Automatic control system SAU 1t 2b. General information about air signal systems. The channel operates in modes

Along with instruments and sensors that determine altitude and speed parameters, air signal systems (SHS) are used on airplanes, which are also called speed and altitude controllers. They are designed for the complex measurement of these parameters and the centralized supply of them to various consumers. These parameters include: number M, true airspeed V, indicator speed V and, relative barometric altitude N rel, absolute barometric altitude H, outside air temperature T, deviations ∆М, ∆Н, ∆V the numbers M, height H, speed V and from the set values.

In fig. 2.1 shows a diagram of the use of SHS in the channel of the elevator in the automatic control system SAU-1T. In pitch angle stabilization mode υ into the servo drive of the elevator SPRV Simultaneously with the signals U υ and U ωz proportional to the deviation of the pitch angle and angular velocity ω z relative to the transverse axis of the aircraft, the signal is given U V, proportional to speed V I. Signal U v when the speed rises above the permissible, it is fed to the input of the SPRV drive through the diode circuit of the dead zone and the amplifier. The drive deflects the elevator to pitch up the aircraft, and its speed decreases,

In the modes of stabilization of the M number, speed V and or flight altitude, the signals U ∆М, U ∆Н, U ∆ V proportional to the deviations of these parameters from the specified values. Signal U ∆М issued by the electric number correction unit M BKME, signals U ∆Н and U ∆ V- corrector-setters of the instrument speed (KZSP) and corrector-setpoint of height (KZV), respectively.

Structural diagrams possible analog systems of air signals are shown in Fig. 2.2. A distinctive feature of the SHS systems is that the automatic solution of the calculated dependencies is carried out in a calculator separate from the pointers. The latter issues electrical signals proportional to the determined parameters to the on-board consumers and indicators. In SHS systems, built according to the structural diagram (Fig. 2.2, c), the solution of the calculated dependencies is carried out in calculators, structurally combined with pointers. Signals are issued by pointers.

Electrical signals input to the calculators proportional to R and r din, issued by pressure sensor units DB, isolated separately or combined with a calculator, and an electrical signal proportional to the temperature T issued by the temperature receiver T. T. If necessary, the pressure values ​​can be manually entered into the calculators p 0 and temperature T about at the Earth's surface, pressure p s a given level.

Rice. 2.1. Scheme of using SHS in the SAU-1T system

Potentiometric voltage conversion unit BPnP (Fig. 2.2, b) is designed to convert voltage signals into signals in the form of relative resistances. The diagram shown in Fig. 2.2, a, corresponds to the air signal system used under the name of the central speed and altitude type TsSV, to the Scheme shown in Fig. 2.2, b, corresponds to the system of air signals of the SVS-PN type, and the diagram shown in Fig. 2.2, v,- air signal system, type SVS.

Rice. 2.2. Block diagrams of possible analog air signal systems

SHS systems, built according to the schemes shown in Fig. 2.2, a and v, generate pressure signals R and r din on a linear scale, i.e., UCHE have linear characteristics in terms of the measured pressures. All operations related to the solution of the design dependencies are performed on self-balancing bridge circuits, which include linear and functional potentiometers along with elements of tracking systems.

SHS systems built according to the scheme shown in Fig. 2.2, b, generate pressure signals on a logarithmic scale, i.e., UCHE have characteristics for measured pressures that vary according to a logarithmic law. This makes it easier to carry out functional transformations in the system. In such SHS systems, a contactless analog calculator is used, based on the use of diode functional voltage converters. Self-balancing potentiometric bridges are used only in pointers and power supply units.



At manual control an airplane "control system" is a pilot using information from flight and navigation instruments and visual orientation. Multichannel control, the need for logical processing of information from a set of devices and alarms, workload with other responsibilities, limited reaction speed and low information throughput of a person determine significant discreteness and limited accuracy of manual control. However, there is high reliability, the ability to adapt and analyze emerging situations.

At semi-automatic (director) management the processing of information from various sensors is carried out in a computing device. The pilot receives information, so to speak, ready-made - in the form of deviations of the arrows of the command (director) device. Normal control of the aircraft is ensured if the pilot deflects the controls in proportion to the deflection of the command arrows. The piloting technique is greatly simplified. Moreover, with semi-automatic control, the control channels and, as a rule, the laws of the formation of control (command) signals are the same as in automatic systems.

At automatic control After amplification, the control signals are sent to the steering gears, the deflection of which causes the steering surfaces to move and the aircraft to a given flight mode. The pilot controls the maintenance of the given trajectory by the command arrows of the director devices.

When the ACS is working properly, the command arrows and the bars of the position of the director devices in the steady state should be near zero. A significant long-term deviation of the command arrow usually indicates a malfunction of the executive or information part of the control system. In this case, it is possible to switch to director or manual control. The loops of manual and director control in the ACS are the reserve of the automatic loop.

Ease of transition from automatic control to semi-automatic and manual, and vice versa, is one of the most important requirements to be implemented in a control system.

The automatic control system provides for redundancy of automatic control channels, which ensures normal functioning and operability in the event of a failure of one of the channels. The detection of a failed channel and its replacement with a serviceable one in flight is carried out automatically as a result of continuous self-monitoring.


SAU-1T-2B provides:

Automatic and director piloting of the aircraft along a given route in the altitude range from 400m to the maximum flight altitude in climb, level flight and descent modes;

Performing special tasks (landing, flying in battle formations);

Automatic and directional construction of the pre-landing maneuver;

Automatic and director approach for landing up to a height of 60 m.

SAU-1T-2B has two semi-sets: main and backup (reserve). Control is carried out by one (main) channel, the second (backup) is in the "hot" standby and is switched on automatically or manually when the first one fails. In this case, the replacement occurs bumplessly while maintaining the maneuver of the aircraft.

Each of the semi-sets includes:

Autopilot AP;

Automatic throttle AT (works in conjunction with the autopilot pitch channel);

Automatic stabilizer rearrangement APS (works in conjunction with the autopilot pitch channel);

Roll and yaw dampers (used when the autopilot heading and roll channels are off).

The system is controlled by the control panel located on the central control room.


The ACS autopilot, acting on the ailerons, rudder and elevator, provides:

1) stabilization of the angular position of the aircraft along the course, roll and pitch;

2) stabilization of the preset values ​​of the altitude H, the number M and the indicated speed V PR in flight along the route;

3) coordinated turns, climb and descent;

4) automatic and directorial control of the aircraft in flight along the trajectory set by the UVK in the horizontal plane;

5) automatic and directional control of the aircraft when performing the "Korobochka" maneuver, as well as during landing approach up to a height of 60 m by signals of course glide beacons;

6) automatic limitation of the indicated speed.

The autopilot generates and outputs the following parameters to the gearbox and NPP indication devices:

The current angles of roll, pitch and course (track) of the aircraft;

The deviation of the aircraft from the specified track during the flight along the route and from the equal-signal zones of the course-glide beacons during the landing approach;

Command signals for director control of the aircraft during landing approach, performing the Korobochka maneuver and en-route flight;

Drift angle;

Heading angle of driving radio stations;

Sliding angle.

The actuating elements of the autopilot, designed to deflect the control surfaces and keep them in a given position, are steering gears (RM). The autopilot consists of four PMs: 1 - ailerons, 1 - LV and 2 - PB.

Each RM has an overdrive clutch that allows the pilot to intervene in the autopilot using the controls. Overpower clutches are triggered when forces are applied:

On spoiler ailerons (steering wheel) 32 ± 5 kg;

Elevator (column) 41 ± 8 kg;

On the rudder (pedals) 66 ± 13 kg.

The autopilot automatically monitors the operation of the system in all flight modes and automatically switches the main channel to a redundant one in case of failure of the main channel, turns off both channels in case of double failure of the autopilot.


AT is intended to stabilize the indicated airspeed V PR with an accuracy of 2.5% (in an undisturbed atmosphere) by adjusting the thrust of the engines in flight along the route and during the pre-landing descent with automatic and semi-automatic control.

AT is two-channel system. AT channels duplicate each other. When one channel is operating, the second is in hot standby, automatically connecting to work when the first one fails.

AT can be turned on provided that the throttle control is unlocked and the corrector of the set speed KZSP is ready for operation. The AT included in the operation by regulating the thrust of the engines stabilizes the V PR that the aircraft had at the time of the AT activation. When V is changed, the PR AT deflects the throttle in the desired direction. In this case, the change in the pitch angle is compensated by the pitch channel of the autopilot.

If necessary, the AT can be overpowered by the crew by applying an effort of 5.6 kgf · m.


APS provides:

Automatic rearrangement of the stabilizer when changing the longitudinal balancing of the aircraft (production of part of the fuel, change in loading and other reasons), causing the elevator to deviate by an angle> 1.5 °, at roll angles less than 10 ° with a time delay of 2 s;

Automatic rearrangement of the stabilizer to dive from the balancing position when parachuting equipment and cargo is performed;

Automatic control of the APS operation;

Alarm on switching on and off the APS.

APS is two-channel system. The channels are identical and duplicate each other.

Enabling the APS carried out manually by the APS OSN button. (APS DUBL.) On the launcher of the ACS under the conditions that the RV is deflected from the neutral position by an angle< 1,5° и что предварительно включен канал тангажа автопилота. АПС включается автоматически при тех же условиях во время открытия в полете грузолюка.

Left or right pilots, depending on the position of the STABILIZER CONTROL switch on the CPU, can perform manual control of the stabilizer, regardless of whether the APS is on or not.

APS turns off manually using the APS OFF or OFF ACS button. Automatically the APS is turned off in case of failures, as well as when the pitch channel is automatically or manually turned off.


ACS works in conjunction with on-board systems and sensors:

Central gyroverticals TsGV-10P (left and right) give out to the ACS (main and duplicate) electrical signals proportional to the current roll angles γ and pitch υ of the aircraft. The ACS receives information about the readiness for operation and failures of three vertical gyroscopes from the BSG-2P unit.

Control computer complex KP1-76 (UVK) emits electrical signals:

1) a given roll γ З;

2) lateral deviation Z from the specified flight path at the checkpoint;

3) the specified track angle of the ZPU used during flight in the "Arbitrary direction" operating mode;

4) DC + 27V signals:

- "Heading stabilization", which includes the mode of stabilization of the angles of the course, roll and pitch of the aircraft;

- "Entering the runway", which switches the ACS to the approach mode;

- "Shortest distance", including the "Arbitrary direction" mode;

- "Work" when you turn on the UVK.

Accurate heading system TKS-P generates signals proportional to the current orthodromic or gyromagnetic heading of the aircraft for indication on the NWP and control of the aircraft along the course.

Radio engineering complex short-range navigation and landing equipment RSBN-7S and KURS-MP-2 give out signals:

1) deviations from equal-signal zones of directional and glide path ground radio beacons of the Kathet, ILS and SP-50 systems during landing approach;

2) deviations from LZP when flying on VOR beacons;

3) the readiness of the RTS for operation when the aircraft enters the coverage area of ​​ground radio beacons.

Doppler ground speed and drift angle meter DISS-013 generates a signal proportional to the drift angle of the US aircraft.

Automatic radio compasses ARK-15M and ARK-U2 provide signals proportional to heading angles of driving radio stations.

Air Signal System CBC1-72 issues a readiness signal and a signal of deviation from the set value of the number M.

Speed ​​and altitude correctorsКЗСП and КЗВ give to the ACS signals of deviation from the specified values ​​of the indicated speed and relative altitude.

Automatic angles of attack and overloads AUASP-18KR issues a signal of the critical angle of attack to turn off the ACS.

Radio altimeter RV-5 gives a signal of the true flight altitude.

Inertial system I-11 measures the lateral deviation z and the speed of the lateral deviation ż from the given trajectory.


1) Accuracy of stabilization of angles set from the autopilot control sticks in all flight modes:

Roll ± 1.0 °;

Pitch ± 0.5 °;

Heading ± 0.5 °;

2) The range of change in the angular position of the aircraft from the control sticks of the autopilot:

Roll ± 30 °;

Pitch angle at 20 ° pitching;

Pitch angle when diving 10 °;

3) Accuracy of flight in steady state, except for conditions of strong turbulence, with automatic control:

Height when flying along the route ± 30 m;

Altitude during pre-landing maneuvers ± 20 m;

By the number M ± 0.005;

According to the indicated speed ± 10 km / h;

4) Operating limitations:

Switch-on altitude> 400 m;

Landing work height> 60 m;

APS usage speed< 500 км/ч;

The conditions for using the AT 4 engine are in good working order,

N FLOOR< 7000 м,

mechanization removed,

entrance doors closed.


PU ACS is located on the central submarine and is designed to control the autopilot, autothrottle and automatic stabilizer rearrangement. To turn on all the elements of the autopilot under current, except for connecting the steering gears, use a switch under the ON.AP cap. Button lamp ON AP is designed to turn on the steering gears of all three autopilot channels. In this case, the roll and pitch channels operate in the heading and pitch stabilization mode.

ACS control panel

Separate switching on (off) of the main and backup channels of the autopilot is made by pressing the green (red) buttons-lamps KURS, CREN, TANGAZH. A quick deactivation of the autopilot is performed by the SAU OFF button on the pilots' controls.

Activation of one of the stabilization modes (HEIGHT, MAX, SPEED) is performed by pressing the corresponding STABILIZER buttons. The mode is switched off by pressing the LOWER-LIFT handle.

At the bottom of the control panel there is a switch for the ACS operation modes, which can be set to the WAY, COURSE, NAVIG positions. This activates the corresponding main autopilot modes.

The APPROACH mode is enabled to perform the BOX maneuver and approach. COURSE mode is used to stabilize the aircraft angularly and perform various maneuvers. The NAVIGATION mode is applied during the flight along the route specified by the UVK.


Lateral movement control, stabilization of the aircraft position relative to the longitudinal and normal axes is carried out by the roll channel of the autopilot. Longitudinal motion control and aircraft angular position stabilization are carried out by the autopilot pitch channel.

Before turning on the roll channel in the lateral movement control unit, the roll signals coming from the TsGV-10P are reduced to zero, so that the AP is switched on without shock, without a sharp movement of the rudders. After turning on the channel, the autopilot takes the aircraft out of the roll and stabilizes the course with which the aircraft flies after the roll-out.

The roll channel operates in the following modes:

- "Exchange rate stabilization". The aircraft restores the preset course (the course of the aircraft before the roll channel is switched on), and then restores the roll;

- "Management". Allows you to control the lateral movement of the aircraft through the autopilot using the KURS and KREN knobs on the self-propelled gun. In this case, the aircraft performs a coordinated turn until the handles return to their original position.

- "Flight along a given trajectory". The autopilot, by changing the roll, keeps the center of mass of the aircraft on the track calculated by the UVK;

- "Shortest distance". Allows you to take the plane from a given point to a given point along the shortest distance (from an arbitrary direction);

- "Box". The autopilot provides automatic execution of a pre-landing maneuver - a standard box (left or right) in order to bring the aircraft into the zone of the fourth turn (the zone of confident reception of signals of course-glide beacons). The mode is switched on at the command of the navigator after the flight of the DPRS after 90 s when performing a small box, or after 150 seconds when performing a large box. At the same time, signals of I, II, III and IV turns are generated according to the signals of the KUR (with the right box - at angles 180, 120, 120, 75 °, with the left box - at angles 180, 240, 240, 285 °). The mode is turned off automatically at the beginning of the fourth turn.

- "Approach". It is carried out to enter the runway axis with subsequent descent to a height of 60 m along the trajectory set by the course glide beacons.

The pitch channel operates in the following modes:

- "Stabilization of the pitch angle". In this mode, the autopilot stabilizes the pitch angle set by the pilot;

- "Management". Allows the pilot to pitch the aircraft using the SPUSK-LIFT knob on the self-propelled gun launcher. In this case, the action of the LOWER-LIFT handle is limited to angles of 20º when pitching up and 10º when diving;

- "Stabilization of speed or M number". It is switched on by buttons-lamps "SPEED." or "MAX" on the self-propelled gun. When V PR or M number deviates from the set value, the autopilot, deflecting RV, changes the pitch angle, restoring the V PR or M number, after which the previous value of υ is restored.

- "Stabilization of height". The mode is switched on by pressing the STABILIZER. HEIGHT "on the PU ACS. In this case, the autopilot, by changing the pitch angle, stabilizes the given flight altitude.

- "Approach". Turns on automatically or manually. In this case, after the aircraft has entered the landing course, the autopilot initially operates in the "Altitude stabilization" mode. When the axis of the equisignal zone of the glide path beacon is crossed, provided the flaps are extended, the altitude stabilization is turned off, and the aircraft enters the descent mode. In this case, the autopilot provides stabilization of the aircraft's center of gravity relative to a given glide path.

9 QUESTION "Flight command device (CP)"

The checkpoint is a combined device consisting of an attitude indicator and a direction indicator. Two tracking systems work out the roll and pitch angles coming from the CGV. The roll angle is measured on a fixed roll scale 8 when the aircraft silhouette turns 7. Practically, the maximum roll angles of the aircraft do not exceed 32º, and at an altitude below 200 m when landing with the ACS turned on, they are no more than 13º. The pitch angle is measured on a tape scale (card) 9 relative to the center 11 of the roll indicator within 0 ÷ 80º. The pitch scale is colored white above the horizon and black below it. The pitch scale mechanism has a spring, which, when the power is off, moves the scale tape to its uppermost position. On the front panel of the instrument there is a knob with which you can set the pitch scale within ± 12º.

Vertical command arrow 1 of the side channel (roll command arrow) indicates the direction and amount of control wheel deflection to ensure smooth exit of the aircraft to the line of the specified path (LZP) when flying along the route, performing the "Box" maneuver, to the line of the equisignal heading zone when entering the runway axis by signals of localizer beacon (KRM). The deflection of the command arrow is limited by an electric stop when an angle of 22º is reached.

The 4 lateral deviation bar (course bar) indicates the lateral deviation of the aircraft from the LAP during en-route flight. The circle represents the position of the aircraft, the movable bar represents the position of the LZP. When the aircraft is flying exactly on the LZP, the command arrow and the lateral position bar will be in the center. It is necessary to be clear about the difference between the readings of the command pointer and the position bar. The command arrow does not indicate the position of the aircraft, this information is carried by the position bar reading.

The command arrow 6 of the longitudinal channel (brown or yellow) shows the direction and amount of deflection of the control column to ensure smooth fit of the aircraft into the LZP vertically, into the glide path (on landing by timing signals).

On the left side of the device there is a horizontal bar 2 of the aircraft height deviation in the vertical plane relative to the given flight altitude. When descending and approaching, the bar indicates the location of the equisignal zone line of the glide path relative to the aircraft. The indicator circle indicates the position of the aircraft. In the lower part of the device there is a sliding angle indicator 12. All four indicators (command arrows and position bars) are ratiometric instruments.

The deviation of the side channel command arrow is proportional to the difference between the specified calculated roll angle and the current roll angle. The deviation of the command arrow of the longitudinal channel is determined by the difference between the specified and current pitch angles.

With directorial control, the pilot by moving the steering wheel and the column returns the command arrows to the center of circle 11. During automatic control and normal operation of the ACS, the command arrows are always within the central circle.

On the front panel of the device, on the left, there is a button-lamp 13 (red) ARRETER, which serves for remote accelerated locking of the CGV. It lights up when you press it and when the CHV fails. After locking and during normal operation of the CHV, this lamp goes out.

Red flags-signaling devices T and K 3 and 5 appear on the front of the device when the power of the roll or pitch channels is turned off, when these channels fail, when the CGV or RTS landing fails.

If the aircraft is energized and the autopilot is off, then at the checkpoint the command arrow of the longitudinal channel is in the lower part of the scale, without interfering with the pilot to control the position of the aircraft along the artificial horizon.

Flight control devices are powered by three-phase alternating current U = 36V, f = 400 Hz from RU25 (left gearbox) and RU26 (right gearbox) through circuit breakers TsGV-10 P LEFT, TsGV-10 RIGHT.

DC power is supplied from RU23 (left gearbox), RU24 (right gearbox) through circuit breakers TsGV LEV, TsGV PRAV.


NPP is the main indicator of the aircraft position in the horizontal plane. The device determines the orthodromic or gyromagnetic heading, a given heading or a given course angle, drift angle, orthodromic or magnetic course angle, drift angle, orthodromic or magnetic course angle, heading angle of a driving radio station, orthodromic or magnetic bearing to a driving radio station, aircraft deviation from equisignal lines along the course and glide path when the aircraft is in the range of the course glide beacons.

The orthodromic course and track angle are determined according to the navigator's NPP. There is no indication of KUR and bearing to the radio station.

Depending on the position of the "OK-MK" switch located under the instrument on the pilot's panel, the NPP instrument shows an orthodromic or gyromagnetic heading. The counting is carried out on the internal movable scale 6 relative to the upper fixed index 5. The scale is graduated from 0 to 360º, digitization - after 30º, the graduation is 2º. On the same scale, the set course is set or measured with the help of a wide arrow 3. It is prohibited to use the ZK handle of the set course until special instructions. The preset course is set by the KURS knob from the ACS control panel (the mode switch is in the COURSE or WAY position, by the navigator's RZK knob or from the control computer complex).

In the "Approach" mode, the preset course can be set only from the pilot's KURS knob. The current track angle (orthodromic or magnetic) is measured relative to the movable scale using a narrow arrow 2 in the "Navigation" and "Heading" modes.

The drift angle and the heading angle of the radio station are measured relative to the fixed scale 1 also with the help of a narrow arrow.

The US signal enters the NPP if the mode switch on the ACS control panel is in the KURS or NAVIG position.

When the switch is in the WAY position, as well as when the ACS power is off, the narrow arrow shows the CUR relative to the fixed scale, and the bearing to the radio station relative to the movable scale.

In flight in the "Control" mode from the KURS handle after working out the set course, the ZK arrow should coincide with the narrow arrow showing the drift angle. If DISS-013-C2 fails, the ZK arrow coincides with the fixed index in the upper part of the device.

When performing the "Box" mode, the ZK arrow coincides with the stationary index before the start of the first turn; when performing subsequent turns, the ZK arrow rotates synchronously with the heading scale of the device.

According to bars 7 and 8, angular deviations ɛ g ɛ k from the equivalent lines of the glide path and localizer beacons are determined. Signals to the magnetoelectric systems of the strips come from RSBN-7S or KURS-MP-2.

On the NPP device there are K and G blenders, which are triggered when entering the zones of reliable reception of the signals of the localizer and glide path beacons. This closes the blenders.

The navigation and flight instrument is powered by alternating current U≈36 V 400 Hz and direct current U = 27 V.

AT-1 (Artillery Tank-1) - according to the classification of tanks of the mid-1930s, it belonged to the class of specially created tanks; according to the modern classification, it would be considered an anti-tank self-propelled artillery installation of 1935. Work on the creation of an artillery support tank based on the T-26, which received the official designation AT-1, began at the plant No. 185 named after. Kirov in 1934. It was assumed that the created tank will replace the T-26-4, the serial production of which the Soviet industry did not manage to establish. The main AT-1 was the 76.2 mm PS-3 cannon, designed by P. Syachentov.

This artillery system was designed as a special tank weapon, which was equipped with panoramic and telescopic sights and a foot trigger. The power of the PS-3 gun was superior to the 76.2 mm gun mod. 1927, which was installed on T-26-4 tanks. All the work on the design of the new AT-1 tank was carried out under the leadership of P. Syachentov, who was the head of the design department for the ACS of the pilot plant No. 185 named after. Kirov. By the spring of 1935, 2 prototype this machine.

Design features

ACS AT-1 belonged to the class of closed self-propelled units. The fighting compartment was located in the middle of the vehicle in a protected armored jacket. The main armament of the ACS was the 76.2 mm PS-3 cannon, which was mounted on a rotating swivel on a pin pedestal. Additional armament was a 7.62-mm DT machine gun, which was installed in a ball mount to the right of the gun. Additionally, the AT-1 could be armed with a second DT machine gun, which could be used by the crew for self-defense. For its installation in the stern and sides of the armored jacket, there were special embrasures, covered with armored deflectors. The ACS crew consisted of 3 people: the driver, who was located in the control compartment on the right in the direction of the vehicle, the observer (who is also the loader), who was in the fighting compartment to the right of the gun, and the artilleryman, who was located to the left of it. In the roof of the wheelhouse there were hatches for embarkation and disembarkation of the self-propelled crew.

The PS-3 cannon could send an armor-piercing projectile at a speed of 520 m / s, had panoramic and telescopic sights, a foot trigger, and could be used both for direct fire and from closed positions. The angles of vertical guidance ranged from -5 to +45 degrees, horizontal guidance - 40 degrees (in both directions) without turning the ACS body. Ammunition included 40 rounds for the cannon and 1827 rounds for machine guns (29 discs).

The armor protection of the self-propelled gun was bulletproof and included rolled armor with a thickness of 6, 8 and 15 mm. The armored jacket was made from sheets with a thickness of 6 and 15 mm. The connection of the armored parts of the hull was provided with rivets. The side and stern armor plates of the cabin were made folding on hinges for the possibility of removing powder gases during firing at half their height. In this case, the slit is 0.3 mm. between the flaps and the body of the self-propelled guns did not provide the crew of the vehicle with protection from being hit by lead splashes from bullets.

The chassis, transmission and engine were unchanged from the T-26 tank. The engine was started using an electric starter "MACh-4539" with a capacity of 2.6 hp. (1.9 kW), or "Scintilla" with a power of 2 hp. (1.47 kW), or using the crank. The ignition systems used the main magneto of the Scintilla, Bosch or ATE VEO type, as well as the starting magneto Scintilla or ATE PSE. The capacity of the fuel tanks of the AT-1 unit was 182 liters, this fuel supply was enough to cover 140 km. when driving on the highway.

The electrical equipment of the AT-1 ACS was manufactured according to a single-wire circuit. The voltage of the internal network was 12 V. Scintilla or GA-4545 generators with a power of 190 W and a voltage of 12.5 V and a 6STA-144 battery with a capacity of 144 Ah were used as power sources.

The fate of the project

The first copy of the AT-1 SPG was submitted for testing in April 1935. In terms of its driving characteristics, it did not differ in any way from the serial T-26 tank. Firing tests showed that the rate of fire of the gun without correcting the aiming reaches 12-15 rounds per minute with the greatest firing range of 10.5 km, instead of the required 8 km. Unlike the previously tested SU-1 installation, firing while moving was generally successful. At the same time, the shortcomings of the machine were also identified, which did not allow the transfer of the AT-1 for military trials. Regarding the PS-3 gun, the 3rd rank military engineer Sorkin wrote the following in his letter to the People's Commissar of Defense:

“Barrel No. 23 was mounted on AT-1 and passed a full cycle of field tests with it ... Guns No. 4 and 59 were repeatedly tested at NIAP and gave satisfactory results, while completely uninterrupted operation of the automation was not achieved. Before the elimination of this defect, it was not possible to transfer the AT-1 system for military tests ... "

According to the results of the tests of the AT-1 ACS, satisfactory operation of the cannon was noted, but for a number of parameters (for example, the inconvenient position of the turning mechanism, the location of the ammunition, etc.), the ACS was not allowed for military tests.

The second copy of the AT-1 self-propelled guns was pursued by the same failures as the first. First of all, they were associated with the work of the artillery installation. In order to "save" their project, the specialists of the Kirovsky plant came up with a proposal to install their own L-7 gun on the ACS. Unlike the PS-3 cannon, this gun was not created from scratch, its prototype was the 76.2 mm Tarnavsky-Lender system gun, due to which the L-7 gun had ballistics similar to it.

Although the designers claimed that this weapon was superior to all available tank guns, in fact the L-7 also had a fairly large number of shortcomings. An attempt to equip the AT-1 with this weapon did not lead to success due to a number of design features, and it was considered inexpedient to design a new armored car. Comparing all the available data on the ABTU project, it decided to release a small pre-production batch of 10 AT-1 self-propelled guns, which were equipped with PS-3 cannons, as well as an improved chassis. They wanted to use this batch in extended field and military tests.

The production of PS-3 cannons was planned to be established at the Kirov plant, the SPG hulls were to be produced at the Izhora plant, and plant No. 174 was to supply the chassis. At the same time, instead of preparing the car for serial production and addressing the identified shortcomings of the PS-3 artillery system, the Kirovites were actively promoting their designs. After the failure with the L-7 gun, the factory offered to try its improved version, which received the designation L-10. However, it was not possible to install this weapon in the AT-1 wheelhouse. The situation was aggravated by the fact that factory # 174 was loaded with the production of serial T-26 tanks, so even the production of 10 chassis for the AT-1 self-propelled guns became an overwhelming task for him.

In 1937, P. Syachentov, the leading self-propelled gun designer at plant No. 185, was declared an "enemy of the people" and repressed. This circumstance was the reason for the termination of work on many projects that he oversaw. Among these projects was the AT-1 ACS, although the Izhora plant had already produced 8 armored hulls by that time, and plant No. 174 began assembling the first vehicles.

One of the produced AT-1 corps was used only 3 years later, during the Soviet-Finnish war. In January 1940, at the request of the commanders and soldiers of the 35th Tank Brigade, which was fighting on the Karelian Isthmus, plant No. 174 began work on creating a "sanitary tank", which was intended to evacuate the wounded from the battlefield. This initiative was approved by the head of the ABTU RKKA D. Pavlov. As a base for the creation of the machine, one of the AT-1 corps available at the plant was used, which, on the spot, without any drawings, was converted for the evacuation of the wounded. The plant workers planned to donate a sanitary tank to tankers for the holiday on February 23, but due to delays in production, the car did not get to the front. After the end of hostilities, the T-26 sanitary tank (as it was called in the factory documents) was sent to the Volga Military District, nothing is known about the further fate of this development.

Summing up, we can say that the AT-1 was the first self-propelled artillery unit in the USSR. For the time when the military was still fond of machine-gun wedges or tanks armed with 37-mm cannons, the AT-1 self-propelled guns could justly be considered a very powerful weapon.

Tactical and technical characteristics: AT-1
Weight: 9.6 tons.
Length 4.62 m, width 2.45 m, height 2.03 m.
Crew: 3 people.
Reservation: from 6 to 15 mm.
Armament: 76.2 mm PS-3 cannon, 7.62 mm DT machine gun
Ammunition: 40 rounds, 1827 rounds for the machine gun
Engine: in-line 4-cylinder air-cooled carburetor from the T-26 tank with a capacity of 90 hp.
Maximum speed: on the highway - 30 km / h, on rough terrain - 15 km / h.
Progress in store: on the highway - 140 km., On rough terrain - 110 km.

The SAU-42T system is based on a domestic element base on 1986BE1T microcontrollers developed and manufactured by JSC "PKK Milandr".

The computer system unit SAU-42T BVS-42T is designed as two-channel and contains two duplicating computers with autonomous power modules. Each of the calculators of the block is connected to sensors and multifunctional indicators via ARINC 429 code communication lines and by one-time commands. In addition, each of the calculators of the BVS-42T unit is connected to the BP-42T drive units by two communication lines with the CAN interface. With such a structure, an increased fault tolerance of the system is achieved due to the fact that it remains operational in all control modes with at least one serviceable sensor of motion parameters and an indicator from the number of duplicated ones.

Main characteristics

  • The composition of the SAU-42T system:

The SAU-42T system consists of a computing system unit BVS-42T - 1 pc. and BP-42T drive units for rudder, ailerons, elevator and elevator trim (4 pcs.).

  • The SAU-42T system performs the following functions:

Automatic and director stabilization of the set values ​​of pitch, roll, heading, vertical speed and barometric altitude;

Automatic bringing of the aircraft to the horizon at the command of the crew (provided that the control position sensors are installed on the aircraft);

Automatic and director processing of signals from the navigation system;

Limiting the limiting flight modes in terms of the parameters of longitudinal and lateral movements, accompanied by the issuance of appropriate signals to the SOI-42T system;

Priority of manual control of the aircraft over the automatic way of overpowering through the aircraft control levers;

Possibility of emergency shutdown and activation of the SAU-42T (intervention of the pilot in the control of the aircraft);

Absence of abrupt movements of steering surfaces and aircraft controls in case of failures and switching of SAU-42T operating modes.

  • The SAU-42T system has the following operating modes:

Advanced control;

Stabilization of roll and pitch angles set with SOI-42T;

Stabilization of the course set from SOI-42T;

Stabilization of vertical speed;

Stabilization of the current height;

Flight level change with stabilization of a given altitude;

Management according to the system BMS-2010;

Directional control of the elevator, direction and aileron channels upon the command to switch to manual control;

Bringing the aircraft to the horizon at the command of the crew;

Elevator trim at the command of the crew.

  • Complex for ground testing of the system (KNO SAU-42T):

KNO SAU-42T is automated system working off the product. The simulation is carried out in MATLAB with a Real Target Machine connected to the control computer via an Ethernet channel. KNO includes a computer for displaying flight data via the JTAG channel and a load stand containing angular position sensors of control elements, the signals from which are sent to the object model, implemented as a software module in a real-time machine.

Technical characteristics of SAU-42T:


block BP-42T 104 × 113 × 225 mm,

block BVS-42T 148 × 121 × 312 mm.

The total weight of the system blocks is 15 kg.

Block body material - aluminum alloy.

Power supply: from the DC network 27 V SES from two sides.

Power supply parameters according to GOST R 54073-2010 for category 2 consumers.

Power consumption - no more than 100 W (peak power - no more than 250 W).

Operating conditions:

Working temperature - from minus 40 ° С to + 55 ° С,

Air humidity - up to 95% at a temperature of 35 ° С,

Atmospheric pressure - from 45.7 kPa (350 mm Hg)

Reliability indicators:

Mean time between failures in flight (T op) - not less than 2000 h,

The average shelf life in original packaging in an unheated room is at least 5 years.

Components SAU-42T meet the requirements for lightning resistance for degree of hardness 3 according to OST 1 01160-88.

Quantitative indicators of SAU-42T:

Time of readiness for work - no more than 3 minutes,

Time of continuous work - not less than 8 hours,

Stabilization accuracy (excluding sensor errors, in a calm atmosphere, in steady flight):

Pitch angle ± 1 °;

Roll angle ± 1 °;

Heading angle ± 1.5 °;

By barometric altitude:

± 8 m at a height of ± 500;

± 10 m at an altitude of 2000;

± 12 m at an altitude of 4000;

Vertical speed 1 m / s in the range of operational limitations.

Dynamic range of drives rotation speeds:

Rudder: 22.59 Nm at 0 ° / s, maximum no-load speed - 84 ° / s;

Elevator, elevator trim, ailerons: 13.55 Nm at 0 ° / s, maximum no-load speed - 114 ° / s;

Slipping moments of servo drive couplings and limiting deflection angles:

Rudder: (9.04 ± 1.13) Nm, left (27 ± 1) °, right (29 ± 1) °;

Elevator: (6.21 ± 0.79) Nm, up (15.5 ± 0.5) °, down (13 ± 1) °;

Elevator trim: (5.08 ± 0.68) Nm, up (28 ± 5) °, down (25 ± 5) °;

Eleronov: (5.08 ± 0.68) Nm, up (25 ± 2) °, down (15) °.

Conditions for switching on and operating the ACS in flight
The activation and operation of the ACS is allowed in the range of values:

With automatic and director control mode from 400 m before operational,

  • with automatic or director approach control mode up to an altitude of at least 60 m;
2. indicated speeds, M number, operational weights and alignment: provided for by the operational restrictions specified in the Airplane Flight Manual;

3. angles of roll: when switched on and operated up to ± 30 5 °.

Note. The autothrottle is allowed to be used at altitudes not exceeding 7000 m, M  0.74.

The aerobatic kit control system provides automatic switching of the faulty ACS semi-set to the corresponding serviceable semi-set. The ACS system provides a limitation of the indicated speed 600 +20 -10 km / h.

Note. The ACS provides the specified flight mode in turbulent conditions with an intensity that does not cause the aircraft to reach the restrictions (n ​​ukr;  cr; Vcr) indicated below.

ACS (longitudinal channel) is automatically disabled when the aircraft reaches:

Vertical overload less than 0.5 and greater than 1.5 in cross-country flight mode; less than 0.65 and more than 1.35 in the approach mode from an altitude of 200 m by a radio altimeter signal;

  • angle of attack equal to ( cr - 0.5) by the AUASP signal;

  • a pitch angle of more than 20 ° for nose-up and 10 ° for a dive.
In all of the above cases, the sound (bell) and speech signaling is triggered, the “TANGAGE OFF” lamps come on. on the self-propelled gun launcher and the board “SAU PROD. FAILURE” on the dashboards of the pilots.

1. Before engaging the AP in steady flight, balance the aircraft with the stabilizer so that the elevator (RV) is in the neutral position. Check the position of the PB according to the indicator of the position of the PB. Set the trim effect mechanism PB (MTE) to the neutral position. MTE LV and ailerons remove the loads from the corresponding controls.

2. Immediately after switching on the AP, make sure according to the PB indicator that the PB is deflected by an angle of no more than ± 2 °. If the RV is deflected by an angle of more than ± 2 °, balance the aircraft with the stabilizer (without disabling the AP), deflecting it in the direction indicated in item 1.

3. At all stages of flight with the AP switched on, requiring a change in the flight speed, as well as when the aircraft centering change, when the RV deviates by an angle of more than ± 2 ° and the "CHECK RV POSITION" lamp on the dashboard lights up, balance the aircraft with the stabilizer (without disconnecting autopilot), deflecting it in the direction indicated in paragraph 1.

WARNING: For airplanes up to No. 0306, it is allowed to balance the airplane if the indicated airspeed of the airplane does not exceed 530 km / h.

4. In the case of maneuvers at practically unchanged speed (overload, turn, etc.), when the RV can be deflected for a long time at an angle of more than ± 2 °, the stabilizer should not be used.

  • turn on the power supply of the AP below 400 m;

  • use the ACS both in automatic and semi-automatic modes up to H below 60 m;

  • set the switch "NORMAL-BOLT." to the "BOLT." until further notice;

  • automatic approach with two failed engines;
- re-enable the pitch and roll channel in case of their automatic shutdown after the passage of the DPRM;

Use the pitch channel in the automatic approach mode if the center of gravity exceeds 26 ... 36% of MAR;

Continue the automatic landing approach with the RV deflected at an angle of more than 4-5 °. Mandatory manual balancing with a stabilizer is required;

Unplug the rudders to check the ACS on the ground if the wind speed is more than 15 m / s;

  • use APS at an indicated airspeed of more than 500 km / h;

  • turn on the autothrottle when:
- flight on H more than 7000 m;

In the process of air intake control;

Engine failure;

Side door control;

Release of mechanization;

Bumpiness is not recommended.
Fire extinguishing system
To extinguish a fire in the wing compartments, engine nacelles, the APU compartment, the GNG compartment there are: 3 UBC-16-6 (I and II stages on the right between 26-27 shp., III stage - on the left 27-28 sht. In the cargo compartment).

To extinguish the fire in the GNG compartment, there are 3 UBSH-3-1 (I and II turn on the left 26-27 shp. And III turn on the right 29 sht.) In the cargo compartment.

Signal glasses are located on the lower surface of the fuselage on the left (III) and on the right (I and II) at 26-27 sh.

In the event of a fire in any compartment (temperature rise 2 ° / s and, if more than 3 sensors are triggered and the ambient temperature is 180-400 ° C), the signal is sent to the corresponding BI-2A executive unit.

In the cockpit:

The main panel “FIRE” is blinking, the red signal panel “PLACE OF FIRE” on the control and alarm panel lights up, as well as the yellow arrow indicating the switch that must be used when this place fire (in addition, in the event of a fire in the wing, green mnemonic signs “CRANE OPEN” are lit);

On RI-65 the following information is received: “FIRE, I AM BOARD №, FIRE!”;

The pyro cartridge pyroheads of the first stage of this compartment are triggered and the freon goes to the place of the fire. If necessary, you can apply II and III manually: I stage is triggered both automatically and manually, and II and III only manually. When the fire disappears, the red signal boards go out. To extinguish the arrow and the green mnemonic sign, press the button “CHECKING THE LAMPS OF THE PYROPATRONS AND UNLOCKING THE LAMPS OF THE FIRE PLACE” on the panel for checking the pyrocartridges.

On the wingtips and on both landing gear fairings, emergency activation mechanisms for the fire-extinguishing system are installed. If, when landing with the landing gear retracted, at least one of the mechanisms is triggered, then all the squibs will explode and the freon will enter all fire-protected compartments. Power for detonating the squibs comes from batteries.
Checking the functionality of the fire alarm system

  1. 1. Main switch to “CHECK” position.
2. Check the groups of sensors one by one by deflecting the switch from the neutral position;

  • engine nacelles;

  • APU and GNG;

  • wings,
If the corresponding groups of DPS-1 sensors are in good working order, the same alarm is lit as in the event of a fire.

After setting the corresponding switch to the neutral position, everything goes out with the exception of:

The yellow arrow is on;

For the wing there is a green mnemonic sign “VALVE OPEN”. They must be extinguished by pressing the button “CHECKING PYROPATRONS AND UNLOCKING THE LAMPS OF THE FIRE LOCATION” after checking the sensors of the nacelles, engines, APU, and GNG, wings.

3. Set the main switch to the “FIRE EXTINGUISHING” position and close the cover.

Attention! 1. Do not turn the main switch to the “FIRE EXTINGUISHING” position when the alarm is not switched off in order to avoid self-discharge of the 1st stage fire extinguishers.

2. If the main switch is set to the “CHECK” position, then the 1st stage does not work either automatically or manually.
Checking the serviceability of fire extinguisher squibs
1. Check the serviceability of the green signal lamp of the fire extinguishers by pressing the button “CHECK LAMPS OF EXTINGUISHING PYROPATRONS AND UNLOCK THE LAMPS OF THE FIRE PLACE”.

2. Install the switch to the tested compartments one by one:

  • engine nacelles (4 pcs.);

  • wing;
If the igniter is in good working order, all green lamps should be on.

3. Set the thumb switch to the “OFF” position. (green lamp is off).
Crew actions in the event of a fire
A crew member, having discovered a fire, is obliged to report to the QC. Fire extinguishing is carried out at the command of the QC. If a fire is detected in the fireproof compartments of the BT, it is necessary:

1. Duplicate the activation of the 1st stage fire extinguisher for which:

Set the fire extinguishing agent supply switch on the USPS panel under the burning yellow arrow to position 1.

2. If the fire has not been extinguished with a fire extinguisher of the 1st stage, then use the 2nd stage, if not eliminated - the 3rd stage.

3. After 20-30 with after extinguishing the fire, set the fire extinguishing agent supply switch to the neutral position (turn off the yellow arrow), and for the wing and the green mnemonic by pressing the “CHECK PYROPATRON LAMPS” button).

4. In case of fire in the cockpit or cargo compartment, use portable fire extinguishers.

Note. If a fire occurred in the engine nacelle, APU or TNG, then it is necessary to turn off the corresponding engine, APU, GNG and ensure uniform fuel production, and in the event of a fire in the wing with the POS turned on, turn off the Wing POS.
Portable fire extinguishers
In the technical compartment, the navigator's cabin and the air gunner's cabin, the OR-1-2 fire extinguisher is installed;

Fire extinguishers OR-2-6-20-30 are installed in the cargo compartment, one for 14 pieces, the other for 56 pieces. left side;

When transporting flammable goods, an additional 4 fire extinguishers can be installed instead of oxygen cylinders:

2 pcs. - 25 shp, left, right;

2 pcs. - 56-57 shp. on right.

Basic data

OR-1-2 OR-2-6

Drainage system of fuel tanks
The tanks of each half-wing have an autonomous drainage system, which includes the following units:

Drainage tank (NK-38-39);

The air intake of the system (at the bottom of the wing) has 3 vacuum valves and 1 safety valve, which ensures operation in the event of freezing of the air intake;

Main and additional drainage line. The main tanks of the external engines have an autonomous main drainage line, and the rest of the semi-wing tanks have a common main drainage line. The additional drain line is common to all half-wing tanks;

Fuel transfer system from drain tank:

a) ESP-87 (outside the tank);

b) fuel filter;

c) sensor-signaling device 1 SMK-Z systems SPUT-4;

d) SD-02 (pressure indicator).

In set H and level flight - the fuel tanks communicate with the atmosphere through the main drain, while descending through the additional drain.

In the event of a blockage in the air intake, the communication of the tanks with the atmosphere is ensured by vacuum valves (in level flight and on descent) and a safety valve (in set H). In the presence of 120 l fuel in the drain tank, the pump is automatically turned on - fuel enters the 1P (4P) tanks, the pump is turned off automatically from SDU2A-0.2. The pumps can also be switched on manually.
Program control system

and fuel measurements SPUT4-1
The measuring part provides:

  • constant measurement of the fuel supply on the aircraft;

  • alternate measurement of the fuel supply in each tank of a given group and measurement of the total fuel supply for the engine (the same when refueling);
- issuing information via COM-64 about the remaining fuel on the aircraft in%.

The automatic part provides:

  • fuel transfer control;

  • completion of refueling of fuel tanks;
- issuing information to the signaling circuit and about the balance

fuel per engine 2000 kg.

The system indication is represented by 9 indicators:

5-on the outer part of the central dashboard;

4-on the refueling plate.

The cockpit indicators with the designation of the engine number have two scales:

External for measuring the total fuel supply for the engine and in the reserve tank;

  • internal - in the additional and main tank.
Refueling flap indicators - 3 scales;

Outer (white) - change of the reserve in the reserve tank;

  • medium (yellow) - in an additional tank;

  • inner (red) - in the main tank.
On the indicator glass, 3 yellow marks for each scale correspond to a tank filling of 90% by volume.

The system is powered on from RU-24 to +27 V and from the BI dashboard using the “FUEL METER” switch for alternating current.

Centralized filling system
This system allows filling the tanks under pressure from below:

2. Refueling speed - 3000 l / min

Note. Full filling capacity 114,500 liters.


  1. two side refueling fittings in the right fairing of the chassis;

  2. the main filling valve (in front of the entrance to the ZR tank) - main;

  3. double-acting valve - ensures that the fuel is pumped out completely after refueling or protects it from thermal expansion of the fuel (right side is at the top);
4. filling line - forks in the ZR tank;

5. 2 electro-hydraulic filling valves;

6. 12 sensors-signaling devices SPUT4-1 - give an electrical signal to close the filling valve;

7. elements of the electric circuit for refueling control;

8. 12 SDU2A-0.2 signaling devices of increased pressure in the tanks at P more than 0.2 give a signal to close the filling valve (red lamp on the filling plate).
Indication, alarm, controls

12 aggregate lamps (green) of the open position of the filling valves;

12 warning lamps (red) of increased pressure in the tanks;

Green and yellow lamps for open and closed positions of the main refueling valve.

Governing bodies:

  • fuel gauge indicator switch (in the cab);

  • two rocker switches (one in the cockpit);

  • switches for controlling the crane and filling valves located on the filling plate.

1. Turn on the main switch - the yellow lamp for the closed position of the main valve is on.

2. Open the main refueling valve - the green lamp comes on.

3. Turn off the prime valve switches - the green lights will come on.

When the tanks are full, their valves are automatically closed by a signal:

  • sensor-signaling device SPUT4-1;

  • at the command of the float valve (if it does not close from the SPUT);

  • from SDU2A-0.2.
In case of incomplete filling of tanks, their filling valves are closed manually.

Note. Gas station "AUTOMAT. TANK SWITCH ”turn off when refueling.