profit.
  • You are looking for non-standard approaches. If you want to do "not like everyone else", saving yourself from problems with shipments, redemptions and the endless slowness of the Russian Post - come.

Whom it doesn’t work for:

  • This intensive will be absolutely useless for those who come just to listen. Listen and once again do nothing, confident that "nothing can be changed."
  • Those who already know everything. If you already know everything and use everything, we have nothing to tell you.
  • To the eternal skeptics. Doubting, negative and confident that "nothing can be changed."

Brief program of the event:

  • Commodity business in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  • Features of work
  • Selection of suitable products for sale (and how they differ from those that "go" to the regions)
  • Nuances of working with large cities
  • 2 main things that directly affect your sales success in major cities
  • Why this is the easiest way to start from scratch
  • Scheme of launching sales in Moscow from "A" to "Z"
  • Which courier and outsourcing service to choose
  • Which companies operate without individual entrepreneurs / LLCs and issue money in cash
  • Examples of suitable products for Moscow
  • Processing and dispatching orders
  • Acceptance of payment from clients
  • Working with complaints
  • Repeated sales in Moscow
  • One of the main advantages of courier delivery
  • How to achieve high buybacks for physical goods
  • How to do business from anywhere
  • How to arrange the whole process remotely without coming to Moscow
  • Financial accounting and control
  • How to start with only 5,000-15,000 rubles in your pocket
  • First profit in 5 days. What to do and how to do it?

1. I (the Client), I hereby agree to the processing of my personal data received from me in the course of sending an application for information and consulting services / admission to training in educational programs.

2. I confirm that the mobile phone number I have provided is my personal phone number assigned to me by the cellular operator, and I am ready to be held liable for any negative consequences caused by my providing a mobile phone number belonging to another person.

The Group of Companies includes:
1. OOO MBSh, legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 38 A.
2. ANO DPO "MOSCOW BUSINESS SCHOOL", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 38 A.

3. Within the framework of this agreement, "personal data" means:
Personal data that the Client provides about himself consciously and independently when filling out an Application for training / receiving information and consulting services on the pages of the Site of the Group of Companies
(namely: surname, first name, patronymic (if any), year of birth, level of education of the Client, chosen training program, city of residence, mobile phone number, e-mail address).

4. Client - an individual (a person who is a legal representative of an individual under the age of 18, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation) who has filled out an Application for training / for receiving information and consulting services on the Site of the Group of Companies, thus expressing his intention to use educational / information and consulting services of the Group of Companies.

5. The group of companies generally does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the Client and does not exercise control over his legal capacity. However, the Group of Companies assumes that the Client provides reliable and sufficient personal information on the issues proposed in the registration form (Application form) and maintains this information up to date.

6. The group of companies collects and stores only those personal data that are necessary for admission to training / receiving information and consulting services from the Group of companies and organizing the provision of educational / information and consulting services (execution of agreements and contracts with the Client).

7. The collected information allows you to send information in the form of e-mails and SMS messages via communication channels (SMS distribution) to the e-mail address and mobile phone number specified by the Client for the purpose of receiving services for the Group of Companies, organizing the educational process, sending important notices, such as changes to the terms, conditions and policies of the Group of Companies. Also, such information is necessary to promptly inform the Client about all changes in the conditions for the provision of information and consulting services and the organization of the educational and admission process for training in the Group of Companies, informing the Client about upcoming promotions, upcoming events and other events of the Group of Companies by sending him mailings and information messages, as well as for the purpose of identifying the party under agreements and contracts with the Group of Companies, communication with the Client, including sending notifications, requests and information regarding the provision of services, as well as processing requests and applications from the Client.

8. When working with the personal data of the Client, the Group of Companies is guided by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006. "About personal data".

9. I am informed that at any time I can refuse to receive information to the e-mail address by sending an e-mail to the address:. It is also possible to refuse to receive information by e-mail at any time by clicking on the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the letter.

10. I have been informed that at any time I can refuse to receive an SMS message to my specified mobile phone number by sending an e-mail to the address:

11. The group of companies takes the necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the personal data of the Client from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions of third parties with it.

12. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this agreement and the relationship between the Client and the Group of Companies arising in connection with the application of the agreement.

13. With this agreement, I confirm that I am over 18 years old and accept the conditions specified in the text of this agreement, and also give my full voluntary consent to the processing of my personal data.

14. This agreement governing the relationship between the Client and the Group of Companies is valid throughout the entire period of the provision of the Services and the access of the Client to the personalized services of the Site of the Group of Companies.

LLC MBSH legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 38 A.
LLC MBSh Consulting legal address: 119331, Moscow, Vernadsky prospect, 29, office 520.
CHUDPO "MOSCOW BUSINESS SCHOOL - SEMINARS", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 38 A.