Teaser advertising on social networks. VK teasers - how to do it? VK teaser advertisement

Social networks today occupy a huge place in the life of society. It is rare to find a person who is not registered in at least one of them. The number of visitors to these sites is many times greater than the number of users on other resources. That is why it would be completely irresponsible not to use social networks as an advertising platform.

Benefits of working with us

1. We will develop general marketing strategies individually, according to your needs;
2. We compose "catchy", selling ads for the largest possible target audience;
3. We analyze the efficiency and promptly make adjustments if necessary;
4. We know all the subtleties of teaser advertising (text and graphic blocks) in social networks;
5. We provide detailed reporting.

What is included in the price

Compilation of selling, informative ads
Setting up advertising campaigns by criteria (gender, age, interests, geotargeting, etc.)
Analysis of the pages of your site, where users get from the advertising transition, as well as recommendations for their improvement *
Estimating the budget of an advertising campaign
Placement, management, monitoring and optimization of advertising campaigns, as well as adjusting bids and ads in order to improve their effectiveness
Detailed weekly reporting
Prompt and detailed consultation on emerging issues
Installing and configuring the statistics counter on the site

* with a budget of 50,000 rubles.

Social media advertising cost

Agency remuneration Advertising budget, rub. per month
8% from 95,000
12% from 30,000 to 95,000
15% from 9,000 to 30,000


  • External audit of advertising campaigns, if advertising in social networks was conducted earlier - free of charge!
  • Audit of usability (ease of use and competitiveness of the site) and selling properties of the site with a budget of 50,000 rubles. per month!

The essence of teaser advertising (text and graphic blocks)

Teaser advertising is one of the most common social media advertising practices. Teaser translates as "Provocateur", "teasing"... In the advertising field, this word has come to mean provocative, enticing advertising in the format of a short text message with a picture.
The advantages of this type of advertising include:

  • Picture... The more targeted it is selected, the more chances that a site visitor's eye will fall on it.
  • Narrow targeting capability, that is, showing the ad to the target audience (up to the required area of ​​residence). This is a very important feature, since it is unlikely that advertising for a wedding salon will find a lot of responses among users over 60, but if you set such display parameters as "Show to betrothed girls between the ages of 18 and 40", the ad will be broadcast to the very audience that is most interested in this kind of services.
  • People visit social networks several times a day, and some do not close their page at all. This greatly increases the chances that as many potential customers as possible will visit your site.

Distinctive features of teaser ads in various social networks

The main and most popular social platforms are “

Sep 5, 2011

Interesting: If you go to rest in Sudak, then in any case the best accommodation in Sudak is the private sector.

Social networks are a huge audience that is eager to see what you have to offer them. Of course, if you offer people something that will interest them: a SEO - a new SEO forum, a gamer - a new awesome strategy, a housewife - some kind of wonderful broomstick. Based on my experience, I want to tell you how, what and where to advertise. Since I mostly use Vkontakte advertising, I will give this site as an example. Although work in other social. networks should be similar. At least on Facebook for sure.

So. It all starts with what we need to advertise. It is worth immediately considering what kind of audience we have in social. network "Vkontakte". 80-90% of the audience are young people under the age of 25. It is also worth considering that about 70% of them are not solvent and they will fuck what they will buy when.

Teaser advertising can be divided into two main types. These are pay-per-click and pay-per-click rates. To help you understand the difference in price, I will give you an example. If 1000 impressions will cost you 2 rubles, then 1 transition will cost you 4 rubles. All prices depend on the targeting settings. For example, the highest targeting is always where there is a paying audience. Very high prices for Moscow, for example.

Sometimes it can be very difficult to find an audience. I ran into this problem while advertising mobile phones. And the task was to get the highest quality traffic as possible. In this case, only pay-per-click advertising could be used. And secondly, it was impossible to select an audience according to the interests of users, since almost no one indicates that he likes Blackberry phones. I had to direct advertising to thematic groups ala "Blackberry Phones Lovers". And that, the profit was very low. My point is that not everything can be advertised on a social network. For example, can you figure out how to launch ads for TVs or refrigerators? No way. In general, if you have learned how to successfully advertise any Vkontakte product, then you can skip reading further. You will definitely not learn anything new there.

The ideal combination for launching advertising and getting a high result is the opportunity to play on the problems or attachments of users to a particular event. Very high positive performance in advertising any games and entertainment topics in general. I have already recalled above what the audience of "Vkontakte" is. And if you play advertising on attachment to some kind of game and thus pushing your own - this is ideal. For example, advertise an MMORPG game to the nerds "Lineage 2". There, half of the players will give everything to play something similar to the "Ruler". You can also play on films. Imagine what the CTR would be if you advertise the Lord of the Rings game to fans of this trilogy? The exhaust will be huge.

It's not a problem to have an unlimited budget and run any ads per click. So you can sell the elephant over time. The question is put in such a way as to get the result. That is, to gain a profit and earn something.

If we talk about Facebook, then things are different there. Firstly, if Vkontakte is mainly the audience of the CIS, then Facebook is the whole world. And there you need to build on the region. If we take the United States, then the paying capacity of the audience is very high, regardless of age. In general, the average age on Facebook is much higher than on Vkontakte. If Vkontakte and Facebook are profitable to advertise entertainment topics, then on Facebook you can advertise any other topics, which is difficult for Vkontakte.

Targeting is easy to master. Even a beginner can do it. It is for this reason that the site's news feed is overflowing with advertisements for every taste. It's fair to say that this content doesn't always merit the audience's attention. Many users "rivet" ads in a hurry, which leads to an abundance of inarticulate content.

Just remember the feed in your account. It is oversaturated with annoying commercial posts. There are so many advertisements that the moderation of the social network does not have time to timely filter the stream of these "masterpieces". So you have to deal with something similar:

Such content is a beginner's tower. But worse than that, when "junk" ads are launched by large brands, who entrust the entire process of creating an ad to unscrupulous assistants.

This article will help you understand how to choose the right images for your target so that your ad is truly perceived by the public with genuine interest.

Let's talk about teasers.

The most common mistakes are:

Why are there disgusting and unremarkable ads on the web?

Small and indistinct ad text

As practice shows, there are a lot of fans of small inscriptions. But they forget that VK users do not share similar taste preferences. Each element of the advertisement should be visible and understandable. Otherwise, why write something that can only be seen under a magnifying glass?

These banners are more like an eye test. Is there anyone with big eyes? Tell us what these amazing promotional offers from various companies are all about. Or maybe someone wants to borrow a microscope? It’s very curious how Lipton decided to lure buyers.

A good example:

We express our deep gratitude to Tinkoff for taking care of the health of the consumer's eyes. And this is no longer a joke. The user easily sees the well-known logo, understands the essence of the proposal and can easily familiarize himself with the USP.

Let's move on to the next example. Everything seems to be in order with the picture, and the text is readable. Bright background, clear meaning.

But! Not every user has children. And not every person has a need to program them. The ad was shown, but they made a mistake with the target audience. It is completely unclear how the ad was set up.

Slurred image

Keep in mind that all parts of your ad must be clear. The picture is no exception. If the image is repulsive, you won't want to open it.

Yes, the picture shows the company logo. But it is only wise to do this if the brand is popular. Who is KDV? What are they doing? Guess on the coffee grounds. There are sweets in the image, but this is a neutral detail. To understand the essence of the proposal, you will have to read the text. But not every user will find it necessary, since the picture did not tell him anything.

Second example:

Chess. Not bad for a start. However, in combination with the signature, the intrigue is renewed. That is, they do not sell chess or boards for the intellectual game. Plus, there is a text about motivation. Another rebus.

Only the most curious users will want to find the answer to the question. An ordinary person will just walk by.

Third example:

The first two banners were cleverly created (we will not comment on the creative idea with the zucchini). Legible pictures, relevant text. All clear. But the third banner is heating up the situation again.

"A set of dumbbells for ...". It may not be a critical error, but not quite perfect.

Fourth example:

Thematic picture + recognizable logo + teaser for targeting. Above all praise.

Who is depicted?

People's faces are often featured in advertisements. These can be speakers, influencers, bloggers. The main catch is that the average user may not know the person who "invaded" his news feed.

Examples of correct banners:

Outdated trends

If the trend is at the peak of its popularity, use it without fear. But not a year after the day when everyone forgot about him.

The first banner "flew" over the network at a time when everyone was listening to the popular song of the "Mushrooms" group. This is appropriate. But the character "Zhdun", known in the past, is now not relevant to use.


Let's summarize:

  • Use only clear and original images;
  • Taboo obsolete memes;
  • Advertising faces must be recognizable;
  • Ideal text is readable, concise, and contains the essence of the brand's proposal.

Many years ago I negotiated with a person who created one single information product (from the series “how to make a couple of million rubles in a couple of days”), set up an auto-webinar for it and sold it using advertising in teaser networks.

Do you know his monthly earnings? 200-300 thousand rubles a month 5 years ago. Space money.

Especially when you consider that he didn’t know much about setting up. So what is this teaser ad and how does it apply to classic businesses?

A lot of money

There was a fairly well-known product - monastery tea. The daily sales turnover of such tea reached several million rubles per day from one advertiser.

In addition, there are all sorts of glowing headphones, dietary supplements, online casinos and other near-legality, which are extremely difficult to advertise using contextual and targeted advertising (since it is simply prohibited).

And there are also products of ordinary businesses that also need sales, but more on that later.

On the other hand (regarding those who want to sell), there are various sites (sometimes not even legal ones) that want to make money from advertising.

These can be online cinemas, torrent sites, or entertainment content.

In other words, sites in different topics with a huge number of people who need to somehow monetize in order to get a return on investment.

And when we know the main players in our topic - the businessman and the owner of the site, then we can introduce basic definitions for further communication in the same language.

Teaser- announcement. Comes from the English "teaser" - to bully, tease.

Teaser network- an intermediary (service / site) who makes money by connecting and legitimizing the relationship between the advertiser and the owner (webmaster) of the visited site.

Offer - the product itself that the ad is linking to. Comes from the English "offer" - to offer. Most often, the offer is located on the site for further capture of the contact.

Practice for business as usual

In order not to feed you with breakfasts and not to promise “Maldives with a 5+ stars hotel on the seashore with white sand for 15,000 rubles for two”, I’ll get down to business right away.

Namely, are these networks suitable for an ordinary small business that sells pies, clothes, nails or provides personal care services, installation of plastic windows, custom-made furniture, etc.

Immediately my answer is head-on - NO! More precisely, very, very few people will do it.

Due to the fact that teaser is not, that is, there is no way to tune in to a specific audience. You will bomb the sparrows with a cannon.

Of course, if you have a massive market, and besides, you have clients all over Russia, then you can try placing teaser ads.

Indeed, in this way you can really capture the attention of almost all people in our country. But I repeat, everyone means everyone: grandmothers, schoolchildren, businessmen, and athletes.

But further settings leave much to be desired. In confirmation of my words, a screenshot from the control panel of one of the leading networks:

Control Panel

Features of teaser advertising

But not everything is as bad as I say. There are tons of stories on the Internet about how people make money from teaser ads.

After all, it has very good pluses that overlap the minuses. Therefore, I hasten to tell you about them as soon as possible.

  • Pay per click. Complete similarity. The advertiser only pays for a click on his ad. If it is good and the CTR is high, the click is cheaper, if it is bad, the cost per click is higher.
  • Small investment. For example, in the real estate sector, the cost of a click in teaser networks rarely exceeds 7 rubles, while in contextual advertising this indicator will rarely be below 50.
  • Easy to customize. It is not difficult to launch such a network, since there are not many settings. All networks provide a fairly primitive interface with few buttons.
  • Big . The main and bold plus. One of the largest teaser platforms on the Russian Internet realizes more than 1,000,000,000 impressions per day. And there are more than a dozen such sites and partner sites, as a rule, do not overlap.

But like any medal, there is a downside. In our case, there are pros and cons that can be critical for many to start attracting customers in this way.

  • Not suitable for narrow specialization... With a narrow one, you will most of the work idle, since the advertisement will be shown to everyone.
  • They buy expensive products poorly. To implement big deals, you need to build relationships. In the case of teaser advertising, all actions usually occur impulsively - “I saw - clicked - went to the site - ordered”.
  • It is difficult to find the target audience. This is the age-old question of a good marketer - where to find my clients, but when creating a teaser ad, you don't have to think too much about it, since you will still show the ad to everyone.
  • A large number of dead traffic. There is a lot of competition among the sites now. Therefore, it is not easy to unwind, oh, how difficult it is. Therefore, sites go to all sorts of tricks and attract bots to their site, which are good at clicking your budget.


Advertising placement

First of all, when I found out about the existence of this type of advertising, I had a question: “What site should I go to in order to place teaser ads?”.

The answer was unexpected for me then. But you already know everything perfectly.

Video advertising

News article. There are 2 types. As an ordinary advertising article in its direct sense. And a shim article. This is more difficult.

It is done if your product is not missed by decent teaser sites. That is, first, the teaser ad redirects to a news article, by clicking on which, you are redirected to the site with the product.

And also, for development, you need to know that it is possible to customize the teaser format not in the classical sense.

Namely, so that a person gets to your site by clicking not on the banner, but by clicking anywhere on the webmaster's site.


But these are dubious ways for a classic business, since they are very similar to, only in a different epastasia.

Small life hack

And finally, a little life hack for you. If you don't know how to create an attractive (high-conversion) teaser, then usually on the Internet it is done as follows:

  1. You create about 50 different creatives with different images and different texts;
  2. Run them for testing;
  3. Highlight 1-3 with the highest CTR;
  4. Leave them to work.

Or you can go this way. Most advertising sites, especially the largest ones, contain so-called “teaser showcases”.

That is, a list of teasers that currently perform best (showing good click-through rates and CTR).

Therefore, all you need is to choose a suitable ad for yourself and improve it. An example of such a teaser showcase is www.marketgid.com/bestsellers.html

Briefly about the main thing

Provided that there is also contextual, targeted, and dozens of other channels for attracting customers. In addition, knowing the readers of our blog, I am sure that your product is not for everyone, but has a specific target audience.

But if you have a fairly inexpensive product and the decision is made impulsively, I would recommend experimenting.

Firstly, you can very cheaply attract an audience that you have not focused on before, and secondly, increase your company's recognition.

And almost all residents of the city fall under it. For example, if you are developers of a large residential complex. Why not tell everyone in your city about him? Moreover, it is much cheaper to do it than you think.

Life hack. If you decide to launch advertising in teaser networks, I recommend Getuniq service for replenishing budgets. Moderation is faster and easier. And a nice bonus when replenishing your advertising budget.